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Parapsychology and Psychophysics. The selected works. English edition. - 1994. - 1. - p.13-35.

This article is published also in:

1. Parapsychology and Psychophysics. - 1993. - 4. - p.31-56 (in Russian)
( . - 1993. - 4. - .31-56.)
2. A.G.Lee. The selected works in the region of parapsychology. - Moscow, Publ.h.of L.L.Vasilyev fund of
parapsychology, 1996. - pp.41-63 (in English)

Elaboration of methods of a special states of consciousness control for

revealing of extrasensory abilities of a person
The methods of passive and active influence on the person with the aim of forming special states of
consciousness to obtain reproducible and strong extrasensory perception (ESP) are compared. The best results in the
range of methods of passive influence (hypnosis, yoga, rebirthing) were obtained while using the hypnosis. If the
human brain is exposed to penetrating physical fields (i.e. magnetic, electromagnetic, acoustic) the best results can be
obtained while using electromagnetic and acoustic fields; in this case the effectiveness of the tests grows from 52% to
75%. If the brain is acted through the peripheral sensory systems (visual and acoustic analysers and skin receptors), ESP
grows from 52% to 85%. Special device for influence on the brain through visual analyser with the help of bilateral
photo-stimulation is described. The outlook of special states of consciousness control with the aim to reveal ESPabilities is discussed.

A wide range of different human practical activities is connected with the use of high
sensibility of person's sensory systems in the sphere of perception of low-level signals and ability to
extrasensory perception (ESP). Sometimes a person (or trained animal) appears to be able to solve
the tasks inaccessible to technical means. Application of ESP in practical activity promises a
number of advantages in comparison with the use of technical means, for example in the search for
ore, oil and gas, determination of different damages in communications, prediction and prevention
of different transport accidents, nontraditional means of communication and etc. The main difficulty
of their practical application is very low reproducibility of extrasensory phenomena and the fact that
human mental activity being the background of the realization of these phenomena has not been
adequately explored. ESP is psychophysiological process caused by some specific features of brain
activity and as it was shown in some investigations, this phenomena can be manifested in specific
organization of the hemispheres i.e. functional brain asymmetry (FBA) [1,2]. In many cases the
perception takes place on the level of underthreshold and often subconscious signals. The process of
perception is closely connected with mental activity. Falling out of step and mistakes of the
operators are due to the unsteady and irreproducible brain activity and special states of
consciousness. That's why the skill to control ones own mentality and the ability to cause the
required shift in the brain activity, allows to increase the effectiveness and reproducibility of the
ESP which are both required for better reliability of the results. The high reliability is necessary for
the practical application of the ESP.
With this object in view the comparison of different ways of influence on a person with the
aim of searching the appropriate methods of special states of consciousness control was made. The
development of the new method of control is connected with the simultaneous solution of different
correlated tasks such as searching the ways of action, working out of the ESP-measuring methods,
definition of parameters necessary for control and their connection with the obtained results and at
last working out the background of the control on computer basis. In this work the emphasis is on
the ways of influence on the states of consciousness.
The connection of individual profile of human functional asymmetry with unusual abilities
was first shown in [1]. Such abilities often correspond with left asymmetry of the hands and the ear.
Preliminary definition of individual profile of functional asymmetry can serve as a prognostic test
for the estimation of latent ESP-abilities [2]. During professional work the operator having any

