Sprout State University Parent Handbookedited1

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Sprout State University

A University for Creative Learning and Performing Arts




Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:
Please carefully read the 2014-2015 Sprout State University PARENT/STUDENT
HANDBOOK. After discussing the contents as a family unit, and realizing the need
to abide by rules and regulations in order to establish a smooth communication
between home and school, complete the form below and return this full page to
the classroom of the oldest student no later than September 5, 2014. Your signed
copy will be kept in the office during the current school year and referred to if
necessary in the course of the year. If there are any changes in rules and
regulations, that material will be added to the handbook prior to the new school
year. Consequently, to just sign this page without reading, you may be overlooking
information that could prevent misunderstandings.
Thank you,

Danielle Winrow

I (We) have reviewed the 2014-2015 Parent/Student Handbook with my

child(children) enrolled at Sprout State University, and I/we agree to abide by the
policies and procedures set forth.

Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________

Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________

Welcome Students and Parents!

This school year promises to be an exciting one! Were a school where our teachers
and staff are educators who are focused on helping every student learn in a caring
and challenging environment. We want to bring out the best in each student,
helping each one to be all they are capable of being.
This Parent/Student Handbook has been compiled to provide parents of our students
with basic information about the policies, practices and procedures of Sprout State
University. We hope that you will find this booklet useful in providing answers to
some of the questions you may have about our school. This handbook is designed
to serve as your one source of information to explain our different school policies. It
is important that parents understand the expectations our school has for each
Student success is made possible by the combined efforts of the home and the
school partnering together.
We enjoy good communication with the
parent/guardians of our students. Its obvious by our students achievements that
our parents are involved in the lives of their children, help them with their
homework, keep the lines of communication open with teachers and positively
support the school.
We believe our school runs smoothly when our parents are involved in their childs
education. It is our hope that we can work together to provide the best learning
environment for your child. Our goal at Sprout State University is to give your child
a positive and creative school experience through performing arts and continuous
improvements in teaching and learning. Thanks for your support as we learn
We extend our best wishes to our parents and students for another successful
school year. Whenever questions or concerns arise, please dont hesitate to call or
stop in the front office. I believe in an open door policy with the students, staff and
parents of Sprout State University, and look forward to the opportunity to meet or
talk with each of you in person!

Danielle Miller Winrow


Sprout State University

1650 Pennington Road
Trenton, NJ 08618
Office (609) 882-1854
Fax (609) 882-1855
Emergency, School closing
Fox 29 News
6abc News

In the event of an emergency, please contact the office number.


Every staff member at Sprout State University has their own personal email
address, which can be used to communicate with parents and students in a
professional manner. If you wish to contact a staff member via email, please
refer to the faculty page on the Sprout State University website at

Danielle Miller Winrow, Head of School
Dionne Worthy, Director of Marketing, Development and Special Events
Diane Dash, Business Director
Lower School
Miriam Diaz, Early Freshman
Ermelinda Ramos, Early Freshman
Phyllis McCallum, Freshman
Chandler A. Miller, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Head Professor
Tania Rivera, Junior Kindergarten Professors Assistant
Cameron A. Miller, Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten Professors Assistant

Upper School
Craig Graves, Teacher & Upper School Head Professor English/Reading
Brian Edge, Teacher & Upper School Head Professor Social Studies/Math/Science
Danielle Miller Winrow, Professor Writers Workshop/Phonics/Language Arts/Drama

Ermelinda Ramos, Spanish
Teaira Tucker, Art Lower School

Megan DellArena, Guidance Couselor

Megan DellArena, Music

Vance Holland, Tae Kwon Do


Tesira Slaughter, Dance Upper & Lower

Allan Harmon, Dance Choreographer

Chandler A. Miller, ASL Instructor

Danielle Miller Winrow, Drama

Jessica Cardona, Art Upper School

Discounts off the annual tuition payments are available under the following
Sibling Discount
If two or more children from the same immediate family are enrolled in the
program during the same school year, a discount off the total amount is
available. Please see the Dean for more information.
All fees are due immediately upon receipt of an invoice from the Front Office. Fees
may be paid by cash, or money order. Registration fees are due at time of
enrollment, and these fees, once paid, are non-refundable and non-transferable
from child to child. All tuition rates are not subject to prorating therefore payment is
expected in full no exceptions.
The front office remits a receipt upon payment for tuition. A late fee of $25.00 will
be assessed on tuition if it is not paid after the billing date. If there are ever any
questions on a receipt received, they can be directed to Ms. Danielle, Dean of SSU
609/882/1854 or by email sproutstate@gmail.com.
Biweekly or Weekly payments are due Friday morning. Tuition payments must be
remitted the day before an early dismissal or school closing. Any payments
received after this day will be charged a late fee of $25.00 per day. If tuition should
be more than 7 days late, the credit bureau will be notified of the late account and
the student will be unable to attend class until the tuition account is paid in full.
Admission Policy
Sprout State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex,
nationality and ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, athletic and
other school administered programs.

