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Date: 5 September, 2013

Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center

Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights

Venue: MVP 200

Time: 10:30am to 1:30pm

AGENDA (underlined = to be continued, italics = postponed/deferred):

1) Every Villain
2) Is
3) Lemons
ATTENDANCE (underlined = absent, italics = late/early departure, * = nonvoting):

SOH Chairperson
4 SOH Central Board Rep

Finance Officer

Franco Dominic
3 SOH Central Board Rep
2 SOH Central Board Rep

Iesous Jireh Hernandez

COA President

1 SOH Central Board Rep

Richard Milante
ARSA President

Luis Miguel Del Rosario

SOSE Chairperson
Therese Francesca
4 SOSE Central Board
3 SOSE Central Board
Jann Railey Montalan
2 SOSE Central Board
1 SOSE Central Board

JGSOM Chairperson
4 JGSOM Central Board
3 JGSOM Central Board
2 JGSOM Central Board
1 JGSOM Central Board
SOSS Chairperson
4 SOSS Central Board Rep
3 SOSS Central Board Rep
2 SOSS Central Board Rep
1 SOSS Central Board Rep

Saje Miguel Molato
DEA Chairperson

Christian Dy
CSPA Representative

Dasha Marice Sy Uy
DPR Chairperson

Licianne Go
SOM Representative

Carmela Vinzon
SOSE Secretary
Jan Kua
SOM Representative


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center

Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights

1) State of the Sanggunian Address Updates
a. Requiring of updates from all school boards
i. SOM will use minutes from the previous school board meeting
ii. SOM Liaison (Richard Tee) will add more by 11:59 PM
b. Venue & Time
i. MVP Lobby; Monday, 4:30-6:00 PM
ii. Luigi and Carlos Tabunda will reserve MVP lobby
c. Invitations
i. Invites to COA, COP, and the political parties
ii. Letters were sent to Dasha for release
d. Promotions
i. Will be ready/blasted by tonight
2) Resolutions Passed via Grassroots Empowerment Bill
a. Christian Dy passed 3 bills to the Central Board via Sanggu Sec-Gen
i. Previous Bill: Revised Gender Equality Bill
1. Passed to Committee on Rules
2. COR approved of it
ii. Legislative Review Bill
1. Passed to Committee on Administrative Services
2. CAS Chair (Koko Quilatan) brought it up with SJC to make
sure its constitutional
3. He will ask for updates
iii. Sectoral Representation Bill
1. Passed to Committee on Extracurricular Affairs
2. CEA Chair (Iesous Hernandez) will look into it
iv. Evaluation of LS Offices
1. Koko will ask for updates
b. Resolutions can be discussed during next weeks CB meeting
c. Iesous is sponsoring a bill meant to subsidize political party spending
i. Subsidize COMELEC-accredited political parties
ii. Fund parties during the elections
iii. Costs
1. Top 4 candidates: P5000 each
2. SB Chair/sec-treas: P2500 each
3. CB/EO: P1000 each
4. Total: P92,000
iv. Discussion
1. Will they get funding under OSAs system? Not yet
a. Will bill be provisional since no funding yet from
2. Sanggu will give money to COMELEC; COMELEC will
distribute to parties
3. Money can only be used for campaign materials; COMELEC
will be in charge of this
4. Parties only, not coalitions?
a. Coalitions should also be given incentive
b. We can fund coalitions; we should discourage
running independent


