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- Intergenerational equity: The present generation should ensure that health,

unit time, Flux kg/ m3/ kg/ capita hour. P- Phosphorus -> too much
diversity and productivity of environment is maintained or enhanced for the benefit of then eutrophication, running out of P as well. We need it to produce food
future generation. Example: people live in forest as their home. They cut trees and sell
trees. There will be no trees for their children. This is not intergenerational equity. They LCA a holistic environmental accounting procedure which quantifies and evaluates all
wastes discharged to the environment and energy and raw materials consumed
need maintain the same resource and benefit to their children Intragenerational
equity: people within the present generation having equal rights to benefits from the throughout the entire life cycle, beginning with sourcing raw materials from the earth
through manufacturing and distribution to consumer use and disposal. Cleaner
use of natural resources and from the enjoyment of a clean and healthy
production reduce impacts along the entire life cycle from extraction to disposal.
environment . Example: member in the house has the equal rights to use water, TV,
electricity and other resources. 3Precautionary Principle Where there are threats of Inventory analysis goal definition energy and materials used, Impact assessment,
serious or irreversible environmental damage, lack of full scientific certainty should not Improvement analysis. Durable, recyclable, reusable, smaller, leasing. Changing needs
be used as reason for postponing measures to prevent environment degradation. Public and wants. New designs, improve existing, improve env. Management processes, eco
labelling, marketing. LCA only concentrate about env. But we need to also consider cost,
and private decisions should be guided by: (i) careful evaluation to avoid, wherever
practicable, serious or irreversible damage to the environment (ii) an assessment of the consumer safety, convenience of use, running cost, social welfare etc. LCA
risk-weighted consequences of various options. Example: a household only purchases METHODOLOGY Inventory 1) Define purpose and scope of inventory functional unit,
meat that is produced in Australia (Mad cow disease free) and ensures this disease is whats the use of the service. 2) Define system boundaries 3) Devise Inventory Checklist
not contracted by a household occupant. 4Conservation of biodiversity: Conservation 4)Peer Review-external company, quality assurance 5) Gather region specific data 6)Use
Soft for material balance - gabi 7)Present results cross check n present imputs=outputs
of biodiversity is a core objective of ESD. Underpins human well-being through
provision of ecological services, such as the maintenance of soil fertility and the supply Impact Ass characterise and assess effects 1)Classification assigning impact categories
& sub, ecotoxicity, climate change, acid rain, impacts of land use, noise 2)
of clean, fresh water. Genetic diversity , Species diversity Ecosystem diversity
Example: land clearing for agricultural activities on private land is one of the reasons Characterisation assess magnitude of potential impact of each sub-category,
approaches loading (data from1), Equivalence (Greenhouse warmin potential, acid
for biodiversity loss. Keep for intergenerational equity. value generation.
rain potential), Chemical prop (toxicity, carcinogenicity), site specific exposure & effects
The metabolism of the anthroposphere refers to the physical and chemical changes 3)Valuation -Global Warming Potential (GWP kg co2 equ), normalise the results to a
that relate to the anthroposphere (society is analogous to an organism, that takes in
dimensionless and weighted according to method. Improvement ana a systematic
food (materials), transforms them, adds some to stock, and has emissions. It is driven evaluation of needs and opportunities to reduce env. Burdens
by human needs and wants) anthroposphere is the physical infrastructure that
MIPS Course screening level of LCA that quantifies weighted mat. Input to the
supports our economy. Geogenic are the natural flows of materials associated with
provision of services by goods made of mat. Connection of quality of life with material
natural geologic processes, such as volcanoes, bushfires. Lead drainage, sheet.
should be decoupled. Wi dont differentialte P,Fe, Pb, its all one. Indirect measure of
MFA A complete understanding of the metabolism of the anthroposphere is important release of materials from the economy to the env. Hidden flows should be included as
for the welfare of the man and the biosphere. MFA is a tool to understand. Enables the well. When measure kwh, we measure weight of coal goes into the plant. Quick, cheap,
setting of sustainability limits. Better control of material flows to avoid resource
screening. Planning tool for design, monitoring tool. Transport system. Nokia too
depletion and pollution problem. Cd comes from Zn ores, contamination in phosphate complicated. Data only available via Wuppertal. Cant dif between material. be
rocks PVC stabiliser, pigment, NiCd batteries, fertilizer. Carcinogenic. MFA will say
consuming locally grown foods, public transport, car pooling lanes, less processed food
where to focus on. Landfills and leaching to GW, Aus evaporation > rainfall opposite to with less packing. 10,000km travel per person each year in Sydney. Make a road that
EU also water table in Perth. Reduce consumption of NiCd batteries. Collect and recycle, conveys more people per. Use a vehicle that conveys more people per unit mass of
ban, limit in fertilizers. Transfer to landfills. Linked to Zn demand and Zn is highly
vehicle (e.g buses). Use a vehicle that is most efficient in consumption of energy
demanding e.g China for bridges & buildings. Limit regional input- allowed emission
materials per person km travelled. Vehicles mass per km emission. convey 10,000
rates and eco stock rates. If its going to run out, control waste outputs, stock as future words from one person to 10 people.
resource, immobilise. Ban Zn., Substance element or compound e.g C, Cd, CdCl2, Good
economic entities of matter, made up of one or more substances Material Good or NMA Can systematically track the physical flows od natural resources through
extraction, production, fabrication, use and recycling and final disposal. Economic
substances, 1kWh = 3.6MJ, 103MJ = 1 GJ, Flow kg/day m3/hr kg/hr mass flow per
growth decouple resource use and waste generation. Mining bauxite extract & convert

