Soul Monad

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Twin souls and twin flames are actually the same thing; so it may be that you are asking
the difference between a twin soul/flame and a soul mate.
The simple answer is: a soul mate is someone youve met many times in a previous life;
possibly romantically, but not necessarily. Its even possible that someone has been your
enemy over many lifetimes!
In that instance, you and that person will keep colliding until you find a way to make peace
with one another.
A twin flame on the other hand, is a person who is part of the same soul as you are that
has been split into pieces; its like you are literally part of the same whole. Although, soul
mates can also said to be a part of a larger soul thats been split into pieces, and here is
where it can get a bit complicated.
Before we go on, however, and important point needs to be made.
I am not a big believer in twin souls, flames, soul mates, etc.
I am absolutely certain that they exist, but out of 7 billion people its extremely rare to
encounter one in our day to day life.
On top of that, the difference between two people who are deeply in love and who are
actually soul mates is difficult to impossible to distinguish.
It seems like it is all too easy for people to get caught up looking for this mythical lightening
bolt love, and miss the miracles that are taking place around us every day. It also creates a
false expectation that anytime a relationship hits a challenge, you should leave since your
real twin soul/mate would never disagree with you about anything ever.
And that simply isnt true.
Finding your twin soul/mate is like finding enlightenment: its very rare and nearly
impossible to determine for yourself; and if you have to wonder if you have it: you probably
Now, back to how souls split.
There is a very old idea that once a Soul is created, the entire complete Soul is called a
Monad. The Monad immediately sprouts out 12 smaller limbs called, Souls or Oversouls.
These Oversouls in turn split into 12 more limbs called Soul Extensions. Each and every
human being (and arguably things that arent human beings) is one of these soul
extensions. So, there are 11 other individuals out there that you are very close to (your 11
other Soul Extensions); they are like soul brothers and sisters. Your potential soul mate
would be in this category.
However, you have an extended family of 143 other Soul Extensions (the other extensions
on the other 11 Oversouls); these other souls would be your twin souls/flames, since they
are still connected to you powerfully, but they would really be a type of soul cousins.
This is just one way of looking at it; some believe that each Monad is part of a group of
144,000 Monads that make up a Soul Group'; needless to say it can get quite complicated
quite quickly.
In truth, none of this really matters since it is unprovable anyway!

There will always be people in your life that you resonate with, or against very strongly;
and this can happen for a number of reasons.
Is it because you are twin souls? Maybe.
Can it be because you are opposite astrological signs? Absolutely.
Could it be you just do or dont like someone?
Knowing these ideas can be useful for understanding the Universe and our place in it; but I
wouldnt put too much emphasis on it in your personal relationships.
What do you think ? Feel free to comment down below!
You are great, and I love you!
And if you love me back, click share up at the top!
B. Dave Walters
Writer, Life Coach, and Talk Radio Host
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There really arent any others, but Gods Cosmic Conscious Dream underneath our
individual and collective unconscious dream overlays has a built-in Divine Order that helps
Awakening and Evolution of Self-Experience along in each seeming part of It and part of
realizing Oneness or Advaita is including the illusion back into Present Awareness, while
seeing through It. So it includes first embodying our full Multidimensional Self in Transdimensional God Awareness and later the lower mind and dimensions automatically begin
One Galaxy Monad contains Soul Groups for each Solar System, which contains 144,000
Monads. Each of these Monads in the Soul Group contains a total of 144 individuals.
Each Monad contains the Essence of 12 branches of Oversoul Souls and each Oversoul
Soul is broken down into 6 sets of Twin Souls or Flames. Upon the final descent into
matter, each of the 6 sets made the final and very painful separation into male and female
Twin Souls or Flames. You and your Twin Soul or Twin Flame together are one of these
pairs of 6 in your primary Soul Mate Group. The other 5 sets of Twins in your primary Soul
Mate Group are known as your near Twins. Since each Monad contains 144 individuals in
total, the other 132 outside of your primary Soul Mate Group in your Monad are your
secondary Soul Mates.
Monads Or Soul Matrix
Soul Group Matrix
Sometimes when one meets a near Twin in life, they can easily mistake them for the one
and only true Twin Soul or Twin Flame. However, if the one and only true Twin Soul or
Flame steps into the picture eventually, the confusion is readily cleared up because there
is no mistaking the true Twin Flame. Your intuition will let you know in no uncertain terms.
There is a feeling of Spiritual Love and Awareness unmatched by any other Love you may
have felt in the past.
Upon Ascension, we again begin to reunite with our Soul Family brothers and sisters.
Kushi said, Upon becoming human we then start to return to Infinity through an outward-

