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Version Rev A - TEC Dinner 7th March 2010

M o Ve n d C o v e rs a ll B u s in e s s N e eThe
d s MoVend-ers
We have the best offerings that current app stores
will not be able to provide to content providers
and publishers. Through MoVend, our customers
Stream Media is a strong 10-man team
are able to taking care of every single detail
aspect of MoVend, making sure we
• Monetize through multiple sales mode deliver the best mobile vending
o Try and buy system that content publishers and
o Subscription
o Microtransaction developers can use to push their
o Virtual goods product quickly to end users. Congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim
placerat facer minim veni am ut wisi enim ad
• Payment using various payment methods minimeniam, quis erat nostr uexe
• Cross-platform implementation MoVend founder, Chua Zi Yong, is rci tation ullamcorper nostru exerci tation ullam
• Digital rights management
also the founder of CodeAndroid, the corper et iusto odio dig nissim qui blandit praesent
• Sales analytics lupta. Tummer delenit
• Product versioning leading Android developer group for augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Con
• Refund support this South East Asia, and Honorary erattis sectetuer adip iscing elit, sed erat diam
• Customizable UI and branding for Treasurer for Mobile Alliance nonummy nibh magna erat.
publishers and brand owners Singapore.

M o Ve n d N e e d s Yo u r S u p p o rt!
MoVend will be launched in Q2 2010, and we need
your help to make our product a success. We are Need Android help?
looking for the following support if you are
interested. Our developers are experts in the Android
application development and building server-client n o u n, M O -b ile V E N D -in g
• Seed investment to bring product to market services. We provide Android training, consultancy
• Willing mentors who can help us with go-to- and turn-key solutions for mobile software

Publishers interested in beta testing our early
companies. T h e S m a rte r W a y to
Our clients:
D is trib u te o n M o b ile
Feel free to visit our office or drop us a mail @

You can contact us at Stream Media Pte Ltd

The MoVend Moto
BLK E4, Engineering Drive 3,
#02-12K, Singapore 117583
W e w a n t to m a k e d istrib u tio n o n m o bsim ile to
p le,b e or on the web at
se a m le s sa n d h a s s le -fre fo
e r u s e rs, d e ve lo p e rs a n d
co n te n t p ro v id e rs .
Product of Product of
W h y tie y o u rs e lf to o n ly a p p s to re sW h a t is b e tte r thFaRnE E?
W h a t is M o Ve n d ?
fo r d is trib u tio n ? With MoVend, users get the application installed first for
FREE, and buy products and services within the application
• Increase user trust for the products
• Increase installed user base, time frame and
opportunity to monetize your users
• Increase your distribution outreach
• Decrease friction to have a user to experience and
purchase your mobile content

Paid content are sold only within the application stores, via pay-
R e a c h o u t to y o u r c u s to m e rs ra p id
per-download model where user has to With MoVend, you can now also distribute your application
MoVend is a “vending machine” inside the application.
1) First enter the application store to find the app via directly outside the appstore, via:
search or browsing the catalog • On the Web
FIRST in Android, Cross Platform In-App 2) Pay to download the application • Email/SMS Marketing
Monetization System.
• Social Networks
Everything part of the purchase is a seamless experience – no
Even before interacting with the application itself! • File Sharing Sites
need to be redirected out of the application experience.
• Peer-2-Peer
• Promotional campaigns within your app to your
User get the app installed for free, and choose their preferred
D o c o n ta c t u s fo r a L IV E D E M O to d a y ! installed base network (like Facebook apps)
billing method to pay for any in-app product.

E v e ry U R L a n d U s e r a s a P o in t-o f-STya plee s o f S a le M o d e S u p p o rte d

Demostration of MoVend Payment

in M o Ve n d
Activation - 1-time
license purchase

Best for try-and-buy

games, app
Instead of marketing and publicizing a link on an app store,
why not make the link the direct Point-of-Sale itself? Using
MoVend, application content can be sold directly within the Consumerable – Subscription – Time
Usage- based license based license
application without ever a need to going back and forth the
store! Best for virtual goods
Best for mobile
By utilizing the URLs and installed users as the Point-of-Sale services and content
and distribution, your content can now be published rapidly to

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