4º Eso 14-15 Primer Repaso Final

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Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense form.

4 ESO.

1. We _____________________ (change) the direction, we _____________________ (find) the

village immediately.

If you _____________________ (put) more coil on the fire, it _____________________

(burn) longer.

The bullet

______just _____________________ (miss) my head. Let's retreat.


You _____________________ (not damage) my car last weekend.


I'm sure you _____________________ (be) happy with her one day.


If I _____________________ (have) a cottage at the seaside, I (spend)

_____________________ every summer there, but you don't have it.


Simon _____________________ (sell) his yacht next year.


They _____________________ (not catch) any fish here lately.


While the peasants _____________________ (starve), the countess

_____________________ (eat) beef and chicken.


If people _____________________ (not get) enough to eat, they _____________________

(suffer) from malnutrition.

11. She has got a meeting tomorrow. She ( see)
12. When they (enter)

Peter at five.

the house the children (play)

favourite computer game.

13-They never (listen )
They often (go)

to the radio at weekends.

clubbing with their friends.



1) If Mr Brown _________________ (sell) his car, he would have more money.
2) If Susan takes her driving lessons regularly, she _________________ (pass)
her driving test.
3) If Mr Jones ____________________ (watch) the news every evening he would
know more about politics.
4) If Charlie ______________________ (not stop) eating these green apples hell
soon feel sick.
5) If you told me the truth I ____________________(help) you.
6) If old Mrs White heard a strange noise she ______________________ (call)
the police.
7) If I _______________________ (be) you I would throw away this old jacket.
8) If mother _______________________ (make) apple pie Ill give you a piece.
9) If Peter _______________________ (not leave) earlier he would miss the bus.
10) If we missed the train we ________________________ (take) a taxi.
11) If he __________________________ (win) a lot of money he will fly to Paris.
12) If she is ill she ____________________ (not come) to our party.
13) We ___________________________ (play) tennis if it stopped raining.


1) Emily: "Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow."

Emily said that
2) Helen: "I am writing a letter now."
Helen told me that
3) Robert: "My father is flying to Dallas ."
Robert told me that
4) Lisa: "Tim goes to the stadium every Friday."
Lisa said that
5) Patricia: "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend."
Patricia said that .
6) Michael: "I am going to read a book this week."
Michael said to me that
7) Jason and Victoria: "We will do our best in the exams tomorrow."
Jason and Victoria told me that
8) Andrew: "We haven't eaten fish for two days ."
Andrew remarked that
9) Alice: "I will spend all my pocket money on Monday."
Alice complained that
10) David: "John has already gone at six."
David said that

Complete each sentence using a relative pronoun

What's the name of the man...............................car you borrowed


A cemetery is a place......................................people are buried


A pacifist is a person ...............................believes that all wars are wrong


An orphan is a child...............parents are dead


The place....................we spent our holidays was really beautiful


This school is only for children .....................first language is not English


I don't know the name of the woman .............................I spoke to on the phone.


I recently went back to the town..............................I was born


Mr Carter, ....................I spoke to on the phone last night, is very interested in

our plan.
Join the sentences by using a relative pronoun.
a. She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp
b. John is one of my closest friend. I have known him for eight years
c. I was looking after some children. They are terribly spoilt
d. There was not any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from this box

e. The postman was late this morning. The postman is nearly always on time
f. Mr Smith said he was too busy to speak to me. I had come especially to see him
g. I was given this address by a man. I met this man on the train

Put the following sentences into passive voice.

1. Many people read this writer's articles in the past few years.

2. Jackie milks the cows every morning.

3. Benny never understands the new teacher.

4. Everybody loved this type of chocolate.

5. Kids always ate candies.

6. The American people elect the members of Congress.

Passive voice
1. Many things . (do) every month.
2. It (repair) long time ago.
3. The exhibition...... (hold) in 1997.
4. Milk ...(always/heat) for children in winter.

5. The bus.. (wash) every week.

1. The ideas . (discuss) fruitlessly yesterday.
2. Our house ..(always/clean) at weekend.
3. During the course many notes (take).
4. These books . (buy)last week.
5. Meals (prepare)every day.
6. All the tests . (correct) yesterday.
7. A great c.. (give) to me on my last birthday.
8. This computer software .. (release) in 2000.

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