initial individual FBA-profile can show short-time (about several seconds) inversion of FBA-profile
with increased activity of right hemisphere. Successful operator's work needs increased activity in
right hemisphere, which is responsible for psychosensory processes. The FBA-profile shift in the
direction of right hemisphere is a necessary condition for the manifestation of special states of
consciousness for the realization of ESP-abilities [2].
Electro-encephalographic investigations carried out in [3] had shown that the ESP correlates
with the appearance of heightened activity in front regions of left hemisphere and back regions of
right one. The focus of heightened biopotential synchronization in front regions of left hemisphere
is due to the forming of functional state which promotes a successful work but not specific for its
character. The second focus, which is situated in the back region of right hemisphere promotes the
ESP only. It can be localized in central, less - in parietal or front zones. Topographic features of the
synchronization of electrical processes of the cerebral cortex can solve as objective criteria of
successful ESP which allow to predict both individual abilities and the states promoting their
By these means, as it can be seen from the results given below, for successful ESP brain work
must be organized in quite concrete manner. The aim of the action to the brain is clear - to form
right-side FBA.
Effective ways of consciousness control and selective action on the cerebral hemispheres are
known. We can mention for example unilateral electro-shock therapy [4], intra carotid injection of
sodium amitale [5], intranazal electro-phoresis [6]. Differential influence of psychotropic
preparations on the hemispheres was shown in the number of works. But all these methods are not
safe to be applied to healthy people. It should be mentioned that here a person with his brain and
mentality is an object of the investigations. That's why ethical problems are gaining in importance
and the research-worker must keep oneself within the limits. It is no mere chance that a number of
the countries provided restrictions on such investigations in their legislations. In this connection the
elaboration of safe and readily controllable methods of the action on the states of consciousness is
the most perspective direction of the research. The use of well-known properties of peripheral
sensory systems and penetrating physical field action should be studied first.
The ESP-determination technique. While studying different ways of influence on the brain
the simultaneous determination of ESP with the help of objective tests was made. Two approaches
were used - traditional approach, based on the classical Bernully scheme [7] and nontraditional one,
quietly adapted to characteristic features of human mentality. The second approach worked out by
us was based on the use of consecutive statistical procedures [2].
The well-known way of the ESP-measurements consists in the following: one takes N
envelopes or boxes and puts objects inside them. These objects must be of the different colors,
shape or material. Then the examinee is suggested to determine objects in all closed boxes or
envelopes with the fixing the number of the right answers. For example the examinee can be aimed
to find ten envelopes or boxes with necessary object from twenty ones or to divide ten red cards
from ten blue ones (so-called skin-optical vision), to determine the material of the subjects in closed
boxes (dowsing), and so on. The experiments on the proscopy (the Rhine's test) were carried out
with the help of the generator of the pseudo-random numbers. The research programs were made in
the form of different games and it significantly improved the results. In all cases of the proscopy
tests it was necessary to predict one of four or five variants given by the generator of the random
numbers (for example the number, the Zener's map or the trajectory of the plane). There were
twenty occasions of choice in one series. ESP-abilities were defined according to the number of the
right answers expressed in percents from the overall number of the tasks.
While using the second approach the sequence of the right answers in the process of testing
was taken into account. If the series of the right answers was long enough the test was accounted to
be finished with the positive results. The length of such series n was defined according to the Table

Table N1
The length of the series of the right answers n for different values of the first-kind errors and
number of the defined objects m.


The ways of passive action

Such ways are in the use of different psycho-technical means directed on development of the
reserve abilities of human mentality (in many cases it is connected with the activation of the rightside FBA). Among such methods are different kinds of yoga, respiratory exercises (for example the
Grof's holotropic breath), and some kinds of auto-genic training with falling into trance of different
depth, hypnosis and etc. These methods are often used in combination with some medicines, herbal
potions, or smoking of some drugs or other hallucinogens and so on. Russian practice of a recluse's
life is also very close to the yoga practice. The techniques used by Oriental hermits in the mountains
or Russian recluses in the forests are alike and include the diet, the way of life and the way of
thinking. Absence of the necessity of difficult solutions, meditations, diets and so on appreciably
activate the work of the right hemisphere, emotional and figurative order of thinking. In spite of
diversity of different philosophic and religious "covers" helping to create definite motivation and
depending on cultural traditions, educational and religious level and other factors, the nature of all
psychotechnical means is rather clear and involves the activation of the right hemisphere and the
training of the ability of the control on brain processes. In [8] the comparison of different methods
of passive action including Oriental and Russian ones were made.
Experimental techniques. Draft description of the methods of ESP-exposure.
Hypnosis. For better exposure and appointing of ESP-abilities with the use of hypnosis of the
second and the third stages besides the standard techniques we used two approaches:
1) through the age regression we reproduced and appointed the state with high testing results;
2) we carried out the comparison with well-known people having expressed ESP-abilities.
During the seances of hypnosis we achieved reproducibility and appointment of the emotional
state which corresponds to high results. During this experiment we carried out 6-10 seances with
30-60 minutes in time. In order to choose optimal technique of the influence, the testing was carried
out not only before and after the seances but during the seance too. We hadn't find significant
difference in using the second or the third stages, but while using superficial stages we noticed the
greater dynamics.
Another technique called "yoga for the exposure of extrasensory abilities" consists of
special exercises on the self-regulation and constructed on the basement of the Oriental systems
especially Yoga. It includes the number of poses (asans) of the Hatha-Yoga, Pranayama and
teaching the methods of individual and group meditation. In the process of the lessons the
participants of the experiment with the help of suggestive action achieved maximal relaxation and
were directed to exposure of extrasensory abilities. As the examinees trained in these exercises the
part of suggestive action reduced and they turned to the self-regulation.
The cycle of 10 two-hour rebirthing lessons (Grof's holotropic breath) was built in such way
that every lesson represented definite system. Changed (holotropic) state of consciousness was
achieved due to the synthesis of special music and hyper-ventilation.


