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B3S 1A3


NSLC Contact:

Stephen Bayer
Manager Procurement & Tendering

1. A tender for an HVAC upgrade for the NSLCs Head Office and
Distribution Centre.
A mandatory site meeting will be conducted on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 at
10:00AM at the NSLCs Head Office, 93 Chain Lake Drive, Bayers Lake
Industrial Park.
2. The NSLC Policy is to ensure that all firms interested in becoming
government suppliers shall be given equitable access to contract
opportunities, except that consideration may be shown to Atlantic Provinces
suppliers, manufacturers and contractors whenever practical and
economically feasible to do so, consistent with The Atlantic Procurement
3. Tenders must be delivered to the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation, prior to
the tender closing. Please indicate the NSLC Reference Number on your
document and/or envelope.

Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation

Attn: Stephen Bayer, Manager, Procurement &
Tendering/Reference No. CN-17-P-14
93 Chain Lake Drive
Bayers Lake Business Park
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3S 1A3

4. The tender must be submitted in duplicate on form provided herein. These

forms must be completely filled out in ink, or typewritten with the signature
in longhand, and the completed form shall be without interlineations or
The tender must be addressed to the Nova Scotia Liquor
Corporation, at the above address.
5. Inquiries concerning the Specifications are to be directed only to the
attention of: Chris Tretiak, P. Eng., CBCL Limited: Email:
AND to Stephen Bayer, NSLC Procurement &
Tendering Manager: Email: Please do
not solicit information/clarification from any other NSLC staff, other than
Stephen Bayer, regarding this tender document unless the above contact
person has specifically directed you to another to respond. The NSLC
reserves the right to disqualify any respondent that does not comply with this
6. Please submit all inquiries in writing to the above no later than three (3)
business days prior to the closing date. All NSLC responses will be provided

via an addendum to this tender. Confirmation of issued addenda can be

obtained by checking the tender document as posted on the Public
Tenders website at
7. Notification of successful bidder and the return of Certified Cheques or Bid
Bonds will be forwarded to all unsuccessful suppliers immediately after the
tender is awarded. Deposit is non-refundable for drawings and/or project
8. Late quotes received after the closing date and time will be disqualified from
competition and returned to the bidder unopened.
9. Tenders will not be accepted by fax or email.
10.Incomplete tender and tenders that fail to comply with the specification
documents will be rejected. Contractors are urged to (1) indicate all areas
with which they will not comply and (2) specific terms which they will accept.
Rationale for their position will also enhance their proposal.
11.Changes/amendments to Bid Submissions may be accepted by fax
provided the attached NSLC document is completed. Fax must include
proper identification by company name, reference number and due date and
are received prior to closing date and time. Amendment is to identify change
in price only, not revealing the amount of the original bid submitted.
For example your Amendment must state:
Change (decrease/or increase) to the original bid excluding HST is
Please use form provided.
12.Bidders should ensure that all calculations and totals are correct. If any
discrepancies/errors are noted in the evaluation process, the unit price will
13.Bidders expenses for this tender are the sole responsibility of the bidder in
the preparation or presentation of their proposal.
14.The NSLC reserves the right to reject any or all bids. This tender implies no
obligation on the NSLC to accept this bid or any bid submitted and has the
right to cancel this tender if required.
15.The NSLC reserves the right to cancel the awarded contract with 30 days
written notice if required.
16.All contracts resulting from this tender will be governed under the laws of
Nova Scotia.
17.Bidders will be held to have visited the site, and to have informed themselves
as to existing conditions and limitations. Tenders shall cover the execution of
the whole of the work described in the specifications.

18.The NSLC reserves the right to contact bidders for the purpose of clarifying
information included in the proposal prior to making a final decision or
19.The successful Bidder shall enter into an agreement using N.S.L.C. Work
Order or C.C.D.C. Document 2. Within four (4) days of the opening of the
tender to be supplied by the Bidder unless otherwise agreed upon. The
security deposit herein called for shall be forfeited should the Contractor fail
to sign the contract within fifteen (15) days.
20.If work is either directly or indirectly delayed or stopped for a period which in
the opinion of the NSLC, acting reasonably, is likely to continue so as to
substantially prevent, hinder or delay the timely completion of the contract
and such delay or stoppage is caused;
a. by fire, flood, elements of nature or acts of God;
b. by acts of war, terrorism, riots, civil disorders or reasonable apprehension of
c. by labour disputes, strikes, or lock outs;
d. under an order of any court, or other public authority, through no act or
fault of the contractor or anyone employed by him/her; or
e. by other similar cause beyond the reasonable control of either party (but not
including financial difficulties or insolvency;
and such delay could not have been prevented by reasonable precautions
and could not be circumvented by the non-performing party through the use
of alternate sources, work around plans or other means, either party may,
upon providing three days notice to the other, terminate the contract. In
such case, the contractor may recover from the Corporation payment for all
work executed and reasonable profit for that work.
21.The Bidder shall include in his
shall act as sub-contractors for
subject to the approval of the
contractors after the signing
received from the NSLC.

tender a list of all firms which it is intended

portions of the work. All sub-contractors are
NSLC, and there shall be no change of subof the contract unless written approval is

22.Each tender shall be accompanied by a Certified Cheque payable without

recourse to the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation or by Bid Bond, for not
less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the Tender, covering the
faithful performance of the contract and payment of all obligations arising
from the contract. The certified cheque or bond of the successful bidder shall
be returned upon receipt of the satisfactory Performance Bond and Labour
and Materials Payment Bond as specified hereinafter in Clause 27, unless
certified cheque or bid bond is retained as performance bond. For this
reason, tenders will not be accepted by fax or email.

