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Oliver Oberg

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In an essay, discuss how your personal background informs your decision to
pursue a graduate degree. Please include any educational, familial, cultural,
economic, or social experiences, challenges, or opportunities relevant to your
academic journey; how you might contribute to social or cultural diversity within
your chosen field; and/or how you might serve educationally underrepresented
segments of society with your degree. (8000 chars ~ 1000 words - 1183)
If I didnt feel such an attraction to physics, I may well have decided to go into
literature or movies. In particular, science fiction. It is a unique genre, using a
fantasy setting to bypass issues of plausibility or reality to get at the heart of its
subject matter. Though at its worst it can be contrived and laughably bad, at its
best it can be an exploration of what may ultimately be possible. The same
wonder at what we may ultimately be able to accomplish is also what draws me to
physics. A through understanding of physics ought to help answer the question of
what our ultimate limits are.
Appropriately, my original interest was born of science fiction literature and
film. At first, my childhood questions could be answered through parents or
teachers, though by the end of high school each answer just opened up many more
questions. Already at the start of college, I knew I would pursue a graduate
degree in order to come closer to satisfactorily answering my questions. While
graduate studies will provide intellectual satisfaction this way, it appeals to me on
a quite practical level, too. Primarily, my work at the Institute for Defense
Analyses (IDA) has been enjoyable; Ive found that research in general is a fun
way to be creative. Even so, research here is geared towards accomplishment. To
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Oliver Oberg

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contrast, I recall a day of class in which the professor let the three of us who
showed up decide whether to practice some problem sets, or ask him about his
research. As he described his work and approach, his passion resonated with me.
Describing his graduate years as some of his most fulfilling, he helped me confirm
that conducting research geared towards creating knowledge was the academic and
professional path I sought. Years prior, I witnessed my father work towards a
Doc Phil and envied his opportunity to dedicate himself to study. Finally, at an
informal end-of-semester gathering for the undergraduate quantum students at
another professors house, I felt right at home amongst others with similar
intellectual pursuits, and realized it was the kind of environment I desired as a
Though my interest in physics developed during my childhood, it wasnt until
adolescence that I felt a drive to deeper study. Nevertheless, Ive always had a
desire to siphon a little more than necessary out of my choices. Already after
elementary school, I decided to raise my grades in order to get into the prestigious
bilingual John F Kennedy School in Berlin. Upon going into college, I felt that I
ought to take advantage of the possibility of getting two degrees. During college,
for an engineering design class I received a grade slightly below what I had
expected. The professor was accessible and straightforward on the matter and
explained that I was between the two grades. Statistically though, he explained, I
fit in better with the lower grade than the higher. While I would accept the
professors judgment on my academic ability, I wasnt about to let a statistic stand
in my way. With his approval, I developed a summary of equations and concepts
in the form of a reference guide for future students. Now having quantifiably
contributed more to the class, he agreed that it was fair for me to receive the
higher grade. As this occurred during other final exams, I had to weigh the extra
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Oliver Oberg

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work against the necessity to study for other finals. Ultimately, though, I knew I
wouldnt be satisfied without trying, even if it meant coming dangerously close to
taking on more than I could handle. It gave me a sense of accomplishment. Not
just because I managed to improve my grades, but because I showed myself that
when it came down to making the choice, I would be able to take on more work
and aim for higher goals. In my graduate studies, I expect to apply this same
drive and handle the demands of graduate level courses and independent research.
As a child, I did not appreciate the frequency with which we moved. With
separated parents, each new move meant adapting to not only one but two new
environments. In retrospect, I wasnt aware of the uncommon opportunities
available to me, other than a few notable exceptions. Witnessing the fall of the
iron curtain first hand in Berlin in November 1989 impressed even my ten-yearold mind. At the time, my cultural identity was still pliable enough to completely
adapt to the German culture. At the time, however, the US military still had a
strong presence and, thanks to my fathers previous position as a Navy officer, the
American culture was still present and alluring. Constantly exposed to both
cultures, I grew up truly multiculturally. Even upon returning to the US, I
remained in the German educational system including the standard fifth year of
high school, cumulating in the Abitur. Perhaps the military influence on my
youth lead me to eventually working with the Department of Defense. IDA is
mostly civilian, but many researchers are former military, and a number are active
military. It took a little bit of getting used to, working in such an environment
where terrorism and espionage are not news items but everyday concerns. For the
first week or so after receiving a clearance, I didnt sleep well. Its quite a
burden, and the fear of muttering in my sleep or letting my tongue slip in
conversation still pops up from time to time. Luckily, there are seminars and
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Oliver Oberg

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courses on security to train one for the responsibility. From picking up military
jargon to proper handling of materials, it has all simply become part of daily life.
It all requires a bit of adapting, but over time, adapting becomes seamless, and I
hope my transition to graduate studies goes equally well.
Science fiction movies and literature also appealed to me for being vastly different
from other forms of entertainment, a nice contrast to mundane life. I couldnt be
so vain as to think Im unique in experiencing numerous hardships throughout
life. However, I do think I have a particularly beneficial way of dealing with
hardship. On a near-trivial level, I had to supporting myself as an undergraduate.
While I know to appreciate my parents foresight in providing a college education
fund, it was only enough to cover the minimums of education, room, and board.
This motivated me to tutor as a side job. On a more serious note, I lost my
mother in a vehicular accident the summer after my freshman year. I was left to
take care of my familys troubles as well as my own return to school in the fall.
Knowing how my ability to deal with it could affect the rest of my life, I turned
the difficulties into motivation to minimize setbacks and continue on with my
education. While other experiences have taught me my limits, I feel that because
hardship motivates me instead of discouraging me, I can take on most any
reasonable task.
As mentioned, science fiction was my entertainment of choice. It would often
touch on or reflect my own life experiences. With each experience, however, I
again question what may be possible if I push a little harder. They have set me on
the course of graduate study in physics, and given me a solid base for dealing with
both the difficulties and accomplishments that lay ahead. Though I decided on a
career in academics well before some of my most important life experiences, each
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Oliver Oberg

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one since has assured me of my choice.

Oliver Oberg

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