Results and discussion

The abstract results are represented in the tables N2 and N3. Testing was carried out before
and after the lessons during all cycle of teaching of the groups. The Rhine's test (proscopy) had 10%
error and the other test mentioned below - 5% one. The reproducibility was estimated individually
for every operator according to the results of all tests before and after his training by different
methods. The training groups consisted of 3-12 pupils and 20 of them were examined.
Table N2
Increase of effectiveness of ESP in different tests while using different methods
Skin-optical vision







Table N3
Increase of reproducibility of ESP in different tests while using different methods
Skin-optical vision







As it can be seen from the above-mentioned tables the use of hypnosis and Yoga with the
elements of suggestion allows to heighten the ESP-abilities and their reproducibility considerably. It
was proved in testing results. The best results were obtained while using the hypnosis. In this case
25% of examinees had shown considerable improvement of ESP till 100% expressed on overall
solution of the tasks. 15% hadn't shown noticeable improvement of ESP. High results of the
hypnosis are due both to previous selection of the examinees and to the possibility of testing
immediately during the seances while altered state of consciousness. In spite of absence of previous
selection and necessity of training from the zero-stage, the using of rebirthing and Yoga also gives
rather high results. The hypnosis gave both highest reproducibility and its higher increase. Strongest
effects in using the hypnosis one can rich during studying of the ESP and modeling of special states
of consciousness during the experiment. The hypnosis is "the gift of the nature" which allows to
solve many psycho-physical problems. Practical use of the methods of passive action is restricted
by the impossibility of collective operator's training, the length of the training period and also the
watchfulness of many people to hypnotic action. That's why the methods of passive action were
changed on active ones i.e. "quick" methods of forming necessary FBA based on physiological laws
and appropriate for creating of automatic systems of states of consciousness control.
Methods of drug action. Studying in a mental hospital.

We didn't make purposed studying of psychotropic drug's influence on ESP-abilities of

healthy people. While testing mental patient treated by psychotropic medicines we can estimate
their influence on manifestation of ESP-abilities.
Mental clinic can demonstrate wide range of changed states of consciousness caused by
mental disease and impossible for healthy people. This fact places reach experimental material for
deep studying of the connection of ESP-abilities with characteristic features of brain's work. Testing
of mental patients in one of a mental hospital in Moscow is described in [9].
For this experiment the above-mentioned techniques were used. Testing was carried out two
or three times a day during first three days after hospitalization. After ten days treating the
examinees were tested again in the same way. Number of right answers was estimated taking into
account overall results of all tests. The overall amount of tested patients is 25.
It was found that besides normalizing mental status of the patients using of psychotropic
drugs significantly reduce successfulness of the tests on ESP (from 88% to 56%). We may suppose
that using of another medicines will allow to obtain quite contrary results.

