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‘THE STATE OF TEXAS )( warrant oJ 3 H)5 COUNTY OF TARRANT MAG Cire WARRANT OF ARREST ‘TO ANY PEACE OFFICER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: ‘The undersigned Magistrate having heretofore found that probable cause exists forthe issuance of this warran, you are hereby commanded to arrest BILLY RAY MINKLEY JR. WHITE MALE, DOB 11/24/1972 hereinafter referred to as the suspect, and bring the said suspect before a Magistrate in and for “Tarrant County, Texas, insante, then and there to answer the State of Texas for an offense against the laws ofthe Said State to-wit CAPITAL MURDER ‘of which offense HIF the std suspect, is accused by the writen affidavit, under oath of Detective KC Sullivan 2912 Fort Worth Police Department fled before me anterior tothe issuance of this warrant, Herein fail not and due ream make hereof at the place hereinafter named, Witness afc signte tis the 1B _cay or eget ,a.0,20 (57 (ede, (WhO MAGISTRATE IGAND FOR FORT WORTH, ‘TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS FORT WORTH MUNICIPAL COURT a __‘h BOND SeT BY JUDGE: 4 IOD, om 11M WOann | RETURN Came onto hand on the _ day 2 20_sand executed onthe day 0 "NAME OF PEACE OFFICER DESCRIPTION OF OFFICE FLD THOMAS A WILDER. DIS: CLERIC TTARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS crue state ortexasy S18 2068 warranrno.PC 31% COUNTY OF TARRANTYy 1459 _ ARREST WAI yPAVIT a DEPUTY Nee Cate BEFORE ME, the undersigned aithority, on this day personally appeared the undersigned affiant, who after being duly swom on oath deposes and says; My name is Detective KC Sullivan 2912, Fort Worth Police Department, and I have good reason to believe and do believe that on or about he 28" day of May, 2014 in Tarrant County, Texas, Billy Ray Minkley Jr, white male, Date of Birth 11-24-1972 did then and there commit the offense of CAPITAL MURDER in that he did then and there intentionally cause the death of a an individual , David Adams, by shooting him in the head and then and there intentionally cause the death of an individual, Elizabeth Sessums, by shooting her in the head and did then and ‘there intentionally cause the death ofa an individual, Ronney Jackson, by shooting him in the ‘chest and all three murders were commited during the same criminal transaction, [My belief is based upon th following facts and information ‘On June 02, 2014 at approximately 1130 hours, the Fort Worth Police were called to 200 Sunset Lane, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, in reference to a deceased person call. Call ‘details stated that a father believed that he may have discovered his son dead inside the house. Officer Stevenson 4057 responded to the residence. Officer Stevenson made entry into the residence and discovered tie deceased bodies of two males and one female. The bodies were in ‘an advanced state of decomposition and appeared to have been deceased for several days. Officer Stevenson made notification to the Homicide Unit. (On June 02, 2014 at approximately 1221 hours, I, Detective KC Sullivan 2912 assigned to the Homicide Unit, respondec to 200 Sunset Lane and met with Officer Stevenson. It appeared that all three people had reseived gunshot wounds and were victims of a homicide. ‘A search warrant was obleined for the residence. I conducted an examination of the residence and noted that a male was deceased on the living room sofa. A female was deceased on the floor ofthe living room ard a second male was deceased in the bedroom. Crime Scene Officer Williams and Officer Schsicm processed the scene for evidence. Several pieces of evidence were collected from the scene that may have the potential for DNA. The bodies were later transported to the Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s Otice (On June 03, 2014 I was contacted by the Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office. The victims were identified as David Adams w/m 02-17-1964, Blizabeth Sessums wif 02-21-1967, ‘and Ronney Jackson win: 06-20-1956. David Adams and Elizabeth Sessums had gunshot ‘wounds to their head, Ronney Jackson had a gunshot wound to his chest. Their deaths were ruled homicides. pe SeHS In the early stages ofthe investigation it was leamed that Elizabeth Sessums and David Adams ‘had cell phones stolen atthe time ofthe offense. I would later learn that a laptop computer had also been stolen. 