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Copyright©2009 by Human Rights Center of the

National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

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or any information storage and retrieval system, without
permission in writing from the publisher.

A publication of the Human Rights Center of the

National Council of Resistance of Iran

Correspondance address: B.P. 18, 95430 Auvers-sur-Oise,






This year’s events brought about unprecedented instability for the mullahs’ regime in Iran.
The Iranian people’s rejection of the regime in its entirety while demanding a democratic government, the
clerical regime’s total isolation while losing its friends in the West in its duel with the international community
to acquire the nuclear bomb as well as the major blows it received strategically in export of terrorism to
neighboring countries and the region as a whole, joined hands to create a deep division within the Iranian
To survive, the mullahs stepped up suppression and committed systematic violations of human rights and
fundamental freedoms, further deteriorating the already appalling situation in Iran. These attempts went even
beyond Iran’s boundaries, moving into the neighboring Iraq to crack down on opponents protected by the
Fourth Geneva Convention.

The sham presidential elections in Iran on the one hand revealed the weakness of the religious-military regime
and on the other, the Iranian people’s peaceful demand for change. The bloody suppression of the peaceful
protest of millions shocked the world. To deal with the “threat” of being overthrown, the illegitimate regime –
strongly rebuked even by credible Islamic authorities in Iran and abroad – resorted to brutal beatings and
widespread arrests, torture and rape to break its opponents and stage show trials even for officials of the rival
faction that lost in the elections. All this was attempted to terrorize the society.
Khamenei personally intervened and threatened those who dare to stage further protests. Ahmadinejad also
described the disenchanted populace as dirt and dust that must be annihilated.

Last year, with at least 366 publicly-announced executions and execution of nine minors, the Tehran regime set
the world record in executions (relative to the country’s population). This year, the regime set an even higher
record by executing 402 persons including nine minors.

Tehran mullahs resorted to bloody crackdown on those participating in the post-elections protests killing
hundreds who were mostly buried without acquiring their identities or informing their families.
Families of those missing have been inquiring for months about the fate of their loved ones from the judicial
authorities and prisons without receiving any answer. Some have received the lifeless bodies of their children
only after pledging to hold only small, private funeral ceremonies. They also pledged not to speak out against
the murderers of their children (i.e. Ahmadinejad’s illegitimate dictatorship) or write the cause of death on the
tombstone. They were even forced to pay the price of the bullets used to kill their own children.
This was the case for the families of Farzad Jashni, Saeid Abbassi, Ashkan Sohrabi, Bahman Jenabi, Iman
Hashemi, Parisa Kolli, Mostafa Kia‑Rostami, Fahimeh Salahshoor, Arman Estakhripour, Meisam Ebadi (17),
Massoud Hashem-zadeh, Hossein Tufan-pour, Abbas Disnad, Ramin Ramezani, Yaqoub Bervaieh, Shelir
Khezari … and Neda Aqa Soltan, the young woman shot to death by a Bassij agent in a peaceful protest in
Tehran on June 20, 2009. Neda became the symbol of Iranian people’s demand for democracy as the world
witnessed in her death, the innocence of the people of Iran. Such arbitrary killings also included children as
young as 10 and 12.

Torture was widely used to pressure prisoners and even officials of the rival faction to take part in television
show trials. Many young Iranians lost their lives under torture. They included Kianush Assa, Sohrab Erabi,
Mohssen Rouholamini, Ramin Qahremani, Amir Javadifar and Taraneh Moussavi, the young girl whose
charred body was found in the outskirts of Tehran after numerous counts of dastardly rape.


Although rape of young women has been used in Iranian prisons as a routine method of torture sanctioned
three decades ago in a fatwa by Khomeini, the founder of this medieval regime, this time, young boys were also
exposed to this type of torture to terrorize the general public.
The measure backfired, however, since Khamenei, the mullahs’ supreme leader, no longer enjoys his previous
influence and is recognized as the first person responsible for all these crimes. This is why he ordered closure of
Kahrizak Detention Center – publicly referred to as the “Death Camp” – in an obvious retreat.
The regime has so far refrained from persecution and introduction of the perpetrators of these atrocious crimes,
including Brig. Gen. Ahmad Reza Radan, the head of Tehran’s Police, who openly ordered torture of detainees.
He said, “We enjoy absolute freedom in dealing with you, so much that we can cut you into pieces and bury you
in the desert. Your cries will reach nowhere and if you don’t die here, you should shrink to the size of a mouse
to be able to pass through these bars and go to Evin (Prison)…”
Torture and rape are routinely practiced in all official and secret prisons and detention centers. Living
eyewitnesses and their families have been threatened to death if they dare to reveal these crimes.

Women are systematically terrorized, repressed, and deprived of humane activities. The mullahs’ brutality
however has failed to rein in the Iranian women’s demand for a democratic and equal life and they are present
at the forefront of all democratic protests.

In addition to university students who are systematically summoned, deprived from education and imprisoned,
monitored by hidden cameras, and their freedom of speech violated in the student press, this year, the
university faculty and professors have also been badly suppressed and targeted. Dr. Mohammad Maleki, 76, the
first post-revolution President of Tehran University, who suffers from a severe case of prostate cancer, was
arrested while resting at home and subsequently taken to Evin Prison in solitary confinement deprived from any
medication attention since August 22.
Plain clothes agents of the Ministry of Intelligence, Revolutionary Guards and Bassij, in coordination with the
State Security Force, attacked student dormitories in the post-election crackdowns, killing dozens of students. At
least eight students were murdered in Tehran University, alone. Hundreds of students have been summoned
and detained, tortured and deprived from education. Those professors, who dared to defend the rights of
students and demand freedom, were deprived from employment (i.e. fired) and subsequently imprisoned.
Today, in an open contravention of international laws, suppressive agents have been organized inside
universities under the banner of security, disciplinary and Bassij forces. Intelligence agents with plain clothes
also enjoy freedom of action on campus and are deployed outside by the State Security Force.

Discrimination against religious and national minorities has also aggravated. Azeri, Kurd, Arab, Baluch and
other activists have been repressed and executed en mass. Ordinary citizens have neither been spared. More
than 20 teachers in Baluchistan have been arrested and jailed. Kurdish citizens, including a 16-year-old boy by
the name of Arman Resalat as well as dozens of inhabitants of border villages, have been arbitrarily killed.
Christians and Bahais have been detained and persecuted. They have been threatened with death and execution
on the charge of being renegades. This type of persecution is no longer limited to religious minorities, Sunni
and Sufi Shiites, but it also includes religious Shiite authorities who oppose Khamenei’s medieval regime.

Journalists and the press are censored and repressed. Reporters without borders describe Iran as the largest
prison for reporters and one of the major enemies of the Internet. This round, however, the practice expanded
to foreign journalists who were brutalized, jailed, and expelled from Iran.
The internet services are in the control of the Revolutionary Guards Corps and “internet criminals” are charged
with “waging war on God” and sentenced to death. Reporters have also been forced to confess in show trials
that they spied for foreign countries.

Today, a large number of persons have been imprisoned, harassed, and sentenced to long prison terms only for
being related to members of political groups, specially the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI), on fabricated


charges. They are deprived of their most basic rights including the right to have family and lawyer’s visits and
receive medical treatment. They include the Yazerlou, Banazadeh, Hajilouii, Tarlani, Nabavi, Dokmehtchi, Ziaii,
Mo’ezzi and Naderi families among others.

The present collection aims to show a picture – although inadequate -- of the pervasive crimes committed
against the oppressed people of Iran and seek help to restitute their trampled rights. These crimes against
humanity need to be addressed by the UN Security Council and its perpetrators -- the Tehran leaders --
appropriately brought to justice in international tribunals.



Introduction 7

Contents 11

Charts 13

Systematic violation of the right to life 21
Execution 23
Arbitrary killing 44
Deaths in custody 69
Death sentence 84

Stoning and stoning sentences 103

Inhumane treatment and cruel punishments 109

Arbitrary arrests 161

Political arrests 163
Social arrests 212

Prison 215
Prison condition 217
Prison sentence 276

Basic freedom and right abused 295

Right to education 340
Right to employment 360

Suppression of religious and ethnic minorities 383

Suppressive maneuvers 407

Violence against women 449

Appendices 481
List of executions in 2009
List of arbitrary killings 2009
List of martyrs of uprising 2009
List of political prisoners - December 2009
List of post election arrestees 2009







Comparative Charts of Right to Life

2008 vs 2009






Systematic violations of the right to life


Arbitrary killing

Deaths in custody

Death sentence



Systematic violations of the right to life

Execution, arbitrary killing, deaths in custody, and death sentence
2 people hanged in Zahedan
Bahador Naruyi and Jalal Akbar Jome Alveishi, convicted of "waging war and corruption on earth" were hanged
in Zahedan's Central Prison on Saturday morning after their death sentences were confirmed by the Supreme
Court. (State-run ISNA – Jan. 3, 2009)
Four prisoners hanged in Bandar Abbas
Iran hanged four prisoners in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas on Sunday,
January 4, 2008. They had been imprisoned for two years on charges of robbery. (Iran
News Agency – Jan. 5, 2008)
Minor hanged in Sanandaj Prison
Ahmad Zareie who was convicted of murder for killing a man in his village in Sanandaj
at age 17 was hanged in Sanandaj's Central Prison before the start of the month of
"Moharam". He had served six years in prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 9, 2009)
Iran hangs two men in public
Iran has publicly hanged two convicted murderers in the southern town of
Jahrom, Keyhan newspaper reported on Tuesday.
Mohammad Esmi, the head of the local judiciary office was quoted as saying
"One of the killers named Mojtaba R."
The second man, identified only as M.H.A., 24, the official said.
The report said the two men were hanged in public in Chamran square of
Jahrom, but did not indicate when the executions took place. (AFP – Jan.
13, 2009)
Two prisoners hanged in Isfahan Prison
Reza Mohammadi, 25, who was arrested seven months ago on charges of drug possession, was hanged today in
this prison. Jon Mohammad Mohammadi, 40, who has been in this prison for 30 months, was also hanged in
the morning. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – Jan. 20, 2009)
At least 20 people executed in Iran in 24 hours
According to published reports in Iran's state run media, 11 people in Evin Prison, six people in Yazd, two
people in Isfahan and one person in Qezel Hesar Prison in Karaj were executed on Tuesday and Wednesday.
On Tuesday, Fars state-run news agency reported that 11 people will be executed on Wednesday morning.
Keyhan state-run daily reported today that the execution sentence of 11 people was carried out today in Evin
Iran state-run daily also announced the execution of a man named "Gholam" on Tuesday morning in Qezel
Hesar Prison in Karaj.
According to a statement by the Public Prosecutor of Yazd six other people were also hanged in Yazd's Central
Prison on Tuesday January 20.
Isfahan's Justice Department also announced in a statement that on Tuesday
morning two people were executed in the Central prison of this city. (Radio
Farda – Jan. 21, 2009)
Another minor executed in Iran
A minor was among the 11 people executed on January 23 in Evin Prison. He
was 21 when hanged and 17 when he was charged with murder. The death
sentence of Molagol Hasan, an Afghan national was issued by the 74th branch
of Tehran's Penal Court and carried out yesterday. (Iran state-run daily – Jan.
24, 2009)


Six men hanged in Northern Khorasan Prison

The Public Prosecutor of Bojnourd in the Northern Khorasan Province announced that six people chargedwith
drug smuggling were hanged in this province. These men were hanged in Central Bojnourd Prison. (IRNA state-
run news agency – Jan. 25, 2009)
Iran hangs six prisoners in Mashhad and Isfahan
The four convicted rapists were sent to gallows on Tuesday in a prison in Mashhad, Khorasan newspaper said.
The report did not provide any other information except that the men were aged between 18 and 20 years.
The Fars news agency later reported that two men were executed for murder on Wednesday in a prison in the
central city of Isfahan.
Since last year, the Islamic republic has stepped up its use of the death penalty in what it says is a bid to improve
security in the society. (AFP – Jan. 28, 2009)
2 men hanged in Kurdistan prison
Two men named Hossein M. and Ali S. were hanged in the Central Prison of Qorveh in Kurdistan on
Wednesday January 28. They were charged with murder. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Jan.
29, 2009)
10 people executed in various Iranian cities, State run media
Iska-News state run news agency reported that on Tuesday January 28 Hassan A. charged with armed robbery
was executed in Kazroon City in Fars Province.
The state-run Jomhouri Islami daily also reported in its Thursday January 29th edition that eight men and one
woman were executed in Evin Prison. (Radio Farda – Jan. 30, 2009)
Two young men hanged in Shiraz prison
Two men who were sentenced to retribution on charges of murder were hanged in Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz.
One of them was 29 years old. (E'temad state-run daily – Jan. 31, 2009)
Iran hangs epileptic women who accidently killed husband
Masoomeh Qale’h-Chehi was executed on Thursday morning January 29, 2009.
(Center of Political Prisoners in Exile – Jan. 31, 2009)
Background information
Abdolsamad Khoramshahi, the lawyer of Masoomeh, said that his client was an
educated woman and spent 12 years in hope in Rafsanjan Prison, but was eventually
executed there because of retribution law.
This is while Masoomeh accidently hit her husband on the head with a stone while
he was holding her from behind during a fight, which led to his death. Following this
event, Masoomeh had an epileptic seizure and passed out on the floor. Doctors have
confirmed that she has epilepsy.
The Supreme Court confirmed the death sentence of this young woman 11 years
after her husband's death in August of last year.
Iran executes man in Bojnourd
The execution sentence of a man who was arrested on drug related charges was carried
out today in Northern Khorasan Province. This man was hanged with the confirmation
of the Supreme Court. (E'temad state-run daily – Feb. 2, 2009)
Man executed in Sanandaj Prison
According to reports from Sanandaj, a man named Heywa Mohammadi was executed
on February 3 in Sanandaj's Central Prison. Heywa had been arrested three years before
on charges of murder and had served his three years in this prison. He was sentenced to
another year of prison for organizing a Labor Day (May Day) ceremony in this prison.
(Cyrus News Agency – Feb. 4, 2009)
Two young men secretly executed in Semnan
On February 4, there were contradicting reports that two young men were executed in Semnan on charges of
smuggling drugs. This is while on Monday February 2 these two young men were secretly hanged without any

witnesses before sunset. These two men had disappeared from three months ago. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 7,
Three prisoners executed in Kermanshah
Three prisoners were hanged in Dizel Abad Prison in Kermanshah. (Jomhouri Islami state-run daily – Feb. 9,
Man hanged in Sirjan
The son-in-law of a cleric in Sirjan who killed his father-in-law in an argument was executed in prison. (Iran
News Agency – Feb. 9, 2009)
Student executed in Sanandaj
Rahmat Sadeqi who had been imprisoned for 4 years in Sanandaj's Central prison on charges of murder was
hanged. According to reports, he was a student and went to the Sanandaj Free University. (Kurdistan Human
Rights Watch News Agency – Feb. 18, 2009)
Iran Hangs prisoner in Bushehr
A prisoner was hanged at Bushehr's Central Prisoner. The name of hanged prisoner was A.Y. (Keyhan state-run
daily – Feb. 17, 2009)
Five prisoners executed in Isfahan Prison
According to reports from the Isfahan's Central Prison, on February 17, at 9 am, five prisoners were hanged.
They were charged with drug possession and murder. Their names were Hamid Babayi, 35, Mohammad Gorgi,
25, Omid Nuri, 27, Yasin Jafari, 27 and Abas-ali Qasemi, 30. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 17, 2009)
Music teacher hanged for having "illegitimate relationship"
Abdollah Farivar, who was sentenced to being stoned to death on charges of adultery, was hanged in a prison in
Sari on February 19.
This 50-year-old music teacher was arrested for having a sexual relationship with one of his students. (BBC Farsi
Service – Feb. 20, 2009)
Man hanged in Evin Prison
According to reports from ward 6 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, on Saturday February 21, three prisoners were
taken to Evin Prison to be executed.
These prisoners are:
Sayid Zare'e, approximately 21 years old ,Mansoor Bahrami, approximately 25 years old ,Mohammad Ali Azizi,
approximately 45 years old According to reports, the execution sentence of Mansoor Bahrami was carried out
on Sunday February 22 in Evin Prison but there is no information on the fate of the other two prisoners.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Feb. 22, 2009)
Three men hanged in Evin Prison; woman on verge of execution
The Executive Unit of Tehran's Criminal Court will soon carry out the death sentence of a woman on charges
of adultery. Ashraf is a 40-year-old woman who was sentenced to 15 years of prison and death in 2003.
In other reports, 10 men were taken to the gallows yesterday but only three were hanged.
The first of these men was 25-year-old Aziz. The other two men were Hasan, 25, and Mansoor, 34. (E'temad
state-run daily – Feb. 23, 2009)
Iran executes "Ahle Haq" follower in Orumieh
According to reports from Orumieh Prison and confirmations by the Qasemzadeh family, Mehdi Qasemzadeh,
27, was executed on Saturday February 28 in this prison.
After enduring four years of prison under the most severe torture and pressure Mehdi
Qasemzadeh was executed. This is while his family was not notified of his execution in
advance and did not have a chance to visit him before he was hanged.
Qasemzadeh was arrested four years ago after armed agents raided the work place and
home of followers of the Ahle Haq religion (followers of Imam Ali). In these raids and
clashes a number of people were killed and many were arrested. He has been in this prison
along with three other followers of Ahle Haq from that day on. These prisoners have gone
on hunger strikes a number of times in protest to the inhumane and unbearable pressures put on them.
Currently three other Ahle Haq prisoners, Sahand Ali Mohammadi, Bakhsh Ali Mohammadi and Abdollah
Qasemazadeh are in Oromieh Prison. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran– Feb. 28, 2009)

10 people hanged in mass execution in Kermanshah
On the morning of Sunday March 1, 10 drug dealers were hanged with the presence of Kermanshah's Public
"Kermanshah's Prosecutor will not show negligence in this respect and will deal seriously with these sort of
criminals", Kermanshah's Prosecutor said. (State-run ISNA – March 2, 2009)
Iranian regime hangs two men in Zahedan charged with "waging war with God"
Two members of the Riggy Group in Zahedan were executed today in prison. The head of Public Affair in
Sistan & Baluchistan's Prosecutors Office said, "In line with combating the lack of security in this province,
Salaheddin Seyedi and Khalilollah Zare'e were sentenced to death on charges of waging war with god and
corruption on earth and this sentence was carried out after confirmations by sources in the Supreme Court".
(State-run ILNA – March 3, 2009)
Prisoner executed in Dastgerd Prison in Isfahan
According to reports from Isfahan's Dastgerd Prison, the death sentence of a prisoner was carried out in this
prison on the morning of March 4.
Mostafa Hosseini, 37, had served four years in this prison and was hanged today. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – March 4, 2009)
Man hanged in Miandoab Prison
A prisoner charged with murder was hanged in Miandoab Prison. The death sentence of Nader Shokrollahi, 25,
resident of a village between Mahabad and Miandoab was carried out on the morning of March 4. (Kurdistan
Students in Defense of Human Rights – March 5, 2009)
Iranian regime hangs 5 prisoners in Isfahan and Zahedan
Four prisoners have been hanged in Zahedan. These men were sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court
and their sentences were carried out in Zahedan Central Prison after confirmations by the Supreme Court.
Another man named Mostafa M., 34, a resident of a village in Isfahan was also hanged in this city.
In other reports, a 33-year-old prisoner named Nima was sentenced to death in Fars province. (State-run IRNA –
March 10, 2009)
Prisoner executed in Orumieh
Hamed Mohammad Zadeh, a prisoner in Orumieh Central Prison was executed today in this prison on charges
of intentional murder.
In the past 10 days, this is the third execution in this prison. Before this, Mehdi Qasem Zadeh, an Ahle Haq
follower and Azizvand who were in this prison for killing three State Security Forces agents, were executed.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – March 11, 2009)
Four people executed in Prison in Khorasan
A judicial official said that four people by the names of Ali Abstan, Ali Dehqani, Ali Damshad and Mahmoud
Moradi, who were arrested in armed clashes in Tabas, were executed yesterday morning in this prison after
confirmations by the Supreme Court. (Iran Press News – March 12, 2009)
Four prisoners executed in Zahedan
By orders of the Revolutionary Court and confirmations by the
Supreme Court, four troublemakers named Nur Mohammad
Ismail Zehi, Majib Alrahman Kurd, Babak Kurd and
Mohammad Jome Khan who were sentenced to death were
executed in Zahedan's Central Prison.
Ismail Zehi was charged with kidnapping the representative of
the Religious Jurisprudent and participating in clashes against
the State Security Forces which led to the death of eight agents.
(State-run Jomhouri Daily – March 14, 2009)
Four prisoners executed in Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz
Four prisoners were executed in Shiraz's Adel Abad Prison.
Three of these prisoners were aged between 23 to 26 years old. (E'temad state-run daily – March 14, 2009)

Young prisoner executed in Sanandaj Central Prison

Rahmat Sadeqi, a resident of Sanandaj, was executed in late March in Sanandaj's Central Prison. In 2005, a
misunderstanding between some men lead to a fight and in the end a student was killed in this incident.
Rahmat Sadeqi was arrested as the murderer. Although he pleaded not guilty in the initial court, the Supreme
Court sentenced this 23-year-old to death. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – March 29, 2009)
Three men hanged after unfair trial
Iran hanged on Friday three men convicted of a mosque bombing
which left 14 people dead in the southern city of Shiraz a year
ago, the official IRNA news agency reported.
Mohsen Islamian, 21, and Ali Asghar Pashtar, 20 -- both
university students -- and Rouzbeh Yahyazadeh, 32, had been
charged last year as 'mohareb' (enemies of God) and ‘corrupt on
the earth’ by a revolutionary court in Tehran.
The three men were hanged in the city's Adelabad prison…
Iran's judiciary had accused the defendants of having ties with a
monarchist opposition group outside Iran and of taking orders
from an Iranian US-based 'CIA agent' to try to assassinate a high-
ranking official in Iran…
According to rights group Amnesty International, the Islamic republic applied the death penalty more than any
other country apart from China. (AFP – Apr. 10, 2009)
Man hanged in Ahar
A prisoner charged with murder was executed in Ahar after serving four years of prison.
Alireza Hemati, who had been imprisoned in Ahar Central Prison since 2005, was hanged on April 6 in a police
station next to this prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Apr. 14, 2009)
Prisoner hanged in Isfahan Prison for contacting political prisoners in prison
According to reports from Isfahan Central Prison, Habib Baqerian, a 29-year-old
prisoner who had been taken to solitary confinement to await his execution was
hanged in the morning. He had been in this prison for six years. This prisoner had
recently issued a message asking for help from the international community.
"I was violently tortured in 2003 in Shahin Shahr's Police Station for 10 days. These
tortures were carried out by agents named Akbar Akbari, Morteza Zamani, Ahmad
Yavari, Qalipour, Zare'e, and Safavi. I was so severely tortured that after 5 years, the
marks are still evident on my body. I do not deserve such a heavy sentence and this
sentence is unfair. I ask all defenders of human rights and all freedom lovers to help
me because I am on the verge of execution", he said in this message. (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – April 19, 2009)
Background info: The Baqerian family recently went to the Sentence Execution
Department of Isfahan's court to pursue their son's legal case and was told that their son is scheduled to be
executed on April 19. This family was also told that even if the complainant takes back the charges against
Habib Baqerian, he will still be executed. This is while he has not committed murder. One of the reasons that
officials insist on his execution is because of his relationship with political prisoners in this prison. The head of
this prison had previously threatened him that if he keeps up his relationship with political prisoners his death
sentence will be carried out. Habib was arrested in 2003 and taken to the Shahin Shahr Criminal Intelligence
Detention Center. Agents in this detention center physically tortured him for 10 days to force him to make false
confessions. He was tortured in the basement of this detention center in after-hours. This prisoner was tortured
so severely that his body was completely bruised from cable lashes and he was left in a very bad physical
condition. When he was to be transferred to Isfahan's Central Prison, prison officials did not accept him for a
while because of his terrible physical health, fearing that he might die in prison. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – April 18, 2009)


Young man executed in Shiraz

A 24-year-old man was executed sometime last week in Shiraz. This prisoner only identified as Amir Kh. was
executed in this city's Adelabad Prison. He was charged with murder. (Khorasan state-run Daily – April 18, 2009)
Iran hangs three people in Ahvaz
Iran has hanged three convicted criminals, two murderers and a drug trafficker, in a prison in the southwestern
city of Ahvaz, a local newspaper reported on Tuesday.
The report identified the murderers as Ala H. and Mostafa Kh. who were sent to gallows some time in the
Iranian month of Farvardin -- March 21 until April 20.
The report in the Karoon newspaper did not name the drug trafficker. No additional information was given.
(AFP – Apr. 28, 2009)
Head of Iran's Judiciary defends execution of minors
The head of Iran's Judiciary said, "We have written the retribution bill into the Islamic Punishment Bill which is
in the final stages of ratification and this issue (executing minors under 18) is clearly stated in this law.”
"Retribution is the right of the parents or victims of the family and is a personal right,” Shahrudi stipulated.
This cleric expressed hope that the issue of retribution which has been written into the Islamic Punishment Bill
be finalized as soon as possible. "Retribution is different from other punishments because it is a personal right
and one cannot deprive someone of their right,” he stressed. (IRNA state run news agency – Apr. 28, 2009)
Prisoner executed in Isfahan Prison hastily
On April 28, Bijan Khalili was suddenly transferred to solitary cell and was hanged in the prison yard the next
day. His family was not informed of his execution. Those who are going to be executed usually are allowed a
visit with their family, but this prisoner was suddenly taken to the gallows without his family's knowledge.
Khalili was arrested on charges of rape. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 29, 2009)
Iran executes woman drawing Amnesty's ire
'Amnesty International is outraged at the execution of Delara Darabi, and
particularly at the news that her lawyer was not informed,' said Hassiba Hadj
Sahraoui, Amnesty's deputy chief for the Middle East and North Africa.
The execution went ahead on Friday morning at the Rasht central prison,
northwest of Tehran, 'despite the legal requirement that he (the lawyer) should
receive 48 hours' notice,' she said.
'This appears to have been a cynical move on the part of the authorities to avoid
domestic and international protests which might have saved Delara Darabi's life,'
Sahraoui added.
She was 'executed despite her having been given a two-month stay of execution by
the head of the judiciary on 19 April,' it said.
'Amnesty International does not consider her trial to have been fair, as the courts
later refused to consider new evidence which the lawyer said would have proved she could not have committed
the murder,' it added. (AFP – May 1, 2009)
Delara Darabi: 'Oh mother, I can see the noose'; 130 minors in death row
It was 7am when Delara Darabi phoned home. 'Oh mother, I see the hangman's noose in front of me,' she
garbled. 'They are going to execute me. Please save me.' Moments later a prison official snatched the handset
away. 'We will easily execute your daughter and there's nothing you can do about it,' he barked at the parents.
Then, with a chilling click, the line went dead .
The desperate couple rushed to the Central Prison in Rasht, Iran, wailing at the guards to let them see their 22-
year-old. As they prostrated themselves, an ambulance emerged, most probably with Delara's corpse inside .
'They took Delara to the gallows with nobody around her,' Mohammad Mostafayi, one of her lawyers, said in a
letter distributed to human rights groups.
Ms Darabi - dubbed The Prisoner of Colours for the love of painting she developed whilst on death row - was
convicted for murdering her father's wealthy cousin in September 2003, when she was just 17. Although she


initially confessed to the crime, she later said she had been persuaded to take the blame by her older boyfriend
Amir Hossein. It was in fact Mr Hossein who had killed the rich relation, she said, to get the money .
The 19-year-old allegedly told Ms Darabi that she could save him from the gallows by confessing and that would
be no risk to her own life because she was still a minor. The young woman complied. Her boyfriend was
sentenced to 10 years in prison for complicity to murder; she was sentenced to death .
Not only had there been no formal notification 48 hours before the hanging, as required under Iranian law,
but, just a fortnight earlier, Ms Darabi had actually been granted a two-month stay of execution by the head of
the judiciary. The day before their daughter would end up being walked to the gallows, her parents had even
visited her in jail where she had excitedly informed them there was to be an appeal so new evidence could be
heard. Twenty-four hours later, she was dead .
Iran leads the world in executing juvenile offenders, according to human rights groups, accounting for two-
thirds of such deaths in the past four years…Lawyers in Tehran estimate that at least 130 more are waiting on
death row .It was the fate to which these young individuals were doomed that Ms Darabi sought to highlight
through her haunting paintings. 'Delara is not alone,' she wrote to the president of Stop Child Executions.
'Delaras are trapped in prisons and in need ... of defenders of human rights and humanity '.
Many of her images are monochrome, the harsh charcoal lines depicting anguished, tortured faces. Others
incorporate disturbing splashes of red, spattering the white headscarves of female prisoners, or washed across
the background to suggest the hell of incarceration . (The Independent – May 4, 2009)
Gilan Prosecutor: Delara’s family relied on outside media and foreign countries
Gilan's Prosecutor said, "Delara's death sentence was confirmed by Mr. Shahrudi, the head of the Judiciary and
unfortunately Delara's family relied on outside media and foreign countries to put pressure on the Judiciary to
save their daughter from execution instead of trying to get a pardon from the victim's family.”
"Delara Darabi who committed murder at 17 was executed at 23 and was fully grown from Iran's legal
standpoint,” he added. (Ham Mihan News – May 7, 2009)
Prisoner executed in Ardabil Prison
A prisoner in Ardabil Prison was hanged. Seyed Reza At’harnia, 32, who had served 6 years in this prison on
charges of drug possession was hanged at 6am today. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 4, 2009)
Eight prisoners executed in Taybad Prison
The death sentence of eight drug smugglers was carried out in a prison in Taybad. These executions, which were
confirmed by the Supreme Court, were carried out on May 2 in the Taybad Prison yard with the presence of
judicial and security officials. (E'temad state-run daily – May 5, 2009)
Man hanged in Isfahan Prison
According to reports from the Dastgerd Prison in Isfahan, 28-year-old Mostafa Kiani, a prisoner who had been
transferred to solitary on Monday to be executed was hanged on Tuesday in the prison yard. (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 5, 2009)
Iran hangs 3 men and 1 woman in Evin Prison
Six out of 10 people who were taken to the gallows to be executed today were able to get a respite from the
families of the victims while four others were executed.
Nine out of ten of these prisoners were men and the youngest man was 17. A
woman named Zeinab, who was sentenced to death for killing her husband, was
among these prisoners.
From these convicts, four people including Zeinab, Hamid, Safar-Ali and Hassan-
Ali were hanged while six others received a 6 month respite. (Fars state-run news
agency – May 6, 2009)
Note: AFP and local newspaper named one of the victims Hossein-Ali instead of
Iran hangs man in Sistan Baluchistan
Another man identified as Abdolbaret Noorzehi was executed for murder in a
prison in Khash in the eastern province of Sistan Baluchestan, the Jomhuri Eslami newspaper said, without
specifying when the hanging took place. (AFP - May 6, 2009)


Iran hangs 9 people for murder, drug trafficking

Nine people, including a 30-year-old woman, have been hanged in Iran, state media
reported Thursday…Five others convicted of drug trafficking were hanged in the
southeastern city of Kerman, some 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) southeast of the capital,
Tehran, state radio reported. It did not say when they were hanged.
No other details were immediately known. The nine were only identified by their first
names. The country does not publish official statistics on executions. (AP – May 7, 2009)
Another man hanged in Evin Prison
A 25-year-old man was hanged in Prison. This convict was sentenced to retribution in Tehran's Penal Court and
was executed in Evin Prison in the morning. (May 7, 2009)
Iran executes two convicted traffickers: report
The men, aged 29 and 36, were hanged in a prison in Shiraz for smuggling 1,210 kilogrammes (2,665
pounds) of opium, the Etemad newspaper said, without naming the men or specifying when the
executions took place. (AFP - May 9, 2009)
Another prisoner hanged in Isfahan Prison; four others await execution
According to reports from Dastgerd Prison in Isfahan, one of the two prisoners taken to solitary for execution
was hanged on Sunday morning.
Mahmoud Karimi was 27 years old. Two other prisoners who are currently in solitary awaiting execution are
Hossein Baqeri, 32 and Alireza Malk-Mohammadi, 35.
Also on Sunday, two other prisoners were transferred to solitary for execution. They are Mohsen Sadeqi, 35 who
has been in prison for 8 months and Reza Chupani, 40 who has been in prison for 2 years. They are both in
prison on drug related charges. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 10, 2009)
Iran speaker blatantly defends increase of executions
"We seriously have problems with the west on issues like democracy and human rights and I will tell you where
we have fundamental differences. We have (serious differences) on the nuclear issue and freedom of speech and
even on the issue of execution, we have very very serious problems in our dialogue with the west. We say human
rights and cultural variety. What I mean is they don’t care about the rights of the victim in the west. They say
what do you mean by blood money for the family. So what if he's killed someone. Why should Mr. Murderer be
executed? We say that our cultural foundations are different. Very well, execution by a firing squad, since you
believe that hanging is bad. We will not get into legal discussions right now. What is the difference between
execution by a firing squad and being bombarded? Bombardment is a form of mass killings but execution (by a
firing squad) is not. Those who are under 18 and over 18 are killed in bombardments without a trial. How is
this possible? Why is the blood lost with execution bad but the bloodshed in bombardments is not bad? These
are some serious human rights issues,” Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman said yesterday in a television
Qashqavi said on the execution of Delara Darabi, "What is the reason for campaigns, getting signatures and
demonstrations outside embassies for an execution and not for war, which is a bigger sort of execution. Why is
it that in figures and numbers issued by the Red Cross, they do not pay any attention to those who were killed
in war in our country but Amnesty International records those killed by executions? These are fundamental
issues and will not be easily solved between us and the west.” (Iranian state Television – May 10, 2009)
Young man hanged in Isfahan
A 26-year-old resident of Isfahan was hanged in the morning. Mostafa was executed on charges of murder in
prison. (Fars News Agency – May 11, 2009)
Two more prisoners executed; three including woman await execution
Two prisoners were hanged in the prison yard on Monday morning and three other prisoners including a
woman await execution in Dastgerd Prison in Isfahan. On May 11, Hossein Baqeri, 32 and Alireza Malek-
Mohammadi, 35 were executed in this prison.
A female prisoner by the name of Maryam Rezayi-Poor was transferred from the women's ward to solitary for
execution. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 11, 2009)


Iran hangs two drug traffickers: report

Iran has hanged two men in a prison in the southeastern city of Zahedan after they were convicted of drug
trafficking, the Quds newspaper reported on Tuesday .The report named them as Mohammad Mehdi Q. and
Reza Gholi S. and said they were found guilty of trafficking hundreds of kilos of narcotics. It gave no further
details. (AFP - May 12, 2009)
Two more men hanged in Isfahan Prison
According to reports from Isfahan Central Prison (Dastgerd), two prisoners were hanged in the prison yard on
Tuesday morning.
Mohsen Sadeqi, 35 and Reza Chupani, 40, were in solitary from two days before their execution. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 12, 2009)
Iran hangs convicted murderer: report
The Etemad newspaper reported on Wednesday, the man identified only as Abbas B., 38, was executed for
killing a parking lot caretaker two years ago, the report said, without specifying when the hanging took place.
(AFP - May 13, 2009)
Iran hangs pair for drug trafficking: report
Iran has hanged a woman and a man convicted of drug trafficking in the northern city of Qazvin, the
government newspaper Iran reported on Thursday.
The woman only identified by her first name as Azita, 30, and the man, Mohammad, were hanged in prison on
Wednesday for smuggling three kilos (6.6 pounds) of crack cocaine, the report said.
The pair had been arrested in May 2007 with the drugs on their way to the northern city of Rasht, it added.
(AFP - May 14, 2009)
Iran hangs five men convicted of murder
Five Iranians convicted of murder have been hung at Shiraz in southern Iran, Etemad daily reported on
Saturday. The hangings, which the newspaper said took place on Wednesday, raised to at least 107 the number
of people executed in Iran since the start of 2009, according to an AFP count based on press reports. (AFP - May
16, 2009)
Iran hangs three for murder, drug trafficking: report
Three Iranians convicted of murder and drug trafficking have been hanged in a prison in the central city of
Isfahan, the Etemad newspaper reported on Sunday.
The murderer, identified only by his first name Mahmoud, was convicted of killing a man a year ago and
hanged on Saturday, the report said.
Ali Reza and another unidentified man were hanged after they were found guilty of drug trafficking two years
ago, the report added. It did not specify when they were executed. (AFP - May 17, 2009)
Iran hangs drug trafficker: report
A man convicted of drug trafficking has been hanged in Iran's southwestern city of Dezful, Kayhan newspaper
reported on Tuesday.The report identified the man sent to the gallows as Ahmad A., who was convicted of
trafficking 23 kilograms (50 pounds) of heroin. It gave no further information… (AFP - May 19, 2009)
Iran hangs man in Isfahan
A man convicted of murder was hanged in Isfahan. Mahmoud, 25, was sentenced to retribution after he
confessed in court. (Fars state-run news agency – May 19, 2009)
Woman, three men hanged in Iran
A woman and three men have been hanged in the southern Iranian city of Shiraz, a newspaper reported on
The woman, identified only by her first name Afsaneh, was executed on Wednesday for killing her husband
with the help of her lover, the Etemad newspaper said.
The other convicts hanged on Wednesday were an Afghan man found guilty of raping a 50-year-old woman, an
Iranian drug trafficker and a murderer, the report said .(AFP - May 23, 2009) 
Iran hangs three over mosque bombing: report
Iran on Saturday hanged three men in public convicted of involvement in a suicide bombing at a Shiite mosque
this week that killed 25 people, the official IRNA news agency reported.


'The terrorists Haji Noti Zehi, Gholam Rasoul Shahi Zehi and Zabihollah Naroui were hanged at 6:00 am (0130
GMT) near the Amir al-Momenin mosque in public,' an official said, referring to the mosque where the
bombing took place on Thursday…
'They were convicted of being 'mohareb' (enemies of God) and 'corrupt on the earth' and acting against national
security,' he added. 'They were arrested before the Thursday's bombing but they confessed that they had
provided the explosives for the bombing. They were tried and they had court-appointed legal representation,'
Hamidi said… (AFP - May 30, 2009)
Regime element admits to 1988 massacre of political prisoners
Mehdi Khaz-ali, the son of a state cleric, said that in the seventh years of Khamenei's tenure as president "the
execution of prisoners took place".
"What is the excuse? I thought to myself for a long time to find a judicial verdict for this. What happens that for
example a great number of prisoners, who had short sentences, one or two years of prison, are executed? The
great number that were executed lead to the severe protest of Ayatollah Montazeri which paved the way for a
split in the clerical system of the government", he added. (Voice of America TV – June 4, 2009)
Three Baluch political prisoners executed in public
as bombers
In a scandalous move, three prisoners named as Haji
Noti Zehi, Gholam Rasoul Shahi Zehi and Zabihollah
Naroui were executed in public 30 hours after
explosion under the pretext of being involved in the
bombing. According to information gathered in that
area, Zabihollah Naroui was arrested in April 2009 for
propaganda and Baluchis’ opposition activities not
involved in any violence and was in prison while the
explosion occurred. According to other investigations
and due to recent words of officials in public media,
the other two were not excluded and were under the same conditions. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 5,
Iran hangs two convicted rebels in restive southeast: report
Iran hanged two men in a prison in the southeastern city of Zahedan on Saturday after convicting them of
belonging to Sunni rebel group Jundallah (Soldiers of God), the ISNA news agency reported.
Reza Galandar Zehi and Abdolhamid Righi were also found guilty of acting against the Islamic republic and of
possessing arms and ammunition, the report said.
Righi shares the same name as the brother of Jundallah leader Abdolmalek Righi but the report did not specify
whether the person hanged was indeed the brother. The hangings come amid a spate of violence in the
southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan region of which Zahedan is the provincial capital.
(AFP - June 6, 2009)
Iran hangs man in Tabriz
A man convicted of murder was hanged in the Central Tabriz Prison.
Yadollah Mohammadi was hanged in this prison on June 6, after serving less than 4
years in prison on charges of murdering Reza Parizad in 2005. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – June 10, 2009)
Two men hanged in Isfahan Prison on charges of clashing with and killing security agents
Reports from the central prison in Isfahan say that more than 300 detainees, recently arrested in Isfahan, are
under severe torture. According to this report, the Iranian regime also hanged two prisoners on Wednesday and
Thursday in this prison. They were Yar-Ali Bahrami, 30, and Abdol-Reza Rahimi, 26-year-old.
They were charged with clashing with security forces and killing two security agents. (Center for Defense of
Political Prisoners in Iran – June 18, 2009)

Iran hangs two men in Zahedan

According to local newspapers in Zahedan, two people by the names of Ismail Qaderi and Ahmad Dast
Goshadeh Naruyi were hanged in the yard of the Central Zahedan Prison on Saturday June 20. (Association of
Human Rights Activists in Baluchistan – June 20, 2009)
Iran’s hanging machine continues with four more in Ahvaz
Iran has hanged two convicted murderers and two drug traffickers in a prison in the southwestern city of Ahvaz,
the Vatan Emrouz newspaper reported on Saturday. The murderers were named as Mohammad Reza F and
Moslem Gh and they were hanged on The drug traffickers were identified as Hamid A and Ali A and they were
sent to the gallows on Wednesday. (AFP - June 20, 2009)
Iran hangs man in Sanandaj
A man convicted of murder was hanged in the Sanandaj Central prison. Hossein Saburi, who had fled to
Kurdistan in Iraq after committing murder in 2004, was hanged in this prison. He served four years in prison
after coming back from Iraq. He did not have a lawyer. (Human Rights Activists in Iran - June 22, 2009)
Illegitimate regime of Iran lays ground for massacre of detained protesters
TEHRAN - Hard-line Iranian cleric Ahmad Khatami urged the government on Friday to 'better control' the
foreign media, accusing them of fomenting the protests over this month's presidential election.
He also suggested that anyone who resorted to violence during the demonstrations should be considered a
mohareb – someone who fights against God "enmity against God" – and face the ultimate sanction.
Khatami suggested that any demonstrator who resorted to violence during the protests should face the death
penalty. (AFP - June 26, 2009)
The representative of Boien Zahra and Ouj in the Islamic Council (parliament) thanked Seda and Sima (Iranian
state run television) and security forces and asked the Judiciary to give the elements of the recent unrest the
capital Islamic punishment.
"We expect the Judiciary to sentence the elements of the unrest to the capital punishment", he said. (IRNA state-
run News Agency – June 28, 2009)
Isfahan's Prosecutor said, "The troublemakers did not even show mercy towards the province's Prayer Staff
building and burned it.” "We have requested the capital punishment for the troublemakers.” "One cannot play
with the blood of the martyrs,” Bakhtiari stipulated. (State-run Fars News Agency – June 28, 2009)
MP: elements of recent unrest "should receive capital punishment"
The representative of Boien Zahra and Ouj in the Islamic Council (parliament) thanked Seda and Sima (Iranian
state run television) and security forces and asked the Judiciary to give the elements of the recent unrest the
capital Islamic punishment. "We expect the Judiciary to sentence the elements of the unrest to the capital
punishment", he said. (IRNA state-run News Agency – June 28, 2009)
Three member committee designated to see to case of detained protesters, members of 1988 "death
…The Judiciary has appointed a 3-member committee that consists of Mr. Dori Najaf Abadi, Mostafa Pour-
Mohammadi and Mr. Reyisi, to see to the cases of those who were arrested. Close to 10 days after these arresets,
these people were designated for the committee. Some human rights organizations have expressed concern in
the past few hours since this was announced. They point to the special committee in 1988 that executed at least
3,500 political prisoners in two weeks by orders of Ayatollah Khomeini… In the Iran Human Rights Center of
Document Examination, currently lawyers are working on the reports of the massacre of political prisoners in
Evin and these three people, Mr. Reyisi, Mr. Dori Najaf Abadi and Mr. Pour-Mohammadi were part of that
infamous "death committee". They simply asked three questions from the prisoners … all the prisoners who
answered no to one of these questions or were still loyal to their own beliefs were executed. (VOA TV – June
29, 2009)
Note: A book including 20,000 names and particulars (some with photos) out of 120,000 executed political
prisoners by this medieval regime has been published by the PMOI. A chapter of this book is on massacre of
political prisoners in 1988, which includes names and particulars of 4,000 victims of the carnage of over 30,000
political prisoners at that time.

Iran lays ground for execution of detained protesters

Ahmad Khatami, a member of the Assembly of Experts, in a meeting with the governor and heads of the
province of Lorestan referred to the elections and said, "If anyone sais that there was 'widespread vote fraud' in
the recent elections, he has lied and has committed a sin". The temporary head of Tehran's Friday prayers said,
"Having mercy for a sharp teethed tiger victimizes the sheep". "In my opinion, the main controllers of the recent
sedition were the same people who controlled the (student uprising) in the summer of 1999 whom the
government showed mercy to". "These people eat out of the same plate as the Americans and Israelis and they
have to become remorseful with decisive action by the judicial system". "Even some of them are 'corrupt on
earth' (prisoners have been executed in the past on this charge) and I hope the judicial system deals with them in
a decisive manner this time", he stipulated. (State-run Asr-e Iran website – June 30, 2009)
Iran hangs six for murder
Six people convicted of murder were hanged in Tehran's Evin prison on Wednesday, ISNA news agency
reported.'Six people sentenced to Qisas (retribution) were hanged this morning,' judiciary official Esmatollah
Jaberi told the agency. He did not identify the convicts but said that some of them had murdered their spouses.
(AFP - July 1, 2009)
Iran hangs six for drug trafficking
Six people convicted of drug trafficking were hanged in a prison in the city of Qom south of Tehran on
Thursday, Fars news agency reported.
'Six people convicted of drug trafficking were hanged today,' judiciary official Mohammad Rezai was quoted by
the agency as saying.
The men sent to the gallows were identified as Ahamd T., Abolfazl B., Reza A., Mostafa F., Esmaeel R., and
Mohammad Kh. who all were convicted of trafficking different amount of narcotics . (AFP - July 2, 2009)
Iran hangs 20 drug traffickers
Twenty people convicted of drugs trafficking and carrying drugs who were sentenced to death were hanged on
Saturday in a prison .
The convicts were between the ages of 35 to 48 and were all hanged in the Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. They
were identified as Ali Asghar Ein Ali, Rashid Shirdel, Majid Salari, Amir Shahi Tarazaki, Seyed Ahmad Ali
Saduq, Nasrollah Anushirvani, Safar Ali Shafiyi, Majid Amini, Jamshid Khaleq Dadi, Qasem Zare Qaduieh,
Sirus Haqiqat Naseri, Gholam Shah Kakayi, Najibollah Gargach, Manouchehr Sadeqi, Seyed Ali Hashemi, Ali
Akbar Mojdganlu, Hasan Pirani, Khodabakhsh Riggi, Ismael Piran, Mohammad Javad Pirasteh (Fars state-run
news agency – July 4, 2009)
Two men hanged in Iran
Two Iranian men convicted of murder have been hanged in a prison in the southern city of Shiraz, Etemad
newspaper reported on Saturday .(AFP July 4, 2009)
Political prisoner amongst recently executed prisoners
According to reports from Evin Prison, Naser Kheirollahi was executed on Wednesday in Evin Prison.
Kheirollahi, 49, was arrested in 2003 and spent his sentence in various prisons including the Isfahan
Intelligence Detention Center, the Judicial Protection and Intelligence Department, Isfahan Prison, Evin
Prison, and Gohardasht Prison in Karaj.
He was transferred from Gohardasht Prison on June 30 to solitary in ward 4 of Evin Prison for execution and
was executed along with five other prisoners on Wednesday.
According to his family, he worked with government intelligence institutions but after becoming aware of their
criminal activities, he ended his cooperation and disclosed their crimes, which led to his arrest in 2003.
According to unconfirmed reports, the Iranian regime intends to execute a large number of prisoners in the
coming days to create an atmosphere of fear. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran– July 6, 2009)
Political prisoners silently executed as criminals
According to reports from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, one of those executed on July 1 was Sayid Elahyari who
was arrested for clashing with security forces.


Elahyari, 23, has been in prison for two years. He was arrested and transferred to Gohardasht Prison after
clashing with security forces. He was in this prison until June 30. He was taken to Evin for execution along with
Naser Kheirollahi and four other prisoners who were hanged on July 1 in Evin.
The identities of only two prisoners out of six prisoners who were hanged on July 1 has been discovered, the
identities of the rest are still unknown. Both these prisoners were arrested and executed for protesting against
the policies of the regime. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – July 10, 2009)
Iran hangs 13 Sunni rebels as 'enemies of God'
Iran hanged 13 rebels on Tuesday from the shadowy Sunni insurgent group Jundallah who were accused of
being 'enemies of God' for a string of attacks, the official IRNA news agency reported.
The insurgents were executed in prison in the restive southeastern border city of Zahedan, epicentre of a Sunni
Muslim rebellion against the Shiite regime in Tehran. Thirteen members of this group were hanged this
morning,' provincial judiciary chief Ebrahim Hamidi was quoted as saying.
The rebels were accused of being 'mohareb' (enemies of God) and of 'kidnapping foreigners, killing innocents
and of carrying out terrorist acts for the Jundallah group,' IRNA said, quoting a local judiciary statement.
'After last minute consultations, the executions were carried out in a prison,' Hamidi said. (AFP - July 14, 2009)
Prisoner hanged in Naqadeh
A convict in the Naqdeh Central Prison was hanged. According to reports, this convict identified as Mahmoud
Mahmoudpur was hanged in this prison on July 9. There is still no information on the details of his charges and
death. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 14, 2009)
Woman hanged in Qazvin Prison
A woman who had been imprisoned and sentenced to death for the unintentional murder of her father-in-law
was hanged on Tuesday last week in the women's section of Qazvin Prison.
She had been in prison for four years but due to poverty and the lack of a lawyer, was unable to prove that the
murder was unintentional. She was sentenced to retribution by a court and was hanged in the early morning in
this prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 19, 2009)
Iran hangs man convicted of murder in Isfahan
Iran has hanged a man convicted of rape and murder in an execution carried out in a prison in the southern
town of Estehban, the Kayhan newspaper reported on Thursday.
The man, identified only by his first name Edris, 21, was found guilty of raping and killing a 15-year-old girl, the
report said, without saying when the execution occurred. (AFP - July 23, 2009)
4 prisoners hanged in Qom
On July 22, four prisoners identified only by their first names as Reza, Gholam-Hossein, Javad, and Hossein
were hanged after their execution verdict was endorsed by the mullahs’ supreme court. (Center in Defense of
Prisoners in Iran (CDPI) – July 22, 2009)
Two men hanged in Isfahan
Iran has hanged two men convicted of murder, in executions carried out in prison in the central city of Isfahan,
the Etemad newspaper reported on Wednesday.
The men were only identified by their first names as Esmail, 23, who was found guilty of strangling a 19-year-old
woman and Moslem, 28, who had stabbed his friend to death, the report said. (AFP July 22, 2009)
Iran hangs two Sunni rebels, drug trafficker
Iran hanged on Saturday two members of a Sunni rebel group blamed for unrest in southeastern Sistan-
Baluchestan province and a drug trafficker, the state news agency IRNA reported.
The men hanged in a prison in the city of Zahedan were identified as Ayoub Rigi and Masoud Gomshad Zehi
convicted of 'membership and effective activity in the terrorist group of Abdolmalek Rigi,' IRNA said.
The drug trafficker hanged in the same prison was identified as Ahmad Eshagh Zehi. (AFP - July 25, 2009)


Iran hangs a woman and man in Shiraz
A man and a woman convicted of murder were sent to the gallows in a prison of the southern Iranian city of
Shiraz, Etemad newspaper reported on Saturday.
The woman, identified as Jamileh, was convicted of setting ablaze her husband Hamid as he slept, while the
executed man was named as Faraz, it said. The hangings took place on Wednesday (July 29). (AFP - Aug 1, 2009)
Iran hangs three for ‘murder’, ‘drug trafficking’
Iran has hanged three men convicted of murder and drug trafficking in the central city of Isfahan, the
government newspaper Iran reported on Sunday.The men executed in prison on Saturday were identified as
Babak, who was convicted of killing a man in 2003, Ghorban-Ali, 22, who had stabbed another young man to
death and Hassan, 33, convicted of selling heroin. (AFP – Aug. 2, 2009)
Iran hangs 24 men in mass execution: report
Iran hanged 24 convicted drug traffickers in a prison last week in one of the country's biggest mass executions,
the Etemad newspaper reported on Wednesday.
'On Thursday, 24 international drug traffickers were hanged in a prison in Karaj,' deputy Tehran prosecutor
Mahmoud Salarkia was quoted as saying. 'Their execution was approved by the supreme court.'
The report did not identify any of those sent to the gallows in Karaj, a town west of Tehran.(AFP - Aug 5, 2009)
Iranian regime hangs man from Baneh
A man identified as Abubakr Shafeyi, from Baneh, was executed by the Islamic Republic on Monday August 3.
He had been arrested and released a number of times by the regime in the past. His body was handed over to his
family. The Shafeyi family have been banned from holding mourning ceremony for him. It is not clear why he
was hanged. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 5, 2009)
Man hanged in Saqez Prison
According to reports from Saqez, a man identified as Abubakr Shafeyi was hanged on Monday in the Central
Prison of this city. The father of five who was from the city of Baneh had been in prison since two years ago on
charges of murder. (Iran BBB website – Aug. 5, 2009)
Iran hangs two men in Borujerd
According to Lorestan's Public Prosecutor, two men who had been arrested for kidnapping a woman in
Borujerd were arrested and sentenced to death by the Lorestan Criminal Court.
The sentence was carried out on Monday morning in the Borujerd Prison and the two men were hanged.
(Keyhan state-run daily – Aug. 4, 2009)
Iran hangs three men in Hamedan
According to the state run ILNA news agency, three men were hanged today in Hamedan Prison. All three were
charged with rape. The names of these prisoners were not mentioned in the report. The Human Rights
Organization of Iran cannot confirm the charges against these men. (IHRNA [Iran Human Rights News Agency
– Aug. 4, 2009)
Iran executes resistant protesters under the name of drug smugglers
We have had a call from Tehran that the regime executes young detainees under the name of drug smugglers.
These young people were not willing to sign repentance letters and have accepted charges of streets protests and
stand up to regime forces in prison. This report was given from a credible source whose nephew was arrested in
the protests and was amongst the executed prisoners in the past two days. (Roshangari Website – Aug. 11, 2009)
Religious activist executed in Sanandaj Prison
Shuresh Mehdi Khani was executed in the Sanandaj Central Prison on July 30. His death sentence was issued by
the second branch of the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court and was confirmed by the 4th branch of the Kurdistan
Court of Review.
The sentence was to be carried out on March 5 but was postponed until it was carried out on Thursday July 30
in this prison. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 11, 2009)


Iran hangs two prisoners

Two men convicted of rape have been executed by hanging in a prison in the southern Iranian city of Shiraz, the
Etemad newspaper reported on Saturday . It said the two were hanged on Wednesday.
The report identified one of the rapists as an Afghan called Zaeim, who was convicted of raping a 12-year-old girl
during a robbery at her home . The second man sent to the gallows was identified as Hamed who was found
guilty of raping a 19-year-old woman. (AFP – Aug. 15, 2009)
Iran hangs four for murder or drug trafficking
Iran has hanged four men convicted of murder or drug trafficking in the capital Tehran and central city of
Isfahan, government newspaper 'Iran' reported on Thursday.
The men executed in Tehran's Evin prison on Wednesday were identified as Mehdi, 35, found guilty of
murdering an elderly woman during a burglary and Moharam-Ali, 37, convicted of killing the 12-year-old boy of
a relative.
The men hanged in Isfahan prison on Wednesday were Mansour, 51, accused of possessing 294 grams (less than
a pound) of heroin and Meisam, 24, said to have stabbed another man to death in a fight. (AFP - Aug 20, 2009)

Iran hangs man in Orumieh
A man identified as Saeid Amini from the city of Bukan who had been jailed for 3 years in the Orumieh Prison
was hanged today in this prison. (Association of Political Prisoners inExile – Sep. 16, 2009)
Women executed in Khorassan
According to reports from Iran, a woman was executed in a prison in Sarakhs in Khorassan. Javad Shakeri,
Khorassan's Prosecutor confirmed this report and said, "This woman was accused of killing her husband and
after her crime was proved, her sentence was carried out on Thursday September 24 in the Sarakhs Prison ."
The name and age of this woman was not stated in the report. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 27, 2009)
Iran hangs five men
Iran has hanged five people convicted of drug trafficking in the northeastern town of Taibad, the Hamshahri
newspaper reported on Wednesday.
The unidentified convicts were hanged on Monday evening in the town's prison, the report said. (AFP- Sept 30,
Top Iran Judge: 'Death sentence advocates human life'
In a meeting today with top judicial officials, the head of the Judiciary said, "Some people are trying to show the
Islamic Penal Code as violent while according to our religious beliefs the spirit of the Islamic Penal Code has
regard for human rights".
"Despite some claims, the issue of retribution (the death penalty) is not only not violent, but actually advocates
human life", Amoli Larijan added. (Channel 1 state-run TV – Oct. 4, 2009)
Iran executes man in Tabriz Prison; wife awaiting stoning sentence
Rahim Mohammadi's lawyer said that he was executed yesterday morning without the knowledge of his family
and lawyer.
"This young man and his wife were sentenced to death and stoning to death by a Tabriz Court and with the
verdict of five judges in the second branch of the Tabriz Penal Court and Court of Review and their sentences
were confirmed by two judges in the 27th branch of the Supreme Court. This sentence was carried out for
Rahim yesterday without the knowledge of his family and lawyer and the stoning sentence of Kobra Babayi, his
wife, will soon be carried out. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 8, 2009)
Minor offender was hanged in Evin Prison
Behnud Shojayi, a minor offender sentenced to death who had been transferred to Evin
Prison for execution was hanged moments ago in this prison. This young man who
committed murder at 17 was executed at 5 am in Evin Prison. He had been brought 5 times


before to Evin for execution, but international efforts to halt the sentence had saved his life in the past. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 11, 2009)
Background information:
According to reports from ward 6 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, Behnoud Shojayi is once again on the verge of
execution. His family and lawyer have in the past few days tried very hard to revoke the execution but everything
points to the fact that the Judiciary intends to carry out the execution of this young man.
On Monday, October 5, his family was informed by the Execution Body of Tehran Criminal Court that
Behnoud would be hanged on Wednesday October 21. Another minor offender is also to be executed from this
Shojayi accidentally killed another young man in a group fight in Vanak Park when he was less than 17. He was
arrested and sentenced to death by the 74th branch of the Penal Court. His sentence was upheld by the Supreme
Court. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 6, 2009)
Iran hangs two women and four men
Iran has hanged five convicted drug traffickers plus a murderer in a prison in the southwestern city of Ahvaz,
the Kayhan newspaper reported Tuesday.
The report said that on October 6, a man and two women convicted of drug trafficking and identified
respectively as Abdollah J., Khadijeh J., and Fouzieh J. were hanged.
The same day, a man who was identified as Karim A. was hanged after being convicted of murder.
The report added that on October 8, two drug traffickers, identified as Oday B., and Saad B., were sent to
The newspaper gave no further details of the executions. (AFP - Oct 13, 2009)
UN rights chief speaks out against use of death penalty in Iran
High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay the United Nations human rights chief today called for
changes to Iranian laws to end the death penalty for juvenile offenders, and also voiced serious concern about
the death sentences handed down to three people for their involvement in the recent post-election protests.
Behnoud Shojaie, who was executed on Sunday, had been convicted of the murder of another boy in a street
fight when both were 17 years old, according to a news release issued by the Office of the High Commissioner
for Human Rights (OHCHR).
Both High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay and UN special rapporteurs had raised his case with
the Iranian authorities, reminding them of their international obligation not to execute juveniles .
Iran is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and to the Convention on the Rights
of the Child, both of which prohibit the death penalty for juvenile offenders.
Ms. Pillay had welcomed indications that the Iranian judiciary was encouraging victims’ families to reach private
settlements in such cases. The former head of the judiciary had previously agreed to suspend Shojaie’s death
sentence, in order to give the victim's family a chance to pardon him under Islamic Shariah law.
”This latest execution shows there are no guarantees of clemency for juveniles until Iran changes its law and
practice to end execution of juvenile offenders once and for all,” Ms. Pillay said. “It is the State’s responsibility
to stop these executions, not a family’s prerogative".
The Iranian legislature is currently considering a new draft juvenile justice law that provides “a valuable
opportunity to end the execution of juvenile offenders,” said OHCHR.
The High Commissioner also voiced serious concerns about the death sentences recently handed down to three
individuals involved in the protests that took place after the country’s presidential election.
”Under international law, the death penalty can only be applied when very strict conditions are met, for
example only in respect of the most serious crimes and only after scrupulously fair trials,” she noted.
The UN human rights mechanisms have held the view that the imposition of the death penalty for crimes that
do not result in loss of life is contrary to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


”There are also major concerns about the way the recent trials of OPPOSITION activists were conducted, and I
hope these judgments will be reviewed carefully by the higher courts,” Ms. Pillay said . (UN News Center – Oct.
13, 2009)
Iran Executes one woman and four men
The death sentence of Sohaila Qadiri, convicted of killing her five day old baby was carried out in the morning
in Evin Prison. Four men were also hung with her. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Oct. 21, 2009)
Background information:
Woman to be executed this week despite being 'legally' pardoned
The death sentence of Sohaila Qadiri convicted of killing her 5 day old child will be carried out this week with
the request of the prosecutor.
Qadiri was sentenced to death with the request of the prosecutor by the
71st branch of the Penal Court and this sentence was upheld by the
Supreme Court. Last year, after many attempts to find the father of the
child and with the persistent cooperation of the father of the child (M.Q)
to save Sohaila, a plea was surrendered to the family court to prove their
spousal relationship.
Finally the court recognized their spousal relationship which meant that
the child which was the outcome of this marriage belonged to M.Q
according to law and that he was the legal parent of the 5 day old child.
M.Q went to the Sentence Execution Department of the Criminal Court
Soheila Qadiri in court
and announced that he had pardoned Sohaila.
Mina Jafari, Sohaila's lawyer said regarding her client, "No one knows Sohaila's real name, her place of
residence, her age or anything about her past. She ran away from her father's home at the age of 16 to escape a
forced marriage".
"She was forced into prostitution in various cities to make a living and was raped and even group raped on
several occasions", she added.
"We cited the fact that Sohaila suffered from a mental illness after she gave birth but unfortunately the court
doctor confirmed the mental health of Soheila. This is while everyone in prison says that she is mentally ill", she
said adding that "unfortunately, it is not clear how it is possible that while the complainant (father of the child)
has pardoned her, the prosecutor is requesting retribution." (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 19, 2009)
Iran hangs Sunni man
Iran has hanged a convicted member of the Sunni rebel group Jundallah (Soldiers of God), which claimed
responsibility for a deadly suicide bombing in the southeast last month, the Fars news agency reported on
'Abdolhamid Rigi was hanged yesterday in the main prison in Zahedan,' the capital of Sistan-Baluchestan
province, the news agency quoted provincial police commander Gholam Ali Nekouei as saying.
'But he is not Abdolmalek Rigi's brother,' he added, referring to the Jundallah leader, who has a brother of the
same name on death row.
'He was convicted of kidnapping, being a Mohareb (enemy of God) and cooperating with Rigi's terrorist
grouplet,' Nekouei said without giving further details of the offences. (AFP - Nov 3, 2009)
Iran hangs four men: report
Iran has hanged four drug smugglers in the southern province of Kerman, Watan Emrooz newspaper reported
on Sunday, taking the overall number of executions so far in 2009 to more than last year's total.
The four were hanged in the prison of Kerman on Saturday, the report said.
The latest hanging brings to at least 247 the number of people executed in Iran so far this year, according to an
AFP count based on news reports.

In 2008, Iran hanged 246 people, the highest number of executions carried out by any country bar China. (AFP
- Nov 8, 2009)
Regime hangs Kurd political prisoner
The execution sentence of Ehsan Fatahian was carried out on Wednesday
morning in Sanandaj Prison. Security forces then ordered the family of
this Kurd activist to leave the site of the execution and transferred his body
at 8 am to the cemetery with an ambulance. Security forces have said that
they will hand over his body in a couple of days.
Ehsan Fatahian was sentenced to 10 years of prison in a court of first
instance on charges of cooperating with a Kurd Party. After appealing the
sentence, he was sentenced to death by a court of review. (Committee of
Reporters without Borders – Nov. 11, 2009)
Prison forces crack down on Kurd political prisoners after execution of
Ehsan Fatahian
According to reports, on Wednesday night, a large number of security
forces, plainclothes agents and riot police were stationed on the streets
behind the Central Sanandaj Prison and severely confronted any sort of
gathering. There were reports that a number of people were beaten by these forces.
Security forces were also stationed inside the prison, especially in ward 2 called 'Pak' where Ehsan Fatahian
(political prisoner who was hanged in the morning in this prison) and other political prisoners and civil rights
activists are kept. These forces subjected these prisoners to mental pressure and beat and injured a number of
them. A number of other prisoners in this ward were taken to solitary cells. (Iran Press News Website – Nov. 11,
Hanged political prisoner's body buried without family's consent
The body of Ehsan Fatahian (hanged on Wednesday in the
Sanandaj Central Prison) was secretly transferred from Sanandaj
to Kermanshah yesterday evening without his family being
notified and was buried in a secluded location in a cemetery in
His father was told in a telephone call in the morning that he can
go to the Baq Ferduse Cemetery in Kermanshah to find his son's
body. Fatahian was buried in an unmarked grave in the most
isolated section of this cemetery. His grave number is 61, row 4,
grave 28. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch New Agency – Nov.
12, 2009)
Regime forces deny Fatahian family right to mourn son out of
fear of popular protests
The mourning ceremony for Ehsan Fatahian was canceled because of pressure from security institutions in
While the family of Ehsan Fatahian, a Kurd political prisoner who was hanged in the Sanandaj Central Prison,
had announced that a ceremony to mourn his death would be held on Friday evening in the Baqiollah Azam
Mosque in Karmandan Town in Kermanshah, security institutions have pressured them to announce the
cancellation of this ceremony. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 13, 2009)
Regime forces crack down on demos in protest to execution of Ehsan Fatahian
Amer Goli, a Kurd student was arrested after a protest gathering yesterday in Sanandaj and was taken to an
unknown location.
According to reports, a demonstration started yesterday at 5 pm sharp on Azadi Square in Sanandaj in protest
to the execution of Ehsan Fatahian which became violent after police attacked the protesters. A number of
people were executed while many others were injured. There is no information on their condition.


After the protest, security and intelligence forces stormed the homes of student activists and civil rights activists
and according to reports, Amer Goli was arrested and taken to an unknown location.
Yaser Goli, his brother who has been banned from continuing his education, was sentenced to 15 years of
prison to be served in exile in the city of Kerman on charges of spreading propaganda against the government
and acting against national security. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 13, 2009)
Iran hangs two men in Hamedan
Iran has hanged two men convicted of rape and murder in the western city of Hamedan, the Kayhan newspaper
reported on Sunday.
The report identified the murderers as M.M., aged 25, and 20-year-old H.A., and said they were hanged on
Thursday. (AFP - Nov 15, 2009)
Iran hangs man in public: report
Iran has hanged a convicted rapist in a public square in the northern city of Qaemshahr in the Caspian Sea
Mazandaran province, the Kayhan newspaper reported on Monday.
The report identified the man hanged on Sunday as A.B. aged 24, who was convicted of raping his victim after
posing as a taxi driver.
The report also said he had a prior criminal record which included robbery, kidnapping and engaging in an
illicit relationship.
The reported public hanging comes despite a January 2008 statement by then Iran judiciary chief Ayatollah
Mahmoud Hashemi Shahrudi that such executions would only be carried out with his approval and 'based on
social necessities.' (AFP - Nov 16, 2009)
Iran hangs three drug traffickers and another man: report
Iran has hanged two men and a woman convicted of drug trafficking and a rapist, local media reported on
A report in Kayhan newspaper identified the first two men as Vahid Sh. 35 and Rasoul T. and the woman as
Beygum P. They were hanged in a prison in the central city of Isfahan on Monday, it said.
ISNA news agency said an unidentified 23-year-old man convicted of robbery and rape was hanged in the
Bojnourd city in north eastern North Khorasan province.
It did not give the date of execution. (AFP - Nov 18, 2009)
Iran hangs three men in Isfahan
Three Iranian men have been hanged for raping a 17-year-old boy, who subsequently committed suicide, the
Fars news agency reported on Thursday.
The three, who were not identified, were convicted of kidnapping the youth in the central city of Isfahan and
taking him out of town, where they assaulted him.
No date was given for the executions. (AFP - Nov 19, 2009)
Iran hangs several including three in Shiraz for 'enmity with God'
The state-run Fars News Agency reported today that several people including three people who were charged
with 'enmity with God' were hanged in Shiraz.
The names and exact dates of these executions were not announced in the report. Some of these people were
charged with drug smuggling. (Iran Press News Website – Nov. 19, 2009)
Iran executes three men in Ahwaz for 'enmity with God'
The public relations department of Khuzestan's Judiciary said on Wednesday on behalf of the Prosecutor of
Ahwaz that the death sentence of three people charged with 'enmity with God and corruption on earth' was
carried out. Ahwaz's prosecutor did not mention their names but said 26 others were executed in this city in the
past 8 months. Thirteen of them were hanged for 'smuggling drugs' while 13 others were hanged for
'retribution'. (Radio Farda Website – Nov. 20, 2009)


26 people executed in last 8 months is Khuzestan Province

The Ahwaz Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor said that the death sentences of 13 drug dealers were carried
out in the last eight months in this province.
"In this time 13 people were also hanged for retribution", he added. (Mehr News Agency – Nov. 21, 2009)
Iran hangs man in Karaj
An Iranian man convicted of rape was hanged on Wednesday in a prison in the city of Karaj on the western
outskirts of Tehran, the ISNA news agency reported.
The report said Mohammad Orouji, 25, had also been convicted of consuming alcohol.
The sentence included 80 lashes, but the report did not say whether Orouji was whipped before his execution.
(AFP - Nov 25, 2009)
Iran hangs Afghan man
Iran has hanged a convicted drug trafficker from Afghanistan in the northern town of Amol, the official IRNA
news agency reported on Thursday.
The man identified as Mohammad S., known as Fattah, 'was hanged this week for possession of 462 grams
(about a pound) of heroin,' IRNA said without specifying whether the execution was carried out in public or in
prison. (AFP - Nov 26, 2009)

Tehran RGC base demands capital punishment for 'those who insulted' Khomeini
The Mohammad Rasullallah Revolutionary Guards Forces Base in the Greater Tehran District asked officials to
give the capital punishment to those who were involved in the insult of Imam (Khomeini). (IRNA state-run
News Agency – Dec. 13, 2009)
Regime official: those who insulted Khomeini should be hanged
The Shiraz Friday Prayer Imam said that those who insulted Imam Khomeini are apostates and asked that they
be executed.
Hojatol-Islam Imani said in an interview on TV that the person or persons that ripped the picture of Imam
(Khomeini) in university are apostates and asked judicial officials to carry out the sentence given to apostates
against them. (Khabar Online state-run website – Dec. 13, 2009)
Iran publicly hangs man in Noor Town
Iran has hanged a convicted murderer in the northern town of Noor, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.
The man identified as Mohammad Sadegh, 27, was hanged in public on Monday for stabbing another man to
death with the help of his wife, a report in Vatan Emrouz newspaper said.
It was one of a growing number of executions carried out in public in recent weeks. (AFP- Dec 15, 2009)
Iran hangs 3 men in public: report
Iran has hanged two men convicted of armed robbery and a murderer in western Khuzestan province, Fars news
agency reported on Monday.
Hamad Kh., was hanged for armed robbery in a square in the city of Ahvaz on Sunday, the report said, adding
that an unidentified man was executed in the city for the same crime on Wednesday.
Fars said an unidentified murderer was also hanged in public on Wednesday in the town of Masjed Soleiman in
Khuzestan province, which has a substantial Arab minority. (AFP - Dec 14, 2009)
Iran executes minor in Kermanshah for having 'illegitimate relatio nship' with girlfriend
Mosleh Zamani was executed today in the morning in Dizel Abad Prison in Kermanshah. Mosleh Zamani was
arrested at 17 by security forces and Revolutionary Guards Forces for having sex with his girlfriend. These forces
tortured and harassed this young man in prison and subsequently charged him with causing trouble in the
Islamic country and issued a death sentence for him. This sentence was confirmed by the six branch of the
Supreme Court despite the fact that he did not have a lawyer.
Zamani was jailed for six years before being executed. (Iran Association for the Defense of Political Prisoners
and Human Rights – Dec. 17, 2009)


Iran executes man for 'immoral' conduct

A man who was arrested for immoral conduct was hanged on Monday morning. According to the official
website of the North Khorasan Department of Justice this sentence was carried out in the Central Bojnourd
Prison by the North Khorasan Penal Court after it was upheld by branch 41 of the Supreme Court on Monday
morning with the presence of those that the law had stipulated and after all the legal and religious measures
were carried out. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 17, 2009)
Iran Executes 3 people in Zahedan
The state-run IRNA news agency said that the death sentence of 3 people was carried out in the Province of
Sistan and Baluchistan on charges of drug smuggling.
They were hanged on the dawn of Wednesday December 16 in Zahedan Prison.
'Mosa M. and Khaleqdad F. were sentenced to death on charges of drug possession. Qader R. was also sentenced
to death on the same charges. These sentences were carried out in the morning in the Central Zahedan Prison
after being upheld by the Supreme Court', this news agency wrote quoting the Sistan & Baluchistan Judicial
Department. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 19, 2009)
Iran executes man in Kerman
The head of a troublemaking armed gang active in smuggling drugs was hanged in Kerman Prison. According to
the Public Affairs Department of the Kerman Judiciary and according to a sentence issued by the Kerman
Revolutionary Court, Omid A. known as the 'Great head' was executed. (Fars News Agency – Dec. 20, 2009)
Iran hangs 3 people in Isfahan
Three people were hanged in the morning on charges of smuggling drugs.
The official website of the Isfahan Judiciary reported that the first convict was Qodrat Q., 55, sentenced to
death on charges of smuggling drugs. Khan Mohammad D. and Mostafa Ch., 44, were also sentenced to death
on charges of smuggling drugs. Their sentences were carried out in the Central Isfahan Prison after being
confirmed by the Supreme Court. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 20, 2009)
15 people executed in secret in Kermanshah Prison
In the past months close to 15 execution sentences have been carried out in Kermanshah Prison but due to the
existing security environment in this prison, the names of these people have not been announced by
government institutions or even human rights institutions.
Four of the people who were executed since the beginning of the year (Persian Solar Year) without their names
being announced are as follows:
1- Jalal Bahrami, charged with armed robbery which led to murder. He was arrested in 2007 and his
sentence was carried out in the beginning of this year in the Dizel Abad Prison.
2- Allah-yar Maleki sentenced to intentional murder. He was in prison for several years before being
executed a few months ago in this prison.
3- Alireza Mohammad-pour, charged with intentional murder, was executed a few months ago after being
imprisoned for several years.
4- Akbar Sharifi charged with intentional murder, was in prison for several years before being executed a
few months ago.
According to reports from prison, one of the judges in charge of carrying out sentences in the Kermanshah
Judiciary named Judge Najar has a direct part in the fast execution of dozens of prisoners sentenced to death in
Dizel Abad Prison. He has announced to death row prisoners on several occasions in meetings in the prayer hall
of this prison that the government does not have the budget to feed death row prisoners and the Prison
Organization is not willing to give these prisoners free bread. This judge told these prisoners to either try to get
amnesty from their complainants as soon as possible or to wait everyday for the death of one of these death row
prisoners. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 20, 2009)


Iran hangs two prisoners

Two runaway death row prisoners were hanged on Tuesday night in Sirjan.
According to reports from Kerman, these two runaway death row prisoners who were to be hanged on Tuesday
morning (in public) were hanged again on Tuesday night.
These two prisoners identified as Ismail Fat-hizadeh and Mohammad Esfandiarpour who were charged with
possessing illegal arms, robbing the Najaf Shahr Bank and harassing people in Sirjan were sentenced to death by
the verdict of the Supreme Court. They were unexpectedly abducted by their relatives from the execution
ceremony on Tuesday morning after they were hanged.
These two prisoners who were still alive were arrested in Akbar Abad Village in Kerman a few hours later along
with five of their abductors and their death sentences was once again carried out. (Fars News Agency – Dec. 23,
Iran MPs call for 'maximum punishment' of protesters
Iranian MPs called for the 'maximum punishment' of opposition demonstrators on Tuesday after violent
protests erupted during a Shiite religious commemoration and eight people were killed.
The conservative-dominated parliament condemned 'disgusting comments' by Western governments about
Sunday's unrest and accused the protesters of being 'anti-religion' and 'counter-revolutionaries'.
'Parliament wants the judiciary and intelligence bodies to arrest those who insult religion and impose the
maximum punishment on them without reservation,' said the statement read out by parliament speaker Ali
Larijani on television.(AFP - Dec 29, 2009)
Iran cleric says opposition leaders deserve death: agency
Influential Iranian cleric Ayatollah Abbas Vaez Tabasi on Tuesday branded opposition leaders as 'enemies of
God' whose punishment under Islamic sharia law is death, Fars news agency reported. (AFP - Dec 29, 2009)
Iran hangs prisoner in Gohardasht Prison
According to reports from Iran, prisoner Ardashir Keshavarz was hanged in the morning in this prison in Karaj.
At about 6:30 am this prisoner who had been transferred to solitary from about one week ago to await execution
was hanged in this prison's yard. This 35-year-old prisoner had been in prison for more than 6 years and had
served most of term in Gohardasht's ward 1. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 30, 2009)
Iran hangs three men in Isfahan: state media
Iran has hanged three convicted drug traffickers at a prison in the central city of Isfahan, the government-run
newspaper Iran reported on Wednesday.
The men were identified as Qodrat, Khan Mohammad and Mostafa and all convicted separately of dealing and
carrying narcotics, according to the report, which did not furnish more information. (AFP - Dec 30, 2009)
Iran's General Prosecutor says at least 3 Ashura demonstrators will soon be executed
In a private session with Iran's General Prosecutor, Mohsen Ejeyi said that 'at least three' people arrested on
Ashura will soon be executed.
The General Prosecutor said that the Judicial System is determined to trial at least three of those arrested on
Ashura who were charged with 'enmity with God' and carry out their sentence. (E'temad Daily – Dec. 31, 2009)

Arbitrary killing
Teacher killed by security agents in Dezfool
Questions have been raised among the family and friends of a murdered elementary school teacher in Dezfool
following the reaction of city officials when his body was found in this city.
Ahmad Naghavi, first grade teacher in Chameran Elementary School in Dezfool was on his way back home on
December 30 after meeting with an official when he first disappeared and his body was found one day later by
Dezfool's Dez Stream.
His family says that on the day of his disappearance he had gone to one of the city's higher officials to protest his
living and work conditions and that they believe that the cause of his death was not normal.

Questions regarding this case have increased after the coroner refused to state the conclusion of the autopsy and
therefore the reason for his death has remained secret. His family has also said that State Security Forces have
recommended that they should not follow this case. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 2, 2009)
SSF shoot and kill Kurd man
State Security Forces shot and killed Davood Ashk Talkh in Mahabad's Afan village on December 31, 2008.
(Voice of Iran Kurdistan Radio – Jan. 6, 2009)
SSF kill protester outside governor’s office
A number of people staged a protest gathering in
Khomeini-Shahr outside the governor's office on
Monday, January 5. Some of these protesters said
that they were protesting because a large number
of people participating in the annual Shiite
mourning ceremony were arrested the day before.
According to this report, these protesters were
demanding the release of the arrested mourners
outside the governor's office when the SSF shot
tear gas in the crowd and bullets in the air to
disperse them. According to unofficial figures, this attack lead to the death of one person in the gathering and
caused another person to become injured. The injured man is in critical condition. (Amir Kabir Newsletter –
Jan. 7, 2008)
SSF kill 18 year old in Ardabil
State Security Forces killed a young man who was riding his motorcycle in Pars Abad City in Ardabil Province.
This young man, Khodavardi Ibrahim Zadeh, was 18 year old. (Iran News Agency – Jan. 10, 2009)
Sunni activist dies from poisonous injection
Jalal Pourkand, Salafi activist in Kermanshah Province, died yesterday due to internal bleeding which was
caused by a poisonous injection he received in prison. He was arrested two years ago following widespread
arrests of Sunni activists and clerics in Kurdish areas. (Salafi News – Jan. 12, 2009)
Kurdish shopkeeper killed under torture
According to the PDKI (the Democratic Party of Kurdistan) on January 4, a shopkeeper in Bookan named
Hashem Ramezani died due to mental and physical torture inflicted on him by Criminal Intelligence
Department agents in Mahabad. Hashem Ramezani who was married, was arrested 10 days before his death on
charges of dealing smuggled goods. The Criminal Intelligence Department severely tortured Hashem in these 10
days without having any evidence of his "dealings". Despite his family's efforts, regime officials have refused to
hand over his body. (Kurdistan Media – Jan. 8, 2009)
Hashem Ramezani was arrested by Intelligence Agency agents in the beginning of last week on security charges.
He was transferred to Orumieh's Intelligence Agency after his arrest.
Security forces claim that he committed suicide in the Detention Center. These forces prevented Ramezani's
family from transferring his body to Tehran for an autopsy and before handing over the body forced the family
to make a pledge not to inform anyone of this issue. Ramezani, about 45, was married and had several children.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 13, 2009)
SSF kills 26 year old man in Salmas
According to reports, on Monday January 19, State Security Forces shot and killed Akbar M., 26, on the border
line of Salmas. This young man who lived in Koozharash Village was able to make it to Turkey after he was shot
but died on his arrival into this neighboring country. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 22, 2009)
SSF shoot and kill many in Baluchistan
Iranian regime agents have killed hundreds of people in Baluchistan after shooting at cars carrying fuel. Most of
the victims die from the explosion and the ensuing fires in the cars. Recently security forces shot at cars carrying
fuel close to Doost Mohammad in Baluchistan which led to the
deaths of a number of young men in this region. (Baluch News
agency – Jan. 24, 2009)


More Sunnis killed by security agents
About three weeks ago, a Sunni cleric named Reza Moradzehi was attacked by four people with knives andwas
severely injured. He was able to resist them and arrested one of them handing him over to security forces.
Security agents took his aggressor to an unknown location and told Reza that he had no right to pursue this
After one week, another Sunni man was attacked by people with that same description and died after he was
stabbed 27 times. Five days after, another young Sunni was attacked after participating in communal prayers and
died from his knife injuries.
Last night another religious Sunni in Zahedan named Aman Allah Gomshad Zehi was attacked in the face and
neck with knives. The Iranian regime uses various tactics to eliminate Sunnis in Iran. (Baluch News – Feb. 9, 2009)
Bukani SSF shoot and murder man
Security forces in Baneh shot at a car on the night of February 7 killing the 35 year old driver, Mostafa Qolami,
who is a kurdish resident of Bukan. Qolami was going to Baneh to find work, and was not carrying any goods in
his car. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 10, 2009)
RGC murder 16 year old boy
Military forces in the border region of Salmas murdered a young Kurdish boy and
abandoned his body in the snow.
Last week, Revolutionary Guards Forces arrested 16 year old Behzad Gol Mohammadi
resident of Salmas on the border of Turkey and subjected him to torture. This Kurdish
boy was killed under torture and military forces left his body in Turkey. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Feb. 25, 2009)
SSF shoot and kill young man in Marivan
A young man named Heiwa Karimi was shot and killed by State Security Forces in a village in Marivan. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – March 10, 2009)
Bandar Abas SSF shoot and kill three people
On March 9, State Security Coast Forces in Bandar Abas shot at three people suspected of having smuggled
goods. In this shooting, two people died in the water and the third person died on the coast. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – March 13, 2009)
Murdering of retailer in Sardasht and arrest of another in Saqez
Last Monday March 16, Jafar Qaderi, was ambushed and killed by State Security Forces in Kani-Dinaran Village
in Sahrdasht. It should be noted that he was carrying nothing.
On Thursday March 19, another Retailer who has not been identified was also shot and killed by SSF in Mardo-
Avi village in Sardasht. (Norooz TV – Mar. 22, 2009)
It is noteworthy to mention that Salah Ibrahimzadeh, a Kurdish village retailer who was injured, and arrested
was killed by SSF in hail of gunfire on March 15, and another village retailer named Jafar Maam-Saleh was killed
on March 17, 2009.
SSF arrests "troublemakers"; shoots and kills one person
The head of the State Security Forces in Shushtar said, "In the past few days, after carrying out intelligence and
identification operations on the location of troublemakers, we arrested them in the Sha'ibeih region in
"In these clashes, one of the troublemakers was killed. The Shushtar SSF has been clashing with (these people)
since Wednesday", he added.
"These clashes are still in process and these activities will go on until these troublemakers are arrested and
punished", he said. (Shahab News state-run website – March 26, 2009)
The comments made by Brig. Gen. Ahmadreza Radan, the notorious chief of Tehran’s police, in a visit to
Kahrizak detention center, detention center designated for ‘troublemakers’ told detainees: “I have full authority
to deal with you to the point of killing everyone and burying you in this desert.” He then turned to henchmen


and said: “Beat them to the point that they bark like a dog and shrink as small as a mouse and if anyone dies
under beating, it doesn’t matter. I’ll accept full responsibility!”
Murdering of retailer in Sardasht and arrest of another in Saqez
Last Monday March 16, Jafar Qaderi, was ambushed and killed by State Security Forces in Kani-Dinaran Village
in Sahrdasht. It should be noted that he was carrying nothing.
On Thursday March 19, another Retailer who has not been identified was also shot and killed by SSF in Mardo-
Avi village in Sardasht. (Norooz TV – Mar. 22, 2009)
It is noteworthy to mention that Salah Ibrahimzadeh, a Kurdish village retailer who was injured, and arrested
was killed by SSF in hail of gunfire on March 15, and another village retailer named Jafar Maam-Saleh was killed
on March 17, 2009.
Tortured body of another activist discovered in Kamyaran
The Iranian regime continues the killing of Kurds in East Kurdistan.
In this respect, the body of another political activist was found in
The body of 27 year old Ayat Mozafari, resident of Kamyaran who was
a member of a opposition Kurdish Party was found in a street in
Kamyaran after he was kidnapped a while back by Revolutionary
Guards Corps forces. (Kurdistan News – March 31, 2009)
Officers investigating serial murders found guilty
The head of SSF in Abadan announced that the head of police investigation department and its staffs in charge
of investigating the serial murders were discharged. According to Fars news agency in Abadan, officers
investigating the serial murder case in Abadan were found guilty; therefore, the head of police investigation
department and investigators of the case were dismissed. (Keyhan state-run daily – Apr. 9, 2009)
Head of counter-drug department of SSF admits arbitrary murdering of 302 people under pretext of
troublemakers and smugglers
Hossein Abadi, the head of counter-drug department of the State Security Forces (SSF) said: ‘600 tons of drugs
were discovered last year – Iranian year started from March 21, 2008 to March 20, 2009 – depicting 22% rise in
compare to the year before. ‘Also last year265 kg of chemical heroin was discovered showing 440% increase in
compare with the year before.’He added: ‘302 troublemakers and smugglers were killed and 44 of them were
injured.’ (ISNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 9, 2009)
SSF shoot and kill man in Kermanshah
A man was shot and killed in Kermanshah by State Security Forces yesterday morning.
In a shooting outside of the Maskan Bank in Kermanshah at 8 am, a 30-year-old man who has not been
identified yet was shot by the SSF.
These agents claimed that they shot him because of suspicions that he was going to rob the bank. However,
since the man was unarmed and it was too early in the morning, it seems this incident is just another case in the
thousands of cases on civilian casualties by the SSF. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 5, 2009)
Note: The family of the above victim named as Rahim R., 28-year-old, has sued against the SSF, since their son
was innocent just going to bank carrying no arms what so ever.
SSF shoot and kill innocent driver
State Security Forces shot and killed a driver on May 10 on the borderline with Nudsheh. According to reports,
the victim was 33-year-old Taha Salimi, a father of two children. These agents shot at Salimi's car which carried
no cargo and without warning him to stop. (Iran News Agency – May 11, 2009)
SSF shoots and kills tradesman in cold blood
Another tradesman was shot and killed by State Security Forces in Piranshahr.
Abdollah Aziz Osmani, was attacked a few days ago by the SSF and gunned down in his car carrying a small
cargo of goods. He died after the attack and his body was handed over to his family two days ago. (Kurdistan
Students in Defense of Human Rights – May 19, 2009)

Political activist suspiciously murdered
Massoud Hossein Panahi, a political activist in Dehgolan, was murdered last night by
unidentified men.
The political activist who had recently been freed on bail from prison after being sentenced
to a suspended five-year prison term was murdered at midnight in Leilakh. His body was
found by people in the region.
He is related to political prisoner Anvar Hossein Panahi. His brother Ashraf Hosseini, who was also an activist,
died in a suspicious accident in September 2008. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 5, 2009)
10 people die in shootings, 50 plus injured
Tehran streets in the course of the shootings, have
witnessed very at least 10 people died and more than
50 were injured.
There are reports of the very violent treatment of
security forces with people who protest election results
and think that the "dictators" should go.
There are reports from Vali Asr and Taleqani that
special guard forces attacked a Children's Hospital
because according to them protesters had taken shelter
in the hospital and shot several rounds of tear gas into
the hospital and as a result a number of the
hospitalized children have developed respiratory
problems. Eye- witnesses have reported that hospital
personnel are evacuating the building via back windows.
The hospital personnel have opened the back doors of the hospital and have handed some of the children who
managed to stay alive to the people outside to be transferred and hospitalized in other centers.
People are saying that they are not willing to tolerate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at any price. They say they do not
want to live under his rule, which they say is a dictatorship. Despite the environment on the streets, state run
TV continuously congratulates the victory of Ahmadinejad to the people and broadcasts cheerful anthems. (Iran
news agency – June 14, 2009)
AP photographer: 1 dead as militia fire on rally
Iran - Gunmen have fired on OPPOSITION protesters at a massive march over alleged election fraud, killing at
least one person.
An Associated Press photographer saw one person shot dead and several others who appear seriously wounded
in Tehran's Azadi Square. The shooting came from a compound for volunteer militia linked to Iran's powerful
Revolutionary Guard.
The gunfire Monday came after more than 100,000 opponents of President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad streamed
through Tehran. (AP – June 15, 2009)

Ali Hassan-pour, 48, Accountan and father of two children


Shootings at peaceful Tehran demo leaves at least 8 dead and 50 wounded

Medical sources have said that 8 bodies including 3 women were transferred to Rasul Akram Hospital.
Informed sources in this hospital also reported that more than 50 protesters with gun wounds were admitted to
the hospital.
According to this report, hospital officials were not allowed to record the deaths or injuries and nurses are trying
to reach the families of the deceased and injured via their mobile phones.
Last night a few hours after the bodies and injured protesters were brought to the hospital, special guard forces
came into the hospital and took the bodies to an unknown location.
The number of casualties is only from witnesses in the Rasul Akram Hospital in Tehran.
During a vast demonstration by protesters, a Bassiji Base affiliated with the 117 Ashura Battalion (RGC
battalion) shot directly at the people, which left many dead and injured. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June
16, 2009)
Two protesters killed, hundreds more arrested in Orumieh
After the election results were announced on Monday, the people of Orumieh took to the streets in protest.
According to eyewitnesses, state security forces killed two people in their attacks and injured many others. This
same source said that hundreds of people were also arrested. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – June 16, 2009)
Security forces throw two protesters from window, killing them in Isfahan
During protests in Isfahan,
security forces killed two young
men. The two men who were in
Isfahan's Chahar Baq Street were
chased by security forces and
went into a building for refuge.
After breaking into the building,
the agents threw them out of a
window of the upper stories of
the building into the street,
which lead to their death. One
of these men was 32-year-old
Hossein Akhtar Zand. (Iran
Press News – June 17, 2009)
OCU: at least seven students killed by security forces
The Office for Consolidating Unity said in a statement that at least seven students were killed when security
forces attacked the dormitories of Tehran and Shiraz University.
"On the night of June 14, Ansar-e Hezbollah forces and undercover agents attacked the students in Tehran
University's dormitories in an organized attack. These people were armed with guns, Bowie knives and axes,” the
students' institution said in its statement.
At least five students were killed in this attack, it said. In Shiraz University, undercover police agents and Ansar
forces attacked students, which lead to the death of two students, the OCU wrote. (Radio Farda website – June
17, 2009)
Three killed and injured in Yazd
According to reports during protests to election results and in the past 48 hours at least 3 people were shot at by
security forces in Yazd. According to unofficial reports, one of the protesters shot in the back passed away.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 17, 2009)
More than 43 people killed Iran unrest
In the five days of the unrest in Iran, more than 43 people
were killed by security forces. More than 30 people were
killed in clashes with the Ansar-e Hezbollah, Special Guards
Forces, and Intelligence agents in Tehran while more than
13 people have also been killed in other Iranian cities such
as Shiraz, Kermanshah, Khoram Abad, Ahvaz, Isfahan,

Mashhad, and other cities. Currently some of the injured protesters are in very critical condition in various
Tehran hospitals. In the Hezartakhtekhabi Hospital, 4 wounded protesters are in coma.
Many detainees have been transferred to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj and Kahrizak Camp. Kahrizak is one of
the most notorious detention centers in
Iran where prisons are under severe
physical, sexual, and mental torture.
Reports from this detention center say
that at the end of every week, Radan, the
head of the security forces in Tehran,
goes to this camp with a helicopter along
with a several other agents and personally
tortures detainees. Many prisoners have
been killed in this prison under torture.
The families of the arrested detainees
have no news on the condition of their loved ones. They go to hospitals with pictures trying to find their
relatives. The pursuit of their family members from various regime institutions has so far been futile. There have
been other reports that regime forces have secretly buried the bodies of a number of those they have killed
without notifying their families. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 18, 2009)
Khamemei’s statement is a gross dereliction of duty and a license for abuse: Amnesty spokeswoman
There have been mass protests since hardline President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad was declared winner of the
presidential poll ahead of the more moderate Mir Hossein Mousavi.
'We are extremely disturbed at statements made by Ayatollah Khamenei which seem to give the green light to
security forces to violently handle protesters exercising their right to demonstrate and express their views,' said
Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, deputy director of its Middle East and North Africa programme.
'If large numbers of people take to the street in protests in the next couple of days, we fear that they will face
arbitrary arrest and excessive use of force, as has happened in recent days.'
Khamenei warned during his address that street protests must stop or there was a risk of 'blood, violence, and
Amnesty's Sahraoui added: 'For a head of state to put the onus of security on peaceful demonstrators and not
on the security forces is a gross dereliction of duty and a license for abuse.' (AFP - June 19, 2009)
Family of student killed in Tehran University dorm bury body
According to local newspapers in Mashhad, the body of
Mostafa Qanian, who was killed after security agents attacked
Tehran University's dorm, was buried on June 20 in Mashhad.
This is while security forces who had attacked the dorm, took
the bodies of a number of those killed to a place outside of the
dorm and later on the head of Tehran University who is a
former top intelligent agent, denied that anyone was killed in
this attack.
The assailants transferred more than 100 students to the
Internal Ministry after killing a number of students and
destroying the dorm building. The students were severely
beaten in the ministry and many were wounded and bleeding.
There is no information on the whereabouts of more than 30 students who were detained in that incident.
(Amir Kabir – June 21, 2009)
Regime harasses families of dead protesters, does not hand over bodies of dead
According to reports from Tehran, the violent attacks by security forces have lead to the death of many people.


The bodies of those who were killed for freedom have been transferred to an unknown location and are in the
hands of intelligence agents.
The names of some of those who were killed are: Maryam Mehr Azar , 24; Milad Yazdan Panah, 30; Hamed
Besharati, 26; Babak Sepehr, 35. It is reported that they were shot and killed in Azadi Street.
The families of the dead protesters gathered today outside the coroner's office. The painful scenes of crying
mothers moved everyone witnessing the scene. These families were forced to stay outside the coroner's for hours
demanding to receive the bodies of their loved ones but nobody would answer them. They were told that their
bodies were not there and that they had to go to the intelligence agency to pursue this case. When the families
went to the Intelligence agency staff department, no one answered them there either.
Intelligence agents threaten these families in various ways to prevent them from disclosing the names of their
loved ones who were killed by security forces. They have been told that if they do, they will not receive their
bodies for burial. They have also been threatened with arrest. Regime forces have subjected them to severe
pressure to hide their crimes. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 21, 2009)
Three people killed in Mashhad
According to reports, in the clashes in the past few days in Mashhad, three people were killed. (Peik-e-Iran –
June 21, 2009)
Saeid Abassi, another young man killed for freedom
The identity of another one of the victims of the protests on Saturday in Tehran was
Saeid Abassi, 24, was a shoe and handbag salesman who was single and lived on Rudaki
Street. International media have announced that 19 to 150 people have been killed in the
protests so far. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 21, 2009)
More than 100 protesters killed in Tehran unrest
Someone called from Tehran saying that according to an informed source, a doctor from the Khomeini
Hospital in Tehran said that more than 100 bodies of those who have been killed are in the hospital morgue.
(Radio Farda – June 22, 2009)
Undercover agents use "crystal" bullets to hide killing spree
One of the reasons the personnel of the Rassul Akram Hospital and other medical centers went on a strike was
because of orders by judicial officials to tamper with the medical records of those killed in the protests.
According to reports from hospitals, they have orders to write that the cause of the death is death in surgery or
heart attack.
In other reports from hospitals, the number of suspicious heart attacks in young people and teenagers has
increased in the past few days.
After some investigation, it was specified that undercover agents use a kind of gun that shoots bullets called
"crystals". These kinds of bullets distribute a kind of substance on the skin, which immediately seeps into the
blood and after 24 leads to heart attack. The wound from this kind of bullets is not deep and looks more like a
scratch or swelling but after 24 hours, it has a deadly result and kills the person. Those who have been killed in
this way are not counted as victims of the protests. (Cherik Online – June 22, 2009)
Young man killed in Tehran protests buried in hometown
Security forces in the recent
unrest in Tehran killed a
Kurd boy named Farzad
Jashni who had gone to
Tehran to work from some
time ago. He was from a
poverty-stricken family. This
young man was buried on
June 18 in Abdanan in Ilam.
State security forces were
present in his funeral. His
family has been threatened

not to say anything about the reason for their son's death. (Iran News Agency - June 23, 2009)
Suppression of protesters; another killed protester identified
According to reports the violent attacks by security forces and the RGC against the defenseless people of
Tehran, has left many injured, killed, and detained.
Security forces beat the protesters with the intent of killing them. Special Forces units, the RGC, the Bassij, and
undercover agents armed with guns target protesters from the waist up; therefore, the number of fatalities is
high. They strike protesters in the face and head which has lead to their deaths in some instances or has left
them severely injured.
A man with the last name of
Mo'azez, 27, was one those killed
in the protests on June 20. He was
shot in the eye near Azadi Square.
Security forces destroy all pictures
and announcements related to
those who were killed in the unrest
posted on the streets to hide their
crime. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activist in Iran – June
24, 2009)

10-year-old dies after tear gas attack

According to eyewitnesses, a 10-year-old boy was killed with tear gas in the Tehran demo yesterday.
In other reports, after a Bassiji opened fire on the protesters, eight people were killed and severely injured. (Iran
News Agency – June 24, 2009)

Nearly 250 protesters killed in unrest

Iran's pro-democracy movement is changing strategy, uses smaller, and more dispersed demonstrations to try to
protect protesters from security forces, who dissidents now say have killed nearly 250 people in the past 10 days.
The Iranian government has said that 17 people have died so far during the postelection protests; Mr.
Makhmalbaf said the toll was 249.
'We are hearing that Arabs have been brought into Iran to disperse the demonstration,' he said. 'Our people say
they are covering their heads, and speaking in Arabic. It is hard to say whether they are Iraqis working with
Khamenei or Arabs from Lebanon. We have seen this before, Arabs coming to Iran to break up demonstrations
in recent years, but we see this now on a much larger scale.' (Washington Times - June 25, 2009)
Witness: at least one woman killed in June 25 demos
'Today we are trying to protest in front of the university. We will not stop. We will continue. Nobody is for this
regime. They want Khamenei to go,' said Reza, a Tehran university graduate in a call to my colleague Mark Rice-
He also claimed that at least one woman was killed in yesterday's clashes.
Basij and Revolutionary Guards attacked us. There were helicopters. Some people were chased away by
helicopters. They beat us, shot at us, and wounded people. I know one woman was killed, though I heard that
many more were killed because it wasn't just happening in Tehran but in other cities too.’


There is gruesome account of police beatings from Behnaz, a student in Isfahan, on Lidovky, the website of the
Czech daily Lidove noviny. Reader Andrew Gardner has sent through this translation of an email exchange
between her and news Editor Jan Nevyhosteny.
LN: How are the Basij trying to suppress the unrest?
Behnaz: They are beating demonstrators in a brutal fashion. They're hitting people with heavy staves, to the
head and to the stomach. Some people have been beaten to death. They have no reservations about attacking
children and old people. There's talk of a pregnant woman having been shot; she then gave birth on the street.
Here in Isfahan, one person was first beaten and then thrown from a roof. I was at his funeral today [24 June].
His family can't talk about the circumstances of his death with anyone; they've been threatened.
LN: Is the regime applying pressure on the families of
Behnaz: The regime is putting a lot of pressure on the
families of demonstrators who've been detained and
killed. When you see how they treat people on the
streets, in front of everyone, what must they be doing to
those who are in detention?
LN: Were the elections manipulated, or were there only
isolated instances of manipulation?
Behnaz: If the elections had been perfectly in order, why
would the government be so resistant to holding them
again? They should, after all, produce the same result.
Why, instead of that, do they prefer to kill so many
innocent people on the streets? (The Guardian – June 25, 2009)
Hospital doctor: Bassijis killed and injured 38 people in barrage of bullets
On Wednesday 24 June, it is written by a doctor from “Rasul Akram” hospital in Tehran who says that some
people were killed not only by one bullet as they found two or three bullets in some bodies, close to one
another, showing that shooters used barrage shooting against people and not only a single shot. A 68 year old
man had 3 bullets in his body, two on his left shoulder and one in the left side of his stomach. The doctors of
the “Rasul Akram”hospital say they had been faced with 38 people killed during last week’s protests.
Apparently, police took the corpse of the dead bodies out from the hospital and carried them away by truck.
Most of their families still do not know if their children have been killed. Besides, among the corpse there were
some 15, 16 years old kids. (Guardian – June 25, 2009)
Families of killed protesters banned from mourning their loved ones
The treatment of security forces with the families of killed protesters is very inhumane and insulting. These
families are under pressure from intelligence agents and they are only given the bodies of their loved ones for
burial if they accept a number of conditions for their burial. These conditions are:
1. The ceremony has to be discreet and only close relatives can be present
2. No one is allowed to speak or chant slogans against the government in the ceremony
3. No one is allowed to mention the cause of death in the ceremony and this should not be written on the
tomb stone
Some of the names of those who were killed by security forces and are buried in Behesht Zahra Cemetery are:
1. Mohammad Hossein Barzegar, 25, fatally shot in the head on June 17
2. Seyed Reza Tabatabyi, 30, accounting bachelor's degree, fatally shot in the head on June 21
3. Iman Hashemi, 27, fatally shot in the eye on June 21
4. Parisa Kelli, 25, literature university degree, fatally shot in the neck on June 22
5. Mohsen Hadadi, 24, computer programmer, fatally shot in the forehead on June 21
6. Mohammad Nickzadi, 22, architect bachelor's degree, fatally shot in the chest on June 16
7. Ali Shahedi, 24, died in a police station for unknown reasons on June 22. His family believes he died in the
police station as a result of being battered in the head with a club.

8. Vahed Akbari, 34, married with a 3-year-old daughter, was fatally shot in the side of his body on June 21
9. Abolfazl Abdollahi, 21, electrical postgraduate, fatally shot in the back of the head outside the Industrial
Sharif Univ. on June 21
10. Salar Tahmasebi, 27, trade managing master's degree student in Rasht, fatally shot in the forehead on June
11. Fahimeh Salahshur, 25, beaten on the head with a club, died as a result of internal bleeding in hospital on
June 14.
12. Vahid Reza Tabatabayi, 29, English bachelor's degree, fatally shot in the head on June 24 (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – July 3, 2009)
Security forces request bullet fee from murdered protester's family
Hossein Tufan-pour, was arrested by security forces on the street in a June 20th demo in Tehran. According to
eyewitness reports, agents first struck his hand with force a number of times until his hand broke and hung
from his body. They then shot him in the head. He is buried in section 233 in Behesht Zahra Cemetery in
Tehran. His family was told to pay a 25,000 dollar bullet fee to receive his body. (Iran News Agency – July 5,
Family of killed protester not allowed
burying body in Tehran
Massoud Hashem-zadeh, a protester fatally
shot by security forces in recent clashes, lived
with his family in Tehran.
But, officials banned his family from burying
his body in Tehran, therefore they were
forced to bury his body in Gilan, his
mother's home town. (Iran News Agency –
July 5, 2009)
Iranian regime kills 22-year-old in Tehran demo
Salar Qorbani-Param, a 22-year-old, was killed in the recent demonstrations in Iran. Officials have announced
that he died in an accident. His father has a shop in Enqelab Square. His family had set up a memorial for him
in Enqelab Square but authorities immediately came and destroyed it. (Iran News Agency – July 5, 2009)
Tehran University student dies in hospital after being shot by plainclothes agents
Another young man who was wounded by plainclothes agents and hospitalized passed
Ya'qub (Jacob) Barvayeh, a master's degree student studying at the arts school of
Tehran University was shot by Bassijis from the roof of Lulager Mosque and sustained
a head wound. He was immediately taken to the Loqman hospital by his friends.
Despite attempts to save his life at the hospital, he became brain dead and finally died.
Barvayeh was the second eldest son of a family of five from Ahwaz. He was born in
1982 and was only 27 years old when he died.
According to reports, security forces took Ya'qub's body from the hospital to an unknown location. After 48
hours, security forces called his family telling them that they had buried the body. Agents made his family
promise not to tell anyone about his death and banned them from holding a ceremony. (Noruz website – July
13, 2009)
18 year old killed by security forces
Arman Estkhri, was violently clubbed in the Shiraz clashes with security forces in Abivardi and went in a coma.
The 18-year-old who had taken refuge in the house of an old woman close to the scene of the clashes passed
away today in her house. He is to be buried today in Daralrahmeh in Shiraz. His doctor said he died from brain
death. (Iran Press News – July 14, 2009)
Security forces fatally shoot porter in border town
A porter (who carried goods on his back) was killed in the border town on Paveh after he was shot by State
Security Forces. According to reports, Saleh Rahimi, a Kurd resident of Nudsheh located in Paveh was shot
directly in an ambush by security forces.

