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av AV aves aN 9 oa Full Autonomy guaranteed to all Free National Beings. THIS TRUST INDENTURE is made as of the Zs day of August, 2015 BETWEEN Clayton-M. Berard-Ex a World Gtizen (hereinafter called the "Settor" - and - las Linwood J. Fielos, ‘a Worle Gitzen (hereinafter called the "Trustee", and is forthe sole purpese of announcing the Status, Natonailty, Bithvight, Rights, Heredtaments, Religious Society. etal applicable, of and or for the “Setior” and 's subject to International Law & Treaties. his Trust is created by "Seto". and the property ‘s exchanged to and accepted by “Trustee” on behalf ot he Beneficaly. This Trust (heremafer caled "Trust’) establ shes a Deviaration, a Prociamation, a Notice by atiavi, and is afirmes in the form of this EXPRESS TRUST ORGANIZATION. This Expression is created on {and forthe record by this Trust Indenture and is authorized fo exist in contract law. It's agreed by “Trustee® that ‘once the acknowledgement for this Trust indenture is signad by both partes, aia or acitional property © acknowledged and exchanged into the Trust thereatter, the property willbe immediately retuned to setter 0 administrate as he sees ft, and its further understood that tis Trust shall functor through the Settor, acting ‘as managing diector, holding ful tte, for the benefit of tha same for this Express Trust ‘The name ofthis Trust shall be CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD EXPRESS TRUST. (hereinafter called "Tust| hhereinater referred to as the "Trust". under this Trust Indenture. This "Trust" may incorporate the public nominee of CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD HOLDING COMPANY, hereinatter referred to as "Trust" inthis Trust Indenture and may be used interchangeably throughout its existence. ARTICLE ONE RIGHTS. ‘The "Settler" is a Free National Being and part and parce! to the World Government and Ethiopian Wotld Federaton, Incorporated, the “Trust” shal! be originally domicied in the jurisdiction of the Ethiopian World Federaton, Incorporated, and shal be interpreted and construes under the Constitution and bylaws of the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, and Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agonts Association (The) "Settior" hereby invokes any protections, benefits and rights in any and ail interrational agreements or Treaties for, to, concerning, and or between, the Ethopians and Native Americans and or the Indigenous Orginal Peoples of North South and Central America, et. al. applicable, and hereby reserves: 1. All rights to obtain, use, request, 0” refuse or authorize the administration of. ary food, beverage, nourishment, or wate. or any substance to be infused or injected into, or affecting the body by any means whatsoever 2. Al ighis to request, ruse, or authorize the adminstration of, any drug manpulation, material. process. procedure, ray, oF wave which alters, or might alter the present or future state ofthe body! ‘mind. spirit, or wil by any means, method, or process whatsoever 3. All rights to access and use utlties: upo7 discharge of the same unit cost as the comparable units of usage offered to most-favored customers, including cable, electricity, garbage, gas, internet, satelite, sewage, telephone, water, ww [internet], ang all other matheds communications, energy transmission’ and 00d or water distribution reserving all rights on trace names copyrighted and noticed to all users above: 4. All nights to barter, buy, contract, sell trade ideas, products, services, intellectual properties or work 5, Al rights to create, invent, adopt, tlize, promulgate any system oF a barter, economic exchange, sa iateicenas oe voomunero osanet i come earns CERTIFIED COPY iAus At 6. All rights to use any fre, rented, leased. purchased, adversely possessed, xed or mobile domicile, as though same were a permanent domicile, without any requirement to appy for or oblain any government license, permit, certificate, or permission of any kind whatsoever: 7-.All rights to manage, maneuver. direct, guide, navigate, o travel in any form of automobile or motorized conveyance whatsoever without any requirement to zpply for or obtain any government license, perm, certicate, or permission of any kind whatsoever 8. All rights to enter in obligations and procreate olfspring, and to rear, educate, tain, qude. and spirtu enlighten any such offspring, without any requiremert to appy for or obtain any government icense, permit certfcate, or permission o' any kind whatsoever or have my Indigenous Offspring subject fo agencies of the Unted States or United States of America 9. All ights to buy. Sol, rade, grow, plat, cultivate, harvest, raise, gather. hunt, trap. ange, and