Omega Drift Written By, Christopher Sorensen

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Christopher Sorensen
#44 Edward St.
Kamloops, BC, Canada
Copyright Protected, Registered

Written By, Christopher Sorensen


Chicago a city full of life. A city full of crime. A city made for those who seek
to fulfill their lives with riches, spoils, careers, and even a destiny. Apart from the
normal way of living there were those who craved decadence, debauchery, and
murder. It is the dark underworld of criminals who roam the streets looking for
ways to fill their pockets with hard working peoples labor or find those versed in
the arts of entertainment in the form of women or men, drugs, and arms.
Combining the factors of innocence exposed to the unspeakable nature within
man had become a marvel of destruction. Yet to keep the streets balanced to a point
of tolerance law abiding individuals plunged their hands into the filth so that the
wayward chicago citizens can sleep at night. For detective David Folten his nights
were always different. From the not so innocent hooker to their pimp employer
who pays them less than the welfare system. From there his nights took him to
places of seedy speak easys to the bad drug deal that went south because someone
didnt want to pay full price. Bartering in chicago was the usual expectation to the
lowlifes who had no grand scheme of things. In Foltens mind anyone who did or
sold drugs of any kind including grass was a loser plain and simple. For years his
train of thought of catching the criminal in the act was nothing short of a day at
the office. He knew how many were corrupt. He knew how many city officials
took to the drink or to the occasional whore after a grueling day of sitting in an
office and doing nothing particularly special or beneficial for the public. In fact his
only conclusion was a dead politician is a great start. Since his academy days
dave knew that there were going to be nights sitting in his car watching the bad
guys try to score a deal while being recorded with high tech equipment. Since the
early seventies devices such as tape reels or video cameras often got lost during a
court case or someone rifling the evidence vaults. Except now in the present day
reels or tapes were replaced with digital cameras or microphones the size of
pinheads taped to another persons body. Small enough not to be detected. A waste
he thought. Taking out the excitement of catching the criminal in the act replaced
by voice recognition data banks or DNA sampling to match a horrific crime against
the scum. The chase is what Dave lived for. To hunt down the scourge who had no
conscience about raping or killing a woman or murdering specific targets who went
against the mob. The new world was about transmission of information with
computers and not with the human mind like it used to be. Although he had to
admit in one way that DNA was a good idea to catch those who slipped between
the cracks some years earlier. That he could live with. But for now it was just a
lonely night waiting in his car in front of an old building as he sipped on warm

coffee from a local deli. The taste reminded him of how his ex-wife used to make
his coffee bitter and it tasted like Mister Clean sanitizer. His cast away half eaten
danish was also nothing to bark about either after he bit down, and felt a fingernail
on the tip of his tongue. Small trials like this often tested his patience since he
bought and paid for the pastry with his hard earned money. Why had people got
such low standards now a days? Is money the only thing left in a persons life? If it
was why go into business, and taint a food item with someones keratin cut nail
that fell into the batter? Surely anyone with good taste or moral compass would
have inspected the concoction before it went into an oven. Yet for all of his
expectations of buying something tasty to enjoy while on a stake out he ended
up with a chefs fingernail encrusted, and baked behind a walnut shaving. The
night was quiet albeit for the local cats that scampered about from trash can to trash
can. At least there were some citizens although feline that were having fun. Dave
leaned back in his seat, and opened his folder to examine his targets one more time
before making his move. On the front cover was a face scarred with knife marks
above his eyebrows. Two nearly perfect slices that could have taken his face clean
off if his opposition so wished. A man of disgusting fortitude whos life was
melded into a ragged but very toughened man whos trade was trafficking girls
under the age of fourteen. On the second page was another face but much more
scarred than the first. His trade was to sell organs from hospitals to the crime
families for those waiting on a list with fat wallets. Part of his trade also was to
remove organs from opposing families and sell them to their enemies at a discount.
What the frightening part was for dave was that he removed them while his victims
were still alive.
Seeing as the cockroaches had gathered together on this particular night Folten had
no clue as to why. For on the third page in the folder was his prize. A very dark,
sinister, and extremely low tempered man with no blood in his veins except acid
like properties that gave his distinct persona his character of being merciless. At
least thats what dave thought when he gazed at his photo. His career spanned ten
years of murdering women under the age of twenty as well as men if his mood
changed. It also included arms deals to the highest bidder or to whomever had the
thickest money roll. But what made the bulk of his wealth was the newest crazed
drugs for the youth of chicago called Heth-regen. A drug that was first designed
as a cosmopolitan fad for those elite or for the jet-setters, and the filthy rich. Since
then as grass made its way back into the limelight Heth-regen declined from the
market as marijuana became legal in nearly every Us state, and province in
Canada. This being a conundrum in foltens mind any drug used by anyone was a
loser. Whether it was a lucid drug such as grass or high octane such as Heth-regen
anyone that used had no business to work legally in any public environment.

For now he had to contend with what was given to him as a case. Suddenly through
his quiet moment daves Cb squelched some noise, which followed with a sultry
but lively voice; Calling car thirty seven you there?
Thirty seven here. Whats up Valerie? Said a bored David with a Click!.
Got a homicide close to you. Corner of Lader, and Pine. On site units are there
with the coroner. Just waiting for you to clean up the mess. Clicked valerie.
On my way. I needed a break anyway.
Have a good one. Final Click!
Dave started his car, and shifted to drive for his trip to a new crime scene. He left
the window down seeing as it was a balmy night, and not too cold. The fresh air
livened up his spirits as he swerved past a few cars ahead of him. Seeing as the
night wasnt too active, dave decided to place his red signal bulb on top of his roof,
and turned on his siren to wake the sleeping hobos close by in alley ways. Slowly
he forced his foot down on the accelerator to shorten the distance from him and the
crime scene. His heart leapt a few times in anticipation of finding out who was
killed tonight but never had the stomach to stare at the corpses for too long. It was
the clue finding that always intrigued his senses. From the possible blade marks a
killer left behind in someones back or a bullet fragment that was lodged in the
brain or heart. Things like this had always gave his ego a boost because he could
always find out who it was or where they were by interrogating witnesses. This
should be a cinch. Dave thought. In front of him was another set of cars moving
too slow for their own good. So he stepped on the gas fully, then weaved, and
bobbed between cars along the busy street. Lights he didnt pay mind to since he
was a decorated officer, and no other cop was going to stop him for running a light.
It had turned into a good night.
At the crime scene he could see hundreds of cars parked in sporadic patterns as
they kept witnesses back using the yellow tape. Reporters were abuzz as they hung
around police men like vultures trying to get a scoop as dave parked his car a good
fifty feet away from the scene. As he got out some of the paparazzi threw out
questions such as; Detective do you have any idea who did it? Why was the
woman killed in such a horrific fashion? Did she have a lover? Detective please,
answer the questions.
In a calm manner dave moved to the scene where medical examiners were doing a
post examination before her trip to the morgue where a more thorough autopsy
would take place. As he weaved through fellow officers the city people kept staring
at the scene with blank eyes, which slightly agitated him. All of this activity for
one murder was not normal he thought. Most crimes that had more effect on the
public would be political not for one person. Female yes but highly unlikely
unless she was apart of the municipality itself.

As the scene got closer to his eye sight he noticed a large pool of blood on the
ground surrounding her body like a makeshift blanket. Reflections of the lamps
curbside offered a more profound aspect to his vision. As dave drew closer he
could see her body now, which to him looked like someone who drove a city
paving tractor had rolled over the woman intentionally. Dave leaned over to heave
a few times but nothing came out except air. An examiner approached david.
Detective, are you all right?
Yeah. Yeah how did she get killed? Her body looks like
The woman was identified as Kelly Larson. She was a reporter for some new
magazine, which is about eight years old. What did this to her was two people.
She had succumbed to severe body trauma by tremendous blunt force. Steel bars
are my guess because we found come galvanized shards in her thigh bones. The
assault was extreme to say the least. All of her bones were pulverized, including all
of her fingers, and toes. Most attackers leave those out in the heat of beating
someone to death. Except in this case they got everything.
So death by beating. Why?
One witness said she saw it all from beginning to end. Answered the examiner.
Where is she? Asked Dave.
Over by the swat van.
Swat van?
Detective whoever these two are have been declared enemy number one. Units are
everywhere scouring for these degenerates as we speak. The district attorney also
got involved because of the nature of the crime.
Fine. Whats the witnesses name?
Casey. Casey Hunter.
Thanks. Replied david.
He grabbed his handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his brow, as he made a beeline
to the swat van where troopers stood by but not too close to a woman who was
sitting on the tailgate of the van. Her eyes held sheer genuine fright as the mob of
police kept moving about in a random pattern to keep prying eyes away. Dave saw
her hands shaking terribly, which meant he had to interrogate her gently to at least
get a viable chunk of clue to help find the killers. After taking a deep breath he
approached Casey as he asked; Miss Hunter?
Yes. Said a terrified casey.
Are you able to answer a few questions?
I already told the police everything.
Thats them. Im detective David Folten. I specialize in cases like this.
Can we go somewhere? I cant sit here.

Theres a cafe just a block away. Feel for a coffee?

Oh god yes. Please.
Come on.
During their moment in silence david could not help but notice the patrons in the
cafe as being slightly dazed looking. It was almost dead from his perspective as
couples or single people never once glanced to anyone else. Casey stirred her
coffee for about five minutes until she was sure the sugar she spooned in was
dissolved completely. After setting her spoon down she took a small sip as david
asked. So lets start from the beginning. Where were you the moment the attack
had occurred?
Casey cleared her throat, and sat up straighter as she started; I was on my way
home from my job.
What do you do?
Im a bakers aid. I do all of the necessary setup of batters, and dough before the
chef comes in to bake everything. It takes a good six hours.
Go on.
I was walking down pine when I heard this woman screaming on the top of her
lungs for help. I stopped to see where the voice was coming from but it was all
David began to picture in his mind just how the story unfolded from caseys
detailed explanation. He could see a woman running scared from her attackers
down a lonely old street where cars were parked by the curb. Lights that
illuminated the streets were not enough to give some sort of safe haven for the poor
soul as she frantically tried to find either a phone booth or some shop or store that
was still open. He felt like a cold breeze had just wafted through his senses as
casey continued to give further details. After I stopped walking she just kept on
screaming but I still couldnt see her until a figure stumbled on the corner. I knew
it was her because part of her coat was ripped. I thought she was being mugged or
raped at first, and then I saw them.
The men who attacked her? Asked David.
Yeah. Two men very big, and very strong. One almost caught her but she
somehow got her coat off, and ran down the street. I decided to follow but not too
close because I was scared.
Didnt you have a phone to use? A cell? Or phone booth? Inquired david.
No I dont carry one. Ive never needed to because I like speaking to someone
face to face instead of texting.
David gently smiled to her for being a kind of kindred spirit because of his hatred
for high tech. When they all reached Lader avenue the woman fell to the
pavement as she screamed with a higher pitch. I had to cover my ears.

Now david could see the poor woman lying on the ground as casey gave the most
horrific part when the attack happened. Each man held a steel bar in their hands,
and started to bash her body from head to toe. An odd Clung! Sound echoed in his
ears as the victim twisted and churned to avoid each smash of the heavy bars. Her
bones crackled as the steel smashed onto a leg bone or arm bone, which made it
limp grossly at an offset angle as her voice shrilled in the night. From caseys
accurate details blood seeped from the poor womans nose, lips, and eyes as her
attackers did not stop their foul, and destructive behavior. David pictured one man
laughing as he bashed her head into the pavement with zealous power with crazed
eyes, and drool that came out of his mouth. Odd chunk sounds rang in his temples
as the womans voice grew meeker by the second. Casey began to cry as she tried
to explain the next segment of the incident; She just laid there whimpering low
moans as people walked by seeing it all. I thought, my god someone help her.
Anyone but all they could do was look away and stroll on. After they were done
attacking her I kept low beside a car. Then they just walked away as if nothing had
happened. Like friends side by side holding up their steel bars on their shoulders in
Would you be able to do an Id session?
Yes. Casey said sniffling.
Okay. But you can name the day and time.
Im free on Thursday about one oclock? Casey added.
Thats not a problem. I can arrange a quiet office.
Okay. Then she finished her coffee as david pulled some money from his jacket
to pay. Casey blew her nose quietly to recover her composure as david put down
the small change for the bill. Do you need a ride home?
I should be okay. I dont live far from here. Casey exclaimed.
You sure?
Okay then. Just to be safe Im going to give you one of my cards. Its just a
precaution in case you dont feel safe at home for any reason. I am always
Thanks. Casey replied as she took the card from him. David then turned to leave
the cafe as casey leaned back in her booth, and closed her eyes to breathe deeply a
few times. After glancing back once, david admired her honesty in giving the
statement even though it was in a public place. Most would choose to hide or give
false statements to protect themselves but not casey. She had a strength he liked.
Although frightened she didnt waver at all in her testimony. David could always
tell who lied and who doesnt even by just a small minute piece of evidence. Upon
leaving he grabbed his notebook, and started to write his own tale for later on.


On thursday it was full in the bullpen of precinct 106. Criminals of all types, and
kinds were seated at benches or handcuffed to chrome rails at the desks of the
arresting officers who brought them in. Casey entered the building to meet up with
a desk clerk who for the moment had his hands full trying to cope with shouting
prisoners or to the whores who were showing off wares to other cops who were not
doing a single thing except playing with their guns or phones. A voice called down
to her; Can I help you miss? The desk sergeant asked.
Uh Im here to see detective Folten?
Hold on a minute Ill ring him up.
Thank you.
Casey glanced around to see a plethora of distilled stagnant faces of criminals who
for the moment were lively to jibe or tell off officers because of their hate for them.
She often thought of why people went to such lengths to become such unwanted
individuals when their lives could have or was more peaceful than now. One man
glanced to casey, and then licked his lips in a demeaning fashion, which made her
cringe at the thought. He smiled to show bad teeth, and tattooed gums as he spoke
with a distinct, and low tone to her; Feel for something rough, and ridged in that
pretty mouth of yours honey?
Turning away from his evil stare she saw david walking towards her with a gentle
grin. Her heart leapt a few times as he approached slowly not because he was good
looking, and a policeman but because he genuinely cared the night she gave him
her testimony. When he stopped in front of her he asked; How are you feeling
today? Up to the task?
Yeah. Lets get this over with.
This way.
He led her through the chaos as prisoners started to become a little more hyper as
the waiting period went on. Officers started to move them to cells so that the
bullpen could breathe a little easier with the loud mouths locked up. Casey rounded
a corner following david. As they passed a few offices she could not help but
notice some photos lining the wall of policemen in front of the precinct over the
past forty years. Other photos of old captains had their own display but never once
overshadowed their subordinates. David opened a door to allow casey to enter. As
she stepped inside all there was, was a table with four large books set two by two.
It was going to be a long day she thought.
After three hours of looking at pictures casey had to stop, and rub her eyes for a
moment as david brought in two coffees.

Here. Youve been going at it for awhile. Have some coffee.

David sat across from her as she flipped through some more photos to sort of pass
the time but remained diligent in her task. It was oddly silent between them so
casey broke the ice by asking; So how long have you been a policeman?
Me? Id say this is my fifteenth year. When I graduated from the academy I was
positioned at the 101 precinct until my third year. Then I put in a transfer to this
station, and have been here since.
Why here?
I would say because the life of a criminal always stems deep in the city. I took
down a group of gang cells after my fifth year, which earned me a promotion to
sergeant first class. Not soon after I and four other officers staked out a warehouse
close to the docks. It was a sting operation that helped us take down a dozen triad
human traffickers. We all got our detectives badges after that.
David was silent after the question but felt the need to unload a bit of his past to
her. She seemed the type that would not judge his position, and said; Yes. I was
for five years. But she left after the sixth.
Why? Casey asked as she continued to flip photos.
One night I came home, and found her in bed with my brother. He flew into town
for some conference. Hes some kind of professor in physics. A nerd if you will.
What made her sleep with him?
Well he was like me. Good looking, well dressed, good manners. But she didnt
like the fact I could either come home late or not at all. My cases had started to take
its toll on her. Lengthy ones. One case took me more than four months to solve.
Her patience grew thin, and she stayed at home lonely. I suppose it is partly my
fault I can admit that. But I never thought I would actually catch my own brother
sleeping with her. So I threw out his luggage, and him along with her. Since then
they got married, and now have three kids together.
Im sorry. Added casey with a touch of sadness.
Its okay. I guess you can say I was never meant to live a comfortable life. Even
my dad was a cop for years before he died. Mom held onto him for the entire time
before his passing. They came from a simpler life where the man did the work, and
the wife did the house up. Tradition I figured I could live with too. But in this day,
and age women are more independent and self serving. Tradition is not in the
agenda anymore.
Casey smiled to that remark, and noticed a picture similar to one of the men. She
looked closer as she spouted; This guy. He was one of them.

Youre sure?
Positive. This mark on his neck I saw when he was under one of the street lights.
He wore a green shirt with a symbol on it, which matched the one on his neck.
What kind of symbol?
Um a knife with a skull behind it. Like some military sign or trademark.
Let me see.
Casey turned the book around and pointed to the man in the photo. He was a
grungy looking creature with scraggly hair, and a mark on his neck that displayed a
unique tattoo most military men engraved into their bodies. Peter Westburn. Born
1970 was orphaned at age six. Lived at the St. Pauls orphanage until he was
eighteen. Then drafted to the army at age nineteen. Hes seen two tours of vietnam,
and was dishonorably discharged for illicit conduct involving fourteen minors in
Saigon. After being transferred home he took up security work for some of the
local hotels but was caught raiding customers rooms. Spent some time in four
maximum state penitentiaries but was paroled for good behavior. Moved to boston
but was arrested for illegal arms sales to the mafia. Moved back to chicago five
years ago after spending some more time, and has remained off of the radar since.
Up until two nights ago.
I cant identify the second man. Hes not in these books.
Its okay. At least I can find this guy and make him talk. David stated.
I hope so. Did the woman who got killed get a nice funeral?
I heard her family did give her a nice send off. A lot of people arrived at her
Thats good. Thats good. A person should have a large family, and friends. She
said as she adjusted one of her curls in her hair.
It enticed him to see her do that in such a demure way. Consciously she must have
been doing that since her early teen years but did it anyway without thinking.
Casey finished her coffee, and started to get up to leave. David rose, and helped her
by slipping her jacket on from behind. Thank you.
She stood in front of him slightly timid as her arms crossed over her chest. A slight
flush of red colored her cheeks as she looked into his eyes as she asked; Do you
still date?
After a whimsical smile crossed his face he said; Only if the ladies like Japanese
cuisine. I often like to eat fresh sushi, and drink up miso soup.
I like Japanese. Its one of my favorite types of food actually.
Well then are you free Saturday night?
Yes. I am.
Its usually not my forte to ask a witness out on a date though.


Well wing it. I like white wine.

Me too. Ill pick you up at your place? Or should we meet?
You can pick me up. I live on Blossom drive. House number 12342.
Seven oclock okay? Asked a now excited dave.
Seven is fine. Replied a blushing Casey.
When she turned to leave dave just stood silent awed inspired by such a tenacious
woman. Steel in her resolve as she disappeared from sight leaving david to
wonder A suit or sports jacket?
Back in the pen it was business as usual when he strolled in to see a few male
prisoners fighting together. One of the officers jumped up to break up the party but
found a fist had connected to his jawline knocking him out completely. David just
shook his head side to side as he approached the scrimmage as the two criminals
kept fighting. Upon taking the time to stop them from killing each other one nearly
punched david in the head, which in response dave wound up, and slammed his fist
hard on the mans nose breaking it with one swing. Fucking cop! You broke my
god damn nose!
Then learn to keep your animal urges to yourself asshole. Youre in a cop shop.
Not some fucking rodeo tryouts.
Up yours pig. I wouldnt be here if it werent for some narc. Real nice business
you got betraying friends pig.
Well then dont deal. Get a real job like everyone else. Then you wouldnt get
hassled so much.
Fuck! The prisoner said as he sat down bleeding on his dirty shirt. David walked
away as the criminal flipped him the finger quickly. Somehow dave knew he did
because he smiled all the way to the exit door as more cops brought in extra
catches of the day in handcuffs. Never was there an active day such as daves.
Most times he would see maybe six or eight cuffed scum bags hauled in on the
usual beef not forty five. Perhaps it was the moons position he thought or maybe
just bad luck in the cards. Whatever it was it didnt squash his good mood as he
looked forward to his date on Saturday night. For now as he walked outside of the
precinct a swat van pulled up, and parked beside a fire hydrant. Pricks. He
whispered. After getting to his car, and climbing inside he noticed how grungy it
had gotten over the period of a few weeks. Starting it up, he pulled out and headed
to the nearest car wash.
As he wiped down his windows a clerk rushed over to hand him a bottle of soda,
which to him was a sight to behold. After stopping his cleaning, he grabbed the
bottle. Thanks Ronda.
Your welcome dave. She replied. Got some high profile case youre working


What makes you say that? Dave burped.

Cause youre cleaning the car. You dont do that unless you have some new case
or some sting that needs to make you look like a mobster or some covert agent.
Nope. I just figured it was dirty enough to come in today is all.
Maybe you finally got a date huh?
Immediately he turned to look at her with utter surprise in his expression. As he
wiped his hands his face began to blush a little telling ronda she was right. After a
tiny giggle she said; So who is she?
Jesus Christ ronda nothing really gets past those ears of yours.
It comes from my mother. She always knew who was doing what or how. Most
times when I got into trouble she could tell by the way I walked in the house or
went to the fridge without saying a word. Which is why I got to sleep on my
tummy in my early years because of it.
Smiling he could picture ronda getting into trouble, and getting a good whipping
by her mother for it. Although her looks were plain jane it was always the quiet
ones he had to watch out for. So was she a hairbrush lieutenant? Or was she the
spoon general.?
Ronda laughed at his joke, and answered; No she was the admiral of belts. Her
aim was so perfect she could make a person ballet dance, while singing the star
bangled banner in high octaves.
Dave chuckled to her humor, and found a common ground to compare his youthful
life with another. For most of his life as a preteen or early adulthood he knew that
his mother wore the pants in the family. Plus her dedication for others to listening
to the rules was paramount. On one occasion he could remember how he and a
couple of his friends went galavanting across the railroad tracks to cure them of
their bored states of being on a Sunday afternoon. His good friend Kyle was the
instigator on nearly every escapade they all went on with antics such as busting old
windows to ripping down street signs as collectables. Yet for the Sunday of hell he
recalled at how Kyle wanted to disconnect a few train cars before the engineer
headed out with his haul. It took a matter of seconds, but it was long enough for a
train yard security patrol to ride up in his truck, and hop out yelling for all of them
to freeze with his gun pointed at them. David shook terribly in his shoes as Kyle
used his ability to tell off the security man with colorful language. Not very bright
David thought as he nearly pissed his pants. About half an hour later in the main
office of the yard he could hear stomping sounds from the hallway. The dreaded
clicks of high heeled shoes, which dave recognized as his mothers. The strides
were short, with sharp clicks on the linoleum floor that were getting closer. He shut
his eyes as his mother walked in with an expression of sheer anger as she firmly
asked,; Just what in the hell did you think you were doing huh? Dave just sat in


the chair clearly frightened of her wrath as Kyle spat a comment to her; Leave
him alone you old hag we didnt do anything dangerous.
Dave opened his eyes slowly to see his mother approaching Kyle with absolutely
no fear in her being. Standing in front of him she said very calmly with a sense of
dread in her tone; Is that right?
Yeah it is so beat it and go cook dinner.
In a split second before dave could get a word in, his moms right hand with a
blinding speed of dexterity slapped kyle across the face, that made him hit the floor
in defeated fashion. Rubbing his face Kyle then began to insult her even more,
which to dave was not the best idea to throw at an angry woman such as her. For in
that moment she grabbed Kyles hair, and pulled him to his feet as she loudly said;
I do not want you to ever call dave again. If you do so help me god Kyle I will
make sure that every one of your family member knows what you did here.
Let me go you bitch!
Another slap gave Kyle a wake up call, and began to whimper in front of his
friends. Her power was to behold as he started to apologize wanting to be set free
but his mother knew how much of a weasel Kyle really was. During her scolding
period she held his hair tight in her fingers causing kyle some discomfort as he
began to freely sob letting go of his defiant nature in her presence. Yet it was not
over as she let kyle go. Taking a deep breath while she pointed to the door his mom
used an acid tone in her voice as she said; Get your ass to the car right now mister.
We got a lot of talking to do when we get home believe you me. Move that ass
now. Dave gulped once, and got to his feet slowly like a frightened prisoner in a
lebanese camp for POWs. Her stare was overpowering as she did not take her eyes
off his the entire time as he exited the office when his other friend Sam said; Good
luck buddy.
Dave loved his mother even through the tough times. Most of his punishments
were well earned in his judgment. Much like rondas were when she told him of
her short trips across her moms knees. Today he surmised that all parents were cut
off from their brood. With legal jargon to so call protect the kids when they do
something outlandish calling it just being a kid. Old days of spankings were long
gone and the parents were now afraid of their own children of being sued or
detached to live in separate homes where more modern parents allowed them to do
what they wanted. No more timeouts, or corners. Just newer ways to let the kids
roam free without a single thought in their minuscule minds to who they hurt or
make fun of. Violence as of late had begun to rise in increments around chicago,
which told david his job was not going to get any easier. After wiping his car down
with a shammy he looked at the car. It sparkled like it had before when he drove it
off the sales lot, and he felt proud of his accomplishment.



Saturday night was unlike any other night. Most times through the week the pubs
or high level bars saw no one until a time of eleven pm. Prices of drinks soared to
new obscene levels, which in turn caused the public to walk away from the times
of eight to closing time for partiers because their money ran out by then. Now it
was just three hours or a maximum of four until the money was gone. Yet for dave
spending his money on a date in an environment more suitable to his taste was
more fun, and relaxing without all of the loud music or bumping hips on the dance
floor to ridiculous tunes that had little to no lyrics or for that matter no soul.
After cruising up blossom drive he spotted her home number 12342, which had a
quaint porch light on. Although it was dark he could still make out it was very
clean, and well kept by her efforts on those days off. When he pulled up to the
curb, he shut the car off, and hopped out closing the door. Dave then walked to the
gate, and opened up for his stroll to her porch where the front door was a heavy
oak slab with a nice brass handle. Standing alone he adjusted his hair, and smelled
his breath quickly. Satisfied he knocked gently three times. He could hear some
footfalls as they got closer to the heavy oak door. With a turn of the brass knob, the
old door opened to reveal a very svelte, and sultry young woman dressed in a one
piece gown with her hair up but loose brown curls that accented her face. His heart
began to beat wildly as she smiled showing her pearly whites. Well now very
handsome. I like the suit.
Oh just something I threw together. He replied in a very obvious, and shaky
voice. Ah this is for you. David then grabbed from the inside of his jacket a
tiny bouquet of flowers that were wrapped around a hand bracelet of silver.
Caseys eyes gleamed as she accepted them with grace. Aw thats sweet. You
didnt have to get me that.
Um from what my mother told me years ago before I ever went out on a date was
that you should make the woman feel special by any means. Even if it was
something as small as this. He replied as he clasped it to her wrist.
Accepting it casey grabbed her coat, and small purse from the hall stand, and then
locked her door as David waited patiently. After putting on her coat, he offered an
arm. Shall we?
We shall.
Both walked to the car under the clear starry night in chicago. He felt anxious in
every way a man should as he opened the door for her so she could climb in to a
very neat, and cleaned car. Settling in she clasped her seat belt on as he closed the
door, and jaunted to his side to climb in. It was going to be a very good night.


Inside the restaurant both waited at the door as the maitre`d approached wearing a
very fine kimono gown. Table for?
David Folten.
Ah right this way. We have a nice tatami booth for both of you.
Thank you. He said in Japanese.
His host then replied in Japanese Can you speak fluently? Soon both began to
converse in the native tongue impressing casey at the same time as they walked to
a private section for couples. Their host opened the sliding door, and gestured with
an old world style; Please if you will. I shall have a waitress bring you a menu.
Any particular appetizers that you want?
A few bowls of miso soup, and noodles. With some warm sake`.
Very good. Please enter.
Thank you. Dave replied.
Shall I take your coat miss?
Oh thank you. Yes.
Dave helped casey inside and sat down on plush cushions at a table meant to be
two feet off of the floor. Casey glanced around to see various paintings of the old
era of Japan. One in particular was a portrait of Leyasu Tokagawa. She asked
Dave; Who do you think that is?
Thats Tokagawa. He was the shogun of japan in the mid to late fifteenth century.
A man of sheer will, and power.
He ruled Japan?
More or less. It was a time of war in those days, which involved most if not all of
the worker and farmers to become soldiers. If you didnt volunteer then your lands
would be forfeit including family members.
Thats cruel.
Maybe but his way of doing things was remarkable. He unified Japan under a
military regime. Yet he was a fair man in other ways. His opposition however was
a man who wanted to unify japan altogether military nor not. His name was Oda
Youre well versed in this type of history. Stated casey.
I just like cultures who can come together in the time of need. Strangers are never
really strangers in japan. To them if a person is in dire straits they will help. Family
to the japanese people is everything, and its not about money like the chinese
reveres its the struggle.
Soon their waitress knocked on the door gently, to which dave opened it to show a
young woman with a smile on her face as he said in her native tongue; Ah very
good. Please come in.


With a dainty nod she entered their tatami room, and set down two bowls of miso
soup with noodles and a short bottle of sake`. Dave picked up a set of chopsticks
along with casey, and they started to enjoy their appetizers as their waitress poured
two small cups of liquid courage. The night went on as dave, and casey reminisced
of old childhood folk tales, and how each bore a similar resemblance to one
another. The restaurant had emptied after a few hours leaving only the two to chat
a bit longer until their host approached politely. I am sorry but we are closing
Oh my I apologize for keeping you all here.
Here is your bill sir. Our girl is about to cash out.
Thank you. It was all delicious. My compliments to your chefs. All of them.
Thank you very much. Said their host.
Casey rose to her feet, and carried her shoes as david helped by grabbing her arm
so she could walk from the table without effort. The host bowed as they walked
out, and david bowed in response to give casey the same idea. It was quiet in the
restaurant except for the low spinning fans above their heads as they all walked to
the cashier. David got out his wallet, and handed a credit card to the girl as the host
brought over caseys coat. Here you go miss.
Thank you. Casey replied sliding it over her shoulders.
After a beep from the credit machine, he signed the bill adding a one hundred
dollar tip to their waitress. When david bowed once more to the staff, he held an
arm out for casey, and they both walked to the exit very full, and satisfied.
Back at caseys home they stood in front of her heavy oak door as she got out her
keys. David knew this would be a better night if she invited him inside for a night
cap but thought better to take it slow. His mother was a good teacher of moral
issues since his belief was tasked from his brothers transgression with his ex-wife.
He had to keep the tradition going he thought. After opening her door, she turned
to dave with a meek smile as she asked; Want to come in for a nice brandy?
I should go actually. I really enjoyed our date tonight. I really did.
Its my tradition to move slow with people. I want to become more for the person
whos asked me to come in. I usually dont until about the third or fourth date.
Really? Casey replied with wider smile.
Really. Dave quipped.
Although her eyes said yes by the attractive dilation they provided him he still had
to stick to his guns. Casey then approached slowly, and tiptoed up to lean in close
as her breath caressed his lips for a few seconds. Slowly she placed her own on his
allowing her scent, and heat to absorb into his being as his arms wrapped around
her waist.


She responded by grabbing his neckline with her arms as her mouth slowly mashed
onto his. They could feel their hearts race but his mind was steel, and his resolve to
not break with tradition must be kept intact if he was to extend his self to another
date with this remarkable woman. When they came up for air david parted from
casey with a smile as she sauntered into her house with dainty foot steps. He loved
her curvy attributes showing just the right amount of leg muscle, rear wiggling, and
the girlish hop inside the house to melt his brain even more. Bye She said with a
meek voice.
Call me on Monday. I have half a day off, and we could go for a pizza. My treat.
Its a date.
The door closed, and dave breathed a heavy sigh as he walked back to his car with
his mind in a euphoric state. If he stayed any longer he knew he had to come up
with some excuse to not sleep with his first date in years. Although the stirring in
his pants said otherwise. To cool off he decided to take a stroll downtown to soothe
the angst that sat in the pit of his stomach. Never before has he met a more
desirable woman than casey in years. Although as he thought back in his early life
with Linda he could not help but feel guilty of having her gone. Dave remembered
how they met on a lonely beach in Florida while on vacation. He was only about
twenty then, and both grew close the more they saw one another. Even after
explaining to her that he was going to be a police officer after he graduated it didnt
deter her resolve to marrying dave. She knew the hardships that went with it as a
wife to a cop. Except she didnt see far enough inward to come to that conclusion.
The five years they spent together was bitter to say the least. Hardly a day went by
unless she asked when he would be home. It became an engraved ritual to their
lives, and dave felt it when she would give up her fidelity to his brother of all
people. Since then he has heard they have a glorious life in the jungle fighting off
possible diseases, local rebels, even bullet ants that has bit the leg of his sibling.
Bullet ants. David thought. A marvel of nature but extremely deadly if not careful
around the colony. He read about the bullet ant and why travelers or locals alike
feared them. They werent poisonous at all. What makes them so deadly is their
bite. An enzyme from their mandibles seeps into the bite wound, which causes
insurmountable pain in the victim. The comparison is like being shot by a gun or
rifle at close range hence the name bullet ant. Have enough swarm the body and all
bite for defensive measures the body could not take the pain, and will shut down
the nervous system halting all vitals by the intense inflictions. For a brief moment
david thought; Looks good on you Brad hope you trip over the next colony.
Normally david would never entertain such vile thoughts against his own brother.


Except after finding him on top of his wife drilling her to high heaven he felt a
little devilish revenge wafted over his senses as he drove downtown. It was the
usual scum out with local gangs dealing drugs, or sex. Not a lot has happened since
the murder of Kelly Larson but his gut always let him know sooner or later it was
just a matter of time. After parking in front of a traveling cafe he got out to buy a
nice cup of coffee, and top it off with a scrumptious macaroon. It was around one
thirty in the morning, and the streets were quiet. Too quiet for comfort on a
Saturday, which always had one or many activities going on at once. After he
bought his treats dave sat on a bench watching the odd person walk by minding
their own business as he sipped his coffee but he felt something wasnt right. He
should be seeing more people on corners, or someone having illicit sex at an alley
way entrance with a hooker. Dave glanced back to the cafe owner; Hey pal.
Is there something going on I dont know about?
What do you mean? Asked the owner.
Well for the past ten minutes of sitting here not one person or group has been
doing something out of the ordinary like they always should. Ive been a cop for a
long time to know something isnt right.
Perhaps your way of doing your job taught them a lesson.
Yeah like that would ever happen in my life time. Stated dave.
What makes you think that?
Cause criminals always tries to find a way to hide in the shadows. Lurk away
from us cops who try and catch them. But even as they do they always give tell tale
signs as to where they are or how they want to go out.
Thats a grim way of looking at it. Quipped the owner.
Its only human nature.
I quite agree.
David turned to glance at the cafe owner who seems just a bit too literate for his
own good. Although he did own a traveling cafe he should at least have less
articulation than most unless hes some kind of retired scientist. You sound as if
you know more than I do. Smiling the owner wiped his coffee mugs with a rag as
he approached his counter edge. The owner then propped his elbows still holding
the cup in his hands as he began a debate with dave to see how far it could go.
And you seem very perceptive to certain conditions in front of you. I can imagine
that in your line of work of finding criminals would mean that you have to set
yourself in their minds so to speak.
Its part of our way of unraveling their thoughts on what possible motive they
would do next. A lot of it is psychological and forensic in another.
These criminals you find why do you think they do it? Kill others or hurt them?


Perhaps its because of their persona. Maybe they did get abused or hurt by their
parents in some cases but others simply do it because they like it. Not because
theyre mentally disturbed. Replied david with a slight agitation.
Or maybe its because they recognize that this world is not what it seems to be.
Perhaps their way of looking at things are often misunderstood as an opposite to
what they wanted. Such as money or power, or peace who knows?
David was intrigued by the cafe owner. His ability to speak giving details in a
manner he admired started to seep into his bones as the owner stepped out of his
cafe to join david. So during a raid or sting operation against criminals could be
interpreted as nothing more than a mistake on their part. At least to their minds. But
to yours it would be just a criminal act.
Are you sure you just make coffee and macaroons? Is there some office hidden in
there for someone to lie on a couch? Asked david in a joking manner.
Most who come to my cafe often relieve themselves of their burdens. Unlike you
who is just out to enjoy a night after a date with a pretty girl.
Davids alarms began to ring in his mind as he carefully gauged the next question
to the owner; How would you possibly know about that?
I was in front of the restaurant selling coffee to the city workers who were fixing a
sewer line about a hundred feet away. I have to say your date was very lovely.
David ran it in his mind if he saw the vehicle out front, but drew a blank. Perhaps it
was because he did not pay attention to his surroundings rather than to casey who
mesmerized his thoughts all night. That had to be it david thought. You know you
seem to be curious about others than just the obvious. Plus you dont look like the
type of person who sells coffee in a moving van. What did you do before this?
David asked.
Before this? I was doing odd jobs mostly. You can call me a jack of trades. Other
than owning this cafe I was a traveler, a recordist, a filer of sorts. Most of the time I
only observe and ascertain clues to questions.
Questions to what?
Oh. Anything interesting you found during your time as an observer? Inquired
More than you can know. The owner then walked back to his van, and began to
shut the doors to his vendor window as david rose to approach with his coffee.
Maybe you can help me.
Maybe depending on what it is.
There was a murder of a woman a few nights back. A very brutal, and horrific
murder. Im trying to find one of the men who killed her. I already know of the
first man but I have to locate the second.


I heard. Very sadistic to say the least. As for the individual you might try on the
east side of the city. There is a large building made of hard stone like a library but
this building was condemned last year because of old pipes leaking gas. Most of
the occupants stay downstairs in the basement. There is a north door you can use
without being seen. Explained the owner.
How do you know all of this? In such detail?
Like I said. I am an observer. Just follow my instructions and youll do fine.
Dave moved back as the owner hopped in his van, and closed the door. He moved
on to the passenger side window as the owner sat in his drivers seat. Rolling it
down dave asked; If you can reach me on anything else let me know. Contact me
at precinct 106 and ask for David Folten.
Will do.
As dave turned to toss his cup into the garbage he did not even hear the van start.
Like a tingling of pins down his spine he quickly turned back to see the van had
disappeared. No engine start, no high whine noise to make it idle nothing. The
dead silence bothered his temples as he looked side to side of the street to see
nothing except bare pavement. The coffee tasted real so did the macaroon from the
bitter sweet aftertaste in his mouth. No way.
Dave stumbled back to the bench trying to get a grip on what he just experienced.
It felt real enough from the clashing of dishes in the van to the smell of brewed
coffee beans in the maker. All of it was real it had to be. Nothing in any persons
imagination could go that far to make it seem unreal. The voice of the owner still
sat in his mind as if seconds ago but when the van disappeared without any noise
or warning he began to question if it did happen at all. Could this be love in a form
of a mind bending illusion? Was he going off the deep end? Did early signs of
altzeimers set in to give his grasp on reality a little nudge to the darker side?
Confused he walked back to his car, which was still warm as he passed the front
grill. He placed his hand on the metal, and felt heat coming from the radiator.
What the hell is this? He said aloud. Now his mind began to fixate on the details
of his sanity as he tried to struggle as to why his car was still warm when he
arrived to the cafe an hour earlier. In the night engines cool down faster than being
in day light but for some reason his car had heat contained for the full hour. He got
into his car, and started it up. On the dash he noticed how his heat gauge registered
half way on the dial telling him that it was still at optimum temperature. Putting it
in gear, he sped off to the east side not bothering to cause himself any more
dismay. It was freaky enough to not see the van leave but to see, and feel his car
retain its heat after one hour seemed just stranger. He shifted his thoughts to casey
as he drove to his objective seeing her face in his mind smiling, and laughing as
she did in the restaurant. Smirking he started to laugh at his predicament.



It was two thirty a.m. on the dash clock as he pulled up to a lonely looking street.
No cars were seen, and no shops nearby. It was just an old industrial sector where
various abandoned buildings sat idly waiting to be demolished in the future if the
city officials got off their lazy asses and started to expand to the region david
thought. After parking his car he saw the building that was described by the cafe
owner. Strange to bring a van out here in such squalor he surmised. A light wind
gently caressed his cheeks as he made his way to the old building where dark
windows lined the walls. No signs of life not even near the metal sheds that stood
by to house a derelict or two. Why in the basement? Being cautious he grabbed his
gun, and crept to the far end of the structure at the north end. He could see the old
grass as black blades that swayed in the breeze. Pieces of scrap were scattered
about along with pipes stacked in two rows against a cement fence.
Upon reaching the north end door, he opened it gently but caused a slight squeak in
the process. He winced from the sound, but found it caused no alarms to present
itself. He moved inside and grabbed his flashlight from his pocket, and proceeded
onward to a stairwell half way down a darkened hall. No sounds were heard so far,
which made his breathing a little easier. After pointing his flashlight down the
stairs he tried to tiptoe as quietly as he could on the old linoleum steps edged with
aluminum trim. The more he descended down the more his eyes needed to adjust.
Squinting from the illusion of nearly tripping on his own feet he could see a dim
light that started to cast a shadow on the wall. Shutting his flashlight off, he
proceeded further but still heard nothing. How in the hell could the cafe owner
know of this unless it was in the daylight david thought. Then a movement of
shadow. He stopped in his tracks listening to whispers. Incoherent but whispers
nonetheless as he stopped at the bottom step. As he kept his back to the wall he
leaned forward ever so slowly to take a peek, and see about a dozen people
sleeping on the floor. Being careful he stepped off, and walked past the dozing
hobos and derelicts gauging the distance between makeshift beds. Up ahead he
could hear more whispers getting louder as he approached another corner to a point
of light much brighter than the main bedroom of homeless.
As dave leaned forward to peek around the corner he saw the most horrific sight
anyone could possibly see in their lifetime. He closed his eyes, and pulled back to
nearly vomit but the sounds he made alerted to whoever was still inside. Soon
david composed himself as he stepped out to shout; Freeze! Hands on your head!


Shots rang out, which startled the sleeping homeless to escape. Dave shot back, and
nailed one in the chest pushing him back into a spiked metal cage. Ingots stuck out
from his frontal lobe when more shots whizzed past davids head. He rolled on the
ground on shot another man in the legs crippling him instantly. Screams began to
fill the chamber as girls as young as ten tried to break free of their confines. Most
of them were tied to bed rails with handcuffs and undressed but a few others were
dissected and dead with lifeless eyes staring to the cement ceiling. David moved to
another shadow and spotted a man holding a girl at knife point. When more shots
came from another point, dave cocked his gun and shot once to his attacker, and
sliced his cranium open with a single bullet sending brain matter to the wall. When
the last of the gun toting deviants were cleaned up, he rose to his feet to face a man
still holding the knife to the little girls throat.
Seems your out of bullets cop. Said the creep.
I dont need bullets you piece of shit.
You come any closer pig this bitch gets an early jump at being a pez dispenser.
Move back. Now.
Dave stepped back a few paces as he consoled the girl; Its okay honey. Nothing
will happen to you.
Sure about that pig? I got the knife and one slice is all it takes.
What the hell do you want shit bag?
You really are trying to egg me on arent you? Brave cop who has nothing to lose
except his badge in a negotiation. You dont strike me as the negotiating type pig.
Keep telling yourself that. Now what do you want? Why go to such lengths to kill
these girls?
I kill them because I can. Why else? Theyre ripe for the picking. Who the hell are
you to say who I cant kill and who I can? I enjoy little girls because they make
cuter faces when I remove their organs. Nothing else more pure than that pig. Its
its all perspective when you look at it. David was getting sicker by the minute
listening to the devils right hand. His descriptions filled his mind with evil pictures
of how the girls were eviscerated while still alive just so the killer could relish the
results of the strong emotional outcome. David had to think fast but he found
talking with him was useless. He decided on another route. Tell me scum, how did
it feel when you killed that woman on the street a few nights ago?
Woman? You mean the nosy news reporter who got her ass beat to death? You
think I had something to do with that?
Yeah I do actually.
Youre such a klutz when it comes to finding culprits pig. That wasnt me. It was
my brother.


I see so both of you like to do this on the side other than killing helpless women in
front of hundreds of witnesses. And by the way thanks for telling me it was your
brother. Im sure he would love you for that.
What the fuck does he care? He doesnt care ass hole. Not one bit if I told the
district attorney face to face. Jesus fucking christ pig you really dont get it do
you? You cops think youve got us figured out with all of your mind bending tricks
and ways of trying to confuse us into believing that something good will come out
of the situation. Yelled the creep.
It was like standing between a rock, and a hard place with the man. All he could do
was keep his concentration on the poor girl who wept as the knife got closer to her
throat. She stood there half dressed making David nearly cry for her safety but he
had to keep calm and the idiot going with his useless justification speech. So
youre doing all of this because you want to? What about her family? Her mom
and dad looking for her? Ever cross your feeble mind as to why they suffer
because of you?
I dont give a shit about them cop! I only want to have fun with her because I like
it! Not just to dissect them but to have fun before I do. At this age the girls are ripe
for fun for me and my brother. Those hobos out there that you scared away were
also part of our group.
David swallowed hard as he tried not to envision the rest abusing the girls. It was
becoming difficult as his fists clenched to nearly cause him to bleed making his
new friend laugh. Hard isnt it cop? To know just how bad it really is out here.
Lance and I found these girls near a local pond playing. We made them come with
us using candy, a few dolls, and some money. What girl could say no to that? I
mean really pig. Jibed the creep as he dragged the tip of the knife across the girls
neck line but not cutting her Yet. David clenched his teeth as the poor girl stared
up at the ceiling crying her eyes out until her abductor shouted; Shut up bitch! Or
do you want me to do to you what I did to your sister Rebecca? As he spun to face
a bed david glanced to see the dead girl with her chest cut open and her innards
splayed out like a giant flower. Oh god. David whispered.
You see pig? I dont care what happens to me or her. So you can shoot all you
want to but I will make sure this blade cuts her neck so deep youd think her head
would roll off.
Suddenly a crinkle of glass rang out to startle dave for a moment including the
deviant. Yet what he did not realize was that the bullet entered his skull, and exited
the left side along with a large portion of his brain, which struck a nearby wooden
crate. As he fell to his left side the girl grabbed the knife cutting her hand in the
process screaming the whole time. Dave helped her break the fall with his body as
he held her close to him.


