Lab 12

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Tony Chen

Chem 106
Spring 2015
Jing Peng
Empire of Electricity

Observation of all substances used

Copper sulfate white substance
Granular zinc- grey silverfish metal
when zinc placed into copper sulfate: granular zinc turned brownish red
Observation of temperature and voltage
Setup #1
Voltage= around 0.1 V
Temp= 32.6C
Setup #2
Voltage: 1.06 V Temp: 25.3C for Zinc Sulfate
Voltage: 1.06 V Temp 25.1C for Copper Sulfate
Setup #3
Voltage: 0 V
Voltage: 0 V

Temp : 25.1C Copper Sulfate

Temp : 25.3C Zinc sulfate

Setup #4
Voltage 1.08 V Temp: 25C Zinc sulfate
Voltage 1.08 V Temp : 24.2C Copper sulfate
Focus Question Part 1:
Which setup or setups is the most useful and how does it function in a useful
way? Describe the chemistry involved (i.e. half reactions)?
Setup #2 and #4 are most useful since they have a constant voltage. The
voltage is produced from the interaction between the zinc and copper ions and
metals. The reaction between the two is an oxidation reduction reaction.
Oxidation equation being the loss of electrons Zn(s) Zn2+ (aq)+2e-

Reduction being the gain of electrons represented by Cu 2+ (aq) +2e- Cu(s)

The electrons flow from the wire by anode to cathode through the salt bridge.

Focus Question (New) part II

What is the function of the salt bridge?
Function of the salt bridge is to regulate the flow of the electrons. They can
move from one side of negative to another site with a lesser charge. The flow of
electrons will also stop if there is a large enough difference in charge is created.
The bridge also allows ions to flow into each beaker.
Copper sulfate turns colorless when magnesium strip was added
1. Set up#1: Use a 100mL beaker. Add magnesium rod and copper rod. Add 30mL
of copper sulfate. Record Temperature and voltage.
2. Setup #2 : Add 30mL of magnesium into separate beaker and 30mL of copper
sulfate in another. Connect them with glass u tube filled with potassium nitrate
with cotton balls. Record temperature and voltage
3. Setup #3 : remove Salt bridge and record voltage and temperature
4. Setup #4 : Pour solution of copper ion into ceramic porous then place a strip of
magnesium into the cup.
Voltage 0.79
Temp of copper: 25.7C
Temp of Mg: 25.4C
Removing salt bridge
Voltage: 0V
Same temperature for both copper and mg

Confidence report:

I found my set up #4 from part 1 to be the most electrically useful,

this is where it is connected by a salt bridge. The standard reduction
potentials for the two half reactions of copper ion and Zinc found online is
to be Cu2+(aq) + 2e- Cu(s) = +0.34 V and Zn(s) Zn2+ +2e- = +0.76 V.
This is calculated to be a voltage of +1.10 V, this will be used as a
standard voltage overall.
Comparing this to our results, I am very confident in my results. The
result that we got was 1.08 V in setup #4, this is very close to the
standard voltage being 1.10 V. Me and Chris followed the steps closely and
thoroughly to make sure there was no room for mistakes when we got this
result, this is to enforce my confidence in this experiment. Calculating the
deviation our results was only 1.8% off from the standard which is very
This experiment was fairly straightforward and simple. We redid the
same setups twice to make sure our results was consistent and wasnt off.
We even made sure there was no air bubbles trapped within the salt
bridges. This was to assure ourselves, that there is no mistakes in our
measurements. I am also confident that the salt bridge keeps the solutions
connected without intermixing the solutions to affect the voltage. It also
allows ions to flow through each other, which is why when you remove the
salt bridge there is no voltage at all in my experiment or the standard

experiment at setup #3. This can be explained in my focus question as


There wasnt any room for mistakes in this lab, so I didnt have
much uncertainties in this lab. There was some random blunders like
making sure there was no bubbles in the salt bridge and reassure that the
cotton balls was tight so that there would be no fluid leaking out. However
we can calculate instrument uncertainty to measure our reactants. These
values being for setup #1: 25 or 50mL graduated cylinder + - ml/30 mL x
100% = 3.33%. Set up #2: 25 or 50mL graduated cylinder + - 1mL/15 mL
= 6.66%. Setup #3 : 25 or 50mL graduated cylinder + - 1mL/15 mL =
6.66% lastly Setup #4 25 or 50mL graduated cylinder + - mL/15 mL=
66.66% as well. Three uncertain values would be for set up 2, 3, and 4.
Our set up #2 was a little bit lower than our set up #4 as well.
Maybe the ceramic porous had an effect on the experiment? But I doubt it
since it shouldnt have much of a big impact. Maybe random blunders or
the instruments caused the uncertainty values. Maybe I and my partner
set up the voltmeter incorrectly for this experiment. Me and Chris was
uncertain of setup#1 because it was so hard to reach a voltage and when
we finally got it, it was 0.1 V. But this uncertainty cleared up when we

asked other peers and our instructor if the voltage value was good. We
might have not reacted 1 gram of granular zinc correctly with 30mL
copper sulfate in setup# 1 because the balance was a bit jumpy when
measuring it as well.

BCU statement
I am confident in my results more than I am uncertain of my results
in this experiment. Confident that set up #2 and setup #4 was more
electrically useful. While my uncertainties lies within the instrument values
and a little bit on setup #1.
Ways to improve Confidence:
1. Redo experiment for set up#1 and re-measure the values.

The Cover sheet to Confidence And uncertainty

BCU statement , and WIC

Empire of electricity
Course and section
Date and Semester

Names of group members






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