Easter: The Egg, The Bunny, & The Blood

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The Spring (Vernal) Equinox (March 20/21) is when the nights are of equal length and
the sun rises exactly in the east. The sun enters into Aries during this time. Aries is also
the first astrological sign of the zodiac.

Not too many people know about the true origins of Easter. What also may not be known
is the true meaning behind it. Ancient mythology has often been taught in a literal sense
with disregard to the symbolism and sacredness of the ancient practices. Much has been
lost to the masses due to colonialization, genocide, miscegenation, institutionalization,
and the system that we now live in today known as patriarchy.

Patriarchy has no historical, natural, or divine foundation of its’ own that it can stand on.
Although the leaders that created their version of life did everything they could to hide
and destroy the truth. They were unsuccessful because the very thing they sought to
destroy is the foundation for all life including their very own. Likewise, the only thing
they could do was to build on top of it. We see examples of this from all modern
religions, monuments and historical landmarks, rituals and ceremonies, festivals, and
including the very act of colonialization. The only thing that was changed, which will
prove to be vital, was his-story behind it all. Other than that the names and traditions,
some variations added or taken away, have been kept the same, with a few exceptions
here and there.

From my research, modern day religious leaders dispute the facts of their ritual and
ceremonial origins. No doubt would I do the same thing if I were in their position as
admitting to the truth would take away the “divinely inspired” credit that these leaders
claimed to have access to. Further and simply put, admitting to this truth would result in
total anarchy.

As you are reading about the different mythologies behind Easter, you will undoubtedly
notice that they all share a common theme.


The origin of Easter is believed to have come from the worship of Goddess Ostara or
Eostre. Eostre means movement towards the rising sun. This is also the origin of the word
“east” and also where we get the word “estrogen”. The word Ostara honors the goddess
as the word for vernal equinox. She is the Anglo-Saxon Goddess of fertility, and
resurrection or rebirth after winter.

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Goddess Eostre had a magical companion that was the Moon hare or rabbit. It
accompanied her as she brought new life to dying plants and flowers by hiding eggs in
the fields. Eggs have always been associated with new birth and immortality. Anglo-
Saxons made offerings of their colored eggs to Goddess Eostre. They also placed colored
eggs (such as red ones) in tombs or fresh graves to ensure the rebirth of the deceased.


Purim is a Jewish festival that celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from
annihilation of the Persian Empire. This deliverance came by way of Queen Esther who
went unto the Persian king during a time she was not allowed and could have been killed
according to the customs. Purim is celebrated during mid-February and March. Soon
after that begins Passover. Although the stories are not obviously the same, there are
certain aspects of Queen Esther that are one and the same with Goddess Eostre.

The Persian meaning of the name Esther is star and Morning Star. The Morning Star was
considered Venus when it appears east before the rising sun. Queen Esther’s Hebrew
name was Hadassah. Hadassah has the meaning of Myrtle. Myrtle is a flowering plant
that has 5 petals and sepals shaped like stars. Myrtle was sacred to Goddess Aphrodite
and Demeter. It was used in wedding rituals and was symbolic of love and immortality.


The main Babylonian Goddess was Ishtar. Other variations of the name are Astarte and
Astoreth. Ishtar was often called the Queen of Heaven and Queen of the Morning Star.
She is mentioned in the bible several times as Ashtereth, especially in the book of
Jeremiah, with regard to the Israelites turning away from her worship. According to
George A. Buttrick, author of The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible: An Illustrated
Encyclopedia, there was a deliberate replacement of the vowels in the last two syllables
of the goddess's name with the vowels from the Hebrew noun bosheth, "shame". Raphael
Patai’s book called The Hebrew Goddess tells us that the original meaning of the name
Astarte was “womb” or “that which issues from the womb”. Many things were done to
remove and taint the history of her.

Goddess Ishtar’s chief consort was her son/brother/lover Dumuzi or Tammuz, meaning
'faithful son'. Dumuzi/Tammuz is referred to as Lord of Life, the Green One, and
Shepherd of the People. He is associated with sacrifice in the form of a lamb or a ram.
The ram is associated with Aries and biblical peace offerings. The lamb was also
associated with Aries and biblical sin offerings and burnt (rising in smoke) offerings.


Eostre, Esther, and Ishtar are all counterparts of Goddess Isis. This includes the concept
of birth, death, and resurrection which was played out with Aset (Isis), Asar (Osiris), and

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Heru (Horus). That being said, both Easter & Passover have been celebrated for
thousands of years throughout the world. Mythology is a symbolic message that explains
the process of life. It also remains as testament to humanity’s divine lineage and how to
awaken to that which we truly are.

The moon has been a source of keeping tract of time for some millennia. With ancient
indigenous cultures, the calendars were often based off the 28-day cycle of the moon,
thus producing 13 months of the lunar year. This is what was considered natural time
because all life was affected by the energy of the moon.

The moon with its three phases of New Moon, full moon, and the waning moon
represented the 3 different stages of a woman’s life. New moon (associated with spring)
represented the young or maiden girl. The full moon (associated with summer)
represented motherhood. The waning or decreasing moon (associated with winter)
represented the wisdom years or the time a woman experienced menopause, since she
was now keeping her power within her. All three phases of the moon symbolically
represented Goddess and would later come to be known as the trinity.