store food ‘marjuana, hemp, tobacco, ber, pant, herbs, Cannas Sativa, and raw materials for food, svelte. clothing, consumation,spirtual enightenment, medicine and survival 10. Alrights to exercise freedom of religion, worship, use of sacraments, spiritual practice, expression, status nationality and birthright, wthout any burden on religous practces or the ike, abridgment of tree speech, or te right to pubish, othe right to peaceably assemble, or the right to pettion Governments for redress of ‘grievances, or correction ofthe ke on ad for he punic and or prvate record 11, Allrights to keep and bear arms, conceaied or urconcealed, for sel-deferse of sat, family, and parties entreating physical protection of person, or propery 12. Allrights to create, preserve, and maintain inviolable, spiritual sanctuary and receive into same any and at parties requesting safety and shelter: 18. Allrights to create documents of rave! of every kr whatsoever. inckiding those signifying diplomatic sfatus and immunay as a free. independent, and sovereign state-n-fact 14, Allciaims of ownership or Onginal and Certficates of tie to the corporeal and incorporeal hereditaments, hnetedkary succession, and all innate aspects of being, i.e. mind, body. SoU), ree wil, faculies. and seit 15. Allrights to privacy and secury in person and propery. including but not limited to all rights to safety and. security of all household or sanctuary dwelles or guest, and all papers and effects betonging to Ciayton-M. Bemard-Ex SETTLOR, TRUSTOR. ASSIGNOR. CONSIGNOR, BAILOR, GRANTOR BENEFICIARY, or any household o” sanctuary dwellers or guest, against governmental, quasigovernmental, or private intrusion, detained, entry, sozure, search, suneilance, trespass, assault, SuNmONS, oF Warrant exceDt wth proot of euperor claim oul fed in the Commercial Registy by any such inttuding party in the private Capacity of such intruding party, notwithstanding whatever purpare authonty, warrant, order, law, 0 col0’ of law may be promulgated as the authority for any such iusion, detainer, entry, sezure, search, surveliance, teespass, assaut, summons, oF warrant ARTICLE TWO TRUST PRCPERTY. "Settlor” hereby offess to convey. via this express Trust, on and forthe record, certan properties of De jue ‘expressions, proof, credentials, certifications, autheriieaton, dacumentation,affdavis, anouncements, declarations, proclamations, the nature, tings, correspondence, information, dertifying marks, images. licenses or travel documents, materials, permits, regstrations. and reco:ds and records numbers held by any ‘entity public oF private for any purpose, however acauired, as well as tne analyses and uses tnereot. and any Notery Public commission No 753 ae CERTIFIED COPY ‘Gentitying, processing, storing of transmiting said applications, ings. correspondence, information, identiying marks, mage iceses or travel documerts, materials, permits, registrations, and records. records numbers, and the ike. and entity and description ofthe same, which are presently known by and oF presented to both the “Settior” and "Trustee" within each exchange. and which shal be further identitied and Sesorbed in Schedule A, a UCC tinaneng statement, are or appropriate minutes thereatte, and shall be incorporated herein by reference and or attachment immediately upon its execution: ‘Trust Property is prvate property in all Counties, States, and terstories of tne United States’ United States of ‘America, all other juiscicional areas, not withstanding any other country, Continents, and or terntory on Earth to be brought out ofthe fic , Secured by aboriginal and or orginal -allodal ttle records & Treaty Fights, etal applicable. ARTICLE THREE PURPOSES OF TRUST ‘The “Setlor’, desires to create this Trust to use as a ccnduit to express in the private and oto he public. for whatever reason deemed necessary, hs und sputed free national standards, status, natonaity,bithna} rights, immunties, announcements, credentials. eigion, and the lke, etal applicable. on and for the record for the benefit of the same, and to old ttle to the “Trust Property” and to manage, protect, present, record, fie, ‘amend, and conserve it untl the death ofthe Setior ARTICLE FOUR DISPOSITIVE PROVISIONS, ‘Whereas, dispositve refers to something that setles a confict or resolves a stuation once and for al. the *Settor may freely act under al or any of the powers ty this Agreemet given to him inal matters concerning the Trusts altar forming their judgment based upon all fe crcumstances of any particular stuation according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, and to determine the bast course to pursue inthe interest ofthe * Trust” and the "Bonoficiary’ without the necessily of