moving spiral of decomposition and spiritualization, melting personal and individual entities
and once again achieving union with the Eternal One or Source. We become One with
our Source or God again and there is no greater Bliss for us to experience. We, as
humans, cannot even begin to comprehend this level of Bliss!
Ascension is a process of moving further up back through the hierarchies and dimensions
until we eventually reach the Source again. The first step is to realign with our Twin Souls,
then the individuals in our primary Soul Mate Group or near Twins and the remaining 11
secondary Soul Mate Groups in our Monads, etc.
St Germain said, The I AM Presence is that within you that is part of God Source, the
Balance within, the Core Star of who you Are. You are no different than I, equal in that Part
of Source We all Are. I have greater Conscious Awareness than you at this moment, not
better, just more in My Mastery of Remembrance, a place of growth that you and all
humanity will attain. So Beloved, You Are Me and I AM You. We Are all God Source. We
are all Masters, God Source, Divine Beings, Life, Love, Light, Laughter, intense Bliss, AtOne-ment.
I was Merlin, Columbus, St. Francis, etc., all of whom are part of the same Soul Group
that I AM. For some, I AM as Germain, had the agreement to be their Spirit Guide, others
as channels, which transmitted that information they were capable of understanding, and
others that agreed to be embodiments of Myself, such as Paul, whom we are currently
working with. Even with an embodiment on the Earth we still do the work with those who
chose to Channel the St Germain Energy. All Channels are that composition of Awareness
of their Truth, which evolves as that channel evolves in its Mastery of Remembrance.
There are 2,135 Soul Groups upon the Earth at this time. Each Group has 144,000
Monads, each Monad has 12 Oversoul Souls that split into the duality of male-female upon
entering into the 3D form. You, as either male or female, are that Part of God, which is One
with All That Is, to experience, individually, all creation in its diversity and wonderment.
Soul Mates are beings who have agreements with you to teach, and be taught by you, the
lessons in this diversity in the illusion of time. The purpose of duality is to understand Light
and Darkness in fullness of Creation. You, as an individual, have God, both as Light and
Darkness. You choose what you will experience in the Now moment. Your life reflects
those choices. Twin Flames are that original male-female split from the Monad you
descended from. As members of a Monad take on greater Light in their Mastery of
Remembrance they contribute to the Soul Groups greater Light in its Mastery of
Remembrance, and as the Soul Group evolves in taking on greater Light, it too, takes on
greater amounts of Light to evolve in its Mastery of Remembrance.
As more and more Soul Mate constellations begin to reunite through the process of
spiritualization we will continue to Ascend back up through the hierarchies and dimensions
until we all reach the Source again, the highest dimension of all and the state of
Perfection. If all of the universal truths and knowledge were made known to your finite
human minds at one time, rather than gradually, your finite human minds would blow a
fuse. Therefore, Spirit gives us all we can handle and once we integrate these into our
consciousnesses, further truths are revealed to us. This is a never ending process until we
once again reach the state of perfection. Our planet will be experiencing a huge
evolutionary leap in consciousness in this New Age. Planet Earth, as a whole, will be
Ascending from 3D to 5D. The Mayans predicted this end of the old reality as we know it
will commence on 12-21-2012 when their time calendar ends.