Methods of active influence by known physical fields through central sections of

the nervous system
For creation of desired FBA there were made the efforts of integral non-local influence
directly on the brain by known physical fields i.e. electrical, magnetic, and acoustic ones [10-13].
Physical fields were induced by known physiotherapy plants. Effectiveness of the influence was
estimated according to the results of the above-mentioned tests before and after the procedures. The
influence of penetrating fields which can influence on the cortex and deep brain structures was
studied in the main.
1. Electrical field. First we investigated the ability of use of high frequency electromagnetic
fields. DC electrical fields are completely screened by conducting tissues of the organism. Under
influence of microwave fields biophysical processes in the tissues are not restricted by heatgeneration only. Switching molecular oscillations cause complicated changes of microstructures and
influence on the speed of oscillations of large albumen molecules changing their specifics. Owing
to good blood supply and effective carrying the heat action may be negligible. Non-heat or
oscillatory action causes the development of specific processes changing excitation and
conductivity of the neural cells and also the activity of metabolic and trofic tissue functions.
Specifics of high frequency factors is defined namely by oscillatory effect peculiar to given
frequency interval, that's why one might expect positive results from high frequency action.

Fig. 1. The diagram of the arrangement of condensator wafers above the head in the case of
influence by high-frequency electromagnetic fields.
The studying was carried out with the help of 66 high frequency plant with the use if
circle metallic wafers covered by an insulator. They were placed above the examinee's head, first above an occiput, another one - above the temple part (Fig.1). The induced waves were of 40.68
MHz frequency and the time of action was 5 minutes. Field density between the wafers is irregular

and that's why the heat force is strongest in the point of closest space between them. One of the
advantages of this method is the fact that the tissue volume (i.e. depth) may be changed in response
to the electromagnetic fields by varying of the giving capacity. The capacity was changed in the
interval 20-40 W. All of six examinees were the men and the right-handers. The exposure the brain
to the high frequency fields heightened the number of the right answers from 52% to 64% with
saving of obtained effect for half an hour after the experiment (Fig.2 and Fig.3). It should be
mentioned that if the wafers are placed above the left hemisphere smaller increase of the number of
the right answers was also observed.

Fig 2. Change of the number of right test answers during and after high-frequency
electromagnetic action. The action power is 20 W.

Fig 3. Change of the number of right test answers during and after high-frequency
electromagnetic action. The action power is 40 W.
In order to strengthen high frequency action the " 2" pulsed high frequency plant
with 15 kW capacity and 2-8 ms pulse duration was used. In this case the high maximal field
strength during short period of the time with the pauses gives the ability for intensive oscillatory
influence with the absence of noticeable heat effect. The pulse high frequency effect is known to
cause brake processes and the DC fields action in the same dose causes high excitation. Fig.4 shows
the result of the action in the case of placing the wafers above the left hemisphere with pulse
duration 8 ms, magnitude of anode current 12 mA and 5 minute time.

Fig 4. Change of the number of right test answers during and after high-frequency
electromagnetic influence in the pulse mode. The pulse duration is 8 ms, power is 15 kW. The
electrodes are placed above the left hemisphere.
2. Constant and low-frequency magnetic fields. For setting up of low-frequency magnetic
fields with field strength lower than 300 Oe " 2 " plant was used. The electrodes were
placed in the same way as in above-mentioned case (fig 1). The time of the action was 20 minutes.
Also there were used the same tests and the same technique of the experiment. In this case
noticeable changes in the successfulness of the tests hadn't been observed.
3. Acoustic fields. For studying of the influence of ultrasound oscillations the " 5"
ultrasound plant was used. The vibrator's mount 4 sm 2 in area was placed near different parts of
hair-covered head part in the sagittal flat (fig 5). The radiation with 880 kHz frequency and 4 ms
pulse duration was directed downwards. It is known that the strongest ultra-sound absorption
corresponding with the heat extraction takes place on the boundary between tissues. 40-60% of the
ultrasound should be reflected from the bones and it led to the appearance of lateral waves which
complicate the field structure and the analysis of biological phenomena. With these facts taken into
account only 10-20% of the overall capacity should reach the brain itself.

