FBI Report On Spokane County Jail Escape Attempt, August 2015

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Case 2:14-cr-00124-SMJ

FD 3 (Rev 5 8 10)

Document 464-1

Filed 09/23/15

of 3


Daleofenlry 09/ LO/2075

date of birth (DOB)

p aCe of emp oyment
Spokane County JaiI, was interviewed at Spokane County JaiI, lL00 W. Mal.l-on
Avenue, Spokane, Washington, mobile phone number of
present for the interview was ttre president of the Spokane County Jail
Union, Tim Wirun. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing
Agent and the nature of the interview,
the following



worked as a corrections officer at the spokane county Jair

2009. She has primarily worked the graveyard shift for the
Iast four years. Recently she moved to swing shift. She is frequently
-as around because she is female and they are often short on female
corrections officers.
On the night of August l-gth, 2015 and into the early mornings hours of
was the only corrections officer assigned to work
August 2oth, 2ot5t I
on the five east wing of the jail. As part of her regular duties she
conducted a head count shortly after her shift began. The head count was at
about 10:40 PM. She recalled nothing out of the ordinary.

conducted rounds approximately every 30 minutes through the

night. When conducting rounds she walked up to every cell and checked each
of the inmates for signs of 1ife. She varied the times she conducted rounds
slightly so that her movements would not become rote and easily timed or
anticipated by the inmates.

There is a small television on the ground floor of five east. The Iayout
of the wing consists of two large open areas, each surrounded by two tiers
of cell-s, a ground level tier and an upper tier. The cell doors have a
small narrow window which looks out into the open area of the ground
fl-oor. Certain cells, mainly the cells in and around the corner on both

hvestigation on
File# 318B

09/03/2015 at Spokane Washington United States (In Person)





/ 03/


by Michael Go Whitney
This documertr contains neither recommenddiors nor conclusiom of the FBL It is the pro,perty ofrhe FBI and is lomed to your agcncy; it and its ooilerrts are not
to be distribuled outside your ageircy.


Case 2:14-cr-00124-SMJ
FD 302a(Rev 05 08

Document 464-1

Filed 09/23/15


318B SE-3920157
Continuation of FD-302of

1nterview of Spokane County

09/03/2015 ,Page

2 of 3

the first and second tier of cells, hawe a view of the television in the
main open area from the ceII window. It was not uncommon for prisoners in
those celfs to stay up all night watching television.
five east cell 33, which
of cel-Is. They had a
was situated near the corner of the second
view of the tel-evision and on the night of August 19, 2015 when Idid
her initial head count they were standing at their cell- window and appeared
to be watching the televisicn.
James Henrickson and Bud Brown were housed i-n

conducted her head count, Henrickson or Brown were

standing in front of t,he cell- window watching television, which effectively
view of the inside of their cell-. Ial-so
obstructeo I
that from
on the main floor and woulc have known exactly
down at where Isat
when she was starting her rounds and when she walked to the other side of
the wing.
Each time I

nothing out of the ordinary during her shift. She dj-d not
hear any unusual- sounds from any of the cells, including 33. She noted that
when she did her rounds on the other side of the wing, it was far enough
away that she woutd not have been able to hear or observe anything
happening in Brown and Henrickson's cefl.

is afforded two breaks during her shift.

she took her first


sometime between l-:30 and 2:00 AM and her second break around 3:45 AM to
rel-ieved her for both shifts.
4:30 AM. Corrections office.
returned from her second break at around 4:30 AM and after being
back for about one mj-nute, she was contacted on the radio and instructed to
check the cel-ls near five east 30. She proceeded to check the cell-s and
for. At that point she was told to check
asked what exactly she was looking
five east 33. She immediately checked the window of five east 33 and noted
that Henrj-ckson was standing there blocking her view into the celf. She
ordered Henrickson to move over. trVhen Henrickson stepped aside she saw
Brown sitting on a smal-I desk, grinning at her, and she saw a bed sheet

rope tied to the bed and out the window. There were other officers on the
fl-oor by that point and they cuffed Brown and Henrickson through the door.
reiterated that she did not
ord-nary durinq her shift that night.
window were found in cell 33 that she
have been purposely blocking her view
watch television.

see or hear anything out of the

It was only after the rope and broken
real-ized Brown and Henrickson must
into their cell by pretending to


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