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Barnet Councils Schools

Parking Permit Consultation

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Barnet schools currently face a number of issues with the recruitment and retention of
staff such as:

we border inner London boroughs that offer higher weighting salaries

neighbouring boroughs offer more assistance with housing and travel currently
some neighbouring boroughs already offer schools parking permits.

The council would like to assist schools within the borough to attract and retain staff. We
have already carried out extensive engagement with schools and we are working with the
Head of School Improvement to try to attract teachers to work in Barnet. One of the ways
which the council has been asked to assist is to introduce a schools parking permit
However, the council is also committed, through its Parking Policy, to ensure that
residents can park close to their homes, and that our schools travel plan supports the use
of sustainable transport (for example: walking, cycling and public transport use for
journeys to and from schools).
The council has identified a scheme that would seek to balance these conflicting
priorities, in particular the proposed scheme would:

seek to ensure residents can park as near to their home as possible by offering a
maximum number of permits to a school based on the availability of parking
allow schools to determine which staff receives those parking permits
Only permit schools that have a school travel plan in place to take part in the

The council would like to hear your views on the proposed schools parking permit
scheme, and in particular we want to know:
if you support or oppose the scheme in principle
why you support or oppose the scheme
any suggestions you may have to enhance the proposals.
Your views and opinions are important to us and will help inform the final decision.
The questionnaire should only take about five minutes of your time.
Thank you for your time your participation in this important consultation is greatly

With the introduction of a new system the council can identify, on a street by street basis, the number of
car parking spaces and the number of resident permits in that street and therefore identify where spare
capacity is available.
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Please read these instructions carefully before answering the survey
The questionnaire has been designed to make it as easy as possible for you to fill in.
Most questions only require you to put a tick in one option or give your views but please
read the instructions for answering each question carefully.
Please check that you have answered all the questions that apply to you.
Please be assured that all your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and will
be stored securely in an anonymous format. All information is stored in accordance with
our responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 1998.

Please return in the reply paid envelope provided by 30th September 2015.

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Section 1. Schools parking permit scheme

Schools Parking Permit
If a schools parking permit scheme was introduced it would allow schools that reside in a
Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) to offer parking permits to their staff.
The individual permits would only be valid:

in particular streets and only where there is available parking space2

during term time
Monday to Friday.

To take part in the scheme the school would need to have a school travel plan3 in place.
1. To what extent do you support or oppose the introduction of schools permit as

outlined above? (Please tick () one box only)


Tend to

Tend to


Dont know/
not sure
Go to Q3

2. Please give your reasons why you support or oppose the scheme: (Please write

in your answer)

3. Do you have any other suggestions that may enhance the way in which the

schools permit scheme could work, or do you wish to make any additional
comments in support or opposition of the scheme? (Please write in your

With the introduction of a new system the council can identify, on a street by street basis, the number of
car parking spaces and the number of resident permits in that street and therefore identify where spare
capacity is available.
You can read more about School Travel Plans by visiting
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Section 2: About you

When consulting with our residents and service users Barnet Council needs to
understand the views of our different communities.
Please be assured that all your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and will
be stored securely. All information is stored in accordance with our responsibilities under
the Data Protection Act 1998.
4. So that we can analyse the findings by different locations in the borough, please

can you provide your post code ensuring you exclude the last letter (excluding
the last letter of your post code means that we will not be able to identify your
address and your questionnaire responses will remain anonymous).
Please write in the box below. Remember to exclude the last letter of your post

5. Are you responding as a: Please tick () one OPTION only

Barnet resident
Business based in Barnet
Barnet resident and business
Representing a voluntary/community organisation
Representing a public sector organisation
Other (please specify)

Go to Q 8
Go to Q 8
Go to Q 8
Go to Q 6
Go to Q 7
Go to Q 8

6. Please specify the type of stakeholders or residents your community group or

voluntary organisation represents:

7. Please specify the type of public sector organisation you are representing:

If you are a voluntary/community or public sector organisation you do not have to

answer the Diversity Monitoring questions and you have completed the survey.

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8. Are you responding as a: Please tick () one OPTION only

CPZ Permit holder

Non Permit Holder who lives in a CPZ
Trade Union Representative
Business permit Holder
Other (please specify)

Go to Q 9
Go to Q 10
Go to Q 10
Go to Q 10
Go to Q 10

9. Please tell us the Zone of the CPZ you are in: (Please write in your answer)

(Please visit or see the parking signs in your street to

find the zone)

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Section 3: Diversity monitoring

Barnet Council is required by law, under the Equality Act 2010, to pay due regard to
equalities in eliminating unlawful discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and
fostering good relations between people from different groups. One way we do this is to
assess the impact of our services and practices on different groups. The information
collected here will help the council to ensure that our policies and services are fair and
accessible, assess the impact of policies, services and decisions on the protected
characteristics covered by the Act and demonstrate compliance with the law.
To assist us in complying with our duty under the Equality Act 2010 we would like to
encourage you to complete the following questions. Collecting this information will help us
understand the needs of our different communities.
Please be assured that all the answers you provide will be treated in the strictest
confidence and will be stored securely in an anonymous format. All information will be
stored in accordance with our responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 1998.
For the purposes of this questionnaire we are asking seven of the protected
characteristics included in the Equality Act 2010.


Are you male or female? Please tick () one OPTION only




Go to Q12


Prefer not to

Are you pregnant and/or on maternity leave? (Please tick () one option on
each row)


Prefer not to say

I am pregnant

I am currently on maternity leave

What is your age group? (Please tick () one option only)

Under 18



65- 74




Prefer not to say


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What is your ethnic origin? (Please tick () one option only)





Greek / Greek Cypriot


Gypsy or Irish Traveller Irish



Any other Asian background (

Turkish / Turkish Cypriot

Any other White background



Any other Black / African /
Caribbean background

Any other ethnic group (
Prefer not to say

White and Asian

White and Black African

White and Black Caribbean

Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic

background ( AND WRITE

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The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as, a physical or mental impairment that has a
substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-today activities. In this definition, long-term means more than 12 months and would cover
long-term illness such as cancer and HIV or mental health problems.

Do you consider that you have a disability as outlined above? (Please tick
() one option only)

No (Please go to Q15)

If you have answered yes, please select the definition(s) from the list below that best
describes your disability/disabilities:
Hearing (such as deaf, partially
deaf or hard of hearing)

Vision (such as blind or

fractional/partial sight. Does not
include people whose visual
problems can be corrected by
glasses/contact lenses)
Speech (such as impairments that
can cause communication

Mobility (such as wheelchair user,

artificial lower limb(s), walking aids,
rheumatism or arthritis)

Reduced Physical Capacity

(such as inability to lift, carry
or otherwise move everyday
objects, debilitating pain and
lack of strength, breath
energy or stamina, asthma,
angina or diabetes)
Severe Disfigurement

Mental Illness (substantial

and lasting more than a year,
such as severe depression or
Physical Co-ordination
(such as manual dexterity,
muscular control, cerebral

15. What is your religion or belief? Please tick () one option only










No Religion
Other religion/belief
Prefer not to say
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Learning Difficulties (such

as dyslexia)

Other disability, please specify

Prefer not to say


What is your sexual orientation? Please tick one option only






Prefer not to say

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

Please return in the reply paid envelope provided
by 30 September 2015.

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