A large number of people in western border regions are employed in carrying goods like cloth or tea on their
backs because of the lack of job opportunities in the region. Every year, a large number of them are shot and
killed by security forces. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 14, 2009)
Bodies of hundreds of protesters in South Tehran refrigeration room
The bodies of hundreds of people who were killed in the recent unrest in the past month are kept in a large
refrigerator in South Tehran. This is while many of the families of detainees go from prison to court and back
again and do not get any answers from officials on the whereabouts of their loved ones. Some of the families are
invited to go to unknown locations and after receiving threats that another one of their family members will be
hurt, being forced to agree not to give out any information on the death of their children, and coerced into
signing a paper which confirms that their children died from an accident or another natural event, the bodies of
their loved ones are handed over to them. One of the persons who asked not to be named said that he or she
was taken to a large refrigerator used to refrigerate fruits and milk products and given an album which
contained pictures of hundreds of bodies to identify his or her family member from the album. According to
this person, looking at the hundreds of picture took about 30 minutes. This person also said that while leaving
the refrigerator, he or she saw the bodies of dozens of protesters piled on top of each other. (Noruz Website –
July 14, 2009)
Demonstrator killed in July 17 protests
Security forces killed a demonstrator in Amir Abad Street in Tehran.
According to other reports, a demonstrator who was beaten with clubs by security forces is currently hospitalized
in the Firuzgar Hospital in Tehran. He is in a coma. (Center for Defense of Political Prisoners in Iran – July 17, 2009)
One person killed in July 21 protests
Reports from Tehran say that in the clashes (between security forces and protesters) one person was killed. (Al-
arabia TV – July 21, 2009)
Security forces fatally shoot father and little daughter
On Tuesday afternoon, security forces and Revolutionary Guards Forces attacked and surrounded a house in
Orumieh's Valiasr neighborhood. They opened fire on the house with light firearms and RPGs without warning
the residents. Finally, a man and his little daughter came out of the house with their hands behind their heads
in a show of surrender but security forces opened fire on them instead of arresting them. They were each shot
20 times and their bodies with treated with disrespect. (Iran News Agency – July 23, 2009)
Another young man killed by security forces in Tehran
There have been reports that the body of Ramin Ramezani was given to his family after
one month in Tehran. He was killed with three bullets on the same day Neda Aqa Sultan
was killed on the street by security forces. His family have been searching for him for
more than one month. The body of this 20 year old was buried under strict security
measures three days ago in the Behesht Zahra Cemetery. (Peik-e-Iran website – July 24,
Plainclothes agents kill 16-year-old in Mahabad
Plainclothes agents killed a young Kurd boy in Mahabad. According to reports, at 7 am
today near Ostad Majdi Park a car carrying a number of plainclothes agents ran over an
old lady on the street and tried to leave the scene. Sixteen-year-old Arman Resalat who witnessed the scene tried
to stop them when the agents stabbed him with a knife in front of other people on the street. His family went to
receive his body from the hospital today for burial. (Rozhhalat website – July 24, 2009)
Protester killed after fatal blow to head by regime forces
Mostafa Kiarostami was fatally hit in the head in the Friday Prayers Ceremony on July 17
and died a few hours later. Kiarostami, who was 22 year old and married, was beaten by
plainclothes agents and Bassijis outside Tehran University. These forces brutally clubbed
him on the head so severely that he was not able to get home on his own. This young
man passed away that night due to internal bleeding in his brain. They have announced
his cause of death as a brain stroke. (Moje Azadi [Freedom Wave] Website – July 30,


Regime military officials attempt to cover up killing of young Kurd in Maku
After killing Hamid Qand Kanlu, regime military officials are trying to make it seem like he was a criminal to
cover up his murder by its forces. This young man was murdered by security forces a few days ago in Maku.
(Kurdistan Media – Aug. 1, 2009)
One tradesman killed, 2 injured by security forces in Seqez
One tradesman was killed and two others were injured after security forces in the Hasan Salar Base in Seqez
shot at their car on July 29. The killed tradesman was identified as Anvar Eqbali, 25. He was from a poverty
stricken family and was forced to work as a tradesman on the border to make a living. Security forces also
confiscated his car. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 1, 2009)
Regime forces fatally shoot father of seven in Salmas
A man identified as Mahi Aldin Jalali died after regime forces fatally shot him on the Iran-Turkey border.
The 50 year old man had two wives and seven children and sold goods on the border to make a living. Jalali was
from the Khunavin Village in Salmas and was murdered on July 27 by regime forces. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 1,
Body of killed protester given to his family after 50 days
(Written by Omid Namdari, nephew of Behzad Mohajer, 47) – The body of (Behzad
Mohajer) was hard as rock, which was the result of being kept in the morgue for 50
days. From his chest to his belly button, they had opened his body as if they had done
an autopsy or maybe they were looking for a bullet. A small circle could be seen on his
left chest, which shows where the bullet penetrated his body. There is another small
hole on the back of his right elbow, which was barely noticeable. When they turned the
body around, his back was completely ripped and bloody. (Nurooz Website – Aug. 3,
Security forces fatally shoot tradesman in Khoy
Security forces shot at a number of border tradesmen on the border region of Qator in Khoy killing one and
injuring another. They were identified as Saraj Musilo who was killed and Reza Babazadeh, who was injured.
The body of Musilo was taken to a hospital in Khoy and has still not been handed over to his family for burial.
(Kurdistan Media – Aug. 8, 2009)
Security forces kill another young man on Iran-Turkey border
On the night of August 7, security forces on the Iran-Turkey border near Kuzharash Village in Salmas shot and
killed Fakher Mohammadi. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 11, 2009)
SSF murders 11 and injures many more residents of border area in 20 days
Names of those who have been killed since 20 days ago includes: Hamid Qand-Kangloo resident of Maku, Asad
Moussa-zadeh resident of Khoy on July 18, Mahyeddin Jal-Baku, 50, resident of Salmas, Jalal Saqez resident on
July 29, Eqbal Bakhtiari resident of Mahabad, Anvar Eqbali bullet riddled in Saqez on July 29, Haji, 26, in
Sardasht, Shahram Shokri in Nosud, Rahim Mahmoud-pour in Sardasht on August 3, Seraj Moussalu on
August 5, And Sayed-Fakher Omar-Shiva on August 7 both in border district of Khoy.
Moreover On August 13, the State Security Forces (SSF) opened fire on a family in Marivan. This family's
automobile was targeted by these forces and as a result three women identified as Sa’adat Layi, Aina Layi, and
Mojdeh Naderian were shot and severely wounded. A 9-year-old girl named as Tina Mohammadi who witnessed
the bloodshed is currently in a very critical mental state. After the bloodshed, security forces left the scene
without treating the wounded women. This is an example of many wounded in the region inflicted by the SSF.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 15, 2009)
Another killed protester identified
Hamid Hossein-Baig Iraqi, 22, who lived in Southern Tehran, was shot directly in the
heart by plainclothes agents while walking to his home along Enqelab Street on June
His death was announced to his family after they searched frantically for their son for
some time. Officials asked for about 12,000 dollars from his family but were finally

satisfied with 5 thousand dollars in return for his body. Hamid's body was given to his family on June 25 for
burial. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 17, 2009)
Regime forces fatally shoot trader in Piranshahr
Regime forces in Piranshahr opened fire on a group of traders in the border area of Piranshahr on August 12.
According to this report, Saleh Khaledi, 40 who was from Mahabad was killed in this attack.
Officials handed his body to his family on the condition that they bury him at night and sent a number of cars
carrying armed agents to the funeral. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 17, 2009)
Security forces kill man and injure another in Kermanshah
Security forces in Sahne in Kermanshah murdered another person in this city on August 10.
According to reports from Sahne, two Kurds were shot at by security forces which led to the death of one and
the serious injury of another. Security forces then arrested the injured man. (Iran News Agency – Aug. 17, 2009)
Regime forces shoot and kill innocent man in Mahabad
According to reports, on Sunday August 16, military forces in the Surin area in Saqez shot and injured a Kurd
man identified as Ahmad Qaderi. On the same day in the Baleh Sur region in Salmas, SSF forces opened fire on
another person injuring him.
In Pirahshahr's Hamzeh-Abad region, security forces opened fire on a car, which they suspected of carrying
smuggled goods. This resulted in the injury of a number of the passengers and the death of a man identified as
Maameh Khaledi. (Iran News Agency – Aug. 18, 2009)
Father dies after security forces strike him in head with club
In a visit with teacher activists the wife of Abass Disnad, a man killed in the protests after the elections said,
"Abass had a shop in Karun Street (in Tehran). He did not know that there was going to be a march on June 20.
He was supposed to come home earlier that day. It was about 5 pm when my daughter called him. When Abass
was coming home from work he was attacked from the back and hit in the head with a club by security forces
and got a concussion".
"He was taken to the Shahriar hospital. He was in a coma for about three days and died on Wednesday", she
"Eight people with bullet wounds were in that hospital and three died on that day. Security forces asked for
(about) 15,000 dollars from each of the families to hand over their bodies", she added.
The victim’s son said that his doctor said that if they had brought him in sooner, there would be higher chance
for his survival.
"Some of the neighbors told us that when Abass had a concussion, agents would not let people get close to him
to take him to the hospital and he was lying on the ground for a long time. (Officials) told us to say that he died
because of heart attack", his son added. (Saham News Website – Aug. 20, 2009)
Government agents secretly bury dozens of bodies in Tehran cemetery
Dozens of bodies of Tehran residents were secretly buried on August 12 and August 15 in the Behesht Zahra
Cemetery. According to this report, the buried bodies belonged to people who had participated in the post
election unrest. The bodies were buried in section 302 of this cemetery without names and other personal
descriptions. This was done under severe security measures. (Nurooz Website – Aug. 21, 2009)
Another killed protester identified
Another victim of the recent events in Iran is Dr. Mohammad Reza Maqsudlu who was killed on June 20 and
his name has not been published yet. He was a doctor in the Khatam al-Anbia Hospital in Tehran. His body was
handed over to his family in the city of Gorgan after they were made to promise not to hold a funeral ceremony.
He was buried in a shrine in Gorgan. (Iran Press News – Aug. 23, 2009)
Victims of police abuse secretly buried in unmarked graves in Tehran
Hanif Mazroyi, editor in chief of the Nurooz Website said, "On July 12, one of the mothers of the victims of the
protests saw several dead bodies in a refrigeration container in southern Tehran named Amirzadeh while
looking for her missing son. After we were informed of this matter, we published a report on this the same day.
After researching the issue, we noticed that on that same night on July 12, there was some unnatural traffic
going and coming from that refrigeration container and the personnel working there confirmed this. We tried
to find out where the bodies were being taken. Days after we published the news, we noticed that a number of
the bodies handed over to families were completely frozen. This is while if they had been kept in a morgue this

would not have happed to the bodies after 40 days. On the night of July 21, a number of the Behesht Zahra
Cemetery personnel told us that a number of cars, which did not belong to the cemetery, had entered the
cemetery and that this took place again on July 15. After some more investigation by our friends in the website,
it became clear that the bodies were buried without any description in the new 302 section in this cemetery
which is almost outside the boundaries of the old cemetery area. (BBC TV Farsi service – Aug. 24, 2009)
Eyewitness says bodies of women secretly buried in Tehran Cemetery were raped
Woman who works in Behesht Zahra Cemetery mortuary: Last night (July 13) when we entered the cemetery, we
saw that they had placed a large number of corpses, about 30, which were completely frozen on the ground to
thaw. There were many (agents) with beards there as well and they took me and some of my colleagues to a
room. An elderly man started to talk to us and said that tonight and some other nights we have to bury some
bodies, which belong to the Monafeqin (hypocrites), and we want to bury them in a way so that spies and news
agencies are not informed. If we talk about this with anyone, we can be sure that our lives and the lives of every
single person in our families will be in danger.
They gave us the bodies of 5 women which were completely frozen on that night but I think they had more than
20 bodies in the men's section. Blood was frozen on their faces were there were deep cuts. They were three
middle-aged women and two girls who were in their 20's. The head of one of the girls was completely destroyed.
Tonight (July 14), when they took us to the same area in the cemetery we saw that the bodies were four times as
much as yesterdays. More than 100! They gave us in the women's section, 23 unidentified bodies. What
bothered me the most was that the frozen bodies belonged to girls who had blood clots coming out of their
genitals and anus in addition to broken jaws and deep cuts on their faces. Some of the girls were under 20 years
The Behesht Zahra employee also said that she heard from her colleagues that these bodies were related to post-
election clashes.
She also said that weeks later she heard that a large number of bodies were not buried in the Behesht Zahra
Cemetery and were taken to an unknown location. (Iran Press News Website – Aug. 26, 2009)
Regime forces butcher and kill protester in Tehran
Sent to us by a website viewer: These two pictures are related to recent events (protests) in Tehran which was
sent to me by a family member who is a doctor in the Sinay Hostpital in Tehran. These pictures have not been
published anywhere else. (Iran Press News – Aug. 26, 2009)

Security Forces rape Baha'i girl in front of brother; murder brother in front of sister
Arqavan, 18 and her brother Zahed, 20, who are the children of Dr. Mahmoud Shokrayi, were arrested on July
21 while going to their sick grandmother's house.
While torturing Zahed, security forces demand that his sister strip in front of her brother. The sister stripped to
save her brother, but her brother became unconscious. (Government forces) then violently raped the sister.
When the brother regained consciousness, he started screaming and weeping and agents killed him in front of
his sister.
Now the girl has gone mad, walks on her hands and feet, and makes animal noises. She is on the verge of death.


Dr. Shokrayi was arrested on charges of being a Baha'i in Shiraz and was jailed for many years in the beginning
of the revolution. He went to Isfahan after his release where he is a prominent doctor. (Be Sooye Azadi (In the
Direction of Freedom) Website – Aug. 26, 2009)
Bassij forces fatally shoot young Kurd in cold blood
Parviz Mirzayi, a 23-year-old Kurd man residing in the Sufian Village in Orumieh
who was coming back from a wedding party of a relative in Qasrik Village was
fatally shot by Bassij forces. According to eyewitnesses who were with him, Bassij
Forces ordered two cars to stop in a checkpoint but when the first car sped away,
they opened fire on the second car without prior warning thinking that the two
cars were together. In this event, Parviz Mirzayi who was a passenger in the second
car was killed and another passenger was wounded. Despite this fact, Bassij forces
dragged all the other passengers out of the car and beat them.
The Mirzayi family has filed a suit, which they have sent to the first branch of the Orumieh Military Court
demanding that the shooters be brought to justice, but two months after this event, not one has been trialed.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 26, 2009)
More photos of unmarked graves in Tehran Cemetery disclosed
The picture below is related to another section in the Behesht Zahra Cemetery in which dozens of bodies are
buried without any identification and even without burial permits.
These pictures are not related to section 302 and we will disclose the name of this section in the future. (Nurooz
Website – Aug. 27, 2009)

Mysterious murder of Kurd student

Mohammad Javad Parnedakh, born in 1986 who was a petrochemical student in the Industrial Isfahan
University participated in post election protests in Isfahan and later went back to his hometown in Gilan Qarb
in Kermanshah. After a few days, he was summoned by the intelligence agency in this town and was ordered to
pay 30,000 dollars and go to the intelligence agency in Isfahan.
He went to Isfahan with one of his family members where he was interrogated for two days in the agency. He
went out again to go to the intelligence agency for the third day and to the court where he had an appointment.
Unfortunately his body was found in the afternoon under a bridge in this city.


The Isfahan coroner said that he died after being struck in the head with a hard object. (Kurdistan Human
Rights Watch News Agency – Aug. 28, 2009)
Body of fatally shot municipality employee found in Zahedan
The body of an of Zahedan municipality employee, Manuchehr Sheh Bakhsh, who had disappeared on August
24, was found on August 28 in western Zahedan. He had been shot three times.
His family took his body to the coroners to get more information on how he was killed. The murderer has not
been identified yet.
When Sheh Bakhsh disappeared, his family went to the Intelligence Agency to try to get more information
about his disappearance but they were met with unclear answers. This issue and the fact that Manouchehr was
active on the field of Baluch rights and defended the rights of the citizens in the municipality led his friends and
relatives to believe that government and intelligence agents had something to do with his murder. (Baluchistan
Human Rights Activists Association – Aug. 28, 2009)
Regime forces kill Kurd tradesman, injure another in new wave of border killings
A 22-year-old man who carried goods identified as Salah Kurdi who was a resident of the Seif Village on the
border in Marivan was shot and killed by security forces.
According to other reports, on August 29, a 21-year-old man identified as Dalir Golzari from the Mir Abad
Village who was carrying goods with his horse was shot. His horse was killed as a result and he was severely
injured. He is currently hospitalized in the Bu Ali Hospital in Marivan. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug.
31, 2009)
Regime forces fatally shoot people in Sardasht
On August 27 military forces in the Savan Base in Sardasht shot and killed a man identified as Rahman Khadri
Rasul from Savan Village.
According to other reports on August 26, regime forces raided the Darmanavi Village to confiscate trading
goods in the village. This led to clashes between security forces and the village residents. Security forces opened
fire on the villagers and a girl identified as Gelayeh was injured as a result. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 31, 2009)
Regime forces kill tradesman and severely injure 8 year old boy
On August 27, a number of regime forces who worked under the command of 'officer Rezayi' near the Mirdeh
Village in Saqez opened fire on a car. As a result a man identified as Hussein who lived in Bukan was killed and
an 8-year-old boy named Omar who lived in Saqez was severely wounded. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 31, 2009)
Regime forces in Saqez shoot and kill 2 tradesmen
On August 29, regime forces in the Sepilak region in Oshnavieh opened fire on a group of tradesman and as a
result two of them were wounded. One of the injured men identified as Karim Mam Barami passed away due to
the severity of his wounds. On August 30, security forces in the Mirdeh Village opened fire on a car which
belonged to a tradesman identified as Mohammad Salehi, who was from Mahabad. He was then chased by
regime forces and fatally shot. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 31, 2009)
Regime forces open fire on tradesmen in Sardasht killing one and injuring another
In the ongoing arbitrary killings of Kurd tradesman, regime forces murdered a tradesman and injured another.
On the night of August 30, security forces in the Duleh Tu Village in Sardasht opened fire on a group of
tradesmen. A man identified as Abdollah was killed while another tradesman named Mehdi was severely
wounded. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 31, 2009)
Security forces shoot and kill people in border areas
On Thursday August 27 in the Mirdey region in Saqez, security forces opened fire on a car, which belonged to
tradesmen who worked in the border. As a result, a Mahabad resident identified as Hussein Ibrahim was killed.
On Friday August 28, in the region around Oshnavieh, security forces opened fire on a number of tradesmen
injuring a Kurd man identified as Karim Bengini. He died in the hospital due to the severity of his wounds.
(Human Rights and Activists in Iran – Sep. 1, 2009)
Two men shot and killed by security forces


Security forces shot and killed two Kurd residents in Western Iran. On Wednesday August 26, security forces
opened fire on a number of border tradesman in Salmas, which led to the death of Asad Mohammadi and Adel
Rasul Qazbash. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 3, 2009)
Regime forces murder Iraqi Kurd in Iran
On August 30, an Iraqi Kurd identified as Fakher was murdered by a regime agent named Afshar on the road
from Dazeh to Gisian in Orumieh.
Fakher was a resident of Iran's Kurdistan and had come to this region to settle financial scores. He was arrested
by a group of RGC and Bassij agents and was murdered for no apparent reason. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 4,
Security forces shoot and kill five tradesmen and injured more in less than 3 days
Security forces in the Mirdeh Base in Saqez shot and killed a tradesman identified as Sayed Abbas Abdipour on
September 4.
The tradesman who was from Bukan was transferring goods from Baneh to Saqez to make a living. This is the
third incident in which a tradesman has been killed by security forces in this base. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 5,
Security forces in the Mir-dee Base in Saqez opened fire against a number of border tradesmen in an ambush
and a man identified as Abbas Abdipour from Bukan died as a result.
In another incident, after security forces opened fire on Kurd residents in the city of Salmas, a young man
identified as Shaaf’e Masoumi was murdered. There is no information on why security forces opened fire.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 7, 2009)
A tradesman resident of Turkey's Kurdistan region and two others were injured after security forces in the
Aland region in Khoy opened fire on them.
The victim was identified as Ayoub (Jacob) from the Bale Suri Khari Village and the injured men were identified
as Ilhan and Hakan from the Kharab Sur Village in Turkey's Kurdistan. This incident happened on September
4. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 8, 2009)
A Kurd man was killed after security forces opened fire on a number of border tradesmen On September 7. He
was identified as Edris Sheikheh-pour from the Kani Zard village in Sardasht. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 10, 2009)
Eyewitness: 16 frozen bodies secretly brought to Behesht Zahra for burial
Interview with gravedigger in Behesht Zahra Cemetery who said that 16 frozen bodies were brought to this
cemetery for burial:
-What do you do in Behesht Zahra?
-I bring dirt and empty it on the graves.
Q-Your friend said you were here that night in the cemetery.
A-A lot of people had died that night. They told us they had died in an accident.
Q-What happened?
A-First a bus came with its lights off. They first told us that the bus had broken down and had come to the
cemetery to be repaired! Then it came near and we realized something was going on. They went in that section.
Then its lights were turned on and then off again. They told us to come. The bodies were placed in the bus
suitcases compartment. They were all frozen and some of them were stuck together. They wanted to separate
them with shovels and three shovel handles broke because they were in such a hurry. Some of the bodies that
were naked were stuck together with ice and when they could not separate them, they brought down the walls of
about 2 or 3 graves and threw them in together, girls and boys were placed together in the graves… The bodies
were very bloody, frozen blood… There were a lot of undercover police on the scene…
Q-Are you sure they were police?
A-Yeah, well they all had walkie-talkies.
Q-What were they saying?
A-I wouldn't know, police stuff.
Q-Tell me about the dead bodies.
A-It was obvious it was a really bad accident!
Q-Were they young or old?
A-They were all young and dried up like wood.

A-because they were frozen!
Q-Then what happened?
A-We were bringing dirt for the graves until the morning and then we washed the bus and it left. (Committee of
Human Rights Reporters – Sep. 6, 2009)
Five more protesters killed in recent unrest
The identity of a number of other people who were killed (in the
recent unrest) has been revealed. Mohammad Naderipour,
construction engineering student at the Sirjan University in Kerman
and the head of Mir Hossein Moussavi's election staff (student
branch) in the city of Sirjan is another one of those killed in the
recent unrest whose identity has recently been revealed. A list
containing 72 names of those killed in the unrest that have been
identified has been published in the internet. But new information
shows that the number of those killed might exceed 100.
According to reports, the identity of three more people has been
revealed who were taken to Golestan Province and handed over to
their families after their death in Tehran. They are Ismaili from the
Mohammad Naderipour city of Khan in the Golestan Province, Dr. Maqsoud-lou from the
city of Sorkhankalateh and Dr. Rahimi (female) from the city of
Gorgan. According to this report, the families of these people were banned from freely holding ceremonies for
their deaths. The family of Dr. Rahimi was told to tell people that she had been poisoned.
According to other reports, Majid Kamali, who was born in 1985 in Yazd was another person killed in the
unrest. He was arrested by security forces on August 25 and at 2 pm that same day, his body was taken to the
Afshar Hospital, but hospital officials refused to take in the body.
Details on death of Mohammad Naderipour:
According to reports, an informed source in contact with one of Naderipour's close relatives has said that he was
an active student before and after the elections. He left his exam session at 7 pm on July 1, got in his car, and
was arrested before leaving the university by plainclothes agents.
Forty-eight hours after his abduction, his body was found in his car in the city of Sirjan. This is while the
murderers did not take his car and did not even take his ID card, gas card or even some cash he was carrying
which shows that their motive was political and related to his activities after the elections. (Green Wave of
Freedom Website – Sep. 7, 2009)
Bassiji murders Piranshahr resident for unknown reasons
On September 5, a Bassij member identified as Hussein Rahman Mangure killed a resident of the Mashkan
Village in Piranshahr.
The victim was identified as Rahman Hassan-zadeh and his body was transferred to a hospital in Piranshahr
after it was checked by the coroner. The motive for this murder is unclear. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 8, 2009)
Family denies state TV claim that son was not killed by security forces
A source close to the Committee for Detainees and Victims of the Recent Events said, "A few days ago, state run
television had a program in which it was said that Ahmad Nejati Kargar who was said to be one of those killed
in the recent events (by regime forces) was actually not killed. A person was brought on TV saying that he was
Ahmad Nejati. This is while there might be more than one person named Ahmad Nejati. At the same time, the
family of Ahmad Kargar called Mehdi Karoubi, with great fear, and said that their son had been killed".
"This is how the situation in Iran is when a family whose son has been killed does not dare speak out and say
that you killed my son. They have terrorized and intimidated everyone", the source said. (Amir Kabir Newsletter
– Sep. 14, 2009)
Security forces kill tradesman and injure three others in Orumieh
After security forces in the Targeh Var region in Orumieh opened fire on a number of border tradesman on
September 11, a tradesman was killed while three others were wounded. The forces opened fire on them near
the Iran-Turkey border and a man identified as Shafi'e was killed while three others identified as Khairoddin,

Kamran Mirzayi and Fakhroddin were injured and taken to the Imam Hospital in Orumieh. They were all from
the Haki Village in Targeh Var.
Regime forces also bombed this region for several hours on September 12, which terrorized the residents in this
area. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 16, 2009)
Security forces kill wounded tradesman under torture
Security forces in the Shiveh Gavizan region in Marivan opened fire on a number of border tradesman on
September 16. A man identified as Farid who was from the Jujeh Sazi city in Marivan was severely wounded as a
result. Regime forces then severely beat the young man until he died from the torture. (Kurdistan Media – Sep.
19, 2009)
Security forces shoot and kill another tradesman in Sardasht
A man named Amir Qader-pour Jan was shot and killed after security forces opened fire on a group of
tradesman in the Sardasht region. Qader-pour Jan who was shot on September 17 became severely wounded
and passed away on the way to hospital. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 19, 2009)
On Eid Al-Fitr Day, regime forces shoot and kill minor in Orumieh
Shahram Azizi, 17, was fatally shot in front of his home by security forces on Saturday Sep. 19 in the Sultan
Village in the outskirts of the town of Orumieh. He was getting ready for Aid Al-Fitr (the last day of the fasting
month of Ramadan when Muslims pray and celebrate) when he was shot. Regime forces took his body to
Orumieh and after many attempts by his family to get his body, his corpse is to be handed over to his family. It
is still not clear why regime forces murdered this young man. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 23, 2009)
Young man beaten to death by regime force on Tehran Street
A young man identified as 'Amir-Mehdi Hamzeh-Louie' was beaten to death by plainclothes agents.
These forces who had a van and a 206 Peju automobile arrested this young man along with two of his friends
near the Qeitarieh Park in Tehran and detained them in the van.
One of the young men could use his cell phone to call his father and inform him of his arrest.
These young men also asked their captors who had introduced themselves as police forces, to see their ID which
led to agents' severe response. "These kids have gotten so cheeky that they ask for our ID!" the detainers said,
and violently beat the young men to the extent that Amir-Mehdi suddenly became unconscious as a result of the
beatings by the men who were equipped with walkie talkie and other police equipment.
The agents became agitated and threw these three boys out of the van to quickly leave the scene. They were so
nervous that they ran over Amir-Mehdi's leg, while he was lying unconscious on the ground. Amir-Mehdi passed
away on the way to the Shohada Hospital. (Nurooz Website – Oct. 2, 2009)
Regime forces shoot and kill man in Mahabad
Regime forces in the Kaseh Kariz Village in Mahabad killed a young man identified as Karim Khoon-Dust. The
18-year-old was killed by these forces after they stormed his home in the Kaseh Kariz Village. It is still not clear
why they killed him. (Kurdistan Media – Oct. 4, 2009)
Bassij Forces fatally shoot one man, injure another in Mahabad
Two Kurds were shot by Bassij forces in the Bukan-Mahabad Road which led to one death and one injury.
On Wednesday September 30, local Bassij forces in the Bukan-Mahabad Road who had set up a checkpoint to
check cars and body search the passengers, suddenly opened fire on a car for an unknown reason which led to
the death of Omar Khayat and the injury of the driver. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 5, 2009)
Security forces fatally shoot young man in Hashtrud
On Monday, a young Kurd man was shot and killed by security forces stationed in one of their bases in
The reason behind this incident is still not clear, but according to reports, this young man was shot after having
an argument with the commander of the base. He died before reaching the hospital. The identity of this man is
still not known. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 8, 2009)
Security forces kill young man in Kurdistan
A young man identified as Ramzi Tân was killed after security forces opened fire on him.


The young 23-year-old who was from the Baleh Sur Village in Turkey's Kurdistan was killed on October 20 in
the border region of Iran and Turkey. It is not clear why he was shot. (Kurdistan Media – Oct. 22, 2009)
Identity of another post election protest victim is disclosed
Another victim of the bloody events of June has been identified.
On June 20, Fatemeh Samsar-pour and her son Kaveh Mir-Assadollahi were severely injured by snipers affiliated
with the Revolutionary Guards Forces and the Bassij Forces. Fatemeh who was standing near her home with her
small child had reportedly come out to see what was going on in the nearby streets and to help the people on
the streets. She was fatally shot after shielding her son from the bullets.
Fatemeh was taken to the hospital along with her son but doctors were only able to save her son. Her body was
given to her family after many pursuits but they were not allowed to hold a burial ceremony in Tehran. The
family was forced to hold a small ceremony for her is a northern town and buried her there. (Green Wave of
Freedom Website – Oct. 24, 2009)
Lack of news on student prisoner after 45 days leads to concerns regarding his death
Forty- five days after the arrest of Eftekhar Barzegarian, a former member of the Islamic Associaiton of the
Ferdossi University and Medical Science University in Mashhad, his condition is still not clear. This student
activist has not called his family since the first day he was arrested.
According to student activists, Barzegarian who was the top consultant of the student staff of presidential
candidate Mehdi Karroubi in the Province of Khorasan Razavi, was arrested in mid September in Mashhad and
taken to an unknown location. None of his family members have been able to get information as to why he was
arrested, his condition and whereabouts.
There have been rumors in the past weeks that he has died in the Intelligence Detention Center in Mashhad.
But security and judicial officials have so far not given any explanation on his whereabouts. The fact that hehas
not contacted his family has fueled rumors that this student activist has been killed. (Green Wave of Freedom
Website – Oct. 25, 2009)
Orumieh Security forces murder three men
In the past week, forces from the Orumieh Intelligence Agency in the Maavaneh region opened fire on an
automobile carrying two unarmed Kurd guerillas which led to the death of both these men and a Kurd citizen
identified as Fassih Qaderi.
These forces have not handed the bodies of these men to their families and have disrespected the corpses.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 27, 2009)
Regime forces fatally shoot Kurd teacher
A person identified as Edris Mohammadian was shot by security forces on the Bukan Road on October 8 and
died in the Imam Reza Hospital in Tabriz.
After these forces opened fire on this teacher, a clash started between his friends and security forces. A number
of his friends and his 14 year old brother, Ardalan, were arrested in the clash. Ardalan is still in security forces'
custody after 10 days. There is no information on the faith of the arrestees. Edris was formerly a teacher but was
fired from his job after two years. (Kurdistan Media – Nov. 1, 2009)
Security forces shoot and kill man in Sardasht
One of the residents of the Qoleh Rashteh Village in Sardasht identified as Qaleh Sur was shot and killed by
security forces under the excuse that he was carrying smuggle goods.
According to reports, the man who was shot between Buvaran and Qaleh Rashteh village was married with two
children (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 5, 2009)
Majles looks into death of young man by security forces in Isfahan
After an unconfirmed report was published that today a State Security Forces agent entered the home of a
young man who had attended the November 4 protests in Isfahan and after clashes, fatally shot him, a member
of the National Security Council of the Majles announced that he is following this case to see if it is true.
Mehdi Nilufarsh Zadeh who was a student in Armenia was identified in the November 4 protests by agents.
Agents went to his home at noon today intending to arrest him and clashed with his family. Mehdi Nilufarsh
Zadeh was killed by a SSF gun in this clash. (Nurooz Website – Nov. 7, 2009)

Kahrizak medic dies suspiciously in Tehran

After reports of the murder or suicide of Ramin Purandarzjani, a 26 year old
medic serving in the army (who worked) in Kahrizak Detention Center, our
reporter has found new information regarding this new victim of the terror
and threat team of the judiciary and State Security Forces. According to
reliable reports, Purandarzjani passed away on Tuesday in his sleeping quarters
in the SSF Medical Center in the Greater Tehran District. Officials
announced that he had a heart attack while sleeping.
This medic had visited a number of the victims of torture in the Kahrizak
Detention Center. One of these victims was Mohsen Ruholammini who was
visited two days before his death by this doctor.
After the death of Ruhollamini, Purandarzjani was detained for one week to
announce that Ruhollamini died of meningitis. This is while the coroners
report said that Ruhollamini died after he was hit on the head.
Purandarzjani was released on bail after this report was published, but was
interrogated several times after by the State Security Forces Interrogations
Department, Military Court and the Medical Security Council. He was threatened several times by unidentified
people not to publish what went on in Kahrizak. He was threatened not to disclose the direct role of regime and
judicial officials in this detention center.
Purandarzjani had told a few of his friends what had gone on in Kahrizk and had expressed fear for his life until
he was killed (on Tuesday).
Despite that fact that his cause of death has been announced as a heart attack, his family was banned from
doing an autopsy and his funeral was held under strict security measures to the extent that a number of his
friends did not dare attend his funeral. (Nurooz Website – Nov. 15, 2009)
Regime forces shoot and kill Kurd man in Marivan
A Kurd man was killed last night after security forces in Marivan opened direct fire on him.
This tradesman identified by his first name as Vafa was killed near a village in Marivan located close to the Iraqi
He was a villager in the area who was forced to carry goods on his back to make a living due to poverty and
unemployment. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 20, 2009)
Head of SSF legitimizes arbitrary killings
The head of the State Security Forces, Ismail Ahmadi Moqadam said, "It is ok to kill someone to prevent the
death of hundreds of other people and this is not violence because we are trying to defend the rights of the
people and obey divine rules". (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 29, 2009)
Regime forces arbitrarily shoot and kill 'suspect'
A few hours ago a young suspect who was being chased by the police in west Tehran was shot and killed. Police
officers from Police Station 135 in Azadi Street ordered a suspect to stop at 10 am while patrolling the area but
the suspect became nervous and ran away. These forces subsequently opened fire on him and killed him.
(Roshangari Website – Nov. 30, 2009)
Regime forces murder student activist
Amir Islamian, a Kurd student at Yasuj University who was a member of
Mehdi Karoubi's election staff was suspiciously killed a few days ago.
Islamian who was a student at Yasuj University was constantly summoned to
the Disciplinary Committee and put under pressure by the heads of this
university for his political activities and participating in political gatherings.
Amir Islamian was severely dealt with in 2007 for speaking about and
disclosing information about the killings of people by officials in Halapche
and was initially suspended for two semesters from university and
subsequently exiled to Hamedan University.

He went into hiding for fear of being arrested for his activities in Karoubi's election campaign after not being
accepted by Hamedan University and being expelled from Yasuj University and was suspiciously killed a few
days later.
His body was found a few days ago near the Cherakh Vall Village where he lived in Bukan. There is still no
information on his cause of death. (JRS Website – Dec. 2, 2009)
Regime forces shoot Kurd trader in Sardasht
Regime forces opened fire on a number of Kurd tradesmen in the Sardasht area on Thursday October 26. A
trader named Ibrahim Armand was wounded as a result. Three days later his body was found by some shepherds
in the area and it became clear in the coroners that he died because of severe blood loss and freezing
temperatures. (Kurdistan Media – Dec. 3, 2009)
Regime forces kill three Kurd tradesmen, then burn bodies
Regime forces burned the bodies of three Kurd tradesmen after killing them. Pezeshk Asadi, Garman Omri and
Bengin Sufi-zadeh were shot and killed in their cars by regime forces.
These forces burned the bodies of these tradesmen in their cars and have refrained from handing over their
bodies to their families. (Kurdistan Media – Dec. 9, 2009)
Regime forces shoot and kill Kurd man in Sardasht
Military forces on the border shot and killed a man who lived in this area. On Monday night, military forces in
the Sardasht opened fire on a number of people who lived in the border area for an unknown reason killing a
Kurd man identified as Rahim Marufi.
It is noteworthy that the arbitrary shooting of people who live on the border in Kurdistan in the past months
has led to dozens of deaths and because security forces who have committed these offenses are not brought to
justice, the numbers of deaths are increasing by the day. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 12, 2009)
Security forces open fire on Sirjan civilians killing 3 people; 7 more in very critical condition
More than 30 residents of Sirjan were killed and injured during the execution of two prisoners in this city.
Because security forces were not able to carry out the execution sentences of two death row prisoners on
Tuesday morning, another execution ceremony was carried out in the evening in this city with the presence of
more than 5,000 people. Their protest to this execution turned into clashes with security forces. After security
forces were ordered to open fire on the crowds, three civilians were killed on the scene.
According to credible sources, 7 others were severely wounded and doctors have lost hope (in them staying
alive). More than 20 others were taken to Kerman Hospital to receive treatment. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec.
23, 2009)
Security forces kill Baneh civilian
A civilian in the town of Baneh identified as Osman aka Osman Hameh Chowshin was shot by security forces
on the Shahaboddin border regions and died in hospital.
According to reports, this civilian who was from the Siahumeh Kohne Village in Baneh worked as a laborer in
the border bazaar. (Dec. 23, 2009)
Regime forces open fire on Kurd civilians killing one person
Security forces opened fire on a group of border civilians killing one person and severely wounding two others
on Wednesday night. On December 23, security forces in the Duleh To border region in Sardasht opened fire
on a number of poverty stricken civilians who were forced to carry foreign goods including tea and as a result a
Kurd man identified as Osman Sharifpour was killed while two others were severely wounded.
Unfortunately after this attack, these forces opened fire on the animals used to carry the goods and killed a
number of these animals as well. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 25, 2009)
Bassij forces run over young protesters brutally crushing them to death
According to reports, at least 7 people have died and many
others have been wounded as a result of violent attacked by
Special Guards Forces. Hospitals are packed with wounded
At about 12:30 pm, a black car belonging to plainclothes
agents ran over demonstrators in Shadman Street. According


to eyewitnesses, 3 young men died instantly and 3 others were severely injured.
In Hafez Bridge a Special Guards Force car ran over demonstrators severely injuring a 6-year-old boy who was
taken to the Amir Elm Hospital. He is reportedly in critical condition.
Currently the emergency rooms in Tehran's hospitals are filled with injured protesters. In the Hezartakhtekhabi
Hospital, protesters from all ages have been hospitalized but they are mostly young girls and boys. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 7, 2009)
Violent clashes in Iran - eight dead
Iranian opposition protesters took to the streets in a show
strength which resulted in pitched battles with the security
At least eight people are thought to have died in clashes across
the country, according to opposition web sites and witnesses.
The nephew of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi was
among those reported killed during the fiercest clashes with
anti-government protesters in months . (Telegraph – Dec. 27,
Bassij forces attack demonstrators with daggers
Elderly man among dead, claims reformist website,
as security forces clamp down on holy day marches
across Iran
At least four people were reported dead today after
Iranian security forces opened fire on opposition
protesters who took to the streets in Tehran for a
religious ceremony.
The shootings took place as tens of thousands of
demonstrators gathered in the capital for the Shia
Ashura ceremonies and to voice anger at the
The reformist website Rah-e Sabz reported that an
elderly man was among the dead after being shot in
the forehead at a crossroads in Tehran city centre. Three others were said to have been shot nearby at Kalej
bridge, in Enghelab Street. Rah-e Sabz, citing witnesses, said crowds held up the elderly man and started
chanting slogans against Iran 's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
According to other eyewitness reports, members of the hardline Basij militia attacked demonstrators with
daggers and knives. Disturbances were also reported in Isfahan and Najafabad, where the Rah-e Sabz described
the situation as 'severe.' (The Guardian – Dec. 27, 2009)
Plainclothes agents dump dead bodies in building
Eyewitnesses have reported that automobiles containing bodies of dead protesters who were killed in today's
clashes were dumped in a building in Taleqani Street.
A truck with bodies in the back entered this building. A jacket had been unprofessionally draped on the bodies
while Bassij forces were standing on them.
After this car, another car with bodies entered the building and came out again after emptying the corpses. (Iran
BBB website – Dec. 27, 2009)
Regime forces open fire on Sirjan protesters killing 10
people; hanged Sirjan man was a minor
The number of people killed in the Sirjan public
execution incident increased to 10 people.


About 7 of the wounded people who were shot by security forces in Sirjan and were hospitalized passed away
because of the severity of their wounds.
This is while security forces only accepted to hand over the bodies of those killed to their families on the
condition that they do not file a complaint. They have also been banned from holding mourning ceremonies for
those killed. According to reports, a woman was amongst the victims while most of the victims were shot in the
face and chest.
According to other reports, it has become evident that the man who was executed in this incident was only 19
and had committed an offense as a minor. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 27, 2009)
Names of 8 civilians killed in Ashura protests
The names of eight people who were killed in Tehran yesterday were announced. The State Security Forces
announced in a statement that after investigations, it became evident that 8 people were suspiciously killed.
The State Security Forces in the Greater Tehran District announced the names of the victims as:
1- Mehdi Farhadi Rad, 34, died after being shot in the face with a pellet shotgun
2- Mohammad Ali Rasekhi Nia, 40, died after being shot with pellet shotgun
3- Amir Arshadi, 30, cause of death unknown
4- Shahram Faraji, 30, cause of death unknown
5- Seyed Ali Moussavi Habibi, 42, fatally shot
6- Jahanbakht Pazuki, 50, cause of death unknown
7- Unidentified man, 31, stabbed with knife
8- Unidentified woman, 43, probably killed from a fall or accident (Ayande Website – Dec. 28, 2009)
Body of Mousavi's slain nephew missing: family
The body of Seyed Ali Mousavi, the nephew of Iran's opposition leader killed in Tehran protests, has been
transferred from the hospital to an unknown location, his brother told a website on Monday.
'My brother's body was taken away from the hospital and we cannot find it,' Seyed Reza Mousavi told
Parlemannews, the website run by the reformist minority faction in parliament.
'Nobody accepts responsibility for taking away the body ... We cannot have a funeral before we find the body'.
(AFP - Dec 28, 2009)
Regime forces shoot and kill Kurd man in Oromieh
On Sunday December 27, security forces in the border region in Oromieh opened fire on a number of cars
belonging to Kurd civilians. Unfortunately as a result of this shooting, a Kurd man identified as Shahruz from
the Gol Sheikhan Village was killed. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 29, 2009)
Son of TV anchorwoman among Ashura fatalities
Amir Arshad Tajmir, the son of Shahin Mahin Far, an anchorwoman for Iranian state-
run TV and radio was one of those killed on Ashura in Tehran. He died after a (state
security force) car hit him.
It is still not clear if he died immediately or if he died after being transferred to hospital.
His body has still not been handed over to his family. Amir Arshad Tajmir was 25 and
was one of two sons of Shahin Mahin Far. (Ayandeh Website – Dec. 30, 2009)
Identity and picture of young man run over by security forces
According to reports, Shahrokh Rahmani was run over by a security force car in the Valiasr
Intersection and died.
His body was buried yesterday along with Seyed Ali Moussavi in the Behesht Zahra
His family was severely threatened by security forces to the extent that they are not willing to
give any interviews. These forces only handed his body to his family for burial on the
condition that they not talk to the media and that they announce that he died as a result of
an accident. (Parleman News – Dec. 31, 2009)


Deaths in custody
2 more prisoners die suspiciously in Isfahan for allegedly committing "suicide", five in less than a month
Jan-ali Moradi Qeib-vand, 24, who was detained in cell number 17 in cellblock 3 in Dastgerd Prison and had
been imprisoned for five years, committed suicide at 8am on January 5 and died a few hours later. He was
convicted of robbery.
The other prisoner named Ali Turkey, 35, son of Shokrollah from another cellblock also committed suicide on
the morning of January 5 and unfortunately died from not receiving medical attention. He had been in prison
for four years on charges of robbery. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Jan. 6, 2009)
Kurdish shopkeeper killed under torture
According to the PDKI (the Democratic Party of Kurdistan) on January 4, a shopkeeper in Bookan named
Hashem Ramezani died due to mental and physical torture inflicted on him by Criminal Intelligence
Department agents in Mahabad. Hashem Ramezani who was married, was arrested 10 days before his death on
charges of dealing smuggled goods. The Criminal Intelligence Department severely tortured Hashem in these 10
days without having any evidence of his "dealings". Despite his family's efforts, regime officials have refused to
hand over his body. (Kurdistan Media – Jan. 8, 2009)
Hashem Ramezani was arrested by Intelligence Agency agents in the beginning of last week on security charges.
He was transferred to Orumieh's Intelligence Agency after his arrest.
Security forces claim that he committed suicide in the Detention Center. These forces prevented Ramezani's
family from transferring his body to Tehran for an autopsy and before handing over the body forced the family
to make a pledge not to inform anyone of this issue. Ramezani, about 45, was married and had several children.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 13, 2009)
Teenager dies suspiciously in Evin Prison
A teenager died suspiciously in Evin Prison. Shahin was 18 years old. The state-run E'temad daily claimed that
he committed suicide. (Iran Press News – Jan. 30, 2009)
Prisoners given blended powder instead of medicine; prisoner dies after powder
According to reports from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, prison officials have started
giving prisoners their medicine in a blended powdered compound. This new
method has caused many prisoners in different wards to become poisoned and in
some cases has lead to the death of prisoners. Mohammad Khonaki died in the
past few days in this prison after consuming this powder. The warden, Ali Haj
Kazem and the head of the prison medical clinic, Alireza Mahalati, have ordered
that it had to be written in his death certificate he died from committing suicide or
a drug overdose. Currently, many prisoners in wards 1, 2, and 6 of this prison have
developed side effects from using this powder. These side effects are nausea,
dizziness, numbness in the tongue and mouth, respiratory problems and a feeling
like one is suffocating. As a result of this new method in distributing medicine, sick prisoners are not able to
distinguish the name, the appropriate dose or the ingredients of the drugs. This new method has seriously
threatened the lives of all prisoners in this prison. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists- Feb. 15, 2009)
Prisoner commits suicide under pressure of torture
Younes Sanjabi, a Mahabad resident who was imprisoned in Hashtrud Prison
committed suicide due to pressure from the torture inflicted upon him.
Sanjabi, who has been in prison for 14 months, had been under severe, violent
torture and torture signs are evident on his body. He talked to his family one
day before his suicide and asked them to try to get him out of prison in any way
possible and that he could not tolerate the tortures anymore. Eunice was
arrested on November 2007 but it is still not clear on what charges. (Kurd


News website – Feb. 24, 2009)

Prisoner commits suicide after hearing his death sentence
According to reports from Isfahan's Dastgerd Prison, on Saturday February 28, a prisoner named Massoud
Rashidi, 42, committed suicide after hearing that he would be executed shortly. He had been in this prison on
charges of murder for 9 years. According to this report, six other prisoners will be executed this week. (Iran
News Agency – March 1, 2009)
Another prisoner died in Isfahan Prison due to torture and inattention of prison officials
On Monday March 2, another prisoner, Abbasali Zarepoor, 26, who had been sentenced to 34 years of prison,
committed suicide due to the pressure and abuse inflicted on him by prison guards. He passed away due to
inadequate treatment. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – March 2, 2009)
Iranian regime kills another political prisoner in Gohardasht Prison
According to reports from Rajayi Hospital in Karaj, political prisoner Amir Hossein Heshmat Saran passed away
at 9 am today in this hospital. This is the third political prisoner who has been murdered in Gohardasht Prison.
Heshmat Saran went into a coma for approximately 48 hours before his death after he was poisoned by a
powder prescribed to him by the prison medical clinic. This powder was a mixture of different drugs made by
the prison medical clinic and given to prisoners instead of medicine. Yesterday, when Heshmat Saran's family
became informed of his critical condition, his children tried to see him while he was in ICU but intelligent
agents guarding his room prevented his children from seeing him. Saran was handcuffed to his bed while he was
unconscious. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – March 6, 2009)
Prison officials try to destroy evidence of political prisoner's murder
According to reports from ward 2 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, the evidence of the murder of Amir Heshmat
Saran and his personal possessions were all confiscated after prison guards raided his cell. The head of prison
interrogations and the deputy of Protection and Intelligence at this prison also participated in this raid. They
carefully searched all personal items of political prisoners for one hour and confiscated notes, paperwork and
especially powdered medicine prescribed to Heshmat Saran by the prison medical clinic.
Political prisoners protested this violent act and demanded that Saran's personal items be kept for his family as a
memento of Saran. The prison officials who had participated in this raid and who had inflicted serious pressure
on other political prisoners who shared a cell with Saran told the prisoners that "here we set the rules and will
not let you make a hero out of him". Political prisoners who shared a cell with Saran believe that the Intelligence
Agency and prison officials were trying to destroy evidence of Saran's death and were frantically searching for
any leftover medicine that Saran used. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – March 15, 2009)
Two prisoners commit suicide in Isfahan Prison from prison pressures
Farhad Mirzayi, who was 26-years-old, had been incarcerated in this prison for about 8 years. He had been
sentenced to 10 years of prison on charges of robbery. He committed suicide on March 15. The other prisoner
who committed suicide was Ismail Zamani, 30, who had recently been arrested on charges of drug possession
and was transferred from the quarantine section of prison to ward 3 about five days ago. This prison's case was
in an undetermined state. He was under mental and physical pressure from the first day he was arrested. Zamani
committed suicide on the morning of March 14 and died from lack of medical attention. The suicide rate in
this prison is high and one of reasons is that prison guards beat, insult, and humiliate prisoners. (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – March 15, 2009)
OMid-Reza Mir-Sayafi, Iranian blogger dies suspiciously in Evin Prison
Branch 15 of Revolutionary Court of Tehran sentenced Mr. Omid-Reza Mir-Sayafi to six months in prison for
propaganda against the regime also condemned him for two years in prison for defaming Ayatollah Khomeini
and Khamenei.
Mr. Mir-Sayafi, Iranian blogger who was arrested on February 2009 and was spending his two and a half years of
imprisonment died in Evin Prison on Wednesday, March 19, 2009.
In an interview with Farda Radio, Mohammad-Ali Dadkhah, his lawyer announced that the negligence of Evin
Prison’s officials led to his death.


His lawyer said: “According to Dr. Firoozi who informed me, Mr. Omid-Reza Mir-Sayafi died due to negligence,
and this is not acceptable by any humanitarian means.”
This is not the first time a political prisoner while in custody, dies. According to official reports, nine political
prisoners have lost their lives in Iranian prisons during the recent years.
Two weeks ago, Amir-Hossein Heshmat Sararn, the Secretary General of the Iranian National United Front
who was sentenced to 16 years in prison died in the Rajaii Hospital in Gohardast of Karaj.
Previously, Akbar Mohammadi, student activist, Zahra Kazemi, Iranian-Canadian journalist and Valiollah Faiz-
Mahdavi, a political activist lost their lives while in custody. (Farda Radio – Mar. 19, 2009)
RWB considers mullahs responsible for the death of Omid-Reza Mir-Sayafi
Reporters Without Border says that officials refused to provide Mr. Mir-Sayafi’s a necessary treatment. RWB
called for an independent investigation on the death of Omid-Reza Mir-Sayafi. (RWB – Mar. 19, 2009)
Deaths in custody in Iran highlight prison authorities’ disregard for life
Omid Reza Mirsayafi's death follows that of another political prisoner, Amir Hossein Heshmat Saran ,who died
in suspicious circumstances on 6 March after five years in prison.
'The full circumstances of both prisoners' deaths have yet to become clear, but it appears that both may have
resulted from a failure or refusal on the part of the prison authorities to allow them urgently needed medical
treatment,' said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme.
He was convicted of 'insulting the Supreme Leader' and 'propaganda against the system' in relation to articles he
had written on his blog.
Other political prisoners have died in custody in suspicious circumstances in recent years. Abdolreza Rajabi, a
member of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), died unexpectedly in Reja'i Shahr Prison on
30 October 2008. In 2006, Akbar Mohammadi, a student, died in Evin Prison, and Valiollah Feyz Mahdavi, a
PMOI member under sentence of death ,died in Reja’i Shahr Prison after hunger strikes in which they were
apparently denied adequate medical attention. 'These latest deaths underline the urgent need for the Iranian
authorities to improve prison conditions and to take immediate measures to ensure that all prisoners in their
custody are treated humanely,' said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui. 'It is shameful that the health of prisoners is
disregarded to such an extent that they are denied potentially life-saving treatment and allowed to die while in
the care of the state. We fear that refusal of timely medical care is being used as another tactic in the arsenal of
repression of dissent in Iran'. (Amnesty International – Mar. 21, 2009)
Once again, another prisoner dies in Isfahan Prison
On Friday March 20, simultaneous with the Iranian New Year Eve, another prisoner named Naser Ali-Jani, 38,
died due to inattention of prison officials for necessary medical care he needed. He was in this prison for nine
years since he was convicted for drug possession. (Center in Defense of Prisoners in Iran – Mar. 21, 2009)
At least there have been nine suspicious deaths in this prison since April 2008.
Iran destroys evidence of murder of young doctor in detention center
Some of the evidence in Zahra Bani Ya'ghubs case has been destroyed. Doctor Zahra Bani
Ya'ghub was murdered in 2007 in a detention center in Hamadan. Abdolfatah Sultani, a
lawyer for the Bani Ya'ghub family said that one of the "important evidence in this case is
the clothes Zahra was wearing which probably bears evidence of her being murdered and
maybe that is why the detention center is not willing to hand it over".
"The lawyers on this case have tried many times to get zahra's clothes back but their efforts
have so far been futile", Soltani added.
"The cloth that they (officials of the detention center) claim she hanged herself with in the
detention center in Hamadan has also disappeared", Soltani said.
"This cloth has to be examined by specialists to determine if such a cloth can even tolerate the weight of Zahra's
body ", added this lawyer. (Center of Political Prisoners in Exile – March 24, 2009)
Security agents abandon tortured body of Kurdish activist in Mahabad desert
The body of 35-year-old Ali Baduzadeh, who was arrested by security agents, was found in the desert around
Ali Baduzadeh, resident of Mahabad, was arrested on March 18 by security forces on charges of cooperating
with Kurdish parties and because he had information on the activities of his nephews and a number of other

people who had been cooperating with this party from two months before. Baduzadeh was taken to an
unknown location upon his arrest. His body was found today March 25 after eight days with evident signs of
Ali Baduzadeh was the brother of Jahangir Baduzadeh who is currently in Ormieh Central Prison. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – March 25, 2009)
Call for independent probe into imprisoned blogger’s death a
week ago
“The authorities took advantage of the family’s grief and
distress to bury Mirsayafi without an autopsy,” Reporters
Without Borders said. “We insist on a full explanation of the
circumstances of this young blogger’s death in detention. We
have been told that this is a case of homicide, in which case
those responsible must be brought to trial and punished. We
demand the creation of an independent commission of
“The Evin prison authorities and the judiciary authority want
now to portray Mirsayafi as ‘depressive and suicidal’ but this
new information suggests there was a failure to assist a person
in danger. We believe the United Nations special rapporteur
on freedom of opinion and expression and the special
rapporteur on extrajudicial killings should go as quickly as
possible to Iran to investigate this case.” Reporters Without Borders urged the Tehran authorities in vain on 18
March to allow independent forensic doctors to carry out an autopsy, as his lawyer, Mohammad Ali Dadkhah,
had requested. A Tehran revolutionary court sentenced Mirsayafi on 15 December to two years in prison for
“insulting leaders of the Islamic Republic” and six months in prison for “propaganda against the government”
in the entries he had posted on his blog. He began serving the sentences following his arrest in Tehran on 7
February. His lawyers never received a copy of the court’s sentences. On 26 march 2009, Reporters Without
Borders publishes the last letter Omidreza Mirsayafi sent to the organization before his detention. (RWB website
– Mar.26, 2009)
Agents torture and kill prisoner in Meshkin Shahr Prison
State Security Forces in Meshkin Shahr hit 22-year-old Michael Momishi Oru on the head with a club while
interrogating him causing an internal bleeding in his brain which led to this young man's death.
The body of Michael was transferred to the Coroner's Office in Ardabil. The coroner has confirmed that this
young prisoner died after internal bleeding in his brain and issued an order for his burial.
It seems this young man was in custody of Meshkin Shahr's Criminal Department for robbery and unfortunately
died under the most severe torture in this detention center. (Iran News Agency – March 28, 2009)
Repressive measures and lack of medical attention led to death of another prisoner
According to reports from ward 6 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, on Sunday March 29, a prisoner named
Gholam-Hossein Shahbazi had a heart attack and was left without medical attention for 30 minutes after which
he passed away.
Shahbazi was taken to the prison yard at 7:30 am along with all the other prisoners in ward 6. Prison guards
locked the prison doors behind these prisoners leaving the yard. At about 8 am, Shahbazi had a heart attack.
The other prisoners pounded on the prison door for about 30 minutes to inform the prison guards of
Shahbazi's condition but the guards did not pay any attention and this prisoner passes away after half an hour
before he was taken to the prison medical clinic.
Gholam-Hossein Shahbazi was about 45 years old and had been imprisoned in Evin and Gohardasht Prison for
about 14 years. He was imprisoned on financial charges. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – March 30,


Another prisoner killed in Isfahan Central Prison
On April 11, Hossein Sari, a 26-year-old prisoner was killed in a violent clash in Cellblock 4 of Isfahan Central
Prison. He had been in the prison for two and a half years before his death.
Hossein Sari had been transferred to solitary confinement on March 2 to be executed but was acquitted from
the death sentence after the complainant pardoned him.
Prisoners on death row are held in ward 4 of this prison, but if they are able to get the consent of their
complainants and not be executed, they are transferred to another ward. However, prison guards had refused to
transfer Sari to another ward. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 12, 2009)
Death row prisoner hangs himself in prison
The life of a 29-year-old man by the name of Masih who was sentenced to death on charges of murder ended a
few days before his death sentence was to be carried out.
The judge in charge of this case in Tehran's Criminal court said that this man was to be executed in the coming
month but he hanged himself instead on April 16 for various reasons and ended his life. (Fars state-run news
agency – Apr. 18, 2009)
PMOI supporter killed under torture in Babolsar
According to reports from Babolsar, a supporter of the People's Mojahedin
Organization of Iran was arrested in his house on April 15. Intelligence agents
initially took 48-year-old Mahmoud Qasemzadeh to the Babol Intelligence Agency
and later to the cities of Qaemshahr and Sari (in Northern Iran). After three days, on
April 18, agents called his family telling them to come to this city's Revolutionary
Court to see Mahmoud. However, after his family came to the court, agents stalled
them under the excuse that the prisoner did not want to visit them. After protesting,
his family was told to see Mahmoud in a hospital in Sari.
When they went to the hospital, they saw the half dead body of Mahmoud.
Intelligence agents did not even hand over his body to the medical staff of the
hospital for fear that their evident crime and torture of this PMOI supporter would be exposed. Agents forced
his family to sign a commitment to choose between either handing him over to medical staff or carrying out an
autopsy later on. Unfortunately, when the medical staff were finally able to treat him, it was too late and this
prisoner passed away at 11:30 pm. The tortured body of Mahmoud was buried on April 19 among severe
security measures with the presence of security agents in Babolsar's Cemetery.
Qasemzadeh was a well known PMOI activist in the 80's in the province of Mazandaran. He was forced to fight
in the Iran-Iraq war and had lost a leg as a result. This political prisoner was also suffering from epilepsy.
Intelligence agents has arrested him under the excuse that he had a satellite dish and a week before his arrest,
they raided his house and seized his satellite dish and personal computer. He was told that he had to present
himself to court to get his personal belongings back. However, agents raided his house again before the date he
was to come to court and arrested him subjecting him to severe torture. In the three days he was in intelligence
custody, regime agents repeatedly struck him on the head, broke his shoulder and burned his body with
cigarettes. Qasemzadeh died of brain damage and severed spleen. (Center in Defense of Prisoners in Iran– Apr.
24, 2009)
UN Baha'i representative: seven Bahais probably be executed in IranThe UN representative of the Global
Bahai Association announced on Tuesday that seven Bahai leaders in Iran who have been in prison for about a
year would probably be executed.
According to Bonni Du Gal, the families of the imprisoned Bahais have said that there was a probability that
these prisoners would be convicted of "corruption on earth.” The punishment for this charge is execution in the
Islamic Penal Law.
Du Gal also added that a number of Bahais have been executed in the 30 year history of the Islamic Republic
on those charges. (Radio Farda – May 12, 2009)
Two prisoners commit suicide in forced labor camp in Isfahan

On Monday May 18, two prisoners by the names of Hamid Rahmani, 32 and Hamid Judaki, 30, who were
arrested a year before on drug related charges committed suicide in solitary confinement due to the pressures
they were subjected to, reports from the Asad Abad Forced Labor camp say .Camp officials have prevented this
news from being published .
This labor camp is a subordinate of the Central Isfahan Prison and prisoners are transferred to the camp and
forced into unbearable labor. (Center in Defense of Prisoners in Iran (CDPI) – May 20, 2009)
Prison officials torture and kill sick prisoner in Isfahan Prison
Prison guards beat a sick prison to death, reports from ward 3 of the Isfahan Central Prison say.
Last night, Ahmad Alizadeh, 50, who was sick with a high fever, was sitting at the top of the stairs close to
bathrooms when three prison officials see him. When they ask him why he is still awake Alizaedeh replies that
he is very ill and cannot sleep because of his high fever and tremors.
Instead of transferring him to the medical clinic, the officials insulted him saying offensive remarks. After
Alizadeh protested this treatment, the three officials attacked and beat the defenseless prisoner, pushing him
down the stairs, where his head struck a wall. The prisoner was then taken to ward 3. The beating was so brutal
that other prisoners woke up from the commotion and witnessed the whole scene.
Alizadeh's health deteriorated in the cell and prisoners pounded on the cell door demanding that he be taken
out for medical treatment. One of the officials came behind the door threatening them to be quite after "lights
out". The prisoners then told him that Alizadeh was dying but the official answered, "Call me when he dies".
Ahmad Alizadeh died after a while due to the tortures and lack of medical attention and a few hours later,
prison guards removed his corpse from the cell.
Alizadeh had been transferred to this prison one month ago on charges of drug possession but his legal case was
in an undetermined state. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 21, 2009)
Guards murder young man in Shahrud Detention Center
While State Security Forces have announced that the death of a 25-year-old man in the Detention Center of
Station 11 in Shahrud was the result of suicide, in a letter addressed to Semnan’s State Security Forces
Commander, his family have denied this and have announced that Abbas Sediqi died as a result of beating.
“It is very shocking that a 25-year-old man has been murdered in a detention center without his family being
notified and without committing a crime”, his family wrote in the letter.
“After examining the body, the ripped up clothes and the blood running from his nose and mouth, it became
completely obvious that he passed away as a result of constant strikes and beatings in the detention center”, they
wrote in another part of the letter.
According to eye-witnesses and the Sediqi family, Abbas, had gone to a store on Saduqi street to run some
errands for his work. When he sees an agent from Shahrud’s Municipality confiscating the goods of a street
peddler, he gets angry and tries to intervene and as a result is severely beaten by the agents and taken to station
11 in a bad condition. Abbas Sediqi was the guardian of his mother and five sisters and brothers after his father
passed away 8 months ago. (Ayandeh Website – May 28, 2009)
Prisoner brutally beaten to death in hard labor camp
A prisoner was brutally beaten to death in Asad-Abad hard labor camp on May 10, according to reports from
Iran .
The prisoner, who suffered from kidney problem, was identified as Babak Farokhi. He was taken to the camp 10
days prior to the incident charged with drug offenses. He had to go through intolerable conditions in the camp,
which is an annex to Isfahan’s Central prison .(Center for Defense of Political Prisoners in Iran - May 16, 2009)
Another prisoner commits suicide due to pressure and died due to negligence
According to reports from the Isfahan Central Prison, on Monday a prisoner committed suicide after constant
pressure from the prison judge.
Ismail Ayubi had been in this prison for close to 2 years. On May 25, the 23-year-old prisoner committed suicide
and died due to the fact that prison guards did not take him to the prison clinic for treatment on time. He was
sentenced to three years of prison on charges of robbery. According to the law, prisoners who have served half of
their prison term and charges against them have been dropped, can be freed on conditional pardoning. In a
suicide note, Ayubi stated his reasons for suicide in a note writing that despite the fact that charges had been
dropped against him and he had served more than half of his prison term and was subject to conditional

pardoning, the prison judge prevented his release. He wrote that he was "in a situation where he had no other
option but to take his own life.” (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 25, 2009)
Family finds tortured body of student detained in Tehran Univ. Dorm in
Kianush Assa, a master's degree student from Kermanshah who was in his Master
degree of chemical engineering at Tehran's Science and Industrial University, was
arrested on Monday June 15. He was killed under torture after 10 days on June
24. After days of searching, his family found his body in a morgue in the
coroner's office.
The coroner has not handed over the body to his family because they say his
family has to bring identification papers to identify him. (Iran News Agency –
June 25, 2009)
Evin Guard: Every day 10 bodies of detainees killed under torture taken to graves outside Evin
There are horrible reports coming out of prisons and detention centers. A guard from Evin Prison who is a
soldier said that there is a special section in this prison run by the Bassij and the Intelligence Department of the
Revolutionary Guards Corps. No one is allowed to enter that section. The sounds of screams and cries coming
from that section are very tormenting. Every daily in the early morning approximately 10 bodies of those who
died under torture are taken from prison with ambulances to unidentified gravesites. (Iran News Agency – July
3, 2009)
Protester dies from torture injuries after release
Hamid Madah Shurcheh, an engineer who was an active member of Mousavi's election campaign staff died in
Mashhad. He was arrested by security forces after protesting election results in a sit-in the Goharshad Mosque.
He was tortured while detained and died due to his injuries after his release. The coroner has announced that
he died from internal bleeding. (Amir Kabir Newsletter - July 6, 2009)
19 year old killed under torture in Evin Prison
Sohrab Erabi, 19, was in his last year of high school and
getting ready for university exams. He was arrested on
June 20 demonstrations in Tehran and taken to an
unknown location.
After his family's unrelenting search for his whereabouts,
they discovered that he was in Evin Prison. His mother
gave bail money to the Revolutionary Court and waited
outside Evin every day and night for her son's release.
Although his mother knew that he was in Evin, she was
extremely worried saying that she was afraid they would
kill her son. She had a picture of her son, which she
showed to all freed prisoners outside Evin asking them if
they had seen her son in the prison. She said that no official answered her and told her to wait saying that her
son would be freed. One day she got word that Judge Mortazavi had announced that Sohrab Erabi had died in
prison and that her family should be notified to collect his body. (Iran News Agency – July 12, 2009)
Charred body of raped girl found in Qazvin
Friends of Taraneh Mousavi, who was arrested on June 28 near the Qoba
Mosque, have said that her family has found her charred body in the suburbs
of Qazvin.
After one of her friends called Taraneh's home to pursue her condition,
Taraneh's parents said that her charred body was found in the region
between Karaj and Qazvin. Her family did not give any information about
the time of the funeral saying that they could not give any more details.

Taraneh Mousavi was arrested on June 28 while waiting for a friend on Shari'ati Street to go to the Qoba
Mosque with. She was arrested by regime agents and her friend who was near the site of her arrest saw that they
took her away with a van.
Two weeks after her arrest, an unidentified person called her home telling her mother that she was hospitalized
in Karaj's Khomeini Hospital. The unidentified person said that Taraneh was taken to the hospital after she had
an accident. Taraneh's mom said that others had called before placing Taraneh in the scene of the clashes near
the Qoba Mosque and that she was arrested but the caller said that Taraneh had nothing to do with the events
of the Qoba Mosque and she was probably involved in a moral issue because she wanted to hang herself with
her IV tube in the hospital. He also stated that the reason she was hospitalized was because of a tear in her
uterus and rectum. Her family went to the hospital but hospital officials deny that Taraneh was hospitalized
there. One of the personnel said that an unconscious girl with braided hair was brought to the hospital by a
number of people who looked to be "members of Hezbollah", only to be taken out of the hospital again.
The statements made by the unidentified caller shows that intelligence agents and plainclothes agents want to
Taraneh's family to think that her case was nonpolitical in an attempt to impel them to think that their
daughter had moral issues so that after hearing about her death, they would not pursue the reason behind her
It is not strange that her family would not give information about her funeral and how she died because all the
families of the victims of recent events are threatened by security forces and intelligence agents that if the
families hold their funerals and other ceremonies in their memory with the presence of people, one of their
other loved ones will get into serious trouble. (Zirzamin Weblog– July 16, 2009)
Another young man killed after being tortured by regime force
According to the family of Mohammad Kamrani, he was brought to a hospital in a very
critical condition while only half alive with signs of torture and baton strikes all over his
body. He was strapped to the bed by security forces for fear that he might escape. After
many attempts his family were finally able to transfer him from the Loqman Hospital to the
Mehr Hosptail. Medical specialists in Mehr said that due to the fact that an infection had
spread to all over his body, he could not be saved. He passed away less than 3 hours after he
was brought to the hospital. (Iran News Agency – July 17, 2009)
Detained protester dies in hospital
A protester detained on July 9 who had been transferred to Kahrizak passed away. This person, who had a severe
respiration problem, was transferred to hospital after being detained for a number of days in the Kahrizak
Detention Center but died in the hospital due to severe weakness. According to reports more than 400 people
were arrested in the July 9 protests in Tehran. Close to 140 detainees were taken to Camp Kahrizak and were
imprisoned there for 5 days before being brought to Evin Prison. These people were kept in very bad conditions.
These detainees were beaten on many occasions in the camp, their hair was shaved off and they were not given
any food for a number of days. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 17, 2009)
Demonstrator killed in July 17 protests
Security forces killed a demonstrator in Amir Abad Street in Tehran.
According to other reports, a demonstrator who was beaten with clubs by security forces is currently hospitalized
in the Firuzgar Hospital in Tehran. He is in a coma. (Center for Defense of Political Prisoners in Iran – July 17, 2009)
One person killed in July 21 protests
Reports from Tehran say that in the clashes (between security forces and protesters) one person was killed. (Al-
arabia TV – July 21, 2009)
Security forces fatally shoot father and little daughter
On Tuesday afternoon, security forces and Revolutionary Guards Forces attacked and surrounded a house in
Orumieh's Valiasr neighborhood. They opened fire on the house with light firearms and RPGs without warning
the residents. Finally, a man and his little daughter came out of the house with their hands behind their heads
in a show of surrender but security forces opened fire on them instead of arresting them. They were each shot
20 times and their bodies with treated with disrespect. (Iran News Agency – July 23, 2009)


Tehran Univ. student dies under torture in Evin

Mohsen Rooh al-Amini, a computer student at Tehran University was killed in Evin Prison. he was arrested in
the June 9th demonstration and was transferred to Evin Prison, where he was killed by prison agents. His family
were told that their son would soon be released. But after a number of days they were told to come get his body.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 24, 2009)
Young men killed by regime forces
According to the "Green Wave" website, there have been reports that a
young man named Ramin Qahremani, resident of Shahr Ara in Tehran,
passed away 15 days after being arrested. Immediately after his release
from prison, he had a convulsion in his house and died before getting to
the hospital. He had told his family that they had hanged him from his
feet in prison.
According to other reports, a 17-year-old boy named Meisam Ebadi who
was fatally shot on June 13 in Tehran's Sadeqieh Square was buried in
Behesht Zahra Cemetery. (Radio Farda – July 24, 2009)
Plainclothes agents kill 16-year-old in Mahabad
Plainclothes agents killed a young Kurd boy in Mahabad. According to reports, at 7 am today near Ostad Majdi
Park a car carrying a number of plainclothes agents ran over an old lady on the street and tried to leave the
scene. Sixteen-year-old Arman Resalat who witnessed the scene tried to stop them when the agents stabbed him
with a knife in front of other people on the street. His family went to receive his body from the hospital today
for burial. (Rozhhalat website – July 24, 2009)
Another young man killed brutally
The father of Amir Javadi Langerudi informed us in
a letter that his son who was arrested on the July 9
protests has passed away. Excerpts from the letter of
Ali Javadi Langerudi:
"I am writing this letter after I received a call from
Evin Prison telling me to come get the body of my
son from the coroners. My son was arrested on July
9 in Amir Abad by plainclothes agents and was
wounded and hospitalized. He was taken to Evin
Prison after being treated, and now I have to go get
the body of my 24-year-old son.
He had recently lost his mother and was in mourning. Now I have to mourn him alone without a mother to cry
over her son". (Iran BBB – July 26, 2009)
Signs of brutal torture on body of dead protester
The body of Amir Javadifar, a 24-year-old Qazvin University student who was arrested on the July 9 protests and
was taken to Evin Prison, was buried today.
Interview with a relative of Amir Javadifar: It was about sunset on July 9 when Amir went out to see the
protests with his best friend's wife. He called me too and asked me to come with them but I said I had work to
do and that I couldn’t come. He was beaten pretty badly by a number of the Bassij in an alley near Amir Abad.
There were about 12 Bassijis beating him. His eye was damaged, his hand and head broke, and they took Amir
with them.
We buried him exactly an hour and a half ago in the Behesht Zahra Cemetery. His body was in pretty bad
shape. They had shaved off his hair, his head was broken, one of his eyes was almost completely crushed in, all
of his nails on his feet had been pulled out and all his body was bruised and battered. They had cut open his
chest in the autopsy, his teeth were all broken and his jaw was also broken. (Radio Farda – July 27, 2009)
Eyewitness report of torture and death in Kahrizak
I was arrested on July 9. I am 21 year old. I was riding with my friend on his motorcycle and my friend was
filming the scenes with his mobile phone. We were attacked and beaten by a number of plainclothes agents. A
woman came to save us from them and they also beat her. They took us to Camp Kahrizak along with dozens of

other people. Plainclothes agents who were our prison guards came into the room we were in and broke the
lamps and started beating us in the pitch black room. They beat whoever they could get their hands on. They
beat us pretty bad for about 30 minutes. A number of people who were beaten very bad went into a coma and
maybe died. Then they lit flashlights into our faces and said that if any of us said anything they would (rape) us
with their clubs.
(A man named) Sadeq was their superior. He took the body of the person who had died (as a result of the
beating) and leaned it against the wall. He pointed the flashlight at his face and said that "we have orders to kill
you. So you're lucky if you die like this mother ……."
If you stay alive until the morning, you stay alive and if you don’t die …"
He told us we were "Mohareb" (someone charged with "waging war with God" equivalent to death according to
theocratic regime in Tehran)
"Do you know what that means?" he asked us. There was a 16 or 17-year-old boy in the front of room. Sadeq
took him by the neck and shouted at him saying, "tell them what Mohareb means!"
He said he did not know. Sadeq said, "you have to know!" and started beating him shouting, "say it, say it!" at
the same time. He beat the boy so much that he fainted. Sadeq said that Mohareb means the devil. It means
criminal. He continued hitting the boy so much that some of the prisoners protested. They were also beaten
until they passed out. Four people died in that room until the morning.
Sadeq yelled at us saying that there is no bathroom or toothbrush here and that we had to go to the bathroom
right there in that room.
I have memorized the names of a number of people who lost their lives in the camp:
Hasan Shahpuri (student), Reza Fattahi (student), Morteza Salahshur, Morad Aqasi, Mohsen Entezami, and
Milad (I do not have his last name. He was the young 16 or 17 year old boy who was beaten by Sadeq on the
first night. He went into a coma and they took him out of the cell. But the doctor who was arrested with us in
our cell said that blood was coming from his ears and mouth and that he had unfortunately died.) (Mullah
Hasani Weblog – July 28, 2009)
Two other prisoners killed by security forces
The names of two other killed protesters have been announced as
Hossein Akbari and Amir-Hossein Tufan-pour. According to reports,
the family of Hossein Akbari was not able to get any news about their
son despite constantly going to Evin Prison and various courts until
July 21 when they were called and told to get their son's body from the
Khomeini Hospital.
On getting his body, they immediately realize that he was killed from a
brain concussion and that there were signs of brutal beatings on his
body but it is not clear when he was killed.
Amir-Hossein Tufan-pour who was born in 1977 was the father of a seven year old daughter. He was arrested on
June 15 and was killed under torture in Kahrizak.
One of his relatives said, "On June 15 he was separated from his brother to join the protesters when he saw the
demonstrations. At the end of the night, an unidentified person called his mother telling her that Amir Hossein
had been shot in the hand and was taken to the Rasul Hospital. His mother and relatives searched for him that
night in that hospital and other hospitals but were no able to find him. On Thursday, June 19 they went to the
coroners in Kahrizak and saw his picture in the computer containing the pictures of the dead. Initially they are
told to pay a 10,000 dollar bullet fee for the body, but they are later given the body for burial after promising
not to hold a ceremony in their home or mosque.
The injuries on the body included a gun wound in his hand, bruises on his back and behind his neck and a
deep wound in the back of his head which was filled with cotton balls. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – July
29, 2009)
Security forces hand over body of prisoner to family
The body of Loqman Bakhtiari was handed over to his family a few days after his arrest by security forces.

After chasing Bakhtiari's car in Hashtrood Road he was stopped by security forces and arrested. His body was
given to his family after being kept in a morgue for a number of days.
There are no bullet signs on his body and it is not clear how he was killed. Bakhtiari was from Bukan and lived
in a village in the Sharubaran region in Mahabad. It is still not clear why he was pursued and murdered by
security forces. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 1, 2009)
Iran parliament presidential committee member: heads of unrest should be given maximum punishment
A member of the presidential committee of parliament emphasized that elements of unrest should be decisively
dealt with and said, "After the heads of the rioters are trialed in a couple of days, many issues will be disclosed".
"A number of the rioters whose organized communications with foreigners (outside the country) have been
proven or a number of them who are affiliated with the Monafeqin (PMOI) and those who have destroyed
public property have to be given the maximum punishment", he said.
Firmly rejecting the opinion of some that all arrestees should be freed he said, "The fact that all prisoners and
detainees of recent events should be freed is not right". (Fars state-run News Agency – Aug. 1, 2009)
Iran lawmaker says head of police responsible for murders in Kahrizak Detention Camp
Hamidreza Katuzian, a member of Majlis (parliament) said that the head of police is responsible for the murders
in Kahrizak Camp. He also said that the State Security Forces have avoided disclosing information on those who
committed the murders in the detention center.
The State Security Forces had announced that the "lawbreaking" officers who "physically punished" detainees
were removed from their post and handed over to judicial officials.
Ahmadi Moqadam, the head of the SSF, also announced that no police commander knew of the "offenses"
committed in the detention center. But Katuzian said that "reports from Kahrizak were given to the
commanders on a daily basis and it is very unlikely that the head of the SSF was uninformed on this matter".
(Ayandeh state-run website – Aug. 9, 2009)
Bitter memories of death in Kahrizak
The report below was given by a former detainee in Kahrizak who has described his time in this detention
center. This young man was telling his story outside Tehran's court while his mouth and lips were still dry with
fear and signs of torture were still evident under his eyes and on his forehead.
"They threw two people in one dark room in Kahrizak and did not give you any food for three days. We had to
go hungry and were given beatings instead of food. Usually prisoners who were brought to Kahrizak were beaten
on the way there so some were close to death in their cells. In some of the cells, detainees were kept with drug
addicts who were detained in the camp from before. One morning a pungent stench filled the cells. One of the
drug addicts in a cell started yelling and calling the prison guard. He said that his cellmate had died and that the
stench had filled the place. When the prison guard came, he started cursing at the junkie and said, "Why are
you telling me this now (after so many days)?"
It was discovered that because they gave a very little amount of food, only enough to keep the prisoner alive,
which was usually potatoes, the drug addict did not tell the prison guard about the death of his young cell mate
who had died four days before from torture so he could have his cellmate's food rations.
I heard the prison guard from the next room walk in the cell and when he saw the body, he cussed at the addict
some more and told him to throw the body in the trash bin which was outside the cell. I heard the sound of a
heavy object being dragged on the floor and the stench became stronger and then a loud thud of a heavy object
into an empty bin. I was shaking all over. He was only one person. I saw 36 bodies with my own eyes that had
died in the same way and god knows where they were taken". (Moj-e Azadi Website – Aug. 11, 2009)
Khamenei, the Supreme Leader, is responsible for all catastrophes inflicted on Iranian nation
It is well known that virgin young girls before execution were raped by direct order of the leaders of mullahs’
regime, not deniable by them.
Karubi wrote a letter to Rafsanjani on the issue since he counted Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader,
responsible for the catastrophes.
“The Leader of the regime is both encountering with those involved in riots and those offenders pervasively and
justly and the Islamic Parliament appreciates that,” said Larijani, the head of mullahs’ parliament yesterday.
According to Larijani, the leader of the regime is responsible for all inhuman treatments, murders, rapes, and
beatings, torture, and destroying of peoples’ properties.

Ali Khamenei, the leader of the regime should be put on trial for all crimes against humanity committed on
Iranian nation and must be taken accountable for all the crimes as the top command. (Iran Press news – Aug.
13, 2009)
Political prisoner dies suspiciously in Saqez
The murdered body of a security prisoner was found in the outskirts of Saqez. Kamal Mohammad-pour who was
sentenced to one year of prison for clashing with security forces was suspiciously murdered on Wednesday July
29 when he was at a leave from prison. His body was found in the outskirts of this city. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Aug. 13, 2009)
Karroubi charges detainees tortured to death
'Some youngsters who were chanting slogans were beaten in such a way that they lost their lives,' said Mehdi
Karroubi in his newspaper Etemad Melli on Saturday.
The reformist cleric charged that several protesters were tortured in the Kahrizak detention centre, south of
Tehran, before it was ordered closed by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
'Unfortunately some of the people who took part in the protests were tortured,' Karroubi said in a separate
claim on the website of his political party, also called Etemad Melli.
'I heard they (security forces) stripped people in Kahrizak and made them crawl like animals with prison guards
riding on their backs.'
He said it was a 'shame' for the Islamic republic to indulge in such tactics as 'some of those arrested were forced
to be naked and piled upon each other' in the prison cells.
'I also heard that while they were being tortured, the protesters were forced to curse their mothers,' he added.
(AFP – Aug. 15, 2009)
Report: Doctor confirms Iran prisoner abuse death
An Iranian medical examiner found that the son of a prominent conservative politician's
adviser died from beatings and poor prison conditions, a semiofficial news agency
reported Monday, in what would be the first official confirmation of a prisoner abuse
death during Iran's post-election turmoil…
Conservative anger has partly been driven by the death of Mohssen Rouhol-Amini, the
son of an adviser to defeated presidential candidate Mohssen Rezaei.
Police initially suggested that Rouhol-Amini's death while in custody was caused by
meningitis. But the semiofficial Mehr news agency, which has close ties to conservatives, said Monday that a
state forensic doctor ruled that out in a report handed over to judicial authorities about 10 days ago.
Instead, it said Rouhol-Amini died of 'physical stress, the effects of being held in bad conditions, multiple blows
and severe injuries to the body,' according to the news agency, which cited 'informed sources' without revealing
their names. (AP – Aug. 31, 2009)

Detained Quds Day protester murdered by security forces
According to reports, in the arrests made by security forces on Quds Day (Sep. 18), Ali Shah-Nazar, 41, who had
recently come to Iran from France was arrested.
His body was handed over to his family three days later and they were threatened not to tell anyone about his
death. The details of his death are not clear. But it is incontestable that he was murdered after being arrested by
security forces. (Communist Labor Party of Iran – Sep. 28, 2009)


Detained protester dies of infections from violent beatings
The coroners has announced the death of Ramin Aqazadeh-Qahremani who was arrested in
the post election events and died a few days after his release because of infection as a result of
beatings in prison.
Qahremani suddenly passed away a few days after he was released from prison. His body had
been taken to the coroners to determine the cause of death. (Nurooz Website – Oct. 2, 2009)
Prisoner killed after being tortured in Orumieh Prison
A prisoner in the Orumieh Prison died after being tortured and not receiving medical attention.
Amir Abdollah-Nejad, a prisoner serving time in the Orumieh Central Prison was violently beaten by prison
guards more than a week ago under orders of an agent identified as Akbar Pisheh.
His spinal cord was severed as a result of this beating and despite the serious injury he was left without any
medical treatment in the public ward. He was only taken to the prison clinic once that week but the clinic said
that they did not have adequate facilities to deal with his injury.
Amir Abdollah-Nejad passed away on October 3 in the public ward as a result of his injuries. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Oct. 5, 2009)
Body of student arrested by security forces found in Ilam
According to reports, the body of a student identified as Amin Zandi who was from Ahwaz and went to
university in Ilam was found on Wednesday October 7 in this city.
This student was arrested a few days after the elections by Ilam intelligence agents. The coroner's has announced
that he was killed four hours before his body was discovered. (Iran News Agency – Oct. 10, 2009)
Prisoner killed under torture in Kermanshah
Ahmad Mohammadi, a Kurd man who was arrested in the Salas Babajani region some time ago with three
others passed away after being subjected to severe torture in a detention center.
He was arrested by Intelligence agents in this region and died last week after being tortured by agents in the
Kermanshah Intelligence Agency.
The three other men arrested with him were each sentenced to 12 years of prison and exile to Ardabil Prison.
(Kurdistan Media – Oct. 10, 2009)
Kurd prisoner killed under torture
Namir Abdollah-pour, a Kurd prisoner was killed after being severely tortured by the officials of Orumieh Prison
and not receiving any treatment. Human rights activists have announced that a person identified as Akbar
Pashuri tortured him in this prison. (Kurdistan Media – Oct. 10, 2009)
Four bodies found in deserted RGC base
Four bodies clad in Kurdish clothes were found in a deserted Revolutionary Guards Corps base in the Salas
Babajani region. This location which was a RGC Base was recently sold to the people of the region. These
bodies were found while the people were working on the land. The bodies have still not been identified.
(Kurdistan Media – Oct. 21, 2009)
Gohardasht Prison officials rape then murder female prisoners to hide evidence: report
According to reports from Gohardasht Prison, there have been serial killings in the Women's Ward in
Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. This has so far led to the death of several female prisoners. Those who order and
execute these murders record their deaths as 'suicide' or 'not having access to drugs' in their death certificates.
According to reports, the last of these victims was Hedieh Moveidi. The tragic death of nine women has so far
been confirmed in section 7 of the Women's Ward in this prison. But reports say that the actual number of
deaths are higher than this. There are also a number of eyewitnesses who are willing to describe the details of
these deaths with the names of the victims and those were involved to an independent international committee
on the condition that their safety is guaranteed.
The victims who are between the ages of 22 to 30 were all arrested for 'improper veiling' or drug use. They were
confined to solitary for more than a month in very hard conditions. They were forced to accept what the
interrogators demanded to be transferred out of solitary. The interrogators forced them to confess to false deeds

and immoral acts with promises and threats. After this, they made new cases against the women, sent these cases
to court and sentenced them to heavy punishments. They then used these defenseless women as their sex slaves
constantly raping and sexually abusing them to destroy their body and soul. When they showed resistance or
protested they were transferred to hall 21 in section 7 which has very hard conditions.
These women were given mind altering addictive drugs instead of sedatives by a number of people in the
women's ward who call themselves psychiatrists. These so called psychiatrists gradually increased the doses of
these drugs until their victims became addicted to them.
There are 'drug mafias' in various sections of the female wards used to distribute drugs and suppress and kill
dissenting prisoners. They kill their victims after a while to erase their tracks.
One of the young women who was killed was Mahnaz Akbar Tehrani. She was transferred to solitary cell with
shackles and was hanged in her cell. She was left hanging for 12 hours.
The names of a number of women who were murdered in the serial killings in section 7 of the Women's Ward
are as follows:
1. Mahnaz Akbar Tehran – Date of death 2009
2. Hedieh Moveidi – Date of death 2009
3. Shirin Zoqhi Futovat – Date of death 2009
4. Catherine Safa Kermanshahi – Date of death 2005
5. Mina Molki – Date of death 2005
6. Fereshteh Rajab Zadeh – Date of death in 2005
7. Arezu Abdi – Date of death 2005
8. Hanieh Hadian – Date of death is unknown
9. Fereshteh – her last name and date of death will be announced in the future
The head of section 7 is a woman named Simin Jalilvand. The serial killings are carried out by gangs working
under her supervision. She summons dissenting prisoners to her office after every murder telling them that the
victim has not committed suicide and that she has been killed in order to threaten the dissenters. A number of
the initial serial killings were ordered by the former head of this ward identified as Maryam Khadem Sharifi aka
Maryam Mohammadi. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 14, 2009)
Two Kurd prisoners die suspiciously in prison while third prisoner is in critical condition
Loqman Rahmani, a prisoner in ward 3 of Sanandaj Prison has been taken to a medical center outside of this
prison because of his critical and deteriorating condition. According to the Media Center of the Families of
Detained Kurd Activists Union, in the past week, two prisoners in this ward identified as Kamal Ahmadi and
Khosro Izadi passed away suspiciously in this prison. There is no information on their cause of death. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 24, 2009)
Two prisoners die in Evin Prison, another prisoner battered by guards in Gohardasht Prison
A prisoner detained in ward 7, hall 6 of Evin Prison identified as Saheb Qoli Rajabi who was suffering from
various illnesses for two months died a few hours ago on Saturday December 5 in this prison because of prison
officials' negligence.
Last week, another prisoner also died in ward 8 of this prison for unknown reasons.
According to other reports from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, Naseh Yusefi who is detained in ward 6 was
severely beaten by guard agents in this prison. It is not known if this prisoner received medical treatment
afterwards. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 5, 2009)
Prisoner suffering from leukemia dies in Gohardasht Prison because of lack of treatment
Adel Akbari Jahed, 35, who was jailed in ward 6 of Gohardasht Prison, died from leukemia due to lack of
medical treatment after suffering pain and agony in this prison for some time.
This prisoner, who was jailed for not being able to pay a dept, was jailed for more than 5 years in inhumane
conditions. Despite his illness he was kept in ward 6 in very hard conditions and without proper treatment.


The head of Gohardasht Prison, Ali Haj Kazem, was aware of this issue and knew that this prisoner was on the
verge of death but banned him from spending his last days with his family and relatives and he died in prison
with great suffering.
Currently, a Kurd political prisoner who has been in prison for more than 18 years has a severe handicap and is
unable do his personal things alone but prison officials refrain from releasing him. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 10, 2009)
Political prisoner dies suspiciously in prison
A political prisoner detained in ward 240 in Evin Prison died suspiciously today in prison.
His body was taken to the medical clinic in ward 7. Doctors in Evin said he died from spinal cord damage.
It is noteworthy that most of those arrested on November 4 and December 7 are detained in solitary cells in this
ward. This political prisoner was identified as Mehdi Karim-pour. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 11,
Two Ashura detainees die in Eshrat Abad Base in Tehran
There are more than 500 Ashura detainees in Eshrat Abad Base Detention Center in Tehran kept in very
unsuitable and painful conditions. The conditions in which these detainees are kept under are so horrifying that
the bodies of two people who died in this detention center were taken to an unknown location form this base in
the middle of the night. One of these bodies belonged to a young girl. (Peik-e-Iran Website – Dec. 29, 2009)

Death sentence
Supreme Court confirms death sentence of young boy
The Supreme Court confirmed the death sentence of a young boy who killed his fiancé's brother.
Sayid was trialed in the 5th branch of Fars's Penal Court and condemned to retribution with the request of the
murdered man's family after which the case was sent to the Supreme Court. After inspecting the case, Supreme
Court judges confirmed the retribution sentence and this verdict has now been sent to Shiraz's Criminal
Prosecutors Office to be carried out. (E'temad state-run daily - Jan. 14, 2009)
Woman activist sentenced to death
A female activist was sentenced to execution on charges of membership in a Kurdish
political opposition party.
Following the issuing of death sentences for three other activists in the last few
weeks, Zeinab Jalalian, 27 years old and resident of Maku in West Azerbaijan
Province was sentenced to death.
According to her family, security agents arrested her about 8 months ago in
Kermanshah. She was detained in the Intelligence Detainment Center of the
Revolutionary Guards Corps and there was no news of her until now.
Jalalian's trial, which took only a few minutes in Kermanshah’s Revolutionary Court, was held without the
presence of a lawyer. (Kurdistan Students in Defense of Human Rights – Jan. 18, 2009)
Woman sentenced to death in North Khorasan Province
A woman named Shaqayeq was sentenced to death after being trialed in court. Following investigations,
her case was sent to the Penal Court in North Khorasan Province, where the Prosecutor's representative asked
that she get the capital punishment. (Asre Iran state-run website – Jan. 24, 2009)
Political activist sentenced to death
Ehsan Fatahian, political activist and a Kermanshah resident arrested nine months ago was sentenced to death
in the Kurdistan Revisions Court.
This political activist was charged with "waging war" for being a member of an active opposition party in
Kurdistan and according to informed sources, he is in danger of being executed at any moment.
He is currently imprisoned at Sanandaj Central Prison and does not have a lawyer. (Kurdistan Students in
Defense of Human Rights – Jan. 24, 2009)


Religious activist sentenced to death

The death sentence of a religious Kurdish activist in Sanandaj who was sentenced to death before by the second
branch of the Revolutionary Court was confirmed in the 4th branch of Kurdistan's Court of Review.
Shooresh Mehdi was arrested in autumn on charges of having contacts with a religious group and acting against
national security. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Jan. 29, 2009)
4 soldiers sentenced to death
According to reports, four soldiers in the State Security Forces were sentenced to death on charges of complicity
in the Saravan bombings. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 1, 2009)
Minor to be executed
In another 48 hours Bahman Salimian who committed murder when he was only 15 will be
executed after spending 12 years in prison. His lawyers, Mohammad Mostafayi and Hasan
Aqhkhani, have requested from the Judiciary that this sentence not be executed and further
investigations be carried out.
"… On February 13, 1997… although our client was obviously in a state of total insanity
when he committed murder, the judge of the 5th branch of the Law and Justice Court
issued his death sentence", they wrote in a letter to the Judiciary. (Committee of Human
Rights Reporters – Feb. 2, 2009)
Two people sentenced to death for links with dissident group
Two people by the names of Hafez Salahuddin Gahramezi and Khalil Zard Kuhi who were arrested in Nasir
Abad Village in Zahedan were sentenced to death on charges of having affiliations with the Jondollah
Organization. Three other men by the names of Abdolmajid Salah Zehi, Abed Gahramezi and Abid Zard Kuhi
were sentenced to 22 years of prison on the same charge. (Baluchistan Human Rights Watch – Feb. 11, 2009)
Resident of Sanandaj on verge of execution
Shuresh Mehdi Khani who was charged with "waging war", membership in a religious group and carrying out
bombings is in danger of being executed. This Sanandaj resident who was arrested on December 1, 2007 was
sentenced to death by the 2nd branch of this city's Revolutionary Court. His death sentence has been confirmed
by the Supreme Court and has been sent to the fourth branch of the Execution of Sentences Department
putting him on the verge of execution. (Kurdistan Organization in Defense of Human Rights– Feb. 17, 2009)
Court of review confirms student's death sentence
In a sentence signed by the fourth branch of the Kurdistan Court of Review, the death sentence of Latifi was
confirmed on January 29 and was announced to his lawyers yesterday.
Latifi, a 27 year old student of Ilam's Free University, was arrested on October 23, 2007
in Sanandaj. After nine days and his family's constant visits to hospitals and State
Security Forces Centers, a member of his family found him in a hospital in Sanandaj. It
was determined that on the ninth day of his detention due to the severe torture
inflicted upon him, he was afflicted with kidney bleeding and security forces were
forced to take him to hospital. After some treatment, he was returned to the
Intelligence Detention center in Sanandaj. It was later discovered that to get confessions from other people
charged in his case, agents tortured him in front of the others. (Kurdistan Students in Defense of Human Rights
– Feb. 25, 2009)
Man sentenced to death on charges of "waging war with God"
A prisoner in Isfahan was sentenced to death. This prisoner is Sayid and was charged with "corruption on earth"
and "waging war with God". (E'temad daily – March 3, 2009)
Political prisoner sentenced to death
Anvar Rostami, a political prisoner resident of Kermanshah was sentenced to death on charges of membership
in a Kurdish opposition party, disrupting the order and national security and participating in a demonstration
in protest to the death of Showan Qaderi.


According to Rostami's family, security forces arrested him about 2 months ago in Kermanshah and transferred
him to the Revolutionary Guards Intelligence Agency. He was sentenced to death in a court that was only a few
minutes long for "waging war against God". He is currently in Kermanshah Prison. (Sarab News – March 5, 2009)
Another minor on the verge of being hanged
Amir Amrollahi who was convicted of murder when he was 16-year-old is going to be hanged soon.
Excerpts of his father’s observation
Amir was very horrified… I told him “don’t worry I am with you and we are going to police station, we help the
young man who was injured. In the police station I introduced myself and told them that I have taken Amir
with me. In addition, I noticed that the victim had been died. A witness who was there said “This boy (Amir) is
not the assailant, I saw another person (attacking).” Despite that, they detained Amir. When I went back to
police station next morning, they said he had confessed that he was carrying the knife. It was a very hard day for
me… I know that it was very hard days for Mohsen’s family (victim’s family) too… Amir was only 16 at the time.
His execution will not make Mohsen alive.
Amir talks about the days in prison
Amir Amollahi is a minor offender who has been in prison for three years.
“It has been more than 1000 days and nights that I have been behind prison bars and I don’t know if I would
have the chance to see the free world or not,” he said.
“I didn’t intend murdering and I yet don’t know if I really hit Mohsen with knife or someone else did it…
Sometimes I become so homesick and cry for hours for my loneliness. I have had very hard life during these
years. Every day I have been waiting for my execution and every night I have gone to sleep with nightmare of
death and I cannot bear it anymore,” Amir said.
“When they detained and transferred me to Nezam Prison in Shiraz (Prison for minor offenders), Doctors
diagnosed that I was suffering from a psychological illness. They have told me that I would never have definite
recovery and no doctor could help me by now,” he added. “Every night that I go to sleep don’t expect to have a
good day, because may be any moment they call me for execution. During the day, I take tranquilizers, read
Quran, and pray to ease myself. All the time I pray that Mohsen’s family will consent and I get out from this
limbo.” “… I wish I will be pardoned.” (Etemad state-run daily – Mar. 23, 2009)
Innocent woman forced to confess to murder under torture on verge of execution; report
Hakimeh Hassan Zadeh is another Iranian woman who is unjustly on the verge of execution. On April 26,
2008, criminal intelligence department investigators placed Hakimeh as the main suspect in the murder of
Eidan Baluchi, 33, who was one of Hakimeh's relatives. From that day on, Hakimeh has been in and out of
detention centers and placed under various physical and mental tortures to confess to whom the murderer was
and her relationship with him.
Hakimeh has repeatedly announced her innocence to the
head of the criminal intelligence department and judge
presiding over her case saying that she only intended to help
Eidan, but unfortunately the torture and the repeated claims
that she is the murderer has reached the point where this
woman has no motivation to live and has signed a document
as the murderer of Eidan.
It is notable that Hakimeh was transferred to the criminal
intelligence department in Tehran for further investigation
where she was under various tortures for two months. As a
result, one of her teeth broke and eyewitnesses have said that
due to the severity of the electric shocks she received, she was
taken to court on a wheelchair.
Hakimeh does not have a lawyer as a means of defending herself and a death sentence will be issued for her in
the next few days. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – March 24, 2009)


SSF Commander admits to issuing death sentence for innocent people in Abadan
The top commander of the State Security Forces (SSF), Ismail Ahmadi Moqadam, admitted to reports of a
judiciary and security scandal in the case of serial murders of women in Abadan.
Moqadam said in this case in which 15 women and one man was killed in Abadan, innocent people were
arrested and sentenced to death.
"Unfortunately, the judge following the case condemned the suspects to death", he pointed out. "One of the
reasons that this case was not made public was that two people had taken responsibility for these murders and
the case was closed, but their confession turned out to be false when the killings continued", he added.
Security and judiciary officials prevent details of the serial killings of women in Abadan to be published as they
did in similar cases in Karaj, Varamin and Gilan. In almost all the cases of serial killings of women in the past
year, the real culprits were introduced as suspects in the course of the investigations to the SSF but they were
either set free after a while or cleared in court. Judiciary and security officials have so far not given any reason
for their actions. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Apr. 6, 2009)
Kurdistan Board of Review in favor of death sentence of student activist
"Given that Mr. Latifi was not present in that particular part of Sanandaj where the prosecutor's automobile
exploded or where the attack against State Security Forces bases took place, I offered my re-trial request to the
Supreme Court in early April", said this lawyer.
"But the witnesses we introduced to confirm this fact were not taken into account by judicial officials and were
not investigated", he added,“Unfortunately, the re-trial request must be confirmed by Kurdistan's Board of
Review, and this board rejected my request.” (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Apr. 13, 2009)
Juvenile offender faces imminent execution in Iran
The Iranian authorities have executed at least 42 juvenile offenders since 1990,
eight of them in 2008 and one on 21 January 2009. Amnesty International has
also called for a re-trial for Delara Darabi in proceedings that meet international
standards for fair trial and that are in line with the Convention of the Rights of
the Child. Delara Darabi’s death sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court on
16 January 2007. In December 2007, as a result of procedural flaws having been
identified, the Head of Judiciary reportedly returned the case to Rasht for a
further review. It is not known if this has been completed though normal legal avenues in her case appear now
to have been exhausted. (Amnesty International Website – Apr. 17, 2009)
Arrested runners of "immoral" websites sentenced to death
The deputy prosecutor of Tehran gave new details on the Revolutionary Guards Corps arrest of people linked to
dozens of Iranian immoral websites by the saying that the punishment of the main runners of these website,
who are currently under arrest and charged with "corruption on earth", is death.
"Currently in addition to the 90 websites which were wiped out on March 17, a number of other immoral
websites and people involved in running these websites have been identified and in the next few days operations
to arrest these people will be carried out", he added. (Shahab News state-run website – Apr. 19, 2009)
Woman sentenced to death in Tehran
The Judiciary issued death sentence for a woman in Tehran. Her name is Behjat (F). (Sarmayeh, state-run daily –
Apr. 22, 2009)
25-year-old student sentenced to death
A 25-year-old university student named Habib who killed another man in Sabzevar was sentenced to death for
the fourth time in court. (Qods state-run daily – May 4, 2009)
Amnesty says Iran planning to execute juveniles
Rights group Amnesty International said Iran planned to execute two juveniles on Wednesday, five days after
hanging a woman convicted of a crime she was alleged to have committed while still under 18.


'The scheduling of these executions, just days after the appalling execution of
Delara Darabi, show that the Iranian authorities have total disregard for
international law which unequivocally bans the execution of those convicted of
crimes committed under the age of 18,' Amnesty said in a statement on Tuesday.
It said juvenile offenders Amir Khaleqi and Safar Angooti were both due to be
executed on Wednesday morning in Tehran's Evin prison.
At least 135 other juvenile offenders are known to be on death row in Iran,
Amnesty said.
They were convicted of murder aged 16 and 17 respectively, it said.
'The international consensus against executing child offenders reflects the
widespread recognition that because of children's immaturity, impulsiveness, vulnerability and capacity for
rehabilitation, their lives should never be written off -- however heinous the crimes of which they are convicted,'
said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, deputy director of Amnesty's Middle East and North Africa Programme.
Amnesty urged the Iranian authorities to adopt new legislation that would ban, once and for all, the execution
of juvenile offenders, including those convicted of murder.
The Islamic republic's existing penal code holds a nine-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy to be legally
responsible if involved in crime.
Iran stepped up its use of the death penalty last year in what it says is a bid to improve security in society. (AFP -
May 5, 2009)
Another juvenile offender and a woman sentenced to death
According to reports, the death sentence of Amir Kar-Andish was issued by the 5th branch of the Fars Penal
Court. This sentence was recently confirmed in the 27th branch of the Supreme Court.
"Amin was 17 when he killed his friend in a street fight while under the influence of alcohol,” said his lawyer.
"He tried to prove his case in court that he had no prior motive to kill his friend,” he said
"He also introduced witnesses to court trying to prove that he did not have any self-control on that day,”
Hossein Raissi added.
Amin is currently in Adelabad Prison in Shiraz. Zarbi Bikhajavi, another minor sentenced to death who is an
Afghan national is also in this prison.
Raissi also said that the execution sentence of Afsaneh R. will probably also be carried out in Adelabad Prison.
The woman was initially sentenced to death by stoning but her sentence later changed to death by hanging. (Ruz
Online – May 6, 2009)
Kurdish activist sentenced to death
The death sentence of Fasih Yasamani, a Kurd activist that was issued by a court in Khoy was confirmed by the
Prosecutor of West Azerbaijan Province.
The 27-year-old was arrested in 2007 along with his elderly father and five other residents of his village and was
sentenced to death on charges of membership in a Kurdish opposition group.
This is while there is no evidence that shows his membership in this group and the court verdict has been based
on his confessions in prison, taken under torture. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 8, 2009)
Another Kurd activist sentenced to death
A Kurd activist and Turkey national was sentenced to death in a Court of Review.
The 30-year prison sentence of Shaker Baqer was increased to the capital punishment in a court of review after
he protested the sentence.
This is while this prisoner does not have a lawyer and has been imprisoned in Sanandaj Prison for the last two
years. This sentence was announced to him yesterday in prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 8, 2009)
Two women on verge of execution
Mina Jafari, the lawyer of Akram Mahdavi talked about her client's case in an interview.
"(Regarding) Akram Mahdavi's case, although we have raised about 19,000 USD via financial support from
people, we have still not been able to get the victim's family to accept blood money", she said.
According to Jafari, Akram is still in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. She is the mother of a 17-year-old girl who, in
her absence, was forced to marry and drop out of school, although she went to a very good school and was an
extremely good student.

