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Gimulatan, Jesun V.


Da Vinci Code
The Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery-detective novel by Dan Brown. It follows symbologist
Robert Langdon and cryptologist Sophie Neveu after a murder in the Louvre Museum in Paris,
when they become involved in a battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei over the
possibility of Jesus Christ having been married to Mary Magdalene. The title of the novel refers,
among other things, to the finding of the first murder victim in the Grand Gallery of the Louvre,
naked and posed like Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, with a cryptic
message written beside his body and a pentagram drawn on his chest in his own blood.
Louvre curator and Priory of Sion Grand Master Jacques Saunire is fatally shot one night at the
museum by an albino Catholic monk named Silas, who is working on behalf of someone he
knows only as the Teacher, who wishes to discover the location of the "keystone", an item crucial
to the search for the Holy Grail. After Saunire's body is discovered in the pose of the Vitruvian
Man, the police summon Harvard Professor Robert Langdon, who is in town on business. Police
Captain Bezu Fache tells him that he was summoned to help the police decode the cryptic
message Saunire left during the final minutes of his life. The message includes a Fibonacci
sequence out of order. Langdon explains to Fache that Saunire was a leading authority on the
subject of goddess artwork and that the pentacle Saunire drew in his own blood represents an
allusion to the goddess and not "devil worship", as Fache says.
A police cryptographer, Sophie Neveu, secretly explains to Langdon that she is Saunire's
estranged granddaughter, and that Fache thinks Langdon is the murderer, because her
grandfather's message said "PS Find Robert Langdon", which she says Fache had erased prior to
Langdon's arrival. Neveu is troubled by memories of her grandfather's involvement in a secret
pagan group. However, she understands that her grandfather intended Langdon to decipher the
code, which she and Langdon find leads them to a safe deposit box at the Paris branch of the
Depository Bank of Zurich. Neveu and Langdon escape from the police and visit the bank. In the
safe deposit box they find the keystone: a cryptex, a cylindrical, hand-held vault with five
concentric, rotating dials labeled with letters. When these are lined up correctly, they unlock the
device. If the cryptex is forced open, an enclosed vial of vinegar ruptures and dissolves the
message inside the cryptex, which was written on papyrus. The box containing the cryptex
contains clues to its password.
Langdon and Neveu take the keystone to the house of Langdon's friend, Sir Leigh Teabing, an
expert on the Holy Grail. There, Teabing explains that the Grail is not a cup, but a tomb
containing the bones of Mary Magdalene. The trio then flees the country on Teabing's private
plane, on which they conclude that the proper combination of letters spell out Neveu's given
name, "SOFIA." Opening the cryptex, they discover a smaller cryptex inside it, along with
another riddle that ultimately leads the group to the tomb of Isaac Newton in Westminster Abbey.

Gimulatan, Jesun V.
During the flight to Britain, Neveu reveals the source of her estrangement from her grandfather,
ten years earlier. Arriving home unexpectedly from university, Neveu clandestinely witnesses a
spring fertility rite conducted in the secret basement of her grandfather's country estate. From her
hiding place, she is shocked to see her grandfather having sex with a woman at the center of a
ritual attended by men and women who are wearing masks and chanting praise to the goddess.
She flees the house and breaks off all contact with Saunire. Langdon explains that what she
witnessed was an ancient ceremony known as Hieros gamos or "sacred marriage".
The final message inside the second keystone leads Neveu and Langdon to Rosslyn Chapel,
whose docent turns out to be Neveu's long-lost brother, whom Neveu had been told died as a
child in the car accident that killed her parents. The guardian of Rosslyn Chapel, Marie Chauvel
Saint Clair, is Neveu's long-lost grandmother. It is revealed that Neveu is a descendant of Jesus
Christ and Mary Magdalene. The Priory of Sion hid her identity to protect her from possible
threats to her life.
Dan Brown himself addresses the idea of some of the more controversial aspects being fact on
his web site, stating that the "FACT" page at the beginning of the novel mentions only
"documents, rituals, organization, artwork and architecture", but not any of the ancient theories
discussed by fictional characters, stating that "Interpreting those ideas is left to the reader".
Brown also says, "It is my belief that some of the theories discussed by these characters may
have merit" and "the secret behind The Da Vinci Code was too well documented and significant
for me to dismiss.