On the floor dave could only hear the girls weeps and sobs get stronger as foot
steps ran down the stairs. As police officers shouted to the derelicts and hobos
upstairs to freeze along with a few random shots. Dave did not move an inch until
help arrived. His arms held the girl tight so she could feel safe at least. Sh. Its all
over now. Its all over. Youre going home honey. Home to mom, and dad.
Suddenly four officers surrounded dave as they pointed their guns at him when he
said; Detective Folten. Badge is in my right jacket pocket.
One officer then retrieved the badge and showed it to his men who then helped
dave to his feet, and covered the girl with a blanket found on the floor. The on site
superior then entered the room to face david who leaned against a wall as officers
covered the other deceased girls. Who found them? He said to one of his men.
An officer pointed to dave, which made him feel like he was just pointed out in a
line up. Whats your precinct?
The 106. West end.
What brings you out here detective?
I was following up on a lead to catch whoever killed Kelly Larson four nights
ago. The man you just took out was his brother. Supposedly.
Well this guy went by the name of Randy Junkler. A real piece of shit if there
ever was one. We heard that some girls were taken and a phone call was made for
us to find them in exchange for a passage to mexico. Seeing as we didnt have a
whole lot of choices we decided to offer them the deal for the girls intact. But
But the deal fell through. David said.
Yeah. We tried to negotiate with the governor but he wouldnt budge telling us it
would be like cutting off our own dicks, and feeding them to our hosts with gravy
added. He hates criminals of all sorts, and does not give any leeway to any
situation good or bad.
And because of it, two girls had to die being eviscerated while still alive. Dave
This is a nightmare. How am I supposed to face the girls parents? What the hell
do I tell them?
For now I need to find this guys brother. Dave said.
His name is Lance Lance Junkler. Both had been in and out of institutions since
they were sixteen. Randy was the crazy one, lance was the thinker.
What about someone named Peter Westburn? Asked dave.
Yeah weve heard of him too. A real piece of shit. Last we heard he went off to
texas for some gathering of his family members. After that he got a job with some
television security outfit. You know the city hub for all of the security cameras in
That is interesting. I was about to make it my next question.


What do you mean?

Dave hesitated for just a few seconds in case the detective caught on to daves clue
finding. If he was going to find lance he needed breathing space away from other
policemen who was looking for him. Except for some reason he felt he could trust
him when he said; On the night that Miss Larson was killed the surrounding
cameras went off-line. My next route was going to the hub, and see who was on
that night.
Sounds reasonable. I hope you get lucky.
Yeah me too. Sighed dave as he extended his hand.
His new friend took it, and both shook hands as the man told dave; Names Mike.
Mike Fischer.
David Folten.
Good to meet you dave. Not everyday I can have a reasonable conversation in a
mess like this. I just dont have the stomach for it like I used to.
Sounds like a good opportunity to run for mayor. Maybe then all of those
nightmares could relax more as you hobnob with the citys elite.
You may have a nose for scum but you certainly have no tact when it comes to
making a guy feel good.
David chuckled as he made for the exit as officers moved about gathering evidence
with half closed eyes, and squinted faces. He couldnt blame them for it. Who
would want to walk into a venerable room of horror with two dead girls and one
barely alive in a catatonic state? David knew just how bad it was going to get in the
next few weeks as his next move was the central hub just inside the city limits.
Lance was his target. He hoped that if lance was less intelligent than what mike
told him, perhaps it would be lucky that lance would play it stupid. Seeing as no
clues except footprints were at Larsons death site he had to gamble the dna factor
or throw him off with a rogue camera that was not deactivated during the attack.
Yet if lance wasnt at the hub at least peter would be Maybe.
Dave cracked his knuckles as he exited the old building to see various police cars,
and vans sitting by. Hobos were arrested, and fought off the cops with the careless
foot kick but it was doing them no good. At one of the vans he spotted a lone old
hobo sitting by himself rocking back and forth like he was in a trance. Dave took
the opportunity and climbed aboard to sit in front of the old man. Dave just stared
at him for a good ten seconds before he said; So you like to rape and kill little
girls huh?
The man stopped rocking. With nearly lifeless eyes he gazed into daves stare as
his mouth opened to spew out incoherent drivel; You think killing them was
necessary? I had nothing to do with them getting hurt or killed.


Thats not what randy said bub. He told me all of you that were sleeping in the
next room took part in his sick game. That each one of you raped the girls before
he killed them.
I didnt rape anyone! I I only only
Watched them do it. If you had freedom to come and go as you please why didnt
you run for a phone? Dial an operator. Anything. But like a cockroach or rat you
just wanted to protect yourself didnt you? Didnt you?
The old man gazed to the metal floor in the van suddenly realizing that his life was
over. No matter what he would say to the authorities to keep from going to jail or
getting executed it was all over. Deal or no deal. Yes I watched them. I was
laying on the floor as they raped those girls over, and over. Randys brother was
there recording it all on his camera during their fun. I wanted to say stop to them
but my mouth froze shut. You can use your dna thing on me. Youll find nothing in
their bodies. Besides I am sterile anyway.
If some skin from you is inside theyll roast you either way. Sperm or not.
As I said I did not rape them. The old man wept.
Wheres lance? Dave asked with a firm tone.
I dont know. He works for some tech outfit I cant remember the name.
For the moment dave just held both hands together as he began to explain to the
hobo; Youre going to prison. I wont beat around the bush on that one. You did
something no human should do to another. Even if it was watching you partook in
a crime that could devastate this citys heritage and future. Even with cooperation
the prosecution is going to ask for the maximum to put you away for the rest of
your life.
Its better this way. The old man sniffled.
Maybe it is.
David got up to leave as the old man leaned against the cold steel wall of the van.
He cried some more as dave stepped down to walk back to his car through the
mobs of reporters, and spectators. Each face had a look of curiosity although
nothing could be seen from such a far distance. It was sick to think that people
wanted to see such a terrible thing or hear about it on the television or radio. Why
cant the police put a gag order on all crimes and put the publics mind at ease?
Horrific crimes never once got a day off from the news, and that it became the
staple of peoples imagination to go out, and try to either copy the crime or come
up with a new way to not get caught. Thoughts of casey flickered across his vision,
which made him feel better. Her face smiling, and curls in her thick hair gave him
the boost he needed to forget those poor girls, and find his target once and for all.
As he got to his car, he could hear his Cb squelching inside. Unlocking the door he
got in, and grabbed the microphone.


Car 37 here.
Bout time dave. Click!
Whats up?
Got a complaint call from a residence close to you. Want it?
He thought for a moment on whether he should say yes or no. He needed to find
lance quick or another victim would be on his conscience. When he gripped the
trigger of his microphone; No. Got a lead on the Larson case. Heading to it now.
Send car 48. He likes those kinds of relaxed calls.
Whatever. I mean roger. Click!
Dave then started his car, slipped it into drive, and sped off past the reporters and
spectators. From his point of view he could see why the building looked so
terrifying with its old stone walls, and cracked windows. Flood lights added to its
persona as being a no trespassing zone as slivers of light roamed over the surface,
which scanned for any more intruders that lurked in the shadows. When he reached
the end of the street, he turned right at a stop sign.
While driving dave thought about the faces of the little girls lying on the cots dead
with their stomachs carved open. The images of such horror he could not get out of
his head because of the strength of the crime. He started to imagine them screaming
as randy or lance took turns brutalizing their innocence with their diseased ridden
filth and carving tools as each one begged or pleaded without an escape. His vision
moved on to the derelicts, and hobos who either joined in or just watched as the old
man explained before. An audience to a perverted stage play of such terror, that by
the act it mesmerized them all into silence. He tried to keep his focus on the road
but soon the emotional weight of the girls began to take its toll on his heart. Dave
pulled over to the side of the road and parked it. His breaths became shorter as the
visions of their faces raced across his eyesight one after another screaming or
crying. High pitch voices of minors waiting to be saved by their parents that would
never happen. He grabbed his chest to try and calm his nerves and blood pressure
but it was no use. Dave started to cry for the first time in his long career. Never had
he seen such a vile contempt for life as with randy, and lance junkler had shown.
No mercy, no remorse and certainly no conscience in doing their horrible deed in
front of homeless witnesses. Tears fell onto his steering wheel as he tried to
compose himself but found that the tiny faces kept moving around in his mind,
which caused dave to punch the windshield hard. His knuckles felt nothing as his
fist made contact, that then made a hair line fracture from the bottom seal. Some
pain seeped into his hand but struck once again with more force. The window
cracked further making a spider web shape as his knuckles began to bleed. After a
few more strikes he felt a knuckle break under the pressure, and leaned back in his
seat to let his emotions break free as he cried harder than he could remember.



Six am. Thats what the clock said as Professor Carl Howard looked at his led
display. For some reason no music was heard, which he then checked to see if his
button was activated. It was not. Slowly he got up, and moved to the bathroom as if
in a stupor from a good nights party. Turning on the light he saw how his hair was
a mess, and his face had grown a nice shadow of hair. After blinking a couple of
time to wake his eyes up he grabbed his toothbrush, and paste, and started his day
with the usual routine as all people do when they awake for another grueling
morning. After his bathroom chore, carl walked naked to the kitchen, and turned on
his coffee pot to brew his favorite pick me up juice. What he failed to notice was a
woman sleeping on the couch just five feet away from the kitchen until he turned to
stare at the woman with wonder. He motioned closer to see her face buried in a
pillow but never bothered to wake her up. Seeing as this posed no problem for the
moment he went back to his room to put something on before she woke up to stare
at his rather healthy but hard bazooka.
In his room he tried to remember if she was a student or date. Whoever she was
had a nice body but why sleep on the couch? He wasnt the type of guy who farts
in bed. Nor did he talk in his sleep. At least as far as carl knew. After getting
dressed he moved back to the kitchen to see his sleeping woman now sipping a
coffee in the nude. He shook his head a couple of times when she said in a rather
cute voice; Hi doc.
Hi. Miss?
Stein. Kimberly stein. I attend your class. Remember?
Uh did we?
No. I came over because you once said to me if I had no where to go that I should
come here and sleep on the couch. She replied sipping her coffee, and batting her
gorgeous eyelashes.
Right. I may have said that. So why are you stark assed naked? He quipped with
a smirk.
Oh right. Well I always sleep in the nude. At the dorm or not. I just had to leave
because my room-mate brought some guests over, and I couldnt sleep.
I see. Well can you please dress or shower up or whatever? I got a full day ahead
and I need all of my students present if I am going to hand out their pop quizzes.
Suddenly kimberly moved closer to carl, which made his heart beat a bit faster
seeing as the young woman was very attractive, and by her mannerisms a tease to
the fullest extent. With no more than an inch between them she asked; You sure
you dont want to stay home? I could cook for you like this. Maybe even give you


a nice massage. She said with a soothing voice as her hand roamed down the front
of his pants. When he grabbed her hand gently he firmly said; Now thats enough
kim. Dont make me put you over my knees, and lamb baste that rump of yours
with my wooden spoon. Get dressed and go to your classes.
Ooh doc. You know what I like.
Oh my god. Im leaving. Lock the door on the way out.
He glanced back to see her standing like a china figurine with her cup in her hand,
and a dainty foot oddly to the side that gave her body a more attractive posture.
Like a davinci painting model. After he left his home he closed the door to take a
deep breath before moving further to the parking lot. Holy shit. These kids. Carl
In class it was business as usual as his students poured in to partake in a pop quiz
he prepared. Kimberly also showed up wearing a dress that made carl smile. She
glanced to his direction but said nothing as she took her seat in the back row. Carl
was a college professor of advanced physics but his specialty was anomalous
occurrences in nature. As the students settled down carl walked to his blackboard
to write as he began to explain to his collective of young mind; Okay you all
know about the quiz youre getting but before we begin I need to know if anyone
can tell me the difference between a string number, and a set number? He turned
to see his students just staring at him with blank expressions. Kim put her hand up.
Kim. Go ahead.
Well a string number is based on a linear event that is predetermined. A set
number would be one where a random based theory can change its properties to a
non-random theory if the environment changed the conditions of its surroundings.
Correct. Nicely said. Okay we know that our gigantic, and immeasurable universe
has many expectations we need to overcome. Whether its collecting data for space
travel, or information about what planet could be habitable.
During his sermon, Kimberly slowly eased back in her seat and began to open her
legs just enough for carl to catch a glimpse. She didnt wear any underwear, which
was why her naughty self began to have fun with her teacher as he moved to just
the right spot to look up and see her displaying her private charms to his eyes. Carl
coughed as he walked back to his desk, which caused kim to giggle under her
breath. He grabbed his portable mug, and took a sip of his coffee as he tried to
regain his composure. With a fist he pounded on his chest as he tried to continue;
So seeing as our universe is vast, and unpredictable we can ascertain to a degree
that predetermined occurrences are not in the universes itinerary. Now books
down, and tablets up. Pop quiz time.
Carl grabbed a pile of questionnaires, and handed them to the front row first so
they could hand them back to the last row.


He kept his eyes downward that time because if he looked up he would have seen
kimberly doing something else that could make or break his sanity.
At lunch time carl sat in the courtyard eating his sandwich when kim approached
with her own lunch. Can I join you? Kim asked with a rather meek sounding
Kim that was not fair what you did in class, and certainly not lady like.
Im sorry. I did go put something on and I wont do it again professor. Promise.
Then sit down. Carl said with a fatherly like tone.
Thanks. She replied with some sorrow in her tone.
After she opened her lunch bag, carl said; You are the most audacious, and
precocious student I have ever had in my class. How come you dont have a
As she munched on her bagel she replied; Cause most of the guys here just want
to twist hips. I like older men because they know how to treat women kind, and
Well kim if you want to find a man whos older look to the single scene. Find
someone who can offer you a nice side of themselves instead of aging geezers like
Youre not old. Youre what? Forty something?
Carl contemplated on whether pulling her over his knees like he promised back at
his house was a good idea but felt instead to correct her over the top number. For
your information I am thirty two.
Wow. I guess my math is off.
Just a bit. He said using his thumb and first finger squeezed together.
I just like you doc. Theres no one else at this place who comes close. I even stood
nude in front of you and never once took advantage of me.
Thats because my mother raised me well enough. Yes you are pretty, or should I
say a knockout. But I like to take things nice and easy when I want to know
someone. Kimberly now felt guilty because of her antics back at his house and
stopped eating. Her feet moved back and forth in an anxious way as she wondered
how to come across to him more mature instead of promiscuous. Carl finished his
sandwich, and crumpled up his paper bag. Doc.
Carl could we go out on a date sometime? I mean a nice one.
He dipped his head down not believing what he just heard. He just explained to her
the basics of his expectations of how to date someone he wanted to know, and yet
his student had no clue as to how to attract the right person herself. No we cant
kim. I just said you should find one that suits you. Im one of many in the salmon
run. I like things with some dullness or music thats not all hiphop or techno


included. I like to walk on beaches, or take in a play of old Shakespeare. I like

women who dress rather than wear jeans or tight T-shirts that show off their
headlights on high beams. I dont use drugs or drink to oblivion. I am someone
who has taken the slow road until I retire. Having a woman like yourself in my life
would be unfair to you kim. You would not like it at all.
He got up, and tossed his paper bag in the garbage as she turned on the seat to face
him for one last time if need be. I can try to be.
Clearly he did not want to hurt her feelings but he had no choice in the matter. It
was all about integrity to his career. He didnt want one of his students in his bed
not because she was of age but because she knew no better. Carl supposed that his
parents were partly to blame for her carefree life style but he grew up in a firm
household where liaisons with younger women were not looked upon as kosher.
He believed in every way that a man, and woman should be on equal sides of the
scale to balance out their lives. Kim would be more than he could handle, and did
not want to risk a scandal in the university either.
Kim began to tear up feeling lost, and hurt. She genuinely was attracted to carl but
despite her teasing, and playful antics she knew he would reject her as gently as he
could instead of hearing a loud mouthed ape who thought the only use she could be
was to do more knob polishing. Carl sat back as she sobbed quietly. You are a
smart woman kim. One of my best students to say the least. Top three percent. You
got to your position in my class because you study hard, and do your work unlike
some of the other knuckle draggers who I could mention but wont seeing as they
might be back in my class next year.
He could hear a small chuckle between sobs and knew he got the message across.
Kim wiped her eyes with her hands as she looked up to show her pretty face all
tear streaked. Carl then handed her a handkerchief so she could blow her nose.
No problem.
Without warning kim wrapped her arms around his sides to hug him tight. He
responded by hugging back as she sobbed some more trying to let go of her crush.
Youre gonna be okay kid. I can be sure of whoever finds you is going to be very
very happy. Promise.
As she parted from him she wiped her eyes again smiling more cheerfully. I hope
so. Is there any way I can get a room here that doesnt have room mate capability?
Carl laughed to give her some relief. I think I can help you with that.
I must look stupid to you. Kim said with some dread.
Not at all. At least you have good taste.
Now kimberly laughed out loud with him and enjoyed the fact she had one of the
best professors she could learn from during her stay. With a final hug she grabbed


her lunch, and jaunted off back to her dorm with a last spin to face carl as she
waved goodbye. Waving back he took a deep breath, and made his way back to his
class room just as the toll bell sounded on the campus.
During his alone time carl sat at his desk rifling through papers, and piles of tests to
grade before the next break. Although most of his students were inept to learn the
basics of physics he did come across kimberlys paper that sat by itself as an
example of fine work, and structure. Complex yet yielding enough to cast more
equations to her theories. She was especially gifted carl thought as he read her
thesis on alternate sub-layers of time. Unique in its stability but powerful to create
a vision in his mind as to what would be possible if earth had an alternate self. Carl
had never entertained such theories for no evidence could ever be presented to him
in his lifetime. The imagination was all that was left to conjure up the idea that
science was catching up to the most potent of all questions; Is life all that we
know? And if it is how do we look beyond the obvious to stare at the secret hidden
behind a veil?
Like a nudge his eyes averted to another paper but this one was bound with a black
ribbon. A scroll maybe. Possibly one of the students who had too much spare time
to create the mystical looking item. Too many jolt colas. Carl surmised as he
untied the ribbon, and laid out the scroll like a papyrus. Carls heart began to
palpitate as he gazed at the inscriptions written down in old ink. The symbols were
not recognizable. Hieroglyphs with no distinct pattern but flowed into one another
as if meant to do so. He compared to some of the Egyptian passages, which were
engraved on the wall of luxor in giza yet no characteristic or match could be
identified. As he continued to read on the symbols began to break apart. Not
physically more to the writing that broke in sequences, and split off to another
passage. His mind started to feel confused as his vision became blurred, with some
pain in his temples. Why it caused his head to hurt was a mystery until he put it
down, and walked away from his desk holding his chest. Holy shit. What the
Carl needed some air quickly. On the roof he stood near the edge where a steel
fence waist high offered him his moment to grab with both hands, and lean gently
as he filled his lungs with fresh air. Some of the residual pain lingered but was
more controllable as he slowly inhaled in perfect breaths one second apart. His
eyes scanned side to side as if to search for something in the dark but he did not
know what it was. With more air filling his lungs carls temples throbbed less, and
less which gave his heart the needed tick to stop its palpitations. His right hand
shook but relaxed more as his body started to soothe itself from the chilly air.
Some mist escaped his mouth as his vision cleared with a more sharper perspective
of where he was standing.


In the deans office carl sat in front of his superior as he begun to explain in detail
of his small incident; Im telling you Fred it was like being compressed in
between a wall or a large vice clamp.
All because of this paper? Fred said as he scanned over the writing with little to
no interest. Carl could see that the effects were not working on his body like it did
his. In fact if freds mind was any emptier he could impersonate a coca cola bottle
without the soda perfectly. He just didnt have the imagination to grasp the idea
that something on the paper was not right. Or he was just stupid.
Look fred I know how this sounds but my body wasnt able to cope or my mind.
I think you need a long vacation carl. From the reports you filed yesterday it
seems to me youve been doing a lot of extra work. Since we dont have the
resources to hire more help to log files or check test scores you seem to take too
much onto yourself. Its a wonder you didnt come to me sooner.
Maybe youre right fred. Lately my students have been lacking the interest of
their subjects. All except Kimberly Stein. Her scores out do all of the others.
I see that. Fred stated as he glanced at kims folder. Still you havent had a days
rest for nearly seven months. I guess I have no choice.
Effective immediately or after the last test results have been processed you my
good man are on vacation. Period with pay of course.
Carl was defeated. He knew he had to take freds word or throw himself into an
argument, which he would lose. Thanks. I guess.
Now thats settled I have more complaints to look over. If there is nothing else?
No. Thats it. Carl sighed.
Have a good day carl. And take this paper with you. If you say its something
dangerous have one of the labs take a look at it.
Right. Thanks fred.
Its what Im here for. Stated fred.
Carl grabbed the paper but kept the writing away from his sight just to be safe,
which made fred glance at him with a half closed right eye as if scrutinizing his
sanity. After exiting the office carl made his way to the lab section of the campus
and all of the circus like chaos he was about to discover. Upon entering a lab full of
students working on calibrating computers or other forms of high tech gadgetry
when carl spotted his good friend and colleague Jack Marsh. A professor of
antiquity as well as modern science to advance humanitys push into the future.
That is if his constant smoking of hyper weed slows down long enough to have an
intelligent conversation. Hey carl! Come on over. Got something to show you.


As carl strolled by some students he could see a few passing folding notes. Strange
to see in a class full of adults who can speak to one another without all of the
secrets. He thought.
Whats up jack?
Take a look at this. I just readjusted the lens to max the output of nearly eighty
two percent.
On what? Said a curious carl.
Well our computers. I told you before that the new processors werent cutting it
with data streams above twenty gigabytes. So we used an argon laser to create a
new data port into the processor itself. Its like squirting digital oil into the
microcircuits with a syringe.
So whats the output now?
Over one hundred and ten percent. Now we can get all of our data in less than five
seconds using this solution.
Carl was not all high tech but he did admire jacks tenacity to rape a computer to
its fullest potential. Jack took a sip of coffee as he moved to his desk on chair
wheels as he gave his desk a few fist taps of his success. What a marvelous new
world carl. Soon we can utilize more computers to do complex jobs much faster
than what we could do back in the seventies.
Speak for yourself jack. I was only born in nineteen seventy four. I need you to
take a look at something for me.
What is it? Jack said with an excited voice.
Carl produced the paper with the writing still facing away from him, and carefully
gave it to jack making his friend frown from his movements. As soon as jack took
it, and looked at the paper left his hand went to his chest and was barely able to
breathe. He knelt on the floor as the students scrambled to see what was wrong.
Carl began to yell for someone to go get help. Jack never took his eyes off of the
paper as he teared up feeling an immense pounding in his solar plexus. A thumping
echoed in his ears as he saw the symbols on the paper move but only by his
perspective. Oh god! Jack shouted.
Jack! Jack! Carl yelled.
Jack fell to his side on the floor as medical help arrived in time. Carl took away the
paper as they laid jack on his back flat as one put a breather over his mouth. Jacks
vision began to blur until he could only see glimpses of shadows walking around
him shouting incoherent remarks or cries from women he knew who was still in his
lab. Soon darkness took his vision as the shouts became distant, faded, and finally
quiet. The thumping in his ears continued to give his temples pain but less potent
than before. It was if his entire being was getting ripped apart by some unknown
force he could not see. A giant hand that wanted to kill him with one squeeze.


As coldness crept into his body he opened his eyes to see carl sitting by his bedside
in the infirmary. A beep chimed from a heart monitor that told him he was almost
dead. Or he did die, and was brought back to the world of the living with very
skilled medical people. Jack took the effort to speak; Carl.
Holy shit. Jack how do you feel?
Did I die?
No. You went unconscious. Youve been out for almost forty six hours.
What? It doesnt feel like it. I felt like I just went to sleep. Jack said with a few
Carl poured some water, and handed it to jack as a doctor walked in with a nurse.
Mister Marsh. Good to see you awake. We were worried for awhile there. Said
the cold doctor.
What the hell hit my head?
The paper. The paper you read. The one I wanted you to look at. Replied carl.
Right. Right. Jesus I havent felt like this since I fell off my motorbike, and rolled
down a hill hitting every ugly stump on the way down.
The doctor smirked at the amusing comment as he began to take his blood
pressure. The nurse adjusted his bed so he could sit up straight as jack asked; Who
sent it to you?
I dont know. I was grading papers in my office and there it was just sitting there.
I opened it to see what it might be. I thought it was one of those magic game scrolls
students like to play while eating nachos, and piling back the beer. Then pain
seared into my skull. But not as hard as it did with you.
Well whatever hit my head was is indescribable. The moment I looked at it
Wham! instant pain.
Maybe you guys need a new hobby. Joked the doctor.
When the doctor was finished he and the nurse left as jacks doc said; Well keep
you one more day. If everything is fine by tomorrow night we can release you.
Thanks doc.
Carl moved closer to jack. For what he was about to reveal needed to be kept
between them. Jack me might be able to look at it close up without the paper.
Well we can use the offset projector. Keep it in another room. Just to be safe.
My thinking exactly.
What are we talking about here? Magic of some kind? Sorcery? Devil worship? I
mean jesus carl were scientists not priests.
Carl sat back in his chair as jack got more settled into his bed. He drank more of
his water as carl gripped the arms of his seat. I dont think it has anything to do
with religion. I took and went to find some references to the papers symbols.


Nothing matches. No hidden messages or old folk lore tales in the pyramids. Not
even Mesopotamian scriptures or any early signs of Cimmerian tablets. Not one
iota of information leads me to believe that this is some older than time relic. The
paper looks new, the writing if you can call it writing has no distinct pattern to
make it legible. I tested some of the paper and all I could find on the fibers is just
the gauge. Hard paper used in industrial copiers.
What about the flow of the writing? I know to me it looked like it changed every
second but the writing itself didnt move. Its just how it was written to make it
seem that way. Jack described.
I know I felt it too.
Well then what the hell are we talking about here? Illusions using hydratic means
of tricking the mind? Someones idea of creating a puzzle? I mean the pen rose
steps were bad enough to duplicate on paper as long as you had a steady hand to
draw it. No this is someones bad joke.
Well find out when we take a closer look on screen.
A few days later both jack, and carl were in a private room with a large projector
screen set up, and the paper was sitting on a lit table with an overhead lens above
its surface. What they were looking at was something not like a puzzle but
something more devious and darker than they could imagine. This is impossible
carl. The writing flow stream is somehow transgressing across the paper on its
I see it too. I cant explain it.
Up close as jack focused on one of the ink stripes he then zoomed in much closer
to see the papers edges vibrating like parasites surrounding bacteria. Jack closed in
further to show the ink line starting to separate into smaller pieces, like thousands
of tiny individual four sided blocks. Or like what a person would see on a film strip
to make sound through digital data using light. Zooming in further carl could see
intricate patterns emerging on each block like inscriptions on etched black glass.
The symbols as before were not recognizable. No fluidic motion to speak of and no
coherent speech pattern to use as a reference. What are we looking at? Asked
You know there is absolutely no explanation as to why this what ever it is is
doing this. No physics no molecule driven aspects to its properties. Not even light
activation. Nothing. Nothing in our existence of why we are looking at that
gives us any intelligent conclusion.
What about the electron microscope in lab eight? It has a max zoom of four
hundred thousand. Looking at its cell structure could give us a bit more detail. That
is if the machine can take it.
Oh it can take it. Jack replied.



Jack started to trim the microscopes focusing dial so that the screen he and the
staff were watching was clear enough. Carl stood by the controls as jack exited the
air tight room. Upon closing the door, a hiss sound enveloped the room telling all
that the paper was now sealed inside. Jack walked over to carl and they began a
series of checks before the actual activation began. Behind them was fred who did
not believe that his staff was brought in to see the farce go any further. Except in
the mainstream of science he had no say as to how the experiment was going to
proceed. Got final calibration on the vacuum drive. All facets are aligned
perfectly. Said carl.
Microfibers ready. As well as the intermittent camera. All lights show green. We
are ready to switch it on. Jack stated as he turned to the staff.
Ladies and gentlemen. What you are about to see is nothing you would expect in
science. My friend and fellow colleague Carl Howard has come across a rather
unusual piece of paper, which made its way to his desk. Upon reading it or trying
to he and I had suffered extreme pain. Up close when a person tries to read its
message or decipher it symptoms such as heart palpitations or lack of breath
including dysrhythmia, which sets in almost instantly. Also body pain that cuts off
any means of contact with the brain to keep a person from consciousness. Now we
have it inside the vacuum chamber because physically it can do harm. On a screen
however the effects do not transfer to the viewer. They can observe what it does
without the pain. So if youll all come closer we shall begin.
Carl then switched a few sensor buttons, which started up the vacuum compressor
as a screen flickered on to show the papers ink up close and personal. Freds
mouth was agape as he saw millions of tiny blocks moving about in random
sequence and joining up with a new set of four by four squares. Like a chaotic
dance of pixie dust on the screen the room chattered as comments were thrown in
any direction about the phenomenon. What is this jack? fred asked with a tone of
We dont know. It has no substance, no energy, no kind of physical attribute to its
matrix. The ink itself is just iron mixed with a selenium compound for adhesion.
As for electrical impulses it registers under five billion milliamps negative that
Negative? Piped in one observer.
Yes. A parchment written with simple ink that has no physical properties to speak
of. That has no molecular structure to identify its origin or why it was written in its
complex state. That the flow of the ink does damage to a persons body yet no


distinct pattern displays a cause for it. And that each block moves to a new point to
meet another four by four square to make nothing. No building structure, no
blueprint to quantify its objective. Its almost as if this was a part of something
A part of what? Fred inquired.
We dont know that either. Carl said.
All right. Then we take this to the science division. If this thing is as dangerous
as you say it is then we need to find out if it has another objective. Quipped fred
as he wiped his brow.
We just told you. It does nothing but harm to the reader. Its not like its going to
jump off of the paper and infect people on its own. We dont know if its alive or a
Precisely. We dont know what itll do. No I need to protect this university at all
costs. Call Professor Shiro Tanaka. Hes head of the division. Ill get a hold of a
few more key personnel who have just a bit more equipment than we do.
Yeah but
Thats all jack. This has gone beyond our understanding of simple physics. I want
this to be clear too. Not one word gets out to the student body on this. I dont want
a panic that could induce our early retirement. Understand jack?
Understood fred. Jack assured.
I agree too.
Good. Then lets get moving.
After six months of grueling study jack still had no clue as to what created the
writing on the mysterious paper. Inside of the large laboratory were hundreds of
scholars, professors, scientists of various fields scanning or trying to interpret its
meaning. Carl sat at his computer with professor Tanaka as they combined notes
for some match to the parchments properties. A large screen showed the paper in
its entirety with the inscribed writing on the papers surface looking like some
invader from another dimension or galaxy. Theories about alien interference was
also entertained by the division but the content of the writing suggested otherwise.
Since the fabled area 51 was the top story through most of the early seventies, and
eighties people grew accustomed to the notion that we were definitely not alone in
the universe. Clues on old ancient walls that described of beings landing, and
conversing with humans to expand their minds. Or how carvings looked like early
astronauts upon obelisks or tombs within older pyramids in Peru, and Egypt. Yet
carl knew that the paper had nothing to do with aliens or witchcraft and the occult.
As far as he was concerned the writing was just an obliterated example of some old
past not heard of before. The more he understood how the blocks moved inside the


ink the more he began to feel that the influence of its structure was more
devastating than he originally thought. Carl.
What is it shiro?
After a deep breath shiro removed his glasses, and set them on the desk as he
looked into carls eyes. Perhaps our direction is false.
False? Quipped carl.
I have been trying to understand how the paper functions with the writing. We
know that it is dangerous to hold it physically, while staring at it. That much we
ascertained. But what if the makeup of the paper itself is the clue. So far we know
it as just high grade paper. The ink is two compounds. Iron, and selenium. The
negative milliamps the structure inside gives off has never before been recorded in
any object.
So what are you saying? That this is some form of new energy? Carl suggested.
Not new no. I think the energy is far older than the universe. I did a study about
the creation of our existence as being two exact opposites that collides into one
another to cause a cataclysmic explosion, which formed our universe fifteen billion
years ago. Everything after that fell into place for our evolution. Our planet, the
animal life, agriculture and so on. But to do that you need a viable energy source
equal to its partner. What if this is the first half or second half of the ignition
sequence to create?
A prickling sensation ran up the spine of carl as he glanced to the image of the
paper again to see its unrecognizable writing become a little more menacing.
Although it did not move physically the still image flow was threatening enough.
Pieces began to fit together for shiros theory as he walked to jack, and whispered
into his ear. We need to talk outside.
Carl moved to the door without warning, and exited as jack followed fifty feet
behind. Shiro sat still fully aware that they needed some privacy. He went back to
work as his eyes scanned the room now and again to keep an eye on his staff, and
those who were not apart of his division.
Outside carl stepped behind a stone stairwell as jack joined him. Whats going
Shiro and I just came up with a theory that this paper is some form of energy to
create. His explanations at how our universe was formed using two opposing
forces gave me the idea that this writing is not writing but a form of energy waiting
for its partner. An equal amount of mass. When they meet everything we know of
would be obliterated in seconds. Thats why the unusual negative amps in its
structure. Put an equal amount of positive energy to its matrix you have a bomb
that can expand outward to create a new universe.
Oh my god I never thought of that. Holy shit.


But theres something else.

Angling his body so he could see to the parking lot for lurkers he told jack; The
energy is building.
How can that be? Our diagnosis shows no growth on its flow route. Although the
blocks move around they dont build.
I know that. I did a computer model of its pathway from end to end. What I found
to be interesting is that the movements are becoming uniform now. You have to
imagine billions of people on this earth moving from continent to continent in
random sequence until there are no more randomness to their motions. The ink on
the paper is starting to exhibit fluxes of electrical pulses. Barely detectable but
enough for our computers to distinguish it as nanoamps.
Jack leaned against the wall as carl moved around to his right side and joined him
on the wall. A few guards walked by minding their own business when both men
decided to head back into the lab.
While they walked down a hall carl gave another theory; This might explain some
of the strange murders thats been happening in the city. Really brutal kinds with
no mercy to speak of. Carl said.
Like last month when fifteen people who didnt know each other killed ninety two
retire home tenants. I mean you have to be really disturbed to go out and just kill
someone you dont even know. Stated jack.
Thats what the press said. You didnt hear the real story. Carl replied
Which was?
That for each person who killed an elder all of their own grandparents died of
mysterious illnesses.
Are you serious?
Yup. Found out about it a week ago when I spoke to a good friend on the inside of
the media track. I even know a cop whos been working on strange cases for the
last three months. Names David. Detective David Folten.
In the backyard of Davids home he sat by his pool reading a folder full of reports
on weird murders or in the heat of the moment killings on the street. One in
particular took his interest to see the face of a young boy aged eight years old
staring to whoever took his picture in the police station for the murder of his
parents, and four brothers and two sisters. The M.O. was simply explained as an
irrational mental state leading to murder using a pair of garden shears. As he
flipped the page he saw how he killed his mother. By decapitating her while she
slept. The number of tries to cut off her head was numbered in the three dozen
range until he finally took it with a last cut or swing of the shears. The murders of
his siblings came first, his mother was last. Yet as for the father he simply shot him


in the head using his fathers hand gun, which was a 357. Magnum. In a small way
he admired on how the boy reinforced his hand to shoot the gun to not cause any
recoil or kickback. His hand moved to grab his ice tea but found another hand over
his with a pretty girl staring into his eyes who was wearing a two piece bikini.
Casey could always manage to distract his sense of duty when it came to being
home for relaxation time. Her distinct way of coaxing dave from doing too much
work always worked no matter the time or excuse she could come up with. He
smiled as she sat beside him on the lounger taking away the folder from his hands,
and replacing then with hers as she leaned in to kiss his lips with a fierce passion.
His heart began to flutter as her body started to mash into his allowing her curves
to meld into his senses. Without any more coaxing from his little minx both of his
hands were then firmly placed on her very round, and shapely rear as she got
comfortable on their lounger. Her tongue darted out to meet his and soon twisted
tips to finally come to a french agreement that started a fire in his bathing suit. She
knew she had him cold or hot depending on how it went. Casey also had no qualms
about touching dave in the most intimate of spots as her hand dug deep into his
trunks to grasp his now very hard police baton with her fingers. She giggled as
they came up for air, but soon took his hand, and led him to the bedroom for extra
curricular activities.
Inside the house it was cool even though it was a hot sunny day. The windows
shone a brilliant sheen with no reflection to the outside as Casey removed her top,
and dropped it to the floor still giggling like a school girl. David had no idea that
his little escapade with casey was going to be something to remember. As he untied
the waistband of his trunks casey glanced down to see her treasure saluting her
quite firmly as she too removed her bikini shorts. She stood at the bottom of the
stair leaning against the corner to meet dave close up as he too leaned in to kiss her
gently. You know dave, I can suck the chrome off of a hitch. I just hope you can
lick up the honey when the bottle spills.
Dave gulped once that sent casey the message he was very raring to go as she held
his fleshy police baton with her hand. After turning she began to run up the stairs
with dave right behind her as his left hand slapped her lovely cheeks in a playful
manner. Woohoo! Come on mister policeman this bad girl needs a spanking.
She said at the top of the stairs.
David smiled with a devilish grin as he approached slowly allowing some tension
to build between them. Caseys eyes grew wide as he crept up to her, which made
her giggle, and laugh. Her lower lip curled in as she laughed as dave reached out to
grasp for her hand but instead casey escaped to the bed and jumped on it sideways
as david stood beside with his proud member pointing to the ceiling. Casey looks
like daddy needs to teach you a good lesson.


Oh oh. No way. Casey laughed.

David knelt on the bed, and started to crawl to her as she got half way under the
covers for protection but dave knew how to just rip them off so they could have
fun without all of the constraints on such a hot day. Casey continued to laugh as
she settled on the bed to get comfortable. Her right arm arced over her head as his
lips met hers with heated bliss. Her arms wrapped around his neck to pull him
down, and meshed tongues. He could detect a faint odor of orange juice and some
on his tongue as they french kissed. Both of their bodies melted together as dave
grew more aroused feeling caseys body respond to his lips, and skin that touched
hers. Small crevices around her thighs touched his flesh as her legs wrapped
around his waist to drag him in until his body was tight against her chest. After
sitting up her hand grabbed his trimmed pole, and engulfed it into her mouth as her
other hand reached up to play with his loose, and dangling maracas gently. Dave
glanced down to see her head bobbing up and down slowly as he felt the ridged
effect of her teeth on his sensitive skin. Both of her lips surrounded his shaft as her
pace quickened a bit letting his tip just slip out, and then slid back in to feel her
warmth on the roof of her mouth. Dave closed his eyes as his hips rocked back and
forth when her hands grasped his ass cheeks, and held on as his voice started to
yelp a few times. Casey was good. Real good at what she told she could do about
chrome and hitches. Never before did he get a blow like this in his life even when
they dated casey hardly ever spoke of oral sex. Very quickly though dave found his
tensions building up in his legs, and groin as he pumped faster. Casey never let go
as her tongue slid all over his shaft with no reservation until finally dave could not
hold back. After a loud groan, he held his baton while his seed shot out in pulse
streams to her lips, and cheeks as she moved her face around. She licked her lips
and took his hot meat back into her mouth for some extra loving care until dave
nearly spent was thrown onto his back as casey used some force to hold him down.
Now the foot was in the other hand as casey crawled up his chest as she kissed
every inch of her lovers body. Daves eyes glossed over as her tongue lashed over
his skin like some hungry animal before biting into it for a meal. Except casey
inched up closer with her body following with wiggling, and hip twisting. He
glanced to see her sex rubbing up against his stomach as her legs widened to
straddle his chest.
For some small reason he could hear a horror movie soundtrack, which added a
flavor of fright as her lovely nest made its way to his lips but no more than inch
away. An impact of music rang in his ears as he stared at her sultry pubic area that
was moist and ready to engage. He stuck out his tongue and delved deep into her
lips when her rump ground down onto his chest even further. Mashing onto his
mouth her moans filled the bedroom as she grabbed the bedrail to hold on. In her


mind she could see images of her lover doing all sorts of sexual things that began
to bring her mounting arousal to new heights. His tongue was velvet inside of her
inner regions, which caused her hips to sway side to side allowing dave more
access to her most private spot. Casey could feel her button vibrating like never
before as her thighs tightened against his neck. Using some unique talent she
lurched her hips back and forth as if scrubbing his mouth with her swollen petals.
The electrical impulses started to roam up her toes, to her legs, which in turn halted
at her little nub to throb uncontrollably. She screeched as her head leaned back but
her eyes stared at the ceiling feeling her hot honey spill out into his hungry mouth.
Dave had no control as he drank her sexual fluid with no regard as to how much
dripped down on his chest. When she was done she fell over backwards onto the
bed giggling as she moved and writhed her hips in a seductive way. Dave smiled as
he watched her body move as if in slow motion until casey propped herself onto
her hands and knees facing away from him. His eyes rose up to see such a playful
woman luring his senses beyond his own control. Getting up she wiggled her
cheeks while looking back, and smiled mischievously. His right hand slapped her
right cheek once, which got her attention but not so much as to have his left hand
do the same thing. She yelped from each smack but found that the mix of pain and
pleasure began to strike up a new height of bliss as she felt his soft tip entering her
heated oven. With a slight push back casey could feel his entire length slip inside
of her filling up the void with fire, and immeasurable nirvana. Dave thrust hard
against her allowing their skin to smack into each other as his right hand slapped
her ass cheek again, and again.
Caseys voice shot up to higher notes as she reached under and pinched her own
nipples as dave grounded, and pounded her sex to new levels. It was the sounds of
slapping skin, and pleasured voices as dave, and casey reacted with each other as
total kindred spirits allowing the outside world to remain where it was. Suddenly
casey reached back to keep her cheeks open as dave found the right spot to rub
against inside of her honeypot. His tip felt the tiny ledge, and rubbed hard on it
creating a new soprano voice from casey as she screamed in total pleasure. They
crashed into one another feeling the intensity build, and build as dave spanked her
some more. Casey could not hold back, she could not bear the thought of getting
this close only to spare it for later on. Her thighs then clasped together, and held his
hot rod stationary as she let go of her pent up orgasm loose to overtake her senses.
Casey then collapsed on the bed face down with dave on top of her breathing hard
into the sheets. Both were laying side by side as they tried to recompose
themselves as casey looked into his eyes with a glossy stare. She smiled as she
said; Wow. Holy smoke that was something.
Oh my god woman. If I was any older Id be dead.


Casey laughed through her nose in a cute way. She held his flaccid shaft again but
only rubbed it slowly as to keep his libido intact for extra sessions later on. Dave
leaned in to kiss her soft, and lush lips, and grabbed her by the waist so they could
snuggle on the bed together for a nice little nap. His thoughts could only come to
one conclusion as he said in his mind; What a glorious day.
A few hours later he woke up to see he had been sleeping alone. Downstairs he
could hear casey rummaging about in the kitchen as he glanced to the clock to see
the time was four thirty in the afternoon. Not bad he thought. Casey then walked
up the stairs with a tray of food, and some drinks while still nude. Dave laid back
to see her step onto the top stair and see her stark naked with a nice treat. Oh you
should have come down if you were awake.
No seeing you like this is way more fun casey. You look gorgeous the way you
Why thank you sir. Care for some crumpets, and tea? She said with an
aristocratic accent.
You read my mind. I love crumpets. He replied with a yuppy laugh.
Casey then set down the tray so she could prepare a dish for him. His eyes gazed at
her curvy rear, and saw two hand prints on each side of her cheeks. He quietly
giggled as she turned with a plate, and a cup of tea as he straightened up. After
preparing her plate she sat beside him to enjoy a nice quiet moment on the bed as a
light wind carried through the window to cool down the room. Casey sipped her
tea as david ate his treat and licked his fingers of the gooey berry juice. Both
smiled to one another when suddenly his phone rang. Answering it a familiar voice
called out; Detective folten?
With a mouthful of crumpet david answered; Folten here.
Casey laughed as he tried to swallow the rest pounding his solar plexus. This is
Carl Howard we talked some time back about a few strange cases.
Right sorry I just didnt recognize the voice. David said in an apologetic tone.
No biggie. Listen would you be able to come to our lab? There is something I
would like to talk to you about. This peaked davids interest as he sat up
straighter. Casey moved his tea so he wouldnt spill it as he continued his
conversation. Lab? Well Im not a scientist on my best days just a cop. Jibed
I understand but a colleague plus myself have been working on a project for the
past six months now and it could have something to do with all of the rises in
crime. I we would like your input to the matter.
Look uh mister howard I dont know what I can do to help you in your lab. Like I
said Im just a cop.
Truth be told detective it does have specific items that a cop would recognize.