Akram, 34, was forced to marry a man 50 years her senior when she was 20. She had filed for a divorce twice in
her 8 years of marriage but her request was rejected both times and in the end she killed her husband with the
help of another man.
She has been in Evin Prison since 2006, convicted to death. During this time, she was deprived of seeing her
only daughter, who is the product of her first unsuccessful marriage at the age of 13.
Mina Jafari also mentioned her other client, Soheila Qadiri who has also been sentenced to death for killing her
infant child.
"This women who was poverty-stricken and ill saw this measure as the only way to save her child", Jafari added.
(Ruz Online – May 17, 2009)
Death sentence issued for a woman in Tehran
Judiciary issued death sentence for Reksana in Tehran. (Etemad state-run daily – May 17, 2009)
Iranian to be hanged for murder committed as minor: lawyer
Iran is set to hang a man sentenced to death for committing a murder when he was
15, his lawyer said on Sunday, even though Tehran is a signatory to an
international convention banning such executions.Hamid Reza Hadadi, now aged
20, is to be executed on Wednesday in the Adel Abad prison in the southern city of
Shiraz, his lawyer Mohammad Mostafai said in a statement.Hadadi was arrested in
October 2003 for the abduction and murder of an elderly man and was condemned
to death in January 2004, he said...
Iran is a signatory to a UN convention on children's rights, which stipulates that
members will not execute convicts found guilty of committing crimes as minors.
(AFP - May 24, 2009)
133 children in death row in Iran
More than 3,000,000 children are living under absolute poverty line and more than 5,000,000 are under
poverty line, and 133 children are in death row in Iran.
“According to an official survey in 2006, there are more than 1,500,000 labor child and 31% of children are fed
malnutrition in Iran, and the socio-economic of children in Iran are so worrying,” Javid Sobhani, member of
Association supporting children said. (Sarmayeh state-run newspaper – May 27, 2009)
Woman to be executed
Branch 20 of the Supreme Court sent Shahla Jahed's case to the executing sentences
branch of the Criminal Court which puts the accused one step away from the gallows.
Jahed was accused of killing a former soccer player's wife in 2002. (state-run Jam-e-Jam
online – June 3, 2009)
Man charged with crime as a minor to be executed
Ibrahim Gudarzvand Changini, born in 1986, has been imprisoned for six years in
Rudbar Prison and sentenced to death for a murder he committed at 17. The Supreme
Court recently confirmed his sentence and he is on the verge of execution. Changini
accidentally stabbed his friend in a fight which started as a joke. After the judicial process, his execution
sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 4, 2009)
So called bill to prevent execution of minors has a catch
Alireza Jamshidi, spokesman of the Judiciary has said that the members of the Judicial Commission in the
parliament are currently examining a bill which states that "if there are doubts on the intellect and growth of
convicted children who are legally mature but are under 18, they are not subject to retribution. Girls legally
mature at nine and boys at 15". This bill has to be approved by the Guardian Council to be passed into law.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter – June 7, 2009)
Iran to execute political activist
According to reports, Hossein Khazari was sentenced to death by the first branch of the Orumieh Revolutionary
Court on charges of spreading propaganda against the government and cooperating with the Free Life Party of
Kurdistan. This political activist was arrested in November 2008 by security forces and spent the better part of

his prison term in solitary confinement in Orumieh's Intelligence Detention Centers under pressure and abuse.
He was sentenced to death despite being deprived of a lawyer and the right to defend himself. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – June 8, 2009)
Minor on the verge of execution
Mohammad Reza Hadadi who was convicted of killing a driver in Kazrun at age 15, will be hanged on July 16.
His brother Ahmad Hadadi said, "From the time that they were to review his case, no court session to see to his
case has been held. The case is to be reviewed by the 17th branch of the Supreme Court but his execution has
been scheduled for July 16". He expressed concern that since Mohammad Mostafayi, Hadadi's lawyer, was
arrested and then released in the recent arrests in Tehran, Hadadi's defense status has gone under question.
"Currently this case has no defense team", he added.
"According to the evidence in the case, Mohammad Reza is not the murderer because his accomplices have
announced in their confessions that another person killed the driver", his brother stressed.
Mohammad Reza's family claims that after he was arrested, he confessed to the murder because one of his
friends had promised to give his mother money and he accepted because he was under 18. When he realized
there was no money, he denied the murder. (Sarmayeh state-run daily – July 7, 2009)
Mother of two on verge of execution
The death sentence of a prisoner who has served nine years in Orumieh prison was finalized.
Mohabat Mahmoudi, a mother of two children, killed a man in self defense who intended to rape her in 2000.
She was trialed on charges of intentional murder in a provincial court. Her case was sent to the Supreme Court
for final clearance and yesterday July 11, her death sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court and
announced to her in prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 12, 2009)
Two female converts on verge of execution
Marzieh Amin Zadeh, 30 and Maryam Rostam-pour, 27 have been in Evin Prison for four months now for
converting to Christianity. They are officially charged with acting against national security. According to reports
from their relatives, these two young women who were arrested on March 5 in their Tehran homes, are under
mental torture and have problems like sleep disorders and severe stress.
While they still have not been convicted in court and officials only use the general term "acting against national
security" for them, according to reports a judicial official has told them in the past few days that both of them
might be executed on charges of 'apostasy'. (Prayer for Iran website – July 13, 2009)
Head of Sistan & Baluchistan Judiciary: two terrorists sentenced to death
The head of the Sistan and Baluchistan Judiciary said that the death sentence of two people would be executed
as soon the conditions for the execution are met.
"The Revolutionary Court has sentenced two other members of the Jundallah terrorist group to death on
charges of being an enemy of god and corruption on earth in addition to the 14 sentences issued and carried
out before for members of this group", Ibrahim Hamidi said. (Fars state-run news agency – July 18, 2009)
Head of Sistan & Baluchistan Judiciary: two terrorists sentenced to death
The head of the Sistan and Baluchistan Judiciary said that the death sentence of two people would be executed
as soon the conditions for the execution are met.
"The Revolutionary Court has sentenced two other members of the Jundallah terrorist group to death on
charges of being an enemy of god and corruption on earth in addition to the 14 sentences issued and carried
out before for members of this group", Ibrahim Hamidi said. (Fars state-run news agency – July 18, 2009)
Sistan and Baluchistan prosecutor: man will soon be executed
The prosecutor of Sistan and Baluchistan said, "Yesterday morning the death sentence of two members of the
Jundallah Group was carried out on charges of waging war with God in the Zahedan Prison but since
Abdolhamid Riggi is still in the hands of intelligence sources, his sentence has not been carried out".
"He will probably be transferred under our jurisdiction in the near future and his sentence will be carried out",
added Ibrahim Hamidi. (ISNA state-run news agency – July 26, 2009)


Iran parliament presidential committee member: heads of unrest should be given maximum punishment
A member of the presidential committee of parliament emphasized that elements of unrest should be decisively
dealt with and said, "After the heads of the rioters are trialed in a couple of days, many issues will be disclosed".
"A number of the rioters whose organized communications with foreigners (outside the country) have been
proven or a number of them who are affiliated with the Monafeqin (PMOI) and those who have destroyed
public property have to be given the maximum punishment", he said.
Firmly rejecting the opinion of some that all arrestees should be freed he said, "The fact that all prisoners and
detainees of recent events should be freed is not right". (Fars state-run News Agency – Aug. 1, 2009)
Man in Saqez sentenced to death for "cooperation with opposition groups"
Rashid Akhkandi was arrested and imprisoned in Isfahan on May 2008 on charges of waging war with God and
cooperating with Kurdish opposition groups. He was sentenced to death one year after his arrest by a court in
Akhkandi was tried by the fourth branch of the Revolutionary Court on April 10, 2009 without the right to a
lawyer. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 6, 2009)
Court of Review upholds death sentence of political activist
The death sentence of a Kurd political activist in Orumieh was confirmed by a court of Review in the Province.
The death sentence of Houssein Khezri was confirmed by the 10th branch of this city's Court of Review. He was
charged with waging war with god and cooperating with a Kurdish group and initially sentenced to death by the
first branch of the Orumieh Revolutionary Court.
Khezri was arrested last summer by security forces in this city and was under physical and mental abuse for three
months. He lost 25% of his eyesight as a result. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 13, 2009)
Three women in Karaj on verge of execution
Three women in Karaj who were sentenced to death in ward 7 are on the verge of execution. According to
reports their death sentences will be carried out this week. These women are Akram Mohammadi who is about
35 years old and has been in prison on charges of murder for about 7 years and Ameneh Abdollah Zadeh, 50,
who has been in prison on charges of murder for about 5 years. The name of the third woman is not known.
There have been unconfirmed reports that three women from this ward have been executed in the past week.
These executions have still not been announced and it seems that the Judicial System is trying to carry out the
executions in secret. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 17, 2009)
Tehran head judge requests capital punishment for two CEOs
Tehran's prosecutor and head of Terhan's Revolutionary Court announced a request for the capital punishment
of the CEOs of the Shafeq and Negin Qarb companies.
In a ceremony for the introduction of the new head of the Judiciary, Mortazavi said in this regard, "We have
requested that death sentences be issued for these two CEOs". (Mehr state-run News Agency – Aug. 17, 2009)
Minor offenders taken to Evin for execution
According to reports from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, a number of prisoners were taken to Evin Prison for
Officials intend to carry out mass executions to create an atmosphere of fear and terror. A number of prisoners
from the female ward 7, ward 5 and 6 of Gohardasht Prison have been brought to Evin for execution.
1. The names of prisoners brought from ward 6 are as follows:
2. Behnoud Shojayi, 17 when he committed offense
3. Javad Najafi, according to reports he was 16 years old at the time of his offense and has been in
Gohardasht Prison for 4 years.
4. Alireza Sayidi, 30 years old (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 18, 2009)
Women sentenced to death
The death sentence of a woman who had been arrested on charges of killing her son in law was issued today in
Tehran's Criminal Court.
Kobra confessed to this murder in initial interrogations but denied this act later on saying she was innocent.
Despite her denial, the interrogator of the 9th branch of a court in Karaj found her guilty of murder and her case

was sent to the 71st branch of Tehran's Criminal Court. Her death sentence was issued today by this court.
(Iskanews state-run website – Aug. 25, 2009)
Iranian Protest Figures Could Face Execution
The attorney prosecuting leading OPPOSITION figures in Iran asked a court Tuesday to give them 'the
maximum punishment,' offering the clearest indication to date that the government crackdown against the
organizers of protests this summer could include executions .
The defendants, who include former deputy ministers and a former presidential spokesman, are accused of
endangering national security in the aftermath of the disputed June presidential election. If convicted, their
parties will be banned .
The session was the fourth in a large-scale trial of OPPOSITION figures, who belong to parties locked in a
power struggle with hard-liners since the 1979 Islamic revolution .
The request for maximum punishments reflects the determination of a group of Revolutionary Guard Corps
commanders, Friday prayer leaders, and lawmakers supportive of the government to prosecute their political
enemies for disputing President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad's election victory .
The group has also called for the arrest of the OPPOSITION movement's leaders, including defeated candidates
Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi and former president Mohammad Khatami . (Washington Post –
Aug. 26, 2009)
Two minor offenders on verge of death
Reza Padashi and Hussein Haqi are on the verge of execution on charges of murder when they were minors.
Reza Padashi was arrested on March 11, 2004 on charges of killing a man identified as Rahman Derakhshan.
Derakhshan was killed by Reza in a clash on March 10, 2004. Reza is suffering from a mental illness and was
only 16 when the crime was committed. Hussein Haqi, who was born in 1986, has been charged with killing
Mehdi Khalili in a group fight on August 12, 2003.
"There are many faults in the case which leads to doubts regarding the fact that Hussein was the murderer… he
was arrested when he was 17 years old", his lawyer Mohammad Mostafayi said regarding his case.
Hussein's case is currently in the Execution Department and has been confirmed. It will be taken to the head of
the judiciary, Sadeq Larijani, for final confirmation along with the case of Reza Padashi. If this official confirms
the execution and if the parents of the victims do not grant Hussein and Reza amnesty, the death sentences will
be carried out. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 1, 2009)
Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the EU concerning the imminent executions of juveniles
Behnoud Shojaee, Reza Padashi and Hossein Haghi in Iran
The European Union is deeply concerned by reports of the imminent execution of Behnoud Shojaee, who was
convicted and sentenced to death for a crime committed when he was a minor. The EU recalls its past
communication with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran on this case as well as its Declaration of
23 May 2008.
The EU further expresses its deep concern about reports that Reza Padashi and Hossein Haghi, also sentenced
to death for crimes committed when they were minors, are facing imminent executions .
The EU notes that these executions would be a direct contravention of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s
international commitments, specifically the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the
Convention on the Rights of the Child, both clearly prohibiting the execution of minors or people who have
been convicted of crimes committed when they were minors.
The EU urges the Islamic Republic of Iran to comply with International Law and to halt the executions of Mr
Shojaee, Mr Padashi and Mr Haghi, and of all other juvenile offenders, taking into consideration alternative
sentences for juvenile offenders and respect for international norms and standards that provide safeguards
guaranteeing the protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty .
The EU condemns the continued widespread occurrence of death sentences and executions in the Islamic
Republic of Iran. At the same time the EU reiterates its longstanding opposition to the death penalty in all


circumstances and recalls that any miscarriage or failure of justice in the application of capital punishment
represents the irreparable and irreversible loss of human life.
The Presidency continues to call on the Iranian authorities to abolish the death penalty completely and, in the
meantime, to establish a moratorium on executions as urged by United Nations General Assembly resolutions
62/149 and 63/168. (EU Official Website – Sep. 8, 2009)
Minor offender on verge of execution
A meeting with the participation of city officials and human rights activists was held in the city of Lushan to
urge the family of the victim to pardon, Ibrahim Gudarzvand Chegini, a
minor offender sentenced to death.
Despite the efforts on this issue, the family of the victim still emphasizes that
the young man should be sentenced to retribution but attempts to try to save
the young man, who does not have a lawyer, from death is ongoing.
Valiollah Pirmardvand Chegini was killed by Ibrahim Gudarzvand Chegini in
a street fight in 2003. They were both 17 at the time. Ibrahim's case is
currently being checked by the head of the Judiciary and if the family does not
pardon him, his death sentence will be carried out. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Sep. 11, 2009)
Death row prisoner taken to unknown location
A prisoner sentenced to death was taken to an unknown location on Monday. According to reports, Saeid
Amani who was in the Central Orumieh Prison was taken to an unknown location on September 14. There is
still no news on his whereabouts despite persistent inquiries by his family. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Sep. 15, 2009)
Innocent minor offender on death row in Shiraz
Mohammad Reza Hadadi was charged for murder at age 15. While it has been announced that the case of
Mohammad Reza Hadadi was examined for the last time and has been returned to the court in Kâzerun, his
family has expressed concern that his last sentence would be confirmed again without regard for new evidence
provided by the family which is said to prove Hadadi's innocence.
"While we were waiting for the conclusion of our brother's case, the court seeing to the case in Kâzerun has
announced that his last sentence (death sentence) has been confirmed by the 7th branch of the Supreme Court
and has returned to the Kâzerun Court. And that the sentence will soon be carried out by the Execution Branch
of the court in Shiraz, " Rahmatollah Hadadi, Mohammad Reza's brother said. "We had provided documents
and evidence showing that the murder was not carried out by him and he was blamed by his accomplices, in the
hope that the judge would consider (the new evidence) but unfortunately we noticed that not only was it not re-
examined, it was confirmed exactly as before", he added. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 21, 2009)
Two political prisoners on verge of execution
The Iranian regime's judiciary has sentenced 30-year-old Bahman Moarefi from Baneh who is in the Saqez
Central Prison to execution on charges of threatening security and waging war with God.
In other reports, the Sanandaj Court of Review changed the 10 year prison sentence of Ehssan Fattahian, 27,
from Kermanshah to execution. He is currently in the Kamyaran Prison and his sentence will be carried out
soon. (Khebat Kurdistan Organization – Sep. 27, 2009)
Another minor offender on death row
Hossein Alipour, born in 1988, is currently in the Lakan Prison in Rasht on charges of murder when he was 16
years old. He will be executed once his retribution sentence in confirmed. His case has been sent to the
Supreme Court for confirmation. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 28, 2009)

Iran moves to execute man for crime committed when he was 17


The Iranian authorities are planning to execute a man alleged to have killed when he was only 17 on Monday.
Amnesty International has warned that the execution, in Mashhad, north-eastern Iran, of Afghan national
Abbas Hosseini must be stopped.…
Abbas Hosseini’s June 2004 death sentence imposed by Branch 43 of the General Court in Mashhad for the
murder of a man who had tried to rape him in July 2003 was upheld by Branch 41 of the Supreme Court on 30
September 2004. He claimed before the court to have committed the crime 'in a moment of insanity', but this
was rejected .
He was due to be executed on 1 May 2005, but at the last minute was granted a one-week stay of execution to
give the victim’s family another opportunity to accept payment of diyeh (blood money).
At the same time, the Head of the Judiciary ordered the local judiciary in Mashhad not to proceed with the
execution and Abbas Hosseini’s case was sent for review. On 27 April 2008, Branch 13 of the Supreme Court
sent the case for retrial on account of Abbas Hosseini’s age at the time of the crime.
Nonetheless, he was sentenced to death once again on 5 August 2008 by Branch 103 of the General Juvenile
Court in Mashhad. This sentence was upheld on 29 December 2008 by Branch 33 of the Supreme Court and
has been given final approval by the Head of the Judiciary, paving the way for the scheduling of his execution…
” Not only has Abbas Hosseini been sentenced to death for a crime committed when he was a child,' said
Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui. 'But the protracted judicial uncertainty surrounding the review and retrial of his case,
and the halting at the last minute of his scheduled execution which has led to him languishing on death row in
prison since 2004, compounds his suffering “. (Amnesty International – Oct. 3, 2009)
Kurdistan Prosecutor requests urgent execution of 3 Kurd activists in letter to Khamenei
After the Head of Sanandaj's Judiciary requested the urgent execution of political prisoners sentenced to death
in a letter a few days ago, Gurosi, Kurdistan's Prosecutor, send a letter to the office of the leader (Khamenei)
without taking heed of the bureaucratic hierarchy.
In this letter, Gurosi asked Khamenei to issue a permit for the execution of political
prisoners sentenced to death.
It has also been cited in this letter that if Khamenei agrees to this, political prisoners
Ehssan Fatahian, Habibollah Latifi and Shir-kuh Moarefi will be the first to be
executed. According to reports Fatahian who is currently in ward 2 of the Central
Prison in Sanandaj is in poor health due to the torture inflicted on him. (Kurdistan
Media – Oct. 4, 2009)
Political prisoner Habibollah
Another minor offender will be executed in Iran Latifi sentenced to death
Mohammad Mostafayi wrote in his weblog 'Defending the Defenseless': Safar Anguti
will be executed on October 21. Safar Anguti was born on September 20, 1989 and was 17 when he committed
an offense… After the fight which led to the death (of a young boy who was accidently stabbed by Safar), the case
was opened in the 3rd branch of the Public Court in Nazarabad and legal investigations began. Unfortunately,
after Safar turned himself in, the case was quickly put into affect without regard for the rights of the defendant
which states that evidence has to be gathered in favor of the defendant. After Safar stated his last defense, a bill
of indictment was issued for him.
My client did not have any criminal motive, and in no way did he intend to kill Mehdi Rezayi. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Oct. 6, 2009)
Female prisoner will probably by hanged next Sunday
Tehran's criminal court called the family which has filed a complaint against death row
prisoner Akram Mahdavi, telling them to be present at 3 am next Sunday in Evin
Prison to witness the execution of Akram.
This is while Akram's lawyer, Mina Jafari was not informed of this issue. After she
looked into this issue, the Judge of the Execution Body of the Criminal Court denied
the statement of the complainants.
In light of unexpected events in the Judiciary, there is fear that this sentence will be
carried out next week.

Akram Mahdavi was arrested in 2003 on charges of killing her 74 year old husband and has been in prison for
four years. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 6, 2009)
Political prisoner sentenced to death
Mohammad-Reza Ali-Zamani, member of the Royal Association of Iran who had confessed in the second trial of
those affiliated with protests after the elections, was transferred on Monday October 5 from ward 209 of Evin
Prison to the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Salavati and his death sentence was
announced to him. His statements made in court were also aired on state run television. The suspects who were
trialed in the second and third public trials did not have access to their chosen lawyers and a lawyer appointed
by the Revolutionary Court was assigned to them. (Human Rights Activists in Iran - Oct. 7, 2009)
Death row security prisoner probably executed in secret
Saleh Sultan-Zadeh, a security prisoner who was sentenced to death in 2006 on charges of espionage for a
hostile government was removed from his cell on September 29 and taken to an undisclosed location. There is
no information on his fate after this transfer.
According to eyewitnesses, he said that he was being transferred to be executed and gave his belongings and
even gave his will to his friends in prison.
Sultan-Zadeh was a Ministry of Defense employee who worked in the Shahab 3 Missile Project. He was arrested
in 2006 by the Army Counter Intelligence Department and detained for one year in the Security Detention
Center called F64 located in the G Base of this institution. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 7, 2009)
Iran intends to hang another minor offender
Hussein Alipour, born in June 1989 is on the verge of execution for a murder he committed at 16. He is
currently detained in the Lakan Prison in Rasht and will be executed after his sentenced is confirmed by the
Supreme Court.
In his last attempts at staying alive, he wrote an open letter to the family of the victim.
"If realizing ones mistakes are regret and redemption from sin is repentance, than I repent… I hope that you are
able to forgive me", he wrote in part. (Human Rights Activists in Iran - Oct. 7, 2009)
Iran sentences 3 to death in mass opposition trial
Three defendants in Iran's mass trial of opposition figures accused of fueling the country's postelection unrest
have been sentenced to death, an Iranian news agency reported Saturday.
Two of them were convicted of membership in a monarchist group seeking to topple Iran's Islamic Republic
and restore a monarchy, the semiofficial ISNA news agency reported, quoting judiciary official Zahed Bashiri
The third defendant was convicted of having ties to a terrorist group for his alleged links to the People's
Mujahedeen, an armed opposition group, ISNA quoted Rad as saying.
The three are the first defendants to be sentenced to death since the trial began in August.
More than 100 prominent opposition figures and activists are accused of offenses ranging from rioting to spying
and seeking to topple Iran's Islamic rulers through what authorities have called a planned 'soft overthrow'.
On Friday, Amnesty International identified one of those sentenced to death as Mohammad Reza Ali Zamani.
Amnesty said the 37-year-old was convicted of 'enmity against God' through membership in a monarchist group.
It also said he was convicted of making propaganda against the ruling regime and of leaving the country illegally
to meet with U.S. military officials in Iraq.
Rights groups and opposition figures in Iran have criticized the proceedings, calling them a 'show trial' and
saying such confessions are coerced. (The Associated Press - Oct. 10, 2009)

Another political prisoner sentenced to death

Davood Fardbacheh Mir-Ardabili, born in 1973 in Islamshahr who is suspected of having links to a monarchist
association was taken from Evin Prison to the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran presided over
by Judge Moqiseh and sentenced to death. He was arrested on May 4 along with 8 other suspects.


Despite being arrested before post election protests, he was trialed in a court which looked into events after the
election. He has denied being a member of any dissident group or being part of any violent measures. Mir
Ardabili has been denied the right to a lawyer and the right to suitably defend himself in court. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Oct. 13, 2009)
Death row prisoner denied medical treatment for MS
According to reports from Evin Prison, Hamed Ruhinejad, a prisoner accused
of involvement in events after the elections who has been sentenced to death is
in poor health. He is currently detained in ward 7 of Evin Prison.
This political prisoner who has multiple sclerosis and any pressure can worsen
his condition is currently denied receiving medication and injections. He does
not see clearly and is in very poor health.
Ruhinejad who has been convicted of being a member of a monarchist
association was arrested after returning to Iran in 2008 along with
Mohammad-Reza Zamani and Ahmad Karimi. They were in custody in March
and April and had no involvement in the events after the elections but they
were forced to confess to being involved because of pressure subjected on them
by security agents. Hamed Ruhinejad was sentenced to death in the 28th
branch of the Revolutionary Court on these grounds. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 15, 2009)
Death row prisoner reveals confessing under torture
Hamed Ruhinejad, a young and ill prisoner who was arrested before the elections under bogus charges said that
he was deceived and victimized (by the Iranian regime). "My name is Hamed Ruhinejad and I was sentenced to
death by the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court…
In the time I was detained in ward 209, I was kept in solitary for about 40 days and despite promises by my
interrogators and other agents, I was tortured so severely and threatened to death that I thought the punishment
for leaving the country can only be death… One day after the elections, I realized that elections were held and
without knowledge of what was going on outside and the waves of popular protests they took me to the trials of
election protesters with promises. This is while I had nothing to do with the elections. But I attended the trial
on the request of the interrogators and wrote their demands on a piece of paper stating that they were my
actions to get my right to life back. But today as a political prisoner I announce that I am not a member of any
group or party and have no links to the presidential elections. I deny any affiliation to the so-called Monarchist
Association and announce that all the charges against me are sheer lies". (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct.
15, 2009)
3 minor offender on verge of execution
Three minor offenders are on the verge of execution for committing crimes under 18 in Iran. Attempts at
wining amnesty from the victims' families have so far been futile.
Safar Anguti born in Sep. 20, 1989 turned himself in to security forces one day after a fight which led to the
death of another young man on March 25, 2007… He is to be executed on October 21 at 4 am in Evin Prison.
Mohammad-Reza Hadadi is anther young man sentenced to death who is currently detained in the Shiraz Adel
Abad Prison. He was born in March 17, 1988 and was 15 when arrested.
Last week judicial officials in Shiraz told his father that the death sentence of this young man will be carried out
in the next few days in Adelabad Prison. Hadadi was tricked into confessing into murder by another one of the
suspects in the case despite not having complicity in the murder.
Amir Amrollahi is the third minor sentenced to death. He was born in November 1989 and was 16 at the time
of arrest. He turned himself in to security forces after he got into a fight which led to the death of another
young man identified as Mohssen Kazemi on November 19, 2005.


While the defendant did not intend to murder the victim, four of the five judges in the 5th branch of the Fars
Province Criminal Court sentenced him to death without regard for his age, and psychological and mental
condition. The sentence was confirmed by the 27th branch of the Supreme Court. (Committee of Human

Mohammad-Reza Hadadi Safar Anguti Amir Amrollahi

Rights Reporters – Oct. 17, 2009)
Woman who defended herself against rape sentenced to death
The Supreme Court confirmed the death sentence of Mohabbat Mahmoudi after 9 years of
prison. She was arrested in 2000 after she killed a man who intended to rape her and
turned herself in to security forces. She is from the Surmanabad Village (suburb of
Orumieh) and was engaged to her cousin at the age of 12. She is a mother of five. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 17, 2009)
New Details Emerges About Detainees Sentenced to Death
When 22-year-old student Hamed Ruhinejad first heard about the street protests that erupted throughout in
Iran following the country's presidential election, he was already in jail.
In fact, when the contentious June 12 vote took place, he had already been serving time at Tehran's Evin prison
for about 40 days.
But that fact didn't spare Ruhinejad, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, from a death sentence imposed for
participating in rallies he could not possibly have attended.
Last week, the Iranian judiciary announced that three detainees, identified only by their initials, had been
sentenced to death for their roles in the postelection unrest.
Ruhinejad, believed to be the fourth, now faces death after being convicted of 'moharebeh,' or waging war
against God .
With the Iranian government publicly trying more than 100 reformists, intellectuals, and activists in what critics
have branded as 'show trials' against those who oppose it, some see the death sentences as the latest move by the
Iranian establishment to put an end to the post election crisis and to prevent further protests.
The Paris based International Federation of Human rights says the harsh sentences appear to be a signal to all
dissenting voices that they should refrain from challenging the regime .
Ruhinejad's lawyer, Mohammad Seifzadeh, agrees that the Iranian establishment is sending a message about the
risk of participating in future antigovernment protests .
And Seifzadeh, a prominent human rights advocate, adds that there is no legal justification for the death
sentence against his client, and says he plans to appeal.


'Based on Article 183 of the Islamic punishment law, a 'mohareb' is someone who takes up arms and terrifies
people. He didn’t have any weapons and he's been charged with moharebeh illegally,' Seifzadeh says, adding that
he hasn't been allowed to meet with his client for 'even one minute' since taking his case.
'N.A.' -- one of the three sentenced to death who were indentified by their initials, has since been revealed as 22-
year-old Nasser Abdolhosseini.
He was arrested after the election, but his story mirrors Ruhinejad's in that was convicted for his supposed ties
to a group opposed to the Iranian government and that doubt has been cast on his participation in the
postelection rallies.
Abdolhosseini was sentenced to death for belonging to the exiled Mujahedin Khalq Organization, considered a
terrorist organization by Iran. But that charge has been fiercely rejected by Abdolhosseini's brothers Mojtaba
and Nader Abdolhosseini, who say Nasser has never been involved in politics.
Furthermore, the two brothers have said that at the time of the major street protests in Tehran, Nassar was
conducting business in Busher, where no protests were reported .
During his court testimony, aired on Iranian state television, Nassar Adolhosseini reportedly admitted that he
received orders from London to go to the streets and throw Molotov cocktails.
Abdolhosseini's brothers say Nassar was told that by making a televised confession, he would secure his release.
Mojtaba says Nassar's verbal stumbling during his testimony can be taken as proof that he was not making an
admission of his own volition, arguing: 'My brother couldn't even pronounce 'Molotov cocktail' correctly in
'M.Z.', whose death sentence was the first to be made public, has been identified as 37-year-old Mohammad Reza
Ali Zamani and is also believed to have been arrested prior to the election.
He too has been accused of being a member of The Assembly of Kingdom, with the aim of overthrowing the
Iranian establishment. During the mass trials that began in August he reportedly confessed to having met with
an American agent in northern Iraq and having passed the agent information about Iran .
And he too is reported to have accepted the charges against him under pressure, and following promises that he
would be handed a lighter sentence as a result.
'A.P.', despite the discrepancy, is believed to be 19-year-old Arash Rahmanipour, who was sentenced to death for
belonging to the Assembly of Kingdom and who also appears to have been arrested prior to the election.
His lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, says Rahmanipour too confessed to the charges against him after being promised a
light sentence and freedom. And Sotoudeh has told the online daily 'Rooz' that Rahmanipour is not a member
of the Assembly of Kingdom as alleged by authorities .
It is not clear whether the death sentences against the four might be reduced upon appeal, but Seifzadeh says
that no fair court could ever uphold the sentence against his client, Hamed Ruhinejad.
'I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but I cannot believe that any court would confirm this baseless
sentence,' Seifzadeh said.
The reformist website 'Etemad' reported on October 14 that three legislators said after meeting with judiciary
officials that the judiciary appears determined to go ahead with the executions. (RFE/RL - Oct. 17, 2009 )
Two prisoners taken to Evin for execution
According to reports from ward 6 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, two prisoners were transferred from this
prison to solitary cells in Evin Prison for execution.
These prisoners are:


Mohammad Hassan Bori, 25, sentenced to death on charges of murder. He had served more than three years of
prison in.
Ali Elmi, 35, father of three. He served two years of prison in Gohardasht Prison's ward 6, hall 17. He was
sentence to death on charges of murder. He reportedly killed a man to prevent him from raping his wife.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 20, 2009)
14 Kurd political activists in danger of execution
The Committee of Races and Nations of the Center in Defense of Human Rights in Iran announced in a
statement that 14 Kurd political activists who were recently arrested by security institutions are in danger of
"Recently 14 Kurd political activists were arrested under various pretexts and are in danger of execution", this
committee wrote. (Kurdistan Media – Oct. 28, 2009)
Tehran Public Prosecutor confirms death sentence of three political activists arrested before elections for so-
called crimes after elections
Tehran's Public Prosecutor announced that a court had issued death sentences for "a member of the Monafeqin
Group (PMOI) and two members of the Iran Monarchist Association".
"These three would have taken sabotaging measures against the holy system of the Islamic Republic even if
events after the elections did not exist", he stressed. (Fars News Agency – Oct. 30, 2009)
Death row political prisoner in critical condition
Shirku Moaarefi, a Kurd prisoner sentenced to death is in critical condition and banned from receiving visits.
According to an informed source, the father of this civil rights activist sentenced to death, announced that in
his last approach to the Supreme Court on Monday to get information on his son, judicial officials disregarded
him and did not even allow him inside the review branch of the Supreme Court. He was treated inhumanely by
employees of this branch.
"Shirku is still in critical mental and physical condition because of his injuries and fractures from when he was
tortured", his father said.
Moaarefi's lawyer has still not been allowed to see to his case and the Revolutionary Court has appointed one of
its employees named Azizpoor as his lawyer. This lawyer has not taken any measures to prevent the death
sentence issued by the judicial system and upheld by the Supreme Court.
Security agents have threatened his father warning him that if he cooperates with or give interviews to any media
regarding his son, bad consequences await his family and the chances of a prompt execution for his son will
increase. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Oct. 30, 2009)
Tehran Public Prosecutor confirms death sentence of three political activists arrested before elections for so-
called crimes after elections
Tehran's Public Prosecutor announced that a court had issued death sentences for "a member of the Monafeqin
Group (PMOI) and two members of the Iran Monarchist Association".
"These three would have taken sabotaging measures against the holy system of the Islamic Republic even if
events after the elections did not exist", he stressed. (Fars News Agency – Oct. 30, 2009)
Report of deteriorating condition of death row political prisoner
Report by Dr. Hesam Firuzi: Hamed Ruhi Nejad is a23-year-old philosophy major at the Beheshti University in
Tehran who has been imprisoned for more than five months. He has been suffering from multiple sclerosis for
about four years.
Ruhi Nejad also has thalassemia minor (hereditary blood disease) and the weakness as a result of this disease
also causes problems for him.
Unfortunately after his arrest and transfer to solitary, his disease (MS) has become active and his MS attacks
have increased to the point that he was taken to a specialist twice from ward 209 in Evin Prison and given
medicine but it did not help him recover.
He was taken to court a while ago and was forced to sign his death sentence when he was not well. From that
day on, after his mental condition deteriorated, he has been in poor physical health and had another more


severe MS attack. Not only was he not checked by a doctor from that day on, he was also not given any medicine
and his condition is getting worse by the day.
Currently, because of being denied treatment and not having access to a specialist doctor in addition to the
pressures put on him in prison and his inhumane death sentence, his symptoms from his attacks have become
more severe to the point that he has lost 50 percent of his eyesight in his left eye and the sight in his right eye
has become dim (LT&RT OPTIC NEURITIS), the left part of his body has become completely numb
(SENSORY LEVEL) and he is suffering from tremors in his body organs. He loses his balance when walking
and is suffering from nystagmus in both his eyes. He has also developed digestive problems.
All his symptoms show that his illness has become very severe. If the attacks of this disease are not controlled it
will lead to irreversible problems including blindness, paralysis, and in many cases, death.
If the depression (which comes with the disease) in MS patients is not treated and controlled with medicine,
psychotherapy or a calm atmosphere, it will deteriorate to the point that it might lead to suicide. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Nov. 2, 2009)
Young woman sentenced to death
A young woman identified as 'Sharareh' who is convicted of killing a young man named Kamran was sentenced
to retribution in a Penal Court in Northern Khorasan.
According to reports, Sharareh killed Kamran, who worked in her store, because he raped her after making her
unconscious and persistently threatened that he would cause disgrace for her. (Human Rights Activists in Iran–
Nov. 3, 2009)
Regime forces prevent political prisoner from appealing death sentence in Supreme Court
Naser Abdolhosseini, who was arrested during election protests and was
sentenced to death on charges of 'having contact with the People's
Mojahedin Organization of Iran by Judge Salavati the head of the 15th
branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court, has been denied the right to
appeal his sentence in the Supreme Court, even while the only place of
appeal for the capital punishment is the Supreme Court. His case has
been referred to the 36th branch of Tehran's Court of Appeal presided
over by Ahmad Barzegar instead.
The 22 year old political prisoner is one of the four suspects who were
tried in a televised trial as elements of the post election unrest. After
being sentenced to death, he denied all his previous confessions saying
that he had confessed under pressure from Ministry of Intelligence
interrogators. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 7, 2009)
Death row minor has disappeared in Ardabil Prison!
Inquiries into the situation of Ne'mat Safavi, a minor who was arrested at 16 on charges of homosexuality and
was sentenced to death by Ardabil's Public Prosecutor after being trialed in a juvenile court, has been futile and
Ardabil judicial officials deny that he is detained in this city's prisons.
Considering that this young man was detained in the Juvenile Section of the Ardabil Central Prison last year,
this denial from judicial officials has raised concerns regarding his condition.
(Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 13, 2009)
Kurd political prisoner in danger of execution
Shir Kuh Moarefi has been transferred to a solitary cell in the Sentence
Implementation Department of the Saqez Central Prison. Moarefi is a Kurd political
and civil rights activist who was arrested last year in Saqez. He was sentenced to death
after being interrogated, tortured and tried in a show trial.
His lawyer, Khalil Bahramian confirmed that his client had been transferred to
solitary saying that this measure was against all laws and regulations. (Campaign in
Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners – Nov. 13, 2009)
Head of Sanandaj prison threatens young Kurd political prisoner to death
Mohammad Khosravi, the head of the Sanandaj Central Prison went to the Pak 2 Ward in
this prison yesterday in which political prisoners are kept in and threatened political

prisoners. He threatened death row political prisoner Habibollah Latif that they would transfer him to solitary
to carry out his death sentence. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 15, 2009)
Regime sentences man to death for links with PMOI
Reza Khademi who was arrested in the events after the elections was sentenced to death. According to reports
he was convicted of having links to the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran by the Revolutionary Court.
(VOA TV – Nov. 16, 2009)
Another minor on verge of execution
Mohammad Hasan Rezayi, born on September 17, 1990 was sentenced to death on the basis of a murder he
committed at 17. He has been in Rasht Prison for two years and is now on the verge of execution after his death
sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 16, 2009)
Post elections sentencing: 5 death sentences, 81 prison terms
The Tehran Public Prosecutors Office has issued an announcement regarding the result of trials held in the
Tehran Revolutionary Court (to see to post election cases).
This announcement reads in part, "Until now, 89 suspects have been trialed and have accordingly been
sentenced. Five of them who have been charged with being members of anti-revolutionary, terrorist or dissident
grouplets have received the capital punishment and 81 people have been sentenced from six months to 15 years
of prison. (Asre Iran website – Nov. 17, 2009)
Death row political prisoner in poor mental condition
A Kurd prisoner sentenced to death named Mostafa Salimi is in poor mental condition.
Salimi who is from the Ilvi Village in Saqez was arrested in 2003 in Lorestan and was sentenced to death by the
Saqez Revolutionary Court for 'enmity with God'.
He is currently in Saqez Prison and had served some time Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. (Mukarian News Agency
– Nov. 19, 2009)
Members and supporters of anti-regime groups will be sentenced to death, says Iranian regime’s prosecutor
Mohseni-Ejei, Iran's Prosecutor General said that the punishment for “those who are linked to counter-
revolutionary groups whose leadership remain intact is death, as it is stated in the law, it also includes their
supporters, even though they may not have been part of their military wing.” He added, “Proportionate to their
crimes… the judiciary… has taken into consideration the maximum punishment.“ (Iran state-run TV – Nov. 19,
Regime forces threaten Kurd political prisoner to death
According to reports from Evin Prison, Kurd political prisoner Ali Heidarian was moved out of the public ward
three days ago to an unknown location. His cellmates are worried that he might have been transferred for
Security forces had put pressure on Heidarian to cooperate with them and confess in front of the cameras but
this political prisoner's resistance led intelligence agents to threaten to carry out his death sentence. They told
him that if he did not cooperate, they would execute him like Ehsan Fatahian. According to reports, Ali
Heidarian is unwilling to cooperate with them in any way. (Iran Press News Website – Nov. 21, 2009)
Regime confirms death sentence of political prisoner charged with post-election unrest
Ali Zamani was trialed without a lawyer in the second session of the public trials, and sentenced to death by the
head of the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, Judge Salavati.
He appealed the sentence and his case was sent to a court of review.
According to reports, it was announced to him in the morning that his sentence was confirmed by the court of
The bill of indictment issued against him says that 'Mr. Mohammad-Reza Ali Zamani, son of Ismail, 37 years old
and resident of Islam Shahr is charged with1- enmity with God for membership in and being effectively active in
accomplishing the goals of the Iran Monarchist Association terrorist group 2 – Desecration of religious
sanctities 3 – Spreading propaganda against the holy system of the Islamic Republic 4- Conspiring and gathering
with the goal of acting against internal security 5- Illegally leaving the country". (Committee of Human Rights
Reporters – Nov. 21, 2009)
Female Kurd political activist in danger of execution


Zeinab Jalalian is a 27 year old (political prisoner) in Sanandaj Prison who has been sentenced to death on
charges of 'enmity with God'. According to a person close to her, the crime for
which she has been convicted and sentenced to death for is cooperation with the
Kurdish group Pejak even while Jalalian has denied this accusation. According to
those who are familiar with her activities, she had unarmed cooperation with
P.K.K and only carried out measures to promote this group.
Her death sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court and she is now in the
same situation as Ehsan Fatahian before his execution. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Nov. 25, 2009)
19-year old girl sentenced to death for killing man who intended to rape her
A designer who was charged with killing a surgeon was sentenced to death after
several trials despite claiming that she committed murder in self defense.
The case of this girl named Reihaneh started two years ago when police found the body of a surgeon named
Morteza who had been killed with a knife. Police discovered that a girl named Reihaneh had sent MortezaSMS
before his death. The girl was subsequently arrested. She admitted to murder in the initial investigations and
said that she killed him in self defense.
"I met Morteza and one his friends named Sheikhi a few days before this incident. They told me they needed a
designer to design an office… (In the office) I had left the door half open but Morteza asked me to close the
door and take my scarf off. I did not accept. He closed the door himself. He wanted to get near me but I did not
let him. He put his arm around my waist and I ran away. He was angry and said that I had not right to be
oblivious to his demands. I took out a knife from my purse the moment he turned his head and stabbed him in
the back", she said.
Investigators also found two glasses of fruit juice in the kitchen of the murder site. Morteza had drank from one
of the glasses while the other glass was prepared from Reihaneh. Tests showed that Reihaneh's fruit juice
contained anesthetic drugs.
The Prosecutor subsequently announced that there was enough evidence against Reihaneh confirming that she
has committed intentional murder and that she was lying in saying that she it was self defense. In light of this,
an indictment for intentional murder was issued for this 19-year defendant and she was tried and sentenced to
death by the 74th branch of court. (E'temad Daily – Nov. 27, 2009)
Youngster who confessed to murder under torture on verge of execution
Mohammad-reza Hadadi, a young man who was arrested in 2003 at the age of 15 is on the verge of execution
after his death sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court and sent to Shiraz Court to be carried out.
According to judicial officials this sentence will soon be carried out in Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz.
According to Mohammad-reza, other suspects in the case tricked him into taking the blame for the murder by
promising give money to his family. Another one of the suspects had promised that if he took the blame, he
would marry his cousin.
"They hung my child from a three in the police station from noon to midnight and beat him with a cable in
front of my own eyes for something that he had not done", Mohammad-reza's father said. (Committee of
Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 29, 2009)
Supreme Court upholds death sentence of political prisoner
Ayub Porkar is on the verge of execution on charges of membership in the People's Mojahedin Organization of
The 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court sentenced Ayub Porkar to death on charges of membership in the
PMOI. This man has been imprisoned since January. His lawyer says that he was arrested because of an illegal
search in his personal emails and tapping of his phone. This is while there is no legal warrant for this search in
his legal dossier. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 3, 2009)
Political Kurd prisoner sentenced to death in Orumieh
Political prisoner Mohammad Amin Agushi was sentenced to death by the Orumieh Revolutionary Court on
charges of enmity with God. According to reports, Agushi who is resident of Piranshahr and was arrested more

than two years ago along with Ahmad Pulad Khani and Iraj Mohammadi on charges of cooperating with
political groups in Kurdistan was sentenced to death on December 3 by the Revolutionary Court in Orumieh.
(Kurdistan Media – Dec. 9, 2009)
Iran must stop imminent execution of juvenile offender
The Iranian authorities must halt Wednesday's planned execution of a
juvenile offender, Amnesty International has urged. Mohammad Reza
Haddadi, now aged 21, is due for execution in the city of Shiraz, in
southern Iran. He has been sentenced to death for a crime that took
place when he was 15 - and which he denies committing. On Sunday,
Ma’soumeh Tahmasebi, one of Mohammad Reza Haddadi’s lawyers,
said that she had not been informed of the scheduled execution, as is
required under Iranian law, but that another prisoner had telephoned
Mohammad Reza Haddadi’s father to tell him that his son would be
executed on Wednesday. This is the fourth time Mohammad Reza
Haddadi’s execution has been scheduled and postponed and only the
Head of the Judiciary, Ayatollah Sadeqh Larijani, can now stop the
execution from taking place. “It is shocking that Iran continues to flout
international law by arranging to kill those accused of committing
crimes when they were children,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Middle
East Deputy Programme Director at Amnesty International. “Not only
did Mohammad Reza Haddadi not receive a fair trial, but the repeated halting and rescheduling of his execution
date has also compounded his suffering,” “We appeal to the Head of the Judiciary to immediately issue an order
to stay this execution and to review his case to ensure that Mohammad Reza Haddadi’s death sentence is
overturned once and for all.” Amnesty International is concerned that the prison authorities may go ahead with
the execution without informing his lawyer in advance, as required under Iranian law. Two juvenile offenders -
Behnam Zare’ and Sayed Reza Hejazi - were executed in the same prison in August 2008 without their lawyer
being informed beforehand. Since January 2009 Iran has executed at least 4 people for crimes they were alleged
to have committed when under the age of 18. Most recently, Behnoud Shojaee was executed on 11 October, for
allegedly killing another youth when only 17. His execution had previously been postponed six times.
Mohammad Reza Haddadi was sentenced to death in 2004 for a murder which took place when he was 15. His
death sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court in July 2005. Mohammd Reza Haddadi initially confessed
to the murder, but retracted the confession during his trial, saying he had claimed responsibility for the killing
only because his two co-defendants had offered to give his family money if he did so. His co-defendants later
supported Mohammad Reza Haddadi's claims of innocence, and withdrew their testimony that had implicated
him. They were both over 18 at the time of the crime and received prison sentences. He was first scheduled for
execution in October 2008, but it was stayed on the order of the Head of the Judiciary. His execution was then
scheduled again on 27 May 2009 and 16 July 2009. (Amnesty International- Dec. 8, 2009)


Stoning and stoning sentences



Stoning to death
Ministry of Judiciary regains worse upsurge of stoning
In the last days of December 2008, three men were publicly stoned
to death in Behesht Reza Cemetery. One could survive himself but
two died under this barbaric killing. The survived victim was an
Afghan man named only Mahmood, identity of one of the deceased
victims is still unknown and the other one was named Hooshang
Presently there are 10 prisoners in the death row by stoning. The
female prisoners are:
Ms. Kobra Najjar - Gohardasht Prison in Karaj;
Ms. Iran A. . - Sepidar Prison in Ahvaz;
Ms. Khairieh V. - Sepidar Prison in Ahvaz;
Ms. Ashraf Kalhori – Evin Prison in Tehran;
Ms. Afsaneh R. – Adelabad Prison in Shiraz;
Ms. M. Kh. – Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad ;
Ms. H. – Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad ;
Mr. Abdullah Farivar – Sari Prison;
Mr. Gilan Mohammadi – Isfahan Central Prison;
Mr. Gholamali Eskandari – Isfahan Central Prison. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Jan. 11, 2008)
Judiciary spokesman confirmed stoning in Mashhad
Alireza Jamshidi said regarding the death by stoning sentence in Mashhad, "About 20 days ago the stoning
sentence was carried out for 3 people. The sentence was only actually carried out for two people because one of
the convicted persons escaped".
He said these men were convicted of adultery and murder, and then he added, "Regarding the cessation of the
stoning sentence, the head of the Judiciary had some recommendations for the stoning sentence not to be
carried out in the country. However, until this is not turned into a law perhaps with regard to the independence
of judges, these recommendations will not be followed. (ILNA state-run news agency – Jan. 13, 2009)
Resuming death by stoning for heightening intimidation victimizes two young sisters
Two young sisters who were sentenced to death by stoning on charges of adultery claimed that they are not the
women caught on tape (used as evidence in court). Despite this, the five judges of branch 80 of a court in
Tehran assessed that Zohreh and Azar deserve to die and sentenced them to death by stoning.
While it seemed that these two sisters would be freed, in the course of a plan to fight against indecent films their
case was once again opened and the prosecutor filed charges against these two sisters announcing that Azar and
Zohreh had illegitimate relationships despite being married and therefore have committed adultery.
In the course of investigations, their husbands came to court and cancelled their complaints against them but
since there is no need for a private complainant in adultery cases, the judges once again trialed the two sisters.
Following these sisters' protests, this case was sent to the Supreme Court and the judges of branch 27 of this
court confirmed the death by stoning sentence putting these two sisters on the verge of death by stoning.
(E'temad state-run daily – Jan. 13, 2009)
Stoning sentence victims deprived from their basic rights
Two lawyers who voluntarily defend convicted people went to Isfahan's Central Prison to represent two
convicted people who were recently sentenced to death by stoning. However, judicial officials prevented these
two lawyers from entering the prison. Shadi Sadr who went to this prison along with Mohammad Mostaphayi
said in this regard, "According to normal procedure, we went to the Central Prison in Isfahan where Gilan M.
and Gholam-Ali A. are held to get their signatures to authorize our representation of them. (We wanted to) try
and change their sentences by pursuing new judicial procedures. But after we went to the judicial department,
the assistant prosecutor did not issue a visit permit for us saying we needed to get permission from Isfahan's
Public Prosecutor".

According to this attorney, after going to the Public Prosecutor's Office, Isfahan's Public Prosecutor did not give
them permission to visit with the two prisoners. (E'temad Meli state-run daily- Jan.15, 2009)
Mother of two in Tabriz on verge death by stoning
According to reports, which were given to the International Committee against Stoning, Sakineh Mohammadi
Ashtiani who is in Tabriz Prison is in danger of being stoned to death. Ashtiani who is 40 years old has been
imprisoned on charges of having an illegitimate relationship. The Islamic Republic has sentenced her to death
by stoning. This sentence was confirmed twice in Tabriz and in Tehran and has been sent to be carried out in
Judicial officials will decide this week on a location in Tabriz to stone Ashtiani. Ashtiani is the mother of two
children aged 20 and 16. (Rozaneh website – Jan. 24, 2009)
Iran's Justice Department do not grant amnesty to woman sentenced to death by stoning
According to the Amnesty and Impunity Commission of the Justice Department, the death by stoning sentence
of Ashraf has to be carried out.
Ashraf K., who has been in Evin prison on charges of adultery and complicity in murder since 2001, was
sentenced to stoning and 15 years of prison a year after her arrest. (BBC Farsi Service – Feb. 25, 2009)
Man secretly stoned to death in Rasht
On the morning of March 5, a 30-year-old man was stoned to death on charges of adultery in an unprecedented
measure in Rasht.
Vali Azad was a resident of Pars Abad and an employee of this city's Trade Center. He was stoned according to a
sentence passed by the 11th branch of Gilan's Penal Court in this city's Lakan Prison. This sentence was carried
out in secret and with the presence of only a limited number of people. His body was not handed over to his
family and was buried in an unknown location due to fear that his method of death might be made public.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter – March 10, 2009)
A mand stoned to death secretly, and another to be stoned to death in Rasht
According to reports, the stoning sentence of a man was carried out in Rasht in secret in February. According to
this report, judicial sources did not even hand over the body of this man to his family for burial to keep this
execution from leaking to the press. There are reports that another stoning sentence is going to be carried out in
a couple of days in Rasht.
The Judiciary of this province is getting ready to carry out this sentence, which is a serious cause for concern
amongst human rights activists in Gilan. According to this report, Mohammad Ali Navid Khamami's stoning
sentence has been confirmed and there are concerns that it might be carried out any day now. (Ruz Online –
Apr. 22, 2009)
Man to be stoned to death in Gilan
Reports have been confirmed in Rasht that the Gilan Judicial Department is getting itself ready for another
According to these reports, Mohammad-Ali Navid Khomami's stoning sentence has been finalized and there is a
possibility that this sentence will be carried out. (Aftab state-run website – May 4, 2009)
Iran stones to death adulterer
A man found guilty of adultery has been stoned to death in an Iranian city, a top official told reporters on
Tuesday, despite a moratorium announced by the judiciary on such executions.
The stoning was carried out in the northern city of Rasht during the Iranian month of Esfand, which ended on
March 20, judiciary spokesman Alireza Jamshidi said...
Under Iran's Islamic law, adultery is still punishable by stoning, which involves the hurling of stones in public at
a partially buried convict. A man is buried up to his waist and a woman up to her shoulders.
Convicts are spared if they can free themselves.
Aftab-e Yazd newspaper reported that a 30-year-old government employee identified only as 'V', was stoned to
death in a Rasht prison on March 5. Some Iranian news websites identified him as Vali Azad.


Tehran says that the use of the death penalty is a bid to improve security in society. (AFP – May 5, 2009)
Iran: Man faces death by stoning for adultery
Amnesty International warned today that a 30-year-old man
is at imminent risk of being stoned to death in the city of
Rasht, northern Iran after being convicted of "adultery while
being married", according to Iranian news reports. At least
eight women and two other men are also believed to be at
risk of stoning to death in Iran.
Fears for Mohammad Ali Navid Khamami's life increased
after the spokesman for Iran's Judiciary, Ali Reza Jamshidi,
confirmed in a 5 May press conference that another man
had been stoned to death in the Iranianmonth of Esfand
(February- March 2009).
Although Ali Reza Jamshidi also said that he was not aware
of anyone else at risk of stoning in Rasht, he did not deny
the possibility. The report follows news of nine executions in Iran already this week and the international outcry
over the 1 May execution of Delara Darabi, a young woman who was under 18 at the time of her alleged
offence. Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen said:
'Iran seems to be set on a particularly bloody course this year, with more and more reports of death sentences
and executions.
'Amnesty condemns all executions and calls for an end to the death penalty. But the practice of stoning,
specifically designed to inflict a long and painful death, is particularly sickening.
Amnesty International also received reports that 30-year-old Vali Azad from Parsabad had been stoned to death
in secret in Lakan Prison on 5 March after being convicted of "adultery while being married" by the General
Court in Gilan Province. According to the report, a woman convicted in the same case had been pardoned.
Following his execution, Vali Azad's body was reportedly buried in secret, despite requests by his family to have
his body returned to them for burial.
Stoning in Iran is prescribed for the offence of "adultery while being married". In 2002, the Head of the
Judiciary instructed judges to impose a moratorium on stonings. However, at least five men and one woman
have been stoned to death since 2002. In January 2009, Ali Reza Jamshidi, while confirming two executions by
stoning in December 2008, said that the directive on the moratorium had no legal weight and judges could
therefore ignore it. (Amnesty International – May 8, 2009)
Husband and wife to be stoned to death in grave injustice
Mohammad Mostafayi: The text written below is a letter I have written to the Public Prosecutor for a review on
the case of a poverty-stricken man and women who were forced to take some measures, which finally lead to
their death, by stoning sentence…Excerpts of the letter:
I request a review for the case of 1- Rahim Ahmadi sentenced to death by hanging on charges of sodomy and
death by stoning on charges of adultery and 2- Kobra Babayi sentenced to death by stoning on charges of
adultery .Mr. Rahim Ahmadi has insanity but has not been examined by legal doctors (this issue is in itself
legally questionable) and because of the bigotry of the judges regarding my clients actions, they convicted him
and his wife .I went to Tabriz to visit my clients in prison with permission from their family on February 25,
2009. Rahim and Kobra started crying while telling me their story. They were barely able to talk. My clients had
married 16 years before and have an 11-year-old daughter …
Shahram met Rahim Mohammadi and used his gullible nature and the fact that he could barely provide for his
family. Shahram suggested that Rahim let him use his house (as a prostitution house) for a certain amount of
money. If Rahim did not have these severe financial problems and if the government gave him financial
support, he would never have accepted such a suggestion but unfortunately, he accepted the offer to feed his
family …
In this case, other than my clients, 31 other people were arrested who were mostly government employees
including Mohammad Reza Rasuli, an employee in Eastern Azerbaijan Governor's Office, Faramarz Zehni, a


SSF second lieutenant, Hossein Qorbani, a employee in a the Behran Company, and Ali Shoja, a Tabriz Taxi
Organization employee and a number of other people.
My client confessed to the illegitimate relationship of the other convicted people in this case and they also
accepted their charges but in the end, my clients were sentenced to death by stoning and the others were
sentenced to flogging. (Roshangari Website – May 19, 2009)
Supreme Court confirms death by stoning sentence of young couple in Tabriz
The death by stoning sentence of a young couple, Rahim Mohammadi and Kobra Babayi who are currently in
Tabriz Prison, has been confirmed by the 27th branch of Iran's Supreme Court.
Their lawyer Mohammad Mostafayi confirmed this report.
"The second branch of the Court of Review in East Azerbaijan issued the death by stoning sentence for Rahim
and Kobra and the 27th branch of the Supreme Court confirmed this sentence,” he said. (Amir Kabir Newsletter
– May 24, 2009)
Contradicting information on death to stone verdict for a couple in Tabriz
Alireza Jamshidi, spokesperson of mullahs’ judiciary in an interview with IRNA, the official news agency of
Islamic Republic declared that the death to stone verdict for Rahim Mohammadi and Kobra Baabaaii, a couple
from Tabriz charged for sodomy and adultery “has not been finalized.”
After this conference, Mohammad Mostafaii, their lawyer in an interview with Farda Radio said: “Branch 27 of
the Supreme Court has confirmed their death sentences.”
Their lawyer explained in a letter which, was wrote to the Prosecutor General “the root of their guilt was their
extreme poverty. Rahim Mohammadi, the first offender who exploited his wife for bribery “suffers from
insanity” because of extreme poverty and hard life.
He quoted Rahim Mohammadi in his letter writing: “… I sought refuge to some of friends and associates to
borrow some money, but I faced that everyone is ill minded on my wife, and I couldn’t stand poverty pressure
any more leading me to some sort of insanity… Swear to God I didn’t have even enough money to provide
medical glasses for my daughter who suffered high myopia.”
Jamshidi confirmed that a man was stoned to death in Rasht last year, while last August he had said that
execution by stoning to death ceased and it would never be used. (Farda Radio – June 7, 2009)
Man in Sari to be stoned on adultery charges
Sayed Naqi Ahmadi might be stoned to death at any moment despite the fact that there are reasons in his case
that could acquit him from adultery charges and stoning sentence. The execution of this sentence for Seyed
Naqi is against the law and his case should be carefully studied. According to experience, the probability of the
execution of such a sentence in Sari or in the example of Mr. Farivar who was sentenced to stoning but was
hanged instead is high. (Weblog of lawyer Mohammad Mostafayi – Aug. 23, 2009)


Inhumane treatment
and cruel punishments
Amputation, flogging, torture, and humiliation



Amputation, flogging, torture, and humiliation

Iran amputates prisoner's hand and foot in Bandar Abas Prison
The Iranian regime amputated the hand and foot of a prisoner in
Bandar Abas Prison with a guillotine. Prison guards amputated the
right hand and left foot of this prisoner from the wrist and ankle
using a guillotine built for this sort of amputation. This prisoner had
been in prison for two years on charges of robbery. (Iran News
Agency – Jan. 5, 2009)
After 13-years in prison, stoning sentence of a mother "lowered" to
100 lashes
Maryam Kian Ersi, the lawyer of a women (sentenced to death by stoning) who has taken this case voluntarily
for two years said that her client case was reduced to 100 lashes.
Kobra Najar whose amnesty request had been rejected three times by the Amnesty Commission has been living
with the nightmare of stoning for 13 years in prison. Najar, who had recently been moved from Tabriz Prison to
Gohardasht Prison by the request of her children, had a heart attack in this prison and is not in good physical
health. (Meidan Zanan - Jan. 20, 2009)
Dervish gets 74 lashes for complaining against abusive treatment of Intelligence Agency
On Thursday January 22, Jamshid Lak was summoned by the Justice Department of Doroud and after going to
the court, this Gonabadi Dervish was lashed 74 times on charges of "slander" for complaining against the
Intelligence Agency.
According to this report, Jamshid Lak wrote a complaint to officials against some agents of the Intelligence
Agency because of their abusive treatment with his family and himself and the fact that they hit him in the
mouth on January 2006. Following this move, the Intelligence Agency filed a complaint against him because of
the way he wrote the letter and he was imprisoned for 11 days by orders of the Judicial Department on charges
of "publishing lies", "slander" and "insulting government agents" and was prosecuted. In the end, the seventh
branch of Lorestan's Court of Review confirmed the charge of "slander" and sentenced him to 74 lashes.
(Majzooban Noor website – Jan. 22, 2009)
Political activist sentenced to prison and 30 lashes
Doctor Reza Jalali, a political activist, political science and international relations specialist and university
professor who is also a journalist critical of the Iranian regime was sentenced to prison, flogging and a fine for
criticizing the actions of the government.
Branch 105 of Gorgan's Public Penal Court sentenced Doctor Jalali to 10 months of prison, 30 lashes and a fine
on charges of participating in an "illegal gathering outside Governor’s Office of Gorgan on March 8, 2008 and
giving an illegal speech" in this gathering. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 2, 2009)
Man to be blinded in both eyes
The retribution sentence for a man named Majid was confirmed today by the Supreme Court. In a session on
this case presided over by Judge Norollah Aziz
Mohammadi, Majid was sentenced to fine and
being blinded in both eyes. This sentence was
confirmed today in the 33rd branch of the Supreme
Court. (Iran Economist – Feb. 2, 2009)
Human rights activist abuse and tortured in
Javad Alizadeh, a human rights activist, was
transferred to Sanandaj Central Prison after
spending 21 days in an Intelligence Detention Center. This human rights activist and expelled master degree
student of Alameh University in Tehran was arrested after giving a speech at a ceremony to mark the first


anniversary of the suspicious death of Ibrahim Lotf-Ollahi in a detention center. Security and intelligence agents
arrested him at Lotf-Ollahis gravesite and detained him for 21 days in their detention centers.
During these 21 days, he was beaten and abused and did not receive any medical attention after a head injury.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 4, 2009)
4 bloggers sentenced to prison and flogging
Four webloggers have been sentenced to prison and flogging on charges of writing articles critical of the Islamic
Republic. Yesterday, branch 1059 of Tehran's Penal Court sentenced Javad Gholam Tamimi, Shahram Rafi-
Zadeh, Roozbeh Mir Ibrahimi, and Omid Me'marian to 8 years and six months of prison and 124 lashes. They
had served 4 years in prison before this. Mir Ibrahimi and Me'marian have stated that this sentence was given to
them according to their confessions under torture. (Rooz Online – Feb. 5, 2009)
Three political prisoners tortured in prison
Two Iranian Kurds and an Iraqi Kurd were taken to Sanandaj Prison after spending an unbearable three
months in this city's Intelligence Detention Center. Jamshid Refiq Doost, former Majlis candidate who has a
master degree in accounting and is also the head of the Justice Shares of Kurdistan and a university professor,
Abdollah Mardokhi, resident of Marivan and Jamal Saeid, an Iraqi national, were arrested on November 5,
2008 and taken to the Intelligence Department on charges of acting against national security and espionage.
These three men were arrested and abused while detained and torture signs are still evident on their bodies.
Agents especially tortured Jamal Saeid and his arm is still broken. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 5,
Residents of village sentenced to prison and 74 lashes for rebelling
Twenty-five residents of Qeyzel Khaniyeh Village who were charged with
participating in a clash in this village received court sentences. They were
charged with "disrupting public order" and "revolting against government
Branch 101 of Nazloo's Penal Court presided over by Judge Hickli
sentenced Soleiman Ebrahimi, Mohammad Samadzadeh, Morteza Jafari,
Allahvardi Aslani, Mohammad Manaf-Zadeh, Ayoub Aziz Poor, Akbar
Rostami, Me'raj Ali Poor, Sayid Jafar Poor, Majid Qoli Zadeh and Ziad
Jafar-Poor to two years of prison, one year of exile to the city of Minab and
74 lashes. Behrooz Majidi was sentenced to one year of prison, one year of
exile to Minab and 74 lashes. This court also sentenced Barzad Nezami
Afshar, Meqdad Nezami Afshar and Mohammad Ashrafi to six months of
prison. (Savalan Sassi website – Feb. 7, 2009)
Sexually abused student sentenced to 30 lashes
The assistant dean of Zanjan University (who sexually abused a female student in this university) was acquitted
in a court of review.
In a sentence passed by this court, the female student who was sexually abused by this corrupt assistant dean was
sentenced to 30 lashes. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 8, 2009)
Seven people sentenced to prison and flogging for gathering in
Eight men and women who were arrested on November 21 of last year
in Behesht Zahra Cemetery in Tehran were trialed in the past few days
and seven of them were sentenced to prison and flogging. The
Revolutionary Court sentenced Mehri Moshrefi (f) to three years of
prison and 80 lashes while Fatemeh Qasemi (f), Alireza Mohammad
Hosseini, Abas Javadi Doost, Hamid-Reza Salaran, Afshin Sadeqi, Mehdi
Atayi were each sentenced to two years of prison and 80 lashes. These
men and women were charged with acting against national security by illegally gathering in Behesht Zahra
Cemetery. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Feb. 8, 2009)


Two activists tortured to give forced confession in Ardabil

According to informed sources, Ramin and Ibrahim Sadeqi, two Azeri activists who were arrested on February
5, were taken to Ardabil's Intelligence Detention Center and were severely tortured, both mentally and
physically. According to reports, these two brothers were tortured in various ways such as with electric shock,
severe beatings, lack of sleep, verbal insults and abuse, being banned from using the restroom and they were also
subjected to noise pollutions for hours.
The condition of Ramin Sadeqi who went on a hunger strike in protest to this treatment is very critical and he
has passed out on several occasions due to his condition. (Savalan Sassi – Feb. 13, 2009)
Three security prisoners tortured in prison; report
Two Iranian Kurds and an Iraqi national have been under pressure and tortured for 92 days in the Sanandaj
Intelligence Department Detention Center. Jamshid Refiq Doost who is a former Majlis candidate from
Marivan and an accounting specialist is one of the detained men. He was arrested on November 5 along with
two other men and says that he has been continuously beaten and abused in this detention center. He has been
in solitary confinement in the course of these 92 days and has developed problems in his joints due to the
tortures and abuses.
The other prisoner, Jamil Jamal Sayid who is an Iraqi national has an Iranian wife and was resident of a village
in Marivan at the time of his arrest.
While he was detained, his wife Farasat Bob was also arrested. She was detained in an unknown location and
beaten during her detention.
Security agents in this detention center threatened Jamal Sayid with rape and he was continuously beaten and
abused. His body has been burned with hot water and he has developed problems in his joints and back. This
prisoner developed kidney failure while he was under torture and prison officials were forced to take him to
hospital because of his very grave condition.
Abdollah Mardokhi is the third prisoner in this case who was also kept in solitary confinement for 92 days and
was under constant torture and abuse.
The families of these three men were unaware of their condition in these 92 days.
Although these prisoners were transferred to Sanandaj's Central Prison on February 5, they are still banned
from receiving medical attention. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 13, 2009)
Former head of student association sentenced to 4 years of prison and 74 lashes
The lawyer of a student activist and journalist said that his client who was arrested on February 3 and was
confined for a while in a security ward in Evin Prison has been transferred to a public ward in this prison.
Ne'mat Ahmadi, lawyer, said that the Revolutionary Court sentenced Sa'id Razavi Faqih in a court without his
presence to four years of prison and 74 lashes on charges of "spreading propaganda against the Islamic
Republic", "participation in illegal gatherings" and "insulting the leader". (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 14,
Human rights activist tortured in prison; report
A human rights activist who was also expelled from university while he was studying to get his master's degree in
Human Rights in Alameh Tabatabayi University, was arrested and spent 21 days in a
Intelligence Detention Center in Sanandaj in a solitary cell.
Javad Alizadeh was beaten while in detention and his head broke in the process.
After he was transferred to Sanandaj's Intelligence Detention Center, he was
repeatedly mistreated and severely tortured. Agents in this detention center even
threw him down the stairs a number of times while he was blindfolded. As a result,
his spinal cord and feet have become injured.
He was also severely beaten by prison guards on unsubstantial charges on February
14. His injuries from this incident were eye damage, bruises, and injuries in his left
arm and spinal cord. This beating was so severe that this former student became
unconscious for a few hours. Despite his critical condition, he has been banned from
receiving medical attention. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 14, 2009)


Labor activists sentenced to prison and lashes

The sentence of a court of review was announced for four people arrested on Labor Day. On February 15, the
accused persons of the Labor Day case were summoned to court to hear their sentences.
The court sentence was as follows:
Susan Razani, member of the Women's Council, 9 months of probation for three years, 70 lashes
Shiva Kheirabadi, member of the Coordination Council, sentenced to 4 months of probation for three years, 15
lashes, Abdollah Khani, 91 days of prison, 40 lashes, Ghaleb Hosseini, 6 months of prison, 40 lashes. (Iran news
agency – Feb 17, 2009)
Bassij students attack student activist in Zanjan University
The members of the Student Bassij Forces (state vigilantes) in Zanjan University attacked Ali Nooralian, the
former secretary of the Simorq (Phoenix) Center, editor of the Sukoote Sayeha newsletter and a member of the
Islamic Association in this university, breaking his teeth. The members of the Student Bassij Forces who also
run a newsletter called Be-Ta'rof injured Nooralian while insulting and abusing him. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Feb. 15, 2009)
Four protesters sentenced to prison and flogging
The 22nd branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court sentenced four protesters to prison. Hamed Sabeti, Ismail
Akbari, Abdolereza Jabari and Shirzad Safari were each sentenced to two years of prison on charges of acting
against national security and disrupting national security by participating in an illegal gathering. This court also
sentenced Hamed and Ismail to 80 lashes. These men were arrested in November while participating in a
gathering in south Tehran and have been imprisoned for three months. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News
Agency – Feb. 18, 2009)
Police beat and arrest young man
On Tuesday February 17, a young man who was riding his motorcycle in a street in Tehran was stopped and
body searched by the police. When the man protested this act, the police agent hit him in the stomach with his
knee and slapped him in the face a number of times. This young man was then arrested without reason and his
motorcycle was confiscated and taken to the police station. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 18, 2009)
SSF beat and arrest young man for playing game on his mobile phone
A State Security Forces agent beat a young man because he was playing a game on his mobile phone on Tuesday,
February 17 in the Sadeqieh Metro. This young man was playing a game on his mobilephone when a police
officer asked to check his mobile. The young man said that mobile phone was his private property and asked the
agent for identification. The agent answered, "You want identification?", and slapped the young man in the face.
This led to protests from people who were watching this scene. The agent then quickly threatened people with
tear gas and arrested the boy. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 18, 2009)
Two women labor activists flogged for participating in labor
demonstration in Sanandaj
The sentence of 70 lashes for Susan Razani and 15 lashes for Shiva
Kheirabadi, two labor activists who were arrested on May 31, 2007
for participating in a ceremony to commemorate Labor Day in
Sanandaj, was carried out on February 18. This flogging was carried out
in Sanandaj Prison. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 19, 2009)
Prison guards torture man sentenced to death in Isfahan Prison:
Habib Baqerian, who has been sentenced to death, was arrested when he was 23 in 2004. He was tortured in
the Shahin Shahr Intelligence Center in Isfahan for 10 days. The torture methods used on this prisoner and
other prisoners are as follows: Prison guards handcuffed, blindfolded and chained his legs and then hanged him
from the ceiling from his shoulders until he passed out. Then they took him down, and threw cold water on
him to wake him up. Another form of torture was administering electric shock to his sensitive organs, hitting
the soles of the prisoners' feet repeatedly with a stick, flogging the prison up to 100 times, and keeping the floor
of the solitary cell the prisoner was kept in wet at all times to keep him from sleeping.


These tortures continued for about 10 days. When officials of the Detention Center wanted to hand him over
to Isfahan's Dastgerd Prison, this prison did not accept him because of the torture signs on his body and the
chance of his death. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – Feb. 19, 2009)
Former Tehran University student self immolates in Tehran University in protest to rape of wife and
daughter by regime forces
A former student of Tehran University School of Arts self immolated outside this university's Central Library.
According to reports, this man was originally from the city of Kankavar in Kermanshah. He dowsed himself
with a flammable liquid after protesting and shouting for about 40 minutes asking for help from university
officials. This former Tehran University student said that a court confiscated his house and property and the
court interrogators raped his wife and daughter. He also said that he had gone to many institutions to pursue
his case but had received no answers.
The University Security Protection Department did nothing to prevent this self-immolation and even after this
man burned himself, students threw their jackets over him to try to extinguish the flames. These students were
shocked to find that no ambulance was called to the scene and were forced to get a taxi to take him to hospital.
(Iran News Agency – Feb. 24, 2009)
Prisoner commits suicide under pressure of torture
Eunice Sanjabi, a Mahabad resident who was imprisoned in Hashtrud Prison committed suicide due to pressure
from the torture inflicted upon him.
According to this report, Sanjabi, who has been in prison for 14 months, had been under severe, violent torture
and torture signs are evident on his body.
He talked to his family one day before his suicide and asked them to try to get him out of prison in any way
possible and that he could not tolerate the tortures anymore.
Eunice was arrested on November 2007 but it is still not clear on what charges. (Kurd News website – Feb. 24,
Regime forces beat protesting Amir Kabir University students; arrest more than 70
Yesterday, students of Amir Kabir University
protested the "burial of martyrs' project"
(burial of the remains of Iran-Iraq war
soldiers) despite severe preemptive measures
by security forces.
Revolutionary Guards Corps and Bassij
forces violently beat these protesting
students. These forces used knives, pepper
spray and other weapons against these
students. More than 60 students were
injured and 20 of them were taken to
hospital. According to reports, three of these
students are in critical condition.
A number of students who were beaten were
arrested immediately after the burial
ceremony. They were taken to an unknown
location in red vans.
According to reports, more than 70 students were arrested. Most of these students were taken to police station
107 in Palestine Square but there is no information on where some of the arrestees were taken. Some students
taken to 107 Station were later taken to an unknown location. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 24, 2009)
Student under torture in Isfahan
According to reports, Alireza Davoodi, a student activist who is imprisoned in the Intelligence Detention Center
of Isfahan's Central Prison is under severe torture.
According to this report, yesterday evening Davoodi's parents visited him in prison but prison officials
immediately took him to solitary confinement after only two minutes. This is while Alireza Davoodi was barely
able to talk and stand in this visit and his face was swollen with bruises. (Iran Press News – Feb. 24, 2009)

Prison official psychologically torture imprisoned teacher

It has been five days that Farzad Kamangar, an imprisoned teacher, has been in Evin Prison awaiting his
execution. In the last five days, Kamangar has been under various pressures and he was asked a number of times
to write his will. Every night, prison officials told him to be ready for his hanging ceremony. After his family and
lawyer were notified of this issue and after Kamkaran residents (Kamangar's place of birth and residence) stated
their protests to this inhumane treatment, prison officials transferred Kamangar to hall 6 of this prison.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 28, 2009)
Political prison witnesses torture of prisoner
Today I saw with my own eyes that one of the head guards in jail that they call guard officer named Mohsen
Khaki brought a stocky, blond prisoner to the detention area of prison. The hands and feet of the prisoner were
shaking and I could hear him begging and crying. I was waiting in the detention area with two other people and
we witnessed the whole scene. It was as if the guards wanted us to see the scene to learn a lesson. First, the head
of the detention area, Kermani, started beating the prisoner with a club. Four other guards and the guard
officer, Mohsen Khaki, also picked up plastic clubs and started beating his whole body. The prison still cried
and begged. It seems his crime was having a very little quantity of drugs with him. But whatever it was, he didn’t
deserve that horrible torture. The young prisoner fell on the ground begging and screaming. Kermani was not
satisfied with the torture and quickly went into the next room and brought back two electrical clubs with him.
He told the guards to stay back and gave the second club to Mohsen Khaki. They both started beating him
again. The young prison begged them to stop. In the few seconds that Kermani and Khaki were resting, he
clutched Kermani's leg and begged them not to beat him anymore. He had lost control over himself from the
severity of the beating. In the end, Kermani forced him to lick his shoes. This scene went on for a long time
.Behruz Javid Tehrani, only person still in prison from the student uprising on July 9, 1999 (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – March 1, 2009)
Special Guards Forces attack and beat Gohardasht Prison's political prisoners
According to reports from ward 2 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, on Tuesday March 3, Special Guards Forces of
this prison attacked and beat the political prisoners in this ward.
About 30 Special Guards along with Kermani, the head of Protection and Intelligence and his assistant
Nabiollah Faraj Zadeh, raided the political prisoners' cell and beat and abused these prisoners. This raid started
at 10 am and ended at 11:10 am.
The Special Forces forced the political prisoners outside their cells while beating and abusing them and moved
them to the prison yard. These prisoners were injured due to this beating and violent treatment. Afterwards, the
guards started searching their cell and destroyed the little personal
belongings they had bought from the prison store and confiscated the rest. The search was so violent that an
electricity cable in the cell short-circuited and caused a power outage in some parts of the ward. Kermani and his
assistant personally participated in the beatings. They also confiscated the prisoner's blank papers, pens, pencils,
and notes.
Kermani and Faraj Zadeh threatened the prisoners that if they do anything to protest they will be severely dealt
with. Kermani told them that he would "Make life hell for you and this time lashing and sticks and solitary is
waiting for you".
The political prisoners detained in this ward are Amir Hossein Heshmat Saran, Behruz Javid Tehrani, Afshin
Baimani and Alireza Karami Kheiabadi. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – March 4, 2009)
Female supporter of imprisoned cleric pressured into giving false confession
According to reports, Zohreh Sharifi, a supporter of Ayatollah Berujerdi (an imprisoned dissident cleric) has
been pressured and abused to supposedly confess. Informed sources have said that she has been charged with
unsubstantial charges and forced to confess to them.
Sharifi was first arrested on October 7, 2006. She was violently beaten and was
injured at the time of her arrest. On January 28, 2009, she was once again
interrogated and beaten for many hours. She was three months pregnant at that
time and had a miscarriage due to the beatings. On February 17, agents broke

down her home door and arrested her after searching her house. Sharifi is married and has a small child.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – March 4, 2009)
58-year-old female political prison in critical condition
According to reports from the notorious ward 209 of Evin Prison, the physical
condition of a prisoner who was arrested for intending to visit her children in
Camp Ashraf (Main base of PMOI in Iraq) is critical.
Kobra Banazadeh Amirkhizi, 58, who is currently in ward 209 in Evin Prison, is
suffering from eye bleeding due to the torture inflicted on her. However,
intelligent interrogators refrain from taking her for treatment to a hospital.
Amirkhizi developed this condition after an interrogator struck her and she is in
danger of losing her eyesight.
A large number of men and women who were intending to visit their family
members in Camp Ashraf in Iraq, or having a relative there are still imprisoned.
These prisoners are Ms. Kobra Banazadeh Amirkhizi, Ms. Sakineh Soleimani
(Mother Javadi), Ms. Azizeh Sahfi’ei-nia (Mother Haidarzadeh), Mr. Ali Pour-Eqbali
(Father Pour-Eqbali), Ms. Zahra Samadi, Mr. Ali Samadi, Mr. Amin Rezaii, Mr.
Khossro Rahnama, Mr. Ehsan Arafati, Mr. Hassan Tarlani, Mr. Hamed Yazarlou,
Ms. Mahsa Naderi, Ms. Houri (Fatemeh) Ziaii, Mr. Fatemeh Nabavi, and ... (Center in Defense of Prisoners in
Iran (CDPI) – March 5, 2009)
Prison official beats minor sentenced to death
According to reports from ward 2 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, Ali Mahin Torabi
was beaten on Thursday March 5 and transferred to ward 6 of this prison.
Torabi was taken to the Protection and Intelligence Department of prison where the
deputy of this department along with a number of guards severely beat and abused
him. This deputy, Faraj Zadeh, told Torabi while beating him that "we told you not
to talk to political prisoners and now that you didn’t listen you see that we were
Ali Mahin Torabi was arrested when he was 16 after he got into a fight that lead to
the death of one his classmates. He was arrested in 2003 and sentenced to death, but
after international protests, his death sentence was temporarily put off to a later date.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – March 6, 2009)
Teacher who protested bad living conditions sentenced to 20 lashes
According to reports, Reza Abdi Sonbol Abadi, an English teacher in Tehran was sentenced to 20 lashes for
protesting the bad living conditions of teachers. (Center of Political Prisoners in Exile – March 7, 2009)
Man sentenced to 30 lashes for "speaking at illegal gathering"
A veteran of the Iran Iraq war was sentenced to 10 months of prison, 30 lashes, and a fine. Reza Jalali, a
member of the University Science Committee was sentenced by the Gorgan Public Court on charges of
participating in an illegal gathering, speaking at this gathering and insulting a government agent. (E'temad state-
run daily – March 8, 2009)
Imprisoned Isfahan university students under torture
On Sunday March 8, Maziar Ma'sumi, an Isfahan University student activist received a phone call from the
Intelligence Agency telling him to present himself to this agency at 10 am tomorrow to answer some questions.
This is while four other Isfahan students, Alireza Davudi, Bahman Khodadadi, Arsalan Sadeqi and Hossein
Sarshumi, are currently in Isfahan prison. Arsalan and Hosseini were arrested immediately after going to the
Revolutionary Court.
Also according to other reports, imprisoned Isfahan students are under severe mental and physical pressure and
their current conditions are very concerning.
According to Bahman Khodadadi's family, prison guards were forced to hospitalize him due to the (physical)
pressures inflicted upon him. (Azadi Barabari website – March 9, 2009)


Female student tortured in Evin Prison

According to reports, the parents of Mohammad Pour-Abdollah, Sanaz Allah Yari and Amir Hossein
Mohammadi Far went to Evin Prison to visit their imprisoned children but only
Sanaz's and Mohammad's family were allowed to visit with their children. According
to Sanaz Allah Yari, family, she was in good mental health but her face was bruised
and scarred especially around her eyes. (Freedom and Equality Newsletter – March
10, 2009)
Iranian regime will soon blind 25-year-old man in both eyes
The retribution sentence of a young man charged with spraying acid on the face of a
young girl will soon be sent to the Executing Unit of Sentences to be carried out.
"This sentence has been confirmed by the Supreme Court and has been sent to us
to be carried out", said Jaberi, the judge in charge of the Executing Unit of Sentences. (Fars state-run news
agency – March 11, 2009)
Religious activists tortured and abused in prison
According to the Human Rights Center and International Relations of Al-e Sin, Farhad Moradi, an activist in
the Al-e Sin group, was freed after spending 50 days in solitary confinement in ward 209 of Evin Prison. During
his imprisonment, he was interrogated continuously for many hours, put under pressure, and beaten and
abused to sign a false confession against Ostad Ilia, but he did not sign this confession and was unwilling to
cooperate with the Religion Department of the Intelligence Agency.
In other reports, officials told the wife of Ostad Ilia that her husband will be freed on the condition that she
cooperate with the Religion Department of the Intelligence Agency and sign a false confession.
According to other reports from ward 209, Nazi Hesami has been transferred for treatment outside of prison
due to the increase of mental pressure put on her. Doctors have said that the reason for the deterioration of her
condition is long detainment in solitary cells and severe mental pressures. (Human Rights Center and
International Relations of Al-e Sin – March 16, 2009)
Wife of political activist summoned to Intelligence Agency
Mahbubeh Ali Naqian, wife of Heshmotallah Tabarzadi was summoned to the Intelligence Agency. According
to reports, considering the fact that she has had no previous record and did not engage in political activities, this
summoning is to put more pressure on Tabarzadi, a political activist, and to prevent him from continuing his
activities. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – March 16, 2009)
SSF abuse and harass children in Kamyaran
Five teenagers by the names of Saman, Milad, Karvan, Zaniar and Farshad, all resident of Kamyaran were
arrested by State Security Forces on charges of spray-painting slogans on walls.
About 20 days ago, the SSF with the cooperation of Kamyaran's state vigilantes, arrested five Kurd junior high
students, resident of Khamsaran Village who were between the ages of 13 to 14 and took them to the
Intelligence Agency. They were freed a few days later on bail.
After their release, these young boys were threatened and abused to snitch for the SSF and spray paint slogans
against Kurdish Parties. This has put pressure on these boys and has caused psychological problems for them.
These five boys were arrested after security forces raided their classroom, terrifying the schoolchildren.
(Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – March 16, 2009)
Torture in Shahpur detention center in Tehran
According to reports from Tehran's criminal intelligence department located at Shahpur Square, a number of
people have died under torture in this detention center. One of these victims was 33-year-old Hossein Tavakoli
On July 17, 2008, Tehran's security and intelligence agents raided the apartment of the Tavakuli Berazjani
family at 11:30 pm arresting all the members of this family present at the time. These men and women were
tortured in their house until 2am. Agents shot at Sudabeh Shahpur, 50, hitting her in the neck. All the arrestees
were taken to this city's criminal intelligence department. The reason for this attack was claimed to be keeping a
gun in the house and clashing with State Security Agents.


Some of the people arrested were, Tan-naz AbolHosseini Ahmadi (16 year old female), Khosro Qaedi (17 years
old), Mahnaba Tavakoli Berazjani (26 year old female), Fatemeh Farahani (female), Sudabeh Shadpur (50 year
old female), Abas Tavakoli Berazjani (38 years old), Hossein Tavakoli Berazjani (33 years old), and Mohsen.
They were kept two in a cell on the first days of their arrest. These cells, aka "cells of death" did not have
windows and was unbearably hot in the month of July.
The tortures inflicted on this family were as follows:
The skin of the sensitive parts of the prisoner's body were pressed with pliers, pressing toe nails with pliers,
beating the prison repeatedly for a long time with clubs and other objects, tying the hands and feet of the,
prisoner from the back and keeping the prisoner in this position for a long time, hanging the prisoner from the
ceiling until the prisoner passes out, depriving the prisoner of drinking water in the hot summer weather, the
prisoner was only allowed to use the restroom twice in 24 hours, the judge handling their case threatened the
women arrested were with rape, pulling a bag over the head of the prisoner while he was being tortured Jumping
on the hands and feet of the prisoner while they were handcuffed, the prisoners witnessed the torture of their
family members or heard their cries while they were being tortured and other forms of torture.
Hossein Tavakoli Berazjani was killed under this medieval and severe torture while his whole body had turned
black from the torture.
Currently some of the women and girls who were arrested in this incident are suffering from severe mental
illness especially the younger ones and those who witnessed the torture of their brothers, uncles, and aunts.
Abas Tavakoli Berazjani has currently been transferred to ward 2 in Gohardasht Prison and his legal case is in
an undetermined state. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – March 24, 2009)
Student activist tortured in Qezelhesar Prison
According to reports, the family of student prisoner Mohammad Pour-Abdollah protested the arrest of this
Tehran University student outside this prison in Tehran. Mohammad Pour-Abdollah was a student of chemistry
in Tehran University and was arrested on February 12 along with other student activists during a raid by security
agents. He was tortured until March 18 in ward 209 of Evin Prison and forced to give a false confession.
Mohammad Pour-Abdollah was finally transferred to Qezelhesar prison after officials lost hope in forcing him to
"confess". This prison is the detention center of criminals, prisoners with illnesses and drug addicts. (Iran News
Agency – March 25, 2009)
Forced confession extracted from 2 brothers under torture in Ardabil prison
Ramin Sadeqi Asl, an Azeri civil rights activist in Ardabil who was arrested in his father's house on February 5 is
still in critical condition in prison and is under severe and violent torture implemented on him in a Intelligence
Agency Detention Center in Ardabil.
According to a prison who was recently released from this detention center, agents violently torture Ramin and
his brother, Mohammad Sadeqi. Agents hanged these two brothers from their feet and torture them with a
machine called "the Ferris Wheel".
These brothers are also subjected to tortures such as administering electric shocks to sensitive body organs,
severe beatings, whipping with cables, solitary confinement, and sleep deprivation used to force them to make
false confessions.
According to this informed source, the Sadeqi brothers have been forced to confess into things they have not
done under these severe tortures. (Iran Press News – March 27, 2009)
Nine imprisoned student activists under torture
The Human Rights Committee of Amir Kabir University's Islamic Association issued a statement cautioning on
the condition of imprisoned students in this university.
This committee wrote in its statement, "More than 50 days has gone by since the illegal arrest of Majid Tavakoli,
Hossein Turkashvand, Kurosh Daneshyar, and Ismail Salman-Pour, more than a month has passed since the
illegal arrest of Ahmad Qasaban, Abas Hakim-Zadeh, Nariman Mustafavi and Mehdi Mashayekhi, and more
than 20 days has passed since the illegal arrest of Yaser Turkeman. During this time, the only contact these
students had had with their families has been one or two phone calls with the presence of interrogators. Abas
Hakim-Zadeh and Yaser Turkeman have not been allowed to contact their families.
In their short phone calls with the presence of interrogators, these students said that they were in good health
but the way they spoke, which according to their families was with evident fear and anxiety, shows that they are

kept in an inappropriate state. According to these families, the voice of interrogators could be clearly heard in
the background telling the students to "say that you are well" and "say that we are not on hunger strike".
One of the students also talked of long interrogations in the morning and night along with physical and mental
abuse. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – March 29, 2009)
Tortured political prisoner's life in danger
Political prisoner Mansoor Radpour has been transferred to solitary confinement since late December 2008 in
ward 8, which is controlled by Intelligence Agent interrogators. These interrogators
have subjected him to the most severe mental and physical tortures since he was taken
to solitary confinement. One of these interrogators nicknamed Haji told Radpour "you
will not leave this place in one piece. You will either die or go crazy but until then, you
will be kept here".
Some of the tortures that this political prisoner has been subjected to in the past three
months are as follows:
He is left in his solitary cell with his hands and feet tied for a long period of time; a
number of interrogators beat him with clubs while he is blindfolded with his hands
and feet tied; he can only use the restroom twice in 24 hours; his food rations have
greatly decreased and he is subjected to extreme hunger; he has not been allowed to take a bath for a long
period of time; he is not allowed to have his personal belongings including his clothes (the clothes he has on
have torn and become worn out due to the tortures); he is interrogated and tortured during the night; he has
been banned from family visits and having any sort of contact with his family.
Radpour is in a very bad physical condition due to the severity of the tortures and has been taken to the prison
medical clinic a number of times. The reason he is banned from family visits is because of the torture signs on
his body and as an to attempt to subject him to more mental pressure. This prison's life is in serious danger and
the threat of another catastrophe in this prison is imminent.
MOIS interrogators have also threatened Mrs. Radpour that if she follows up on the case of her son, she will
also be arrested. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – April 1, 2009)
Imprisoned student activist in increased bad health
Abbas Hakim-zadeh, former member of the Central Committee of Poly-Technique (Amir Kabir) University’s
Islamic Association who is currently a member of the Central Committee of the Office for Consolidating Unity,
was arrested in this university on February 24, 2009. He was among eight other Amir Kabir students, also
arrested, who were transferred to ward 209 of Evin Prison for protesting against the burial of those killed in
Iraq-Iran War in the university campus. He has been under severe pressure and has not been allowed to contact
his family since his arrest.
According to reports from Evin Prison, witnesses who saw him reported that he was being taken to the prison
medical clinic with the help of two people because he could not walk on his own. Hakim-Zadeh has had several
surgical operations on his vertebra and the increase of pressure in prison causes him severe pain and
convulsions. (Iran news agency – Apr. 5, 2009)
Ongoing negligence for prisoners' lives in Evin Prison
Ahmad Fallah-pour, a prisoner charged with financial charges in Evin Prison, committed suicide in this prison.
However, prison officials and the medical team in this prison sent him back to his cell in ward 240 without
giving him adequate treatment. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Apr. 5, 2009)
Regime increases pressure on political prisoner
In protest to the savage behavior of agents of the Iranian regime in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, Behruz Javid
Tehrani threatened that he would go on a hunger strike.
Tehrani, who has been imprisoned since the July 9th, 1999 uprising wrote in a letter: "Dear people, the infernal
agents of the mullahs have trampled all the red lines of humanity and the only way left for me now is to go on a
hunger strike."
This political prisoner stated that the "mullahs' henchmen have threatened that they will send me to the same
place they sent my friend Heshmat Saran". (Saran was killed suspiciously in prison)

"They have not treated my illnesses in the medical clinic in prison for a long time now even though I am very
sick and have lost 50 percent of my eyesight after I was struck in the back of the head", he wrote in this letter.
(Center in Defense of Prisoners in Iran – Apr. 6, 2009)
Prisoners in Gohardasht Prison put under increased pressure; forced to stay in prison yard in snow
According to reports from Gohardasht Prison, on April 13 prison officials forced all the political and non-
political prisoners in this prison into the prison yard in the unbearable cold weather. This measure caused some
prisoners to become sick and catch the flu.
According to some prisoners, some of the political prisoners did not have enough time to wear shoes or slippers
and were kept barefoot on the asphalt. After the suspicious events which lead to the death of some political
prisoners including Hossein Heshmat Saran in this prison and Omidreza Mir- Sayafi in Evin Prison, prisoners
have been faced with increasing pressure, abuse even beatings. Guards also carry out sudden attacks to prisoners'
cells, harassing and abusing them. (Human Rights Reporters Committee – Apr. 16, 2009)
SSF illegally enter university and beat student
After State Security Forces entered Tehran's Teacher Training University last night and beat a student, students
of this university staged a protest gathering in this university.
Last night, a SSF patrol car entered this university under the excuse of wanting to use the restroom. After they
entered the university, these agents started patrolling the university campus. Finally, they stopped in front of the
cafeteria. Subsequently, a student asked them why they were patrolling inside the university, but an agent
immediately attacked him with pepper spray while the other agent tried to force him into the trunk of the car to
take him out of the university.
After other students got involved to try to stop these agents from taking the student out of the university, a clash
between these agents, students and the head guard of the university's Protection Department ensued. These
agents then armed their guns shooting two rounds in the sky and then pointed their guns at the protesting
students threatening them. The SSF agents confiscated the mobile phone of another student who was trying to
film the scene, abducted the head guard of the Protection Department and left the scene.
Finally, at about 10 pm, the abducted student and Protection Department guard were thrown out of the SSF car
in a corner of the university. They were both very badly beaten. Students took these two men to the university
medical clinic for treatment. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Apr. 20, 2009)
Female political prisoner will be kept in solitary for two more months
According to reports from Semnan Prison controlled by the Ministry of Intelligence, Khadijeh Nabavi will be
kept in solitary confinement for two more months. Nabavi was arrested on April 8 after agents raided her place
of work. She was taken to an unknown location and then transferred to a solitary cell in this prison. This
political prisoner is the wife of Zuhor Nabavi, a writer for Sarzamine Ariari Magazine who is also in prison.
Zuhor had defended his wife, disclosing that she was unjustly arrested and imprisoned. In addition to her own
child, Khadijeh Nabavi was the guardian of 5-year-old Roya, the daughter of political prisoner Hamideh Nabavi.
Currently, four members of this family are in prison. Seyed Zuhor Nabavi, a writer for the Sarzamineh Aria
Magazine has been sentenced to four years of prison and is kept in ward 350 of Evin Prison. Hamideh Nabavi
has been sentenced to a year of prison on charges of participating in a ceremony to commemorate the memory
of political prisoners who were executed in 1988 and is currently in the women's ward in Evin Prison. Fatemeh
Nabavi has been in Semnan Central Prison in an undetermined state since February 20 and Khadijeh Nabavi is
also in Semnan Prison. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – April 20, 2009)
Female student activist and brother kept in solitary for 62 days
According to reports from the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran, Shabnam Madadzadeh and her brother Farzad
Madadzadeh have been kept in solitary confinement for 62 days
in ward 209.
These two have been imprisoned in this condition since they
were first arrested on February 19. They were allowed to call
their family three times in this time and according to their
family in their last phone call on Monday April 20, they could
not talk comfortably and they were told what to say over the
phone. Their tone showed that they were under severe pressure.

They were told to say that their family should not attempt to go to court to pursue their case until they were
told. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 21, 2009)
Students tortured to give in to TV interviews
Arrested students of Poly-Technique University (aka Amir Kabir University), are under inhumane pressure and
torture to give interviews on (Iranian state-run) Television.
A prisoner who witnessed the transfer of Ismail Salmanpur, an arrested student, to the prison medical clinic has
said in a telephone call that students are under severe pressure to give interviews on TV. The pressure and
torture that these students are subjected to are so severe that some of them are in very bad health. This prisoner
also stated that Salmanpur was in a very bad shape while being transferred to the medical clinic. In the past few
days, another imprisoned student who spoke with his family in a telephone call said that his interrogation
sessions are over but other students are still under interrogations and torture. This student also stated that they
have been asked to confess to false accusations on Television. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Apr. 23, 2009)
Tortured imprisoned student activist transferred to hospital in critical condition
Ismail Salmanpur, an imprisoned Poly-Technique (Amir Kabir) University student was
transferred yesterday from Evin Prison to hospital.
This student activist was taken to hospital in a very critical condition and on the verge of
death. Yesterday, officials responsible for his legal case called his parents asking them to
come get their son.
According to reports, only his parents are allowed to be at his side at the hospital and
they have been threatened that no student or lawyer is allowed to see him at hospital.
The sudden transfer of Salmanpur from prison to hospital has caused serious concerns
among students regarding his health and the health of all other imprisoned students.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter – Apr. 27, 2009)
Ahle Haq prisoner beaten and abused for practicing religion
According to reports, three Ahle Haq prisoners who have been exiled to Yazd prison are in bad condition. They
have gone on a hunger strike from April 21 in protest to the violation of their most minimum rights.
According to informed sources, prison officials prevented Abdollah Qasemzadeh from practicing his religion
and praying at night. Qasemzadeh was beaten for persisting to pray and was taken solitary confinement. Prison
guards sprayed his face with pepper spray and severely beat him after seeing his pray in solitary. There is no
information on the condition of Qasemzadeh in solitary confinement. (Iran Press News– Apr. 27, 2009)
Three men sentenced to 74 lashes
Branch 70 of Tehran's Court of Review presided over by Ahmad Miri Lavasani approved the decision of branch
1191 of the Public Court confirming that Jaber Moqtader has been sentenced to three years of prison, 74 lashes
and a fine of 6,255,000,000 Rials (almost equivalent to $6,255,000) for forging government documents, making
money illegitimately, and paying a bribe.
Mr. Naser Pak Parvar has been sentenced to 7 years of prison, 74 lashes, and a fine of 275,600,000 Rials, a year
of disbanding from government employment, and confiscating of the property from bribery and three years of
exile to Keliber town on charges of bribe.
Mr. Qadir Marandi has been sentenced to 7 years of prison, 74 lashes, and 252,000,000 Rials, a year of
disbanding from government employment on charges of receiving a bribe. (Shahab News state-run website –
May 2, 2009)
Student journalist beaten and arrested in Labor Day gathering
During a demonstration to mark Labor Day in Tehran, Massoud Loqman, a senior master's degree student of
Tehran's Alame Tababtayi University and freelance journalist who also runs a website named Ruznamak, was
beaten and arrested by security forces. Last nights, intelligence agents went to the cultural activist's home and
confiscated his books and other personal belongings. There is no information on where he is being kept.
(Kurosh News Agency – May 3, 2009)


Soccer fans sentenced to prison and flogging

Seven residents of Orumieh who were arrested during an international soccer game in 2008 were sentenced to
six months of prison and 30 lashes by branch 104 the Public Court in Orumieh. The men were charged with
"promoting secessionists.” (Amir Kabir Newsletter – May 7, 2009)
Report of systematic torture, theft, and bribery in Iran's police station: government reporter
After a fight over a financial issue with one of my financial counterparts, I was arrested and imprisoned in Police
Station (X) for two days on January 27 and January 28.
During these 48 hours, I witnessed the mistreatment of suspects by police and my profession requires me to
mention some of them.
Physical harassment such as slaps in the face, and the back of the neck and kicks in the stomach and side is
something routine in police stations. Of course, the younger the suspect, the more he is subjected to this kind of
treatment and obviously there is always the insults and offensive language (used by police).
"Where are you from and how old are you?", they asked the suspect.
"I'm from Zanjan and I was born in 1985", he answered with a quivering voice.
The young suspect had not finished his sentence when I heard the sound of kicks and punches and the cries
and whimpers of the young man. It was about 9 pm.
A few minutes later, they had hung the boy from the wall by his handcuffs from an iron rod protruding from
the ceiling and the young man hung like a chandelier from the ceiling!
Then the boy screamed and cried while the police slapped and kicked and punched him. The boy screamed,
"For the love of god my hands feel like they're being cut off, please, I was wrong… anything you say is right …
please, I swear to god I will sign…"
In another case, when I was brought to the police station I handed in my $85 dollars in cash and a $10,7000
travel check but in the end when I was being released I was only given $96 from my check!
In State Security Force centers like police stations, no one has the right to smoke. This might a positive thing,
but this has turned into a negative issue in police stations and soldiers and some police agents uses this rule to
make illegitimate money. They buy cigarettes for the jailed person and make him pay a large amount of money
for it. On the other hand, the officer in charge of the case clearly tells the suspect during interrogations that if
you "have my back (pay me money) I will write the report in a way so that the judge wouldn’t be able to convict
you!" (Amir Kabir Newsletter – May 19, 2009)
Two prisoners commit suicide in forced labor camp in Isfahan
On Monday May 18, two prisoners by the names of Hamid Rahmani, 32 and Hamid Judaki, 30 who were
arrested a year before on drug related charges committed suicide in solitary confinement due to the pressures
they were subjected to, reports from the Asadabad Forced Labor camp say .
Camp officials have prevented this news from being published .
This labor camp is a subordinate of the Central Isfahan Prison and prisoners are transferred to the camp and
forced into unbearable labor. (Center in Defense of Prisoners in Iran (CDPI) – May 20, 2009)
Prison officials brutally beat defenseless prisoner leading to brain stroke
According to reports from the Central Isfahan Prison, on May 24, the head of ward 3 in this prison summoned
27-year-old Mehdi Majidi on the pretext that his shirt collar was open and after cuffing his hands and feet,
blindfolding him, and wetting his body, he started beating and flogging the prisoner with a cable. Karami, a
member of prison’s Intelligence Security participated in this brutal crime. The officials pushed the prisoner into
a glass window in the corridor, which lead to severe injuries in the prisoner's head. Majidi then passed outwith
a concussion. Prison officials transferred Majidi to the Haft-e Tir Hospital in Prison for fear that the prisoner
might die. Due to the severity of his injuries and severe eyesight loss, they were forced to transfer him to Alzahra
Hospital. There is no information on the fate of this prisoner. Sayed Mehdi Majidi had been sentenced to 34
years of prison on charges of complicity in murder and had served 8 years of his prison term. (Center in Defense
of Prisoners in Iran (CDPI) - May 25, 2009)
Agents brutally beat state reporter
An ILNA reporter who intended to interview the Persepolis soccer team at Azadi Stadium was beaten by
Protection Agents. He was beaten so severely that he was taken to the hospital by other reporters.


“A number of Azadi Stadium Protection agents who were wearing green uniforms started attacked and beat me
when I intended to go the special seats section in the stadium to talk to the team and at the end of the game”,
the reporter said. (ILNA state-run news agency – May 28, 2009)
Fear led US reporter to confess to Iran spying
Iranian-American reporter Roxana Saberi said Thursday fear drove her to confess to being a US spy as she gave
her first interview since being freed after 100 days in Iran's notorious Evin prison.
US-born Saberi, who had been living in Iran for six years and working as a reporter for Western media outlets
while writing a book, told National Public Radio (NPR) that no one saw her being taken from her home on
January 31 by four men from the Iranian intelligence ministry, and she wasn't allowed to contact friends or
family when she was thrown in Evin the same day.
'After I realized that nobody knew where I was, I was very afraid, and my interrogators threatened me and said, if
you don't confess to being a US spy, you could be here for 10 years or 20 years. You could even face execution,'
she told NPR.
'And I thought, well, if something happens to me, my family doesn't know where I am, maybe they would never
find out. And so I made a false confession and I said, 'Yes, I'm a US spy,'' the 32-year-old told NPR's Melissa
Block, host of the popular 'All Things Considered' program.
'I'm still not sure what they arrested me for. It wasn't for buying alcohol; it wasn't for reporting without a press
pass,' Saberi said.
Both accusations have been raised by the media and officials in Iran as the reason for Saberi's arrest.
Saberi told NPR that her interrogators had from the go accused her of spying for the United States.
'However much I told them that I was not -- that I was simply writing a book and doing interviews for a book,
which I hoped to use to show English speakers around the world a more balanced and complete picture of
Iranian society -- however much I told them this, they told me I was lying and that I was a US spy,' she said.
In Evin, the jail in the Tehran suburbs where many political prisoners are held, Saberi endured 'severe
psychological and mental pressure, although I was not physically tortured.
'The first few days, I was interrogated for several hours, from morning until evening, blindfolded, facing a wall,
by up to four men, and threatened ... I was in solitary confinement for several days,' Saberi said.
Those days in isolation, when nobody knew where she was, were the 'most difficult time for me,' said Saberi.
'I prayed a lot -- I prayed more than I ever have in my whole life.'
After several weeks, Saberi was put in a cell with 'other political prisoners,' she said .
She drew strength from her fellow inmates, whom she described as 'some of the most admirable women I've
met, not only in Iran, but all over the world.
'They're not willing to give in to pressure to make false confessions or to sign off to commitments not to take
part in their activities once they're released; they would rather stay in prison and stand up for those principles
that they believe in,' Saberi said.
'Many of them are still there today,' she said. (AFP - May 28, 2009)
Bassij brutally beat and injure students in Tehran
More than 10 students of the Chamran University's School of Technique were brutally beaten and
injured after Bassij forces (RGC’s militias) from this university armed with (electric) shockers, electric
clubs, tear gas, and pepper spray among other things, attacked them. Four of these students were
transferred to hospital.
A female student was also violently taken to the Bassij office in the university and was brutally beaten.
Her mobile phone was also confiscated by the Bassij commander. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – June 5,
Jailed protestors in Zahedan tortured in prison
One of those injured in the recent unrest in Zahedan passed away while jailed protestors have said that
they have been tortured in prison.


Abdolbasir Musa Zehi, a Zahedan resident who had been injured in the recent violence in this city
passed away on June 5 in Zahedan's central hospital.
Although hundreds have been arrested in the recent unrest, their families are too afraid to pursue their
cases because of the high security repressive measures (by government forces) in this region and there is
no information on their fate. A number of jailed people who have recently been released talked of
being arbitrarily arrested in groups, beaten, insulted, verbally abused and the violation of their
minimum rights in prison. They have claimed that they were insulted because of their religion (Sunni
Islam) and race. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 6, 2009)

Students sexually tortured in Internal Ministry and police while selective head of university tries to cover it
This is part of the moving statement of a student activist who was arrested a few nights ago in Tehran
University's dormitory along with other students and was detained in the Internal Ministry where he was
subjected to severe torture.
This student, who did not specify his name because of security reasons said, "They treated students who wanted
to use the bathroom terribly inhumanely. First of all the bathroom did not have a door and whoever went to the
bathroom could be seen by everyone. Second of all you only had 30 seconds to use the bathroom. After your 30
seconds was up, they would drag you out of the bathroom. One of the worst scenes that none of us will ever
forget was when one of the students did not finish in time. The agent kicked him out of the bathroom when he
wasn't finished yet and threw him in the middle of the students. One of the other abuses we were subjected to
was sexual torture in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and I am ashamed to talk about it. The inhumane
treatment was not only limited to the Ministry. When we were taken to the security police, we were also sexually
tortured there.”
This student also described the torture they were subjected to after being transferred to the security police and
said, "When they took us to the security police, the head of the university (Tehran University), Doctor Rahbar
(Farhad Rahbar) came to the place we were detained with a Majils representative (parliament member). While
they had brought some reporters with him he presented us with new T-shirts so that (when the reporters took
pictures) the people would not see the bloody clothes of the students.” (Ruz Online – June 21, 2009)
The torture of a 17-year-old in IranJune
24, 2009 | the pictures you are about to see are not from someone who supports anarchy, he is not even a part
of the 'DUST' that Ahamdinejad called his opponents. He is just a 17-year-old boy who was supposed to take the
university entrance exam within a month before his fingers were broken and the finger webs were cut with a
He was arrested violently in the parking lot of a living complex without even taking part in any of the recent
activities, and after more than 24 hours he returned home while his face was fully covered with blood and one
could only see his eyes. These pictures are taken hours after his return home, his bruised face and broken nose
cannot be shown due to his and his parents fear from the security guards. This is a summary of his story:


‘It was around 12:30

a.m., and I was with
my friend, his brother
and his brother's wife.
We were talking right
in front of his place,
which is about 2 to 3
blocks away from my
place, while a group
of people escaping
entered the alley and
took refuge in houses
with open doors. My
friends' place is in the
middle of the alley so
nobody took refuge
there, and we went in
and closed the doors.
His brother and his
wife went in building and asked me to join them as well, but since I was not feeling comfortable with his family,
my friend and I stayed out in the parking.’
All of a sudden agents in black uniforms and helmets carrying batons broke the door and entered. We tried to
hide behind the big trash bin at the end of the parking but one of them saw us, whistled, and informed the rest
of them who were just leaving the parking. It was just baton strikes all over my body after that, and we were
transferred to the minus 4 level of Ministry of Intelligence building. There were a lot of riot police in black
uniforms like those on the streets there. They were mostly non-Farsi speakers, and those who spoke Farsi kept
telling us they could kill us right away and no one would ever know, they were also insulting us with very bad
words.' 'One of them asked me if Mr. Khatami would come save us, while they were breaking my fingers and
cutting the finger webs. Although I swore a thousand times that I had not voted and had never participated in
any demonstration, they didn't care and just kept beating me hard. I fainted once or twice but there were some
of us who fainted every time their bones were broken, and as soon as they gained their consciousness, the riot
police started beating them again. 'This continued till around 1 p.m., when they took us to another place, where
security guards were in charge. We were then interrogated by the militia. Again, they kept beating me although I
told them that I have never participated in any demonstration. In the evening, we were transferred to a police
station where normal police with green uniform hung us by our hands (you can see the signs of the string
around my wrists on the pictures), they hung some of us upside down and started beating us again.' 'Around 2
AM, they took us to a police hospital where they just stitched the web of my fingers that were still bleeding and
bandaged my head without any stitches. They released us in a highway, I think they knew we did nothing;
otherwise they would not release us. I am surprised how I tolerated all the tortures and survived. I can never
forget the scenes I saw there’. (Salon Website - June 24, 2009)
Qazvin students tortured in jail
Rasul Sinayi, a philosophy student at the Qazvin International University who was arrested a few days ago on
the street by Bassij forces said that he was subjected to severe torture. He was released from the detention center
on June 23. He said he was kept in a basement and was beaten several times a day with chains. They would not
let him sleep; they did not give him adequate food and constantly subjected him to mental torture.
In the interrogations, they insisted that he confess that arrested university professors were the culprits of the
protests in the university and demanded that he gives false testimonies against his professors. (Iran News Agency
– June 24, 2009)
State suppressive forces’ project: detainees tortured to confess to preparing explosives and cooperating with
the PMOI


According to reports from families of a large number of students and other people who were detained in the
past two weeks, security forces have subjected the detainees to pressure to force them to confess that they were
involved in preparing explosives or carrying explosives.
Some of thousands of political prisoners in the past two weeks who were allowed to contact their families have
said in short statement to their families that they are severely beaten and tortured. They are told that only if they
confess on television that they are involved in the preparation of explosives or have cooperated with the
Monafeghin (the PMOI), will they be left alone and not tortured anymore. (Roshangari Website – June 24,
Lives of demo detainees in danger in notorious Kahrizak detention center
Hundreds of people detained in the past few days during protests in Tehran are abused on a daily basis in Camp
Kahrizak. This illegal camp in Shahr-e Sang, which is a constituent of Shahr-e Ray in the Province of Tehran,
was built eight years ago in an operation called "Island". It was used for clearing the Khak-e Sefid area in Tehran
as a place to keep the detainees of the so-called social security plan.
One of the most important locations in which a great number of the detainees are kept is the illegal Kahrizak
Camp and due to the fact that it is mainly unknown by the media and public opinion it has stayed hidden from
human rights organizations.
According to reports from a number of the camp inmates who were recently brought to Qezel Hesar Prison, as
in the social security plans, detainees are beaten on arrival. Every person has about one cubic meter of space in
his or her cell. According to eyewitnesses, security agents beat the detainees in an organized daily routine in
what is called the "beating ration". They either raid the rooms to beat the inmates or line up the detainees in the
yard and beat them.
According to other reports, security forces interrogate the detainees in groups, filming them. This camp is under
the control of security police and there is no other surveillance of what goes on in the camp. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – June 25, 2009)
Detainees pressured to give televised false confessions
Detainees of recent protests are subjected to severe pressure to give false televised confessions. According to
reports from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, a large number of those who were arrested were taken to solitary cells
in ward 8 known as the RGC ward in this prison. A large number of detainees were also taken to other
unknown locations. Reports say that the ward is filled with young protesters who were arrested in the past few
days. The prisoners are subjected to severe and unbearable torture. They are pressurized into giving televised
interviews to repeat what is dictated to them by the Ministry of Intelligence. Their lives are also in danger
because of the severe torture they undergo. In the past few days, many of them were taken to the prison medical
clinic. While being taken to the clinic they are accompanied by prison guards and other prisoners are not
allowed to communicate with them. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 25, 2009)
Two injured protesters transferred to Evin Prison
According to reports, Kurosh Shahbazi and Karim Baqerpur Yazdi 2 Tehran residents who were injured in the
clashes were taken from the Baqi'e Hospital, which belongs to the Revolutionary Guards Corps to Evin Prison.
Due to the fact that they are denied phone calls and visits, there is no information on their current condition in
prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 25, 2009)
Iranian regime arrests and tortures young man
Reza Jushan, 25, was summoned to the Intelligence Agency in Karaj by an intelligence interrogator named
Jushan was immediately arrested by the interrogator and taken to solitary cells in Gohardasht Prison's ward 8.
He is currently under torture by Reza Arefi, another intelligence interrogator. Regime agents have put severe
pressure on him to give a televised confession. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 25, 2009)
Jailed Iran reformists 'tortured to confess foreign plot'
Amnesty reports apparent attempt to implicate defeated presidential candidate in conspiracy to overthrow


Mostafa Tajzadeh, Abdollah Ramezanzadeh and Mohsen Aminzadeh, all Moussavi supporters, are reported to
have undergone 'intensive interrogation' sessions in Tehran's notorious Evin prison since being arrested in a
mass round-up of OPPOSITION figures following Mahmoud Ahamdinejad's disputed re-election.
A spokesman for Amnesty International said the reports came from 'very credible sources'.
The Iranian authorities have used this technique before to humiliate and discredit opponents. In 2007, state
television aired 'confessions' by US-Iranian academics Haleh Esfandiari, Kian Tajbakhsh and Ramin
Jahanbegloo in which they said they had worked with pro-democracy groups that the regime claimed were
plotting its downfall.
This week, state television broadcast interviews with several people admitting to being 'terrorists' after
purportedly taking part in street demonstrations. (The Guardian Website - June 26, 2009)
Thousands of protesters in Evin Prison, juvenile threatened with rape
According to reports, thousands of protesters have been arrested in the recent unrest in Tehran.
Four young men who were arrested for protesting to Bassijis who were standing on the street with clubs. They
were handcuffed made to sit on the side of the street. Any protests from them were met were severe beatings
from the Bassijis. People who would protest to their arrest were also beaten.
Ward 209 is filled with these detainees and 5-6 people are kept in one solitary cell where only one
person was kept before. Ward 8 has been cleared out and old prisoners were moved to ward 7. Ward 8
has been designated to new detainees and currently 700 young people are in this ward. This is while
this ward only has the capacity for 140 prisoners.
In the basement of ward 7 which is known as the "quarantine", there are also a large number of new
detainees. Prisoners are not able to sleep due to the excessive number of prisoners in the ward. Also in
the main quarantine section of this prison known as "Alborz" there are 2000 new detainees according
to a family member of one the detainees. The detainees are unable to sleep and have a hard time
breathing. Young prisoners, some under 17, have been threatened with rape by the prison guards.
A group of families whose loved ones were detained in the past few days in Tehran gathered outside Evin Prison
at 8 am to pursue their case and whereabouts. Most of these families, who numbered about 800 people, had no
information on their loved ones. Regime officials did not give them any information telling them that they had
no right to pursue their whereabouts and that they were not allowed to gather or come to Evin for the next two
weeks. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 29, 2009)
Student discloses details of torture in Interior Ministry
Another student who was arrested in the dorms in Tehran University and was released has revealed some other
inhumane tortures by plainclothes agents in the Interior Ministry. This eyewitness said:
At that night, Ansar Hezbollah forces and Bassijis had laid siege around many of the students and started
beating them and dragging them on the floor. This is while many of the students had injuries in their hands,
feet and legs and were bleeding and in critical condition. Then the students were guided with punches and kicks
to vans and cars which were waiting outside the dorms.
On the way to the prison, they were abused and treated in a humiliating manner. Other than the usual beatings
on the way, agents placed metal boxes on the students' heads and constantly beat the boxes with their clubs.
This is while one of the detainees who had a metal box on, had broken his head in three positions, and was
The cars were taken to various places. Some students were taken to detention centers on that night while others
were taken to the negative fourth floor of the Interior Ministry. In the Interior Ministry, after not being given
water for 12 hours, an agent brought a small pitcher of water for all the thirsty injured students. He brought the
pitcher up and started pouring the water on the ground and forced the students to drink water while it was
being poured on the ground. This is how they would give water to the students. After students were beaten and
tortured, they would be given their food in their hands. They poured spaghetti into their hands and were told


that if one little bit of food spills on the ground, they would be beaten. In a couple of instances when the food
spilled, the students were violently beaten.
They were told to divide the bread and share it with each other and that if they dropped even one crumb on the
floor, they would be beaten. Again, because the bread was dry, the bread fell on the floor and some of the
students were severely battered. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 1, 2009)
Detainees in imminent danger of death
According to reports from various prisons in Iran, thousands of newly arrested prisoners are under severe and
violent torture and their lives are in danger.
In some instances, young people have been killed under torture and their bodies are given to the coronersunder
the pretext that they were killed in the clashes. According to former prisoners who have been released from
prison, detainees are battered from the very beginning of their incarceration with clubs, fists, and kicks, on their
heads. They are taken to detention centers with blindfolds and when they enter the hallways, guards stand on
either side of the hallway and beat the young detainees in the most violent manner. Clubs are slammed and hit
on their sensitive body parts which usually leads to broken noses, heads, legs, hands and face injuries. They are
then taken to cells which are filled with prisoners and have very limited space. Prisoners can only take turns
sleeping for four hours each. To abuse and humiliate them, they are deprived from using the restroom and have
to go to the bathroom in their cells.
They are taken to interrogations which last for a very long time, sometimes up to 8 hours in one day. They are
also mentally and physically tortured in the interrogations. In some case, detainees have been taken for
interrogation and were not brought back which means that they either died under torture or they are in a very
critical condition. Interrogators put a sheet of paper in front of detainees demanding they sign it. On these
papers it is written that "I have burned down a mosque, set fire to cars, have killed Bassijis and people from the
outside of Iran told me to participate in the protests and destroy public property".
Hossein Zare Dahnavi, a security interrogator, Heidari Fard, Hosseini, Rasekh and Musavi have been assigned
to Evin Prison. These agents threaten detainees during interrogation and force them to sign under the
confession papers and accept the alleged charges. They especially put pressure on detainees who were arrested
on the street, which they intend to free. In many cases, they have told detainees that if they do not sign, they will
stay in jail "and no one knows where you are and we will kill you and say you were killed on the street in the
The condition of detainees in other towns other than Tehran is much worse and they are in imminent danger.
All evidence points to the fact that that officials are currently laying the foundations to execute detainees.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – July 1, 2009)
Security and judicial institutions evade responsibility of detainees
According to reports, security forces are still making arrests in Tehran and other cities and according to
estimates, a few thousand detainees are in various Tehran prisons.
The detainees are taken to detention centers in police stations, the Shapur Intelligence Department, Ministry of
Intelligence safe houses, Bassij Bases, and military RGC bases. They are severely tortured in these centers and
according to reports, a number of young people have died due to torture in Police Station number 148. There is
no information on detainees kept in the notorious camp Kahrizak.
Officials have not announced the real number of detainees and the announced figures are much lower than
actual numbers. The intelligence agency and Revolutionary Court are still not taking the responsibility of the
arrests of a large number of detainees and tell their families that they have no information on their
whereabouts. These young detainees are in serious danger. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran –
July 5, 2009)
Jailed Babol University students under torture
According to reports from the Sari and Babol Prisons, jailed Nunshirvani Industrial University students are
under severe torture by intelligence interrogators.
Nima Nahvi and Ali Taqi-Pur are jailed in the Sari Intelligence Prison. Nahvi can hardly walk due to the torture
and his hands are completely swollen. There is no information on Taqi-Pur's condition. They are both in
solitary cells controlled by the intelligence agency.


