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Helena Alegre
Laborarrio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC)-DH

- ' ES, Av. do Brasil, lUl

PT-17UO-U66 Lisboa, Portugal

Telephone (direcr): + 351 21 1:144 3625; Fax: 351211544 30 32; E-mail:

Born in Castro Verde, Portugal, in 1957, she graduated in civil engineering from Lisbon
Universit:y, Portugal, in 1980, and obtained her doctora te degree in 1992 in civil engineering
hydrauJics with the thesis "Decisin support tools for technical managemenr of water
disrribution systerns". She is Senior Research Officer of tbe ational Laboratory of Civil
Engineering (LNEC) since 1994 and is Head of the Urban Water Division since 2002. Sbe
is author or co-author of more than 140 technical and scientific papers, managed severa!
research projects for the water industry, organised about 20 scienrific and technical
meetings and teaches a University Master course. Her field of expertise is demand data
analysis, hydraulic sirnulation, rehabilitation, quality assurance and performance assesstnent
of water supply services. She plays an active role within the Internacional \Vater
Association, having been a rnernber of the Executive Cornmittee and of the Scientific and
Technical Council Core Group. She is the leader of che l\XIJ\ Task Force on "Performance
indicarors". Sbe is rnember of the Technical Cornmirtee 150 / TC 224 - Seroice aaiuuies
ndating to d1i11ki11g iuater s11pp!J aud se1JJeT"age, as Portuguese representative. She leads COST
Action Cl 8 Perfonsance assessment of arba irfrastmanr sences: tbe case ofwaters1rpp91,trastewater
and so/id 111asle.
Wolfram Hirner
l:irlenstegenstralk 11 lil3, 90491 Nrnberg, Germany
Tclcphone: +4\J 911 593161; Fax: +49 911 5113161; 1:::-mil:

Born in 1938 in Reutlingen, Germany, be graduated in 1965 as "Diplom Ingenieur" in

mechanical and chernical engineering from rhe University of Sturrgarr, Germany. Until
1973 be was a Scientific Assistanr ar the Instirute of Chemical Engineering at the University
of Stuttgart, and obtained his doctorare degree in 1972 with the thesis "Mass transfer in
rwo-phase gas/Iiquid reactors". Berween 1973 and 1977 he was an operating manager for
industrial wasre rernoval in Bavaria, Sourh Germany. In 1978 he joined the company
E\VAG, Energy and \Xlater Supply Company, Nuremberg, Germany. Until his retirernent
in 1999 be was the managing director for natural gas and water supply with regional and
local supply tasks. In 1991 he started cbairing the Gcrman D VG\Xf National Committees
of "\Xfater rransmission and distribution" and "Further education of engineers". From
1993 he chaired the 1 \XfA Comrnirtee "Operations and Maintenance" within the I \1(1A
Distribution Division. He has publisbed abour 100 national and internacional papees,
rnainly on pracrice-oriented copies of water supply and managenJent, preferably water
distribu tion. He rook part and presented papers in many technical and scientific meetings
l)e-rformance indicators for water suppty scrvices


on water supply.

He has played an important role within the German



with significant adaptations and extensions of rhe syste1n.

Jaime Melo Baptista


Kegulador de guas e Residuos (JRAK),

Centro l:::mprcsarial Torres de Lisboa, Rua Toms da

t-onseca, Torre G, ~-"andar

1600-209 i.rsuo, l'l)KTUGAI.
Telefone: + 35'1 2'1 U 052 20U; Fax:

+ 35'1

21 O 052 259; Email:

Born in Luanda, Angola, in 1953, he graduated in civil engineering from Oporto

Universiry, Porrugal, in 1975, and specialised in sanirary engineering at the New University
of Lisbon in 1976. He becarne Researcher ar the Nacional Laboratory of Civil Engineering
(LNEC) with the thesis "Economical design of water distribucion systerns" in 1983. He
has been Principal Research Officer since 1992. He was the Head of rhe \Xtarer Supply and
Wastewater Division of LNEC between 1984 and 1990 and Head of the Hydraulics
Deparrmenr berween 1990 and 2000, co-ordinating a rearn of 120 people dealing with
applicd rcscarch on water. He is thc author or co-aurhor of more than 250 scicntific and
technical publications and has organised rxvenry nacional technical and scientific cvents and
six internacional evcnts. His field of experrise is modelling, rehabilieation, quality assurancc
and performance evaluation of water supply systerns, and has developed about rwenry large
research projects for the water industry.