The administration has the right to determine whether current students may reregister. This decision will be determined after careful review of a student academic
and behavioral progress (or lack of) during the course of the academic year.
Education is a partnership. The parent is the primary educator, the school supports
the parent in this endeavor. However, if in the view of the administration, if there is
a breakdown in the partnership, parents may be asked to remove the child from the
Parents interested in enrolling their child (ren) at Sprout State University must first
complete an Application of Admission. Once all relevant documents have been
received by the Admissions Office, the application is submitted to the Application
Committee for consideration. Accepted applicants will be notified during the
interview process or by phone or email within 5 days of receipt of the completed
Admissions packet. Existing, registered students are always given priority
registration consideration from one year to the next during the designated early
registration period time. A registration fee is due at the time of enrollment, and
these fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. New students must also
provide a copy of their birth certificate, and a completed Emergency/Immunization
form must be filled out before the student will be allowed to attend class.
No animals are allowed on campus.
Regular attendance is a key to academic success and is the responsibility of both
the parents and students. Since much of the schoolwork completed in the
classroom (i.e.; discussions, participation, in-class projects, etc.) cannot be made
up, students should remain out of school only when absolutely necessary. Every
attempt should be made to schedule appointments and vacations around the school
schedule to minimize the impact on your childs academic experience. Refer to the
absence policy regarding makeup work.
If your child should ever resist going to school, acknowledge his/her feelings.
Encourage your child to talk about it. Proceed to school. Talk with the classroom
teachers about the problem, preferably outside of normal school hours. Share as
much information as possible. Together, we should be able to identify the basis for
your childs loss of confidence in school. Allowing your child to stay home will not
solve the problem or address the issue.
If your child is not going to be at school for any reason, it is necessary to call the
main office (609)882-1854, and report the childs name, and nature of the

A child who arrives after 12:00pm or is picked up for the remainder of the
day prior to 12:00pm will be considered absent for one full day. This
absence will be counted in the cumulative total number of absences for
that student for the academic school year.
Early Release
If a situation arises where you need to retrieve your child (ren) before their regularly
scheduled dismissal time, you must stop in the front office first and sign the Early
Release Dismissal Log. Only at that time will your child (ren) be called from the
classroom. Please DO NOT call the front office while in route to the campus to try to
expedite the process. This places an unnecessary burden on the administrative
staff members, who are attending to many other duties.
A child who leaves after 12:00pm for any reason will be considered absent
for one half (1/2) day. This absence will be counted towards the cumulative total
number of absences for that student for the academic school year.
Emergency Response Plan
Sprout State University has an Emergency Response Plan to handle a wide variety
of potentially dangerous and/or threatening situations, on campus, locally and
abroad. Regardless of the type of situation that occurs, your childs safety is our
utmost concern. Depending on the specifics of the situation, all persons on campus
will either be evacuated to a safe location (evacuation) or kept on campus while
securing the facility to prevent outside intrusion (lockdown). In the event of either
occurrence, parents will be notified by telephone or other electronic communication
so as to be completely informed of their childs status in the event of an emergency.
Field Trips
Sprout State University schedules field trips throughout the school year. The trips
enrich our curriculum and the students are able to have hands on experiences.
Preschool students field trips are minimal so we offer on- site programs and special
interest visitors during the school year.
Notification and permission slips will be sent to parents prior to each field trip. A
completed, signed permission slip must be received prior to departure. All students
going on field trips MUST wear the Sprout State University uniform (unless state
otherwise on the Field Trip Permission Form). If a student does not wear his/her shirt
on the day of a field trip, one will be provided for them and the cost will be charged
to your tuition.
Transportation for most field trips will be provided utilizing a chartered bus the fee
will be included with admission fee. The bus is equipped with 3 point seat belts for
every passenger. From time to time, it may be necessary to ask for parent