Edgar Cayce said, By the end of this New Age of Aquarius, we will be a completely
Telepathic Civilization. This is the 5D state of being. Many light workers are currently in
the process of Ascending and they, in turn, will help others to Ascend. As we enter this
New Enlightened Age of Aquarius, these ancient truths will be coming back into the light
and out of the darkness. Many Twin Souls are beginning to align with their Counterparts as
well as their higher Self. This process is currently underway. However, it is just in the
beginning stages. We will be returning to our pre-fall state when we were one with our
Spiritual Twins and our Higher Self and had full Consciousness and Awareness of our
Spiritual Multidimensional Identities.
This is the Divine Plan that the higher forces have for Earth in this New Golden Age. We
will be entering a New Reality. But this will not happen overnight. This is a process and
not an actual event. It is gradual, but inevitable. It may not be the plan for you to realign
with your Twin Soul in this particular lifetime. This is determined by Divine Timing and the
Plan for your individual Twin Set. Your Twin may not even be incarnated on the Earth plane
at this point in linear time. Or your Twin may be a child or even a baby somewhere on the
Earth plane. Your Twin could even already be in the Ascended state in a higher dimension
waiting for you to join Them. There are no cut and dry situations when it comes to Twin
Souls. However, any spiritual work to align with their Higher Self that either Twin does will
naturally elevate the Other and this will help to expedite their eventual reunion. Rest
assured that you will be reunited with your Twin in Divine Timing. Twin Souls are eternally
connected to one another by a silvery/blue cord that can never be severed. We are also
connected to our Higher Self by a similar silver cord that is attached to our Crown Chakra.
Dr. Maurie Pressman and Patricia Joudry in their book Twin Souls, Finding Your True
Spiritual Partner said, Humanity is on the brink of a quantum leap in consciousness.
Enlightened people are preparing themselves for this in their own ways, realizing it is time
for us to Awaken to our origins and our potential and take responsibility for ourselves and
for the Earth. Twin Souls have a special contribution to make; their coming together in
numbers at this time has a reason at both the individual and the Planetary level. When
Twin Souls join, they generate a Energy Vortex that is a Bright Light in the darkness of
societys unconsciousness. In completing each Other, the Whole becomes greater than
the sum of Its Parts: the two create three, and the third is a very potent Light and Love
force at an extremely pure level. This kind of Energy, which partakes of the Energy of both
Twins, is different from that of individuals or even Groups of people working together. It is
the special offering that the Twins have to give to each other and expend in service to
humanity. It is like a dark auditorium lit by an increasing number of individual Flames. Each
Flame represents the conscious and harmonious relationship between Twin Souls.
Eventually, as the Twins multiply, there will be so many Flames and so much Light and
Energy of that particular sort on Earth that this will act as a catalyst and help to bring about
the expected breakthrough (and quantum leap) in consciousness. See for more information about the relation of God to
Monads to Group Souls to Twin Flames to Soul Mates to Self.

