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The Doll's House" - Katherine Mansfield - Critical Analysis

The Doll's House is a short story by Katherine Mansfield, written in the year
1922. The story reveals the extent to which class consciousness has wreaked havoc
in the social set up, so much so that the other children are discouraged from talking
to the children from the lowest of the social classes. The story traces the problem
of class consciousness through the character of Kezia, and her journey from
innocence to the symbolic world of experience.
The Arrival of the Dolls House in the Burnell family:

The Doll's House

The Burnell children receive a dolls house from Mrs Hay, who had come to stay
with them. The children were so excited about the dolls house, and they decide to
show it off to their school friends. With the arrival of the doll's house, the Burnell
children get so excited and greatly attracted to it. While the two older children
admire the red carpet, the red chairs, and the gold frames of this richly decorated
house, Kezia, the youngest of the girls, takes an interest in the rather simple lamp.

The Dolls House Cynosure(centre of attention) of all Eyes:

In school, during playtime, Isabel, the eldest of the Burnell children, was
surrounded. The girls of her class nearly fought to be her special friend. All the
girls, giggling together, pressed up close to have a look at the dolls house, which
was the cynosure of all eyes now. The only two who stayed outside the ring were
the little Kelveys. Many of the children, including the Burnells, were not allowed
to speak to them. The Kelveys were shunned by everybody. When Kezia asks her
mother, "Can't I ask the Kelveys just once?" To which, the response is, "Certainly
not, Kezia!
The fact that even the teacher had a special voice for them, and a special smile for
the other children speaks to the discreet (or rather distinct) ways in which class
consciousness is practised even by teachers themselves, in maintaining the social
Symbolism of the Lamp:
Kezia took a great liking for the undecorated lamp. While the others seem to be
interested in the gaudy decorations that adorn the house, for Kezia, the lamp was
perfect. It was so real. When Isabel, the bossy eldest sister went on describing
the various features of the dolls house, Kezia broke in and said, Youve forgotten
the lamp, Isabel! The lamps best of all cried Kezia. But nobody paid attention.
The lamp here symbolises the working class. These lamps are the sacrificial
lights in the altar of the wealthy capitalists. According to Marx, these working
classes or proletariat are individuals who sell their labour power for wages and
who do not own the means of production. He argued that they were responsible for
creating the wealth of a society, but ironically, are treated with contempt and
disdain by society.
Innocence vs Experience:
Kezia decides to make friends with the Kelveys because she has not been so far
indoctrinated with the class consciousness which seem to have corrupted her older
sisters. Mansfield beautifully interweaves the contradicting forces of Kezia's
innocence with the bigoted views of those who live in the world of
experience. While the others keep reminding her of her high class status, Kezia

insists on her thoughts of equality to the prejudiced views of the members of her
social class. By doing so, she is metaphorically, trying to break the social hierarchy
of class inequalities.
Discrimination based on Class:
Mansfield brings out the bitter truth that the discrimination between the wealthy
haves and the underprivileged have nots was based solely on wealth and class.
The fact that the line had to be drawn somewhere speaks volumes to the social
hierarchy prevalent in society. At the end of the story, Aunt Beryl shouts at Kezia,
How dare you ask the little Kelveys into the courtyard? in her furious voice,
adding, Run away, children, run away at once. And dont come back again!
Burning with shame, shrinking together, the Kelvey sisters huddled through the
big courtyard and squeezed through the white gate.
Conclusion: Through the portrayal of the predicament of the Kelveys, Mansfield
brings out the class consciousness that was faithfully handed down by one
generation to another, from parents to children and vice versa. Moreover, through
the deft portrayal of the character of Kezia, Mansfield tries to challenge the
existing social class consciousness which was wreaking havoc on the social fabric.

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