David looked at casey who for the moment looked absolutely delicious as his own
private crumpet to munch on as she sipped her tea quite demurely in her birthday
suit. The struggle between his want to stay home or go to a lab for some boring
lecture about his cases was becoming bothersome. Yet his cases were starting to
look stranger as the months passed on. Perhaps a fresh approach to his work load
could prove useful. Alright mister howard. When would you like me to come to
the lab? David said in a defeated fashion.
Uh I think two pm would do tomorrow afternoon.
Thats fine. Ill see you then.
Make sure when you come to the entrance ask for my name and Ill be right down
to greet you. At gate two.
Gate two okay.
Thank you detective. Well see you then.
Right. Goodbye.
David hung up, and tossed the phone as he grabbed the tea cup from caseys hands.
She began to giggle again as his frisky nature began to take control of his roaming
fingers, which started to tickle her sides. Oh what a glorious day he thought once
The next day proved useless as the traffic did not let up once. Cars honked road
rage between drivers got in his nerves as he himself honked for the cars ahead of
him to move. Although being a police officer had its perks such as going on a
phantom call could help his cause to zip through traffic. Except his good manners
often won out to endure the crap most others had to do when driving. Luckily he
heard a siren coming from behind him. A fire truck was speeding in the same as he
was when the line up of cars separated to let the truck pass through. Putting the red
globe on his roof david decided to follow the fire engine to its source. At least until
the coast was clear to head to the lab. After stepping on the accelerator he swerved
his car neatly as to avoid the others who made the hole. He felt sorry for them but
he had to be on time to speak with carl and learn just what it was about his cases
that seemed strange.
During his memory recollection he did manage to remember speaking to a physics
professor about his cases. It was slightly different in his view because crime didnt
have physics involved unless it was about bank robberies or murders with weapons
or poisons and such. No this was about his earlier cases involving Randy Junkler
who he faced in the basement of an old building laced with homeless conspirators.
His brother lance junkler he caught two months after in an old mob safe house. But
just like his brother randy he too killed numerous young girls in the basement of
the house with surgical tools he had stolen from the local hospital operation ward.
It was how he caught him that was the clue.


Lance was the typical scum who had intelligence but used it to create horrible acts
of crime because he could. With his I.Q he could have had a prestigious position
with a corporation or some bigwig IT department and live the good life with a wife
or kids. He had neither. David tried to understand the meaning of why lance killed
young girls but found no residual clue as to the motive. He came from a good
home, had excellent grades was a top student in his class with credits to different
sport facilities all over the country. A young man who had everything. Randy was
not so lucky. His life was embossed with endless struggles as his parents did not
abuse him physically but more mentally. Lance fought for his honor but found that
randy in his view had become a burden too often. The only reason lance ever stuck
with him was when randy pulled a number on someone in a fight or other. Over
time though david thought that because of his brothers constant acts of defiance it
just slowly grew in his body like a sickly plague. Influence in one way or another
can always win. Davids vision then moved forward to when he interviewed lance
in the interrogation room. So when you killed those girls why torture them? What
did they do to you? Why hurt them in such a horrible manner? Asked David.
Want to know? Ill tell you. First because they smell. Like fresh fish ready to pick
from the ocean with a nice reel and rod. My rod of course. Lance replied as he
chuckled at the crude humor.
No I meant why kill them? Why give their parents a reason to hate you? Wanting
to kill you themselves.
Bring it on. I dont give a shit.
You know I was reading some of your history when you were in school and such
and I am astounded that you arent a president of some corporation. Why throw it
all away like that because of Randy?
You leave him out of this! They didnt understand him like I do. Yeah he wasnt
smart, yeah he was a bit of an idiot but he was their kid. They didnt help him at all
except telling him how stupid he was. I defended him is all.
Okay. Okay. It still doesnt give me an answer as to why you had to torture those
girls like you did, and then kill them.
Look its all really simple cop. They were just pretty girls who had nice asses, and
pussies. What man wouldnt want to do nasty things to them? Women are like
fresh bread, you have to eat it before the expiry date runs out. As for killing them
they would have identified me later on, why keep them alive if they can point me
out in a line up? Are you stupid?
David kept his anger in total check because if he got his hands on lance he would
have ripped out his throat and pissed down the hole. After taking a deep breath
lance sat back in his chair knowing full well he was getting under davids skin. He
decided to push it further.


How come youre a cop?

Were not here to entertain you lance. Were here because you killed six young
girls in a dirty basement. So I need to know the reason instead of that ridiculous
explanation you just gave me. Nobody does something that horrible because they
can. I want to know why you kidnapped them, and tortured them in that heinous
way. I want to know how you can live with yourself hearing them screaming their
lungs out. I want to know why I shouldnt just take my gun and point it to your
right eyeball, and pull the trigger to watch your fucking brains scatter all over the
back wall, and stare at your lifeless eyes as you slowly slide off of that chair to the
floor dead as a god damn piece of meat.! Yelled david.
Lance just smiled as he retorted quaintly; Because you find me fascinating. All of
this. My motives, my thoughts, my reasoning. I just told you. Its because I can do
all of these dark things as a human being. I made a choice to become fucked up.
Nobody did it for me. Not you. Not my parents or my teachers. Nobody, and not
one psychologist could prove otherwise. Im just a man who decided to walk in
another direction.
David knew it was useless to converse with a mad man. He was sure to come to a
point where lance could have given him any sob story to make his life seem
disturbed. Except there was nothing to go on. He was normal as any other person
would be with all the trimmings. At least he was going to be executed, which
included the old hobo he spoke to in the swat van that horrible night. He gripped
the steering wheel a bit tighter hating himself for thinking about lance junkler.
Now he just wanted to go back home, and into the arms of casey who could always
calm his nerves in the worst of times. Except he had to find out what carl had to
offer to bring some of his cases to a close if at all.
Some twenty miles later he pulled into the science building lot, and pulled up to
gate two. A guard came out as dave rolled down his window. Can I help you sir?
David produced his badge; Detective Folten to see Professor Howard.
Just a moment sir.
Thank you. David replied.
The guard walked back to his hut, and dialed up a number. As david watched the
guard talking to another person he noticed the building had a large amount of glass
on the surface. Only three levels but greatly embedded with windows. On the roof
were four large dishes for communication. Too much money spent here. David
thought. Sir?
Yes. David said snapping out of his recon stage.
Just proceed in to parking stall number six. Professor howard will meet you
Thank you very much.



The guard then motioned to have the gate open upward as david drove in slowly.
Trees lined the lane, which gave the grounds a nice ambient sterility scene.
Everything was manicured with precise hands. Casey could have given pointers
with her skill as well. As david drove to stall six, he could see carl standing alone
wearing a white coat. A light breeze caused his coat tail to sway to the left as david
pulled in. After shutting off the engine he got out of the car to hear carl; Welcome
detective. Please this way.
Look I dont know how much help I can be here.
Its not help were looking for. I just think that a new perspective to what were
working on can give us a few answers. Carl stated.
Inside the building david saw the most eye catching portrait of an atom hes ever
seen. Clusters of electrons spinning on an angled axis around a nucleus tickled his
brain. He smirked at its magnificent detail as carl said; It was given to us by one
of our scholars. His son painted it.
Incredible detail. Wonderful flow of the electrons, and photons. I used to draw but
nothing like that.
What about calligraphy? Any talent in that? Carl asked.
Not really. I tried at home when my grandmother used to do it. But I didnt have
the skill she had. In high school though I was able write Japanese letters, which
lead me on to speak it fluently.
Well I guess you and professor Tanaka will have fun together. Hes head of our
science division and leader of the project.
So what is this project? All you said on the phone was to have me come down to
give you a perspective.
Right. First we have to show you our little secret. This way.
Carl rounded a corner where a few dozen scientists walked about the hallway to
other departments. David felt like an alien in another world seeing nothing but
white coats, and pens in pockets. Science was never his strong suit even in school.
Except he found it all interesting even though the jargon sounded like another
language that made his ears hurt. Carl then walked to another door, and stood in
front as david caught up. He then produced a card, and slid it in a reader slot,
which caused the large metal door to open up. Davids eyes went wide seeing how
thick the door was. Carl stepped inside with david on his heels when the door
closed behind him and shut with a soft thud. Jack was with tanaka working at a
computer station when tanaka looked up.


You didnt say you would bring him in to see it. I thought you would just explain
it in minute details.
I think this approach can bring us more. Professor Tanaka. Detective David
David wasted not time as he bowed to shiro with total respect as he greeted tanaka
using an old dialect of japanese, which impressed shiro fully. His japanese is
better than yours jack. Shiro said.
Tanaka then bowed back as david offered a hand to the professor as both spoke in
japanese. Thank you for coming detective.
I dont know why I had to come in. I am not an expert in any scientific field. Im
just a cop.
Both carl and jack looked at each other, and wondered just what in the hell were
they saying to each other. It is carls suggestion that we need your help on our
Now both spoke english so everyone could understand. Enigma?
David I want you to look at something.
Fine. Where is it?
Right here. Carl moved out of the way so david could have a clear view of the
paper on the viewing screen. He approached slowly seeing a strange line of ink
written down with no familiar pattern. As he squinted his eyes he could not make
out what in the hell it was except it was messy, and badly written. This is what
you brought me down here for? A badly written message? Or note? Holy shit doc
the world is coming to an end because of this?
Not the world dave. The universe.
David could not help but laugh at the ridiculous notion of this new joke he was a
part of. For the moment he thought his captain put these people up to the task but
found that having a full science division take part in a joke was a bit extreme. Yet
he went with it. Casey will have a ball with this when I tell her about it later.
You cant. Nobody can know.
David laughed louder which caught the attention of the other workers who looked
up to see only david laughing, and the professors just staring at him. Jack
intervened as he said; We have to convince him. Theres no other way.
You cannot. Stated Tanaka. It is too dangerous.
David stopped laughing as he rubbed his stomach from too much strain as he
glanced to carl who said nothing. So far. David I want you to look at the
paper. Not on the screen but physically. Then youll see what were talking about.
No! Shouted tanaka. He cannot!


Shiro he wont believe this is real unless he experiences it himself. Now david
became anxious as the joke split off into another direction. He took off his coat,
and said with a smile; Ill do it. Hell if it can put a lid on this joke Ill do it.
Detective one warning. Shiro explained. We believe the properties in the paper
is dangerous. Not poison but something on a whole new level of awareness. Most
who look at it while holding it in their hands experience extreme pain in their
frontal lobes as well as cardiac symptoms. We have a medical team waiting if
anything happens to you. But you must be the one to consent.
I just said it didnt I? Ill do it.
An hour later david was in another room with the others behind a large glass
window in a observation booth. In front of him was the paper attached to a board
so it could lay flush. He admired the papers smooth surface but found the ink on it
was too flat looking. From a speaker behind him he could hear carl; Okay david,
just pick it up, hold it, and look at the writing. Dont try to discern the pattern just
let it take hold in your vision. Click!
After a deep sigh david who still smiled through it all picked up the paper, and
began to stare at its composition, and flow style. On a clock in the booth a counter
showed seconds passing on a led clock as the observers began to chatter with each
other as to why david was not feeling the effects so far. How do you feel david?
Fine. Its like looking at some bad calligraphy. Whoever wrote this had a nervous
Shiro then asked; Try turning upside down.
As david turned the paper upside down he felt a slight queasy but found it tolerable
as his eyes adjusted once more. Now the writing looked more coherent as he
scanned the surface closer. He turned it again, and laughed as the flow switched to
something else that only he could see as he exclaimed in a humorous way; Wow
nice trick. It must be one of those computer generated holographic images you
have to find.
What do you mean dave? Jack asked.
Well when you said turn it upside down I began to see images of blocks combing
into one another. Then another set, and another. This is cool.
And you dont feel a bit nauseous? Any pain in your head or chest?
None. David said as a matter of fact.
Okay thats all for now. You can come out.
David put down the paper, and went to the door as it hissed open sideways. He
then fell to the floor, and was unconscious. Darkness took his vision and felt cold
as he tried to wake up. Each time he felt his lid starting to open it shut closed
keeping him in the suspended moment of night with no escape. He could hear
voices but wasnt able to make out whos it was.


Casey flooded his thoughts to make his nerves calm down some as he again tried to
wake up but found that his body just didnt seem to want to respond to his
thoughts. He felt frustrated being in the dark with no sign of life and wasnt able to
dream either. He knew he wasnt sleeping if he was he would be dreaming of
winning the lottery and taking casey on a long needed vacation on a love cruise.
Instead he was immersed in the blackness with no way out until a whisper in his
ear knocked his senses. David. Wake up. Come on david.
It was casey. Her sweet voice became clear as each of her words pressed into his
mind. Its casey honey. Come on you have to wake up.
Suddenly his eye lids started to move, and a blink of light seeped through the crack
to nearly blind him. With a little more effort he blinked a couple of times until the
over head lights went from a fuzzy blur to a solid color of white. He was laying on
a bed with casey sitting beside him holding his hand as carl got up from a chair to
see how dave was doing. David?
Yeah. What the hell happened?
You collapsed.
Collapsed? No I never collapse.
In this case you did. What do you remember?
Looking at some
Now you know what were talking about.
The paper did that to me?
Just the energy coming from it. The ink is nothing. What lies in the ink is the
catalyst. It takes hold of the bearer and disturbs body functions for a brief moment.
Conditions vary from person to person depending on their health too.
Whats he talking about david? Casey asked.
Its hard to explain sweetie. Theres nothing to worry about. Im fine now.
Could we go home now? Casey said with worry in her eyes.
Yes. You both should. Get some rest.
Come on dave.
David moved slow since his body felt heavier for some reason but casey helped
him sit up to regain his bearings as jack entered the room. I dont know what you
people need him for but its not going to happen again is it? Casey said.
Its okay honey. I agreed to this. Its not their fault they just needed to know if I
could be of some help. And I did see something.
What did you see? Jack asked.
When the papers writing looked different to me I noticed that some of the blocks
in the ink took form. Like um a chameleon changing colors but remained a solid
black shade. Almost as if it was calling or contacting a host or partner.


Jack and carl looked at one another. Does this mean anything?
Before you both go, I would like shiro to speak with you.
Back in the lab shiro had the screen displaying the blocks as tanaka described to
david; You were right detective. The energy is changing. We had come up with a
theory that the ink, and its properties are an even match to a partner. This ink you
see is negative energy. Building blocks so to speak to create a universe. What it
needs is a partner to make it reality.
Wait hold on a minute. Now this is all fascinating but you have to ask yourself
one thing. Who in the hell placed such a dangerous item like this on a piece of
paper for someone to find? I mean honestly the ingredient to creating the
universe? Do you know how this sounds? What about nanotechnology? Could
someone have advanced it enough to do this?
We thought of that too. Carl said. Except nanotech isnt viable for another sixty
As far as you know Dave stated.
Detective has any of your cases gotten more difficult? With a series of random
violence that might be more questionable than it should be? Shiro asked.
Yeah but the mind of a criminal isnt hard to figure out. They might have had a set
of conditions, which led them to do a bad thing. Such as a broken home, bad
lifestyle, influences from friends or family. But there have been cases of just
people who dont give a shit.
Exactly my point detective. That is the area from where you must find the answer.
Cases with no structured motives. Such as assaults, or murder. Most if not all have
motives like serial killers would need with heightened intelligences are able to
create scenarios from nothing and feed their ego with taboo like results. Our
combined agreement has been that this paper could be expediting specific
wavelengths to a persons subconscious causing them to question their own life
with a new darker direction. An influence if you will. Not occult or devil worship
but just on a basic human level of judgment or choice by stimulus.
Casey began to become agitated as she heard the men talk about very strange
things that started to frighten her. She grabbed davids arm. Please lets go I dont
want to hear any more of this.
Okay. Okay honey. Lets go home.
She smiled in a timid way as Shiro got to his feet, and bowed as he apologized to
her in a most respectful way. Please accept my apology I did not think properly
on your behalf.
Its fine. I just want to take him home now.
By all means. Carl said.
Thank you.


In the car david thought of how he could use his knowledge to find out if his
instinct was true. Looking at the paper did not affect him like the others but
although he did collapse it was still disconcerting to him that something dangerous
was on its way. Casey sat silent looking out her window as dave glanced over with
concern for her. You okay hon?
Yeah. I just think this whole deal with the paper is a little weird.
Cant blame you. I thought so too. But what I felt while I was out was something
s stranger.
What do you mean? Asked casey.
After some of my cases were closed. I began to think of why those people did
those terrible acts to their victims.
They were just disturbed thats all dave. Casey said with slight finality.
You know on a more normal day I would agree with you. Except what they
showed me, and what I felt in my unconscious state has led me to believe that all of
what we had seen and done is becoming unraveled.
Casey said no more as she looked to a bunch of kids playing on swings in a park.
Parents were on stand by watching them although chatting together drinking the
local coffee from a vendor parked by a building. David did not see it was the same
van he saw one night who offered him small pieces of advice, which led to the
arrests of two very deranged men. She thought of other ways to try and get david
not to think about the science lab but more to her, and what lies ahead for their
future. Dave?
Do you like children? I mean do you want kids some day?
Sure I do. Im coming close to slowing down out on the streets but as long as Im
able Ill hunt down maniacs and haul their asses in.
David felt special when she asked about kids. He always wanted a family to enrich
his life further but his work managed to get in the way of that ever happening. He
glanced over to casey who for the moment was quite sanguine as she sat back
further in her seat. David offered his hand, and she accepted it with total affection
as she leaned in towards him, and kissed his cheek softly as he tried to keep an eye
on the road. It was quiet in the neighborhood hardly any cars were out to obstruct
his way home but it felt off. Although chicago was always a busy place david knew
that something wasnt right with the traffic.
Is it me or does it feel like the city is abandoned? I mean look around hardly any
cars in our way.
Youre right. That is weird.
David turned a corner to see the city streets of chicago with barely a car on its
surface. He stopped on the right side of the main drag where thousands of vehicles


had just disappeared. A few remained parked by the curb but it was not easing his
sense of reason as caseys eyes went wide to see that the city just went to sleep in
the middle of the day. What the hell is going on?
Suddenly the blare of the emergency siren began to sound, which echoed to all
corners of chicago.
They got out of the car but saw no one running or driving or even moving from
building to building. Casey yelled; David whats going on?
He grabbed her close, and held her tight against his body as the siren kept blaring
its haunting sound. Like a nuclear fallout emergency practice run it kept shrilling
the high notes of warning until finally the loud whine started to dwindle to a
slower, and more scratchy end. Casey was shaking in his arms as the last bit of the
sirens call vanished altogether. They stood still listening for any possible sound
other than the horrifying machine of death. Dave slowly walked casey back to the
passenger side of the car when she looked to the main street, and screamed on the
top of her lungs.
As she collapsed on the sidewalk, dave glanced to the road to see thousands of cars
zipping by like they should be doing on a usual busy day. His eyes were wide too
not believing what he just experienced. A death like moment, and then suddenly
bursting with life as if nothing happened. A pedestrian approached david; Sir?
Are you okay? Is she okay?
David said nothing as he gazed into the persons eyes who had genuine concern for
their well being. Sir?
Sir? The pedestrian asked.
David still said nothing when he friendly helper flagged down a policeman to come
over to assist. Now a crowd started to gather as david looked down at casey who
was unconscious, and sleeping soundly as the chaos unfolded in front of him. The
policeman knelt as he put a hand on his shoulder; Dont worry the ambulance is
on its way. Do you need to contact someone sir?
What? David asked with confusion.
Do you need to contact someone? Is she a friend of yours?
Yes shes my fiance`.
Okay. Well cover her up, and keep her warm Ill try and move the people back.
Yeah. Yeah. David then took off his jacket, and covered up casey as he could
hear the siren of an approaching ambulance. The ramblings, and chattering of
voices began to ring in his mind like a nuisance. He wanted to just yell at them to
shut up, and get lost but knew better to keep his mouth closed in case he was to
make himself look nuts in front of the officer. As the ambulance pulled up, one
medical person stepped out with his bag of medicine along with a breather. David
got to his feet to let the man work on casey as the officer held back the people. He


glanced down to see the coffee vendor using a breather on caseys mouth. Daves
defenses activated as he knelt beside him as he asked with a rather angry tone;
Who the hell are you? What are you doing here?
Me? Im just your average medic here to help.
NO youre a god damn coffee jerk who uses a van. What the hell are you doing
You need help. Im giving it. The medic said as he pushed more air into caseys
Youre part of this arent you?
Part of what? The medic asked.
The paper. That thing in the science lab where scientists are trying to find an
answer for.
Ah. That. Well what do you think it is?
David nodded no side to side as he said; Do I look like a scientist? How the hell
would I know? I collapsed after looking at the cursed thing, and now I feel like my
mind is about to burst at the seams. You tell me what it is.
Casey started to stir as she blinked a couple of times. The mouthpiece offered more
clean air so she could calm down as her hands tried to take it away. No. Just keep
breathing. You fainted. The medic said.
My friend the only way you can find out what it is is to locate a person.
Another professor if you will. His name is Brian Wenworth.
Great thats all I fucking need. David spat as he leaned against his car.
The trip will be lengthy.
He lives in Australia. Deep outside the city limits of Perth. Theres a cottage by a
lake where he lives alone and uses his time to unravel mysteries of the unknown.
You should see him.
A hermit. What I always wanted.
Hes not so bad. Besides casey is going to be just fine. Young lady can you stand
Uh-huh. Im fine now.
Good. Lets help you up.
David took her by the hand, and lifted her so she could stand although she was still
a bit woozy. The medic put his things away into the bag, and looked at david
again with a more convicting gaze. David. I dont have all the answers. I can tell
you that a chain of events has begun. What these lead to is not known even to me. I
can only guide.
Who are you?


The medic said nothing as he smiled on his walk back to the ambulance. Casey fell
into dave where his arms wrapped around her waist as he consoled; Hold on
sweetie. Ill get you home. A nice hot bath for both of us too.
Now were talking. Casey replied as she looked into his eyes.
David then glanced to the street to see that the ambulance was gone from sight.
Like it never existed. The policeman approached dave and offered to give them an
escort home. Thank you. I wouldnt mind that at all.
Ill lead you out.
David opened the car door so casey could climb in, and put on her seatbelt. After
closing her door, he moved to his side, and got in as the cop car ahead of him
sounded his siren to clear a path. The pedestrians moved out of the way as other
cops kept people from harm, and on their way. Nothing to see people its all over.
Move along please. Thank you.
At home dave was in the tub with casey as they enjoyed a nice hot relaxing bath. A
nice ambient scene of soft music, along with candles added a nice but robust scent
of roses that lingered in the air. Casey was washing her toes as david watched with
a smirk on his face. What? She asked playfully.
Nothing. You look cute sitting like that cleaning your toes.
Oh brother. She replied as she kicked some water onto his face.
His eyebrows squinted, and he slid the water off with his right hand laughing.
Slowly he inched his way to her grabbing the soap at the same time as he asked
with a low soft tone; Turn around so I can wash your back.
Oh my. What big hands you have.
All the better to roam over your beautiful body missy. He said as he lathered up
his hands, and then slid them down her back to wash the daily dirt off. She reacted
as she moved her hips side to side feeling his hands scrub away her worries. Mm!
So nice. He kissed her neck, which then led to her nape, and earlobe. The
responses she gave off told him she was quite ready to ravage his body later in bed
but for now he wanted to build it even further. Do you think that by going to
australia it would help you?
Maybe I dont know hon. I just feel this whole mess is going to get worse if I
dont find out what that thing is. What it is really.
I want to go with you. I saved up enough for the last twenty years and I want go.
Casey this what ever it is might not even be as mysterious as everyone claims it to
be. It might even lead us on a different track altogether.
I dont care. I want to go with you. She replied as she turned to look into his
eyes. He knew he could never win an argument with her but felt it would be safer if
she remained home. Id like to know what it is too. It concerns both of us. And the
world by the sound of it. Are you sure? He asked.



Perth airport was quite busy. Taxis were lined up, which filled one side of the exit
throughway as people walked out the terminal with their luggage to hail a cab. The
air was hot, and dry as david, and casey strolled out with a suitcase each. Casey
wore a cap as david kept his clear from confining material as he lifted a hand to
flag down a taxi. Holy shit is this place hot. David complained.
Feels good though. I always wanted to come here. To see the hall, the ocean, and
the people. Casey added.
Yeah why does it have to be this hot?
Cause mate were on the horizontal line in the tropics. Cant have outdoor cookin
without a nice hot day to throw at ya. Get your bags miss?
Oh please. Thank you.
My pleasure miss. Names Dusty. Ill be your coach to wherever you kids want to
Actually we have a destination in mind but its going to be a lengthy drive.
David added.
Oh? No hotel?
Nope. The address we have is Country road twelve rural road sixteen. House
number is sixty two. In Shreve cove.
Ah! Nice place lots of geezers out there on the retired strip. Well the trip will cost
about two hundred euros. Give or take a few cents.
Good enough. David opened the door for casey and climbed in with her as their
driver loaded the luggage in the trunk. After a soft thud he got in his car, and
started the meter. Care for the scenic route?
Its your car.
Right. Off we go.
On the road casey looked out her window to see many sites of old buildings, mixed
with new skyscrapers as they drove along an ocean route. The day was sunny, hot,
and fun as people dunked themselves into the water with kids as beach balls flew
around, and sunbathers enjoying a relaxing nap. David noticed also that part of the
beach was for nudists. Casey glanced to him as she whispered; Were going to
have to come back here on the way home for a nice tan.
Oh yeah.
She snuggled up to dave as the driver began his long talking mode as all cab
drivers do. So what brings ya to australia?
We have to see someone in shreve cove. A professor.
What are you both students or something?


Yeah you can say that.

Nice. I got a kid in college right now earning his degree in mechanics. He wants
to be an engineer and start up his own business someday but the money is beyond
I can imagine. Whats his field?
Race cars. New engines that sort of thing. I was never one to stay in school myself
cause of all the economic shit. Sorry miss.
Dont worry about it. David swears too. Casey said.
Do not.
You do too. Especially when you get angry on a case.
David cocked an eyebrow as he lets out a deep sigh pulling her close to his body.
He could see in the rear view mirror that the driver was smirking. Sheila wears the
pants in the family? The driver joked.
Oh on occasion.
An hour later they were coasting nicely at a good clip of over a hundred and
twenty miles an hour. In the desert area such as they were on speed limits were not
actually enforced seeing as police officers hardly ventured out. The only other
vehicles that did faster speeds were the mine land trains, which always had the
right of way. The breeze felt nice as david held casey against him as she slept. The
drive to say the least was boring. Flat land with no end to the horizon on all sides.
He could imagine how hard it must have been at one point for man to live out in
such a desolate place with no water in sight or vegetation unless a trip to the
jungles could be made. Millions of years passed to carve the continent to its present
state but the desert looked hardly touched. A sign whizzed by as he read; Shreve
cove eighty miles.
So other than driving a cab what else do you do? Asked dave.
Oh I like the odd movie in town. I have a gal there who likes old westerns. You
know the john wayne flicks or eastwood gems.
Yeah me too. Though I havent taken in a movie in years. Last one I saw was
Blade runner I think.
Nice. Rutger Hauer. Good mystery. Weird flick though.
Well I liked it because of the way it mixed old with new. Music, the city scape.
Even the way they dressed. A bit of old world style to keep the authentic detective
flick in perspective.
Sounds like you could be a critic.
David then spotted a few kangaroos hopping along the side of the road. He gently
woke up casey as he said; Roos on your left.
What? Oh wow lots of them.


Roos always bounce around out here. Trying to find mates for the winter. The
kids never leave them until about age four.
I think theyre adorable.
Yeah from a distance. Just dont go trying to pet one or itll box your ears into
next week.
Had some experience with that have you?
Nah. One of my friends kid tried though. Got his ass thumped on pretty bad. Got
eight stitches.
Ouch. Casey said with a tinge of pain in her voice.
Well nature is fine as long as you obey the laws of the jungle. They dont like us
because were on their turf. So its fitting, and natural to protect their young at all
The driver then turned on the radio just as the news began: On the darker side of
the news a group of people were arrested yesterday for killing thirty seven
tourists with axes. What caused this horrific event nobody has yet come to a
conclusion as for motive. Local sheriff Dan Brace said that it was possible for the
attack because of racial issues. No word has been given as to who started it or why.
The district attorney has yet to make a statement on the subject but has demanded
that the site be closed indefinitely until more answers can be given.
The driver then turned off the radio. David, and casey looked to each other with a
mournful expression as the driver veered left slightly to a much larger sign: Shreve
The cove was colorful, and attractive to the eye for any tourist or retiree. Trees
lined the gates as the driver slowly went over a speed bump. Past a water fountain
houses were lined up in neat rows but separated from one another to keep privacy
intact. Casey loved how the grounds were kept manicured with rows of flowers,
and shrubs in just the right places. David admired how the grounds could be so
lush even though it sat in the middle of a tremendously large desert. Numbers on
houses passed by as the driver counted to himself as he reached a split lane where a
sign had shown an arrow to the houses numbered from 30-70 range. Driving right
he cruised down the lane as people mowed their lawns, or watered flower beds
against a serene landscape. House sixty two was the only house in a cul de` sac on
the lane, and the driver looped around until the passenger side was facing the
house. After getting out the driver unloaded the luggage, as an aged person walked
out wearing shorts, and shirt for the sunny hot day. On his feet were flip flops as
david helped casey out of the car when dusty pulled up the suitcases. Here ya go
mate. I hope your stay will be a nice one.
Thanks dusty. Here you go. Two hundred, and one more for being a great driver.


Well thank you sir. If you go home ask for me Ill come right away to pick you
Will do. Drive safe.
Always. Miss. He said with a flip of finger on his head.
By dusty.
So you must be detective Folten.
Mister wenworth. Good to meet you. Dave said as they shook hands. So what
brings you out here in the vast desert of australia? I understand that a unique paper
was what it was about. Here Ill take your bag miss?
Casey. Casey Hunter. Thank you.
Lets talk inside. David added from sheer embarrassment.
Brian noticed right away that whatever david was going to tell him would be rather
unbelievable. Inside the house was a quaint home laced with old furniture. Oak
tables and oak chairs accented a living room where they all stood for a second, then
took off their shoes. Brian rolled the suitcase to a room along with davids as both
stared at old photos on a wall. A larger one sat alone with a dozen scientists
smiling holding up glasses of champagne as brian walked back in. What is that
photo for? The one with all of your friends?
That one? That was the year we discovered tetrions.
Comes from the sun. Rays of a unique quality that can be collected to make a
power source. Ill put it this way. One ounce of tetrions could power a city for
years. But the collection process was too costly. So it was abandoned. Later we
began to look into other directions to make effective power sources so that the
world could come to an agreement that using all of our lakes and oceans to power
cities would no longer be needed.
And the fight goes on.
Precisely. Please sit down. Anyone fancy a drink?
If you have beer yes.
Not a problem. Casey?
Oh just um a beer too I guess.
AS both sat down brian went to the kitchen, and grabbed some glasses along with
three bottles of cold beer from the fridge. He twisted off the caps, and handed two
glasses to dave, and casey but casey used a glass instead of david. Brian sat across
from them as he took sip. Where do I begin?
First off who is involved with your predicament?
Three scientists. Carl Howard, Jack Marsh, and Shiro
Tanaka. Brian said as he finished daves sentence.


Yeah. Theyve been working on some project which involved some sort of paper
with strange writing on it.
Strange writing? As in hieroglyphs?
No it makes no sense. No kind of pattern to the writing or any recognizable
characters. Its just a long flowing line or lines that has no substances to make the
paper understandable. What is strange though is if anyone touches it or tries to read
it either collapses or goes into cardiac dysrhythmia. Brian sat up with his beer as
casey sipped on her drink. Youre saying any reader? No particular set of choices
to the bearer?
None. But it can be looked at as long as its away from human eyes. You can use a
television screen to observe it but not physically.
Interesting. Any kind of cellular identification?
They told me that the ink in the paper is just iron, and selenium. The paper is
(gulps) also indestructible.
Do you have any photos of it?
Yes I brought one but I never tried to look at it so far. I figured if it was the same
size or the same symmetry to the paper I would be feeling the same effects.
Did you bring it with you?
Yes I did. David reached to his wallet, and dug out the photo, and unfolded it.
Brian crept closer as dave flattened it out on the coffee table for all to see. Putting
down his beer brian scooped up the photo, to look at the picture. So far dave felt
uneasy in case brian was to be overcome with the same effects but brian just gazed
at the picture of the parchment. Strange. No kind of flow to its beginning or end.
Its almost as if the writing never existed. No pen marks, no grooves in the paper,
no scratches to indicate a ball point. Nothing. And you say this or the original
caused you to collapse?
Yes. For jack he nearly died.
Brain put down the photo, and went to his book shelf to retrieve an old leather
bound volume. Casey put her drink down to move closer to dave as she grabbed his
hand, which rested on his knee. As brian sat down he flipped through pages to look
for some passage that he remembered from his past. David being curious asked;
What are you looking for?
There was a time in my young career that me and some friends of mine debated
on a subject where our world existed with another. Like an alternate dimension or
phased time. It is possible that many earths or solar systems exist but in alternate
realities. That if one was to try and find them by sneaking between dimensions to
take a peek it would prove catastrophic.
Why would that happen?


Because anything or anyone occupying the same space at the same time even
when they trespass in alternate dimensions cancels each other out. It would be like
walking up to your other self and touching him. The same atoms of your bodies
although from a different time or dimension clash with such chaos that they both
would blink out of existence. We called this theory the Omega Drift.
So what has this got to do with the paper with the writing?
That I dont know. From what you told me so far it could be possible that this
paper might be from another existence.
Come on. Are you serious? From another time? A dimension?
Its like you told me. The moment you finished reading it you collapsed. Your
friend jack nearly died from a cardiac arrest. And carl had trouble adjusting to his
surroundings. All of these combined given the basis of simple diagnosis leads back
to this point of the conversation were having.
Davids head hurt from the technical jargon brian spewed but it seemed for some
reason began to make sense. A paper not from their time or reality slipped into
their own either by accident or intentional from something or someone. The paper
itself was confusing in every way. Nothing on earth could destroy it nor could it be
read by human eyes physically. Its as if it was deliberately placed here to cause
insurmountable damage to the human race if it got stolen or lost. But why placed in
carls office? David thought. Why his office when anyone else could have got the
parchment. The more he began to think on new possibilities the harder it was to put
out of his mind that carls other self might have been the culprit. You two must be
hungry from your long trip.
Actually yes. Very much so. Dave said with relief.
What do you fancy? Are you both vegetarian?
Dave chuckled as he leaned back in his seat. Brian knew right away how daves
company would lift his spirits. Steak then. Plus lots of prawns. In this country it is
the staple of australias citizens to eat beef, and large shrimp with a nice cold one. I
take it casey you like prawns too?
Dont get me started on those brian. Put a plate of those in front of me and Ill do
a belly dance for you guys.
Well we wouldnt want you to do that. Dave should belly dance. Casey laughed
out loud as she took a sip of her beer. The mood relaxed more as brian put away his
book, and walked to the kitchen to prepare a nice meal for all. Except brian asked;
Dave I need your help with the potatoes.
Signing me up for spud duty already?
Its only fitting dave. Gets my work done a lot faster.
Smiling he moved to the kitchen as casey sat back to enjoy a tiny nap as she got
comfortable on the sofa.


In Sydney the night life was extraordinary with various activities which popped up
at every corner of the city. Mimes walked about teasing the public or tourists who
happen to pass them along the street. To the musical spots where home folk singers
rang, and vocally soothed the city patrons with their crooning vibratos, and guitars
or dirgidoos. At a park a large festival had rides galore, with kids that ran around
with balloons or makeshift animal shapes with their parents close behind eating
candy floss or caramel apples. During the fun chaos down a middle aisle of
carnival rides, and vendor spots to shoot items from shelves stood a lonely shack
where only one person sat in the shadows watching the public display their festive
moods. His was not the kind of mood to cast amusement to those seeking it. For
under the counter of his lonely shed was a large long barrel shot gun fully loaded.
A cold steel weapon meant for one purpose, and that was to obliterate anything
standing in his way. After a few glances left to right he exited the shack but kept
the shotgun low and beside his body using his anatomy to hide its shape. Moving
through the crowds of cheering, singing patrons a guard who patrolled the grounds
with a few of the local women passed him not noticing on what he was carrying.
For a moment the gunman felt insulted being ignored like that, and turned to the
guard as he shouted; Oi! You fucking blind or something?
The guard turned to see the man wielding the shotgun at a ready stance with the
trigger cocked, and hammer pulled back. The women did not scream but lost their
breaths when the guard went for his gun. In that moment the crowd of witnesses
heard a low boom like a small explosion had been set off. Screams began as the
guards head was blown clean off along with one of the womens arms. The
gunman started his own patrol killing anyone in his path, which included children.
More guards arrived to meet with severe gun fire as the calm but crazed man took
out seven more people standing together by a coffee shop. Spray of blood whisked
in the air hitting others in the face coloring their cheeks with death as people
scrambled to an exit. In the background he could heard police cars arriving to try
and stop him but instead opened his shirt to reveal a ribbed section of explosives
wired together. Plastic mixed with t.n.t. with an led display that blinked a couple of
times. The gunman then stopped at a soda vendor, and peeked over the counter to
see four people huddled close as he pointed his shotgun down, and emptied his
Policemen ran across the lot to where the worst of the chaos ensued only to see the
lone person walking towards them. One officer grabbed a bullhorn from an aid as
he loudly commanded in the microphone; Stop! Freeze! Put down your weapon
and lay on the ground!
You cop! Move back.


He then shot another person who was too close to his area killing them instantly.
Screams continued as the police officer ordered again; Wait! Wait! What do you
Want? I dont want a god damn thing! The gunman replied holding up his
detonator. A thumb was hovering over the button to which caused some pressure
on the rest of the forces who pointed weapons. Move back! Move back! Yelled
the officer.
As with all sensitive scenarios at a crime scene the rest of the officers pulled back
far enough to still keep the target in their sights but close enough to hear the
reason. You all dont know whats coming do you? None of you! Shouted the
Whats coming? You tell me. Said the officer.
I just wanted to release them from the pain thats coming. Thats all. I just wanted
to set them free.
Set who free?
Everyone! Arent you listening? He cried.
The police force was not there to listen to his drivel. All they wanted was to take
him out without the explosives going off in the process. Shaky cop hands could be
seen by those who had escaped harm, which made each person think that it was not
going to go well in the end. Reporters arrived but were held back by the police for
their safety. A darkness is coming. A cold dark pestilence with no cure. An
oblivion. Sobbed the gunman.
Look we can get someone here to talk with you if you want. I just want you to put
down your weapon and lay on the ground. Can you do that?
The gunman knew it was useless to speak with a stupid cop who could not see
what he has. To tell them all that a dark wave of oblivion was approaching
everyone would seem insane. Tears fell down his cheeks as his thumb got ready to
press the button on the detonator. Cries of children could be heard from the
distance as parents tried to console their hearts from the mean madman. A sniper
could do the job he thought to try and shoot it out of his hand but why give them
the pleasure. Without warning he threw his shotgun to the ground, and kept his free
hand up as the officer shouted; Both hands. Put both hands up!
If there is a god please forgive me He stated as his right hand rose up into the air
and pressed the button. In a split second a large wave was cast across the grounds
throwing the police back while ablaze. The explosion ripped through the park like
an evil tsunami as it took out rides, vendor shops, and hiding victims behind them.
Fires engulfed nearby propane tanks to cause a chain reaction of continuous
explosions that rocked Sydney to its foundations. Chaotic screaming was the music
of the night as people scrambled to escape the oncoming wave of flame, and debris.


A large ferris wheel was downed in seconds as those still in their seats met with
death a little too early. The wave continued on until it hit the rest of the amusement
park components of diesel fuel, and oil tanks. New more combustible explosions
rang out as the parks perimeter had become an enclosed space of death as
reporters, spectators, and police were killed instantly. If a person saw the event
from a distance their words would describe it as hell on earth by the large
mushroom cloud that lit up the city. A few surviving people walked around in the
aftermath as if in a daze with a limb or two missing. The sounds of the music was
now just silence and whimpers of those who lived through a madmans turmoil.
Children were found under large metal slabs as ripped apart rides were their
coffins. Lifeless eyes that had the expression of horror to know that their parents
could not rescue them in time. Some police officers walked about finding any more
survivors but all they could find were more dead bodies.
Sirens in the distance could be heard as the officer who spoke with the madman
didnt even realize that both of his arms were missing. His gaze to the ground was
to find more people but during the search a medical team arrived to stop him, and
tend to his severe wounds. But there might be someone alive. Someone. He
Officer we need you to come with us. Youve been badly hurt.
What about the children? Are the children all right?
Come with us.
The officer kept glancing around to see if anyone was still alive but all he could do
was weep, and walk with the medical team back to the ambulance. Smoke filled the
air with acrid fumes of diesel fuel, as well as burning bodies of the dead. Crackling
husks of those who died were covered as emergency teams arrived to stop the fires
as fresh reporters arrived to record the scene of devastation. A faint ridge of fire
gave the park its own horizon of fear as the orange blazes wiped anything left that
was not touched in the park.
Spectators were kept back by officers at the parks gates as more police arrived to
help. It was a night of sheer terror.
In the morning david woke up with casey as he could smell a nice aroma of bacon
coming from the kitchen. Casey in her indelible mood of affection kissed david on
the lips hard, and then giggled as she dove under the covers to play. Knowing that
being in another hosts house it would be rude to horse around like they did but
seeing as brian didnt come to wake them up yet decided to respond and dove
under the covers with casey.
In the kitchen bacon was sizzling nicely in the skillet as he got a three plates ready
with toast, eggs, and fresh brewed coffee. David, and casey walked in dressed with
light clothes for the weather as brian said; Just about ready.


Mm. Smells nice. Casey complimented.

Sit. Start with your coffee.
Ah thank you. Been needing this. David said as brian turned on the small
It was chaos yesterday in Sydney when an unidentified assailant rampaged in an
amusement park killing nearly four hundred people. Armed with a long barrel
shotgun, and wired with explosives police tried to coax the maniac into
surrendering to save the lives of the patrons who were there. After shooting many
people with his shotgun he looked like he was going to give himself up. One eye
witness said he heard the man talking and stated using the gunmans words; I just
wanted to save them. To set them free from the darkness that is coming. When the
negotiation went sour the gunman then detonated his explosives killing many
people, and injuring many others. The park itself was leveled by his detonation,
and many questions as to why this man decided to strike at an amusement park is
anyones guess. From Aitx this is Brian then turned off the television, which
caused a slight bit of ominous silence in the kitchen. Jesus.
Those poor people. Said a sad casey.
David. I think it might be a good idea for me to go back with you. If this item is as
dangerous as you say it is then my skills could be used. Brian stated as a matter of
I can let carl know. Its his project. But the man to give the last word is Professor
He and I have been good friends. It wont be a problem. Now eat both of you.
At home carl was itching for some news from david but found his patience often
did not last until the final moment of his resolve. He paced his office as he gazed at
the television screen, and the parchment for which his life career could be made or
sent to hell in one second. After careful deliberations with the science divisions he
and jack along with shiro were made full executives of the laboratory to keep the
item from the public. Jack hardly slept as he and shiro created new ways to test the
inks properties or to see if the molecules could change the way they wanted. With
every test, came failure. It seemed to carl that the paper itself was trying to change
its own properties to prevent their tests from evolving. Although no indications
said it was doing such things. Like it had its own will to govern. Months had
passed since the initial finding of its cell makeup was identified as single blocks
arranging themselves in random order. Except they began to become uniform and
in order to arrange to a different perspective. Whatever gave the ink its life force
carl wanted to know who or what made it. His phone rang once and carl picked it
up. David?



Brain walked into the lab with david, and surprisingly casey who was offered a
chance to witness all motions of the labs activities. Shiro approached Brian, and
bowed to him and spoke in his native tongue; Welcome Professor It has been a
long time.
Yes quite. Ive been looking forward to working with you.
As both men stood from bowing carl walked in to see brian standing with his
friends as if they knew each other a long time. He felt cheated. A little jealous but
had to prove his professionalism to make a point stick. Now then where is this
Brian just gazed at the papers ink, and shape. How it flowed on the paper in such a
graceful but irrational manner. The screen was well lit so he didnt need glasses to
help his vision but he couldnt quiet see the bottom of the page. From his
perspective the ink seemed to flow off of the paper. Could you adjust the rotation?
About ten degrees?
Jack touched a few buttons, and the paper rotated slightly so that the bottom of the
paper was seen fully. Amazing. That this could harm a human in seconds. Does
the matrix of its cell structure change every hour?
Yes and we found that the random motions are becoming uniform.
Uniform? I am guessing the spacial frequencies between their perimeters are
useless. This would mean that each of the nuclei are beginning to cooperate.
Cooperate? Asked carl.
Yes. When enough information is given during each of the blocks pathways a
new set of orders start to take effect. Although as we see it the writing still hasnt
changed. But the order of its structure has changed. Does the amount of milliamps
increase or decrease?
They do neither. No fluctuations have been detected. It is still five billion
milliamps negative.
So it does have a partner.
Can someone explain to me what that means again? What partner? Asked david.
This energy is equal to a mass of its sum. There is a possibility that someone on
this planet had created a partner to this paper. The same energy, the same makeup
of its cellular structure, the same milliamps within its matrix. It means when both
wrote or created them only one knew of how to send it here using some form of
new transport device. To sneak it into our realm, and to cause a chain reaction
when it met up with its mate.
Youre saying theres another of these here on this planet? Why?


Time and dimensions have no meaning to us in a typical sense. Some creatures

who uses time or slip through dimensions is like us taking a bus to the mall.
Theyve been doing it for billions of years. Yet do not know they are causing
damage at the same time.
Great. We got star hoppers roaming in our galaxy using dimensions as doorways
so they can just slip past without being detected. What?
For a moment everyone seemed impressed by davids dissertation although no
certificates harbored his name. Casey smirked as she glanced to carl who for the
moment looked uneasy. Not bad david. Simple but very impressive. Jack said.
Thanks I think.
So we have a grasp as to whom might have accidentally or intentionally sent this
here. Now we need to find its mate. Brian stated.
Are you crazy? And do what with it?
Destroy it. Since this sheet holds nearly infinite energy within its makeup its
clear to suggest we get rid of the other one. Or try and destroy this half. Either way
one has to go. Or both completely.
It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Piped in casey.
Truly. Shiro added.
So where do we start? Asked david.
The oldest place on earth. Brian said.
David walked about his office back at precinct 106. His desk still had piles of
paper on it to work out case loads. Except it would be handled by a new detective
who had just got promoted since his little vacation in australia with casey. His
captain knocked on his door, which was open. Captain. Come in.
Well I got the orders finalized. You are no longer working here. I dont know
whats going on dave but I hope if you ever come by we can go for a coffee.
Sounds good to me. Dave said as he extended his hand.
As they shook hands his captain looked strained as if his mind was pulled apart,
and put back together sloppily. For years he admired him for his fortitude of
sticking to the job no matter what crap flew his way. Instead on the day he was
leaving his captain looked worn out. Ragged, and tired. He felt sorry for him but
needed to change his perspective if was going to go globe hopping looking for a
piece of paper that could save or destroy the universe as he knew it. After his
captain left the office dave took one last look, and grabbed his newtons cradle off
the desk. As he got to the door, he closed it behind him and walked among the
scum still handcuffed to their arresting officers desks with grim faces, and beady
little eyes. Sorry for your losses people. He thought. Dave stopped at the poster
board to see the face of Peter Westburn staring out at him with anger in his
features. At the bottom of the page, it said; Caught, and arrested.