So You Want To Attract A Soulmate

You cannot fail. Everyone around you is a soulmate. The more difficult they are, the more
they have something to teach you, so the more important a soulmate they are.
Relationship is work, not a walk in the park.
If you are looking for the love at first sight or the strong attraction, know that most
attractions like that are Eros, or Lust at first sight. This usually dissipates after 3 months.
This attraction is felt with the lower part of the body. True soul connections are usually felt
in the Third Eye and sometimes in the Heart, because True Love is not a sexual thing.
Listen to your chakras; they tell you who is for real. If all else fails, use your gut, the
power chakra, to give you the truth.
There are Twin Flames. That is, there are soulmates who are meant to accompany you
once you have done your job on earth and no longer need to return. The Twin Flame will
come to you if you are firmly monogamous, are on your life path, and are devoted to your
destiny. They are truly your other half, here to accompany you on Ascension, when two
become one. The really are more of a duplicate, but their gender is complementary to
yours. The Twin Flame doesnt come unless you get yourself right, because they will not
fill up your holes or make you complete. They are simply your equal; the opposite gender.
If you have stuff to work on, they will not arrive until one of you is good with
YOURSELVES. When you see people who are easy together, even after many years, you
know they are Twin Flames. These relationships are rare, but they are what we are all
seeking. That is why the true path to the Twin Flame is personal growth.
There are certain people who you meet many lifetimes in an attempt to square a situation.
They are indeed major soulmates. Many times, one soulmate has evolved more along the
spiritual path than another. There will be many opportunities given for this relationship to
grow. You recognize these relationships, because they usually are long term relationships
where you cant quite get it right. It may take your whole life for this relationship to get
right, because one or the other person needs to grow or go on their own path alone, in
order to find their way back to you. Make no mistake; they may indeed be your soul mate
or even unevolved Twin. The lesson is, wait without waiting. Every so often, you can give
them an opportunity to come your way. If they continue to rebuff you, believe them that
they are not ready, and move along. They may never be ready in this lifetime. (Many
times, one or the other is a spiritual teacherand I dont mean literally, but they are.)
4. We sometimes have more attraction for specific peoplesometimes these are
people we knew in other lifetimes. Sometimes they are people who grew up in similar
energies, and so you recognize each other by that energy. (similar parts of the country, or
similar life family situations) Sometimes you literally grew up in the same energies,
because you are the same generation. Astrology recognizes this as being obvious, which
is why astrology is good for predicting chemistry.
You have 144 soulmates who are parts of the same soul-spark as you. This means they
have similar energies, and you will recognize it when you are around them. However, if
they are not an aware person, they may not recognize it. Use patience. But do not push
yourself on someone or obsess over themthis drives them away from you.
The surest way to attract a soulmate is to concentrate on improving yourself. If you do

this, the soulmate will be attracted to you, even if you never leave the house. Of course, if
you never leave the house, you probably arent working on yourself!!! ;) The point is, look
within, not without, for your soulmate. When you truly begin to love yourself, you will find a
true soulmate around you. You are more attractive when you are doing something
interesting in your life, so get involved with SOMEthing!!! GET A LIFE!
Thereforemake good choices. A bad boy or naughty girl is probably not a good
choice for a soulmate. They (and you) will find one nonetheless, but it wont be pretty.
(See Number 1.)
Set your standards. Make a list of your requirements for a soulmate, including looks and
behaviors. Put it in the first tense. He is like this. She is like this.
Rate a date. Because most of us are clueless when dating, make a chart that will help you
determine if your needs are being met. Ensuring that you are only going out with people
who meet your requirements says to God and the universe, I am ready for the Twin
Flame, because I love myself enough to only accept the best!
Once you meet someone, continue to live your life and improve yourself.
BE LOVE. Smile, be friendly, and be loving. There is no better way to attract a soulmate!!!
(You can attract loads this way!!!) (Oops!)
Do love meditations. It only takes a few minutes a day to sit and imagine yourself
surrounded with pink light. Send that energy out to your beloved as well. Try to send pink
light from your heart to theirs. However, DO NOT be obsessive about this. If you are the
obsessive type, only do it once every couple of weeks. If you do it too much, you will drive
them away!!! So, cap it!
Be aware that not all people are at your level of evolution. Sometimes when you go to
send out love vibes, what you will attract is folks who think love is sex, because they are
thinking of attraction at its lowest vibration, which is animalistic reproductive drive. So, just
because you are walking around in love or in a pink fog, dont be unaware of the motives
of others.
Sing love songshappy love songs!!! Make them up or sing along with your favorites.
Happiness has a vibration very close to love. Joy actually has a higher vibration than love,
so when you are happy, it is VERY attractive, and then so are you!!!
Imagine your soulmate with you. Imagine them doing things with you. Best NOT to put a
face on the person in your daydreams.
Get a pet of the appropriate gender, because that brings that gender energy into your
As God (or your Holy One) to send your soulmate to you. But dont be surprised if he or
she comes as a baby! Soulmates come in all shapes and sizes, and can be friends, foes,
or family!

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