J-le Chaired the Portuguese \V'ater Supply and

\V'astewater Srandardisation Comrnitree berween 1990 and 1994 and the Distribution
Divisin of l\XISA berween 1994 and 1998. He is currendy the President of the Portuguese
Institute for the Regulation of Water and Solid Waste, which regulares about sixry
undertakings providing public water supply, urban wasrewarer and solid wastes services and
is the nacional aurhoriry for rhe assessment of dtinking water qualiry in Portugal.
Renato Parena
Chief l'inancial Officer

Societ Metropolitana Acque Torino S.p.A., Corso XI Febbraio 14, IU152-Torino,


Telephone: +39 011 4645 259; Fax: +39 011 4645 963; E-mail:

Born in Torino, Italy, in 1945, he graduared in Economics from Turin U niversiry, Italy, in

1969. He is Chief Financia] Officer of the Societ Metropolitana Acque Torino S.p.A., the
water works of Torino, ltaly, in which he has worked since 1969. He is an authorised
auditor and a rnember of the Iralian Associacion of Financia! Analysts. He is author and co-

aurhor of many technical publications, papers and reports ar nacional and internacional
Congresses, meetings and conventions. Particularly involved in the Benchrnarking conrexr,
he actively co-operated in editing the l \~A Manual of Besr Practice on "Process
Benchmarking in the water industry". With over thirry years experience in the water sector,
he manages the financia] sector of the Company and, as project leader, has attended, in

1997, the transformation of Azienda Acque Meuopolitane of Torino from a rnunicipalised

cornpany into a PLC publicly owned, and in 2001 the merger with the set a side company


managing wastewater treatment planes. Inside the water sector he is a technical consultant
of the Iralian Federation of Water Services, an individual mernber of the American Water
\1(7orks Association and a named representative of che Internacional Water Association. He
plays an active role within the Internacional Water Association, being currently Chairman
of the "Statistics and Economics Specialist Group" and is a member of the l\'(fA Strategic

Francisco Cubillo
Canal de Isabel 11, Calle Santa Engracia 125
28UU3 Madrid - Spain
Tel.: +34 \115451102;

Fax +34 \115451808; l:i-mail:

Born in Chinchn, Madrid (Spain), he graduated in civil engineering from the School of
Public \'(/orks Engineering, Madrid Polytechnic

Universiry, 1972. He is the Deputy

Director of Research, Development & Innovation in Canal de lsabel 11, the company
responsible for supplying, disrributing and treating water for about 6 million people in
more than 170 rnunicipalities,
(Efficient Operation

in the Madrid region. ln l\'(/A, he chairs the EO&M

and Managernent) Specialists Group and heads rhe Internacional

Conferences Efficienr. He is also a member of the Srraregic Council, the Programme

Committee and the Utilities Steering Group. During the years 1995 to 1999 he chaired the
Information Technology Commirtee in I\'<ISA (Internacional \Vater Supply Association). In
AEAS, (Spanish Association of \Xfarer and \Xfaste\vater Suppliers) he is a mernber of the
Permanent Cornmittee Coorclination Organ. He is a member of the Experc:ise Commirrce
for Droughrs of the Spanish Minisrry of Environrnenr and \Xlater, and recently elecred as
representac:ive of the Minisrry of Environment and \'(/ater Management in the (GCAG)
Governrnent Consulrative Advisory Group DDP (Dams and Development Programrne) of
UNEP. He has more than 30 years of experience in the Managernent of Hydraulic Supply,
Resources, Environment

& Dernand Managernent, garhered on the Madrid Region

Government, wirhin tbe Environrnenr Agency and, previously, within the \'\later Resources
Directorate. Before chis time, he worked for several prvate engineering consulting
companies. Cubillo has published 13 books and more than 100 technical papees, being

in a wide variery of courses in Managcment Supply Sysrems, Hydrology,

Technological Development and Environment.

l)e-rformance indicators for water suppty scrvices


Enrique Cabrera Jr.

