Shaming Bybi

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Crying for beauty

Crying for beauty I stand

On an immense yellow rock
My self talk silenced with awe
For the greatness of Being
Crying for beauty I lay
On I bed of wild plants
In a dazzling wood
Never to forget what Im seeing
Crying for beauty I dream
And feel the truth in all
All things cruel yet full of love
An end to all lifes me-ing
Crying for beauty I awake
With new hands and ears and eyes
New feeling and head and hart
Never to forget what Im seeing

the Misunderstanding
Leave me be he said
In anger
And she cried
for years
Not just now
She laughed
And he never
Dared to ask again
Long lives gone
They looked back
And wondered
What it had been all about

Old Love
My dearest love, you know
I just had to leave
Find somehow relief
From this hurting glow
Because the grieve
That divided me and you
Again made is us two
Like copper and thief
Now I want to tell
Why so strangely I went
Im not made of steel
You could hurt so well
During this loves end
Oh, the jerk I feel!

Holding Hands
Holding hands with Helen
Really exceeds all my dreams
Standing at the well and
Its even holier then it seems
Sharing our hearts in fire
Whispering our vows in the air
Watery eyes in desire
Earth seems only but fair
Holding hands with my Lover
Long journey finely fulfilled
Time is no longer spilled
May our years slowly uncover!

home fire
Stones may break
And streams will flow
Trees may fall
And the Moon will glow
Houses may burn
And the Sun will shine
Fish may die
The seas will be fine
Man may laugh
And hopes will grow
Man may cry
For all that they know
Journeys may pass
The home fire will burn
Always theres Life
To return and turn and turn

Again the shameful rage
The hidden fear of knowing
Can you disengage
From the tears that are glowing
In the centre of your mind?
Again the power question
The question for the flame
Can you inhabit a bastion
Brightly light all the same
Truly loving and kind?
Can you live honestly?

My grandpa was a liar
My father was a cheat
Im just a bitty bad
My grandma was melancholic
My mother cried all day
Im just a little sad
My uncle was insane
My brother was a weirdo
Im just slightly mad
Things are somehow progressing

I felt I was a living mind
And shivered to my bones
Could I be strong and ever kind
And love the earth and stones?
I felt I was a searching soul
Leaving the truth behind
Could I find another goal
Letting my heart unwind?
I felt I was just trembling flesh
And ever grasping breath
Could I give this conscious mash
The strength to go ahead
And finally accept the wondrous reality?

Exploding Sun, daybreak shining
Purples, oranges and red
Greeting me in my bed
Dreams and thoughts are intertwining
Full-grown Sun, hard on the day
White and blue and shadow
find me in a meadow
Start working my restless way
Sister Moon, gently appearing
Greys and silvers and startling peach
Sleeping is just out of reach
Silence is just within hearing
Twinkling Stars, depth of night
Black and moody and dark
dont hear the hound dogs bark
Dont know what it is, but Oh! How this feels right!

Fare Thee well Song

I will be off to Everland
Nothing can make me last
Nothing can this heart mend
Still, time is just too fast
I will be in joyous dreams
Beauty beyond the eye
Where all is what it seems
At last Ill truly fly
I will be back real soon
Depending on the tides
Keep an eye on the waning Moon
In what winds she rides
Goodbye for now
Its been real good
Remember where I stood
Cherish the loving glow
Fare thee well!

hardly noticed
theres a kid
ugly sitting
near the fire
he is stifled
holds his shrieking breath
crouches deeply
to tired to cry
why are his parents
shouting ugly things
at each other?
can it be
that he is guilty
of being alive?
he shivers

There will be the perfect Sunrise
After the deepest darkest night
Full of freezing falling fright
Whatever the hate and lies
And oh! what miracle
When good old friends
At my deathbed stand
And silently sing me still
My grandpa calling
Telling tales of cats
With shiny hats
No need of stalling
I'll go

I did everything wrong
I did everything right
my brains are strong
I'm not very bright
I'm next to insane
no one is as normal as me
deeply I see
I am as blind as a bat
all comes in contrairs
whatever tough
except for Love
She is beyond any pairs
One is the root

can you tell?

new balance and new time
or has this been here before?
getting less and getting more
new rejoicing and new crime
old wishes and old ways
or is this just here again?
all's the same as ever when
the Riddle unchanged stays

the cold frightening hand
of a sleepless night
voices, angry, full of the darkest light
shall I again this confusion withstand?
ah, breaking of day
the first glowing of the sun
breaking my sleep to none
can I get away?
here I am, naked and shy
alive but hardly conscious
please, love me?

I sought healing
in wealth
and ended in debts
I sought comfort
in pleasure
and ended in pain
I sought reason
in thinking
and ended in confusion
I sought victory
in fighting
and ended crippled
I sought vision
in meditation
and ended numb
where was I
before I was born
and what did I seek?

