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(860) 233-3084
Shabbat Mevorchim
Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei/HaChodesh
Shabbat Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei/HaCHodesh
8:00 AM Rabbi Sheinkopf’s Mishna Brurah Class
March 13th, 2010 27 Adar 5770
8:45 AM Shacharit Kiddush This Shabbat
9:04AM Sof Zman Kriat Shma
10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Youth Groups is sponsored by
4:25 PM Rabbi Weinberg’s Shabbat Afternoon Shiur Anita & Tsion Cohen
5:25 PM Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit
6:36 PM Shabbat Ends On the Yahrzeit of Anita’s Mother
Rabbi’s Corner ;‫בלומה בת דבורה מרים‬
Thank you to everyone who made the Blau Scholars-In- &
Residence Shabbat such a success for YIWH. It was a combined
effort of so many different people and it certainly paid off in the
We had a record attendance at the dinner of over 100 people SHMURAH MATZOH ORDER
and nice turnout to the other lectures and the melave malka. I Shatzer Matzah - regular & whole wheat - $20/lb
encourage you to view some of the pictures from the melave Orders must be in and paid by March 18
malka on the shul website at in the Contact: Steve Luger 860-233-0300/37 Miamis Road
photos gallery section.
I am happy to say that the Blaus brought such a nice feeling to ‫ברוכים הבאים‬
our community with their warmth, personalities, and wisdom. The YU students who are joining us
They were interesting and insightful and gave us much food for this Shabbat:
thought on the topic of relationships to G-d, to family and to the Yoni Bardash, Shalvi Berger, Rachel Loboda,
world. They were able to combine their own very vast life ex- Alyssa Offman, Zack Peskin, & Zevi Westreich
periences with the Torah sources in order to give us a new per-
spective. TEEN ONEG
As many of you may know I attended the YU Chag Hasemicha Friday nite at 8:30 PM at the Ganeles home
this past Sunday. YU honored all of those who received semicha For kids grades 8 - 12 with Rabbi Weinberg
in the last 4 years, myself included, in a wonderful ceremony & YU students.
involving over 200 musmachim (men who received rabbinical
ordination) and all of the roshei yeshiva of YU. It was a meaning-
ful day and a historic day for YU and the Jewish people. This was
the largest chag hasemicha in the history of YU and probably the
This Shabbat, March 13th
largest Orthodox group of rabbis being ordained in all of At the home of Elana Weinberg, 85 Iroquois Road
American Jewish History. It was an honor to be a part of it.
This Shabbat we are hosting 6 students from YU (different HHNE HAT SHOW
students than were here last time). They will be running the Monday, March 15 at 6:00 PM
teen oneg that we are having this Friday night, they will be lead- At the home of Fran Wittenberg
ing the davening Friday night and Shabbat day, the women will
be speaking at the women’s learning group and the men will be ROSH CHODESH TEHILLIM GROUP
leading singing and divrei torah at seudah shlishit. All are invited Monday, March 15, at 8:00 PM
to attend. At the home of Vickie Adelstein, 107 Hilldale Road
We have numerous things going on in shul and in the commu-
nity to help us all prepare for the upcoming (and fast approach-
ing…!) holiday of Pesach. I will be giving a shiur about the PRE-PESACH PREPARATION SHIUR
various halachot of kashering your kitchen, of doing bedikat Wednesday, March 17th at 8:00 PM
Chametz, and details of the seder this coming Wednesday night, Same Class to be repeated on
March 17th at 8:00PM at the shul. For those of you who cannot Shabbat, March 20th at 5:35 PM
make it, I will be giving the SAME CLASS again on Shabbat
Afternoon March 20th at 5:35PM at shul. Rabbi Grosberg will (Continued on page 2.)
give a Editor: Judie Patel Rabbi Brahm Weinberg 233-3084 or
Editors Emeritus: Sam Leichtberg & Moish Trencher
Continued P 3... Laura Miller, President 233-2725 or
Web Site:
Affiliate of the National Council of Young Israel Synagogues, Mem-
ber of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America,
Sponsor of West Hartford NCSY, National Conference of Synagogue
Page 2
L’DOR L’DOR In honor of birth of daughter to the Keslers
Parent & Child Learning Sessions In memory of Stan Rutstein's mother, Fay.
At Chabad House At 7:00 PM Happy Anniversary to Rabbi & Elana Weinberg
Last one tonight March 13th Al & Helen Weisel
Grades 2 -8 In memory of Fay Rutstein
Rabbi Jaffee - Coordinator Mazal Tov to Rabbi Brahm Weinberg on Chag HaSmicha
WOMEN’S LEARNING GROUP Jason Wolfe & Vera Schwarcz
This Shabbat, March 13th In memory of Fay Rutstein
At the home of Elana Weinberg, 85 Iroquois Road In honor of birth of a grandson to Edna & David Shamash
March 13th - 23rd, 2010 Mazal Tov to the Keslers on the birth of their daughter
See brochure for details. In appreciation of Rabbi Weinberg for his visits and
HHNE HAT SHOW his unending help
Monday, March 15 at 6:00 PM In memory of Sam Leichtberg's father, Abraham.
At the home of Fran Wittenberg In memory of Stan Rutstein's mother ,Fay.
In honor of Jenny & Shari Lichter’s engagements
Monday, March 15, at 8:00 PM
At the home of Vickie Adelstein, 107 Hilldale Road
Rabbi’s Corner Continued:
BOOK CLUB shiur of insights in to the hagaddah the following week.
Presently reading: Please place your orders for shmurah matzah with Steve
“The Collaborator of Bethlehem” Luger by this Tuesday and your orders for Kosher for Pesach
By Matt Beynon Rees Cabot cheese with Laura Miller.
And the counterpoint… Forms will be available starting this week to arrange for
“Bethlehem Road Murder” the selling of your chametz with me.
By Batya Gur Shabbat Shalom
