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Dealing with Change

One of the major issues which could be affecting people in the workplace is dealing with
change. Individuals manage change as part of everyday living. Change at work becomes an
issue when we believe that we have not been consulted about the change and that
somehow it is being forced on us.
When this happens our response is to resist the change.
Resisting change as a defence mechanism increases the demands on us and can result in
experiencing symptoms of stress. Listed below are some of the reasons for resisting

Reasons for resisting change

1 Loss of control When people feel too much of the change is
‘being done to them’ rather than done ‘by

2 Loss of face If change results in people losing face or


3 Loss of identity People build identities around aspects of their

job and organisation. Getting rid of important
symbols and traditions can hurt.

4 Loss of competence When people feel their old competences are

challenged and they lack the new
competences to deal with the changed

5 Excessive personal uncertainty When people don’t know what the change is
going to mean for them and their job.

6 Surprise Springing change on people is likely to make

them sceptical and defensive.

7 More work Usually change means more work for those


8 Past resentments People resist change if it is led by someone

against whom they have past grievances.
Forcing through change can build up problems
for the future.

9 Unintended consequences When the change in one area leads to

unintended consequences in another.

10 Real threats When change threatens an individual’s or

group’s interests: e.g. the closure of a
(Source: based on Kanter, cited in Lorenz, 1985)

Overcoming resistance to change

Resistance Path to Solution
Where there is a lack of information or Education and Communication
inaccurate information and analysis
Where the initiators do not have all the Participation and Involvement
information they need to design the change,
and where others have considerable power
to resist

Where people are resisting because of Facilitation and Support

adjustment problems

Where someone or some group will clearly Negotiation and Agreement

lose out in a change and where that group
has considerable power to resist

Where other tactics will not work, or are Manipulation and Co-option
too expensive

Where speed is essential and the change Explicit and Implicit Coercion
initiators possess considerable power

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