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Division of ___________

District of __________________


Name of Pupil:________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________
Check the _____ which corresponds to the parents/ guardians answer.
1. What is the first thing that your child does after class?
_____Assignment _____Play/watch TV
____Home chores
Other, please specify _____________________________________
2. What time does he/she sleep?
_____ 9 and beyond
_____ not later than 11
3. Do you ask him/her about school or check his/her assignment?
4. Who helps him/her on his /her assignment?
Other, please specify _____________________________________
5. On weekends, do you check his/her notes?
6. How is he/she as a son/daughter?

_____Very Good

7. How is his/her relationship with his /her siblings?

_____Very Good
8. Does he/she have a regular playtime?
9. How do you see him / her as a pupil?

_____Very Good

10.Do you have a regular job?

If Yes, please specify ___________________________________________

Parents / Guardians
Teachers Signature

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