Please Note: Rabbi Weinberg
Knitting/craft circle on hiatus until after Pesach
‫ברוך דין האמת‬
Tuesday nights,
We regret to inform you of the passing of
Next Class - After Pesach - at 8:00 PM
Mrs. Fay Rutstein beloved mother of Stan , grandmother &
At the Home of Judie & Lal Patel - 100 Lawler Road
great grandmother of Rochel, Avi, Chana & Eliyahu Rosen-
holtz; Tzirel, Yaakov & Tehilla Rutstein, Davida & Elly
Rutstein. May Stan and the Rutstein family be comforted
among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.
Once a year, CABOT CHEESE has one OU ‫מזל טוב‬
supervised run of its sharp cheddar ‫ מזל טוב‬to Edna & David Shamash on the birth of a
cheese. This OU cheese is also grandson born to son Steven & Rachel Shamash.
Kosher for Pesach! ‫ מזל טוב‬to big sister Leila; Aunts & Uncle Dana & Adam
YIWH will be offering Weiner, and Naomi Shamash!
this limited OU CABOT CHEESE to you. May he grow L’Torah, L’Chupah u’L’Maasim Tovim!
Prices are as follows:
Individual bars (approx. 10 oz) $5.95
Case of bars* (12 pound case) $100.00
To place an order:
Please contact Batsheva Goldfischer via e-mail at or by phone at 906-1111.
Final Date to order Monday, March 15th!
Page 3
Holiness from Above and Below
By Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky (
The second half of Sefer Shemos deals almost exclusively with the construction of the Mishkan, excluding the interlude of
the cheit haeigel. Although physically the construction described in Vayakheil Pekudei followed precisely the commands in
Terumahand Tetzaveh, there was a fundamental distinction between the original plan of the Mishkan and its actual imple-
Following the order of the pesukim, the mitzvah of building he mishkan preceeded the cheit haeigel, whereas the construc-
tion followed the cheit. A mishkan built after the cheit was different in nature than one that would have been built before
the cheit. The area of the mishkan endowed with the highest level of kedusha was the kodesh hakodashim, which housed
the aron containing the luchos. While the aseres hadibros appeared on both the first and second luchos both, the essence of
the two sets was different. The first set is described as “v’haluchos maaseh Elokim – the work of Hashem”, whereas the sec-
ond set was carved out by Moshe Rabbeinu, with only the letters being carved out by Hashem.
This distinction was reflected in the nature of the kedushas mishkan. The “first” mishkan that would have been built if not
for the cheit would have housed the luchos of “maaseh Elokim”. The kedusha would have emanated from Hashem. The
“Second” mishkan that actually was built required human participation and its kedusha was initiated by Bnei Yisroel and it
only subsequently received the blessing from Above. After all the human input, Moshe Rabbeinu could only pray that “yehi
ratzon shetishre shechina b’maase yedichem – let the divine presence rest upon your work” (Rashi Shemos 39:43). This mish-
kan was not “maaseh yedei hashem”, but rather “maaseh yedeichem”. The luchos of “maaseh Elokim” had been transformed
into the luchod of “psol lecha” – stones carved by a human being that would be written upon by Hashem.
Two distinct types of sanctity, one stemming from Hashem and the other indicated by man, is a common theme in halacha.
Shabbos receives it sanctity directly from hashem, while yom tov requires the Jewish people to endow it with holiness by
declaring the news moon. This halachic distinction is reflected by the text of the berachos “mekadesh haShabbos” and
“mekadesh Yisroel vehazemanim”; Hashem sanctifies Shabbos while the Jewish people sanctify the yomim tovim (gemara
Pesachim 117b). Similarly, there is a distinction between the sanctities of Eretz Yisroel and of Yerushalayim. The Rambam
(Hilchos Beis Habechira 6:16) explains that kedushas Eretz Yisroel with respect to the agricultural mitzvos can be revoked be-
cause its kedusha emanates from being possessed by Bnei Yisroel. Therefore, in their absence, the kedushas haaretz is lost.
This is in contrast to the kedusha of Yerushalayim with respect to korbanos which can never be lost, because its kedusha is
derived directly from Hashem, who is eternal.
These two models of mishkan materialized in the two batei mikdashos. The first Beis Hamikdash resembled the original plan
for the mishkan – present were the shechina, the urim vetumim, and prophecy. It had all the qualities of “maaseh Elokim –
the work of Hashem”. On the other hand, the second Beis Hamikdash, devoid of the urim vetumim and nevuah, was built by
the Jewish people and endowed with sanctity through human effort and fervent prayer that the shechina rest upon it to
some degree.
Each of the two batei mikdashos had a unique downfall which undermined its source of holiness. The Beis Hamikdash of
“maaseh Elokim”, whose sanctity stemmed directly from the shechina, could not conceivably last in the presence of idola-
try, just as the avodah zarah of the cheit haeigel destroyed the plans to construct a mishkan which would house the luchos
that were carved by Hashem.
The destruction of the second Beis Hamikdash was precipitated by divisiveness within the Jewish people, characterized by
sinas chinam – baseless hatred. A Beis Hamikdash that owed its existence and sanctity to the Jewish people can only exist
when the Jewish people are united, not when they are split by baseless hatred. Our ability to create kedushas hamikdash is
conditional on our acting as a united people.
As we begin chodesh Nissan, may we merit to be redeemed as in the days of Yetzias Mitzrayim, and once again see the Beis
Hamikdash and be privileged to serve Hashem as in the days of old.