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center

Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights

5. Standard operation by government to strengthen party

6. Tier of funding?
a. Party (most money) Coalition Independent
(least/no money)
b. Recommended amendment
i. Parties P5000
ii. Coalition P3000
iii. None yet for specific positions
7. Implementation for upcoming elections? No
a. Earliest allowable: General elections
b. Reimbursement/retroactive payment during GenEl
v. Iesous will post a revision of the bill on the T52 group; they will
vote on it
3) Corporate Partnership Protocol & Proposals
a. DPR will be passing the duty of corporate partnerships to DEA
b. Suggestions on how to take care of partnerships:
i. Dont really need sponsors? We have funding from OSA
ii. DEA will process and give to CB the sponsorship proposals
iii. For short-term partnerships and events, core team of the events
should be the one to contact companies
iv. For long term: Sanggu will process and vote upon it
4) Committee on Extracurricular Activities Concerns
a. Update: non-Catholic faith group discussion with OSA will happen soon
b. Student groups who want accreditation under OSA but were put on hold
due to discussions unregarding Catholic identity
i. Previous Sanggu bill on religious freedom was never passed;
confirmed with previous sec-gen (AJ Elicano)
ii. Admin never saw the bill either
iii. OSA said they have a copy but they havent sent it yet
iv. Emerging faith-based student groups
c. Set a meeting with OSA, faith groups & OCM
d. 82% of students joined for orgs, this excludes recommitted members
who didnt sign up. COA ExR will release stats tonight
e. Unaccredited org Recweek: Sep 16-18
i. Consolidated effort from independent groups who may/not form
an alliance
ii. LIONS: What is the process of OSA with evaluating groups w/c
arent accredited?
1. Bias for accredited orgs; there should be some
2. COA is coming up with support mechanisms for orgs
applying for accreditation (already an agenda in COA)
f. Meeting with ADSAS: Courtesy call with maam Joyce & other people
i. Restructuring
ii. ADSAS wants to coordinate with and disseminate info more with
iii. Admin has more efforts in communication with students


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center

Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights

5) Committee on Administrative Services Concern

a. Courtesy calls with OFS, CFMO, Rizal Library & OFS
b. OFS
i. Sustainability initiatives: airconditioning with designated
ii. What they want: coordination with orgs and logistics liaisons
1. 1 point person only
2. Other offices are concerned that theres only 1 person
talking to them RE: logistical concerns
i. Trike matrix
1. Fixing of matrix until today
2. Parts of Katipunan were closed up to trikes
3. Cncerns from trike drivers: both students and drivers
having a hard time with matrix & closing of roads (finding
passengers/trikes); a consensus must be reached
4. Meeting with TODA leaders
a. Competition with E-Jeeps
ii. Safety concerns
1. Someone fell from a trike
2. Both drivers & students fault
3. Improve/implement safety regulations
iii. Crossings
1. None in the gate 1 area to the jeeps under the flyover
2. Brought up with LGU, but no progress yet
3. Open to have coordination with Sanggu
iv. Spark plugs: there are some in CSMO
v. Possibility of a shuttle system
1. Proposal raised in 2012system to and from outside Ateneo
not pushed through due to security concerns
2. CAS will release a survey where the appropriate venues &
best timeslots & what they want in the bus
a. If students want it, itll be done
b. Lessening of traffic
i. Macro-scale concerns form logistics (micro concerns go to OFS)
ii. 1 point person only
iii. Concern: catcalling by construction workers
1. No formal reports
2. Construction workers are always briefed to never talk to
students and interact with them
3. Not supposed to happen; file a case to CFMO and Sanggu
e. Rizal Library
i. Rizal Library student ambassadors: coordination for library
f. Concern: No pathway from Rizal & Leong to other buildings
i. Will be brought up by Koko
g. Concern (VP Council meeting): Schedule
i. 8AM start of classes in 2nd sem; last class from 6 to 9PM
ii. Overlap: 3:30-5PM, 5-6:30PM, 6-7:30PM classes
iii. Try to anticipate issues w/c might happen, but it happens
nowadays during Wednesday
iv. Activity hour is retained (4:30-6:00 PM)


