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By: Rubn Marroqun, Ph. D.

The Human Well-Being It is a concept by ONU-PNUMA (UNEP) millennium

ecosystem assessment, 2003. The changing conditions of ecosystems and their
services are the consequences of ecosystem change for human wellbeing.
The Biodiversity Target 2010It is worth noting that although the 2010

The CBD Convention on Biological DiversityIn a decision of the conference

of the parties, held in Nagoya, aichi prefecture, Japan, adopted a revised
and updated strategic plan for biodiversity, including the aichi
biodiversity targets, for the 2011-2020 period
The Sustainable Development When the world commission on environment and
development, Brundtland Commission published its report in 1987, it
presented a new concept - sustainable development.
KYOTO The protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, 1997 UNFCCC. The CDM allows
emission-reduction projects in developing countries to earn certified
emission reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2. These
CERs can be traded and sold, and used by industrialized countries to a meet
a part of their emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol. The
mechanism stimulates sustainable development and emission reductions, while
giving industrialized countries some flexibility in how they meet their
emission reduction limitation targets. The CDM is the main source of income
for the UNFCCC.
All this are Fail!
The ecological degradation increase to have human quality low levels & we
need more emotional intelligence & more social intelligence to the end
we need to raise the empathy.
The biodiversity is the variability among living organisms, (before we call
biological diversity).



about ecological restoration.

biodiversity a general catchword 80s.
about biodiversity business case.
about ecological services & ecological threats.

All this are Fail Too!

The Biodiversity concept actually are the common concern about is mainly
based on human impact and its decline, no has existed since the emergence
of life on earth over 3,500 millions years ago. Van Andel, J., Aronson, J.,
Actually to thinking only at biodiversity management like biodiversity
business case are so difficult: Economical (are expensive), Social (are
radicals, laws, bad people, etc.) Biological (are so difficult).
The man was choice to simplify the human life focus in e.g. PIB, that are
for more money in short time period (please read Brundtland Commission: to
leave resources to the future generations), whit out social pressure, and
easy to work: for a way of capitalist life it is better

Figura 1. Jim West, excellent botanic in Ca. flora, in to sequollas forest

he is great!

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