At a base fifty miles away casey had loaded up a pile of luggage for a long trip to
an unknown part of the world. Jack and carl did their own thing as they got tech
equipment ready in metal boxes, and soon a loading lift ramp hummed to life. The
plane was a hercules dc-10. A magnificent example of craftsmanship, which
engineers took extra time to add the trimmings to its makeup. Dave arrived in a
pilot car, and hopped out to see his fiance loading luggage, and other
paraphernalia onboard. The pilot car drove off as brian walked down the ramp.
Good youre here. Seems our flight path is clear skies, and barely any traffic. We
should be in africa tomorrow, and our escort will meet us at the landing strip.
What about border patrols?
Wouldnt worry about them. I spoke to the minister, and he assured me that our
escapade will be monitored with friendlies. No outside interferences.
How long until we reach zone one?
Its about four hours by jeep. But we can get there by plane in twenty minutes.
Soon the large dc-10 props started up signifying everything was loaded, and
secured. Lets go people. Brian shouted.
Everyone then boarded the plane as the ramp started to close. Casey seemed
nervous going in with dave but the excitement in her heart kept her feet moving.
She grabbed his arm as they made their way to the lobby area where seats were
lined up in rows of two. Green in color but for the loss to the military it was now
going to be home for a little while for the entourage. Everyone got buckled in as
the pilot flipped a switch on his console to show the people in the back a sign;
Wear seat belts. No smoking. David helped casey put hers on, as the planes roar
got louder. When they started to move the compartment inside shook a little but
was tolerable since it had no stabilizers for comfort. It was a military piece of
hardware after all. But to dave it seemed like an adventure was about to start.
The plane coasted a bit more until it stopped rolling across the tarmac to the exit
point meeting up with the runway. After a few minutes, the great behemoth began
to roll along as the g-force got heavier, and the noise of the props got louder. Casey
held daves arm for dear life as the nose lifted up with an incredible angle making
it seem like a carnival ride. As she closed her eyes dave held her hand for a
moment, and soon let go as the plane leveled out to diminish the prop noise as well.
Pretty rough hm?
Yeah. Wow so this is how all of those soldiers get in and out. Casey said.
Yeah but they do use carriers too and choppers. Transporting men home in large
numbers is why they use these beasts. Dave stated.
Jack was working on his laptop but carl read his journal in slight seclusion from the
others. He felt weary about the trip seeing as no clues to finding the parchments
mate was evident. Quickly he wrote a small passage; So far no luck on our side.


Our journey will take us into the deepest parts of Africa, and on to some of the
oldest pathways man has dared to enter. Our guides are questionable but I trust
shiros ability to find the right entourage to keep us in relative safety. I dont know
about David, and his fiance however. Bringing in two civilians was not my idea
but jack felt his toughness, and durability was enough to help us. I just hope hes
During the flight david opened a bottle of water, and handed it to casey so she
could refresh herself. I have to admit I am kind of excited. Said david.
Me too. I never thought for one moment that shiro and his team would ever allow
us to come along.
After jack told me on what professor tanaka needed I decided to let my life as a
detective expand so to speak. Catching criminals had become almost monotonous
to a point to just up and go for it. Besides shiro offered me three times my wage.
Plus benefits.
Well I am happy to go with you dave. Whatever this thing is its got my curiosity
going now. Casey added.
And there is nothing quite like it is there? Shiro quipped as he sat down beside
them. To see the strange mysteries that our universe has to offer, and to come to a
realization that not all such activities have a stopping point. For all we know
finding the other half was meant to be just as trying to find a way to stop it was
meant to be.
Casey admired shiros ability to turn a phrase. For an aged japanese man he was
quite handsome. She wondered if he was married but found no ring on his finger
nor was there a faded spot to tell her so. She also thought that his profession might
not have enough room in his technical life to have a wife at home or an awaiting
girl hoping he would someday pop the question to her. Instead his existence was
embroiled with complex calculations or models of new ideas to throw to the public
that could change the world. Small ideas that have enough power to sway public
thought. For now though he was as well as the rest were on a quest to find the most
dangerous or life saving trinket known to exist. To caseys ability to ponder a
thought she only came up with Must be just another day at the office for shiro.
Upon arriving at their destination dave woke up casey who had been sleeping for
nine hours. The trip was slightly rough but all had made it through without a hitch.
Carl got his equipment ready as jack grabbed his bags from the overhead
compartments. Shiro has been fumbling with his notebooks, which caused some of
them to fall to the floor. Casey helped shiro as he rose to stretch the sleep out of her
body. Ill help professor. Casey offered.
Oh thank you. These old bones have put on quite a bit of mileage through my
globe hopping.


Brian hopped up from his seat to gather his things as the ramp started to open,
which revealed a vast open plain of sporadic trees with the odd elephant walking
around. The crew then removed the crates from their holding stalls, and rolled them
down to meet up with a small convoy. A local stood to wait for brian, and shiro as
the team started to descend the ramp. Dave squinted from the bright day as the
hired help scrambled to grab bags or cases or duffle bags to load into the trucks.
Brian approached the local leader who for the moment seems very quiet. When
everyone stopped about a foot away from brian the local leader used a few hand
signs as he spoke in his native tongue of Botswana. Dave tried to get the gist of it
but found the language too extreme for his ears as Brian replied back in botswana.
What the others did not know was the signing was telling brian that rebels are a
threat, and that they should use a more common road that most took to avoid them.
Brian smiled as he replied to him; You never change Udusi. Both embraced and
patted each other on the backs giving the rest a sense of a relaxed mood. Jack
gulped once giving his shaky nature a rest as he approached them when brian
turned to speak; Udusi here has told me that our journey will be a safe one. So if
any of you are still uncertain say it now and you can go home. As the group stood
silent it told brian with udusi there was no turning back. David brought his bags to
a truck as one of the guides held the door open for him, and casey. Thank you.
The guide nodded, and closed it. Brian hopped into one of the lead vehicles as
udusi handed out walkie talkies to all of the team members, and then hopped into
the truck with brian. Soon the entire convoy headed out across the open plains of
the mysterious gem known as africa.
While on their journey casey took pictures of scampering cheetahs who kept
together as they tried to hunt down an unsuspecting gazelle. Speed was the
mainstay between them as paws, and hooves ripped up the dirt with foliage as the
gazelle made mind bending u turns and hopped over six foot tall bushes. It was
amazing to see such dexterity, and grace from those beautiful animals in a race for
survival. David turned to see the gazelle make another u; turn but was cut off by
one of the cheetahs and downed in one bite to its throat. Casey had to turn and look
away as the gazelle made a loud howl knowing it had come to its early death. Brian
used his walkie talkie to add; Quite incredible isnt it?
David keyed his own to reply; Yeah just a little violent to bag a kill.
Well you know most cheetahs dont often hunt in packs. They are more loners
when they go on the hunt to feed their young. Life in africa is all about truth. You
live, you grow old, and you die. Leaving behind the necessary skills to the younger
generations. For millions of years nothing has hardly changed on these lands. It is
just the nature of its evolution. It may look barbaric when a gazelle is hunted but
how does the cheetah feed its young? Without gazelles or other forms of life with


no defenses it would be difficult to bring down an elephant or rhinoceros even with

a pack of them.
True. David quipped.
Is this area a preservation? Asked casey on the walkie.
Some of it is yes. At least four thousand square miles are. Were about a tenth
inland of the preservation.
How long until we reach zone 1? Carl asked.
About a days ride, and then two more by river. So as long as youre having fun
taking pictures just relax and enjoy the trip. Brian said with a click!
David then sat back, and closed his eyes as casey kept her gaze to the open lands to
see more wonderful animal life. Jack was in his own truck doing some work on a
laptop but carl had become detached from the trip as he began to write in his
journal again, and wrote a more foreboding passage; The others seem to relish in
their excursion to the oldest temple on earth. I dont know why I feel this way but
its like something else is telling me to turn back. Like a creeping hand on my
shoulder grasping my collar bone to pull me away from the team. I hardly sleep,
and eat most of the time now but I have to keep my thoughts on how to destroy the
other part of the paper which brian now calls the omega drift. Original name I
have to admit but it doesnt help relax my state of mind. I feel something is coming.
Something that could tear this planet in two. I just wish brian could see it.
After the next morning sun rose the base camp was torn down, and packed away
for the continuing trip down the river. A large boat was ported as guides brought
up the last of the equipment into the cargo holds. David stood beside a rail as he
watched the men load the goods, and technical machines as casey wandered overt
to him to snap his mind out of the trance. So feeling nervous the closer we get to
Sort of yeah. It does feel weird. Just as he was about to say something else four
jets screamed over them across the plains, and released missiles into the distance. A
set of remarkable explosions began as brian, and the others ran up the ramp. Tell
the captain to weigh anchor.
Udusi replied; Yes boss.
What the hell is going on? Dave shouted.
Militant groups. They heard about our little romp in the jungle, and decided to pay
us a visit with some nasty armored trucks.
I thought you said this place was safe from rebels?
We are. I forgot to mention about the militant forces who was supposed to move
in the other direction. Now we have to get out of here.
Dave? Casey chirped.
Its okay. The ship can take it. I hope.


Another set of explosions rang out but much closer as the jets circled around for
another pass. One was shot down by a bazooka launcher, which ripped apart
including the pilot who was not fast enough to eject. Dave take casey below. Use
that door. Brian said as he pointed.
Dave grabbed her hand, and both ran to an open door, which led down flight of
steps as guide members ran to the deck armed with rifles, and machine guns. As
the jets made another flyby, the missiles they carried launched to a series of
vehicles, and took them out in one shot. Soldiers then spread out across the hot
plains, and hid behind bushes as they all fired upon the ship. Bullets riddled the
deck, and steel walls as guides used their own to shoot back. Brian made it to the
captains deck, and rushed in the door; Hows our fuel captain?
We just loaded up, we can leave right now. He shouted as bullets zipped into his
cabin causing everyone to hit the deck. Papers flew, glass shards bounced all over
the controls causing a few to spark, and ignite a few fires. A ship hand grabbed an
extinguisher, to put out the flames when a stray set of bullets ripped through his
body like soft cheese. Blood, and sinew blasted out of his chest, and died on his
feet but fell forward, and smashed against a metal corner tumbling to the floor. The
jets then made another pass, as their own machine guns ripped through the militant
lines like a row of dry crackers. Trees split apart as soldiers bodys exploded on
contact with each round. It was sheer chaos as bazooka rounds were set off to
down the jets but with no luck. Brian took a quick peek but saw that the militants
were getting closer to the ship. The captain then crawled over to the main control,
and hit the engage button next to a throttle. He then swung up a lever, which
caused the ships engines to power at full.
Outside the soldiers tried to jump onto the ramp but was shot down by the armed
guides with precise accuracy. Screams abounded the ship yard as bullets from the
jets found their marks, and took them out with equal precision. After another few
explosions on the militants side, they all retreated back to the open desert with the
jets hunting them down, and picked them off one by one. David and casey sat
together as the sounds echoed around the ships metal hull. It was like being in
world war 2 david thought. Gun fire, and explosions that ripped through his senses
nearly drove him insane but found that the idea of this type of violence was
exciting. To be in the middle of a war yet without orders from a superior. He felt
cheated in a small way but grateful he didnt have to fight them since it wasnt his
quarrel to begin with. As for jack, and carl they found a nice cozy spot in a closet
down the hall far enough away from the chaos as brian shouted; :Anyone hurt?
Jack? Carl? David? Casey?
Dont forget me. Shiro added.
Were safe now. You can all come out now.


David walked casey up the stairs as carl, and jack hopped out of the closet. The
hall was a mess with splinters of wood, and glass spread out like avant garde carpet
meant for the seventies era. Casey carefully gauged the glass as a few deck hands
motioned for her not to step any further as they started to sweep up the pieces. No
bullet holes dave? Brian asked.
Luckily no. Now mind telling me just what in the hell those assholes were doing
Slightly trapped brian answered; We got some messages from our embassies that
a militant group was out scavenging for supplies, and arms. They might have
thought this ship was transporting such supplies. The captain radioed ahead to their
base but was ignored. So they attacked.
Great. Will they be back? David inquired.
Yes. And with more of them. The captain intervened.
Still want to turn back? Brian joked.
David shook his head no as he leaned against a wall but did not see the blood on
the surface. Casey pulled him hard from it, which caused david to stare at the blood
stains shape. It looked horrible as a few deck hands pulled out the dead body
whose blood painted the wall. Jesus. And this is the life in africa? Not so evolved
if you ask me brian.
David walked out of the room as brian gazed at his back. He admired david for his
brashness, and honesty in whatever he had to say that was on his mind. A man of
the world but the for the criminal aspect of it. So far in his thoughts david was the
right choice to come along on the quest but was he actually needed to destroy the
parchment once found? His ability to fight was unquestionable as one on one goes,
but against odds that he and casey had just witnessed brian had to ask himself how
deep did david want to go? For years brian was apart of such times in his early
career when he used to trot all over the globe with colleagues looking for the
different mysteries to unravel. Yet it often put him in danger many times with
troops or dissidents whose rallies often led to blood feuds between rival families. A
few of his friends got caught in such moments and died by either a bullet or knife
wound. He surmised it was part of the hunt. To dip a persons hand into the mud in
order to appease their curiosity. Brian thought of it as the high life with recognition
by his peers and fans or family. Yet as the years passed on the hunt became too
difficult to bear as the violence got too extreme. Being in retirement did have
certain advantages but he found that none of them could satisfy his needs but to
remain in the field where he belonged. Brian was quite happy surrounded by new
friends, and colleagues with a sprinkle of bullets that headed his way. It was going
to prove to him that the hunt was only going to get more difficult.


On the deck of the ship more crew hands cleaned up the debris, and mopped down
the floor to give its surface a more presentable look. Casey joined him in the sun as
they watched the fires burning in the distance with the odd soldier looking for
survivors. Maybe this wasnt such a good idea Casey.
Look at it this way. No traffic, no criminals to arrest. No long cases to keep you
away from home or away from me.
David smiled as he gazed down into the eyes of his beautiful bride to be. Her soft
voice soothed his nerves, and heart when it came to her reasoning. In his mind she
didnt even have to try and convince him everything was going to fine. He knew
she could feel it. He wrapped his arm around her waist as they watched the shores
move by slowly with the odd hippo that came up for air. A light breeze wafted over
the ships deck to soothe his senses as casey glanced to the water to see fish
swimming around looking for food or to spawn. A delectable cornucopia of life
filled her eyes as the ship slowly made its way up river to their destination. Carl
walked past them without a word of hello or hows it going. David just glanced to
carl as he walked into a corridor passage way but paid him no mind to his silence.
It made david feel uneasy but for a brief moment since it was carl who helped
convince him to tag along as the muscle.
As the day lingered on the captain invited the guests to dine in his private mess hall
where a fabulous dinner awaited them all. Casey just dressed in a more
conservative attire but shiro however walked in wearing a traditional kimono that
men wore. Overdressed to say the least thought david but if it was his way to dine
who was he to say otherwise. Both carl, and jack decided to dine with the crew to
keep away from the finery of dinner. As the captain strolled in he also wore a fine
uniform to keep his guests more comfortable since he was a ships leader. It was his
job to oversee their safety on their journey so it was best to dress for the occasion.
Please all of you sit. The captain said as he waved to one of his crew to start
serving the appetizers and wine. From what brian told me you all are on a journey
of sorts into the heart of Botswana. Would you like to elaborate for us brian?
Well it is from just a rumor. That some ancient parchment is kept within a temple
outside of the Odonto crater. It is supposedly older than the earth. Far older in fact
that when it was found the people kept it as some guide to their future.
I have heard of this. The people called it Heart of the flame. A type of writing that
could not be deciphered. Many tried but failed to understand its meaning. The
captain said as he sipped some of his wine.
Casey stared at a painting on the wall behind him, which displayed a landscape of a
mountain with red skies above its precipice. Animals that were painted in looked as
though they were in paradise as they jaunted over rocks or logs away from the
mountain. Captain where is that place? Asked casey.


That painting? It is mount Toso abii. An ancient plateau where some of the
earliest of my people came from. It was said that the mountain had grown all life
there using its enriched soil. Most of the elders back then prayed to it as some sort
of god or deity. But the area has been abandoned for over three thousand years. It
is said that a terrible curse was placed upon the lands frightening all who lived
there to escape a travesty.
What kind? Asked david.
Nobody knows. They never stayed to find out. The captain said with a chuckle to
ease the mood. Soon the severs walked in with plates of fish, and squid deep fried
to perfection. Casey looked happy to see such a delicious plate set before her as
david grinned to see a nice thick steak steaming hot, and medium rare with a red
lobster tail. Brian was served a nice bowl of lentil soup with garlic bread, and a
fresh salad. For shiro his dish was eye catching as a traditional plate of sushi was
set down in front of him cut to perfection with wasabi dip. The air was filled with
aromas from around the world as the captain politely said; Please dig in. Enjoy
In bed casey brushed her hair as david removed his sweaty clothes, and dipped his
foot into a nice hot bath. Settling in the water casey opened a window so that a nice
breeze could flow through, which added a nice hot and cold sensation. After
finishing with her hair, she disrobed, and climbed in to join her devilishly playful
man. Her back was against his front as he began to wash her front slowly as the
breezes picked up. She closed her eyes to feel the caress of the wind on her skin as
david kissed her neck. So? How do you like it so far?
Exciting. I never dreamed that people actually dive into action like this every day.
Dinner was especially delicious, and the wine.
Yeah. Combined it all seems like an adventure just started for us. That what ever
is waiting at the end must be important enough to drag you and I this far into the
deepest parts of the jungles with professors, armed guards, militants at our door
steps. Even another people if it came to it.
You sound like youre enjoying it too dave.
I have to admit the journey is intoxicating. I only watched stuff like this on the
silver screen. Never once imagining myself being in the middle of an adventure.
No wonder brian came back to it all. I bet he missed it. Casey splashed some
water on her face, and rubbed her skin as daves hands roamed just a little more
naughty to her lower body. She giggled as his hands found something rather soft,
and pliant as he gently caressed her frame. Ahh nothing like finding a treasure at
the bottom of some little pond on a ship. He said as she giggled louder feeling his
hands traversing her most private spots.
All dave could do was smile as water splashed onto his face.



David walked out of his cabin the next morning to see shiro walk out of his room
beside his. Did we were we too loud professor?
What? Oh no. Not at all. In fact I was out the moment my head hit the wall, or I
mean the bed. When it hit the bed. Shiro said with a red face walking away.
As casey walked out too; Well?
I think he heard everything. David smirked as he walked to the dining hall.
Casey was left standing there wondering if what he said was true. Being polite as
she was decided to find shiro. Out on the deck she walked out to see a marvelous
sunrise peaking over a distant mountain. Flocks of birds scattered like a swarm of
white large snowflakes as they skimmed the waters crests. Upon finding shiro
casey stood beside him silent. Her right foot tapped on the deck when tanaka
glanced her way. Oh miss hunter good morning.
I have to apologize if we were playing too loud. I we just got carried away.
I understand completely miss hunter. Shiro said with a touch of shyness.
How come you never married mister tanaka?
Me? me. I dont know. I suppose I just wasnt looking for fulfillment in that
way. I grew up in a very strict household when I was living in japan. Kyoto
actually. My parents were farmers. Growing all sorts of vegetables like tomatoes,
melons, cucumbers. You name it they grew it. But my education was very
important to them. After my fourth year in university my father tried to arrange a
marriage to one of his colleagues families. Needless to say I was not having it. My
mother was against it at one point but felt she should agree with my father to help
extend our name.
So what happened? Did she marry someone else?
No. She went to america and became an ambassador for japan. To my knowledge
she is still single. I think.
Havent you ever wanted to have kids?
Oh Ive thought about it many times but found myself in the same predicament.
Which was? Casey asked with a flick of her hair.
To know what is. How it came to be. What we can do to change our lives.
Mysteries as to the nature of the universe are always bound to mystify all of us. I
suppose that if we could answer the question there would be no mystery left for
any of us to solve.
I see. Well I dont know about the order of the universe mister tanaka but I know
that if a person lives to their fullest and is happy with whom they want to be with
isnt that more important? To share your experiences with someone than being


alone? Shiro had nothing to say to that comment. For all of his brilliant neurons,
and synapses wrapped in his cocooned brain he did not have an iota of a clue as to
how to answer casey. All he could do was smile at her well placed intellect. David
is very lucky to have you casey. I hope you two will have a grand future.
Me too. She said as she added a peck on shiros cheek.
As she walked away shiro rubbed his cheek to admire her tenacity as she
disappeared around a corner. He looked out onto the river to see the vast expanse
of water widening as animal life scurried around on the shores because of the ships
size. Kids. Shiro quipped.
In the engine room, jack was working on fine tuning the diesel ports as a few crew
members helped by handing him specific tools. It was a loud room, with pumping
compressors, and a whine from the throbbing engine itself as it cranked the swing
arm to move the large finned rotor at the rudder end. Hulking in its size jack
managed to clear a port to which a dial measured the pressure of pounds per square
inch rising. He began to smile as the engine started to quiet down in its noise as he
capped off the port with a large metal lid. As he hopped down he commanded to
the crew; Oil it, and then wash it down. After that grease all of the nipples until
each one beads.
Yes sir. Responded a crew member.
Jack moved to a desk so he could overlook the blueprints of the massive engine
that pulsed hard power. Carl joined up with him with a look of discontent in his
eyes. Whats wrong with you? Jack inquired.
Nothing. I just feel queasy.
You never got seasick before.
Not that way. I just have this weird feeling that were not supposed to be here.
Huh? What are you talking about carl? It was your idea to take this journey now
you want to go home?
I know. I know but I keep asking myself why was I the one to find the parchment
in the first place? Well actually not find it but receive it. Why me? Why my
Jack felt real concern as carl kept rambling on about the whys. As he wiped his
hands he looked into his eyes to see if he took something he shouldnt have like
weed, or some other form of under the counter drug. Carl felt insulted as he
squinted; What the hell are you looking for?
Nothing but you sound as if I should be searching you for some relaxation pills.
Or other.
Im not on anything jack. I just think this all might be a mistake. Carl interjected.
Well youre going to have to convince a whole lot of other people on that one
carl. I cant help you.


Fine. Ill do it. Be in the dining hall in ten minutes. Carl huffed, and walked
away with haste.
Jacks eyes frowned to see his friend in such a dire moment but decided to give
carl the benefit of the doubt. As for the engine room he glanced around to see it
running smooth, and steady then left the crew to their duties.
In the dining hall casey ate her breakfast with dave as brian, and shiro plus the
captain enter the room. Carl walked in as if a fire was lit under his ass as he began
to spill his guts; Look everyone I think its a bad idea that we look for this other
half of the paper. I just feel it as wrong.
And what made you come to that conclusion carl? Brian asked.
Carl was silent for a few seconds until jack walked into the room. He sat down
beside david as carl continued; For the past few days the closer we get to this
thing my gut my reasoning is telling me that we should leave. To go home. I dont
know why. I mean I was all for it myself but the longer I think about what could
happen in the end the more I get cold feet.
Perhaps it is just anxiety issues carl. Shiro added.
Its not! anxiety issues. I just feel with every inch of my body, and soul that
what we are going to find isnt an answer but some form of of.
What? David asked.
I dont know! Carl shouted.
It frightened casey for a few seconds, which made the captain stroll over as he
calmly asked carl; Please keep calm carl. If you continue this behavior I might be
inclined to put you in the brig and I dont want to do that.
Clearly carl was upset as a few tears started to fall down his cheeks. His breathing
began to shorten as he sat down on a chair to calm his nerves. His hands were
shaking something fierce, which told jack that carl had reached the end of his rope
as his sanity went. Carl was never a field operative even in school with his
students. Most times a sub would take his class on the excursion as carl sat at home
marking grades for the next semester. Casey approached carl slowly and knelt in
front of him as carl tried to breathe. She could see the trip was wearing him down
in small increments to the point of totally breaking apart at the seams. Maybe it
would be a good idea to send him home. Carl you should go home. Well
continue. We can give you updates to everything we do. Brian could send back to
you all of the data he collects right? She said to brian.
I dont have a problem with that.
Carl felt appreciation as to what casey was doing but he knew the danger would
only become too great for all of them and not just him. He tried again to reason
with his team but it was too late. His behavior that should have kickstarted the
alarms only made him look unstable in the long run.


Maybe youre right. I should go home. Carl whispered.

Come on. Ill help you to your room. Casey said as she put an arm around his
waist. A crewman helped. David had the look of uncertainty as the trip went on.
Why now all of a sudden did carl lose his sense of reason? It was his baby after all.
He planned the journey front to back with added security. Brian did his own part
by allowing them all to pass borders using his influences, and credentials yet carl
was the first to break down to pieces before the trip was in its delinquency. David
poured another cup of coffee, and handed it to jack. Here.
Thanks dave.
Youve known him the longest jack. What happened?
I dont know. We were in the engine room and he came to me looking as if he saw
something horrible take place. He tried to explain it to me but it was just getting
thrown around in pieces. His instincts are usually pretty good but this is beyond
me. He was saying that he couldnt find a reason for that paper to just appear in his
office and no where else.
Well that is a fair question. Why his office? Brian if this thing is a partner to a
mate of opposite energy would it be safe to assume that if someone slipped it past a
doorway could that person send it to himself?
Brian walked about the room with his coffee in his hand as he glanced to dave now
and again. The theory was sound. If alternate earths exist, then it is feasible to
conclude that the same person would or might have sent it through a dimensional
sliver. You might be on to something. Carl or alternate carl could have done it.
Found a crack in the dimensional rifts and sent it through. Maybe sending him
home is the best idea. The closer he gets to the other half the more unbalanced he
might become. Its like what I was saying back at my house. You cant occupy the
same space at the same time. In this case the same paper but opposite energy.
As for the captain talk of such nature was confusing so he decided to shake up his
crew as he left with a word to his guests; We can drop off Mister howard at the
next port. I will assign a plane to take him back home.
Thank you captain. Brian graciously added.
Carl laid down on his bed as casey helped his feet up. He held his head to stop the
throbbing pain that accumulated during the first part of their voyage. After taking
off his shoes, she left his room as carl breathed; Thank you casey.
Without the welcome reply she nodded once, and closed his door quietly so he
could rest his weary head. Out in the hall she leaned against the wall for a few
seconds until she thought about her wonderful lover who might succumb to the
fever too. Casey had to trust dave. He was strong, built like a brick shit house, and
tough enough to endure any moment of discomfort she thought. He would not
break down like carl did. Never.


On the final day of the journey the ship was ported to allow carl off. The rest of the
team stood in front of him as some crew members took his bags to the seaplane
parked close by as he extended his hand to brian. I am sorry for all of this. But I
cant explain my feeling about this. Its too hard to put into words.
Brian taking his hand consoled carl as best as he could; Look its been years since
you were out in the field. Sometimes its hard to take. If what you say is true then
none of this will matter anyway. Ill give you all of my data each day of our
findings. If there is any clue on how to destroy it youll be the one to think of it and
let us know.
Right. Carl said as he blew a breath of relief. He then motioned to the plane as
some of the guides carried the last of his equipment. Casey stood on the deck to
watch as carl entered the seaplane slightly tired, and worn out. As the plane started
its engine, he looked back to see his team solemn, silent, and wary of what laid
ahead of them. He wanted to go on but the amount of pain inflicted on his mind
was too much to bear for his sanity to remain intact. As he entered the passenger
hold he spoke in his mind to what he was to write in his journal for later on; I
dont know what shapes my will. But I know that if my life was to continue on with
the quest I would surely die in the process. For my friends and colleagues I say
this For whatever is at the end of the journey whether it be good or bad our
destinies are intertwined like a mosaic puzzle. Perhaps I was not meant to find the
other part of the parchments mate. Perhaps my intervention would change the
outcome to the future. Or perhaps once it is found the collision would alter the
paths we tread upon. If so then we were not meant to find the key to our
The door closed as the planes engines were at full throttle. A misty stream of sea
water expelled from behind the cabin as the seaplane began its journey home. Jack
watched from the deck as brian stood beside shiro. David held the railing with a
tight grip hoping carl would change his mind but knew the pain would become
unbearable. When the nose lifted up into the air it trailed to the western seaboard
and over a small hill to disappear from sight. Soon the rest of the guides had
packed up everything for the land trip that was about to begin. Alright people we
got a long drive ahead of us. Brian quipped. Everyone assumed their duties as
jack strolled to the captains bridge. Think carl is going to be okay? Casey asked
Hopefully. I just wonder If what he said was true. Replied dave.
If it is then all we know is going to be useless. Brian added.
On the open plains of the desert the row of trucks spewed up a dust cloud behind
them making it slightly difficult to see. Yet the drivers of each vehicle were pros of
those dips, and winding swerves that they could drive with their eyes closed.


Casey watched from her window to see empty spots of burnt out villages as well as
dead animals that lined the road. She looked at david as he too saw the devastation.
When he keyed the walkie he asked; What happened here? Click!
Local militants. Not the ones we encountered but a separate entity. Most of the
tribal leaders are what you would call gate keepers to their borders. If a bargain or
in this case a political coo has been initiated they come in to relocate them or burn
them to the ground. Most of these lands are taken by force.
Are we in danger of running into them? Jack asked.
No. After they pillage, and raze it to the ground they move on to the next target.
Thats horrible. What about the children? Said casey with deep concern.
They get put into common camps. The parents are held prisoner as bait in order
for the children to do as they are tasked by their captors. With a click! From brian.
To do what? Shiro quipped.
To fight alongside their kidnappers.
Casey teared up as she saw a few people dead on the ground as fires continued to
burn. Carcasses graced the wastelands with burnt out husks, and skinned cattle as
the convoy slowly passed the horrendous sight. Brian glanced to a pile of dead
children on a pyre burnt to ashes, and bones with their beaded work still around
their fragile necks. He looked away as the lead truck took a fork in the road, and
veered right to the east. A skyline sunset began with a colorful display of orange,
red, and purple. As the sun descended over the peak a flash of white burst for just a
split second as a sign to those still in the desert that it was soon time to rest. One
hundred miles later casey sat in front of a fire as she drank a cup of tea. David
looked over some of the equipment with a few guides to take inventory of arms,
and bullets. He hoped that he would never have to use his weapons but so far on
the trip it was going to prove difficult. Brian sat across from casey as jack and shiro
joined them with cups of sake`. Isnt that a little strong? Casey asked.
Shiro took a sip, and replied; Well Ive been drinking sake` since I was eighteen.
So it would not affect me as much As for jack though I dont know. How do you
feel so far?
Not bad shiro. A little lightheaded but so far Im fine.
You see? As shiro downed another cup.
Casey winced because she knew just how powerful sake` really was. On her date
with dave back home she knew all too well yet it was a wonderful first date
nevertheless. Dave sat down beside her to enjoy the fire as he grabbed a beer from
a cooler. After twisting off the cap he took a large gulp, and leaned back in his
chair. Brian removed a map from his satchel, and started to explain; Okay. From
this point on were going to go through a set of mountains between a valley. They
call the passage The earths blade. Because of its shape.


Any hostiles in there? Dave asked.

You can be sure of it. The people will most likely watch us from our first step into
their territory, and keep on our tail all the way. So while we are in their lands do
not attempt any contact if you see one of them, and above all do not defile their
What do you mean defile? Asked jack.
I mean if you see a rare flower or animal of an unknown species leave it alone.
We are only here to find the other half of the parchment. Nothing else. If you see
an idol do not take pictures or samples. Everything they deem to oversee are part of
their lives. And most of all never leave the trails. If you think for one moment that
diverting off of a path would seem easier as a short cut on our journey think again.
You might just get welcomed by a poison dart. Brian pointed out firmly.
David had become nervous now as the plan to keep them safe was going to be easy
had just got a little more difficult. The rules that he had just listened to was
understandable but limiting their trek to such a degree seemed too harsh. With
concern he asked brian; What if they get hostile even though our group does stay
on the trail?
Then they are simply saying get the hell out or die a most gruesome death.
Wonderful. David joked.
Jack grabbed a radio from his satchel, and turned it on. A squelch of white noise
ensued for about ten seconds until he got a station although it was fuzzy. He
pointed it up to the night skies to try and find a stronger signal until a clear
broadcast could be heard from a british reporter; It is anyones guess as to why
the piccadilly circus was attacked. Ten hooded bombers armed with explosives
walked into the square and simply detonated their bombs with no regard as to who
was in their paths. Thousands of people were killed, and injuring thousands more.
The prime minister had spoken to police dispatches about the bombers yet no word
about demands or negotiations was ever mentioned. It was simply a case of a
terrorist attack of unprecedented size. Theories about the attack are being worked
out in scotland yard yet no clear definition has presented itself. Jack then turned to
another station as david listened with casey holding his hand. Brians expression
worsened as a news cast from America began; New York, chicago, as well
washington dc had been under fire from random militant groups armed with
machine guns, heavy artillery, and armed tanks as the streets were riddled from
gunfire. Police, swat, and troops from local bases were mobilized to stop the
attacks from getting worse yet no idea as to why it all started three days ago.
Fourteen city blocks in New York was seized by army soldiers, and a curfew has
now been put into effect. Marshall law has been granted for boston, houston texas
as well as Cincinnati, Las Vegas, and Phoenix. Alerts to neighborhoods are being


broadcast over television stations, and the emergency broadcast system. Our
sources from the sister stations as to the mental states of those who proceeded with
the attacks were diagnosed with something called combined enhanced hysteria or
CEH. When asked if there was a cure for such a sickness all the reply was That
more information was needed to stop the symptoms from ever starting. Yet there
has been no clue as to how it even began.
Jack turned off his radio and stared wide eyed to the fire as casey held davids hand
too tight. A slight trickle of blood seeped from a nail cut as casey looked down,
and apologized as she pulled out a cloth. My god. Brain gasped.
Its going to get worse isnt it? Shiro inquired.
If the violence is a reflection to the papers existence it will yes. We have got to
find its mate, and destroy it. Brian concluded.
Just how bad will it get if we cant find it? David asked.
The effect from its influence will spread out across the globe. Its like a virus
working its way into the cell structure of everything thats alive. It changes the
properties of peoples judgment, and reasoning to the point of committing acts of
devastation without the conscience to their acts. Shiro stated with a sense of
How far until we get to this ancient temple? Casey said.
At least another three hundred miles. But we must be careful. Although the lands
are old the people who might be there still are so far behind in years anything will
seem like bad magic. So whatever you carry keep it turned off. Brian warned.
Come on dave. Casey said timidly as she yawned.
David helped her up, and both walked to their tent as brian, shiro, and jack rose as
gentlemen for the lady. A very polite group to say the least david thought. Not very
many left on earth who could do such a thing as part of their lives. Night all.
David chirped.
All responded in kind as they entered their tent as casey removed her dusty clothes
in front of davids eyes. Everything he knew seemed to be smoldering to a more
larger flame of destruction yet through it all her beauty managed to calm his nerves
every time. He watched as she removed her articles of clothing in a slow, and
demure way almost as if she was doing it on purpose. Very intimidating dave
assumed as he too started to peel off his clothes. He then moved to the tents flap,
and overlapped the ends, and tied them together as the oil lamp gave casey a more
seductive glow. If there was a shadow to the onlookers outside it was too bad it
was all they could get to see for in fact her silhouette was cast on the canvass like a
brief show until dave put out the lamp. As she climbed into her sleeping bag, dave
joined her feeling her warmth against his skin. It was like being at a campout under
the stars high in the mountains with a light breeze hitting the sides of the tent to


add another ingredient of excitement at being with the one he loved the most.
Casey turned to stare into his eyes before she kissed him full on the lips. His
response was rather boyish as his phallus started to rise in that moment of pleasure.
She accepted his tongue into her mouth as they began to move, and slither in the
sleeping bag feeling the nylons fabric rub against their naked bodies heightening
their libidos to the limit. Her hand immediately grabbed his hardened member, and
stroked it gently careful to not make too much of a ruckus. After they pulled apart
from deep kissing, and saliva exchange casey disappeared into the sleeping bag,
and began to stimulate his steel pole with her lips, and tongue. From the gentle
whimpers of her voice david laid back flat so casey could turn around slowly so
that her knees was at davids head and her heated charms hovered above his eyes,
and lips. Without any invitation from casey he leaned his head closer to her sex,
then blew hot air onto her sensitive petals making her croon in a lovely way.
Taking the initiative further dave then kissed her sex along with adding a tongue
lashing to her throbbing sensitive button. In that moment casey nearly yelped but
held it back as her teeth grazed his tense pole with a few nibbles making david go
insane from the blissful lust. Soon his tongue dove deep inside of her feeling her
inner walls grip his palette firmly as he moved in and out like a soft piston. From
his point of view he could see the sleeping bag rise and fall matching the tensions
to his senses of utter pleasure. He held her open with his fingers gently and gave
casey the response she desired as he drove his tongue hard inside tasting her lovely
nectar that seeped from her depths. He could feel the rigid sensation building as the
slight tingly pulses began at the base of his feet, and moved up to his legs. His hips
rose to meet her pumping action as she knew he was close. Close enough to
explode but casey did not care as her own hips mashed down onto his shoulders.
Whispers of fast panting filled the tent as her rear rose and fell in timing with his
lashes across her petals. In his daring david inserted his first digit into her rump
giving casey a new sensation as she picked up the pace. David began to feel the
electrical impulses get stronger when casey stopped but remained still under the
sleeping bag. He could feel her mouth breathing hot air on his hardened staff and
suddenly he began to ejaculate as her mouth engulfed his shaft yet at the same time
casey felt her own orgasm explode and excreted hot nectar past his lips. David
accepted it fully drinking her sexual desire as she did without hesitation. As she
squeezed out the last of his seed, she turned to meet his eyes again but were glossy
from the intense vibrations both had experienced. Casey laid down on top of david
feeling his body under hers, and drinking in his physique with her skin. She kissed
his lips again although stained with his seed he did not care. He took her tongue as
they french kissed twisting and turning in each others mouths building up to
another steamy escapade that casey kept on the agenda.



The last few miles proved rough as the row of vehicles had driven over a series of
bumpy patches on the dirt roads causing some of the trucks to readjust their
heading. Casey felt sick because of the turbulence, and the hot air inside of the jeep
but managed to keep herself from throwing up. Suddenly a click! From the walkie
talkie; Were just about near the village of Obasa. Well stop for some quick
checks of the vehicles.
Good cause I could use a stretch and maybe barf on a rock. David replied. Casey
laughed at his little spat of humor feeling she was not the only one to have a queasy
stomach. In another truck jack was using his laptop to figure out how far the
temple was on an earth map. As he closed in using the touch pad he noticed that
there were not many citizens walking about or in the surrounding areas, which
made him breathe a little easier. If they did not encounter trouble they would have
no problem finding the parchments mate. If it even existed. In front of the convoy
a large opening presented itself along with a lush green field of foliage where a
magnificent waterfall became the backdrop to their salvation. Amazing trees the
size of the chrystler building lined the dirt road as giant sentinels making the
vehicles appear as tiny ants at the foot of their roots. Caseys eyes were wide from
the awe inspiring sight. She stuck her head out the window to feel cool air hit her
face. Down a slope the vehicles drove until an old type of village had come into
view. The buildings were bunched together like compact blocks of stone with
random sets of benches in front of each house. Clay jars sat by a doorway or two as
no person in the village was seen. David keyed his walkie talkie; Is this it?
Wheres the people?
Obasa was one of the villages that was closest to the temple but as the captain told
us it might be abandoned. Possibly to outwit or outrun the militants. Click!
Seems we have the place to ourselves. Jack replied.
Just be careful not to get too comfortable there might be stragglers hiding in the
jungle close by. Brian warned with a last click!
Near a larger stone building which to everyone looked like a gathering hall. Its size
was impressive as it was three levels, and stretched a good two hundred feet north
to south in width. Well stop here.
Soon all of the vehicles stopped, and drivers turned off their engines as casey
hopped out with dave to gaze at the villages magnificence. Like a jewel hiding in
the trees essence it sat quiet, serene and untouched for centuries. Local wildlife
squawked from inside the canopy, which told them all that no threat was in the area
and that the normal life was quite active. Amazing how they built all of this. I


mean look at the corners of the structures. No cracks, no stone has become too
heavy to sink in the ground. The architecture is flawless. She said.
I agree. Quipped brian. Most of these houses have stood for nearly two ages and
not one has been lived in for more than five hundred years a piece. I think whoever
lived here will not mind if we use them as our base as we continue to the temple.
Udusi then jaunted to brian and stood in front of him as brian handed him an old
looking scroll. Both nodded in perfect timing with each other, then udusi picked a
direction, and ran into the jungles thick lush plant life causing casey to question;
Where is he going?
To the tribal leaders to give the message that we have arrived. We will not be able
to enter the temple until their sole permission has been given to us. Trespassing is
strictly forbidden so if you all dont want to be skinned alive I suggest we get
settled in here, and wait for his return.
Suddenly everyone turned to see casey screaming loud, which caused dave to pull
out his gun from his holster as he ran up to her. Whats wrong? What is it?
Breathing very heavy she was pointing to a large or rather very large spider
sitting on a log fifty feet away. Its legs were the size of an alaskan king crab, with a
body close to the thickness of a bowling ball. Holy shit. David said as he pointed
his gun. Some of the other guides used their educated instincts to shoo it away,
which caused the spider to lift its legs into the air as if to pounce but all it could do
was hiss loudly, and scurry away back into the jungle. Casey shook something
fierce as she could not get its ugly size out of her head although it had left. Her
hands were on her mouth to cover another scream if need be. Brian walked over
with an expression of Women and spiders. As he laughed; Its okay it wouldnt
have approached us. If anything it probably thought we might have been too close
to its nest.
Will it come back?
No. Once it has been intimidated enough to escape it will watch the young from
now on. He said as he continued to chuckle.
Its not funny. Oh my god. The size of it. With its creepy eyes.
David slightly gave a chuckle too as he holstered his gun once more. She slapped
his arm playfully as she walked towards the main hall but stopped mid-way as she
looked back to dave and said; You coming? I dont want any more surprises like
Coming dear. He giggled passing brian who also kept laughing. Casey was not
Inside of the old structure the walls were clean yet tinged with old age. Mural like
carvings were engraved that displayed various animal shapes or humans hunting.


David approached one mural to stare at its intricate designs embedded in the stone,
which seemed to hypnotize rather than appreciate its artistry. Have you ever seen
anything like it? Caseys said as her voice echoed in the hall room. Never. I
mean at the art gallery back home Ive seen drawings and painting of different
cultures who used to record their stories in stone but nothing like this. David said
with a heightened tone of excitement. Brian walked in to put down some of the
equipment as a few guides also followed placing technical machines. Remarkable
isnt it? Some of these drawings are a few thousand years old, and casey see that
wall there?
That mural is over five thousand years old.
She slowly walked to the wall and noticed how the shadows made the shape of a
man seem larger than most. Who was he?
A shaman of a sort. His name was kowasi maka. In the early times just after the
temple was built he and a great number of his followers often gave sacrificial gifts
to the temples bowels. Some believe a large chasm still exists inside where most
of his or his followers offerings were cast to appease the earths anger. Brian
Well if you think about it what causes the earth to rumble?
Earthquakes? Volcanoes?
Precisely. So if they threw various animal life or even human life as it was
recorded the earth would quiet down and go to sleep.
Casey stared at the shadow for thirty seconds more, and moved to the command
section where their equipment was being set up. Jack already had his satellite
system up and running as it beeped or chirped a few times. On a television screen
the base was shown as a birds eye view from one of the floating satellites that
orbited the earth. Good we have communications with ERX-1233.
That was quick. Brian replied.
Nothing to it really. Shiro updated me with latest specs to get us up and running
much faster.
Where is tanaka? Dave asked.
Behind him shiro chimed in; Right here. Got the last of our data so we can map
the inside of the temple. I am guessing though that the stone has been laced with a
lead based compound. For some reason close to the center of what is a culvert
passage no signal can get in or out.
Well have to use cameras then. Brian added.
I got them charged up ready to go. Jack piped in.
Good. Now time for lunch.