There was yet another sacred phase of the moon that is still acknowledged within certain
indigenous cultures. There are 3 days of darkness during the time the waning moon goes
into the new moon. The light of the crescent moon returns again on the 3rd day. This was
symbolic of life and death. Birth, death, and rebirth is an element of nature that was well
understood by indigenous tribes.

In the book Vamacara Tantra: Left Handed Path of Tantra Yoga Vol. 1, it states:

“The Ashanti people have only one word for their deity, which is the same
word for the Moon. In the Basque language also, the words for "deity" and
"moon" are exactly the same. To the ancient Greeks, the word menos
meant both moon and power, whereby we derive such words as
mensuration (to measure), menstruation, mentality, menopause, menses,
and mentor.

One such derivative, mania, at one time had a spiritual definition,

whereby the Moon Goddess possessed one in ecstatic revelation. The
word lunacy, once had exactly the same meaning...”

“The Moon Goddess was perceived to empower a woman and menstrual

blood was a sign of that empowerment.”

Because of the cycles of the cosmos, indigenous people related them to the many
archetypes of the Creator. When the people were in need of anything specific,
they invoked the presence of that particular archetype. The same is done with
many religions now through singing songs of praise to a particular deity; chanting
the name of God or the archetype of God; or doing a ritual or ceremony to

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strengthen the likelihood of a prayer/request being answered. Many religions
have ways they seek favor from the Creator to get what it is they want or need.
Unfortunately, and due to the world wide power struggle, the religious leaders
would later name the practices of indigenous tribes evil, witch craft, or pagan
worship. However, religious followers are still ignorantly participating in the
same rituals because that which is divine is natural and cannot be done away with.


Blood has been a major part of ancient rituals and ceremonies and still is to this day.
Over 75,000 years ago, it is said that the Neanderthals used red ochre to symbolize the
blood of the Earth in burial ceremonies. It has also been seen in early humans as far back
as 40,000 years ago, where the bones of the dead were covered in red ochre as well as
everything in the cave including the walls.

It was a belief that the mysterious power of creation and regeneration resided in
menstrual blood. This ancient belief is not too far off as modern day scientists are
retrieving stem cells from menstrual blood as research says it has a higher count of stem
cells than the bone marrow.

In India there was a universal belief that the Great Mother formed all of physical creation
from her menstrual blood, and all of creation is seen as the living substance of her own

The Vamacara Tantra: Left Handed Path of Tantra Yoga Vol. 1, it teaches that:

“In ancient cultures both East and West, menstrual blood was perceived
as a medium of transmission of power, wisdom and Life. Kings gained
the power to rule by being anointed with the sacred blood of the Queen or
Priestess. In some of the Tantric scriptures still found today, it is
prescribed in certain rituals that the Shakti, or female representing the
Goddess, must be menstruating when uniting with her male consort, so
that he may be blessed and share in the power of the Goddess.

It is not surprising then, our human ancestors formed communities that

were governed by matrilineal succession. For the sacred power of the
blood, was believed to be passed down from mother to daughter. This was
the original concept of the" blood line". In this context it was most natural
that inheritance of material goods be passed on from mother to daughter as
well as the family name. In fact, it is interesting that the root word for
"inheritance" is Heres, which is the Greek for "female landowner", and
also associated with the Greek Goddess Hera.”

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In this sense, we can see the power and the relationship between blood and the land and
more specifically the fertility of the land. There were ancient practices where the
menstrual blood was used to make the ground more fertile. It was considered a natural
for women to work with the Earth because of this relationship.

The Vamacara Tantra further states that:

“This sacred bond between blood and soil was universally recognized for
thousands of years, and was the fundamental principle upon which
agriculture rested. For a man to own land was unthinkable, because within
the framework of this reality, he didn't possess the power to make it

Much later on in our history, the concept of matrimony arose. Whereby if

a man entered into a ritualistic bond with a female, through her he could
gain control over her land or property. The real meaning of matrimony is
the inheritance of property of the Matre or Mother.”

The many names of God and lesser deities represent the attributes of the one. So to be,
the many archetypes of Goddess are one and the same with God itself. The archetypes
are very similar to human characteristics so as to help one with returning to the divinity
that lies within.

As you venture into the many realms of heaven and planes of existence within the
universe, you will come to the reality that everything is Love and Love is God. There is a
certain point of elevation that you past the planes of existence and enter into the higher
holier realms of the cosmos known as heaven. Once there you will notice that gender is
irrelevant, ego can’t exist there and neither can the opposite of love. There is no need to
wait until death to come to this conclusion.

Easter is a time that we are supposed to remember our connection with divinity, the
cosmos, and the earth. Remembering who you are is simply the first step in continuing
on that cycle of life, death, and rebirth. The Christ in you is that state through which one
must lay to rest the lower characteristics of the human mind that prevent one from
experiencing wholeness. One is then reborn through love into the newness that life has to

So for this Easter, for this New Year, you get to decide what steps you want to take to
return to wholeness. Wholeness of course returns you to that state of oneness with all
things. The seasons are one with the Creator and can be used as a map to help you
unearth those things you once believed was impossible to experience.


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