Dream me
dream me dreaming joy
and I will silently smile
'though Peace 's gone out off stile
and the World is but our toy
dream me dreaming me
and I will loudly sing
'though Harmony 's silly thing
and man could as well not be
dream me dreaming you
and I will finally feel
'though trampled by the Wheel
what but Dreaming can I do

I thought I saw you dance

I thought I saw you dance
'round and 'round and 'round
in a slower swirling trance
the wild powers were unbound
I thought I saw you sleep
dream and dream and dream
about miracles, soft and deep
images being what they seem
I saw you come awake
leaving the land of tears
where gloomy thinkthings take
you to the living fears
I heard you sing aloud
of Loving, sweet and proud
I felt your smile

I am going
I am going to visit my mind
ask it to be gentle and kind
leaving some room for doubt
I am going to visit my mind
I am going to visit my heart
ask it to be loving and blind
leaving the old fears all out
I am going to visit my heart
I am going to visit my vision
ask it to let the future unwind
leaving the past to shady shout
I am going to visit my vision
I am going to visit my tears
ask them to love joy bind
leaving me dried but proud
I am going to visit my tears
I am going, well, I don't know...

out o' tune

I forgot to smile
the whole bleedin' day
not one single laugh
to chase the clouds away
no fun under the Sun
no joy over the Moon
no jumping under the Stars
as I'm a little out o' tune
lost in a heavy haze
'bout me and The World
the Gods and the Sidhe
left my spirits curled
I am hushed for now
and will pour me a drink
and be me
no matter what they think

Look, look, the Sun stands
in silence never heard
it seems that every word
brings It firmer to my hands
Hear, hear, the Sun waits
for the fire to be seen
where has it secretly been
guarding the summer gates?
Sing, sing, the Sun returns
revolving the endless year
this is a Loving Light
gentle, gentle, as It burns

to be a tree
and stand the years
and grow onto the sky
to feel and see
the life on me
of bird and bee and fly
to hold my crown
like a caring king
always moved yet still
my branches bless
the earth and air
to Lifes expanding will
and then one day
my trunk will sway
and I will only ask
to the source return
perhaps even burn
it was a loving task

I suddenly saw the Sun

I suddenly saw the Sun
beams in a cloudy sky
Earth responded with a sigh
at last a new day had begun
I felt the shyness of the breeze
rustling through the nearby trees
at the bank of the tingling brook
I had to take another look
to spot the living spark
of a swiveling swaying lark
I am humming to find a tune
to celebrate a harvests day
I can smell the new cut hay
Tonight there will be a waxing Moon
what more could I wish for?

Crying for beauty

Crying for beauty I stand
On an immense yellow rock
My self talk silenced with awe
For the greatness of Being
Crying for beauty I lay
On I bed of wild plants
In a dazzling wood
Never to forget what Im seeing
Crying for beauty I dream
And feel the truth in all
All things cruel yet full of love
An end to all lifes me-ing
Crying for beauty I awake
With new hands and ears and eyes
New feeling and head and hart
Never to forget what Im seeing

the Misunderstanding
Leave me be he said
In anger
And she cried
for years
Not just now
She laughed
And he never
Dared to ask again
Long lives gone
They looked back
And wondered
What it had been all about

Old Love
My dearest love, you know
I just had to leave
Find somehow relief
From this hurting glow
Because the grieve
That divided me and you
Again made is us two
Like copper and thief
Now I want to tell
Why so strangely I went
Im not made of steel
You could hurt so well
During this loves end
Oh, the jerk I feel!

Holding Hands
Holding hands with Helen
Really exceeds all my dreams
Standing at the well and
Its even holier then it seems
Sharing our hearts in fire
Whispering our vows in the air
Watery eyes in desire
Earth seems only but fair
Holding hands with my Lover
Long journey finely fulfilled
Time is no longer spilled
May our years slowly uncover!

home fire
Stones may break
And streams will flow
Trees may fall
And the Moon will glow
Houses may burn
And the Sun will shine
Fish may die
The seas will be fine
Man may laugh
And hopes will grow
Man may cry
For all that they know
Journeys may pass
The home fire will burn
Always theres Life
To return and turn and turn

Again the shameful rage
The hidden fear of knowing
Can you disengage
From the tears that are glowing
In the centre of your mind?
Again the power question
The question for the flame
Can you inhabit a bastion
Brightly light all the same
Truly loving and kind?
Can you live honestly?

My grandpa was a liar
My father was a cheat
Im just a bitty bad
My grandma was melancholic
My mother cried all day
Im just a little sad
My uncle was insane
My brother was a weirdo
Im just slightly mad
Things are somehow progressing

I felt I was a living mind
And shivered to my bones
Could I be strong and ever kind
And love the earth and stones?
I felt I was a searching soul
Leaving the truth behind
Could I find another goal
Letting my heart unwind?
I felt I was just trembling flesh
And ever grasping breath
Could I give this conscious mash
The strength to go ahead
And finally accept the wondrous reality?