Fig. 5. The diagram of placing of the vibrator above the head in the case of the action by ultrasound
On the operation, the vibrator was repeatedly moved with circular and longitudinal motions
along chosen place during 1-3 minutes. The intensity of ultrasound radiation is from 0.6 to1 W/sm 2.
It is known that ultrasound radiation with such intensity is the catalyst of different physico-chemical
and biological processes. Placing of several radiators allows to amplify the intensity of the effect in
the region of crossing of several ultrasound beams coincidental with the decrease of released energy
just in the place of contact of the source with skin surface [14]. The results are presented on fig.6.

The experiment was carried out with the group of 4 right-handed men following the beforementioned schedule (Fig 5).

Fig 6. Change of the number of right test answers during and after ultrasound action.
Taking the obtained data in comparison one can see that ultrasound and high frequency
magnetic fields are best for heightening of ESP. For more wide application of these techniques it is
necessary to carry out investigations with the aim to define allowable limits of the capacity and the
time of the exposure and also suitable hygienic conditions. The disadvantages of these techniques
are integral, nonphysiological, rough and power type of the action and also the impossibility to
control fine processes and take into account the concrete features of every examinee.

Active influence through peripheral sensory systems

It is necessary to elaborate new harmless and widely used techniques which allow to change
brain activity in desired directions. For the solution of this task measured influence on the brain
through peripheral sensory systems taking into account their anatomical texture is most
perspective .
1. Visual analyser
For selective influence on the hemispheres through visual analysers the special device
thoroughly described in [2,15-17] was designed (Fig.7). The operation of the instrument is based on
the principle of lateralization of the light fluxes from external visual hemifields while the sight is
fixes on the point placed at the same distance from both eyes (fig. 8). In fig. 9 is shown the block
scheme of proposed device. In fig. 8 is demonstrated the scheme of the light-stimulation influence
on the human brain hemispheres.

Fig. 7. The scheme of visual tracks

Here: 1 - optic nerve; 2 - chiasma opticum; 3 - optic tract; 4 - thalamus and lateral bend body;
5 - central optic track; 6 - sul. calcarinus; 7 - memory optic centers; 8 - fibers of optic tract to the
roof of middle brain; 9 - the nucl. accessorius; three couples of cerebral nerves; 10 - fibres of
oculomotor nerve; 11 - ciliary ganglion; 12 - iris; 13 - field of vision; 14 - retina.
With the help of frequency control 8 (Fig.9) and low-frequency generator 6 the desired flashing frequency of
red-light emitters 3 and 4 can be obtained.
Red-light fluxes from the first external visual hemifield 9 (Fig.8) reach the right retina areas of both eyes. The
impulse from the right internal area 11 of the left eye 16 (internal retina section of the left eye) passes through the
chiasma opticum and reaches the right hemisphere 13.
With the help of frequency control 7 and low-frequency generator 5 (fig.9) one can obtain the desired flashing
frequency of green-light emitters. Green-light fluxes from the right external hemifield 10 (Fig.8) reach the left retina
areas of both eyes 16,17. Following the above-mentioned scheme of light transmission from the left external
hemisphere 9, the impulses from the right external hemisphere 10 reach the left hemisphere 15.
Such light impulses of different colors being fed from the external hemifields 9,10 influence on the hemispheres
13 and 15 in different way (inhibition or activation). It can be reached due to the isolated canals transmitting the
impulses from the external retina areas of both eyes to the definite hemispheres.

Fig 8. The scheme of the influence on brain hemispheres through visual analyzer. The description is
given in the text.

Fig. 9 The block scheme of the device for the influence on human mental abilities. The description
is given in the text.
As it was found, the operation of this device influence on the human brain in complicated way
depending from the person's individual features (functional brain asymmetry, head injuries,
atherosclerotic processes, mental diseases and etc.). Individual picture depends on the complicated
dynamics of interaction between inhibition and activation.
Studying of the operation of the device was carried out taking 22 examinees having the right
individual profile of functional brain asymmetry. ESP-abilities were measured following the abovementioned way. The results are presented in fig. 10 and 11. One can notice that with the optimal
exposure time from 2 to 5 minutes the effectiveness of ESP significantly increases and remains at
rather high level 10 minutes in average after the action.