Gimulatan, Jesun V.

Angels & Demons

Angels & Demons is a 2009 American mystery thriller film directed by Ron Howard and based
on Dan Brown's novel of the same name. It is the sequel to the 2006 film, The Da Vinci Code,
also directed by Ron Howard. The novel was published first and The Da Vinci Code followed it.
Filming of Angels & Demons took place in Rome, Italy, and the Sony Pictures Studios in Culver
City, California.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) initiates the Large Hadron Collider
and creates three vials of antimatter particles larger than any that have ever been produced
before. Almost immediately, Father Silvano is killed and one of the vials of antimatter goes
missing. At the same time, the Roman Catholic Church is mourning the sudden death of Pope
Pius XVI in Rome and prepares for the papal conclave to elect the next Pope. Langdon listens to
the Illuminati's message and deduces that the four cardinals will die at the four altars of the "Path
of Illumination," marked by statues of angels in locations relevant to the four classical elements.
Over the objections of Commander Maximilian Richter (Stellan Skarsgrd), head of the Swiss
Guard, but with McKenna's consent, Langdon is granted access to the Vatican Secret Archives.
He examines Galileo Galilei's banned book with Vetra. Following the clues and accompanied by
Inspector General Ernesto Olivetti (Pierfrancesco Favino), and Claudio Vincenzi (David
Pasquesi) of the Vatican Gendarmerie Corps, they arrive at the Chigi Chapel in the Church of
Santa Maria del Popolo. There they find Cardinal Ebner (Curt Lowens) dead, suffocated with
soil and branded with an ambigrammatic word "Earth". They verify the second location is Saint
Peter's Square but are unable to save Cardinal Lamass (Franklin Amobi); his lungs punctured
and his body branded with "Air". While Vetra studies Silvano's diaries, Langdon, Olivetti and
Vincenzi locate the third church, Santa Maria della Vittoria, but are unable to save Cardinal
Guidera (Bob Yerkes) from being burned to death. His body is branded with an ambigrammatic
word, "Fire". The assassin (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) appears and kills Olivetti and Vincenzi, while
Langdon barely manages to escape with his life. Langdon and two Carabinieri officers (Victor
Alfieri and Todd Schneider) race to the Water altar, the Fountain of the Four Rivers, where the
assassin murders the officers and drops a bound and weighted Cardinal Baggia (Marco Fiorini)
into the fountain. Langdon, assisted by bystanders, saves the cardinal, who tells him the
Illuminati's lair is Castel Sant'Angelo. There Langdon and Vetra discover a hidden passageway
leading to the Vatican, being used as a hideout for the assassin. Discovering a case with marks
for five branding irons, they realize the fifth brand is for the camerlengo but are confronted by
the assassin before they can alert McKenna. The assassin spares their lives, then cryptically
warns them that his contractors were "men of God". He escapes but is then killed when his car

Gimulatan, Jesun V.
explodes. Inside the Vatican, Langdon and Vetra find Commander Richter hovering over
McKenna with a gun, the Vatican symbol branded into McKenna's chest. Richter and Archbishop
Simeon (Cosimo Fusco) are shot by the Guards, and Langdon takes a key that slips from
Richter's hand. The stolen antimatter vial is found in St. Peter's Tomb below the church, but the
battery life is too low to risk re-connecting it to a battery. McKenna, a former military pilot,
seizes the vial and uses an awaiting helicopter to fly above the Vatican. At a high altitude, he
parachutes out as the antimatter bomb explodes overhead. McKenna is hailed a hero and savior,
and the cardinals move to elect him pope. Langdon and Vetra use Richter's key to watch a
security video showing McKenna speaking to Richter before the attack.
The Vatican officially announces that McKenna died due to internal injuries suffered during his
parachute landing, and Cardinal Baggia is named Pope Luke, with Cardinal Strauss as the new
I enjoyed watching angles and demons because they had many things discovered that I didnt
know. When I watch kast year I forgot some details about the story of angels and demons but I
read about that, Im kind of disappointed by how they showed Patricks reasoning of killing the
pope. It so kind of lame.

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