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Our honorable guest speaker for todays affair,

the diligent Day Care teacher of Bangbanga Day
Care Center, Ms. Elsie de La Cuesta, fellow loving
parents of the children who are graduating today,
our sons and daughters who are beautifully and
dashingly dressed up, dear friends, visitors,
friends, ladies and Gentlemen, a pleasant
It gives me great pleasure and pride to have
been chosen to welcome you all to this special
occasion- the much-awaited graduation of our
sons and daughters. Today is special because it is
a celebration of their first success in life- their preschool graduation. I know every parent feels
happy to see accompany his or her child march to
the stage to receive their diploma.
This is the day of our children and this is also
our day as their parents. Therefore, let us enjoy
the happiness that this moment brings. Let this
moment inspire us more to support our children in
their dreams in life. This is a day to thank the Lord
for the wonderful gift of having them as their
children. There will be ribbons and medals pinned
to our children representing their efforts of going

to school every day. I am very sure, this will paint

a smile on everyones face.
So today, setting aside our household chores,
works and other business affairs, let us pause for
a moment to celebrate our dear childrens
graduation day. Let us congratulate them and wish
them the best in the years to come.
In behalf of the PTCA of Bangbanga Day Care
Center, let me then welcome you all to this
precious occasion. Welcome!Welcome! Welcome!

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