‫מזל טוב‬
‫ מזל טוב‬to Rabbi Brahm Weinberg on Chag Hasmicha!
Chag Hasmicha, every four years, celebrates those who have been ordained.
In 1953 Rabbi Belkin said,” ..The ceremony of ordination is not simply graduation, and we therefore do
not make it a yearly ritual...for we believe that from Torah and its study, no one ever graduates.”


Let's support our Shul by buying scrip ! Every dollar counts!
Contact: Judith Hessing (860-233-6042) at 18 Grenhart Street

 YIWH Schedule of Services  It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush

March 12th - 19th, 2010
Shabbat Mevorchim Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei/HaChodesh
Or Seudah Shlishit!

Friday, March 12th Shul handles set up & Clean up!

Shacharit 6:30 a.m.(YIH) & 6:45 a.m. Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178
Candle Lighting 5:35 p.m. or to
Mincha/Maariv 5:40 p.m. check the availability of the date
Shabbat, March 13th you need & to make the
Rabbi Sheinkopf’s Mishna Brurah Class 8:00 a.m. arrangements for the type of
Shacharit 8:45 a.m. Kiddush you want to sponsor.
Sof Zman Kriat Shma 9:04 a.m. Checks need to be received
Shabbat Morning Youth Groups 10:00 a.m. the Sunday prior to your
Shabbat Afternoon Shiur 4:25 p.m. Kiddush date. Send to David
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & Maariv 5:25 p.m. Cohen at 19 Mansfield Avenue.
Shabbat Ends 6:36 p.m. There are three types
Sunday, March 14th - Thursday, March 18th Standard for $150,
Earliest Tallit & Tefillin 6:16 a.m. Semi-Deluxe for $250
Shacharit... Sunday followed by Rabbi Weinberg’s 8:15 a.m. & Deluxe for $350
Gemara Shiur on Masechet Chulin Perek 8 With supplements available.
Shacharit…Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 6:30 a.m.(YIH) & 6:45 a.m.
For Seudah Shlishit contact
Shacharit…Tuesday - Rosh Chodesh Nissan 6:15 a.m.(YIH) & 6:30 a.m.
Stan Rutstein at 232-3369
Mincha/Maariv BACK AT YIWH 6:40 p.m.
Friday, March 19th Kiddush Schedule
Shacharit 6:30a.m.(YIH) & 6:45 a.m. 3/13 Cohen/Anonymous
Candle Lighting 6:43 p.m.
Mincha/Maariv 6:48 p.m.