Five other jailed students were transferred to the Babol Prison after 10 days of mental and physical torture.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – July 8, 2009)
Ministry Hygiene: 2 thousand meningitis shots were sent Tehran prisons
The former RGC Joint Chief of Staff who had participated in a ceremony to bury the body of Dr. Rooh al-
amini's son quoted Dr. Rooh al-Amini saying, "Last night, the Ministry of Hygiene came to our house to pay his
respects and give his condolences. He said that to fight infectious diseases and meningitis in prison, they had
sent 2,000 very strong penicillin shots into various Tehran prisons in the past few days. I became very concerned
for political prisoners after I heard this".
Sending 2 thousand antibiotic shots to counter blood infections in prison is proof of the severe beatings (of
prisoners) in prisons by security forces which leads to such infections for prisoners. It seems that Mohsen Rooh
al-Amini died in prison due to severe bleeding after he was clubbed in the head and did not receive proper
medical care in the prison. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 26, 2009)
60 prisoners kept in 12 person cell in Sari Prison
The head of Prisons in Mazandaran said that the capacity of the Central Prison in Sari is not enough for its
prisoners. He said that the prison cells in the Sari Prison are small and the (conditions) are hard for prisoners.
"Currently 60 prisoners live in a 12 person cell in Sari Prison and the sanitary services are not enough for the
prisoners". (Asre Iran state-run website – July 27, 2009)
Families of detainees concerned for the safety of their loved ones
According to reports, the families of those arrested in the recent unrest gathered today outside Tehran's
Revolutionary Court and Evin Prison to voice their concern over not having any news on their loved ones.
A mother said that her child called from prison last night and while he was talking she heard someone telling
him what to say. She heard someone telling him, "tell your mother that they take care of you here, they give you
good food, good clean clothes, good place to sleep and that you are taken outside in the fresh air…".
Plainclothes agents and agents of the Revolutionary Protection Department inside the court and plainclothes
agents and security forces stationed outside the court monitored the families gathered outside the court. A
security patrol car constantly patrolled the area to control the families.
There are no reports on the condition of a number of prisoners whose names are on the list published so far by
the Revolutionary Court. Their families have had no information on their loved ones for a number of weeks
and no official answers their request on their condition. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – July
27, 2009)
Secret prisons in Iran
Mehdi Mahmudian, a journalist and human rights activist said that there are dozens of illegal and unregistered
detention centers in Tehran. Pasgard Prison, Afsarieh Detention Center, and RGC Detention Center number
66, are some of these detention centers.
"In the recent events, even the Protection Departments in various institutions made independent detention
centers for themselves. They detained whoever they arrest for some time, tortured them and then handed them
over (to official prisons). Pasgard is in Southwestern Tehran and is controlled by the Ministry of Defense. It is a
gun production factory and a number of people have been killed in it", he said.
Describing what two prisoners experienced in prison he said, "One of them claims that they splashed gasoline
on his naked body for three consecutive days and left him under the sun. When I saw him, his body was
completely scorched and black. Three other people said the same thing happened to them. Another person said
that in a RGC prison, they shaved his hair to make an "intersection" on his head. Then a number of people
stood on his naked body and urinated on his head while using very offensive language". Mahmudian said that
Khamenei is responsible for the RGC prisons.
There are reports of about 4,000 arrests in the post election protests. Some of them are known political and civil
rights activists and journalists. But most of them are unknowns and no reports have been published about them
in the media. (German Radio Website – July 28, 2009)
Student activist dies moths after being tortured in prison
Alireza Davudi, an Isfahan University student passed away on Monday July 27 from a heart attack a few months
after being released from prison. He was 26 years old.
He was an accounting student, editor of a student publication and a leftist student activist.

Davudi had gotten depression after his release as a result of mental and physical torture in prison. He had been
hospitalized 20 days before his death because of physical and mental problems. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – July
31, 2009)
Detained "troublemakers" have turned into prison wardens for political prisoners
Close to two months have gone by since the presidential elections in Iran. Pubic protests to the result of the
elections are still in progress. The son of Beheshti is a close advisor to Moussavi and has worked with him since
he was prime minister.
"We have information that some of those arrested as troublemakers in the social security plan who have signed
commitments (not to supposedly cause trouble) are currently used in the gatherings and detention centers (by
officials)", Beheshti said. "There are many temporary detention centers in the city and unfortunately they have
acted as more than just detention centers and this is more concerning than Evin Prison", he added. (Sarmayeh
state-run daily – August 2, 2009)
Ministry Hygiene: 2 thousand meningitis shots were sent Tehran prisons
The former RGC Joint Chief of Staff who had participated in a ceremony to bury the body of Dr. Rooh al-
amini's son quoted Dr. Rooh al-Amini saying, "Last night, the Ministry of Hygiene came to our house to pay his
respects and give his condolences. He said that to fight infectious diseases and meningitis in prison, they had
sent 2,000 very strong penicillin shots into various Tehran prisons in the past few days. I became very concerned
for political prisoners after I heard this".
Sending 2 thousand antibiotic shots to counter blood infections in prison is proof of the severe beatings (of
prisoners) in prisons by security forces which leads to such infections for prisoners. It seems that Mohsen Rooh
al-Amini died in prison due to severe bleeding after he was clubbed in the head and did not receive proper
medical care in the prison. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 26, 2009)
60 prisoners kept in 12 person cell in Sari Prison
The head of Prisons in Mazandaran said that the capacity of the Central Prison in Sari is not enough for its
prisoners. He said that the prison cells in the Sari Prison are small and the (conditions) are hard for prisoners.
"Currently 60 prisoners live in a 12 person cell in Sari Prison and the sanitary services are not enough for the
prisoners". (Asre Iran state-run website – July 27, 2009)
Families of detainees concerned for the safety of their loved ones
According to reports, the families of those arrested in the recent unrest gathered today outside Tehran's
Revolutionary Court and Evin Prison to voice their concern over not having any news on theirloved ones.
A mother said that her child called from prison last night and while he was talking she heard someone telling
him what to say. She heard someone telling him, "tell your mother that they take care of you here, they give you
good food, good clean clothes, good place to sleep and that you are taken outside in the fresh air…".
Plainclothes agents and agents of the Revolutionary Protection Department inside the court and plainclothes
agents and security forces stationed outside the court monitored the families gathered outside the court. A
security patrol car constantly patrolled the area to control the families.
There are no reports on the condition of a number of prisoners whose names are on the list published so far by
the Revolutionary Court. Their families have had no information on their loved ones for a number of weeks
and no official answers their request on their condition. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran– July
27, 2009)
Secret prisons in Iran
Mehdi Mahmudian, a journalist and human rights activist said that there are dozens of illegal and unregistered
detention centers in Tehran. Pasgard Prison, Afsarieh Detention Center, and RGC Detention Center number
66, are some of these detention centers.
"In the recent events, even the Protection Departments in various institutions made independent detention
centers for themselves. They detained whoever they arrest for some time, tortured them and then handed them
over (to official prisons). Pasgard is in Southwestern Tehran and is controlled by the Ministry of Defense. It is a
gun production factory and a number of people have been killed in it", he said.
Describing what two prisoners experienced in prison he said, "One of them claims that they splashed gasoline
on his naked body for three consecutive days and left him under the sun. When I saw him, his body was
completely scorched and black. Three other people said the same thing happened to them. Another person said

that in a RGC prison, they shaved his hair to make an "intersection" on his head. Then a number of people
stood on his naked body and urinated on his head while using very offensive language".
Mahmudian said that Khamenei is responsible for the RGC prisons.
There are reports of about 4,000 arrests in the post election protests. Some of them are known political and civil
rights activists and journalists. But most of them are unknowns and no reports have been published about them
in the media. (German Radio Website – July 28, 2009)
Detained Student activist dies moths after being tortured in prison
Alireza Davudi, an Isfahan University student passed away on Monday July 27 from a heart attack a few months
after being released from prison. He was 26 years old. He was an accounting student, editor of a student
publication and a leftist student activist. Davudi had gotten depression after his release as a result of mental and
physical torture in prison. He had been hospitalized 20 days before his death because of physical and mental
problems. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 31, 2009)
Torture in Kahrizak Camp
The report below is only a fraction of the crimes committed by officials in the past few years on a daily
basis against defenseless prisoners in Kahrizak Camp.
The figures of those killed under torture in still not known. But reports from those who have been released
from prisoner show that more than 75 people have been killed in this way. These are figures that prisoners have
witnessed only and are related to prisoners before the recent unrest in Tehran.
Aside from group tortures, prison guards and torturers would take a number of the prisoners out of the cages
they were held in to torture them separately. Most of those taken for separate tortures died under the torture.
Some of the methods of torture used on prisoners were:
rape, rape with a club and other methods of sexual torture and rape; taking off the clothes of prisoners and after
drenching them in cold water, whipping him; making the prisoner take off his clothes in the summer and
forcing him to crawl on the hot asphalt or to jump up and down in a crouched position; forcing the prisoners to
"push the wall" and whoever could not reach the wall with his hands would be beaten with iron rods, and
braided cables; tying the prisoners in a skewer position from the front and back; guards would force the prisoner
to go up a hill they called "the white hill" which was made up of sharp stones, while he was completely naked in
the summer and winter. They would force him to go up and down the hill several times beating him at the same
time with clubs. The hands and feet and other parts of the body of the prisoner were cut and pierced from the
sharp stones and bled, but the prisoner was forced to continue. The prisoner would be forced to roll on the
ground in the summer and winter; several prison guards would all walk on the hands and feet of the prisoner,
which would result in the breaking of the prisoner's hands and feet; and many other methods of torture.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 7, 2009)
Young man tortured in prison develops mental problems and amnesia
A young Baluch man identified as Mohammad Jangju, 24, who had a physics degree from Zahedan University
participated in the protests in Tehran on June 13. He was severely beaten by security forces and riot police,
arrested and transferred to a hospital.
While his skull, two teeth and his right hand broke as a result of the beatings, security forces forced the doctor
to put his hand in a cast and lightly treat his other injuries so they could take him to prison as soon as possible.
After his hand was put in cast and he received 62 stitches for his head wound, agents transferred him to Evin
Prison the next day. After continues torture and force feeding him suspicious pills, he was released on August 4.
Jangju has now developed severe phobia, mental problems and complete amnesia. (Association of Baluchistan
Human Rights Activists – Aug. 8, 2009)
Karubi: violent rape of girls and boys in prison
In a letter to Rafsanjani, Karubi wrote, "After the 10th presidential elections, bitter events have taken place to
which I and other people, groups and media have referred to…
People who have told me these events have sensitive positions in the government. A number of well known
people including some that participated in the Iran Iraq war. These people have said that some events have
taken place in prisons that if even one example of them were true, it is a catastrophe for the Islamic Republic.

A number of detainees have said that some people (in prison) raped detained girls so violently that their
reproductive system tore (become damaged). On the other hand, some people raped detained boys so brutally
that some of them have developed depression and other serious mental and physical problems and have crawled
in a corner in their homes. (Saham News website – Aug. 9, 2009)
Iran's Mousavi says government agents raped detainees
'They (authorities) asked those who were abused and raped in prisons, to present four witnesses (to prove their
claim)... Those who committed the crimes were the establishment's agents,' Mousavi said in a letter to reformist
leader Mehdi Karoubi, the reformist website reported.
'They were threatening detainees to keep silent ... It is not possible to appease the suppressed people by using
money and force,' Mousavi said.
In a forthright declaration that puts the Islamic republic's influential top clerics on the spot, Mousavi demanded
that they step in and pass judgment on a growing political scandal.
'It is the main duty of revolutionary clergy to reflect the realities, but some have closed their eyes and ignored
this responsibility,' Mousavi's letter added.
Some hardliners have called for Karoubi to be arrested or tried if he failed to prove the abuse accusations.
Karoubi says he has evidence of mistreatment of detainees. Last Thursday, he said some of those arrested were
killed under torture. (Reuters – Aug. 18, 2009)
Iran's Karroubi ready to present proof on rape claims
Iranian opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi called on Wednesday for a meeting with senior officials to present
evidence backing his controversial allegations that post-election detainees were raped in jails.
Karroubi, who has come under fire from hardliners over his claims, made the call in a letter addressed to
parliament speaker Ali Larijani, his party website reported.
'I urge you to hold a meeting with the heads of the three powers of government (judiciary, legislative and
executive), the prosecutor general and the head of the Assembly of Experts and Expediency Council, where I
will inform you of my documents on sexual assault in some jails,' he said.
He has also charged that some people arrested in street protests sparked by President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad's
re-election, have been tortured and beaten to death in jail. (AFP - Aug 19, 2009)
Eyewitness report on Kahrizak Detention center
I am A.B and have a psychology degree and work in medical clinic. When I was sent to the Intelligence
Detention Center (after being arrested) and after various tortures like being lashed with cables, and beaten in
the middle of interrogations, I was sent to Kahrizak. Kahrizak had a section named "basement" in which
quarantine section 1 and 2 was situated. In this section there was a large bungalow where they had built a
number of cages which looked exactly like the lion and panther cages in the Tehran Zoo. The cages were 3
meters in height and every cage was about 25 to 35 square meters. The floor of the bungalow was tiled and there
were stains of old blood, vomit and puss leftover from other prisoners on the tiles. The four rooms which were
built on the cages were about 20 square meters and about 30 to 40 prisoners were kept in each room.
There was no bath, no water. The water in the water tanker which was brought for prisoners was a mixture of
water and gasoline. The water was dirty and the prisoners were forced to drink it. They had to share the water
from a water bottle and were allowed one or two sips of water a day. This water was brought every 24 to 48
hours and sometimes they did not even give us our share of bread and potatoes and we would be hungry and
thirsty for 24 hours. The prisoners were always worried that they would die from hunger and did not even have
any energy to speak. From the onset of our arrest, they beat us, cussed at us, stripped us naked and hit us with
cables and pipes to break our spirit.
The atmosphere of fear and terror and seclusion and hunger was the reason behind the death toll in Kahrizak. I
saw with my own eyes that every day 2 to 3 and sometimes even 7 to 8 people were killed and zipped up in bags
or wrapped in blankets. They would be thrown in the backs of cars and taken away. Sometimes they would leave
the bodies under the sun for a couple of house so they would swell up and become unrecognizable or they
would bury them in the area behind the bungalows. There was a hill called the "White Hill" and they would
force people to go up and down the hill naked until they became injured. They buried many of the bodies
behind that hill and also near the other hills in the area.


I saw with my own eyes that Haqi, a colonel from the Special Forces who was in the camp, shot a prisoner in the
head with a handgun at close range and then they buried the body behind the bungalows. Sometimes we would
smell the putrid odor of burning wood, flesh or hair.
Ahmad Reza Radan, the deputy commander of the State Security Forces would come to Kahrizak once a week
on Thursdays with a number of other agents and Guards Forces with sunglasses and masks to beat us. They beat
us with white iron rods, clubs, thick sticks, and anything else that you would not believe. They would strip us
and wet us and would slam us on the floor or on the hot asphalt. They would beat us and we would roll down a
slope and pass out at the end of the slope and then they splashed water on us to wake us up and they would
shout at us to run or push the wall. Whoever got left behind was beaten. Many prisoners who were hungry and
exhausted would welcome death and committed suicide…
They would also constantly dehumanize us. They would strip us naked sexually abuse us in front of 800 other
people with a club, and rape us in a separate room in addition to the daily beatings with the pipes and hoses
and clubs and kicks and punches.
I remember that one day a young man who had lost a lot of blood under torture said that he was the son of a
martyr (his father was killed in the Iran-Iraq war) and asked why he was being tortured. Colonel Kumijani who
was head of Kahrizak personally came and said to beat the man with the white iron rods. He was beaten until he
passed out.
"Now that you are the son of a martyr, you have to be beaten more so that you don’t dishonor your father",
Kumijani told the young man.
Whenever Kumijani wanted to beat and torture prisoners he would wear a camouflage uniform and I saw with
my own eyes they hit Mohsen Roh al-Amini in the head and then hanged him upside down outside the
bungalow with a bleeding head. He died from the excessive blood loss. Two hundred other people witnessed
that he was wrapped in a blanket and taken away.
They did the same thing with Mohammad Kamrani and Amir Javadi Far Lageroudi and some other people that
we did not know the names of.
When Ahmad Radan came to Kahrizak, he would shout and yell that no one would get out of here.
"You've gotten fat and big", he would say with his Isfahan accent.
"I will have them hang you all right now", he would say. "Why have you fed them? Didn’t I tell you not to feed
them?" he would ask the guards.” He said that they had to ride us like donkeys until we make the sound of a
donkey or bark like a dog. Radan was the most brutal of all. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 21, 2009)
Judge forces mother of raped 16-year-old boy to pay to save son
Babak Daad, journalist and blogger in Iran said in an interview with VOA TV, "The judge who showed the
mother of a 16-year-old the scene of his rape by a large prison agent said that if you want to save your son you
have to pay 10,000 dollars so we can free him. This is the story of a woman who was forced to provide the
money to free her son and was forced to give in to the perverted demands of the judge residing over her son's
case". (VOA TV – Aug. 21, 2009)
Boy who defied Tehran hardliners tells of prison rape ordeal
The 15-year-old boy sits weeping in a safe house in central Iran, broken in body and spirit. Reza will not go
outside - he is terrified of being left alone. He says he wants to end his life and it is not hard to understand why:
for daring to wear the green wristband of Iran’s opposition he was locked up for 20 days, beaten, raped
repeatedly and subjected to the Abu Ghraib-style sexual humiliations and abuse for which the Iranian regime
denounced the United States .
”My life is over. I don’t think I can ever recover,” he said, as he recounted his experiences to the Times - on
condition that his identity not be revealed. A doctor who is treating him, at great risk to herself, confirmed that
he is suicidal, and bears the appalling injuries consistent with his story. The family is desperate, and is exploring
ways of fleeing Iran…
Reza’s ordeal began in mid-July when he was arrested with about 40 other teenagers during an opposition
demonstration in a large provincial city. Most were too young even to have voted. They were taken to what he
believes was a Basiji militia base where they were blindfolded, stripped to their underwear, whipped with cables


and then locked in a steel shipping container. That first night Reza was singled out by three men in plain
clothes who had masqueraded as prisoners. As the other boys watched, they pushed him to the ground. One
held his head down, another sat on his back and the third urinated on him before raping him.
”They were telling us they were doing this for God, and who did we think we were that we could demonstrate,”
Reza said. The men told the other boys they would receive the same treatment if they did not co-operate when
interrogated the next day .
Reza was then taken outside, tied to a metal pole and left there all night. The next morning one of the men
returned. He asked whether Reza had learnt his lesson. “I was angry. I spat in his face and began cursing him.
He elbowed me in the face a couple of times and slapped me.” Twenty minutes later, he says, the man returned
with a bag full of excrement, shoved it in Reza’s face and threatened to make him eat it.
Reza was later taken to an interrogation room where he told his questioner he had been raped. “I made a
mistake. He sounded kind, but my eyes were blindfolded. He said he would go look into it and I was hopeful,”
Reza said .Instead, the interrogator ordered Reza to be tied up and raped him again, saying: “This time I’ll do it,
so you’ll learn not to tell these tales anywhere else. You deserve what’s coming to you. You guys should be raped
until you die “.He was subjected to further brutal sexual abuse - and locked up for three days of solitary
confinement .
Reza was then forced to sign a “confession” in which he said that foreign forces had told him and his friends to
burn banks and state media buildings. He was told to identify as the ringleader a 16-year-old friend who had
been so badly beaten that he was in hospital .
”I was shaking so much I couldn’t even hear what they were saying,” said Reza. “I just signed whatever they put
in front of me without looking at it. I was scared they would rape me again “.
The next day Reza and other detainees were transferred to a police detention centre, where he was held for a
further week .On the third day, police officers entered the cell in the middle of the night, blindfolded him and
led him to the toilet, where he was again raped. “My hands began shaking, my legs were weak and I couldn’t
stand up properly. I fell down and smashed my head hard on the ground to try and kill myself. I started
screaming and shouting for them to kill me. I just couldn’t bear it anymore. I hated myself,” he said, weeping at
the memory .The following morning he was summoned by a police commander, who asked why he had been
screaming the previous night. When he explained, he was asked to identify his rapist. The boy said he had been
blindfolded, so the chief commander hit him and accused him of lying. He was forced to sign a letter admitting
he had made baseless accusations against the security forces.
Reza’s ordeal was far from over. He was taken with about 130 other prisoners to the city’s Revolutionary Court,
where they were herded into a yard. The judge told them that he would hang those who had violently resisted
the Islamic revolution and read out the names of ten teenagers, including Reza. The message was clear: if they
continued to say they had been raped they would be executed .The judge sent them to the city’s central prison,
where Reza was handcuffed and held in a small cell with six other boys for ten more days. In the evenings
officers beat the boys and taunted them with the words: “You want to cause a revolution‫؟‬
Periodically, the most senior officer would take the boys away, three at a time. “When they returned they would
be very quiet and uneasy,” Reza said. When his turn came he and the others were led into a small room and
ordered to strip and have sex with each other. “He told us that with this we would be cleansed - we would be so
shattered that we would no longer be able to look at each other. This would help calm us down"…
The (hospital) doctor told The Times that other detainees had suffered a similar fate. “We have many cases in
the hospital but we can’t report on them. They won’t let us open a file. They don’t want any paperwork,” she
said .


Drewery Dyke, an Amnesty International Iran researcher, said that Reza’s case was “consistent with other
reports we have received in terms of the severity of disregard for human dignity, the unrestricted abuse without
any recourse to justice, the involvement even of judicial persons in rape abuse and the denial of the basic right
to healthcare .“
Reza, at least, survived to tell the world his story. The 16-year-old friend he had to name as the ringleader has
since died in hospital from his injuries . (The Times – Aug. 22, 2009)
Torture, beatings, and sexual abuse in Shahpure Detention Center: report
In the end of the main hallway in the Shahpure Detention Center in Tehran, there are a number of bathrooms
and there are two cells called the quarantine in the left hand side of the bathrooms where detained children are
kept. Most child detainees are raped and sexually abused in addition to other physical tortures.
The conditions inside the secret solidarity cells are as follows: The floor is carpeted and is very dirty. There is
excrement, blood and vomit on the carpet and the prison guards go into the cells with masks and gloves.
The cells do not have any windows, the doors have been built in a way as to make the cells airtight, and barely
any fresh air comes inside. One of the cells has worse conditions and the temperature inside the cell is a few
degrees higher than the other cells. Usually prisoners who they intend to kill are kept in this cell. Amir Tavakoli
Berzjani was murdered in this cell.
A number of prisoners have been killed under the medieval torture of in the Shahpure Detention Center but
their families are not willing to speak out of fear. One of the many prisoners killed in this detention center is
Amir Tavakoli Berzjani, 33. His family is under pressure and has not been able to press any charges.
Some of examples of torture used against prisoners in this detention center are:
Putting pressure on the skin and sensitive parts of the body with pliers and injuring the area
Pinching the nails of the feet with pliers
Torturing and beating the prisoner with clubs and other tools for a long length of time
Tying the hands and feet of the prisoner from the back and keeping the prisoner in this position for a long time.
Some prisoners were kept in this position for a month.
Stapling the sensitive areas of the body
Hanging the prisoner for a long time until he passes out
Denying the prisoner water even in the summer heat
The prisoner is only allowed to use the bathroom twice a day and is only allowed to drink water in that time. A
bag is pulled over their heads and they are not allowed to remove the bag. They can only take two minutes to
use the bathroom and if they take longer, they are beaten and tortured with clubs.
Prisoner is forced to eat excrement or vomit
Prisoners are raped. They are raped with clubs or abused in other ways. This form of torture is carried out by a
person called Haj Rafi'ie.
The prisoners are denied the right to bathe for a month.
They are fed twice a day. Their food consists of a very little amount of bread and potatoes.
According to reports, about 65 prisoners from Kahrizak have been transferred to this detention center.
This detention center works under the control of the State Security Forces, which is under the command of
Khamenei. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 23, 2009)
Khamenei aware of prison disaster
According to reports, a former detainee has spoken to a person close to the leader (Khamenei) and has disclosed
some of the torture he was subjected to in prison.
This photographer who was freed some time ago has told Khamenei via a close aid that he was raped with a club
in prison. He also disclosed that security forces urinated on his face to insult him. (Green Wave of Freedom –
Aug. 23, 2009)
Iran Parliamentary Special Committee confirms jail rape
One member of the Special Parliamentary Committee, which was established to investigate the events after the
elections, has said that they have reached the conclusion that "some detainees who were arrested in the events
after the elections were raped with clubs and soda bottles".


"A number of detainees arrested after the events of the elections were unfortunately raped with clubs and soda
bottles and this has been verified for the Special Committee", said the MP who chose to stay anonymous.
(Parliament News state-run website – Aug. 26, 2009)
Some MPs linked to jail torture
According to reports, when our reporters asked an MP if the news on the arrest of Hossein Fadayi, who is a top
member of the parliamentary fraction supporting the government, is true or not, the MP smiled and said,
"Interrogators do not get arrested!"
Before this, a member of the parliamentary majority fraction told us that Hossein Fadayi was the direct head of
the Kahrizak Detention Center.
According to this report, some MPs believe that Sarvari and Zakani, two other MPs who support the
government are linked to the team of criminals in the detention center. These whispers are very ordinary affair
in the halls of the parliament.
Sarvari was the head of the Meqdad Bassij Base before coming to the parliament while Zakani was the head of
the Student Bassij Forces. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Aug. 27, 2009)
Mashhad student detained and tortured in prison
A Ferdusi University student in Mashhad has disclosed his ordeal of being kidnapped and tortured for one
month (by government forces).
This student identified as A.G was kidnapped by security forces on July 14 in Tehran and after being beaten and
verbally insulted, was taken to an unknown location.
Security forces and plainclothes agents arrested him without an arrest warrant and detained him in an unknown
location. He still does not know where he was taken.
He was taken to Evin Prison one week after his arrest and was in solitary the whole time. Despite the fact that he
had deep wounds and broken bones in his face and fingers, he was denied treatment in prison.
He was interrogated with blindfolds. Interrogators who had black masks violently beat him in the interrogations
and physically and mentally abused him.
He was recently freed on bail to receive treatment. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Aug. 28, 2009)
Interrogator to father: if you don’t confess, we will rape your son
The interview below was taken from a detainee who was arrested in the past 2 months in Tehran. He will not be
indentified due to security reasons.
Detainee: I was coming back from work with one of my friends in Enqelab Street when we were arrested by
plainclothes agents and taken to the Meqdad Base… After less than 24 hours were taken to Kahrizak…
What they did to me was that they put me under pressure by using my family. In one of the interrogations, they
showed me a film of my son in the streets of Tehran and the interrogator threatened me that my son was in
their custody and if I did not confess, they would rape him… I lost control after I saw the film and started yelling
and crying. I begged them not to bother my son so much that they beat me with clubs until I fainted and then
they took me to the detention center again…
We were tortured with clubs at least three times a week and were interrogated every day. In the 58 days that we
were detained, I was interrogated 58 times.
I was released along with three others and 70 other people were still detained in Kahrizak. This is while when I
came out of prison I noticed that they had announced that Kahrizak has been shut down. This was announced
one week before my release but hundreds were still detained there and the report that Kahrizak had been shut
down is a complete lie. I do not doubt that innocent people are still being kept there. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Aug. 29, 2009)
Baha'i leaders under severe torture in prison
A number of Baha'i leaders who are currently jailed in prisons in Tehran, Yazd, Yasuj, Semnan, Tankabin, Sari
and Noshahr, are under severe torture in prison.
According to reports, Anif Na'imi, Sayid Rezayi, Khanjami Tavakoli, Mahvash Sabet, Fariba Kamal Abadi,
Saman Taqva, Haleh Zoji and Zaha Sabet who are in prisons in Tehran and Shiraz and Mehran Bekri, Rostam
Sahli Fard and Peyman Zuhi who are in Yazd Prison, are Baha'i leaders who are under severe torture. (Kurdistan
Media – Aug. 31, 2009)


Report: Doctor confirms Iran prisoner abuse death

An Iranian medical examiner found that the son of a prominent conservative politician's adviser died from
beatings and poor prison conditions, a semiofficial news agency reported Monday, in what would be the first
official confirmation of a prisoner abuse death during Iran's post-election turmoil…
Conservative anger has partly been driven by the death of Mohsen Rouhalamini, the son of an adviser to
defeated presidential candidate Mohsen Rezaei.
Police initially suggested that Rouhalamini's death while in custody was caused by meningitis. But the
semiofficial Mehr news agency, which has close ties to conservatives, said Monday that a state forensic doctor
ruled that out in a report handed over to judicial authorities about 10 days ago.
Instead, it said Rouhalamini died of 'physical stress, the effects of being held in bad conditions, multiple blows
and severe injuries to the body,' according to the news agency, which cited 'informed sources' without revealing
their names. (AP – Aug. 31, 2009)

Innocent man tortured to confess to crime
A construction worker who works on a building in Zafaranieh hit a cleric with his motorcycle and was arrested
by security forces. The cleric only sustained a scratch on his head as a result of the accident. According to the
worker, security forces tortured him to force him to confess that he intended to kill the cleric.
One of the tortures used against him was that security forces placed him in a sack and told him that they would
push him off a mountain if he did not confess and repeatedly threatened him in this way.
But the worker did not confess and agents finally threw him off what he later realized was stairs. His hands and
feet and teeth have broken as a result. (Iran News Agency – Sep. 2, 2009)
Regime forces violently torture and threaten to rape expelled student activist
Omid Golbaz, a student activist who was expelled from the Ferdusi University where he majored in philosophy
was arrested by security forces on July 14 in Tehran's Vanak Square. Security forces used pepper spray and beat
him and took him to an unknown detention center.
In the period when he was detained in the unknown detention center, his fingers were broken as a result of
blows with clubs to his hand and the top of one of his fingers was even cut off in the detention center when it
got stuck in a metal door. He is also suffering from internal bleeding including bleeding in his stomach and
bladder. He has also been injured in the back and one of his teeth has shattered.
He was taken for interrogation in the middle of the night when he was in a very bad mental and physical state
and was beaten and rudely cursed. He was continuously threatened that he would be subjected to more severe
torture, including being stripped and raped. Prison guards threatened that they would arrest his friends and
family if he did not cooperate with them.
He has been charged with having communications with foreign groups, acting against national security, leading
the unrest, destroying public property and waging war with god. He is currently on leave from prison for
treatment on a 5,000 dollar bail. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 3, 2009)


Neda Agha Soltan murder witness at risk of torture in Tehran Prison

Caspian Makan, the fiancé of Neda Agha Soltan, a young woman killed in the recent protests in Iran, has been
held in detention since 26 June, after he made a statement linking her murder to the pro-government Basij
militia. Currently held in Evin Prison in Tehran, Caspian Makan is reported to have told his family that if he
signs a 'confession' saying that the People's Mojahedeen Organization of Iran (PMOI), a political body banned in
Iran since 1981, killed her, then he may be released. Amnesty International said it fears he may be forced to sign
such a 'confession' under torture or other ill-treatment, given the pattern of human rights violations in Iran
following the election. The organization said that he may be a prisoner of conscience, held for peacefully
exercising his right to freedom of expression. Neda Agha Soltan, 27, was killed on 20 June in Tehran…
In an interview with BBC Persian TV on 22 June, Caspian Makan said that 'Eyewitnesses and video footage […]
clearly show that probably Basij paramilitaries […] deliberately targeted her'. It later emerged that a member of
the Basij militia, a state security body under the command of the Revolutionary Guard, incriminated himself by
exclaiming after her shooting that he did not mean to kill her. Caspian Makan was arrested at his home in
Tehran four days later. (Amnesty International Website - Sep. 4, 2009)
Raped and beaten for daring to question Ahmadinejad’s election
Ardeshir, an engineering student dressed in jeans and T-shirt, tells his story in a corner of a Tehran park
obscured by trees - he no longer trusts telephones or the internet.
He smokes, fidgets, has bags beneath his eyes. Sometimes he cries. At one point he has to break off and return
another day. His distress is hardly surprising: he was locked up, beaten and raped multiple times for daring to
protest against President Ahmadinejad’s disputed re-election.
A psychologist said Ardeshir, 19, is depressed and may be suicidal: “He has extreme feelings of self-hatred

resulting from a sense that he will never be clean again, and from shame over the repeated rapes.
A hospital report confirms he suffered anal damage. He has temporarily abandoned his studies temporarily and
seeks solace by playing the santur, an Iranian instrument…
Ardeshir - not his real name - is one of scores, perhaps hundreds, of detainees who have been raped and
tortured by their jailers in the past three months in what appears to be a systematic attempt to break their will…
Ardeshir was no political activist but took to the streets on June 20 to protest at the election. He and his friends
were attacked by Basij, the Islamic volunteer militia, and separated.
As the violence increased Ardeshir headed to a metro station but was seized by plain-clothed police and thrown
into a windowless van containing 14 other bruised and bloodied demonstrators.
They were driven to an apartment building 90 minutes away that was clearly an unofficial detention centre.
Ardeshir believes that 60 to 70 detainees were held there.
The new arrivals were ordered to strip to their underwear and stand in lines. Two Basiji “rubbed our genital
areas with their batons, calling us ‘scum’ and saying ‘Ah, yes, the balls of the foot soldiers of the heretic
Mousavi’,” Ardeshir recalled. “They then promised that we would confess to trying to overthrow the divine
The next day two Basiji took a 17-year-old schoolboy from the cell that Ardeshir was in. “Ten minutes later we
heard him screaming and crying. It then went suddenly silent,” Ardeshir said.
”A couple of minutes later two Basiji grabbed me ... I felt faint and wanted to cry when faced with a scene I had
never before in my life imagined ... The boy, completely naked, was seemingly unconscious on the mat, his face
in a pile of vomit and with blood around his rectum.
”A Basiji called Mahmoud said, ‘Take a good look. That will happen to you if you resist, you faggot lover of


”The Basiji then said: ‘Now you.’ “They threw me on my back on the ground. Mahmoud then urinated on my
face, saying that this would teach me not to oppose the divine wishes of the Great Leader of the Revolution.
‘We have been sent to re-educate you, you spoilt Western piece of shit,’ he said.
”They took off my underwear and made me go around on all fours. Then Mahmoud said it was time for my
punishment. I was still on all fours when he began to rape me. As he penetrated me I cried out and felt as if I
would throw up. He told me that if I didn’t stop screaming he would stick his baton up me.
”When he was done, another Basiji came up and raped me…
Every other day Basiji would choose detainees from the cell to rape. “The third time they dragged me from the
cell, I momentarily escaped their grip and ran to a corner. I screamed, ‘You say you are Muslim. How can you
rape and humiliate us in this way?’. They laughed and said they had religious sanction from the Leader
[Ayatollah Khamenei] to do so because we had gone against his word.
”Three guys then dragged me from the corner. I was shoved against the wall, face first. Two guys spread my legs
and once again I was raped by them. I just cried and prayed for God to take my life. After the third man
finished Mahmoud said, ‘This is for insubordination. I warned you. I then felt a large object shoved up my
rectum. I think I lost consciousness because the next thing I knew I was back in the cell.
”It’s hard to explain what it was like in that cell. All of us were in shock. Those of us who had been raped spoke
the least and cried the most.
”They also liked to take several of us out at the same time and forced us to ride each other, doggy-style, whilst
naked. They laughed and took pictures with their mobile phones. They would watch this for ten minutes and
then proceed to rape“.
Ardeshir spent 23 days in the makeshift prison before his father secured his release on bail with the help of an
influential friend. Before he was freed he was taken to meet the commander in the flat above his cell. When the
commander ordered him to sign a confession he refused and told him what was happening.
”He asked me why I was once again slandering the Islamic Republic. ‘Nothing illegal is taking place here.
Everything that has happened has been religiously sanctioned by the Leader in his battle against you, Mousavi
and Karoubi scum. Now sign.’. I again refused. He punched me in the face and then hit me above my eye with
his pistol,” Ardeshir said.
After being beaten and raped again by two Basiji Ardeshir finally signed the “confession” which said that
opposition leaders and the foreign media had encouraged him to engage in anti-regime activities, and was
”He’s a broken boy,” his father told The Times. “I just pray that we can put him back together, although I know
he will never be the same gregarious, optimistic, sensitive boy we brought up How could this so-called Islamic
regime do this“? (Times of London – Sep. 11, 2009)
Jail rape victim threatened to keep silent speaks out
After reports from the three person committee in the Judiciary regarding documents presented by Mehdi
Karoubi on a number of jail rape cases, Ibrahim Sharifi, one of the victims in these cases who had disappeared
after talking to officials sent a video of himself to Reza Alamezadeh's weblog in which he talks about how
officials threatened him and why he decided to hide.
In this film which he has taken with his mobile phone in his place of hiding, Sharifi explains that after a
meeting in Karoubi's office, he took a ride with a man who called himself a friend of his father’s but he soon
realized that he was a security agent. This agent threatened him that if he talked about what happened, his
family would have a fixed accident. The agent also stressed that, "you know I would do this".
"I was afraid that something would happen to my family and I did not want anything to happen to them so I
decided to hide from that day on and I am still in hiding", he said.

Sharifi wrote in his letter to this weblog that he was under interrogations for 11 hours pressed to confess to how
much money Karoubi had paid him.
In another email, he explained his rape plight to Reza Alamezadeh, which had not been disclosed by Karoubi.
He said that he participated in the post election protests for a week and was beaten with electric batons in the
Some time later, when he had gone to get a visa from the Italian Embassy in the Mahiar Street, he was stopped
by a black car and arrested. In his three days of detention, he was verbally abused and insulted. Then he was
taken for mock execution. When he protested this issue one of the agents said, "Go make him pregnant so he
doesn’t repeat his shit anymore".
Then was pulled away on the ground. His hands were tied to the wall and his underwear was pulled off. He
fainted and when he came to he found himself in a place that looked like a clinic and he felt a burning
sensation and severe pain in his rectum. He was tied to a bed and an IV tube was attached to his hand.
"I thought of committing suicide many times but I also thought about getting my rights and the crimes
committed against me and others like me", he said in the film. (Rooz website – Sep. 14, 2009)
Torture, murder and rape' - Iran’s way of breaking the opposition
On July 8, a young student was arrested in Tehran for protesting against President Ahamdinejad’s disputed re-
election. The security forces clubbed Amir Javadifar, 24, so badly that he was treated in hospital before being
taken to the notorious Evin prison. His father was later called and told to collect his corpse.
The security forces ordered his family to say that he had died
of a pre-existing condition but medical reports show that he
had been beaten, sustaining several broken bones, and had his
toenails pulled out. “My son was not involved in politics. He
loved his motherland - that’s all,” said Javadifar’s recently
widowed father. “I alone mourn him“.
Javadifar is just one among scores of alleged cases of murder,
torture and rape unearthed by opposition investigators - cases
Amir Javadifar, as a student, left and after his that a regime claiming to champion Islamic values is doing its
utmost to suppress by denouncing the charges as lies, arresting
the investigators and seizing their files. The Times has been given access to 500 pages of documents - a small
fraction of the total - that include handwritten testimony by victims, medical reports and interviews.
They suggest that security forces have engaged in systematic killing and torture to try to break the opposition.
”The use of rape and torture was similar across prisons in Tehran and the provinces. It is difficult not to
conclude that the highest authorities planned and ordered these actions. Local authorities would not dare take
such actions without word from above,” wrote one investigator, in a coded reference to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
the Supreme Leader.
Mehdi Karoubi, 72, a defeated presidential candidate, said: “These crimes are a source of shame for the Islamic
Western non-governmental organisations said the documents corroborated what they were hearing from Iran,
from where foreign journalists have been banned.
”We are repeatedly receiving credible reports of harsh beatings, sleep deprivation and alleged torture to extract
false confessions in Iranian jails,” said Steve Crawshaw, UN director of Human Rights Watch. “Iran has fallen
off the front pages but this doesn’t mean the situation is improving. On the contrary, we very much fear it is
getting worse“.
The documents suggest that at least 200 demonstrators were killed in Tehran, with 56 others still unaccounted
for, and that 173 were killed in other cities. These are several times higher than the official figures. Just over half


of the 200 were killed on the streets. They were beaten around the head or shot in the head or chest as part of
an apparent shoot-to-kill policy - there are no reports of demonstrators being shot in the legs.
Yacob Barvaye, 27, a student, was shot by Basiji militiamen from the top of the Lolagar mosque in Tehran on
June 25, according to witnesses. Friends rushed him to hospital but he died of a brain haemorrhage. His family
were standing over his body when the Basiji arrived and removed it. Two days later they called the family to say
where they had buried it.
Ali Reza Tavasoli, 12, became separated from his father at a demonstration in the Behesht-e Zahra cemetery in
Tehran commemorating the murder of Neda Soltan, the young woman whose videotaped death made her an
opposition icon. His family stated that he had been killed in a car accident, but two doctors and a police officer
have since testified that he died from blows to the head and that Basijis removed his body from the hospital.
His aunt says his impoverished parents were given the equivalent of $2,000 (£1,215) to lie about the boy’s death.
The rest of Tehran’s 200 known victims died in custody - detainees such as Amir Hossein Tufanian, 31, who
was arrested on June 20 and taken to the Kahrizak detention centre. After his death, the police allegedly
demanded that his family should pay thousands of dollars for his body, which bore marks of torture and had
two broken arms. When the family protested that they had no money they were told they could have his corpse
free if they made no fuss.
In three quarters of the cases, the victims’ families were told nothing about their whereabouts and were denied
permission to hold proper funerals. The opposition claims that dozens were buried in unmarked graves in
Behesht-e Zahra cemetery.
Mahmoud Rezayan, the cemetery chief, said coroners had certified that the bodies were those of unknown
people who died in car accidents or from drug overdoses. The documents contain coroners’ statements denying
The documents also suggest that a chain of unofficial, makeshift prisons has been set up across Iran where rape
and torture are common practice. In Tehran alone, 37 young men and women claim to have been raped by
their jailers. Doctors’ reports say that two males, aged 17 and 22, died as a result of severe internal bleeding after
being raped.
Many of the male rape victims also spoke of beatings, being subjected to forms of sexual humiliation including
riding naked colleagues, and living in their underwear and in filthy conditions. Some testified that prisoners
were subjected to torture including beatings, electrocution and having their toenails torn out.
”Where is the humanity among these agents?” one investigator scribbled on a document.
Female rape victims were mostly held for days, not weeks, like the men. Some said that their jailers claimed to
have “religious sanction” to violate them as they were “morally dirty“.
Almost all, male and female, testified that they were ordered to say nothing of their ordeal or they would face
more of the same.
The documents detail other systematic abuses: violent raids on student dormitories, attacks on the homes of
suspected opposition sympathisers and the widespread intimidation of medics.
They cite instances of security forces storming hospitals and ordering doctors not to treat injured demonstrators,
not to record deaths by gunshot and to suppress medical reports indicating rape or torture.
Early last week, security forces raided offices of Mr Karoubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi, the other main
opposition candidate, and seized much of their evidence.
On Saturday a three-man panel set up by the head of the judiciary to investigate Mr Karoubi’s charges claimed
that they were fabricated. Regime newspapers and supporters are demanding his arrest.
Undaunted, Mr Karoubi said on Monday that the attacks “show that I have hit on something extremely
damaging to a number of political figures“.


He continued: “There are no few stories about the rape of girls and boys in prison. I say to myself three decades
after the revolution … - what place have we reached.«“? (The Times – Sep. 18, 2009)
Orumieh student sentenced to 30 lashes
Sayed Massoud Alavi, a student from the Free Orumieh University, was sentenced to two semesters of
suspension by the university and sentenced to a fine and 30 lashes by the Revolutionary Court in this city on
charges of protesting election results.
He was arrested on June 16 in a protest gathering in this university by the Protection Department and takento
the Orumieh Intelligence Department. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 25, 2009)
Political prisoner in danger of torture and being physically eliminated
According to reports from the Dastgerd Central Prison in Isfahan, political prisoner
Mohammad Nikbakht has been transferred to an unknown location for more than three
months now and there has been no news on his condition and whereabouts since then.
He was summoned by the head of the prison's Protection and Intelligence Department on
June 20 and transferred to an unknown location. He has been reportedly taken to solitary
cells in the RGC Intelligence Detention Center. He is in danger of torture and being
physically eliminated .
His family has approached the Isfahan Central Prison, Revolutionary Court, intelligence
agency and RGC Intelligence Department in this city several times but they still have not
received any answers on the condition of their son. His family has also been threatened and abused by these
institutions. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 27, 2009)
Iranian Protester Flees After Telling of Torture
When he eagerly joined the mass street protests that followed Iran’s tainted June 12 presidential elections,
Ibrahim Sharifi, 24, hoped only to add his voice to the hundreds of thousands of demonstrators demanding
that the government nullify the results. He never imagined that he would eventually have a far greater impact, as
the only person willing to speak publicly about the brutal treatment he was subjected to in prison, including
rape and torture...
Human rights groups say that Mr. Sharifi’s account conforms closely to those of other abuse victims. Omid
Memarian, a researcher with Human Rights Watch, said he had confirmed the credibility of Mr. Sharifi’s story
with people close to Mr. Karroubi...
He was on his way back home the afternoon of June 22 when he was grabbed by two men. “I had taken part in
every single protest, so I saw this coming,” he said .
He said he was handcuffed, blindfolded and, as he later learned, taken to the notorious Kahrizak detention
center in southwestern Tehran, where even the government concedes that several detainees were killed.
He said he remained handcuffed and blindfolded for four days in a cramped cell with about 30 other prisoners.
They were beaten senseless the first day, he said, and periodically after that over the next four days. Urine and
blood covered the floor .
By the fourth day he was beginning to lose hope of getting out alive. He had trouble closing his mouth and he
said he began vomiting blood.
”I told the guard that he should go ahead and just kill me if he wanted to,” he said, breaking into tears. “Then
he called another guard and said ‘Take this bastard and impregnate him“ ‘.
They took him out of the cell to another room where they pushed him against a wall that had handcuffs and
two metal hooks to keep his legs open. The guard pulled down his underwear, he said, and began raping him.
”He laughed mockingly as he was doing it and said that I could not even defend myself so how did I think that I
could stage a revolution.
”They wanted to horrify and intimidate me,” he said, weeping .


At that point, Mr. Sharifi said, he passed out. The next thing he remembered was opening his eyes and realizing
he was in a hospital with one hand cuffed to his bed. Another young man was screaming hysterically on a bed
next to him .
He said he heard a doctor tell someone, “Dump him or you’ll have the same problem as the other ones,”
meaning that he would die in custody. Two days later, he said, they put him in a car, took him to a highway in
Tehran and left him there, blindfolded .
He immediately went to a psychiatrist who put him on a heavy dose of anxiety medication. Then he went to a
police station to file a complaint, but the officers advised him to be thankful that he was alive and to try to
forget about it. (The New York Times - Sep. 27, 2009)
Quds Day detainees thrown in sacks and beaten
According to reports from detainees arrested on the demonstrations on Quds Day (Sep. 18), a large number of
detainees were taken to mosques and Bassij bases and beaten. They were placed in sacks and severely beaten by
Bassij forces. These reports say that hundreds of people were arrested by security forces in the Quds Day protests
but these arrests were made in isolated locations and alleys. (Iran News Agency – Sep. 29, 2009)
Political prisoner has been kept in excruciating conditions for 6 months
According to reports from ward 1 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, political prisoner Behrouz Javid-Tehrani has
been in this ward for close to six months under torture and under excruciating conditions.
Tehrani has recently been taken to the Hosseineih Section in its solitary cells. The Hosseineih is used for
prisoners who have severe mental problems. These prisoners are kept here instead of being taken to psychiatric
clinics. Political prisoners have no security in this section. Tehrani has been tortured on several occasions by
those who killed Iranian-Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi. He was recently tortured again and the signs
of torture and bruises are still evident on his body.
The Hosseineih has a number of large cells with very filthy carpets, a short ceilings and small windows which
have been completely covered and natural light does not shine into the cells. The prisoners are forced to sleep
on the floor and only have two blankets. This is while the prisoners are not able to sleep in the freezing winter
temperatures. The blankets are also very filthy and smell very bad which prevents the prisoners from resting.
The prison food is very scarce. Prisoners are given one fourth of bread daily along with potatoes. They are only
given enough to keep them from dying. Prisoners who are mentally ill usually get into physical fights over food.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 30, 2009)
Protester beaten and injured in prison
Kobra Zagheh-Dust and her husband Ashkan Eskandari were arrested by intelligence agents in a ceremony to
mark the 40th day of those killed in the (post-election) protests in the Behesht Zahra Cemetery. Two months
after their arrest, they are still in ward 209 in Evin Prison and kept in an undetermined state.
According to reports, Ashkan Eskandari started chanting slogans against Ahmadinejad when he was brought to
ward 209 after his arrest and was violently beaten for this reason by agents and guards in the detention center.
He has been detained in solitary since his arrest and despite his poor psychological and physical state, he is not
transferred to the general wards. He was also beaten by interrogators and ward guards on several occasions to
the extent that he was taken to the Taleqani Hospital for treatment yesterday due to his severe injuries.
Eskandari constantly shouts and cries demanding that he be taken to the general wards, but so far his wife's and
his constant requests have been left unheeded.
The number of detainees in Tehran (is so large) that security wards in Evin Prison including wards 209, 240 and
2A do not have any more space for prisoners. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Oct. 2, 2009)
Kurd political activist tortured in detention
A Kurd political activist was arrested by security agents in Marivan and taken to
the Sanandaj Intelligence Agency.
Ahmad Bob, an activist in the city of Marivan was violently arrested on August
25 in his home.


This Kurd citizen who suffers from a disk in his back was mistreated and tortured in this detention center and
now has a number of physical ailments as a result. There is no information on the charges against him. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 4, 2009)
Tortured student activist transferred to unknown location from Evin with three other students
Mojtaba Mohammadian, a financial management student at the Tehran Nour University who was arrested by
security forces on June 25 and has been under violent pressure and torture in solitary confinement in Evin
Prison was taken to an unknown location along with three other imprisoned students on orders of Mortazavi
(former Tehran Prosecutor). (Peik-e Iran website – Oct. 5, 2009)
Prisoners are tortured by exploiting their poor health and treatment
On Saturday October 3, Ayatollah Borujerdi, who is detained in the
special clerical ward of Evin Prison, fainted after a severe fall in his blood
pressure and his head and right hand were injured from his fall.
This dissident cleric suffers from problems and ailments in his heart, eyes,
teeth, jaw, bones, and kidneys and has Parkinson disease. Despite his poor
health, he is not taken for treatment outside of prison, and prison guards
have confiscated his medication which has led to the deterioration of his
health. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 6, 2009)
Tighten pressure and torture against prisoners of conscience in Sanandaj Prison
After an open letter was published which was written by prisoners of Sanandaj Prison, pressures have mounted
against them. According to recent reports, every day prisoners of the Pak 1 and 2 wards which are for prisoners
of conscience are removed from their cells and are kept without warm clothes and with slippers in the prison
yard until sunset in the freezing cold temperatures. They are once again returned into their cells after hours of
abuse, insult and humiliation. Prison guards also have a duty to search their personal items every day by orders
of the head of prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 8, 2009)
Post election detainees tortured and in limbo
According to reports from a number of the protesters arrested after the elections, these prisoners are kept in an
unclear state despite being incarcerated for months.
Mohammad Jalayi, 25, was arrested by security forces while working as a motorcycle courier and was violently
beaten and taken to a detention center. He was under torture for several days.
Political prison Mohammad Jalayi was forced to take part in a show trial. This trial was presided over by Judge
Salvati and Jalayi's case is in the hands of this judge. His family has gone to the court on several occasions to
pursue Jalayi's case but the judge has not been willing to answer them. This political prisoner does not have a
lawyer. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 12, 2009)
Young political prisoner suffers from illnesses because of inhumane treatment and torture
Hassan Tarlani, political prisoner who was arrested in 2008 and detained in ward 209 for seven months is
suffering from a slipped disk disorder at the age of 22. He also suffers from severe digestive problems which
makes consuming food very hard for him.
Despite these illnesses which he is suffering from as a result of unsuitable conditions in prison and mistreatment
in interrogations, the prison medical doctor does not treat his condition.
This student prisoner was arrested about 8 months ago on charges of cooperating with opposition groups and
sentenced to 10 years of prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – 13, 2009)
Evin Prison officials incite dangerous criminals to attack, threat, and torture political prisoners
According to reports from ward 350 in Evin Prison, a number of dangerous criminals were incited and
provoked in a religious sermon in the Praying Hall of Evin Prison's ward 350 last night to attack political
prisoners in their cells. About 150 criminals were gathered in the Praying Hall for a so-called religious ceremony.
An imprisoned cleric named Roghani who has been arrested on charges of moral corruption and financial fraud
gave a sermon in this ceremony. He called political prisoners Monafeqs (hypocrites) saying that spilling their
blood is a good deed and whoever kills them will go to heaven and will be awarded in this life. Roghani
encouraged and provoked these prisoners to attack political prisoners by reading verses from the Koran.
Following the sermon, Roghani and a person identified as Moslem Najaf Abadi who is reportedly a regimeagent

arrested for financial fraud moved to attack political prisoners along with the 150 other prisoners. They
chanted, "Death to Monafeq" and "death to those who are against the Velayat-e Faqih (Khamenei)", while trying
to enter the cell of political prisoners to attack them.
Two days before this attack, Roghani and Moslem Najafabadi and a number of dangerous criminals were taken
to the prison's Protection and Intelligence Department and were briefed for about 2 hours on what to do.
Roghani is free to go out of prison anytime he chooses because of his inhumane treatment of political prisoner
is only in prison a few hours on Tuesday and Friday nights to give sermons in the Prayer Hall and spends the
rest of his time out of prison. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 15, 2009)
Two prisoners tortured and abused in Orumieh
Political prisoner Mansour Mohammadi detained in Orumieh Prison and Ali Suleiman were taken to the
Orumieh Intelligence Agency Detention Center and severely beaten.
After 10 days of torture as a result of which Mohammadi lost half of his hearing, they were once again
transferred to the Orumieh Prison. Mohammadi, 43, is from Sanandaj and has served more than a year of his
six year prison term and Ali Suleiman is an Iraqi national who has served four of his 5 year term. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 17, 2009)
Blogger under torture for forced confession
Hossein Derakhshan, an imprisoned blogger in detained in Evin Prison in an
undetermined state despite the fact that his temporary prison term ended on October 10.
He was arrested last year after coming back to Iran and taken to Evin Prison. He spent the
first 8 months of prison in solitary and under various physical and mental pressures.
His interrogators told him that if he did not confess to being a spy, his father and sister
would be arrested and brought to Evin Prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 17,
Agents break hand and ribs of prisoner under torture
According to reports from the Baneh Intelligence Agency Detention Center a prisoner is under severe torture by
intelligence agents.
Rahim Foladi has a broken hand and rib as a result of torture inflicted on him. He has been taken to a hospital
in Baneh. He was arrested on October 12. (Iran News Agency – Oct. 16, 2009)
Prisoner commits suicide because of abuse and pressure
According to reports from ward 1 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, a prisoner tried to commit suicide because of
the intolerable pressure and abuse inflicted on him by the prison.
Reza Rezayi, 24, who has been in this prison for 4 years and will be freed in a matter of moths committed
suicide on October 15 because of the persistent abuse against him. One of his cellmates immediately took him
to the prison medical clinic after he realized he had tried to commit suicide. There is no information on his
condition after he was taken to the clinic.
Rezayi's brother was executed in the past two months in a group hanging. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – Oct. 18, 2009)
Mazandaran students disclose abuse and torture in trial
A trial was held for 10 Mazandaran University students who were arrested after the elections because of events
in the university.
Milad Hosseini Kashtân, Ali Nazari, Siavosh Safavi, Maziar Yazdaninia, Shavaneh Merikhi, Ali Abbasi, Ali
Donyari, Rahman Yaqubi, Majid Aqayi and Samku Babekri were the ten students who were trialed after being
detained since June in the Babol Intelligence Agency.
Two of the students said that an agent named Sayed-Javad Hosseini in the Babolsar Intelligence Detention
Center threatened them to rape and stripped them. These two students said that the agent severely beat them
while naked and threatened them with rape.
According to student activists in this university, this agent was responsible for torturing and threatening about
150 girls and boys who were detained in this detention center in June 14 and 15. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct.
18, 2009)


Political prisoner harassed and taken to criminals and addicted ward

Shâker Bâqi, a Kurd political prisoner and Turkey national who was sentenced to 30 years of prison in exile was
transferred to a prison in Khorasan Province's Kashmar. According to reports, officials of the Kashmar prison
detained Bâqi in a ward prisoners who had committed social crimes (murder, robbery, addiction, and rape) and
constantly change his ward, despite his persistent protests.
Reports show that drugs are easily obtainable by prisoners and officials try to turn activists into drug addicts in
this way.
This 30-year-old prisoner from North Kurdistan has been detained by Iran for close to 2 years and was initially
sentenced to death and then to 30-years of prison on charges of acting against national security. (Iran News
Agency – Oct. 21, 2009)
Prisoner beaten and raped on orders of prison officials
A prisoner in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj was raped by other prisoners on orders of prison officials. Yesterday,
Abdollah Hemati was raped on orders of the executive assistant of this prison named Ali Mohammadi by a
number of prisoners led by Azizi in section 4 of hall 11 of this prison.
According to eye witnesses, after this prisoner disrespected the prison executive assistant, this official implicitly
told Azizi to kill or rape this prisoner. After the official left the ward, a number of prisoners led by Azizi attacked
the prisoner, beating and then raping him. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 25, 2009)
Iran denies medical treatment to ailing political prisoner
According to reports from section 4 of Gohardasht Prison in Evin, political prisoner Mansour Radpour is
suffering from severe gastric and kidney illnesses but is denied treatment.
Radpour, 41, has been suffering from this illness for some time now. He's kidneys have become infected and he
has gastric bleeding along with severe pain which sometimes makes him unable to consume food. According to
the prison clinic, he has to be transferred to hospital outside of prison for treatment because the prison clinic is
unable to treat him.
Assef Hosseini, the head of the first branch of the Karaj Revolutionary Court has to agree to this transfer but
has so far rejected this using this political prisoner's illness as a pressure tool against him.
Radpour was arrested in April 2007 when he intended to attend a labor ceremony in Karaj. He was tortured in
a Ministry of Intelligence safe house for close to a month and broke two ribs and seriously injured his shoulder
as a result but was never treated.
He was sentenced to 3 years of prison in a trial which lasted only a few minutes without a lawyer and without
the right to defend himself. On August 2008, the first branch of the Revolutionary Court trialed him and
sentenced him to 5 additional years of prison. He was once again deprived of a lawyer and has no lawyer tothis
day. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 25, 2009)
Regime agents beat and injure three tradesmen in Kurdistan
State Security Forces near the Savan Village in Kurdistan's Sardasht beat three Kurd tradesmen on Saturday
October 24, severely injuring them.
These men were Abdollah Shayesteh, Taleb Taremuyi and Samaku Taremuyi. These agents also confiscated
their goods.
According to other reports, on Sunday October 25, regime forces in the Surkio region opened fire on a number
of tradesmen. This led to the death of 8 of their horses and donkey used to carry their goods. These forces burnt
the tradesmen's goods afterwards. (Kurdistan Media – Oct. 25, 2009)
Two political prisoners go on hunger strike to demand their rights
Political prisoners Hengameh Shahidi and Peiman Aref went on a huger strike to protest
the illegal treatment and violation of their rights in prison.
Jailed journalist Hengameh Shahidi has been under the most severe mental pressure for
120 days in prison. She will continue her hunger strike until she is released. She was
arrested on June 30 and was confined to a solitary cell for close to 50 days.
According to the 'Tajadodnameh' weblog, Peiman Aref, a student prisoner who has been
expelled from university also went on a hunger strike to protest being sent to solitary
confinement again. He was pressured and then sent to solitary for writing and publishing a
letter titled 'We Protest' with Majid Dori another expelled student, to Tehran's Public

Prosecutor. Peiman Aref has been imprisoned since August 19. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 26,
Prison guards crack down on jail protests
According to reports from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, prisoners in solitary cells in section 1 known as the 'dog
house' protested the medieval conditions they are kept in and took control of this hall for a few hours.
These prisoners continuously face torture, rape and rape with clubs, degradation, beatings, insults, lack of food
and deplorable hygienic conditions and dozens of prisoners commit suicide or die in prison as a result.
After prison guards got control of this section again, the head of prison Ali Haj-Kazem, the assistant head of
prison, the assistant head of the Intelligence Protection Department and head of Prison Guards surrounded the
area and violently suppressed the prisoners. They used tear gas in this attack which lasted for a few hours. There
is no information on the condition of these prisoners after this attack. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists
in Iran – Oct. 26, 2009)
Regime forces torture Azeri activist arrested after elections
Received letter: I was arrested in the days following the elections
and was under torture for three days. After three days they took
me to the Shohada Hospital because I passed out.
I was as good as dead. My hand was broken and my inner parts
were displaced in my body which later led to bleeding in my
intestines. They burned my stomach with cigarettes.
This is a picture of my body and the shirt I had on. (Iran News
Agency – Oct. 27, 2009)
Political prisoner denied right to treatment in prison
According to reports from the Central Birjand Prison, political prisoner Yasser Majidi has been kept in exile in
this prison under the most severe and inhumane conditions with constant pressures from intelligence agency
interrogators for five years.
Majidi, 29, is the only political prisoner who has been kept in exile in this prison for more than 5 years and is
the only political prisoner in this prison. He has been kept in the Quarantine Section in this time.
This political prisoner has severe asthma and is kept amongst prisoners who smoke. This section does not have a
ventilation system. Majidi has had asthma attacks on several occasions bringing him close to death. But officials
deny him effective treatment and he is mostly only given sedatives. He has to be treated by a specialist and has to
have special tests and a prescribed medicine.
Prisoners have been packed into this ward to the extent that they have to sleep on their side next to each other
to fit and many of them have headaches and other problems because of the lack of oxygen.
The food quality in this prison is very poor and not edible but prisoners have no other source of food. This food
contains no meat and it has been years prisoners haven't had fruits or vegetables. When the prisoners protest
the food quality, they are told that the prison has no budget because of the sanctions.
In addition to inhumane conditions that Yasser Majidi is kept in, interrogators from the Ministry of Intelligence
bring a number of people from the 'Nejat Association' (founded by the Ministry of Intelligence against the
PMOI) to threaten and harass him for cooperating with them and write a book against his beliefs.
Yasser Majidi was arrested at 21 in 2001 in Karaj on charges of supporting the PMOI and was under severe
torture for eight months. He was sentenced to 28 years of prison and exiled to this prison from Gohardasht
Prison in Karaj. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 28, 2009)
Two other male political prisoners raped on orders of prison official
Two imprisoned men who were arrested in the recent events (after the elections) whose confessions were
broadcasted from Iranian state run TV were transferred to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj from Evin Prison in the
beginning of this week.
Reza Torabi, the head of Inspections in this prison personally transferred these two prisoners to ward 1 and
openly and explicitly demanded in the presence of a number of prisoners that they be violently raped.
These two prisoners are currently held incommunicado in this ward. (Human Rights Activists in Iran - Oct. 29,


Two prisoners die from denial of medical treatment in Evin Prison

A number of political prisoners in Evin Prison are in need of special medical treatment for their illnesses but
prison officials disregard their conditions and this has endangered the life of these prisoners. Two prisoners
passed away as a result of this negligence this week.
In the past week only in Hall 4 of Section 7 of Evin Prison, two prisoners passed away. In the first case a
prisoner who was about 60 years old had a light heart attack and after being denied treatment, had another
heart attack and passed away. In other reports, a 30-year-old prisoner was suffering from internal bleeding and
asked for medical treatment last night but was thrown out of the prison medical clinic being called a 'drug
addict'. This prisoner passed away in Section 4 because of his internal bleeding and the negligence of medical
personnel in the prison a few hours ago. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 29, 2009)
Death row political prisoner in critical condition
Shirku Moaarefi, a Kurd prisoner sentenced to death is in critical condition and banned from receiving visits.
According to an informed source, the father of this civil rights activist sentenced to death, announced that in
his last approach to the Supreme Court on Monday to get information on his son, judicial officials disregarded
him and did not even allow him inside the review branch of the Supreme Court. He was treated inhumanely by
employees of this branch.
"Shirku is still in critical mental and physical condition because of his injuries and fractures from when he was
tortured", his father said.
Moaarefi's lawyer has still not been allowed to see to his case and the Revolutionary Court has appointed one of
its employees named Azizpoor as his lawyer. This lawyer has not taken any measures to prevent the death
sentence issued by the judicial system and upheld by the Supreme Court.
Security agents have threatened his father warning him that if he cooperates with or give interviews to any media
regarding his son, bad consequences await his family and the chances of a prompt execution for his son will
increase. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Oct. 30, 2009)
Political prisoner hospitalized after heart attack from lack of medical attention
According to reports, student activist Peiman Aref was hospitalized in the cardiac ward of the Modares Hospital
because of his critical heart condition.
Peiman Aref had a heart attack on October 30 because of the inhumane pressure imposed on him in prison
and not having access to his medicine and was taken to the prison medical clinic. He was later transferred to the
Modares Hospital and hospitalized there because of his critical condition.
He was transferred to Labor Ward 350 of Evin Prison on October 28 from solitary. The harassments and
pressure imposed on him increased since his transfer and he was subjected to more limitations in contacting his
family. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 31, 2009)
Inhumane conditions in prison leads prisoner to suicide
According to reports from section 1 (known for its notoriety) of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, Turk Ashan, a
prisoner in Hall 3 of Section 1 committed suicide but was taken to the prison medical clinic by his cellmates.
Some reports say that this prisoner has died due to his very critical condition. This prisoner has been violently
tortured by prison guard Marjani (involved in the Murder of Iranian-Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi)
and other prison officials. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 2, 2009)
Jailed female journalist sexually harassed in prison
Reza Pajouh, the father of jailed journalist Fariba Pajouh said in an interview that he
objects the fact that his daughter has been kept in solitary for one month. He
stressed that the issue of Fariba not having access to a lawyer is against her rights and
a violation of the law.
"Fariba was distraught by the way she was treated by the guards to the extent that in a
visit with her in prison she was so upset that she screamed from behind the glass
partition. She said that they had body searched her and was very upset by the
repulsive way she was body searched. They had also set limitations for her in using


the bathroom which is undignified for my daughter or any other prisoner", Reza Pajouh said.
Citing unprofessional questions asked in interrogations from prisoners he said, "If someone commits a crime
they have to ask questions regarding the crime they claim he or she has committed and not interrogate them on
their personal life and things that have nothing to do with their work or profession. Of course we have also
talked to a number of former prisoners who have been recently released and it seems that talking about
unprofessional and personal issues is a standard procedure in the interrogations", he added. (Green Wave of
Freedom Website – Nov. 3, 2009)
Dervishes sentenced to flogging
A group of Neimatollahi Dervishes residing in Isfahan were sentenced to 100 days of suspended prison, 20
lashes and a fine after security forces filed a complaint against them.
These Dervishes were charged with disrupting public order by gathering in the 'Tikeh Dervish Naser Ali' on
February 19 and disobeying security forces.
According to this report, the 'Tikeh Dersish Naser Ali' in Isfahan was attacked by security forces in January and
the praying hall of this center was bulldozed by security forces. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 6, 2009)
19 year old ailing female political prisoner denied treatment
According to reports from the women's ward in Evin Prison, student prisoner
Mahsa Naderi is suffering from severe physical ailments and is in critical
The 19-year-old economical major at the Qom Mofid University is suffering
from severe headaches, pain in her kidneys and bladder infection. Her
headaches have increased in the past few days to the extent that she has nausea
3 to 4 times a day and sometimes passes out from the pain. She is treated
inhumanely when she goes to the prison medical clinic and is only given
sedatives which do not ease her pain. She does not have a history of headaches
and her headaches are a result of physical torture by the head interrogator of the intelligence agency when she
was is ward 209 which has gradually increased. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 8, 2009)
Police ready to cut off limbs of 'criminals'
The head of the Intelligence Department of the State Security Forces said that not carrying out the Islamic Penal
Laws (cutting off limbs) leads to the increase of insecurity in the county, announcing that the police is ready to
carry out these punishments.
"Not carrying out these punishments is the main reason that crime has not been uprooted in the country",
Asghar Jafari added. (Khorasan Daily – Nov. 9, 2009)
Man sentenced to prison and tortured for being in picture
Majid Moqimi was publicly trialed in a court for the suspects of the events after the elections. He has a 10 year
old son named Mohammad Matin and has no past history of political activities.
According to his family, he was detained in the Gisha Detention Center for 12 days after his arrest. He was
beaten and tortured in this time to the extent that one side of his body was completely black and bruised and he
suffered from severe rib cage pain.
After 12 days, Moqimi was taken to Evin Prison's Quarantine Section. He told his families in calls he made
from prison that his hands and feet were tied and he was blindfolded while being beaten in interrogations to
force him to sign a confession. He was finally forced to sign the confession which stated that he had participated
in the demonstrations (after the elections) after his interrogator threatened to abuse his mother and family
Majid Moqimi was trialed in the third session of the public trials. He was introduced as 'one of the main
elements of the recent unrest' and was sentenced to one of year of prison.
This is while the only evidence against him is a picture in his cell phone which shows him standing next to a
burnt motorcycle. Majid Moqimi has been denied the right to choose his own lawyer and a lawyer was
appointed for him. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 11, 2009)
Three men lashed in public in Isfahan
Three men were lashed in public in the morning in the Ali Khorasgan Mosque Park in Isfahan.


This sentence was carried out at 10 am in public for three rapists who have been in prison for years.(Wesbite of
Nasl-e Farda state-run daily - Nov. 11, 2009)
Iran sentences vote detainee to jail, lashes: report
A court has sentenced a man detained after Iran's disputed election in June to seven years in jail and 74 lashes,
the reformist Mowjcamp website said on Wednesday.
It was the first report of someone arrested over the election protests being sentenced to lashes. The June 12 vote
triggered huge street demonstrations by OPPOSITION supporters accusing the authorities of rigging the result...
Mowjcamp said a Revolutionary Court had sentenced Soheil Navidi Yekta to both imprisonment and lashes on
charges including acting against national security, propaganda against the clerical establishment and disturbing
public order.
There was no immediate comment from Iranian officials. (Reuters – Nov. 11, 2009)
HRW calls for judicial action in Iran
Judicial authorities in Iran should investigate allegations of sexual violence and abusive behavior in the national
prison system, Human Rights Watch said. The rights advocacy group points to a series of allegations of sexual
assault in Iranian prisons on dissidents detained in the wake of the disputed June 12 election… Human Rights
Watch points to the case of a 27-year-old activist whose medical record indicates he was sodomized by a blunt
object and beaten severely while in custody. 'It's shameful for Iran's government to close its eyes to official
evidence of severe sexual abuse of detainees by prison authorities,' said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and
North Africa director at Human Rights Watch... Human Rights Watch called on Iranian authorities to hold
those responsible for the abuse allegations accountable for their actions and reminds Tehran of its human-rights
obligations under international law. (United Press International – Nov. 10, 2009)
20 year old man beaten in prison for attending protests
Hesam Tarmesi is a 20 year old man who according to his family only went out on the
streets in Sa'adat Abad on the night of June 20 out of curiosity to see the post election
Ten days after that night, on July 1 at 2 pm, four plainclothes men who introduced
themselves as agents of the Ministry of Intelligence took Hesam with them saying they
only intended to interrogate him for two hours in the Shariati Security Police Station.
His family did not have any information about their son for 20 days after that until
Hesam called them and said that he was in Evin Prison.
Tarmesi was trialed in a public court and was sentenced to 28 months of prison. Four
months of his sentence was for participating in the gatherings and two years for
throwing stones.
According to this political prisoner's family, he told them in family visits in Evin Prison that "on the first three
days in the negative fourth floor of the Ministry of Interior, he was tied to a chair and beaten".
"They demanded that I sign a paper which was supposedly my confession while my eyes were closed", Hesam
told his family.
The interesting note was that his family only realized that he was trialed after they saw him in the court on TV.
According to them, the Judge prevented lawyers that they chose for Hesam from taking up his case and an
appointed lawyer has been assigned to his case. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 12, 2009)
Isfahan Public Prosecutor defends degrading punishments
The Isfahan Public Prosecutor said, "The Judiciary is severe in confronting those who rape or violate the rights
of the people".
He cited ambiguities on the question of divine punishments in public (so-called Islamic punishments like public
flogging) and said, "A person who does not respect others and violates their rights does not deserve any respect
and has to know that it is possible that in addition to getting a physical punishment, his reputation and prestige
will be degraded in public". (Fars News Agency – Nov. 12, 2009)


Female student prisoner denied proper treatment for heart attack

Shabnam Madadzadeh, the assistant secretary of the Tehran branch of the Office for Consolidating Unity and a
member of the central council of the Teacher Training University's Islamic Association and her brother who
were arrested in March are still in temporary detainment.
Shabnam's trial has so far been postponed four times. She is suffering from heart problems and recently had a
heart attack which was met with negligence by medics in Evin Prison's Medical Clinic. (VOA TV – Nov. 16,
Regime forces shoot and injure Arak Univ. student
A student activist in the Arak Applied Sciences University identified as Ahmad Jabari was shot and severely
injured by security forces. According to reports, the Arak Intelligence Agency has banned him from getting visits
at the hospital. (Iran News Agency – Nov. 17, 2009)
Iran sentences journalist to 2 years of prison and 76 lashes
Kambiz Nuroozi's lawyer said that his client was sentenced to two years of prison and 76 lashes by the 26th
branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court.
"My client was charged with spreading propaganda against the government by participating in the June 15
march (protesting election results), conspiring to act against national security and disrupting public order",
Seyed Mahmoud Alizadeh Tabatabayi said.
Nuroozi is the Secretary of the Legal Committee of Iran's Journalist Association who was arrested outside the
Qoba Mosque on June 28 and was detained for two weeks.
Tabatabayi who also represents Faramarz Abdollah-nejad said that his sentence was approved by the 54th branch
of the Court of Review.
"My client (Abdollah-nejad) was sentenced to 28 months of prison by a court of first instance on charges of
acting against national security, spreading propaganda against the system and conspiring and gathering to act
against national security, and this sentence was upheld by the 54th branch of Revolutionary Court", he added.
(ILNA state-run news agency – Nov. 18, 2009)
Regime agents attack two Kurd political prisoners
Reports say that agents of the Sanandaj Prison stormed ward 2 (where political prisoners are
held) and after beating the prisoners, confiscated the notes and books of political prisoners
Habib Latifi and Adnan Hasan Pour.
The agents yelled profanity while they violently searched Habib and Adnan's beds and other
prisoners said that they threatened that they would transfer them to intelligence solitary
According to confirmed sources, all of Latifi and Hasan Pour's books, personal notes and
writings were confiscated and prison agents threatened these prisoners saying that they were
going to "make new criminal records", against them. (Iran BBB – Nov. 19, 2099)
Bassij forces beat student activists in Science and Industry Univ. in Tehran
According to reports, several members of the Student's Affairs Council of the Science and Industry University
in Tehran were beaten by Bassiji students.
On Wednesday November 19, a number of Bassiji students attacked the offices of this council in a preplanned
attack and started beating the students in the office. Some of the students who were beaten were not even
members and had come to the office for other affairs.
The Bassijis claimed that the office for the Student Affairs Council was encouraging students to create unrest in
the university. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Nov. 21, 2009)
Mazandaran Univ. students sentenced to prison and flogging for peaceful gatherings
Branch 101 of the Public Court in Babolsar sentenced eight students of Mazandaran University to 48 months of
prison all together and 15 lashes each on charges of disrupting the order of the university. Milad Husseini
Koshtan, Ali Nazari, Siavosh Safavi, Ali Donyari, Maziar Yazdani Nia, Shovaneh Merikhi, Ali Abassi and
Rahman Yaqubi were each sentenced to 6 months of prison and 15 lashes for disrupting the order of the
university by gathering on June 16 in this university. They were imprisoned on June and July. (Etemad state-run
daily – Nov. 24, 2009)


Regime forces imprison wife of political prisoner to put pressure on him

Close to three months after the arrest of Mohsen Dokme Chi, a well known Bazaar member in Tehran, there is
still no news on his condition. He was mentally and physically tortured in a solitary cell in Evin Prison's ward
209 by intelligence agents who were trying to force him to make false confessions. Before the arrest of his wife,
Dokme Chi made a short controlled call from prison to his family. Head interrogator Alavi took the phone
from him in the middle of his telephone call threatening his wife with imprisonment.
Alavi arrested Maryam Alangi , Dokme Chi's wife a few days after this threat and transferred her to solitary cells
in ward 209.
Mrs. Alangi suffers from sever pain in her neck and back and has been arrested as a pressure tool on her
husband. This 47 year old woman was arrested before this on October 11.
Despite the low temperatures and cold weather, the heating appliances in ward 209 have been shut down and
political prisoners are forced to stay in the cold. Guards intentionally leave the prison windows open at nights.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 25, 2009)
Paralyzed political prisoner in danger of death
The physical condition of political prisoner Hadi Abed Bakhoda who has spinal cord damage is deteriorating
and his life is in grave danger.
This 50- year-old political prisoner cannot walk or move on his own. It has been more than 20 days that he has
been incarcerated in the Medical Clinic of the Rasht Central Prison. His condition has deteriorated because of
the lack of treatment in prison. His urinary sack has not been changed for the past 4 weeks even while it has to
be changed every week. This has led to an increase of the infection in his blood and his complexion has turned
The prison clinic does not treat his wounds properly and this has led to infections in his wounds. He has lost a
lot of weight in the past 4 weeks and has been denied the right to take a shower since his arrest and is kept in
very insanitary conditions. Bakhoda did his day to day matters with the help of others.
His family was active in mixing and editing wedding films to make a living but the Ministry of Intelligence
confiscated all the equipment they used to this end a few months ago to put financial pressure on them.
Bakhoda was sentenced to two years of prison by the 2nd branch of the Revolutionary Court and was arrested on
November 8 and taken to Rasht Prison. He was imprisoned and tortured in the 80's for supporting the People's
Mojahedin Organization of Iran. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran– Nov. 29, 2009)
Regime forces beat jailed student
Salman Sima, a student activist who had a visit with his family today in
prison said that he was severely beaten in prison to the extent that his ribs
were broken.
This student activist in the Free University who is also a member of the
Office for Consolidating Unity was only able to receive a visit with his
family after 20 days in jail. He was severely beaten in his interrogations.
This student activist who had the flue when he was arrested is in very poor
health because of the lack of treatment in prison. He has been detained in
solitary since his arrest and has been transferred to different cells five times

Salman Sima in university demo in this time. His interrogations are still ongoing.
Interrogators have ordered that he be kept in a cold cell without any heating
appliances. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 3, 2009)
Iranian protesters claim intimidation in Turkey
Many political activists fled to safety in Turkey, where now, they say, they are being targeted.
After fleeing Iran's post-election unrest they claim they are being subjected to a campaign of threats and
intimidation by agents of the Islamic regime.
Several have told the Guardian that they fear for their lives after being tracked down by Iranian security
personnel in a country they previously regarded as safe.

Some say they are desperate to leave for a more secure country after being accosted in the streets of the Turkish
capital, Ankara, and threatened on the internet.
Those claiming harassment are seeking political asylum in the west after alleging they were raped and tortured in
the aftermath of the protests that followed President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad's disputed re-election last June,
which opponents say was achieved through mass fraud.
They believe the Iranian authorities have put them under surveillance in an effort to intimidate them into
silence about rape allegations which scandalised the country's political system when they first surfaced in
August. Some say their families in Iran have also been targeted.
In the latest incident, a 24-year-old man who claims he was raped described how he woke up in the early hours
of the morning this week to find three men looking through the windows of his ground floor flat. 'I was woken
by what sounded like someone trying to break in,' he told the Guardian. 'When I went to the living room, there
was a man staring through the window.
'I went to the bedroom window so I could shout for help, but there I discovered two more men. I was terrified. I
switched off the lights and piled the sofa behind the living room door. They left after a few minutes, but I
couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. The following day I was on the internet when a chat-room message
appeared under the name of one of my friends, who has been arrested in Iran. It said, 'you witnessed last night
what we are capable of - keep your wits about you and don't think you can do whatever you like'. It wasn't the
first such message I had received.'
Another alleged rape victim said his hotel room was trashed after an Iranian embassy employee had asked the
receptionist for a list of the guests. The 27-year-old man, a former activist for the defeated presidential candidate
Mir Hossein Mousavi, also said he was pursued on the streets.
'On one occasion, a man grabbed me by the hand as I was walking and said, 'let's go and talk', but I ran away,' he
said. 'Another time, as I was going into my flat, a man put his hand on my shoulder and, looking into my eyes,
told me, 'either you are going to shut up or we will shut you up'.'
Mariam Sabri, 21, who claims she was raped by an interrogator after being arrested, said her father and her
brother were arrested after she spoke out about her ordeal. 'They arrested my brother for a second time just a
few days ago and broke both his hands,' she said. 'They told him, 'either you go to Turkey and get her back so we
can put her on television to make her confess that she has done this just to seek asylum, or we will take action
ourselves'. They also told my father, 'do you think it's difficult for us to put her into a sack and bring her back'.'
Some Iranians have expressed doubts about the protection given to them by police in Turkey. Two men in a
small town in central Turkey said police threatened to hand them over to the Iranian authorities. Others say
Turkish police have warned them to keep quiet about the threats they have received from Iranian agents.
The intimidation campaign comes after a senior revolutionary guard commander, Brigadier General Masoud
Jazayeri, told the hardline Keyhan newspaper that foreign-based supporters of the OPPOSITION green
movement would be targeted as 'extensions of a soft coup.'
'So far, a large number of the infantry of the enemy has been identified,' he said. 'The Islamic Republic will not
allow the extensions of a soft coup to act on further sedition and if necessary, the government will make them
face serious challenges'.
Iranians do not need visa requirement to enter Turkey, meaning it would be easy in theory for Iran's state agents
to operate clandestinely within Turkey's borders. Western diplomats have privately voiced concerns about the
security of Iranian refugees from the election upheaval. (The Guardian – Dec. 3, 2009)
Plainclothes agents throw boy and girl student off building in Hamedan
There were reports of sporadic clashes between students of the Bu-Ali Sina University in Hamedan and
plainclothes agents. Two dissident students, one of them a girl, were thrown off the second floor of a building
and according to eyewitnesses, were badly injured. After this event, the atmosphere of this university became

very tense and at 1 pm a number of unidentified people stormed the university and attacked the students.
(Fararu Website – Dec. 7, 2009)
Bassij militia forces violently arrest more than 20 students in Isfahan
More than 20 students of the Najaf Free University in Isfahan were arrested in a protest today at this university
by agents of the Isfahan Intelligence Agency.
Their gathering went on until 1:15 pm without any violence until Bassij forces attacked the students which led
to violence. These Bassij forces that had entered the university with the help of the university’s Protection
Department attacked the students with clubs, electric clubs, chains and pepper spray. A number of these forces
entered the university campus with motorcycles which is against university regulations. They then beat the
After the gathering when students intended to board the university bus, Bassij and Protection Department
agents once again attacked the students in the parking lot and arrested a number of them. Intelligence Agency
cars which were waiting outside the university took the detained students to unknown locations. It is not clear
how many students were arrested but it is estimated that more than 20 of them were arrested. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Dec. 7, 2009)
Security forces wait outside hospital to arrest injured protesters
According to reports from Iran, demonstrations are still in progress in Central Tehran streets and security forces
are violently cracking down on them.
Security forces opened fire on the people in Quds Square injuring one of the demonstrators. A large number of
people were arrested in this area. Three young women and a middle aged woman were arrested near Building
310 and were taken to an unknown location. According to eyewitnesses, more than 50 people were arrested in
Enqelab Square.
According to other reports, Special Guards Forces are standing alert with guard dogs next to the entrances of a
number of hospitals including the Hezartakhtekhabi Hospital to arrest injured protesters who come to the
hospital. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 7, 2009)
Security forces beat and arrest student activist in Tehran
Meisan Hashemi, a student activist who is studying law at Tehran University was arrested after being violently
beaten by security forces.
He was arrested yesterday evening after Hezbollah forces attacked Tehran University. There is no news on his
whereabouts. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 8, 2009)
Security forces forcefully arrest Tehran Univ. student
Taher Dehkharqarnian, a medical student at Tehran University was arrested after Bassij forces attacked this
university today. These forces beat him and forced him into a car. He was taken to an unknown location. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 8, 2009)
Plainclothes agents violently arrest law students in Tehran Univ. while assaulting his wife
Mojtaba Hashemi, a member of the Central Council of the Islamic Association in Tehran University's Law and
Political Science College was violently arrested in the evening.
Hashemi and his wife were confronted by security forces in 16 Azar Street when leaving the university. These
agents sprayed pepper spray in his wife's face and then violently arrested Hashemi. (Nurooz Website – Dec. 8,
Security forces violently beat prominent student leader before arresting him
Majid Tavakoli who was violently beaten and arrested on December 7 by security
forces is faced with ongoing torture in detention. Tavakoli was arrested while
intending to leave Amir Kabir University along with other students by agents in a
white van. These forces beat Tavakoli to the extent that passersby were shocked at the
scene. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 9, 2009)


Iranian forces attack student protesters on second day of demonstrations

Government warns protesters it will show 'no mercy'
Thousands of members of the pro-government Basij paramilitary organization stormed the grounds of Tehran
University on Tuesday and attacked a group of protesting students, several witnesses said, as unrest continued in
the capital for a second day following 'Student Day' demonstrations Monday .
Armed with steel clubs, electric batons, pepper spray and tear gas, the Basij members first surrounded and later
assaulted a group of about 700 students who had gathered in front of the university's technical faculty, where
there had also been running battles between the two groups the day before. Regular police units were out in full
force in the streets surrounding the university .
'They broke the windows and cut some of us with the pieces of glass,' said a student who only gave his first
name, Hamed. 'We lit fires in front of the faculty's entrance, but they poured in and fights broke out in the
hallways,' he said in a telephone interview. Hamed said he was wounded on his face in the melee…
Earlier, the government's chief prosecutor warned that 'from now on, we will show no mercy' to protesters or
their families.
A day after Iranian security forces and paramilitary groups used clubs, tear gas and electric batons to break up
anti-government demonstrations, prosecutor Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei said authorities have no intention
of letting the demonstrations, which have festered for six months, continue.
'Intelligence and security . . . forces have been ordered not to give any leeway to those who break the law, act
against national security and disturb public order,' he said. 'Families are responsible, too, if their children are
arrested. They will have no right to complain. Our people can no longer take this,' Mohseni-Ejei said of the
protests. 'It is our duty to defend the rights of the people'.
'I saw three middle-aged women being shocked by members of the Basij using stun guns,' a witness said by
telephone from a street near the University of Tehran. 'I ran away, but when I turned around, I saw them lying
on the street, their bodies shaking because of the shocks.' As he spoke, people could be heard screaming in the
background… (The Washington Post – Dec. 8, 2009)
Political prisoner thrown in solitary cell in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj
Political prisoner Afshin Baimani was taken to solitary cells in ward 5 from ward 4 in Gohardasht Prison in
Karaj. He was transferred on the orders of the head of this prison, Ali Haj Kazem.
These solitary cells have very inhumane conditions. The sanitary conditions in these cells are intolerable. All the
heating appliances are shut down and prisoners only have a blanket to sleep with. Prison guards treat prisoners
very violently. Political prisoners are transferred here to be subjected to pressure. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 9, 009)
Qazvin Univ. officials threaten and insult parents of student activists
After student sit-ins in the Qazvin International University which was staged for the release of three students
from jail, the heads of the Protection Department and Disciplinary Committees, Hossein Sardaghi and Mohsen
Hosseini threatened the families of student activists in phone calls.
The Protection Department called the families of more than 40 students and threatened them that if their
children continue their protests, the students and their families will run into 'problems'.
In a number of cases, Protection agents told the fathers of female students with the most shameful words that
they should control their 'daughters or else…' (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 9, 2009)
Bassij forces attack and beat Chamran Univ. students in Ahwaz
Students of the Chamran University in Ahwaz who intended to hold a protest gathering on Student's Day in
this university were beaten by Bassij forces and Protection Department agents.
Dozens of students were attacked by Protection Department forces the minute they started their gathering.


These forces confiscated the cell phones of students who were filming the scene and in the ensuing clashes
several students, especially a number of girl students, were injured. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 9, 2009)
Regime sentences peaceful protesters to flogging, tortures them in detention
Six Azeri activists in Tabriz were sentenced to 91 days of detention and 30 lashes, suspended fro two years, after
protesting a racist joke by Mohammad Khatami. They were sentenced by branch 111 of Tabriz's Penal Court.
According to this sentence they were charged with disrupting public order. They have been accused of creating
commotion in a speech by Mir-Hossein Moussavi in Tabriz by chanting slogans against Mohammad Khatami
and demanding Azeri language rights. These suspects were banned from having a lawyer in the court procedures
and were beaten and tortured in detention. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 10, 2009)
Bassij forces use electricity cables to beat peaceful protesters
On December 7 (Student's Day) Bassij forces had a new tool to suppress people. As it is shown in the pictures
below, security forces used electricity cables to beat students and other people on December 7. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Dec. 12, 2009)
Prison guards attack political prisoners in Karaj's Gohardasht Prison
Prison guards at Gohardasht Prison in Karaj on December 15 attacked ward 4, where most political prisoners
are detained, and threw these prisoners in the prison yard in freezing cold temperatures with insults, harassment
and offensive language. The guards then stormed their cells with search dogs and destroyed and scattered their
very few personal belongings which was provided by their families. They then confiscated their notes and
telephone cards used to call their families. The guards even confiscated the food stuff that political prisoners
had bought with their own money from the prison shop.
Close to 40 prison guards participated in this violent attack.
Ward 4 is where most political prisoners are detained including the head of the Vahed Bus Syndicate in Tehran,
Mansour Osalu, Ali Saremi, Saied Masuri, Afshin Baimani, Arjang Davudi, Ali Mo'ezi, Hood Yazerlu, Misaq
Yazdan Nejad, Mohammad Ali Mansouri, Shir Mohammad Rezayi, Mansour Radpour and several other
political prisoners. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 15, 2009)
Young man arrested and tortured by regime forces on Dec. 7 speaks out
A young man who was arrested and tortured on Student's Day on December 7 sent a report and images of the
torture marks on his body for us.
He was taken to a secret detention center and tortured and beaten for three consecutive hours.
This young man wrote in his letter: 'I was arrested along with eight others on the morning of December 7. They
forced us in a van and took us to a place that we did not recognize. When we got there, they took all our
personal belongings away from us and threw us in a room with only the shirts on our backs. There were torture
tools in this room including normal plastic clubs, cables and other items. One of the agents used a cable to
torture us which was about 40 cm long. The length of the cable handle was about 10 to 15 cm and the rest was
the cable which was about 2 mm in diameter. He sometimes heated the cable with a heater in the room to
increase the pain. The pain and burning sensation from this cable was more than that of a club. The agents
insisted on using this cable to torture us. Of course the usual slaps in the face and verbal abuse were also
inseparable parts of the tortures. They tested all the torture tools on us. This went on for about 2 to 3 hours and
they then took us to another
room. They threw us out of their
car the next day in one of the
streets in Tehran. (Resistance
Forces – Dec. 17, 2009)
Political prisoner not allowed
leave from prison despite
deteriorating health
Abdollah Momeni is banned
from getting a medical leave
from Evin Prison despite the fact
that the prison doctor has said
that he has to be treated outside prison.

The spokesman for the Office for Consolidating Unity who suffers from a kidney illness has contracted a kind
of skin disease in prison since his arrest in the summer and the prison doctors have said that he has to be
treated outside the prison. (Advar News – Dec. 17, 2009)
Iran to blind teenager as punishment for accident
A 17 year old boy who claims that he blinded a young man because he laughed at his sister was sentenced to
being blinded in one eye after being tried in court.
Saman accepted the charges in the interrogations (after he was arrested) but said that he did not have any prior
intentions to blind the young man.
After the court heard the defendant's statement, the Judging Committee of the 4th branch of the Fars Penal
Court found him guilty in a general agreement and sentenced him to being blinded in the left eye. Therefore if
this sentence is upheld by the Supreme Court, this 17-year-old will lose an eye. (E'temad state-run Daily – Dec.
22, 2009)
Regime commander opens fire on civilian, wounding him
On December 19, a person identified as Saied from Sepi Komreh village was shot by Salehi, the commander of
the Kili Base and was severely wounded.
Saied was taken to a hospital in Baneh because of the severity of his injury. (Kurdistan Media – Dec. 22, 2009)
Gohardasht Prison officials sell prisoner's body parts without their consent
Political prisoner Behruz Javid Tehrani, ward 1 hall 1 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj: There are documented
evidence regarding selling human body parts by Judiciary officials and Prison Organization officials. In one such
letter which is goes back to 2005, the head of Gohardasht Prison, Ali Haj Kazem and other officials of the
Judiciary and Prison Organizations claim that the kidney of a prisoner named Afshin Karimi was accidently
removed from his body. This is while the name of the person that Karmini's kidney was donated to exists in the
Civil Karaj Hospital.
In this letter, the heads of the Prison Organizations have committed themselves to provide another kidney if
anything were to happen to the first kidney. Four years after that letter, prisoner Afshin Karimi suffers from
severe kidney ailments but prison officials have banned him from receiving treatment outside the prison.
Karmini is not the only prisoner who complains that his kidney was removed from his body and sold without
his consent. There are other prisoners who talk of the same ordeal including Ahmad Hanani, Sharvin Gudarzi,
Abdullah and others.
Investigations that I have conducted in this regard show that top judicial officials and several officials of the
Prison Organization have taken out the body parts of a number of prisoners and sold them at very high prices
since 2005. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 23, 2009)
Iran police clash with mourners, 50 arrested: reports
Iran police clashed with mourners at a memorial service in Isfahan Wednesday for dissident cleric Grand
Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, arresting more than 50 and beating women and children, reports said.
Hundreds of police and security force members early morning surrounded the Seyed mosque in Isfahan where
the service was to be held and prevented mourners from entering, sparking fierce clashes, OPPOSITION
websites said.
The mourners were shouting slogans in support of Iran's OPPOSITION Green Movement and police fired tear
gas to disperse them, website said.
'Security forces are beating people including women and children with batons, chains andstones,' it said, adding
that 'so far several have been arrested and many were injured.', the website of Iran's reformist minority faction in parliament, said that 'over 50 people,
including four reporters, were arrested in clashes.' (AFP - Dec
Death row student prisoner in critical condition denied medical treatment
Hamed Rohi Nejad, who was sentenced to death by the 28th branch of the
Revolutionary Court on charges of participating in events after the elections is in
critical condition in ward 350 in Evin Prison.


This philosophy student who suffers from MS (multiple sclerosis) has gone blind in his right eye and according
to his family only has 20 percent eight sight in his left eye. Also because of the growth of his disease, he suffers
from severe anemia and the condition of his left hand and left leg is very critical to the extent that his family
said that he might lose his left hand and leg.
Dr. Zali who is the Evin clinic doctor has not treated this student prison despite previous arrangements.
(Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Dec. 23, 2009)
Iran police severely beat dissident cleric's mourners: website
Iranian police clashed Thursday with mourners of dissident cleric Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri,
making arrests and injuring some, an opposition website said after Tehran warned of a crackdown. said the incident happened in the northern city of Zanjan after authorities reportedly banned
most memorial services for Montazeri, who died aged 87 on Saturday, after his funeral turned into an
opposition rally.
'People gathered for Ayatollah Montazeri's memorial were faced with locked mosque doors and decided to hold
the ceremony in the street,' said.
'People were mourning in silence and the Koran was being recited but the police sought to disperse them which
led to clashes and people were severely beaten as they were running away.
'Many have been arrested and some of the injured have been taken to hospital,' the website added. (AFP - Dec
24, 2009)
Prison guards storm ward 1 in Gohardasht Prison and beat prisoners
According to reports, a large number of Gohardasht Prison Guards in Karaj attacked the prisoners in ward 1.
These forces set their dogs on these prisoners and severely beat them with clubs which led to a number of
These prisoners were then taken in the prison yard and forced to stand there for two hours in the freezing
temperature. The prisoners who did not have enough warm clothes were literally freezing in the yard. They were
banned from using the restroom even while many of the prisoners were severely ill.
Behruz Javid Tehran who is the only political prisoner in this ward was harassed and abused.
The head of the Prison Guards made an immoral insult against a prisoner identified as Hamid Sharifi and
severely beat him in front of other prisoners after he protested the insult. After other prisoners who were
witnessing the scene protested the beating, this prisoner was taken to another location in the prison and was
beaten and tortured for a long time. He was then transferred to a solitary cell in the 'doghouse'. (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 25, 2009)
Hospitals packed with severely wounded demonstrators
According to reports from eyewitnesses, the Najmieh Hospital in Tehran located in the Hafez and Jomhouri
intersection is packed with wounded protesters. Because of the high numbers of injured protesters and the fact
that the hospital was caught off guard, there is a high probability of fatalities. An eyewitness said that most of
the victims brought to the hospital have been shot in the face and chest. (Pars Daily News – Dec. 27, 2009)
Bassij forces threaten detainees with rape
A number of those arrested by Bassij forces in the Ashura protests that were taken to the Meqdad Base speak of
cruel and violent treatment of detainees by Bassij forces.
One of the people who was arrested in Ashura by Bassij forces said that these Bassijis forced him and dozens of
other detainees to hop in a crouched position with blindfolds for many hours in addition to severe and violent
beatings. According to this person, these forces threatened them with rape using very profane language.
This source also said that these forces confiscated detainees' shoes and later threw them out of the base barefoot
in the afternoon. (Jaras Website – Dec. 28, 2009)
Detainees forced to go through 'tunnel of terror' before going to prison
Hundreds of detained civilians who were arrested in the recent events were beaten on arrival in Evin Prison by
being forced to pass through a tunnel of terror.


On December 28, before about 400 detainees were brought to Evin Prison, security and military forces
stationed in Evin Prison formed a human tunnel known as the 'tunnel of terror', forming a narrow path to beat
and injure detainees coming inside prison.
Eyewitnesses said that security forces also shot a prisoner in the leg who tried to escape from the entrance of
prison. He was once again detained. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 29, 2009)
Security forces killed and injured demonstrators with pellet gun on Ashura
This is the image of one of the residents of Tehran who was shot with a
pellet gun in the College Intersection regions by security forces.
In the popular protests on December 27 (Ashura) in Tehran a number of
demonstrators were shot (by pellet guns) by security forces in the College
Intersection region. As a result, at least one person died on the scene and
several others were injured.
The injured protesters in this incident were taken to various hospitals while
many refrained from going to hospital for fear of being arrested there.
This is the image of one of those people who was shot with 120 pellets and
escaped from hospital in the past few days. (Human Rights Activists in Iran
– Dec. 30, 2009)
Hezbollah forces turn Mashhad University commemoration ceremony
into blood bath
On Wednesday after a memorial ceremony in the Free Mashhad University
for those killed on Ashura (December 27), members of the Ansar Hezbollah and Bassij forces entered this
university with knives and small swords while shouting slogans in support of Khamenei and turned this
ceremony into a blood bath.
At about 1 pm, a number of busses entered the university campus and more than 500 members of the
Hezbollah and Bassij forces got off. These forces were armed with knives and small swords. They attacked the
students and as a result, 8 students were taken to hospital.
According to reports, one of the university professors was wounded after being stabbed while a female student
was badly injured in the head after being clubbed.
There is no exact information on how many people were arrested but according to reports, more than 70
students and non students were arrested and taken to the Qasem Abad Police Station. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Dec. 30, 2009)


Arbitrary arrests
Political arrests

Social arrests



Arbitrary arrests
Political arrests
Security forces arrest protesting teachers
Teachers and educational activists held a protest gathering organized by the Teacher's Association of Iran
outside Majlis and requested that the "management of state services law" be carried out. This gathering started at
9am and only hours after ended in tension following State Security Forces intervention.
Mir-Akbar Reyis Zadeh, Rasool Boodaqi, Mokhtar Asadi, Hamid Rahmati, Ebazari and Dehghan were some of
the teachers arrested who were identified. Witnesses said many more were arrested. The arrested protesters were
taken to the headquarters of the security police in Sepah Square. (Group of Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Jan. 1, 2009)
Civil rights activist arrested in Sanandaj
There is still no news of a Kurdish civil rights activist in Sanandaj who was arrested 10 days ago. Farid Safari is
an active member of a cultural NGO called "Shahoo". According to his family Safari was sick and under medical
supervision in his home when he was arrested. (Kurdistan Students Defending Human Rights – Jan. 2, 2009)
6 Shiraz University students detained after being summoned by MOIS
The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran announced today that six more Shiraz University
students who had gone to this city's Intelligence Agency after being summoned were arrested.
Ten students of this university had received summonses to present themselves to Shiraz's Intelligence Agency
three days from receiving the summoning.
Seven of these students who went to the Intelligence Agency were detained and only Mahboobeh Khademi (f)
was allowed to leave after initial interrogations. These six students have not been able to contact their families.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter– Jan. 13, 2009)
Security agents arrest secretary of human rights center
Jinoos Sobhani who was the secretary of the Human Rights Center and the Center for Cooperation of Clearing
Mines before they were shut down, was arrested on Wednesday January 14.
The offices of the Human Rights Center and the Center for Cooperation of Clearing Mines were located in one
building bought by Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi. These offices were illegally shut down in December.
Agents arrested Sobhani at 6:30 am in her house after searching and confiscating her belongings. (Change for
Equality Website – Jan. 14, 2009)
Government agents arrest 5 villagers in Bukan
A number of residents of Sarooghamish village in Western Azerbaijan by the names of Ribvar Birampour, Bijan
Pajoman, Hejar Pajoman, Assad Damangir and Payman Alizadeh were arrested by state forces two days ago a few
hours after midnight. Until now, official sources have not stated any reasons for these arrests. (Mukerian News
Agency - Jan. 14, 2009)
Iran arrests elderly mothers in Merhabad Tehran Airport
According to Human Rights Activists in Iran, about 18 women were arrested in Mehrabad
Tehran Airport and transferred to solitary confinement in Cellblock 209 of Evin Prison on
Friday January 16, 2009. It has been said that their ages were between 55 to 80, and they
were going to visit their children in Ashraf Camp in Iraq from the Tehran Airport having
credible visas. Iranian media had reported on the first flight from Mehrabad Tehran Airport
to Najaf by an Iranian air company on January 12, 2009. (VOA Television broadcasted in
Persian – Jan. 17, 2009)
Writer arrested in Kermanshah
Abbas Jalilian, a Kurdish writer was arrested on January 15 in Kermanshah's Islam Abad.
Security agents went to his house late at night while he was alone with his sick and blind
father and arrested him. They also insulted and verbally abused his father when he asked
these agents for identification and the reason they were arresting his son. These agents


searched his house and confiscated his computer and many of his notes and writings. (Kurdistan Human Rights
Watch News Agency - Jan. 20, 2009)
SSF arrest 3 men in Kamyaran without announcing reason
On January 16 security forces came to the villages of Alek and Marab in the city of Kamyaran and after
searching a number of houses arrested Mahmoud Yusefi, 44, Gholamali Yusefi, 31 and Hamzeh Yusefi who is
21 years old.
Security forces have claimed that they will be taken to the Intelligence Agency in Sanandaj but there is still no
information on the charges against them and their current condition. (Human Rights Activists in Iran– Jan. 21,
Man arrested for contacting foreign media
A middle aged man named Asghar Mahmoodi resident of Amol in Northern Iran was arrested on January 19
for calling and speaking on a news network outside of Iran. He is still detained in the Intelligence Agency in
Amol and there is still no information on his condition. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 22, 2009)
Student arrested in Mahabad
Security Forces arrested a master's degree student studying literature at Mahabad's Free University. Amir
Mesbah Qazi, resident of Mahabad, was also arrested about a month ago and taken to Orumieh. Officials have
not stated the reason for his arrest. (Mukerian News Agency – Jan. 26, 2007)
2 students and 18-year-old boy arrested for unknown reasons
Two Kurd students resident of Ravansar in Kermanshah by the names of Rahim Mohammadi and Mohammad
Sadeqi along with an 18-year-old boy named Behzad were violently arrested by security forces for unknown
reasons on January 24.
Their families do not have any information on their condition, location and charges against them. (Kurdistan
Students in Defense of Human Rights – Jan. 27, 2009)
Revolutionary Guards besiege village in Salmas
Last Saturday at 8am, Revolutionary Guards Corps intelligence agents, surrounded Khorkhora Village in Salmas
in West Azerbaijan Province. These forces then raided one of the villager's houses and violently arrested Seyed
Taher Mohammadi, 38, beating and abusing him. There is still no information on his location and condition.
(Kurdistan Students in Defense of Human Rights – Jan. 27, 2009)
Civil rights activist arrested again in Tabriz
Hasan Asadi, a civil rights Azeri activist was arrested. He had been arrested several times before. According to
reports, this 30-year-old activist was arrested on Tuesday January 20 by Tabriz Intelligence agents and was taken
to an unknown location.
According to his relatives and friends, none of his family members has
information on his condition and location and they have been threatened that
they should not make this issue public.
Security forces arrested Hasan Asadi before on the second anniversary of
widespread protests in Azerbaijan in 2007. During his detainment, he was not
allowed visits and telephone calls to his family and lawyer. According to reports,
during this time he was tortured and abused. Because of his deteriorating health
in prison, he was sent to a treatment center outside of prison. Reports show that
Asadi's nails were pulled out and his fingers were also broken. He also passed
out on several occasions after agents severely beat him. (Savalan Sassi website –
Jan. 28, 2009)
Three villagers arrested in Mahabad
Three residents of Qom Qal'eh Village in Mahabad named Heywa Poormand, Vahab Fatahi, and Jalal
Azizmoradi were arrested a few days ago by security forces.
According to reports, their houses were also searched after they were arrested. Officials have still not stated the
reason for these arrests. (Mukerian News Agency – Jan. 28, 2009)


Two supporters of imprisoned dissident cleric arrested

Following the publishing of imprisoned dissident cleric, Ayatollah Borujerdi's
taped messages in international media, which led to severe communication
limitations for him in prison and solitary confinement, a number of his family
and friends went to the Special Clerical Court to pursue this matter, but they
were met with the abusive treatment of the judge and court officials.
Two women supporters of Borujerdi were also arrested in this court. Zahra
Abdollah-Vand, 31 and Maryam Qasemi, 32 were taken to ward 240 of Evin
Prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 29, 2009)
Arak University student activist arrested in Tehran
Sajad Khaksari, a teacher's rights activist who was arrested in a 2007 teachers protest while providing a report of
the protest for Qalame Mo'alem (Teacher's Pen) website, was arrested Wednesday morning on January 28 after
going to a police station to get his confiscated camera. He is a mechanical student at Arak Free University.
(Qalame Mo'alem website – Jan. 29, 2009)
Labor activist arrested in his home
On Tuesday January 31 at 9:30am, five security agents raided the house of Behzad Sohrabi,
a member of the Cooperation Committee to Aid the Creation of Labor Organizations, and
detained him after searching and confiscating his personal belongings including his
computer. (Iran BBB – Feb. 1, 2009)
Blogger arrested in Kermanshah for criticizing government
Omid Vali Zadeh, blogger of Javanrood News Weblog and political activist in Javanrood Kermanshah was
arrested last night by security forces and is still in their custody. He was arrested for publishing articles criticizing
the Majlis representative of this city and "publishing lies and creating anxiety for the public". (Center of
Kurdistan Students in Defense of Human Rights – Feb. 2, 2009)
SSF arrest two men in Mahabad
State Security Forces arrested Kaveh Abdollahi, a 30 year old Kurd resident of Mahabad. He is currently
detained in this city's Intelligence Detention Center.
Qader Poor Aqdam, a taxi driver and resident of Mahabad was also arrested by security forces after he was
summoned to this city's Taxi Department.
Both of these men have been arrested before on charges of links to active Kurdish opposition parties and were
sentenced to prison, but there is no information on the new charges against them. (Center of Kurdistan
Students in Defense of Human Rights – Feb. 2, 2009)
Security forces arrest former student activist
The former secretary of the Union of Student's Islamic Association in Europe was arrested and taken to Evin
Prison after going to Tehran's Revolutionary Court.
Sayid Razavi Faqih, who has been studying in France since 2005 arrived in Tehran last Tuesday January 27 but
on his arrival security forces in Khomeini International Airport confiscated his passport telling him that
according to a sentence passed by the Revolutionary Court he has been banned from leaving the county and has
to present himself to the 15th branch of this court. Razavi was arrested and taken to Evin Prison after going to
court this morning. (Edvar News – Feb. 2, 2009)
Shiraz student activist arrested at home
Fars intelligence agents raided the house of Ismail Jalilwand, a Shiraz University student, in the morning and
arrested him. These agents also searched his house and confiscated his personal belongings.
Agents also raided another Shiraz student's house and confiscated his computer, books, and other personal
belongings. Eunice Mir-Hosseini who was not at home at the time of the raid received a ban from university
sentence when he went to Shiraz University. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 4, 2009)


12 Arak University students arrested after going to "Protection Department"

According to reports, 12 members of Arak University's Islamic Association were arrested for unknown reasons
after receiving summonses to present themselves at this university's Protection Department. These students were
active in organizing Student Day ceremonies in this university. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 4, 2009)
A number of people who intended to particiapate in late PM memorial ceremony were arrested
The ceremony to commemorate the late vice president of the first transitional government (of the Islamic
Republic Iran) and the head of Nehzate Azadi organization, Mehdi Bazargan, which was supposed to be held
today, was once again banned by security officials. Security agents prevented this ceremony and surrounded
Hosseinieh Ershad (where the ceremony was going to be held). Some eyewitnesses reported that a number of
people who intended to participate in this ceremony were arrested including two student activists. There is no
news on the condition of those who were arrested. (Advar News – Feb. 5, 2009)
Active Shiraz student brutally arrested outside his home
Eunice Mir-Hosseini, a Shiraz University law student and activist was brutally arrested while intending to enter
his house. This student activist was met with a number of armed police and security agents while intending to
enter his home. These agents brutally forced him out of his house beating him in the process and took him to
an unknown location. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – Feb. 6, 2009)
Law student kidnapped by intelligence agents
According to reports, Reza Negahdari, a Tehran University law student was kidnapped by intelligence agents on
February 3 and taken to an unknown location. There is no information on his condition and location and he is
in danger of physical and mental torture. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – Feb. 6, 2009)
Four Amir Kabir University student activists arrested in late PM commemoration ceremony
Hossein Turkashavand, secretary of Amir Kabir University's
Islamic Association, Majid Tavakoli, Ismail Salman Poor and
Vahid Daneshyar, who are members of this student
Association were arrested outside of the Hosseiniyeh Ershad
(a mosque and library in Tehran).
These four students were arrested after security forces
prevented the commemoration ceremony of the late Prime
Minister of Iran, Mehdi Bazargan. This ceremony, which was
banned once before, had an official permit to be held today.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 6, 2009)
Civil rights activist arrested in Sanandaj
Ali Allah-Veisi, a civil rights activist was arrested in Sanandaj by security forces in his place of work and taken to
this city's Intelligence Detention Center.
He had given a speech three weeks ago criticizing the judicial and security system of the Islamic Republic of Iran
during a memorial ceremony for a young student who died mysteriously in an intelligence agency detention
center. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Feb. 6, 2009)
Student arrested in Ravansar
According to reports from Ravansar in Kermanshah, Abdullah Ahmadi, a Payame-Noor University student who
also owned a Mobile retail shop was arrested a few days ago by security agents. There is no information on his
whereabouts but reports show that he was transferred to this city's Intelligence Department. (Iran News Agency
– Feb. 7, 2009)
Security forces arrest former political editor of state-run news agency
The former political editor of ISNA, Reza Shafi'ian, was arrested. Shafi'ian was arrested along with four Amir
Kabir University students and three other political activists outside of Hosseiniye Ershad in Tehran for
intending to participate in a memorial ceremony for the late Mehdi Bazargan, the first Prime Minister of Iran
after the Revolution. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 8, 2009)
Ahwaz City Council member arrested
A member of Ahwaz's City Council, Daryush Mombini, was arrested on January 26 after being summoned to
court and is currently detained in ward 209 of Evin Prison.