Instituto Tecnolgico del Agua, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia
Apdo. 22UJ2, 46071 Valencia - Spain
Tel: +34 Y6 387 98 98; l:'ax: +34 96 3~7 98 99; E-mail:

Boro in Vila-Real, Spain, in 1972, he graduated in 1997 in industrial engineering from the
Polytechnic Universiry of Valencia. He obtained an MSc in efficient use and managemenr
of water, followed by his docrorate degree in 2001 in urban bydraulics with the thesis
"Design of a performance assessment system for urban water utilities". He is associare
professor of fluid mechanics ar the Polytechnic Universiry of Valencia wbere he also
develops his research and developmenr activities at the Instimte for \Xlater Technology. He
is secretary of the IWA Specialist Group on Efficient Operation and Management of
Urban \Vater Sysrems and leader of its Benchmarking Taskforce. Enrique actively
participa tes in the ISO Technical Commirtee 224, dealing wirh "Service activities relating to
drinking water supply and wastewater" where be is convenor of working group 2, which
elaborares the standard "Guidelines for the improvement and for the assessmenr of the
service to users", He is responsible for the developrnent of the "SlGtvIA" performance
indicarors software and is currently coordinating the developmenr of severa! software
packages related to water disrribution.
1\1(1\V Rhenish-Westfalian Institure for \XIa ter Kesearch (1 \Xl\X')
Morirzstr. 26, 0-45476 Muelheim an der Ruhr - Germany
Tclcphonc (dirccr): +49 (0)2~ 4U33- I OU; Fax: +49 (U)28 40303-82; e-mail:

Boro in 1966 in \Xliesbaden, Germany, he graduated in process engineering in 1985 from

the University of Karlsruhe, Germany with a focus on water treatment technology. After a
year as visiting scholar ar Carnegie-Mellon-Universiry working on conraminated site
remediation, he worked on anaerobio wastewater treatment ar the Universiry of Stuttgarc,
Gerrnany, finishing his PhD in 1997. Since 1998 he has been with I\'(!W Rhenish\Xlestfalian lnstitute for Water Research (Muelheirn,

Gerrnany) as a consultant and

researcher in drinking water technology and water supply systerns. Since 2002 he has been
managing director of TW\Y/. \X'olf Merkel was leader of the Germn oational project within
the TWA Field test on performance

indicators, integrating the viewpoints

participants into the international projecr. In 2001, he prepared the


of the 14

Report on Performance Assessment for the World Water Congress in Berlin. There are
more rhan 30 technical or scienrific papers and rhree books authored or co-aurhored by
\Xlolf Merkel. He is a mernber of the working groups on performance assessmeat of me

Gennan water associations DVG\lf and BGW. Currently, he is also a consulrant for severa!
performance assessment projects in Gerrnany and leader of a research project



benchmarking covering the technical core processes in water production.



Patrcia Duarte
Laborarrio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) - UH - NES, Av. do Brasil, lU 1
l'T-1700-U66 Lisboa, Portugal
Tclcphonc (dircct): + 351 21 !144 3!142; Fax: +351 21 !144 3U 32; E-nul:

Born in Lisbon in 1973, she graduated in environmental engineering in 1996, from

Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Since che beginning of 2002 she has been a PhD Studenr in
Civil Engineering Hydraulics with rhesis work on water supply distribution networks design
regarding technical performance optimisation. Sbe has been working at LNEC for the
three previous years as a research rrainee under a project regarding the rehabilitation of
water supply and wastewater systems.
She was a mernber of the l\V'A Task Force oo "Performance Indicarors for Waste\vater
Services" aud co-authorcd the corresponding manual published by the IWA Publishing in
2003. She has also been a rnember of the I\V'A performance indicarors for wa ter supply
services field-testing coordinating team and translared the l\V'A \'<'ater Supply Manual of
Best Practices (Alegre et al., 2000) inro Portuguese. Prior to joining LNEC's ream, sbe
worked for a priva te water supply as a wastewater operator for rwo years.

l)e-rformance indicators for water suppty scrvices


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