Hypolipidemic Activity of Caralluma Adscendens On Triton and Methimazole Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats

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Vol 1/Issue 1/Jan-Feb 2012

Hypolipidemic Activity of Caralluma adscendens on Triton and Methimazole Induced

Hyperlipidemic Rats
Somnath Sakore *1, Patil SD2, Sanjay Surana3

Project Manager, Cadila Pharmaceutical Ltd., Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Department of Pharmacology, R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur, Maharashtra, India
Principal, R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur, Maharashtra, India

In the United States as well as in India, coronary heart disease is a leading cause of death for both men and
women and large number of epidemiological and experimental evidences have proved that elevated plasma
cholesterol carry high risk of heart diseases. Caralluma adscendens belongs to family Ascalpedaceae has been
used to treat obesity traditionally. According to the literature survey Caralluma adscendens is used as a thirst
quenching agent. Caralluma adscendens contains high amount of pregnane glycoside, flavone glycoside;
Literature survey also showed that pregnane glycoside and flavone glycoside are linked with lowering the risk of
heart disease. So we have carried out present study to evaluate the hypolipidemic activity of Caralluma
adscendens by using various animal models.
Key Words: Hypolipidemic activity, Caralluma fimbriata, Ascalpedaceae, Triton
Hyperlipidemia is a collective term used to describe
human conditions when a plasma level of one or
more classes of lipids, namely cholesterol,
triglycerides, phospholipids and fatty acids increases
above normal levels. Hyperlipidemia is one of the
major causes of the development of cardiovascular
disorders. Heart disease is leading cause of death in
India as well as in western country.
Caralluma is a genus in the Asclepiadaceous family.
There are approximately 100 variable species in the
genus. The plant Caralluma adscendens (Roxb) ver.
fimbriata (Ascalpedaceae) is a tender succulents
found wild in Africa, the Canary Islands, India,
Arabia, Southern Europe, Ceylon, and Afghanistan.
It is known as Ranshabar, Makad Shenguli,
Shindala Makadi in Marathi.
The Phytochemistry of genus Caralluma is
characterized by many pregnane glycosides, while
recently megastigmane glycosides also have been
isolated from Caralluma negevensi as well as few
flavones (Bader et al., 2003).
Address for Correspondence:
E-mail: somnath.sakore@cadilapharma.co.in
Tel: +91-9998949344
Received: 15.01.12
Accepted: 28.02.12

Caralluma edulis is known for its antidiabetic and

antioxidant properties (Wadood et al., 1989) and
Caralluma attenuata for their antihyperglycemic
activity (Venktesh et al., 2003.), after extensive
literature survey it was found that no scientific
investigation has so far been conducted on the
hypolipidemic activity of Caralluma adscendens so
the present study was carried out to verify the claim
and evaluate the hypolipidemic property of stem of
Caralluma adscendense var. fimbriata.
Materials and Methods
Experimental animals
The study was conducted on Albino Wister rats
weighing 180-200 g and were housed in
polypropylene cages and maintained under standard
conditions (12 hrs light and dark cycles, at 25 30C
and 35-60 % humidity). Standard palletized feed and
tap water were provided ad libitum. The study was
approved by Institutional Animal Ethical Committee
of R.C. Patel College of Pharmacy, Shirpur, India,
registered under CPCSEA, India (Registration
Preparation of Caralluma adscendense extract
The plant material was collected from the region of
North Maharashtra laling ghat in Dhule District. At
the time of collection whole plant including roots,
stem and flower were collected and authentication


Somnath et al., Pharmtechmedica/1(1)/2012

was made from Department of Botany S.S.V.P.Ss

College of Science; Dhule Maharashtra, India. A
voucher specimen has been kept in department for
further reference.
Aerial parts of the plant were removed and dried
under shade in a room. After 10 days of drying aerial
parts were pulverized and sieved with a 40 # sieve.
Caralluma adscendense powder was subjected to
hot extraction using Soxhlet extractor for aqueous
extract was obtained by cold maceration. The extract
was concentrated under vacuum pressure.
Acute Toxicity Study
Albino female mice weighing 25-30 gm were used
for acute toxicity study. Acute toxicity study was
carried out as per Up & Down method. The test
drug was found to be safe up to the dose 5000 mg/kg
body weight hence 1/10th of dose was taken as an
effective dose (500 mg/kg). The doses were selected
250 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg and 750 mg/kg.
Hypolipidemic Activity
Methimazole Induced Hypothyroidism
Albino Wistar rats were selected for the
experimental model. The rats were fed with the
standard diet and water ad libitum before the
experiment. Room temperature was maintained
between 20-30oC along with the humidity 40-60%.
The weights of selected rats were the 250-280gms.
30 rats were divided into 5 groups each group
contain 6 rats. Control group (Group I) received tap
water. Group II received Methimazole 2% with
drinking water.
Groups III, IV and V received
Methimazole 2% with drinking water along with
aqueous extract in the dose of 250 mg/kg, 500
mg/kg and 750 mg/kg p.o. for 15 days (Venditti et
al; 1997).
Triton WR 1339 induced hyperlipidemia
Albino Wistar rats were selected for the
experimental model. The rats were fed with the
standard diet and water ad libitum before the
experiment. Room temperature was maintained
between 20-30oC along with the humidity 4060%.
The weight of selected rats were the 200-220 gm. 36
rats were divided into 6 groups each group contain 6
rats. According to the body weight of individual rat