There is still no information on why he was arrested and the charges against him. The Intelligence Agency has
pressured his family not publish the news of his arrest. Mombini was only allowed to see his family once since
his arrest. (Committee of Human Rights Journalist – Feb. 8, 2009)
Two young men kidnapped by security agents in Sistan & Baluchistan
Security forces arrested two Baluchi men named Mohammad Bahram Zehi and Malek Mohammad Aramesh
outside their home after they had returned from a trip to Pakistan. They were taken to Zahedan's Intelligence
Department via helicopter. (Baluchistan Human Rights Watch – Feb. 9, 2009)
Head of Kurdistan Village Council arrested for supporting political prisoners
Security forces arrested Farouq Hossein Panahi, head of the Islamic Council of Qorochay Village in Dehgalan
in the middle of the night in his home.
Informed sources say that he was arrested after displaying his support for two death row Kurdish political
prisoners and for pursuing their cases. These two prisoners are Anvar Hossein Panahi and Arsalan Oliayi. A
number of their relatives have also been arrested for the same reasons.
Farouq Hossein is 34 years old and married. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 9, 2009)
Soldiers who went on strike to protest death of fellow soldier punished and imprisoned
On Monday February 9, on the last day of a hunger strike by soldiers of Chehel Dokhtar Base in protest to the
death of a fellow soldier, these soldiers were punished and forced to serve 3 to 7 more months of military duty.
The organizers of this strike who were about 12 people were taken to prison. This is while these sentences were
passed when not even one soldier was present in court, and it is not clear which court and judge passed these
verdicts. These 12 men will be kept in custody until further notice. According to reports, there is currently no
information on the fate of three soldiers, Sadeqi, Frubandeh and Sarayi, who also took part in this strike. (Iran
News Agency – Feb. 10, 2009)
Two labor activists arrested in Marivan
Security agents raided the homes of two labor activists in Marivan and arrested them. Salam Qaderi and Khaled
Asadzadeh were members of the Coordination Committee to Aid the Formation of Labor Associations. These
men were taken to an unknown location and there is still no information on the reason they were arrested.
(Iran News Agency – Feb. 10, 2009)
Four people arrested in cemetery commemoration ceremony sentenced to prison
Tehran's Revolutionary Court sentenced four people to prison on charges of acting against national security by
participating in an "illegal gathering".
Amir Hossein Kiani, Morteza Rajabi, Davood Parsav and Morteza Piroozi were each sentenced to two years of
More than 50 people who participated in a ceremony to commemorate those who died in (the Iran-Iraq) war in
Behesht Zahra Cemetery were arrested. Thirty seven of these men and women were detained for more than 80
days. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Feb. 11, 2009)
Student arrested for staging sit-in
A student of the Khabar College in Tehran who staged a sit-in outside this college in protest to educational
problems in this college was arrested. This student started his sit-in today at 9am under the rain without
informing any other student of his intent. Police officer came to the scene after a call by university officials and
arrested him. He was released an hour later after he was interrogated and made to promise not to continue his
protest. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 11, 2009)
Former student activist not released after payment of 10,700 USD bail
The wife of Sayid Razavi Faqih, the former secretary of the Students' Islamic Association
Unions of Iran in Europe, said that she has paid his bail money but prison officials have still
not released him.
According to Mojgan Modares, she paid the 10,700 dollars of bail money issued by the judge
of the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court to free Razavi Faqih which was approved by
the court on February 9.
"When a group of Razavi's friends went to Evin Prison to meet him after his release, they
were told that he will not be freed because he has an open case in another branch of the
Revolutionary Court", added Modares. (Rooz Online – Feb. 11, 2009)

Two Azeri cultural activist arrested in Ardabil

According to reports from Ardabil, Ramin and Ibrahim Sadeqi Asl, who are Azeri cultural activists, were
arrested by security forces on February 5 and taken to an unknown location. There is still no information on the
reason these two brothers were arrested and they have been banned from contacting their family and lawyer.
(Savalan Sassi website – Feb. 11, 2009)
No news on arrested Tehran law student
According to reports, there is no news on the condition of Reza Negahdari, a
Tehran University law student after intelligence agents kidnapped him. His family
have also not received any answers regarding his whereabouts from relevant officials
and departments.
Reza Negahdari was kidnapped by intelligence agents on February 3 and taken to
an unknown location. He is in danger of physical and mental torture used by
interrogators to force false confessions from prisoners. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists – Feb. 12, 2009)
Baha'i leader in Qaemshahr arrested in Intelligence Agency
One of the leaders of the Baha'i society in Qaemshahr was arrested after being
summoned to the Intelligence Agency.
On February 3, security forces went to the home of Saman Sabeti Boorkheili, a leader of the Baha'i society in
Qaemshahr, and searched his home confiscating his religious books and pictures. These security forces told
Boorkheili to present himself to the Intelligence Department on February 4 to answer some questions.
After Boorkheili went to the Intelligence Department on the given date, he was arrested for unknown reasons
and even after 10 days, he has not been allowed visits by his family and lawyer. He was only allowed one short
phone call to announce his arrest to his family. (Human Rights Activists – Feb. 14, 2009)
Security agents arrest two University students
On Thursday February 12, agents of the Intelligence Agency arrested two pro-democracy students and took
them to an Intelligence Detention Center. These students were Mohammad Abdollah, chemical engineering
student of Tehran University and Ali Reza Davoodi, an Isfahan University student. A number of other Isfahan
university students have been repeatedly called and threatened by the Intelligence Agency and more students
will probably be arrested in the future. There is no information on the condition of the two arrested students
and where they are detained. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 14, 2009)
Security forces arrest activist in Sanandaj
Security agents arrested a Kurd activist resident of Sanandaj on charges of affiliations with a Kurdish party. Aref
Salavati's family said that security agents came to their house in the middle of the night without an arrest
warrant and arrested Salavati on the above mentioned charges. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency–
Feb. 15, 2009)
Shiraz Public Prosecutor: wife of arrested student activist under interrogation
Sahar Yazdani Poor, a Shiraz University student who went to the this city's Revolutionary Court to pursue the
condition of her husband, Eunice Mir-Hosseini, was arrested. Shiraz's Public Prosecutor said, "She is guilty and
that is why she was arrested and is currently being interrogated".
He announced that she was charged with "acting against national security and spreading propaganda against the
government". The Disciplinary Committee of Shiraz University had previously suspended Yazdani Poor from
university. (Farhang-e Ashti state-run daily- Feb. 15, 2009)
Regime forces illegally demolish residential homes in Ahwaz, arrest journalists who took pictures of scene
On February 14, a number of State Security Forces raided the homes of people in the Kianpars region in Ahwaz
threatening to demolish their homes. These agents also demolished part of a house announcing that anyone
who tried to prevent this would be arrested. According to eyewitnesses, these agents also arrested a number of
journalist and photographers who were taking pictures of the scene.
Ahwaz's Vice Public Prosecutor has given the people living in this region 24 hours to evacuate their homes for
the demolition.
These residents said that Doctor Baqdadi, the head of the hospital close to this area, wants their land and has
put pressure on them via the Justice Department and the Mayor to do this. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 15, 2009)

Security forces arrest political activist

Intelligence agents arrested a political leftist activist, Mahmoud Rahmani, on Saturday February 14.
Mahmoud who was walking with his fiancé in Karimkhan Street was immediately arrested after getting in his
car. There is no news on his condition. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 15, 2009)
Bloggers arrested in Arak
In the past few days, two students of Arak Free University, Sayid Hashemi and Mojtaba Azizi, who ran a weblog
were summoned to the university office and were subsequently arrested on Saturday February 14. (Iran News
Agency – Feb. 15, 2009)
Newly converted Christian arrested in Karaj
Security agents arrested Hossein Karimi, a 27 year-old Farsi speaking Christian in Karaj,
after entering his house without a warrant on January 30 and took him to an unknown
Security agents also searched his house and confiscated many of his personal belongings
including Christian books and his computer.
Despite the fact that his family constantly went to the Intelligence Ministry, officials have
not answered their questions regarding his condition and location and there is so far no
information on his whereabouts. This Christian man was arrested by security forces once
before on November 16 and was released four days later after he was finger printed and made to promise not to
engage in any Christian religious activities. (Iran press News – Feb. 15, 2009)
Baha'i woman sentenced to 3 years and 8 months of prison
Security agents arrested Sahba Rezvani, a Baha'i woman, in Semnan on December 15, 2008. She has been
detained in solitary confinement since her arrest.
On February 3, she was trialed in secret and without a lawyer and on February 4 she was sentenced to three
years and eight months of prison in exile in Tehran on charges of spreading propaganda against the
government, forming an illegal group called "Servants of Semnan", and membership in this group. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 16, 2009)
Hamadan University student activist arrested in home
A student activist in Hamadan University, Kaveh Rezayi, was arrested in his home in the suburbs of Tehran.
Security agents searched his home and told the Rezayi family that he has been taken to Hamadan. (Advar News
– Feb. 16, 2009)
Increase of arbitrary arrests in Saravan
One month after a suicide bombing in Saravan, the situation in this city is still chaotic and security forces are
still arresting many people.
Security forces arrest residents of this city without any evidence and avoid answering question and giving a
reason for these arrests. Some of the arrested people are still in a state of uncertainty one month after their
arrest. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 17, 2009)
Reporters arrested after soccer game
Following reports of a fixed final score of a soccer game between Esteqlal and Persepolis, which ended at a tie,
and the ensuing protests of soccer fans, a number of reporters who covered this story, were arrested.
In a search in the home of one of these reporters, Mehdi Hajiri, security agents confiscated his personal
belongings including a home video of his wedding ceremony and his wedding album. (Iran News Agency – Feb.
19, 2009)
Intelligence agents raid houses in Tehran and arrest residents
According to reports from Tehran, intelligence agents raided a number of houses in Tehran, arrested the
residents and transferred them to ward 209 of Evin Prison.
These widespread raids started at about 7 am on February 20. These homes were raided while some of the
residents were still sleeping. The residents of these homes were abused, insulted, harassed, and their homes were
violently searched and their personal items confiscated.
The families of Doctor Hani Yazarlou, Mohsen Naderi, Massoud Azimi, Mahmoud Azimi, and the Ternali
family were among the victims of this violent raid.


Many people have been arrested in these raids including, Mahsa Naderi (f), student from the Naderi family. Her
father Mohsen Naderi is currently in ward 8 of Evin Prison for participating in a ceremony to commemorate the
19th anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988 by the Iranian regime. Hamed Yazarlou, the
brother of Hood Yazarlou, an imprisoned student who is currently in ward 8 of Evin Prison, and Hasan Tarlani
who is 22 years old were also arrested.
When intelligence agents attacked the Tarlani family's house, they broke down the door and hit Mr.Tarlani in a
sensitive part of his body causing him to become unconscious from the pain. Agents started violently searching
the house, damaging and breaking this family's home. These agents confiscated CDs, family picture albums, a
satellite receiver and other personal items. They subsequently arrested Mr. Tarlani's son, Hossein Tarlani.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Feb. 20, 2009)
40 Dervishes arrested in Isfahan
Mostafa Daneshju, a lawyer for Gonabadi Dervishes said that security and intelligence agents beat Dervishes
who had gathered in their place of worship in Isfahan as a protest and arrested 40 of them.
There are no reports of the condition and location of these arrested Dervishes. (Human Rights Activists in Iran
– Feb. 20, 2009)
Security agents arrest female student activist and her brother
Following protests in the Teachers' Training University in Karaj, Shabnam Madadzadeh, political secretary of
this university's Islamic Association and a member of the presidential council of the Tehran Office for
Consolidating Unity, disappeared from Thursday morning.
This student, majoring in computer, left her dormitory on Thursday morning. At 2 pm, her brother received a
call to pick up his sister from the Rajayi Base in Karaj. Shabnam's brother never came back from this base.
There is still no information on the condition and location of this brother and sister. (Amir Kabir Newsletter –
Feb. 20, 2009)
Student arrested, 10 others suspended from university
Shiraz University's Disciplinary Committee has issued new sentences for a number of summoned students after
recent protest gatherings in this university. According to these sentences, Amin Dorosti was suspended for two
terms, while Ismail Jalilvand, Eunice Mir-Hosseini (currently in prison), Abdollah Davoodian, Amin Karimi, Ali
Sheidayi, Shukoh Vasili, Zahra Fatahi- Zadeh, Ismail Ma'danchi, Razieh Jafari and Sayid Khosro Abadi were all
suspended for one term of university.
Security forces also arrested an expelled student of this university, Kazem Rezayi. Rezayi's mobile phone and
backpack was confiscated after he was beaten by the "Protection Department" of this university for entering the
university's library where Ehsan Shari'ati was going to hold a conference. Yesterday morning Rezayi received a
phone call from the "Protection Department" telling him to come to the university to receive his confiscated
personal items. Security forces from Shiraz's Jam-e-Jam Police Station arrested him after he came to the
university. He was imprisoned on charges of illegal entry and disrupting the order of university. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Feb. 23, 2009)
Security forces arrest another Tehran Bus Union activist
Akbar Pirhadi, a member of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company was arrested on
Thursday February 19. Before his arrest, he was gathering signatures at bus stations to increase the wages of
drivers. Pirhadi was taken to the second branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court on Saturday February 21.
(Deutsche Welle Radio – Feb. 23, 2009)
Young women arrested for visiting family in Ashraf
According to reports from Semnan, Fatemeh Nabavi, 28, was arrested on February 20, after intelligence agents
raided her house. She was taken to an unknown location. Intelligence agents violently raided and searched the
Nabavi family's house. These agents confiscated some of this family's personal belongings. There is no news on
Fatemeh Nabavi after her arrest. She was arrested after visiting her family in Camp Ashraf in Iraq on November
20 last year and was held in solitary confinement in Semnan's Intelligence Detention Center. She was both
mentally and physically tortured while in detention. Fatemeh was freed on bail after a few weeks. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Feb. 23, 2009)


Security agents raid student activists homes; arrest 3 students

Following widespread protests against the burial of soldiers from the Iran-
Iraq war in Amir Kabir University and clashes between security forces and
students in this university, security agents simultaneously entered the
homes of Ahmad Qasaban, Nariman Mostafavi and Mehdi Mashayekhi,
Amir Kabir student activists, and arrested them. They were taken to an
unknown location. (Advarnews – Feb. 24, 2009)
Security agents arrest labor activist
Rahim Bustaq, member of the Managing Board of the Syndicate of Workers of the Haft Tapeh Sowing and
Industrial Company was arrested after being summoned to the Intelligence Agency. There is no information on
his condition and location. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 24, 2009)
Three activists arrested
On February 20, three leftist activists by the names of Mohammad Haqgoo, Saman Mir Qoreishi and Amir
Sarlak, were arrested after they came back from a walk in the mountains.
These three men who had been arrested before, were under surveillance and when they returned from the
mountain to get into their car, agents arrested them. They notified their families of their arrest in a telephone
call. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 24, 2009)
Agents arrest another labor activist
On February 25, security forces arrested Nejat Dehli, a member of the Managing Board of the Syndicate of
Workers of the Haft Tapeh Sowing and Industrial Company. Dehli and a number of other workers of this
company went to the Shush Justice Department to ask about the condition of Rahim Beshaq (imprisoned labor
activist), but when they entered the building, security agents arrested Dehli and took him to an unknown
location. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 25, 2009)
Security agents arrest four students
Security agents arrested four student activists after raiding their homes and took them to an unknown location.
There is no information on the condition and location of Amir Hossein Mohammadi Far, Sanaz Allahyari,
Maryam Sheikh, and Nasim Roshanayi. Nasim Roshanayi was in bad health when arrested and there are
concerns that her condition will deteriorate in prison. (Kurush News Agency – Feb. 28, 2009)
US journalist detained in Iran: reports
National Public Radio and Fox News reported that Roxana Saberi, 31, who was born
in the United States, had been arrested in late January on a charge of buying alcohol,
citing her father.
'She called from an unknown place and said she's been kept in detention,' Reza Saberi
told NPR. He said she had been in detention for 10 days at that point.
'She said that she had bought a bottle of wine and the person that sold it had reported
it and then they came and arrested her,' he said ,adding that it was just an excuse to
arrest her.
Reza Saberi told Fox that when she called February 10, his daughter asked her parents
not to tell anyone about her detention, which is why they had not discussed it until
now .
At the time she said she expected to be released within two to three days, Saberi said.
Roxana Saberi, a former Miss North Dakota, is a US national who also holds an Iranian passport because her
father was born in Iran.
She had been living in Iran for six years, working as a journalist and pursuing a master'sdegree in Iranian
studies and international relations, NPR reported.
Iran revoked Saberi's press credentials more than a year ago, but the government tolerated her reporting short
news stories out of Iran, NPR said .Her father said she was planning to move back to the United States later this
year. (AFP – March 1, 2009)


Two Isfahan University students arrested

On Saturday February 28, Arsalan Sadeqi and Hossein Sarshumi were summoned to Isfahan's Revolutionary
Court and immediately arrested after showing up at the court. They were taken to Isfahan's Central Prison.
These two Isfahan University students had recently been released on bail from this prison. Sadeqi was arrested
in his home on October 12, 2008 and spent 18 days in prison and Sarshumi was also arrested last summer and
was detained for 12 days in Isfahan Prison's Intelligence Agency Detention Center. (Azadi Barabari website –
March 1, 2009)
Student arrested in Tehran Unviversity
According to reports, Babak Bahrami, a leftist Tehran University activist, was arrested on Saturday in this
university. It is not clear on what charges he was arrested under and there in no information on his current
condition and location. (Iran News Agency – March 2, 2009)
Labor union activist arrested; wife threatened to stay silent on arrest
Reza Derakhsahan, a member of the Managing Board of the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory Labor Union and
head of the public affairs of this independent labor union was arrested.
After he left his house to go the Intelligence Agency in Shush upon being summoned to this agency on Saturday
March 1, intelligence agents came to his house and after searching his house, confiscated some of his personal
belongings. On Saturday night, his wife Afsaneh Farhadipour received a telephone call from Shush's
Intelligence Department telling her not to pursue her husband's case and to keep silent about this issue. (Iran
News Agency – March 2, 2009)
Labor union official arrested
Ali Nejati, a member of the Managing Board of the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory Labor Union was arrested
in his home.
Intelligence agents also searched his home and took his computer with them. (Iran News Agency – March 2,
Shiraz University student arrested after going to MOIS Department
Amin Dorosti, a mechanical engineering student at Shiraz University who had been summoned to the
Intelligence Department, was arrested after presenting himself at Shiraz's Intelligence Department.
He is also the editor of the banned Darug student newsletter. Dorosti had been summoned to the Disciplinary
Committee three times in the last academic year, and was finally sentenced to two terms of suspension from
university. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – March 3, 2009)
Women's activists arrested in Javanrud
On the eve of March 8, Women's Day, a women's activist was arrested in the town of Javanrud.
Last night security forces arrested Farzaneh Mohammadi resident of Javanrud – a city in Kermanshahm, eastern
province – and took her to prison.
This women's rights activist had been arrested before on charges of spreading propaganda against the
government by writing articles and sentenced to 9 months of prison but was later freed on bail. (Sarab News
Agency – March 9, 2009)
Head of student association beaten and arrested
Undercover agents arrested Yaser Turkeman, a student of Amir Kabir University and
member of the Central Committee of this university's Islamic Association yesterday.
Yesterday, the Protection Department of Amir Kabir University prevented Turkeman
from entering university and told him that he had been banned from university. Yaser
Turkeman had defended incarcerated Amir Kabir University students in various
ceremonies in the last few days.
According to two students, Yaser Turkeman was arrested by undercover agents in the
vicinity of the university. According to these students, agents were severely beating
Turkeman before his arrest. One of these students said that after he ran towards
Turkeman to seek his condition, an agent on the scene ordered his arrest. However,
this student quickly left the scene before they are able to arrest him. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – March 10, 2009)


Student activist arrested for the second time

On Wednesday March 11, Ali Baqeri and Kamran Jalil two student activists
in the Islamic Association of Zahedan University's School of Literature were
arrested by undercover agents and taken to an unknown location. According
to some reports, they were taken to the Intelligence Agency. (Iran News
Agency – March 12, 2009)
RGC arrests two Kurds in Marivan
Intelligence Forces in the Revolutionary Guards Corps arrested Shab Bu and
Hamdi Haq Moradi after raiding and searching their homes in Marivan.
There is no information on the reason for their arrest and their current condition and location. (Iran News
Agency – March 12, 2009)
MOIS kidnaps former political prisoner
According to reports, agents of the Intelligence Agency kidnapped a former political prisoner 6 weeks ago.
There is no information on the condition and location of Sadeq Sistani since he disappeared.
His family has gone to all relevant organizations and institutions including the Revolutionary Court and Evin
Prison but they have not received a straight answer from officials.
Sistani was imprisoned for 14 years before this. He was mentally and physically tortured during his
imprisonment. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Mar. 17, 2009)
Widespread arrests in Qazvin
A number of journalists and political activists have been arrested in Qazvin.
Last Tuesday, Hamid Mafi, a journalist and political activist in Qazvin was arrested and taken to the Intelligence
Agency. Intelligence agents raided his house and after searching and confiscating some of his personal
belongings, arrested him.
According to other reports from Qazvin, in the past two days about six other political activists and journalists
were arrested and taken to the Intelligence Agency. They were all arrested in their homes. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – March 17, 2009)
Three political activists were arrested in Mashhad
State Security Forces arrested three political activists while they were entering Mashhad City. They participated
in a seminar on the US Policies in December 2008.
These political activists are Dr. Jalalian, Siavosh Pour-Ismaili, engineer, and Dr. Rozita Heshmati (f). The
participants in this seminar were invited by a US university.
They were arrested in Mashhad and transferred to Vakilabad Prison.
Iranian judiciary officials said that these three political activists had disclosed secret information on Iranian
military and protection! (Iran News Agency – Mar. 17, 2009)
SSF raids a shop and arbitrarily arrest shop-owner in Saqez
Two days before Iranian New Year (March 18), intelligence agents of Saqez raided Mr. Mahyeddin Azadi’s shop
and after arresting him arbitrarily, transferred him to an unknown place. Subsequently they raided his house
confiscating his computer and a number of other personal belongings. Mr. Azadi is married having three
children. His family are very worried about him, since
they have no information about him. (Norooz TV –
Mar. 22, 2009)
Two student activists arrested in Maragheh
Intelligence agents arrested Mehran Rastgar, student of
Isfahan's Malek Ashtar University and Firuz Yusefi, law
student at Tehran's Payame Nur and an officer in the
army on March 19. They were arrested for distributing
thousands of Turkish New Year greetings in Maragheh.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter – March 24, 2009)
Security agents arrest more than 10 women's rights
More than 10 members of the One-Million Signature

Campaign were arrested today in Sahrevardi Street in Tehran.

A group of members of the One-Million Signature Campaign and a number of members of the Mothers for
Peace Campaign were going to visit with families of political prisoners and the family of Doctor Zahra Bani-
Ya'qub for the New Year. These people were all gathered in Sahravardi Street and intended to go to these homes
when they were arrested by security forces and taken to Nilufar Police Station. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – March
26, 2009)
No news on condition of two detained Kurdish activists
Yahya Shiri and Hessam Kazemi, two Kurdish activists, were arrested by Ministry of Intelligence agents in the
district of Hushar, where they live. Their families have no information on their whereabouts. (Iran news agency
– Apr. 6, 2009
MOIS agents arrest wife of political prisoner
Ministry of Intelligence agents raided the office of Khadijeh Nabavi, wife of Seyyed Zohour Nabavi, beating and
harassing her. These agents arrested Nabavi and confiscated her office computer.
They subsequently took her to her home. These intelligence agents threw and broke her personal belongings
while searching her house. They confiscated many of her personal belongings including her personal computer,
family photo albums, and family home videos.
Nabavi was taken to an unknown location.
These agents resorted to this violent measure to increase the pressure on her husband, Seyyed Zohour Nabavi, a
political prisoner. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 10, 2009)
Extensive arrests in Sistan & Baluchistan
The new wave of arrests in Baluchistan of a number of civil rights and political activists in this region while their
most minimum legal rights have been violated has lead to concerns amongst human rights activists.
Asad Vafayi, a religious Baluchi activist, who had been arrested before in Karaj and was freed after a while, was
arrested by security agents in Zahedan this week for unknown reasons and taken to an unknown location. There
is no information on his condition and location.
In Chabahar, Ehsan Omid Kohanshuri, a teenager, was arrested by security forces and taken to an unknown
Also in this week, Amir Vafayi, another resident of Chabahar was arrested.
In Zahedan, religious activist Ayub (last name not known) was arrested and there is no information on his fate.
A number of other people were also arrested and there is no information on their location and condition.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Apr. 16, 2009)
Security agents violently arrest 100 laborers in Sanandaj
Security agents raided the house of an imprisoned labor activist violently arresting 100 members of the
Coordinating Committee to Help Create Labor Associations who had gone to visit the family of Qaleb
These agents violently entered the house with muddy boots and attacked these men harassing and verbally
abusing them. (Kurush News Agency – Apr. 17, 2009)
Labor activist arrested on bogus charge
Morad Panahi, a labor activist, was arrested outside his home in the afternoon on charges of "creating anxiety
for the public". This labor activist is a dismissed worker of Iran Khodro Company and has been arrested three
times before on bogus charges. (Iran News Agency – Apr. 19, 2009)
Security agents raid Poly-technique University student's house; arrest student
Masoud Dehqan, a member of Poly-technique University's Islamic Association was
arrested in the morning.
Security forces raided his house, broke the appliances in his house and arrested him.
These agents also confiscated many of his personal belongings. (Amir Kabir Newsletter –
Apr. 21, 2009)


MOIS puts pressure on Azeri activist's family

Informed sources have reported that the father in law of Hasan Asadi, an Azeri activist, was arrested near his
home on Thursday. Intelligence agents raided his home and searched and interrogated the residents asking
about the whereabouts of this activist.
On Friday, intelligence agents attacked Asadi's house and took his wife and two sons aged eight and one to the
intelligence agency for interrogations.
There is no news on Hasan Asadi. According to his family and friends he is in Tabriz Prison.
However, intelligence agents say that he is not in prison and has not introduced himself to prison from the last
time he was given a furlough.
The last time Asadi, 31, was arrested was on January 20. He was arrested by intelligence agents and taken to
Tabriz Prison. (Center of Political Prisoners in Exile – Apr. 22, 2009)
Security agents arrest journalist for covering teacher's strike
Sajad Khaksari, a journalist for the shut down Teacher's Pen Weekly, was arrested in Baharetan Square.
According to Mohammad Khaksari, a member of the Central Committee of the Teacher's Center and Sajad's
father, he was in this square taking pictures and reporting on the protest of contracted teachers when he was
arrested by security police. He is supposed to be taken to Revolutionary Court today. (Sarmaye state-run Daily –
Apr. 27, 2009)
Former political prisoner and son abducted in home
According to reports from Mashhad, about two weeks ago former political prisoner Ali Ebadi, was arrested
along with his son after intelligence agents violently raided his house. They were both beaten and taken to an
unknown location.
These agents searched Ebadi's house, destroying and breaking many of his personal belongings. Agents
confiscated his family albums, books, computer, CDs, and other personal belongings. There is no information
on the condition and location of this political prisoner and his son. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in
Iran – Apr. 28, 2009)
Regime agents abduct Iranian refugee and family in Lebanon
According to reports, on April 22 an Iranian family from the city of Ahvaz was abducted by people affiliated
with the Iranian Embassy in Lebanon from a hospital in Beirut. This Arab family was going to visit their child in
the Rafiq Hariri Hospital when a group of terrorists abducted them taking them to Syria and from there to Iran.
Ali Helali Majd, his 26-year-old wife Fatemeh Jame'e, their 2 children, six-year-old and 2-month-old daughters,
and their three-year-old son were all abducted. (Iran Press News – Apr. 29, 2009)
There have been several Iranian refugees handed in by Syrian government to the Iranian regime contrary to the
International law of the non-refoulement.
Security forces arrest parents of student activist
According to reports, security forces arrested the parents of a former member of Amir Kabir University's (Poly-
Technique) Islamic Association 10 days ago to put pressure on him.
According to reports, these forces raided the parent's house of Reza Eunici and arrested his mother and father
taking them to an unknown location. There is currently no information on their location and condition.
This is while this student lives outside of Iran continuing his studies and security forces have arrested his parents
to force him back into the country. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – May 1, 2009)
More than 200 men and women beaten and arrested for commemorating Labor Day
More than 200 laborers, women, labor activists and other people were beaten and arrested by State Security
Forces and undercover intelligence agents.
On Friday May 1, more than 1,500 labor activists, laborers, women, and university students gathered in
Tehran's Laleh Park to commemorate Labor Day.
When all the participants gathered to celebrate this day by eating sweets and pastry, SSF patrols surrounded the
whole area with their cars and undercover police and regime vigilantes attacked the gatherers with clubs and
fists, shouting insults and curses. These agents beat and arrested more than 200 of the participants and forced


others to leave the park. They also confiscated mobiles and cameras to prevent people from filming the scene.
(Committee for Creating Free Labor Unions – May 2, 2009)
60 metal workers arrested on Labor Day
On May 1, about 60 members of the Discount Resident Metal Workers Group were arrested in the Discount
store of this factory. Agents released 15 people on the condition that they go to court and transferred the other
45 workers to Vesal Detention Center.
Their families have not received any information on their condition and location. (Center of Political Prisoners
in Exile – May 3, 2009)
Iran arrests human rights lawyer
According to reports, lawyer Mohammad Mostafayi, who had gone to see Iran's Judiciary spokesman in an
attempt to stop the execution of two juvenile offenders (to be executed tomorrow) was arrested.
Mostafayi is the lawyer of several juvenile offenders who are sentenced to death and women who have been
sentenced to stoning.
In his weblog named "Defending the Defenseless,” Mostafayi gave details of the situation of young convicts on
death row in prison. (Iran Press News – May 5, 2009)
Three women's rights activists arrested in Qom
Fatameh Masjedi, Maryam Bidgoli and Gholamreza Salami, three women's rights activists were arrested
yesterday in Qom.
According to a reliable source, Qom's Department of Intelligence agents arrested Fatemeh Masjedi and
Gholamreza Salami in Karaj. A few hours after the arrest, agents went to Masjedi's house in Qom and seized her
personal belongings including books, her computer, and family picture album. Her sister was the only one
present at the house, and agents confiscated her mobile phone as well. (Meidan Zanan (Women's Ground)
website – May 9, 2009)
Iran arrests student activist in court
Ali Kalayi, a student activist who went to court with his lawyer to follow up on charges
made against him. He was arrested by a man who introduced himself as a "security
police" agent and then was taken to an unknown location.
According to his lawyer, Kalayi had come to court to see to a case related to his arrest in
2007 and the fact that he was arrested without reason is completely illegal.
This student activist has not called his family since his arrest. (Committee of Human
Rights Reporters – May 10, 2009)
Brother and sister arrested in Sanandaj
Security forces arrested both Farzad Haji Mirzayi and his sister Parshang after they went
to the first branch of the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court to see to a previous legal case.
Farzad Haj Mirzayi was released three days before from prison on a heavy bail after 16 months of incarceration.
The Haj Mirzayi family does not know where their children have been taken. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch
News Agency – May 18, 2009)
Several people beaten and arrested in Tabriz protests
A group of Tabriz residents who had gathered in Ael-Guli (Shah-Guli) Park for a sporting event chanted slogans
condemning the insult of Turks and demanded an official apology from Mohammad Khatami (for insulting
Security forces shot tear gas at the protestors and used violence to
disperse the crowds. A number of people were injured and several
others were arrested. (Advar News website – May 23, 2009)
Women arrested and imprisoned on charges of visiting sister in
Camp Ashraf
Nazila Dashti, the mother of two political prisoners was arrested in
Tehran's Revolutionary Court and taken to the notorious Evin
The mother of political prisoner Hood Yazarlou (sentenced to
three years of prison in exile) and Hamed Yazarlou (detained), has

been sentenced to three years of prison on charges of going to Camp Ashraf to visit family members. She had
gone to the Revolutionary Court to pursue her son's case.
She was transferred to women ward in Evin Prison while her prison sentence had not been officially announced
to her lawyer or to her. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 24, 2009)
MOIS arrests family of Camp Ashraf residents
Shamseddin Mehdizadeh, 60, father of three Ashraf residents, has been arrested along with his daughter, son-in-
law, and their 3-month-old baby.
According to reports from Iran, on May 13, 2009, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS)
raided the house of Shamseddin Mehdizadeh, 60, father of three residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq. During the
raid, MOIS agents confiscated his personal belongings and arrested him. Also arrested on that day during the
attacks were Mehdizadeh’s daughter, Monir, her husband, Ali Afshani, and the couple’s 3-month-old baby,
Amir-Hessam. They were all taken to an undisclosed location and the family’s attempts to discover their
whereabouts have not been successful. (Resistance Sources in Iran - May 25, 2009)
Iranian opposition activist arrested: report
A member of Iran's liberal opposition movement has been arrested for
allegedly disseminating propaganda against the regime, the official IRNA
news agency reported on Saturday.
'Emad Bahavar, an activist who belonged to the illegal Liberation Movement
of Iran, was arrested for propaganda against the regime of the Islamic
republic,' IRNA reported a judicial official as saying.
The agency said Bahavar has been wanted since March for propaganda
against the regime and that he was arrested on Wednesday on his return
from India. It gave no details of his alleged offence. (AFP - May 30, 2009)
SSF interrogates and imprisons female journalist who had revealed being harassed and beaten by police
Saba Azarpaik, a reporter for the E'temad state-run daily, published a report in this daily last month on her
ordeal when she was arrested by the "Guidance Patrol", questioning the violent treatment of State Security
Force. She had filed a complaint against the SSF because she was insulted, beaten, and held in detention for no
reason but on Saturday, instead of seeing to her complaint; the SSF arrested and interrogated her.
She was interrogated on charges of "insulting top political authorities, creating anxiety in public minds,
publishing lies, hitting a police officer, and insulting the police".
This is while she intended to take back her complaints, but a SSF official threatened that "even if you back
down we will not". "You have caused rebellion in the country and now people call you to get advice on what
they should do if they get beaten (by the police)", he added. (Khordad state-run daily – June 1, 2009)
SSF attack and arrest families of arrested labor activists on May Day helding a sit-in outside ‘Revolutionary
At least 70 labor activists and families of arrested labor activists on May Day held a gathering outside Tehran's
Revolutionary Court this morning.
In this peaceful gathering, the protestors held banners, which read "release my husband" or "free my children".
This protest was met with an attack by security forces who tried to disperse the protestors.
After the gatherers resisted, security forces arrested three women protestors. The agents arrested Shahpur
Ehsani's wife along with Mohammad Ashrafi's sister and mother. Ehsani and Ashrafi were both arrested on
Labor Day. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 2, 2009)
Iran arrests expelled student protestors
After the televised remarks of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on June 7 (regarding the number of expelled students in
his term in office), expelled students gathered in protest outside the Seda & Sima (state-run television stations)
building. These students held banners which read, "Mr. President, we were expelled in your term".
The Protection Department of Seda and Sima arrested a number of the students and dispersed the rest. (Iran
News Agency – June 8, 2009)


Man arrested after relating suspicious deaths of activists to security forces

A Kurdish man was arrested by security forces in Dehgalan. Mohammad Ali Hossein Panahi, 37, was arrested
for speaking at the funeral of political activist Massoud Hossein Panahi who was murdered a few days ago by
unidentified men. In his speech, he related this murder and the suspicious murder of Ashraf Hossein Panahi,
another political activist who was killed last year, to the security system. Mohammad Ali was taken to an
unknown location. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 8, 2009)
Special Forces arrest two students campaigning for election boycott
According to reports, on June 6, Special Forces arrested two political activists who were campaigning for a
boycott in the upcoming presidential elections outside Tehran University. They were beaten before their arrest.
Other students tried to intervene, chanting slogans for their freedom, but agents violently arrested both students
taking them away. (Iran News Agency – June 10, 2009)
10 leaders of ‘reformist’ faction of medieval regime arrested
'At least 10 members of the Islamic Iran Participation Front and the Islamic Revolution Mujahedeen
Organisation were arrested yesterday,' said Rajab Ali Mazroei, a member of the front.
Several of those arrested held senior government positions under two-time former reformist president
Mohammad Khatami, who served from 1997 to 2005.
Among them were Behzad Nabavi, a former deputy parliament speaker, Mohsen Mirdamadi who headed the
IIPF and parliament's foreign policy commission under Khatami, and Khatami's government spokesman
Abdollah Ramezanzadeh.
Other officials arrested were Mostafa Tajzadeh, Mohsen Aminzadeh, Zoherh Aghajari, Saeed Shariati and Zahra
Mojaradi . (AFP - June 14, 2009)
More than 900 arrested protesters taken to Evin Prison
After several inmates in wards 209 and 204 of Evin Prison were transferred to public wards and enough space
was provided for the new arrestees, prison guards started transferring new arrestees from detention centers to
these wards from last night. Informed sources have reported that at least 900 protesters were taken to ward 240
and the Quarantine section of hall 7 in this prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 14, 2009)
Gathering of families of Tehran detainees suppressed by security forces
About 200 relatives of people arrested over protests and rioting against President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad's re-
election staged a protest outside Tehran's main revolutionary court on Monday.
The protestors said they were told their arrested relatives had been taken to Tehran's notorious Evin prison, but
some complained they were not fully informed about the situation of their loved ones. (AFP - June 15, 2009)
457 people detained in yesterdays clashes
In a statement, the State Security Forces announced that "yesterday 457 people who caused insecurity, clashed
with police or caused public disorder were identified and arrested, after they did not listen to warnings from
authorities or the police". (Asre Iran state-run website – June 21, 2009)
2,000 still detained, hundreds missing in Iran: rights group
PARIS - More than 2,000 people are still in detention and hundreds more are missing in Iran since a
government crackdown on protests over a disputed presidential election, the FIDH human rights group said
'According to the latest information we have, more than 2,000 people have been arrested and are currently in
detention,' said Karim Lahidji, vice president of the Paris-based International Federation for Human Rights
'Hundreds of people are missing, according to independent information that has come to us from Tehran since
yesterday,' he said at a protest meeting in Paris held to denounce the crackdown in Iran.
Lahidji, who is also president of the Iranian League for the Defence of Human Rights, said the information had
come from several different sources inside Iran, including from families with members missing or detained.
'That is an estimate, because it is extremely difficult to find out more in Iran at the moment,' he noted, adding
that around 20 women had been arrested on Saturday 'during a peaceful rally in the centre of Tehran.'

'A climate of terror and of fear reigns in Iran today,' said

Lahidji. (AFP - June 28, 2009)

Two student activists abducted in Ahwaz

After Ahwaz's Oil College students protested election results,
unidentified persons abducted two students in this university
named Hossein Rahimi and Amin Nick Zadeh.
Amin Nick Zadeh was a student activist in the Islamic
Association while Hossein Rahimi is an activist in the
Student Science Association. They were both abducted while
leaving the college.
According to students, a student member of the Bassij had reported the time that these two students left the
college. The students had been under surveillance by the head of the Bassij in the university from the office of
the Protection Department.
Last night, the political deputy of the governor's office told students who were on strike in protest to these
abductions, that Nick Zadeh and Rahimi were arrested by the Revolutionary Guards Corps.
He claimed that the RGC had warrants for their arrest but according to Amin Nick Zadeh's friend who was on
the scene of his arrest, those who abducted him did not show him a warrant. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – June 28,
Intelligence Minister: anti-revolution elements not set free
Fars state-run news agency: The Minister of Intelligence said, "Anti-revolutionary elements who were arrested in
the recent sedition acts will not be released at this moment".
Gholam-Hossein Ezheyi, the Minister of Intelligence said, "These people can be divided into three categories,
which consist of decision makers, executors, and anti-revolution elements".
"Those who played a part in any way in the decision makings have been arrested. These people have led people
on the streets".
"Those who were decision makers will not be released until their cases become clear".
"Some anti-revolution elements have used this opportunity to commit acts against the government and those of
them who have been arrested, will not be freed", he stipulated. (Asr-e Iran state-run website - June 29, 2009)
Children's lawyer arrested
A human rights organization called "Do Not Execute Children" has confirmed that Mohammad Mostafayi, a
lawyer, has been arrested in Tehran.
According to this organization, Mostafayi has been arrested for four days now and has been able to call his
family only twice. This organization wrote in its statement that Mostafayi represents more than 25 young people
who have all been convicted of committing crimes when they were minors and all face execution. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – June 29, 2009)
Thousands arrested in Tehran unrest
According to reports, thousands of protesters have been arrested in the recent unrest in Tehran.
According to reports, at 11:45 am four young men who were arrested for protesting to Bassijis who were
standing on the street with clubs. They were handcuffed made to sit on the side of the street. Any protests from
them were met were severe beatings from the Bassijis. People who would protest to their arrest were also beaten.
A group of families whose loved ones were detained in the past few days in Tehran gathered outside Evin Prison
at 8 am to pursue their case and whereabouts.
Most of these families, who numbered about 800 people, had no information on their loved ones.
Regime officials did not give them any information telling them that they had no right to pursue their
whereabouts and that they were not allowed to gather or come to Evin for the next two weeks. (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 29, 2009)
Unrest detainees in serious danger
According to reports from Evin Prison, there has been widespread arrests of young men and women
who participated in recent protests and thousands of them are currently in Evin Prison.


Another list of names of detainees currently in Evin Prison sent to responsible international bodies.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 30, 2009)
Seven protesters arrested in Qazvin
The head of Qazvin's Intelligence Department announced the arrest of seven people affiliated with anti-
revolution groups in this city.
"Seven people affiliated with anti-revolution groups who played an active part in the recent unrest in Qazvin and
Tehran were identified by security forces and after coordination with judicial sources, were arrested and jailed",
he said.
"The arrestees who have a history of having contacts with anti-revolution groups participated in the recent
sedition in Tehran and Qazvin and while instigating troublemakers, caused insecurity and unrest".
"The convicts have confessed to having contacts with some anti-revolution networks and the Monafeqhin
(hypocrite, used by the Iranian regime for the PMOI) outside the country", he added. (Tabnak state-run website
– July 2, 2009)
More than 3000 arrested in recent protests
Nasrin Sotudeh, a lawyer said, "The head of the State Security Forces announced that they had arrested more
than 1000 (protesters) but when I personally went to the Revolutionary Court, they told me they have about
3,000 names of detainees". (Deutsche Welle – July 3, 2009)
Iranian regime arrests prominent lawyer and associates
Security forces arrested Mohammad Ali Dadkhah, a prominent lawyer, and a number of other members of the
Center for Defense of Human Rights.
“Some others lawyers and I had an appointment with Mr. Dadkhah at about 4 pm but when we got to his office,
they said that we could not enter, and our persistence to enter led to nowhere,” another lawyer said.
“Then, two of Mr. Dadkhah's associates came saying that they worked there and entered his office. After a while
a security police car came to the scene and took all the people in the office away,” the lawyer added.
The lawyer who was at a distance from the location said that in addition to Dadkhah, agents arrested Maliheh
Dadkhah, Sarah Sabaqian, Bahareh Dolu and Amir Raeissian and shut down and sealed Dadkhah’s law office.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 8, 2009)
Many people arrested in demo to mark anniversary of students uprising
Many people were arrested outside of the vicinity of the demonstrations to mark the anniversary of the student
uprising in 1999. Security forces and paramilitary forces attacked and arrested many people who were walking
on the streets and this has led to a high number of arrests. There is no information on where they have taken
the detainees.
The interesting point in today's arrests was that detainees were taken to cars and vans that did not have the
police emblem and were personal cars.
According to eyewitness accounts, when people were being arrested, plainclothes agents would use very offensive
language especially when arresting girls, and brutally beat them with clubs. In many cases, it was reported that
they would also spray pepper spray at very close range at the detainees, which can lead to serious eye damage.
Until this moment, it is not clear how many people were arrested, who they are or where they are being kept.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 9, 2009)
Iran arrests seven OPPOSITION activists over vote unrest
Iran has arrested seven members of the main OPPOSITION group over the post-election unrest that swept the
Islamic republic, the official IRNA news agency reported on Monday.
'These people profited from the troubles after the June 12 presidential election to provoke people and wage
their counter-revolutionary activities,' said Ali Eftekari, deputy prosecutor in the northern province of Qazvin
where they were arrested.
'These young people had links with the hypocrites based in Iraq,' he said, using the Iranian official term for the
People's Mujahedeen of Iran (PMOI).
Eftekari said the arrested militants played a major role in the unrest in Tehran and incited people to join
demonstrations in Qazin. (AFP - July 13, 2009)

Two young men arrested in friend's house

Amir Hossein Futohi Fard and Mehdi Shirazi were arrested in a friend's house on July 16. Agents came to the
house, arrested the two young men without any explanation along with six others, and took them to an
unknown location.
The men called their families that night and informed them of their arrest. There is no news on Mehdi Shirazi.
Amir Hossein and Mehdi are not students and have had no political, social, or journalistic activities in the past.
(Committee of Human Rights Reporters – July 18, 2009)
Security forces announced that 40 people were arrested in Friday Prayers
Security forces have announced that 40 people who intended to cause disruption in Friday Prayers on July 17
were arrested. Everyone was released except those who caused disruption and sedition during and after the
ceremony. (Fars state-run news agency – July 19, 2009)
Two students arrested in Ahwaz
Two weeks after the release of the jailed students of the Naft University in Ahwaz, two other students were
arrested on Wednesday from this university.
Sayid Shojayi Zadeh and Khosro Musa Vand are members of the Islamic Association. They were arrested in
Tehran and taken to an unknown location.
According to reports, a number of plainclothes agents went to Musa Vand's house with an arrest warrant and
threatened his father that if he did not hand over his son, he would be arrested as well. (Amir Kabir Newsletter
– July 23, 2009)
Security forces arrest father of killed protester for mourning son
At 2:30 pm on Thursday, a number of plainclothes agents and a person wearing
a State Security Forces uniform went to the house of Massoud Hashemzadh, and
after confiscating the black cloth (hung from the house as a sign of mourning),
pictures of Massoud and the condolence messages the neighbors had signed, they
arrested Massoud Hashem-zadeh's father. Massoud's two brothers who were not
willing to let their father go alone went along with him. According to the latest
reports, they were taken to the police station in Region 2 of Gisha.
Massoud Hashem-zadeh was fatally shot in the heart on June 20 in Shadman
Street. His body was buried in Vali Abad Village in Gilan. His family was banned
from holding any sort of ceremony and after 25 days, they hung a black cloth
from their home and welcomed their neighbors who had come to give their
condolences. This family had recently given interviews regarding their son.
(Nooruz Website – July 23, 2009)
Security forces arrest mother of recently killed protester
The "Mourning Mothers" (Committee) have announced that the mother of a man recently killed in
Kermanshah has been arrested and there is no news on her condition and whereabouts.
According to reports, Zahra (Behjat) Nuzari, the mother of Puya Maqsud Baigi, a student at Kermanshah's
Medical Science University, had staged a one person sit-in outside the Intelligence Agency in Kermanshah in
protest to the killing of her son. She was arrested at 10 pm on the first night of her sit-in.
Puya Maqsud Baigi was arrested by security forces on June 20 in Kermanshah. He was subjected to severe and
brutal torture in prison and passed away after his release. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Aug. 2, 2009)
Iran arrests Mousavi aide, editor: report
Iranian authorities have arrested an aide to OPPOSITION leader Mir Hossein Mousavi and a newspaper editor
who supported him in his presidential election campaign, a reformist newspaper said on Wednesday.
Mir Hamid Hassanzadeh, the former director of Mousavi's website Ghalamnews, was arrested following an order
from a revolutionary court, the Sarmayeh newspaper reported.
Reza Noor Bakhsh, chief editor of the Farhikhtegan newspaper, which backed Mousavi in his campaign against
President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, has also been arrested, it added. (AFP - Aug 5, 2009)


August 5 detainees not in Evin Prison

Concerns regarding the condition of Haleh Sahabi, a member of the Mothers for Peace Organization who was
violently arrested yesterday outside the Parliament building have escalated.
Sahabi's father and mother went to the Revolutionary Court today to pursue their daughter's case, but after
waiting for hours, they did not receive any answers on their daughter's whereabouts.
According to eyewitnesses, Sahabi was attacked with a club by an intelligence agent and was then thrown into a
green car while her head was bleeding. She was taken to an unknown location.
On the other hand, Evin officials have told the family of Fahimeh Asadi, another woman arrested yesterday in
the protest to Ahmadinejad's swearing in ceremony, that Revolutionary Guards Forces made all the arrests
yesterday and that none of the detainees were brought to Evin Prison. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Aug. 6, 2009)
More than 10 people arrested in mourning ceremony of killed student protester
A ceremony to mourn the 40th day of the death of Kianush Asa, an elite Kurd student who was killed in the
recent events by security forces in Tehran, was held today with the presence of more than 10,000 Kermanshah
residents in the Abbasieh Hall in this city. After the end of the ceremony, about 5,000 participants went to his
In the end of the ceremony at his gravesite, Kianush's elder brother was thanking the participants in a speech
when security forces attacked him and other participants. This led to tension and commotion in the ceremony.
Agents used pepper spray to disperse the crowd. More than 10 people including some members of the Asa
family were arrested by security forces. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Aug. 7, 2009)
Iran arrests head of software company in Tehran
Amir Aslani, who has an electrical master's degree from Tehran's Science and Industrial University and is the
CEO of a software company, was arrested on Saturday.
A number of plainclothes agents arrested him outside his company without an arrest warrant. He was kept for
five hours with blindfolds in an unknown location for interrogations. He was then taken to his house along
with four agents who searched his home for one and half hours and confiscated his personal belongings.
Although his family did not receive any explanation on why Aslani was arrested, the agents spoke of arresting
him because he had sent and email regarding post election events.
After agents searched his home, they announced that they would call the family in a couple of days but there has
been no calls from them as of yet and his family is very concerned for his safety. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Aug.
10, 2009)
Iran says 4,000 initially arrested in vote unrest
Iran's judiciary said on Tuesday that 4,000 people were initially arrested by security forces in the crackdown on
protesters after June's disputed presidential election.
'In the aftermath of the election, 4,000 people were arrested,' judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi told
reporters.He said 3,700 were released 'very soon', but that 'those who were involved in the riots were detained.'
(AFP – Aug. 11, 2009)
A political activist arrested in Sarpol Zahab
Roshan-Ali Moradi, a political activist in Sarpol Zahab was arrested and taken to unknown location by agents of
the Intelligence Ministry (the MOIS) on July 31.
His family has endlessly tried to get information on their loved one but received no news on him. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 11, 2009)
Security forces violently arrest young mother in front of her child
According to reports from Semnan, intelligence agents raided the home of the Nabavi family on Monday
August 17 and arrested Tayebe Nabavi.
After violently searching the home and destroying their personal belongings, they attempted to arrest Tayebe
Nabavi, but her 3-year-old son, Hanif, would not separate from his mother. The agents violently took the crying
boy from his mother's arms and started shouting and yelling at him. They then intended to hit the boy, but
Tayabe took him in her arms again to block the attack. She was finally arrested and taken to an unknown
location. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 19, 2009)


Security forces beat and arrest Sanandaj residents

Security forces beat and arrested a number of people on August 19 because they had gone on strike in Sanandaj.
According to reports, security forces arrested a number of people and while pursuing a number of suspects, they
arrested and violently beat a young man identified as Hassan Mostafayi in the Mahaleh region in Kurdistan. The
people on the scene protested this violent move and were able to free the injured man from the security forces.
(Rushangari Website – Aug. 20, 2009)
Concerned father says agents who detained son said he deserves to die
Ismail Azadi, journalist and member of the Association of Journalists (in Iran) said that his son had been
"At 8 pm August 19, they arrested my son Mohammad near the offices of the E'temad Meli Daily and took him
to a State Security Forces Detention Center", he said.
"Mohammad has diabetes and has to be under supervision and his mother who has heart problems is in a very
bad condition and is very concerned for him".
"Mohammad was first transferred to the Police Station on Sanayi and I went everywhere searching for him and
when I reached the police station, agents were taking him to a police car. When I told them that my son had
diabetes and that they should wait for me to bring his insulin, because it would be dangerous otherwise, the
agents did not wait and said that "if someone writes slogans on walls, they have to die", he said. (Rooz Online –
Aug. 20, 2009)
Security forces arrest 76-year-old political activist in Tehran
On Saturday August 22, intelligence agents went to the house Dr.
Mohammad Maleki (the first head of Tehran University after the revolution)
at 8am and intended to enter the house with force. They were initially met
with resistance from his wife and were finally able to enter the house.
Dr. Maleki is very ill and is barely able to stand. He has a number of physical
ailments like prostate cancer, heart problems, and diabetes. He is under
medical supervision because of his cancer.
The 76-year-old political activist, who was not able to walk, was taken to the
intelligence agency automobile with the help of two agents. He has to take his prescribed medicine including
injections on time. Any sort of stress or pressure especially in a prison like atmosphere is extremely dangerous
for his health. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 22, 2009)
Iranian regime detains innocent mental patient
Those who followed the news on the days after the
elections remember that the state-run Fars News Agency
published a picture of a middle-aged man holding a toy
gun and charged protesters of armed resistance. In that
time, a number of weblogs wrote that the man in the
picture who had been seen on a number of occasions in
the Fatemi region was insane. (Later on) security forces
identified the man and arrested him and according to his
lawyer, they use strong sedatives to keep him in prison. He
has been left in the prison for two months and no one
pays any attention to his dire condition. (Green Wave of
Freedom website – Aug. 24, 2009)
76-year-old cancer patient taken to Evin's ward 209
The son of political activist Dr. Mohammad Maleki, has announced that his father was transferred to Evin's
ward 209. Omar Maleki said that in a visit with Dr. Yousef Molayi, his father's lawyer, he was informed that Dr.
Maleki was charged with instigation and acting against national security in the events after the elections. But he
denied the charges announcing that he had not participated in the elections and has been ill and in bed in the
events after the elections.


Maleki's son also warned that in light of his father's serious case of prostate cancer and heart problems and the
physical condition of the 76-year-old doctor, his detainment in solitary cells in 209 can be dangerous. (Green
Wave of Freedom website – Aug. 24, 2009)
Women arrested by security forces
There was to be a ceremony to commemorate the death of the victims of the 1988 massacre on Friday August
28 but security forces prevented the ceremony and arrested (one of the organizers) Mansoureh Behkish at 10 am
on Friday. She is the sister of 6 victims of the massacre and organized the ceremony in previous years. (Center of
Prisoners in Exile – Aug. 28, 2009)

Security forces arrest two Kurds

Security forces arrested Hushyar Mohammadi, 18, in Bijar on August 22. There is still no information on his
According to other reports, security forces also raided the home of Haji Abdollah and arrested him after
searching him home on August 28 in Sardasht. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 31, 2009)
Iran arrests political activist
Iranian security forces have arrested an MKO ringleader and disbanded his cell in the northern city of Qazvin, a
provincial judiciary official announced on Monday.
'An individual, affiliated with an anti-revolutionary party and active in anti-Islamic Republic propaganda, was
arrested,' Seyfollah Maleki, Interrogator of Qazvin's public and revolutionary court, told reporters.
Identifying the inmate as 'A.J', Maleki announced that the detainee who is a physician had arranged meetings to
propagate against the Islamic Republic for the benefit of the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e-Khalq
Organization (MKO).
The detainee has also been charged with procuring and distributing statements to encourage and provoke
people into illegal gatherings and rallies .
Insulting Iran's leadership as well as the countries authorities and high-ranking clerics are among other charges
filed against the 38-year old arrestee .
Maleki also announced that the security forces have arrested 20 individuals in connection with the case, adding
that all the inmates have admitted to their crimes . (Fars state-run News Agency [English service] – Aug. 31,
Five Mashhad Univ. students arrested
Five members of the Modern Fraction of the Islamic Association of the Ferdusi University in Mashhad who
were all supporters of Mehdi Karoubi in the elections were arrested.
They were identified as Mohsen San'atipour, organizing secretary of the Islamic Association, Shayan Saremi,
political secretary of this association, Amin Riahi and Mehdi Khosravi, who worked in student publications and

Eftekhar Barzegarian, member of the Islamic Association. They were simultaneously arrested in Mashhad,
Tehran and Sabzevar. There have been no reports on why they were arrested or their whereabouts. (Green Wave
of Freedom Website – Sep. 1, 2009)
Teacher's activist arrested
Rasul Bodaqi, a member of Iran's Teacher's Center was arrested by security forces.
Security forces went to his home this week and after searching his home and confiscating his notes, books and
other belongings, took him to an unknown location. There is no news on his whereabouts or why he was
arrested. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 2, 2009)
Couple arrested in Amol
A couple who was arrested 25 days ago is detained in the Sari Intelligence Center for unknown reasons.
Mohammad Tavakoli and Mahrokh Safayi were arrested in mid August after they came back from a trip from
Europe and they have been banned from leaving the country.
Security forces searched their home, confiscated their satellite equipment and personal documents, and took
them to the Sari Intelligence Agency. While they were detained, their young son was summoned to this agency
for interrogation. This couple had been detained in the past decades on charges of being members of an
opposition party but according to their loved ones, they are not members of any group and have had no political
activities. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 6. 2009)
Iranian regime arrests two election staff officials
According to reports, Edris Ariashukoh and Zia’eddin Saburi, two top specialists in the Interior Ministry have
been detained for close to 80 days.
Ariashukoh was in charge of the Intelligence and News Unit of the Ministry of Interior Affairs while Saburi was
an expert in the security department. (Saham News Website – Sep. 7, 2009)
Iran arrests top opposition aides: reports
Iranian authorities have arrested two top aides of opposition
leaders amid a fresh crackdown on groups protesting the re-
election of President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, reformist
websites reported.
Alireza Beheshti, a senior aide of the main opposition leader
Mir Hossein Mousavi, and Morteza Alviri, former Tehran
mayor and top aide of the reformist Mehdi Karroubi, were
arrested over the past two days, reported.
Another reformist website, Norooznews, reported that
authorities had sealed the office of prominent dissident
Alviri and Beheshti Emadeddin Baghi's group, the Society to Defend Prisoners'
Rights, an established non-governmental organisation.
It said that property was also confiscated during the raid.
Behesti, who recently said that 72 people were killed during the unrest which erupted after the re-election of
Ahamdinejad, was arrested on Tuesday after his office too was raided on Monday, mowjcamp said. (AFP - Sept
9, 2009)
Another Moussavi aide arrested
Mohammad Ezlti Moqaddam, the head of Mir Hussein Moussavi's 'Isargaran Committee' was arrested in his
home yesterday evening. (Ayandeh News Website – Sep. 10, 2009)
Renowned music artist arrested in Tehran airport
Kayhan Kolhar, a renowned kamânche (spiked fiddle) player was arrested Friday night in the Khomeini airport
in Tehran.
He played in over 50 international concerts in various countries last year and was leaving for aconcert in France
when he was arrested. (Ayandeh Website – Sep. 12, 2009)
Former MP close to Karoubi arrested


Ibrahim Amini, a member of the Central Council of the Etemad Meli Party who is close to Karoubi was
This former MP was arrested by security forces on Saturday in his home in Shiraz.
Dr. Amini was one of two of Karoubi's representatives in the Committee for the Rights of Detainees and
Victims of Post election Events and worked with Moussavi's representatives. The offices of this committee were
shut down last week by orders from Tehran's Prosecutor. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 13, 2009)
Iran arrests sons of clerics in Qom
There were reports yesterday that the three sons of Ahmad Montazeri were arrested. Now it has become clear
that these arrests have been more extensive and the sons of a number of other clerics were arrested as well.
Sayed Mehdi Moussavi Tabrizi the son of Ayatollah Sayed Hossein Moussavi Tabrizi, the head of the Qom
Religious Seminary was also arrested along with the son of Ayatollah Nazem-zadeh who was a member of this
seminary. His office was also searched by security forces for 2 hours before his arrest. In addition to this, the son
of Mr. Ahmadi, another member of this group was also arrested in his home yesterday.
According to this report, Mohammad Mehdi, Mohammad Ali, and Mohammad Sadeq Montazeri, the three
sons of Ahmad Montazeri, the eldest son of Ayatollah Montazeri were arrested in their father's home in Qom.
According to Ahmad Montazeri, the arrest of his three sons and the arrest of the other cleric's sons were carried
out with a warrant from the Special Clerical Court because they participated in a gathering outside the home of
Ayatollah Sane'i. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 15, 2009)
Iran arrests Univ. professor close to Karoubi
Fayaz Zahed, a university professor and top member of Karoubi's Etemad Meli Party was arrested a few hours
ago. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 15, 2009)
Iran makes more arrests
Agents from the Prosecutor's Office in Tehran arrested the son of the imprisoned head of a reformist group last
night. Mohssen Mirdamadi, the Secretary General of the Cooperation Front has been jailed for more than 90
days. His son, Mehdi Mirdamadi was arrested in his home at 2:45 am with a warrant from Tehran's Prosecutor.
Hossein Nouraninejad, the head of the Information Committee of the Cooperation Front was also arrested last
night. He was arrested in one of his friends' houses and it is still not clear what institution arrested him. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 17, 2009)
Two student activists arrested in Rasht
Two student activists from the University of Lahijan were arrested by security forces in the city of Rasht.
According to a statement posted in the Rah-e Kargar Website, these two students identified as Haleh Pour-
Ibrahimi (f), and Saeid Badi’ezadeh were arrested last Wednesday. According to this statement, they were
arrested "on September 16 between 2 to 4 pm by agents from the Intelligence Agency in this city".
"The families of Ibrahimi and Badi’ezadeh have gone to the Lahijan Intelligence Agency but agents in the agency
have said they do not know anything about the arrests. This has added to the concerns of the families", the
statement added. (Roshangari Website – Sep. 17, 2009)
Iran arrests 3 Moussavi supporters
Fatemeh Dard-keshan and Fatemeh Sotudeh, two activists in Moussavi's staff were arrested last night. Ali Pir-
Hosseinlou and Fatemeh Sotudeh, a couple active in Moussavi's staff were arrested in their home on Thursday
in Tehran. (Rushangari Website – Sep. 18, 2009)
Iran arrests two other reformists
Mehdi Mahmoudian, a human rights activist and a member of the Youth Branch of the Islamic Cooperation
Front of Iran was arrested.
He was arrested last night in his home by intelligence agents. There is no information on his whereabouts and
he has not called his family as yet.
Mehdi Moussavinejad, a studying cleric in the religious seminary and the brother of Mohammad Ali Abtahi
who is currently in prison was arrested a few hours ago as well. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 18, 2009)
Several protesters arrested in Mashhad
According to reports from Mashhad, a large number of people in this city sporting green items and chanting,
"No to Lebanon and Gaza, I will sacrifice only for Iran", were arrested and taken to a notorious detention

According to eyewitnesses, from the early morning hours on Friday, a large number of security forces and
Special Guards Forces were stationed on Imam Reza Street and 15 Khordad Square.
These forces attacked hundreds of protesters in the beginning of the gathering and arrested a large number of
them after trying to disperse them with clubs.
The dozens of detainees were then taken to the Mashhad Police Dormitory, a notorious building that was
previously under the control of the Intelligence Department and has been under the control of the Intelligence
Protection Department for a few years. There is no information on the condition of the detainees. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Sep. 19, 2009)
Regime arrests two other reformists
Hussein Na’imipour and Mehdi Shirzad, two young members of the Islamic Cooperation Front of Iran who are
also the sons of two senior members of this front were arrested in their friend's home at night.
According to reports, these two active members of Moussavi's election staff were arrested by intelligence agents.
Shirzad's home was later searched by these agents. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 19, 2009)
Iran detains people over Quds Day protests
Iranian authorities have detained about 35 people, accusing them of vandalising public properties, during
protests at the Quds (Jerusalem) Day rally, a police commander said on Sunday.
Tehran police commander Azizollah Rajabzadeh said 'about 35 people... were arrested for vandalising public
property' during Friday's rally in Tehran, according to ISNA news agency.
Tens of thousands of supporters of Iranian OPPOSITION leaders had mounted protests during the annual pro-
Palestinian rally on Friday during which several protesters clashed with hardliners and security forces. (AFP -
Sept 20, 2009)
Three students arrested after going to Intelligence Agency
Ayoub Ne’mati, the secretary of the Tehran University Social Council who had gotten into a verbal fight with
the university manager in protest to the construction of a wall between the buildings of Tehran University
dorms and later was summoned to the Intelligence Agency for this reason, was taken to Evin Prison after going
to the agency.
Ali Refahi, the head of the Social Council of the Islamic Association and Mohssen Jafari Moqadam, a member
of the Central Council of the Islamic Association were also taken to Evin Prison after being summoned to the
Intelligence Agency. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 21, 2009)
At least 200 arrested on Quds Day protests
A large number of people were arrested after hundreds thousands of Tehran protesters came to the streets on
Quds Day and were attacked by plainclothes agents and riot police.
There are no exact reports on the number of arrestees but according to an informed source, more than 200
people were arrested in Friday's gathering. A large number of families are currently pursuing the condition of
their loved ones who were detained and have gathered outside Evin Prison. In addition to arrests made in
Tehran, reports show that dozens of people were arrested in other towns like Shiraz and Tabriz. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Sep. 21, 2009)
Iran arrests another journalist in Tehran
Sayed Mehdi Niaki, a journalist who also worked for the Kalameh News Website before elections, was arrested
and taken to an unknown location on September 14.
"Mehdi lived alone and went missing on September 14. It seems that agents came to his home in Tehran,
arrested him and took him to an unknown location", one of his relatives said.
"His mother knows of his arrest but due to the threats made against her, she is terrified and is not willing to
confirm his arrest by the agents. She was told to wait in silence for the return of her son. Now, six days after his
arrest, it is still not known where he is detained", said his close relative. (Green Wave of Freedom Website –
Sep. 21, 2009)
Another Tehran Bazaar merchant arrested in Tehran
According to reports, intelligence agents stormed the working place of Javad Lari, a merchant in the Tehran
Bazaar and arrested him. He was taken to ward 209 in Evin Prison.


Lari, 51, was arrested on September 16 in the Bazaar. Intelligence agents searched his office and confiscated his
phone book. Then they went with him to his home and searched the whole house. They destroyed some of his
personal belongings in the search.
Officials have still not announced the reason for his arrest to his family and there has been no information on
his situation and condition since his arrest.
Javad Lari is a former political prisoner and was imprisoned for 4 years in the 80's. He was mentally and
physically tortured while in prison. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 22, 2009)
Iran arrests Khorami before Quds Day
Majid Khorami, a member of the Cooperation Front and the head of Staff 88 in Northern Khorassan was
arrested. He was arrested a few days before Quds Day (September 18) by the intelligence agency in this city.
(Nurooz Website – Sep. 22, 2009)
Cooperation Front official arrested
Azar Mansouri, the political assistant of the Cooperation Front's Secretary General
was arrested last night while coming back from her sister's house. The agents who
arrested her were from the Intelligence Agency in Varamin. These agents initially
searched her home before taking her to the Intelligence Agency. She was then taken
to Tehran this morning. Her niece who was arrested with her is to be freed tonight.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 23, 2009)
Mashhad student activist arrested without warrant
Reza Lotfi was arrested last night in his father's home in Mashhad. Three plainclothes agents entered his home
on Tuesday at 10 pm, arrested the student activist, and confiscated his computer and a number of his books.
According to reports, he was arrested without an arrest warrant and the agents who arrested him did not state
what government institution had ordered the arrest.
Lotfi has not contacted his family yet and his family still has no clue as to why he was arrested or where he was
taken. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 24, 2009)
Iran arrests political activist
Maissam Rudaki, a political activist was arrested and transferred to Evin Prison by security forces in Tehran.
This political activist was arrested on September 22 while trying to go to the United Nations Offices in Tehran
to give reports of recent issues in Iran to the office. He was arrested by security forces in the region and directly
taken to Evin Prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 25, 2009)
Office head of top dissenting cleric arrested
The head of Ayatollah Saneyi's Golestan Office was arrested today. According to reports, Hojjat al-Islam Sayed
Razi Qodssi Alavi was arrested today after being summoned to the Sari Special Court for Clergy. His
complainant was apparently the governor of Ramian who filed a complaint against him to the Special Court for
Clergy for giving a speech in this city in support of Mir Hossein Moussavi. (Yuldash Website –Sep. 25, 2009)
Political activist arrested in Khorramabad
Security forces in Khorramabad in Lorestan arrested Hossein Mahdavi, social political activist, on Thursday. He
was an active member in Mehdi Karoubi's election staff. (Human Rights Activists in Iran- Sep. 27, 2009)
Tehran Univ. protesters arrested
Reports that Kamran Daneshju, Ahmadinejad's new Minister of Science (Higher Education) would attend a
ceremony for the opening of Tehran University were published yesterday.
At one pm, the gathering of Tehran University students (in protest to his presence at this university) ended
without any clashes or violence, but riot police attacked a number of students who were leaving the university,
arresting them. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 28, 2009)
Two political activists arrested in Tabriz
According to reports, Hassan Ark, journalist and Ibrahim Dashti, two Azeri activists were arrested by the Tabriz
Intelligence Agency agents on September 21 and taken to an unknown location. According to their families,
these agents searched their homes and office after their arrest. They also confiscated their books, notes and
computers. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 28, 2009)


Iran arrests blogger

M.L a chain blogger who published lies about government officials and false reports on the seditions after the
presidential election was arrested on Saturday. M.L who is a dismissed former reporter from a news agency
published his lies in a series of chain weblogs after publishing it in his own weblog. (Javan RGC-run Daily – Sep.
29, 2009)
Intelligence agents storm printing house; arrest owner
According to reports from ward 209 of Evin Prison, Jafar Kazemi, a former political prisoner, was arrested last
week after intelligence agents stormed his printing house. He was taken to an unknown location.
Kazemi, 47, was arrested on Sep. 30 in his office. Agents stormed his printing house and after a long search,
confiscated his phone book. They then took him to his home and searched his home for a few hours. They
broke and destroyed some of his personal belongings in their search. The intelligence agents confiscated his
family photo albums, phone book, identification papers which belonged to him and members of his family,
personal notes, CDs and other belongings.
Kazemi was jailed in the 80's and spent 3 years in solitary where he was subjected to violent and inhumane
There is no information on his whereabouts since his arrest. His family's appeals to the Revolutionary Court
and Evin Prison in pursuit of him have so far been futile. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 1, 2009)
15 members of OCU Tehran Council arrested in park
Fifteen members of the Tehran Council for the Office for Consolidating Unity were arrested in this city's
Jamshidieh Park by security forces and taken to an unknown location. Mehdi Arabshahi, Milad Asadi and Farid
Hashemi, members of the central council of this student association were amongst the detainees. (Peik-e-Iran –
Oct. 2, 2009)
Young people arrested in Persepolis-Esteqlal game
According to reports, on Friday in a game between Persepolis and
Esteqlal, one of the spectators who was wearing green clothes and
chanted against the government was immediately arrested by Special
Guards Forces. There are no reports on the fate of this person.
All the spectators were body searched before being allowed into the
stadium and a number of young men were arrested for having green
balloons. (Iran News Agency – Oct. 2, 2009)
Seven villagers arrested in Oshnavieh town in Kurdistan
A few days ago, regime forces in the Gorkashan Village in Oshnavieh
arrested 7 villagers and charged another six villagers.
It has been a few years that the municipality of this town dumps trash in the agricultural area of this village
which has led to major material loss for these villagers. The villagers' protests have so far been futile and with the
support of the State Security Forces, the municipality continues dumping trash in this region.
This issue leads to clashes between the villagers and regime forces from time to time and a few days ago the
villagers once again clashed with regime forces which led to the arrest of seven villagers. (Kurdistan Media –
Oct. 2, 2009)
No news of condition of jailed political activist
Security forces stormed the home of Saeid Rock, political activist, on September 29 and arrested him. His family
has not been able to get news on his whereabouts since his arrest. (Iran News Agency – Oct. 3, 2009)
Man arrested in Qarveh
Security forces arrested a Kurd man from Qarveh and took him to an unknown location.
Security forces went to the office of Kiomars Karimi on September 22, and arrested him after searching his
office. They confiscated his computer and some of his personal belongings.
These forces also threatened his family not to report this issue to anyone. There is no information on the fate of
this man as yet. (Kurdistan Media – Oct. 4, 2009)


Regime forces arrest 3 men in Mahabad

Karim Sufi-Moludi, the head of the Mahabad Industrial Towns Syndicates and Taher Faramarzi who lives in this
city were arrested on October 1 in the Intelligence Agency after being summoned there. They were taken to an
unknown location. Despite the fact that there are no reports on why they were arrested, these two men were
previously arrested in the summer during the Mahabad shopkeepers' strike.
Shirin Ahmadi, 22, who is also from Mahabad was arrested in her home on October 1 by security forces and
was taken to an unknown location. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 5, 2009)
Activist arrested in Mashhad
Mehdi Gilani, a member of the Youth Branch of the Cooperation Front in the Khorasan Province and the
assistant head of Staff 88 of this province was arrested.
According to reports, he was in charge of coordinating the political fast of 110 young people in this province in
protest to the detainment of Shahab Tabatabayi and other political prisoners. They were to hold this political
fast on Sunday (today). (Sarmayeh Daily – Oct. 5, 2009)
Women arrested in Semnan
Fatemeh Nabavi, 28, was arrested two weeks ago after she went to the Revolutionary Court to protest a heavy
sentence issued for her by this court. She was taken to the women's ward in the Semnan Prison. This court had
fined her for 10,000 dollars or two years of prison for the crime of visiting her family in Camp Ashraf. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 8, 2009)
Couple arrested in Mahabad
Two other residents of Mahabad were arrested while another person was summoned.
A wife and husband identified as Aziz Abdollahi and Leila Kharazian were arrested by security forces for
unknown reasons in this city on October 4.
This is while Abdollahi has a brain tumor and keeping him in a solitary cell can have a dangerous outcome.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 9, 2009)
Reformer arrested in Gilan
Nematollah Akbari was summoned to the Gilan Intelligence Agency and was transferred to the detention center
in this institution after being interrogated for a few hours.
Akbari is the assistant head of the Islamic Association of Gilan Teachers. It is still not clear why he was arrested.
He told his family in a short call that he would not be released soon. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Oct.
9, 2009)
City council member arrested for supporting Moussavi in elections
Ala'eddin Nour Mohammad-zadeh, who was elected three times to the city council by the people of Tabriz and
was the head of this council, was arrested last week by security forces for supporting Mir Hussein Moussavi in
the elections. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Oct. 9, 2009)
10 people arrested in Kamyaran
Intelligence agents arrested close to 10 people in the city of Kamyaran between October 7 and 8 without any
One of the arrestees is Shamsollah Rahmani who was summoned to the Intelligence Agency by phone and
arrested there. (Kurdistan Media- Oct. 10, 2009)
Civil rights activist arrested in Marivan
Ali Mahmoudi, a civil rights activist, was arrested by intelligence agents at 12 pm in the Sarbaz Square in
Agents also went to his home and confiscated most of his personal belongings including his documents,
computer, books and notes. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 10, 2009)
Security forces arrest young man in Naqadeh
Mahabad security forces arrested a young man from Naqadeh indentified as Kaveh Hassan-pour.
They arrested him on October 14 and confiscated his computer and other personal items the next day.
There is still no information on why he was arrested. (Iran News Agency – Oct. 16, 2009)
Security forces arrest student activist in Kermanshah
Heshmatollah Matayi, the principal of the Leilakh region high schools and a master's degree student at the Razi
University in Kermanshah was arrested by intelligence agents in Dehgalan town and taken to an unknown

location. He was beaten and abused in the intelligence agency after he was summonedthere. (Kurdistan Media
– Oct. 18, 2009)
Head of detainees' committee arrested
Haj Mohammad-Reza Moqisseh, the head of the Committee to Pursue the Affairs of Detainees and Victims of
Recent Events was arrested at 10 am in his home on Wednesday. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Oct. 17,
Iran arrests Azeri activist
Ali Hossein-Nejad, a political prisoner and member of the National Azerbaijan Movement in Maku who was out
of prison on a recent leave from prison was arrested by intelligence agents.
According to his family, these agents in Maku came to his shop on September 26 and arrested Hossein-Nejad.
After his arrest, these agents searched his home and confiscated his CDs, computer and other personal
This Azeri activist has been banned from calling his family and lawyer since his arrest and judicial sources refuse
to answer his family's questions regarding why he was arrested or where he is being kept. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Oct. 20, 2009)
Iran arrests renowned novelist
Javad Mahzadeh, the author of 'Take Your Smile from Me' which is candidate for a literature award and
according to polls, is one of the most read novels, was arrested today while going to work.
He was arrested with a warrant from the Revolutionary Prosecutor and was returned to his home with a number
of agents. The agents confiscated his computer after searching his home. (Nurooz Website– Oct. 21, 2009)
Young man arrested in kite contest
A 19-year-old man who participated in a kite contest in Mahalati for the past five years and intended to
participate this year with a white kite with the words 'Ya Hossein' (referring to the 3rd Imam of Shiite Islam)
printed on it was prevented from participating by security forces and arrested on the orders of the head of the
security forces in this area.
The interesting point is that this young man previously attended the kite contest with this same kite. In that
year, officials commended and thanked him for coming to the contest with a religious kite and his picture was
taken by the request of the head of the security forces in the region. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 21,
Man arrested in Sardasht
Security forces in the Pitush Village in Sardasht arrested a man identified as Abdullah Mohammad Salehi.
These forces searched Salehi's home on October 22 under the pretext of looking for illegal guns and after
insulting and harassing his family, they arrested Salehi.
There is still no information on why he was arrested. (Kurdistan Media – Oct. 22, 2009)
Several people arrested for attending prayer to free political prisoner
Reports say that almost all of those who attended a ceremony to pray for the freedom of Sayed Shahabeddin
Tabatabayi, member of the central council of the Iran Cooperation Front, were arrested.
According to an eye-witness, a large number of the participants were handcuffed and taken away with two vans
to an unknown location. (Nurooz Website – Oct. 22, 2009)
Regime arrests Kurd activist
Agents of the Ministry of Intelligence in the town of Qarveh arrested the younger brother of political prisoner
Anvar Hossein-Panahi on October 20 after searching his home. Afshin Hossein-Panahi who is about 20 years
old was arrested without a warrant and taken to an unknown location.
Anvar Hossein-Panahi is a political and civil rights activist in Kurdistan who was initially sentenced to death by
the Revolutionary Court but his sentence was reduced to six years of prison after international protests. The
only reason Afshin was arrested was because he was pursuing his brother's case. He was also arrested a number
of times in the past year for protesting his brother's sentence. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 23, 2009)
Iran arrests political activist
One of the family members of Mohammad Kianush Rad said moments ago that he was arrested by security
forces. Kianush Rad is a member of the University Science Delegation, former parliament member and a


member of the Cooperation Front and the Mojahedin Islamic Revolution Organization. (Peik-e-Iran website –
Oct. 23, 2009)
Iran Is Said to Arrest Wives of Many Prominent Detainees
Iranian authorities arrested the wives and family members of a number of high-profile political detainees at a
religious ceremony in Tehran, several reformist Web sites reported Friday.
The raid happened Thursday after the family members of one detainee, Shahab Tabatabee, announced on the
Web site Norooz News that they were holding a prayer ceremony for his release. Mr. Tabatabee, a member of
the reformist party Islamic Iran Participation Front, was sentenced to five years in prison last week .
The police raided the ceremony at a private home a few minutes after it began, according to a relative of some of
the people who were arrested .
Officers arrested nearly all the guests except for several young women who were attending with infants and
toddlers .
There were conflicting reports on the Web sites as to the number arrested. The relative, who spoke on the
condition of anonymity, said 60 people had been arrested, which would make it the largest mass arrest in recent
months ...
The wife of Abdullah Ramezanzadeh, a prominent prisoner who was the government spokesman under former
President Mohammad Khatami, and the wives of several former members of Parliament were among the
detainees .
About 10 people were released Friday. About a dozen others were transferred to the notorious Evin prison, the
relative said .
He said the raid had been carried out under a warrant issued by the prosecutor general.
The arrests appeared to be a warning to the families of the detainees, who have been vocal in their
OPPOSITION to the arrests ...
More than 100 people, including reform activists and journalists, are still in jail, and their relatives have said
most were being held in solitary confinement with limited access to their families or lawyer .
Authorities hinted this month that they might try to arrest the OPPOSITION leaders Mir Hussein Moussavi
and Mehdi Karroubi in an effort to stop the protests ...
The Special Court of Clergy also said last week that it was looking into charges against Mr. Karroubi .
On Friday, Mr. Karroubi was attacked by baton-wielding vigilantes when he visited a media exhibition in
Tehran, the student Web site Advarnews reported .
Mr. Karroubi’s white turban was knocked off, and the official Fars news agency carried a photo showing a shoe
being tossed at him . (NY Times - Oct. 24, 2009)
Regime forces arrest man in Qarveh
A Kurd resident of Qarveh was arrested by security forces and taken to an unknown location.
Security forces arrested Badi Hossein-Panahi in his place of work in this city on October 23 and took him to an
unknown location. There is no information on why he was arrested or the charges against him.
Badi Hossein-Panahi is related to political prisoner Anvar Hossein-Panahi whose brother was arrested a number
of days ago by security forces. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 25, 2009)
5 Azeri activists arrested in Tabriz
Azeri activists Navid Meshkat, Madineh Qassemi (f), Aydin Taqipour, Mohammad Mohammad-lu and Javad
Ramezan were arrested on October 23 after participating in a ceremony on the first anniversary of the death of
'Imami' (civil rights Azeri activist who was mysteriously killed in a car accident with two of his brothers) in
Tabriz. Security forces transferred these five people from the Maralan Cemetery and took them to police station
22. They were then taken to the Baghshomal Intelligence Agency after being interrogated for a few hours.
(Savalan Sasssi – Oct. 25, 2009)


Security forces crack down on peaceful labor protesters

Workers of the Pipe Factory in Ahwaz gathered and marched today in the Naderi intersection in Ahwaz in their
fourth day of protests to not receiving their wages for 10 months. Security forces who only watched them in the
past days asked them to disperse and end their protests today.
Security forces attacked the protesters after they refused to end their protests and resorted to violence. In
addition to a number of workers who were injured as a result, at least 50 workers were arrested. There is no
information on the fate of the arrested workers. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 26, 2009)
Security forces make more arrests in Mahabad
On Sunday October 25, the Intelligence Agency of Mahabad went to the home of a political Kurd prisoner
named Jahangir Baduzadeh who has been jailed for years in the Orumieh Prison and confiscated his books and
CD's. These forces also intended to arrest Turan Baduzadeh, his wife, but she had fled to the mountains with
her young son after being informed of this matter.
The eldest son of this family was arbitrarily murdered by a security agent named Aziz Kanebi before this.
According to other reports, these forces have also arrested a number of women and young people in this city
and villages around the city under the excuse that they had 'cooperated with an opposition party'. These people
have still not been identified. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 27, 2009)
Security forces arrest Baneh resident
A resident of Baneh was arrested by security forces and taken to an unknown location.
On the midnight of October 26, security forces arrested 32-year-old Kamal Ahmadian and took him to an
undetermined location.
According to reports, he was beaten by security forces at the time of his arrest, which was made without a
warrant. These forces also searched his home and confiscated his personal belongings.
It is noteworthy that despite persistent inquiries by his family, judicial and security forces have so far refused to
give any information on his condition and location. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 28, 2009)
MOIS arrests student activist in Kermanshah
Siaman Ghiassi, a student in the Razi University in Kermanshah was arrested yesterday by agents of the Ministry
of Intelligence. He was recently sentenced to two semesters of suspension from education by the Disciplinary
Committee in this university. (Kermanshah Post – Oct. 29, 2009)
No news of student activist after arrest
Ahmad Hossein-Khani, a student of cinematography at the Art University and a student activist in this
university who was also a member of Mir-Hossein Moussavi's election staff was arrested on October 22 and
taken to Evin Prison. According to this report, he left his home to participate in a prayer ceremony but did not
return home. In a phone call on Friday from Evin Prison, security officials informed his family that he was in
prison. This student activist has not called his family since his arrest and his family has no news regarding his
condition. (Peik-e-Iran website – Oct. 29, 2009)
No news on female political prisoner
According to Monireh Rabiyi's family, who had attended a gathering of families of political prisoners outside
the Public Prosecutors Office in Tehran, the 32-year-old woman who does not have a history of political
activities was summoned to the Revolutionary Court to 'submit an explanation' but was arrested and taken to
Evin Prison after she went to the Revolutionary Court. She has been charged with 'having links to the PMOI'.
Rabiyi has not been able to see her family since her arrest. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Oct. 29,
Three Azeri activists arrested
Azeri activists Rahim Gholami, a journalist in local Ardabil
newspapers, Behruz Alizadeh and Vadud Saadati, were arrested on
October 28 in this city and taken to Ardebil Prison to serve their
one year sentence.
These men were arrested by Ardebil intelligence agents on April
10, 2008 and were released after 20 days of incarceration on bail.
According to their families, they were tortured to confess to things
they had not done. (Regime agents) applied electric shocks to their

sensitive body parts, beat them and subjected them to sleep deprivation. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct.
30, 2009)
Another member of Participation Front arrested
Ali Sami Zadeh, member of the Information Committee of the Participation Front and the head o this
committee in Tehran was arrested on Saturday by security forces.
Sami Zadeh was arrested in his place of work but it is not clear what military or judicial body ordered his arrest.
(Nurooz Website – Oct. 31, 2009)
4 people arrested in national ceremony
On October 29, which is marked as International Cyrus Day (King of ancient Persia), a large number of people
intended to march towards Pasargadae to celebrate this occasion but were prevented from going there by
security forces, intelligence agents and security police.
According to reports, a number of people were arrested by security forces and were taken to an unknown
location. There is no information on their whereabouts or if they were released. (Human Rights Activists in Iran
– Oct. 31, 2009)
Regime arrests prominent Sunni scholars
After a number of the heads of Sunni religious schools in Sistan and Baluchistan were summoned to the Special
Clerical Court in Mashhad, a number of them were arrested after going to court. (Sunni Online – Oct. 31,
Another member of Participation Front arrested
Ali Sami Zadeh, member of the Information Committee of the Participation Front and the head o this
committee in Tehran was arrested on Saturday by security forces.
Sami Zadeh was arrested in his place of work but it is not clear what military or judicial body ordered his arrest.
(Nurooz Website – Oct. 31, 2009)
4 people arrested in national ceremony
On October 29, which is marked as International Cyrus Day (King of ancient Persia), a large number of people
intended to march towards Pasargadae to celebrate this occasion but were prevented from going there by
security forces, intelligence agents and security police.
According to reports, a number of people were arrested by security forces and were taken to an unknown
location. There is no information on their whereabouts or if they were released. (Human Rights Activists in Iran
– Oct. 31, 2009)
Regime arrests prominent Sunni scholars
After a number of the heads of Sunni religious schools in Sistan and Baluchistan were summoned to the Special
Clerical Court in Mashhad, a number of them were arrested after going to court. (Sunni Online – Oct. 31,
15 movie makers and actors arrested after elections
Farhad Tohidi, the head of the Cinema House in Iran said that after the "elections and the events that
occurred, 15 movie makers and actors were arrested due to problems that occurred".
"A documentary film maker has also been arrested since last year", he added. (ILNA – Nov.1, 2009)
Kurd activist arrested in Saqez
A Kurd resident of Saqez identified as Sayid Rock was arrested by security forces and imprisoned.
He was also arrested about one month ago on charges of cooperating with Kurd dissident parties.
According to reports, he has been transferred to the Central Prison in Saqez. (Mukerian News Agency – Nov. 1,
Regime forces arrest two student activists in Mazandaran on Eve of Nov. 4 protests
Siavosh Rezayian, a member of the Public Council of the Islamic Association in Mazandaran University and
Ashkan Zahabian, former secretary of the Modern Fraction of the Islamic Association of the Firdosi Medical
Science University in Mashhad were arrested in Babolsar.


According to student activists, Siavosh Rezayian who is mathematics major was arrested on Monday afternoon
by the Protection Department agents of the university and handed over to security forces in Babolsar. This is
while there is no charge against him and he had not received any legal summonses.
Ashkan Zahabian, a chemistry major in the Medical Science University of Mashhad who went to the
Mazandaran University as a guest last semester went to the Prosecutor's Office after being summoned there over
the phone and was arrested on charges of acting against national security by forming the Union of Islamic
Associations of the North. He was taken to the Mati Kalay Prison in Babol.
Zahabian was jailed for one month before after widespread protests by Mazandaran University students. He was
beaten and harassed in the Central Babol Prison and the Intelligence Agency Detention Center in Babolsar. Eye
witnesses say that he was beaten so severely by plainclothes agents that he was transferred to the detention
center in an unconscious state.
A number of other students in this university have been summoned and threatened by the heads of the
Protection Department. According to reports, a list of 11 students has been provided by the Babolsar prosecutor
probably for summonses and arrests. So far Ashkan and Siavosh and two other students from this list have
received phone calls to go to the court, but the two other students have still not gone to court.
Arnush Azrahimi, another member of the Islamic Association was also summoned to court after security forces
filed a complaint against him. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Nov. 2, 2009)
Regime arrests student activist
According to reports, in a widespread attack against the homes of political activists and students, Mohammad
Sadeqi was arrested when he was alone in the house. He was not even allowed to change his clothes before
being taken away by regime forces. His family has no news from him but the evidence in the house points to his
arrest. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 4, 2009)
Three members of student association arrested on eve on Nov. 4 protests
According to reports, the arrests of three members of the Central Council of the Office for Consolidating Unity
have been confirmed.
Hasan Asadi Zeidabadi, the secretary of the human rights committee, and Mohammad Sadeqi, a member of the
central council were arrested on Tuesday evening.
Seyed Kuhzad Ismaili, the head of the Gilan branch of this organization was also arrested by the intelligence
agency in this city. (Green Wave of Freedom website – Nov. 4, 2009)
Another student activist arrested in Tehran
Mohammad Hashemi, a member of the central council of the Office for Consolidating Unity was arrested on
November 4 in his home. According to reports, security forces used force and violence in his arrest.
Yesterday night agents broke his home door when storming his home before searching his home, but where not
able to arrest him because he was not home.
They once again stormed his home today and arrested him. (JRS – Nov. 4, 2009)
AFP reporter still in detention in Tehran
AFP reporter Farhad Pouladi remained in detention on Thursday after he was arrested while covering an anti-
American rally in central Tehran a day earlier.
Officials at Iran's Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, which coordinated foreign media coverage of the
rally, said on Thursday they were continuing to track the case.
Pouladi was detained on Wednesday morning by three security personnel, two in uniform and one in
plainclothes, witnesses said.
He was riding pillion on a motorcycle when he was stopped.
The rider of the motorcycle said the security force officials confiscated the reporter's mobile phone and then
escorted him away.
The rally marked the anniversary of the November 4, 1979 storming of the US embassy in Tehran by Islamist
students. (AFP - Nov 5, 2009)


Regime makes widespread arrests in Nov. 4 protests

Hundreds of protesters were arrested on Wednesday's protests and gatherings. According to reports from the
demonstrations on November 4, Ali Malihi and Hojat Sharifi, two members of the Office for Consolidating
Unity, Nafiseh Zare Kohan, journalist and Vahideh Molavi a member of the Women's Field group were
Ali Mashmuli, a member of the Public Council of the Industrial Islamic Association in Isfahan University was
arrested in the clashes in Isfahan.
A large number of the detainees were transferred to ward 209 in Evin Prison. Eyewitnesses have reported that
they saw busses and vans full of detainees on the evening of November 4 entering Evin prison and that a large
number of them were taken to section 209 and 240.
Many prisoners who were arrested in the months before were transferred to section 8 from ward 209. Reports
say that the Intelligence Agency has prepared ward 209 for the new detainees.
Other reports say that at least one bus full of young girls was taken to an unknown location from Bahar Street in
Tehran. Dozens of other girls were arrested in the streets and bystreets. (Radio Germany Website – Nov. 5,
Regime forces arrest 2 student activists
Farzad Islami, a law student in the Free Tehran Central University was arrested on November 4 in his home and
taken to an unknown location after security forces searched his home.
Security forces went to the homes of a large number of the Free University student activists but were only able
to arrest Farzad Islami.
Ali Assadollahi, another student activist and poet was arrested by plainclothes agents in the protests on
November 4 in Tehran. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 5, 2009)
Security forces arrest another student activist
Amin Vatayi, a chemical engineering student at the Sharif Industrial University in Tehran was arrested on
Monday outside his house.
Security forces attacked his home on Monday and arrested this student activist while he was trying to enter his
house. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 5, 2009)
Two labor activists arrested to serve prison terms
Two members of the Managing Board of the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory Union were arrested and taken to
prison to serve their prison terms.
Jalil Ahmadi and Fereidoon Nikufar members of this union were detained at 10 am by the Protection
Department of the factory and handed over to security forces at 2 pm. These forces transferred them to the
Dezful Prison to serve their prison terms.
These two labor activists were sentenced to six months of prison and six months of suspended prison by the
Revolutionary Court in Dezful because of their labor activities. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 5, 2009)
Political activists arrested on Nov. 4 protests
A large number of people were arrested by security forces and plainclothes agents after widespread protests on
November 4 in several Iranian cities.
Valli-ollah Abdi Pur, a nationalist activist was amongst those arrested in Tehran in the November 4 protests.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 5, 2009)
Regime forces arrest several people in Mahabad and Naqadeh
Security forces have arrested several residents of Mahabad and Naqadeh in the past few days.
A woman identified only by her first name as 'Roqieh' and a man identified as 'Mahmoud Chireh' were arrested
by security forces in Mahabad on the charge of cooperating with the Kurdish Opposition. Mr. Chireh is the
father of a Kurd opposition guerrilla who was killed.
According to other reports on October 31, agents of the Intelligence Agency in Naqadeh stormed the home of a
civil rights activists and writer named Hussein Ashari and arrested him. He was taken to an unknown location.
(Kurdistan Media – Nov. 5, 2009)
Two students arrested for protesting presence of regime official in university
Ali Parviz and Soheil Mohammadi, two students of the Khajeh Nasi University in Tehran were arrested on
Tuesday night.

According to reports, agents of the intelligence agency stormed their homes and arrested these two students
after confiscating some of their personal items.
It has been reported that they were arrested for protesting the presence of former guidance minister Safar
Harandi in their university. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 5, 2009)
No news on 5 arrested students
Hamid Azimi, Sayid Qasemi, Mohammad Asadi, Kurosh Yeka and Ali Matlabi, all students of the Tafresh
University in Arak were arrested by security forces affiliated with the Arak Intelligence Agency in their
dormitories on the night of November 3 and there has been no news on their whereabouts since then.
(Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 6, 2009)
Danish journalism student held in Iran: union
A Danish journalism student has been arrested in Iran after reporting on rallies in Tehran earlier this week, the
Danish union of journalists said Friday.
One Japanese and two Canadian journalists were also arrested, along with an Iranian working for 'satellite
channels,' after reporting without permission on the same events, the Iranian news agency said on Friday.
'The Danish journalist who had disappeared has been located in an Iranian jail,' the union said in a statement.
Niels Krosgaard, a 31 year-old journalism student, was freelancing in Iran for a project related to his studies, a
union official said.
'He was arrested at an anti-government protest in Teheran Wednesday,' Troels Johannesen told AFP, adding he
did not have any details on the student's condition. (AFP - Nov 6, 2009)
At least 400 arrests registered on Nov. 4
At least 400 people were arrested during the protests on November 4 in Tehran and taken to Evin Prison.
From November 4 to November 6, prison cards were issued for 400 people. They were transferred in groups
from temporary detention centers in Tehran to Evin Prison in this time frame.
According to some reports, it has been announced that the number of detainees transferred to Evin Prison have
been more than this. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 6, 2009)
Regime forces arrest student activist in home
Farzad Islami, a law student at the Free Central Tehran University was arrested on November 4 after security
forces stormed his home. These agents also searched his home and confiscated some of his personal belongings.
There is no information on where he is being kept.
This student activist had been sentenced to three semesters of suspension from education by the university's
Disciplinary Committee. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 7, 2009)
Amir Kabir Univ. student arrested in home
Puya Sharifi, a master's degree student of Amir Kabir University (Polytechnic) in Tehran was arrested in his
home by security forces. His family has not been able to get any information on his condition as yet. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 7, 2009)
Security forces arrest Tehran University student
Yashar Daralshafa, a student activist majoring in sociology at Tehran University was arrested on November 4
and was transferred to Evin Prison.
According to reports, he called his home at about 10 pm yesterday and told his family that he had been arrested
and taken to Evin Prison. This student activist had disappeared on November 4 near Hafte-Tir Square and there
was no news on his whereabouts until he called yesterday. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 7, 2009)
Two women's rights activists arrested in Isfahan
Mohsen Parizad Moqadam and Ali Mashmuli, two members of the One-Million Signature Campaign in Isfahan
who are both student activists were arrested on November 4 near Enqelab Square in Isfahan.
Ali Mashmuli is currently in the Dastgerd Prison in Isfahan but Mohsen Parizad Moqadam was transferred to
the city of Arak after his arrest. This is while he lives in Isfahan and was arrested in this city. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Nov. 8, 2009)


Regime forces arrest student activist

Morteza Asadi was arrested on November 9 by security forces while leaving his home in Tehran and was taken
to an unknown location.
This master's degree student who is a former member of the Alameh Tabatabayi University's Islamic Association
was suspended from continuing his studies for two years and had only been allowed to continue his studies last
year after signing a written commitment. There is still no information on his whereabouts and charges against
him. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 9, 2009)
Man arrested in Orumieh
A man named Kaveh Mahmoud Moradi who had recently come back from abroad was arrested in Orumieh and
Moradi, who lives in Britain was arrested about two months ago after returning to Iran and has been charged
with espionage.
He was recently transferred to Orumieh Prison after spending some time in a detention center. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Nov. 10, 2009)
Still no news on the fate of several arrested Nov. 4 protesters
According to reports, the families of those arrested in the November 4 protests gathered outside the
Revolutionary Court today. They demanded information on the condition and location of their detained loved
ones, saying that they should be immediately released.
Currently, there is no information on the whereabouts of more than 60 detainees who were arrested on
November 4. Several families have no information on where their loved ones have been detained.
On the other hand, a number of the detainees were injured at the time of their arrest and according to reports,
a number of them have been taken to the Khorin-Varamin Detention Center. This detention center resembles
the notorious Kahrizak Camp (which was closed down after reports got out that several prisoners were killed
under torture). Those who have survived the Khorin Detention Center and have been transferred to other
prisons have said that the conditions in the detention center are horrible. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – Nov. 11, 2009)
Security forces arrest and kidnap students in Tafresh
Students of the Polytechnic University's Tafresh Unit (in Markazi Province) were arrested by security forces.
These students who had only independently distributed a student publication in the university and also
intended to hold a student gathering on November 4 in the university were arrested on Monday by security
Four of these students, identified as Hamid Azimi, Mohammad As-adi, Sayid Qasemi and Amir Arabi called
their home (from prison) while two others named Ali Motalebi and Kurosh Yekan have disappeared and there is
no information on their whereabouts. Mohsen Adabi Pur, who is in charge of reproducing publications at the
university, has been kidnapped from his home for reproducing this student publication.
Other students have been summoned to the Student Managing Department of the university and have been
asked to name students who were active in the protests and to give information regarding these students to the
heads of the university. These summonses are ongoing. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 11, 2009)
Intelligence agents arrest man in Tehran
Hadi Abtahi, the son of Mojtaba Abtahi a member of the supervising board of Iran's Teacher's Association was
arrested on November 3 after agents of the Ministry of Intelligence stormed his place of work. He was taken to
These agents arrested him at 11 am after confiscating his personal computer. His home was also searched by
these forces.
His brother said regarding his arrest, "We told the (district attorney) about Hadi's illness, but they paid no
attention. After he insulted us, my mother and I went to the Prosecutor. We were taken to his room and he told
us that Hadi has been charged with having contacts with the Monafeqin (PMOI) and that he had received a call
from Germany".
"He said that if this charge is proven, he will be sentenced to death and he has to be detained for more
investigations", he added. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 11, 2009)


Regime forces arrest Sunni cleric

Molavi Abdolghani Shah Bakhsh known as Badri, the educational assistant of the Zahedan Daral-olum religious
seminary and Zahedan's temporary Friday Prayer's Imam who is also a scholar at the seminary was arrested after
being summoned to the Special Court for Clergy in Mashhad and was taken to prison. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Nov. 12, 2009)
Security forces arrest journalist
Mazdak Ali Nazari, journalist and editor of the 'Peace Journalists' website was arrested a few daysago.
Ali Nazari confirmed his arrest in a short call to his family but said he did not know where he was detained.
There is still no information on why he was arrested or his charges. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Nov.
12, 2009)
Regime forces arrest student activist in Tehran
Salman Sima, a student activist in the Free Tehran University was arrested today in the morning
in his home. Security forces arrested him while he was leaving his house and subsequently
entered his home and confiscated his computer and personal belongings.
Sima is a member of a student association in the Free Central Tehran University who has been
summoned by security institutions during student protests. Security forces had gone to his home
on November 3 to arrest him but he was not home. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters –
Nov. 14, 2009)
Security forces arrest Shiraz student activist
Ali Saleh Pur, a student activist in Shiraz who was arrested by the Shiraz University Protection Department on
November 7 and handed over to security forces is still in the custody of security forces. His family has no
information on his condition and where he is detained. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Nov. 14, 2009)
Security forces arrest several students in Tafresh
Four other students from the Polytechnic University in Tafresh were arrested by security forces. Seven students
from this university were arrested on November 3 by security forces and now the arrest of 3 other students
identified as Mohsen Parizad, Siavosh Big Madian and Izad Jaberi has been confirmed by the Ministry of
Intelligence after one week. Massoud Moradi, another student activist in this university was summoned to the
Ministry of Intelligence on Tuesday and disappeared after he showed up.
These students have been charged with attempting to overthrow the system, disrupting national security and
being against the Velayate Faqih (Supreme Leader). (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 16, 2009)
Shiraz University student arrested in Revolutionary Court
A Shiraz University student was arrested in the Shiraz Revolutionary Court on Saturday November 14 by direct
orders of the Public Prosecutor after going there to get information on the condition of a number of other
students who were arrested on November 4.
He has been transferred to the Intelligence Detention Center in this city. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 16,
No news on condition of Tehran student
Amin Vatani, a chemical engineering student at the Sharif Industrial University in Tehran who was arrested
outside his home on November 2, is still in detention while his family has no
information about him.
He has only made one very short call to his fiancé, and his family has no news on his
condition after that.
According to reports, after his family went to court to inquire into his situation, they
realized that Amin Vatani had denied his charges and was therefore detained in a
solitary cell in ward 209 of Evin Prison under very hard conditions.
Security forces told his family upon his arrest that he would be released the day after
and that they should not talk to the media about their son. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Nov. 17, 2009)
Security forces arrest head of Gilan student organization
Kuhzad Ismaili, the secretary of the Gilan branch of the Office for Consolidating Unity


was arrested in the morning after going to court despite the fact that he was released on a 20,000 dollar bail
yesterday. It has been announced that he was arrested to serve his four month prison sentence.
This sentence which was announced to him in 2007 was carried out today on orders of the judge presiding over
his case even while he had only been released from prison a few hours before. (Nurooz Website – Nov. 17,
Head of Kermanshah Development Party arrested
Hasanali Mahdavi Cheshmeh Gachi, the editor of Gharb Daily and the Secretary General of the Kermanshah
Development Party was arrested on Monday afternoon on orders of Judge Najar. He was taken to Disel Abad
Prison. Reports say that he was charged with publishing lies and instigating public opinion via the Sahat News
Weblog. Some reports say that he was taken to an unknown location outside of prison. (Kermanshah Post –
Nov. 18, 2009)
Security forces arrest students after protest to execution of Ehsan Fatahian in Tehran Univ.
A number of students in Tehran University who participated in a gathering on November 16 in protest to the
execution of Ehsan Fatahian were arrested by security forces.
According to students who were in contact with them, the Ministry of Intelligence summoned a number of
these Kurd activists to this ministry after the gathering and arrested several others.
There is still no exact information on these figures, but reports say that about 10 people were arrested after the
protest. (Iran News Agency – Nov. 18, 2009)
Security forces arrest Free Central Tehran Univ. student
Farzad Islami, a student of the Free Central Tehran University was arrested after recent protests in this
university. (Iran News Agency – Nov. 18, 2009)
Security forces arrest two Tehran Univ. students
According to reports, two Tehran University students named Salumeh Rahmanian (F) and Ali Asghar Tavabi
were arrested on November 17 by security forces. They were law students and members of the Islamic
Association. (Iran News Agency – Nov. 18, 2009)
Intelligence agents arrest two girl students at Shiraz Univ.
Neda Eskandari, a political science major and Khadijeh Qahremani, an agricultural student at Shiraz University
who had gone to the Disciplinary committee to inquire about punishments issued against them were arrested by
agents of the Ministry of Intelligence.
Eskandari and Qahremani had been suspended for two semesters from education and banned from using
university facilities.
There is no information on the whereabouts of these students. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 19, 2009)
Security forces arrest two students in Tabriz
Two student activists from the Free Tabriz University identified as Rasul Ali Nejad and Behruz Faridi were
arrested last night by security forces.
These two students who had disappeared on Wednesday, told their families in telephone calls made in the
evening that they were detained in the Intelligence Agency Detention Center. (Human Rights Activists in Iran–
Nov. 19, 2009)
Security forces arrest student activist
Abas Hakim Zadeh, the political secretary of the Office for Consolidating Unity and a
former member of the Amir Kabir Islamic Association was arrested in the morning.
Intelligence agents came to his home at 7 am and arrested him after confiscating
some of his personal belongings including his computer.
Hakim Zadeh was arrested along with seven other Amir Kabir University students in
February and was tortured for months to make false confessions. This student was
kept in solitary for long periods of time in his 4 months of incarceration and was
beaten on several occasions. He was released on bail on July 8. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter - Nov. 19, 2009)


Security forces attack members of liberal student organization

Security forces arrested at least seven members of the
Iranian Liberal Students and Graduates Organization
in a pre-planned attack.
Security forces stormed Ehsan Dolati's home in the
afternoon and arrested these students. Dolati is a
member of this organization.
Mehrdad Bozorg, Surna Hashemi, Alireza Moussavi,
Farzan Rauofi, Ehsan Dolatshah, Sina Shukohi and
Alborz Zahedi were six members who were arrested and
there is a possibility of the arrest of other members.
Security forces also took Mehrdad Bozorg and Surna
Hashemi along with them to search their homes.
(Bamdad Khabar – Nov. 19, 2009)
Handicapped former political prisoner arrested and detained by security forces
According to reports, Hadi Abed Ba-Khoda, a political prisoner in the 80's who became handicapped after he
was shot upon his arrest was arrested and taken to the Rasht Central Prison. This 50-year-old political prisoner
has spinal cord damage and is unable to do most of his daily affairs on his own. He was recently sentenced to
two years of prison in the 2nd branch of the Revolutionary Court in Rasht and was arrested and taken to prison
on November 8 after security forces attacked his home.
Because of his severe handicap he is currently detained in the Medical Clinic of Rasht Prison…
He was charged with being a member of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran, illegally leaving the
country even while he has a legal passport, encouraging former political prisoners to join the PMOI and other
false allegations.
Abed Ba-Khoda was detained in the 80's and was subjected to the most severe torture for supporting the PMOI
in Evin and Qezel Hesar Prison. Security forces opened fire on him while trying to arrest him which led to his
spinal cord damage. Some of his organs do not work normally anymore including his legs which makes him
unable to walk, his bladder and kidney and his digestive system. His brother Hormoz Abed Ba-Khoda was
executed in the 80's in prison for supporting the PMOI. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran– Nov.
20, 2009)
Six student activists arrested in Tehran coffee shop
Six Alameh University students were arrested yesterday in a coffee shop in Tehran.
They were identified as Alireza Moussavi, Ahmad Mir-Taheri, Alireza Zargar, Hamid Qahvechiyan, Amir Kazem
Pour and Yaser Massumi. Alireza Moussavi is a philosophy major at this university, Qahvechiyan is a master's
degree law student at the Beheshti University and the other students were economic majors at Alameh
University. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 21, 2009)
Iran arrests several Ilam student activists
Arash Khandel and Morad Basereh two student activists in Ilam University and a number of the members of
this university's Islamic Association were arrested today in Ilam. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 23, 2009)
Regime forces arrest another journalist
Sasan Aqayi, a journalist and blogger who has been threatened and summoned by
security forces in the last few months was arrested in the afternoon. Ministry of
Intelligence agents arrested him after searching his home and confiscating his
computer. There is no information on his condition and locations. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Nov. 22, 2009)
Another Alameh Univ. student arrested in Tehran
Hamid Neak-khah, a philosophy student at Alameh University who was recently
suspended for two semesters from university was arrested.
Three days after his arrest while his family had no news on his whereabouts, it became evident that he was
arrested along with other students from his university. With the arrest of this student activist, the number of


Alamah University students who have been arrested recently has reached 10 students. (Amir Kabir Newsletter –
Nov. 25, 2009)
Security forces arrest Doctor in Qom
Doctor Akbar Karami, a political activist in the city of Qom was arrested on Tuesday in his clinic.
He was arrested along with his secretary. According to this report, his secretary was subsequently released.
There is no report on the reason why he was arrested. (Rooz Website – Nov. 25, 2009)
Security forces arrest univ. professor in Tehran
Dr. Faramarz Javanrudi, a member of the Science Committee of the School of Mechanics at the Science and
Industry University in Tehran, was arrested in his home on November 17 by security forces and there is no
information on his condition and location.
His wife's inquiries via the university have so far been futile and she has still not been able to visit her husband
and does not even know where he has been taken. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 26, 2009)
No news on condition of two liberal group members
More than one week after the arrest of members of the Liberal Students and Graduates of Iran, there is still no
news on the condition of Farzan Raofi and Alborz Zahedi, two students in this liberal group.
Five members of this group who were arrested called their families on October 26 telling them they had been
incarcerated in solitary cells in Evin Prison. Despite this, these two students have been denied the right to call
their families and there is no information on their condition. (Committee of Human Rights Activists – Nov. 27,
Regime forces arrest human rights activist in office
Sayid Kalanaki, a human rights activist was arrested at 8 am in his place of work by security
These forces later went to his home to search it. Kalanaki is an IT (Information Technology)
graduate and a member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters. (Committee of Human
Rights Reporters – Nov. 30, 2009)
Security forces arrest student activist
Security forces arrested Milad Asadi, a member of the Office for Consolidating Unity who is a
student at the Khajeh Nasir University in Tehran in his home.
They also searched his home. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 30, 2009)
Regime force arrests another Bazaar member in Tehran
According to reports, another shop owner in the Tehran Bazaar was arrested after
agents from the Ministry of Intelligence raided his place of work. These agents
attacked Mohammad Banazadeh Amirkhizi, 63 and took him to an unknown
The agents confiscated his phone book and accounting books from his place of
work. They subsequently took him to his home and started violently searching his
home. These agents intentionally destroyed and broke his home appliances in the
process and confiscated some of his personal belongings.
Mohammad Banazadeh Amirkhizi is a former political prisoner. His brother, Ali
Banazadeh was executed in the 80's for supporting the PMOI. His wife Shahla
Zarin-Far was sentenced to one year of prison for visiting her child in Camp Ashraf
in Iraq and was subsequently released after serving her time. Currently Amirkhizi's sister, Kobra, and his two
brothers Hamid and Asghar are imprisoned in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj for visiting their children in Camp
Ashraf. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 1, 2009)
Iranian regime arrests man in Karaj
Intelligence agents stormed the home of the Jushan family in Karaj on December 1 at about 8 am and arrested
25 year old Reza Jushan. He was taken to an unknown location.