volunteers to chauffer students, and a request will be made prior to the trip to ask
for volunteers.
Kindergarten is a time of introduction to many skills, special classes and elementary
activities. Because field trips are also introduced at this age, parent chaperones are
needed and not limited in number; however, all parents must supply the cost of
their own tickets and depending upon the number of students attending the trip,
transportation to and from the sites. All other rules regarding elementary field trips
apply to kindergarten students as well.
Overnight field trips are offered to second through eighth grade students. Deposits
are required at the time of notification and are nonrefundable. Once the field trip
cost is paid in full, the student is obligated to attend if the student does not attend
after the fee has been paid in full, the money will be forfeited.
Only students in the classroom may attend the field trip. Siblings may not
attend field trips.

Fire Drills
Fire drills are held at irregular monthly intervals throughout the school year. These
drills are held so that students, parents, and staff will be familiar with procedures in
the event of a real emergency. Students will become familiar with the closest
emergency exit from every classroom they attend. Should a student be in any
location other than his/her classroom (i.e.: restroom, office), that student should
locate the nearest staff member, and remain with that staff member until the
student can be safely returned to their teacher.
When the fire bell sounds, all classes will leave the premises and proceed to the
location designated on the Multi-Use Field. Children should walk quickly and quietly.
There should be no talking and no hesitancy in leaving the premises during these
Treasured Memories Catering is responsible for distribution of the hot lunch
Our campus offers a hot lunch program, provided by a third party caterer. Lunches
are ordered and paid directly through the caterer. Ordering information and pricing
can be found on the correspondence distributed to each student during the month
of July, 2014. Refunds will not be given for missed lunches or breakfasts for
absenteeism, or cancellations of any kind. The hot lunch meals are prepared in

accordance with all State and Health Department regulations, and provide a wellbalanced meal with all food groups represented. A standardized form is sent out
with Student packets, delivered the start of the school year.
If a student forgets his/her lunch and a hot lunch has not been ordered, one will be
provided to your child and the fee will be added to your tuition.
Late Arrival/Tardy
A little late is too late! Children who arrive after the scheduled start time for their
classroom are required to first stop by the front office and fill out a tardy slip. These
slips are then sent with the student into the classroom. When a student is tardy, it
not only affects them, everyone else around them is disrupted. The number of
times your child is tardy each quarter will appear on the Progress Report. Since
tardiness interferes with a students progress and is a distraction to the class, it
should be avoided. Six tardies in a quarter will result in a meeting with the Dean,
the parents and teacher to discuss this problem.
Missed Assignments/Tests
When the student arrives back a t school after an absence, it is the students
responsibility to check with the teacher(s) concerning school work missed during
this time. This policy will only adhere to excused absences. A student will have
one day for each day absent, up to a total of five days, to turn in missed
assignments and class work. Missed quizzes and test must be scheduled
with teacher(s) and taken within the same time frame. Some assignments
and tests cannot be made up due to the nature of the work. Assignments, class
work and quizzes not made up in the allotted time will result in the student
receiving a zero for the missed work. Class work and homework will not be
given out in advance of any planned or unplanned absence.
Perfect Attendance
A student will be considered for the Perfect Attendance Award only if they have
attended every school day and have received three tardies or less.
All students from 2 year olds to third grade are required to bring a backpack/book
bag to school every day. Preschool children should have full-sized, non-franchised
backpacks. Wheeled backpacks are only allowed for students in k 1 st grade. A
plain backpack is preferred in the school colors of navy blue or gray.
Birthdays are special! Children are invited to celebrate their birthdays by bringing
treats to share with their classmates.