cbtaining the consent or permission of any interested person, oF the consent or approval of any court, ‘The "Managing Director” shall have the power to determine the allocation of receipts between cospus and income, This Ttust wil have one benefciay for the Ife of the Trust, and that benefciary wil be the same as Seta ARTICLE FIVE TRUSTEE ADMINISTRATIVE POWERS. Whereas, “Settior” grants the Trustee powers af to assume the role(s) and ttle(s) of Board of Trustees, Secured Party Trustee, Executive, Director, or Admin srator for the “Trust” and can and shall be carried out in accordance with Trust Agreement. The "Trustee" shal be responsibe for delegation of authority and/or execution of the daly business of the Trust. To include the right to execute and delver all instrumants or walings which it ay deem advisabie to carry cut any ofthe foregoing powers on behalt of the beneliciary only if the Settior Managing Director is incapacitated, incarcerated, or in any capacity that prevents Setllor Managing Director from handling said Trustin. nce to this Trust Indenture. “Trustee” has al ofthe authority provided by the Texas Trust Code wh al rights retained tere (a) To compromise, sete, aratrate, or defend any claim or demand in favor of or against the Trusts in favor of Beneficiary (b) To incur and pay the ordinary and necessary expensas at administration, including (but not by way of limitation) reasonable attorneys" fees, administration fe2s, notary fees, and the ike. CERTIFIED COPY (c) To initiate o° defend, at the expense of the offender, any litigation for comoersatory or puntive damages on bhatt of the Beneficiary, this Agreement or any propety ofthe Trust estate (d) To act through an agent or attomey-in-fact, by and under power of attorney duly executed by the Setar ot the “Trustee”, in carrying out any ofthe authorized powers and dutes; The situs, and thereby the controling interpretational laws under which the “Trust” shall bo construed, may be changed to any olor stato or Nation as shall be deemed prudent wise, necessary, or appropriate by the Seto Managing Director, (6) To appoint his or her successor "Trustee", ether ofthe named "Trustee" shall de, resign, become incapacitated or rofuse to ac futher as "Trustee", without having appointed a successor “Tustee’, the ofner named "Trustee" may, but shall not be required 1, apport a successor “Trustee”. The appointment of a successor "Trustee® shal be mage by a duly acknowiedged instrument deivared to the primary beneficiaries and to the person, f ary. hen acting as “Trustee”. Trust specifically provides that a "Trustee" can delegate his ‘powers through a Power of Attorney. (f) To waive the payment a any compensation for er services {g) To interpret or constue the intent and drecton of tris Tust Indenture. (h) To amend this indenture in accordance with instructions from "Seitior Managing Directo” ARTICLE six ‘TRUSTEE INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS, “Seto instructs that “Trust” shall wthout benelit of dzcussion, an without dwvision, does hereby expressly ‘agree, covenant, and undertake the indentication of, and coes hold harmiess “Trustee” kom and agains but limited to any and all claims or legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments, domands. kabities. losses, depositions, summons's), Jawsuts, costs, fnes, lens, lies, penaibes, camages, inerests, and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are ove or may hereafter arse, lo include any such claims and the like that may hereafter arse with regard to any and al Colateral of Trust’ including, but nat limited to all “Trust Property’ Iisted n Schedule A fo: Coliateral, etal applicable, by separate document, resented herewth, ‘The named “Trustee” shall not be required to give any bond or other security. The "Trustee" shall not be lable for any mistake o: error of judgment in the administration of the Trusts, except for wilful misconduct, $0 long as they continue to exercise her dutes and powers in a capacty prmarly in the interests ofthe beneficary, Sai the Setuor Manasing Diectc i Incapactated. incarcerated o a any capac thal provers Settior Managing Director from handling said Trus! in accordance to| ARTICLE SEVEN IRREVOOABILITY. This “Trust” shall be inevocable, however, the “Settlo’ expressly does not waive ary rghts and powers. whether ‘alone on conjunction with others, and regardless of when or from what source he may have acquired such "igM's or powers, fo alter, amend, invoke, rai this Trust, orany ofthe terms ofthis Agreement, in whole or in par ARTICLE EIGHT siTUs. ‘This Trust has been executed and delivered within the State of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated and shail be constiued and administered