These forces searched all the rooms of the house and broke and destroyed this family's belongings in the
process. They also confiscated some of their personal belongings.
Reza Jushan was arrested in the events after the elections and was imprisoned for a while before being released
on bail. Before this his mother, Zahra Asadpour and sister, Fatemeh Jushan were arrested and sentenced to two
years of prison for going to Camp Ashraf in Iraq to visit their family member. They were released after serving
their time.
In other reports, Sayid Jalalifar disappeared after leaving his home yesterday morning and his family had no clue
about his whereabouts until he called them this morning saying that he had been abducted by intelligence
agents. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 1, 2009)
Security forces arrest student activist in Kermanshah
Babak Ghiasi, an agricultural major at the Razi University in Kermanshah was abducted today by unidentified
This student, who intended to attend a ceremony for gifted students, was abducted by men who were reportedly
agents of the Revolutionary Guards Forces Intelligence Department. There is still no information on his
whereabouts. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 1, 2009)
Security forces arrest another student on eve of Student's Day
Security forces arrested student activist Milad Fadayi today in his home and after searching
his home took him to an unknown location. Fadayi is a student at the Free Central Tehran
University. These forces confiscated some of his personal belongings including his
computer. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 2, 2009)
Regime forces arrest human rights activist in Qom
Akbar Karami, writer and human rights activist in Qom was arrested on Tuesday by
intelligence agents in this city.
His wife Shirim Firuzi said that intelligence agents took him to an unknown location after searching his office
and home and confiscating some of his documents.
There is still no exact information on his fate more than one week after his arrest. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Dec. 2, 2009)
Regime forces arrest man in Tehran on charges of working with foreign media
With the endeavors of security forces, one the contacts of an anti-revolutionary satellite channel who worked
closely with Shahram Homayoon was identified and arrested. He reporterdly gave exaggerated reports and
information on universities to this channel. This person and his family were also active during the seditions.
(Jahan (state-run) Website – Dec. 2, 2009)
Regime forces arrest student activist and husband in home
Mahdieh Golro, a student activist who also cooperated with the Human Rights
Activists in Iran and was sentenced to one year of suspended prison was arrested
after security forces stormed her home in the morning. Her husband Vahid
Lalipour was also arrested. These forces who were about 10 agents attacked their
home at about 7 am and made a search until about 9 am. They confiscated some
of their personal belongings including their laptop, non political pictures on the
walls, books, CDs and even their family pictures. They then handcuffed
Mahdieh and her husband and took them to Evin Prison. Vahid Lalipour is
currently in the Quarantine Section of Evin Prison but there is no information
on where Mahdieh is being kept. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 3,

Iran arrests another student activist in Mazandaran

Mohammad Yusef Rashidi was arrested in his father's home in Noshahr in Mazandaran by
agents of the intelligence agency in this city. The only news that his family has about him is that
he is on hunger strike in the Mazandaran Intelligence Agency Detention Center. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Dec. 3, 2009)

Regime arrests women's rights researcher

Farhad Sharafi, a master's degree student and researcher on women's affairs in Lorestan was arrested on
Wednesday December 1 by security forces in his place of work.
He is an architecture student at the Tehran Teacher Training University and a women's activist. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Dec. 3, 2009)
Security forces arrest another student activist
Foaad Shams, geography major at Tehran University, who was summoned to the Disciplinary
Committee in the past days and was to go to this committee yesterday, was arrested a few hours
ago. He still has not made any calls to his family until this moment but his family was informed
of his arrest via the Protection Department in Tehran University. It seems that this arrest was
made with the cooperation of the Protection Department. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Dec. 3, 2009)
Agents of the Ministry of Intelligence storm home of family and arrest three people
Intelligence agents in Karaj stormed the home the Ghoslani family two months ago and arrested Mostafa
Ghoslani. He was taken to an unknown location. These agents searched his home for many hours and
confiscated some of their personal belongings.
A few weeks later, intelligence forces attacked his brother's home in Karaj and arrested him. Morteza Ghoslani
was also taken to an unknown location.
Two weeks ago, intelligence agents once again stormed Mostafa Ghoslani's home and arrested his wife Azam
Moini. Moini is a mother of a 7-year-old and 9-year-old child and these children are now without a guardian.
These attacks and arrests were reportedly made because of the affiliations of some of the members of this family
with the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran and because their children are in Camp Ashraf in Iraq.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 4, 2009)
Regime arrests female journalist, forces family into silence
Tahere Riahi, a journalist for the Jahan-e Eqtesad (World of Economy) daily was arrested a
few days ago by security forces and taken to an unknown location. This was done amongst
complete media silence and (officials) have demanded that her family not give any news
about her arrest to the media and not to disclose any details surrounding her arrest. (Peik-e-
Iran Website – Dec. 4, 2009)
Regime forces arrest 15 women in peaceful demo
According to reports from Tehran, plainclothes agents attacked a gathering of mothers of protest victims in
Laleh Park and arrested more than 15 people. They were taken to an unknown location.
These women were attacked by security forces and plainclothes agents at about 5 pm Tehran time while entering
the park.
More than 300 state security agents were stationed inside the park and were even monitoring the area where
children were playing. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 5, 2009)
Names of 23 arrested mourning mothers in Tehran
With the brutal attack on the peaceful demonstration of mourning mothers two days ago at Laleh Park, 29
mothers were arrested, out of whom 6 of the elderly mothers were released shortly after. The remaining 23
mothers are still in detention and there is no news of their situation or condition. The following is a list of the
arrested mourning mothers: 1. Fatemeh Rastegar 2. Behnazi Hazrati 3. Sedighe Shokri 4. Taiebe Khenjmanesh
5. Masoume Heydarimoghadam 6. Leila Husaini 7. Farzaneh Husaini 8. Masoume Sedaghat 9. Najmeh
Afroozeg 10. Mina Gholizadeh 11. Azar Kooh Geilani 12. Mansoureh Behkish 13. Yalda Husaini 14. Fatemeh
Moazen 15. Taiebeh Atefrad 16. Yasamn Bahman 17. Zhila Karamzadeh Makvandi 18. Shokoufeh Ziaie
Moghadas 19. Ziba Karimi 20. Azam Saghaie 21. Leil Seifelahi 22. Mastaneh Ziaie 23. Afsaneh Norouzi (Street
Journalist – Dec.7, 2009)
Regime arrests three student activists in Lahijan
Three student activists were arrested yesterday by security forces in Lahijan and were taken to an unknown
At 9 pm, security forces went to the homes of Reihaneh Ansari (female student activist in Gilan University),
Nosaibeh Baqeri (female student activists in Gilan University) and Morris Baqeri (an activist in Moussavi's

election staff in Gilan) and arrested them on December 15. These forces initially searched their homes and
confiscated some of their personal items. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 6, 2009)
Iran arrests scores of student activists
Iranian authorities have rounded up scores of student activists in a bid to head off what several young people
said will be massive demonstrations on university campuses across the country Monday.
Monday is National Students Day, named for the day in 1953 when armed forces entered the campus of Tehran
University and killed three students protesting the government of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi…
Hadi Ghaemi, a spokesman for the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, said at least 90 students
have been arrested in the past three weeks…
'The government has rounded up well-known activists,' Mr. Ghaemi said. 'Still, we're expecting large
A student at Azad University in Tehran who asked to be identified only by his first name, Ahmad, said he was
arrested last week for holding a banner that read 'Live free or die '!
The government has tried to discourage protests by stationing members of the Basij, a paramilitary group, on
campuses. The Azad University student, Ahmad, said he was arrested by Basij members who entered the campus
last week. He said he was released after a few hours but that his roommate is still in custody and facing a
possible long jail term and expulsion from school .
Ahmad said he is supposed to be questioned by the university disciplinary committee and may not be allowed to
finish this semester or begin the next… (The Washington Times – Dec. 4, 2009)
Iran puts reformist back in jail: party
Iranian authorities returned leading reformist Behzad Nabavi to jail on Saturday after he was freed on bail
following his arrest in the wake of disputed June elections, his party said.
Nabavi, a senior official from the Organisation of Mujahedeen of the Islamic Revolution party, had been
sentenced to six years in prison for his part in protests against President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad's re-election.
The former deputy parliament speaker was released for 10 days on November 25 on a surety of 800,000 dollars
pending a possible appeal.
'Today, as his 10-day leave ran out, Nabavi went to the revolutionary court... and he was told to go back to Evin
prison,' the party said in a statement posted on its website.
'He was told he has not observed necessary things during his leave, met with people outside his family, and
made certain comments in these meetings apart from the usual greetings,' it said, without elaborating.
In comments attributed to Nabavi after his release, he was quoted as saying arrest warrants for post-vote
detainees were issued by an intelligence body several days before the June 12 election. (AFP - Dec 5, 2009)
Iran regime makes widespread arrests in Dec. 7 protests
Eyewitnesses have said that security forces in Iran have arrested a large number of students and protesters. An
eyewitness said that on the evening of December 7 he saw that dozens of detained Amir Kabir University
students were being taken to another location in five special police busses.
Another eyewitness reported that in Mozafar Street near Tehran, Amir Kabir and the Free Arts Universities,
rows of SSF trucks were parked and one of them was full of detainees. According to this eyewitness, their heads
were covered with black plastic bags. (BBC Farsi Service Website – Dec. 7, 2009)
Iran arrests amateur journalists in Tehran
Security forces in Tehran arrested a number of amateur photographers and journalists who were stationed in
the seventh floor of the Jahad Daneshgahi building in Tehran. It was not clear how many journalists were
arrested. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 7, 2009)
Two Khajeh Nasir Univ. students disappear after going to Intelligence Agency
Two students of the Khajeh Nasir Tusi University in Tehran disappeared after being summoned to the
Intelligence Agency in this city.

Javid Haj Hemati and Abbas Qaderi went to the Intelligence Agency on the morning of December 7 after being
summoned over the phone. But there is no news on their whereabouts after they went to the agency. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 8, 2009)
Regime forces arrest Kurd student activist in Kurdistan
Security forces arrested Sohrab Karimi in his home in the city of Qarveh in Kurdistan on the eve of Student's
Day. Sohrab Karimi is a Kurd student activist who was arrested once before in 2007. (Amir Kabir Newsletter –
Dec. 8, 2009)
Iran arrests 6 student activists in Shiraz
Security forces arrested 3 students in Shiraz yesterday. Seyed Mohammad Mohsen Moussavi, Sobhaneh Heidari,
and Najmeh Ranjbaran are students of the Technical College of the Bahonar University in Shiraz.
In the past few days, other Shiraz students, Sayid Lotfi, Massoud Mahdavi Far and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
were also arrested. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 8, 2009)
Security forces kidnap Sharif Univ. student
Mehdi Allahyari, 29, a master's degree student in Sharif Industrial University's Chemistry College was
kidnapped by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and taken to an unknown location. His family went to all
government centers yesterday to inquire about their son until the Intelligence Agency confirmed the arrest this
evening. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 8, 2009)
Security forces arrest 51-year-old woman in home
Intelligence agents stormed the home of the Jushan family in Karaj on December 7 and
arrested 51-year-old Zahra Asadpour Gorgi after breaking down her door. She was taken to
an unknown location.
The head interrogator of the intelligence agency in Karaj called her in the morning telling
her that her detained son would call today in the morning and that she should not go
anywhere. Gorgi was attacked while she waited for her son's telephone call from prison.
This political prisoner is suffering from severe heart problems and high blood pressure and
went under surgery a short while ago.
Before this, 25-year-old Reza Jushan, her son was arrested after intelligence agents stormed
their home. He was taken to ward 8 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj and there is still no
news on his condition. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 8, 2009)
Security forces arrest brother of slain student
Kamran Asa, the brother of slain student Kianosh Asa, was arrested along with a relative
and friend of Kianosh Asa in Tehran.
Kamran Asa was invited by students of the Science and Industrial University in Tehran to
attend their ceremony for Student's Day on December 7 but was arrested along with Bijan
Rezayi when leaving the university. Kamran called his family last night telling them that he
and Bijan were arrested but did not know where they were being kept. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Dec. 8, 2009)
Two other Shiraz students arrested
Sayid Aganji, a student activist in Karroubi's election campaign and Razieh Jafari, a
sociology major at Shiraz University who was suspended for one semester last year were
arrested by security forces. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 8, 2009)
Regime agents kidnap PhD student in Tehran University
Dr. Farzad Kalbali, a Kurd PhD student at Tehran University was arrested today by plainclothes agents.
Moments after the end of student protests in this university, this Kurd student was kidnapped by security forces.
According to eyewitnesses, he was forced into a car by a number of plainclothes agents after going out through
the eastern exit of Tehran University. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 8, 2009)
Iran: More than 200 arrested in protests
Tehran's police chief says 204 protesters were arrested in widespread anti-government marches by university


Gen. Azizullah Rajabzadeh says the protesters - including 39 women - were detained in the capital during
Monday's rallies for violating public order,' according to the state news agency IRNA. He says they will be
handed over to the judiciary after police investigation.
There has been no word on the number of arrests outside Tehran. (AP – Dec. 8, 2009)
Security forces arrest members of Tehran Payam-e Noor Univ. student association
Seven Tehran Payam-e Noor University Islamic Association members and other student activists in this
university were arrested on Tuesday when leaving a Student's Day Ceremony in this university. The Protection
Department of this university has said that they the identities of these students are not clear. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Dec. 9, 2009)
Security forces arrest two Tehran University student activists
Gholam Mohammadi, the former secretary of the Tehran University Islamic Association and current member of
the this associations Central Council and Mohmmad-Jafar Tahmasebi, a member of the Technical School's
Islamic Association were arrested.
On the evening of December 7 and after a ceremony for Student's Day in this university, at least 9 students were
arrested and taken to an unknown location. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 9, 2009)
Security forces arrest another student activist in Tehran
Meisam Hassani, a Khajeh Nasir University student who majors in electricity was arrested
yesterday after leaving the university on his way to his dormitory. Despite persistent inquiries
by his family, it is still not clear what government body arrested him and there is still no
information on his whereabouts.
With this arrest, the number of arrested Khajeh Nasir University students has reached six.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 9, 2009)

Security forces arrest Sharif Uni. Student

Farhad Farnud, an architecture engineer student at the Sharif Industrial University and member of
this university's Islamic Association was arrested on the evening of December 7 after a Student's
Day ceremony along with three other students, Mehdi Kelari, Hamed Torkzadeh and Mohsen
Zare. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 9, 2009)
Security forces arrest Qazvin master's degree student
Amir Hossein Tavakoli, a master's degree student at the Qazvin Free University was arrested by four members of
the Intelligence Agency and transferred to Evin Prison on November 7.
After being detained in solitary, he was taken to ward 350 in this prison. (Committee of Human Rights
Reporters – Dec. 10, 2009)
Security forces arrest Gilan Univ. student
Armi Rajabpour Nikna, a mechanical engineer major at Gilan University was summoned to the Intelligence
agency on December 6 and subsequently arrested from there.
Intelligence agents have told his father that he should not inquire about his son until his trial. A few hours after
this, these forces searched his father's home with a warrant from the Prosecutor's Office and confiscated Nikna's
personal belongings including his computer. His family has no information on his condition since his arrest.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 10, 2009)
Regime forces detain 13 Firdosi Univ. students
After protest gatherings in Firdosi University in Mashhad on December 7, 70 students from this university were
arrested. From these students, 57 were released but 13 people are still in jail. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Dec. 12, 2009)
Regime forces arrest 7 Azeri activists
A number of Azeri activists including Mostafa Avaz-pour, Hedayat Zaker, Ahmad Valayi, Jalal Mohammadi,
Mohammad-Reza Mohammad Khati, Ibrahim Asemani and Isa Qorban Alizadeh were arrested on December 11
outside the Banafsheh Hall in Tabriz.
According to local sources, these men were arrested upon going to the Hall to attend a cultural event. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 13, 2009)

Iran arrests journalist

Ehsan Bodaghi, a journalist and member of the Office for Consolidating Unity was arrested yesterday. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 13, 2009)
Iranians arrested after leaders insulted in protests
Several people have been arrested after Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and revolutionary founder
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini were insulted in anti-government protests, the prosecutor general said on
'One culprit was arrested on that day. He is in jail and the case is due to be sent to court soon,' Abbas Jafari
Dolatabadi was quoted as saying by the ILNA and Mehr news agencies.
Asked if anyone had been arrested for insulting Khamenei, he said that 'those arrested are from both groups,'
without elaborating.
'We are sure about some of them -- their offence is proven and they have confessed,' he added. (AFP - Dec 14,
Iran arrests student activist in Shiraz
Saied Khosro Abadi, who was summoned to the Shiraz Intelligence Agency after a Student's Day gathering, was
arrested on Saturday after going to the Agency.
Razieh Jafari, Saied Aganji, and Sayid Lotfi, students of Shiraz University who were arrested before Student's
Day on December 7 are still in jail in an undetermined state. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 15, 2009)
Intelligence agents arrest environmental activist in Mahabad
Nazir Eliasi, 53 was arrested on Saturday December 12 after being summoned to the Intelligence Agency in
Mahabad. Eliasi who is a member of the Mahabad Environmental Association and a former employer in the
Education Department was transferred a few hours later to Orumieh Prison. He was taken to Evin Prison two
days later and was thrown in a solitary cell in the notorious ward 209. There is no news on his condition since
his arrest. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 15, 2009)
Security forces arrest former oil official
Ardashir Fat-hinejad, the former chief of staff of the Oil Ministry was arrested. He was arrested last Friday in his
home and security forces confiscated his computer's hard drive and personal documents after searching his
home. (JRS – Dec. 22, 2009)
Iran arrests student activist in Bushehr
Sirius Bane Gazi a member of the Bushehr Branch of the Office for Consolidating Unity was arrested on
December 21 by security forces and was taken to an unknown location.
According to reports, he was arrested because mourning ceremonies were to be held in universities in Bushehr
for the death of Ayatollah Montazeri. (JRS – Dec. 22, 2009)
Iran arrests human rights activist on his way to dissident cleric funeral
According to reports, Saied Haeri, a member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters was arrested along
with Kohyar Gudarzi and Shiva Nazar Ahari on December 20.
A bus with a number of social activists and families of political prisoners who were on their way to Ayatollah
Montazeri's funeral in Qom was stopped by security forces in Enqelab Square. After a 45 minute search, these
agents confiscated the passengers' ID cards and cell phones and arrested three members of the Human Rights
Committee and Mahbubeh Abasqoli Zadeh, a women's rights activist. Currently five members of the
Committee of the Human Rights Reporters are in prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 22, 2009)
Security forces arrest several men in Saqez
Security forces arrested a number of men in Saqez yesterday.
According to reports, Kamel Fatahi, Eskandar Rasuli Azar, Kaveh Ghafari were among the arrestees. Officials
have so far not announced the reason behind these arrests. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 23, 2009)
Security forces arrest three Firdosi students
After a student gathering in Mashhad's Firdosi University in protest to the annulment of a permit for a
memorial ceremony for Ayatollah Montazeri in this university, three students were arrested by security forces.


While leaving from the northern exit of this university after this gathering, Arsham Damghani, Mehran Hadashi
and Amir Sabet Moqadam were arrested by security forces and there has been no news on their whereabouts as
yet. (JRS {Jonbesh-e Rahe Sabz- Green Path Movement} website – Dec. 25, 2009)
Iran police clash with protesters during Shiite rituals
Iranian police clashed with protesters on Saturday and arrested several people who sought to demonstrate
against the government during a Shiite mourning event, an AFP correspondent said.
'Police sought to disperse about 200 to 300 people who wanted to gather in Enghelab square. They beat up
some and detained several people,' the correspondent said, adding that demonstrators were shouting 'death to
the dictator'.
Small groups of people also gathered around the nearby Tehran university -- a hotbed of anti-government
protests -- with some shouting slogans and at least two people were seen arrested.
A witness told AFP that police had fired tear gas at Enghelab square to break up the crowd, but the claim could
not be independently verified.
Hundreds of riot police were deployed in key areas of central Tehran Saturday and especially along the main
Enghelab street, where opposition supporters were expected to march. (AFP - Dec 26, 2009)
Dozens arrested on Ashura in Mashhad
Security forces in Mashhad attacked a mourning ceremony for Ashura in this city in the home of Ayatollah
Sane'ie and arrested dozens of students and other people.
According to this report, plainclothes agents arrested at least 7 Firdosi University students and at least 10 other
people in Azadi Street in this city. (Jaras Website – Dec. 27, 2009)
300 arrested in Tehran protests: Iran police
Four people were killed and over 300 were arrested in anti-government protests in Tehran on Sunday, Iran's
deputy police chief Ahmad Reza Radan said on state television.
'In the incident several people were killed. One fell off a bridge, two died in car accidents and one was killed by
a bullet,' Radan said, adding that 'over 300 have been arrested' during the protests.
He said that members of the 'hypocrites' group' were also among those arrested, referring to Iran's exiled
opposition People's Mujahedeen which fought alongside Iraq against Iran in the 1980-1988 between the two
nations. (AFP - Dec 27, 2009)
Security agents brutally attack Ashura mourners in Arak, arrest dozens of people
Ashura mourners gathered on Khomeini Street in Arak to mark Ashura. According to reports, they were
attacked brutally by plainclothes agents and security forces and a number of them were injured and wounded.
These forces also attacked and beat mourning women and mothers which angered the people on the scene.
According to eyewitnesses, a number of young people who came to protect the women were arrested after being
brutally beaten and were taken away with bloody faces by security forces. (Human Rights Activists in Iran– Dec.
27, 2009)
More than 1000 people arrested in Tehran
During the protests and demonstrations yesterday in Tehran which turned violent by riot police, more than
1000 people were arrested.
About 1100 people were transferred to Evin Prison.
Because of the large numbers of arrests, a number of the detainees were transferred to military busses with tied
hands and legs by prison officials.
These busses were escorted by Special Guards Forces in black automobiles to an unknown location. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 28, 2009)
More than 400 people arrested in Isfahan
In the street clashes yesterday in Hossein Abad in Isfahan between security forces and protesters, 400 to 500
people were arrested and taken to Isfahan Prison. A large number of the detainees are currently in prison. (Jaras
Website – Dec. 28, 2009)

Reports: Iran arrests 7 opposition activists

Iranian security forces stormed a series of opposition offices on Monday, rounding up at least seven prominent
anti-government activists in a new crackdown against the country's reformist movement, opposition Web sites
and activists reported.
Opposition Web sites reported at least seven arrests Monday. The Parlemannews site said three top aides to
opposition leader Mir Moussavi were arrested, including his top adviser, Ali Riza Beheshti.
Security forces also stormed a foundation run by reformist former President Mohammad Khatami and arrested
two people, a foundation official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of fears of police reprisal…
In another move, former Foreign Minister Ebrahim Yazdi and human rights activist Emad Baghi were arrested,
according to the Rah-e-Sabz Web site. Yazdi, who served as foreign minister after the 1979 Islamic revolution, is
now leader of the banned but tolerated Freedom Movement of Iran. (AP – Dec. 28, 2009)

Social arrests
Young men arrested for not completing military service
Simultaneous with the plan to "improve" social security in
Kurdistan, State Security Forces in this province have initiated a
new plan called forced military service plan.
In this plan which started on Tuesday December 30 in the town of
Sanandaj, SSF stop young men on the street and check their
completion of military service cards. If they do not have their cards
with them they will be arrested and taken to the SSF base. If the
detained person does not have this card to show that he has
completed his military service he will be immediately sent to a
military center without prior notice to his family.
On Wednesday, the second day of this plan, at least 24 young men
were arrested on charges of running away from serving in the army.
Special Forces who executed this plan had a minibus with them to transfer the detainees. (Iran News Agency –
Jan. 2, 2009)
SSF arrest brutally more than 1000 young men in Qom
According to reports from Qom, in a widespread attack by Qom police, more than 1000 young men were
arrested under the excuse of not having their completion of military service cards. These young men were taken
to a court for interrogation. Many of those who were innocent were forcefully sent to military bases to complete
their military service. (Iran News Agency – Jan. 11, 2009)
168 young people arrested in "moral security" plan
According to reports, on Friday January 9, a number of young people who had gone to Darband in Tehran for
recreation were arrested by security forces.
They were arrested in the course of a plan which started under the pretext of "moral security". According to this
plan, all young people who have "unconventional" hairstyles and follow "depraved foreign groups" are arrested.
According to a soldier who took part in the arrests, 168 people were arrested in Darband. The detainees were
then taken to the base of State Security Special Forces in Hor Square and from there a number of them were
taken to detention centers. (Iran News Agency – Jan. 11, 2009)
50 arrested Isfahan mourners still in prison
According to reports from Dastgerd Prison in Isfahan, a large
number of people who were arrested during religious Shiite
mourning ceremonies are still in prison.
Currently close to 50 mourners are in the detainment center of
this prison. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran –
Jan. 15, 2009)


400 men arrested under pretext of "troublemaking"

According to Semnan Province State Security Forces Command Center, moral security police arrested 400
people who were creating problems for women.
"These people were arrested during the clearing of corrupt areas in parks and during the plan to control areas
around girls' schools", the chief of Semnan's SSF said. In this regard, 174 motorcycles …were seized and their
drivers were legally dealt with. (Baztab Online, state-run website – Jan. 16, 2009)
More than 100 soccer fans arrested in Tehran
The Assistant Public Prosecutor of Tehran announced that 110 spectators of the Esteqlal- Piroozi soccer match
in Tehran were arrested.
"Yesterday 100 people who disrupted public security during a soccer match were arrested and introduced to an
interrogator based in Azadi Stadium to be dealt with", Mahmoud Salar Kia said. (ISNA – Feb. 14, 2009)
SSF shoot 5 bullets at teenager's car; arrest young boy and girl
According to reports, on February 10, police agents of station 147 in Tehran-Pars ordered that a white car in
which a young boy and girl were riding in to stop. From fear of being caught by the police, this boy and girl did
not stop the car and security agents shot five bullets at their car. They were subsequently arrested and taken to
court. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 15, 2009)
15 rappers arrested in Isfahan
The Head of the Social Security Police in Isfahan announced that an underground music-recording studio was
shut down. Mir Abasi added that 13 people who were active in this studio recording rap music for broadcast on
satellite networks were arrested.
"Two other rappers in Isfahan who ran a website, were also arrested", he added. (State-run ISNA – March 8,
SSF arrests 25 people in "Social Security Plan"
In line with the Social Security Plan and countering those
who break the norms and disrupt order and security in
Shiraz, agents of the Public Security and Intelligence Police
in Fars Province arrested 25 people in various parts of the
city in the course of an operation. (Fars state-run News
Agency – March 13, 2009)
173 people arrested on the eve of Feast of Fire celebrations
only in Tehran
The operational deputy of the Greater Tehran District said,
"On the verge of the last Wednesday of the year (Feast of Fire
Day in the Persian New Year) 173 people were arrested by the State Security Forces on charges of possession of
illegal firecrackers and were sent to prison".
"The SSF announces frankly that on these days no one has the right to pass the red lines of the police", added
Mohsen Khancherli. (Hayat Website – March 14, 2009)
Head of police indicates who should be arrested
In Punak, Western Tehran, there are many police cars stationed and Guidance Patrols warn and give notices to
women and girls in an unprecedented manner.
This region looks like a military region due to the high number of security forces.
Alipur, the head of Tehran's security police is wearing civilian clothing and walking among the people. Alipur
tells agents whom to arrest because he walks amongst the people and no one suspects him to be police.
According to reports, state forces arrested about 3 to four young men in Nur Square in Punak. These boys were
about 15 years old and were busy lighting firecrackers and had lighted a fire next to Nur Square. Security forces
arrested these boys in front of the people, forced them inside their cars, and immediately took them to another
location. This act caused protests from witnesses but these agents paid no heed and took the boys with them.
(Iran BBB – Mar. 17, 2009)

2000 were arrested on Fire Festival Celebration, SSF Commander

Sajedinia, Operational Commander of the State Security Forces said that two thousand people were arrested on
the Fire Festival Celebration. He added that this year control of Feast of Fire night was the best in compare with
previous years. (ISNA, State-run News Agency – 18 Mar. 2009)
250 youngsters in Mashhad were arrested
State Security Forces arrested two and a half hundreds of youngsters celebrating traditional Fire Festival under
pretext of causing public disorder. The regime announced those arrested included 83 girls and 167 boys, and
they would be detained until April 4, 2009 – Iranian New Year Holidays ends April 3, 2009. (Iran News Agency
– Mar. 19, 2009)
More than 20 "troublemakers" beaten and arrested in Tehran
According to reports from Tehran, the State Security Forces has started
dealing with what it calls "troublemakers" once again. According to this
report, yesterday SSF patrols went to residential areas in Tehran and
arrested a number of its residents.
According to an eyewitness who was in the Pasgah region in Ne'mat
Abad, the SSF patrolling this area violently beat and arrested at least 20
people. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Apr. 24, 2009)
22 people arrested in party
Security police arrested 22
troublemakers in a night party in Shahre-Rey.
"On Wednesday night, agents from Security Base 9 were informed of a
party in this region", said the commander of this base in an interview.
Eventually these agents realized that a number of troublemakers in the
Shahre-Rey region were having a party which was bothering the
neighbors. "Agents attacked this house and arrested all the participants
in the party", added Mehdi Khani. (Fars state-run news agency – May 2,
46 men arrested in Tehran on bogus charge of "making trouble"
The head of the Intelligence and Security Police in the Greater Tehran
District said that 46 troublemakers identified by police were arrested
last night.
"Last night, Greater Tehran police agents and SWAT teams arrested a
number of people who caused disturbances for people or caused
trouble in the neighborhood", added Alipoor. (Mehr state-run News
Agency – May 19, 2009)
Iran arrests another nine people in West Tehran
Security police agents in the Greater Tehran District arrested nine troublemakers in the Ostad Moein region.
"This plan will continue until all troublemakers are arrested", said the head of SSF Information Center in the
Greater Tehran District. (Fars state-run news agency – May 19, 2009)
More than 104 young men arrested in party on charges of "devil worshipping"
The head of the Revolutionary Guards Corps in Shiraz said, "The brothers (agents) in the Bassij (IRGC’s
paramilitary force) intelligence department started constant intelligence and investigative work about a year ago
on some groups affiliated with outside (foreign) sources, identifying their locations and activities".
"Last night the brothers arrested 104 members of a Satanist group in an immoral concert party in Shiraz,” Abbas
Hamidi added.
"The owners of the garden where this ceremony was held have to be aware that with coordination with the
Judiciary, they will be seriously dealt with,” he stipulated. (IRNA – May 26, 2009)


Shiraz police: eight troublemakers arrested in Shiraz
The head of Shiraz's Intelligence and Public Security Police said that eight troublemakers were arrested in Shiraz
in two different operations.
"Our agents identified eight troublemakers in the southern areas of Shiraz who did unconventional activities
and caused disturbance for people", Massoud Rusta said.
"Agents arrested all eight suspects in a coordinated and surprise operation", he added. (Fars state-run News
Agency – June 3, 2009)
Arrestees of so-called social security plan were charged for having illegal music and film CDs
Even though State Security Forces are stingy in disclosing the number of arrestees during the Social Security
Plan, according to the IRNA news agency, 85 percent of those arrested in this plan in the first six months of
2007, were between 16 to 26 year old. They were arrested for distributing anti-cultural goods including CDs
containing illegal music and movies. Seventy percent of those arrested were arrested for selling satellite
equipment. (Etemad state - run daily – June 7, 2009)
Eight rappers arrested in Isfahan
Security police in Isfahan arrested the main members of a rap group that intended to put on a concert in a one
of the parks in this city.
"After we got reports that a number of rappers intend to put on a concert in a park in Isfahan, our operational
unit was put on this issue", said Sufi Vand, head of the security police in this city.
"Fortunately before the concert the hiding place of the group was identified and with coordination with the
Judiciary, eight people were arrested in a surprise attack", he added. (Peik-e-Iran website – June 11, 2009)
Young men and women arrested in north Iran for improper
According to reports, dozens of young men and women in
Northern Iran have been arrested by state security forces in the
Plan to 'Counter Social Corruption' on charges of wearing
improper clothing.
This report says that security forces deployed in Mahmoud Abad
in Mazandaran arrested four boys and eight girls in only two
rounds under the pretext of them not following Islamic moral
rules. They were taken to detention centers. (Iran News Agency –
Aug. 25, 2009)
77 people arrested for eating in public in Ramadan
The assistant head of operations of the military governor of the
Greater Tehran District said that 77 people had been arrested and handed over to judicial sources in the past 15
days in Tehran.
Mohssen Khancherli said on Sunday, "A number of people unintentionally ate in public and the police gave
them verbal notices. 1,385 people received notices in this regard and 994 of them were eating in their cars.
Seventy seven people who did not heed police warnings were referred to judicial sources".
"In line with the duty of the police in the month of Ramadan, they have visited a number of food stores and
442 of these stores have received written notices", he added. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 6, 2009)
Security forces beat and arrest young people for eating in public in Ramadan
According to reports from Tehran, government forces arrested 30 people in this city on Wednesday for smoking
or eating even in their cars or remote allies. Also on Wednesday, regime forces violently beat two people for
eating in public in Tehranpars. (Iran News Agency – Sep. 10, 2009)


Qazvin security forces arrest 65 so-called 'troublemakers'

The head of the General Security Police in the province of Qazvin said that from the beginning of the
month of Shahrivar (Aug. 23) "65 troublemakers were arrested by this police force in Qazvin".
"One of the duties of security forces is improving the security of the society and in line with this issue,
any sort of insecurity or harassment by troublemakers will be seriously dealt with", Reza Mohtashami
said. (Asr-e Iran state-run website – Sep. 18, 2009)
Bandar Abbas police arrest 30 people under excuse of 'troublemaking'
The arrest of young people under the pretext of 'troublemaking' is ongoing in the Islamic Republic. The head of
the Hormozgan Province Intelligence and Security Police said that 30 young people were arrested on charges of
"Some of these people had criminal records for theft, fighting and clashing in Bandar Abbas", he said. (Iran
News Agency – Sep. 28, 2009)
Iran arrests so-called 'Satanist'
The Satanist assistant of a CEO in Western Azerbaijan was arrested. Security forces in this province arrested a
number of the members of a Satanist cult in Orumieh. The assistant of this CEO was also arrested in this
regard. This person who is a musician was arrested with Abdollah another member of the cult.
The suspects spread their superstitions by producing and distributing music, pictures and film with sacrilegious
material. (Jahan state-run website – Oct. 12, 2009)
Iran arrests 12 people on charges of 'worshipping Satan'
Twelve people were arrested in Orumieh on charges of devil worshipping.
"Those who organized underground music groups and made insulting musical clips against the government and
encouraged devil worshipping were arrested in Orumieh", West Azerbaijan Police said. (Resalat Daily– Oct. 25,
Regime forces arrest 50 girls and boys in party
Security forces arrested the participants of a mixed party in Zafaranieh Street in Mashhad. These forces were
able to arrest 50 girls and boys who had attended the party. These people, who were not in a normal state
seemingly from alcohol use, were taken to a medical examiner to be checked for alcohol. (Khabar Online state-
run website – Nov. 10, 2009)


Prison Condition

Prison sentence



Prison Condition
Political prisoner denied family visits
According to reports from ward 6 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, Arzhang Davoodi, and engineer and political
prisoner, has been deprived of family visits. His family went to this prison on December 31 from 8am to 2pm
waiting to see Davoodi but after waiting for hours they were told that Mr. Davoodi was not allowed visitors.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Jan. 1, 2009)
Interrogators of MOIS increase pressure against Haj-Mirzai’s family
Reports from Cellblock 4 of Gohardasht points out that Mr. Farhad Haj-Mirzai was
transferred from Cellblock 209 to the prison’s quarantine while he was hospitalized in
the medical center. Mr. Haj-Mirzai had been in appalling Cellblock 209 for 11 months
enduring the most savage and inhuman tortures. They sent Mr. Mirzai to exile in
Gohardasht unjustly on December 13, 2008 while his case was not verified. On the
other hand, interrogators of the MOIS have made contact with his family frequently
threatening and disturbing them. Mr. Farhad Mirzai’s trial is scheduled at branch 15
of Revolutionary Court headed by Salavati, a notorious judge of the MOIS on January
31, 2009. (Center for defending prisoners in Iran – Jan. 3, 2009)
Bad health of Female prisoner goes unheeded
Matin Arjan, Kurdish political cultural activist, has been suffering from severe knee and pelvis arthritis and
kidney disease from a few months ago which has been met with complete disregard by prison medical officials.
Arjan who is a Turkish national was arrested in 2005 and convicted by the Revolutionary Court without the
presence of a lawyer or translator to 10 years of prison on charges of having ties to Kurdish groups. She is
currently in very bad health due to the absence of medical treatment. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News
Agency – Jan. 5, 2009)
Increasing pressure on PMOI affiliated political prisoners
According to reports, Mother Mah-Jabin Hajiloui and Mohammad Karimi are under inhuman pressure in
Hamedan Prison.
Mother Hajiloui, 50, and Mohammad Karimi, her relative, were arrested and transferred to Hamedan Prison on
December 21, 2008. The charges against Mother Hajiloui is hiding and helping his brother to escape Iran and
also having information about her child and her second brother who joined the PMOI in Ashraf City, Iraq.
Mother Hajiloui suffers from epilepsy and has had several fits. Prison’s henchmen deny her any medical care.
(Center for defending prisoners in Iran – Jan. 5, 2008)
Prison officials deny medical treatment to a female political prisoner
According to reports from the women's ward in Evin Prison, Hamideh Nabavi who has
chronic allergies has been denied medical treatment. Prison officials use her illness as a tool
to subject pressure on her, since her arrest, prison officials have denied her warm clothes
and she only has the clothes she was arrested with.
In one of her visits with her family while she was hugging, her 5-year-old child a prison guard
started threatening her in front of her child telling her that they will not give her visitation
rights anymore.
Mrs. Nabavi's family has brought her warm clothes on many occasions but officials do not
accept these clothes and even violently prevented Mrs. Nabavi from taking a shawl her family brought her in one
of her visits. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran– Jan. 8, 2009)


Calling for unconditional and immediate release of a student prisoner

According to reports from Evin Prison, Mr. Houd Yazerlou, student of industrial
management of Qazvin University, who had been in gruesome cellblock 209 of Evin Prison
for more than seven months enduring solitary confinement, torture, and unbearable
pressures, has now been transferred to cellblock 7 of the notorious Evin Prison on January
6, 2008.
Mr. Yazerlou was kept in an awful contaminated and freezing solitary confinement with its
vent left open all through the day and night in freezing cold weather, and furthermore was
deprived from any heater, blankets and even warm clothes for a couple of weeks leading to
an acute bronchitis with bloody sputum. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran –
Jan. 9, 2008)
Further suppressive measures in Ward 350 of Evin Prison
According to reports from Cellblock 350 of Evin Prison, Bozorgnia, head
of the Cellblock who receives his orders directly from the Ministry of
Intelligence and Security (MOIS), has intensified repressive measures against
the political prisoners. Recently political prisoners are being body searched
outrageously, which was not practiced before. This has especially imposed on
Mr. Misaq Yazdan-nejad, a student prisoner. Bozorgnia told other prisoners
that he wanted harassing and humiliating Misaq purposefully.
Mr. Ali Saremi has suffered from eye disease and his eyesight has decreased
remarkably, and he has endures hernia and was told to have a surgery in May
2008. However, he has not received any medical treatment and the condition of the prison has intensified his
Mr. Mohammad Fallahieh-zadeh, a journalist prisoner, has been deprived from family visits for more than 8
weeks like all other political prisoners in this cellblock. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Jan.
11, 2008)
Mr. Eqdami is still in Security Cellblock 209 of Evin Prison
Mr. Jafar Eqdami, a former political prisoner who was released last year after spending four years of
imprisonment in Gohardasht Prison, Karaj, was again rearrested in Khavaran Cemetery on August 29, 2008 for
participating in the memorial ceremony of the massacred political prisoners in 1988. Subsequent to his arrest,
they directly transferred him to Cellblock 209 of Evin Prison and imprisoned him there for 4 months. Mr.
Eqdami is a member of the Human Rights Activists in Iran and had participated in the ceremony for providing
a report, but was arrested by the MOIS agents while returning from the gathering. His charges and the cause of
his long imprisonment are still not specified. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 11, 2008)
Political prisoner transferred to solitary cell
Ahmad Danesh Pazir, a political prisoner in Evin Prison was transferred to a solitary cell in
cellblock 240 for "insulting a judge".
"Some time ago a prisoner who was of a foreign nationality intended to talk to the judge in his
case and because he did not know Farsi I called the judge. When I didn’t receive an answer
from the judge, I told his secretary that humanity and justice rules that you answer people", said
Danesh Pazir.
Danesh Pazir said that the judge in that case had called prison officials telling them that he had insulted him
and while he was supposed to be freed on February 11, he was instead sent to solitary confinement. (Committee
for Human Rights Reporters – Jan. 12, 2009)
Osanlu deprived of medical treatment since exile
According to reports from cellblock 4 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, the
medical treatment of Mansour Osanlu, head of the Management Board of the
Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, has been stopped
since his exile to Gohardasht Prison, five months ago. He is suffering from eye
and heart illnesses and back pain. The cessation of his treatment for five
months has seriously endangered his life.

Osanlu's family has also been deprived from visits with him in the past four months. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran - Jan. 12, 2009)
Political prison with heart failure not allowed medical leave
Eighteen months after Mohammad Sediq-Kaboudvand’s second heart attack, a heart specialist came to Evin
prison and after checking him, confirmed his heart problems. This specialist
conducted a report on Kaboudvand’s heart failure and requested from officials to give
him a medical leave immediately.
This is while Iran's judicial spokesman stated in an interview that Kaboudvand’s
illness had to do with his kidneys and the flue.
On Saturday January 10, a statement was read for Kaboudvand which stipulated that
the Revolutionary Court and Intelligence Ministry have disagreed with his request for medical leave. (Kurdistan
Organization for Human Rights – Jan. 14, 2009)
Kurdish women's rights activist summoned to court for going on hunger strike
Ronak Safazadeh, imprisoned member of the Association of Azermehr Women in Kurdistan and an activist in
the One-Million Signature Campaign was summoned to court, on charges of participating in a hunger strike by
Kurdish prisoners. (Association of Kurdistan Azermehr Women website - Jan. 14, 2009)
Imprisoned dissident cleric transferred to dangerous criminal's ward
Yazd Prison officials transferred Ayatollah Brujerdi, an imprisoned cleric, to a ward where drug
addicts are kept. This ward has more restrictions for telephone use and less security, which has
lead to Brujerdi's protests.
"They transferred me to another ward today intending to put more pressure on me. In this part
of prison there are newer and more serious problems for me including the coldness of the place
I am kept and limitations for using the telephone. (Human Rights Activists in Iran - Jan. 14,
Political prisoner beaten by guards
According to reports from ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, Arjang Davoodi a
political prisoner was beaten by Warden Mahmood Maghnian and prison guards.
On Wednesday January 14 Maghnian and a number of prison guards came to shackle and
hand cuff Davoodi to take him the Revolutionary Court. Davoodi objected to this
inhumane and degrading treatment and refused to go with them, after which Maghnian
and the guards attacked and violently beat him dragging him on the hallway floor. He was
beaten so much that they were forced to transfer him to the prison medical center. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – Jan. 16, 2009)
A political prisoner, deprived from medication while exiled from prison to prison
According to reports, Hashem Shahininia, a political prisoner while suffering a bad health
state under extensive intolerable condition of the central Bushehr prison, serves four years of
his seven years prison term.
Several months ago, he had heart failure and after continuous prison physicians’ endorsement
on his treatment by specialists outside the prison for four months, specialists eventually visited
him. It was found that the cause is neurons break down; hence, they prescribed him relevant
medicine. The prison officials prevented him to receive his medicine. Mr. Shahininia had been
charged for participating in a protest gathering outside Evin Prison in 2005, and having
contact with an opposition organization. Moreover, since last year he was exiled to Bushehr Prison despite the
rehearing court’s decision. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 20, 2008)
No information available regarding a political prisoner
There is no information concerning Mr. Mansour Radpour, a political prisoner for almost a month.
In last days of December 2008, Mr. Radpour was transferred secretly to Cellblock 8 of Gohardasht Prison
Known as a cellblock of Sepah – alias for Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) –, which is directed by
the Intelligence Ministry’s interrogators, with similar condition as Cellblock 209 of Evin Prison. There was no
news concerning him until he was taken to medical unit of prison with a grave health condition and watched by


three IRGC’s Guards round the clock and was not allowed to have any contact with other prisoners. At the
medical unit, it was known that he had been transferred to Cellblock 8 of Sepah since his disappearance.
On Tuesday January 20, prison official while treating Mr. Radpour’s elderly mother inhumanly said, “I am not
allowed to tell you anything about your son and you must leave here immediately otherwise I order to throw you
out,” and two IRGC’s guards expelled her from there savagely.
Mr. Radpour spent more than five months in Cellblock 1 of Gohardasht known as ward of most dangerous and
mentally ill prisoners. During this time, he was frequently moved to solitary confinement in this ward, famous
as "dog Kennel,” where political prisoners go under medieval torture, interrogated for very long hours with
blindfolds. Every time, he was held in these cells for several weeks and this time, he was in solitary confinement
of Cellblock 1 before transferring to Cellblock 8. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – January 21,
New psychological tortures against political prisoners in Cellblock 350 of Evin Prison
According to reports from Cellblock 350 of Evin Prison, Bozorgnia, head of the Cellblock, in another
suppressive measure to upsurge pressure on political prisoners forced them in a cell several times overcrowded
than its capacity and associated them with criminals.
One of the criminals who moved to political prisoners’ cell is a former member of Iranian Revolutionary
Guards Corps (IRGC) who is an active emissary in prison against political prisoners. The agent reports on
political prisoners constantly. Several political prisoners have been exiled upon his reports. Bozorgnia told
political prisoners to increase the number to 190 in the Cellblock, and since then, they should sleep on the
ground. He has started this plan sometimes ago.
Some of inhuman tactics of the MOIS against political prisoners, which are executed by Bozorgnia in Cellblock
350, are as follow:
- Political prisoners’ visits have been prohibited for more than three months;
- Depriving them from medical treatment;
- Political prisoners are compelled to go outside for long time, twice a day at sunrise and sunset while it is in
freezing cold.
- They are beneath grave strain to participate in ordered rites.
At present in this Cellblock, there are a number of participants of the 19th anniversary of 1988 massacred
political prisoners including Messrs Ali Saremi, Misaq Yazdan-nejad, who have been imprisoned in limbo for 17
months; and Mohammad-Ali Mansouri who was sentenced to 17 years of prison and exiled to Gohardasht

Prison; Mr. Zohour Nabavi Chashmi, a columnist of Aryan Land sentenced to 4 years of prison and Mohammad-
Hassan Fallahie-zadeh, an imprisoned journalist. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – Jan. 21, 2009)
No news on condition of imprisoned journalist
Ne'mat Ahmadi, the lawyer of Masoud Kordpoor, an imprisoned journalist said that from
three days ago on January 19 they moved his client from the public ward of prison to an
unknown location. Ahmadi said he did not know the reason for this transfer but stressed
that this move and cutting off his communications with outside of prison is illegal. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 21, 2009)
Imprisoned parents of Ashraf residents in unknown condition
According to reports from ward 209 of Evin Prison, there is no information on a number of elderly mothers
and fathers of Ashraf residents who were arrested on January 16 in Tehran's Mehrabad Airport. They were
beaten and arrested while intending to fly to Iraq to visit their children in Camp Ashraf. These elderly men and

women were taken to the Temporary Detainment Center of the Intellligence Agency in
Mehrabad Airport and were held there until 11:30 pm. At midnight, the homes of the
arrested men and women were raided after which security agents searched their homes
and confiscated personal items like computers, satellite dishes, family albums, family
videos, letters and even pictures of their executed children. A number of these men and
women are in grave danger because of their old age and physical condition and also due
to the unbearable situation of solitary cells and physical and mental torture inflicted on
them. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – Jan. 23, 2009)
Inhuman condition and forced labour inflicted on prisoners of conscience
Evin Prison officials have increased the number of manufacturing workshops in this prison from the beginning
of this month and force prisoners to work in these workshops.
These officials have announced that prisoners have to state if they are ready to do free labor and those who
refuse will be forced into exile. Prisoners who were not willing to do forced labor who totaled to about 160
prisoners were transferred to ward 8 which was previously used for foreigners. This ward which was repaired
after foreigners were moved out was only half ready when these prisoners were moved into it. In this cellblock,
there are no beds and every two prisoners are only given one blanket despite the cold winter weather. This ward
does not have the minimal hygienic facilities like showers and has very few water faucets. This cellblock also
does not have a telephone and houses more prisoners than its capacity.
The conditions in this ward are so inhumane that on the first day these prisoners were transferred, most of
them announced they were willing to do free labor to go back to their previous wards but the warden prevented
this transfer saying they needed to be punished.
Currently political prisoners Hamid Reza Mohammadi, Hood Yazerlu, and Hossein Asghari are detained in this
ward and all of them have become ill from the unbearable cold and unsanitary conditions. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Jan. 28, 2009)
Prisoners go on hunger strike in protest to unbearable prison conditions
More than 10 prisoners in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj have refused to eat their food rations from yesterday.
Two hundred and thirty prisoners from hall 16 of ward 6 of this prison were all punished from Saturday
because some of them clashed with prison officials. These prisoners have been denied visits and the warm
clothes and other materials that their families bring for them have not been given to them. These prisoners are
also forced to stay outside from 6 to 9am despite the freezing cold weather. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Jan. 28, 2009)
University student physically abused in prison by order of MOIS
According to reports from ward 8 of Evin Prison, The Ministry of Intelligence has started a psychological war
against Hood Yazerlu student prisoner who was transferred to this ward on January 22.
From the day Hood was transferred to this ward, prison officials have increased their abusive and inhumane
pressures against him. A group in prison (made up of convicted criminals) under the control of the warden have
physically attacked this prisoner without reason a number of times in the past few days. According to some
prisoners in this ward, they were told that if anyone abuses this student in any way, it would have a positive
effect on their condition and sentences.
Hood and 18 other prisoners are detained in one small cell, which has much more prisoners than its capacity.
There is no room for these prisoners to sleep at night and they have to sleep on their sides on the ground due to
lack of space. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – Jan. 30, 2009)
Intelligence agents torture detained shop owner
Habib Din Projeh, resident of Marivan, has been imprisoned in Marivan's Intelligent Detention Center for two
months and is under torture. It is still not clear why this man has been detained. This shop owner who is also a
father has no political record. Intelligence officials have also banned him from seeing his family and he has had
no visits in the past 2 months. (Iran News Agency – Jan. 31, 2009)
Prisoner tortured for friendship with CD seller in Qom
According to reports from Qom, on January 14, a Qom resident named Reza Ne'mati who was friends with a
seller of foreign movies and mobile clips was arrested by intelligence agents on charges of being in contact and


cooperating with him. He is currently in a Detention Center where he is denied food and water and is under
severe mental torture.
Intelligence agents have searched Ne'mati's house under the pretext of searching for "immoral" CDs and in one
incident checked his family album and ripped all of his family pictures. This prisoner is 27 years old and has two
children. (Iran News Agency – Jan. 31, 2009)
Teenage prisoner threatened with immoral acts
According to reports, prisoners of ward 5 and 2 of Gohardasht Prison are taken outside in the prison yard in
the early morning hours under the snow. Because of this inhumane treatment most of the prisoners have got
the flue and four prisoners have contracted pneumonia. This is while sick prisoners are not taken to the prison
medical clinic and are only allowed medical treatment once every month.
According to reports, recently a young 19 year old man was taken to the warden's office. This teenager came out
of the office crying and told political prisoners in this ward that they had threatened him telling him that they
would send him to a cell with dangerous criminals where he would be beat up and attacked. They also told him
that these dangerous criminals would "take his honor" and threatened him with other immoral abuses.
According this report, the warden especially despises political prisoners and abuses and harasses them. (Iran
News Agency – Feb. 1, 2009)
Two political prisoners will be kept in solitary cell for one month
According to reports from Evin Prison, political prisoners Ali Saremi and Mohammad Hassan Falahiye Zadeh
were transferred to the solitary cells of ward 240 in Evin Prison and will be detained there for one month.
Ali Saremi is a 60 year old political prisoner who was arrested for participating in the 19th anniversary of the
massacre of political prisoners in 1988 and has been in a limbo like situation for more than 17 months in
prison. Mohammad Hassan Falahiye Zadeh is a journalist. The condition in solitary confinement is very
inhumane and unbearable. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Feb. 1, 2009)
Imprisoned ex-official exiled to Gohardasht Prison
Palizdar was transferred from ward 209 of Evin Prison to Gohardasht Prison in
He was arrested in May 2008 and after spending 9 months in ward 209 was
transferred to Gohardasht Prison for unknown reasons. This prison is for
dangerous criminals but currently there are more than 50 prisoners of conscience
exiled to this prison.
Palizdar was a member of the Justice Department's Investigation Committee and
was arrested after accusing 44 top Iranian officials of financial corruption in a
speech at Boo-Ali Sina University in Hamadan. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 3, 2009)
Isfahan Central Prison inmates forced to work at labor camp
According to reports, government officials have recently taken severe measures in Isfahan's Dastgerd Prison
including taking 100 to 200 prisons to Asad Abad labor camp (also called Lajevardi camp) every day to do
forced labor.
According to this report, prisoners are also not allowed to have communications with each other and any sort of
relationship between prisoners is banned. Suppressive prison guards also continuously raid prison wards and
abuse and harass prisoners. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 5, 2009)
Arrested Amir Kabir University students sent to ward 209 in Evin Prison
Five days after the arrest of Hossein Turkashavand, Majid Tavakoli, Ismail Salmanpoor, and Kurosh Daneshyar,
four members of Amir Kabir Univeristy's Islamic Association who were arrested for participating in a ceremony
to commemorate the late Mehdi Bazargan (firs PM of the Islamic Republic of Iran) they have been transferred to
ward 209 in Evin Prison. These students have not contacted their families. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 9,


No news on arrested students after 6 days

Six days after the arrest of a Shiraz University student,
Ismail Jalilvand, there is still no news on his condition and
despite the fact that a bail permit has been issued for him,
Intelligence Department officials have refused to release
Shiraz University's student activists were waiting to
welcome him after his release today but when his wife went
to Shiraz's Revolutionary court to ask the reason he was not
released, the judge was unwilling to answer.
His wife also went to Shiraz Intelligence Detention Center
today for the second time to visit Jalilvand according to a
visitation permit given to her by the judge, but Intelligence officials announced that he was banned from visits.
According to other reports, five days after the arrest of Eunice Mir-Hosseini, another Shiraz student, there is no
information on his legal case and the judge following his case. Given that Mir-Hosseini had announced that he
would go on a hunger strike 72 hours after his arrest and because he suffers from problems with his intestines,
there are increasing concerns about his physical health. (Iran Press News – Feb. 10, 2009)
Two prisoners of conscience in solitary confinement for demanding their rights
Two prisoners of conscience who protested the illegal acts of a prison official have been in solitary confinement
for more than two weeks.
Mohammad Hassan Falahi Zadeh and Ali Saremi, two political prisoners in ward 350, were taken to solitary
cells in Evin's ward 240 after writing a letter to the warden protesting the illegal measures he has took including
listening in on their private telephone conversations.
They have not been allowed to contact their families in this time. These two political prisoners were banned
from visits prior to this for five months for refusing to participate in obligatory group prayers held in prison.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 10, 2009)
Prisoners forced to participate in parade to mark Islamic Revolution
According to reports, the Iranian regime intends to force Isfahan Prison prisoners to participate in a February
10 parade (to mark the 30th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution), for lack of willing participants.
In a declaration sent to prison wardens, they have been ordered to tell prisoners that if they participate in this
parade they will receive a 48-hour leave from prison.
In other reports, soldiers have been banned from getting a leave on this day (although it is considered a public
holiday in Iran) and they have been forced to participate in this parade. Base commanders have threatened
soldiers that if they do not participate in this parade they will have to do two extra months of military service.
(Iran News Agency – Feb. 10, 2009)
Revolutionary Court judge plays mind games with prisoners
According to reports from ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, the trial for Farhad Haj Mirzayi, a children's
rights activist, was cancelled for no apparent reason. Haj Mirzayi, a prisoner in Gohardasht, was told from a few
months ago that his trial would be held in January, but in a last minute change, his trial was postponed to a later
time. His trial was supposed to be held on January 30 in the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court presided
over by judge Salavati.
Currently almost all political cases are referred to the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court presided over by
Salavati. Some of these prisoners are: Arjang Davoodi, Ali Sarmei, Mohammad Ali Mansouri, Misaq Yazdan
Nejad, Hood Yazarlou, and Mohammad Sediq Kabodvand. One of the methods this judge uses to put mental
pressure on political prisoners is keeping a case referred to him open
without tending to it for a long time as in the case of Ali Saremi and Misaq Yazdan Nejad which he kept open
for more than 18 months. Or he announces a date for a trial from a few months before but on the day of the
trial announces that the trial has been postponed. He does this a number of times to put mental pressure on the
prisoner. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – Feb. 11, 2009)


Sunni cleric immediately imprisoned again right after brain surgery

Mamoosta Ayoob Ganji, a Sunni cleric resident of Sanandaj who was taken to hospital a few
days ago to have brain surgery was transferred back to prison after this surgery. He is currently
in very critical condition and bad health. Ganji was detained a number of times last year after
making statements on the inhuman actions of the government in Kurdestan and was severely
tortured. (Baluch News Agency – Feb. 12)
Political prisoner sentenced to five years of prison for visiting daughters and wife in Camp
According to reports from ward 8 of Gohardasht Prison,
on November 10, Ali Mo'ezi, 56, who was a political
prisoner in the 80's was kidnapped by intelligence agents and confined to a
solitary cell in Gohardasht Prison.
He has been kept in solitary confinement from that day on.
On January 25, Mo'ezi was taken to the Karaj Revolutionary Court and was
trialed by Asef Hosseini.
He was sentenced to five years of prison and 3 years of probation on
charges of visiting his children and wife in camp Ashraf (main base of the
PMOI) in Iraq. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Feb. 13,
Imprisoned Shiraz University student in critical physical health
Seven days into Eunice Mirhosseini's hunger strike in protest to his condition in Shiraz's Intelligence Detention
Center, there are reports that his physical health is in a critical condition because of a disease in his digestive
system. His doctor has also expressed concern over the prolongation of his current condition and lack of
medical attention. After security agents arrested his wife on Thursday February 12 to force him to end his
hunger strike, today officials of the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz were not willing to answer his father's
concerns on the condition of his son. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 14, 2009)
Student prisoner in very critical condition
Majid Tavakoli (a student activist who was arrested for intending to participate in a
commemoration ceremony for the late Mehdi Bazargan, the first Prime Minister after
the Iranian revolution) has gone into his 10th day of his hunger strike and the 6th day
of his dry hunger strike (hunger strike without water) in prison. The other arrested
Amir Kabir University students have been on a hunger strike for six days now.
Majid Tavakoli started his dry hunger strike three days after he decided to go on a
hunger strike on February 9. He is currently in very critical condition and witnesses say
that he has been taken to the prison medical clinic on several occasions. If Tavakoli
continues his dry hunger strike his life will be endangered.
Security forces have not allowed these student prisoners to make any calls to their
families and their families have no news on their condition. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Feb. 15, 2009)
Imprisoned human rights activist transferred to solitary confinement
Javad Alizadeh, an imprisoned human rights activist, has been confined to a solitary cell after going on a hunger
strike in protest to being tortured. There has been no news of Alizadeh after he was transferred to this solitary
cell and his life is in danger because of his hunger strike. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 16, 2009)
Political prisoner threatened with murder
According to reports from ward 350 of Evin Prison, Ali Saremi, a political prisoner who is in solitary
confinement was threatened with murder by this prison's head interrogator nicknamed Alavi.
Ali Saremi, 60, was arrested for participating in a ceremony to mark the 19th anniversary of the massacre of
political prisoners in 1988 and has been in an undetermined state for more than 17 months. He has served
more than 20 years in prison in the four times that he was arrested. A cleric nicknamed Alavi, told Saremi, "If
you continue on in this way, we'll kill you and say you committed suicide". Alavi is one of the main interrogators
of the Intelligence Agency and directly commands the raids to activists' homes.

Ali Saremi and Mohammad Hassan Falahie Zadeh have also been deprived of family
visits for more than 14 weeks. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – Feb. 22,
Female student activist taken to ward 209 of Evin Prison
Shabnam Madadzadeh, a member of the Islamic Association of the Teachers'
Training University who was arrested on Thursday, has been taken to ward 209 of
Evin Prison.
Yesterday after her family pursued their daughter's whereabouts, they were told that
she was in ward 209 of Evin Prison. Her brother Farzad Madadzadeh who was
arrested after going after his sister was also taken to Evin Prison. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Feb. 24, 2009)
No news on arrestees of Feb. 20 house raids
There is no news on the whereabouts of the young men and women who were arrested in their homes on
February 20 after security agents raided their homes in Tehran. These men and women are Fatemeh Ziayi,
mother of the family, Mahsa Naderi, student of Qom University, Hasan Tarlani, student, Ehsan Erfani, 25 years
old and Hamed Yazarlou.
These men and women are currently in solitary confinement and in danger of torture and abuse. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists – Feb. 24, 2009)
More than 70 political prisoners in Sanandaj Prison
According to reports, there are more than 70 political prisoners in Sanandaj Prison alone. These prisoners have
been arrested under unsubstantial charges and are under torture and pressure by security forces. (Iran Press
News – Feb. 28, 2009)
All cells in notorious ward 209 full
All the cells in ward 209 of Evin Prison have become full due to the large number of (political) prisoners in this
ward. According to reports, Roxana Saberi, an imprisoned Iranian-American freelance reporter, and Shabnam
Maddadzadeh, student activist, have been transferred to ward 240 in this prison. Four Amir Kabir students who
have been on a hunger strike for almost a month, Majid Tavakoli, Hossein Turkashavand, Ismail Salmanpur
and Kurosh Daneshyar, have instead been transferred to ward 209. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – March 9,
Intelligence Agency puts pressure on prisoners to hide recent murder of political prisoner in Gohardasht
Political prisoners Berhruz Javid Tehrani, Afshin Baimani and Alireza Karami Kheirabadi have been
interrogated by a person named Turabi, head of interrogations at this prison a number of times in the past few
days. Turabi has threatened these prisoners to try to hide the recent murder of Amir Hossein Heshmat Saran.
Intelligence Agency interrogators have also tried to hide the suspicious death of Saran by putting various
pressures on these political prisoners. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – March 10, 2009)
Political prisoners deprived from New Year furlough
According to a notice given to the Organization of Prisons, giving furloughs to political prisoners for the New
Year has been banned. This is while half of all prisoners get a leave for the New Year. According to political
prisoners, almost all prisoners with various crimes have a right to use their New Years leave. Nonetheless, the
request for a leave for political prisoner which was given from a few months ago to the prison management was
answered with only one sentence:"The furlough request was disagreed with". (Committee of Human Rights
Reporters – March 11, 2009)
Imprisoned religious activist in danger
A Kurd religious activist's life who is serving his two and half year sentence in Malayer Prison is in danger in this
The family of Mullah Seifollah Hosseini has said that in their last visit with him he had expressed concern over
the treatment of prison guards with him and said that some prisoners had threatened to kill him.


The Hosseini family said that they had expressed their concern over prison guards instigating other (prisoners)
to abuse Seifollah, to prison and judicial officials but they have not received any answers until now. (Kurdistan
Human Rights Watch News Agency – March 12, 2009)
Labor syndicate leader not allowed to go to son's wedding
The marriage ceremony of Mansur Osanlu's eldest son was held without the presence of this labor union leader.
This is while his family had requested from a long time before that this imprisoned head of the Managing Board
of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company be able to participate in his son's wedding.
But while his family and relatives waited for the father of the groom until late at night, in the end, he was not
permitted to take part in this ceremony even for a few hours. (Human Rights Reporters Committee – March 16,
More than 450 children in prison with mothers
Currently more than 450 children are in Iranian prisons with their mothers and 1,500 children under the age
of 15, whose mothers are in jail, are kept in welfare centers. Some believe these centers are no different from
prisons for these children. (Iran News Agency – March 25, 2009)
No news on condition of political prison for more than 3 months
According to reports from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, there has been no news on the condition of political
prison Mansour Radpour for more than three months.
The last time other prisoners saw Radpour was in the beginning of January when he was being transferred to
this prison's medical clinic because of his critical physical condition. He was accompanied by a number of prison
guards and did not have a right to make contact with other prisoners. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists
in Iran – March 26, 2009)
Political prisoner transferred to disciplinary ward in Isfahan Prison
According to reports from Isfahan's Central Prison, political prisoner Mehran Mo'eini, supporter of the People's
Mojahedin Organization of Iran has been moved to ward 2 of Isfahan Prison without prior notice. In this ward,
he is not allowed to have contact with any other prisoner. Mo'eni has been under violent torture in the past few
months in this prison. He was taken to a place called the "Intersection of Begging and Remorse" two weeks ago
and was violently tortured for five hours. His head was also shaved as an insult and to "teach others a lesson".
(Center for Support of Political Prisoners in Iran – March 8, 2009)
56-year-old mother of Ashraf residents in danger of losing eyesight in prison
According to reports from the women's ward in Evin prison, Kobra Banazadeh Amir-Khizi, 56, who had
suffered from bleeding in one of her eyes in ward 209 of this prison, is in serious danger of losing her eyesight.
She is also deprived of serious treatment and the prison medical clinic has told her "you still have time before
you can see only under your feet".
On the other hand, the quality and quantity of prison food in the women's ward has greatly decreased and
almost every night prisoners in this ward have been receiving potatoes for dinner since the Persian New Year.
The Banazadeh family has gone to the first branch of the Revolutionary Court to follow up on the case of Kobra
Banazadeh. In their last visit on February 27 with the head of this court, they were told, "Our superiors ordered
that we not release her because many of her close relatives are in Camp Ashraf and she should not be freed".
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – March 30, 2009)
Political prisoner transferred to solitary cell
Hadi Amini, a Kurdish political activist was taken to solitary confinement on orders of Mahabad Prison
This Kurd prisoner was imprisoned in Sardasht a year before and his wrists have been crippled due to the
severity of the tortures implemented on him. Amini was sentenced to five years of prison without having the
right to a lawyer, on charges of cooperating with Kurdish parties. There is no information on why he was taken
to solitary confinement. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – March 30, 2009)
Imprisoned Christian woman in Evin Prison: I am dying here
Marzieh Amiri Zadeh (a converted Christian) said in a telephone call to her family on March 28 that she is in a
bad physical and mental state and that she is suffering from a high fever due to an infection and urgentlyneeds
a doctor. "I am dying here", she said in her last words.


Two Farsi speaking Christians by the names of Marzieh Amiri Zadeh, 30, and Maryam Rostam-pour, 27, who
were arrested by security force on March 5 are in a critical condition after one month inEvin Prison.
According to this report, arrested Christians are deprived from visitation rights for unknown reasons and are
only allowed a daily one-minute phone call with a close family member. (Christian Committee of Human Rights
Activists in Iran – March 31, 2009)
Imprisoned dissident cleric treated inhumanely in Yazd Prison
According to reports, on Tuesday March 31, officials in Yazd Prison's medical clinic including Doctor Vali
Zare'e, severely insulted Ayatollah Kazemeni Borujerdi (an imprisoned dissident cleric) and treated him
The head of Yazd Prison, Qasem Alizadeh, has claimed that he has no responsibility in this regards saying that
the minister of intelligence has ordered that they put various physical and mental pressures on Borujerdi,
impede his medical treatment and prevent him from receiving medicine to force him to reconcile with the
government. (Iran Press News – March 31, 2009)
Political prisoner in Bukan banned from visits
Kaveh Ahmad-zadeh, a Kurdish political prisoner, has been banned from having visits for more than three
weeks. State Security Forces (SSF) detained Ahmad-Zadeh seven months ago. He was charged with cooperating
with an opposition party and was sentenced to two years of prison. (Mukerian news agency– Apr. 4, 2009)
No news on Kurdish political prisoner in Mahabad
Hadi Amini, a Kurdish political prisoner who was transferred to the quarantine ward of Mahabad Prison, has
been transferred to an unknown location.
His family has raised serious concerns regarding his condition and has announced that the head of this prison is
responsible if anything were to happen to their son.
Amini was arrested one year ago by security forces and was sentenced to five years in prison for cooperating with
Kurdish parties. In this trial which was held in Mahabad's Revolutionary Court, Amini was not allowed a lawyer
for his defense. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Apr. 6, 2009)
Azeri activist imprisoned
Ali Hossein-Nejad, an Azeri activist, was detained and taken to Maku Prison on April 4, to serve his eight-
month prison sentence. He was arrested for inviting people to participate in a gathering to commemorate the
first anniversary of protest demonstrations in June 2006 across Azerbaijan’s cities. The Revolutionary Court of
Khoy charged him with "spreading propaganda against the government" and sentenced him to a year in prison,
but the Court of Review reduced this sentence to eight months.
Hossein-Nejad was previously arrested in June 2006, and after a month of prison, was sentenced to pay a fine of
5,000,000 rials (almost $5000). (Savalan Sassi – Apr. 6, 2009)
Two more suicide cases in Evin Prison
During the Persian New Years holiday, prisoners Mojtaba Kutbal, and Mohammad-Reza Chegini, committed
suicide in Evin Prison due to pressures imposed on them. Mojtaba Kutbal, hanged himself in the bathroom
after he was denied a New Years furlough but his life was saved with the help of other prisoners.
Mohammad-Reza Chegeeni also committed suicide because he could not tolerate the unbearable prison
condition anymore. Prisoners also saved his life.
Although it was obvious that these prisoners attempted suicide because they could not tolerate prison
conditions anymore, prison officials sent their files to a court for them ot be trialed in the Prison Council
instead of treating their condition. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Apr. 6, 2009)
MOIS imposes pressure on political prisoners in Evin's ward 350
Political prisoners in ward 350 in Evin Prison have been deprived from
family visits from the start of the Iranian New Year (March 21). Some
families who had come from various Iranian cities to visit their loved ones
in prison were denied visits.


The son of political prisoner Zohour Nabavi, who has not seen his father for 7 months, came to visit his father
in Tehran all the way from the city of Semnan, but
in the last moments before this visit was to take place, they were told that there would be no in person visits.
The Ministry of Intelligence and Evin's warden have ordered that the political prisoners in ward 350 be deprived
of visits.
This ward has much more prisoners than its actual capacity. Not only have they not increased the facilities for
the many prisoners kept in this ward, but they have demolished 3 bathrooms out of the six it originally had to
make the condition harder for political prisoners.
The quality and quantity of food in prison has also worsened. Prisoners are given potatoes for breakfast and
Political prisoners are also denied medical treatment. For example, Ali Saremi is suffering from severe eyesight
loss and urgently needs glasses and surgery but prison officials have denied him this basic treatment.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 9, 2009)
Imprisoned human rights activist in undetermined state in prison for 15 months
According to reports from Ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison, Farhad Haj-Mirzai, a human rights activist, will be put
on trial in the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court on April 14.
The Revolutionary Court has forced his poverty-stricken family to pay for his transfer from Gohardasht Prison
in Karaj to the court in Sanandaj, despite their very bad financial situation.
Background information
Agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) arrested Haj-Mirzai in Sanandaj, (capital of
Kurdistan Province) on January 18, 2008 and after 11 days of detention and torture in the Sanandaj branch of
the MOIS, he was transferred to ward 209 of Evin Prison. He spent 90 days in solitary confinement under
severe torture such as electric shocks, lashes with cables, and threats that he would be subjected to sexual abuse
and contagiousness diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis. He was then transferred to Gohardasht Prison on
December 13, 2008. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 10, 2009)
Agents threaten political prisoner to death in front of his family
According to reports from Isfahan Central Prison, on Sunday April 12, agents in this prison threatened and
abused the family of Mohammad Nikbakht, supporter of the PMOI, and told them that they had no right to
visit their son and financially support him. The head of Intelligence at this prison told the elderly mother of this
prisoner that their son "is anti-revolution and has links to the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran".
"We have the right to do whatever we want to him and you can't do anything about it", this head of intelligence
told his mother.
"You have to forget your son and not come visit him anymore or send him money", he added.
As a result, 60-year-old Manijeh Shafa’at, swooned having been stressed from this abuse and was forced to leave
the prison without visiting her son. The other family members of this political prisoner were kept in the visiting
hall upon the recommendation of the head intelligence and after protesting were only allowed a 3 minute visit
with the prisoner. They were threatened afterwards and told that they were not allowed to come for visits
Mohammad Nikbakht is a PMOI supporter who was arrested in 2004 on charges of supporting this organization
and after being tortured and beaten was imprisoned in Isfahan Prison. His father was also imprisoned on
charges of supporting his son. (Center in Defense of Prisoners in Iran – Apr. 12, 2009)
Political prisoner harassed, faced with fabricated dossier
In the past few days, Shahram Pour-Mansuri has been under ongoing pressure and
harassment and a new case has been fabricated against him.
On April 11, two Revolutionary Guards Corps agents in prison by the names of "By" and
"Qahremani" raided this prisoner's cell abusing and harassing him. Under the excuse of
inspecting his cell, these agents confiscated and destroyed the little belongings he had,
which he had either bought from the prison store or his family had provided for him. He
was then taken to solitary confinement for 24 hours.
On Sunday April 12, he was summoned to Gohardasht Prison’s Intelligent and
Protection Office and threatened, abused and insulted by an agent named Shojayi.

Treating him violently, this agent told Pour Mansuri that because of a complaint by RGC agent "By" against
him, he will be trialed in court. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 12, 2009)
Gohardasht prisoners under increasing pressure, abuse, and limitations
Some of the inhumane measures carried out against political prisoners and non-political prisoners in
Gohardasht Prison in Karaj are as follows:
Bad food quality, for example meat, fruits and vegetables have been excluded from the prisoners food program/
prisoners are deprived from receiving medical treatment/ prisoners who are in bad health are not taken to
hospital outside the prison/ the prison does not give materials prisoners' families bring to prisoners/ the periods
between family visits have become longer for example prisoners are allowed visits only every 45 days or in some
instances a few months for in person visits/ insulting and threatening prisoners' families/ entering large
quantities of drugs into prison to turn prisoners into drug addicts/ transferring prisoners to ward 1 and
violently torturing them/ transferring prisoners to ward 8 run by Revolutionary Guards Corps for many
months/ suspicious murders in this prison, recent example was the death of Amir Hossein Heshmat Saran.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 12, 2009)
11 forced labor camps created for prisoners
The Secretary General of the Anti-Narcotics Department announced that
11 labor camps were open and working as a punishment for drug dealers.
"Another one of our serious programs with the cooperation of the Judicial
Department and Organization of Prisons is sending drug dealers to forced
labor camps and this has been done with the formation of 11 new camps",
said Ahmadi Moqadam.
"In these camps, these people will not be taught any new skills and as a
punishment they will be subjected to serious working pressure", he added.
(Mehr state-run news agency – Apr. 14, 2009)
Prisoner of conscience for having Baha’i books in undetermined state
Morteza Hamidi, a Semnan resident who was arrested on December 15,
2008 by security forces along with 20 Baha'i families in this city was arrested once again on February 19.
Hamidi, who is not Baha'i, is charged with keeping Baha'i books and having affiliations with Baha'is. These
allegations do not have a legal basis because many of his close relatives are Baha'I, therefore reading Baha'i
material and having a relationship with Baha'is is very normal for him. His family's persistent pursuit of his case
for his freedom has so far been unsuccessful and he is still in an undetermined state in Semnan Prison.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Apr. 15, 2009)
Innocent man kept in prison for 23 months under bogus charge
A young man who has been accused of killing his drug addict friend pleaded not guilty in court yesterday.
According to reports, 25-year-old Hamid claimed that he had not seen his friend before his death and did not
know how he died.
"I do not accept the murder charge. I had not seen Meysam for six months before his death. I will also not
accept any other sort of punishment because I have not committed a crime. I have been kept in prison for 23
months though I am innocent. My mother and father are living with sorrow and hardships and I have been
insulted. (E'temad state-run daily – Apr. 16, 2009)
Two prisoners taken to unknown location, warm water cut off in Gohardasht Prison
According to reports from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, a number of prisoners in ward 4 of this prison including
political prisoners Saleh Kohandel and Mansur Radpour have been taken to an unknown location. Other
political prisoners in this prison have expressed their concern over this matter.
This is while warm water has been cut off in this prison from a few days ago which has lead to hygienic problems
for the prisoners. This condition and the spread of disease has placed these prisoners in a very difficult
According to figures announced by the Organization of Prisoners, hall 10 of ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison has
the capacity to hold 85 to 90 prisoners but currently there are about 205 to 220 prisoners kept in this ward.
A number of families of political prisoners have said that most of the prisoners in this ward are elderly and with
regard to the fact that their situation is not hygienic, there are serious concerns for their health in this situation.

In other reports, another political prisoner in this prisoner, Arjang Davudi, who was summoned to the 15th
branch of the Revolutionary Court has said that his trial has been postponed to a later date for unknown
reasons. (Students Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners – Apr. 22, 2009)
No news on young man arrested for having family members in Ashraf City
Hamed Yazarlou, an aeronautics and space major, who was arrested during widespread
arrests in March in his house, is still imprisoned in ward 209 of Evin Prison and there is no
information on his condition. (He was arrested because his aunt is a member of the PMOI)
Hood Yazarlou, his brother was previously sentenced to three years of prison by Tehran's
Revolutionary Court and is currently in ward 8 of Evin Prison. The mother of this family,
also sentenced to three years of prison, is waiting for a retrial.
Hamed Yazarlou was a student activist and although he was accepted in Amir Kabir
University to get his PhD, he was banned two years in a row from continuing his studies. In
the past few months, the arrest of family members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran has
increased. The people who are trialed on charges of having links to dissident groups, are people with family
members in the PMOI. (Human Rights Reporters Committee – Apr. 18, 2009)
Kurd prisoner in critical condition, not given sufficient treatment
Matin Arjan, a Kurdish political prisoner who had a heart attack in prison, is in critical condition.
This Turkish citizen who is in Evin Prison on charges of cooperating with PKK had a heart attack on Thursday
night. As a result, the left part of his body has become crippled but he did not receive the necessary medical
attention in prison. He was only given a few shots in the medical clinic and then sent back to ward 8 of this
Arjan was arrested in 2006 and sentenced to 10 years of prison. He was severely tortured while in ward 209 and
even had his tongue severed. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 19, 2009)
Agent of 1988 massacre of political prisoners to preside over trial of 56-year-old female political prisoner
According to reports from the women's ward in Evin Prison, Kobra Banazadeh, 56, will be trialed on May 5 in
the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court on charges of "acting against national security" and "illegally leaving
the country". This trial will be judged by Mohammad Moqiseyi, aka Naserian. Moqiseyi has presided over the
trial of three other members of the Banazadeh family and has issued heavy sentences for them. Kobra
Banazadeh is currently in ward 209 and is in danger of losing her eyesight. This political prisoner is also
deprived of serious medical treatment.
Naserian is currently the head of the 28th branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court. He was one of the members
of the "Death Delegation" and had a direct part in the execution of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988.
He is known as a criminal for taking part in this massacre in which thousands of political prisoners were
executed. Several international human rights organizations have condemned this massacre,
demanding that all the agents and perpetrators of this crime be brought to justice and trialed. (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 24, 2009)
Jailed U.S.-Iranian reporter 'very weak': father
'She is very, very weak and frail ... she is in a bad condition. She can hardly stand up,' Reza Saberi told Reuters.
'I'm worried about her health. I'm worried about her life.' ...(Reuters – Apr. 27, 2009)
Prisoners to be taken to camps in Ahwaz
Ahwaz's General Prosecutor announced that disrupters of order and security and those who keep illegal firearms
will be decisively and seriously dealt with.
"Since the establishment of this camp, from now on those who commit specific crimes such as purse theft,
mobile theft and other such crimes will be kept in this camp", Sadeqi said in a meeting with SSF commanders in
this province. "In line with creating an atmosphere of security, these people will be sentenced to the maximum
punishment". (Fars state-run news agency – Apr. 27, 2009)
Gohardasht political prisoners threatened to be transferred to other wards
According to reports from ward 2 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, the Ministry of Intelligence and prison guards
intend to transfer political prisoners in this ward to other wards.


In the past few days, pressures on political prisoners in this regard have increased. They were told that if they
resist this transfer, they would be forced and beaten into going to different wards. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 29, 2009)
Prison official brutally beats prisoners in Gohardasht
Faraji Nejad, the assistant head of Protection and Security at Gohardasht Prison in Karaj who is notorious for
torturing prisoners, summoned five prisoners to his office in the middle of the night and beat them with and
electric club for "defying his orders.”
These prisoners were injured in these beatings. Salah Adin Jafari was injured the most and both his hands and
one leg were fractured and injured. Despite his critical condition, medical officials at prison have refused to
treat him. He is currently in the public ward in this prison and other prisoners have attempted to treat his
injuries. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 3, 2009)
Political prisoner kept in solitary for 130 days, banned from contacting family
According to reports from the RGC ward of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, political prisoner Mansour Radpour
has been kept in solitary confinement for more than 130 days and has been banned from contacting his family.
His current situation is unknown.
The latest report on the condition of this political prisoner was given to us by a political prisoner who spent
some time in the cell next to Radpour. According to this prisoner, who was released a few months ago, Radpour
was subjected to brutal torture and was threatened to death.
Intelligence agent interrogators have also threatened his elderly mother that if she pursues her son's case she too
will be imprisoned. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 3, 2009)
Family of dissident cleric threatened
In the past few days, the family of Ayatollah Borujerdi, an imprisoned dissident cleric, has been threatened by
unknown men over the phone. According to Borujerdi's family, the cries of Borujerdi from the days he was
tortured in prison is played over the phone in these calls. They say that these measures are taken to try to silence
Borujerdi in prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 3, 2009)
Sick Baha'i prisoner not given medical treatment
The family of Baha’i prisoner Vahdat Dana was able to visit him for a few minutes after
nine days of not having any information on his condition.
Dana was arrested 9 days ago and is in police custody at Shiraz's Intelligence Detention
His physical health is very concerning and although the prison medic has increased his cardiac medicine, he
currently cannot be visited by a heart specialist and cannot follow his usual diet, which is a matter of life and
death for him.
If he kept in this situation any longer, it can have lasting damage for his health and leave him in a dangerous
condition. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 4, 2009)
MOIS brutally separates political prisoners in Gohardasht Prison
According to reports from ward 2 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, on Sunday May 3, Special Prison Guards
Forces attacked political prisoners in this prison, brutally beating them and transferred them to solitary cells and
other cells in this ward.
Political prisoner Behrouz Javid Tehrani, who was arrested in the 1999 student uprising, was severely beaten by
these forces and transferred to solitary.
Political prisoner Afshin Baimani was also temporarily transferred to cell number 32 in hall 6 while Alireza
Karami Kheirabadi was taken to hall 5 in ward 2 of this prison. Kheirabadi has been sentenced to death and
there are concerns that this sentence might be carried out at any given time. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – May 4, 2009)


Political prisoner not freed despite payment of bail

According to reports from ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, Judicial officials
refuse to release political prisoner Farhad Haj-Mirzaii from prison despite the fact
that his family has paid a very heavy bail of 461,075 USDs to the 2nd branch of
Sanandaj's Revolutionary Court.
The Mirzaii family has gone through very hard endeavors to provide this money.
After they gave this money to court, an order for Mirzaii's release was issued. A
release order had been issued for him in late April.
The elderly parents of this political prisoner, who are more than 70 years old and
have been in out of courts in Tehran and Gohardasht in the past two weeks have
not been able to free their son yet. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – May
5, 2009)
Political prisoners not allowed contacting families
According to reports from ward 209 of Evin Prison, there has been no news on the condition of political
prisoner Hamed Yazarlou.
This space aeronautics specialist has been kept in a solitary cell in the notorious Evin Prison even since his arrest
75 days ago and has been banned from calling or visiting his family. His family has no information on his
current condition in prison.
The head interrogator in ward 209 threatened his family in a telephone call forbidding them to talk about their
son's situation with human rights organizations and the media. "Otherwise, your son will have to pay the
consequences,” this family was told.
This interrogator told the Yazarlou family that their son "does not cooperate with the interrogators and does not
accept the charges against him.” "Until he does not accept the charges, he cannot go to court because he is not
ready for court,” he said in his threatening phone call.
Another political prisoner, 19 year-old Mahssa Naderi, who is an economics major at Qom's Mofid University
was arrested in her house on February 21 after a violent raid by intelligence agents, and was taken to ward 209.
This student prisoner had a short phone call with her family 25 days ago. With a shaky voice, she described how
she was tortured every day and that she was in a bad physical condition, when the line went dead. From that day
on, she was not allowed any more phone calls.
In the past few days, Mahssa's mother was summoned to the Intelligence Agency. She was violently interrogated
and threatened from 10:30 am to 1 pm by head interrogators of ward 209.
"We have banned Mahssa from making telephone calls and if she stays in solitary for 6 months, you have no
right to protest because it has nothing to do with you", this interrogator told her mother.
"She has to be punished,” he added.
He told this political prisoner's mother that they did her a favor by giving her husband (political prisoner
Mohsen Naderi) 1 year of prison "because we could have given him 3 years". (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists – May 5, 2009)
Dissident cleric beaten in jail
Ayatollah Borujerdi, imprisoned in a special ward in the Central Prison of Yazd was
beaten and insulted yesterday May 5.
Prison officials have said that the reason for this violent and offensive treatment was
Borujerdi's recent messages to outside the prison and especially a statement he issued
on the presidential elections. This dissident cleric had announced in his messages and
statement that conditions for a free referendum with the presence of international
monitors should be provided.
There is currently no information on his condition because he has been banned from
telephone calls by orders of the Special Clerical Prosecutor. His family has also been
banned from visiting him. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 6, 2009)


Three prisoners beaten; taken to solitary

According to reports from ward 6 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, on Monday May 4, prison guards attacked
Farhang and Shahram Poor-Mansouri and Mohammad Sherafat-Man with clubs beating them for a long time in
front of other inmates and then took them to solitary cells in ward 1, known as the "dog house.”
Prisoners who are taken to these cells are violently tortured and harassed. One of the tortures used
systematically against prisoners is rape with a club, which leaves a grave mental impact on the prison other than
the serious pain.
There has been no news on the condition of the three prisoners since their transfer to solitary. When their
families came to prison to get more information about their loved ones, they were told that these prisoners are
banned from visits and telephone calls. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 7, 2009)
Political prisoner deprived of medical attention
According to reports from ward 2 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, the physical health of Behrouz Javid Tehrani
has deteriorated.
Tehrani is in his third day of a hunger strike he started in protest to being beaten by prison guards and transfer
to solitary. His blood pressure is dangerously low but he has not been taken to the prison medical clinic. Prison
officials were forced to bring medics into his cell to check his condition. According to reports, he has gone on a
"dry" hunger strike (refusing to drink liquids).
Another political prisoner, Afshin Baimani, has also been on a hunger strike for three days. He is in a bad
physical condition and suffers from headache, faintness, and dizzy spells. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – May 7, 2009)
Prison guards brutally beat Gohardasht Prisoners
According to reports from Gohardasht Prison's ward six, prison guards brutally attacked and beat prisoners with
The guards attacked prisoners in their sleep in hall 16 and 18 of ward six on Friday morning. This attack lasted
for about an hour. They ordered prisoners to stand against the wall and violently beat them in this position.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 9, 2009)
Sanandaj prisoners deprived of family visits for four months
Prisoners of the Sanandaj Central Prison have been deprived of visits in person with their family for four
months. These prisoners have been deprived of their legal right under the excuse that the visiting hall is under
construction. During this time, they were only allowed visits through a glass partition and due to the great
number of prisoners; these visits were very limited. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 11, 2009)
Prisoner beaten and falsely charged
According to reports from ward one of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, prison officials have made new charges
against Shahram Pour-Mansouri, after he was beaten and transferred to ward one.
Shahram and Farhang Pour-Mansouri, were beaten by prison guards on May 4 and then transferred to ward
one. Shahram's left eardrum was torn because of this attack and he has not received any medical treatment thus
On the other hand, the Prison Council has brought new charges against this prisoner and he has been banned
from visitation rights because a prison guard who participated in the beating has filed a complaint against him.
In the past few days, the head of the 13th branch of the Revolutionary Court has come to this prison twice to
put Shahram on trial. Shahram has been charged with insulting and using obscene language against prison
personnel. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 12, 2009)
Brother and sister imprisoned for 80 days without charges
Shabnam Madadzadeh, member of the central council of Teacher Training University's Islamic Association was
arrested on February 20 and imprisoned in ward 209 in Tehran's Evin Prison. A day after her arrest, her brother
who was summoned to a police station to pursue his sister's case was also arrested and taken to Evin. For more
information on this case, we called their father in Tabriz.
"They have taken my children from me for 80 days now. In the first few days, we had no information about
them and only found them 3 or 4 days after their arrest. Every week we go to prison, but they don’t let us see
them,” said Madadzadeh.


"We went to court with a lawyer, but they didn’t answer to the lawyer either. They would not let us enter court
or see the judge (presiding over the case). They have not even announced the charges against them. The
mandate of the lawyer has still not been signed for the lawyer to be able to visit them either,” he added. (Radio
Farda Website – May 13, 2009)
Imprisoned student activist visits family 70 days after arrest
Abbas Hakim-Zadeh, a jailed Amir Kabir University activist and political secretary of the Office
for Consolidating Unity, had a visit with his family 70 days after his arrest. In this visit, which
lasted for 15 minutes from behind a glass partition and the presence of three interrogators, he
talked to his father, mother, and sister.
Hakim-Zadeh's condition in this visit revealed that he was being subjected to the most severe
mental and physical pressures in jail and he was barely able to speak because of a severe stutter. This student
activist suffers from a chronic spinal illness and any sort of pressure or physical torture could lead to his
paralysis. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – May 13, 2009)
Jailed dissident cleric hospitalized in prison medical clinic
Mr. Borujerdi went on a hunger strike on May 5 in protest to his condition in prison. He was beaten and
transferred to solitary. He has been deprived of visitation rights and the right to his lawyer since his hunger
strike. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 17, 2009)
Two young political prisoners in bad condition
Prisoners arrested on February 20 are in a bad condition in ward 209 in the notorious Evin Prison.
Hamed Yazarlou, a space aeronautics specialist, is in solitary confinement in ward 209 under mental and
physical torture by Intelligence Ministry interrogators. He was able to make a short controlled phone call to his
family. In this call, he told his family that he was fine and for them not to worry. In the middle of his
conversation with his family, an interrogator took the phone from him and told his father that the reason
Hamed has not been allowed a phone call is because "of the things you do and your calls to the media and
human rights activists".
In other reports, families of February 20 arrestees were allowed to see their loved ones from behind glass
partitions with the presence of Intelligence Ministry agents.
Mahsa Naderi, a 19-year-old student prisoner, has become very weak in prison. Prison guards were forced to take
her to the prison medical clinic many times in the middle of interrogations because of her grave physical
condition. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 18, 2009)
Iran officials systematically smuggle drugs into prisons
The head of Prisons in Iran announced that new prisons, which are currently under construction, will be made
with more space.
"Currently drug addicts make up 50 percent of prisons", Yasaqi added referring to nature of prisoners.
In answer to a question on smuggling drugs into prison, he said, "Unfortunately, drugs do enter prisons in
various ways". (Iran Network state-run website – May 18, 2009)
Political prisoner in danger of dying in prison
Political prisoner Behruz Javid Tehrani who is on a hunger strike is under severe and violent torture and his life
is in grave danger, reports from Gohardasht Prison say. Tehrani is the only person arrested in the 1999 student
uprising in Tehran University who is still imprisoned. He was taken to solitary in ward 1 of this prison last
week. Prison guards call these solitary cells doghouses. Tehran has been under severe torture since his transfer.
Prison guards blindfolded him and tied up his hands and legs, continuously beating him with clubs. This
beating was so severe that the cuts and bruises are still evident on his feet, hands, and back. He is in a critical
condition from the hunger strike and ongoing torture and there is a high chance that the Ministry of
Intelligence intends to kill him (in this way). (Human Rights and Democracy Activisits in Iran – May 19, 2009)
Kurd prisoners tortured in prison
Two imprisoned Kurds resident of Kermanshah who are in an undetermined state in prison on charges of
having communications with dissident groups are suffering from injuries and heart disease.
Hasan Sardari was beaten on his arrest and is currently suffering from a broken arm and elbow.


Safi Ad-din Baba resident of Orumieh who was arrested five months
ago on charges of political activities is suffering from severe heart
disease. These two men have not been trialed and are kept in an
undetermined state in prison. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News
Agency – May 19, 2009)
Prison officials torture and injure 2 political prisoners
Two Kurd prisoners by the names of Jomhour Orgovich, a Turkey
national and Ali Ahmad Saliman, an Iraqi national, who were
sentenced to 13 and five years of prison, are suffering from various
Orgovich, a Kurd from Turkey was arrested three years ago on charges of having links to dissident Kurd groups
and was sentenced to 13 years of prison by the Revolutionary Court in Orumieh. He contracted a kidney disease
in prison and lost one of kidneys because he did not receive proper medical care.
Ahmad Saliman was also arrested on similar charges and sentenced to 5 years of prison. His ear was damaged
after a beating by prison guards and as a result, he has lost his hearing.
These two men are currently in Orumieh Prison and have not received medical attention. (Kurdistan Human
Rights Watch News Agency – May 19, 2009)
Prisoners in Sanandaj Prison under severe pressure and torture
Simultaneous with a trip by Iran's Supreme Leader to Kurdistan, 103 prisoners in this province are incarcerated
in an 80 meter room and are under ongoing harassment by prison guards.
The families of these prisoners issued a statement yesterday, revealing the condition these prisoners are kept in,
and voiced their concern over their physical and mental condition.
At least 103 prisoners in this province who are mostly young men between the ages of 20 to 35, and have been
arrested for political, human rights or journalistic activities are under severe mental and physical pressure in
prison, news sources in Sanandaj say. These prisoners have been kept in a tight 80-meter room for twenty days
and have not even had the permission take walks outside. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – May 19, 2009)
Dissident cleric in critical condition in jail
Ayatollah Borujerdi is in critical condition in his 17th day of hunger strike.
According to information a prison doctor gave to Borujerdi's close relations, his eyes have been seriously
damaged due to several illnesses he got in prison and lack of medical attention. His life is in serious danger
because of his severe heart condition and doctors have confirmed that he needs to be transferred to an equipped
hospital, this report says.
His wounds, which he got from the recent beatings in prison, have also become infected due to improper
treatment. This dissident cleric had several illnesses before he went on a hunger strike and had become
extremely weak. He is currently in his 17th day of hunger strike.
The attempts of his family and lawyers to talk to him over the phone or in visits has so far been unsuccessful.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 21, 2009)
MOIS lays groundwork to kill political prisoner
The Ministry of Intelligence are planning to kill political prisoner Behrooz Javid-Tehrani by spreading rumors in
prison, reports from ward 1 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj say. Today and yesterday, the head of this prison, Ali
Haj-Kazem and his deputy have spread rumors that Javid-Tehrani has committed suicide in prison. This is a
usual method used by the MOIS against prisoners they plan to kill. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in
Iran – May 23, 2009)
Female student prisoner beaten by inmates by orders of Kurdistan Prosecutor
Ronak Safazadeh, a student activists and women's rights activist who was
recently sentenced to a 6-year prison term on charges of "acting against national
security" has been beaten by intelligence operatives. Two of her inmates beat her
on many occasions under various pretexts. They have done this on orders of
Kurdistan's Public Prosecutor, Amjadi.
This Kurd student was arrested on October 9, 2007 by intelligence agents and
after 4 months of solitary confinement was transferred to the Central Sanandaj

Prison. During interrogations, the 22-year-old's toes broke due to the torture she was subjected to. She is
continuously tortured, insulted and verbally harassed by prison guards and agents. (Family Union of Kurd
Prisoners' Weblog – May 23, 2009)
Prison officials torture May Day arrestees for not accepting groundless charges against them
Yesterday May 24, a number of May Day arrestees have been beaten and tortured, reports from ward 209 in the
infamous Evin Prison say,
On May 24, Jafar Azim-Zadeh, Mohammad Ashrafi and Saeid Yuzi were transferred to ward 209 of Evin Prison.
During interrogations, they were told to accept the charges against, but they called the charges baseless and did
not accept them. Jafar Azim-zadeh was attacked and brutally beaten by an interrogator for not signing under the
accusations against him. He was interrogated and tortured for two hours and was then transferred to the public
ward. Torture marks were evident on his face and legs and he spent last night in critical condition in prison.
This information was given to his family via a telephone call yesterday.
According to other reports, Saeid Yuzi and Mohammad Ashrafi were also beaten for not accepting these
accusations. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 25, 2009)
Gohardasht prison officials brutally beat and torture political prisoner
According to reports from ward 2 in Karaj's Gohardasht Prison, political prisoner Afshin Baimani was assailed
by prison guards armed with clubs and transferred to ward 5 which is one of the worst sections in this prison.
Baimani was brutally pulled on the ground and taken to the office of the head guard of ward 2. He sustained
bruises on his body and injuries on his back and legs.
He was insulted, verbally abused and once again brutally beaten by the officials in the office.
"You dirty Monafeq (supporters or members of the PMOI are called Monafeq by regime agents and officials) we
will teach you a lesson you will never forget. The same message that we gave your friend Saran (referring to
political prisoner Heshamt Saran who was killed under torture in prison)", one of the head guards said.
We killed your kind in here in the hundreds and you can see that no one gives damn!", said another head guard
beating him with a club.
"We would drink your blood if they let us", another official said.
The defenseless prisoner was beaten again with clubs after these insults. Baimani is currently in critical
condition and his life is in grave danger. According to reports, he was taken to ward 6 in this prison. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 27, 2009)
Female political prisoner in critical condition, deprived of treatment
According to reports from the female ward in Evin Prison, political prisoner Hamideh
Nabavi, who was arrested for participating in a ceremony on the anniversary of the
massacre of political prisoners in 1988, suffers from chronic allergies and because her
current medication has lost its effect, is in a critical condition.
She was under the treatment of a specialist before her arrest. She has been deprived of
seeing her doctor after her arrest and the medication from before her arrest are not
effective anymore. The prison medical clinic has deprived her of serious treatment.
According to existing laws, after a prisoner serves half of his or her term, he or she can
be released conditionally. However, interrogators and judges have deprived her of this
right. This mother has also been deprived of seeing her 5-year-old daughter for the past
three months. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 27, 2009)
Regime intends to accuse family of Ashraf residents of "waging war against God"
According to reports from ward 209 of the notorious Evin Prison, MOIS
interrogators intend to try the families of Ashraf residents arrested on February 20
on charges of "waging war with God.” (According to Islamic laws of the Iranian
regime, those convicted of waging war can be sentenced to death.) On May 24,
political prisoners Fatemeh Ziayi, Mahsa Naderi, Hamed Yazarlou, Hassan Tarlani
and Yaser Erfani were taken to the 3rd branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court
and charged with baseless accusations including "waging war with God".
These prisoners have been imprisoned in ward 209 for 99 days and are kept in an
undetermined state. They have lost a lot of weight from the physical and mental

torture inflicted on them. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 30, 2009)
Labor activist transferred to Sanandaj Intelligence Prison
Political prisoner Varia Naqshbandi was transferred to the Sanandaj Intelligence Prison on Thursday, reports
from this prison say. He was transferred after 21 days of solitary confinement in the Marivan Intelligence Prison
under mental and physical torture. There is no information on his current situation. His interrogator has put
his family under pressure telling them that Naqshbandi's wife, who is a university student, has to turn herself in
to the Intelligence Agency for Naqshbandi to be released. The Intelligence Agency plans to put pressure on his
wife to force Naqshbandi into confessions they want.
Varia Naqshbandi was a labor activist in the Jam’e Kar Sepahan Factory and was arrested three days after May
Day after security agents raided his home. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 31, 2009)
Labor syndicate leader threatened to death in prison
Mansour Osanloo, who is serving his prison term in Gohardasht Prison, was threatened to death by a dangerous
prisoner in this prison. Morteza Lak Tabrizi, a death row prisoner and the head of a dangerous gang known as
the "Great Wall of China", has been transferred to this prison in Karaj in the past few days.
One of Osanloo's close relatives has said that this prisoner threatened Osanloo to death in the middle of the
night. In the past few years, the violation of the principle of crime segregation in prisons has been turned to a
tool for putting pressure on prisoners of conscience. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 31, 2009)
Prison officials beat political prison yet again
Behruz Javid Tehrani, who was first arrested during the 1999 student uprising, is still in solitary confinement
and still on a hunger strike, reports from Gohardasht Prison say.
Prison officials attacked and brutally beat Tehrani in the past few days. Despite his hunger strike, he has been
tortured and has lost a lot of weight. He has also lost 50 percent of his eyesight and is in danger of death in
After protests from human rights organizations, he was taken out of solitary cells known as the "dog house" for a
while and was transferred to a hall next to the solitary cells known as "Hosseinieh". Those who are imprisoned
in this hall are either drug addicts or are mentally ill. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 1,
Women's activist banned from taking leave from prison
Alieh Eqdam Dust said in a telephone call that she has requested a leave from prison 4 times but has received
no answer to her request.
"They have publicly announced three time that if prisoners want a leave they should announce this and register
for a leave and I have done this but have not received an answer", she said.
This women's rights activist had asked her friends and family to bring her medicine and clothes and although
prison authorities had agreed with receiving these things, the two times that her family and friends brought her
clothes and medicine, the prison authorities did not accept them. Alieh Eqdam Dust was arrested during a
peaceful demonstration on Women's Day in 2006. She was sentenced to three years of prison. (Change for
Equality website – June 2, 2009)
Political prisoner held in solitary for 192 days under torture in Gohardasht Prison
Political prisoner Mansour Radpour was transferred back to ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison after 192 days in
solitary confinement under physical and mental torture, reports from this prison say.
During his solitary confinement, he was rarely allowed visits and his family was not aware of his condition.
He was brought back to ward 4 on Monday June 1. He is in very bad health because of the unbearable
conditions in solitary and the tortures he was subjected to without receiving medical treatment. (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 3, 2009)
Mind-altering drugs injected into Ayatollah forcefully for extracting false confession and TV interviews
Hossein Kazemi Borujerdi, an imprisoned dissident cleric ended his hunger strike after 26 days on May 30,
reports from Yazd Prison say.