1 conducted a thorough investigation and was unable to identify any leads into the idemtity of the suspect(s). (On August 24, 2015 I received a phone call from Sgt Connaughton with the Texas Attorney General's Office, Sgt Comaughton advised that he had an informant that said he may have some information regarding this case, Sgt Connaughton arranged for me to mect this informant. (On August 25, 2015 Detective O'Brien and I met with the informant who wished to remain ‘anonymous due to the severity ofthis erime, ‘The informant said that he/she did not have any direct knowledge of the murders. The informant stated that he/she recently leamed that a past friend of his/hers named Billy Ray Minkley (aka Tank) had been arrested for murder in Graham, Texas. The informant said that Minkley used to live with Ronney Jackson and Elizabeth Sessums at 200 Sunset. The informant stated that he/she understood that Minkley hhad a disagreement with Ronney and Elizabeth over property that Minkley had stored at 200 ‘Sunset. ‘The informant said that he/she knew that Minkley was abusing methamphetamines and ‘was known to carry handguns, The informant identified Minkley's girftiend as Emmie Moon and stated that Minkley aid Moon left town around the time of the murder, The informant ‘again stated that he/she did not have any direct knowledge linking Minkley to the murders but felt that Minkley eould have committed the murders due tothe fact that Minkley was arrested for a murder in Graham, Texas Research was conducted end Minkley was identified as Billy Ray Minkley wim 11-24-1972. emmie Moon was identified as Mary Emmie Moon wif 05-08-1981. I confirmed that Minkley ‘was currently in custody in Young County. {phoned Sgt Smith with the Graham Police Department. Set Smith verified that Minkley hed ‘been arrested in connection with the murder of a female that had been missing in Graham, ‘Texas. Set Smith said thst Minkley was in custody for Unlawful Possession of a Firearm by Felon and Tampering with Physical brian, StS povided eh a phone number fr Mine, [CONPDENMAL) 3a Sith sid that Mary Moon vas living at cowmoemad| raha, rene pe WHS On September 1, 2015 Detective Green and I met with Mary Moon st COMRDEMTAL) Graham ‘Fnas” Moon provid me wih hr eel phone nner o|COMFDENTIAL) Moon slated the following: vy vo vvv vv v v v vovvy ‘Moon verified that Billy Ray Minkley is her boyfriend and they have been together since February 2014 ‘Moon stated that on the night of the offense, she and Minkley went to Ronney and Elizabeth's house to obtain property they had been storing there Minkkley weat inside the house and she stayed outside in the ear ‘Moon said a short time later she heard sounds that sounded like a car back firing coming from inside the house Moon said tat she heard more than two back fires noises Minkley came outside Moon said tat Minkley said that Ronney had pulled a gun on Minkley and Minkley shot Ronney Minkley said he shot some unknown male inside and that Elizabeth tried to call the police so Minkley shot Blizabeth too ‘Minkley told Moon to come inside the residence ‘Moon went inside and observed the dead body of David Adams on the sofa in the living room and saw that he was bleeding from his head ‘Moon said that Elizabeth was lying down on the living room floor and she had ‘blood coming from her hear ‘Moon said that Ronney was in the bedroom floor slumped over Moon said that there was nobody else with her ot Minkley ‘Moon said that she retrieved items from the house that belonged to her and ‘Minkley ret-ieved items that reportedly belonged to him Moon said that Minkley took Elizabeth's cell phone and a cell phone that she believed to belong to Ronney as well as a laptop with a cracked computer Moon was able to provide a description of the scene and bodies that only a person that was familiar with the crime would know. Moon provided me with several pieces of property that she had at her house that was taken from 200 Sunset after the murders. Pc 3rHs On September 4, 2015 I conducted a phone interview with Minkley's father, Billie Ray Minkley Sr. Minkley Sr. advised that his son had confessed to him that he had killed three people in self-defense, Minkley Sr. said that Minkley Je. said that a guy pulled a gun on him and Minkley Jr. took the gun away and shot the guy. Two other people in the house then began to grab Minkley Jr. and Makley Jr, said that he fired two quick shots. Minkley Sr, stated that Minkley J. called from jail and told him this in a phone call on September 1, 2015. ‘That based upon the above facts and information being related to him and as a result of his investigation, your affiant does have season to believe aud docs Uclicve that Billy Ray Minkley Jr, white male, Date of Birth 11-24-1972, did there commit the offense of CAPITAL MURDER against the laws of the State of Texas asset forth in the Penal Code, WHEREFORE, I request hat an arrest warrant isue forthe suspect hereinbefore designated according othe laws ofthis State a WITNESS my signature this the [¢ day of. Scrrenbel 20. LAS. Ke SUBSCRIBED, AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this the IG dy of 20 Kater, Luc y— ‘MAGISTRATE IN QD FOR FORT WORTH, ‘TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS FORT WORTH MUNCIPAL COURT

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