according to he @ws ol inal Consttutonal World Government. The Trusts vested in the Principles of Tuth, Love, Peace, Justice ang Freedom, ang is consummated upen Isonomi Nature's Law, The stus, and needy ne contin interpretatonal ews under which tne “Ts shal be constived, may be ‘changed fo any othe state or Nation as shal be deemed prudert, wise ne Settior Managing Director. commun mer 2 CERTIFIED copy "ARTICLE NINE. PRINCIPLES OF JAM The degree of "represents the phase of consciousness that links one 1 their genetic nature. This symbolizes the inital sincere desire to “know’ his he’ natal bithights asi relates to ther national parentage identity, psyco-spirtual system for spirtual advancemert and the pursut of right law as it pertains fo thet earthy existence. As it was stated by Shek Shart Abdu! Al,"What your Ancient Mothers and Fathers were, you are today without doubt or contradiction’. This 3egree teaches the adept to focus on the “higher I. the genuine and essential Identty as opposed to the lower |” the replacement and faise Identity. The degree of ‘Seif represents the phase of consciousress that encourages one to "Know Thy Sal. This degree explores the physiology, occult anatomy. esoteric psychology and divine constitution in’ MAN. It urges the adept to leamn about his her "Microcosm Set as it acts as a reflection of the "Macrocosmic Sef. In the process ot “Learning Thy Seif to "Know Thy Seit” the higner consciousness presses toward the elevated manifestation of Logos. This degree, symbolized by the pyramid and al seeing eye, encompasses the mysteries o! a higher knowledge dvected toward an oper-endad iving mind which inftely reveals isel However, the adept soon leans atthe mystaries of tne open-ended living mind, coes not cortinue to bestow higher frequencies of light coded information unt "service" through rignt law (Isonom). s manifest among the brothernoods of the earth piane called Assiah The degree of Law’ represents the phase of consciousress that teaches MAN the science of governance: through the operative science of “Isonom:.” right law. as & relates 19 the seven unvversal princes (artcles) of the divine constitution. This degree urges that one practice, advocate and act mn divine accordance with “Universal Law” by respecting the “aées of cosmic nature". Right law, Isono™mi, symoolizes the operative ‘dearee of the universal principles, inaction, for the betterment of MAN, as a halstic entty. The practice of tis ‘degree can best be described in the book on 1st John 4.20-21. "If anyone says love God yet hates his bother, whom he has seen, cannot lve Gad, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command. Whoever loves God must also love his brother’. I you look closely in he center of the compass and sauare, you find the Masonic trowel which represent a tool used tp spread (love) cement between the bricks (ashlar, MAN) whie buicing the universal temple of T.G.A.0.T-U. (The Great Architect of the Unwverse), The degree of “Am” represents the phase ot consciousness that sparks the revelation of the “| Am" principe i inet kingdom with "GOD" presence lluminatng the darkness of uncertainty. This degree teaches the science of "synchronicty.” the discipline of how everything 's related, interconnected and has the divine spark Of the "Most High as te center of its existence, “As Above, So Below”. This aspect of the degree system ‘communes the "| Am” consciousness and inteligence to ‘he Planetary “I Am inteligence to the higher angele 1 Am’ intligence and go forth. The adapt, during this path of conscious enlightenment, begins to understand the evolutionary ascension of the hierarchy and the interpaation of the many universes (Chiicosm) within the vine mind The degree of ‘Master represerts the adep's journey to “ul” self discovery. As this degree is entiied wth the zodiacal ideograph of the murdane cross, « symbolizes the elease of one’s lower universal existence {rom the cycles o Ite and death or the wheel of barco (zodiacal whee!) trough one acting out of right psychospiitual ‘expression, rignt mediation, the postive practice of Isorami, the complete assimilation ofthe lower seff into the higher set and the unreserved submission tc the divine universal constituton of "The All". In ths ‘degree, the logos, the cole and the seven are mantest and elevated consc ousness of "Ho Christos” is revealed as MAN in a site of complaton: however, continuing toward his more perfected se as Adam Kagmon, oni Washington Ccommanveaih of Vigna Notary Publ Commision No. 788828, soot eves 26 CERTIFIED COPY ‘Acknowledgment: The acceptance and signing ofthe indenture by the “Trustee” shal! constitute the contrac land the signing ard acknowledging of appropiate Trust Minutes thereafter by the