Birthday Parties/Invitations
Private birthday parties can be held on school days, but you must request the day in
advance. All birthday supplies must be arrive on or before 11:00am, all visitors
must check in the front office for a visitors pass. The parent or guardian will be
responsible for cleanup and all birthday related supplies. Please do not schedule a
private party immediately following school unless every child in the class has been
invited. Birthday party invitations or thank you notes may not be distributed in the
classroom. We ask that you distribute invitations outside of the school to prevent
any hurt feelings. Individual invitations may be mailed directly to the families using
the Student Directory, which is distributed to every family at the beginning of the
school year. We also ask that any gift exchange be done privately.
Special Celebrations
In addition to birthdays, we learn and discuss about a variety of holidays throughout
the year. Special attention is usually given to Halloween, Thanksgiving, Columbus
Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, MLK Day, Valentines Day, Presidents Day and
Mothers and Fathers Day. Preschool and kindergarten children may celebrate
some holidays with classroom parties to commemorate the occasion. Siblings are
not allowed at the classroom parties. Only students enrolled in that classroom may
attend. Elementary school students may host parties and/or learn more about the
traditions of these special days. Please check with your childs classroom teacher(s)
to find out more information about party days and volunteering time in the
classroom to assist with such an occasion. In order to minimize disruption to the
academic schedule, kindergarten, and elementary school students may only
celebrate these occasions at the end of the school day, starting no earlier than
Deans Office/Front Office
The Deans office houses Admissions, Health & Records and Accounting. Any
comments, questions or concerns should always be directed to the front office and
the Dean.
Parking is exclusive to Sprout State University only. The parking lot is conveniently
located next to our facility; it is illegal for anyone to park in the fire lane (next to the
school) or block the driveway of the parking lot. Remember safety is a priority not a
liability. The early freshman class (infants) has priority for parking in the parking lot.
Anyone coming to our facility must use the parking lot if space is available, off
street parking is accessible as well. Do not block the exit or the entry to do so may
result in a penalty from the Ewing Township Police Department. Do not leave your
vehicle running or unattended, Sprout State University will not be responsible for
items stolen or lost during your visit.

Class Placement
A childs final placement in the classroom is the determination of Sprout State
University. If you are new to Sprout State University, your childs initial class
placement will be based on age and academics. Class placement for continuing
students is based on teacher recommendations.
Final placement of children entering our Kindergarten and Elementary School
programs is decided by both the teachers (current and upcoming grade level) and
the Dean of Students. Many factors are considered when placing a student,
including but not limited to academic ability, social skills, teacher/student
personalities and classroom dynamics as a whole. Please remember that our
interests as an educational institution are to provide the best experience for your
student, academically, artistically and socially.
Classroom Observation
Sprout State University has an open door policy. However, all parents and visitors
need to sign in and receive a Parent or Visitors Pass from the front office. This is for
the safety of all students on our campus as well as for the safety of visitors in the
event of a campus emergency. This allows us to account for all people present on
our campus at that time. A parent arriving at a classroom without a visitors/parent
tag will be referred to the office to sign in and acquire one.
School Entry
Please note that the entry (back) will be locked between the hours of 8:45 am and
3:30 pm. All visitors will have to ring the bell and enter the front office during these
times to get through to any part of the campus. All visitors are required to sign in
and put on a Visitors Badge. All parents on campus after 9:00am need to come to
the office and get a Parent Volunteer Badge. This policy is implemented to ensure
the safety of all those on campus and allows us to determine who is on campus in
the event of an emergency.
Health/Immunization Records
New Jersey state laws dictate necessary immunizations for children prior to entering
an academic facility. These immunizations differ based on the age of your student,
and most current information can be found in the front office. Students who are not
properly immunized, or have a pending doctors appointment to receive the
necessary immunizations, will not be allowed into the classroom. This is for the
safety of Emergency Information and Immunization Record Card must be
completed in its entirety and signed by parents and/or guardians. In addition to
immunization information, this card also requires parent contact information, at
least two alternate contacts in the event of an emergency, and child allergy


information. Students without a completed card on file prior to the start of

school will not be admitted into the classroom.
Sprout State University recognizes the need for practice at home to improve
academic skills. As such students in all grade levels including our early freshman
class will be required to do homework.
The homework assignments vary in length and the content may vary from student
to student based on academic ability and teacher discretion. Please refer to the
Attendance section for homework policies when a student is absent.
The purposes for homework are:

To reinforce the skills taught in the classroom

To encourage the growth of student responsibility and initiative for their own
To provide parents an opportunity to participate in the childs scholastic
To develop awareness that studying (review for a test, reading assignment) is
a valid for assignment as written homework

Responsibility is an important skill that is required for a successful school year.

Notices will be sent home to inform you that your student has failed to turn in on
time one or more of his/her homework assignments. Beginning pre-k, any
missing or late homework will count as an infraction and loss of recess if the
homework is not completed at the beginning of the school that day. The parent
will need to sign and return the notice to confirm that he/she is aware of the
situation. This will be kept in the students file. After three of these notices, a
parent/teacher conference will be requested.
Homework for the elementary grades must be turned in to the teacher at the
beginning of the day in which it is due. Homework not turned in at the beginning
of the day will be considered late resulting in an infraction and the lowering of
one letter grade. Students will attend a lunch study hall to aid in the completion
of the assignment. To receive any credit, late homework completed in lunch
study hall must be turned in at the end of this period. If it is not completed, it
cannot be turned in the next day, no credit will be given.
To preserve the health of all children and staff members, we ask that you not
send a sick child to school. Small children are especially prone to infection
because their immune systems are not fully developed. Just one sick student in
the classroom places all other students at risk.