Exploding Sun, daybreak shining
Purples, oranges and red
Greeting me in my bed
Dreams and thoughts are intertwining
Full-grown Sun, hard on the day
White and blue and shadow
find me in a meadow
Start working my restless way
Sister Moon, gently appearing
Greys and silvers and startling peach
Sleeping is just out of reach
Silence is just within hearing
Twinkling Stars, depth of night
Black and moody and dark
dont hear the hound dogs bark
Dont know what it is, but Oh! How this feels right!

Fare Thee well Song

I will be off to Everland
Nothing can make me last
Nothing can this heart mend
Still, time is just too fast
I will be in joyous dreams
Beauty beyond the eye
Where all is what it seems
At last Ill truly fly
I will be back real soon
Depending on the tides
Keep an eye on the waning Moon
In what winds she rides
Goodbye for now
Its been real good
Remember where I stood
Cherish the loving glow
Fare thee well!

hardly noticed
theres a kid
ugly sitting
near the fire
he is stifled
holds his shrieking breath
crouches deeply
to tired to cry
why are his parents
shouting ugly things
at each other?
can it be
that he is guilty
of being alive?
he shivers

There will be the perfect Sunrise
After the deepest darkest night
Full of freezing falling fright
Whatever the hate and lies
And oh! what miracle
When good old friends
At my deathbed stand
And silently sing me still
My grandpa calling
Telling tales of cats
With shiny hats
No need of stalling
I'll go

I did everything wrong
I did everything right
my brains are strong
I'm not very bright
I'm next to insane
no one is as normal as me
deeply I see
I am as blind as a bat
all comes in contrairs
whatever tough
except for Love
She is beyond any pairs
One is the root

can you tell?

new balance and new time
or has this been here before?
getting less and getting more
new rejoicing and new crime
old wishes and old ways
or is this just here again?
all's the same as ever when
the Riddle unchanged stays

the cold frightening hand
of a sleepless night
voices, angry, full of the darkest light
shall I again this confusion withstand?
ah, breaking of day
the first glowing of the sun
breaking my sleep to none
can I get away?
here I am, naked and shy
alive but hardly conscious
please, love me?

I sought healing
in wealth
and ended in debts
I sought comfort
in pleasure
and ended in pain
I sought reason
in thinking
and ended in confusion
I sought victory
in fighting
and ended crippled
I sought vision
in meditation
and ended numb
where was I
before I was born
and what did I seek?

Dream me
dream me dreaming joy
and I will silently smile
'though Peace 's gone out off stile
and the World is but our toy
dream me dreaming me
and I will loudly sing
'though Harmony 's silly thing
and man could as well not be
dream me dreaming you
and I will finally feel
'though trampled by the Wheel
what but Dreaming can I do

I thought I saw you dance

I thought I saw you dance
'round and 'round and 'round
in a slower swirling trance
the wild powers were unbound
I thought I saw you sleep
dream and dream and dream
about miracles, soft and deep
images being what they seem
I saw you come awake
leaving the land of tears
where gloomy thinkthings take
you to the living fears
I heard you sing aloud
of Loving, sweet and proud
I felt your smile

I am going
I am going to visit my mind
ask it to be gentle and kind
leaving some room for doubt
I am going to visit my mind
I am going to visit my heart
ask it to be loving and blind
leaving the old fears all out
I am going to visit my heart
I am going to visit my vision
ask it to let the future unwind
leaving the past to shady shout
I am going to visit my vision
I am going to visit my tears
ask them to love joy bind
leaving me dried but proud
I am going to visit my tears
I am going, well, I don't know...

out o' tune

I forgot to smile
the whole bleedin' day
not one single laugh
to chase the clouds away
no fun under the Sun
no joy over the Moon
no jumping under the Stars
as I'm a little out o' tune
lost in a heavy haze
'bout me and The World
the Gods and the Sidhe
left my spirits curled
I am hushed for now
and will pour me a drink
and be me
no matter what they think

Look, look, the Sun stands
in silence never heard
it seems that every word
brings It firmer to my hands
Hear, hear, the Sun waits
for the fire to be seen
where has it secretly been
guarding the summer gates?
Sing, sing, the Sun returns
revolving the endless year
this is a Loving Light
gentle, gentle, as It burns

to be a tree
and stand the years
and grow onto the sky
to feel and see
the life on me
of bird and bee and fly
to hold my crown
like a caring king
always moved yet still
my branches bless
the earth and air
to Lifes expanding will
and then one day
my trunk will sway
and I will only ask
to the source return
perhaps even burn
it was a loving task

I suddenly saw the Sun

I suddenly saw the Sun
beams in a cloudy sky
Earth responded with a sigh
at last a new day had begun
I felt the shyness of the breeze
rustling through the nearby trees
at the bank of the tingling brook
I had to take another look
to spot the living spark
of a swiveling swaying lark
I am humming to find a tune
to celebrate a harvests day
I can smell the new cut hay
Tonight there will be a waxing Moon
what more could I wish for?

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