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From: barrylw11@hotmail.

Subject: RE: Req. of CRS Report: JPSU
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 17:46:05 -0400
Ms. Manchanda
Thank you for your response and while I wholeheartedly agree with your view of the
importance of the JPSU, it runs at odds with the original time-line to review the unit (see
link 1) and the order of Minister Kenny to release the subject document (see link 2).
Link 1:
Link 2:
That said, I would appreciate reconsideration of providing me the document IAW Minister
Kenny's directive.
Minister Kenny
If you could weigh in on this it would be appreciated - as you know there have been JPSU
related suicides since the linked articles were published.
PM Harper
We have a lot of injured soldiers, sailors, airmen and airwomen suffering and dying for no
reason, if you could shake your staff up a bit it would be appreciated (final link). And
while I know there is more to the story than in the media, I also know that there is more
to the story than you're getting. I ask that you also allow the document in its current
form be released to me.
Final Link:
Barry Westholm, CD
Sergeant Major (ret'd)
613 587 4203

Subject: FW: Req. of CRS Report: JPSU
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 20:59:51 +0000
Mr. Westholm,
In response to your recent e-mail to ADM(RS), we offer the following comments.
In view of the importance of the function provided by the Joint Personnel Support Unit, we have
conducted extensive evaluation work in the area of services and support to CAF members and their
families. The following reports, which appear on our website, include some elements in this regard:

Medical Support to Deployed Operations, November 2014,;

Evaluation of Military Family Support Programs and Services, January 2013,;

Evaluation of Support to Injured CF Members and Their Families, June 2009, .
We can confirm that once the report to which you refer has been completed it will be published on the
internet where it will be accessible to you.

Peggy Clarke
EA/ADM(RS) / CdC/SMA(SvcsEx)
National Defence / Dfense Nationale
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0K2
Telephone / Tlphone 613-943-3404
Facsimile / Tlcopieur 613-947-5843

From: Barry Westholm []

Sent: September-14-15 8:42 AM
To: Manchanda AS@ADM(RS)@Ottawa-Hull
Subject: Req. of CRS Report: JPSU

Ms. Manchanda
Good Morning.
The intent of this email is to request for a PDF copy of subj report, my reasoning and
related email trail follows:
I am a former Sergeant Major from the Joint Personnel Support Unit (JPSU) which, at that
time, was the largest Region (Eastern Ontario Region) and I was the first person to hold
that position prior to the stand-up of the JPSU.
As far back as 2009 indicators arose that the JPSU was headed for trouble, and at the
same time I became engaged in trying to keep these issues from developing into critical
mass. My attempts began in the usual way (by submitting reports
and recommendations etc) but the increasingly desperate situation on the ground
continued unabated
Then (when the reports/recommendations failed) I went outside of my chain-of-command
to my MP, then to the CAF Ombudsman and finally, when the situation continued to
worsen, I resigned my 31 years in the CAF specifically to protest the direction the JPSU
had decided to take, and the ramifications of those decisions on the people it was meant
to assist (link attached).
After resigning, I used the freedom derived from departing the CAF to push harder still
for reform of the JPSU in a public forum, an effort that I believe was included in the CAF
Ombudsman's Preliminary Assessment and perhaps even assisted the CRS look into the
JPSU. My efforts did, at the very least, get exposure of the JPSU's issues under scrutiny of
the media, government and other organizations and also got the all important truth
about the JPSU some important attention.
The above stated, my request for a copy of the JPSU CRS document is not a casual one;
as a person who witnessed the development of issues of the JPSU before they even
existed, and as someone who made every attempt to rectify them and
who ultimately resigned because of them, it places me in a unique position and one that
offers an equally unique perspective.
That said, I request a copy of the CRS document for review and I would be happy to
provide feedback on it's contents based on my perspective as a former Sgt-Maj and of
one who has invested a great deal of time and effort in supporting and promoting the
objectives of the JPSU.
For your consideration:
Barry L. Westholm, CD

Sergeant Major (ret'd)

613 587 4203
Link 1:

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