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Princeton University

Physics Department
Physics 104 Lab (NEW)

LAB #4: Resistors and Capacitors

Learning Goals:
1. Learn how to use an ammeter, and take I-V curves.
2. Learn how to apply Ohms Law.
3. Measure the time constant of an RC circuit.
Available equipment: Resistor, 5 V light bulb, zener diode, digital multi-meter (DMM),
Vernier voltage probes, capacitor, breadboard, assortment of wires and cables, voltage power
supply, stop watch.
Observation Experiment I: I-V (current-voltage) characteristics
In this section you will observe how the current I through various circuit elements depends
on the voltage V across them. The 3 circuit elements for which you will measure the I-V
characteristics are:
resistor (left in photo)
light bulb (not pictured)
zener diode (right)
In your prelab, you constructed a circuit using a battery, a resistor, a voltmeter and an
ammeter, so that you could measure the voltage across and current through the resistor
simultaneously. Construct the same circuit here, using a power supply in place of a battery, the
DMM for an ammeter, and the Vernier probes for the voltmeter. If your circuit is different from
your prelab, i.e. if you realized you had made a mistake, draw the circuit again in your lab book.
Safety/damage control:
Connect the ammeter in series! If you connect it like a voltmeter, you will burn out the
fuse, so please be careful.
Keep the power supply off until you are ready to use it.
Check the voltage of the power supply with a voltmeter before connecting it to a circuit.
Dont exceed 5 V across the light bulb, it will burn out.
Dont exceed 0.5 A through the diode, it will fry.
For each element:
Plot the I vs. V curve in Excel.
Include error bars only for the resistor (not required in other 2 cases).
Is it ohmic (are I and V proportional)?
Is the shape of the I-V curve the same for negative as it is for positive voltages, namely when
the voltage is reversed? (If it is not the same, we call this anisotropic behavior.)
As always what assumptions are you making when analyzing the I-V curves? What are the
effects of these assumptions?

Application Experiment II: RC circuit time constant

The schematic below shows how a capacitor and a resistor can be used to mark time. When the
switch is in position A, some of the current from the power supply charges capacitor. Then, when
the switch is in position B the capacitor discharges through resistor R. (Note that in the lab you
will just connect two wires to close the switch and then disconnect them to open the switch.)
As we discussed in class, the charge on the capacitor will exponentially approach its final value,
and decay exponentially once it is disconnected. Since V = Q/C, you should observe the same
relationship between V and t, namely V(t) = V0 (1 e-t/) for the charging, and V(t) = V0 e-t/ with
time constant = RC (in seconds). In the following you will measure twice! Once as it is
charging, once as it is discharging.
So that you can follow the discharge on the voltmeter, the time constant should be large. Use
a large resistor, 106 (1 M) and a large capacitor, 22x10-6 F (or 22F). This is an electrolytic
capacitor, so make sure that you connect the + side of the power supply to the + side of the
capacitor. The arrows point to the negative lead.
First start with 5 V on the power supply. Observe as the capacitor charges and discharges, and
calculate the time constant charge and discharge, including uncertainties. Note: when discharging,
make sure to disconnect the power supply, dont just turn it off.

Do they agree?
What assumptions did you make when taking these measurements, and how do they
affect your results? Can they explain any discrepancies in your measured values?


Experiment III: Measuring resistance

In this part of the lab you have to determine the resistance of an ohmic element (the resistor)
using three different methods.
1) Using your data from part I for the resistor, use the curve fit tool to determine the slope and
the standard error in the slope. From the slope calculate the resistance and the uncertainty in
the resistance.
2) Use the ohm-meter setting (top right corner) to measure the resistance directly. Make sure the
leads are plugged into the COM and ports. Use the last digit for evaluating the uncertainty.
3) Use the resistance color chart below to evaluate the resistance. Use the tolerance value to
calculate the uncertainty.
Do the 3 values agree? If not, what could explain the discrepancy?