If your student is absent due to illness, please call the main office at (609)8821854 and leave your childs name, classroom, date and reason for absence. This
will enable us to inform necessary staff of your students absence.
Any student who has a fever should not be sent to school under any
circumstances! A child who is listless or shows active signs of illness should
also be kept at home. If your student has any of the following symptoms please
keep them at home until investigated further by a medical professional:

Persistent stomach ache

Deep or hacking cough, even if a fever is not present
Continuous runny nose
Yellowish or greenish mucus
An undiagnosed rash
Pink, swollen, matted and/or runny eyes that have not been treated by a

A child may return to school after an illness with a note of clearance from a
medical professional under these conditions

Fever and/or vomiting is gone and temperature has been normal for at
least 24 consecutive hours without medication
Energy level has returned to normal for at least 24 consecutive hours
no symptoms or signs of diarrhea for at least 24 consecutive hours
without medication
Active signs of illness are no longer present

Students do not have to stay at home until all secondary symptoms of an illness
disappear. As an example, some forms of nasal and bronchial congestion may
linger for several weeks following a cold or flu, but the student is no longer
contagious. Consult your students pediatrician if you ever question whether or
not your student should return to school. If one the classroom teachers observes
signs of illness, he/she may suggest that your child be seen by our school nurse
(if shes available) before being admitted to the classroom.
If your child has been exposed, or is ill from a contagious disease, we require
that you contact the front office and the school nurse so that all students and
parents in your students classroom can be put on alert. We notify students and
parents in a classroom if the following conditions are present:

Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

Chicken pox
Fifth disease

Strep throat
Staph Infection

Upon confirmation from a medical professional that your student has one of the
above diseases, please contact the front office at (609)882-1854 and leave a
voicemail message with your students name, classroom, and type of disease.
If your child develops symptoms of an illness while at school, he/she will be sent
to the front office and a parent or guardian will be called. If a parent has not
responded within 30 minutes after the first contact attempt, an office staff
member will then try and reach an alternate emergency contact person as listed
on the Emergency Information and Immunization Record Card. When called to
pick up your student due to illness, please respond as promptly as possible. Sick
students are more comfortable in their own home surroundings. In addition, it is
imperative that we do not inadvertently spread any infectious diseases. Any
student that has been sent home ill by the Office personnel will not be permitted
to attend school the entire following day including any activities before or after
Lost and Found
Many student items become misplaced while at school. We cannot assume
responsibility for losses. We have a Lost and Found in the front office area for
items that have been turned into the office. Valuable items turned into the office
will be kept there. Any items left at the end of each quarter will be donated to
Sprout State University. Please check the Lost and Found regularly. Please mark
clothing backpacks and all belongings with your students name.\
Sprout State University does not have a registered nurse on the premises, she is
on an on call basis. Our staff is certified in CPR and first aid. Minor medical
situations will be handled by the designated school office staff. When a student
becomes ill or is injured in school, he/she will be evaluated and/or treated by a
designated staff member. If it is necessary for the student to be sent home or to
a doctor, parents will be contacted and requested to pick up the student. No
student will be released from campus without an adult to accompany them.
In case of an emergency, the paramedics and the parent will be called. Should a
life threatening situation exist, the child will be taken to the nearest emergency
In order for medication to be dispensed, a parent or guardian must first complete
a medication form provided by the front office. Prescription and over-the-counter
medications cannot be dispensed without written parent permission. The school