Back in chicago carl hopped off of the plane to see military guards patrolling the
airport. Jeeps were parked close by at the terminal with rows of guards that
watched the cause ways where people boarded their flights or who deplaned. As he
walked down a ramp his heart fluttered a bit not knowing what was going on. No
kind of report was made over the flight nor was there any warning from the pilot.
He made his way to the gate where other guards checked the people for valid
passports and tickets. Upon stopping at one gate he handed over his passport to a
man who was dressed in a sergeants uniform. Excuse me officer?
Sergeant actually. The soldier said with a cold attitude.
Sorry. Sergeant what is going on? Why are the military checking passports?
For a moment the sergeant looked at him thinking if he was crazy or someone
suspicious to ask such a question if he lived in the states. Since carl did nothing but
ask a valid query he answered just as cold; Its for protection. Marshall law is in
effect so I suggest that when you leave the terminal you go straight home.
Marshall law? Why is there marshall law in the first place? A few soldiers then
approached as the sergeants patience was growing thin. Please sir no more
questions just take your luggage, and go home. You can find more answers with
this. The sergeant barked as he handed carl a pamphlet from FEMA. With a little
nudge from one of the soldiers carl looked at them as if he was some kind of
criminal who did nothing wrong. His confusion started to grow as he walked
toward the terminal where families or friends of those on flights had faces of
despair, or deep depression. His heart began to beat faster now as he walked inside
to see hundreds of soldiers walking around armed with machine guns checking
peoples bags or luggage. It was if his entire world had just turned black as a
monotone voice spoke over the terminal intercom; Anyone that proceeds to their
designated flights without a radar check will be subject to arrest. It is mandatory
also for a full anatomical cavity check by medical personnel. Parents with children
must accompany an escort to the examination rooms. Carl felt dizzy as he saw a
person arguing with a soldier and then got slammed to the ground as two more
soldiers held his body as hand cuffs were placed on his wrists. His breathing
became erratic as he noticed the front entrance guarded by more soldiers outside
sitting behind fifty caliber machine guns bolted into the ground. Oh my god Carl
whispered to himself.
Upon taking a deep gulp as he walked out of the terminal he spotted police
officers rummaging through taxi cab trunks or private vehicles when a sudden
explosion rang out across the parking lot to a large building where fires erupted
along with gunfire. The soldiers then mobilized as trucks or jeeps rolled out with
sirens blaring, and people screaming from the frightful sound.


Since the military was busy he hopped into the first cab he saw. Take me to
Weisler and grant and step on it.
Cant speed buddy. Ill lose my medallion if I did that. Dont worry they only
check suspected vehicles.
I just saw a cab getting inspected for christ sake. Carl said with an edge of
I know thats because he was unloading at a restricted spot. The cab driver said
as he put his car in gear. What the hell has been going on? I never heard of this
marshall law in the first place until I got off the plane.
Whereve you been pal? The crime rate in the city went quadruple in the last four
days alone. People bombing buildings, city hall shit even one of the revenue
offices got hit.
Why? What caused it?
Nobody knows. Some analyst on the television calls it some breakdown trauma
kind of thing. Nobody knows how it gets transmitted or why. My own brother got
his ass arrested too for shooting eight cops.
Oh my god. Carl gasped.
God got nothing to do with it pal. The world just up and decided to go out and kill
someone. No matter who it was or what they did. Thoughts of kimberly filled his
mind. Of all of the students in his class he felt her safety was above paramount. In
a small way he hoped she was in his apartment waiting for him. Not nude as she
liked to be but scared needing help. As they drove down town tanks rolled by with
soldiers sitting on the metal flanges as they scanned for criminal activity. Barbed
wire fences became the norm as cross beam iron gates cut off the main streets to
slow down traffic for routine checks of suspicious vehicles. Carls heart fluttered
fiercely as the cab rounded a corner to see about five dozen civilians getting
handcuffed, and hauled away into large rig boxes. Complaining chicago citizens
tried to talk their way out of being transported to god knows where, which added
tension for the soldiers as they used their butt ends on rifles or machine guns upon
the peoples heads. Yeah just like hell to come and visit chicago eh pal?
Yeah Carl whispered wide eyed.
After parking out front of his apartment he noticed a lot of graffiti had been written
on the side of the building, which made it look like a rival home from New York.
Stains of paint accented the front doors although no glass had been broken into or a
window jimmied open for some to break in. As the driver unloaded his luggage he
pulled out his keys and walked up slowly to the front entrance where he could see a
few people sitting on chairs in the lobby. Carl then paid the driver fifty dollars, and
unlocked the door as the driver loudly said; Keep your doors locked pal. These
neighborhoods arent as friendly as you might think it is.


Right. Thanks.
After opening the door, he pulled in his suitcase, and closed the door as a few
people glanced up to him. They did not say a word but sit in silence to vegetate
their thoughts about nothing. Carl walked to the elevator, and pushed the service
button, and waited for the lift to arrive. It smelled smoky in the lobby with an
added scent of puke, that turned his stomach. Never before had the building fallen
apart in such little time but from what the outside told him it was only going to get
worse. He began to kick his own ass in his mind about wanting to come home but
not once did it ever occur to him that the parchments influence could be so strong.
Gun fire rang out from the outside just as the lift arrived, and the doors opened to
let him jump in before a stray bullet headed his way. He pressed his floor number,
and the lift hummed to life ascending the flights. On the wall of the lift it showed
more spray painted messages of local whores with telephone numbers or drug
sellers names boxed in red. He looked up to see his floor number light up, and the
lift stopped. After the doors opened, he moved quickly to his apartment, and got his
keys out. Fumbling a few times he finally had the key inside when a hand slapped
his shoulder. Professor? A female voice called out.
He turned to see kimberly standing alone with a bag over her shoulder. What are
you doing here? Carl asked.
Ive been here for three days. I cant go home or to the dorm because of all of the
shit thats been happening outside. Kim said with a tinge of fright. Carl knew
better than to allow her inside but since it was getting dangerous, he opened his
door, and pulled her in a little rough. Hey watch it buddy.
Sorry. I just felt that you shouldnt be out there alone. Carl spat as he put his
suitcase in the closet. Well fine. But jesus professor you look more shook up than
I do.
I want you to tell me what the hell has been going on out there and what happened
Kim put her bag on the couch, and leaned against it as carl went to the kitchen to
put on a kettle of water. It started with one bomb. Some nut job took out one of
the oldest office buildings downtown. Some high profile revenue types. After that
people who didnt even own a gun began to buy rifles, or hand guns and then went
out to do their killing sprees. Police were out in full force taking down anyone who
looked like they were packing. Soon gangs got rougher, schools were being shot at
along with bombings. Its like a giant nightmare for everyone that just seemed to
take them over and live out their most darkest fantasies.
Carl listened not believing that the proudest city in America had become a
venerable stage for sheer violence. As more gunshots rang out kim walked to a
window to see four old ladies shooting at a man no further than twenty feet away.


As the kettle began to whistle, he grabbed some tea from a cupboard as kim walked
to the table and sat down. Carl provided a nice snack of crackers on plate as he
brought over the hot teas with it. After sitting down both were silent listening to the
carnage in the city with wailing sirens, and machine gun fire. Over the city scape
he could see an orange tinge which told him it was something burning out of
control. Kim snapped a cracker between her teeth and drank some tea as carl asked;
So did you ever find a date while I was gone?
About five hours later carl worked on his computer as kim slept on the couch. A
message popped up from brian; All ready to go here. We will be heading into the
temple tomorrow for our first glimpse of a long past not heard of in centuries. I
hope you are feeling better although now I assume you have heard of what has
been happening around the world. Examples of violence of unprecedented nature
has been cropping up in various cities across the Us as well as Canada, and South
America. So far africa has not been in the spotlight yet for violence albeit for the
local militants and rebels. But on the more common ground with civilians it has
become brutal in every way. I wont go into details since you are in the center of it
carl. But I will keep you posted on our progress. Good luck, and wish us luck too
Kimberly stirred slightly as carl glanced back to see her partially uncovered and
nude as before. He nodded his head side to side, and approached slowly to cover
her attractive body again. Being careful he pulled up the covers edge, and she took
it gracefully with her hand as she rolled onto her side still asleep. He yawned hard
for the jet lag had caught up to him. Moving to his bedroom a few more shots rang
out but was very distant. His eyes averted to the window to see the city still
burning on the horizon where some poor souls were going to be sleeping outside.
Entering his room he started to remove his clothes, as he yawned large once again.
His head felt fuzzy from the news of what his city had become in matter of days
along with other major cities around the world. Carl felt like sobbing but couldnt
for his next door neighbor in the other room might hear. As he climbed into bed the
sheets felt cold but nice against his body as he stretched to relax. His breathing had
calmed down more as well as his nerves. All he wanted to do was sleep, and hoped
to wake up to find out it was all just a bad dream. Blackness fell across his eye
sight as his chest rose up and down feeling his senses begin to soften to a more
euphoric state of being. A numb sensation overtook his mind as he began to picture
events around the world in increments from one city fighting off soldiers then to
another city being bombed by the air force. Screams filled his mind as he watched
people scramble for safety as soldiers cut them down like mangy rabid dogs in the
streets. The noises got louder as sirens blared with military voices commanding to
the public of offenses, which could get them executed by firing squads or held in


sealed bunkers as soldiers dropped in grenades or some other form of explosive.

Carl began to breathe heavier as he tossed and turned sleeping or rather
experiencing a nightmare he has never before encountered. His right foot hit the
bedrail but he did not wake up from his own bodys movements. The nightmare
turned even more devious as his vision grasped a school bus exploding with it full
of children on their way to school escorted by soldiers. Sweat beaded off of his
head as he again turned to bash into his night stand knocking off his clock and a
few photos. While his dream was getting darker he could hear a sweet voice calling
to him as an explosion took out a row of shops on one of chicagos busy sectors.
His body started to tremble as the voice called again; Professor. Professor.
Just when another of his fictitious dreams blew up in a fiery blaze he opened his
eyes to see kim hovering above him as she said; You okay? You were having a
bad dream.
Shit. Sorry. I didnt mean to.
Its okay. She said as she climbed into bed with him.
What are you doing? Carl asked as his eyes only averted sideways to see her
nakedness get under the covers.
Sounds to me like you need someone to keep you company.
No I dont.
Yes you do. Kim chirped.
She was covered up then which made carl feel slightly better as long as she stayed
on the other side of the bed. But then again it was kim he was thinking about. A
very vivacious woman with no qualms about bedding with a man even if it was
platonic. She closed her eyes as her hands kept the blankets up to her chin. Carl
glanced over to see her sleeping soundly, but now felt strange that the young
woman was beside him after all of the talk they had before he left. He sighed once
but felt the need to close his eyes again. Just as long as she sleeps over there. He
As the night dragged on he had trouble sleeping again but not from dreams it was
because Kim rolled onto her right side, and draped her arm over his chest as he
breathed softly with some added weight. He opened his eyes to feel her next to him
all cuddled, and very comfortable. His heart started to beat wildly as her chest
pressed into his side as she slept. Carl bit his lower lip to keep from shouting but
had the nerve to try and lift her arm so he could move her back to her half of the
bed. Taking his time it did not help him at all since kim was awake but had her
eyes closed to see if carl would advance on her or at the very least to sneak in for a
copped feel of kims svelte nude frame. She started to become disappointed in his
steely resolve at being a gentleman but felt the need to stop his suave manner and
hop on his naked frame to give his libido a much needed push.


When carl was just about there at moving kim back to her original position, she
then drew back the covers, and straddled his waist as she ground her hips down
allowing carl to feel her very heated sex. What the hell are you doing? Carl
panted rapidly.
Shut up. Do not move and let me show you what it means to lose your mind. She
said as she leaned down to kiss his lips, along with a nibble to barely cut his lower
lip. From that moment on he accepted her tongue into his mouth as her animalistic
nature took over, and began to trail down his chest to his stomach and ultimately to
the raging stiff pole that pressed against her. Carl nearly flipped his lid from the
intense pleasure he was feeling. He wanted to stop but her writhing movements,
and grinding into his pelvis said otherwise. She felt incredible as she engulfed his
member with no regard as she ate him up with full appetizers of her fingers playing
with something else. Carl glanced down to see her head moving slowly up and
down as her luscious lips caressed his shaft, and dragged her tongue the entire
length of it. He closed his eyes as the warmth of her body soaked into his when his
hips began to rise and fall matching her motions. During his dizzying moment of
desire he pictured her in his mind telling her how she should look for someone else
who could fill her love. Yet she never kept a resolve to do so. Instead she came to
him only.
Out of the entire citys bachelors she had to pick him. Carl supposed it was a father
figure thing or how older men can handle young ladies with a more stronger hand
in their life. Whatever it was that drew kimberly to him he forgot about the talk as
she moved up closer licking a trail as her soft petals pressed into his member. Upon
straddling him once more, she reached underneath her stomach, and guide his stiff
rod into her awaiting sex. She never looked away from his eyes as she began to
ground her rump into his pelvis. A slap of skin sounded as her breaths left her open
mouth as she leaned her head back feeling him start to respond in kind with his
own motions of his thighs. Carl placed both of his hands on kims waist so he
could help her bump down harder as her pace quickened. Both of her breasts also
bounced nicely with their firm roundedness and small nipples that kim tweaked
with two of her fingers. A low groan escaped her throat as she gritted her teeth.
Soon carl slapped both sides of her rear, which caused kim to become a wildcat
pumping her body in rhythm with his, and smashed into his pelvis harder as
another two slaps to her cheeks sent her mind reeling over the edge of bliss. A very
strong tingle warbled up her toes to her overheated sex causing kim to stop, and
tighten against his sides as the rush of pleasure washed over her senses. Carl barely
was able to keep up when he too felt the intense electrical charges resonate in his
body like a tidal wave. Except kim was not the ordinary sexual succubus lover for
when he quivered with pulses of his own orgasm, she moved back to take his


hardened oak back into her mouth as he expended his seed. Looking towards kim
he never knew that some women could be so raw or open about sex like her. She
had no trouble about taking all of his seed, and swallowing it like a heavy cream.
Her eyes looked into his like a set of a female bobcats with a healthy glow from the
outside illumination. His heart leapt again as she crawled up to his chest licking her
lips with an evil grin. Oh my god kim.
Still think I need someone as young as I am? She said as she climbed on carls
body once more. She kissed his lips gently as her beautiful frame melded into his
letting him feel every inch of her. His hands clamped down on her very curvy
behind, and squeezed with a firm grip letting his fingers drink her shape to embed
within his memory. Kim placed her head on his chest as she closed her eyes feeling
his breaths lengthen from his orgasm. As they calmed down she could hear his
heart beating from a quick pace to a relaxed state as her fingers caressed his skin.
Little missy I do not know what I am going to do with you. Carl gasped.
Just let me be by your side carl. I dont want anyone else. Just you. Only you.
She chimed with a kiss to his lips.
Carl let go of his singular tact of being a gentleman and embraced the sweet young
thing into his arms. What am I thinking? He pondered. Yet if he was to keep her
safe by any means it would mean that he would have to forgo the usual protocols
of being a teacher. Her teacher. He decided to resign his post in the university that
moment for it stood to reason that the parchment was more important to the world
if he could destroy it. Kim started to doze away into a deep sleep as she rolled off
his chest, and laid beside him but close to feel his body next to hers. A simple
young adult who needed a sugar daddy in these times. Quite astounding that there
were still nubile women who wanted the old fashioned father like boyfriend. Carl
accepted it fully as he wrapped his arm around her, and pulled her in. She
responded with a gentle smile as she snuggled closer. Kids. He whispered.
Early in the morning carl woke to smell a wonderful scent of bacon, and coffee.
Kim was not in bed so of course she would make him breakfast for the first time.
Slightly amused he got out of bed and strolled to the kitchen nude to see her also in
her birthday suit sipping coffee. A memory he could not forget the first time she
slept in his place but on the couch. As she smiled she handed him his cup, which he
took gratefully as he glanced over her frame in the dull day light. What a specimen
he thought. Flawless, a knockout, and very handy in the kitchen to say the least.
Kimberly then flipped a couple of eggs in a pan, and scooped them to a plate along
with his bacon, and toast. She set them down at the table along with her own, and
began to enjoy a nice breakfast together. Carl needed to tell kim what was going
on, and why. Yet he did not know if she would accept such a theory if he showed it
to her. He had to take a chance. She was smart, intelligent in every way and that


included maximizing the end results on kims part. Every calculation, and every
diagnosis of study was always worked out to perfection with her in and out of the
classroom. Kim.
If I told you that this marshall law was because of something unknown to us
would you believe me?
What do you mean? She asked with a mouthful of toast.
I have something to show you but this must remain between us. I also have some
colleagues working in africa to get more answers to our dilemma but right now I
need all the help I can get. Carl stated as a matter of fact.
Of course. Can I ask what its about?
Do you believe that we could have another verse added to our own?
As in universe? The theory is sound but with no advances to our technology all
we can do is speculate. Has this got something to do with the violence?
I think so. But its more complicated than that.
Kims curiosity was peaked as she stuck another piece of toast in her mouth. After
were done here meet me at this address. I can get you in with a pass. You must not
tell anyone of what I am going to show you promise me this kim.
By his facial expression he meant every word as it seared into her brain. Concerned
for his well being as his genuine woman on top of it, she stopped eating, and gazed
into his eyes as she said; You can count on me carl. I promise.
After a slight nod, he headed to the shower as kim finished up her meal, and then
took away the dishes, set them in the sink, and joined him for some shower games.
An hour later in the lab carl was working on his formulas with some of his team
members when the door to the lab hissed, and opened to allow Kim to walk in
dressed rather casually. Since the world of science did not scrutinize about who
was to wear what it seemed fitting that she dress comfortably for carls sake. She
waved once s he motioned to her to come over.
Whats all the secrecy about?
Alright. About five days ago when I was grading papers I came across a rather
strange looking paper. It was tied off with a black ribbon. I figured it was some
kind of joke from one of the students so being curious I opened it, and found
myself trying to catch my breath. It was like the writing on it was sucking the life
out of me.
What kind of writing?
Carl looked at her, and turned on a screen as he said; This kind.
Kim looked at the remarkable ink on the paper but could not find any resemblance
to any other language other than gibberish from a mental patient. She moved in
closer to inspect the structure of the inks flow but could not identify the meaning.


This is what caused your sudden loss of breath? Has anyone else seen it?
Only the colleagues that are in africa. One of my friends jack nearly had a heart
attack. As well as professor Shiro tanaka.
Carl do you think that the properties of the ink is the key? I mean by the looks of
it its just a messy display of someones really bad joke meant to do harm
psychologically. There are theories about old passages in the prison camps of
world war two where doctors used example writing to try and twist their victims
preceptions of what is a lie, and what is the truth.
Yes well theres more. Carl said as he touched a button on the keyboard. The
screen flickered to show its molecular structure at four hundred thousand times the
magnification. Blocks moved around from sector to sector in a grid that was
displayed as red lines. Kims eyes widened to see the individual shapes take
another spot, and then be replaced with a new set. What the hell is this?
That is our enigma. We dont know what it is. All we could do was estimate its
electrical energy as being five billion milliamps negative.
Thats impossible carl. Nothing on earth can make this type of energy as stable as
Yes here it is. In front of us. Doing something we cannot identify. Our theory is
that this energy needs a partner. Which is why the team is in africa looking for the
other half of its mate. Since this parchment came to me in my office its safe to
assume I sent it to myself from another dimension or between a doorway of a
Carl listen to what youre saying. It all sounds very dubious at best because of the
nature of this thing. But what if youre wrong? Lets say you did send it back or
through a doorway why do it all to a planet that holds the other half? I am
guessing the other is positive?
Yes the same energy equal to its sum except on a positive end. We think if we
destroy one half then the danger would be lifted but I dont think its that easy. I
have to find a way to destroy this one too.
What have you done so far to it? Asked kim.
Molecular acid, an argon laser, high doses of radiation to break down the inks
properties or at least the paper. Nothing works.
Jesus. And we cant introduce another molecule to its matrix otherwise the set
command would start a chain reaction. What about dosing with impulses of ohms
and amps to its structure? I mean use the laser to focus on one block and see if the
impulse could destabilize its nucleus.
Never thought of that. Im surprised shiro didnt think of that. Carl added.
Kim leaned in slowly as she said; Next time just ask a woman. Kay? As she
lifted an eyebrow.


Chapter 12

Shiro rubbed his eyes as his concentration started to break down from the constant
flow of numbers scrolling up his screen. As he took a deep breath a single beep
chimed on his laptop showing a message from carl; Hey guys been busy here. I
cant believe how much violence is going on in the city but one of my new team
members has come up with a brilliant idea. Her theory to help break down the
papers ink is to introduce a set amperage of electricity to its nucleus on one block
during its moment of transmogrification to another sector. She is going to use a
hydrogen laser to input a steady amp impulse of zero zero zero zero zero zero point
six less than a fourth of a power milliamps. Were all hoping this will deactivate its
trajectory long enough to dissolve from its nest. Wish us luck. Carl.
Behind shiro jack commented with a slight sense of humor; So I guess kim was
the one for him.
Who is kim? Shiro asked.
Oh just a very nice girl whos had a crush on him from the first year. She asked
me once to introduce her to him. I guess his moment of being a gentleman ran out
from her charms.
Uh her good fortune, and luck in the laboratory.
Ah. I see. Well carl must be a lucky man then.
You have no idea. He said as he walked away with a grin on his face.
As brian was sitting outside of the old hall udusi shouted a hello as he pranced out
of the jungle with a smile on his face. Brian noticed immediately that the scroll had
worked, and their journey would go further toward the temple. Dave came out of
the entrance to see udusi approach brian as both talked in the native tongue. After a
few minutes of conversing dave wondered if everything was a go. When brian
turned; We can go ahead. The elders gave us a blessing to find it if we can but
also stated that there would be traps along the way. Some very old booby traps to
say the least, and brutal.
In what way? Dave asked with a slight anxious tone. Oh the usual. A boulder
here or there hidden away that when you trip something like a wall panel or floor
panel a large heavy stone will drop on your head. That or poison slivers that expel
from idols sockets or the odd rampart with disgusting poisonous insects that could
drop a man in second or even
All right I get it. Its dangerous. So we just take it easy going in right? No
touching anything.


Exactly. So tell casey not to linger too long in one spot. When we head inside its
together. Got it?
Got it.
Good. Lets get ready.
An hour later it was the middle of the afternoon when brian and his team had
backpacks slung on shoulders and the guides who were going to lead them in were
carrying boxes or crates on their heads with perfect balance. Casey stepped out to
notice the long line of bodies waiting to go as brian walked to jack, and shiro who
had their laptops put away in carry bags. You guys are going to be our eyes and
ears in this. After you map the interior look for hidden traps not in the architecture.
Youll have about a minute or so to map it if you come across a segment of empty
Well what about lava flow or water ducts?
Look for that too. See if it leads to one of the traps.
Got it.
Casey. Youll stay by daves side at all times. You do not wander and you do not
split from the group. We stick to each other like crazy glue understand?
Right. Casey quipped.
Brian then walked to the front of his group as he hollered to the guides in their
tongue; Move out!
Soon the entire troupe began their long walk in the jungle amidst the creatures, and
of course spiders, which were caseys favorite. The large leaves gave them cover
from prying eyes who might be watching from a distance with weapons or poison
darts. All wore dark green clothes to give them camouflage as they all started to
vanish like a dream into the unknown regions of the thick, and unforgiving jungle.
Screeches of tree monkeys sounded here or there along with chirps from large
beetles that sat on dry logs. Caseys imagination began to work itself up to a point
of worry as her foot falls were short behind dave. She glanced up to see the skies
but just barely because of the canopy. The green swath of foliage made cambodia
look like wyomings open plains for the buffalo. Guides used machetes to cut
down branches or thick leaves in their way as brian checked his journal for extra
clues while on his life changing trek. Shiro wiped his brow from the extreme sweat
that built up although they did not move no further than half a mile. He was never
the kind of man who could endure long walks in the deep forests. Not even in his
own country of japan where most of his families property was embedded inside
kyotos lush mountains. Although he stayed in the city most of the time he often
made trips to his family home to relax as he worked on complex formulas or came
up with new ideas to his projects. What ever the case he was always comfortable in
his air conditioned home. The trail proved very taxing as he wiped some more.


During their jaunt through the never ending trees, the path seemed to become
thinner in width toward a precipice. David put a hand over his eyes to cut off some
sunlight that cut through the leaves above him when one of the guides shouted to
brian in their language. Brian answered a response for them to put down their
supplies, and bring out the ropes. Whats going on? Jack asked.
Weve reached a ledge overlooking the valley. I told them to grab some ropes so
we could lower ourselves down. So if any of are scared of heights tell me now. As
the group remained silent the guides began to work tying up the supplies with
heavy ropes as brian fitted himself with a spelunking harness. Casey took off her
pack as dave put on his equipment along with jack, and shiro. Looks like well get
a better view from here. Dave assured as he glanced to her who had some trouble
of putting on her own harness. Let me help.
Great I cant figure out how to put this thing on. Dave then knelt as he eased the
harness up her shapely legs with his hand rubbing her skin gently that caused her to
smile in a devilish way. Careful dave. Any higher Id have to uh pull you into
those bushes and ravage you while the others find what theyre looking for. She
David smirked as he clamped on the safety rings but not without kissing her hand
first as he rose up to meet her eyes. Ready? He sighed with a deep breath.
Yes. Are you?
Cant tell. I never repelled down a mountain before until now.
Ive done it a few times. Ill help you.
Thanks sweetie. He said as he quickly pecked her on the lips. Both moved to the
edge where the guides were already on their way down with the supplies. Casey
stood awed by the grand sight of the valley, which surrounded a lonely looking
structure made of old stone. The size by their perspective was large. Much larger
than one of the pyramids in Giza. Not three sided but six sided with a crown of
granite seamed together perfectly. Brian took out his binoculars to get a closer look
at its beauty as jack began to descend into the depths below. Unbelievable. Im
seeing various pictograms of different cultures along with idols made of what looks
to be like jade of some form of soft stone. Each one perched beside each other
facing in the direction of the compass.
So what does that tell you? Dave asked.
That whoever built this monstrosity had a lot of time on their hands. From the
base I can see trees about two hundred years or older. And in contrast to the temple
by the height Id say it has a peak level of one thousand five hundred feet high.
An advanced people who could build structures better than us. Shiro added.
Dave began to move his body to the edge with casey as she leaned back in her
harness gently. She watched her lover put his foot down, and then the next in slow


intervals. Thats it one after the other. Then use your hand against your butt as a
brake with each movement of your feet. She instructed. Its almost like the
academy days in boot camp. I hardly remember those times. Dave said with added
vibrations in his voice. The descent was perilless to say the least as the bottom
floor was just a bit too far from where they were. Casey had no problem as she
kept her pace with him as she looked up to see brian, and shiro coming down along
with the last of the guides as the anchors. A few birds swooped by as they shrilled
an ear piercing squawk that made dave miss a step, which made him slip. Holy
shit! Dave shouted as he slipped down the face. Brian, and shiro stopped to see
dave falling but not too fast since his harness had an auto-brake to its structure.
After fifty feet, he stopped falling, and grabbed his rope behind his butt as casey
slid down to meet him. She could see the fright in his eyes as he took fast, and
short breaths to try and calm his nerves. Just breathe dave. Slow and easy. Slow
and easy.
Is he okay? Brian shouted from above.
Yeah just shook up. Hes fine.
Holy christ. Holy shit! Dave retorted as he closed his eyes for a few seconds.
Quite a difference from chasing criminals huh? Ever chase them on top of
Sometimes but we didnt use ropes to get down they just jumped off hoping to
land on another roof.
Did you follow them? Casey joked.
Nah. I just walked down the stairs.
Both laughed as david began to move slowly as before but this time casey held his
rope just in case. Brian noticed the ground getting closer with each step down,
which also made his heart leap a few times from the anticipation of getting closer
to the temple. Ages it has been since man ever walked in the valley and inside of
the ancient structure that held the deep secrets to mans existence. For many years
theories about its actual existence on earth was kept a myth by his colleagues or
predecessors of the science divisions since early times. Then the most important
thought came flooding into his consciousness as the ground closed in Who will
ever believe him? Since the world was dripping with chaos in nearly every major
city who will be left to tell the story?
As david, and casey touched the dirt floor he began to remove his harness with
very shaky hands. Most of the guides had already prepared to keep moving as jack
motioned them to put down the boxes, and supplies until brian arrived. As casey
started to fold up her harness she averted her eyes to the left to see a dark shadow
move slowly across some leaves. Her heart felt like stopping but not once did she
look away from the strange shape. For the moment she wanted to just yell for dave


but froze from the way it moved with a graceful motion. Her throat constricted as
the shadow stopped just shy of the forest edge with two claws sticking out from the
leafs trimmed edge. Her hand waved trying to hit dave on the arm but missed a
few times. Shiro as he looked down noticed what casey was doing when he asked
loudly; What is it? What are you looking at? Dave turned to meet her hand
slapping his arm as he grabbed her wrist asking: What is it?
Over there She whispered. Under those leaves.
Her eyes were wide with fear as the two claws moved again to warn david that
there was something in the shadows. He squinted to see the shape but could not
make it out clearly. A few of the guides began to yell, and shout as very high pitch
screeches rang out from the darkest parts of the trees. As shiro, and brian made it
down they quickly removed their harnesses. Soon casey could see it coming out
from the shade. Two large legs, covered in wispy thin hairs. Then four more legs
behind the first two, and last its hind legs with a body the size of a truck. Casey
screamed so loud that for just an instant the massive spider inched back from the
odd sounding piece of meat. David grabbed her, and joined the guides who ran just
as fast as their feet could take them. The front row also ran too still carrying their
packs, and crates. Yet those who had free hands brought out rifles, and started to
fire in the air to startle it. Casey swept past some leaves but a few hit her face
cutting her cheek as dave paced himself beside her. The large spider started to run
chasing down the entourage as it shrilled an ear piercing howl. Its claws broke
some logs like toothpicks whether dry or wet. Soon though as the temple got closer
a few guides saw some more movement to his right, and spotted two more spiders
running in to cut them off. Frightened by the sight, he broke off from the main
group which caused one of the other arachnids to chase him down. Brian heard of
the spider legend but never took it as truth since no pictures of their existence was
proven. The lone guide in his escape jumped over a large dead tree, but the eight
legged blood sucker was too fast. Its body thrashed the trees as it waddled its large
body between the trunks breaking them like brittle toffee. Suddenly the guide
could run no further as he reached a dead end of a cliff face. Shaking he watched
the spider inching in with its horrible eight black lifeless eyes staring at him with
oozing mandibles chomping air. He lost all body control and began to urinate in his
shorts as the spider moved closer until it was no more than a foot away. The poor
soul breathed rapidly in short bursts when the arachnid crept in to his face
blanketing out the background of the temple. A once safe haven for him with his
fellow trekkers. Suddenly the spider crashed down on his body as the guide
screamed so high that the others could hear him while still running to the structure.
During caseys frightful marathon she saw the spider behind her turn to its left, and
jumped off of a rock towards she, and dave. Yet daves reflexes were quick as he


pushed casey out of the way, which made the spider slide across the dirt to try and
catch up. Shiro had his own way of dealing with the humongous spider of his own.
He intentionally dropped peanut m+ms on the ground as he hopped over a rock
but since arachnids were carnivorous in the first place he threw the bag behind him
which hit the spider on its head that caused the bag to split open, and scattered
shiros treat all over the jungle floor. Needless to say during the tumultuous jaunt
for dear life not all creatures were so ravenous as spiders as a few salamanders
scurried out to grab those sweet candies for themselves. Brian saw an entrance at
the bottom of the temple as he shouted to the team; There! We can move in there!
Scream! Casey bellowed.
The guides ran into the entrance as one of the spiders tried to get into the doorway
but gave up to give chase to the rest of the team. Now it was two spiders against
them as dave split up as brian, and shiro ran in the other direction splitting up the
dynamic duo insects on steroids. Casey slid close to a log, and hid as the spider
hopped over and crashed into a large boulder, smashing it to pieces but gave casey
the much needed clearance to make it to the entrance with dave right behind her.
As they got in the spider shrilled as its snout barely went past the door jam adding
more frustration. A few of the guides fired on its head hoping to either blind it or
send it away with an empty stomach. Soon it left as it went off to join its mate as
dave snuck to the door to see brian, and shiro being chased as the other hopped out
from the forest grove. Dave, and casey cheered them on; Come on! You can do it
shiro! Run! Run!
Move it brian! David yelled.
Brian looked behind his back to see the wondrous size of its body on the creature.
How could god make such a horrible mistake like that? Why have something so
big on earth in the first place? Brian thought as he was grabbed by dave, and pulled
inside of the temple. Shiro weaved, and swerved side to side to try and outwit the
spiders sense of direction. It was working since a spiders equilibrium was finely
tuned to a point of seeing of whats in front of them head on. Yet somehow its
senses were off as shiro veered to his right and spotted brians hand out of the
doorway with his fingers splayed open. Shiro reached out, as he yelled on the top
of his lungs when the other arachnid hopped up, and descended down with perfect
aim as the eight large legs were spread out wide. It shrilled as it plummeted to the
floor in hopes of bagging its first tasty morsel of the day. Shiro screamed as he
ducked down to wait for his death when rapid gun fire hit the spider in the head
knocking its sense of direction out of kilter. It fell on the other spider with enough
force to cause both of their bodies to explode on contact from the sheer pressure of
their weight. Much like falling out of a web onto a cement floor.


From shiros perspective the explosion spread out sideways along with a large
portion of their greasy guts, and green intestines that rained down upon him. Yet it
didnt kill them right away as they began to squiggle, and twitch something fierce
showing the entourage true horror as sixteen legs scrambled with random erratic
motions until finally both creatures stopped nearly at the same time to die on their
backs with split open bodies. Like a before and after image. Shiro got to his feet
with his hand on his chest as he slowly walked to the entrance past the spiders
which were dead. From the forest edge thought the last spider ran faster than the
other two hoping to grab shiro before he disappeared inside. Dave held his gun up,
and aimed once then started to fire multiple times, as he hit six out of eight eyes
badly wounding the hairy behemoth, which let out a high pitch sound no human
should ever hear.
It backed off into the forest as it continued to howl its horrible calls for help that
would never come. Casey covered her ears until finally when it was all over dave
put his gun away, and leaned over to throw up on the floor of the temple. Brian
could sympathize as he walked to his guides to give more instructions as casey
handed dave a bottle of water. Oh god the smell of those things. Dave said as he
gagged some more.
Well if you were a spider that smell would be compared to a mans aftershave in
mating season. You smelled the males pheromones. A females is worse but to the
male its more like Jack said.
A womans perfume. Casey added.
Right. Brian replied.
I hope when I die and come back I am not a spider. Shiro said as he gasped for
more air.
Dave agreed fully as he drank more water. A few of the guides then activated high
intensity lamps to illuminate the interior room. The sight was breath taking as the
ceiling itself spanned more than four hundred feet high. Massive murals were
painted on the stone to show a mosaic of colors mixed with birds, land dwellers,
and man working together as a whole rather than separate. The same could not be
said for the dead spiders outside or the survivor that skulked back into the jungle
licking its wounds. Brian dropped his back pack to stare at the ceiling to drink in
the enormous expanses artistry meshed with precise architectural perfection. Not
one inch of the ceiling had any mistakes as far as constructing it went. Not even the
wall sections which had no imperfect seams or cracks. Each block from their size
must have weighed close to five hundred tons each to support the weight of the
temple itself. Dave was awed as he spotted a set of stairs that led up to a second
level but the steps, which led upward numbered in the two thousand range. My
god. This place is amazing. An engineers dream.


This must have taken over a thousand years to build. Jack said.
Maybe more. Brian added.
From the idols, and other forms of languages Id say twenty such races helped to
build it. A conglomerate of sorts during the ancient times. Shiro stated.
To what end? Brian asked with a tinge of frustration.
The other half? The mate? Casey inquired.
It must be at the center of the temple. Look how the columns span around the
interior. Each one must be three hundred feet in diameter. There has to be a lower
segment under the floor. Jack said with excitement.
Possibly. For now we map the interior. Brian ordered.
David, and casey approached a small pedestal in front of an old tablet. Writing on
the surface suggested to them that it was some kind of message or religious passage
though no clue as to who wrote it was present. What do you think? Hebrew?
Egyptian? Asked dave.
Babylonian. Brian yelped over to them.
How can you tell?
Because most of the writing was instituted after the fall of the so called tower.
Before that happened the erratic symbols of the earlier writing was more
pictograms and not free hand style like that represents.
Do you know what it says? Asked casey.
As brian joined both of them he put on his glasses, and tilted his head up to look at
the oversized tablet as he began; Hidden are the slivers of time. Earthen creatures
have come to lie. Human born are childrens rhymes beyond the veil of heavens
shine. Dust be cast on deaths cold tines (meaning his fingers) to swath a path on
human kind.
David in his simplicity gave the most obvious answer as; In other words, dont
screw with mother nature.
To put it in a more vernacular term yes. Yes it does.
So the rest of them must be saying the same thing or close to it. I guess whoever
built the temple was trying to tell us not to look into places our eyes dont belong.
Casey stated.
Which means our excursion to find the mate is on the right track. Lets go up to
the second floor. There might be some more clues or passages to give us an idea to
where It is. Brian explained.
Jack looked at his laptop as the interior was mapped out perfectly to show its
hidden rooms or other forms of walkways they could follow. He printed off a set of
five sheets, one for each of them as a guide. The screen then closed in to a spot not


shown from a human perspective. He touched the pad to focus in more to see four
marked poles against a giant wall. Hey brian! Got something here.
What is it?
A hidden room. At least from this it looks like one.
The east side of the temple. On a far wall. The navigation unit cant go past it but
it stops at four poles marked with Cimmerian warnings. Jack said with an excited
Brian looked at the screen as he noticed what the markings suggested as he read
out loud; Here lies the Urgrasia horn. Those who wish to witness their
savagery beyond only need to step no more than their life.
Sounds very ominous. I think we can leave that section out. Jack said with a final
tone. We can use a probe. One of the crawlers can do it. Set one up. Id like to see
whats behind that wall. Brian instructed. Okay.
David and casey sat on a stone bench as they drank more water while they watched
the brains of the trip scheme something up. You were more steady this time with
those spiders casey.
Dont remind me david. One was bad enough but three of them the size of a dump
truck is going to give me nightmares for god knows how long. She said taking
another sip.
Yeah me too. Jesus to think things like that can grow so big. I knew whales can
grow huge but I never thought insects could.
I once saw a centipede as long as four feet on a school trip. The animal handler
brought one in to show us, and it freaked me out seeing its hundreds of legs, and
beady little eyes staring at me. Ew!
David laughed at her contempt for bugs, and spiders as all women tended to create
for themselves from childhood on to adulthood. His earlier years as a kid were
made up of finding the odd looking spider or grasshopper as a collection item but
after seeing three spiders larger than a sumo wrestler his respect for the insect
world got a little more cemented to his will. How many countries harbored such
wonders he thought. The amazon jungle was said to boast some of the largest
creatures on earth but not like what his team had witnessed. On one lazy day david
watched on his television at how in the remote parts of kiwi there were locusts
that could sit in the palm of your hand the size of a canine pup as it nibbled on a
carrot stick. Or crabs with the diameter of ten feet because of its enormous leg
expanse. There was even one story off of he coast of china where fishermen had
dragged up oysters that weighed two hundred pounds. Yet those were not good
eating because of their age. One that was recorded was said to be over a hundred


and fifty years old. Since then david in his delinquent sense had always wanted to
see such a creature.
After the spiders though hed rather see a locust eating a celery stalk. Were all set
to go people. Brian yelped.
David got up with casey as they moved on over to jack who had a remarkable
machine on wheels set up to take a stroll over to the four pillars when some of the
guides spoke to brian in their native tongue. He argued with them for a moment
that caused a bit of a panic as jack powered up the probes engine. Soon they all
left without a word of goodbye or up yours to insult brian in his moment of need to
keep them there. Fine! Go! Bunch of god damn quivering infants.
Whats going on?
Seems our inspection has told them well anger the gods if we get any closer.
Shouldnt we listen to them? They are more sensitive to this place than we are.
After all. David pointed out.
Were here to find the mate. But this find can tell us more at far we are all willing
to go. If it is dangerous well stop, and pull the probe back and move on. Deal?
David thought for a moment thinking about caseys safety until he glanced over to
her as she shrugged her shoulders not saying a word. He took a deep breath as he
replied; Deal.
Jack then inputted a series of commands in his laptop, which in turn told the rover
to move to the four pillars. On the screen they could all see its camera point of
view as a grid popped up to show the heading in feet. So far so good. Jack said.
A beep chimed indicating the rovers distance like a radar signal as the camera
focused on one of the inner pillars that displayed more characters to brian. You
see that?
What? Jack asked as he made the rover stop.
Those mirrors. Move it two degrees left. And then pull up youll see them. In
doing so all could see on the computer a mirror half way up the pillar which was
embedded in the stone. It didnt curve to fit the pillars circumference rather it was
straight, and horizontal in a cut out culvert. As the rover moved to a second column
another mirror displayed itself. Jack then stopped the rover to map the pillars of its
schematics. They all have them. Each one half way up in perfect sequential
Im guessing you need light as the key. Does the rover have any lasers low in
intense pulsation? Ultra violet beam?
Yeah. I can aim it at the most significant mirror and from the looks of the map its
pillar two. From the south end.
Do it.


Jack then used more commands to move the probe just shy of pillar two as the
rover pointed its laser set up to the mirror so it could bounce to the rest like a
prism. David held his breath as jack counted down from Three.. Two one
A dim beam hit the first mirror on pillar two, which then angled off to hit number
three, and on to four and last to pillar one. Yet what they did not expect was the
beam bounced off to hit the wall where a great light engulfed the interior like a
grand sunrise on a summer day. Slices of light cut the door like a puzzle as
illuminated threads spread out to the seams of the stone causing a rumbling
sensation as the team tried to keep their balance. On the laptop screen the stone
wall opened sideways to reveal a dark passage way as mist expelled out along with
small pieces of webbing and dust debris. After the shaking had vanished everyone
stared silently at the darkness. One could feel a cold chill from its menacing gaping
entry way as the rover proceeded inside without fear. Brian could not take his eyes
off of the screen as the rover automatically turned on its flood lights. Jack could
see the floor inside was made of the same stone they were standing so it should
stand to reason that the room was either a vault or a prison of some kind. As the
rover crept in further it stopped. On the laptop it signaled jack of a proximity alert
to the rovers position. What is it? Brian asked with a shaky voice.
Somethings in there. I cant tell if its an animal or what. He replied tapping his
Casey glanced to the opening, which was a hundred feet away. The sheer blackness
of its entrance gave her the creeps as chills ran up her spine when a low throbbing
groan came from within. The entire team looked to the doorway with wide eyes as
the rovers camera caught a glimpse of something not human nor animal as it
zipped past the screen. When jack was about to readjust the rovers position the
doors started to close slowly. Yet at the same time the darkness itself began to fade
into a more brilliant tinge of red, and orange. When the team looked at the screen
one more time casey looked away immediately as screams filled the interior from
inside the mysterious room. Brian could see what looked to be humans getting
ravaged in the most horrifying way by creatures that neither looked like demons or
otherwise. David saw how two of the abhorrently white skinned things ripped apart
a woman using her head as the initiate, and her feet as the anchor. Vile screeches
echoed in their ears as jack spotted a man being mauled and molested by three
others as he begged, or pleaded in his strange native tongue. The rooms interior
glowed a color of crimson soon as other forms of ungodly beings entered to finish
off of whoever was still alive. Things with long teeth and pitch black eyes the size
of dinner plates that shone the reflection of their prey. As the doors closed with a
thud the last remaining image was of a mans head getting chomped off by the


more ugly of the bunch when the screen went to white noise. When it was over
nobody said a word as brian stumbled to a bench to sit down to catch his breath.
Jack was shaking as he tried to stop the commands of the rover but didnt realize
the communications were cut off. Casey put a hand on his as she winced trying to
stop the screaming in her mind. David was aghast with grief for those poor souls
stuck in some mystical chamber with nowhere to go but to die in the most
contemptible ways a human could imagine. As he took a deep breath he asked
brian; What did we just witness?
All brian could do was shake his head side to side in fright. He had no answer as to
what they watched or heard. Nothing on earth could explain it. No priest, no
scientist, nobody that has a limited imagination. Never in all of his years has he
seen such raw power used to cause suffering to those imprisoned inside. Even the
scriptures hardly spoke of such things as punishment to those who committed
crimes of murder or other foul deeds. No this was different on a new level. Jack
we need to just concentrate on finding the other half. Forget the rest just try and
pinpoint a room which has the most secured grids.
Yeah. Yeah okay. Okay. Jack replied with deep breaths.
David looked over to brian who held his forehead as he rocked back and forth
slowly. The images kept flowing inside his mind as casey approached but to david
she looked like someone just walked on her grave without an invitation. Even her
eyes had small bags underneath that told him the temple was not a fit place for
either one of them. They could go outside but would be at risk with other
unforeseeable animals not found in the encyclopedia that salesmen brought door to
door. All he could do was wrap an arm around her shoulders to ease the pain in her
head. His temples pounded something fierce causing his eyes to squint every now
and again. David reached into his bag and got a bottle of aspirin. After twisting off
the cap he tilted the bottle and let about ten pills drop down his throat, and took a
drink of water to wash it down. Casey rubbed the sides of her head to ease the pain
too but felt her attempts were doing nothing. David handed her five pills. Oh
thanks. Casey said as she ate them without water. Isnt that sour? Dave asked.
Yeah its okay though. Im used to it. She replied as she chewed the pills making
a crunching sound.
David sat down to rest his feet as casey joined him watching jack map the rest of
the temple. What do you think they were? Casey inquired with deep concern.
I think it was a punishment chamber for those condemned to a fate worse than
death. Some kind of hidden realm not seen by human eyes except for those
sentenced. Perhaps those who were the law makers forgot that they were still in
there and didnt release them after their sentence was carried out.
My god. Casey whispered.