Check out the Weekly Schedule on the Shul Website:

Times from:
Ner La’Maor
Lights Pat La’Orchim
Evelyn & David Hessing Challah rolls for Seudah Shlishit Kiddush Supplement
In Memory of their Grandmothers Betty & Irving Wizenfeld Rabbi Brahm & Elana Weinberg
Sarah Schwimmer Betty Wizenfeld in memory of her In honor of their parents
‫שרה רבקה בת חנוך היינך ודבורה‬ Parents Tobias & Esther Spira Morrie & Lynn Weinberg
And ‫טוביה בן צבי אלימלך‬ Dr. Howard & Miriam Rosenblum
Chava Bat Bahiya ‫אסתר בת דוד הכהן‬
‫חוה בת בהיה‬ Irv Wizenfeld in memory of his father
Sam Wizenfeld Seudah Shlishit Supplement
Yayin l’ Kiddush Ve'Havdalah ‫שמואל מאיר בן יצחק הכהן‬ 12:14 ‫קהלת‬
Wine for Kiddush & Havdallah ‫”סוף דבר הכל נשמע‬
Judy Leichtberg & Batsheva ‫את האלקים ירא‬
Goldfischer in memory of their 5770 Candy Man: ‫ואת מצותיו שמור‬
father and grandfather, Bernard Kesler “‫כי זה כל האדם‬
Israel Weiss in memory of his father Anonymous
‫ישראל בן דוד‬ Sender ben Avraham Zelig
and their mother & grandmother ‫סנדר בן אברהם זליג‬
Frida Weiss
‫טויבא פרידה בת עזרא‬

Want to join the Listserve?

If you are interested in subscribing to the yiwhevents listserve, send an e-mail to and he will add
your name. If you are a member of the group, you can send an e-mail to the entire group by addressing your e-mail to .

 YIWH Schedule of Services  It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush

March 19th - 26th, 2010
Shabbat Parashat Vayikra
Or Seudah Shlishit!

Friday, March 19th Shul handles set up & Clean up!

Shacharit 6:30 a.m.(YIH) & 6:45 a.m. Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178
Candle Lighting 5:43 p.m. or to
Mincha/Maariv 5:48 p.m. check the availability of the date
Shabbat, March 20th you need & to make the
Rabbi Sheinkopf’s Mishna Brurah Class 8:00 a.m. arrangements for the type of
Shacharit 8:45 a.m. Kiddush you want to sponsor.
Sof Zman Kriat Shma 9:58 a.m. Checks need to be received
Shabbat Morning Youth Groups 10:00 a.m. the Sunday prior to your
Shabbat Afternoon Shiur 5:35 p.m. Kiddush date. Send to David
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & Maariv 6:35 p.m. Cohen at 19 Mansfield Avenue.
Shabbat Ends 7:44 p.m. There are three types
Sunday, March 21st - Thursday, March 25th of Kiddushim:
Earliest Tallit & Tefillin 6:04 a.m. Standard for $150,
Shacharit... Sunday followed by Rabbi Weinberg’s 8:15 a.m. Semi-Deluxe for $250
Gemara Shiur on Masechet Chulin Perek 8 & Deluxe for $350
Shacharit…Monday - Thursday 6:30 a.m.(YIH) & 6:45 a.m. With supplements available.
Mincha/Maariv BACK AT YIWH 6:40 p.m.
For Seudah Shlishit contact
Friday, March 26th
Stan Rutstein at 232-3369
Shacharit 6:30a.m.(YIH) & 6:45 a.m.
Candle Lighting 6:51 p.m. Kiddush Schedule
Mincha/Maariv 6:56 p.m.

