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An Introduction to PRINCE2


3.12 CS: Controlling a Stage / Managing Product Delivery

3.12.1 Assign Work to Teams using Work Packages

By Frank Turley

Corporate or Programme Management

Directing a Project (DP)

Guidance & advise

(SB) Managing a
Stage Boundary

Highlight Reports

2 Proceed

Authorize Project
Approved PID

End Stage Report

Next Stage Plan
or Exception Plan

Give ad hoc

Exception Report

Authorize a Stage
or Exception Plan

the project




The Project Manager allocates Work Packages to the Team Leaders. A Work Package contains
information on one or more products to be developed, which includes such information as product
descriptions, planning data, and constraints. This becomes the agreement between the Project
Manager and the Team Leader.

Controlling a Stage (CS)

New WP

Work Package
Accept a WP


Accept a WP

Ma n a g ing P ro d u ct De live ry (MP )

- Work Package contains information on
the products to be produced
- Can happen many times in a stage

MP Ob je c tive s
- Agree work between PM & TM
- Products are produced in the Activity
Execute a Work Package
- TM hands back complete work to PM

Tip : S m a ll P ro je c ts
- No need for Team Manager
- Team Members report directly to PM

Work Package
Deliver a WP

Execute a Work Package (MP)

Fig 3.14 Managing Product Delivery

The activity Authorize a Work Package can happen many times during a single Controlling a
Stage process. Other tasks for the Project Manager during the Controlling a Stage process are to
Manage Quality, Manage Changes, Monitor Risks, Taking Corrective action, Reporting and

3.12.2 Managing Product Delivery Objectives

The objectives of Managing Product Delivery are to:

Agree on the details of the work to be done between the Project Manager and Team
Leader, and make sure that the Team Leader understands what they need to deliver.
Do the Work: meaning the Team Manager manages the development of the products and
takes the necessary steps to ensure quality for each product.
Provide regular progress information to the Project Manager using Checkpoint Reports.
Handing back the completed work to the Project Manager and obtaining approval for each
product after the work is done and quality has been checked.

Tip: For small projects, the team members (who do the work) will work directly for the Project
Manager, so there will be no need for a Team Manager and this process will be less formal.

3.13 MP: Managing Product Delivery: Outputs

The Managing Product Delivery process can have four outputs, which are: The Team Plan, The
Checkpoint Reports, the Quality Register and Completed Work Packages.

Management Plaza

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