Chapter IVa

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4.1 Subject Matter, Theme and the Topic of the Text
Subject matter

: Astronomy


: The Origin of The Universe


: Two Theories of The Origin of The Universe

4.2 Paragraph Identification

Paragraph 1
Keyword: theories, universe
Main Idea: Theories of origin of the universe
Supporting Idea:

Astronomers have come closer to decide the theories of universe

beginning within the last year.

Which of two teories best answers the question: how did our
universe begin?

Paragraph 2
Keyword: evidence, two camps
Main Idea: The tilted two camps of new evidence on Earth
Supporting Idea:

The new evidence from cosmic light and radio waves is arrived
on earth.

Those two camps who believe we exist in an eternal, infinite,

never changing universe and those who believe the universe was
born in cataclysmic explosion.

Paragraph 3:


Keyword: growing evidence, big bang

Main Idea: Growing evidence for big bang theory
Supporting Idea:

A metallic hornshape antenna pointed at the sky detected peculiar

radiation that may be a remnant of a white-hot ball of matter and

Telescope atop Mt. Palomar has been collecting data on strange

objects called quasars.

An English radio antenna has picked up the burble and squeak of

worlds we can not see.

Paragraph 4
Keyword: big bang proponents, hydrogen
Main Idea: The belief of Big Bang proponents
Supporting Idea:

The glowing hydrogen shot its fragments far out into space.

Those speeding wisps of hydrogen make up our expanding


Paragraph 5
Keyword: explosions, cycle
Main Idea: Eternal explosion of Big Bang
Supporting Idea:

Speeding galaxies will slow down and start moving back toward
one another.

They will fall into primitive ball to explode once more and repeat
the cycle

It is possible that the universe renews itself this way every 80

billion years.


Paragraph 6
Keyword: difficult, steady-state theory
Main Idea: Difficulty for steady-state advocates
Supporting Idea:

The universe has the quality of a field grass that replaced by new

Universe always retains the same appearance with the same

average number of galaxies.

Paragraph 7
Keyword: expanding, repulsive force
Main Idea: Expanding universe according to steady-state advocates
Supporting Idea:

The sight of galaxies flying apart comes from telescope

observation which is from repulsive force.

New galaxies are continually formed out of hydrogen gas in

intergalactic space, filling in the space left by hurtling galaxies.

Paragraph 8
Keyword: modify, recent data
Main Idea: The modified theory of Prof. Fred Hoyle
Supporting Idea:

Prof. Fred Hoyle, of Cambridge Universiy, England is leader of

the steady-state faction who has modified his theory.

Limited region of the universe behaves like big bang, according to

steady-state faction leader.

Paragraph 9
Keyword: big bang theory, experts observation

Main Idea: The possibility of expanding universe

Supporting Idea:

A russian mathematician found an alternative approach the

relativity theory and predict its possibility.

Other experts identified telescopic evidence to support the theory

Paragraph 10
Keyword: measurement, distance
Main Idea: The distance to the flying galaxies
Supporting Idea:

The closest galaxy stand 200,000 light years from us.

A light ray travelling at 186,000 miles a second would take

200,000 years to get to us.

Paragraph 11
Keyword: farthest galaxies, explosion
Main Idea:
Supporting Idea:

Belgian astronomer-priest suggested the modern form of big bang

theory that fitted Hubble observations.

As in any explosion, the farthest pieces were flying fastest.

Paragraph 12
Keyword: questions, astronomical world
Main Idea: Questions flooded the astronomical world
Supporting Idea:

How long ago the big bang occured

How the stars and galaxies are formed


How many elements were created.

Paragraph 13
Keyword: hint, telescope construction
Main Idea: The hint of answers
Supporting Idea:

The hint had to wait the telescope construction.

The telescope showed development of the atomic energy theory

and invention of radio telescopes.

Paragraph 14
Keyword: problem, destroy
Main Idea: The problem of creation of elements
Supporting Idea:

If the cosmic egg were composed only hydrogen then how the
heavy elements were produced.

The burst matter occurred to quickly to create any element heavier

than helium.

Paragraph 15
Keyword: stars, convert
Main Idea: The new discovery gave the big bang theory a reprieve
Supporting Idea:

Scientists discovered that stars burn hydrogenconverting it to


In another year, scientists showed that the stars could convert

helium into all elements.

Paragraph 16
Keyword: age, measurement, calculation


Main Idea: The age of the universe

Supporting Idea:

The age of universe had to be older than the earth.

Dr. Sandage has figured out that the oldest stars in our galaxy
must have been born 12 billion years ago.

Another scientist has calculated the age which is 12 billion years


Paragraph 17
Keyword: subtle consequences, disprove
Main Idea: The more subtle consequences of the theories
Supporting Idea:

The universe was expanding faster in the past that it is today, the
steady state theory will fall

They look at galaxies a billion light-years away they see the

universe as it existed a billion years ago

Those galaxies are flying faster than they should, as predicted by

the steady-state, tht will kill the theory.

Paragraph 18
Keyword: discovery, distance
Main Idea: The discovery of galaxy
Supporting Idea:

A galaxy, 3C 295, retreated from us at 70,000 miles a second

which is the most distant galaxy.


The new galaxy is the most distant galaxy that is four billion
light-years away.

With that measurement, astronomers detected a departure from

steady-state prediction

Paragraph 19
Keyword: real break, quasar
Main Idea: The coming real break in three years ago
Supporting Idea:

Dr. Schmidt found a quasar in February 1963.

Quasar put out 50 times as much ligh as an ordinary galaxy

Paragraph 20
Keyword: reason, quasar
Main Idea: The ability to detect the quasar
Supporting Idea:

Because radio astronomers had located spots in the heaven from

which radio waves camse in torrents.

Dr. Schmidt picked up the quasar by photographing it.

Paragraph 21
Keyword: contribution, quasar
Main Idea: Dr. Schmidts contribution was the discovery of quasar
Supporting Idea:

He detected quasars were charging through space as fast as, or

faster than, the fastest known galaxies.


He has found one quasar, 3C 9, which no body knows how far

away because they do not know the true nature of subtle curvature
of space.

Paragraph 22
Keyword: curvature, quasar
Main Idea: Measurement to determine curvature
Supporting Idea:

Dr. Sandage believes it will take about 100 quasars.

He has discovered other quasar-like objects.

Paragraph 23
Keyword: mapped, location
Main Idea: The map of the location of objects
Supporting Idea:

Prof. Martin Rylem worked in the 50s with the radio telescope at

Graph of these radio sources according to location and radio

output do not support the steady-state theory

Paragraph 24
Keyword: strange, radio signal
Main Idea: The receiving strange radio signal in laboratory
Supporting Idea:

Drs. Robert and James Peebles had predicted the existence of

those strange radio signals.

They said that ancient radiation is swirling through the universe.

Paragraph 25
Keyword: radiation, steady-state theory


Main Idea: Founded radiation by another horn

Supporting Idea:

The steady-state theory has thus received still another blow.

It has no way to account for such radiation

Paragraph 26
Keyword: unanswered question, big bang theory
Main Idea: Unanswered question of big bang theory
Supporting Idea:

How far away the quasars are

What the explosion is caused

How the distribution of hydrogen and helium fit into the

explosion calculations

Paragraph 27
Keyword: critics, theory of universe
Main Idea: Dr. Philip Morrisons critics for the astronomer
Supporting Idea:

He declares that astronomer know far too little to make a choice

among those theories.

No theory is adequate at the moment


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