Endeavour Form

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Endeavour Application Form

ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015 (Draft)

This is a printable copy of your 2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)
application form, generated at 29 April 2015 09:10 PM.
This application has not yet been submitted.

1. Introduction
Welcome to the 2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD) application form.
You may complete your application form over a period of time by saving your details in each section.
Your application may be edited multiple times until you submit it, at which point no further changes
may be made.
You will be logged out of Endeavour after 30 minutes of inactivity. Accordingly, you may prefer to
draft your responses to the selection criteria in a word processor and paste them into the application

Important information about your application

We recommend you start gathering your supporting documentation and requesting assistance of
others early in the application period.
You should familiarise your referees and host with your proposed scholarship programme to assist
them in completing their forms.
As soon as you have identified and contacted your referees and host (if applicable), we strongly
encourage you to add them to the 'referee' or 'host nomination' section of your application.
They will receive an email with a link to the information requested as soon as you enter and save their
details in the application form. You will receive a notification email when each referee and/or host
submits their completed form. You will be unable to submit your application until the required number
are complete. It is your responsibility to ensure all forms are completed by the closing date.
Before submitting your application you will be required to accept the application authorisation,
privacy and declarations.

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2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

2. Applicant details


First name:


Last name:


Former name:
Preferred name:


Date of birth:

22 August 1989



Phone (alt):




Contact email:


Alternate email:



House#21, Street#23, River Garden Housing Society,, near Kakpul, zone-5,

Islamabad, Fedreal Area, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan

Postal address:

daehyeon ro-9-gill, 33, (deahyeon-dong), Buk-gu, Daegu, 702-820, South Korea

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2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

3. Citizenship and residency

What is your country of citizenship?


Do you hold dual citizenship?


What is your country of permanent residency?


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2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

4. Proposed programme

Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)


Australian PhD (DCD)

Host country:


Field of study:
Host organisation(s):
Home organisation:
Start date:
End date:

Please summarise, in words that can be understood by a person outside your field, what your
proposed programme is intended to achieve, why you would like to undertake the proposed
programme and how it is related to your prior experience and/or future career goals. Please also
provide details, including proposed dates and locations, of any proposed fieldwork and/or
internships. (300 words)
Not specified

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2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

5. Educational qualifications
You have not entered any educational qualifications.

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2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

6. Language proficiency
Language proficiency evidence type:

Not specified

Applicants must provide either (a) or (b):

(a) IELTS/TOEFL. A certified copy of an official, valid IELTS or TOEFL test result. Results
are valid for two years. Tests that are provided with a test date that is before 30 June 2013 will
not be accepted and the application will be marked ineligible. Test scores will need to meet
the minimum requirements (see table below)
Test type

Requirements for all categories

IELTS - Academic Test

result ONLY

Overall score of 6.5 with no individual band less than 6.0

TOEFL - Paper Based Test


Score of 580 including a Test of Written English (TWE) score of 4.5

TOEFL - Computer Based

Test (CBT)

Score of 230 including an Essay Rating score of 4.5

TOEFL - Internet Based

Test (IBT)

Overall score of 90 with a minimum score of 22 in the writing section

and no less than 20 in the other sections

(b) a certified copy of a transcript as evidence of completion of at least one year of

undergraduate level study (minimum) conducted in English, face to face at an institution
located in one of the listed countries below:
American Samoa, Australia, Botswana, Canada, Fiji, Ghana, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho,
Liberia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Tonga,
Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom (including Northern Ireland), United States of America, Zambia or
This list is determined by the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) and is part of a collective agreement
with Australian Universities.

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2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

7. Scholarships / awards, memberships, and publications

Previous Australian Government scholarships
Have you previously completed an Endeavour Scholarship or Fellowship?


Do you currently hold or have you completed, after 1 January 2014, an Australian
Government administered scholarship and/or fellowship?


Scholarships / awards
You have not entered any scholarships / awards.

You have not entered any memberships.

You have not entered any memberships.

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2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

8. Employment history
You have not entered any employment history.

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2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

9. Referee details
You have not entered any referees.

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2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

10. Programme supporting statement

Contribution to personal goals
Please provide details of your proposed programme including how it will contribute to the
achievement of your personal goals and further your academic and/or professional career. (500

Not specified

Benefits to Australia
Please provide details of how your proposed programme will benefit Australia and your potential
to foster ongoing collaboration and cooperation with your home and host country/region. (200

Not specified

Community service
Please provide details and evidence of your voluntary service to your professional/and or local
community. This service must be outside of your work commitments. Only include voluntary
service that has been undertaken in the last three years. (200 words)
Not specified

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2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

11. Personal statement

Personal statement
Please explain how receiving an Endeavour Scholarship or Fellowship would make a difference to
your personal life. (200 words)
Not specified

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2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

12. Feedback
Please take the time to complete these brief feedback questions.
Please specify how you first found out about the Endeavour

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You have not added any


2016 Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (PhD)

Arslan Saleem
Application ID: PGPhD_DCD_136921_2015

Supporting documentation
Please ensure that you have attached the required supporting documentation with your application.
Details of documentation requirements and the documents you have uploaded are below.
Academic Transcripts (Min 1, Max 6)
You have not uploaded your Academic Transcripts.

Evidence of Admission (Min 1, Max 3)

You have not uploaded your Evidence of Admission.

Evidence of Citizenship/Dual Citizenship (Min 1, Max 2)

You have not uploaded your Evidence of Citizenship/Dual Citizenship.

Evidence of Language Proficiency (Min 1, Max 3)

You have not uploaded your Evidence of Language Proficiency.

Evidence of Permanent Residency (optional) (Max 2)

Letter of Community Service (Min 1, Max 3)

You have not uploaded your Letter of Community Service.

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