Self-evaluation rubric
You will be given a hard copy of the following rubric during the lab. Take 5-10 minutes at the end of the lab period
to evaluate how well you think you displayed each of the following scientific abilities in your notebook, and attach
your evaluation to your notebook. For each scientific ability, give yourself a V, V+, V-, or 0 (signifying check,
check-plus, check-minus, missing.) You will be evaluated by your AIs using this same rubric.
Scientific Ability

The goal.

Is able to communicate the details of an

experimental procedure clearly and

Diagrams and/or experimental

procedures are clear and

Is able to record and represent data in a

meaningful way.

All important data are present,

organized, and recorded clearly.

Is able to devise an explanation for an

observed pattern in the data.

A reasonable explanation is made,

which does not contradict
previous knowledge.

Is able to choose a productive

mathematical procedure for solving the
experimental problem.

Mathematical procedure is fully

consistent with the design. All
quantities are calculated correctly.
Final answer is meaningful.

Is able to identify sources of

experimental uncertainty and minimize

All experimental uncertainties are

correctly identified and

Is able to use available equipment to

make measurements.

All of the measurements are made

and all details about how they are
done are provided and clear.

Is able to identify the assumptions made Sufficient assumptions are

in using the mathematical procedure.
correctly identified, and are
significant for the prediction that
is made.
Is able to identify specifically the way in The effects of the assumptions are
which assumptions might affect the
determined and the assumptions
are validated.
Is able to represent a pattern

The expression represents the

trend completely and an analysis
of how well it agrees with the
data is included.

Is able to make a judgment about the

results of the experiment.

An acceptable judgment is made

about the results, with clear
reasoning. The effects of
assumptions and experimental
uncertainties are considered.

How would you grade

yourself, based on what you
wrote in your lab notebook.

PRELAB Problems for Lab#4: Resistors and Capacitors

In this pre-lab, you will use a DC circuit simulator, on the web at .
Start the simulation by clicking Run now. (If it seems too slow, you can try Run offline.)
Drag a battery onto the blue workspace. Under Tools on the right side, get a voltmeter by
clicking the box. Like our voltmeters in lab, this one measures V(red)V(black), that is, the
potential difference between the pointy tips of the red and black probes, which you can drag to
touch anything in the workspace. Try touching the two tips together to see what the meter reads.
(This is a good thing to do with a real meter as a quick test.)
1. Battery and meters.
a) Try touching the red probe to the black terminal (connection) of the battery, leaving the black
probe unconnected. What does the meter read?
b) Use the voltmeter to determine which end of the battery is the positive terminal.
Black end

Grey end

What is the voltage of the battery? (Find this with the meter, but you can right-click components
to show or change their values. Here and below, Mac users must use control-click!)

c) Check the box next to Ammeter(s). This adds an ammeter to the component bar. Drag one to
the workspace. Drag two wires to the workspace and use them to connect each terminal of the
ammeter directly to a terminal of the battery. (The ends of components stick together
automatically.) What happens and why?

** Disconnect the ammeter by right-clicking the connections.

2. A simple circuit. Drag a resistor to the workspace and connect its
ends to the terminals of the battery to make the circuit represented in
the circuit diagram at right. The blue dots represent the electrons. They
should flow when youve successfully hooked up the circuit.
a) Which way is the current flowing?
Out of the battery from the black end
Out of the battery from the grey end

b) Use the ammeter to measure the current through the resistor. Make two current measurements,
one on each side of the resistor. Write down both values, how do they compare?

c) What is the voltage across the ammeter when it is in the circuit?

d) Connect the ammeter and voltmeter in such a way so as to read off the voltage across the
resistor and the current through the resistor simultaneously. Draw the circuit diagram below,
including where and how you connected the meters. The ammeter is represented as a circle with
A in it, and the voltmeter as a circle with V in it.

e) What is the internal resistance of an ideal voltmeter, namely one which does not disturb the
change the circuit when you connect it? What is the internal resistance of an ideal ammeter?

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