He had been deprived of contacting his lawyer and even his family until that day. According to this report, in
the past week, prison officials have forcefully injected strong mind-altering drugs into him to force him into
giving fake confessions and televised interviews. (Balcony of Freedom – June 5, 2009)
Political prisoners in Ardabil kept with HIV infected inmates
Ali Abasi, Mohammad Ali Naruyi, Mohammad Rahim Naruyi and Omar Chapraz, four political prisoners in
Ardabil prison are kept in a horrible condition in prison. These four have been kept in the worst hygienic
conditions for the past six months. On orders of the warden, they were transferred to the quarantine section of
prison for prisoners with illnesses, where HIV infected inmates and prisoners with other infections are kept.
They have also faced serious limitations in contacting and seeing their families.
Mohammad Ali Naruyi has been infected with an unidentified skin disorder, which has seriously affected his
body, but prison officials have not given him a serious treatment for the illness and only prescribe painkillers for
him. This is while his illness is spreading. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 7, 2009)
Deplorable condition in Evin's ward 350
The limitations and suppressions against political
prisoners arrested in a ceremony to mark the 19th
anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988
has increased, reports from ward 350 in Evin Prison say.
These political prisoners have been kept in a state of
limbo for more than 21 months.
The pressures and abuses that started from a few months
ago against political prisoners in this ward have
increased. In the past few days, the prisoners faced news
limitations in the time given to them to contact their families. They have been banned from in person visits for
a number of months now. They are also suffering from various ailments including eye and teeth aches. They are
told that they cannot be treated because of a lack of dentists in prison. The head of the ward, Bozorgnia, has
told other prisoners that they have no right to communicate with political prisoners and if they do, they are
threatened and abused.
Currently three prisoners by the names of Ali Saremi, Seyed Zohour Nabavi, a journalist and writer, and Misaq
Yazdan-nejad, 22-year-old student, are in this ward while other political prisoners have been exiled to others
wards and prisons. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 10, 2009)
Dissident jailed cleric not allowed lawyer
The officials of the Yazd Central Prison still prevent Borujerdi from seeing his lawyer.
On June 3, Dr. Giti Pour-Fazel, the vice president of the Human Rights Commission of Tehran Jurist's Center
went to Yazd Prison along with Borujerdi's family to get an official mandate from the dissident cleric in order to
represent him in court. However, after several hours of waiting and negotiations with prison officials, she was
not allowed the visit.
According to other reports, in the past two weeks, prison agents along with the head of the prison's medical
clinic have forcefully injected unknown fluids into Borujerdi's body in two separate cases. His family have said
that the injections will damage his nervous system. Borujerdi was also once again put under heightened pressure
to give interviews to state-run media. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 10, 2009)
Parents of political prisoner: our son’s injury exploited to torture him
Letter of parents of political prisoner Veria Naqshbandi to UN: On Monday May 4, intelligence agents went to
our son's home, Veria Naqshbandi, 28, and arrested him. They beat our son and he passed out after the agents
used pepper gas on him.
After 17 days we were able get a 5-minute visit with him after many attempts and after we wrote several letters.
He was in bad physical and mental health. He had been beaten in prison. We had another visit one week later
and again we saw that he was in bad condition. Especially his leg, which was taken out of a cast two days prior to
his arrest and they used it to torture him.
After being incarcerated for 25 days in the Marivan Intelligence Agency. On May 28, he was transferred to the
Sanandaj Intelligence Agency. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 11, 2009)
No news on imprisoned political activist on hunger strike

According to reports from ward one of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, there have been no reports on the
condition of political prisoner Behruz Javid Tehrani since June 1.
The last time his family was able visit him from behind a glass partition was on June 1. He is currently in solitary
confinement which prison guards call the "dog house" because of its intolerable conditions. In his visit, Tehrani
stressed that he is continuing his hunger strike in protest to his situation and he is still being tortured. His
family said that he had lost a lot of weight and is in very bad physical health. There has been no news on his
condition since then. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 12, 2009)
Thousands of arrestees taken to notorious Evin Prison and Kahrizak Camp
According to reports, hundreds of protesters who were arrested in the recent unrest were taken to Evin Prison
and Camp Kahrizak since Sunday morning. In Evin Prison, arrestees are not brought in from the prison
entrance but are brought in from the visiting room entrance. Security forces have written the word "Moussavi"
on their (arrestees’) clothes with red or green paint and most of them are badly beaten and have bruises and
injuries. These people are held in ward 240 for lack of space and some of them have been transferred to ward
209. They are denied visits, phone calls, and medical treatment. They are also not fed regularly.
A large number of arrestees have been taken to the notorious Kahrizak Camp, a remote camp where previously
a large number of prisoners have died from abuse and prison conditions in the social security plan. There are
more concerns for the arrestees taken to this camp because of the special conditions in this camp. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – June 15, 2009)
More than 300 arrestees taken to ward A.T in Isfahan Central Prison
According to reports from the Intelligence Agency ward in Isfahan Prison, about 300 detainees who were
arrested in the recent popular protests in Isfahan have been taken to solitary cells in ward A.T.
Most of the injured protesters have avoided going to the hospital for fear of being arrested in the hospital, and
the identity of those who are in critical condition in the hospital is recorded by the intelligence agency and the
hospital Protection Department. These patients are put under severe security surveillance. Intelligence agents
interfere with the treatment of the patients and in some cases prevent proper treatment.
Detainees are taken to Intelligence Detention Centers, police stations, secure secret intelligence agency houses,
and solitary cells in the Central Isfahan Prison, which is under the control of the Ministry of Intelligence in
Isfahan. The detainees are under severe physical torture. Currently about 300 protesters are detained in the A.T
ward in Isfahan Prison. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 18, 2009)
Eyewitnesses reveal brutal systematic torture in prison
According to eyewitnesses, a number of detainees have been freed on bail. A number of them now have
criminal records in the Revolutionary Court. A large number of people are still in prison and many families
have no information on the fate of their loved ones, not knowing whether they have been killed or imprisoned.
As it is widely thought, people were not only arrested in the protests. A large number of people were arrested
while exiting the metro, or getting off a taxi or walking in a street which was far away from the scene of the
protests. A number of people were arrested after security forces violently attacked their homes in the middle of
the night, breaking doors and windows. They were pulled out of their beds with verbal abuses and were arrested.
A family who had a 16 year old child said that their son was freed a week ago from prison, but in the middle of
the night, plainclothes agents attacked their house breaking the door and pulled him out of his bed beating
him. He was taken to unknown location.
There are people from different walks of life among the detainees. From young people to normal people and
university professors who were arrested in different places or in groups. A person said that he went out to get ice
cream and on his way back he was arrested with the ice cream still in his hand.
Eyewitnesses have said that some foreign nationals have also been seen in prison. A black person and a Turk
national, who do not even speak Farsi, were seen in Evin Prison.
A person was arrested when he was taking his wife to the hospital to give birth and he has no information on
his wife's condition. A dentist was arrested after security forces attacked his office. A Bassiji was also amongst the
detainees and because he did not look like a Bassiji he was severely beaten when he was arrested. He claims that
he even has a Bassiji card. Eyewitnesses have said that the number of detainees is so high that ordinary prisoners
are used as prison guards. Due to lack of space, prisoners are forced to sleep on the ground and very close to
each other and the risk of contagious diseases is very high.

Detainees who were not involved in the protests when they were arrested, were beaten with clubs, electric clubs
and sticks from the very beginning of their arrest. Security forces beat them close to death. A plainclothes agents
even shot at the thigh of a prisoner at close range. Detainees have been tortured in Intelligence Centers, Bassij
Bases, Police Stations, prisons, or unknown locations. Witnesses reports very severe and violent torture in Bassij
Detention Centers and Intelligence Centers in Vahdat Islami Street. Those who were injured in the protests,
injured via torture or have gun wounds are not given medical treatment. Prisoners with special illnesses are not
even given medicine their families bring for them. Many of the prisoners are in critical condition. One person
whom had a broken nose said that after he asked for a doctor, he was kicked in a face with a booted leg.
The interrogations are very long and nonstop (7 to 12 hours or more). In these interrogations, they try in
various ways to get false confessions from the prisoners. They also forcefully take the mobile numbers and
emails of the detainees to control their communications with their friends.
After they are freed, their belongings are not given back to them. A prisoner was released from prison in his
underwear and a pair of slippers.
There are also sexual tortures in prison which is more of a concern regarding female prisoners and political
prisoners. Especially considering the Iranian culture, instances of sexual torture are not disclosed and bodies are
not impartially examined in the coroner’s office.
The mental state of freed prisoners is not good. Some prisoners cannot sleep because of the scenes of torture
they have witnessed. An eyewitness reported that many people had convulsions in their sleep and many
prisoners preferred not to sleep.
Instances of torture:
Those who were arrested by the Bassij or plainclothes agents were severely beaten when they were arrested. They
were then taken to intelligence detention centers, Bassij Centers and finally to the Shapur Intelligence
Department before being taken to Evin Prison. They were seriously tortured in each of the locations. Prisoners
who were arrested in this way have said that in the Shapur Intelligence Department, agents expressed regret over
why detainees were beaten so much in the other detention centers and why "they have not saved them a place
(on the body) to beat". But prisoners were still beaten and tortured there.
According to reports, these agents broke the right side of a prisoner's head with a club and then laughed over it
and broke the left side of his head just to make it "concurrent" with the other side.
In the middle of the beatings of a prisoner, an agent pushed the other agents away saying, "you should no abuse
prisoners", then started violently beating the prisoner. After he was tired from beatings, he ordered the others to
start beating the prisoner again.
Another person said that after he asked that his handcuffs be loosened, agents tightened his cuffs to the point
that it pierced his skin and they pulled him with his handcuffs in this way for a long time.
Some prisoners have said that they were made to sit on their knees for four days facing a wall and whenever they
fell asleep, they were beaten in the head. During this time, they were only fed twice with a very scarce amount of
Another prisoner has reported that the first time he was hit with an electric club, he was thrown two meters
because of the shock, but after a while, he was beaten so much that when they touch the electric club to his
hand, he does not show any reaction.
Prisoners with built bodies were beaten much more on the excuse that they had hit security forces or had
destroyed public places.
There have been reports of group beatings, beatings on the body and face with booted legs, beatings with cables,
chains, clubs, electric clubs besides the usual beating with fists and kicks. These instances also apply to injured
An eyewitness reports that the backs of some of the injured prisoners are completely black and bloody due to
the severe beatings. Instances of broken wrists and feet have also been reported. (Human Rights Activists in Iran
– June 29, 2009)


Wounded prisoners forced to sleep on hot asphalted ground with bare body
Eyewitness reports of freed prisoner: After 30 minutes, they
brought in 800 people to the detention center, which had the
capacity for only about 20 to 30 people. They were severely
beaten. Some were severely burned. There was pepper spray
in their eyes. It was very hard to breath.
Those who were brought were beaten with clubs and were
given electric shocks and some were burned because they
were put next to fires. They brought the detainees in from 3
pm to about I think 10 pm. That was when the transfer of
detainees to the temporary detention center ended.
Suddenly a number of security forces were storming the cell
and start beating everyone. These were people who had been
beaten before on the street in the clashes and gatherings.
When you entered the detention center, no one would
answer you. You were not even allowed to make a phone call. We would beg, “Sir my mother is sick, I want to
call her,” but we weren’t allowed to call. We were not allowed to eat anything either.
After about 5 to 6 hours (we did not know the exact time), they transferred us to the Shapur Detention Center
and I realized that the temporary detention center was a good place (compared to Shapur). I swear to God that
they would force the young people they had arrested in the clashes with completely injured and wounded bodies
to sleep on the asphalted ground under the hot sun with bare bodies. They were severely beaten and begged for
a glass of water. The water hose was about 10 meters away but they did not let them drink even one drop of
water. I swear to God that there was a 17-year-old kid who said that the Bassijis in his neighborhood threw him
in a fire and I saw with my own eyes that his hands and arms had no skin. Now imagine that they forced him to
sleep on the hot ground in his condition.
They would suddenly come and say that you have to stand in the position that we tell you to do so. We had to
stand with our hands behind our necks and crouch on the ground. This is tolerable for about 30 minutes or
even an hour but imagine standing like this, eight or ten hours under the sun. A person would come, while we
were in that position, and would jump at anyone he pleased from a distance with his foot in his face. They
would start cussing at Mousavi. I protested once and said, "I did not even vote for Mousavi, who you are cussing
at, at least tell me what my crime is?"
The age range of the detainees was about 17. I even saw a boy who was arrested with a spray paint and I swear
he could not be more than 14 years old. A police officer with a SSF uniform, gripped a boy's head, I think he
was 16 or 17 and looked very young, and picked him up with his head and knocked his head on the wall as if he
was practicing martial arts. (Radio Farda – July 6, 2009)
Jailed prisoner pressured to give televised confession
Omid Salimi is a 31-year-old married photojournalist who has two children. He is also a law student at the
Payam-e Noor Isfahan University and a news student at Tehran University.
On June 14, intelligence agents called his home telling him to come to the RGC offices to get his confiscated
personal belongings. He was arrested on arrival in the RGC office and taken to solitary cells in the A.T ward of
Isfahan Prison run by intelligence agents. His family was able to have a short visit with him in the presence of
intelligence interrogators. He had lost a lot of weight and had been under severe mental pressure and torture to
participate in televised confessions. The Salimi family had no information on their son for 20 days. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – July 7, 2009)
July 9 detainees transferred to Evin Prison
Those who were arrested on July 9 (for participating in widespread demos to mark the anniversary of the
student uprising in 1999) were transferred to Evin Prison today. There is still no information on their identities
how many people were detained. According to eyewitnesses, less than 150 detainees were taken to Evin.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 10, 2009)

Eyewitness accounts of horrible condition of Evin Prison

Eyewitness reports from Evin Prison: Most of the prisoners who were in solidarity cells before the elections have
been in their cells for many days without any care after the postelection arrests. In some instances prisoners have
been abandoned in solitary for 40 to 50 consecutive days.
Prison officials, interrogators and guards, who use Ahmadinejad's presidency as an excuse to harass and abuse
prisoners, have become crueler and harsher in their torture tactics. They do not consider the condition of the
detainees and even brutally batter elderly detainees.
Eyewitnesses have reported that prisoners are kept in solitary cells called dungeons that are so small that the
prisoner cannot even lie down in the cell. The cells have no windows or even the smallest opening for light.
They have no baths and only contain a toilet. Prisoners kept there are not allowed to take bathe in the time of
their stay.
The abuses and tortures the prisoners are subjected to extract confessions from them is indescribable. In many
case interrogations start from 8am to 11pm along with beatings. In several cases detainees who come from
interrogation could not walk on their own and were taken to their cells with the help of guards.
Many of the detainees have been arrested in the past few days in street clashes and demonstrations. Many of
them have injuries and wounds but prison officials do not give them any medical treatment and they are left
with their injuries in prison. These prisoners do no have proper food. The environment of Evin Prison has
become very unhygienic in the past few days due to the large number of prisoners and the lack of services given
to them.
The institutions in charge of the detainments are the Ministry of Intelligence, the RGC, the State Security
Forces and the Bassij. It has been reported that the Bassij are the most brutal in the beating and torture of
One of the prevalent tortures used on those who are supposed to make televised confessions is sleep
deprivation. The prisoner is forced to stand and is not allowed to sleep. According to reports, Judge Mortazavi
hand picks these prisoners.
Judge Hadad and his deputy Heydari Far have been seen on many occasions in the interrogations, which shows
that they are personally perusing many of the cases. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 11, 2009)
Fate of political prisoners in unknown
According to reports from Evin Prison, there is no information on the condition of a number of political
On June 14, intelligence agents stormed the house of Atefeh Nabavi, Seyed Zia Nabavi, the Secretrary of the
Council in Defense of Education (who has also been suspended from education because of political activities),
and a number of their friends and transferred them to ward 209 in Evin Prison. For a few days, no one knew
where they were detained. After two weeks they made contact from prison in very short phone calls.
The Nabavi family along with other families of prisoners have made daily trips to the Revolutionary Court and
Evin Prison to get some information on their loved ones but no one answers their questions. They are told that,
"we will tell you in the future", or "go and come back in two weeks". In this way security forces put mental
pressure on the families and keep them in constant anxiety. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran –
July 13, 2009)
Political prisoner in danger of death
According to reports from ward 1 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, Behruz
Javid Tehrani, who was imprisoned for participating in the 1999 student
unrest is under violent torture and pressure and his life is in serious danger.
In the past few days he has been taken to one of the torture rooms in this
prison blindfolded with tied hands and feet and tortured by a group of
guards. Due to the baton strikes, his whole body has been bruised and his
knees swollen and he can barely walk. His kidneys have also been seriously
damaged due to the tortures. This political prisoner is currently in ward one
of this prison which is part of the "doghouse" cells. In this section, a number of prisoners with dangerous mental
illnesses and prisoners with contagious diseases like hepatitis, HIV and other diseases are kept. The condition in


this section is much more worse than other solitary cells. Tehrani is in very bad physical health and has become
very weak from the tortures. Tortures signs are evident on his body.
His family has not had a visit with him for more than one month and other ways of communication with his
family have almost been completely cut off. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – July 15, 2009)
Political prisoner denied of basic rights and due process
According to reports, political prisoner Hossein Tarlani was taken to the Revolutionary Court from ward 209 in
Evin Prison and trialed.
The 22-year-old political prisoner was put on trial in the 22nd branch of this court on July 5 by Judge Mohseni.
He was charged with being an enemy of god, acting against national security, spreading propaganda against the
government and other charges. Mr.Tarlani denied all the charges calling them fabricated and without legal basis.
When Tarlani consulted his lawyer, Mrs. Nasrin Sutoodeh, after the judge asked a question, he was prevented
from continuing the consultation. His lawyer was also banned from defending him.
In another case, Fatemeh Ziayi, 52, who suffers from multiple sclerosis was taken to court when she was very
sick and could barely stand or sit. She was kept waiting in a very critical condition in the halls of court.
Intelligence interrogators in the prison have cut off her medicine which has led to the deterioration of her
illness. Mrs. Ziayi, was deprived of a lawyer and her family was not notified that she was taken to court. After
waiting for hours, she was returned to ward 209 without being trialed. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists
– July 17, 2009)
Possibility of spread of typhus and meningitis in Evin Prison
There are reports that typhus and meningitis have spread in Evin Prison. According to these reports, on July 17
all the prisoners were given Siproflocasasin (medicine). Due to the large numbers of prisoners in Evin, the
probability of the spread of meningitis and typhus is very high. In light of the limitations in the media coverage
of this prison, there are concerns that postelection unrest has led to a high number arrest of protesters, which
has resulted in the spread of contagions diseases in prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 19, 2009)
Bomb suspect and family under severe torture
A number of people suspected of planting bombs in Khomeini's tomb are under severe torture. Security forces
have arrested the whole family of the suspect in Lorestan and have subjected them to severe mental and physical
torture. According to reports, security agents are trying to get information from his family. The identity of this
person is yet not clear. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 19, 2009)
The life of recent detainees in Isfahan Prison in danger
According to reports from ward A.T run by the intelligence agency, a large number of people especially younger
people are in solitary cells and under torture.
The cells in this ward are filled with protesters arrested in the recent events. The widespread arrests in the
province especially Isfahan are still in progress. Intelligence agents storm people's homes and arrest the residents.
There are children from 15 to 17 years of age amongst the arrestees. According to reports, a 17-year-old's jaw
broke as a result of torture in this prison. A number of the young people have been taken to RGC detention
centers and are under severe torture. There is no information on the condition of a number of the detainees
who have disappeared. This is while their friends and family witnessed their arrest on the streets. The life of
these detainees is in danger.
The families of the detainees are under severe pressure by intelligence agents not to leak the names of their
loved ones and the tortures they are subjected to the outside. They have been threatened that if they do, their
family member inside the prison will have to pay the consequences. Security forces have created an atmosphere
of fear amongst these families. Young men and women who are arrested in their homes are beaten and abused
in front of the rest of their families. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – July 21, 2009)
Jailed journalist transferred to Evin's ward 209
According to reports from the Central Isfahan Prison, photojournalist Omid Salimi was transferred from this
prison to ward 209 in Evin Prison.
The jailed journalist who is also a father of two was kept in very hard conditions in the A.T ward of Isfahan
Prison. He sustained head injuries in the prison and was taken to the public wards a week ago. (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – July 21, 2009)


Regime tortures deaf and mute prisoner

According to reports security forces treat prisoners with severe cruelty and many of them are heedlessly tortured.
In one of these instances, a deaf and mute detainee was severely tortured for many days to confess, under the
suspicion that he was faking his handicap. Finally after many days he was released after a doctor confirmed his
handicap. (Peik-e-Iran website – July 21, 2009)
Security institutions take control of Evin Prison
According to reports, security institutions, namely the Ministry of Intelligence has taken control of wards 240,
241, which worked under the mandate of the Judiciary before this, and the new quarantine section number 7,
in addition to ward 209, which controlled before. This does not include ward 2 A, which belongs to the
Revolutionary Guards Corps.
Currently, security forces have been transferred to Evin from other institutions and are active in the
management and control of the locations were protesters are detained. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – July
21, 2009)
Report on condition of detainees in Evin
According to reports from the families of detainees, about 40 people were arrested in Friday Prayers last week
and their names were posted on the wall of Evin Prison. Many people were arrested in the middle of the night
in their homes. These were people who were arrested in the first week of the post election unrest and who had
been freed on bail. But according to the deputy chief of security, they were arrested again to complete or
reevaluate their criminal records. One of the families said that security forces came to their house at midnight
and arrested their 18-year-old son who was freed only a few days before on a heavy bail. Security forces told them
that they had the arrest warrants of 200 others who were previously freed on bail.
Some of these families claimed that their children were severely beaten the first time they were arrested before
being transferred to Evin. The mother of a detainee said that her 20-year-old son was beaten continuously for 11
hours in the Yusef Abad Police Station. Another mother said that her 28-year-old son was also beaten and that
security forces broke his fingers. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 22, 2009)
No news on condition of political prison in Gohardasht Prison
According to reports from ward 1 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, there is no news on the condition of Behruz
Javid Tehrani who went on a hunger strike on July 14.
This political prisoner went on a hunger strike in protest to the torture he was subjected to in this ward. It is not
clear whether he is detained in the Hosseinieh or solitary cells known as the dog house. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – July 22, 2009)
Political prisoner goes on hunger strike to protest bad prison conditions
According to reports from the Central Ardabil Prison, Babak Dadbakhash has gone on a hunger strike in
protest to the abuse and pressure he is subjected to and being separated from other political prisoners.
In the past few days, the abuse and pressure against political prisoners has increased in this prison. Political
prisoners have been separated from each other and have been each sent to different wards. Officials have also
issued orders to transfer Dadbakhash to solitary. Prison officials have imposed limitations on visiting rights of
political prisoners and have attempted to put pressure on them in this way. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – July 23, 2009)
Detainees held in bad condition in Tehran
According to reports, a number of detainees arrested in the recent unrest on the streets are detained in Tehran's
Shur Abad next to Behesht Zahra Cemetery where drug addicts were kept before.
Eyewitnesses have said that there are pits in this location where detainees are kept in for days without water or
food in very bad conditions. (Nooruz website – July 24, 2009)
Systematic torture in Camp Kahrizak – 2 to 3 people killed everyday in camp
There was a bungalow in Camp Kahrizak. The bungalow had cage like rooms inside of it. The cages were 30
cubic meters each and 40 to 60 people were kept in each cage. The prisoners were barely able to stand in the
cages. About 200 detained protesters and a number of ordinary prisoners were kept in this metal room.


Protesters were tortured immediately upon arrival in the camp which continued for nights. These tortures were
aimed at the prisoners' head, face and sensitive parts of the body. Torturers usually used clubs, metal bars, and
whips to torture prisoners. They also had the right to kill anyone they chose.
Torturers chose their victims and murdered them in the systematic intolerable torture. According to
eyewitnesses, about 2 to 3 people were killed in every 24 hours and about 15 to 20 prisoners were killed in
general. Their bodies were wrapped in blankets and sent to the Kahrizak morgue.
Ahmad Reza Radan, deputy commander of the State Security Forces flied to Kahrizak with a helicopter along
with a number of his accomplices like Kashmiri and Haqi a few days in a week to personally torture and
humiliate prisoners. Ahmad Radan told prisoners in one instance that "This is the number one prison which
tames prisoners and then there's Abuqoraib and Guantanamo. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran
– Aug. 6, 2009)
Interrogators forced imprisoned criminals to torture other prisoners
Kahrizak Camp aka Shur Abad is where "troublemakers" served their prison term and were interrogated, and
according to reports, a number of other prisoners convicted of other crimes were also sent to this detention
In this detention center, a number of inhumane measures including rape and beatings were used against
prisoners by "troublemakers" with the will of interrogators.
Immediately after an investigation, team was sent to the camp and while investigations on the camp were stillin
progress, there were reports that (prison officials) were clearing evidence of these crimes and that some parts of
the camp were being demolished. (Ayandeh state-run website – Aug. 9, 2009)
Regime forces brutally torture political prisoner
According to reports from ward 1 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, political prisoner Behruz Javid Tehrani was
brutally tortured once again. He was tortured so severely that prison guards were forced to take him to the
prison clinic.
On August 5, a number of political prisoners in ward 1 of this prisoner went on a hunger strike in protest to
their intolerable condition. A regime agent named Bakhshi, who was an accomplice in the murder of Iranian
Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi, dragged Javid Tehrani from his prison cell and took him to a location
in which prisoners are tortured. Tehrani was hand cuffed and blindfolded, and a number of prison guards and
the head guard in ward 1 brutally beat him with clubs. As a result of the beatings, Tehrani started to bleed from
various parts of his body. Bakhshi and two other guards franticly took him to the prison clinic. Eyewitnesses
who saw Tehrani in the clinic said that he was severely tortured and the signs were clearly evident on his hand,
back and feet and that his feet were bleeding. Bakhshi did not let any prisoners talk to him. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 9, 2009)
Head of student association tortured in prison
One hundred and seventy days after the temporary detention of Shabnam Madadzadeh, the heads of the 28th
branch of the Revolutionary Court still avoid giving an exact date for her trial.
In her last phone call, the assistant secretary of the Council for Consolidating Unity said that she was being
physically abused in various ways in prison. The heads of ward 209 in Evin Prison have limited her time in using
the restroom and she has developed severe physical problems because of this matter. Madadzadeh who has
developed digestive problems, protested these measures but did not receive a satisfactory answer from prison
officials. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Aug. 10, 2009)
Evin Prison medical clinic deprives ill political prison of treatment
Maryam Ziayi Azad is in serious need of medical treatment after six months of prison and signs of her multiple
sclerosis disease increasing. The 51-year-old prisoner who was arrested in March is still being detained in Evin
Prison. She has severe arthritis, failed kidneys and severe osteoporosis and has no way of providing medication
for her illnesses. She needs liquid calcium to treat her osteoporosis but a doctor in the prison clinic said that
"the prisoner does not need medication..." (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Aug. 10, 2009)
Karubi's son: agents rode on detainees in Kahrizak
Hossein Karubi, son of Mehdi Karubi, said in an interview with Deutsche Welle, “a number of detainees told
me that there were rodents in their cells. They said that (prison guards) threw tear gas in their cell. They would


pile the prisoners on top of each other. They also talked of sexual matters (tortures). They said that they
harassed them in any way possible and beat them vigorously. They said that they were bent down and told that
they were donkeys and a largely built prison guard would ride them and beat their backside with a cable forcing
them to move in that position.” (Deutsche Welle – Aug. 10, 2009)
Political prisoner: drugs are plentiful in prison
Sayid Matin-pour has spent one month from his eight month prison sentence in Evin Prison. He was under
treatment after spending nine months in prison and in solitary under physical and mental pressure. His wife has
stressed that he is not in a good physical condition.
Sayid Matin-pour said in call from prison: "I think the problem that exists in all the section of prison is
addiction. This should be less of a problem in the financial ward (for financial prisoners) but currently in our
room, we have five drug addicts and one person who sometimes uses. There is also plenty of crack (chemical
Heroin which is highly addictive chemical drug and causes small maggot like worms on the body and eventually
kills addict) and shishe (another chemical addictive drug) in prison". (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Aug. 10, 2009)
Rape of imprisoned men and women normal procedure in regime jails
Setareh, a political prisoner, referred to one of her cellmates who she said was raped and said, "This lady was
raped after her arrest and when they realized she was pregnant, they took her to solitary until her baby was born.
The baby was immediately taken away from her and she was severely pressured and threatened not to say
anything about the rape".
Mahmoud Khalili, a former prisoner in the 80's said in this regard, "Some of those who left Iran in the past few
years have said that when they wanted to rape a male prisoner, they told him that he was going to be a 'bride'
that night". (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 11, 2009)
Kahrizak not closed down
According to reports, the Kahrizak detention center has not been completely closed down and some people are
still detained in the camp. This is while it was announced by officials in the past few weeks that the camp had
been closed down and the offenders (supposedly prison guards and officials involved in torturing detainees) had
been arrested. (E'temad state-run daily – Aug. 12, 2009)
Iran tortures detainees under pretext of involvement in protests
Eleven Kurds from Saqez who were arrested for smuggling cloth, clothes and satellite receivers have been
tortured by security police in Tehran.
These prisoners were arrested on July by security police in Tehran. State security forces demanded that they give
false confession saying that "you played a major part in spreading the protests by bringing satellite receivers to
After one month of torture and while they could not even walk, they were taken to section 7 and 8 of Evin
Prison. Ata Kasnezani is in the worst physical condition out of the prisoners. Like the other prisoners he has to
use a urine sack due to the damages he sustained from the torture and one of the tortures used against him is
that agents kick at his urine sack which causes the urine to flow back into his bladder.
Currently all the prisoners mentioned are in very bad physical condition and in this situation, the prison doctor
avoids treating them under the excuse that he has a lot of work to do. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug.
12, 2009)
UN rights experts warn Iran over torture and deaths in custody of opponents
Iran's Revolutionary Court must reject confessions of political opponents extracted under torture or harsh
interrogation, three UN human rights experts warned Iran on Thursday.
In a joint statement, the experts said they were continuing to receive reports of deaths in custody and of torture
of opponents arrested during the wave of protests in Iran.
'No judicial system can consider as valid a confession obtained as a result of harsh interrogations or under
torture,' said the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Manfred Nowak.
'These confessions for alleged crimes such as threats against national security and treason must not, under any
circumstances, be admitted as evidence by the Revolutionary Court,' added El Hadji Malick Sow, vice-chair of
the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.
Both experts, together with Margaret Sekaggya, special rapporteur on human rights defenders, expressed alarm
at 'consistent allegations of severe practices of torture to obtain confessions.'

Those allegedly targetted included OPPOSITION figures, lawyers, journalists and human rights activists.
The UN human rights office said reports of people dying in custody continue to be received, and their families
were given 'false or contradictory' information on the cause of deaths.
Many detainees were held without being charged and denied family visits, legal assistance, or medical treatment,
the statement added. (AFP – Aug. 13, 2009)
Iran tortures dissident cleric
According to reports, a recently freed cleric wrote a letter to the leader of the government (Khamenei) describing
the catastrophe in the prison in detail.
He was released after ten days and in this time, he was under calamitous torture and physical harassment, which
he has fully described in his letter to the leadership. In his letter, he has notified Khamenei of the insults,
violent treatment, vulgar language and the condition of the detention center.
This dissident cleric has written in his letter that he was released on the street half-naked in only his underwear.
(Noruz Website – Aug. 13, 2009)
MP: Tehran MP Head of notorious detention camp
A member of the Majority Fraction of Iran's parliament introduced the head of the Kahrizak
Detention Center. This representative who did not want to be named stressed that Hossein
Fadayi, the Tehran representative and head of the Isargaran Community was responsible for this
camp in the events after the elections and that this is a proven fact for the Special Parliamentary
"Up to now, two examples of inhuman measures have been proven by the Special Parliamentary
Committee Investigating the Condition of Detention Centers. The first case is keeping unrest
suspects naked in the detention centers and the other is preventing them from using the
It is worth noting that Fadayi is a zealous supporter of Ahmadinejad. (Noruz Webstite – Aug. 15, 2009)
Inquiry needed into Iran torture claims: Amnesty
'The Supreme Leader must act, and act now, to address the spiral of abuse,' said Amnesty's secretary general
Irene Khan. 'Official denials are not enough.
'What is needed is a root and branch investigation into the allegations of torture, including rape, and other
abuses, and the Supreme Leader should invite international experts - such as the UN special rapporteurs on
torture and on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions - to visit Iran and participate in the investigation, if
it is to have credibility at home and abroad'. (AFP – Aug. 15, 2009)
Female prisoner: I was given electric shocks in prison
A parliament member who chose to stay anonymous said that he went to visit the women's ward in Evin Prison
with a group of MPs.
“In the women's section we asked who had been in Kahrizak and for them to give details of how they were
treated in the camp. One of the woman said that she was stripped bare in Kahrizak and told to enter a barrel of
water and then they administered electric shocks to her body in the barrel. She said that her whole body was
shaking with pain,” he said. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Aug. 15, 2009)
Families of detainees disclose details of horrifying torture in prison
Last night in a visit between a hard-line parliament member and a group of families of detainees and those who
were injured in the recent events, new dimensions of tortures on detainees were disclosed.
The mother of Hengameh Shahidi, a detained journalist, expressed serious concerns about the condition of her
daughter in prison.
“When I saw her (in a visit in prison) she was not very alert and when I hugged her and stroked her head and
back she moaned with pain,” she said.
“I told her to resist and that she should not make confessions against herself. She said that they give them pills
in prison which makes them totally empty minded and that they cannot think straight.”
This concerned mother also said that they came to her daughter's cell a number of times every day telling her
that they are going to take her for execution.

The father of one of the detainees who has been under severe torture said, “My son had severe injuries from the
tortures and one of his eyes was emptied out. He has also partially lost his eyesight in his other eye.”
“The signs of pellets are also evident on his head and his kidneys have also been damaged,” the father said.
A person who was shot in Azadi Square also talked about how he was shot, detained, and tortured.
“I was buying a drink from a vendor when I was shot in the leg. I tried to pull myself aside but a number of
plainclothes who noticed that I was shot beat and detained me. I was taken to a hospital where they took the
bullet out but then they took me to another place and they repeatedly struck my leg where they had stitched the
bullet wound and I lost a lot of blood,” he said. (Nurooz Website – Aug. 16, 2009)
Prisoners force-fed mind-altering pills before interrogation
While officials and leader of Friday Prayers deny allegations of rape, sexual abuse and torture of prisoners, there
are reports of horrifying torture in ward 2 Alef run by the Revolutionary Guards Corps. These reports say that
prisoners are physically and mentally tortured while most of the prisoners are fed pills, which causes them to
lose control over their words and actions.
A source said that before the interrogation sessions, they are force fed pills, which causes them to lose control
over what they say and how they act, but it does not seem like they do not have control over themselves from
the outside.
Prisoner Mohammad Ali Abtahi had told his family before this they are giving him pills in prison, which causes
him to have abnormal behavior, and now the family of this reformer is severely under pressure to deny this
This source also said that those who are not willing to take the pills are force-fed the pills after they are beaten
with clubs and whips and all the confessions have been taken from the prisoners after they take the pill.
According to this report, after the effects of the pill wears out, the prisoner does not remember what he said or
wrote (in his confessions). (Rooz Online – Aug. 16, 2009)
17 unmonitored detention centers in Tehran
The issue of illegal detention centers in which suspects and detainees are denied their most basic rights which
leads to catastrophes, as Kahrizak is very important and obscure. Khabar Daily (state-run) has published the list
of a number of detention centers, which have obscure management, and monitoring.
According to this report, the Tehran Intelligence Detention Center (Shahpur), the Army Intelligence Protection
Detention Center, the Public Places Department Detention Center, the Ministry of Defense Intelligence
Protection Detention Center aka 64, the State Security Forces Intelligence Protection Detention Center, the
RGC Intelligence Protection Detention Center, Evin Prison's ward 209 run by the Intelligence Agency, the
Intelligence Detention Center in Shahr-e Rey, the anti-narcotics Detention Center in Shahr-e Rey, Police
Station Number 160 Detention Center, the Intelligence Detention Center in Varamin, the Shahriar
Intelligence Detention Center, the anti-narcotics Detention Center in Shahriar and the detention center, which
belongs to area 7 of the Revolutionary Court are a number of these detention centers. The Kahrizak Detention
Center and ‘Minus Four level’ of the Ministry of Interior Affairs are also two detention centers used in the
recent events.
These are a number of detention centers in Tehran Province, which are obscure, and their management
conditions are not clear. These detention centers are mostly all out of the jurisdiction of the Organization to
Oversee Prisons and in some cases are even secret. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters– Aug. 16, 2009)
An excerpt of an interview with a detainee of recent unrest in Tehran
This report was given by a former prisoner who was arrested in the past two months. His name will not be given
due to security reasons.
I was going to visit a relative when I was suddenly arrested by plainclothes and anti riot forces in Guisha (Nasr
Street) at 10 pm without any charges. I was beaten from the onset of arrest and taken to Police Station No. 127.
We were 25 in a room having at most 10-person capacity and all of us were severely beaten and abused while
outraged with humiliating insults.
Next day we were transferred to the Tehran Intelligence Detention Center, Shahpur. They didn’t give us any
food and water for the two days. We were around 500. They continuously kicked us such that both my feet were
bruised all over and could not walk while we were handcuffed all the time. Then we were taken to a security

police detention with much worse condition, and we were 60 there. If we looked around, they would hit our
heads and faces by club such that my nose was broken from two points there. For three days, I was beaten so
harshly that I didn’t feel any pain. Eventually I was transferred to Evin Prison without being charged of
Our cell in Evin Prison was too overcrowded that we were laying on our sides tight to each other. One night I
woke up since the 18-year-old boy sleeping next to me was violently shaking in his sleep. I woke him up because
he spoke in his sleep out of fear. When I asked him why he was too terrified, he told me that after he was
arrested he was taken to the security police. They blindfolded him after beating him and put a noose around his
neck to make him confess. They had made him stand on a pedestal and threatened that they would pull it from
under his feet and hang him. They had threatened that they would then destroy his body and his family would
never know what happened to him. They hit and shook the pedestal a number of times to scare the young
man… (Human Rights Activists website – Aug. 16, 2009)
Young prisoner who disclosed being raped disappears
According to reports, in a visit to prison by parliament members, a young man who had been severely abused in
prison got up and introduced himself as A.B. The young man then said that before he was brought to Evin he
was detained at Kahrizak where he was violently raped with a club on several occasions. He still excretes blood as
a result. After the prisoner finished speaking, the head of the parliament delegation arranged for the prisoner to
be treated at the prison clinic. After about 30 minutes when the delegation left the prison, A.B was brought
back to his cell and told the other prisoners that he was not treated. Two hours later, Judge Mortazavi, Tehran's
prosecutor, personally came to the ward and told him to gather his things. He was taken to an unknown
location and no one knows his whereabouts. (Moj-e Azadi [Freedom Wave] website – Aug. 17, 2009)
Prisoners in Evin denied of minimum rights
Due to the high number of arrests of dissidents especially in Tehran, most prisoners are kept in unhygienic
conditions in prison.
Currently, every cell in the General Ward houses two times its capacity and despite this issue, prisoners have
been denied their portion of detergent powder, soap, shampoo and other sanitary items for two months. This
has led to the spread of contagious diseases and many prisoners have developed skin diseases like scabies. Lice
and other bugs have also spread in prison.
Since the distribution of the prisoner's minimum needs has been cut, many prisoners do not even have blankets
and their families are not allowed to provide their needs. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 17, 2009)
Leading Iran lawyer beaten in prison
Dr. Mohammad Ali Dadkhah who has been imprisoned since July 8 was severely beaten in prison. The member
of the Center of Human Rights Lawyers has been pressured into confessing that other members of this group
are "traitors".
An informed source has said that in addition to being beaten, Dr. Dadkhah has also been throwing down from
the spiral stairs of the third story of a building and has been catching in as he was falling.
This source has emphasized that this violent torture has been used against Dadkhah a number of times but
despite all the pressure, the lawyer has not confessed. (Nurooz state-run Website – Aug. 18, 2009)
Student under torture after one month
Fifty-nine days after the temporary detainment of Payman Aref, a student who had been expelled from
university, his legal status is still not clear. This former student, who is currently in solitary in Evin Prison's ward
209, has been under the most severe physical and mental torture.
His lawyer Mohammad Oliya-Fard, said regarding his client, "The only charge that my client has been accused of
is an interview he had on having doubts in the tenth presidential elections and he is currently detained in ward
209 of Evin on a temporary arrest warrant".
"When my client was in solitary, interrogators told him that his wife was in solitary as well to put pressure on
him. This is while Mr. Aref's wife was never arrested ", he added. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 18,
Iran dismisses prison interrogator to acquit officials from Kahrizak scandal
One of the interrogators of the Security branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court named Haydari-Fard, was
removed from his post due to his part in the torture and murders committed in Kahrizak.

This interrogator was actually considered Judge Hadad's deputy and was appointed as the judicial head of this
detention center by the Judge. Haydari-Fard got all of his orders on the prisoners in Kahrizak from Hadad.
Haydari-Fard has been dismissed while there are still no reports that Hadad, the assistant Tehran Prosecutor
whose real name is Hossein Zare' Dehnavi, and his boss Saeid Mortazavi are going to be dealt with (because of
the Kahrizak scandal). (Green Wave of Freedom – Aug. 18, 2009)
Amnesty: Independent investigation needed into rape and torture in detention in Iran
Allegations that election protesters were tortured and raped in detention must be urgently investigated by the
Iranian authorities, Amnesty International's Secretary General said on Saturday. Irene Khan called on Iran's
Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to institute an immediate, independent inquiry into the allegations, and to
invite international experts - including the UN's experts on torture and extrajudicial killings - to help carry it
out. 'Reports emerging from Iran allege that both men and women detainees have been tortured, including by
rape … in some cases causing their deaths,' said Irene Khan. 'The forms of abuse described appear to have been
intended to degrade and humiliate the victims in the most extreme way. If the allegations are well-founded those
responsible must be brought to justice without delay.’ …
'The Supreme Leader must act, and act now, to address the spiral of abuse,' said Irene Khan. 'Official denials are
not enough. What is needed is a root and branch investigation into the allegations of torture, including rape,
and other abuses, and the Supreme Leader should invite international experts - such as the UN special
rapporteurs on torture and on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions - to visit Iran and participate in the
investigation, if it is to have credibility at home and abroad.' (Amnesty International Website – Aug. 17, 2009)
Wife of political activist says husband kept in 'grave' for 35 days
Reports that Ahmad Zeid Abadi and Feizollah Arab Sorkhi, two detained political activists have been
hospitalized and that their trial on August 19 was postponed has raised fears of them being tortured in prison.
On August 18, there were reports that the condition of Zeid Abadi and Arab Sorkhi had deteriorated in prison.
According to the 'Green Wave of Freedom' website, these two were put under pressure to participate in court
and were beaten. This website also reported that they had gone on a hunger strike.
Mehdieh Mohammadi, Zeid Abadi's wife, was able to visit her husband in prison for the first time after 53 days.
According to her, Zeid Abadi immediately announced his hunger strike after he was arrested at midnight and
detained in solitary in the 2A ward. But according to her, no one opened the cell door for 17 days.
"In the 17 days, no one came to his cell. He was kept in a 1 meter by 1,5 meter room. He said the cell was sound
proof and no noises could be heard inside of it. He said it was exactly like a grave. This is what all the other
prisoners who have had visits with their families have told their families. He was kept in a cell that was like a
grave and nothing could be heard inside and no one even came to the cell for 17 days", she said. (Radio
Germany Website – Aug. 19, 2009)
Prisoners of recent protests in undetermined condition in prison
According to reports, more families of detainees have joined the hunger strike outside Evin Prison and the
Revolutionary Court in Tehran. On Wednesday Aug. 19, about 150 family members of detainees, many of
them elderly men and women were still on a hunger strike outside the Revolutionary Court waiting for officials
to answer their questions regarding their loved ones in prison.
These families were very concerned for their loved ones, especially after hearing news of torture in prison,
because they do not have any information on their condition. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 20, 2009)
Prisoners forced to listen to long religious lectures in prison
According to reports, after interrogators reached a dead end in proving that prisoners were trying to carry out a
'velvet revolution', 'soft overthrow' or had 'communication with foreign countries', they are attempting to force
prisoners into Ideological repentance by forcing them to listen to long and boring lectures.
Interrogators force prisoners to listen to their speeches on ideological issues like the theory of the Velayate Faqih
(Supreme Leader) in their interrogation sessions or force them to read books on the ideological theory of the
This report says that in some cases prisoners have been forced to listen to two to three hour lectures at
midnight or even 3 or 4 am on why it is 'necessary to listen to the Wednesday night speeches of the leader to
achieve salvation'. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Aug. 20, 2009)


Interrogators put pressure on student detainees to confess to links to PMOI

Student activists are under pressure in prison to confess to having links to the PMOI. Many men who have been
arrested have also been kept in solitary for two months in Evin Prison.
Reports from prison say that some prisoners have been under interrogations known as the "Nefaq Group".
Prisoners are told in these interrogations that if they do not confess to having links with the PMOI, they will be
sentenced to long prison terms and they will only be released from prison if they make such a confession. (Rooz
Website – Aug. 24, 2009)
Prison guards attack political prisoners in Gohardasht Prison
On Sunday August 30 at about 8:30 am, agents of the Gohardasht Protection and Intelligence Department and
a large number of prison guards raided ward 4 in this prison and violently beat all the political prisoners in this
ward. The guards transferred the prisoners to the prison yard beating and insulting them. A number of
prisoners were injured in this raid including Seyed Reza Husseini, 28, who sustained an injury in his arm. The
prisoners were kept under the hot summer sun for 5 hours in the yard. While they were in the yard, guards
raided their cells and confiscated and destroyed their minimum belongings that their families had brought for
them. They also confiscated the prisoners' notes and papers.
Some of the prisoners who were attacked in this raid and taken to the prison yard were Mansour Asalu, head of
the Tehran Bus Union, political prisoners Shir Mohammad Rezayi, Hamid and Asghar Banazadeh, Mohammad
Ali Mansouri, Arjang Davudi, Afshin Baimani, Saleh Kohandel, Ali Mo'ezi, Hood Yazerlu and a number of
other political prisoners.
After the raid, political prisoners Afshin Baimani and Hamed Heidarlu were taken to the Protection and
Intelligence Department. They were threatened to death by the assistant head of the department.
"We will send you to ward 1 and have they cut you into pieces with knives. First we will kill Hamed to prove to
you that we are serious and then we will kill you", Nabi-ollah Faraj Nejad told Afshin. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 30, 2009)
Political activist beaten in prison
Despite a ruling in the 3rd branch of Tehran's Security Court for the release of Keyvan Samimi, Judge Motazavi,
Tehran's Prosecutor has so far prevented the release of this political prisoner.
Despite the fact that officials deny the violent treatment of prisoners, this political activist told his family in his
last visit that in addition to being kept in solitary for a long time, he was severely beaten and they were forced to
take him to the prison medical clinic where he was hospitalized for one day. (Nurooz Website – Aug. 30, 2009)
Life of jailed 76-year-old political activist in danger
Since the arrest of Dr. Mohammad Maleki, a political activist and the first head of Tehran University after the
revolution and, one week ago, he has been taken to ward 209 in Evin Prison and there is no news on his
condition. He has not contacted his family from prison yet.
His family said that when his wife went to the Revolutionary Court to see the judge residing over his case, they
were told that the judge and his secretary had gone on vacation.
According to this report, Dr. Maleki was receiving treatment for his prostate cancer and had to have a shot last
Thursday. But due to the fact that prison conditions are not suitable for the rest he needs after the shot, his
doctor has ordered that his treatment by stopped. This treatment process had gone on for six months and his
condition had reached a stable state. The shots were meant to keep his state in control but they have now been
stopped. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Aug. 29, 2009)
Student prisoner under pressure to give TV interview and 'confess'
According to reports from ward 209 in Evin Prison, Hasan Tarlani, student political prisoner is under severe
pressure by interrogators to give a TV confession.
After he was sentenced to 10 years of prison and returned to ward 209, interrogators from the intelligence
agency have put severe mental pressure on him for this end. He is interrogated 3 to 6 hours a day. The head
interrogator and torturer known as Sayid Sheikhan told Tarlani while taking him to the interrogation room that
"we wanted to break you with the sentence we gave you…".


Hasan Tarlani was arrested on February 20 after intelligence agents raided his home and has been in prison for
195 days in Evin's ward 209. He is suffering from digestive problems as a result of the tortures. (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 1, 2009)
Labor activist thrown in solitary in Gohardasht Prison
According to reports from ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, Mansour Asalu, the head of Tehran's Bus
Union was taken today to solitary confinement in ward 1 known as the 'doghouse'.
The head of the Bus Union was suddenly taken from his ward and taken to ward 1, called the death row ward
which prison guards call the 'doghouse'. The condition in this ward is horrible and political prisoners who are
transferred here are subjected to severe and violent torture. Political prisoner Behruz Javid Tehrani is currently
in this ward. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 2, 2009)
Detained Iran reformist says under pressure to confess
A top reformist who has been detained since the June presidential election said he is under pressure from
authorities to make confessions against his will, a reformist website reported on Saturday.
Abdollah Ramezanzadeh, former spokesman for the government of reformist ex-president Mohammad Khatami,
said he and his teenage son were badly beaten during his arrest and that his head and ribs were 'broken.'
'During interrogations, I was under pressure to do interviews (confessions) such as those that Abtahi and
Atrianfar did,' Ramezanzadeh was quoted as saying by parlemennews, a website run by the minority reformist
faction in parliament.
He was referring to senior reformists Mohammad Ali Abtahi and Mohammad Atrianfar who are on trial for
their alleged role in unleashing unrest after the disputed re-election of Ahamdinejad…
But Ramezanzadeh said he is being held in solitary confinement since his arrest which took place after the first
result of the June 12 election emerged.
'I was detained only to settle political scores,' said Ramezanzadeh, who spoke to a parlemennews website reporter
during a court visit on Wednesday.
'During my arrest, they beat my teenage son, they broke my head and ribs and I still carry scars. I have not been
notified of my charges yet. They want to accuse me of participating in illegal gatherings
even when I was arrested only hours after first results were out,' Ramezanzadeh added.
(AFP - Sept 5, 2009)
Dr. Maleki's condition worsens in prison
The wife of Dr. Maleki, a former head of Tehran University, has said that his condition
has worsened in prison.
Dr. Mohammad Maleki was arrested on August 22 when five intelligence agents came to
his home in Tehran.
Qodssi Mirmo'ez, his wife said in an interview that in short call from prison on September
2, Dr. Maleki told her that he has severe urine irritation and that his physical condition had deteriorated. He
also stressed that he had to receive treatment as soon as possible…
When his family went to see him on September 6 and 7, prison officials said that Dr. Maleki has been banned
from family visits. (Voice of Germany Website – Sep. 7, 2009)
Jailed journalist in danger
According to reports from ward 350 of Evin Prison, Mohammad Hussein Falahieh Zadeh,
jailed journalist has been transferred to the prison medical clinic due to his deteriorating
physical condition.
The journalist has finished his prison term but interrogators have said that he can only be
released on a 30,000 dollar bail. This is while he is not able to afford such a sum and in this
way the regime intentionally keeps him in prison.
He has gone on a dry hunger strike (hunger strike without water) from about 3 days ago in
protest to this issue. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 8, 2009)
Moussavi top aide taken to hospital due to torture
According to reports from Iran, Alireza Beheshti, an aide to Mir Hussein Moussavi who was arrested on
Monday was taken to the hospital as a result of torture. (Al-arabia TV – Sep. 10, 2009)


Political prisoner banned from going to mother's funeral

According to reports from ward 209 in Evin Prison, the physical condition of Fatemeh Ziayi who suffers from
multiple sclerosis is very poor but she is not given serious treatment for her illness. Intelligence agency
Interrogators also deprived her from going to her mother's funeral. Ziayi, 52, has had several attacks due to her
illness and prison guards were forced to take her to the prison clinic.
Her family went to the 14th branch of the Revolutionary Court to get a request for a leave so that she could
participate in the funeral but they were told that since her children were in Camp Ashraf, she was banned from
going to her mother's funeral. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 10, 2009)
Regime forces storm and abuse political prisoner
According to reports from ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, political prisoners are under constant abuse
and pressure from prison agents.
On Saturday September 5, the assistant head of the Protection and Intelligence Department in this prison,
Nabiollah Faraj-nejadi, and a number of other agents stormed the cell of political prisoner Arjang Davoudi and
violently abused and insulted him. Faraj-nejadi told, "We cut you like a goat and slaughter you".
Davoudi has not participated in the daily head counts of prisoners which is used to insult political prisoners. He
cannot participate due to his poor physical condition but in the last few days, he has been subjected to pressure
under this excuse.
Arjang Davoudi was arrested in 2003 and was trialed 16 months after and sentenced to 15 years of prison and
70 lashes. His sentence was never formally announced to him. Despite this, he has still not received his final
sentence and is waiting for a trial after all these years. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep.
11, 2009)
Kurd man under torture and abuse in prison
A Kurd prisoner identified as Hamed Ahmadi has been in Orumieh Prison under severe torture by regime
forces. He was arrested by intelligence agents in Baneh on charges on cooperating with opposition Kurdish
Parties and was taken to Orumieh Prison. He is from the Darineh Village and lives in the city of Baneh.
(Kurdistan Media – Sep. 13, 2009)
Bloody prison clash sponsored by prison officials leaves 9 severely injured
According to reports from ward 1 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, a bloody clash led to the injuries of 30
prisoners yesterday. Nine of these prisoners are in critical condition and have been taken to hospitals outside
the prison.
There was a clash at about 2:30 am on September 23 in this ward. Nine prisoners reported to be in critical
condition are on the verge of death and some reports say that a prisoner identified as Mosa (Moses) Maleki is
Political prisoners and other prisoners are taken to this ward for torture. This ward has medieval conditions
which is used to torture and put pressure on prisoners. Ward 1 also has various mafias and gangs, which are
active in distributing drugs and eliminating resistant prisoners. These gangs work under the orders of Ali Haj
Kazem and Ali Mohammadi the head and assistant head of the prison and Kermani and Nabiollah Faraj-nejad
the head and assistant head of the prison's Protection and Intelligence Department. Political prisoners Mansour
Osalu, the head of the Trade Union of drivers of Tehran Bus Company (Trade Union of Sherkat-e Vahed) and
Behrouz Javid Tehrani are currently in this ward. Kermani and Nabiollah Faraj-nejad have threatened political
prisoners that they would be transferred to this ward and physically eliminated. Political prisoner Afshin
Baimani has been threatened in this way several times. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran– Sep.
15, 2009)
Evin's 209 full of women arrested in protests
A number of women who were recently released from ward 209 in Evin Prison have said that this ward is still
full of women and girls who were arrested in events after the elections and that their names have not been
published in the media. The former prisoners do not know the description of many of them because
communications between prisoners in this ward is almost impossible. But these women are sure that mostly all
the prisoners were arrested in the events after the elections in protests and ceremonies for those killed in the
Behesht Zahra Cemetery.


One of these women imprisoned for more than 80 days in this ward is a young woman identified as Atefeh
Nabavi who according to reports has been put under severe pressure to confess to having communications and
links to opposition groups outside the country. This is while according to her former cellmates, she did not have
any communications with these groups and only participated in a number of protest gatherings after the
elections. She is currently in a poor mental condition. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 16, 2009)
Evin prisoners forced to eat biscuits due to poor quality food
The very low quality of food in ward 209 in Evin Prison where prisoners of post election
protests are detained, has forced many prisoners to eat biscuits they buy themselves.
Mrs. Kariman, the mother of political prisoner and women's rights activist Shiva Nazar
Ahari reported this on Monday after she visited her daughter.
"From the beginning of Ramadan, Shiva has been eating biscuits and dates and
sometimes milk that she buys with her own money because from the beginning of
Ramadan, the food quality in ward 209 has become very bad and Shiva said that it is
uneatable", she said.
Shiva Nazar Ahari "One would expect that the food quality be better for the month of Ramadan in which
prisoners are given food twice a day instead of the usual three times. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Sep. 16, 2009)
Political prisoner transferred to Gohardasht Prison's 'doghouse'
According to reports from ward 4 in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, political prisoner Afshin Baimani was
transferred to ward 1 after security forces from the Protection and Intelligence Department stormed his cell.
On Tuesday September 15, security forces violently removed him from his cell and took him to a solitary cell in
ward 1, which is known as the doghouse. This was carried out by the head and assistant head of the Protection
and Intelligence Department, Kermani and Nabiollah Faraj-nejad and a number of guards.
According to other reports, political prisoners who are in one ward together have been separated and
transferred to the Hosseineih (prayer hall) section of prison. Hamid and Asghar Bannazadeh have been
transferred to the Hosseineih and pressure and threats to separate other political prisoners have increased.
Political prisoner Mansour Radpour has also been threatened to be transferred to the Hosseineih. This section
has very bad conditions. The number of prisoners kept in this section are much more than its capacity and
prisoners have to sleep on the ground side to side and cannot move about freely. The hygienic conditions in this
section are also appalling and it is full of lice and other vermin. A number of prisoners kept in this section are
drug addicts and dangerous criminals.
Political prisoners are also in danger of attacks by prison mafia gangs organized by prison officials. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 17, 2009)
Rape is planned torture to break spirits of young detainees
The International Campaign for Human Rights expressed grave concern over the safety of Ibrahim Sharifi (jail
rape witness), his family and friends.
Sharifi, one of Mehdi Karoubi's witnesses and a victim of rape in jail who escaped Iran after being threatened by
Judiciary officials to deny his rape claims is currently outside of Iran but is being pursued by (the Iranian
regime). His family and friends are under pressure as well to participate in TV shows to deny his claims.
According to these reports, other rape victims are also under the same pressure.
Hadi Qaemi, a spokesman for the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said, "What happened to
Ibrahim is not an incident but rather it is a method of planned torture to break the spirits of young detainees".
"Despite the fact that information on this issue is incomplete, reports we have received show that rape was not
only carried out in one detention center or one city and it was not only used against girls but rather on boys as
"It seems that on the grounds of the sort of evaluation that security forces had of the composition of protesters,
who were mostly young people, sometimes from traditional families, they used the policy of rape and sexual
abuse in prisons on these kind of people and released them after the rape", Qaemi explained about the object of
rape as a form of torture.
"Most of these people stay silent after their release and are in a state of complete passivity and depression. A
large number of them who speak of rape in prison are suppressed by their own family and friends. With this

method, instead of suppressing these young protesters themselves, security forces force the society to suppress
them. On the other hand, because of the traditional view of the society on things like sexual relations, security
forces intended to create terror and fear amongst the people so that they would prevent their young from taking
part in protests", he added. (JRS Website – Sep. 20, 2009)
Official: Former Tehran Prosecutor connected to notorious Kahrizak Detention Center
Parviz Sarvari, a spokesman for the Secretariat Delegation of the National Security Council and the head of a
special parliamentary committee on recent incidents said in an interview that the measures taken by the judge
connected to the Kahrizak Detention Center was with coordination with former Tehran Prosecutor, Sayid
Parviz Sarvari: In our examinations of Kahrizak, we reached the conclusion that there were two problems in
their working process. Firstly, in our view, those who worked in the judicial system committed a great violation
because though they knew that the Kahirzak Detention Center was only for detaining troublemakers and drug
addicts and those who had committed serious murders, and the facilities in the detention center are suitable for
these kinds of people. Nevertheless, the judge ordered that detainees (arrested in the protests) be transferred to
Kahrizak. The second problem was that in out-view, the Kahrizak Detention Center is nonstandard, and the
detainees were not treated suitably.
Question: Do you mean that the Tehran Prosecutor had ordered the detainees to Kahrizak?
Sarvari: No, the related judge ordered this, but naturally, the judge coordinated this with the prosecutor.
Question: So did the judge coordinate with the Tehran Prosecutor?
Sarvari: There was definitely coordination. (Ayandeh Website – Sep. 19, 2009)
Ward 209 and RGC ward filled with Quds Day protesters
According to reports from ward 209, after the widespread arrests made on Quds Day on September 18, a large
number of recent political prisoners have been transferred to the quarantine section of Evin Prison for lack of
room in 209 and they have been put 2 to 3 in solitary cells.
A large number of prisoners have also been transferred to solitary cells in ward 241 and the RGC ward. Officials
also transferred a number of male and female political prisoners to the quarantine section in ward 7 and the
quarantine female section from ward 209 for lack of room on September 19. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – Sep. 22, 2009)
Female student prisoner taken to dangerous criminals ward
Shabnam Madadzadeh, the assistant secretary of the Tehran Council for Office for Consolidating Unity and
political secretary for the Teacher Training University's Islamic Association who has been in temporary
incarceration for seven months thus far, was transferred to the dangerous criminal's ward.
She was taken to this ward known as the Methadone ward three days ago along with five other female prisoners
including Shiva Nazar Ahari and Mahsa Naderi.
The Methadone Ward was used for prisoners with serious addictions, which is no longer in use and has horrible
hygienic conditions. The sewage system in the bathroom has broken down and the stench causes nausea for
Shabnam and the other prisoners. (Amir Kabri Newsletter – Sep. 22, 2009)
76-year-old political prisoner suffering from cancer deprived from medical treatment
Dr. Mohammad Maleki, the first head of Tehran University after the revolution and an activist, has been
imprisoned for more than a month. In addition to other illnesses, he suffers from advanced prostate cancer and
has been imprisoned in solitary cells and only receives basic medical attention in prison, which is limited to
receiving sedatives.
His lawyer Dr. Youssef Molayi said that he has only visited with his wife and lawyer once during this time and
that he does not have access to his client’s case and his charges until the case is completed by the case
interrogator and referred to court. He also said that his client's prison term has been renewed for another two
Mohammad Maleki, 76, was bedridden in his home when they came to arrest him according to his wife and was
taken to the detention center directly from bed. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 23, 2009)


Journalist beaten and pressured to back down in court

Ahmad Zaidabadi, the general secretary of the Iran Danesh Amukhtegan Organization and well known
journalist is severely beaten by his interrogators in prison. This is while his main charge is writing an open letter
to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Mahdieh Mohammadi, his wife has disclosed new information about the condition
of her husband. Zeidabadi, who is in ward 240 in Evin Prison, is under severe
pressure to read a letter in court that his interrogator has written instead of
defending himself.
"The interrogator of Mr. Zaidabadi, who was incarcerated in ward 2A which was like
a grave for 35 days, has interrogated him very harshly and violently after he was
transferred to ward 240", his wife said.
According to Mrs. Mohammadi, the interrogator has told Zaidabadi "we have orders
to crush you and if you don’t cooperate we will do whatever we want with you and if
you don’t write what we say on paper, we will force feed you the papers".
"This interrogator violently beat Ahmad and Ahmad said that he used a lot of violent force against him".
"The men (officials) have announced that Zaidabadi does not want a lawyer; In my last visit with Ahmad, I asked
him why he did not want a lawyer and he was surprised and said that he had never said such a thing and that
they had lied", she added. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 23, 2009)
Political Kurd prisoner denied medical treatment despite second brain stroke
According to reports from Evin Prison, political Kurd prisoner Matin Arjan had a brain stroke yesterday Sep. 22
for the second time in the last six months.
Arjan who is suffering from kidney and digestive problems first suffered his first stroke, six months ago which
led to the paralyzing of half of his body. Despite his urgent need for medical attention outside of prison, prison
officials do not transfer him to the Taleqani Hospital, which has a contract with the prison.
Matin Arjan does not have a lawyer and has not had a visit with his family for the last four years. According to
reports, despite the persistence of other prisoners, a doctor from the prison medical clinic did not even visit him
after his stroke in ward 8 of this prison. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Sep. 23, 2009)
Innocent man in Kahrizak hell still imprisoned appeals for help
Letter of prisoner Nushad Hadavand to human rights organizations: I am Nushad Hadavand, 52. I was arrested
on November 18, 2008 after assistant prosecutor Husseini had my picture published in the Asr-e Iran state-run
daily saying that I was a murder suspect. I introduced myself to the assistant prosecutor and he sent me to the
Shahpure Detention Center without any evidence or proof (of the murder).
I was held for 41 days in solitary cell in Shahpure. My hands and feet were tied. When they would bring me out
of solitary, they blindfolded and beat my body and head with clubs, fists, and their boots. My body was always
bruised and aching. They barely fed us and I had become very thin.
After that, I was sent to Kahrizak by orders of Hassani. I was detained there for six months and 20 days without
visits, in unhygienic conditions, with barely any food and water in a cage with 30 to 40 other people… On
Thursdays, Ahmad Reza Radan would come to Kahrizak along with colonel Amerian, Colonel Haqi, Kumijani,
Zandi, Khamis Abadi, Sayed Hosseini, Moussavi and Makan and they would beat us with cables, whips, and
pipes and they would punch and kick us.
I witnessed the death of 10 people with my own eyes and I know that in the time I was there at least 120 people
were killed… In the last days when they brought in the students and young people they were also beaten and the
same things that was done to us, was done to them as well. They hit us less because they were too few to hit us
The officer who tortured me in Shahpure was Mohammad Shir-Kuhi. He tortured me and the others in various
ways. They even hung some of the prisoners from the roof. Some of them were hanged from their wrists from
the pipes in the ceilings. We were only allowed to use the bathroom for 30 seconds at a time. There were lice
and ticks everywhere. The torture at Shahpure was worse than Kahrizak. My ribs have broken as a result of the
beatings with pipes I received from Shir-Kuhi and from agents at Kahrizak. My back has been seriously injured
as well.


The coroner has confirmed that my ribs have broken and that my back has become slanted because of constant
beatings with pipes and clubs…
They would hit the students until they were on the verge of death. They would take the prisoners and strip them
completely naked in another place. There was a metal room where they would take some of the youngsters to
rape. They would rape them with clubs and the sound of their cries and screams would drive the others, who
were hungry and thirsty, crazy.
Whenever Ahmad Reza Radan would come on Thursday s with his helicopter, they would strip everyone. He
would stand in front of us and threaten us with his Isfahan accent.
"Today we will kill all of you and bury you under the ground. Thousands like you are buried under that white
hill. We will kill so many of you until others learn to behave", he would say.
When they took me to the doctor, the psychiatrist said that I have a sort of depression and severe paranoia and
that I talk to myself. The psychiatrist gave me sedatives… (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 24, 2009)
Political prisoners in Sanandaj banned from furloughs
According to reports from Sanandaj and the central prison in this city, the officials of this prison have
announced from a few days ago that political prisoners are banned from getting leaves from prison for an
undetermined amount of time. According to this report, there are currently 59 political prisoners in the Pak 2
ward in this prison. (Iran News Agency – Sep. 27, 2009)
Families of recent detainees not given info on loved ones
According to reports from Tehran, dozens of family members of detainees on Quds Day in Tehran (Sep. 18)
gathered outside the Revolutionary Court and demanded the freedom of their loved ones .
Most of the families who had gathered outside the court on Saturday morning were families of those arrested on
Quds Day. Security forces announced one day after the protests that 35 people were arrested on Quds Day but
the number of detainees is reportedly much more than this. It is still not known where a number of prisoners
are being held and their families are worried and in a state of limbo. (Deutsche Welle – Sep. 27, 2009)
Sick jailed Azeri journalist not given leave for medical care
Sayid Matin-pour, human rights activist and Azeri journalist who is currently in Evin
Prison's financial offenses ward is suffering from lung infection and is in a bad
health .
Matin-pour has in the past few weeks asked for a furlough from prison to receive
medical treatment outside of prison but this has been rejected by Judge Hadad, the
head of Tehran's Security Court despite constant requests by his family and lawyer.
(Savalan Sassi – Sep. 27, 2009)
Jailed journalist in critical condition not allowed treatment outside prison
The wife of Sayid Matin-pour has said that her husband is in critical condition in
prison. This journalist has been imprisoned for about three months in Evin and
according to a court sentence, has to spend eight years of his life in prison.
In his last visit with his wife on Saturday, he said that he suffered from heart problems last week and his
cellmates took him to the prison medical clinic. The clinic doctor said that he has nerve problems and
transferred him back to his cell after giving him three injections. His lawyer, Hushang Pourbabayi said that he
has been trying for a month to get a permit for his client to receive treatment outside prison but he has not been
able to get such a permit as yet. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 28, 2009)
Jailed female journalist in poor health
According to reports from Iran, Hengameh Shahidi who was arrested some time ago after the elections in Iran is
in poor health in prison.
She is only taken out in the fresh air three times a week for 20 minutes and this has led to problems for her
from lack of sunlight. Shahidi, is a journalist, a member of (Karubi's) Etemad Meli Party and a PhD student of
human rights at the SOAS university. She was Karoubi's consultant on women's affairs in the run up to the
elections and was arrested on June 30. Shahidi has been held in Evin Prison in temporary detainment from that
time on. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 28, 2009)


Political prisoners in Evin's ward 8 foods poisoned

In light of the fact that the political ward of Evin Prison was eliminated in 2007, a number of political prisoners
like Mohammad-Sediq Kabudvand, the head of the Kurdistan Organization in Defense of Human Rights,
Peyman Aref, student activist and political prisoner Reza Malek are detained in ward 8 (which is used to detain
Despite the fact that prisoners are crammed in this ward, the showers have no warm water which is an element
that causes the spread of infections diseases. The very poor quality and the unhygienic preparation of prison
food have repeatedly poisoned prisoners. In the recent days, two political prisoners identified as Ali-Akbar
Aqdassi, charged of being a member of the Elm-Haq and Edalat Group and Ayoub Porkar, linked to the PMOI,
were severely poisoned by prison food. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 28, 2009)
Labor activist under pressure in prison
According to reports from ward 1 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, political prisoner Mansour Osalu, the head of
the Tehran Bus Union, is still being kept in ward 1 which is known for its medieval conditions despite the fact
that a doctor has reiterated for the third time that he is not fit to stay in prison. He was taken to the coroners
some time ago to be checked and the doctor said for the third time that he is not fit for prison because of his
serious health condition. But this did not lead to his release, and he was transferred to ward 1 which has
inhumane conditions.
On the other hand his son, Puyesh Osalu who was arrested in the protests after the elections and was detained
for more than 17 days in secret detention centers and Evin Prison was subjected to severe and violent torture.
He still suffers and has torture marks on his body and is under treatment. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Sep. 29, 2009)
Female political prisoner transferred to quarantine section of Evin
Atefeh Nabavi was arrested and taken to Evin Prison along with her cousin Ziaeddin Nabavi, the spokesman for
the Council in Defense of Education and a number of her friends on June 15. She was interrogated several
times in this time and because she worked with the Council in Defense of Education she was charged with 'links
to the PMOI'. She was transferred to the Quarantine section of Evin Prison from Saturday which is known as
the Methadone Ward. Her status is still undetermined after 105 days of incarceration. (Green Wave of Freedom
Website – Sep. 30, 2009)
Families forced to pay heavy bails for release of imprisoned protesters
One hundred family members of recent detainees held a protest gathering on September 29 outside the
Revolutionary Court in Tehran. All the families, even those whose loved ones have bail court orders, demanded
the immediate and unconditional release of their loved ones. A number of the detainees are still detained
because their families cannot afford the very large amount of bail and do not have any other ownership
documents or their salary receipts to pledge instead.
The mother of Amir Ahmad-zadeh who was detained on September 18 in the Quds Day protests has received a
court order that her son can be released on a 10,000 dollar bail. But she said that she could not afford such a
high bail and that she lives in a rented home and does not have any ownership documents. She approached
other families and asked them to find her a document for her to pledge and said that she was even willing to pay
them 2 to 3 thousand dollars.
"When my son calls from prison, I do not know what to tell him", she said while crying.
The office of Judge Hadad presiding over her son's case has told her that they would not lower the bail amount,
and that "you should have been more careful to keep your son from getting involved in the sedition and unrest".
(Iran News Agency – Sep. 30, 2009)
Swine flu spreads in Evin Prison; infected political prisoner deprived of treatment
Reports say that swine flu is spreading amongst prisoners in ward 8 of Evin Prison. According to reports from
Evin Prison, the first case of this influenza was reported eight days ago in this prison. Today, the first signs of
swine flu were seen in political prisoner Hamid-Reza Mohammadi in the early morning hours. His symptoms
have increased very fast and he currently has a fever of 106 F.


Despite the emphasis of the prison doctor that this prisoner should be transferred for treatment to the Taleqani
Hospital outside of prison, ward officials including Naser Abbassi, the head of the ward, and the head guard
have prevented this and threw the doctor and his aids out of their office.
Hamidreza Mohammadi was arrested in 2004 on charges of cooperating with groups outside the country and
acting against national security and sentenced to 11 years of prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 1,
Two student activists transferred to quarantine section of Evin
Political prisoners Majid Dori and Zia Nabavi, two expelled
students who are members of the Council in Defense of the
Right to Education were transferred to the Quarantine
section of Evin in ward 7 in the past few days.
The hygienic conditions of ward 7 are reportedly very
unsuitable. The existence of bugs that carry diseases, lice and
scabies has made the conditions for prisoners in this ward
very hard.
Zia Nabavi, an expelled student of the Babolsar University in
Mazandaran was arrested on June 15 along with a number of his friends. He was taken to ward 209 in Evin.
Majid Dori, is also a member of the Council in Defense of the Right to Education who was arrested in the
events after the elections for the first time. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Oct. 2, 2009)
State of political prisoner not known after 100 days in jail
The state of Saleh Deldam, one of the detainees arrested in the events after the elections on June 15, is still
unknown after 100 days in Tehran's Evin Prison.
His lawyer Mina Jafari said, "He was a member of Karoubi's election staff in east Tehran and was arrested by
security forces on June 15 and taken to Evin Prison". "Unfortunately, a case has still not been created for him in
the Revolutionary Court and despite constant appeals by his family and lawyer, we still have not received any
answers from judicial sources", she added. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 2, 2009)
Female prisoner taken to Evin's 209 on eve of trial
Political prisoner Shirin Elm Huvi, 28, who is in prison for the heavy charge of
'waging war with God' was taken to ward 209 (security ward under control of
Ministry of Intelligence) from the general women's ward on the eve of her trial.
Huvi, who is from the city of Maku does not have a lawyer and will soon be
trialed in Tehran's Revolutionary Court on these charges which can even lead to
a death sentence. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 4, 2009)
No news on fate of political prisoner
Two months after the arrest of a Kurd man, there is still no information on his condition and whereabouts.
Despite persistent appeals by his family, there is no information on Hamed Seif Panahi from Sanandaj who was
arrested about a month ago by security forces.
Panahi was also arrested last year on charges of participating in protest gatherings in support of political
prisoners in Sanandaj and was temporarily released on bail. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 4, 2009)
Female journalist under constant interrogations and pressure
Fariba Pazhuh, imprisoned journalist and blogger in Evin Prison in under constant pressure in prolonged
She has been imprisoned since two months ago and has been put under various pressures to confess. She was
confined to solitary half the time she was detained and has been kept in prison on a temporary arrest permit.
Her father said that he visited her from behind the glass partitions today in Evin Prison. According to her
father, the mental state of her daughter was not good which has led to concerns both for him and his wife.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 5, 2009)
Concerned father writes letter to prosecutor on uncertain state of jailed son
The father of Saleh Deldam, who has been illegally imprisoned for more than 100 days, wrote a letter yesterday
to Tehran's Prosecutor, Mr. Jafari, regarding the uncertain state of his son.


This letter reads in part: "Twenty two year old Saleh, who has a hereditary disorder, was arrested a few days
before the elections and unrest and was apparently detained in ward 209 of Evin Prison. In this time we were
not allowed to visit him and in our persistent appeals to the Revolutionary Court, they told us that he does not
have a case in this court. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 5, 2009)
Female prisoner goes on hunger strike in protest to uncertain state
Zahra Jabari who was arrested on September 18 in the Quds Day march in Tehran was arrested and taken to
Evin Prison's ward 209. Her toe nail broke during her arrest.
According to her family, it has been five days that she has gone on a hunger strike in protest to her uncertain
state in prison. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Oct. 5, 2009)
Wife of 74-year-old prisoner worried about husband's health
Dr. Mohammad Maleki's family announced in an open letter that Maleki's health is dangerously poor. This
political prisoner and the first head of Tehran University after the revolution was arrested 45 days ago while he
was sick and in bed and taken to Evin Prison.
His wife, Qodssi Mirmoez said in this regard, "on Monday October 5, my daughter and son and I went to visit
Mohammad with a letter from the judge (permitting the visit). We waited from 8am to 11am. In the end we
were told that he has been banned from receiving visits. When we protested this issue saying that the case judge
has given us a letter to come visit him, the head of his interrogations said that we should tell the judge that he
has said that Mohammad is banned from visits. I have experience from the past when the doctor was
imprisoned in the 80's and in 2001. Whenever the prisoner is in critical condition, they do not permit visits".
(Green Wave of Freedom Website – Oct. 7, 2009)
3 Kurd political prisoners exiled to other prisoners
Javad Alizadeh, a student activist who was sentenced to a year of
prison last year on charges of spreading propaganda against the
government was exiled to Kermanshah Prison.
Kaveh Javanmard, a journalist who was sentenced to three years of
prison on charges of acting against national security and served all
but 2 months of his term was exiled to Hamadan Prison.
Fardin Moradi, a Kurd activist who was sentenced to three years
of prison on charges of cooperating with a dissident party and had Javanmard and Alizadeh
served 2 years of his term was exiled to Khorramabad Prison.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 6, 2009)
Female political prisoners banned from basic rights and are charged for prison cell
All female political prisoners were transferred to the women's ward from the quarantine section of Evin Prison
from the beginning of the week and mostly all of them are cramped into one cell.
Shabnam Maddadzadeh, Mahssa Naderi, two student prisoners, Fatemeh Ziayi, Atefeh Nabavi are detained with
other political prisoners like Sediqeh Falahat and Nazila Dashti in one cell.
It has been announced to the political prisoners that the blankets they use for over and under them have to be
bought and provided by their families. They have also been told that their families have to provide their clothes
in line with conditions set by the prison every 6 months. The quality and quantity of the food given to the
prisoners is very poor and scarce. Prisoners are forced to buy their basic needs from the prison store with very
high prices. The quality of the food in the store is also very poor and in most cases, the date of the products has
expired. Political prisoners are also forced to pay a monthly fee for being in the cells. This is while the expenses
of government institutions come from taxes. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran– Oct. 6, 2009)
Head of prison banned student activist from visits
Peyman Aref, a student activist who has been able to visit his family from behind a
glass partition only once in his prison term was banned by the head of Evin Prison
from visits.
Last week, Sedaqat, the head of this prison said that the activist can only get visits
from his family on his orders. This activist has also been deprived of seeing his lawyer
in his 110 days of incarceration. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 7, 2009)


Moussavi's brother in law and son detained in unknown location

Shahpur Kazemi, the brother of Zahra Rahnavard (Mir-Hussein Moussavi's wife) said in short phone call to his
mother on October 3 after 50 days that he was being detained in an apartment in Tehran. He did not know
where the apartment was located and which government body ran it. Kazemi was detained for more than 60
days in a solitary cell in Evin's ward 209 under severe pressure to give into false confessions.
Shaahin, his eldest son was also arrested 22 days ago by security forces and was taken to an unknown location.
(Committee of Human Rights Reporters in Iran – Oct. 9, 2009)
Activist banned from visits and phone calls
Keyvan Samimi, a well known activist who was arrested after the elections is under
physical and mental pressure and his order for release has been revoked.
Samimi, who is the editor of the Nameh daily, was arrested after security forces stormed
his home and broke down his door. Despite his long detainment he has still not been
charged and is kept in solitary confinement. Samimi is being put under pressure to
make a televised confession. His family was asked to pay a bail some time ago and after
providing this sum of money for the court, the judge revoked his release on bail. He was
subjected to more pressure after this and has even been banned from making telephone
calls and receiving family visits. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Oct. 12, 2009)
Political prisoner, ill and denied lawyer
Mohammad Maleki (72) was arrested 50 days ago. Judicial officials have not only denied this
ill civil rights activist the right to go to hospital for treatment, but they have also prevented
him from seeing his lawyer. His family and doctor are worried for his health in prison.
He has been confined to a solitary cell from the beginning of his incarceration. The last time
the lawyer of this former head of Tehran University, Youssef Molayi, went to see the
prosecutor, he was unable to get a permit to defend his client. (Radio Germany Website –
Oct. 12, 2009)
Political prisoner taken to court after 2 years
According to reports from ward 350 of Evin Prison, political prisoner Ali Saremi who has
been kept in an undetermined condition for more than 2 years was finally taken to the
Revolutionary Court to be trialed.
The 62-year-old prisoner, who was arrested on September 5, 2007 for attending a ceremony
to mark the 19th anniversary of the massacre of political prisoner in 1988, was taken to
solitary cells in ward 209 and was tortured for more than 6 months. In his four terms of
incarceration, this political prisoner has spent close to 20 years in the Iranian regime's
prisons. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 13, 2009)
Female political prisoner still on hunger strike in solitary confinement
Zahra Jabbari, 35, was arrested in Tehran's Quds Day protests on September 18, and is still being kept in solitary
in Evin Prison's ward 209. According to her mother, she has been on hunger strike for 10 days in protest to her
undetermined status in prison. She has become very thin and weak. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 15, 2009)
Ministry of Intelligence refuses to release student prisoner
The Ministry of Intelligence has disagreed with reducing the detention sentence of Atefeh Nabavi to a release on
bail. The case of this political prisoner has been sent to the 12th branch of the Revolutionary Court and her trial
is to be held on November 29. She has been charged with 'enmity with God' by 'having communications with
the PMOI'. "There is no evidence to prove this charge and the only reason she was charged is because of her
family relations (to the PMOI)", her lawyer Nasrin Sutodeh said.
Nabavi was banned from continuing her studies in the master's degree exams this year. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Oct. 17, 2009)
Student political prisoner denied medical attention in hospital
According to reports from ward 350 in Evin Prison, political prisoner Misaq Yazdan-Nejad was exiled to
Gohardasht Prison while he was waiting for a surgical operation at a hospital.
On Saturday October 17, this student prisoner came down with an illness and was initially taken to the prison
clinic. But because of the severity of his problem he was taken to the Taleqani Hospital in Tehran. He was

immediately taken for surgery in the hospital because of his condition and the necessary tests for the surgery
were conducted. In the last moments before the surgery, he was once again taken back to the medical clinic in
Evin Prison. Yazdan-Nejad has very severe pain and has to be operated on immediately but was exiled in the
afternoon on Sunday October 18 to the Quarantine Section of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. There is no
information on his condition after this transfer.
The 23 year old student at the Payam Nour University was sentenced to 14 years of prison and exile to
Gohardasht Prison on Monday September 7 in the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court presided over by
Judge Salavati. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 19, 2009)
Two political prisoners taken to solitary in Evin Prison
According to reports from ward 350 in Evin Prison, political prisoners Ali Saremi and Sayed-Zohour Nabavi
were transferred to solitary cells in a ward run by the Revolutionary Guards Corps after prison guards attacked
their cell on October 17.
This ward has very inhumane conditions and prisoners are under violent mental and physical torture.
Interrogators in this ward are members of the RGC. Most prisoners recently arrested who were kept in this ward
were violently tortured and were forced to make confessions against themselves. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – Oct. 19, 2009)
Azeri journalist in undetermined state in prison
Omid Shokri, a journalist and Azeri activist is still being kept in an undetermined state in ward 7 of Ardabil
Prison. This master's degree student of international affairs in the Marmareh University in Istanbul was arrested
on September 16 by intelligence agents and was under physical and mental torture for 22 days in the Ardabil
Intelligence Agency Detention Center.
This Azeri activist who has 7 years of experience as a journalist was a member of the Ardabil Press House. He
was arrested 2 days after he came back to Iran to settle family problems after going to Turkey to register at the
Marmareh University. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 19, 2009)
Security prisoner taken to unknown location
According to reports, Hamzeh Riggi, a security prisoner was transferred to an unknown location from ward 8 of
Gohardasht Prison on October 18.
This security prisoner was arrested in Tehran on April 29 and has been detained for more than 7 months.
He was transferred by intelligence institutions a few hours after a number of Revolutionary Guard Corps
commanders were assassinated in the city of Sarbaz in Sistan and Baluchistan. There is a probability that the
regime is preparing a scenario to introduce him as one of the elements of this operation in Baluchistan.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 20, 2009)
No news on condition of political prisoner after 5 weeks
There is no information on the condition of political prisoner Javad Lari, 54 who is a member of the Tehran
Bazaar and was arrested more than 5 weeks ago by intelligence agents. He was taken to a solitary cell in Evin
Prison's ward 209.
Intelligence agents stormed Lari's home on September 16 and took Lari with them. He has not even been
allowed to make controlled phone calls from prison since his arrest. He is in danger of physical and mental
Lari was a political prisoner in the 80's and was under torture in prison for many years. He has lost his hearing
in one ear as a result. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 22, 2009)
Deplorable condition of women and children in Evin Prison
According to reports from the women's section in Evin Prison, prison officials have stepped up the pressure,
harassment and limitations on female prisoner and female political prisoners in this section.
One of the pressures imposed on women is the cutting off of warm water. Women prisoners were not able to
bathe for several days as a result. This led to serious problems for infants and children (who are with their
mothers in prison) who need warm water. Limiting warm water also limits the milk that mothers make for their
children with this water and also limits the tea that prisoners make with this water. This also leads to unhygienic
condition which can subject the children to various diseases.
According to reports, the prison food lacks protein. Vegetables and fruits have been omitted from the prisoners'
meals for months. The signs of malnutrition can be seen in the faces of the prisoners especially the children.

Imprisoned children also witness the violent treatment, insults and the beatings of their mothers by prison
guards and the infighting between prisoners.
The hygienic condition of the women's section is deplorable and lice and fleas are rampant which has turned
the condition of the female section like that of an inhumane work camp. Political prisoners are also banned
from receiving serious treatment for their ailments and they are only given sedatives for their illnesses. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 23, 2009)
Iran extends jail term of female journalist
The temporary prison term of jailed journalist Fariba Pazhuh, has been extended after she was banned from
receiving visits.
On Monday, Evin Prison officials did not let this journalist visit with her family and she was only allowed to
speak to her family for a few minutes over the phone.
The interrogator of the second branch of the Revolutionary Court announced to her lawyer today that her
temporary jail term had been extended. This has led to concerns that she might be confined to a solitary cell
"Fariba has been banned from visits on the orders of Tehran's prosecutor and neither me nor her family can
visit her", her lawyer Mina Jafari, said. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 24, 2009)
Political prisoner taken to hospital because of poor health
According to Abbas Khorsandi's wife, this political prisoner was transferred yesterday to the
Taleqani Hospital because of severe stomach pain. Mrs. Khorsandi, called the
administration of Evin Prison but the prison lied and told her that Khorsandi is fine and
has been hospitalized in the prison clinic for two hours. But prisoners told Mrs. Khorsandi
that he has been hospitalized in the Taleqani Hospital. Khorsandi's wife and children went
to the hospital only to find him on a hospital bed with chained feet.
Agents prevented his wife and children from visiting him in the hospital and threw them out of the section
where he was being kept. His wife has said that Khorsandi was sweating and was under severe pain.
Khorsandi, a member of the leadership council of the Iranian Democratic Front and the founder of the Iran
Democratic Party was sentenced to 8 years of prison and has served more than 2 years of his time. Doctors have
announced that imprisonment is dangerous for him because he suffers from a heart illness, but the
Revolutionary Court prevented him from getting a leave from prison for treatment, disregarding this issue.
(Kurosh News Agency – Oct. 25, 2009)
Iran imposes more pressure on jailed civil rights activist
After reports on the resistance of Keivan Samimi in prison, interrogators have exerted more pressure on him.
According to civil rights activists, it has been two weeks that all the books in his cell have been gathered and
confiscated and he has even been banned from reading the state-run Keyhan daily which was given to him
before this. He has been deprived of all reading materials.
A new interrogator has been appointed for his case. He treats him very ruthlessly and is trying to charge him
with having links to the PMOI. Samimi's resistance has angered his interrogators leading them to make serious
threats against this political prisoner. (Green Wave of Freedom website – Oct. 26, 2009)
Jailed female protester banned from seeing parents
Zahra Jabari, a prisoner who was arrested in the events after the elections broke her hunger strike because of her
deteriorating health and was transferred to a two person cell from solitary in Evin Prison.
Last Monday when Zahra's family came to visit her in prison along with her young child, only her child was
allowed to visit her. Her mother said that she was banned from visiting Zahra because of an interview she gave
regarding her imprisoned daughter. Zahra Jabari was arrested on Quds Day in a protest march and was on
hunger strike for two weeks in prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 27, 2009)
Interrogator bans political prisoner from seeing wife
Mahdieh Mohammadi went to Evin Prison intending to visit her husband, political prisoner Ahmad Zeidabadi
but was banned from seeing him. This is while she has had no information on his
condition for 43 days.


"I went today to visit my husband with my children with a letter of agreement from Tehran's Public Prosecutor
but after they kept us waiting for 5 hours, they finally told us that the interrogator on his case has banned him
from visits", she said.
It has now been 43 days that Zeidabadi's family and lawyer have no news on his condition. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Oct. 27, 2009)
Amnesty International: Iran must release scholar held for peaceful criticism of election
The Iranian authorities must release a 76-year-old scholar held incommunicado for 41 days, apparently for his
peaceful criticism of the Iranian presidential election, said Amnesty International.
The organization also expressed grave concern for the health of Dr Mohammad Maleki, and said it fears that his
life is in danger as he is suffering from serious illnesses.
Mohammad Maleki, a former Chancellor of Tehran University, has been held without charge in Tehran's Evin
prison since his arrest in August. His two-month temporary detention order was renewed on 22 October,
though he was unable to challenge it and no reasons were given as to why it was extended.
The officials who arrested Mohammad Maleki told his wife Ghodsi Mir Moez that he was being investigated for
stirring up unrest and for what they alleged were his links to the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran, a
banned opposition group.
Many of those arrested since the election have faced similar allegations by the authorities.
Dr Maleki's family has stressed that he is not affiliated to any political party and did not vote in the 12 June
presidential election in Iran. He criticized the conduct of the elections but did not publicly express a view about
any one of the four candidates that stood for election. Amnesty International said that it considers him to be a
prisoner of conscience, held solely for the peaceful expression of his views.
Before his arrest Mohammad Maleki had been receiving regular treatment for prostate cancer, which he has not
been given while in custody. On 23 October, his wife, Ghodsi Mir Moez, expressed concern in an interview with
a German radio station that his health is likely to have deteriorated. His family and lawyer were allowed to visit
him once, on 14 September. Ghodsi Mir Moez said afterwards:
'I noticed the doctor's physical condition had worsened and his hands and feet were trembling constantly and
he did not have enough strength to stand on his own feet.' She also said he had complained that he was 'in
severe pain and was suffering from an increased heart rate, low blood pressure, and a burning sensation during
Amnesty International has called on the Iranian authorities to immediately provide Dr Mohammad Maleki with
all necessary medical treatment, including that available outside prison if necessary. (Amnesty International –
Oct. 27, 2009)
Female political prisoner threatened to end hunger strike
The heads of the Intelligence Protection Department of Evin Prison have asked Hengameh Shahidi to end her
hunger strike or face being handed over to the prison Disciplinary Committee.
This journalist went on a hunger strike refusing food and medicine two days ago. This is while Shahidi has heart
problems and is suffering from depression to the extent that she took 28 pills a day. Continuing her hunger
strike considering her mental and physical condition can be dangerous for her. Hengameh who was a women's
affairs advisor in Mehdi Karoubi's election staff has been imprisoned for five months. (Green Wave of Freedom
Website – Oct. 29, 2009)
Political prisoner hospitalized after heart attack from lack of medical attention
According to reports, student activist Peiman Aref was hospitalized in the cardiac ward of the Modares Hospital
because of his critical heart condition.


Peiman Aref had a heart attack on October 30 because of the inhumane pressure imposed on him in prison
and not having access to his medicine and was taken to the prison medical clinic. He was later transferred to the
Modares Hospital and hospitalized there because of his critical condition.
He was transferred to Labor Ward 350 of Evin Prison on October 28 from solitary. The harassments and
pressure imposed on him increased since his transfer and he was subjected to more limitations in contacting his
family. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 31, 2009)
No news of Kurd prisoner after transfer to quarantine section
Political prisoner Fardin Moradi was transferred from the Pak 2 Ward of the Central Sanandaj Prison to the
quarantine section of this prison on the orders of the head of this prison in the beginning of last week.
He has not been able to contact his family in the last week which has led to serious concerns for his family.
Moradi has been sentenced to three years of prison on charges of acting against national security and has served
26 months of his term in this prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran - Nov. 1, 2009)
Political prisoner illegally kept in prison
Shahram Bulori who was arrested after the elections is still in ward 209 in Evin Prison after 4 months despite
the fact that a release on bail order has been issued for him and the bail was submitted 35 days ago.
Bulori was arrested on June 23 in his home and was kept in solitary for 45 days in ward 209. He was banned
from family visits in this time.
His mother said regarding his case, "They took Shahram to court on September 27 and issued a release for him
on a 50,000 dollar bail".
"Despite the fact that I submitted the bail 35 days ago and did everything I was supposed to do, they have
prevented his release", she added.
According to her, the court has not explained why he has not been released.
Bulori has been charged with acting against national security by providing news for foreign radios. (Committee
of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 3, 2009)
Young female journalist kept in undetermined state in prison
The judge of the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran has refused Fariba Pejouh's protest to the
renewing of her temporary detention order.
According to reports Pejouh has been detained in Evin Prison for days without even being interrogated and no
one has even seen her.
Her lawyer Mina Jafari announced all the legal matters regarding this case to the judge yesterday saying that
keeping her in detention is without reason and unnecessary.
Pajouh, a journalist and blogger has been detained since August 22 and has not been formally charged yet. But
judicial officials and her interrogators insist on her detention without reason. (Human Rights Activists in Iran–
Nov. 3, 2009)
30 female Nov. 4 detainees held incommunicado Evin Prison
Thirty women who were arrested in protest gatherings on November 4 were transferred to the Methadone
Section of Evin Prison.
A large number of participants in the November 4 protests in Tehran were arrested and transferred to Evin
Prison. According to reports, they have been divided into various section according to the arresting security
organization and their charges. A number of these detainees were transferred to security sections yesterday.
The Methadone Section, which was previously used for drug addicted prisoners, was turned into a detention
center for those arrested in street protests after post election events. This hall is situated in the women's section
of Evin prison and prisoners held here have no communications with other prisoners and are held
incommunicado. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 7, 2009)
Political prisoners in section 7 and 8 of Evin Prison are kept in critical condition
More than 50 prisoners who were arrested in the events after the elections have been transferred to ward 8 of
Evin Prison. This section does not have minimum facilities. None of the prisoners have beds. More than 20
political prisoners who were transferred to ward 7 in this prison have the same conditions.


None of the cells in ward 8 have heating appliances and despite the severe cold, each prisoner only has one
blanket even while prison officials refuse to take the warm clothes that the prisoners' families provide for them.
As a result most prisoners in this section, including those arrested in events after the elections are suffering from
a severe flu.
This is while prison officials refuse to give these prisoners treatment and medicine. There are chances that a
number of prisoners might have the swine flu. More than 15 prisoners are kept in 3 by 4 meter cells meaning
that every prisoner has less than 1 meter to live in.
There has been no warm water in the past 10 days in sections 7 and 8 of Evin Prison. A prisoner who took a
shower with cold water last week suffered a heart attack and passed away. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Nov. 8, 2009)
Female political prisoners banned from visits for protesting
The head of Evin Prison's Women's Section has cancelled all the calls and visits of female political prisoners
with their families.
This decision was made after political prisoners refused to take their daily fresh air time in the prison yard.
In the past days, political prisoners had protested the rule of forced fresh air time in the cold morning weather
in a letter and requested that it be revoked. Despite this, prison officials disregarded their request and deprived
these prisoners from visits.
Shabnam Madadzadeh, Mahsa Naderi, Atefeh Nabavi, Fatemeh Ziayi Azad, Nazila Dehdashti are some of the
prisoners detained in this section. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Nov. 9, 2009)

73-year-old scholar in poor physical health in prison

The Maleki family was able to visit with political prisoner Dr. Mohammad Maleki
after 67 days. His family realized that he was in poor physical health in this visit
and were told that he was taken to the Beheshti Hospital a few weeks ago to have
some tests done and new medicine was prescribed for him.
Unfortunately, the inconsistency of the new medicine with his old medicine has
resulted in the deterioration of his physical health and therefore this medicine
was constantly changed. Mohammad Maleki complained the medicine prescribed
for him in this visit with his family with the presence of security forces saying that
he would refuse the medicine from now on. (Green Wave of Freedom Website –
Nov. 9, 2009)
Political prisoners subjected to limitations in contacting family
In the past few days, after most political prisoners who were in the public wards before this were transferred to
ward 350 in Evin Prison, they have been once again limited in called their families and their phone time has
been reduced to less than 10 minutes per day. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 10, 2009)
Women's activist held in incommunicado in Evin
Security forces arrested a number of the members of the One-
Million Signature Campaign in the November 4 protests in Tehran.
Raheleh Asgarzadeh (aka Raha) a women's rights activist and
photographer, Vahideh Molavi and Sanaz Ghafuri who are social
activists were amongst those arrested on November 4. Raheleh was
transferred to the Methadone Ward (quarantine) in Evin Prison.


According to reports, four security agents violently arrested Raheleh in the Honarmandan Park and transferred
her to the Vozara Detention Center with handcuffs and blindfolds. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Nov.
10, 2009)
Political prisoner in critical condition in Evin Prison
Abdollah Momeni, the spokesman for the Office for Consolidating Unity, is suffering
from increased kidney pain and heart problems in prison which has left him in a
critical mental and physical condition.
Fatemeh Adineh, his wife, announced that her husband's condition is critical saying
that 'Abdollah has a history of kidney stones and currently because he does not have
proper access to a bathroom and since he can not use the bathroom on a regular basis
he is suffering from increased pain in his kidneys. This and his heart problem have
left him in a very poor mental and physical state".
According to his wife, Momeni is not allowed to call his family. (JRS website – Nov.
13, 2009)
Regime officials have illegally detained political prisoner for more than 5 months
After months of being in an undetermined state, the case of political prisoner
Keivan Samimi has been referred to the 26th branch of Tehran's Revolutionary
Court. Therefore, his lawyer, Nasrin Sutodeh has been able to examine her client's
case after months. Mrs. Sutodeh realized while examining her client's case that his
temporary detention order was never renewed and his detainment after the first
two months has been completely illegal. In addition to this issue, an order for bail
had been in his dossier since June but District Attorney Sobhani had refrained
from announcing this. Considering this and after inquiries by his family and
lawyer, the head secretary of the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court
announced the 100,000 dollar bail order to the Samimi family. But after they
provided the bail money, the head of the court once again announced that his release has been cancelled for
now. His trial is planned for November 23. This is while his daughter was supposed to get married on July 27
which was postponed to November 19. Her wedding has once again been postponed (because the date of the
trial). (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 13, 2009)
No news on female political prisoner
Mojgan Zare Kohan, Nafiseh Zare Kohan's sister said regarding her sister's health in prison, "In the past 14 days
of her arrest, we have no information about her and considering her heart illness, we are worried about her
"In the past 14 days that Nafiseh was detained with her husband, Hojat, Hojat has called his family 3 times but
Nafiseh has not been allowed to contact her family", she stressed.
Zare Kohan also said they gave the prison some clothes, dates and other food for Nafiseh in light of her illness
but "unfortunately, they did not accept these items". (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 16, 2009)
Cockroaches in Mahabad Prison food
The unsuitable condition of food in Mahabad Prison has led prisoners to file an official complaint to the
Mahabad City Council.
According to reports from this prison, prisoners have announced that the food is inedible and there are
sometimes cockroaches and other insects in their food. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 16, 2009)
Jailed journalist thrown in solitary again
According to reports from ward 350 in Evin Prison, journalist Bahman Ahmadi
Amuyi, was once again transferred to a solitary cell since yesterday.
His wife, Jila Bani-Yaqub, announced this and said, "After Bahman was transferred to
solitary, all prisoners in ward 350 have been banned from contacting their families".
According to reports, the reason behind the transfer of Amuyi to solitary and the
banning of all calls from prisoners in this ward is because of the protest of prisoners
who were arrested after the elections to the unsuitable health and hygiene conditions
of this ward.

Amuyi was kept in solitary for 65 days before this in ward 209. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 17,
Two students held in unclear state in prison
Political prisoners Ali Parviz and Suheil Mohammadi, who are students of the Khajeh Nasir University, are kept
in an unclear state in solitary cells in the notorious ward 209 in Tehran's Evin Prison. They have only been able
to contact their families once since their arrest in a 2 minute phone call. Ali Parviz and Soheil Mohommadi
were arrested in the widespread arrests made in Tehran on the verge of the November 4 protests. Agents of the
Ministry of Intelligence stormed Parviz's home at 11:45 pm on November 3 and arrested him. They also
searched his home after his arrest. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 17, 2009)
Political prisoner under constant pressure and interrogation
According to reports, political prisoner Hasan Asadi who is detained in ward 240 of
Evin Prison is under pressure and constant interrogations.
Asadi, the Human Rights Secretary of the Office for Consolidating Unity has been
detained in solitary in this ward since his arrest. He is kept in very hard conditions and
is constantly interrogated for long periods of time by agents of the Ministry of
Intelligence. His family was able to visit him in prison from behind a glass partitions
after many inquiries. Asadi told them of the hard condition in solitary and the
pressures subjected on him. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 18,
Prison officials ban political prisoners from visits in Evin's ward 209
According to reports, a large number of political prisoners called their families yesterday and today, telling them
not to come visit them on Sunday.
Families of political prisoners are usually allowed to visit their loved ones on Sundays. In the past few months,
these families have had many problems visiting these prisoners. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 21,
Political prisoners moved to ward with harder conditions
A number of prisoners in the public wards of Evin
Prison including Hadi Amini, Sayid Matin Pour, Hamed
Rouhi Nejad, Shahram Chinian, Majid Ali and
Esfandiari were transferred to ward 350 in the morning.
This is while the condition in this ward is not suitable
and political prisoners who were in this ward before this
had decided to go on a political fast in protest to its
Majid Ali, 21, is a resident of Islam Shahr who has been
charged with enmity with God. Shahram Chinian who is
from Miandoab is a Baha'i prisoner who was arrested by
the police in Shahre Rey after a number of people filed
complaints against him. Esfandiari is in prison for From left to right Ruhi Nejad and Matin Pour
having links to the PMOI. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 22, 2009)
Human rights activist transferred to section 350 in Evin Prison
Political prisoner Jafar Eqdami was transferred today to Evin Prison's Section 350.
Eqdami who is a member of the Human Rights Activists in Iran was transferred to this section
which has turned into a political ward in the past few days. This human rights activist has been
sentenced to ten years of prison.
The facilities in this section are very few
and prison officials limit them in
contacting their families to put pressure on them.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 22, 2009)
Officials refrain from giving info on whereabouts of
arrested liberal students

Three days after the arrest of a number of liberal students, there is no information on their condition and
Their families have not been given answers to their inquiries from the Revolutionary Court and officials of the
Special Court of the Security Revolutionary Court refrain from answering their inquiries. The only answer that
these families have received is that their children's cases have not been referred to this court.
It is noteworthy that when agents came to search these students' homes, they had a warrant from the 3rd branch
of the Special Security Court. Despite this issue, after their families went to Evin Prison, prison officials told
them that the names of their loved ones were not on the prison's list. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov.
22, 2009)
Another political prisoner taken to ward 350
Rasul Bodaqi, a member of the Human Rights Activists in Iran and Teacher's Association who was arrested on
September 2 was transferred to ward 350 where political prisoners are detained. He had been detained in Evin's
ward 209 since his arrest. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 23, 2009)

Liberal association members detained in ward 209

The detained members of the Liberal Students and Graduates Association told their families in their first calls
from prison that they are detained in Evin Prison's ward 209.
In these calls which started with a call from Mehrdad Bozorg and continued until a few hours ago, the members
of the Liberal Students and Graduates Association said that their status would become clear in the next few
days. But Ehsan Dulatshah has said that they have announced his two months of temporary detainment to him.
(Bamdad Khabar – Nov. 24, 2009)
Officials do not stop spread of swine flue in Sanandaj Prison
All the prisoners of the Central Prison in Sandaj have been infected with the N1H1 virus and two people have
so far died.
Two prisoners identified as Kamal Ahmadi and Khosro Izadi have died as a result of this flue.
Iran announced their deaths as drug related. The personnel and prison guards in this prison use special nano-
masks in all working hours. Prison officials prevent the transfer of infected prisoners on orders of the judicial
officials. A medical assistant in the prison has kept some medicine in one of the rooms in the prison on orders
of the medical clinic and prescribes the same medicine to all infected prisoners with symptoms. All the prisoners
in this prison are in danger of death. (Soneh News – Nov. 26, 2009)
No news on condition of political prisoner
According to reports, there has been no information on the condition of political
prisoner Javad Lari, a shop owner in Tehran's Bazaar. His family's inquiries regarding his
condition have led to nowhere and they have not been given any answers.
Javad Lari has been kept in solitary confinement for more than 11 weeks in ward 209 in
Evin Prison. He has been deprived from family visits in this time and only had a short,
controlled telephone call with the presence of interrogators with his family.
Lari was arrested on September 16 after agents of the Ministry of Intelligence stormed
his home and violently searched it. He was a political prisoner in the 80's and was under
severe torture for a number of years. He lost his hearing in one ear as a result of the
tortures. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 28, 2009)
No news on condition of jailed Alameh Univ. students
According to reports, Amanj Mohammadi, a Kurd student at the Alameh Tabatabayi University in Tehran was
abducted by a number of people in a Peju car while going to university on November 25.
Abdollah Arefi and Ismail Qaderi, two other students of this university were also arrested by security forces on
the same day and taken to an unknown location. There is no information on their condition or location.
(Committee of Human Right Reporters – Nov. 29, 2009)


Jailed student goes on dry hunger strike in protest to illegal arrest
Mohammad Yusef Rashidi, a student activist in Amir Kabir University who was arrested in
November in Noshahr went on a dry hunger strike (refrains from drinking food or water)
after being transferred to ward 209 in Evin Prison.
This detained student had been taken to the prison medical clinic three times because of
going on a hunger strike twice in a short time. He was arrested on charges of participating
in illegal gatherings.
He played a major role in the protests against the presence of Ahmadinejad in Amir Kabir
University and was suspended from university after Ahmadinejad's speech. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Dec. 9, 2009)
Female student prisoner banned from receiving visits
Mahdieh Golro, a student activist who was arrested on December 3 in her home along with her husband was
banned from receiving visits in prison.
After her family went to the Revolutionary Court they realized that her name and her husband's name were not
registered in the Revolutionary Court.
This is while two days ago, in a short phone call from prison, Mahdieh Golro told her family that she was in a
solitary cell in ward 209 in Evin Prison. But her family was told that she was banned from getting visits after
they came to prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 14, 2009)
No news on condition of jailed prominent student leader
The family of Majid Tavakoli, a member of Amir Kabir University's Islamic Association, says that they have no
information on his condition and whereabouts. He was severely beaten and arrested eight days ago after a
Student's Day speech in Amir Kabir University. According to his family, no government institution answers
their inquiries about their son and his case. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 15, 2009)
Political prisoner on hunger strike for more than 15 days
Twenty five year old Reza Jushan has been on a hunger strike since his arrest on December 1 in protest to his
arbitrary arrest and torture by agents of the Intelligence Agency in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj.
His family has appealed on several occasions to the Revolutionary Court and Gohardasht Prison to get
information on their son and Jushan was subsequently allowed a very short phone call from prison. When he
was talking about the torture and his hunger strike over the phone, the phone line was suddenly cut off. This
political prisoner talked with long pauses in the middle of his words and could barely talk which shows that he
was in very poor physical health.
Reza Jushan has a severe leg injury due to an accident and tortures which he was subjected to in a previous
arrest. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 16, 2009)
Student activist is still on dry hunger strike
According to the latest reports from Evin Prison, Yusef Rashidi, an imprisoned Amir Kabir University student is
still on a dry hunger strike.
There is no information on his physical condition but it seems that it has been more than two weeks that he has
been kept in a solitary cell while on a hunger strike. He is taken to the medical clinic in this prison on a daily
bases because of his condition.
This political prisoner was arrested in November. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 16, 2009)
No news on condition of 4 Gorgan students nine days after arrest
Four students who were arrested on December 7 Student's Day are still in prison. Hossein Matlubi, Taqi Jafari,
Saman Bozorgi and Mobin Arab were arrested by plainclothes agents on December 7. There is still no news on
their condition nine days after their arrest. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 17, 2009)
Prisoners take over ward 1 in Gohardasht Prison in protest to inhumane prison conditions
According to reports, prisoners who were kept in solitary cells and the prayer hall in ward 1 known as the 'dog
house' because of its deplorable conditions where normal and political prisoners are tortured in Gohardasht
Prison in Karaj, took over this hall in protest to the violent tortures, not having enough clothes and blankets in
the cold and the fact that all heating appliances were shut down despite the freezing cold temperatures.