Fig. 10. Dependence of the number of the right test answers from the duration of the influence
on the visual analyser. Here t is the duration of the influence.

Fig 11. Time dependence of the effectiveness of the right test answers after finishing of influence on
the visual analyser.
t the time after finishing of influence on visual analeser.
Above mentioned results are averaged over the group of the operators. Taking into account
the complicated individual dynamics of hemisphere interaction during and after the activation the
optimal individual parameters of the action were found in the following way. Consequently
changing the photostimulation frequency with simultaneous testing we built a diagram as it is
shown in fig 12. The results of the tests are shown in the squares of this diagram. It can be seen that
the frequency interval optimal for a concrete person can be distinguished (on the picture it is
marked by dotted line). The same diagram can be built for the group averaging of individual
diagrams. Relying on the last one the optimal frequency interval for the influence on the any person
can be recommended. The statistical meaning of the results averaged over the group is significantly
higher than for a one person.

Fig. 12. Building of individual diagram for the choice of optimal influence mode on visual analyzer
according to the results of the tests on ESP.
f1 - is photostimulation frequency for right parts of the retina of both eyes (red color);
f2 - is photostimulation frequency for left parts of the retina of both eyes (green color);
Numbers of the right answers in percents are marked in the squares of the diagram. Frequency
region optimal for given person (the number of the right answers more than 67%) is marked by
dotted line.
During the operation of the activator the neurophysiological data can be hardly extracted. The
reliable right shift of functional brain asymmetry was found after the end of the action. The
excitation focus arisen in the back brain sections had been found to spread gradually on the right
2. Acoustic analyser
The influence on the brain through acoustic analyser is the most easy and wide-spread way.
Music, physiological noise, rhythmical signals are often used for attainment of deep states of the
relaxation. The way of influence also used as the auxiliary mean and in some cases as the main one
for the influence on the person during the meditations and for the attainment of the trance states of
different depth. In this connection we made an effort to heighten the effectiveness of ESP with the
help of the influence through acoustic analyser. With the help of simple device the sound signals of
different frequency (clicks) were conveyed through the ear-phones separately to both ears. During
the experiment such parameters as frequency, time of the influence, and pitch were changed and
then the above-mentioned testing procedures were carried out. These experiments had shown the
changes in the effectiveness of the tests within the limits of the experimental error both in the
process of the influence and five minutes after it. Arising changes in FBA were stable, but it is
beyond reason to connect them with the specific influence on the acoustic analyser. More likely
they can be connected with individual features of initial FBA profile. Slight significant increase in

effectiveness can be explained by arising of FBA following the same mechanism as during the use
of the hypnosis, the meditation and other psychotechnical means. The influence on acoustic
analysers isn't suitable for quick FBA control.
3. Skin receptors
In [3] it was shown that ESP corresponds with increased synchronization of biopotentials in
the central zone and more rarely in the parietal ones. In this connection we made an effort to study
the ability of the influence on the brain with the aim to form the focuses of excitation suitable for
ESP using the known properties of the skin sensitivity (Fig.13,14, [18,19]).

Fig. 13. The scheme of three main sensory systems of left brain hemisphere ascending to its
cortex cells.
Here: 1 - region of general sensitivity of the cortex; 2 - visual region of the cortex; 3 - medial
bend body; 4 - lateral bend body; 5 - lateral thalamus nucleus; 6 - acoustic region of the cortex.

Fig. 14. Cortex representativity of skin sensitivity.