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center

Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights

v. Directly affected: EnLit block classes (2:30-4:30)

h. Wireless feature for projectors?
i. GDoc about concerns
i. Temporary for CAS, transitioning to DPR in the future
6) Sanggu RecWeek
a. Ask people RE: Special programs
i. Forward list of applicants for committees
1. Ele posted, but it has not yet organized per committee
2. After GA, final list per committee will be given to Ele
ii. Concerned committees should determine up to how many
members they will get, as well as qualifications
b. Post-GA meeting for screening: department chairs call
a. New provisional CIP for CSPA
i. Christian will upload a copy of the CIP; added to the T52 group &
b. Less of a political involvement, more social involvement
c. Christian is appointed by DEA Chair as chair of CSPA; will be in charge
of independent soc-pol projects
d. Requiring an overseeing CB rep just so it has a sponsor
i. Attends meetings to check up on rules
ii. Christian will still be the provisional CSPA head
iii. Chairperson is not the head facilitator in the CIP
iv. Overseeing by DEA
e. Plans within Ateneo (social involvement parties)
f. Representatives for CSPA will be chosen after SpecEl
i. Successor already in mind
ii. Christian might run during SpecEl, may resign
8) Anti-Dynasty Bill
a. Question of affiliation: Can we use Sanggus name if we want to sign it?
i. Can support under an individual capacity, not as Sanggu
ii. Sanggu should issue a memo for future reference on who can
sign: Unless explicitly stated by Sanggu, views and opinions of
officers dont reflect Sanggu as a whole, dont reflect
constituencys opinions
iii. Release survey to know AdMU students pulse on anti-dynasty bill
iv. Shouldnt only be a survey; should invite a speaker (one of the
writers of the bill)
1. Wouldnt work, no one would attend
2. Short spiel on the survey instead
v. On the survey
1. Alumni association is willing to support it
2. Consult with Fred on what to put in the survey
3. 10 days to get all students answers
4. Should be done by tonight so it can be done ASAP
5. ~300 respondents; from orgs, from constituents
6. Use the orgs
7. Disseminate through reps; tell them its urgent
9) Lina Brocka Partnership








Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center

Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights

Media fest which aims to use films to inspire critical thinking

Mostly movies on martial law era; socio-political abuse
1 day event on socio-political films
Course through ADSF
Admin/Sanggu Budget Concern
Meeting last August 28, released subcommittee heads from admin
Important things:
i. Formation of subcommittees
ii. Schedule of budget meetings
iii. Guidelines for assessment of overload fees
VP Vergara wants Magtanong sa Dekano to happen earlier, in
partnership with us
i. Reasoning is because budget proposed this year will take effect
next year
ii. VP Vergara wants what we talk about to apply this year
Suggestion on replacing office computers
i. After 4 years, student computers are replaced
ii. Give to public schools if not yet fully broken
iii. School-wide electronics drive with partners from outside if fully
Freshman enrollment for SY 2016-2017
i. 10-15% reduction of income; roughly 1,400 freshmen
ii. Faculty revenue will be affected
Overload fees
i. There is an overload fee
ii. Before:
1. Underload is below 12; pay per unit
2. 12-18 units, pay regular load (full)
3. 18 up, pay overload fee
iii. Lately, regular threshold is 12 to program, overload is for those
above program
iv. Irregularity in tuition payment
v. VP Vergaras plans for future: payment of tuition will be by unit
1. Wants to know what constitutes normal load, baby steps
towards per unit payment
vi. VP asking for 2 reps for this committee
1. Private sign ups
2. Tap Gabay
Sanggu Budget
i. Current proposed budget is 2.3M
ii. P200,000 allotted
iii. Many other SB projects
iv. Lessen spending

Other Concerns
a. CB Meetings
i. 9-12, Saturdays, assuming everyone is available
ii. Afternoon instead (12-3PM)
iii. Request reservation of other rooms
b. Agenda
i. Set by Thursday night
ii. Latest release of agenda is morning of the day before


Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center

Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights

Dasha Marice Sy Uy
Jan Kua
Department of Public Relations
John Gokongwei School of Management
Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga
Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga
Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de ManilaPaaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila

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