Carl splashed some water onto his face in the bathroom as he contemplated on
how the formulas would work after kims last test. It was simple really that a burst
of milliamps small enough to dissuade part of the matrix would cause a scar to its
makeup. A flecture if you will. Except it didnt work. As soon as kim initiated the
burst not only was the block that she targeted protected but the surrounding blocks
inside repaired the damages. He was stumped to see such technology in its raw
form heal so quickly of its own life force. As he headed back to the lab one of the
team members strolled into one of the stalls, and slammed the door shut, which
caused carl a little dismay of his mannerisms. You okay freddie? He asked.
Yeah. Yeah. Just need a little pick me up. Freddie replied as he flicked his
lighter. Carl could smell a distinct odor of bitter leaves with an acrid scent of
burning oak, which made him smirk as he warned; Dont let the guards smell that.
Or theyll throw you out on your ass along with your desk.
Here help me finish it. Fred added as he passed the small joint under the stall
door. He looked at it with uncertainty but remembered in his earlier days of being
one of the smartest students because of the fact that he never smoked pot. After a
deep breath he said; Ah what the hell. He then took the small spliff and toked a
large pull on its smooth handmade cigarillo that fred most likely rolled himself.
After inhaling he started to cough, which caused his farting team member to laugh
out loud. Been awhile huh?
Whoa good shit man. Sencemillion Im guessing.
Yup. My brother grows it in his basement under contract of course. Fred replied
with an extra gust of flatulence sitting on the toilet. Carl handed it back to him to
which fred added another blast of air to his throne. Sounds like youve been
eating chili. Anything good in the cafeteria?
Not chili. I had some steamed broccoli with mushrooms. Love the taste but it
wreaks havoc on my stomach. He stated with a louder explosive thump to the
toilets bowl that echoed in the washroom. Well Ill leave you to your thoughts
See you back in the lab. Fred replied with a tinge of tightness in his voice as he
began to push out his well deserved six hundred grams of log cabin. Carl pinched
his nose as he walked to the door, and exited with haste. In the lab kim was
working at a computer station as she built a model of the a block within the inks
properties. Using a touch pad she rotated its form in a three dimensional grid. It
spun on an axis slowly as carl approached with a slight redness in his eyes to which
kim asked; Youve been drinking?


No. Had a nice toke of freds stash while he took a dump in the washroom. Kim
smirked knowing that carl had never told her he smoked weed. Not that it mattered
to her anyway since she also had the odd loco smoke now and then. Well so far
the dynamics of the block has become worrisome. She said with a look of
concern. In what way?
Well most of its molecular makeup is negative energy. But the closer I try to
zoom in it seems to know what Im doing. As if by instinct. Kim replied.
Hm. Have you used x-rays?
Yes but it doesnt show any changes to its anatomy. No growth, no kind of
singular transition to anothers trajectory. What we know is that the randomness of
its motions are becoming uniform right?
And that as soon as the rest of the blocks also become uniform new messages
between them start to coincide in perfect sequence. Plus look at the ink. Kim
urged as she turned on another screen.
Carls eyes opened wider to see the ink now formed slightly more to make a
coherent symbol. Although it was unrecognizable in its complicated state it did
have a unique pattern of a shape rather than before as just a messy flow of writing.
When did it make this?
In just the last half hour. Its changing its own event horizon to the papers
Oh my god. I hope its not the dope thats making me see this. Carl joked.
As kim sat down she glanced to carl and asked; How are the others doing?
They came across some room that displayed some sort of horrible torture
Its hard to explain but they used a probe inside of the room to record its interior.
From what they saw it was like a terror chamber made for prisoners of long past
in the ancient temple. I suppose what they witnessed was a glimpse to the temples
past in living form. A memory I guess. Carl added.
My god. Was anyone hurt?
No. The doors closed in two minutes of them opening. Everybody is fine.
Thank goodness. Kim sighed.
Kim I think whatever is going on inside there along with our own examinations
might be telling us that an event is going to occur.
I cant explain it. I feel something is going to happen. Something horrible, and
without mercy. Since the crime rates shot up five hundred percent in just two
weeks its a sign of things to come later when the violence reaches a peak or limit.


I can only imagine of whats next for us carl. Every day when I walk home or go
to your place all I hear in the streets is screaming, and gun shots. Nothing else. I
mean shit I dont even see cats or dogs going out to look for food anymore. Carl
could see that the tension was seeping into her. As strong as she was there had
always been a breaking point in the human psyche to test ones mental state. Even
his other team members had begun to show signs of stress along with hardly eating
their meals to keep them alert for longer periods during their time in the lab. It was
coming to a point where some of them were going to give up, and just go home.
However it would present itself was enough to tell carl that time was running out
for them. Suddenly four guards came running in as one shouted to them; People
you need to evacuate the facility.
Whats going on? Carl shouted back.
Just before the guard could answer a large explosion rocked the foundations of the
building to make everyone scream as dust, and debris fell from the ceiling. Lights
flickered as more smaller explosions rang out as the guards grabbed anyone close
enough to haul them out. Kim grabbed the paper from its sealed room, and rolled it
up as another guard hauled her out rather roughly as she yelled; Wait!
Come on! No time! he bellowed.
Carl ran to help her but was knocked down by another vibration through the lab.
As his team members escaped out the door part of the hallway ceiling collapsed on
top of them. Soon gun shots rang out as other lab guards from various positions
returned fire. A large crowd of the citys populace had broken into the facility with
murder on their minds as a few picked off a few officers, and killed them instantly.
Kim was screaming as she and carl ran out as they avoided the bullets that were
flying everywhere. From the angered mob a man jumped over a pile of debris and
bodies to give chase as both rounded a corner, and disappeared. Behind the angry
assailant a more severe explosion erupted killing most of the crowd in the process
as bodies were blown apart, as limbs scattered about littering the buildings interior
with their innards, and blood stains. Upon reaching another hall carl spotted a door
with a hand panel on the wall. He touched it once, and the door unlocked, and
hissed open sideways, then pushed kim in as he glanced behind himself to see the
attacker screaming as he ran down the hall. When the door closed carl could hear
him banging on the cold steel like a madman as he shouted obscenities with no
regard as to who might be listening; You fucking prick! Ill fucking kill both of
you, and take the fucking bitch after shes dead! Come out of there! Come out!!
Kim was crying as she sat on the floor while hugging her knees close to her chest.
The pounding never stopped once as they kept close together inside as more shots
echoed that was exchanged. Blood curdling screams filled the air as women, and


men constantly ravaged those in their path looking for victims as carl held kim to
his body feeling her shake violently. For the moment they were safe as long as any
one of the crazed individuals didnt know how to open the door with someone
elses palm print. The shots of gunfire never stopped as occurring explosions
rocked the building from the outside. He could imagine those armed with bazooka
rounds or tanks firing upon it and ripping apart the labs walls to make it collapse.
However it was going to end he did not picture it coming that fast. Kim settled
down a little as she glanced up to his eyes for some comfort. He leaned down and
kissed her gently as she wrapped her arms around his neck as she sobbed in his
arms. Its okay. Its okay kim. Were okay in here. He whispered.
Dust fell like a fine mist from above as the assault continued but in less frequency
than before. It sounded like the civilian attackers started to move on away from the
lab itself but remained close by as if waiting for them to come out of the room. He
couldnt be sure. All they would have to do is wait it out a couple of hours then try
to see if it was safe. For now he leaned back with kim in his arms as the violence
went on.
It was quiet in the room as both slept together on the floor. It was dark inside since
the power was cut off during the murderous raid. Upon opening his eyes he could
see a sliver of light from under the door. He supposed the jam had kiltered off a
degree to allow some light to pass under the jam. Carl tried to focus through the slit
but found it was too difficult. He woke up kim gently as he shook her body. Kim.
Wake up. Im going to open the door.
What? Are they still out there?
I dont think so. I think they moved on. He replied with a whisper.
They stood up as the light was cast on their shoes as he approached the panel. It
was still lit on the inside, which told him that the backup generator was still
working. When he placed his hand on the panel it read his palm, and the door slid
open sideways but stopped after a few feet. It stopped because of the alignment
itself was off. After a small tug on the doors ledge, he eased it open more to see
nothing but a collapsed building with part of it intact at their position. He listened
to see if anyone was still around but all he could hear was the light wind, and some
sparking wires that hung from the ceiling. As he glanced side to side kim was right
behind him holding his arm the whole time when he stepped out. She took a step
and nearly tripped from the debris around her feet. Carl helped her by keeping her
balanced, and soon both stood to see nothing but a gutted laboratory laced with
dead bodies, and ripped apart offices. They started to walk to the open air passing
more bodies that had shot wounds to the chest and the victims eyes stared off into
space with their mouths open during a scream. Kim looked away quickly when she
saw fred on the ground with his chest cavity pierced with various knives or surgical


tools. Carl noticed his eyes were taken out and placed in his mouth as a crude joke
from one of the killers. Oh my god carl. Holy shit. Kim breathed loudly. Just
stick close to me kim. Look away. Close your eyes if you have to but do not let go
of me.
Okay. Okay. She gasped.
He led her through the piles of rubble to the outside where cars still burned, and
bodies were scattered about as tossed away garbage. Close by were soldiers lying
on the ground with their own rifles stuck in their backs yet none of them had the
classic bayonetted knives to speak of. Whoever stuck them was extremely strong
he surmised. Carl spotted a car by itself parked near a water shed. Strange he
thought that it should be still intact and all of the others were burnt out husks of
metal. An acrid scent in the air filled their noses, which told carl that it was human
flesh burning. A sweet odor, with a slight tinge of rose petals like something
charbroiling on a barbeque. After both stopped at the car, he opened it to see the
keys were still in the ignition. He let out a deep breath as he helped kim inside who
still had her eyes closed but kept a firm grip on the parchment. After settling into
the passenger seat, she buckled up by instinct as carl hopped in, and closed the
door. Yet just before he turned the ignition key he froze. What is it?
This is too easy. Look at the cars burning. And yet this one was untouched.
Booby trap? Kim asked.
Exactly what I thought. He replied as he unlatched the hood. When he got out to
take a peek at the engine carl spotted some wires hooked up to the battery, which
lead to the control box for the engine. He followed the wire to a point close to the
firewall, and looked sideways to the floor of the engine cockpit. Then it was
spotted. Sixteen blocks of high explosives rigged to blow upon ignition of the cars
engine. Holy shit. He remarked.
Carefully he traced his first finger down to them so he could find some relief
switch to disarm the setup. Yet he could not find one. Get out kim. Now. But be
gentle doing it.
Kim opened her door as she unbuckled, and climbed out to join carl on the
opposite of the hood as she asked; How bad is it?
Put it this way. If I started the car the only thing moving would be our assholes
pushing through our foreheads.
Jesus. So what do we do now?
We can try to find another vehicle but from the looks of them nothing is left. Just
junk scraps of metal.
Kim walked around the car to stand next to him as he turned to stare at the
devastation, which brought down the lab in one day. Fires blazed in random
pockets of the grounds giving it an eerie shade of orange mixed with black smoke.


Well never find out how to destroy it will we? Kim said as she rested her head
on his shoulder.
I dont know. I dont know. Carl replied with a deep exhale.
It had been six hours since their captivity back in the lab but carl, and kim walked
down a lonely looking street but also kept to the shadows in case the violators
strolled down their way. Carl could hear continuous gun shots in the distance every
few seconds to give the city of chicago a veneer image of an ongoing war without
an invading enemy from another country as the opposition. Kim shivered as she
kept close to carl so she could feel his body heat although it was still summer. In
her right hand was the parchment still held tight in her grip and carl said nothing
about it as he led kim down another street yet it was less in width than the other
one. He stopped suddenly to glance side to side for anything moving. Kim held her
breath to keep silent. The street looked ominous in every way. No signs of life on
both sides in each of the buildings. Lights were off, no cars to be seen. In fact it
was like part of its life had been sucked out by an unknown entity. He began to
move his feet slowly forward as kim held his arm close to her. Their footfalls did
make slight crunching sounds on broken glass from one of the buildings windows
or bottle glass which was sent flying from an assailant earlier on. It was too quiet in
carls mind. They were being watched from one of the dark buildings. The
prickling sensation on the back of his neck would always prove him right as he
whispered; Kim. Run now.
Soon both began to run as fast as they could passing each building towards the end
of the street where more violence was coming from. He would rather face that than
someone from one of the buildings because of the close confinement between each
one. Kims fists bobbed up and down as she ran fast as if she was in a school track
meet. Carl had no trouble keeping up with her since he was always in good shape
from his own earlier years in school meets. Just then a voice screamed as a dozen
people ran out from a building close by. Kim screamed as she tried to outrun them
as carl fell slightly behind. His shallow breaths started to make him dizzy as his
feet were running full bore but not enough as the assailants started to catch up.
Remarkable sense of stamina to those who outran the law he worked in his mind.
Up ahead he could see kim running as fast as she could with her hair flaying in the
winds she created by her speed. He almost wished she could outrun him as long as
she was safe from their pursuers. Suddenly four more ran out from a building
ahead of kim and cut her off only to be caught by one of the attackers. She fought
as she crazily twisted in the arms of her captor when carl was taken down by one
of the others. His face met the pavement hard which caused him to hear a faint
ringing in his ears. Like being punched once nearly knocking him out cold. Faintly
he could hear kim screaming on the top of her lungs as he was being dragged by


two of the assailants back into the darkened home of his attackers. Soon they
stopped at the foot of the stairs when a large man walked down with a rifle in his
hand, and looked into the eyes of carl before he bashed the butt end of it on his
Blackness took his vision and he felt cold. His skin was tingling like being out on a
torrid frozen plain of ice in the north pole without any clothes on. As he shivered in
his nightmarish void of black, a slap to his cheek woke him from the frightening
pitch darkness to see a group of people armed to the teeth, and standing in front of
him under a dim bulb. In his fright he glanced side to side to see nothing but bodies
of those who had become part of the horrible dream in his beloved city as one
person approached him with a knife, and put it on his throat as he asked with a
scratchy sounding voice; Who are you? What are you doing in our part of the
As carl didnt answer the interrogator cut a thin line on his skin until carl shouted;
Nobody. Were nobody we just wanted to get home. Thats all.
So whos the whore with you? Some woman you just picked up?
Shes my fiance`. M my wife to be. Carl said with fright.
Ah. Have you fucked her yet?
Thats none of your business. Carl stated with an acid tone.
Seeing as carl did not represent much of a threat, he slid the knife again but deeper
into his skin. Blood started to trickle down his chest which caused carl to notice
something was not right. The group then moved away to let him see kim was
bound to a chair naked like he was with her arms tied behind her back. A crude
display to his eyes as he suddenly noticed some wires attached to her very private
area, and both of her breasts. He started to whimper as the interrogator approached
him one more time with his knife. Why dont you just kill us you sick fucking
bastard? Carl bellowed.
Because we want to see you twitch, and scream to fill our minds with lovely
images of despair. Why else would we do it?
Kim was crying although her mouth was bound with a cloth. Carl could see her
terror as tears fell on her cheeks, which trailed down her chest. He tried to look
away at her suffering when his interrogator said; Watch now. Watch how she
becomes a new person to us. He said with a nod to another person who had a
finger on a flip switch. Upon flicking it up, an electrical current was sent through
her wires that caused kim to scream wide eyed as her feet splayed open in lewd
ways that carl cried aloud causing his captors to laugh. You fucking sick assholes!
Fuck you! He pleaded. The interrogator then nodded again to his switch happy
friend, and flicked another to which carl could suddenly feel a very sharp intense
pain down between his legs. His own private member had a thin rod slipped inside


of his phallus that was capped off with a wire of its own. He shrilled so loud that
some of the people covered their ears as they laughed continuously. Kim began to
faint but was slapped back into consciousness by one of the attackers as the woman
yelled; Keep awake slut! Were not even close to finished yet! She said as the
electricity was turned back on. With a new current that seeped into kims body her
legs involuntarily hit one of the people, which then broke their leg. As he fell to the
ground in pain another walked up to kim and grabbed her hair as his large fist
punched her in the face numerous times. Carl wailed and sobbed as he screamed
his horror; Leave her alone! God damn it! Fuck off! Dont you touch her!
Suddenly he could feel more electricity enter his body making him twitch violently
on the chair as he began to lose control of his body functions. Carl started to
urinate, which added to his suffering since the electricity was still turned on. His
face contorted badly with facial nerves stressed to a point of bursting as his hearing
started to fade. He wanted to fall into unconsciousness but knew he would be
woken up for more torture. After the electricity was turned off they both slumped
in their chairs as steam rose from their bodies yet kim was more worse off than he
was. Carl glanced up to see her all bloodied and cut as a few onlookers pinched her
sensitive privates with their fingers making him sob even more. The interrogator
knelt in front of carl as he touched his phallus, and touched the thin rod that
extruded out. How does it feel? Having your cock sizzling like a steak at a family
cookout? Makes me think of my early years during my time in Louisiana. Had kids
of my own then who I used to do this to as well. They took them away from me,
and I spent fourteen years on the inside waiting to get my revenge. He said as he
rolled carls member in his hand. After closing his eyes at such a disgusting person
carl whimpered as his interrogator leaned up to his right ear; Wanna know what I
Carl opened his eyes to stare at the face of his tormentor who had no emotions to
speak of. I killed every last one of my prosecutors who put me away. Including
their relatives. Every last one. He said pinching carls privates.
When he stood up he punched carl in the face once and walked over to kim who
was barely in and out of consciousness. A few people stood behind his chair as the
interrogator stripped off his clothes as the people cheered him on. As carl watched
he sobbed hard as kim screamed on the top of her lungs with the crowd cheering,
and chanted the vile word; Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! over, and over. Yet as carl tried to
shut his eyes the large man who knocked him out unzipped his trousers and pulled
out his flaccid member as two more held his head steady. Put that in my mouth
Ill bite the fucking thing off!
His rapist simply smiled as he thrust in without caution, and started to move his
hips back and forth as carl heard kims voice meekly crying, and wailing.


The sounds blurred his vision as disgusting moments of debauchery took hold in
the room as everyone joined in the festivities at their own pace. Carl could feel his
subconscious self leaving his body as his rapist untied his body, and the two
helpers flipped him over as kim was also unbound to be ravaged by the mob. One
lifted her up and carried her to a bed with her arms splayed out looking dead. She
made no sounds. No whimpers anymore. Carl thought she died as he felt his
attacker grab his waist and thrust hard into his private region. Two men held down
his arms as the motions gave carl a thought that he should just allow them the
pleasure to do what they wanted as long as no more pain was involved. He stared
blankly across to the bed to see kim being mounted by more deviants as his vision
jarred from his rapists bucking hips. He grew cold, unfeeling, and numb. He didnt
even feel his own bodys reactions to the attacks it was as if his life was just
drained out. On the floor was the parchment still rolled up but never once did
anyone touch it. Perhaps they knew on a different conscious level of the danger
and left it alone, or maybe they didnt know what it was but were not the literate
types to look. What ever the case was the scroll was safe for the moment.
A few hours later carl had woken up still on his stomach, and aching from his
ordeal. A few people chatted about strange things he could not recognize nor did he
care. He glanced to kim who was sitting in a corner staring into space as she rocked
back and forth humming to herself. A few tears welled up in his eyes listening to
her sweet voice expel a very horrible sound of suffering. One of the attackers was
about to pass her when kim suddenly rose from the sitting position, and swiped a
gun from his holster, she then put the gun under chin, and pulled the trigger. Carl
closed his eyes just as parts of her skull, and brain matter were sprayed onto the
ceiling like a makeshift graffiti symbol. As she fell to the floor dead his cruel, and
merciless interrogator walked up to him; Oh what a shame. I guess she was
literally out of her mind by the looks of it. The others laughed at carls expense
but he felt nothing as was being dragged naked towards a door, where the crowd of
spectators lead the way. His tormentor began to explain; Seeing as your nice
sweet ass is no longer useful we decided to take and show you something rather
pleasant. Carl quickly glanced to kim lying on the cold cement floor lifeless, and
cruelly left naked to rot by her mongrel bunch of degenerates. Up seven flights of
stairs they went with carl in tow as his hand, and feet were still tied up. The
parchment was left back in the torture chamber and was of no use to him anymore.
Without kim he could not find the answer they were seeking to destroy it. Some
whistled as he passed a group of women who smirked at his nakedness, and
laughed with a cackle to which only ugly witches had during moments of brewing
potions. As they all passed the fifteenth floor the roof was the only one left. His
interrogator stopped as he addressed carl again; From here youll understand.


Upon opening the door a light flushed over his eyes as the sunlight nearly blinded
him. Once they all stepped out with him they brought carl over to a section of the
roof where a plank of metal had been welded to the edge. Two brought him out to
stand on the plank still bound with ropes, and cuffed behind his back. The crowd
cheered him on as his body shivered from the height and the light winds that
carried across. If anyone was to look out a window they would certainly get an
eyeful. He turned so that his front faced out to the city, which was still burning in
random places. Smoke filled the air as shots rang out as echoes in carls ears. So
this is the place. A place to ponder your thoughts while you look down to the
ground. We didnt torture you because you expected it we tortured you because we
wanted to. There was no grand scheme in our logic. We just like raping people who
we dont know. The fun is in the way they react to it. Much like you two did. Carl
turned carefully not to fall off the plank as he said; What did you do before you
changed into a heathen barbaric cock sucker?
Me? I was a trades commodities broker. Versed in exchanging billions of dollars
to mindless corporations around the world. And not one has ever caught me raiding
their reserves. Answer your question?
Carl looked to a woman who seemed to be well dressed despite her carrying a
weapon. What about you whore? What did you do? Carl asked with impunity
seeing as he was going to die anyway.
Id shut that mouth of yours before I blow a hole in your pretty fucking head.
She seethed.
Fuck you bitch answer the question.
Me? I was a teacher of seventh graders until I was fired. Needless to say I could
give a fuck about those spoilt little bastards with all of their rights for this, and
rights for that bull shit. Had me a real good time blasting hole after hole in their
pretty little heads with this baby. She added as she held up her weapon.
So most of you had jobs, and some form of life before this city went to shit. Ever
wonder how it happened? Why normal people suddenly went insane with violence,
and starting to kill innocent people? Ever wonder at all?
When no answer was given, carl stepped to the edge of the plank and faced his
attackers with no modesty anymore. They all gathered around in a semicircle as the
winds picked up a little more. His tormentor smiled wide as he draped his arm on
the steel fence as his entourage started to laugh out loud. Carl smiled too, as he
bounced up and down on the plank like a diving board as some of the women
stared at his flaccid member flopping in front of them. A few whistled his way
when he then dove off backwards. Upon his falling to the ground images in his
mind started to fill him up as his heart beat fast as kims eyes, lips, hair, and laugh
shimmered through like a whisper.


He felt warm all of a sudden as the roofs edge got further away. It seemed forever
to hit the ground but he knew it would happen soon enough. Thoughts of his life
and memories danced like a cascading movie film with bright stars of light that
moved about in his head like a convalescent ballet. It was then that his last image
was kims smile as he felt a soft thump in the back of his head, and his body
crashing into the hard pavement making a gush of air to escape his lips. A low
thumping of his heart could be heard in his ears. It was a pleasant sound as the soft
thuds timed with his last few breaths. It didnt hurt at all he thought. Much like
diving into a pool of water on a hot summer day. The thumps got less, and less
frequent as his eyes began to see blurry shades of white along with a numbing
sensation in his legs, and arms. Carl breathed a few more times but soon had no
strength to do even that. Above him on the roof his attackers cheered and clapped
to see him laying on the ground bloodied, broken, and finally dead. A last breath
expelled past his lips as the rest on the roof went back to find new victims.
It was quiet. Deathly quiet in the city as carl laid there. His eyes dilated, and soon
he could feel his own life force leaving his body as kim who leaned against a wall
watched. Upon standing on his feet, he glanced to her as he asked; What are you
doing here?
We died.
Really. I dont feel dead.
No but you look rather naked to me. She said smirking.
Carl looked down to notice that he was in fact stark naked in the middle of the city
although nobody would be able to see him or her. Taking the dilemma into
account, he stuck out his hand as he said; Lets go cause some trouble.
Lets. Kim replied as she joined him.
Both turned to the streets to see the violence continue yet they just walked out in
their birthday suits and turned right as a tank missile zipped past them into the alley
way where carls body remained lifeless. After the explosion kim glanced to carl;
Look at it this way, at least you got a quick death.
Its more than I can say for you kim. I am so so sorry that I wasnt able to help
Its not your fault carl. You were abused like I was so I thought hopefully they
would kill you so you can join me later on.
Its strange to think that we dont go to heaven as we were taught in Sunday
school. Maybe our heaven is earth after all even after we die. Carl stated. As
people fought around them they did not move out of the way since they had no
physical form to speak of. It was amusing in his eyes seeing a citizen running
straight through them escaping their own attackers. Kim glanced behind to see a
newspaper that read; Global violence out of control. Who will stop it?



W hen david, and casey along with brian, and shiro with jack made it to the top of
the temple inside they saw a breathtaking sight of old idols facing northward.
Stone overseers with lifeless eyes and strange bodies plus a tail each. It was like
walking among old gods who passed on in silence and set in granite shells for the
rest of times existence. Jack fiddled with his laptop trying to get some news of the
outside world when he came across a series of reports from chicago by sheer luck.
It was chaos as their beautiful metropolis was turned into a war zone as people
fought in the streets with the military. Police forces shot upon the populace as
straggling irate civilians tried to storm official emergency offices with deadly
results. Shiro heard the screams coming from jacks computer as a reporter shouted
his story as best as he could; Were in the middle of down town where thousands
of policemen have been shooting people rather than arresting them. Government
legislation passed the no tolerance act just yesterday morning giving all police
districts a military status. Armed with deadly machine guns they are out in full
force trying to stop the populace from doing any more harm but many see the
means to end in a different light.
As both watched the story a camera man panned over to the same alley way both
carl, and kim walked out as soldiers dragged out his lifeless naked body to an
awaiting dump truck. Hey brian! You better see this. Brian walked over with
david and casey to see the newscast plus a closeup of carls face as his body was
getting thrown into the back of the truck like a heap of garbage. Oh jesus christ.
Jack said as he began to weep. His longtime friend tossed away with no emotional
attachment from the waste disposal personnel. All of our sisters, and brothers and
the rest of the newscasters send out our prayers to those hiding in safety. Whatever
began this nightmare it has to end sometime when someone wakes up. Just as he
finished his sermon on camera, a rogue gunman shot him in the back on television
as the cameraman kept rolling when the shooter pointed his gun to the lens, and
pulled the trigger again once more. Like a blink all that was left was white noise on
jacks computer leaving him sob quietly at his laptop. Shiro patted his back but
casey hugged him as david put a hand on his shoulder. Brian stood firm trying to
comprehend the madness that has taken the world like a pestilence. A dark plague
with no cure in front of them. Seems his last shot didnt pan out. Looks like its up
to us now. Brian said. After jack cleared his sinuses, and wiped his eyes he tapped
his computer quickly as he brought up carls last message. It read; Seems my
initial concerns for figuring out this problem was true. Kims experiment failed,
which told me that this thing was not destructible. Like some form of virus or that


it has no defenses to aid its life but at the same time can defend its life by instinct. It
has become a paragon of useless theories in our lab as we all try to find the
answer. Yet for every test we threw at it the mechanics of its matrix somehow
held on. The bursts that were injected had shown no growth, nor was there any
decay. Each block had its own information to reintegrate into the collective hive of
its nest, which was why all of our experiments failed. Jack Im at my wits end on
this. But as for my personal life I have to thank you for setting me up with kim. We
finally got together after some reluctance on my part and she is wonderful. Smart,
witty, naughty, a tease. Youd like her if I wasnt dating her. Tell shiro that his
information also did not work using the parasites. There was no advancement to
the cloning process when we injected two micrograms into the ink. No significant
change what so ever. Well my old jaded friend this is my last log before I go home.
Im planning to wine, and dine kim all night at least I hope I can before this
violence gets any worse. Give my best to the rest of the guys, and casey. See you
soon Carl.
Jack flipped down his screen as his eyes dripped tears for his friend. It had become
his worst nightmare to lose carl in such a heinous way and on camera which added
insult to injury. All he could do was look around as if in a daze to see brian
scanning the floor for signs to find the other mate. Yet if his team back at the lab
couldnt destroy it what made brian think they could do it now after they found it?
Nothing came to mind to ease his thoughts from the noisy memories that started to
flood in when he and carl worked together or partied together on special occasions.
His self worth had declined so bad that he felt sadness, anger, hunger, and
frustration all together as one mixed bag of emotions. He felt useless for the first
time in his life, and it hurt worse than being scalded with steam. Upon getting to
his feet he moved over to brian slowly, which caused casey to glance at him with
concern. Jack are you okay?
Okay? Am I okay? I just saw my friend on television getting thrown into a dump
truck! The experiments failed! We have nothing! Nothing! Jack yelled as he
approached her menacingly until david held him back. Jack punched once, but
missed dave altogether but in turn felt daves right fist under his jawline. Upon
contact all jack could do was listen to some harsh ringing in his ears as his butt hit
the dirt in defeated fashion. Dave stood above him as he shielded casey when brian
walked over. Jack are you out of your mind? Control yourself.
Up yours. All of you. Ive had it with this shit. I cant find one god damn answer
to killing this god forsaken curse. Jack yelped as he got to his feet. With a slight
dizzy spell he almost keeled over when david stopped him with a gentle squeeze on
his left arm. Jack said nothing as he walked away to a lonely corner of self pity
when casey tried to keep him from going. Jack. Jack. Stay here with us.


Whats the point? Theres no way we can beat this thing. No god damn way.
Brian huffed a breath as he continued to search for clues. David moved slowly with
casey as shiro spotted a strange looking symbol on one of the idols when the others
had none. As he gazed at it the symbol itself was intricate with deep engravings to
shape its uniqueness. He used his first finger to trace its lines around in a circle to
the center where a small jewel was embedded in the stone. Why a gem on this idol,
and not the others? Shiro thought. As he looked closer he noticed that the gem
itself was not cemented in its hold. In fact the edges to the brilliant stone had a
shadow edge. Which told shiro it was moveable. More like pressable. He held his
breath as his thumb pushed on the gem once. A loud click sounded as brian
glanced over to see shiro suddenly plummet down from the floor next to the idol
yet at the ground floor an opening presented itself as the idol passed through it.
Shiro yelled his fright as he and the idol slipped through the darkness. Shiro!
Casey shouted.
Come on. Brian urged.
All four then ran down the flights of steps towards the first floor hoping they could
make it before the door closed suddenly. They had to chance it as they could hear
shiro from below shouting in japanese of his frustration. This made david smile as
they all rounded a steep corner nearly falling down the staircase. During the long
run down from their perspectives the interior was vast looking. A good three
football fields wide with various stone pillars, and large obelisks that stood in
random pockets of the interior. Close to the bottom floor, casey could see the
opening starting to close. Oh shit. Dave said. Grab the ropes, well repel down.
Brian shouted.
At the bottom, and nearly out of breath the three started to wrap the rope around
their waists. The door closed slowly a good slow pace in order to get them all
inside, and on the ground safely before the edges of the door cut the rope
prematurely. Leaning back david went in first followed by casey, and brian. Dave
lit a phosphorous lamp, which illuminated the darkness to display a more gray
aspect instead of pitch blackness. Casey could see shiro at the bottom waving his
hand up to them as he shouted, Youre nearly there! About fifty feet more. Are
you hurt? Brian asked.
Im fine. A few scratches nothing more. David could see the idol was still in one
piece. How is that possible when it dropped a thousand feet in freefall? No water,
no spring action slab of any kind. No resistance setup. Nothing. When all of their
feet touched the ground floor, the door above them closed tight cutting the ropes,
and let them fall on top of the group like loose spaghetti. Before dave could ask his
most obvious question brian beat him to it. Shiro. Just how in the hell did you
survive that fall? Jack was not impressed in the least as he looked around in the


darkened room. His tumultuous mood swings had faded enough to show that
nothing would surprise him anymore. I do not know. I was falling like you all saw
and went through the doorway but the idol felt like it was floating at the last few
inches until it touched the stone floor. Shiro said as he shook like a leaf.
Dave then lit one of the magnesium lamps, which in turn cast a white glow inside.
Although their position was the only place lit casey could see some strange flecks
or twinkles in the darkness ahead of her. As she squinted to see more clearly a
phasing in her focusing powers told her that the flecks were in fact jewels. She
wanted to see them up close so casey began to step forward slowly as her gaze
went from the ground to the sparkles every two seconds. Dave noticed what she
was doing until; Casey dont move.
She stopped quickly as she asked; Why is there a spider again? Is it on my back?
In my hair? What?
Look at your feet. Dave said.
Slowly she glanced down to her footwear to see a ledge no more than a few inches
from her toe flanges. In the darkness yet with her lit lamp the ledge had shown a
much blacker darkness as her feet began to move backwards. Dave walked up
behind and grabbed her arms gently as she breathed with short bursts. Thanks. I
didnt even see that. But look ahead. Casey said. Brian adjusted his lamp as shiro
did so that a more concentrated amount of light could allow them a better view of
what casey was talking about. From their point of view the sparklers were cast in a
much brighter sense to let the group stare at the most gigantic diamonds no human
eyes had ever seen. The facets were larger than a city bus, as well as the minor
facets to make its distinctive shape. Casey fell to her knees as she and david
noticed a wide gap between them and the diamonds. No rope could make it nor
could a human if they tried to jump it. It was as if whoever built the temple made
the room as some sort of temptation offer for those wishing for riches but can never
attain. How unfair is that? Casey spat.
Money cant buy everything. David mentioned casually.
They must be worth a billion dollars each. She replied drooling.
Try about three hundred billion to the tenth power. With those three gems you
could pay off every single debt known to man in every country and leave enough
extra as a slush fund. Money would no longer be an issue for anyone. David
Although their trip down to the lower floor was short their eyesight had begun to
adjust to the darkness. More shapes, and odd mural like walls started to phase into
existence like still images in an art gallery. Shiro noticed one in particular where a
figurehead, possibly a shaman or holy man was dressed in very ancient garb, and
held a scroll in his right hand. Yet in his left he gripped a blade. The knife was


shiros clue. Although the scroll could be the other mate he couldnt be sure. Brian
approached a large pedestal where its smooth edges told him that the architects
knew how to build with exacting precision. He felt the surface, and for a moment
had almost felt some heat coming from the stone. Dave noticed jack was not at all
interested in the room as he paced back and forth as if in some foul mood, which
began to build slowly. Concerned dave sauntered to brian. Brian. Dave had
whispered. Brian turned to see daves eyes half shut with conviction telling him
only by his gaze that something was wrong. A slight move to the right, and brian
knew what dave was trying to say as he saw jack pacing around without trying to
identify or piece clues together of their objective. Brian only nodded once, which
dave took as a yes. When he turned around he approached jack in a nonchalant
way to break the ice, and his mood. Hey jack. Lets set up some more lamps so we
can brighten this place up.
Jack slowly moved around in a semi-circle to give dave a hard stare like he was his
enemy number one. He didnt even flinch when jack suddenly produced a knife
from his waist. Shiro was taken aback as he saw his friend threatening to hurt or to
kill dave. Do it yourself you piece of shit. Suddenly casey spun around, and
yelled at jack to defend him; Hey! Hey! Who the hell do you think youre talking
to huh? Well? Answer me! Jacks eyes squinted hard as he moved to casey with
the knife as dave pulled out his gun, and clicked back the hammer as he shouted;
Jack! Dave yelled as he shot a single bullet missing jacks head. The wind of the
bullet touched his hair ever so gently but made him stop in his tracks as he turned
around to stare at his opposition. Shiro leaned back against a wall to grab his chest
to make it stop hurting. His breathing got heavier as casey ran over to him with her
pack then brian had pulled out a medical emergency box. Shiro! Shiro! Oh my
god. Dave! I think hes having a heart attack! Casey cried. Have him lie down on
the floor. Keep his feet elevated. Brian ordered. Dave knelt to elevate shiros feet
as casey held his head in her lap as she too knelt. Brian approached after he opened
the box and grabbed a slat of pills, which were nitroglycerin. Casey took of his
glasses, and wiped his head with a cloth as brian handed dave a pill as he said; Put
this under his tongue. Dont use water let the nitro soak in his blood stream. As
shiro gasped as he held his chest dave did what he was told, and slipped a nitro pill
under his tongue, yet in the process he nearly had his finger bitten off. Jack just
watched unphased as he held the knife in his hand. A black thought raced across
his mind to cut them up or wound deep enough so they couldnt escape. It was
three against one but he didnt care. If he was going to die anyway then he should
at least oblige by taking his team out one by one for his amusement. He moved
slowly to the group as he flipped the knife around in his hand. Shiro in his moment
of pain looked up to see him coming but could not say the words to warn them. He


could only nod a few times in jacks direction as the pain was too much to bear.
Casey turned around to see jack coming. Dave.
Dave pulled out his gun, and cocked the hammer again. Jack didnt stop. Brian
moved away as shiro laid on the floor, and felt his chest starting to relax. His pulse
began to slow down as did his heart beats. Opening his mouth shiro asked; Jack
are you insane?
Not really. I just want to carve out your eyes and eat them like jelly beans and
then skull fuck you. Especially you casey. I bet that brain of yours could use some
real fertilizer on that pretty little mind of yours. Jack breathed heavily. Jack Im
going to say this once. And once only stay back or Ill shoot.
Go ahead cop.
Dave pulled the trigger, and shot jack in the right leg disabling him fully as he fell
to the floor in pain. The echo from the blast reverberated in the room like a
powerful thunder storm, which made the team cover their ears. It was a low bass
sounding echo that they could feel deep inside of the bodies. Brian had to kneel on
the floor yet jack writhed and weaved his body side to side in sheer pain. You
bastard! Ill kill you cop! You prick!
Dave slipped his gun back in his holster as he helped brian to his feet as the painful
sounds diminished. Jack continued his antics as he yelled obscenities to his now
ex-team mates when he threw the knife at casey but missed. The blade hit the wall
as dave helped shiro to his feet. How do you feel? Can you continue? We can rest
for awhile if youd like.
No. No. I am fine the pain is gone. Im a little dizzy but I can go on.
I dont think so. Brian interjected. We should rest for a bit. Shiro you get some
sleep me and dave can take watch.
Whatll I do? Asked casey.
Fuck you all! Ill kill you then skin you all alive!
You my dear are on chef duty since ours has gone insane. Brian insisted.
How can he suddenly get like that? Were not even near carls I mean the other
Brian knew it was a very good, and obvious question. Since they werent close to
the negative half of the paper it stood to reason the influence would not seep into
his system too fast. Neither of the other team members were affected except jack.
So why now brian thought. He then pondered another possibility. That jack did
lose his mind but not in the traditional sense of a humans psyche breaking down.
It was an excuse. Plain and simple that jack decided to make it look like he was off
the reservation. He had to chance it by tricking jack with a few questions or get
dave to kill him on his order. At least it was made to look like it. I dont know
why jack went insane, and yes since were not in the vicinity of the parchment it


stands to reason that jack would not be this far gone. I say we should put jack out
of his misery.
I agree. Dave said.
Dave cocked his gun, and pulled it out of the holster as casey shouted; No! You
cant kill him. Its not his fault. Its that thing! We have to find the other one. Find
some way to destroy it and then maybe snap jack out his delusion.
I dont think so. Step aside casey. Dave said as he pointed the gun to jack.
No! She yelled.
Brian can you hold her back for me?
Ill even use a rope to tie her with. He answered as he pulled out his rope from
his pack. Suddenly jack began to sweat thinking that his team had been affected.
He knew it might have happened along the way down into the room but never once
suspected dave of losing his mind. He began to crawl away from dave as he walked
over to him as casey tried to hold dave at bay. Brian ran over, and started to tie up
her arms as she screamed on the top of her lungs. Jack became frantic from his
little charade not working, and noticed that dave had the look to kill in his eyes.
With some effort, jack tried to stand up as he placed out his hands as a surrender
gesture when he started to stutter his words; W wait dave. Im not insane. I just
did it because I thought I was going to die. I never meant to hurt anyone. Gods
honest truth.
Tough shit jack. I know youre playing me for a fool hoping to gut me with
something else. Right? Dave said when he pointed his gun again. Casey shrilled
for dave to stop as brian tied up her arms as he shouted; Shoot him! Just put him
out of his misery.
Goodbye jack!
No! No! He screamed as he closed his eyes. As no shot was made jack just stood
there with his hands up in front of him. He waited longer until he felt the threat was
less severe. Jack then opened his eyes to see dave untying casey as she slapped him
hard across the face as she loudly cursed; You asshole! I thought you were really
going to do it.
Jack just stood alone with a dumbfounded look on his face. Brian stepped over
with a cup of water in his hand, and asked; Are you really insane jack?
What the fuck is going on? He asked as he grabbed the water. I tried to kill you
all and you you tricked me because none of you believed I was affected?
Precisely. If you were youd have had that knife buried in someones skull in less
than five seconds. Those who are truly affected dont hesitate. You waited too long
to make your move. That was my only clue.
Jack drank his water as the pain in his leg was less severe than before but still felt
cheated out of his chance to leave the earth in a blaze of disgusting debauched


glory. He limped to shiro who had been sitting down to rest his weary self as jack
joined him. Feeling sorry for himself shiro handed him a bandage roll. Here it will
help after the bullet is taken out.
Sorry shiro. I just I just
Tanaka could see the pain had soaked into jacks mind, and body. It was just a
matter of time he thought. A matter of time to settle his feelings about carl, and
their friendship taken away by someone ungodly or possessed by the mysterious
parchments arrival. Since the possibility of the lab was destroyed they can only
assume it survived but was never taken by the more curious minded. Brian had
hoped it was still on the grounds of the lab safely hidden away from the pubic.
After caseys little stint with david she strolled to another part of the darkened
room where a large slab of think glass hung from the ceiling. Next to it was another
one, and another after that. Hey guys come take a look at these.
What is it? Brian asked.
Im looking at some sort of huge glass plates. Casey replied as she shone her
lamp to the corner of one in particular above her head. Jack in his curiosity had
limed over to her, and bumped into a large stone bowl shaped alter. Ouch shit.
Jack yelped. Shiro then joined jack to examine what jack ran into. Upon seeing it
he stepped up onto the alters base, and looked into the bowl, and smelled an oily
substance. This could be the interiors lighting reserve. Shiro said as he pulled out
a small flare stick. Dave glanced over as shiro lit it, and tossed the flare into the
bowl, which ignited the oil with a brilliant flash of fire. Shiro was knocked to the
floor as jack moved back with a hobble. Brian was awed as the entire room lit up to
display hundreds of glass slates hanging from the ceiling like a grand chandelier.
Each one had a distinct pattern of symbols on them that ranged from old egyptian
hieroglyphs to even japanese texts of old world language before the dialects
worked its way into the system. As shiro adjusted his glasses dave approached a
slender looking handle, which its base lead into the underground levels. He stared
at the glass marvel when he suddenly had a thought when brian quipped; Careful
dave. What ever youre thinking it could be a trap.
Maybe. But look at how each one of the glass plates are positioned. Right over the
centerpiece in the middle of the floor. Casey averted her eyes to a large central
round object that stuck up out of the stone about twenty feet high. Its intricate
details astounded her senses as jack limped to brian and dave when shiro
explained; Its some kind of map. A reflective
As he stopped, he noticed on the alter another lever and a spout which stuck out
from the side of the smooth stone. In the floor a groove ran across the surface to
other alters that surrounded the room which were positioned perfectly apart from
one another like a chain of pearls on a necklace. His intuition told him to turn a


small dial that had a feature of fire above the spouts orifice. As he turned it, the oil
bled out into the groove, and flowed as a thick ooze as it lit on fire. Everyone
watched as the flame led to another alter that lit its contents, until every last one
were glowing with a gentle blaze. As the group gazed to the walls massive
paintings of the first inhabitants who dwelled in the halls had come back to life as
still images. Shiros hands were shaking as dave then placed his hand on the lever
when brian grabbed his fist upon the hilt. Get ready to run if anything goes
wrong. With a gentle pull the lever moved forward until aloud click sounded in
the room. A rumble began that caused casey to meekly yelp as she fell to the floor
along with jack, and shiro. Above them the glass plates started to rotate in a ninety
degree angle just as the stone alters bled from the bowls to small ports that led
underground. As the fires dimmed from the oil being drained the central piece
started to rise out of the floor as the clear brilliant slabs stopped moving, yet each
one of their bottom edges rose backwards until the surfaces pointed to the central
alter. Dave was wide eyed as the stone piece stopped rising but the top of its
structure opened like a clawed hand. In that moment a bright light expelled like a
shot of pure energy to a glass partition right above its position which then
splintered off to the rest. The beam reflected to every glass plate in a concurrent
motion until the room was filled with iridescent, and radiating light. Like a spider
web above their heads as the ceiling opened to allow the last of the illumination to
slip through. Soon the central alter began to detach itself like a puzzle revealing
more intense waves of light pulsing outward like a heart beat. Jack covered his
eyes because of the sheer glare as casey put on sunglasses. Fire erupted around the
room against the walls to cast itself off as a form of a hellish dimension with no
way out. Although no demons or ghouls presented themselves in such a wonder the
central piece had then lifted a smaller stone slab from within its bowels. On a small
pillar sat a crystal box that shone like a holy relic from distant land. A scroll sat
inside untouched for thousands of years as brian walked towards it slowly as dave
pulled out his gun. Casey moved to join shiro as he adjusted his glasses one more
time as he said; There it is. What weve been looking for.
How can you be so sure? Casey asked with a shaky voice.
It has to be. Its the only thing in here worth hiding.
Brian moved closer to the central alter as dave slid up to take a position to fire just
in case something popped out of nowhere. Careful brian.
His fingers reached to the box with a graceful motion until the tips just grazed the
crystals surface. Feeling no heat or other form of danger brian gripped the sides,
and pulled it off of the pillars pedestal. Jack held his breath as brian stepped down
to the floor holding the box in his hands as dave put his gun away. This is it. The
other mate.


