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Moldova is a European Country with a complex and rich history of ethnic traditions and

popular customs
Moldovans traditionally were farmers who worked the land, kept vineyards, raised cattle or
lived as shepherds.
Spring and summer were known as the time to work the land. Autumn represented the harvest
and winter was dedicated to the formation of artistic creativity or spiritual growth. Moldovans
are a nation who preserves all the customs and traditions of their ancestors.One of the most
important traditions of our nation is the ceremony in which the child is named,it is the babtism
of the newborn. Baptism cleanses an individual's soul of original sin. The child is immersed in
the baptismal font three times, symbolizing the three days Christ spent in the tomb. After
immersion, the priest places the child in the open arms of the godparent, who places the newly
baptized infant in a new white sheet as a symbol of the soul's purity. The purpose of Baptism is
to qualify the newly baptized person for membership of the church, and to allow the person to
participate in all of the sacraments of the Church.
In the Eastern Orthodox church, the spiritual, or "God-parents" of the child have an important
ceremonial function. Usually, the child will be named after the God-father, or after a close family
member. Later, the God-parents will play an important role in the wedding ceremony of the
The practice of weddings includes the moments when young people separate from their
social groups. Additionally, there is the separation of the bride from her parents which is
followed by her joining the bridegroom's family
The wedding is a performance with well-established rituals. Poetry, song, dance and
ceremonial costumes all have a detailed role in the wedding .
As previously described, these are the family customs of the Romanian people. Among all
of the religious holidays, Christmas and Easter are the most beloved. The Christmas
celebration starts with a six-week fast prior to the holiday. The orthodox fasting pattern
excludes from the diet any animal product such as meat, eggs, fish, milk or cheese. The
celebration of the Christening of Jesus occurs on January 6--a date commonly considered to
be the coldest day of the year.
Christmas carols, traditional foods and decorated trees are part of the Christmas traditions.
Children start to sing carols during a ceremony in which a white newborn lamb is carried by a
child, thus symbolizing religious faith and purity Regarding the traditions and symbols listed
above, the carol singers arrive during the afternoon of and evening on Christmas Eve. The
well-wishers are expected during the afternoon of New Year's Eve--these are groups who
extend wishes for a happy life, prosperity and fertility in the coming year. The children, who
symbolize purity and hope, usually receive apples, nuts and home-baked bread. The old

fertility rite is a poem describing, in a mythical manner, the labors to be performed by the
plowman--ranging from seeding to bread making, and including reaping of the harvest.
New Year's Eve is one holiday that is celebrated throughout the country. It is an occasion for
night-long parties. On this night, the traditional turkey is served. It is believed that no person
should spend the night alone, as it is the night when the new year, represented by a baby, is
born--and the old year, represented by the tired old man, is replaced. The first day of the new
year is celebrated through songs and dances. The songs mostly symbolize the desire for a
prosperous new year as characterized by fair weather, good crops, health and happiness.
During the long winter nights, young girls and women will gather at a certain house in order
to sit together, spin or embroider--as they are known to do with extraordinary talent. In
Moldova, however, an important part of the population celebrate the Christmas and the New
Year according to the old-style Calendar, therefore one can see a duplication of the holidays,
although, Moldovans explain this inevitable luxury of the year as a sign of prosperity.
The first day of March is the celebration of MARTISOR (mar-tsi-shor), a day when gifts of
small objects--plants, shells, flowers, animals, snowmen or tools--as well as a red and white
ribbon symbolizing life and purity--are given to young girls and women. The little gift brings
good luck, it is said, during the month of March and throughout the year ahead. Overall,
Martisor signifies the end of winter and the arrival of spring.
The Sunday before Easter Sunday is called FLOWERS' SUNDAY. On that day, a special
celebration takes place for all who have names associated with flowers. Fish may be eaten
that day.
Easter is the second largest religious celebration in Moldova. Lamb, cheese cake, colored
eggs and feta cheese make an appearance in every Easter dinner. The egg as a symbol
represents the miracle of creation. A ritual coloring of the eggs takes place to express this
symbolism. The first egg colored for Easter belongs to the children and it must be colored
red. It is placed in the children's room to protect them from evil. The second egg colored is
blue, representing the "love of young women." It is meant to bring good luck in a marriage.
On the first day of Easter, one egg is placed in a pot of water. A silver coin and some fresh
basil are added to the water. All household members will wash their faces with this water.

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