Settior Managing Di ‘nal const tute their acceptance of the Trust Indenture and the Trust property inthe same manner as the Trustee’, without furher act or conveya Inwitness whereof the "Settir” and the "Trustee" have evecuted this Agreement in on the date first set forth above, SETTLOR By: [sl Clorton M_Bervard Ex /e layton-M. Bernard-Ex. a Word Ctzer lace 1-300 Anal fecnucre j UE t- 280 [Hot Prgudion TaUsTEE a att saeace STATEMENT OF WITNESSES. ‘The foregoing CERTIFIED DECLARATION OF TRUST INDENTURE for Express Trust Organization named CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD EXPRESS TRUST, consisting ot (13) thirteen pages, including this page, was ssonec in our presence by Clayton-M. Bernard-Ex, and Ras Linwood J. Fields. \We, atthe request and in the presence ofthe "Settior andin tne presence of each other, have subscribed our hhames below as witnesses. We declare that we are of sound mind and of the proper age to witness an ievocable ‘Trust that fo the best of our knowledge the “Settior is a World Citizen, ofthe age of majority, or is otherwise legally competent to make an irrevocabe Trust. and appears of sound mind and under no undue influence or constraint within the physical coordinates of Longitude 38" 00°N Latitude 6700 W and Longitude 23°00’ Latitude 102" W and Longitude 60° 00" N Latitude 95' 00" W. et al We deciare and affim these statements are true and correct on this day of August, 2015, Signature of Witness Signature of Witness ted Aap! £ Printed Appeliaton Day’ 2015 Yearte Date Bete ‘beni Washington ccommonweath of Vigra Notary Publis of 3 CERTIFIED COPY Ba] WITNESS my State and IE 2ay ot c= 2018. AS Al b\w - 5 wayne (sea rem saiget Vig ne commanten No 7891328 : atic wy commen Eres 13016 CERTIFICATION OF NOTARY PUBLIC WITNESS my hand and official sea in the State wexnd, tis 12° Gay of August 2015. Ft * HI A Eboni Washi ‘commana of Wigs Notary Publi commision No 7531828. wy Gonmasen Exes 208 CERTIFICATION OF NOTARY PUBLIC as JW Mu. gt. toresn. ms_ | 2"Bay of August 2018. 44°93) 2'y pel € Nha is 7 Eboni Washingtor Ccommanweath of ‘commission No, 7591928 sup Commesen Epes 20 CERTIFIED COPY SCHEDULE A “Trust Property” Entered int this Gate by and between the "Settio* hereto and tne “Trustee” both World Citizens, wii the politcal jurisdiction ofthe Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated and World Goverrment, For the Scheduling of Asses for CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD EXPRESS TRUST Inevocaaie Express Tust Organization In harmony wh the Trust Indenture and te Trust Organzadon Bylaws, Settior hereby conveys the following described property, and is accepted by the “Trustee” y ard on beha of the Trust. Ths list of property is ‘comprehensive, and ' the written description of thase certain properties which were agreed upon and kown to both the “Settor and "Trustee" atthe te of the execution ofthe Trust indenture. and includes all properties transteried and accepted, to wt 4, PRECIOUS METALS (22) Twenty-Two pieces of (1) one troy ounce 99,9 percent pure Sitver Coins: | 2. SECURITY: A Gertitled Copy of form # 1099 ss. Filed in Los Angeles County CALIFORNIA et al anolicable. 4 Sea ras coerce ta Weotepen he taster 9 tons Foye 20 Se, avg ah Soe rer ecm OtTes Unie SrareS oe CMTED STATES TREASURY. oa ee ee Oe Pod Yong DO. Rare Ones Fity Nal 20zi148 hava ah Beat elon certo nan ieandiee ne aaregrelaeesee a cae Rata rare wae peel eer rig io slamena leg Mat saan COMERMMRT OF Ne HE and eb c neces or a a NN GL reared saree aaa ne Une eit ies BePA ENT Oc tad bnte econ eel Pn Mtn SNOSOONTST IO 2 ivacoase ce ge 6 000% $ Vstnay sous cures Rae oes a tc ofp Ren. eich needa arg omrye peeve net acy pene etiatene ents on pede taste Se le ee coin peslat arauceermee mssececs toes dart eT opie nies tac Car at ew Cao feo er cues Fee ers Fan insite Canw of oe Anis CALIFOEN 12 ASE wan gea sa Ped me Sao se Ronee, CALCEN Hares elk gtehine- sig soneee baemarenesre ieancd esreus caer acne Saya (a gue EOI 1 eee Sr ae ne Rae moe DSO te Te Feast ie ions fase Bieocee 2 a Bid uae oes Wea rocs An Ca soem Nes oe eters eats Attest; Bak ot Anerea AT Can 05640045001 1412 poe PAE Nie 0070, a DUN er 47 senna Ameen Eegen Cat Eg 614 a era ete Lets eden ta Sas Fear Catratcser Can US vepatert Homan Sear Every Cpa e805 Cocoa Untcenio wenn a pecan cacao aa commonest Vga 2) conan, soa aes CERTIFIED COPY i Card Ending in 9848: Netspend Debit Visa Acco: USAA # Ending in 6470: Wells Fargo Private Account Ending in 0498, PupleDiamond RUSHCARD(xx'514), Wells Fargo Business Crecking Account# Ending in £054 Bank of America Savings Account# Ending in 3570 Fidetyy Investment Accounts 938-944416, Figety Investment Account# 936-944491 Financial Service Providers FSP6598", Filed