will only dispense prescribed medication that is in the original labeled

container and displays the students full name, attending physician, etc. Overthe-counter medication must be received in the original sealed container or it
cannot be dispensed. Students needing Epi-Pen must provide two for school
use. One Epi-Pen will be kept in the front office and the other will be locked in a
medication box in the students classroom. Students may NOT keep their own
medication, regardless of type (i.e.: inhalers, Tylenol, aspirin, cough drops, etc.).
All medications must be kept in the front office and be dispensed by the front
office personnel or a designated staff member.
Morning Arrival
When arriving on campus for any reason, please make sure you park your
vehicle in designated parking only. Parent vehicle parking is not permitted in
any crosswalk, curb, or exit/entrance to the parking lot. Parking in either of
these locations at ANY time could result in a parking ticket from the Ewing Police
Department and/or your vehicle being towed.
All students dropped off before 8:30 am will be directed to the lobby or a
designated classroom. The gated areas are not supervised prior to this time,
and students are prohibited from entering this area without proper Sprout State
University staff supervision. Children in kindergarten through 8 th grades are
allowed to walk to their classroom unsupervised when they arrive on time.
Parent Involvement Committee
The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is made up exclusively of Sprout State
University parents who volunteer their time, talents and materials for the benefit
of Sprout State University and its students. PIC organizes many activities and
fundraisers throughout the year to foster community and help fund initiatives to
add to the strength of Sprout States University academic program.
If you have any questions, require additional information or would like to
volunteer to help with PIC activities please send an email to
Outside Play Areas
Children are not allowed access to either play area unless proper teacher
STAFF MEMBER. Please do not engage in conversation with teachers while
they are on duty in the play areas for the safety of all students.

Prohibited Items

The following items are prohibited on school grounds at any time. Possession of
these items on school property will result in immediate expulsion:

Intoxicating liquor
Drugs (dangerous or narcotic)
Weapons (of any kind; this includes play items)
Any illegal or dangerous items

Bicycles, scooters, rollerblades, skateboards, radios, Walkmans, iPods, electronic

games and gum are prohibited on school grounds without express
permission from the school administration.
Rainy Day/Heat Advisory Dispersal
In the event of rain during dispersal time or an issued heat advisory by the
National Weather Service, parents are required to PARK their cars and PICK
their student up and leave the campus quickly as possible to allow all parents to
find nearby parking in the inclement weather. In order to help with some of the
congestion, students may be picked up early on these days (with advance
notification) without being recorded as a half day absence.
School Hours
The campus is open 7:00am 5:30 every day school is in session. School hours
are as follows:

Elementary (Grades 1 -8)

8:30 am 3:30 pm

8:45 am 3:30 pm

8:45 am 5:30 pm

Extended before care 7:00 am 8:30 am

Extended after care 4:00 pm 5:30 pm
In the event of an emergency a student will be retrieved after 5:30 pm a late fee will
be waived. For all late pickups a fee of a $1.00 per minute will be assessed and


collected at the time of the retrieval. Also, the parent or guardian will be required to
sign out the student via the main office.
Schools Right to Amend
The administration of Sprout State University retains the right to amend the
handbook. Parents will be notified in writing if changes are made during the school
Student Directory
Information provided within the Sprout State University Directory is for personal use
only! Under no circumstances is the directory to be used for telephone or postal
mail solicitations. Information in the directory was collected from student directory
authorization forms with parental consent and is considered strictly confidential.
Reproduction of any kind, in any form, is absolutely prohibited!
Student Records
It is extremely important that all student records be kept current and up to date.
Any changes to a student or parent information, including home address, contact
phone numbers, emergency contact information, and special instructions should be
delivered to the front office, as soon as possible. In the unlikely event of an
emergency, it is absolutely imperative that we have correct contact information.
Student Records are kept in the front office. If you child is transferring to another
school, a request for transfer records must be delivered to our campus from that
institution, and all necessary information will be mailed directly to the inquiring
school when all books are returned and accounts are paid in full. At no time will
records be released to parents or guardians.
Telephone/Cell Phone Use
Office and classroom telephones are not to be used by students, except in an
emergency. Students are not permitted to call home for forgotten book
assignments or after school activities with their friends. If a student must
use a telephone to contact their parent/guardian, they must get permission from
administration to use a phone in the front office. Students may not use a classroom
Students are prohibited from bringing and/or using cell phones while on campus
unless the student has a medical condition and permission has been given by the
Sprout State University Administration. Cell phones seen on campus during school
hours will be confiscated and placed in the front office for pick-up by parents only at
the end of the school day.