Projections of different parts of the human body in somatosensory zone of the cortex of big
human hemispheres.
Here: 1 - genitals; 2 - fingers; 3 - foot; 4 - shin: 5 - hip; 6 - body; 7 - neck; 8 - head; 9 shoulder; 10-11 - elbow; 12 - forearm; 13 - carpus; 14 - hand; 15 - the fingers; 20 - eye; 21 - nose;
22 - face; 23 - upper lip; 24,26 - teeth; 25 - lower lip; 27 - tongue; 28 - gullet; 29 - internal organs.
The size of drawn parts of the body corresponds with dimensions of sensory representation.
For our purposes an important point is that the pulses of pain, temperature and tactile
sensitivity transfer to the postcentral convolution of strictly opposite side of the body owing to
crossing the fibres of the second neuron of conductive tracts from extrareceptors. It opens potential
possibility to localize the influence on different hemispheres.
In the experiment described below different parts of the body such as the hip, back of the
hand, the wrist and upper-lateral part of the neck were exposed to the influence by mechanical
vibrator. Two vibrators were placed symmetrically and fixed with the help of the plaster on different
sides of the body. The frequency of vibrations was set in the interval from 2 to 40 Hz with the help
of above-mentioned device. Frequencies of two vibrators could be different. During the experiment
the dependence of ESP from different parameters such as strength of mechanical force and its
duration, placing of vibrators, frequency ratio was studied. During the processes examinee's eyes
were closed.
The slight increase of effectiveness to 20% in average with the same dynamics as in the case
of visual analyser was found. The reliable increase of effectiveness was found during the influence
and it apparently indicates the specificity of the influence. Simultaneous influence on visual
analyser and skin sensitivity didn't give significant increase of ESP results.

The presented work reflects the results of long-term investigations directed on the elaboration
of effective techniques of the influence on special states of consciousness for increasing of ESP
effectiveness. In our opinion the most perspective directions for further development of the control
techniques are the searching of safe ways (for example the action through interoreceptors)
combined with small doses of medicines and the elaboration of the methods for purposeful
influence on deeper, ancient brain structures. In this connection the influence on the brain by the
pulsed and strictly localized fields of large intensity has considerable perspective. The potentialities
of the influence by acoustic fields also haven't been exhausted. As it was shown during the prior
investigations the study of ESP and other psychophysical phenomena in the groups of the
examinees appears to have considerable promise. In this case the problems of the choice of
operators and elaboration of different techniques of synchronization of everybody's efforts in order
to solve the common task occupy the first place. This approach is of particular value in the study of
power psychophysical phenomena such as telekinesis.
The studying of verbalization of underthreshold and ESP signals is of much current interest
because all distortions of obtained information take place exactly on this stage. Reproducible
forming of special states of consciousness is the basic factor for creation of bionic systems with the
operator as one of working organ. It also can be used for realization of new kinds of communication
(with the use of quantum-type correlation effects).

The main results of the work

1. The comparison of different methods of passive influence for special states of
consciousness control such as hypnosis, yoga and rebirthing with the aim of heightening the
efficiency and reproducibility of ESP was carried out. The best results of the tests making up 100%
were obtained using the hypnosis. The hypnosis is an ideal instrument for experimental studying of
ESP because it provides controllable and reproducible forming of special states of consciousness.

2. The comparison of methods for active influence through peripheral sensory systems (visual
and acoustic analysers and skin receptors) and central sections of nerve system was made. In the
first case the results were much better and the influence was reversible, controllable and safe. The
best results had been obtained in the case of the influence through the visual analyser. In this case
the increase of effectiveness on ESP objective tests of 20-40% had been observed.
3. The techniques for special state of consciousness control based on the influence on the
brain through visual analyser to form desired brain activity was elaborated. The mode of operation
of the device and necessary operating sequence for better effectiveness of ESP was studied.
Choosing the right orders one can obtain the increase of the right answers on ESP-tests from 52% to
75-85% in average after 3-5 minutes of the action.
4. During studying of the influence by known physical fields (electric, magnetic and acoustic)
the best results were obtained for electric and acoustic fields. In these cases the effectiveness of the
ESP-tests increased from 50% to 75%.
5. With the help of objective tests was found that the manifestations of ESP have the persons
with mental diseases. Treating of such persons with psychotropic medicines noticeably reduces ESP.
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