in New Zealand FederaiReporting Number: 145004, Fied with Genital Contractor Registration (GOR) BN 137051 Fled with Federal Trade Commission. Fidalty Visa Gard 4251-3198-2051-7294; Fideity Visa Card 4251-3198-2041-4154, 7. HD-Money Account® HDA688xx« Fidalty Investment Account# 938-044416 NARA Registrations; Filed with National Archives and Records Administration; NSAA Registrations’ Filed witn National Aeronautics ano Space Adminstrator DUNS Number: 019664755 Filed with Online Representatons ana Certfications Apolication (ORCA) {CCR} FRASBERG Serial Nunber 85516767 Fiod wit United States Patent and Trademark Office. UGC Financing Statement, Fed in NEW YORK. Filing No. 418517, and al ts amendments thereot UGG 1, Filed in WASHINGTON STATE, Fiing No, 201 t-160-1461-9. and alts amendments thereof UCC Financing Statement, Fed in STATE OF TENNESSEE Fling No. 423667160 and DLN 80149-1246, and allits amendments thereot 56, BERNARD CLAYTON MAHOLA Serial Number 85511402 Filed with United States Pateint and Trademark O'tice 57, READY DEBIT VISA Account# 4692-0801-0037-9078) 58, Time Warner Account Number: 6448300726206904 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we my hand and official sea inthe State and County aoresad, this 12" day of August. 2018 \ Wut LLL state TACh Durydlcoury WITNESS my hand and offal seal in the State and County aforesaid, this }2“Gay of August, 2015, Toon weanngs commento Weis now ule cont No Tastaaa TS on Er ainaly COMMESEN Expres a sa eT 1 DENTURE NO 08-coDe82 ET CERTIFIED COPY Clayton-M. Bernaro-Ex, Secured Party Trustee, duly appointed by the Settor of CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD HOLDING COMPANY, Express Trust Organization, as frst “Trustee”. herein accepts the duty as “Trustee” ot CLAYTON VAHOLA SERNARD EXPRESS TRUST, and nerein declares that ths "Trust isin ful force and cffect as of | | day. August, 2015, ‘As, the Trustee’, by signing this ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE hereby accepts in good fath {and in accordance with the terms and purposes of “Trust” on behalf of the Beneficiary the properties to be set forth in Schedule A: accepis the condltions. terms and provisions ofthis Indenture, the Trust Organizator Bylaws, ano the resolutions of the Managing Director ofthis Trust interpreting he same as recorded in the minutes ofits meetings trom time to time, which shall seve as the governing Instruments of te Board This “Trustee” further agrees to manage, protect and preserve the Trust estate through prudent exercise of tne powers and authorities prowidea witin the Trust Indenture ate: Montn’ | Day’ 2018 Year Fell Ras Linwood J. Fields, Trustee Ebon Weshingon commonest ot grin Ney Fue omens honest MEMORANDUM OF TRUST DECLARATION Whoever has ears, let trem hear, Whoever has eyes, let hem see by these presents tat I Clayton-M, Bernard-Ex, World Gtizen, as Settor. ane s Managing Dreciar, created an irrevocable ‘express Trust, Known as the CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD EXPRESS TRUST or CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARI HOLDING COMPANY. Trusts dates [Zh day ot Augus by executing a Certtied Declaration of Trust Indenture, appointing Fas Linwood J. Fieis, as "Trustee" (refered to as the Tustee’ It is agceed by al parties that Notary Acceptor Eboni Washington being the same Notary who acknowledged by notary Seal the official acknowledgement ard exchange dthis tust wil be accepting mail on the behalf ofthe Trust ‘at c10 4109 Monarch Cresent, Henrico Virginia (23228), This Memorandum of Trust Declaration is executed as evidence of the existence ofthe foregong Certitieg Daciaration of Trust Indenture. ‘Any person may rely upon this Memorandum of Trust Declaration as evidence of the existence of said Deciaration of Trust, and is relieved of any obligation to verity that any transaction entered into by a "Trustee thereunder is consistent withthe terms and condtions of sad Declaration of Trust The “Trustee” is @ living Free National Being, not to be mistaken forthe The Deciaction of Tut arc the Trusts crested thereunder may be vetted to by the name CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD HOLDING COMPANY or CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD EXPRESS TRUST! Irrevocable Express Trust Organization IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Setor has executed this Memorandum of Trust as of the Zé: day of August, 2018 SETTLOR; QP SUUle sate x World Ozer Lichinad county ne ee ore aes Betore me, EPO sei luster personaly appeared, who proved to me on the basis of Salsfacor noo tobe ie persona] whose name) sae sutecrbed and desbed as Seto tothe win CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD EXORESS TRUST