Introduction To GIS Software 1

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Introduction to GIS Software

List of Software
Google Earth
Quantum GIS
ArcView GIS

All the 3 software work hand in hand in producing maps.
However, it should be noted that ArcView GIS 3.2 and Quantum GIS 1.2
source their data from Google Earth.
Thus to complete a map you need to capture data from Google Earth and
select either Quantum GIS or ArcView GIS to create a map (Map layout).
The two software have similarities and differences as well as advantages
and disadvantages which will be made clear by this presentation.
In this lesson I'm going to give the steps involved in Map layout. It will be
for the GIS operator to choose which software suits his/ her needs.

Stages in Google Earth

Open either google earth or google earth pro by clicking this icon
either on the desktop, task bar or start menu.
Zoom to the selected area of interest using a scrolling wheel of your
Digitising exercise
Use placement marks for all point features on view
Use polygon for all area features on the view
Use path for all line features on the view
Trace every place of interest with great care. For more accuracy, Zoom
in. The more you Zoom in the more accurate you will become.

Saving Traced Data

Quantum GIS and ArcView GIS accept Kml formats from Google Earth.
NB they dont accept Kmz formats

Save all the files in a specific folder that is Known
Each and every theme is saved on its own by right
clicking on the theme under temporary places in
google earth.
After saving every file as a kml file in the Known
folder, you can now safely close Google Earth or
Google earth pro.

Stages in Quantum GIS

Click the following icon on the desktop or task bar of
your computer to launch the Quantum GIS
On the ribbon you then click on the add vector layer
Trace the saved kml files from Google earth by clicking
brows on the window that will appear.

1. Click this
button first and
then locate
where the kml
files have been
2. After you highlight all the kml files
You then click open

Map Editing
Double click each one of the theme on the variable view to edit the
You then click on the new print composer icon on the ribbon
On the print composer view, click add new map
Click and drag the top left Conner of the map view to view the map.
Click the following icon for
1. Scale bar
2. Legend
3. North arrow

Export your map

You can export your map in two different formats which include

PDF format
JPEG format

You do this by clicking on the following icons on the ribbon

PDF format
JPEG format

ArcView GIS
This is the most accurate but complicated software of them all.
Unlike Quantum GIS, ArcView GIS produce maps that have graticules
and grids as will be shown on the following lesson.
However though complex, it should be noted that if one has to grasp
every concept and have constant practice, it can represent
Geographical data precisely than any other GIS



Presented By: Mukonto Milton

A student of the Midlands State University in the Department of
Geography and Environmental Studies.

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