23.Insurance shall be placed by the Contractor in accordance with the General

24.The contractor and all Sub-contractors shall pay fair wages, and shall pay
rates of wages and allowances to the various classes of labour not less
favorable than those prevailing in the area where the work is being
performed. The Contractor shall comply with all laws and regulations in any
way affecting those engaged or employed upon or in the conduct of the
Works. The Contractor shall protect and save harmless the Owner from and
against all claims or demands arising out of or based on the violation of any
such laws or regulations.
25.The percentage of holdback on all payments shall be 10 percent for lien
purposes. The NSLC reserves the right to withhold additional holdback
amounts for work not completed as required in the bid documents.
26.The Contractor shall indicate on his tender form that he has based his prices
on the specifications and all addenda issued during this course of tendering.
He shall also assure himself that he has, in his possession at the time of
tendering, all addenda that have been issued.
27.For projects greater than $100,000 in value, the Contractor will be required
to furnish a Labour and Material Payment Bond (50%) and Performance Bond
(50%) which will total 100% of the Contract amount. These securities will
cover the faithful performance of the contract, including all warranty claims
after the final payment, and the payment of all obligations arising under the
Contract, in such a form as the NSLC may prescribe and with such sureties as
they may approve. All costs in the tender price, and these Bonds are to be
maintained for a period of six (6) months beyond date of substantial
completion. For projects less than $100,000.00, a cash security of 10% may
be retained as a Performance Bond.
For contractors who cannot obtain bonding, the owner, at his discretion, may
request an additional cash security of 10% of the contract amount. This
performance security of 10% will then be released progressively as the
contract reaches completion. A warranty of 2 % will be retained for 45
days after substantial completion.
28.The Contractor must provide a Statutory Declaration, properly notarized
stating that there are no Mechanics Liens registered against the job and that
all accounts have been paid in full, before certifying final payment including
holdback monies.
i. Where a Bid Document stipulates a particular product,
alternatives may be considered by the Owner, noting that the

Owner has a set standard in place for this work.

complete the details in the space provided on the Bid Form that
follows; alternates will not be accepted post tender unless
otherwise agreed upon.
ii. When a request in writing to substitute a product is made, the
Owner may approve the substitution as an equal and will issue
instructions in an addendum to the bidders. Written requests for
alternatives must be submitted at least three (3) days before
tender closing and must include all data necessary to prove
equivalency of proposed product to meet the requirements of
the specified product including, but not limited to, product
descriptions, performance criteria, test data, installation
guarantee/warranty forms.
iii. Where bidders choose to submit alternatives to products and
methods specified, the description of such alternatives shall be
entered on the Tender Form in the space provided. Please
ensure you state the costs associated to these alternatives. You
may submit as an option costing as well as the original costing
for products we are seeking in this RFP. This will provide us with
the comparative pricing. These alternatives shall not form part
of the base bid.
iv. In submission of alternatives the bidders shall include in their
tender allowances for changes required in the work to
accommodate such alternatives. Later claims by the bidders for
an addition to the Contract Price because of changes in the work
necessitated by use of alternatives shall not be considered.
30.Tenders must include the cost of all Permits and fees.
31.The NSLC will require, prior to issue of a Certificate of Total Completion, a
Certificate of Release issued by the Workmens Compensation Board:

Prior to issue of a Certificate of Total Completion, the Contractor must:



Have a Certificate of Recognition issued jointly by the Workers

Compensation Board of Nova Scotia (WCB) and an occupational
health and safety organization approved by the WCB; or
Be in the process of qualifying for the Certificate of Recognition
from an occupational health and safety organization approved by
the WCB.

Before work on the project commences, the contracted party must have
had the sponsoring occupational health and safety organization submit a
Letter of Good Standing to the NSLC Representative.


Before work on the project commences, the contracted party must

ensure that all of its employees who will be working on the project have
received appropriate training and are competent to perform the work


Provide coordination with the NSLC to ensure safety for NSLC employees
and customers.