DECLARATION OF TRUST INDENTURE instument aro sckrowledged ome Dat ehethey execited the sare sherbet authored capaotyes). ad at by Neher sgnatze(s on the numer the person.) the ety upon Beha of wr he poron acted Itis also agreed that | wil act as Notary acceotor on behat of this tust, by accepting all mal sent to Ebon Wea conn a Ueina Ney Put misson Expres concen narrate | 'Y/aNISSN OE Sooner Se te f RENO DB.0D082ET CERTIFIED COPY No. DB-030882-ET Trustee, Ras Linwood J. Fields hercby attims and estabishes that image one called Clayton-M. Bernard-Ex, arcs the Settior and duty angointes Managing Di ‘Atfdavt of Trust Identification shall be used as a form of RNARD HOLDING COMPANY insures, indemniies folds hamles the onealod Claytor-M, Bemard-EX,herehater eter eco a5 “Setor ano: Manaing Director” against any clams or onaigas on by Pubic foregn Trust while c 39 oficial busi 2. __‘SeltloyManaging Director” must not be delayee, arestes, impeded or detained by ary foreign officals. Any interioping by ary foreign powers into CLAYTON SERNARD HOLDING COMPANY Trust Adminstration must be subject t R fee schedule and clam for dam 3. Herein, enclosed isa captured ikeness ofthe re Protector, is authorized to present th Affidavit for verification ACKNOWLEGDEMENT AO pnw 4 a ss Lidkvenc! Betoreme. Elomi N06] s17et-—_. personaly appeared, who proved to me on the basis of salisactoy eviderce tobe the pevsar(s) wlose nameis ‘s'e eubsorbed and described as Settor tothe wirin CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD EXPRESS TRUST DECLARATION OF TRUST INDENTURE instrument and acknowiedged te me that ne she'they executed the same n hsher their authorized capaciyies). and thal oy nistherthe'r signatures) onthe instument the person(s) or he entity upon benat of whieh the person(s) acted exetbutes the sirument 1 Eboni Washington, a notary puble. also can attest under oath thatthe above image 's personally known by me to ‘oe the Image of Clayton-M. Beard Ex as described hevein WITNESS my hand and offical sea’ in the State ang County atoresaia, this J2°” day of August, 2015 A Adi iuter ‘Eboni Washington Notary Publ commenmentnatigria | SRY PUGS corny No 70128 My Commis an Expires: ymin sores 107208 Y CERTIFIED COPY #5 3527S F TRUST |, Ras Linwood J, Fields, Secured Party Trustee, contim te following facts ‘The CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD HOLDING COMPANY of 2015 is currently in existence and was created on May, |), 2070, ‘The sotior() of the Trust are as folows: Clayton-M, Bernard-E The currently acting Trustee of the Trust is as irwood J, Feids, Secured Party Trustee, The power of the Trustea(s) include but not ited to fa) The powers to, convey and exchange. (b) The powers enter into and cancel contracts, The Trust's inevocable. | The Trust does not have multiple Trustees The Trust dentfication number is as follows: DB-020882-ET Tite to Trust assets shal be taken in the following fashion: By Ras Linwood J. Fields, Trustee, to be immediately conveyed back to the Settior Caytor-M. Bernarc-Ex acting as Managing Drector for this trust, ater acknowledgement ofthe intial exchange | ‘The Trust has only one Beneficiary and is the same as Settior | ‘Notary Acceptor Eboni Washington being the same Notary who acknowledged by notary seal the oficial acknowledgement and exchange ofthis trust will be accepting mail on the benalf ofthe Trust ato'0 4108 ‘Monarch Cresent, Henico Virginia (23228), ‘The undersigned Trustee hereby declare(s) thatthe Trust as not been revoked, modified, or amended in any nfanner which would cause tre representations contained herain to be incorrect. The certification is being sighed by te currently acting Trustee, Date: “ Monthy ||. Day’ 2075 Year [sl \inwood ) Fields 2 hs iss NU Mi State {Uru onl county bbe the person(s] whose name(s) is/are subscribed ard dascrined as Seto: to the within CLAYTON MAHOLA BERNARD EXPRESS TRUST DECLARATION OF TRUST INDENTURE instrument and ackowledged to me that he'sne'tney executed the same in his er their authorized capacty/\es). and that by his her their signature(s) on th [nstrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and ofc sea in the State and Couny aoresaid ths_| 2" day of August, 2015, Fetes ton Foor Weary nay Pubi a He STD costae Va Sau wy Nan ble j commse ko Teta uy Gommsson Eves O16 L TRDENTURE NO B-0008826T ai }iy hy: re Boies CERTIFIED COPY SECRETARY OF STATE |, ALEX PADILLA, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: That, Jody Claire Landers was, on August 30, 2015, a duly commissioned, qualified and acting NOTARY PUBLIC, in the State of California, empowered to act as such Notary in any part of this State and authorized to take the acknowledgment or proof of powers of