Check out the Weekly Schedule on the Shul Website:

Times from:
Ner La’Maor
Lights Pat La’Orchim
Evelyn & David Hessing Challah rolls for Seudah Shlishit Kiddush Supplement
In Memory of their Grandmothers Betty & Irving Wizenfeld Rabbi Brahm & Elana Weinberg
Sarah Schwimmer Betty Wizenfeld in memory of her In honor of their parents
‫שרה רבקה בת חנוך היינך ודבורה‬ Parents Tobias & Esther Spira Morrie & Lynn Weinberg
And ‫טוביה בן צבי אלימלך‬ Dr. Howard & Miriam Rosenblum
Chava Bat Bahiya ‫אסתר בת דוד הכהן‬
‫חוה בת בהיה‬ Irv Wizenfeld in memory of his father
Sam Wizenfeld Seudah Shlishit Supplement
Yayin l’ Kiddush Ve'Havdalah ‫שמואל מאיר בן יצחק הכהן‬ 12:14 ‫קהלת‬
Wine for Kiddush & Havdallah ‫”סוף דבר הכל נשמע‬
Judy Leichtberg & Batsheva ‫את האלקים ירא‬
Goldfischer in memory of their 5770 Candy Man: ‫ואת מצותיו שמור‬
father and grandfather, Bernard Kesler “‫כי זה כל האדם‬
Israel Weiss in memory of his father Anonymous
‫ישראל בן דוד‬ Sender ben Avraham Zelig
and their mother & grandmother ‫סנדר בן אברהם זליג‬
Frida Weiss
‫טויבא פרידה בת עזרא‬

Want to join the Listserve?

If you are interested in subscribing to the yiwhevents listserve, send an e-mail to and he will add
your name. If you are a member of the group, you can send an e-mail to the entire group by addressing your e-mail to .

 YIWH Schedule of Services  It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush

March 26th - April 3rd, 2010
Shabbat HaGadolParashat Vayikra / First Days of Pesach
Or Seudah Shlishit!

Friday, March 26th Shul handles set up & Clean up!

Shacharit 6:30 a.m.(YIH) & 6:45 a.m. Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178
Candle Lighting 6:51 p.m. or to
Mincha/Maariv 6:56 p.m. check the availability of the date
Shabbat, March 27th - Shabbat HaGadol you need & to make the
Rabbi Sheinkopf’s Mishna Brurah Class 8:00 a.m. arrangements for the type of
Shacharit 8:45 a.m. Kiddush you want to sponsor.
Sof Zman Kriat Shma 9:51 a.m. Checks need to be received
Shabbat Morning Youth Groups 10:00 a.m. the Sunday prior to your
Rabbi Weinberg’s Shabbat HaGadol Drasha 5:30 p.m. Kiddush date. Send to David
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & Maariv 6:40 p.m. Cohen at 19 Mansfield Avenue.
Shabbat Ends 7:52 p.m. There are three types
Sunday, March 28th of Kiddushim:
Earliest Tallit & Tefillin 5:52 a.m. Standard for $150,
Shacharit... Sunday 8:15 a.m. Semi-Deluxe for $250
Mincha/Maariv 6:55 p.m. & Deluxe for $350
Bedikat Chametz After... 7:53 p.m. With supplements available.
For Seudah Shlishit contact
Monday, March 29th - Erev Pesach
Stan Rutstein at 232-3369
Alot Hashachar 5:29 a.m.
Shacharit & Siyum Bechorot 6:15 a.m.(YIH) & 6:30 a.m. Kiddush Schedule
Latest Time for Eating Chametz (M”A) 10:26 a.m.
Latest Time for Owning/Burning Chametz (M”A) 11:41 a.m.
Chatzot 12:56 p.m.
Candle Lighting 6:54 p.m.
Mincha/Maariv 7:00 p.m.
Start Seder After… 7:55 p.m.

Tuesday 30th - 1st Day of Pesach

Shacharit 9:00 a.m.
Mincha/Maariv 7:00 p.m.
Candle Lighting After... 7:55 p.m.
Wednesday, March 31st - 2nd Day of Pesach
Shacharit 9:00 a.m.
Mincha/Maariv 7:00 p.m.
Chag Ends 7:56 p.m.
Thursday, April 1st - Chol HaMoed Pesach
Shacharit…Thursday 6:15 a.m.(YIH) & 6:30 a.m.
Mincha/Maariv 7:00 p.m.