Sprout State University does not provide transportation to and/or from school for the
academic day. Transportation is for school related functions during and after school
hours, a fee may be assessed.
Uniforms/Dress Code
Sprout State University recognizes that student dress and grooming are generally a
matter of personal choice; however, there is documented relationship between
student dress and success, school pride, the safety and general welfare of the
students and staff, and the accomplishment of the curriculum goals and educational
objectives. School uniforms are mandatory for all Sprout State Students with the
exception of the early freshman (infants), but following school colors is helpful and
Uniform Requirements
Students who are wearing school uniform must adhere to the following dress
The school uniforms must adhere to the following, standards:
With the exception of the SSU logo, other logos, emblems, insignias, etc. ARE not
permitted on any item of clothing Outerwear (sweaters, jackets, sweatshirts, etc.)
be in plain school colors of dark gray, navy blue, white or canary-yellow. The SSU
logo is
Girl Uniforms
Blouses/Shirts: canary yellow, white, or navy collared school shirts with SSU logo.
With the exception of the SSU logo, other logos, emblems, insignias etc. are not
permitted on any item of clothing.
Bottoms: solid color navy blue or dark gray (no blue jeans or cargo) pants, Capri
pant, skirts, skorts, and mid-thigh shorts. Only k-8th grade girls wear plaid
jumpers or skirts, please purchase through Donnelly's Clothing. School
SPROUTRENNJ web code: N - ROSR-916544.
Outerwear (sweaters, jackets, sweatshirts, etc.) must be in school colors of dark
gray, navy blue, or white. The SSU logo must be on @ least 2 of the cardigan
or pullover sweater which can be purchase via Donnelly's Clothing.
Leggings and socks must be plain (no patterns or embellishments) in the school

Colors of white, navy blue.

All hair accessories must be in school colors of white, navy blue or dark gray. Hair
Beads are. not permitted in the early freshman, freshman, or junior kindergarten
classes, for the safety of the student. All hair: should be freshly combed and
maintained throughout the school year.
Shoes must be safe for P.E, .recess, and using the stairs. They should not have the
type of black soles that mark the floor. Shoes must have a closed toe and heel this
means no sandals, clogs, "Crocs", or other types of backless slip-ons. Shoes must
also provide adequate support and sturdiness - Boots can-be worn but removed
before class. Shoes should not have flashing lights. Shoelaces must be tied. All
shoes, boots or sneakers must be in school colors of navy blue', black, dark gray or

Boys Uniforms
Shirts: white, navy blue or dark gray collared school shirts with SSU logo. Grades
pre k through 8. Please purchase @ least one short sleeved oxford button down and
long sleeved oxford button down from Donnelly's Clothing. Shirts must be tucked in
at all times.
With the exception of the SSU logo, other logos, Emblems, insignias, etc. are not
permitted on any item of clothing.
Bottoms: solid colored dark gray or navy blue (no blue jeans or cargo) pants or
shorts. Pants may not be low riding or sagging, and a black or navy blue belt must
be worn at all times. Students should look neat even on a .casual day.
All hats/caps (no logos) must be in the school colors of navy blue, white, or gray.
Outwear (sweaters, jackets, sweatshirts etc.) must be in school colors of navy
blue, or dark gray. The SSU logo must be on @ least 2 of V-neck Pullover sweater,
please purchase through 'Donnelly's Clothing. School code: SPROUTTRENNJ web
code: N - DJSN-394128
A Ready Made Tie must be purchased for boys in the freshman class (toddlers)
through 8th grade. Please purchase via Donnellys Clothing.
Hair must be freshly cut and maintained throughout the school year, designs are
also prohibited.
Shoes must be safe for P.E., recess, and using the stairs. They should not have the
type of black soles that mark the floor. Shoes must have a closed toe and heel; this
means no sandals, clogs, Crocs, or other types of backless slip-ons. Shoes must

also provide adequate support and sturdiness - Boots can be worn but removed
before class. Shoes should not have flashing lights. Shoelaces must be tied. All
shoes, boots or sneakers must be in school colors of navy blue, black, dark gray or
Students who choose not to comply with the uniform policy will receive a warning
and will be sent to the office. Parents will be called to bring a change of clothes each
time. They will stay at the office until a uniform is brought. If appropriate clothing is
available at school, student will change into it and parents must return it
immediately. Students are expected to be in uniform the first day of school and
everyday unless otherwise noted.

1st Infraction: Reminder and copy of uniform policy sent home

2nd Infraction': Pink Warning Letter sent home. Loss of recess ?r privilege
may be
3rd Infraction: Telephone call home to parents from the Principal to discuss
policy and determine family needs in meeting policy. loss of recess or
4th Infraction: Further student consequences may be applied.