32.The Contractor will not be allowed to begin work on this site until advised by
the NSLC.
33.Vendors must submit proof, prior to contract award, of their Certificate
of Recognition issued jointly by the Nova Scotia Construction Safety
Association and the Province of Nova Scotia Department of Labour, or a valid
Letter of Good Standing from an occupational health and safety organization
approved by Nova Scotia Transportation and Public Works indicating the
Contractor is in the process of qualifying for the Certificate of Recognition.
Failure to supply this certificate will result in automatic disqualification of the
tender submission.
34.The NSLC reserves the right to ensure the work is being completed to its
standards as provided in the documents.
35.The NSLC reserves the right not to award to any bidder based on past
performance with the NSLC.
36.Contractors are to provide a written warranty on all materials and
workmanship for a minimum one (1) year period from the date of contract
37.Bid Evaluation Criteria
Compliance with the Bid Documents









NSLC Reference No: CN-17-P-14
HVAC Upgrade for the NSLCs Head Office and Distribution Centre, as per
tender specifications and drawings.

The undersigned Bidder agrees to provide all necessary labour, permits (if
required), equipment, tools, travel, shop drawings, site supervision, incidentals and
other means of cleaning, and any deficiency related work associated with the timely
completion of this project as specified in accordance with the Contract and agrees
to accept, therefore as payment in full, the Contract Price for the NSLCs Head
Office and Distribution Centre.
The undersigned Bidder is not obligated to bid for all four (4) of the works, with this
tender and all submissions will be considered. The NSLC will award to the best
scoring bid for each of the four (4) works for pricing and schedule.
The Bidder agrees, within four (4) days of notification of acceptance, to enter into a
Contract between the NSLC and Contractor, and provide the contract security as
(As per Specifications) in Canadian funds, excluding H.S.T.
1. Rooftop Equipment Removals


Note: this work will need to be coordinated with the roofing contractor for
removals. This work is anticipated to start late August and acceptance of the
schedule proposed by the roofing contractor will be a condition for award of this
Exclusions, if any, from the work to be completed by others and not part of this
work: _____________________________________________________

2. Security Office Air Conditioning



Proposed duration for the work including lead time orders, shop drawing
reviews, fabrication, shipping and installation. __________ days from award.
Proposed duration on site for the installation work. ________ days on site.
Exclusions if any from the work to be completed by others and not part of this
work: _____________________________________________________

3. Vestibule Heater and Air Curtain



Proposed duration for the work including lead time orders, shop drawing
reviews, fabrication, shipping and installation. __________ days from award.
Proposed duration on site for the installation work. ________ days on site.
Exclusions if any from the work to be completed by others and not part of this
work: _____________________________________________________

4. Boardroom Air Conditioner



Proposed duration for the work including lead time orders, shop drawing
reviews, fabrication, shipping and installation. __________ days from award.
Proposed duration on site for the installation work. ________ days on site.
Exclusions if any from the work to be completed by others and not part of this
work: _____________________________________________________


The undersigned Bidder agrees if awarded the Contract on this Bid to commence
and complete the Work for the duration of time specified in the bid documents.
1. The Bidder agrees that he has:
.1 Carefully examined the site of the work described herein; become
familiar with local conditions and the character and the extent of the
work; carefully examined every part of the proposed Contract and
thoroughly understands its stipulations, requirements and provisions.
.2 Determined the quality and quantity of materials required; investigated
the location and determined the source of supply of the material required;
investigated labour conditions; and has arranged for the continuous
prosecution of the work herein described.
.3 Noted that the Harmonized Sales Tax is excluded from this Contact
2. The NSLC agrees to examine this Bid and in consideration, therefore, the
Bidder hereby agrees not to revoke this Bid:
.1 until some other Bidder has entered into the Contract with the NSLC
for the performance of the work and the supply of the materials specified
in the notice inviting Bids or in the Instructions to Bidders, or
.2 until twenty (20) days after the time fixed in the Instructions to
Bidders for receiving Bids has expired,
Whichever first occurs; provided, however, that the Bidder may revoke
this Bid at any time before the closing time and date fixed in the
Instructions to Bidders.

The Bidder hereby agrees to be bound by the award of the Contract and if
awarded the Contract on this Bid to execute the required Contract
commencing on the stipulated date.


The Bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of the following addenda:





The Bidder has listed the Sub-contractors they will use for trades, reserving the
right to substitute should any sub-contractor withdraw his Tender or become
bankrupt; substitutions are subject to the NSLCs approval.
The Bidder recognizes the NSLC's right to accept any Tender, or to reject any or all
Tenders, also the NSLC's right to substitute any Sub-contractor after adjusting the
contract price with the Contractor.
The undersigned Bidder declares that this Bid is made without connection with any
other person(s) submitting Bids for the same work and is in all respects fair and
without collusion or fraud.
Dated this

day of

, 2014

Bidders Name

(please print)
Bidders Signature
Telephone Number

Fax Number

Email ____________________________



Please fax this form to the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation before the tender
closing date and time. Allow a minimum of 15 minutes prior to closing for
transmission time as there may be a back log and your submission may be
received after the acceptable time frame.
Fax: (902) 450-6007
Date & Time:_____________________________________

Re: Tender # CN-17-P-14

Number of Pages: __________

With reference to the above mentioned project, please adjust our sealed tender as

$___________________ to the lump sum


$___________________ to the lump sum

No tax portion is required.

OFFICIAL SIGNATURE: __________________________________________












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