Friday, April 2nd - Chol HaMoed Pesach

Shacharit 6:15 a.m.(YIH) & 6:30 a.m.
Candle Lighting 6:58 p.m.
Mincha/Maariv 7:03 p.m.
Shabbat, April 3rd - Chol HaMoed Pesach
Rabbi Sheinkopf’s Mishna Brurah Class 8:15 a.m.
Shacharit 9:00 a.m.
Sof Zman Kriat Shma 9:44 a.m.
Shabbat Morning Youth Groups 10:00 a.m.
Rabbi Weinberg’s Shabbat Afternoon Shiur 5:50 p.m.
Mincha / Maariv 6:50 p.m.
Shabbat Ends 7:59p.m.

 YIWH Schedule of Services  It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush

April 2nd - 9th, 2010
Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach/Last Days of Pesach
Or Seudah Shlishit!
Friday, April 2nd - Chol HaMoed Pesach
Shacharit 6:15 a.m.(YIH) & 6:30 a.m. Shul handles set up & Clean up!
Candle Lighting 6:58 p.m. Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178
Mincha/Maariv 7:03 p.m. or to
check the availability of the date
Shabbat, April 3rd - Chol HaMoed Pesach
you need & to make the
Rabbi Sheinkopf’s Mishna Brurah Class 8:15 a.m.
arrangements for the type of
Shacharit 9:00 a.m.
Kiddush you want to sponsor.
Sof Zman Kriat Shma 9:44 a.m.
Checks need to be received
Shabbat Morning Youth Groups 10:00 a.m.
the Sunday prior to your
Rabbi Weinberg’s Shabbat Afternoon Shiur 5:50 p.m.
Kiddush date. Send to David
Mincha / Maariv 6:50 p.m.
Cohen at 19 Mansfield Avenue.
Shabbat Ends 7:59p.m.
There are three types
Sunday, April 4th - Erev Chag of Kiddushim:
Earliest Tallit & Tefillin 5:39 a.m. Standard for $150,
Shacharit... Sunday followed by Rabbi Weinberg’s 8:15 a.m. Semi-Deluxe for $250
Gemara Shiur on Masechet Chulin Perek 8 & Deluxe for $350
Candle Lighting 7:00 p.m. With supplements available.
Mincha/Maariv 7:05 p.m.
For Seudah Shlishit contact
Monday, April 5th - 7th Day of Pesach Stan Rutstein at 232-3369
Shacharit 9:00 a.m.
Mincha/Maariv 7:05 p.m. Kiddush Schedule
Candle Lighting After... 8:01 p.m. 5/1 Wolfe/Schwarcz

Tuesday, April 6th - 8th Day of Pesach

Shacharit 9:00 a.m.
Mincha/Maariv 7:05 p.m.
Chag Ends 8:03 p.m.
Chametz Sold with R. Weinberg may be eaten after... 8:45 p.m.
Wednesday & Thursday, April 7th & 8th
Shacharit…Wednesday & Thursday 6:30 a.m.(YIH) & 6:45 a.m.
Mincha/Maariv 7:05 p.m.
Friday, April 9th
Shacharit 6:30a.m.(YIH) & 6:45 a.m.
Candle Lighting 7:06 p.m.
Mincha/Maariv 7:11 p.m.
Ner La’Maor
Lights Pat La’Orchim
Evelyn & David Hessing Challah rolls for Seudah Shlishit Kiddush Supplement
In Memory of their Grandmothers Betty & Irving Wizenfeld Rabbi Brahm & Elana Weinberg
Sarah Schwimmer Betty Wizenfeld in memory of her In honor of their parents
‫שרה רבקה בת חנוך היינך ודבורה‬ Parents Tobias & Esther Spira Morrie & Lynn Weinberg
And ‫טוביה בן צבי אלימלך‬ Dr. Howard & Miriam Rosenblum
Chava Bat Bahiya ‫אסתר בת דוד הכהן‬
‫חוה בת בהיה‬ Irv Wizenfeld in memory of his father Sam
Yayin l’ Kiddush Ve'Havdalah Wizenfeld Seudah Shlishit Supplement
Wine for Kiddush & Havdallah ‫שמואל מאיר בן יצחק הכהן‬ 12:14 ‫קהלת‬
Judy Leichtberg & Batsheva ‫”סוף דבר הכל נשמע‬
Goldfischer in memory of their ‫את האלקים ירא‬
father and grandfather, 5770 Candy Man: ‫ואת מצותיו שמור‬
Israel Weiss Bernard Kesler “‫כי זה כל האדם‬
‫ישראל בן דוד‬ in memory of his father Anonymous
and their mother & grandmother Sender ben Avraham Zelig
Frida Weiss ‫סנדר בן אברהם זליג‬
‫טויבא פרידה בת עזרא‬

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