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Rural traveling students in Ecuador

problem statement

Create a simple portable technology for children in developing countries on

their journey to school. The technology allows for safe travels while creating an
interpersonal connection with people in developed countries.


from supporter to student

landing page
user will come to the landing page
and be presented to the story of


Browser 1920 x 1080

weve got your back

support a country
support a country

Browser 1920 x 1080

south america




each style of backpack will be

designed to fit the needs of that
student based on climate
research and travel conditions.
For this project we will be
focused on Ecuador.

select a backpack
the user will chose a backpack
based on personal style.

select a backpack

Browser 1920 x 1080

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Pack 1

Pack 2

Pack 3

backpack info
learn about the pack
select size

pack 2
Browser 1920 x 1080

backpack details
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vivamus convallis rutrum enim, ut faucibus orci
scelerisque ut. Quisque tempus mi dolor. Praesent
lacinia nisl sed dignissim consectetur. Donec sed tortor
mollis magna feugiat dictum. In massa purus,
consequat eu tellus eget, ultricies posuere neque. Morbi
at tortor quis urna tincidunt tincidunt ut ac felis. Duis
eu lacus dignissim, suscipit urna quis, tincidunt nunc.
Etiam vitae pulvinar turpis. Aliquam pretium dolor
quis lacus volutpat, pulvinar tristique urna semper. In
non varius sapien, imperdiet viverra ex. Vestibulum
ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas eget volutpat neque.

here they will learn bout the

backpack. The user gets
information about how the
student will use the back too.

backpack drafts

solar light source


The goal is for the packs to have

a very low learning curve
because designing for
developing countries can be
invasive on a culture. On the left
is an idea for a pack with solar
energy which would allow for a
light source on the way home.
On the right is Pancho would
help protect the user from the
rain due to the fact that Ecuador
has high rainy seasons

thank you!
Mercedes & Myles

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