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Application Note 101

Using Intellution Fix with the MOD I/O PLC/DCS Interface

This document details the connection of the MOD I/O PLC/DCS Interface to Intellution*
Fix32 or iFix using the MB1 Modicon Modbus driver. The MOD I/O must be attached
directly to the computer running Fix via an RS232 cable.
System Requirements

Pentium 166 mH or faster processor with CD-ROM drive

Windows NT 4.0 or higher

At least one serial (RS232) port for attaching the MOD I/O

MOD I/O PLC/DCS Interface

Intellution Fix32 or iFix

Intellution MB1 Modicon Modbus driver

Installing the Hach MOD I/O Module PLC/DCS Interface

Attach one end of the 9-pin cable (included with the MOD I/O) to the RS232 port located on
the back of the MOD I/O Module. Attach the opposite end of the cable to the computer serial
port (typically marked COM1 or COM2) on the computer. Connect power to the MOD I/O by
plugging the supplied ac adapter into the power jack on the MOD I/O and then into an
appropriate electrical socket.
Refer to the Hach MOD I/O Manual (Cat. No. 57100-18) for MOD I/O installation and
configuration details, and for register configuration information.

Installing the Modbus Driver

Install the MB1 Modicon Modbus v6.10c driver from the Intellution I/O Drivers and OPC
Servers CD or from the Intellution web site ( Version 6.10c of the MB1
Modicon Modbus driver was used in this example.

* Intellution, iFix, and Fix32 are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Intellution Corporation.

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Using Intellution Fix with the MOD I/O PLC/DCS Interface

Application Note 101

Establishing the iFix System Configuration
1. Start the SCU (System Configuration Utility) by clicking Start, Programs, iFIX, System
Configuration. The configuration screen with the tool box is shown:

2. Click on the SCADA button in the red toolbox.

3. Click on the I/O Driver Name (of the driver installed earlier). For this example,
select MB1 Modicon Modbus v6.10c and click OK. The SCADA configuration dialog
box appears:

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4. Click the Add button, then the Configure button.
The MB1 Driver Configurator dialog box appears:

Configuring the MB1 Driver

1. Click on the Channel 1 button and type in a device name (MOD1 for this example).
2. Enter a description (Modbus to MODIO for this example).
3. Enter 1 as the Primary Station. Be sure to delete the dash (-) from the primary
station field. The completed dialog box is shown following Step 10.
4. Click on the Setup button. The Channel 1 Communication Settings dialog
box appears:

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5. Configure the Channel 1 Communication Settings as shown for the default MOD I/O
settings. If the MOD I/O communication settings are different from the default or if a
port other than COM 1 is being used, make the appropriate changes.
6. Click OK to close the dialog box. The MB1 Driver Configurator Dialog Box appears.
7. Click in the empty white cell of I/O Block1, Column Start to activate the Poll Record
Edit dialog box:

8. Edit the Poll Record Edit dialog as shown to access the floating point value of
Sensor Number 1, Measurement Number 1 (a Hach 1720D Turbidimeter was used in
this example).
Note: See the MOD I/O Manual (Cat. No. 57100-18) for a detailed description of the register
structure of the MOD I/O.

9. Enter the Start Address and the Length, then select the Float Data Type. The End
Address should automatically increment to one more than the Start Address.

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10. Click OK after editing the Poll Record Edit dialog box. The MB1 Driver Configurator
dialog box appears:

11. Click File, Save As from the MB1 Driver Configurator menu bar. The Save As dialog
box appears:

12. Make sure the file name is FIX.MB1 and click OK.
13. Click File, Exit from the MB1 Driver Configurator menu bar to close the dialog box.

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14. Click OK on the SCADA Configuration dialog to close the dialog box.

15. If the SCU-FIX (System Configuration Utility) window is not visible, click on the
SCU-FIX icon in the Start menu bar located at the bottom of the screen. The SCU-FIX
display will appear:

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16. Click File, Save from the SCU-FIX menu bar.
17. Click File, Exit to close SCU-FIX.

Building the iFIX Database

1. Click on Start, Programs, iFIX, Startup.The Intellution Dynamics Workspace window
(in the configure mode) appears:

2. Click on the Add Database Block icon located in the window tool bar.
3. Enter a Database Block name, Sensor1Turbidity for this example then click on the Add
button as shown:

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4. The Select a Block Type Dialog box appears:

5. Select the Analog Input Block Type AI.

6. Click OK. The Analog Input dialog box appears:

7. Select MB1 Modicon Modbus v6.10c for the Driver, enter MOD1:31001 as the I/O
Address, and enter NTU as the units.

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8. Click the Add button. The Place Block On/Off Scan dialog box appears:

9. Click Yes. A window for creating displayed units will appear:

10. Click on the Datalink button in the floating Toolbox.

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11. Hold the left mouse button down and draw a rectangle on the screen. The Datalink
dialog box will appear:

12. Select FIX32.FIX.Sensor1Turbidity.F_CV in the Source box.

13. In the Formatting section of the dialog box, select Numeric as the Type and set the
Decimal units to 3.
14. Click OK. The data block, now configured as a datalink, is placed on the iFIX
Dynamics Workspace. The following screen will be shown:

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15. Press Ctrl+W to place the iFIX Dynamics Workspace in the Run mode. The real time
turbidity value should be displayed:

16. Press Ctrl+W again to switch back to the Configure mode. Save the configuration via
File, Save As.
17. Close the file from the iFIX Startup window. Click Options, Shutdown iFiX.

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18. Select Save to save the database when closing down iFIX.

For more information, visit our AquaTrend Technical Information site at:


In the U.S.A. Call toll-free 800-227-4224
Outside the U.S.A. Contact the HACH office or distributor serving you.
On the Worldwide Web; E-mail

Hach Company, Process and Turbidity Business Unit, 2000. All rights reserved.

Telephone: (970) 669-3050
FAX: (970) 669-2932

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