Casey strolled over with shiro as brian knelt to the floor holding in his now shaking
hands. It was a feeling that rushed over him making him think nothing could touch
their team now. Their goal was reached, they had the scrolls other half, and soon a
clue could show itself on how to destroy it. Jack put down a small blanket as to not
scratch the boxs surface. Soon they formed a circle around it as they gazed at its
brilliant luster nearly hypnotizing them all from the mysterious contents inside.
Shiro used one finger to lift the lid open. They all held their breath when the last
inch was passed opening it up. Nothing happened. No destructive forces or any
influences to affect them into killing one another. In fact it was the opposite. Jack
felt more at ease as his eyes never once stopped looking at its smooth scrolled up
paper. Dave felt more comfortable as his breathing slowed to a steady pace, which
resulted in a deep feeling of being able to do anything he set his mind to. Brian on
the other hand felt assured his lifes questions were answered. He began to think
about new processes to stopping hunger, poverty, crime, even political corruption
in one day with his knowledge of law. Casey had a more simple way of thought.
Her dreams of becoming daves wife was more important to her than anything else
she could imagine. The thought of living in peace, with kids playing, growing old
together to become grandparents and pass on as any one else should in a world
gone wrong. Dave used two fingers to lift it out of the box and gazed at its flawless
paper. He felt nothing happening to his body as he untied the red ribbon as brian
never once took his eyes off of it.
Jack grabbed a small camera from his pack as dave unrolled the paper to display its
unique flow of ink marked in a deep blue color. As the group stared at its perfect
bound writing shiro could hear something strange. A kind of life force he could not
explain or what its doing in the papers structure. He could almost hear a whisper
in his mind as david laid it flat on the stone floor. Do you all hear that? Shiro
Hear what? Casey replied.
I cant tell. Its hard to make out. But it sounds like voices distant voices.
Coming from the paper.
And you all thought I was nuts. Jack replied with some dry humor.
Can you make out what theyre saying? Brian inquired.
No. Too many voices talking at once. Nothing I can make out.
Memories? Maybe? Dave suggested.
Could be. A remnant of the temples past, which could have been embedded in its
structure. Shiro concluded.
Its feasible. Legends do say those buried with their possessions often are graced
with magical objects in their tombs. Jack added.
They all then remained silent as they did nothing but stare at the scrolls writing.



Little betsy was a quiet eight year old girl who lived with her mom in the vast
open plains of kansas. A farm that grew generations of wheatfields which fed the
states people and the rest of the country. During the sunny day of coloring in her
book betsy smiled as she shaded a figure in her sketch with a tinge of orange. On
the characters chest a badge colored in silver that represented a law man who
believed that justice was the rule of the land. Beside him was a woman also dressed
as his deputy who wore a cowboy hat, and had a rifle in her hands with both of
them smiling with a stick figure line of red. Betsys mother was close by as she
hung clothes out to dry in the light gentle breeze. Betsy.
Yeah mom? She chirped back.
Have you done your chores? All the pigs fed?
Yup. Even fed dawson, and knuckles. She replied.
What about your room? All clean?
Uh sort of. Betsy said as she drew in two more figures in her book.
Well you better get up there and clean it up. I want to vacuum later.
Okay. She quipped as she added one last bit of color to the lawmans new
Betsy then left the table and her book behind as she ran into the house with a skip
or two in her strides. Her mother glanced over and smirked as she hung the last of
the clothes with wooden clips. Seeing as betsy was forgetful now and again she
walked over to the table, and cleaned up her daughters book, and crayons but then
gazed at her remarkable sketch of people on the paper. Although betsy had never
been off the farm too often except for school time the clue as to how she drew the
pictures without any references was amazing. She was proud of her daughters
exceptional gifts to draw or read things different from other kids her age. Upon
closing the book Samantha headed into the house to make breakfast for her little
treasure. Betsy put away her toys, and some of her books into shelves her mom
made one Sunday afternoon. She stopped to look at one of her novels; The fall of
Atlantis. She flipped a few pages, and began to read out loud one of her favorite
passages from the hero; We look to the skies and wonder if we are the only people
alive among the evil which tries to control us. Though no more than human there
are limits to our existence. If we move too quickly we miss the precious moments
that define us. If we move too slow we miss our chance at redemption.
As she closed the novel, and put it away her mom who stood at her door smiling
asked; Do you know what it means sweetie?


I think it means that people are lost. Especially the ones who dont see whats in
front of them.
And why is it important to see whats in front of them?
So they can learn. I guess.
Learn what?
To stop and listen?
Good. Now go eat. Or youll miss your pancakes, and eggs.
Kay. Betsy squeaked as she dashed for the kitchen.
During betsys moment of gorging on her sweet pancakes with a large gulp of milk
samantha sat down to eat her breakfast as betsy burped once. Excuse me. She
said in a timid way.
Tells me you like your pancakes.
Thats cause youre a great cook mom.
Well thank you. Her mom smirked as she ate.
Betsy then saw her coloring book on the table, and decided to look at it during her
moment of chewing her moms luscious eggs. Sam glanced at the book and asked;
Where did you learn to draw them like that?
I dont know. I just wanted to draw something different.
Yeah but you dont read books about the west or about lawmen. All of your books
are about old age worlds like atlantis or treasure island. Books like that.
Swashbuckler pirates or ancient civilizations. Its a bit off track for you.
Betsy shrugged her shoulders as she finished swallowing the last of her syrup
covered cakes and downed the rest with her milk. Phones ringing mom.
Sam could not hear a thing as she glanced to the phone on the wall. Suddenly it
rang twice, which gave her slight goosebumps when betsy put brought her plate to
the sink, and began to wash it off. Sam got up and moved to the phone on the fifth
ring to hear a familiar voice on the other end; Hey sam. Ruby here.
Hey ruby. Sam replied with an uncertain voice.
You okay hon?
Yeah. Yeah everythings fine.
Good I was just calling to ask if you and betsy wanted to go downtown for some
light shopping.
I dont know. From what the news has been showing lately I think it might be a
good idea to stay home. I just heard one of our neighboring towns was just seized
by the military and it was barred up like the Ok corral.
I know but its better than being cooped up all the time sam. You have to get out
once in awhile. Ruby said with deep concern.
Thanks ruby but I think we should stay home. Thanks for the offer though.


Okay. You let me know if I can do anything for you guys. Im just looking out for
Thats sweet. Thanks. Give my best to neil and the kids will you?
I sure will sam. You take care.
You too. Talk to you later.
Bye hon.
Bye ruby.
As she hung up betsy dried her hands with the dish towel as she looked over to her
mother who just stood by the phone with a solemn gaze. Mom?
You okay you look lost.
No Im fine. That was ruby she wanted to go shopping.
Oh. Why didnt you want to go?
Samantha could not tell betsy the truth as the news kept getting worse in nature.
Violence erupting over the country in waves like a giant virus with no cure in sight.
She had to keep her daughter from seeing or listening to anything electronic such
as a television or radio. But she also had to ponder on when betsy was going to ask
if they would get another television since the other one broke. At least thats what
betsy had been told by sam. Well I can always go shopping but we have to watch
our money. Right? Our bills come first than watching some boob tube all of the
time with no real programs to watch.
Except the nature station or the history channel. Betsy replied.
Yeah there are those too. But for some reason the channels are showing a lot of
repeats. Nothing new. Notice that?
Not really since we dont have a tv.
Yeah right. Sorry. Sam quipped.
So what do we do now? Asked her little bundle of joy.
I guess we could thresh the fields. You can even drive. Sam replied with a large
You serious mom? I really can?
Yup. But youll have to sit on my lap thought since your legs are a bit short to
reach the gas pedal.
Oh wow. This is going to be fun! Betsy giggled as she danced around the
kitchen. Okay. Okay settle down miss andretti. Go upstairs and put on your work
Whos andretti?
Never mind. Go on.
Oh yes! Betsy excitedly said as she blazed a trail to her room.
Samantha smiled as she nodded side to side at her daughters wild mood.


Out on the wheatfield a large tractor moved slowly across the tanned husks as a
thresher spun the stalks to get them ready for later separation. Inside the cab betsy
was sitting on her moms lap as betsy used the wheel to keep the tractor in line with
the grooved indentation on the ground as a guide. She smiled ear to ear as the
rumbling of the machine caused her to giggle a few times. Nothing quite like it is
there honey?
Wow this is so cool. She said honking the horn a few times.
Keep straight. We want to get all of the stalks, and not miss any.
Well if you miss some the rest that grow around them can suffocate. Or not be
able to get any water properly.
Oh. Okay.
Good. One more pass and well head back home. Ill buy you a beer.
Really? Betsy asked.
As sam laughed she remembered the early times with her husband as she joined
him on the thresher before betsy was born. He was a kind man, with a talent of
growing anything he planted into the ground. Thomas was her first and only love
during her third year in high school and was a famed star in track and field.
Usually in five events thomas was more adept with the javelin and caused an
uproar when one of his throws broke the school record. It was during the last days
of school that thomas got ready for his big moment at the track meet as sam sat in
the bleachers with her friends as the loud audience began to chant the schools
moto; Heave ho let him throw! Heave ho let him throw! Sam clapped her hands
hard as thomas took to the field with his long silver lance gripped in his right hand.
He gazed at the crowd as the referee held up his hand for thomas to wait for his
throw. She could feel his heart beating quickly as hers was. A deep connection
between them said that they would get married later on if the time was right. Soon
the ref lowered his hand for thomas to step forward with the javelin hoisted on his
right shoulder. With a light step thomas saw the throwing field as a long runway
for his three pound sliver of metal. Slowly he began to move forward as his right
hand held the javelin steady picking up his running speed. Between the crowd, and
his concentration it worked like magic as the last of his throughway approached.
After he leaned back with his right arm extended he used all of his strength as he
cast the javelin hard in front of him. Its tail wiggled, as the metal tube spun
clockwise to give it lift. Suddenly the crowd quieted down slightly as the tip
gleamed in the sunlight as the length arced over the field perfectly. Reps who held
measuring tapes moved away as the javelin angled to the ground as it slipped
through the air like an oversized arrow shot by a bowman. As soon as it hit, the
reps used the tape against thomass previous contender.


One of the reps lifted a hand to tell everyone that thomas made the throw cleanly.
Sam looked at the board to see the length of throw, which displayed to the
audience; Two hundred and two feet. Seventeen inches A new school record.
The entire crowd got to their feet, and cheered him on as sam ran down to meet
thomas with a shimmering smile to her boyfriend. Upon turning to look at her he
opened his arms as she smashed into his body making him tumble to the ground
only to frolic as any boyfriend, and girlfriend would do. The memory turned white.
A mist of clouds to where organ music filled sams senses as she pictured she, and
her groom standing in front of a large congregation of witnesses as a priest recited
his marriage sermon to both kids as sams mother looked on with tears falling
down her cheeks. Sams friends were also there dressed in beautiful gowns and
bows in their hair. The church was filled with flowers, most in the aisle, and the
rest around windows or doors. If it wasnt for Gladys and her shop of flowers the
priest would have allowed a few here or there. As both exchanged vows sams
vision turned to the hospital where she was sitting with both of her feet in stirrups
beside her husband as she began to deliver her daughter. It was the most
memorable moment in their lives as betsy stuck out her little head to say hello to
the world although she screamed the whole time telling her parents in her own
way; Put me back in!
As their lives continued on the farm sam started to remember how thomas
succumbed to a rare illness called simply Drexlers curtain. It was a disease that
invaded the blood stream destroying the red cells only leaving the white behind.
Thomas knew something was wrong as he felt sleepy all of the time with no reason
why. After his fifth examination it was confirmed by every doctor. That his life
would end peacefully and that no pain would be involved. Although it was not very
comforting to say the least it was too early for sams beloved husband to leave the
earth. Three weeks was given as the time frame. So for that amount of time left
between them sam and thomas rode out onto the fields in the thresher as their alone
moments. Sometimes they made love in the cab or had betsy along for the ride as
they all kept together as a family. It was sams most cherished memory seeing all
three of them having fun on the open golden wheatfield. After sam parked the
tractor in the barn betsy got out, and climbed slowly down the metal ladder as the
engine shut off. That was fun.
Yeah it was. Sam replied as she descended to the ground. Youre not bad being
the driver. When you get a little older you might even get to drive it all by
Really. Sam smiled as she placed a hand on her daughters shoulder.
So about that beer. Betsy inquired.


As dusk had blanketed the farm betsy was outside on the porch coloring in her
book once again and added another figure to her picture as sam came out with a
cup of coffee. As she sat down she noticed the picture, which caused her to ask;
So who are they all? One looks like a person from another country.
Betsy pointed to the lawman as she explained; His name is david. Hes a
policeman who catches bad people. This one is his deputy. Her name is casey.
Sam smiled as she asked; And those three?
His name is brian. Hes a man whos a scientist that digs in graves or old temples.
That one is jack. Someone who helps them using things like computers or books to
look for clues or something. And this man is called Shiro. Hes a man whos
smarter, and older than all of them. Sort of like one of the elders in the book of
atlantis. Ask him something and hell have an answer for it.
Sam put down her coffee to look closely at the picture as betsy finished outlining
shiros character with a bold line to give his shape more definition. So what are
they supposed to do? Find bad people? Asked sam.
Nope. Theyre supposed to save the world.
Oh really? With what?
That. Betsy said as she pointed to a drawing of the scroll in davids hand.
Sam glared at the scroll with squinted eyes for a moment not realizing that it was in
fact the only thing on earth that could either destroy or save the world. Betsys
imagination had worked overtime. More than usual in sams opinion, which then
caused her to break the bad news to her daughter. I see. Well I suppose its
bedtime now. Seeing as they have to save the world but theyll have to do it
tomorrow when you get up.
Just a little more? Please?
Nope come on my little piccasso. Time for bed.
Okay. She replied in a very solemn and stale response.
Oh lets make it sound worse than it is. Sam joked.
As betsy giggled she walked into the house as sam cleaned up the mess as she
chirped to her daughter; Excuse me. Want to take this to your room?
Oh. Betsy replied taking her coloring book, and crayons.
Upstairs betsy got into bed wearing her night gown when sam walked in, and
picked up a few clothes to wash the next morning as betsy sat up. Mom?
Can we go to town tomorrow?
Ill think about it. We dont need anything right now. Except an ice cream cone
Goody. Ill have chocolate.
Like I said Ill think about it. So scoot under the covers.


Betsy then pulled the covers up to her chin as sam approached carrying a small
stuffed cat. Sitting down on her bed she handed her daughter the cute toy as she
leaned over, and kissed her cheeks. Night honey.
Night mom.
Before sam was going to leave she looked into betsys eyes as she asked; Tell me.
Why did you think of those names when you drew those pictures?
I dont know. The names just came to me while I drew them.
Hm. Okay. Good night. Sam replied as she kissed her one more time as she
tickled her sides at the same time.
Ah! No fair! No fair! Betsy giggled. Uncle!
Night sweetie.
Betsy tried to respond but felt she should finish her laughing as sam left her room
leaving the door open a slight. Samantha giggled as she headed down the hallway
listening to her little wonder of joy laugh it out in her room. Upon reaching the
living room downstairs sam picked up a few magazines but before she was about to
place them in the rack beside the couch she noticed the front cover. It displayed
fire with military soldiers firing on citizens in different cities around the world.
Above the picture the title was very searing as she read its bold letters; Anarchy
beyond reason. When will it stop? How will it end?
Sam sat on the couch flipping through the pages to see photos of various towns
under siege by those crazed people who were killing others with guns or knives or
anything else they could get their hands on. The story paragraph caught her interest
then she started to read the insert; During my stay in Biloxi it was just a small
quaint town where the military once had a strong influence during world war two.
For generations families knew only one thing and that was how to push the idea
that being a soldier was a family tradition. Yet there were other finer points of
tradition in such a sleepy city. Railroads were one of them. Many workers strived
to come to the bustling town where they hoped to lynch a job once they arrived. Or
hitched a ride back to where they came from if their plans failed. It is a beautiful
city to retire in. But never did I imagine it would become one of the most violent
towns in America as people who live here became victim to those who had lost
their minds. I was stuck in the hotel Biloxi for nearly three weeks because of what
was going on. I could hear screaming every night as someone either got killed or
was caught before they met their demise at the hands of their attackers. Police here
had no option but use deadly force on those lurking in the streets or for those
hiding in the shadows like a trap door spider waiting for its next victim. I managed
once to visit the morgue to get an idea on just how bad the epidemic had become
and what I saw was something no human should ever see. Rows of bodies from one
side of the room to the next. Most were so badly disfigured that all the


identification could give was just a toe tag, named John or Jane doe. The smell was
putrid, and disgusting even with a mask on. I started to think that hell had come to
us personally but as I began to hear stories coming out of the larger cities I knew it
was going to get worse. Biloxi itself had turned into a war zone of chaos, and
destruction where buildings were set on fire or how some of the warehouses in the
east side of the city were blown up by those armed with TNT. I cannot stay much
longer or I will be the next victim. For what was once a nice family town it has now
become a vile contemptible place of carnage. To all of my readers pray for those
who are still alive here but do not attempt to come this way. K.P. Lewis.
Samantha put down the magazine, and leaned back to relax as she placed her head
on her right arm that rested on the arm of the sofa. Her eyes were heavy but she
could not sleep a wink after reading the story. How far away is the violence now
she thought? The town just one hundred miles away had the same chaotic results
that the bigger cities had, and no one was safe. Even on the farms there could be
someone waiting to make their move to another neighbor. Even ruby sam had
concluded could be also waiting to make a move against her and betsy. No she
would never do that. No way. Ruby was anything but violent, and never once had
to give her kids a good licking with the wooden spoon. But how could she know
ruby was safe too? Her farm was a good ten miles from her own and if anything
should happen it would be too late. Tremors set into her body as she tried to get the
images of the dead bodies out of her mind but it was no use. Each disfigured face
caused her heart to become heavy, and sad as she timidly wept as to not let betsy
hear her. She could not comprehend why people started to become so cruel, and
soul less in killing a fellow man or woman with no mercy or an ounce of remorse.
What happened? How did it happen? Was it some kind of government agenda
secretly exposing people to a neurotoxin? A technological advance that went
horribly wrong? Or was it just something in the air no one could predict? Samantha
just couldnt piece together the clues as to the why. But she only concerned herself
with just her daughter, and no one else.
She leaned over to the lamp, and turned it off. Slightly feeling dozy sam went
upstairs to bed but took a u-turn to her daughters room instead. Opening the door
slowly she saw her sleeping soundly under her covers with the cat in her arms.
Smiling samantha walked in quietly, and slid on the covers to snuggle up to betsy
making her sleeping piccasso stir in her sleep as she turned her body towards sam.
As she settled in more sam kept her close to her bosom feeling the lights breaths of
betsys exhales. Sam used her fingers to gently brush away some hairs from her
eyes as betsy lightly grinned. What was she dreaming about? Sam thought. Perhaps
she was meeting the lawman and his deputy on their journey to save the earth from
absolute peril.


Or the smarter man who might have had a better idea without using violence. The
wonders of a childs imagination was powerful and pure. No kind of darkness
could ever lurk in an innocent such as betsy. She was special. A gifted kid who
loved her mother, and deceased father equally. Hopefully the time of violence will
be over, and the world can recover with a slight limp but recover never the less.
Sams eyes started to close, as she heard betsy breathing. A soft sound with no
hesitation as she felt her daughter twitch as she dreamt. Then another grin as she
held onto the cat a little tighter.
In the morning sam woke up to see the bed was half empty. The sun shone through
the window drapes as a light gentle breeze slid through and wafted over her face.
Getting up she went downstairs to see if her daughter was up and eating already.
Betsy? Sam chirped.
She walked into the kitchen to see an empty bowl which meant she did eat but was
not seen anywhere in the house. Sam walked to the back door, which was opened
but still no betsy. Concerned she put on her boots, and went outside as she called
again; Betsy?!
By the barn the pigs showed signs of waking up, and sauntered to their slop pens
for their breakfast. At least Betsy fed them sam thought. Betsy! You answer me
right now young lady!
Growing even more concerned, sam started to run around the house hoping to see
her daughter working or just coloring but all she could see was the grass swaying
in the wind with their dry clothes on the line. Betsy! Betsy! Sam ran around
again until she saw the barn door was opened. Carefully taking into account of
their day yesterday while betsy drove the tractor sam began to think betsy just
might know how to turn on the machine seeing as she sees her do it all the time.
Oh my god.
Sam then ran full speed into the barn to find betsy sitting in the cabin driving the
steering wheel having a gay old time as sam shouted; Betsy! You get your little
butt down here this minute! Right now! Out of that tractor.
Why? I didnt touch anything. Betsy retorted
You never go into that machine without me or my permission. Now get down.
Okay. Betsy replied with a certain doom sounding voice.
Sam waited tapping her foot as betsy slid down the ladder to the ground but did not
approach her mom in case a hand might be waiting to slap her butt. In which case
sam just walked up and grabbed her skinny wrist, and hauled her out of the barn
closing the door behind her. Outside she led betsy to the house but pulled back for
just a moment asking her mother; What did I do wrong? Mommy?


Sam spun around to meet betsy eye to eye as she replied with a maternal concern;
You little lady know the house rules no playing with the tractor and no playing
with anything that moves mechanically. Right?
I didnt turn it on. I only played with the steering wheel. Betsy argued as a few
tears formed in her eyes.
Thats not the point. I use those machines not you. I only let you drive because
you were with me the whole time but it does not give you the right to just do it on
your own. You are so lucky I dont pull down your pants and use my hand on
those naughty cheeks of yours. Now into the house and clean up your dishes. And
you can forget about ice cream today.
But thats not fair!
Oh? Its not huh? Want me to settle it with my hand on your butt?
No. Betsy replied as both of her hands flew back as cover.
All right then. Go clean up and do something to occupy yourself with. I have to
think a bit.
Betsy stormed off stomping her feet onto the ground, which in turn caused her
mom to gently shout; And curb that attitude.
Sam breathed a sigh of relief as she stood against her tree to nearly break down
away from betsy. Her chest hurt as she tried to come to grips that her daughter was
not going to stay young forever. She rounded the trunk to look away from the
house as she began to weep with a hand over her mouth. She shook so badly sam
could hardly stand it. She knelt to the ground to sit in some tall grass as the winds
picked up a little causing a glass chime to sound on the porch. During her moment
of grief she also felt guilty of threatening her daughter with a spanking although
she had never done such a thing. How could she face betsy now? It was such a nice
day before this, and now such a small incident turning to become something as
trivial as sitting in a tractor. Sam had the key and betsy was not smart enough to
start the thing without it. She wasnt an ace criminal who could hot wire so how
could she start it? Honking the horn would be all she could do for her amusement
anyway. She felt so bad about the whole thing that sam wiped her eyes and went to
the house to settle the matter once and for all.
Betsy was cleaning her bowl as sam walked in to see her solemnly washing a
single dish with a hand rag. Pathetic looking but it was working on her graces as
she sat down on a chair. Sweetie?
Betsy angled her head to slightly see her mom looking at her, and replied; Yeah
Come here.
Betsy noticed how her mom was sitting, and began to feel an anxious sensation
building in her stomach. Was her butt going to the issue of the day she thought?


After drying her hands off betsy slowly made her way over to the other side of the
kitchen to her possible doom. With her heart beating quickly she began to stutter
slightly as she started to apologize; I didnt do anything wrong mom. Honest. As
before her hands slid over her rear causing sam to smirk as she replied; I know.
Come here.
Betsy then ran over into the arms of sam as she started to weep. Both felt each
other crying as betsy said; I wont go into the tractor anymore mommy. I wont.
No. No. Its okay. I didnt think is all. I knew when I saw you in the tractor you
were okay. Besides you cant start the thing without the key. And I have the key on
me at all times. So Im sorry honey for overreacting. Sam soothed as she rubbed
her daughters back. After a few sniffles betsy looked up into her moms eyes
which were pink from weeping. Betsy knew how her mom loved her, even with the
threat of a punishment she would never love her any less. Betsy then leaned up to
kiss her mother on the cheek as they hugged again a little tighter. Can we still go
for ice cream? Betsy asked with the most innocent sounding voice she could think
Both looked at each other teary eyed as her mom replied: Sure. Chocolate right?
Yeah. Betsy sniffled.
What am I going to do with you? Hm? Youre my little pop tart. Sam concluded
with a light kiss to her daughters lips. And youre my my cinnamon toast.
Sam laughed hard as she hugged her kid again relieving herself of the heavy
burdens of motherhood as both settled back to their normal routine. Betsy giggled
hard as she felt her mom tickle her sides, which caused betsy to screech her joy.
Later on in town it was quiet as sam drove her truck down main street. It was a
usual busy day but not without some hard head speeding his hot rod as a cop gave
chase. Betsy glanced out to see other kids playing at a playground on swings or
seesaws. She wanted so badly to join them but found it difficult to convince her
mom to stay longer in town. It was a treat that she was going to have some ice
cream but to enjoy it on a swing would be better. Mom? After we get ice cream
can we both go to the park and use the swing?
What? Said an utterly surprised little girl.
Sure. I was going to ask if you wanted to.
After a large smile from betsy she wiggled in her seat in anticipation as sam
smirked. Over at the local store it was busy as customers walked in and out with
boxes or crates in their arms. Odd she thought to see that many people going in,
and out. Normally one or two every hour but it was a horde of thirty of forty at a
time. She parked at the curb, as both got out to enter the store as a few people
argued about who gets to have this item or that item. Sam was unsure if it was a


good idea to come into town during all of the crisis but she felt their town was safe
so far. Not like their neighbor a hundred miles away. She grabbed betsys hand, as
they walked into the busy establishment. Inside it was even more chaotic as people
bought everything from water crates to food in large mass. As they made their way
to the counter she could see ruby waving her down. Hey! Sam! Over here!
Hey ruby! What the hell is going on?
As sam made it betsy they stood against the counter as ruby tried to accommodate
a few customers. Words been going around that some kind of flu bug is affecting
town after town. Some said it affects only fresh foods or meat not packaged or
canned so theyre buying everything off the shelves.
Thats crazy. Sam replied.
Tell them not me. Whyd you come to town anyway?
Wanted to buy me and my daughter some ice cream.
Well come this way then.
As ruby led the way, betsy saw a few men outside of the store fighting with their
fists. It looked brutal to her as one hit the other in the face making the man bleed
instantly from his nose. Back here. Ruby quipped.
Ruby then lifted up the counter flap, so both could enter the back area where the
common room was for the staff. Betsy sat down on a sofa as sam joined her when
ruby went to the fridge to grab a can of soda. Be right back.\
Okay. Sam replied.
Betsy rocked her feet back and forth looking at the posters of forest preservation or
fire prevention pictures. Sam looked over to a poster of an automobile ad where a
woman stood beside a car smiling her white teeth and was only dressed in a dental
floss bikini. Thick ankles she thought.
Here we go. I am guessing betsy that you like chocolate. Ruby said handing it to
her with a napkin.
Yes I do. Thank you. Betsy politely replied.
Youre very welcome. And for you sam tiger orange.
Mm. My favorite. Well go to the swings in a minute sweetie.
No its okay mom.
You sure? You wanted to go.
Yeah but there were some guys outside fighting. She said licking her ice cream.
Ruby assured her with; Never mind those two idiots. Besides the sheriff already
threw their butts in the slammer. All theyll be getting for dinner is a cold sandwich
over cold beans.
Both laughed as betsy wiped her mouth of some oozing chocolate when ruby heard
from her boss shouting; Hey ruby! I need a hand out here.
Ill be right there. Damn it!


All right! Sorry kids gotta go.
Good luck out there. Sam retorted as she licked her cone.
As ruby left sam and betsy walked out the back door to the sunlight on their way
to the park for some relaxation time. It was more quiet out back where only a few
dogs were barking to liven the neighborhood up even more. Sam knew she could
leave her car parked where it sat since she trusted the townsfolk completely and in
her view whatever sickness took a hold of those that made the affected people kill
or do horrible things to another human it would never happen in her town. Not in a
million years.
The park was quiet as they arrived a few kids but not as many as before as betsy
walked to the swing with her ice cream melting on her hand. Sam grabbed a napkin
from her purse as she said; Hold up honey. You got ice cream melting on you.
Oh. She replied as she licked it off.
Upon sitting on a seat sam wiped her hand cleanly and soon both started to swing
back and forth in the sunlight as they enjoyed the nice breeze flowing in the parks
green lush grounds. Kids laughed and ran around as some played with dogs
although the rule was if the dog had to go you had to scoop it up. Over to betsys
left two boys slung frisbees around as a few girls nearby used hopscotch grids.
Nothing out of the ordinary except for what was happening with ruby back at the
store. Sam never saw anything like it. From something straight out of a novel
where people panicked during a crisis of a diseased world where a cure was worth
more than your house if you could get it. Yet no medicine was being sold it was
only canned goods along with bottled water. What was the real reason? Only the
obvious of the crazed maniacs loosed upon the cities around the world was the only
answer. Even then it was nuts to think that the world had collapsed into some bad
nightmare with no end in sight. How far will it go until it hit her town? Betsy was
quiet as she swung licking her ice cream to which sam asked; What is it sweetie?
You look like youre a million miles away.
Just thinking. Betsy aptly chirped.
About what?
About those people in my drawing.
You mean the lawman, and his deputy?
Yeah I can see them trying to save the world. She replied as she slurped some
chocolate up.
What do you mean you can see them? You mean what youll draw next?
No. I mean I can see them in front of me. Using a piece of paper to stop the
people from hurting each other.
Sam glanced to the parks expanse but could only see the kids playing. Where?



Dave had felt great all day as he and casey roamed the rest of the temples interior
as shiro scanned various walls engraved with short passages. Jacks leg was much
better ever since their initial discovery of the parchments mate. Seemingly his
limp began to disappear quicker than he had thought although the bullet was still
lodged in his bone. As for brian his disposition on the matter was a little more
acute to the mates influence as being positive. Yet as he began to ponder more on
the outcome the worse his scenario had become. Too much power in the hands of
its finder he thought. Seeing as all five found it at the same time each could in their
own way use it for good purposes across the planet, and stopping the chaos. Jack
used his laptop as he sat on a stone seat with his leg out for comfort. After typing to
find the news reports his screen nearly blinked off for the intense amount of data
that spilled out from his browser. Upon cleaning it up with his keen ability for
understanding such troublesome annoyances he found one page that had a large
heading as a news anchor through some white noise gave his story; For nearly
three weeks now FEMA has had difficulties in cordoning off sections of city
blocks to prevent rampaging armed citizens from breaching the walls. Military
leaders along with the joint chief of staff from the white house urged the public to
not cross the walls in their own sectors. If they do so they risk of getting shot on
sight without warning. Statistics has also shown a large growth pattern occurring in
india, china, and russia, which now stands at seventy two percent of violent
absorption. Analysts claim it is not a virus or disease since no symptoms are ever
found in the body. What caused the violent outbreaks is still a mystery.
Astrologists are also claiming it has a part to play with influences from the moons
gravitational pulls or the suns cosmic rays. Whichever the case it is now more
clear to everyone that this is going to get much worse. After the story ended
abruptly jack just stared at the blank screen to try and come to grips with the
problem growing out of control. He could still see carls face in his memory when
he last watched the reports but felt less strenuous about it since dave had a gun
waving in his face. It was clear to him that the mate did have properties not found
on earth or in space. It did have a lot to do with the emotional attachments to
peoples darker side or in the groups case of finding the mate a lighter side.
Bringing them both together would cause some sort of catastrophic event but what
if it was meant to happen? If carls alternate self sent it through a dimensional
sliver to meet up with their half in the temple could carl have been telling them that
the meeting should take place? Anything could go wrong. Or right. Jack closed his
laptop as he let out a deep sigh to relieve his tension but found that the questions


started to outweigh the answers. Casey walked over with a cup in her hand as she
sat down on the stone seat. Here. A nice cup of coffee.
Ah thanks. Been needing this. Jack replied as he grabbed his coffee.
Any good news? She asked.
No. None. The entire planet is almost saturated with violence in one form or
another with no possible end to it. Earlier I looked a the death toll.
And? Casey meekly inquired.
Nearly eight and a half million people dead in three weeks. Thats a death toll
higher than the holocaust that took five years to end with our allies in Germany.
Jesus. She replied as she put down her cup. Shiro in his curious notions had
stopped at one particular wall, and read the passage but what he found different
about it was the inscription was done in total english. As he adjusted his glasses he
glanced from one wall engraving to another to see each one in a different language.
Yet the only one left was in english. Dave joined him as he wrote in his notebook
the passage as david asked; Find something doc?
Look at the wall. Shiro said.
Dave averted his eyes to stare at the walls inscriptions which surprised him. How
come this one is in english?
I dont know.
Hm. Through eyes of old, and eyes of young the unfurled boundary of truth is laid
before them. No lie or evil can taint its sense of life as those who find it through toil
,and perseverance will be allowed to step forth into the hidden pass. Those who do
not of such things will only know the rapture as chaos and contempt.
Dave scratched his head to figure out what the passage meant. Poetry of such
caliber was never his strong suit nor was the idea of figuring out complex puzzles
during a chase to hunt down criminals. They were not complicated enough to tell
dave that their next move would be to either shoot their victims or try to negotiate
with the police for an escape route. All he knew was how to take them down with
one shot or none depending on the situation. As he moved back from the wall dave
noticed that the engraved passage was written multiple times from the top to the
bottom where he and shiro stood. Why the same passage so many times he thought.
For such a smart ancient race of people they didnt know too many ways to color
up an inscription. As he turned to walk away jack had yelped loudly scaring casey
from the seat as she shouted; What is it? Another spider?
Dave ran over to see what was going on when jack pointed to a lone spot on the
stone floor as he began with a shaky voice; There there was a little girl standing
right there.
Where? Dave asked.
There! Jack replied with more power in his shout.


You sure youre not playing it up again jack? I do have my gun loaded. Jack
glanced to dave with a hard squinted gaze as he bellowed; I swear to you I saw a
little girl right there. As plain as I see you all in front of me. She was dressed like
someone who lives on a farm. I couldnt see anything around her except the
sunlight that shone on her while she was playing. Brian approached to hear the
tale as he sipped some water from a bottle. Jack was she someone you knew? Or
maybe a friends daughter? Memories do play tricks now and then.
Im telling you Ive never seen her before. She had brown hair in a ponytail,
wearing jeans for playing in. She had on a shirt with a cat on the front and her
shoes were sneakers.
What told you she was from a farm? Casey asked.
The ground she played on was lined with hay. Its my only clue. Jack wheezed
for a few seconds. Sounds to me this place has a lot more to offer than just
puzzles, and passages. That one you read dave, sounded to me like this temple
might have a hidden doorway out of here.
You serious? I dont see one. All I see is four sided room with lots of glass
hanging above us with funny wall writing. Plus our prize. Nothing else. Dave
added with a final tone in his voice.
True but what the wall had mentioned was those who seek the truth through toil,
and perseverance will find the hidden pass. So if we look around the room perhaps
we all could find some hidden button or level or maybe a hidden wall.
Huh? dave replied with a blank look.
Everyone pick a wall. Run your fingers across feel for anything that might not
supposed to be there like a trip switch or a push stone. Brian ordered.
Casey picked a wall with glorious writing of ancient egyptian pictures as jack
looked at a stone inscribed with messages written in old japanese carvings. Dave
strolled to the wall where the english passage was done on when brian stood in
front of a large paragraph engraved with Mesopotamian symbols. Yet shiro oddly
enough chose a section where hardly nothing was inscribed on the surface. His
eyes squinted to try and find a button or a slip lever to activate. His hands roamed
slowly up and down feeling the stones warmth as he moved sideways inch by
inch. Soon during his scans he found a stone where its edges were darker than the
rest that surrounded it. After he smiled he shouted to the others; Hey I think I
found one.
He put out his hand as the team glanced his way just as he pushed forward to
activate the switch except of pushing the stone his whole body leaned forward, and
then disappeared from sight as he gave a cry for help. Whoa! Everyone ran over
to see how he had just vanished as they heard his voice call out; Im okay!
Nothing broken.


Where the hell are you? Brian shouted.

Im right here. Just step in, and move to the right. There is a doorway hidden in
the wall. From their perspective shiro was truly gone but the wall was constructed
in such a way that it formed an optical illusion to make people think the wall was
solid with a trip switch on one of the stones. Yet if one went through they would
walk about four feet inward until the doorway appeared in their vision. Brian
stepped in first to see shiro smiling. Soon the others followed behind him to land in
another room where the interior was lit up from the same fire they activated in the
central section. Wow. Very cool. Dave quipped.
To the left a path led to a doorway at the far end of the temples interior where the
day light could be seen. Jack with his taking no chances for any more traps walked
in front of brian as he kept the lamp poised just above the ground to make sure no
holes or chasms presented itself. It took about ten minutes for the walk but they all
made it out in one piece to smell the fresh air and feel the sun on their faces again.
Casey joined dave as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder when shiro stopped
to wipe his glasses. As for jack he took a deep breath as he looked up to the skies
and nearly fell over because of his injury. He didnt care as long as the group was
okay, and that the mate was safe in brians case. As udusi approached casey
glanced behind herself only to stop as she loudly said; What in the hell?
Everyone turned to see the temple was gone. No building, no stone structure stood
on the ground with mossy bases or ivy covered walls anymore just a barren
space with trees, and foliage growing instead. Brian was wide eyed as he asked
udusi; We were in the temple right? I mean we did retrieve the other half
Udusi replied with a calm demeanor; Yes all of you were inside. And yes you do
still have the scroll. Brian checked his bag to see it neatly rolled up and bound
with the red ribbon. He then looked up with a quick motion to try and figure out
how an entire multi thousand year old temple could just vanish into thin air.
How can this be? We didnt imagine it. Did we? The rooms, the secrets, and the
Girl? Udusi asked with a frown.
Someone jack saw inside. We didnt see her of course only he did.
Must be an echo of the temples life. Udusi replied with an added sage sounding
Are the vehicles all right?
Yes they are fueled and ready to use. The guides will take everything back first. I
will walk with you until the base camp, then I will have to go back to my village.
Thats fine. Thank you Udusi. Brian said as he patted his back.
You are most welcome.


As the trucks rolled out brian, and his team rode together in one vehicle as he
waved his farewell to udusi who had waved back with a gentle grin on his face.
Casey was never more relieved to be out of the jungle and away from the larger
than life spiders that wanted to make her their next meal. At least she thought they
might if they were real. Were they? She asked herself. The small one was real
enough possibly a youngling to one of the adult spiders so of course it stood to
reason that the other ones were also real. Except they didnt spot any dead bodies
of two spiders when they walked out of the temple. Nobody bothered to ask. Hey
Did we miss seeing those dead spiders when we walked out of the temple?
Yes no I dont know now that you ask me.
Seems strange dont you think? That they were killed no more than a few feet
away, and then nothing when we exited.
Dont worry about it. Dave said. For all we know we could have imagined those
too. Maybe the whole thing.
Well how do you explain brian having the other half of the paper then? Casey
I dont know hon. We could have been under some drug the locals might have
slipped us or we were part of a group hypnosis thing maybe. I cant explain it in
words really. Its just a feeling. I know we were all together, and jacks leg is better
too. So whatever we went through it was all of us combined. Dave concluded.
What we need to do now when we get back is to find the other half. Brian
That would be a bit dangerous right? I mean we did agree that the both halves had
the same infused milliamps to make it dangerous together. If this thing meets up
with the negative part who knows what it could do to the earth. Jack spouted with
a firm angry tone.
Jack Id like you to do a comparative of the parchments writing. See if there is
anything in their matrix to show us if the writing is at all just what it is when we
look at it. I am guessing its something else. Brian added.
Something else? Shiro asked.
An anagram. Something to show a message within it. Anything. But we need the
other half.
You do realize if it did survive the city is going to try and kill us in the process.
Dave pointed out.
I know it. So casey I think its a good idea that you head back to my place in
shreve cove.


Why? I stand by david. Nowhere else. Casey said firmly.

Dave tell her. Tell her it is only going to get worse once we stroll off the plane.
Id love to but I would rather have casey by my right side so I can protect her.
Besides were all in this together. Eh jack?
Youre on your own buddy. But if she is going to go through hell with us she
should at least have a gun just in case.
Casey felt a tinge of regret as jack explained about arming herself against a fellow
human being. Never has she used a weapon let alone holding one in her hand. To
point, and shoot someone would not only task her sanity but it would cause a
darker place in her mind to open to new evil influences. No its okay. Ill use
something else. Just to wound them.
Casey theyre not going to care. They will try to kill you either way. You should
have a gun. I got one that has less power so if anything instead of killing them just
shoot them in the leg. Put them down.
I can do that. Casey replied with a gulp.
During their trip through the jungle forest a road block stood in their way as rows
of jeeps or trucks waited to cross the line. Brian began to suspect something was
not right by the sudden appearance of a road block as armed guards walked around
on both sides of their vehicles. A few random checks werent too uncommon but in
a place where no military or rebel camps resided made brian think it was some kind
of dupe to either rob or kidnap the locals or hold hostage some americans who
were on their way home. People we need to either play along or high tail it out of
here. Brian said with some urgency.
Why? Dave asked.
You see those guards with machine guns?
Dave veered his eyes to the left to see the uniformed guards brian was talking
about. He noticed their machine guns had some graffiti written on the barrels, as
well as the butt ends, which to him meant nothing unless they were not military
issue. Yeah what about them?
Those guys are rebels. African military do not allow self issued weapons for any
reason. Most usually have them confiscated the first day but these guys are
somehow allowed to bring their weapons out into the field. Which tells me theyre
not state military. And notice that their road block has no communications shed?
All branches of the army build them to keep their superiors appraised of anything
that goes on in the field.
So what do we do? Jack asked with an anxious tone.
We can afford to lose the convoy. Let them have the equipment, and the rest of
the trucks. I can barter with them to let us pass. Just keep quiet and let me do the


Youre the boss. Jack replied.

One of the guards tapped on the drivers side window, which then the driver rolled
down as he spoke in his native tongue of botswana. Brian could make out what
they were saying, and began to translate to the group; Hes asking what were
carrying. The driver told them it was science equipment for prospecting and all of
us are going home since our job is finished.
Sounds reasonable. Dave quipped.
It was going to plan for brian as the driver and the rebel spoke together like
brothers except one other rebel approached shouting to his fellow man. Now the
other one is angry for keeping the line held up. He wants us to exit the vehicles so
they can check our cargo.
Oh shit. Jack said.
As their driver tried to explain the angry rebel opened his door, and pulled him out
and tossed him to the ground while he grabbed his hand gun. The situation started
to get volatile to which more rebels opened the doors to their vehicle pulling out
each person shouting orders in the african language as dave went for his weapon
when one rebel placed a gun muzzle against his temple. Casey screamed as she saw
david apprehended without mercy when he got disarmed. Soon the group was
kneeling on the ground as rebels checked their truck for anything to take. Brian
watched with his hands up when one of the other armed fighters walked up behind
him, and planted his weapon against the back of his head when the leader stood in
front. Brian looked up slowly to see his captor glare at him as he spoke in his
language; What are you doing here?
Brian replied with a shaken voice; We were prospecting. Looking for samples of
botanical plants that could have good medicinal value.
For a moment the leader eyed brian over to see if a tell tale sign presented itself as
a lie. He moved on to shiro but did not ask him any questions. Through the waiting
dave felt helpless for the first time in his life as he was being threatened along with
casey. Never before had he come to an impasse where the enemy or criminal had
the upper hand during a crisis. His eyes followed the leader as he stopped in front
of jack. A weapon was placed at the back of his head as the leader asked again with
brian translating; Why are you here?
When jack looked up his face contorted as he said two words, which the leader
knew all too well in someones tone of voice: Fuck you.
Brian lowered his head and closed his eyes as the leader nodded once to his armed
cohort. Suddenly the calm air rang out with one single shot as jack was thrust
forward with his arms out as if to grab onto something. His eyes had a pleading
expression which started to get covered with blood as the last of his consciousness
spotted in mid-air part of his brain exiting his cranium. Casey closed her eyes as


she howled her terror seeing jack murdered with such cold hearted emotions by
their captors. She cried into daves arms as he hugged her close as he himself
breathed quickly watching jack land face down in the blood covered dirt. The
leader then motioned his men to grab the others as shiro shook so bad he began to
hyperventilate. His arms were tied behind his back along with the team when the
rebels tore apart the trucks and grabbed everything they could. All four were then
thrown into the back of a covered rig as a few rebels jumped in behind them to
keep watch. Casey continued to sob as dave held her close when brian told dave
the possible outcome of their captivity; Well be going to their campsite. Most
likely were going to be tortured for more information and then in all likelihood
killed or fed to the animals.
Who the hell are they? Dave asked.
Rebels whos taken over this region. Ive heard about a few of the tribal leaders
banishing a few dozen militants because of their affinity to expand their lands
using force. Obasa people were dead set against it but managed to keep these guys
away but at arms length. Escalation has gotten worse since then and our captors
have run out patience.
Great. Thats all we need. Dave replied.
Oh dave jack was just left there. How could they do that to him? Casey cried.
These guys dont believe in truth. Just the means to getting their point across
using as much fear as possible.
Hes right. Brian quipped. Most of these men dont use emotion as part of their
itinerary or they would look weak in front of their comrades. Fear is the weapon
for most of them and killing someone whos not part of their cause is just collateral
Casey sobbed quietly as the rebels just stared at them with no emotion or feeling
as a few looked over their weapons for clean action later but more so to intimidate
as dave eyed one of the rebels with seething anger in his eyes. As shiro tried to
calm down he glanced to the trucks back end where the flap of the tarp whipped
from the wind letting him spot a little girl on the dirt road. He said nothing but just
kept staring and wondering if he was slowly going insane. She was the same girl
jack described earlier yet she did not move nor did she speak. Her eyes were sad
looking as the truck continued on to the rebels compound, and to the possible fate
that all four would have to endure. As a few hours passed by dave could hear some
yelling as the trucks began to slow down. Casey almost fell over when dave helped
her stop against the inertia. Soon all could hear the leader speaking in the native
tongue as brian translated; Hes saying to pull into warehouse four, and to park it
then take us to a holding pit.
Suddenly the tarp lifted up as rebels shouted for the team to get out at gun point.