then to AL ingot & export. TMA total material req. DMI Direct material input. Hidden prevention of pollution iii)Includes a commitment to comply with relevant
portion of total material that never enters the economy. Input indicators TMR DMI environmental legislation, and with other requirements iv)Provides the framework for
Overall Mat. Intensity = TMR/GDP (decrese, The best scenario: GDP increase while TMR setting and reviewing environmental objectives an targets v)documented, implemented
decrease. Overall TMR/GDP decrease, the less, the better) Direct input mat. Intensity = and maintained and communicated to all employees vi)Is available to the public.2)
DMI/GDP. No weighting initially. Brown coal Germany. Aus Gold, black coal, iron.
Public environmental report and documentation i)The organization shall establish and
Outputflow indicators DPO Domestic Process Output DHF Domestic hidden flows maintain information , in paper or electronic form, to (1)Describe the core elements of
TDO. Input per capita resource requirement rose, need to understand the link
the management system and their interaction (2)Provide direction to related
between economic activity + env degradation. Output industrial economies are
documentation ii)The organization shall establish and maintain procedures for
becoming more efficient still more waste, exaction & use of fossil energy dominates.
controlling all documents required by this standard to ensure that: (1)They can be
Need a metric for material accounting, flow model, use of info to develop policies . need located (2)They are periodically reviewed, revised (3)The current versions of relevant
parallel material accountin to SNA.
documents are available at all locations (4)Obsolete documents are promptly removed
from all points of issue and points of use or otherwise assured against unintended use
EIA whole process, dept assessing, making changes, courts if needed EIS the whole
Reporting we cant measure happiness, health, welfare in $. Policy, monitoring,
proposal u submit. Who prepare Legal req. the proponent! Adv. forces consideration control and reporting. SOE( state of env)
at early stage, can write it nicely. Dis. Public perception of bias & lack of credibility.
Alter Independent appointment of consultant or an authority cost money, public
Material Flux Analysis (the focus is on substances, and they are evaluated by the
prefer, but they are independent from the rest of the team. Community participation substances fluxes): Mineral phosphorus stocks are declining, exhaustion of the limited
must go on public 4 weeks. Addi Info provision during EIS preparation, consultaion reserves will affect the global food supply. The major flows of phosphorus through the
but survey, public meeting, community consultation committee. Get involve into design. Sydney region need to be mapped to identify wether flows are sustainable.
We can model this, open and nave approach (go speak). EIS why this project is needed?
EIS study teams are multi-disciplinary, PM, docu editor, design. Site selection consider LCA (focus on goods or a process, and evaluated using environmental indexes): A
window manufacturing company wants to identify the environmental impacts (global
value, sceneic, forest, water etc lay all the constraints on top. Identify impacts
warming potential, human toxicity etc) associated with each window they produce. This
previous/similar projects, study team brainstorm, community consult, checklist, gov
dept. Interaction matrix. Analyse/eva expert opinion, simulation modelling (trucks information will be used to identify priority areas in their supply chain and processing
noise conc of conta.), MFA LCA used to show the transparency. Management report to be further investigated. Assisting in the design of new products, especially for
comparative analysis among alternative designs.2) Improving the design of existing
mitigation facilities, procedures, design monitoring sys, develop contingency plan
products3) Improving environmental management of facilities producing products.4) A
EMS ISO 14001 the organisational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, marketing tool to show one product is better than another.
processes and resources for implementing envi. Management, which shall be
MIPS (Focus on infrastructure and evaluated using bulk amounts of materials) : A
documented. For regulatory and assessment purposes, demonstration of then
implementation of identified elements in the sys is required. The organisation shall council is evaluating options to spend their budget on building bikelanes or new
roads. Ecological Footprints (focus on consumption/head in a region evaluated by
establish and maintain an env. Management sys. Top management shall define the
organisations env policy commitment, public, documented. Training, awareness and environmental space occupied) : Global resources are decreasing, and being shared
competence, communication to ppl. Formal audits. BHP 3+1 outsider, collect info prior unevenly. Is the consumption of Sydney's population unsustainable?
site visit, visit and talk to people and EMS, prepare detailed report. Outcome
EF - enables us to estimate the resources consumption and waste assimilation
awareness raised, org. structure reviewed, env. Policy developed. Company
requirements of a defined human population or economy in terms of corresponding
environmental policies & objectives can identify specific areas of concern with
productive land use. but not fresh water withdrawal, soil contamination, and pollution
corresponding preventative and control measures. companies an edge to
competitors. By allowing companies to set their own targets, companies can focus on without CO2 and ozone depletion. Food east less processed food, eat less outside, try being
vegetarian Housing solar panel for heating, plant more vegetation, make maximum use of
priority areas that are specific to their operation/supply chain.
that it:i)Is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities,
products or services ii)Includes a commitment to continual improvement and

natural light, cladded wall for insulation against heat & cold // Transportation use less
personal vehicle, use hybrid vehicles, use more cycling, more public transport Consumer Goods
- use recycled goods, use paper bags, use biodegradable goods, Services no use of dryers, less
telephone usage, less entertainment, distance learning, online learning materials Waste.

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