200 mg/kg Triton was injected intraperitonely

(Kourounakis et al; 2002, Panwala P.T et al; 2004).
Group 1 - Normal saline 1ml/animal.
Group 2 - Triton WR 1339 (200 mg/kg) B.W
Group 3 - Triton WR 1339 (200 mg/kg) B.W. +
Gemfibrozil 60 mg/kg orally B.W.
Group 4 - Triton WR 1339 (200 mg/kg) B.W. +
Aqueous Extract 250 mg/kg B.W.
Group 5 - Triton WR 1339 (200 mg/kg) B.W. +
Aqueous Extract 500 mg/kg B.W.
Group 6 - Triton WR 1339 (200 mg/kg) B.W. +
Aqueous Extract 750 mg/kg B.W.
Group 2nd received Triton solution 200 mg/kg
intraperitonily and vehicle while Group 4th, 5th and 6th
received Triton oil solution 200 mg/kg along with
extract 250 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg and 750 mg/kg
respectively. Group III received Gemfibrozil the
standard drug in the dose of 60 mg/kg. Group 1st
normal rats were taken for the analysis. In treatment
groups the extract was given orally 30 minutes
before the Triton injection. Blood was collected
from all the rats before Triton injection at 0 hours
and 24 hours after Triton injection.
Estimation of Biochemical parameter
Cholesterol level, HDL and Triglyceride level were
estimated from serum by CHOD-PAP method &
GPO-PAP method respectively (Devi R. et al; 2003).
LDL and VLDL-cholesterol and Atherogenic index
was calculated by using following the method
(Friedwald et al.1992).
Statistical analysis
Results are expressed as mean SEM (Standard
Error Mean) and subjected to one way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnetts test and
values with P < 0.05 were considered to be
statistically significant.
Percentage yield of aqueous extract was found to be
47.2%w/w. Phytochemical Investigation was found
to be following compounds were present Glycoside,
steroids, flavonoids and alkaloids (Kokate C.K.,
1994). Hypothyroidism increases the risk for
development of cardiovascular disease, largely


Somnath et al., Pharmtechmedica/1(1)/2012

Methimazole induced hypothyroidism:

Table No: 1 Effect of aqueous Extract of caralluma fimbriata on serum cholesterol and triglyceride level
in Methimazole induced hypothyroidism.
Cholesterol Level
Triglyceride Level
Methimazole only
Aqueous Extract 250 mg/kg
Aqueous Extract 500 mg/kg
Aqueous Extract 750 mg/kg



Values are expressed as mean SEM n=6

Data was analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by Dunnets test
P<0.01=very significant **
Triton induced hyperlipidemic model:
Table No: 2 Effect of aqueous Extract of caralluma fimbriata on lipid profile in Triton induced
Cholesterol Triglyceride
genic index
Normal saline
Triton only
200 mg/kg
60 mg/kg
Extract 250
Extract 500
625.0 **
0.93 0.03**
Extract 750
Values are expressed as mean SEM
Data was analyzed by one way ANOVA followed by Dunnets test
P<0.01=very significant **
because of a worsening cardiovascular risk factor

cholesterol, and increased lipoprotein.
Present study clearly showed that aqueous extract at
a dose of 250, 500, 750 mg/kg/p.o significantly


Somnath et al., Pharmtechmedica/1(1)/2012

lowered Methimazole induced elevated level of total

cholesterol (p<0.01) and triglyceride (p<0.05).
Triton in phase I increase hepatic synthesis of
cholesterol through the ability of Triton to interfere
with the uptake of plasma lipids by the tissues.
Drugs interfering with cholesterol biosynthesis were
shown to be active in phase I, while drugs interfering
with cholesterol excretion and metabolism were
active in phase II. In Triton there is significant rise
in level of Serum Cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL
level (Hemalatha S. et al, 2006).
There was significant increase in the levels of serum
cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL-c and a decrease in
level of HDL-c in the Triton treated animals.
Elevated level of blood cholesterol especially LDL-c
is a known major risk factor for CHD whereas HDLc is cardio protective. Treatment with aqueous
extract, at three different doses significantly
decreased the levels of total cholesterol and LDL-c
as compare to the controls (Tepne C.R. et al 2006).
Atherogenic index indicates the deposition of foam
cells or plaque or fatty infiltration or lipids in heart,
coronaries, aorta, liver and kidneys. The higher the
atherogenic index, the higher is the risk of the above
organs for oxidative damage. Atherogenic index was
significantly reduced in the Caralluma fimbriata
treated groups (Table 2).
Conclusively, the observed cholesterol reducing
action of the aqueous extract of Caralluma fimbriata
indicates the hypolipidemic activity.
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