Dave helped casey down as shiro, and brian were led to another part of the dusty
grounds where more rebels waited to escort them into a building. Casey shook very
badly as she kept latched onto daves arm with wide eyes, and fear in her soul. The
layout was complex to say the least with a large communication tower, and many
barracks for the soldiers to sleep in. The leader then approached dave as he
motioned for one of the rebels to take casey away alone. She started to scream as
dave got separated and tried to fight back with his captors. During the scrimmage a
woman walked out to attain casey as she loudly said to the leader in the native
language; I will take this one. She can learn the basics before you extract her.
I do not take orders from a woman. Especially one who is a sister wed into my
family. Do not ever think you can just use your familys influences to supersede
any orders that I give. The leader responded with added malice.
Forgive my assumptions but she looks to be of no use to you. Whatever the men
have for information is not my concern. I only need this one to do the menial
tasks. As the leader glared as his sister in law, he understood the predicament the
more he looked into caseys fright filled eyes and soon decided to give up, and
hand casey over to her. With a wave of his hand his sister grabbed casey, and led
her to the main house as rebels escorted them to the front door. When they both
walked in each guard took a position outside as watch.
As dave, brian, and shiro were led into a more darker building dave was taken to
another section by two guards when brian was made to sit down on a chair as one
guard tied up his hands behind his back. Shiro started to hyperventilate but much
worse as he knelt to the ground nearly throwing up. A dark aspect to the human
condition shiro thought as his stomach churned a few times feeling his throat
constrict. Brian through all of it kept unusually calm and said nothing of the matter.
His poise, and audacity through out the years has taught him that although he was
at a point of death by torture or other means it was unnecessary to allow his captors
any moment of satisfaction. During his career there were many times his life would
be put on the line in search of the truth. This was just another part on the path to
where he could accept his death with dignity, and pride as the leader had walked in
with a big grin on his face. Badly stained teeth with flecks of black nicotine on his
gums told brian that the man had bad health and was going to enjoy his moment.
He glanced to shiro who had trouble breathing when the leader spoke in english;
So my friend. Seems you had stepped into unknown territory. You must have
guessed that the region was patrolled by my men. Why come through it at all?
Why take the risk?
Brian did not like his voice. It was a condescending tone of a man who liked to
poke into a mans heart, and soul with spoilt jibes of intimidation. To brian he was
like a child who took pleasure in pulling wings off of flies.


We were prospecting. Our group was heading home when your blockade decided
to raid, and infiltrate our property. Seems to me that youre a man who was just
bored with nothing to do. Brian said with a blend of the same condescending
The leader knew brian was going to be trouble. Not the policeman who he figured
might have an attitude but a scientist of all people. He could feel his blood starting
to boil as he put on a pair of gloves in front of dave, and shiro. Then like a well
oiled machine for violence struck brian once with the back of his fist causing his
nose to break. Dave winced hearing the awful sounding crunch against their
tormentors gloved hand. Brian spit out some blood but smiled through it all as he
said; That felt good. I was hoping youd have more strength in your punches.
Youre just like the rest. All bark no bite.
No bite you say? Maybe I should have my little pets come in to join me then. He
replied as he waved a hand to one of his goons. Dave felt cold shivers run up his
spine yet the heat was above a hundred when he heard a few growls coming from
the outside. At the door a rebel brought in two large boars leashed together sniffing
around on the ground for food. Brian couldnt help but widen his gazing stare as
they slowly made their way to his chair. He gulped once as the leader spoke with a
more soft tone, and menacing tone; My two pets are accustomed to feasting on
flesh. Both animal, and human. Seeing as you enjoy my punches so much why
dont we let these two magnificent creatures let you know what real pain is. The
leader said as he adjusted the leash to make each boar walk over to brian. Their
snarls, and grunts began to give him a strange sensation of cold over his body as
one of them sniffed around his knees. He tried to move his leg but felt the tight
cord digging into his pant leg. The rebel leader smiled as he looked over to his men
as he said in his native tongue; Now my friends you get to see what real money
looks like on the inside. As the men laughed brian felt one of the boars teeth graze
against his kneecap but didnt have the sting he expected from a bite. He thought
maybe theyre full or at least too hot to eat anything at all. The second boar grunted
but bit down on his right cap with sheer brute pressure making brian scream on the
top of his lungs. Dave looked away as the boars started to feast on both knees. The
men laughed, and clapped their hands as they watched the poor soul experience a
pain beyond imagination. Blood was pouring out from the right cap with its crown
hanging off on a gross angle. Sinew, as well as muscle were exposed to the air
making brian shrill even louder. The boars were unphased by their exploits of
eating, and decided to keep going as they started on his lower shin to his foot.
Shiro leaned over to throw up as the men cheered, and laughed as if it was some
game with no repercussions in the end. Dave clenched his fists hard feeling his
own fingers dig deep into his skin making him bleed.


Brians eyes were darting side to side as he felt another tinge of extreme pain on
his left foot, when one of the boars tore off his fleshy flange of skin exposing the
fatty tissue. Why are you here? The leader shouted.
Brian felt nauseous as his tongue drooped from his lips as if to drink water from a
tap. His breathing hastened to such a point he could pass out any moment but he
knew if he did all they would have to do is splash him with a bucket of water to
start all over again. Suddenly one of the boars sniffed close to his groin. Brian felt
if he could he would urinate to at least dissuade the filthy creature from coming
any closer. The leader grabbed brians hair as he whispered into his ear; I hear
boars love soft meat. If they can get at it then a delicacy of such a treasure like your
dick is attained they will not stop there as your two balls will become their next
Brian then released his urine to coat the front of his pants. He hoped. Hoped they
were as finicky as humans when it came to certain delicacies in five star restaurants
with fine wines. Hopefully boars hated white wine with their dinner. As the gamble
took effect the leader looked down, and frowned in disappointment as the boars
moved away from the smell. In fact they decided to leave the room altogether in
disgust as a rebel removed them when the leader punched brian in the face
numerous times for good measure. Dave felt dizzy. Never in his life has he seen
such callousness in a human before. It was not from the parchments influence at
all it was just a flaw that some people absorb. A malignant disease of cruelty with
no end as people are butchered or killed in such vile ways. Torture was not the
issue for their tormentor. It was fun for him. As the leader left, brian gurgled blood,
and spit as dave tried to keep brian awake through talk; Brian. Hang on. Hang on.
Dont go to sleep. Try to keep awake.
I cant. The pain is too much. Brian said weakly.
Shiro sat against the wall nearly in tears as he glanced around to the rebels who did
nothing except stare. He could feel his heart beginning to palpitate to the point of a
full blown attack. He grabbed his left arm as a twinge of a dull pain shot in his arm.
Damn it. He thought to himself. Not now. Not now.
In the main house casey was brought to a room where her slaver spoke in english;
You are to do as the leader says. No arguments. Anything he orders do not
disobey him.
Why are we here? We didnt do anything. Casey sobbed.
He does not care. The more people he brings into the compound the more he
thinks he can win.
Win what? What is he after?
I dont know. It has never been clear what his goal is. Most thought it was just for
the lands, but it has not lead to that conclusion.


Casey felt slightly better seeing as her captor could speak english. Yet the trust
between them is far wider than she hoped for. So what am I supposed to do? I
hope he doesnt want me for sex there is no way I can do it. Not with my fiance
with me.
He might. He has with many girls in the past. He doesnt care what they look like.
All he knows if a woman has a pussy its all he needs. Now I must go. I will be
back later to check on you. Said the woman.
Oh no please dont leave me. Please.
Do not be afraid. I will be back I promise. But I have to keep up my appearance of
being his liaison in the compound. Just keep to the rules. Do not make him angry.
Casey nodded yes quietly as the woman left her alone in the room with only four
walls, and a bed. A dim light shone above her head as a single most luminous hope
for her as she wondered how dave was doing a few buildings down from her. The
room smelled of stale urine mixed with an ungodly scent of something she did not
want to guess. Flies buzzed around her head as she heard the rebels outside
practicing drill procedures. She walked to a window to look out and see the rows of
men marching in two by two lines with trucks rolling around from different points.
To the right she saw two boars escorted out of a building where she thought it was
odd to see such creatures in a compound where dogs kept on leashes had been
walked with their masters since dawn. Her eyes luckily did not see the blood stains
on their snouts or the pieces of meat hanging from one of their tusks. As she slunk
back to the bed, she felt the chills run in her system giving her skin an unusual itch
to which only dave could comfort. She felt her throat tighten but controlled enough
so casey could weep silently in the dimmed room. Although her eyes felt heavy she
couldnt sleep alone amidst the violent natures of her captors, and felt daves pain
run through her veins. Casey admitted he was always strong and was able to face
any opponent that stood in front of him. Casey then leaned back against the cold
wall to try and rest her eyes but it was no use because of the constant noise coming
from the outside. As her agitation grew she just wanted to scream out to the court
yard to tell them all to just shut the hell up and let her sleep. Instead she spotted in
the middle of the dirty floor a glimmer of light. At first it seemed like a reflection
from the small bulb above her head. Yet as she crept closer to it, the luminous
speck began to grow like a heart beat. One second that passed the size grew
exponentially until it stood four feet from the floor like an angelic silhouette with
no face. Casey moved back in case it started to come for her, but the light felt
warm, comfortable, and nonthreatening. Her hand clasped onto her chest as the
shape began to create details like a mouth, eyes, and ears. For some reason nobody
else could see the light coming from her room so casey thought her sanity was in


question to the phenomenon. As clothes, and hair started to form she could see the
shape was that of a little girl. It was betsy herself but casey did not know who she
was or where she came from. All of the happenings to their team was dubious at
best since the temples purge of the other mates scroll landed in their hands.
Betsys form started to clear until casey could see two brown soft eyes and a pretty
face staring at her with a little grin. Upon swallowing a dry gulp she quietly
whispered to betsy; Who are you?
Betsy cocked her head slightly to the side as she replied; Me? Im betsy.
Where are you? How did you get here? Said casey with added shaking.
Im at home. My mom is in the yard doing some chores.
No I mean where are you? As in a country or or some alternate dimension?
Confused betsy started to giggle when casey asked about being in an alternate
dimension. Shes never heard of such a word in her life although all of the novels
she reads might give a word or two of a different world but never a dimension. A
what? No I live in Kansas. On a farm. Youre funny.
Right now where I am it isnt funny at all. Casey whispered.
What do you mean?
I mean me and my friends are being held captive in a compound by some mean
and nasty people.
Oh. Well I think you can all leave soon.
What do you mean? replied casey.
Well the people that caught you theyre all going to go to war soon. It will give
you and your friends time to escape.
When? Said a surprised casey.
Anytime soon. I think tomorrow at around three or four pm. At least thats what
my my
Instincts tell you? added casey.
Yeah thats the word. Mom tries to make me learn new ones. I think thats the one
she meant.
How are you even able to see or talk to me from kansas?
I dont know. I think about you all sometimes and then my thoughts come to you.
Its like a dream. I can go where I want.
I wish I could do that. I hate this place with all the mean men.
Your boyfriend is going to rescue you. I know it. Wheres the other one? I can see
four of you but where is the fifth person?
Casey knew she was talking about jack. Yet her heart said not to mention his
murder to betsy. A fragile mind such as betsys would not be able to take such
news so suddenly seeing as she could traipse around the world just by thought plus


the fact she was an innocent. I dont know what happened to him. His name is
jack. We lost him some time ago.
Oh. Well I know you all will make it back home together. And
Betsys eyes went wide as she glanced to her left to the building where dave, and
brian were in. Casey felt a growing warning in her soul because of betsys reaction
turning from a curious gay mood to a more sinister shade of torment as she placed
both of her hands on her chest as she yelped to casey with a frightful voice; What
happened to the nice man?
What nice man? You mean dave? Is dave alright? Casey asked with some panic.
No not him. His friend the smart looking one.
Is he the oriental man?
No the other one. Betsy said with a few sobs.
Brian. Hes our team leader. You say you can see him?
Yeah. Betsy replied as she began to cry.
What can you see? Does he seem weak or hurt?
His his legs are hurt. A lot of blood. I dont like seeing that. Betsy cried.
Look away betsy. Look away. Look at me. Thats it. Keep looking at me.
Who are those people hurting you?
Some very bad men. People who dont like other people except their own. Now I
want you to go home betsy. If what you say is true and we can escape Ill trust
your word. Okay? Betsy sobbed a bit more wanting to run into caseys arms for
comfort, but felt unsure that if she did the bond would be broken and she would be
pulled back to her home in kansas. Instead she calmed down some as casey knelt in
front of her glowing illuminated presence. Look at me betsy. Were not going to
die here. You made a promise right?
Well then well be home and most likely well join you at your farm to meet you
with your mom. Okay?
Good. At least from you being here it helps me calm my mind. I dont know if
youre even real and not part of my imagination. I mean I dont believe or I mean I
dont know what this is. But you look like a smart girl who can use part of her
brain most others cant. So that means youre special. Just dont go around telling
people what you can do. Okay? Some might not understand how you can do it.
I told mom but she thinks its my imagination too. Betsy replied.
Well if it is. Its a nice way to meet people in far away places right? Like were
Oh yeah. Betsy chirped as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.


So until we can get out of here by ourselves dont come back for awhile at least.
And dont worry about brian. Hell be okay. I promise.
Okay. Said a worried betsy.
As she smiled to casey, her form started to blur like a camera going out of focus.
The light that surrounded betsys frame dimmed from a shining glimmer to a tiny
faded points of lights like fireflies at night. In a convalescent dance of light casey
smiled as the tiny beads floated up to the ceiling, and vanished through it as if the
ceiling wasnt there. As the last of them disappeared casey sat on her bed more
calm than before. Her heart stopped its panicked beats to a more serene flow of
pulses that helped her eyes become heavier. Dave was still close by but her heart
went to brian as she could only imagine what has happened to him. Perhaps those
boars was the clue she thought. What did they make those beasts do to brian? She
Later the next day casey was brought to the main house, and into a large kitchen
where other women were preparing dishes to suit the needs of the rebel soldiers
when the woman who spoke with casey before entered commanding orders; All of
you make sure each dish has enough fruit.
When she turned to casey; And you come with me.
As casey was led out to house through a swinging door, a larger room displayed
many items of old artifacts such as idols, or spears that lined a wall north to south
of various sizes. To the right was a locked display case showing hand crafted
cherubs made of stone or clay. A few had been carved out of diamonds and placed
in their own display within the case. As both women entered another room it was
filled with stuffed animals from all corners of the earth, which ranged from
rhinoceros bodies, to tusks and on to a full length anaconda skin that stretched
forty feet. Her heart felt for the poor animals to succumb to an early death by a
greedy warlords urge to kill innocence. She clenched her fists when her superior
stopped in front of a door. With two knocks the warlord called out; Enter. When
they entered casey saw the leader smoking a large cigar as his sister spoke in their
native language; Your woman is here.
Has she been checked? I dont want a loose slut.
She has been yes. His sister replied.
Good. You can go sister. I dont want to be disturbed.
Yes of course. His sister acknowledged as she backed out of the room, and
closed the doors.
Casey had the look of sheer fright as the leader walked around his desk with the
cigar in his mouth puffing it now and again. With a broken accent he asked; So
miss you and your team of scientists have come out this way to do what?
Prospect for gold? Diamonds? Minerals? I think you all have come to spy on us.


Are you stupid? Casey asked.

The warlord in his impatience back handed casey hard enough for her to smash
against a book shelf knocking a few off in the process. An idol fell from the top but
only made a ringing noise as it was made of bronze. I will ask again you white
whore, are you here to spy on us? He said angrily as he grabbed her hair.
And I answered are you stupid?
Seething with brute malice he punched her once, and slapped her cheeks twice to
give her the incentive to answer truthfully. Yet caseys mind started to reel back to
betsy seeing her pretty smile in the dingy room, which for an unknown reason
started to give casey more protective courage in front of her abuser. Answer me!
The leader said with an added slap.
Have you heard of the temple of Obasa?
I have. How can you have? You are not part of the clan. And no outsider has ever
seen it. So tell me why are you here? he shouted.
Casey was kept hanging slightly as her hair was gripped by his fingers tightly. It
was uncomfortable but she was not going to give her tormentor the satisfaction of
watching her scream or beg for her life. We were in the temple not two days ago.
We were doing an archeological examination of the interior. And when we were
finished we were all going home until your baboons stopped us at the blockade.
You fucking whore! he yelled as he punched her again three times in the face.
The pain was intense as her eyes started to tear up, and her nose bled. The feeling
of being punched by man was not all that difficult to bear. She in her earlier years
felt men had the better strength but for all of their big talk they had no balls behind
their intentions to harm women the way they wanted. Casey spit out some blood as
the warlord gazed into her eyes with the stinky cigar poking out of his thin lips as
he puffed on it again. Could you move that disgusting thing from my face you
inept piece of shit.
What did you call me? He asked as he threw casey to the floor.
Are you deaf? Casey replied as she spat on his boots.
Without warning he began to kick her while on the ground with no remorse in his
intentions. Casey could feel every kick as some hard piece of steel digging into her
sides, and back as she remarkably took it all with stride. She thought as the next hit
her in the face; Dave I hope you can be proud of me for this.
After a few more toe heaves the war lord started to undo his pants, and let them
drop to the floor as casey moved to flip onto her right side. Blood oozed from her
mouth, that slightly coated her chin when she looked up to see him half mast with
his hands on his hips. Yet as casey began to slowly get to her knees, she started to
laugh so hard she felt her stomach would rip into two. There it was she thought. A
man who was tough and had no scruples of killing his prisoners had nothing more


than just three inches sticking out from under his large gut. If it werent for the cuts
on her lip she would laugh louder. Instead the warlord began to get more than irate
as she could not stop giggling at his expense. Insulted he took off his pants, and
walked to her with total anger in his expression as he spit out the cigar as he
shouted; Youll shut up whore. I can guarantee that you filthy little For one
split second he felt something sharp. Not a blade nor any kind of tool, which made
him stop in midstride. He glanced down to see casey pulling on his short manhood
with her fist wrapped around it as she twisted it to the right. He couldnt scream.
His lungs gasped for air but felt sick at the same time as he saw his tool being
ripped away slowly like someone twisting a paper sheet until it was made into a
thin rod. His hands quickly went down to stop her but all too late as she stood up
with sheer anger in her stare as she whispered to him; Never give a woman a
chance to grab onto something worthless as this.
Suddenly with all of her strength she clamped down hard, and yanked it from the
base which made a squishy noise along with a stream of blood that oozed out of his
groin. The ripping sound caused him to look at the ceiling with total horror as the
last of his three inch manhood was torn away leaving him standing there with a
lifeless gaze half naked in the middle of his room. Casey threw away his useless
tool, and wiped her hand on his shirt as she satisfactorily strolled to the desk and
found their parchment face up and opened. Her eyes averted to the warlord who
did nothing except stand in the same spot not making a sound or alerting the
grounds to come and defend their leader. It was quiet. How long it would stay that
way depended on her mode of remaining calm, and sanguine. Casey then rolled up
the paper, and walked to the door passing him and saw his eyes wide with no life
inside. The blood continued to drip onto the carpet like some image in a horror film
after a bout of torturous sessions with no clear winner in the end. Casey felt that
she did something righteous for the first time in her life except clipping a mans
manhood was not what she had in mind. She wanted to do it with less violence but
she knew he was going to go too far to match his intentions. At least she balanced
out the nature of his crime with a proper response that any man should have
foreseen before the act itself was established. She considered herself lucky for
now. Soon she crept up to the door, and listened for any signs of someone coming
down the hall to his room. It was clear so casey decided to chance it, and just walk
out with blood on her face to show the others that the warlord was doing his job
well. After closing the door behind her she moved on down to the kitchen where
she saw the woman doing chores with the other helping hands by cleaning
vegetables or cutting meat slabs. Did he do that to you? The woman asked.
I guess he didnt like my hand job. Casey said as she coughed a fake sound.
Turning on the water she cleaned herself with a rag as the woman helped by adding


on a light cream to her face. The other women spoke in their tongue as they gazed
to casey now and then which made her feel like the center of attention, which she
did not want. I will speak to him later. He should not have done this.
Its okay. Really. Itll heal.
It is still a barbaric thing to do. He was in such high spirits when he wanted to
speak with you. The woman explained as she added some more cream to caseys
cut lip.
Casey made sure the parchment was well hidden from prying eyes as she continued
to wash her face. Her helper did not suspect once that the leader was dead from her
wrath or the base would have been put on full alert. She had to trust her as long she
could so the warlord could rot away in his office for just a bit longer if betsys
vision was true. Nothing else mattered. Upon tending to her wounds casey headed
back to the room to lie down, and rest before all hell broke loose once he was
found. Since casey was the last to see him alive it would be her death by the sisters
hand if a familys love went deep enough. Yet as casey listened to them speak in
his office earlier she felt her helper was not fully behind her brothers idealism at
creating a fortified rebel cause. Something was off. After walking into her room
she laid down on her bed to weep quietly wondering how dave was faring in his
own hell next door. All she wanted to do was save him. She had no real strength to
fight men bare handed unless they too wanted to do something lewd to her. Yet as
she cried she also laughed slightly between sobs to relieve herself some of the
tension that had built up over the last six hours. She supposed it was how dave did
it after catching a criminal that he could just laugh it off later with a beer in his
hand as a small celebration to his victory. Whatever dave did on his time off she
was proud of him nonetheless. Perhaps later when the nightmare was over she
could enroll in a police academy to join his side on those nights during a stakeout.
Casey thought up different ways to make his lunches on those long durations and
they could compare stories as to who had the most catches of the day. She loved
him more than anything and would die to keep him alive no matter the cost. How
his ex-wife could leave him was a mystery to casey but since she had dave all to
herself she didnt care. Her eyes felt heavy, and for the first time in hours finally
went to sleep as she rolled onto her left side. Soon visions of david entered her
memory as she began to conjure up ways to liven his spirits after a long day at
work, which included making him a wonderful dinner accompanied by some
moody music that they shared an interest in. After that it was dessert followed by
some intense love making in their room or for that matter any room of their cozy
home with all the drapes closed so they could frolic like wild animals together.
Casey smiled as she felt warm all over as she slept soundly on the filthy mattress
and soon let out a large sigh as she whispered to herself; Not in here david.



Betsy had strolled across the wheatfield as she basked in the sunlight. It was a
calm day with a light gentle breeze that whisked over the husks and caused them to
bend slowly to the right like an ocean wave over seaweed. She wanted to contact
casey again but was told not to come back for fear of seeing bad things again in her
visions. Betsy wanted to help her but couldnt seeing as she was so far away. She
knew that casey was in another country but for some strange reason could not
figure out why it she had been in another part of the world. Betsy knew that if she
told her mother of what she saw in her mind that she would never understand even
though she was a perfectly normal girl. For the past few weeks being at home was
not normal and that most times betsy and her mother would venture out beyond
their hometown to visit the next city or beyond that. Why they were constantly on
the farm was a mystery that grew in her mind as some stagnant chore she hated.
Betsy wanted to venture further out but was too young to go past their perimeter
fences, and she could not go unless her mother was present. As the sunlight was
cast over her eyes she used her right hand to blanket out the glare as betsy moved
to a dead log. Sitting down she felt lonely for the first time since she and her
mother hardly went off property. In her earlier years although it has been eight
betsy always had friends to play with or a few neighbors who would come by to
say hello or drop off excess vegetables from a good harvest. As the days went on
she barely heard anything from her school friends except for Ruby who did call
now and then. Her suspicions that something might be wrong beyond their lands
was becoming more clear to her as she thought about the television being broken or
their radio suddenly losing power with no batteries in the house. The more she
asked questions about her mom not getting batteries the lesser she felt sure that
things on the outside were all right. Then as she got to her feet betsy came up with
a brilliant idea. An idea that could tell her why that hardly any news from the
outside came to their little home. She was going to find the radio, and find out for
herself. Betsy then turned to make the walk back for home steely in her resolve to
find out if her mother was telling her the truth. About a half hour later she arrived
to her mother working outside on the tractor lubing up points or changing the
motor oil to cleaning spark plugs. Since she was going to be occupied for awhile
betsy called out to her; Mom Im going to go clean my room.
Okay honey. After that can you put the laundry in the basket so I can hang it
Okay. Betsy replied as she scampered into the house.


Upstairs she had to think like her mother. Where would she hide the radio?
Someplace dark, or someplace high. She was never allowed to go into the attic for
fear of falling down the ladder, and if she was caught in the process of going into
said restricted place would have her rear peppered with the wooden spoon after
dinner, but before bed. Betsy had to risk it. She had to risk feeling her mothers
wrath to find out the real truth behind the excuses. Seeing as a window was close
enough to look out betsy saw her mom working diligently on the tractor with
grease, and oil on her hands. It was her chance. Slyly she moved to the entrance to
the attic to see a rope hanging from the hatch. Carefully she grabbed a chair, and
set it just under the rope, which was long enough to grab on, and pull the ladder
down. Her heart beat faster than she has ever felt. Like a criminal being a burglar in
her own home. As her fingers grasped the rope, she gently tugged on it to release
the hatch from its resting place. Betsy kept her head down because she also knew
how the ladder dropped when it reached its optimal angle of descension. With a
slip in its rail the ladder stopped moving and she flipped the ladder over to open it
up, and click into place. Betsy then stopped for a few minutes to listen for any
noises downstairs. Outside she could hear a clanging on the tractor, which told
betsy the coast was clear. As she moved in front of the chair she began to climb the
ladder into the attic to find her prize and to answer her suspicions. Up inside the
dark room a few windows cast an eerie glow through dirt fogged glass and onto the
wood floor where old oak boxes rest. She smiled to see such ancient looking items
that had withstood the test of time on the farm seeing as her familys lineage went
way back to the pioneering days. Carefully she moved past a few old paintings
where she stopped to gaze at one male face who had the look of disparity or deep
depressive stigma etched into the wrinkles of the painting. She did not know who it
was or where he fit into the family line but it told betsy that whoever it had been
had never known happiness for a brief length in his life. She moved on to another
part of the attic to see four newer boxes on top of some crates or chests. She smiled
to see them neatly stacked, and picked the first box. Upon sitting on the floor she
opened it to see various photos or very early looking pictures of her mother as a
girl her age at a party with other kids. Possibly a birthday party. She hardly
remembered when she had a party with kids seeing as they never left the farm
hardly anymore. When she put the box down, and grabbed a second betsy opened
it to see a radio tucked underneath some old fabrics. I knew it. She thought. Mom
never said about putting it away. She said the batteries was run out. Using a deft
hand betsy removed the radio and looked it to see where the on switch was. Yet
before she even turned it on she had to make sure it had batteries inside the power
compartment. After unsnapping the back she saw four large batteries in its cage
ready to use, and using her first finger switched on the radio. During the first few


seconds some white noise blurred through a mess of people talking. It sounded like
gibberish at first but betsy noticed a dial, and turned it slowly to clear up the
scratches. Suddenly a clear voice was reporting a story from Canada in the city of
Vancouver; It is anarchy here in the deep core of vancouver where police forces,
and the military reserve have been keeping people back using live rounds of mortar
shells. Tear gas was also used to stop the raging crowds from venturing further
towards the north district that houses most of its political leaders who are trying to
find a way to end this nightmarish carnage. Scientists now believe this is the work
of some unknown or unidentified organization who has kept to the shadows and
away from the surveillance satellites in orbit. How these people could use such
weaponry if it is a weapon at all is barbaric. For most of the panic comes from
those in close proximity to one another that some biometric signal is being sent as a
catalyst to continue its violence. I will be here all night as we get more Then the
radio was cut to white noise leaving betsy to stare at the radio with a blank gaze.
All this time. Mom lied to me. Why? Betsy thought. Maybe she didnt want me to
learn about whats been happening cause it could scare me. It wasnt fair betsy
surmised as she put the radio down, and climbed back down the ladder. It was quiet
in the house. Too quiet for her taste, and as soon as she put a foot down she
glanced to the window to see if her mom was still working on the tractor. It still
had the hood opened, but her mom was nowhere to be seen until a low but firm
voice chimed behind her; What do you think you are doing betsy?
She closed her eyes as she took a single gulp to clear her throat as she replied; I
was just looking for something.
Oh and uh what was that may I ask? Sam said with an even more firm tone.
When she turned around she looked at her mom straight in the eye as she gulped
again; I was just looking for for the uh the uh radio.
All her mother did was nod slowly up and down as she acknowledged her
daughters answer with a grain of salt. I see. Yet I told you never to go upstairs in
the attic havent I? As betsy tried desperately to think her mom asked again but
with some added volume; Havent I?
Yes mom. Betsy said with some shaky sounds added in her vocal response.
I also told you I would give your ass a licking if I ever caught you up there too.
Yes but
So why did you go up there? Sam asked with more seasoning in her tone.
Betsy knew she was in deep trouble, but for the moment felt cheated by her
mothers lie in hiding the radio in the first place. With all of her courage that built
up the moment she ascended the stairs betsy decided that if she was going to be
sleeping on her stomach the least she could do was defend herself against her


mothers lie. If I answer mom. Can you answer me in return? Betsy asked with
even more vibrations in her voice.
Oh by all means ask away. Sam chirped as she placed her hands on her waist.
Why did you lie to me mom?
In the split second before she could answer sam knew she was stuck. Never before
has her daughter asked with such contempt in her tone that the feeling of dread
spilled over her thoughts as she worked it out as small pieces. Attic, darkness,
radio, no batteries, and a curious mind to find it, and suddenly become the victim in
front of her. She hated to lie to betsy but did it to protect her, and she would invite
death in her house to take her instead of betsy. As her anger began to subside for
the moment sam leaned against a wall as she took one look at her daughters
expression. I love you more than anything betsy. You know that right?
Yeah. So why make up a story that the radio didnt work? You thought I couldnt
take it right? That Im too young to understand.
You are. You are too young. I never once thought that this earth would plunge
into such chaos like it has been doing for the past four weeks I had to do something
to keep it away from you.
That isnt fair mom. I am eight yeah. But Im not stupid. I know how bad its got
and I know its dark and eerie to hear all of it. I just want to know why its been
happening is all. You didnt have to hide it from me. You could have told me and
we would be on our farm safe. I didnt know why my friends werent coming
around anymore. Or why I cant go to school, or ride my bike down the road like I
used to . It wasnt fair mommy. Betsy sobbed.
Sams heart string was being pulled the moment she saw betsy crying from such a
blatant and ridiculous lie. Betsy was growing up faster than she could count as the
days whizzed past them giving her daughters mind a boost to come up with the
answers for herself seeing as she was very smart, and outgoing such as the tractor
incident in the barn. In either case sam relented with the resolve to helping her
achieve a higher understanding about human nature and what it meant to choose
the right path. She held her arms open, and betsy flew in like a bird like a first
flight out of the nest into sams bosom to keep her warm. Im sorry honey. I tried
to tell you but I felt the terrible things might give you nightmares.
I know. Im sorry I went up into the attic too. Betsy cried.
As they stood in the hallway sam reminded her though of the transgression for her
little defiance; You do know I have to keep my word though. Right?
Betsy felt her heart sink as her stomach began to flutter with the familiar pangs any
child would expect before a punishment. I know. Im sorry.
Come on. Lets get this over with so we can move on.
Okay. Betsy sobbed.


Later that night in bed betsy was laying on her stomach with her shiny rear up and
cooling off without her pj bottoms on. She hiccupped, and sniffled as she tried to
read one of her books but the sting in her rump told her mind it wasnt going to be
easy. Her mother hardly ever had to spank her but if she had to it was all business,
and loving kisses from then on. Her hand reached back to soothe her cheeks as she
winced from the feeling of her fingers across her pinkened butt. Looking back she
noticed a red tinge, and thought; Wow she gave me a whopper all right. A knock
on the door said her mom was going to come in with a nice cold cream. Come in.
Betsy sniffed.
Sam entered with a small vial of cream and a cold cloth to soothe her daughters
rear. Hi sweetie. Can I sit down?
Sam noticed how red her cheeks were, and felt bad about giving her daughter the
punishment but she also had to give her a reminder that moms last word was
gospel. After taking a dab with her fingers she slathered the cream across betsys
twin cheeks as gracefully as possible so as to not cause any more stinging. I hope
I wont have to do this again honey. I do love you, and would never want anything
to happen.
I know. I guess I can say I deserved it too but I am getting older mom. I cant hide
from things that can scare me.
Thats true. I can agree with that. But although as you do get older it doesnt mean
I wont heat up that rump of yours even if youre eighteen. Believe me I wont
Betsy smirked knowing she would actually do it. She never knew a time her mom
would never keep her word. After a deep sigh, her mother placed the cold cloth
across her radiated rear end, and slid up beside betsy to see what shes reading.
2001 A space Odyssey? Isnt that a little cerebral reading?
I like it. Especially hal.
Why hal? Asked her mom.
Cause. Hes a computer, and cant lie. So the government made him lie to cover
up the real reason the crew went into space.
He had to eliminate the crew so the mission could go on. The crew wasnt told the
whole plan so they thought hal was broken.
I see. Making hal look like the mad computer gone haywire.
Hm. Time for bed sweetie.


Under the covers. You can sleep without tonight so those lovely little cheeks of
yours can cool down some more. Sam said as she giggled.
Betsy slid under the covers but laid on her side to avoid any unnecessary contact
with the sheets as her mother leaned down to kiss her freckled cheek, and forehead.
Night sweetie. I love you.
Love you too mom. Betsy said as she smiled closing her eyes.
Sam walked to the door with her cream, and cloth and shut off the light. Sleep
well. Ill make you a nice breakfast of country hash, and eggs.
Okay. Night mom.
Sam left the door opened just an inch, then went downstairs to the kitchen. Betsy
kept hearing the reporter on the radio in her mind and wondered just how bad the
earth had gotten by her moms explanation. How far was it from them? How long
was it going to take before their town exploded into a horrific frenzy? All she knew
is that the team in africa had the answer. They must have the answer Betsy thought
otherwise casey would not have told her never to come back. Maybe she could
sneak in to take a peek. Maybe not if casey knew her gift. Betsy had never
practiced much using it but felt it was like second nature. There wasnt much to do
during her trips but her focus remained sharp through out the sessions to get the
idea on just how long she can stay out. She could see her objective and dream
herself to the point but betsy had no control over its boundary areas. She had to
work on that. For the moment all betsy could do was close her eyes, and fall asleep
soundly in her quiet home. After a last rub on her rear end betsy slept deeper than
she had ever anticipated in her young life. A new dream had misted into her mind.
A dream of earth free of the bad things, and bad people who made it that way.
Betsy was content.
Late the next morning betsy woke up, and stretched as she yawned for a good ten
seconds. Honey come on down. Breakfast is ready.
Coming mom.
After getting out of bed, she put on a pair of bottoms over her pink rear end, but
felt no itches because of the material of her pjs. As she headed downstairs she
could smell the delicious aroma of eggs, with bacon, and of course her moms
famous hash browns. Her tummy grumbled a bit anticipating the meal as she got to
the bottom of the stairs to see ruby at the table with her kids. Morning sweetie.
Holy. When did you all get here? I didnt hear your truck. Betsy said.
Oh weve been here for nearly two hours talking with your mom. Ruby replied.
Come on honey. Sit down breakfast will get cold.


Betsy sat down as the kids enjoyed their portion of breakfast along with ruby. It
felt cozy as they all ate together like a real family in ages, and betsy began to eat
like a hungry wolf.
Slow down betsy or youll get a tummy ache. Sam chirped.
Sorry mom just really hungry. Its so good too. Betsy said with a full mouth.
Well thank you just eat slow it wont go anywhere.
As betsy ate with a little more tact she grabbed her milk, and took a good swig as
ruby piped in with; Must be hungry after your butt whooping.
Rubys kids giggled at the thought, which made them all laugh as they enjoyed a
nice sit down breakfast on a chilly morning. The windows had a thin layer of frost
which added to the ambience of a comfortable home as sam drank her coffee.
Betsy only raised her right eye brow as she nodded in agreement while she chewed
on her eggs. Sam brushed betsys hair from her eyes as she smirked once, and
kissed a cheek. After breakfast you and the kids can go play all day if you want.
But keep to the grounds okay? I want to make sure I can keep an eye on all of
Okay. Betsy said as she slurped up some of the yolk from her lower lip.
Ill be in town trying to figure out the next batch of deliveries so I thought I would
bring my terrors over to keep you company. Ruby pointed out smiling.
Cool. Ruby imitated.
When ruby left the farm, betsy along with the kids decided that playing preschool
games was passe. Mike who was eight loved to play the old fashioned kind such
as board games like risk or monopoly. Tracy the year younger sister to mike loved
stories like magical lands or fantasy role types such as the princess and the frog or
peter pan but she had to be pan since the role was a female. Yet Darcy who was the
youngest of six just did what the others suggested since she thought her games
were more innocent. Dolls were her favorite, but she liked to try other things as
long as she could have fun in the process. Betsy had a better idea. I know. How
about we try to go to africa.
What? You know how much that would cost? Mike blabbered out. Mom would
never give us that much money unless we sold our souls to her.
Yeah and mom doesnt like it when were too far away. Tracy said.
And I would miss mommy too. Darcy said with a touch of sadness.
Thats not what I meant. I mean we can try to to think we are there.
What do you mean? Said mike as he sat down on a large rock.
Would you all believe me if I told I could go to africa without even leaving the
yard? Betsy said with some excitement.
How? Tracy asked.


I just think about how to get there. I cant choose where to go like a town or
village. I just end up in some place where theres some people trying to save the
Who? Darcy chimed.
Some nice people. Theyre trying to do something so that the earth can heal itself
from all of the bad things happening.
What a crock. Mike said.
Im gonna tell mom you said that. Tracy warned.
Go ahead. Whats she gonna do?
Shell use her belt on your butt. Like last week remember?
Darcy laughed a bit at the notion that her big brother can still get a licking if need
be in their house. Ruby was very much like sam when it came to disciplining in a
lively household of kids, and since mike was not impressed with tracy for even
bringing it up, he walked away as he said; Thanks for pointing that out tra-cy. Just
leave me alone.
Ah leave him. Hell find a pig to play with or something. Tracy pointed out.
So what I do is think about going to africa. I still stay here but I think my mind
goes there. One can even talk to me if I show myself.
Whats her name? Darcy asked.
Casey. Shes really nice. But one of her friends might be hurt.
Oh no. Darcy whined.
Betsy knew darcy would never believe her that she can move from her body to
another location. The idea would be too complex for her young mind to deal with
so she made it sound like a story line. As for tracy she had to risk telling her further
details that might make her look crazy in the end. Its okay. Her friends are there
to help. Its just they have to find a way out or escape back home. Betsy told
darcy while she knelt down.
So where do we come in? Tracy inquired.
I think we have to hold hands. In a circle so that we can all see it. But to get there
you have to think of somewhere youve never been to. Thats all I do.
I want to try it. Said an excited darcy.
Me too. Ill try.
Ill do it too. Mike said from a tree.
You said it was a crock mike. Tracy jibed.
So what? Betsy doesnt have any board games so Ill give it a shot.
Okay. All four of us has to stand in a circle. Grab a hand, and dont let go. Ill talk
you through.


This is fun. Darcy quipped.

You think anything is fun. Mike said.
Betsy then grabbed tracys hand, to which tracy held darcys, which led to mike,
and back to betsy to form a completed circle of friends. They were standing under
a tree, which to darcy acted like a magical tree so that her imagination could run
wild. Tracy was all for it as she glanced to mike, and her sister with eagerness
except mike was still adamant as being nothing more than a crock. Now we close
our eyes and think of a place we had never been to. Think green big trees with
animals jumping around and open lands with elephants, and rhinos or gazelles.
Like you see on the nature station. Then keep thinking more, and more lands, that
stretch over mountains, and rivers. Mike could feel his pulse quickening, and his
head felt light. Darcy was smiling as she giggled seeing the monkeys, and odd
baboons leaping from tree to tree with squawking birds flying through the air with
no care in the world. As for tracy her mind was more focused on the roads as
trucks rolled by with armed guards and soldiers in the back. Soon betsy told them
all to open their eyes but do not let go of each others hands. Mike opened his to
see the open landscape of africa with a flowing river, and trucks roaring past them
raising dust. Holy shit! Mike shouted.
Im gonna tell mom you said that. Tracy spouted.
Betsy. Can those people see us?
No. Nobody can except the ones I saw. Since I dont choose to speak with
anyone else it means they wont see us. So dont say anything to them. Okay?
Okay. Darcy said with excitement.
Come on. Ill show you where Ive been. But keep holding hands.
Betsy led the troupe to the compound past the front gates where all of the guards
were on high alert. The whole place was buzzing with chaos since the death of their
warlord plus the fact that casey and her group went missing. A woman shouted
orders to the troops; Find the savages. Hunt them down, and kill them all! Mike
was aghast seeing men cocking their weapons or machine guns with scarred fingers
or hands. He couldnt believe what he was seeing. At first he thought it was all
some kind of trick or hypnosis but the air felt real, as was the smells. Darcy winced
as the trucks screamed by them all to go on the hunt for the escaped prisoners.
Betsy knew something was up, and felt they should follow the convoy. Okay stick
together well go until I can see them hiding from these people.
Wait. Wait. Mike said with an exasperated voice.
Youre sure they cant see us?
What if they did, and one tried to shoot us?


They would just hit air. Remember were not really here with our bodies. Were
still on the farm. Just keep thinking about the farm.
Right. The farm. The farm.
Tracy felt something in the back of her mind as an itch. She could feel a presence
was close but not enough to touch. It wasnt a negative feeling but more like an
uncertainty. It led her to believe where the group might be at. Betsy. I think I
know where they might be.
Where? Asked betsy.
If we head that way to the sun I think they are about four miles out behind some
large rocks. Thats what it feels like.
Lead the way.
I have to pee. Darcy said.
You guys want to take a break?
All agreed by silently nodding their heads. Betsy then broke the circle to which
their visions ended and had them all standing under the tree as Darcy headed to the
house in high gear. Mike just stood still trying to cope with what he just witnessed.
Surprisingly tracy was more composed as was betsy. Man, if mom ever found out
we could do this she would freak.
Which is why we wont tell our moms. It has to be our secret. Darcy might but all
our moms would just say is Oh? And was Aladdin there as well?
True. Okay Ill keep it a secret. Mike replied.
I will too. Tracy added.
Its too bad I wanted you to meet casey.
We will. Even if we have to ask mom to bring us here everyday. I mean what is
she going to ask us? So been going to africa lately? Its just so weird. We were
really there. I could even smell the air.
Me too. Are you sure our bodies dont go? Asked a concerned tracy.
No. Our bodies dont. Just our thoughts. I mean mom would have noticed with me
gone from the yard if I was actually in africa. Right?
Right. Brother, and sister agreed.
As darcy flew back she was all excited to go again but betsy had to break the news
to her. Sorry kiddo. Well have to try another time okay? But I promise the next
time you come over we can go. All of us.
Okay. Darcy said with a very sad tone of voice.
Kids! Lunchtime!
Come on. Lets go eat. Betsy suggested.
And to think that africa was that big. I only saw it on maps in school.
I like africa. I like the cute monkeys. Darcy chirped.
I wonder what they eat?


Bananas silly. Darcy pointed out with an intelligent response.

As they all walked in the house sam had set down each a plate topped with a nice
juicy burger as she asked; So what did you all do so far?
At the same time while darcy took a bite of her burger they all replied; Went to
Sam smiled as she said; I see. Well then you must be hungry from all of that safari
running. Anything for you guys to drink?
A beer. Mike said.
Orange juice mike. Youre too young to drink beer. Darcy said with her mouth
Actually I have root beer. Thats what he meant.
Right. Mike agreed.
Ill have one too mom.
As sam went to the fridge, all of the kids looked at each other with a smirk
knowing full well that their secret will remain as such since adults do not believe in
fairy tales. Betsy then let a loud throbbing burp to expel from her throat, which
caused the others to laugh out loud. Her mother glanced over with a leer as she
said; What did you say?
Excuse me. Betsy replied with a red face
Uh-huh. Her mom said as she sat down a round of root beers. All she needed
next was a piano to add to the western thrill of feeding the pack of wild animals
that sauntered in from the open cactus filled desert to her saloon. As the night crept
in ruby drove up to the house to pick up the kids as darcy loudly told her mom that
they all went to africa to see the wild animals, and some of the locals who were
going on the hunt. Needless to say betsy said nothing nor did mike or tracy. Is that
right? Did you find the monkeys? Ruby asked.
Yup. And even a few bewildered beasts.
Suddenly the other three started to laugh from the mistake in her animal species.
Since darcy knew no better she too giggled as ruby looked at sam with wonder in
her expression. Well my brood, lets go home. Ill order up some pizza.
No its fine I fed them dinner already. Sam interjected.
Oh. Well how about some ice cream then?
Yeah! Darcy said as she danced up an down.
Could we come over tomorrow mom? Tracy requested.
I dont see why not. Perhaps tomorrow you guys can go back to africa and find
some more monkeys or even more bewildered beasts.
As the kids laughed walking to the truck sam, and ruby stood alone as betsy
walked with the others. Its getting worse.
I know. Were going to have to get some weapons. Sam replied with dread.



Out on the open plains of the desert dave, and casey helped brian by closing the
wounds on his knee caps. Although none of them were medically trained shiro had
a better knowledge of wounds since his war days in east pakistan during one of his
excursions to an old city. He was not ideally equipped since all they had were some
light bandages, and a few bottles of alcohol that casey nabbed from the compound.
Dave was sure they would follow them out to their position but never did he
imagine the troops would use the roads. He didnt know how much time they had
until the soldiers found them but brian was not going to last long in his condition.
Dave his wounds are festering.
I know. Dave whispered.
What did they do to him? Casey asked with a very quiet voice.
The warlord had some boars eating his flesh.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Casey said as she placed a hand over her mouth.
Brian was knocked out cold sleeping on the ground with a small blanket covering
his body. They couldnt start a fire since it would be seen from those searching for
them with machine guns. Shiro laid close to brian to keep his body warm so that he
wouldnt get hypothermia since the nights were coldest on the open plains. Casey
snuggled against dave to feel his warmth as he wrapped an arm around her waist as
they gazed up to the stars together. It was a quiet night albeit for the odd chirps
from crickets or distant roars from predators. He was lucky though that during their
escape he managed to grab a gun from one of the racks, which to him meant a little
more freedom in their choices. Dave. Remember when jack said he saw a girl?
Yeah. Why?
I think I saw her too. A little one about seven or eight years old. I thought I was
going nuts at first until she spoke to me.
What did she say?
Casey for the moment thought dave was humoring her until she replied; She told
me that we were going to save the earth from this nightmare. All of us.

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