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20 June

Jeremy Corbyns election means we should...



he election of Jeremy Corbyn

has given hope to everyone who
wants to oppose Tory austerity and
It was great that the first things he did
on becoming Labour leader were to speak
out against attacks on the unions and join
100,000 on the streets of London in defence
of refugees.
And it was brilliant that he congratulated
National Gallery workers for their all-out
strike against privatisation and in defence
of their victimised trade union rep Candy
Udwin, when he spoke at the TUC.
But the days since Corbyns election have
seen an endless stream of media attacks and
threats of rebellion in Labours ranks.
And all this is with Labour in opposition.


You only have to look at Greece to see

the kind of pressure a Corbyn-led Labour
government would face.
There the left wing Syriza Party has just
been re-elected. Sadly under pressure from
the IMF, EU and the bankers they have
agreed to implement massive cuts.
We have to make sure the trade union
and anti-austerity movement here is strong
enough to hold back these kind of pressures.
Theres already been threats from an
un-named general that the British Army
could revolt if Corbyn was elected Prime
minister! Imagine what could happen if he
really got elected.
But the Tories arent having it all their
own way. While right wing papers like
The Sun are trying to divert attention by
renewing attacks on refugees, Piggate has
dominated the news (except on BBC which
is pretending nothing happened).
People are busy laughing at what
Cameron got up to at University. Its nice to
know that while thousands of working class
students are priced out of education, the rich
join secret clubs to remind them they are
born to rule.
The Tories are pushing through huge cuts
to benefits, the anti-union Trade Union Bill
that seeks to limit our right to strike and
scapegoating refugees.
We cant wait more than four years until
the next election to fight back.
On Sunday 4 October the TUC has called
a demonstration against austerity and for

Camden NSL parking enforcement officers seven day strike

workers rights at the Tory Party conference

in Manchester.
This gives us a chance to mobilise the
mood that saw Corbyns overwhelming
election onto the streets against Cameron
and Co.
Then on Monday 2 November the TUC
has called for a mass lobby of parliament
against the Trade Union Bill.


If this bill goes through it will be the biggest

attack on trade union rights for generations.
We cant let that happen. We have to
prepare to break these laws before they are
used to break us!
Its great weve got protests to mobilise
for over the next weeks but, in the end
if were to stop austerity in its tracks we
also need our unions to organise powerful
strike action that can halt the attacks on our
unions and derail the attacks on working
class people.
Lets build on the tremendous local
struggles like the National Gallery strike.

Sign the statement

to back Corbyns anti
austerity policies:

Ten trade union leaders have backed a

statement to defend Jeremy Corbyns antiausterity policies from attacks from the
media and politicians.
Add your name and raise the model
motion to back the statement in your trade
union branch or campaign meeting.
Enter this link in your browser: http://bit.

No to AusterityRage
Against the Tories
TUC demo at Tory party conference,
Sunday 4 October, No to austerity
yes to workers rights, assemble 12
noon Oxford Road, Manchester.

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