attorney, mortgages, deeds, grants, transfers, and other instruments of writing executed by any person, and to take depositions and affidavits and administer oaths and affirmations in all matters incident to the duties of the office or to be used before any court, judge, officer, or board I FURTHER CERTIFY that the seal affixed or impressed on the attached document is the official seal of said Notary Public and it appears that the name subscribed thereon is the genuine signature of the person aforesaid, his (or her) signature being of record in this office. In Witness Whereof, | execute this certificate and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this 3rd day of September 2015. CS 000. Secret Oe of State CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 | Annotary public or other officer completing this certificate verties only the identity of the individual who signed the | document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity ofthat document, | State of California ) County of be ae } on_$: 40° (5 “before me, For C. CAvpERS cre Puge Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer personally appeared —_Pagton = 11. bumand- ex a Fame of Signer) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the persons), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. | cettiy under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws Of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph Te eet is tre and correct & Gemmss # 2059199 soe tamet WITNESS my hand and official seal (tie So J cans SE ak signature C Kei ignatufe of Notary Public Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: B Docaiett Date eee Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above e Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer’s Name: Signer’s Name: Corporate Officer — Titie(s) Corporate Officer — Title(s) = Partner — Limited General Partner — “Limited General Individual ‘Attomey in Fact Individual Attorney in Fact Trustee Guardian or Conservator Trustee Guardian or Conservator Other: _ Others Signer Is Representing: = Signer Is Representing: 22620 ESBS ST EDICTS ESET A ETE EET T ESET TERETE (©2014 National Notary Association + « 1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) Item #5907 State of California Secretary of State | APOSTILLE | (Convention de La Haye du 5 actobre 1961) 1. Country: United States of America PaiPos: | This public document Un pron ate pute preter document pico 2. has been signed by 2 et signe par Jody Claire Landers ha sido frmado por 2. acting inthe capacity of | notary Publi, Slate of Calfomia Gen actn on cle do 4. boars the seal stamp of ool usceau/tnteée, | Jody Claire Landers , Notary Pubic, Stato of Clfornia Yes evestio dl lo tbr do Certified test Cerificate Bat | 6. the are | Los Angeles, California le/eldia | 4th day of September 2015 7. by ‘Secretary of State, State of California par por | [ieee eee oe = a | e7296 Bape enim | 8. Seal/ stamp: Jo. signature: | CQ. $2000 Soeau!tnbre Soeeure Selo ibe Fie ‘Tis Apostle me tngua model Aporbe Cerfleateas suggests by the Permanent Burau and developed in response othe 2009 ‘Specal Commission on te practi operaton te Haque Apostle Convenion “The ost ony cetes he aunentty ore sgrature ans tre capa ofthe person wh has signed the pub document and ‘nee sparoprat, he tenty of the ea stamp wach ne publ ocurant bars “hi psi des ot erty the content of te document fr winch was sued “Ths Asis pot a fo Use anya wine Une Sales of Ameria stern possossons. ‘Toverty in isuaroe of hs Apostle, se: N.308 ca gowbsnessnlanacose- seh ‘ie spose ent mada @Aposte ing Que sugpie parle Bureau Permanente elabare on réponse a Gommssion ")spucale do 2003 sus foncionnaent pratue de a Corwerion de La Haye Aposle Cee Apolo teste uniquement a veracte dea signature quae aquele fe signaate delat a agi ete cas éhéant ‘'SEssbdusccnu ou bre drt cel ate pube est revtu Cee Apos receive pe cotten de facie pour equal lea 6 Gis Uttsaion de cate Apostle not pas voableen/au Els Unis GAmerque sos tates ei possessions | Gite asonie pet eve vertes a oorese suvone wi 08 ca govunnesints apo ea1 Esa aposta ose! modeiowrongue Certteado de Aporila sogun ly eugnde pra Orca Pesranene y desarolado en respuesta» |e Comian especial de 2008 sobre ol funconmienta pati dl Gawero de La Haya sobe Apostis Eola aposta ceria uncament la aoneidos sara. la caldad en que ignataro cl docureia haya actusd yen $1 ‘aso a ant de elo otmere dal quo al dourentopubleo ene revest do, Esta Apart no ceria el conendo del docurenta pa el cual se expo No es tuo ef so de esta Apostiaen Estado Unie do rca Sus eos o psesiores Esta Aponia se pu vefen en econ gute yaw soc govbusessmnolylaoslle seach SeosSateFormNP-40LA 112011)

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