Dress Code (Non-Uniform)

All students must adhere to the following standards when a uniform is not required:

No tops that expose the chest or abdomen are to be worn (no midriffs).
No backless apparel or tube tops. Tank tops are permitted but must be fitted.
Low rise shorts and/or capris must be worn with a belt.
Inappropriate lettering or designs will not be permitted on clothing.
Athletic shoes must be worn during P.E. classes. For safety reasons, students
wearing shoes that are deemed to be unsafe for certain activities, will be
asked not to participate.
Hats are not to be worn indoors.
Current fashions are permitted as long as decency is maintained.
Students hair should be styled in such a way as that it appears natural. It
should not interfere with a students ability to learn.
Sweatpants are not allowed except on special days (i.e. Health Week, Field
Pants may not be oversized or baggy.
Torn or cut garments are prohibited.
No superhero clothing, shoes, backpacks, lunchboxes, Show N Tell items will
be allowed if the character(s) may be construed to participate in violence.

Students who violate these dress standards will be asked to do any of the following:

Change into clothing that is provided by the school.

Have other clothing brought to school by an adult.
Asked to leave school and return in proper attire.

Dress Code for Extracurricular Activities

For certain field trips, teachers may recommend a certain type of apparel to be
worn or may allow the trip to be uniform optional. In all other instances, Sprout
State University students will be expected to wear their uniforms, even if the trip
falls on a Spirit Wear Day.
School administrators and staff are not responsible for valuables students bring to
school. It is recommended that students leave all valuables at home. Common
sense and consideration is the best guide in determining whether or not to bring
personal possessions to school. In general, students should not bring toys or
unusual items to school unless intended for a specific purpose in the classroom and
have been requested by the teacher. If a student brings one of these items to
school, it will be placed in the front office for the parent to pick up.

If you need to withdraw your child from school, a written notification needs to be
presented to the front office. Tuition will not be refunded. However, prorated tuition
(less a cancellation fee equal to one months tuition) will be granted by Sprout State
University if the withdrawal from the school is result of extended illness or moving
more than a 50 mile radius from the campus and documentation of enrollment at a
new school. In accordance with the Tuition Payment Agreement, all students
enrolled as June 1st, 2014 are obligated to pay that academic years full tuition and
fees. The written notification will release Sprout State University of all obligations of
educating your student.

Sprout State University offers a personalized learning environment to

its students, infants through eighth grade. This is accomplished through the
instructional program being geared to the individual childs learning ability,
e.g., allowing students to cross grades for academic skill instruction, as

needed, for advancement or improvement in specific subjects.

It is

therefore, Sprout State Universitys policy that students are advance

Children are placed according to developmental progress and may
continue in a placement if their developmental needs warrant such a
decision, without that continued placement being considered retention


Sprout State University's, discipline is approached with a positive attitude and
is based on the premise that children, parents and staff respect and care for
themselves, respect and care for others, and respect the school and others

The goal is to solve behavior concerns by using modeling, redirecting

behavior, and positive reinforcement through attention, praise and reasonable

outcomes for desired behaviors.

Positive classroom rules/structure/reinforcement

allows children to know what is expected of them. Circle time and other appropriate
group meetings are used as a time for children to experience praise for themselves


and others, to plan activities together, and to discuss class concerns and goals for
desired behavior.
For younger children, teachers focus on modeling behavior and redirecting
the child to a more appropriate behavior.

For older children, a discussion of

reasonable outcomes is used individually with children before think time is used.
That is, first, the behavior of concern is discussed with the child, second, a plan of
action is set, and third, and an in-class think time is employed. The purpose of
think time is to give the child an opportunity away from the group to think about
his/her behavior and to plan with the teacher how to regain control of his/her

We recognize that biting is a developmentally appropriate behavior for
children in the infant through beginner classrooms. Parents with children in these
classrooms should expect that their children may be bit, or will bite another child.
The staff understands that parents are concerned and can be upset when their child
is involved in a biting incident. We ask that you remember this is a developmentally
appropriate behavior, and that the staff is working to identify situations, which
provoke or elicit this behavior so it can be prevented in the future. The staff will
redirect the children to different activities within the classroom to minimize the
opportunity for reoccurrence. Parents are expected to work with staff to implement
strategies to curb this behavior. As always, we must all respect and abide by the
rules of confidentiality.
A procedure for difficult behaviors is used when appropriate, and, when
necessary, a plan is designed to work with parents in reaching a resolution. Parents
are kept informed as to the behavior concern. If the behavior concern cannot be
resolved, we reserve the right to dismiss a child for unsatisfactory behavior to
ensure the health and safety of all children.


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