They demanded to negotiate with the head of the prison to end the violent physical, sexual and mental tortures,
to end the tying of the hands of prisoners for prolonged periods in their cells, to end the limitations like using
the bathroom freely (currently prisoners are only allowed to use the restrooms three times a day), right to receive
treatment, right to bathe, right to turn on the heating appliances in the hall, right to have blankets to sleep,
right to receive visits and call their families and right to receive food on a regular basis in prison. (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – Dec. 17, 2009)
Political prisoner banned from getting visits by 2-year-old son
Massoud Lavasani, a journalist and blogger who has been detained since September 26, was sentenced to eight
years of prison yesterday and was banned from seeing his 2-year-old son at the same time by orders of the judge.
Massoud Lavasani who had the right to see his family every two weeks before this now has can only see his
family every 6 weeks but is not allowed to see his son in these visits.
He is currently detained in the underground of ward 350 in Evin Prison where political prisoners are kept in
very hard conditions. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 24, 2009)

Prison sentence
Three men sentenced to prison for cooperating with dissident groups
Three residents of Oromieh by the names of Salah Aldin Peyravi, Latif Sherafat and Abdolvahed Abdollah-
zadeh were sentenced to prison by a court in this city.
These men have been imprisoned in Oromieh Prison for close to a month and were each sentenced to two years
of prison on charges of cooperating with dissident groups. (Mokarian News Agency – Jan. 1, 2009)
Father and son sentenced to prison
The 15th branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court sentenced Ahmad Danesh Pazir, a political activist who was
arrested in his home last year by security agents, to a year in prison on charges of spreading propaganda against
the state. His son Damon Danesh Pazir who had been detained in ward 209 of Evin Prison for two weeks was
also sentenced to one year of prison on charges of spreading propaganda against the state and cooperating with
anti-government websites. (Human Rights Reporters Committee – Jan. 1, 2009)
Female Azeri activist prison sentence confirmed
Shahnaz Qolami, journalist and Azeri women's activist who has been in prison since
November 9, 2008 in Tabriz prison was sentenced to 6 months of prison by a court
of review.
Qolami was charged with "spreading propaganda against the government" and
sentenced to 6 months of prison earlier, but her lawyer had asked for a
reconsideration of this sentence. (Savalan Sassi website – Jan. 4, 2009)
Resident of Chaldaran sentenced to prison and exile
A resident of Chaldaran, Soleyman Dalayi Milan son of Mostafa was sentenced to prison and exile by Khoy's
Revolutionary Court. He has been in prison for four months on charges of cooperating with a dissident group
and has now been sentenced to three years of prison in exile. (Mokarian News Agency– Jan. 4, 2009)
1 year in prison for those who talk to media outside Iran
Tehran's Public Prosecutor said, "If the actions of those who advertise in satellite channels are consistent with
line 2 of article 500 of the Islamic Punishment Laws they are criminals and will be sentenced to a year in
prison". According to article 500 of Islamic Punishment Laws, whoever is active in the field of advertizing for
dissident groups against the Islamic Republic of Iran in any way will be sentenced from three months to a year
in prison. (Mehr state-run news agency – Jan. 12, 2009)
Ten "Quran Academy" followers sentenced to prison
On December 23 of last year, Mahabad's Revolutionary Court sentenced ten leaders of the "Quran Academy" in
Bukan to 91 days of prison on charges of spreading propaganda against the government. Their names are
Ibrahim Ismail-Pour, Ali Rassoulnejad, Ismail Adib-Hesami, Khaled Khoda-Karami, Naser Haz-Peirooti,
Mohammad Karimi, Mostafa Naderi, Taher Karimi and Hossein Shaverdi. (Salafi News– Jan. 12, 2009)


Kurdish activist gets 20 years prison sentence

Jebriel Khosravi, a Kurdish political activist resident of Sanandaj was arrested last year on charges of
membership in a Kurdish group and was trialed yesterday by the first branch of Sanandaj's Revolutionary Court
presided over by Judge Babayi and convicted of "waging war" for being a member of that group. This political
activist was sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment in exile in Bandar Abas Prison. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Jan. 12, 2009)
Kurdish activist sentenced to 18 months in prison
Sanandaj's Revolutionary Court sentenced a Kurdish activist to a year and half of prison for leaving the country
by illegally crossing the border.
Last week, Varia Eskandari resident of Kamyaran was trialed by the first branch of the Revolutionary Court in
Sanadaj presided over by Judge Babayi. Judge Babayi stated that he was accused of illegally leaving the country.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 13, 2009)
New charges against political activists
Ali Heydarian, Farzad Kamangar from Gohardasht Prison and Farhad Vakili
from Evin Prison were taken to Tehran's Public Court to be re-trialed.
In this court which was held without their lawyers, Farhad Vakili and Ali
Heidarian who are Kurdish political activists were charged with faking
documents and Farzad Kamangar was returned to prison and was not charged.
These three prisoners have been in prison for more than 30 months and they
have all been sentenced to death. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 18,
Man charged with cooperation with dissident group sentenced to 5 years prison
A Kurdish resident of Oshnavieh was sentenced to prison. Jafar Ismail who was arrested by security forces about
a month ago on charges of cooperation with dissident parties was sentenced to five years of prison by the
Revolutionary Court. He is currently serving his time in Oromieh Prison. (Mukarian News Agency – Jan. 19,
Boo-Ali Sina University student activist sentenced to 6 years of prison
The former president of the student's Islamic Association in Hamadan's Boo-Ali Sina University was sentenced
to 78 months of prison and a fine of 2million and 500,000 rials (about 27,000 dollars). Mohammad Sayadi
announced, "According to the sentence I received and according to my charges which include spreading
propaganda against the Islamic Republic, insulting the founders of the
Islamic Republic, and organizing and running an illegal organization, I
was sentenced to six years and six months of prison and a fine of
2,500,000 Rials". (Boo-Ali Sina Newsletter - Jan. 19, 2009)
Two brothers convicted of ‘soft ousting’
The Revolutionary Court has ruled that Doctor Arash and Kamyar
Alayi be sentenced to 9 years of prison in connection to a case for so-
called soft ousting of the Islamic Republic.
According to the court verdict, Doctor Arash Alayi was sentenced to
six years of prison and Doctor Kamyar Alayi was sentenced to three
years of prison. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Jan. 21, 2009)
Three activists sentenced to prison
The first branch of the Revolutionary Court in Baneh sentenced Mohsen Khosrozadeh and Shirzad Abasi to
three months of prison and Behzad Zabihi to eight months of prison.
These men were charged with disturbing public order by holding a ceremony on the night of the Persian New
Year. Khosrozadeh and Zabihi were also arrested last spring but where freed on bail. (Kurdistan Human Rights
Watch News Agency – Feb. 1, 2009)


Woman activist taken to prison

A women's rights activist, Alieh Eqdam Doost, was taken to prison to serve her three years in prison. She was
sentenced to prison on charges of taking part in a protest rally on women's day in 2007. (Iran News Agency –
Feb. 3, 2009)
Young Baneh resident sentenced to serve time for "acting against national security"
The first branch of Baneh's Revolutionary Court in Kermanshah sentenced Kamyar Mohammadzadeh, a young
resident of this city, to three months of prison on charges of acting against national security and disrupting
public order. Mohammadzadeh was also arrested last year during a social unrest in this city when a number of
people were killed by State Security Forces. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Feb. 3, 2009

5 activists sentenced to five years prison in exile

Ardabil's Revolutionary Court sentenced five Azeri activists to five years of
prison in exile on February 2. Rahim Gholami, Vadood Sahadati, Behrooz
Alizadeh and Ardashir Karimi were arrested in April 2008 and Hossein
Hosseini was arrested in June on charges of giving out statements requesting
to have school education programs in the Azeri language.
According to the Association in Defense of Azeri Political Activists in Iran,
the Iranian regime had tortured these activists when they were temporarily
detained by administering electric shock to their body. (Iran BBB – Feb. 5,
Sanandaj resident sentenced to 3.5 years of prison
The Sanandaj Revolutionary Court sentenced Diako Qobadi, a resident of
Kamyaran, to three years and half in prison. This Kurdish resident was arrested in November along with Varia
Eskandari, another activist, and was detained for 50 days in this city's Intelligence Agency Detention Center.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists – Feb. 6, 2009)
Salmas resident sentenced to 2 years prison
A resident of the city of Salmas in Western Azerbaijan Province was sentenced to two years of prison. Security
agents arrested Bahram Jandavi about two months ago and the Mahabad Revolutionary Court sentenced him to
two years of prison on charges of affiliation with a dissident party. (Mukerian News Agency- Feb. 8, 2009)
Kurd student sentenced to 3 years prison
An industrial student at Isfahan University, Jamal Rahmani, was sentenced to three years and eight months of
This Kurd student was arrested on June 12 of last year along with another student, Rashed Abdollahi, and was
first taken to Kermanshah's Intelligence agency and then transferred to the Intelligence Department of
Sanandaj. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 8, 2009)
Five social activists sentenced to prison
Somaye (Susan) Zandlashni, Sayid Qaed Rahmat, Mohammad Reza Mirzayi, Naser Dadvad Poor and Siavash
Taraqe who were arrested three months ago in a protest gathering were each sentenced to 2 years of prison on
charges of acting against national security by participating in an illegal gathering and conspiring to topple the
Sayid Qaed Rahmat, a law student, was arrested in mid November along with his wife Susan Zandlashni.
(Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Feb. 15, 2009)
Mother and son sentenced to 3 years of prison for visiting relatives in Ashraf
Tehran's Revolutionary Court sentenced Hood Yazerdu and Nazila Dashti, a mother and son, to six years of
prison in exile. On May 24, Hood, a student of Masoumieh University in Qom, and his mother were
summoned to the Revolutionary Court and subsequently arrested, after coming back from a trip to Iraq to visit
their relatives. Security forces announced then that the reason they were arrested was intending to visit their
relatives in Camp Ashraf (Base of the People's Mujahidin Organization of Iran). Hood was trialed by the 15th
branch of the Revolutionary Court along with his mother on charges of supporting the PMOI on November 5,
2008. He was sentenced after serving 9 months in prison. In this new sentence Hood Yazarlou and Nazila

Dashti, who is a former political prisoner, were each sentenced to three years of prison in exile in Karaj's
Gohardasht Prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 17, 2009)
Secretary of Imam Hossein University's Republican Association sentenced to 5 months of prison
According to reports, Meqdad Islamkhah, a student of Tehran's Imam Hossein University and secretary of the
Republican Association in this university was recently sentenced to five months of prison.
He was trialed in the 23rd branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court on charges of acting against national security
and on February 18, his sentence was announced to him. He was found guilty of establishing an illegal
organization called the Republican Association and the Republic News Agency and sentenced to five months of
prison. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 23, 2009)

Two civil rights activists sentenced to two years of prison in Tabriz

The second branch of Tabriz's Revolutionary Court sentenced two Azeri civil rights
activists to one year of prison. Hamid Valyi and Qolam Najafi, were trialed in a private
court on charges of "spreading propaganda against the government". (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Feb. 23, 2009)
Iranian- Dutch man sentenced to 30 years of prison
A Holland citizen was sentenced to 30 years of prison on charges of complicity in a
terrorist act in Iran.
Abdollah Almansouri, who fled to Holland in 1988, has dual citizenship of Holland and Iran. Syrian police
arrested him while he was in Syria and handed him over to Iran.
Abdollah Almansouri was wanted on charges of heading the "Ahwaz Liberation Organization". In 1988, before
he fled to Holland he was sentenced to death in a military court in Iran. (Tabnak state-run website – Feb. 24,
More than 70 political prisoners in Sanandaj Prison
According to reports, there are more than 70 political prisoners in Sanandaj Prison alone. These prisoners have
been arrested under unsubstantial charges and are under torture and pressure by security forces. (Iran Press
News – Feb. 28, 2009)
Azeri activist sentenced to two years of prison
The East Azerbaijan Court of Review sentenced Iraj Hosseini, an Azeri activist in Tabriz to two years of prison.
Hosseini was arrested on the first anniversary of the popular protests against a newspaper on June 2008 in
Tabriz and was later freed on bail. This court of review increased his four months of prison to two years of
prison. (Savalan Sassi – March 4, 2009)
Doctor of human rights activists goes to prison
Doctor Hesam Firuzi, a doctor of political activists including Ahmad Batebi, Akbar
Ganji, Ayatollah Borujerdi, and Akbar Mohammadi (who died under torture in
prison) was sent to Evin Prison by orders of the sixth branch of the Revolutionary
Court to serve his 15-month sentence.
He was sentenced to 15 months of prison on charges of acting against national
security, creating anxiety for the public, publishing lies, and providing refuge for and
treating political activists. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – March 14, 2009)
Student sentenced to two years of prison
Mahabad's Revolutionary Court sentenced a student by the name of Amir Mesbah Qazi to two years of prison.
"Amir Mesbah was sentenced by the first branch of the Mahabad's Revolutionary Court to two years of prison
on charges of cooperating with an opposition party", said Ibrahim Azizi, this student's lawyer.
Amir Mesbah was a last term master's degree student at Mahabad's Free University and the former head of this
city's Literature Association. He was arrested about two months ago by security forces and has been in prison
ever since. (Mukerain News Agency – March 15, 2009)
Kurd Journalist sentenced to one year of prison in exile


The first branch of Sanandaj's Revolutionary Court sentenced Bahman Tutunchi, a Kurdish journalist to one
year of prison and exile to Maragheh on charges of spreading propaganda against the government. This
journalist was arrested by intelligence agents on November 2008 and was sentenced after spending four months
in the Intelligence Detention Center in Sanandaj under interrogation. (Iran News Agency– March 26, 2009)
Azeri worker sentenced to 4 months in prison
Mohammad Jarrahi, Azeri worker activist was sentenced to 4 months of in prison by Branch 6th of Court of
Review of Eastern Azerbaijan Province headed by judge Eimani. It is worth mentioning that he was imprisoned
in Tabriz for 20 days, and was dismissed from his work in September 2008. (Savalan Sassi – Apr. 1, 2009) 
Court of Review confirmed prison sentence of two brothers charged with "attempting to overthrow
The Court of Review confirmed the prison sentences of Arash and Kamyar Alayi, two imprisoned doctors.
Arash was sentenced to six years while Kamyar was sentenced to three years of prison.
The Alayi brothers were trialed with Mohammad Ismaili, and Silvia Harutunian in the 15th branch of the
Revolutionary Court in Tehran presided over by Judge Salavati, and were charged with attempting a "velvet
overthrow". At present, these brothers are in ward 4 and 7 of Evin Prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Apr. 6, 2009)
Haft Tapeh Factory workers sentenced to one year of prison
The first branch of Dezful's Revolutionary Court announced the sentences of five workers found guilty in the
case of the sit-in of workers in the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory.
Jalil Ahmadi, Fereidun Niku Far, Ali Nejati, Qorban Alipur and Mohammad Heidari have each been sentenced
to a year in prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Apr. 14, 2009)
Newspaper editor will be imprisoned on Saturday
A court ruling on the case of Keyvan Samimi which was convened in
the absence of Samini and his lawyer, sentenced him to a year of prison.
Samimi has to go to prison on Saturday under a sentence which was
issued without hearing his defense. (Qods state-run daily – April 14,
Kurd activist sentenced to a year of prison
Mahabad's Revolutionary Court sentenced a Kurd activist to prison. Fayeq Fayaz was sentenced to a year of
prison on charges of cooperating with opposition parties. (Mukerian News Agency – Apr. 16, 2009)
Iran sentences US reporter to eight years in jail: relative
An Iranian revolutionary court has sentenced US-Iranian journalist Roxana Saberi to eight years in jail on
charges of spying for the United States, a relative told AFP on Saturday. (AFP - Apr. 18, 2009)-
Journalist sentenced to one year of prison
The first branch of Mahabad's Revolutionary Court sentenced saman Rasul Pour, a journalist and human rights
activist to one year of prison. This Kurd activist was charged with "spreading propaganda against the
government" and "creating anxiety for the public" by giving interviews to foreign media. (Kurdistan Human
Rights Watch News Agency – Apr. 18, 2009)
Women's activist sentenced to a year of prison
On Saturday, April 5, the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court announced the sentence of Parastoo Allahyari
to her. According to this sentence and in line with the Islamic Penal Law, she has been sentenced to a year in
Allahyari has been charged with "acting against national security by spreading propaganda against the
government". She was charged for being a member of the One-Million Signature Campaign, inviting people to
meetings to realize the goals of this campaign, gathering signatures, and writing in websites. (Salam Democrat–
Apr. 27, 2009)


Women political prisoner sentenced to 8 years of prison for visiting brother in Ashraf
According to reports from the women's ward in Evin Prison, the 28th branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court
has sentenced political prisoner Sediqeh Falahat-Zadeh to eight years of prison.
This 40-year-old woman was arrested on February 14 after intelligence agents violently raided her house. She has
been kept in solitary confinement since her arrest, deprived from contacting her family. She was recently
transferred from solitary in ward 209 to solitary in the women's ward and has been kept in this inhumane and
intolerable condition ever since.
Mohammad Moqiseyi, aka Naserian, is the head of the 28th branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court who
presided over this case. He was a member of the "Death Committee" in 1988 responsible for the massacre of
thousands of political prisoners.
Falahat-Zadeh has been denied her right to a lawyer and was sentenced to 8 years of prison on charges of visiting
her brother in Ashraf Camp while she was not allowed to defend herself. She was once again transferred to
solitary after she was trialed.
This political prisoner who recently had a visit with her family has lost a lot of weight and is in bad physical
health. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 1, 2009)
Political prisoner sentenced to 5 years of prison
Political prisoner Jafar Eqdami was sentenced to five years of prison. Eqdami who was
released after serving four years in Gohardasht Prison was arrested again for
participating in a ceremony to commemorate the memory of the victims of the 1988
massacre of political prisoners in Khavaran Cemetery. He was sentenced to five years of
prison in Tehran's Revolutionary Court on charges of having links to the opposition, a
charge he strongly denies. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 7, 2009)
Student activist sentenced to 2 years of prison
Mohammad Sayadi, a student activist and the former political secretary of Hamadan students' Islamic
Association, was sentenced to two years of prison in a court of review. (Azadna website – May 10, 2009)
56 year-old female political prisoner sentenced to 5 years of prison
According to reports from the women's ward in Evin prison, Kobra Banazadeh Amirkhizi, 56, was sentenced to
five years of prison and exile to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj by the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court.
The political prisoner was trialed on May 11 by Moqaseyi aka Naserian in the 28th branch of the Revolutionary
Court. Naserian was a member of the "death committee" responsible for the massacre of political prisoners in
Mrs. Banazadeh Amirkhizi denied all charges made against her but the judge did not let her defend herself. The
Naserian also opposed the presence of her family in the court session.
The 56-year-old political prisoner is in bad condition and is in danger of losing her eyesight after an eye bleed in
prison. She has also been deprived of serious treatment. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran– May
14, 2009)
Iran sentences man to prison for "spreading propaganda against" regime
Mahabad's Revolutionary Court sentenced a young man resident of Bukan to prison.
Mohammad Qaderi was imprisoned for some time last year but was freed on bail. He has been sentenced to 4
months of prison on charges of "spreading propaganda against the government.” Qaderi was arrested yesterday
and taken to Bukan Prison to serve his sentence. (Mukerian News Agency – May 14, 2009)
Two Kurds sentenced to prison for having links to opposition parties
The Revolutionary Court sentenced two Kurdish men to five years of prison after they were kept in an
undetermined state for six months. Ibrahim Rahmani and Mohammad Ibrahimi who were arrested in
November in Kamyaran were sentenced on charges of having communication with Kurdish parties. These two
men were under interrogation for two months in an Intelligence Detention Center in Sanandaj before being
transferred to prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 17, 2009)


Man sentenced to 15 years of prison for links with opposition group

Ahmad Namuyi, a Salmas resident who was arrested nine months ago on charges of having communications
with dissident Kurd groups was sentenced to 15 years of prison.
The Mahabad Revolutionary Court did not allow Namuyi a lawyer or the right to protest and appeal the court
verdict and finalized the 15-year sentence. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – May 18, 2009)
Student activist sentenced to two-year prison term
The verdict of a Court of Review for the secretary of the Islamic Association of Hamadan's Bu-Ali Sina
University was issued. Despite the fact that he was acquitted of the charge of "insulting Khomeini", Mohammad
Sayadi was sentenced to two years of prison on charges of finding the "Fourth Wave NGO" on the intention of
overthrowing the government. He has to introduce himself to the Alvand Prison in Hamadan on June 5. (Iran
News Agency – May 20, 2009)
Student political prisoner exiled to Gohardasht Prison
Political prisoner Hood Yazarlou was exiled to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj after his sentence was confirmed.
The industrial management student who studied at Qazvin University was arrested on May 24, 2008 after a
court summons. The 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court sentenced him to three years of prison in exile.
His mother, Nazila Dashti, was sentenced to the exact prison term on the charge of supporting an opposition
group. A court of review confirmed this sentence and Yazarlou was transferred today to Gohardasht Prison
where dangerous criminals are imprisoned. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 23, 2009)
Brother and sister receive heavy charge of "waging war against God"
Shabnam Maddadzadeh and her brother Farzad, two political prisoners were summoned to the 3rd branch of
Tehran's Revolutionary Court on May 25. Shabnam is a member of the Central Council of the Teacher
Training University Students' Association and the vice president of Tehran's Council for Consolidating Unity.
According to their lawyer, the brother and sister denied the charges against them in court.
Mohammad Oliyayi Fard, representing Shabnam and Farzad, said that they had been charged with "waging war
against God" for spreading propaganda against the government. (Human Rights Activists in Iran - May 27, 2009)
Iranian regime sentences two men to prison for supporting opposition parties
Two Kurds resident of Bardeh Raesh (Black Stone) Village in Baneh City were sentenced to a six-month prison-
term. The first branch of the Seqez Revolutionary Court sentenced Jalal Suleimani and Ali Khadarpoor to six
months of prison on charges of promoting Kurdish parties. They have been imprisoned in the Baneh Public
Prison for two months now .
These two men were arrested after broadcasting a political speech by a Kurdish leader in a mosque. They have
denied the charges against them. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – March 31, 2009)
Inhuman sentence for a participants of memorial of 1988 political prisoners’ massacre
According to reports from ward 350 of Evin Prison, political prisoner Mohammad Ali
Mansouri, who was arrested for participating in a ceremony to commemorate the memory
of political prisoners killed in a massacre in 1988 was exiled to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj.
Mansouri was suddenly transferred on Wednesday June 3 from Evin Prison's ward 350
without prior notice to Gohardasht Prison. He is currently in the quarantine section of this
The 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court sentenced Mansouri to 17 years of prison in exile on June 24,
2008 after he spent 13 months in prison in an undetermined legal state. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – June 4, 2009)
Jailed student activist to be trialed by perpetrator of 1988 massacre of political prisoners
According to reports from ward 209 of Evin Prison, the case of Shabnam Madadzadeh and her brother Farzad
has been sent to the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court. Student activist Shabnam and her brother have
been incarcerated in ward 209 of Evin Prison for 111 days. They were subjected to severe physical and mental
pressure by Intelligence Agency interrogators during their incarceration.
The interrogators have made several accusations against them and intend to put them on trial on charges of
"waging war with god".

The Madadzadeh Family who went to Tehran's Revolutionary Court to pursue their children's case on May 30,
were told that their case has been sent to the 28th branch of this court presided over by Mohammad Moqiseye
aka Naserian. Naserian was a member of the "Death Commission,” responsible for sentencing thousand of
political prisoners to death during the 1988 massacre in Iran. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran–
June 9, 2009)
Kurd prisoner sentenced to six years of prison
Seyed Kamal Mohammadi, 38, was sentenced by the Salmas Revolutionary Court to six years and five months of
prison after serving six months in prison.
Mohammadi has said that he was under intolerable pressure and abuse while in prison. He does not have a
lawyer. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 9, 2009)
Political prisoner sentenced to five years of prison in exile
A Kurdish political activist was sentenced to five years of prison in exile by the Revolutionary Court.
The first branch of the Orumieh Revolutionary Court sentenced Mansour Mohammadi, to a five year prison
term in exile in Bandar Abas Prison on charges of supporting dissident groups and spreading propaganda
against the government. This Sanandaj resident who was arrested in March by Orumieh's Intelligence Agency
has been deprived of the right to a lawyer. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 9, 2009)
Kurd student sentenced to prison
The Revolutionary Court sentenced an Orumieh student activist to a prison term on charges of cooperating
with Kurdish opposition groups and spreading propaganda against the government.
The first branch of this city's Revolutionary Court sentenced Rahman Rahim Poor, resident of Seqez and a
student of Orumieh University to three years of prison. He was arrested in March by security forces in a park
on June 3. He spent three months in an Orumieh Detention Center before he received this sentence.
Rahim Poor does not have a lawyer. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 9, 2009)
Human rights activist sentenced to acting against national security
The family of Abolfazl Abedini was told on July 5 that the human rights activist had been transferred to Karun
Prison and sentenced to acting against national security.
After his family went to the prison to pursue his case, they were told that he had been transferred to Sepidar
prison a few days ago. After going to Sepidar, his family was told that no one by the name of Abedini existed in
that prison. This human rights activist was arrested three weeks ago in his house and was taken to an unknown
location. From the day of his arrest, he has not contacted his family and has been deprived of a lawyer. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – July 7, 2009)
Kurd man sentenced to two years of prison on political charges
A Kurd man by the name of Shamsollah Shadi was sentenced to two years of prison on charges of acting against
national security for having contacts with Kurdish opposition groups. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 9,
Human rights activists jailed in Evin
Sayid Matin-pour, a journalist and human rights activist in Azerbaijan who was sentenced to 8 years of prison by
the 15th branch of the Tehran Revolutionarily Court was imprisoned to serve his time.
His family said that this activist was summoned to court on July 11 by Judge Salavati the head of this branch
and was then arrested and taken to Evin when he showed up in court. These sources say that Matin Pour told
his family in a short call that he had been arrested and taken to Evin. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists
in Iran – July 12, 2009)
Human rights activist charged with spreading propaganda against government
The head of the Kurdistan Human Rights Organization was tried in Mahabad on charges of spreading
propaganda against the government.
On Sunday July 19, Mohammad Seddigh Kabudvand was trialed in the first branch of the Revolutionary Court
in Mahabad on charges of spreading propaganda by way of producing and distributing books on the issues of
Kurdish women. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 21, 2009)


Women's activist sentenced to 6 years of prison
According to reports from Sanandaj, a court has confirmed the prison sentence of women's activist, Ronak
The Court of Review confirmed the six years of prison sentence for Safazadeh on charges of cooperation with
dissident groups issued by a court of first instance. (Iran BBB website – Aug. 5, 2009)
Zanjan Univ. students sentenced to prison
The sentence of a court of first instance was announced to accused Zanjan students. According to this sentence
Bahram Vahedi, Surna Hashemi, Arash Rayeji, Payam Shakiba and Mohammad Hasan Janidi were each
sentence to one year of prison on charges of instigating public opinion and instigating illegal gatherings with the
intent of disturbing national security.
Alireza Firuzi, another Zanjan University student was sentenced to a one year and four months of prison on
charges of instigating public opinion, instigating illegal gatherings with the intent of disturbing national security
and taking measures against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
These students were charged with the above mentioned charges after trying to prevent the immoral measures of
the assistant head of the university against a female student. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 4, 2009)
Five political prisoners receive prison sentences
Five Kurds were sentenced to prison terms by the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj. Four of the prisoners
identified as Hushyar Ahmadi, Sirvan Mohammadi, Sivan Rahimi and Bahman Sayidi were each sentenced to 6
years while Jahanbakhsh Ahmadi was sentenced to one year and four months of prison.
These five men are from the Nagel Village in Marivan and were charged with endorsing and cooperating with
opposition groups. They spent one month of their incarceration in a detention center and the rest in Sanandaj
Prison. (Kurdistan Media – Aug. 9, 2009)
Kurd man sentenced to 3 years prison term on political charges
Mostafa Rizi, a Kurd resident of Oshnavieh was sentenced to prison. Rizi who has been in prison for more than
six months was sentenced to three years of prison on charges of cooperating with a dissident party. (Mukarian
News Agency – Aug. 24, 2009)
Student sentenced to 10 years of prison on charges of links to PMOI
According to reports from ward 209 in Evin prison, political prisoner Hasan Turlani
was sentenced to 10 years of prison and exile in Kerman Prison. The 22-year-old
prisoner was tried on August 16 in the 22nd branch of the Revolutionary Court by Judge
Mohseni. His lawyer and family were told that he was sentenced to 10 years of prison
on August 25. He was charged with "having pictures of his mother and brother who are
in Camp Ashraf", "having communications with the Freedom Movement", "having
dinner in the home of Dr. Maleki (jailed 76-year-old political activist), having pictures of
Mr. Massoud Rajavi and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi in his house", "email communication with
the PMOI" and other charges. He was tried once before on July 5 and charged with
"waging war with God, acting against national security, and spreading propaganda
against the government". He had denied all the charges calling them illegal. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – Aug. 27, 2009)
Student prisoner sentenced to 14 years of prison for visiting sister in Ashraf
According to reports from ward 350 in Evin Prison, political prisoner Misaq
Yazdan-nejad was tried in the Revolutionary Court yesterday and sentenced to 14
years of prison and exile to Gohardasht Prison after being detained for 2 years in
an undetermined state.
Yazdan-nejad, who is a 23-year-old student of translation in the Payam-e Noor
University in Shahriar, was tried by Judge Salavati on Monday, September 7.
He was charged with participating in the 19th anniversary of the massacre of
political prisoners in 1988, going to Camp Ashraf to visit his sister, the fact that

his parents were former political prisoners, the execution of his uncles (who were political prisoners), and having
email communications with the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran.
This student prisoner has severe depression and has an urgent need for treatment and keeping him in prison
will deteriorate his mental state.
Three of his uncles, Ibrahim Sanjari, 32, Hossein Sanjari, 28 amd Hassan Sanjari, 24 were executed by the
regime. His parents, Mojtaba Yazdan-nejad and Akram Sanjari along with her small child each served 3 years of
prison in the 80's in intolerable conditions. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 8, 2009)
Students sentenced to prison for revealing univ. official sex scandal
Six students from Zanjan University who had revealed that the assistant head of the university had sexually
abused a female student have been punished. They have been charged with instigating public opinion for illegal
gatherings and intending to disturb security.
Bahram Vahedi, Surna Hashemi, Arash Rayegi, Payam Shakiba and Mohammad Hassan Janidi were sentenced
to a year of prison while Alireza Firouzi was sentenced to a year and four months of prison.
Hassan Madadi, the university official, currently works in the Science Ministry. (Peik-e-Iran Website – Sep. 7,
Political prisoner sentenced to 3 years of prison for PMOI links
According to reports from ward 209 of Evin Prison, political prisoner Hamed Yazar-lou, a
space aeronautics specialist was sentenced to three years of prison after spending more than
six months in the notorious ward 209 in an undetermined state.
This was orally announced to the 28-year-olds lawyer, Mrs. Qanavi. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 9, 2009)
Dissident Sunni cleric sentenced to 10 years of prison in exile
Ayoub Ganji, a religious and civil rights activist in Kurdistan was sentenced to 10 years of
prison in exile by the Special Clerical Court after being detained for 17 months.
This cleric was arrested by intelligence agents in Kurdistan with an arrest warrant from the Special Clerical
Court in Hamadan after making a speech in 2007 in which he criticized the government.
He was detained in solitary cells in the Intelligence Detention Centers for 4 months and was then taken to the
Hamadan Central Prison where he is still detained. He is suffering from problems in his digestive system. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 13, 2009)
Kurd man sentenced to 25 years of prison and another’s faith is unknown
Kurdish Media: Vahid Nabizadeh, 23, from Gabrabad Village in Salmas who was arrested few days earlier
condemned to 25 years of prison. Nabizadeh was arrested a year ago on charges of cooperating with a dissident
Kurdish party and was released on bail later. He is to be transferred from Salmas Prison to Karaj Prison.
Bahman Karimi, university student from Javanrood, was arrested after presidential election and taken to
unknown location. His family complains that they have no news on his faith despite their constant enquires.
(Kurdistan Media – Sep. 13, 2009)
Student activist sentenced to prison
The former secretary of the Lorestan Office for Consolidating Unity was sentenced to prison on charges of
acting against national security.
Moslem Zamani, a political activist who was also a member of Moussavi's election staff was arrested on charges
of leading illegal groups to disrupting national security and was recently freed on a 20,000 dollar bail. He was
summoned to court and tried yesterday in the first branch of the Revolutionary Court in Khorramabad.
According to reports, he was sentenced to two years of suspended prison for five years. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Sep. 16)
Female political prisoner sentenced to five years of prison for intending to visit children in Camp Ashraf
According to reports from the female section of Evin Prison, the five year prison term
in exile to Gohardasht Prison sentence of political prisoner Kobra Banazadeh Amir
Khizi was confirmed by a court of review.
The 56-year-old political prisoner was sentenced by Mohammad Moqissei, known as
Naserian who was a member of the 'death commission' responsible for the death of
thousands of political prisoners in the 1988 massacre, for intending to visit her

children in Camp Ashraf. She was arrested by intelligence agents in the Tehran International Airport. This is
while she had a legal visa from Iraq and was arrested a few moments before her flight.
She was charged with intending to visit her children in the company of other mothers (of Ashraf residents) in
Camp Ashraf, having 900,000 tomans, saffron, clothes and nuts with her (when she was arrested at airport), and
carrying out activities in line with the goals of the PMOI. Kobra Banazadeh has suffered from eye problems, and
partially lost her eyesight, and is in danger of going blind. Two of her brothers, Hamid and Asghar Banazadeh
who are currently in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj have been sentenced to 2 years of prison for visiting their
family in Camp Ashraf. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 23,
Student sentenced to 32 months of prison
Ali Kanturi a student activist who was arrested in the widespread arrest of leftist
students in 2007 and had been freed on bail was sentenced to 32 months of prison by
Tehran's Revolutionary Court. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 27, 2009)
Protester sentenced to five year prison term
Alireza Eshraqi, who was arrested in the events after the elections, was taken to the 26th branch of the Tehran
Revolutionary Court to have his sentence announced to him.
He was charged with acting against national security by insulting the leader, insulting the president, and
attending illegal gatherings and sentenced to five and a half years of prison by this court. This is while he did
not have a lawyer. This political prisoner has been severely tortured to give false confession on TV and he came
to court with a broken head and bandaged hand. He is currently detained in the Quarantine Section 7 of Evin
Prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 28, 2009)
Kurd political prisoner sentenced to 10 years of prison
The Saqez Revolutionary Court sentenced a 25-year-old Eqbal Zareie from the Vashhadre Village in Saqez to 10
years of prison. He was charged with cooperating with dissident Kurd parties and spreading propaganda against
the government. The court denied the right of a lawyer to Eqbal and he was trialed without a lawyer. (Iran News
Agency – Sep. 29, 2009)
Lawyer who attended protest march sentenced to 28 months of prison
A lawyer who was attacked by plainclothes agents in a peaceful march was sentenced to 28 months of prison for
defending himself. This lawyer who is also a postgraduate law student was beaten by plainclothes agents in a
peaceful post-election march in Shadman Street. He defended himself against one of the agents, but because he
was filmed in this scene, he was identified and arrested a few days later.
"We went to court and when the judge said that my client was charged with defying a (government) agent I
announced to the judge that if the person my client defended himself against is an agent, why is he not present
in the court. But the court ignored my explanation and sentenced my client to 28 months of prison only on the
grounds of the film", his lawyer said. (Nurooz Website – Sep. 29, 2009)
Leftist student activist sentenced to five years of prison
A trial was held today for Keyvan Amiri-Eliassi, a leftist student activist in the 28th branch of Tehran's
Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Moghiseh.
A few minutes after the end of the trial, the judge announced that he was sentenced to five years of prison.
Eliassi was arrested in 2007 when a large number of students were arrested. He was detained in ward 209 of
Evin Prison for 59 days before being freed on a 50,000 dollar bail. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters –
Sep. 29, 2009)
Women's rights activists sentenced to 6 months of prison
Jelveh Javaheri, an activist in the One-Million Signature Campaign (advocating
change in the Islamic Republic's constitution regarding women's rights) was
sentenced to six months of prison on charges of 'conspiring to act against national
security' by the 30th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran.


Her lawyer, Mina Jafari said that she was arrested outside Tehran's Silk Gallery on June 12, 2008 with eight
other women's activists and was charged for being a member of the One-Million Signature Campaign.
This is while some of the detainees arrested on that day were cleared of the charges and their case was referred
to the general courts. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 2, 2009)

Student activist sentenced to two years of prison

Mehdi Allahyari, a master's degree student of chemical engineering in the Sharif Industrial University was
sentenced to two years of prison by the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran. This sentence was
announced to his lawyer on September 29.
Mehdi Allahyari was arrested on December 8, 2007 and after 90 days in Evin Prison's ward 209 and was
released on a 80,000 dollar bail. This activist was also arrested in 2002 and was detained for a month in wards
209 and 240 of Evin. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 3, 2009)
Iranian-Arab political prisoners sentenced to death
The Ahwaz Revolutionary Court sentenced seven political activists to execution and sentenced two others to
prison terms.
The two political activists were sentenced to prison on charges of acting against national security and spreading
propaganda against the government.
Sayed-Morteza Moussavi was sentenced to three years and a half of prison while Adnan Bayanat was sentenced
to two years of prison.
This is while seven other Arabs in this city were sentenced to death by this court on charges of killing a Shiite
There are no reports on the legal procedure of their trial but it has been reported that the accused men have all
denied assassinating the cleric and any kind of armed activity. (Human Rights Activists in Iran– Oct. 5, 2009)
Human rights activist sentenced to 10 years of prison
The five year prison term of human rights activist and former political prisoner Jafar
Eqdami was raised to 10 years after he protested the sentence.
The human rights activist who was arrested on August 29, 2008 while going to the
Khavaran Cemetery (site of mass graves of political prisoners massacred in the 80's) was
trialed in court in a questionable procedure and sentenced to five years of prison. After
he protested the sentenced, his case was referred to the 28th branch of the Revolutionary
Court presided over by Judge Moqissei for a review. He was taken to this branch this
week and in a trial that lasted a few minutes, he's original sentenced was raised to 10 years of prison. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 5, 2009)
Heavy sentences for anti-governments chants
A recently released prisoner said that many of the people in prison who were arrested only for chanting anti-
regime slogans and Allah O Akbar have been sentenced to 2 to 5 years of prison. (Iran News Agency – Oct. 8,
Man sentenced to two years of prison for being in picture
Amir Hussein Bastaninejad was sentenced to two years of prison. His lawyer, Nemat Ahmadi explained his case
and said, "A picture was published on the front page of Keyhan Daily on June 23 which showed a lady hugging
someone to prevent him from being beaten. In the picture the faces of some other people can also be seen
including the face of a 62 year old retired man who just recently had a heart surgery which is Mr. Bastaninejad".
"My client was charged with participating in illegal gatherings, spreading propaganda against the government by
chanting and beating a Bassij agent. This is while the case specialist has even announced that Mr. Bastaninejad
cannot be charged with beating a Bassiji on the grounds of being in a picture that was published on the front
page of Keyhan", he stressed.
"On the other hand, that same Bassiji (in the picture) and his family have come on TV several times and have
said that do not have a complaint against anyone but unfortunately, the court issued a two year prison term for
Mr. Bastani without regard for this issue or the opinion of the case specialist. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Oct. 8, 2009)


Protesters sentenced to 6 moths to 5 years of prison

Twenty political prisoners arrested in the recent events (after the elections) who had confessed against
themselves in the Revolutionary Court were sentenced to 6 months to 5 years of prison and in two cases to
An informed source who is also one of the detainees arrested in the recent events said that most of these people
are normal and not political who were arrested on the streets in the initial days of the events after the elections.
"Most of them were taken to the Sarallah Base before going to Evin and the signs of beatings and torture was
evident on their bodies", the informed sources said.
"According to information from these people and their families, Alireza Eshraqi was sentenced to five years of
prison, Mohssen Jafari to four years, Mehrdad Varshoyi to three years, Yaqutil Shauolian to two years and six
months, Faramarz Abdollah to two years and four months, Amir Hojjati to two years and three months, Moussa
Shah-Karami to two years and three months, Kamran Jahanbani to two years, Hossein Bastani to two years,
Hossein Ezami to two years, Mehdi Fattah-Bakhsh to a year and nine months, Majid Moqimi to a year,
Mohammad Farahani to ten months, Mah-Mohammad Rassouli to 10 months, Meisam Qorbani to six months
and 74 lashes and Iman-pour Reza was sentenced to six months of prison", he added. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Oct. 11, 2009)
Iran issues heavy sentences for post election protesters
Mohssen Jafari, 39, saved several injured women who were being beaten by security forces in a protest on June
14. He was subsequently arrested on July 14 when he was driving with his family in the Qom- Tafresh Road.
Jafari was taken to the Qom Intelligence Agency. There was no information on his condition from July 14 until
he was taken to Evin Prison. In this time he was violently tortured and pressured to make false confessions.
Jafari was forced to say on a televised confession that he threw 2 stones at security forces in the protests. He was
tried in a show trial with a show lawyer who did not defend him. He was sentenced to four years of prison and a
fine of 3,000 dollars. His so-called lawyer has 20 days to appeal this sentenced but according to reports, his
lawyer is not planning to appeal. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 11, 2009)
Regime arbitrarily banishes former political prisoner
Hossein Rahmani, an employee of the Kamyaran Welfare Organization and a master's degree student in the
Free University in Karaj was banished to Hamedan for three years in an illegal procedure after being released
from prison. Rahmani was arrested in his place of work about a year ago and was sentenced to a year of prison
on charges of acting against national security but was not sentenced to exile. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Oct. 12, 2009)
Azeri activists sentenced to prison in Rasht
Vadud Assadi and Hussein Rahimi, two Azeri activists in Rasht were respectively sentenced to one year of
suspended prison and six months of suspended prison by first branch of the Gilan Court of Appeals.
According to this sentence which was verbally announced to Assadi, this activist has been sentenced to a year of
prison which has been suspended for five years for spreading propaganda against the government. Rahimi who
was sentenced to six months of prison was also sentenced to a 1,000 dollar fine. (Human Rights Activists in Iran
– 13, 2009)
Moussavi supporter sentenced to 7 years of prison
According to reports, several arrested protesters were taken to the 15th branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court
on Tuesday to be trialed and a number of them received heavy sentences.
They were trialed by Judge Salavati. Some of those trialed yesterday were Hessam Tarmassi, Reza Khademi,
Karimi Qal'eh-Sorkhi and a women who was arrested in the recent protests.
Karimi Qal'eh-Sorkhi, who was active in Mir Hossein Moussavi's election campaign and was a member of his
election staff was sentenced to 7 years of prison. According to unconfirmed reports, a woman was also
sentenced to death for having links to the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 14, 2009)
Two students sentenced to 5 year prison terms
Borhan Baqayi and Mehran Kusha, members of the 'Freedom Loving Students for Equality' were each sentenced
to 5 years of prison which has been suspended for five years on charges of acting against the government.


These sentences were issued while their lawyer and the prosecutor's representative were not present in court.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 14, 2009)
Student sentenced to 3 years of prison
In a strange and illegal measure, the case of Majid Ashraf-nejad, a leftist student who was
sentenced to 3 years prison suspended for 3 years, was returned to the 28th branch of the
Revolutionary Court and was turned to 3 years of prison and a 20,000 fine.
Officials have said that the reason behind this measure is the existence of two news charges in
his case. Majid Ashraf-nejad is a member of the Freedom Loving Students for Equality who was
arrested in 2007 and released some time later on bail after a few months of prison and torture.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 16, 2009)
Five labor activists sentenced to prison
The Khuzestan Court of Review confirmed the sentences of five members of the Labor Syndicate of the Haft
Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory. Reza Derakhshan a member of this syndicate said that this court confirmed the
sentences issued by a Court of First Instance a while before. According to him, the workers were each sentenced
to one year of probation and one year of prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 17, 2009)
Political prisoner sentenced to 5 years of prison
The head of Staff 88 (supporters of Moussavi and Khatami) was sentenced to five years of prison by the 15th
branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran.
Farzam Ardalan, the lawyer of Sayed Shahabeddin Tabatabayi said, "My client's sentence was announced to me
yesterday and I will appeal the sentence in the legal time that I have". (Ayandeh Website – Oct. 18, 2009)
Political prisoner sentenced to five years of prison
The lawyer of Hedayatollah Aqayi, a member of the Kargozarane Sazandegi Party who was a suspect in the show
trials after the elections announced that his client was sentenced to five years of prison.
"My client's sentence was announced to me yesterday and I will appeal it", Alireza Jafarian said.
"My client received this final sentence on charges of disrupting public order by causing sedition and unrest,
instigating and encouraging people to revolt, spreading propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran by
participating in illegal gatherings, causing doubt in elections results, creating distrust in the officials of the
country and acting against national security by gathering and conspiring to disrupt security", he said. (Green
Wave of Freedom Website – Oct. 18, 2009)
Three political prisoners sentenced to heavy prison terms
Unofficial reports say that Kian Tajbakhsh, Ahmad Zeidabadi and Massoud Bastani were
sentenced to 28 years of prison all together.
According to the E'temad daily, Kian Tajbakhsh, a university professor was sentenced to 15
years of prison while Zeidabadi, Secretary General of the Office for Consolidating Unity
was sentenced to 7 years and Bastani, a journalist was sentenced to 6 years of prison.
Another prisoner identified as Moussa Shah-karami was also sentenced to 27 months of
Zeid Abadi prison by the Revolutionary Court. (JRS website – Oct. 19, 2009)
Iran must overturn sentences issued by post-election 'show trial'
Amnesty International has urged the Iranian authorities to overturn a 15-year prison sentence imposed on an
Iranian-American academic for his alleged part in the protests following the June presidential election. Kian
Tajbakhsh, a social scientist and urban planner, was sentenced by the Revolutionary Court in Tehran on
Tuesday following a mass trial of more than 100 people accused of organizing the protests. 'The 'show trial' that
has so far led to the imprisonment of Kian Tajbakhsh and a number of other reformist politicians and
journalists, as well as the imposition of at least four death sentences, was grossly unfair and a travesty of justice,'
said Malcolm Smart, Director of Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Programme. Media
reports say that the charges against Tajbakhsh included espionage, co-operation with an enemy government, and
acting against national security…
Amnesty International has called on the Iranian authorities to overturn immediately all sentences passed
following the mass trial and to release all those detained in connection with it unless they are to be tried fairly
on recognizably criminal charges. (Amnesty International – Oct. 21, 2009)


Political prisoner sentenced to 8 years of prison

Saleh Nickbakht, Heiva Butimar's lawyer announced that the Court of Review sentenced
Butimar to 8 years of prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 21, 2009)
Minor protester sentenced to 2 years of prison
The Revolutionary Court in Tehran sentenced a minor to two years and four months of
prison on charges of participating in recent protests. This sentence was announced to
Hessam Tarmassi, 17 by the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court. Tarmassi who does not
have a lawyer, protested the sentence. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 25, 2009)
Religious activist sentenced to prison Heiva Butimar
The Revolutionary Court in Tehran announced the one year sentenced of Siavosh Amiri, a prisoner of
conscience on October 25 on charges of 'innovation in religion and sectarian activities'.
Amiri has been jailed for three months and has denied these charges saying that he is only a religious
missionary. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 25, 2009)
Iranian regime denies due process to jailed election protesters
A number of families including the family of Mohssen Nuri, 27 and Sina Qazi mir Sayid, 23, only realized that
their children were taken to court and sentenced to 14 months and 10 months of prison by Judge Salavati in
visits with their jailed children. This is while these prisoners had no right to defend themselves in court, were
denied lawyers and were not allowed to protest or appeal the sentences.
On the other hand the family Mehdi Kazem-Zadeh, 30, who was to sentenced to be freed on bail 25 days ago,
were anxiously awaiting his release after providing the bail but after their visit with him they realized that their
son was once again trialed by Judge Salavati in the Revolutionary Court. The judge had convicted him of new
charges telling him that his release on bail has been annulled and that he should wait for a new sentence. This is
while his family was not informed of this matter and was not even able to get a lawyer for their son to protest his
illegal arrest and show trial. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 26, 2009)
64 jailed election protesters sentenced to prison
A number of trials have been held behind closed doors for suspects of the events after the election and 64
suspects have received prison terms. (Ayandeh Website – Oct. 27, 2009)
Iran boosts crack down on election prisoners to intimidate protesters on Pupil's Day
According to reports, on the eve of (Pupil's Day) November 4, Judge Salavati has issued heavy sentences for
unknown prisoners who are mostly from poverty stricken backgrounds to create an atmosphere of fear and
prevent the widespread presence of people in demonstrations on this day (Pupil's Day).
Akbar Ajdadi-Raygan, 20, who is the breadwinner of his family was arrested in his place of work on June 27 and
was transferred to ward A1 run by the Revolutionary Guards Forces. He was under violent physical and mental
tortures by RGC interrogators for about a month…
He was forced to participate in show trials as a result. This political prisoner was trialed by Judge Salavati in the
15th branch of the Revolutionary Court and was given a heavy sentence on October 25 along with Hesam
Tarmassi, 20, Mr. Hassan-zadeh and four others. He was sentenced to 32 months of prison. He was denied a
lawyer and was given an appointed lawyer by the court. Most of these lawyers who are appointed by
interrogators persuade their clients to give in to the charges brought against them by the Revolutionary Guards
interrogators. They tell these prisoners that if they accept the charges, they will try to act as intermediates to
ensure their release. Unfortunately a number of political prisoners have trusted the appointed lawyers and have
accepted the charges against them, and as a result have received heavy sentences. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 27, 2009)
Regime sentences election protester to 3 years of prison
Alireza Jafarian, the lawyer of Iman Sohrab-pour, a suspect in the unrest after the elections said in an interview,
"The court has issued a three year final sentence for my client".
"According to the law, we have 20 days to protest the issued sentence and I will protest this sentence", he
stressed. "Some of Sohrab-pour's charges are acting against national security by attending a gathering and
conspiring to disrupt public security, participating in activities against the Islamic system by participating in
illegal gatherings, creating doubts of election fraud, creating distrust in the country's government officials,
creating unrest in the public order by way of sedition and unconventional acts, causing fear and terror in the

society, distributing instigating CDs and announcements amongst gatherers and seditionists", his lawyer added.
(Fars state-run News Agency – Oct. 28, 2009)
Iran illegally prevents jailed Iranian sociologist from appealing 15 year prison term
The International Human Rights Campaign of Iran announced today that judicial officials in Iran in charge of
the case of Kian Tajbakhsh, an Iranian- American sociologist who has been sentenced to 15 years of prison for
alleged efforts to overthrow the government, have prevented his lawyer from appealing his sentence in breach of
Iranian law.
Tajbakhsh was sentenced to 15 years of prison in a court of first instance on October 20. According to Iranian
law, the defendant has 20 days to appeal the sentence by making a new case. Ten days after the issuing of this
sentence, judicial officials have continuously prevented his lawyer from making a new case.
According to a source close to the Tajbakhsh family, officials have said in answer to the protests of his lawyer
that 'this is our law and we can do whatever we want with it". (International Human Rights Campaign in Iran–
Oct. 29, 2009)
Female political prisoner sentenced to 3 months of prison and a year of probation
According to reports from the Semnan Revolutionary Court, political prisoner Tayebeh Nabavi has been
sentenced to three months of prison and one year of probation.
This political prisoner was arrested two months ago by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and taken to
solitary confinement has been deprived to visit her 3-year-old child. She has been under severe pressure from
intelligence agents and has been kept in severe conditions and in an undetermined state. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 29, 2009)
Freelance journalist sentenced to five years of prison
Reza Rafiyi-Forushani, a freelance journalist charged with espionage was sentenced to seven years of prison and
5 years of probation.
Mohammad Oliayifard, his lawyer said in this regard, "After his family asked me to represent him I went to the
15th branch of the Revolutionary Court but they did not accept my mandate because they said that the sentence
had been issued. This is while following some research I realized that Mr. Rafiyi's sentenced had not been issued
then and that they had lied to me".
"They forced my client to read a pre-prepared text and to make false confessions by promising him his freedom",
he added. (Until the Freedom of Journalists Weblog – Oct. 29, 2009)
EU condemns jail sentence for British employee in Iran
The European Union condemned Thursday a reported jail sentence in Iran handed to a British embassy worker
and expressed solidarity with Britain.
In a statement, the EU 'expresses its deep concern over the four-year prison sentence imposed on Mr Hossein
Rassam, an employee of the British embassy in Tehran, which represents an attack on normal diplomatic
The EU considers the sentence unjustified and harsh, and urges the Iranian authorities to overturn it swiftly,'
said the statement, issued by Sweden which holds the bloc's rotating presidency.
'The presidency reiterates that any action against one EU country (a citizen or member of embassy staff) is
considered an action against the entire EU, and will be treated accordingly,' it said. (AFP - Oct 29, 2009)
Student activists sentenced to two years of prison
Surosh Sabet, a leftist student activist was sentenced to two years of prison in an verdict issued by
Judge Moqiseh in the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran. The sentence was
announced to his lawyer, Mahnaz Parakand, today. This student has been charged with
participating in gatherings and conspiring to disrupt national security. (Committee of Human
Rights Reporters - Nov. 2, 2009)
Student activist sentenced to 3 years of prison
Amir Aqayi, a leftist student activist, was sentenced to a three year suspended prison term.
Amir Aqayi, who studies at the Rajayi University was arrested on December 3, 2007 during the widespread
arrest of leftist students and was released on bail on January 23. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 3, 2009)

Newspaper editor sentenced to 6 years of prison

Reza Nurbakhsh, the editor in chief of Farhikhtegan Daily who was arrested on August 4 was sentenced to six
years of prison by a court of first instance. His family has confirmed this issue. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Nov. 3, 2009)
Kurd political prisoners punished for political beliefs
In the past few months, a number of political prisoners in Saqez were sentenced to prison by the Revolutionary
Court in Saqez and their sentences were confirmed in the court of review.
1- Mohammad Azizi, was sentenced to six years of prison by the first branch of the Revolutionary Court in
Saqez on charges of having contacts with Kurdish parties. His sentence was confirmed by the 4th branch
of the court of review. His sentence was carried out on October.
2- Shir Kuh Moarefi was sentenced to death by the first branch of the Revolutionary Court in Saqez on
charges of 'enmity against God'. The 4th branch of the Court of Review confirmed the sentence which
was upheld by the Supreme Court in October.
3- Ahvan Moradveisi was sentenced to a year of prison by the first branch of the Revolutionary Court in
Saqez on charges of having contacts with Kurd opposition groups. His sentence was confirmed by the
court of review and was carried out in October.
4- Asdollah Donyayi was sentenced to six months of prison and six months of suspended prison by the
Revolutionary Court. His sentence was confirmed in the court of review and was carried out in
5- Amir Rostami was sentenced to two years of prison by the first branch of the Revolutionary Court on
charges of having contacts with Kurd parties. This sentence was confirmed by the 4th branch of the
court of review and was carried out in October. He is currently out of prison on bail. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Nov. 9, 2009)
Elite PhD student sentenced to 4 years of prison
Hesam Salamat, a master's degree sociology major at Tehran University, who was arrested by security forces in
Tehran after the presidential elections and was released on a 200,000 dollar bail after spending two months in
Evin Prison's ward 209, was sentenced to 4 years of prison last week in the 26th branch of the Revolutionary
Court in Tehran.
Despite the fact that the representative of the Public Prosecutor had accepted errors in the indictment pointed
out by Salamat's lawyer, Mohammad Oliyayi Fard, Judge Pur-abas convicted Salamat to spreading propaganda
against the government, attending gatherings and conspiring to disrupt national security and sentenced him to 4
years of prison.
Hesam who was accepted in the PhD sociology exams outranking everyone else in Tehran University, was
banned from continuing his education with the influence of the head of Tehran University's Sociology Group
and security institutions outside the university and was active in a committee in defense of the right to
education founded by students who had been banned from education. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov.
12, 2009)
Kurd man sentenced to two years of prison
A court in the city of Saqez sentenced a man to two years of prison on Tuesday November 9. According to
reports, Naseh Hossein Zadeh was charged by the Revolutionary Court in this city to cooperating with and
having contacts with dissident Kurd parties. He is currently detained in Saqez Prison. His trial only lasted a few
minutes and without a lawyer. (Iran News Agency – Nov. 12, 2009)
Iran student gets 8 yrs over post-election protests
An Iranian court on Saturday sentenced a student who took part in protests
following Iran's disputed presidential election this year to eight years in prison, a
website reported.
The June 12 vote triggered big street demonstrations by OPPOSITION supporters
accusing the authorities of rigging the result, which gave President Mahmoud
Ahamdinejad a second term in charge.


Abdullah Momeni's wife told website Mowjcamp, which backs defeated candidate Mirhossein Mousavi, that
Momeni was sentenced to six years for taking part in post-election protests and two years for previous activities
concerning national security.
Several other post-election detainees have received jail terms and three people have been sentenced to death,
according to Iranian media.
Last week a court sentenced a man to seven years in jail and 74 lashes for post-election activities, Mowjcamp
reported.(Reuters – Nov. 14, 2009)
Active Azeri couple sentenced to one year of prison
The third branch of the Tabriz Revolutionary Court sentenced Alireza
Farshi and his wife Sima Didar, two Azeri activists in Tabriz to one year of
They were charged with spreading propaganda against the system by
chanting slogans and holding banners advocating national rights of the
people of Azarbaijan in a ceremony on May 22 in the El Goli Park in Tabriz
and giving reports to news websites. (Savalan Sassi Website – Nov. 17,
Regime sentences five political prisoners to prison
The Revolutionary Court in Saqez sentenced five young people in this city to prison terms in a show trial
without their lawyers.
These men were arrested by security institutions in the past few months on charges of cooperating with
dissident Kurd parties.
According to the court verdict, Himan Fatehi was sentenced to two years of prison while Heiwa Azari, Ata
Ardongi, Khaled Azizpur and Davood Riahi were each sentenced to one year of prison. (Iran News Agency –
Nov. 16, 2009)
Regime sentences man to six years of prison
Seyed Ali Asghar Hosseini said, "According to a verdict issued by the court, my client Mr. Ali Behzadian-nejad
has been sentenced to six years of prison".
"In the indictment read out by the prosecutor in court, my client was charged with disrupting public order and
spreading propaganda against the government. I was surprised to see that in the verdict that was issued my client
was sentenced to five years of prison on the charge of conspiring to disrupt national security which was not even
in the indictment and he was sentenced to one year of prison on charges of spreading propaganda against the
Ali Behzadian-nejad is the nephew of Qorban Behzadian-nejad, the head of Mir Hussein Moussavi's election
staff. (Parliament News – Nov. 18, 2009)
Political activist sentenced to three years of prison
The head of the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran sentenced Sayid Habibi, the
former head of organizations at the Office for Consolidating Unity and a current member of the
Committee of Human Rights Reporters, to three years of prison on charges of spreading
propaganda against eh Islamic Republic and gathering and conspiring to act against national
security. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 21, 2009)

Political prisoner sentenced to two year of prison

The two year sentence of political prisoner Hossein Ezami was confirmed by a court of review. This 21-year-old
who is the only bread winner of his poverty-stricken family was sentenced to two years of prison last week by
Judge Salavati. His sentence was confirmed by the 36th branch of the Revolutionary Court presided over by
This political prisoner was not allowed to attend his own trial and was banned from defending himself and from
having a lawyer.


Ezami was arrested by Bassij forces on June 14 while going out to buy a Mother's Day gift. He was tortured in a
detention center and was transferred to Evin Prison after some time. He was once again tortured in the
interrogations in Evin Prison to make false confessions. He has currently been transferred to ward 350 in this
prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 21, 2009)
Cleric sentenced to six years of prison
Five government agents went to the home of political prisoner Mohammad Ali Abtahi, taking him along, to
search his home in the morning and subsequently took him to court where he was sentenced to six years of
prison for five allegations made against him.
Abtahi was once again taken to prison after his sentence was announced to him. (Ayandeh Website – Nov. 21,
Iran sentences student activist to one year of prison
According to reports, Nader
Ahsani, a student activist who
was arrested on Student Day
in 2007 was trialed by the
head of the 28th branch of the
Revolutionary Court, Judge
Moqiseyi, and sentenced to
one year of prison.
Moqiseyi, who was a member
of the 'death commission'
responsible for the death of
thousands of political
prisoners in the 80's
announced to Ahsani's
Nader Ahsani Surosh Sabet
lawyer on November 21 that
his client was sentenced to one year of prison for spreading propaganda against the system.
According to other reports, a number of other student activists were sentenced to prison including Mr. Sayid
Habibi sentenced to three years of prison, Mehdi Geraylu, 5 years of prison, Keyvan Amiri Eliasi, 5 years,
Mohammad Allahyari sentenced to two years of prison and Surosh Sabet Dashtestani , who was sentenced to
two years of prison. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 21, 2009)
Political prisoner sentenced to 5 years of prison
Ahmad Zeid Abadi, a journalist and Secretary General of the Office for Consolidating Unity was sentenced to
five years of prison.
Zeid Abadi was transferred to court in the morning where his five year prison term which has to be served in
exile in Gonabad (Khorasan Province) was announced to him. This is while this court increased his bail from
$250,000 to $350,000 and his family has to try to gather this new sum of money. (Committee of Human Rights
Reporters – Nov. 23, 2009)
Iran sentences man to 6 years of prison and 74 lashes for 'insulting government officials'
Ali Tajernia's lawyer said that his client was sentenced to six years of prison and 74 lashes by the 26th branch of
Tehran's Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Pir Abassi.
"My client was sentenced to five years of prison on charges of gathering, conspiring and intending to disrupt
public security, one year of prison on charges of spreading propaganda against the government and 74 lashes for
insulting government officials", his lawyer added.
Ali Tajernia is a member of the Participation Front who was arrested on June 19 and released on a 1000 dollar
bail on November 7. (ILNA state-run news agency – Nov. 24, 2009)
Female political prisoner sentenced to 4 years of prison
Atefeh Nabavi, a student activist who was arrested in post election protests on the night
of June 15 was sentenced to four years of prison by the 12th branch of the Revolutionary


She was trialed last week in this branch and sentenced on charges of 'disrupting public order' and 'gathering and
conspiring against the government by attending illegal demonstrations'. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov.
24, 2009)
Azeri activists sentenced to heavy prison terms
According to reports from Tabriz, Fardin Morad Pour was sentenced to six years of prison and his brother
Morteza Morad Pour was sentenced to three years of prison. Fardin Morad Pour was shot in the shoulder by
security forces upon his arrest on the third anniversary of the Azerbaijan protest in Tabriz.
According to this report, Fardin was taken to an unknown location by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence
from Tehran from 3 pm to 8 pm and was threatened and interrogated for several hours.
Other reports said that 11 other Azeri activists arrested on the third anniversary of the Azerbaijan protests in
Tabriz were also sentenced to 3 to 6 years of prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 25, 2009)
Security forces sentence two Kurds to prison
Two young Kurds from Ashnavieh identified as Hasan Yusefi and Qader Yusefi who were arrested a few days
ago by agents of the intelligence agency were sentenced to prison terms by a court in this town.
Hasan Yusefi was sentenced to 10 years of prison while Qader Yusefi was sentenced to three years of prison.
They were accused of supporting a dissident (Kurd) party and spreading propaganda against the government.
(Kurdistan Media – Nov. 26, 2009)
Kurd man sentenced to six months of prison for political beliefs
Ali Allah Veisi, a Kurd man in Sanandaj was sentenced to six months of prison. The first branch of the
Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj sentenced him to prison on charges of 'advertising and promoting the Komala
Party'. His sentence is subject to appeal.
Allah Veis was arrested last month by security forces in Sanandaj. He was jailed in a detention center in this city
for 2 moths before being released on bail. He was kept in a solitary cell for 50 days in very hard conditions.
(Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Nov. 28, 2009)
Female political activist sentenced to 6 years of prison
The lawyer of Hengameh Shahidi said that his client was sentenced to six years,
three months and one day of prison.
Mohammad Mostafayi announced this and said, "I went to inquire about
Hengameh Shahidi's case today to the 26th branch of the Revolutionary Court and
the head of the office announced the sentence to me".
"She was sentenced on charges of acting against national security by gathering and
conspiring to disrupt the security of the country by participating in the seditions
on Saturday June 17". (ILNA state-run news agency – Nov. 30, 2009)
Young man who was arrested before elections sentenced to prison for post election protests
Naser Barzegar, 24, who was a conscript and graduated from the Saveh University with a management degree
was sentenced to two years of prison by the Revolutionary Court.
This Islam Shahr resident was tried in a show trial on charges of being a member of a political dissident
organization and participating in events after the elections even while he was arrested before the elections.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 30, 2009)
Iran confirms heavy sentence of student prisoner
The heavy sentence of student prisoner Hasan Tarlani who was sentenced to 10 years of
prison to be served in exile in the Central Prison of Kerman was confirmed in the 31st
branch of the Supreme Court. This sentence was confirmed without the presence of
Tarlani and his lawyer Nasrin Sutodeh. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran –
Dec. 2, 2009)
Political prisoner sentenced to nine years of prison
The lawyer of Saeid Leilaz said that the initial sentence of his client had
been issued.


"The court of first instance has issued a nine year prison sentence for the charges of Saeid Leilaz", his lawyer
Seyed Mahmoud Alizadeh Tabatayi said.
"Some of his charges are participating in illegal gatherings and keeping confidential evidence", he added. (Fars
News Agency – Dec. 2, 2009)
Kurd man sentenced to five years of prison
A resident of Maku named Ibrahim Ahsan was sentenced to prison by the Revolutionary Court in Khoy.
This political prisoner has been imprisoned for more than a year and was sentenced to five years of prison on
charges of cooperating with a Kurd opposition party. He is currently detained in Orumieh Prison serving his
time. (Kurdistan Media- Dec. 5, 2009)
22 post election detainees sentenced to jail and lashes
The finalized sentences of 22 offenders who were arrested in recent events and their cases were seen to in the
Revolutionary Court in Tehran was sent to the Revolutionary Court Sentence Execution Department.
According to these sentences 18 of them were sentenced to prison terms from 4 months to 4.5 years while
others were sentenced to paying a fine and being lashed. (ILNA state-run news agency – Dec. 7, 2009)
Regime sentences student activist to six years of prison
Mohammad Pour-Abdollah was sentenced to six years of prison in the Revolutionary Court
This student activist who was arrested on February 12 was sentenced in the 15th branch of
the Revolutionary Court this morning.
Pour-Abdollah was jailed for the first 300 days in Evin Prison's ward 209 and was then
moved to Qezel Hesar Prison where dangerous criminals are kept. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Dec. 9, 2009)

Kurd prisoner sentenced to six years of prison

The 4th branch of the Court of Review upheld the 6 year prison sentence of Mohammad Azizi who was charged
with cooperating with Kurd Parties.
This is while this Kurd man was imprisoned since winter and was sentenced to six years of prison after being
jailed for 11 months.
He was sentenced to 8 years of prison to be served in exile before this for helping Kurd parties and had served
his time in Ardabil Prison. Mohammad Azizi did not have a lawyer in the interrogations and court procedures.
He has a one year old child. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 10, 2009)
The Shiraz Revolutionary Court announced the sentences for 8 students and a university professor from various
universities in this city.
These sentences are as follows:
1- Kazem Rezayi, Shiraz Univ. student sentenced to 5 years and 8 months of prison
2- Dr. Masih Allah Haqiqat-jo, medical science professor at the Shiraz Medical Science University
sentenced to 5 years of suspended prison
3- Nazari, Medical Science Univ. students sentenced to 4 years of prison
4- Yahya Tavusi, Medical Science Univ. student sentenced to 3 years of prison
5- Ehsan Kavusi, Medical Science Univ. student sentenced to 3 years of prison
6- Ali Jalayi, Payame Noor Univ. student sentenced to 6 months of suspended prison and paying a 1000
dollar fine
7- Mojtaba Hosseini, Shiraz Univ. student sentenced to 6 months of suspended prison
8- Saied Rezayi, Medical Science Univ. student sentenced to 6 months of suspended prison
9- Kheibar Hassan-pour, Shiraz Univ. student sentenced to 6 months of suspended prison
Also, Banayi, Ali Jalayi, Saied Rezayi, Zahedi, Zuhorian, Ahmad Aref, Ayub Pourfat-hi, Taheri, Safar-pour,
Poursoltan, Ali Salehpour, Kazem Rezayi, Yahya Tavusi, Neda Eskandari, Khadijeh Qahremani, Nazari,
Shirvani, Baqeri are students who were arrested on November 4 and are still detained.


The dossiers of 12 Shiraz University student activists, who were suspended from education because of protest
gatherings last year on Student's Day and their files were referred to the Science Ministry's Disciplinary
Committee, were once again referred to the Science Ministry for heavier punishments and these students were
summoned by the Shiraz University Disciplinary Committee. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 12, 2009)
Iran sentences women to 3 years of prison for PMOI links
Ozra Qazi Mir-Sayid was sentenced to three years of prison by the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court in
Tehran on charges of setting a bomb in 2004 and distributing announcements in favor of the People's
Mojahedin Organization of Iran in post election events. (VOA TV – Dec. 15, 2009)
Court sentences Hamedan student activists to prison terms
According to a sentence announced to Dr. Shojapoorian, the lawyer of four members of the Central Committee
of Hamedan University's Islamic Association, Siavosh Hatam, Secretary General of the Islamic Association,
Seyed Reza Jafarian, political secretary, Pouria Sharifian, Secretary for Student's Affairs and Mehdi Mosafer,
Cultural Secretary, were each sentenced to one year of prison by the first branch of the Revolutionary Court in
Hamedan. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 15, 2009)
Iran sentences two Shiraz Univ. students to heavy prison terms
Seyed Hamed Kavusi, who was arrested in Shiraz University on November 4, was sentenced to three years of
prison by the second branch of the Shiraz Revolutionary Court.
According to his lawyer, Farshid Yadollahi, he was charged with acting against national security by participating
in illegal gatherings, running these gatherings and spreading propaganda against the government in favor of
dissident groups and organizations by chanting slogans against the Velayate Faqih (the Leader) and officials.
According to other reports, Mohammad Tabe Mohammadi, another arrested student was sentenced to four
years of prison. Forty-five other students were also sentenced to paying a fine, short prison terms and suspended
prison terms. (JRS – Dec. 29, 2009)
Regime sentences journalist to 8 years of prison
Massoud Lavasani, journalist and blogger who was arrested late September was sentenced to eight and a half
years of prison after his court was postponed a number of times.
This is while he is in a bad condition in prison and his visits have been limited. (Human Rights Activists in Iran
– Dec. 23, 2009)
Iran sentences leading reformist to six years
An Iranian court has sentenced prominent reformist Abdollah Ramezanzadeh to six years in prison on charges
including acting against national security, the Fars news agency reported on Thursday.
Ramezanzadeh, spokesman for reformist former president Mohammad Khatami, was arrested on June 14 in a
crackdown on mass protests against the disputed re-election of hardline President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad two
days earlier.
'Branch 15 of the revolutionary court announced that the court of first instance has sentenced Ramezanzadeh,
one of the defendants from the recent incidents, to six years in prison,' Fars said.
'Acting against national security, propaganda against the Islamic republic and keeping confidential documents
were among the charges against him,' it added.
Ramezanzadeh pleaded not guilty on all counts at a late-November hearing, Iranian media reported at the time.
He said in September that he had been severely beaten when he was arrested, as had his son, and that he was
then being held in solitary confinement.
He is a leading member of the main reformist party, the Islamic Iran Participation Front.
Ramezanzadeh has been given a four-day prison leave until Sunday after he paid bail of 8,000 million rials
(800,000 dollars), the report added. (AFP - Dec 24, 2009)
Cultural activists sentenced to 5 years of prison
Pezhman Moussavi Rahimi, a cultural activist and member of the Cultural Arts Shadow Association was
sentenced to 5 years of prison. He was sentenced to two years of prison and three years of suspended prison by
the first branch of the Revolutionary Court in Ahwaz.
The Cultural Arts Shadow Association is a NGO which is active in the cultural, arts and social fields in Ahwaz.


(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 28, 2009)

Identity and picture of young man run over by security forces
According to reports, Shahrokh Rahmani was run over by a security force car in the Valiasr
Intersection and died.
His body was buried yesterday along with Seyed Ali Moussavi in the Behesht Zahra Cemetery.
His family was severely threatened by security forces to the extent that they are not willing to
give any interviews. These forces only handed his body to his family for burial on the
condition that they not talk to the media and that they announce that he died as a result of
an accident. (Parleman News – Dec. 31, 2009)



Basic freedom and rights abused

Right to education

Right to employment



Basic freedom and rights abused

Guidance Ministry closes daily
The Press Supervision Board in the Ministry of Culture
and Guidance closed Kargozaran Daily. Mohammad
Parvizi, the head of this board said, "Kargozaran Daily
has been closed in accordance to the 6th clause of press
laws and this case has been sent to court to be dealt
with legally".
This official stated the reason for the closing of this
newspaper as a statement published in this newspaper on Tuesday… Parvizi is referring to a statement by the
Office for Consolidating Unity (student association). In this statement the OCU wrote: "The agent and
instigator behind the human catastrophe in Gaza are governments who equip either sides with missiles, rockets,
bombs and ammunition and those who do not leave a place for an atmosphere of negotiation and
reconciliation". (Radio Farda – Jan. 1, 2009)
250 bookshops closed down in Tehran
Mohammad Ali Jafarieh, member of the Publishers and Booksellers Union in Tehran said, "In the last three
years, 250 bookshops have been closed due to publishing problems ".
"Every day the ground for activities becomes more limited and tighter and conditions for booksellers become
harder. The main problem is that we have reached the end point on the grounds of selling and distributing
books", he added. (Fahang Ashti state-run daily – Jan. 1, 2009)
Security agents confiscate 16,000 satellite dishes
Tehran's State Security Forces confiscated 16,000 satellite dishes and arrested 11 people in this regard in the last
10 days. The head of the SSF in Tehran announced this and said that the discovery of satellite dishes in the last
nine months has increased compared to the same time last year. (Iran Press – Jan. 2, 2009)
More than 60 Shiite mourners detained in Intelligence Detention Centers
According to reports from cellblock A.T in the Intelligence Agency Detention Center and Isfahan's Detention
Center several people who were arrested during mourning ceremonies for Imam Hossein are currently detained
and under torture.
Clashes between State Security Forces and people in the cities of Darache, Homayoon-shahr, Zanbieh and
Markin in the Province of Isfahan has so far lead to the death of one person and the severe injury of another
Intelligent agents have threatened and put pressure on the families of the injured to prevent them from
publishing the names of their loves ones who were injured during the clashes. Several mourners who were
arrested by security forces have been transferred to solitary cells in cellblock A.T of the Intelligence Agency in
Isfahan Prison. Close to 65 of these prisoners have been transferred to Isfahan's Detention Center due to lack of
space in cellblock A.T. Those who have been transferred to this detention center are physically tortured by
Intelligence Agency interrogators and torture signs are evident on their bodies. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – Jan. 10, 2009)
Banned daily editor threatened
Yesterday two agents who introduced themselves as employees of the Department of Property went to the office
of Keyvan Samimi, editor of the banned daily "Nameh". These agents started identifying the people in the office
asking questions on the banning of this daily instead of looking at financial records (they were supposed to look
at financial records). This is while a few days ago agents of the Public Sites Office of the State Security Forces
questioned the neighbors of this office on the employees of the office building of "Nameh" daily. Samimi has
also recently received threatening messages. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Jan. 11, 2009)


2 weeklies shut down for second time

Two Kurdish-Farsi weeklies which had started being published in Kurdish areas from October 2008, after their
ruling to be shut down was annulled by the Supreme Court, were once again ruled to be shut down by the
Media Supervision Committee. (Mukerian News Agency – Jan. 12, 2009)
US-Iranian student banned from leaving country for one month
Iranian-US student Esha Momeni, who had been released on bail after being held on
security charges, has been banned from leaving the Islamic republic for one month,
judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi said on Tuesday.
"Ms Momeni was banned from leaving Iran a week ago," Jamshidi told reporters.
"Her passport had been given to her but a new issue has opened and the examination
of this issue will take about one month," he said, without giving further details.
The student, who holds both Iranian and US nationality, was detained in Tehran on
October 15 and released on bail on November 11. (AFP – Jan. 13, 2009)
Iran detains rappers in ward 209
A number of rappers were arrested by State Security Forces after returning from a trip abroad. Although the
commander of the SSF has denied that a number of singers and rappers were arrested after a trip to Dubai, eye
witnesses have confirmed that at least six rappers and singers are detained in ward 209 of Evin Prison.
Amir Maghsood and Ali Shah Ali and number of others were arrested in the end of October 2008 and detained
in Evin Prison. These people were first kept in solitary confinement for two weeks after which they were
transferred to cells 121 and 122. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 14, 2009)
Iran shuts down daily for 5 days for interviewing singer in Los Angeles
According to a credible source, in an emergency meeting, the Media Supervision Board voted that Hamshahri
Daily be shut down for 5 days. This source added that this decision was made after this daily published an
interview with an Iranian singer in Los Angeles. (Jam-e- Jam Online - Jan. 14, 2009)
Several dozen are imprisoned for their family visits
On Friday January 16, eighteen people were beaten and arrested in Merhabad Airport, their houses were raided
their belongings were confiscated at midnight and then were transferred to Cellblock 209 of Evin Prison. They
were going to visit their children in Ashraf Camp in Iraq having credible visas. It is noteworthy that there are
many more imprisoned in limbo for their family visits in Ashraf Camp. They include Madams Zahra Assadpour,
Fatemeh Joshan (Mrs Assadpour’s daughter), and Messrs Ali Mo’ezi, Shir-Mohammad Rezai, Asghar Banazadeh,
and Hamid-Reza Banazadeh in Gohardasht Prison, in Karaj; Mrs Zahra Aliqoli and Mr. Houd Yazerlou in Evin
Prison, in Tehran; Mr. Mehran Mo’eini in Isfahan Central Prison; Mr. Ali-Mohammad Hassani in Vakilabad
Prison, in Mashhad. (Center of defending prisoners in Iran – Jan. 17, 2009)
Security forces threaten supporters of imprisoned dissident cleric
Security agents have called supporters of Ayatollah Borujerdi who are still in contact with him from outside
prison, threatening them. Agents have interrogated them about the method they send and publish Borujerdi's
messages from inside prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 18, 2009)
Iran's Telecom blocks IPs of news websites
The Telecommunication of Iran has blocked the IPs of almost all the servers of news related websites from this
morning making it impossible to reach these websites from inside the country. While all of these websites are
reachable with use of anti-filters, using "Trace" shows that these IPs have been blocked by the Ministry of
Telecommunications. (Asre Iran state-run website – Jan. 18, 2009)
Imprisoned human rights activist not allowed lawyer
Five days after the arrest of Jinoos Sobhani, the former secretary of two NGOs in Tehran, the Human Rights
Center and the Center for Cooperation on Clearing Mines, she is still imprisoned without the right to a lawyer
and there is no news of her condition.
"Unfortunately because there is no way of contacting her and the fact that charges against her have not been
announced by official sources and that she is not allowed to have a lawyer, there is no reliable information on
her condition", said an informed source.


"Although we do know that on the day the office of the Human Rights Center was shut down, Mrs. Sobhani
who was in the office at the time tried very hard to prevent its shut down and also to publish news of this event
and she was threatened on the spot", this source added. (Rooz Website – Jan. 18, 2009)
Iran destroys Khavaran Cemetery to cover up
massacre of 30,000 political prisoners buried
There has been news that the Iranian regime is
trying once again to cover up its crimes in
Khavaran Cemetery. Following the banning of a
ceremony in Khavaran Cemetery to
commemorate the 20th anniversary of the
massacre of political prisoners in the 80's,
security forces have tightened their control on
this cemetery and have chained the only
entrance. From then on, families who came to
this cemetery were not allowed to enter through
the main entrance… (According to witnesses) it
seems that they have leveled some of the areas in
Khavaran and have dumped fresh soil on the
areas where families have identified as being mass graves. They have also planted trees in other areas in this
cemetery. (Human Rights Activists in Iran - Jan. 19, 2009)
African hairdresser deported from Iran because of fixing "western" hairstyles
An African women who had illegally set up a salon in northern Tehran and styled western style hair for young
men and women was arrested and deported from Iran. (Farda News state-run website - Jan. 19, 2009)
Arak University newsletter shut down because of "insulting sanctities"
Negah-e No student newsletter has been shut down in Arak University for six months. The Committee for
Supervision on Student Newsletters wrote in a letter that this newsletter has not followed rules and has insulted
the sanctities and therefore banned its publishing permit. This is while this letter was given to members of the
Islamic Association secretly. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Jan. 18, 2009)
Yasooj Municipality destroys newspaper stands without prior notice
A number of newspaper stands in Yasooj were either destroyed or damaged by the municipality's barrier forces
in this city without any prior notice. In this move, the stand of ILNA news agency was also destroyed. This is
while this news agency had not received any notices from the municipality on violating any rules. (Iran Press -
Jan. 19, 2009)
Managing Director of Hemophilic Center arrested for criticizing "slow treatment of patients"
The attorney of the Hemophilic Center of Iran announced that the Managing Director of this center had been
"The arrest warrant for Ahmad Qavidel was issued by the 6th branch of the Government Employees Court on
charges of publishing lies according to the complaints of the Ministry of Hygiene and Treatment, and he is
currently detained in police station number 48".
"A few days ago Qavidel stated that the process of treatment for hemophilic patients is slow and this was wrongly
published by the Motevaqef News Agency", his attorney said on the reason for Qavidel's arrest.
"This is while according to a court sentence it was determined that this treatment process is slow". (Fararoo
website – Jan. 28, 2009)
Disciplinary Committee interrogates two Khabar College student activists
According to reports Ehsan Mazandarani and Mohammad Sadeq Chenari, two Khabar College activists, were
interrogated after being summoned to the Disciplinary Committee this week. In the interrogations, these two
students were asked to write explanations and give the details of a recent meeting they had. (E'temad Meli state-
run daily – Jan. 29, 2009)


Agents search imprisoned woman activist's house; beat husband
and roommate
Agents of the Special Security Court in Tehran raided the home of
Nafiseh Azad, a women's rights activist and member of the Million
Signature Campaign who was recently arrested, and took her
personal belongings and roommate with them. In this violent
search, her husband Vahid Maleki and her roommate Elnaz Ansari,
also a member of this campaign, were beaten by security forces and
her husband was also handcuffed during the search. (Taqir Baraye
Barabari website (Change for Equality) – Feb. 3, 2009)
Boo-Ali Sina University student newspaper shut down for
criticizing government
Rastaran Newspaper published by Boo-Ali Sina's Islamic Association which criticized the actions of the
government was closed. According to the Cultural Department and this university's cultural assistant, the
publishers of this newspaper will be severely dealt with and will be summoned to the Disciplinary Committee.
(Iran News Agency – Feb. 4, 2009)
Newspaper shut down for "insulting officials"
Iran's Attorney General announced that Hemat daily has been shut down by the Media Supervision Committee.
"Hemat daily has been shut down by this committee for insulting top state officials", Dari Najaf Abadi said.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 4, 2009)
Babol Noonshirvani University officials shut down student's Islamic Association
After announcing that the Office for Consolidating Unity is an illegal organization, the officials at Mazandaran
University closed Noonshirvani Technical College's office of the Islamic Association.
Officials even broke the doors and windows of this office and built a wall in its place. (Amir Kabir Newsletter –
Feb. 5, 2009)
Students threatened not to testify for student suicide case
The Protection Department of Beheshti University threatened students who announced their willingness to
testify in the case of Shahrooz Keshavarz, a Beheshti University Ph.D. student who committed suicide, to
suspension from university. The Protection Department has called all these students threatening them that they
will be suspended or even expelled from university should they testify. This department demanded that students
stay silent on this case. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 8, 2009)
Ex-prisoners forced to participate in Revolution day parade
According to reports from Bukan, close to 300 prisoners who were previously freed on bail were pressurized to
participate in February 10 parades (to mark the 30th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution) by the Intelligence
Department in Bukan. This Department has threatened these ex-prisoners that if they do not participate in this
parade they will be detained once again. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 10, 2009)
Local daily taken off stands for calling Iran a "terrorist" country
According to reports, on February 7 after a local newspaper in Hormozgan published a report, it was gathered
from all newspaper stands in this city. The Sobhe Sahel (Morning Beach) daily, which has been active for more
than 24 years, had reported that an Iranian ship was evicted in the waters of Cyprus and called Iran a "terrorist"
country in its report.
No decision has been taken on the future activities of this newspaper but according to an official, it will
probably be shut down for a while and its editors will be dealt with. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 8, 2009)
Newspaper editor trialed in court for "instigating others to act against national security"
The jury of the Media Court voted that the editor of the Nameh Monthly Paper, Keyvan Samimi, was guilty as
charged. This trial was held yesterday in the 76th branch of Tehran's Penal Court presided over by Modir
Khorasani. The jury voted that Samimi was guilty on two counts: "publishing anti-Islamic items by promoting
articles damaging to the government and inducing people and groups to take measures against national security
and the Islamic Republic". (Bamdad Khabar website – Feb. 10, 2009)

Minister's body guards violently beat state-run news agency reporter

The bodyguards of the Cooperation Minister violently beat and abused a Mehr state-run news agency reporter
while this minister was speaking at a parade to mark the 30th anniversary of Islamic Revolution in Sari. This
happened after one of the minister's bodyguards insulted and verbally abused a woman and her child who
intended to hand a letter to the Cooperation Minister. After this reporter objected this abusive treatment,
security forces forcefully dragged him into a nearby street, threatened him, and then violently hit and abused
him. They also shot
tear gas in the vicinity, which injured a number of people including a child. (Center of Political Prisoners in
Exile – Feb. 10, 2009)
New wave of censorships in Iran
After the publication of a number of video clips of interviews and reports where the true face of the demands of
the Iranian people was shown without any censorship and sometimes their fear of the government was evident,
the head of Iran's state-run television broadcasting company "Seda va Sima" has started a new wave of
"The Seda va Sima cameramen and reporters who misuse their reports which they provided for Seda va Sima for
outside use will be dealt with", said the head of this broadcasting company.
By showing the true face of the society without the unrealistic decorations of the Seda va Sima of the Islamic
Republic, these films and reports which were spread among the masses by unknown sources, sometimes made
evident the people's real opinions which was in opposition to the government. The officials of Seda va Sima
have started dealing with the publishers of these films to prevent this reality from spreading.
"In the first step, if someone outside of the Seda va Sima does this, security systems have the responsibility of
dealing with them. But, if we find out that an irresponsible person or persons in Seda va Sima has misused our
reports, pictures or interviews that are not usable in Seda va Sima for any given reason, they will be seriously
dealt with", Zarqami added. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 14, 2009)
Journalist banned from leaving country
A journalist who intended to travel to Spain to give a speech in a seminar in this
country was banned from leaving the country. This is while Abdolreza Tajik's passport
was stamped and approved and he was getting ready to board the plane. Tajik was the
political editor of the state-run Sharq daily until this newspaper was banned. His
passport was confiscated after he was banned from leaving the country and he was told
to present himself to the Revolutionary Court. (Iran Press News – Feb. 17, 2009)
Storekeepers forced to close shops for Friday prayers in Qom
On Fridays, State Security Forces go to stores in Qom in the afternoon at prayer time
and force the storekeepers to close their shops for a certain amount of time. The store license of those who
refuse will become invalid or will not be renewed. According to reports the shops of those who refused to close
their shops has been closed down. (Ayandeh News – Feb. 21, 2009)
Human rights activists charged with "acting against national security"
Javad Alizadeh was trialed today. This Human rights activist who was arrested for giving a
speech at a ceremony to mark the first anniversary of the death of Ibrahim Lotfollahi (student
who died suspiciously in a detention center) was accused with serious charges. These charges
are unrelated to the reason he was arrested.
Alizadeh was charged with "acting against national security", "animosity with the government"
and "connections to Kurdish parties". (Human Rights Activists in Iran – March 4, 2009)
"Cactus" student newspaper banned
The independent student newspaper "Cactus" run by Arman Mirzayi was banned by the Newspaper Supervision
Committee of Razi University. The reason this daily was closed is still not clear and has not been announced to
the editor. This is the third newspaper closed down from last year. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – March 5, 2009)
Female student dies in Gorgan University due to university officials' negligence


Sayideh (Keanu) Abdollahi, a student at Gorgan University's School of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
passed away due to the negligence of dormitory supervisors.
Last night Keanu had a heart attack and given that there was no ambulance at the dormitory and dorm
supervisors did not allow students to call emergency centers saying, "We make the decisions here", the
ambulance did not arrive in time and Keanu died on the way to the hospital.
University officials have claimed that Keanu committed suicide and have even called her family stating that she
died after committing suicide.
This is the second time in this year that a girl has died in this dormitory due to the lack of emergency medical
facilities, wrong decisions and limitations set by dormitory supervisors. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – March
3, 2009)
SSF close down underground music studio in Tehran
The head of the fourth base of Tehran's Public Security Police said, "Last week in Tehran Pars, an illegal studio
which produced music clips for underground singers was identified and shut down".
"This studio was situated in Jashnvareh Street and worked as an illegal studio under the cover of music classes ",
added Seifoallah Jafari. (Qalam News – March 11, 2009)
Murdered activists body secretly taken to Karaj,
Family not allowed to have funeral
According to reports from Karaj, the Intelligence
Agency has secretly taken the body of Heshmat
Saran, a political activist who died suddenly and
suspiciously in prison, to Sakineh Cemetery and
has prevented his family from having a burial
ceremony for this political activist.
His family only found about the Karaj transfer
after constant pursuit of Saran's body.
Intelligence agents have told Saran's family that
his body has to be buried under their supervision and the location they say, but they avoid giving straight
answers to this mourning family. These agents have also threatened the Saran family that if Saran's friends and
acquaintances come to the funeral, the funeral will be prohibited.
The prevention of Amir Heshmat Saran's funeral is yet another piece of evidence that they murdered him in
prison. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – March 8, 2009)
Three elderly family members of Ashraf residents transferred to Evin's ward 240
According to reports from ward 209 in Tehran's Evin Prison, three men and women who were arrested on
January 16 while intending to visit their loved ones in Camp Ashraf in Iraq have been transferred to ward 240
in this prison.
These prisoners are Asieh Bandelu, 70, her husband Ali Poureqbal, 73 and Amin Rezayi.
On March 16, when the family of these prisoners came to visit with them they were told that these prisoners are
banned from receiving visitors until further notice and that they had been transferred to ward 240 as
punishment. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – March 17, 2009)
European Union condemned violation of Human Rights in Iran
Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on Human Rights in Iran on the occasion of
the 33rd Anniversary of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
The EU, while commending the positive developments achieved by the Iranian people in the social, educational
and cultural spheres, wishes to express its concern regarding the violations by the Islamic Republic of Iran of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which it has signed and ratified.
Amongst these violations are the arbitrary arrests, harassment and other repressive measures against a number of
the women rights activists of the “One million signatures” petition and the Maydaan movement. The European
Union strongly condemns this harassment and calls on the Iranian authorities to release the imprisoned Alieh
Aghdam-Doust and Ronak Safarzadeh and to drop charges against Nafiseh Asad for their
participation in a peaceful campaign for gender equality. (Council of the European Union – Mar. 18, 2009)


Students in Iran face repression and arrest, Amnesty International

As Iran’s New Year, or Norouz holiday approaches on 21 March, marking the start of the country’s longest
holiday, university students across Iran face repression and arrest at a time when families are coming together to
celebrate. This latest series of arbitrary arrests and repressive measures are particularly directed against students,
members of Iran's religious and ethnic minority communities, trade unionists and women's rights activists.
Such arrests appear to be on the increase and may be intended to stifle debate and silence critics of the
authorities, before Iran's presidential elections in June. Amnesty International considers those detained to be
prisoners of conscience, imprisoned solely for exercising their right to freedom of expression. (Amnesty
International website – Mar. 18, 2009)
SSF attacked and detained imprisoned students’ families and
students outside Evin Prison
At noon Friday March 20, 2009 – Iranian New Year Day – families of
the imprisoned students while desiring to be near to their loved ones
who were behind bars, and spending their last minutes of the year in
front of the Evin Prison went to outside of this notorious prison.
Nevertheless, State Security Forces (SSF) did not let them to set “Haft
Sein” – traditional new year table being set up by seven stuffs starting
with “S” – and violently beat, and mayhem participants. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Mar. 21, 2009)
Gratitude offered by political prisoners to participants of Norooz
ceremony outside Evin Prison
By a message, the political prisoners in Cellblock 350 of Evin Prison sent their gratefulness to families of
political prisoners and other political activists who were going to start the Iranian New Year with those behind
bars. They said that since the regime ruling over Iran never officially considered any political prisoner and
consequently never approved their rights, mixing political prisoners with ordinary prisoners trying to weaken
them, their care and attention towards condition surrounding the prisons and political prisoners was obvious.
We hope the coming year is a promising year with great changes in the society, or putting it better, the year of
renovation and change in the political ruling system of the country. At the end, once more, we offer our true
devotion and love to you. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Mar. 21, 2009)
Transferring Mohammad Pour-Abdullah, student in custody, to Qezel-Hesar Prison
Mohammad Pour-Abdullah, student of Tehran University, was transferred to quarantined ward of Qezel-Hesar
Prison on March 18, 2009.
He was arrested at his home on February 12, 2009 and was taken to the Evin Prison. He was among mass arrest
of leftist students last year, and spent more than a month in prison.
It is noteworthy to mention, Qezel-Hesar has become a prison designated to those condemned for murder, drug
smuggling, “troublemaking,” etc since a few years ago. Holding a political prisoner in this prison is against
segregation regulation of the Prison’s Organization in Iran.
In order to impose more pressure on political prisoners, Iranian Judiciary System, sends political prisoners to
exile in such prisons, including Qezel-Hesar and Rajai-Shahr – Gohardasht – in the recent years. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Mar. 21, 2009)
Detaining prisoners’ families outside Evin Prison is a blatant abuse of legal right
Hassan Zaidabadi, spokesperson of the Inquiry Committee of Arbitrary Arrests, said that arresting families of
students in custody outside Evin Prison on the brink of the New Year is a sign of inattention of the authorities
of regime about legal scales.
“With no doubt gathering of some people and families of prisoners at the nearest place to their imprisoned
loved ones is a legal right of any citizen. But other side of the coin of this action, arresting old and sorrowful
parents who don’t have their loved ones – who were only demanding their legal rights - besides them on the
national ceremony indicates blatant abuse of rights of students and political activists,” he added. (Association of
Human Rights Defenders’ website – Mar. 22, 2009)


Report on condition of recent internet detainees

In the last days of the previous Iranian year, there was news of destroying the largest ‘corrupted’ web network.
News was expressing that directors and members of this network were arrested and had link with foreign groups
for providing ‘velvet revolution’ projects by receiving US funds.
This sort of news and manipulated files are not new, but are paving ground for more suppressive measures
against bloggers and Internet users in Iran as a whole.
The arrestees have been under tremendous pressure during the interrogation and were forced to make TV
confession and confess on heavy charges against themselves.
Last year, this suppressive plan started against bloggers by ratifying “internet offences bills” providing heavy
sentences against bloggers and internet users, and now proceeding more vigorously. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Mar. 23, 2009)
12 arrested women's rights activists transferred to Evin Prison
According to reports from the families of the 12 women's rights activists
arrested on March 27, Judge Matin Rasekh has charged these activists with
disrupting public order and creating anxiety for the public and has issued a
50 million toman bail order for them. All the arrestees have been
transferred to Evin Prison after initial interrogations in Nilufar Police
Station. (Change for Equality website – March 27, 2009)
Iran steps up internet censorship under pretext of activating firewall
A statement by the Organization of Computer Systems that was published on their official website, reported
that only a few days after the Persian New Year holiday, the Foundation Communication Company (which
provides the bandwidth for the internet in Iran) activated a firewall on the bandwidth of the whole country
without previous notification.
According to reports, this new system has caused 10 percent of web requests to lead to the "the page cannot be
displayed" page. This 10 percent of requests are of course websites that have passed the filtering of the Ministry
of Communication and are approved websites.
With regard to this issue, the Foundation Communication Company has also entered itself into the censorship
club. (Nukhostin News website – Apr. 22, 2009)
MOIS threatens families of political prisoners
According to reports from ward 209 of Evin Prison in Tehran, there is no information on the condition of 52-
year-old Fatemeh Ziayi and Hamed Yazarlou, two political prisoners in this prison.
Ziayi was arrested in her house on February 20 after intelligence agents raided her home and was taken to the
notorious ward 209. There has been no news on her condition since her arrest. This female political prisoner is
suffering from multiple sclerosis and has to be under constant treatment.
The Ziayi and Yazarlou families and families of other political prisoners have gone to the Revolutionary Court
several times after their loved ones were arrested, but they have not been allowed to pursue the case of these
prisoners in the third branch of this court. The head interrogator of the Intelligence Agency has in the past few
days called the families of these political prisoners threatening to arrest them. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – Apr.23, 2009)
Iran initiates plan to pass journalists through government 'filter'
According to an order by the presidential office sent to news agencies and other media, journalists who cover
state issues have to be "qualified" to continue their journalistic activists. This order has asked all "media
partners" to fill in a form in Farsi and English so that their "personal competence" can be evaluated.
While there is only four months left of Ahmadinejad's tenure, journalist who work on government matters have
to fill in a introductory form to be able to continue their activities and can only do so if they are dubbed as
The puzzle of setting limitations on journalist has been completed in the last months this government's reign
and this time the government will filter these journalists so that only journalists who are approved will be able to
cover government speeches, statements, and actions. (Shahab News website– Apr. 23, 2009)

"Petrochemical father of Iran” fired for criticizing government

Mohammad Reza Ne'matzadeh who worked in the oil ministry during the reign of four governments in Iran
who has had a key post in the Ministry of Oil in the past few years was dismissed after a sudden decision by the
Ne'matzadeh, who was known as the "petrochemical father of Iran,” was dismissed after an interview with
E'temad daily, which was published two days ago in which he openly criticized the policies of the government
and the president, supporting Mir-Hossein Moussavi - a presidential candidate in the upcoming elections. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter – Apr. 29, 2009)
Regime installs security cameras in girls' schools to control students
The administrators of some schools in Tehran have installed security cameras in
their schools.
"School administrators have installed these security cameras from about two
months ago to control students and indentify those who have mobiles at school",
said a student in this regard.
"The school is not considered a personal space in which using security cameras
causes problems", said the head of Tehran's Education Department.
"I have not seen any laws on Education which bans the use of cameras", he
stipulated. (Mehr state-run news agency – Apr. 29, 2009)
Regime agents prevent "Committee for Free and Fair Elections" meeting
On April 29, security agents entered the office of the Legal Rod Institution, which
is the legal office of Mohammad Ali Dadkhah, a member of the Center for
Defense of Human Rights, to prevent the meeting of the "Committee for Free and Fair Elections". Before the
start of this meeting, security agents came into this office confiscating some of the items in this office. They then
told the caretaker of the building that from now on no private or public meeting and not even celebrations are
allowed in this office. (Iran Press News – Apr. 29, 2009)
Regime exhumes bodies of 1988 massacre
victims to cover up its horrific crime
On April 25, undercover agents unearthed
a part of Khavaran Cemetery and
transferred some of the bodies buried there
to an unknown location.
According to reports, in the early morning
of April 25, these agents unearthed the
mass graves on the south eastern side of
this cemetery using bulldozers and then
covered it with fresh soil.
Some of families who were at the cemetery
on that date witnessed the activities of
these agents and said that they had seen
some of the skeletons of the victims while they were being exhumed from these mass graves.
These bodies have been taken to an unknown location and their families have not been informed of the new
The Khavaran Cemetery is where thousands of bodies of the victims of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners
have been buried. The bodies of these victims are the only evidence of the 1988 massacre by the Iranian regime.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 2, 2009)
A’alami, former MP confesses country taken hostage by collection of 200
“People are tired of poverty, injustice, lawless, and of discrimination,” Akbar A’alami, presidential candidate
and former MP said. Media are in control of limited people and country is taken hostage by collection of 200,
who not only claiming competent but also eminent,” he added. (Amir Kabir newsletter – May 14, 2009)

50% of arrestees were detained less than a month: General Prosecutor of Shiraz
“Our findings shows that about 50% of arrestees spent less than a month in prison, implying that there was no
need detaining them,” Shiraz’s Revolutionary and General Prosecutor said.
“Number of admissions to prisons across Iran is about 600,000 and should you consider each family having five
members then about 3,000,000 people were involved with prison problems,” Jaber Baneshi added in annual
conference of General Convention of societies supporting prisoners in Fars Province this afternoon. (Fars, state-
run news agency – May 22, 2009)
Former head of mullahs’ Majlis admits to suppression and insecurity of whole nation
Karubi, a presidential candidate and former Majlis (Parliament) president admitted to suppression in the society
and public disgust for the Iranian regime in a televised speech.
"Authorities are creating limitations for people, are violating their rights… The widespread candidate
disqualifications disenchant people and so we hear that people say 'whoever they want will become (president)'",
he said. "These days neither our teachers and professors, nor workers and students have security… they are all
exasperated,” he added. (Iranian State TV, 1st Network– May 24, 2009)
Drivers forced to post Ahmadinejad election poster on car
Tehran's Tourist Institutions and Car Rental Union, has forced its drivers to post election posters of
Ahmadinejad on their cars.
"Drivers who refused to post these posters have faced problems", an informed source said.
According to this report, Tehran's Tourist Institutions and Car Rental Union has asked drivers who refused to
post the election poster to hand in their driver's licenses under the pretext that they want to "to solve some of
their problems", but this union has invalidated their licenses instead. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – June 4, 2009)
Iran's presidential election amid unrest and ongoing human rights violations
Iran’s presidential election on 12 June, will take place against a backdrop of discrimination, worsening
repression of dissent and violent unrest. In the run-up to its tenth presidential election from which women
candidates have been barred, the country has witnessed the arbitrary arrest and harassment of activists and
members of minority communities, censorship, armed attacks and suicide bombings.
Another issue requiring urgent action from the new president is the execution of juveniles for crimes committed
when they were children. "At least 139 juveniles are on death row in Iran," said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui. "
The organization has expressed its concern about Iran’s discriminatory selection process for electoral candidates,
which involves the Council of Guardians screening all candidates for election to "ensure their suitability for the
The four remaining candidates are: current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; former Speaker of Parliament
Mehdi Karroubi; Mohsen Rezai, former Commander of the Revolutionary Guards and current Secretary of the
Expediency Council; and Mir Hossein Mousavi, who served as Iran’s Prime Minister during the Iran-Iraq war in
the 1980s. Iranians have faced censorship during the campaign: the authorities blocked access to the social
networking web sites Facebook and, briefly, Twitter on 23 May..
In the pre-election period, Amnesty International has also received reports suggesting increased waves of
arbitrary arrests and harassment targeting in particular members of Iran’s religious and ethnic minority
communities, including Baha'is and converts from Islam, students, trade unionists and women’s rights activists.
At least two Amir Kabir University students remain detained without trial by the Ministry of Intelligence in
Section 209 of Evin Prison in Tehran following their arrests in February 2009. Other students arrested with
them who have since been released have said that they were tortured in detention. On 28 April 2009, a
Revolutionary Court judge said that eight students, including those still detained, had been accused of
cooperating with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, an opposition group based in exile. He added
that they had intended to carry out some activities in the universityî during the forthcoming election.
"By imprisoning people for merely expressing dissenting views, the Iranian authorities are stifling the free debate
which is a pre-requisite of elections," said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui. "Citizens should be able to freely express their
grievances and their demands so that candidates can address them." "All individuals and groups should be
allowed to peacefully exercise their rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly, including in ways

which dissent from state policies and practices, in the run-up to the presidential election."(Amnesty
International website – June 5, 2009)
Iran bans families from holding funeral for those killed by suppressive forces
The bodies of Sunni men who were recently killed in a clash in Sanandaj were handed over to their families.
The parents of the young men killed after security agents raided a party of a Sunni man in Sanandaj, received
their bodies after a few days. Their funeral was held at night by orders of security forces and with the presence of
only a few people. Security forces banned their families from holding any kind of ceremony.
After security agents raided a party in Sanandaj on Wednesday, three young religious activists and an Iraqi
national were killed. A number of other people were injured or arrested. (Sunni news – June 7, 2009)
RGC terrorist corps crackdown protestors under pretext of ‘Velvet Revolution’
On Saturday… An AFP correspondent touring riot-hit areas reported a heavy police presence around the
interior ministry, while a bank building was burnt to a shell and the road to Tehran University's student
dormitory locked down.
'Last night after midnight they came to our door, Taghi went to open the door and they arrested him right there
and pushed him into a car,' said Narges Mohammadi, wife of Taghi Rahmani, a prominent dissident who has
previously been jailed for harming national security.
Iranian authorities said all unauthorised demonstrations were banned in the wake of the vote, and even before
Friday's election the elite Revolutionary Guards had warned it would put down any 'velvet revolution.' (AFP -
June 14, 2009)
Iran's Revolutionary Guards issue warning to media
Iran's most powerful military force is warning online media of a crackdown over their coverage of the country's
election crisis.
Iranian reformist Web sites as well as blogs and Western Web sites like Facebook and Twitter have been vital
conduits for Iranians to inform the world about protests over the declaration of election victory for hardline
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The government barred foreign media Tuesday from leaving their offices to report on the street protests. (AP –
June 17, 2009)
European Union’s 27 leaders urged not to recognise Ahmadinejad’s reelection
Reporters Without Borders is extremely worried about the state of free expression in Iran, one week after the
announcement of the results of its presidential election.
The press freedom organisation therefore wrote today to the leaders of the European Union’s 27 member
countries reiterating its call not to recognise Ahmadinejad’s reelection.
“If President Ahmadinejad does not agree to respect press freedom, he must be made to see reason,” the letter
said. “A clear and unequivocal rejection of the election results by European leaders could force Ahmadinejad to
yield. The nuclear stakes in Iran must not serve as a pretext for saying nothing. This is not the time for timid or
cautious statements.”
“The European Union and its member countries must not falter in their defence of freedom of expression,” the
letter continued. “No government would have recognised the results of such a sham if it had taken place
anywhere in Europe. Must the normal standards be abandoned because it is Iran? That would be a stab in the
back for all the Iranian citizens who believed their ballot could change their destiny.”
At least 18 journalists have been arrested since 12 June. We are without news of many others. Iran was already
the Middle East’s biggest prison for journalists before the presidential election. Now, with at least 30 journalists
detained, it has become the world’s second biggest prison for the media, ahead of Cuba and just behind China.
Reporters Without Borders has been told that journalists and activists held in Tehran’s Evin prison are being
put under a lot of pressure to make filmed “confessions” acknowledging their “participation in a velvet
revolution.” The press freedom organisation has also received many allegations of torture. (Reporters Sans
Frontières - 19 June 2009)


Amnesty: the Iranian authorities should disband Bassij

Amnesty International is calling on the government of Iran to stop using the Basij militia to police
demonstrations with immediate effect. The call follows reports that the members of the militia have used
excessive force against demonstrators and is made in the light of the history of abuses committed by this
unaccountable branch of the security forces.The Basij militia is a volunteer paramilitary force of men and
women under the control of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

Its members are found in schools, universities, state and private institutions, factories, and even among tribes.
Basij forces are widely used to help to maintain law and order and repress dissent, and have frequently been
accused of using extreme brutality. Many of those who took part in the recent demonstrations claim non -
uniformed and armed personnel, whom they believed to be members of the Basij militia, used excessive force
and carried out human rights violations - including beatings and use of firearms - against demonstrators on the
A video of a member of the Basij shooting from an building used by the Basij during the demonstrations on
Monday 15 June in which at least 8 people were killed should have triggered an immediate investigation by the
authorities and clear instructions should have been issued to prevent further loss of life. -
Another video of a young woman identified as Neda, dying apparently from a chest wound, has been widely
circulated amid claims of involvement of Basij members. The response of the Iranian authorities has not been to
open a proper investigation to clarify the circumstances of any death but rather to issue further warnings that
protests will be handled in a ‘revolutionary manner’ by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the Basij
militia and other police and security forces. 'Iranians wishing to peacefully express their opposition to recent
events surrounding the election have no space to do so, as they are met with violence that has been legitimized
by the highest authority in the land,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Director of the Middle East and
North Africa Programme.
“It’s time for the Iranian authorities to allow peaceful protest and to remove the Basij from the streets. The
policing of any demonstrations should be left to the police or other security forces which are properly trained
and equipped.'
13 people were killed according to the authorities and many more were injured. According to the government,
over 400 people were arrested. Another demonstration of about 1,000 people in Tehran on Monday has been
met with tear gas and arrests. “Recent statements from the police, who denied opening fire on protestors, and
from the Tehran Prosecutor-General, who blamed the killings on ‘armed terrorists’, look like an attempt to
disassociate state organs from responsibility for violence,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui. -
“This is all the more reason to stop using the Basij as there is no way for the public to even identify them, let
alone bring them to account for violations. If the Iranian authorities are not able to control such a militia, they
should disband it. It is irresponsible to provide weapons and then to relinquish responsibility when abuses

occur”. Amnesty International calls on the Iranian authorities to investigate fully all reports of death, including
possible extrajudicial executions, and to bring anyone found responsible to justice. (Amnesty International -
June 22, 2009)
Trying to hide evidence of abuse and silence any critical voice, Amnesty International
The Iranian authorities must immediately release dozens of journalists arrested since
12 June and who are at risk of torture in detention, Amnesty International said today
as it adopted all of them as prisoners of conscience. “It is shocking that journalists -
whose job it is to provide information to others - are being detained, on top of all the
other draconian measures the authorities have taken to restrict the free flow of
information about what is really happening in Iran.”
Rather than trying to investigate alleged abuses, the only message the authorities are
sending is that they are seeking to hide the truth, both from their own citizens and the
rest of the world.”
Since the announcement on 13 June that President Ahamdinejad had won the
election, the Iranian authorities have imposed severe restrictions on freedom of
expression. Access to the internet has been blocked or significantly interrupted­.
Iranian publications have been banned from publishing information about the unrest.
Foreign news journalists have been banned from the streets, and some foreign
reporters have been expelled from the country. “If nothing else, the authorities must immediately disclose the
whereabouts of these journalists, ensure that they are not tortured or otherwise ill-treated and allow their
families and lawyers access to them,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui­ .
” Unless the authorities lift all unlawful restrictions on freedom of expression - which includes the right of
journalists to report on events - and release all the journalists arrested, we can only assume they are trying to
hide evidence of abuse and further silence any critical voice.“ (Amnesty International – June 26, 2009)
How Iran is filtering out dissent
If the Iranian regime hesitated over tactics when protests erupted over the 'theft' of the presidential elections by
Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, it was well prepared on one front: internet censorship is both routine and highly
developed in the Islamic Republic, so when the crackdown came it was swift and - fairly - effective.
Iran uses what the OpenNet Initiative calls 'one of the most extensive technical filtering systems in the world'.
Internet providers are required to go through state-controlled gateways. Reformist websites, Flickr, foreign blogs,
and social networks such as Facebook were all sporadically blocked before the elections, but censorship
intensified once the unrest began.
Filtering has become much heavier in the last fortnight. 'It is very bad,' says a keen internet user in north
Tehran. 'They're tightening the circle.' The internet is said to be running at less than a tenth the speed it usually
does. (The Guardian– June 30, 200)
How Iran is filtering out dissent
If the Iranian regime hesitated over tactics when protests erupted over the 'theft' of the presidential elections by
Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, it was well prepared on one front: internet censorship is both routine and highly
developed in the Islamic Republic, so when the crackdown came it was swift and - fairly - effective.
Iran uses what the OpenNet Initiative calls 'one of the most extensive technical filtering systems in the world'.
Internet providers are required to go through state-controlled gateways. Reformist websites, Flickr, foreign blogs
and social networks such as Facebook were all sporadically blocked before the elections, but censorship
intensified once the unrest began.
Filtering has become much heavier in the last fortnight. 'It is very bad,' says a keen internet user in north
Tehran. 'They're tightening the circle.' The internet is said to be running at less than a tenth the speed it usually
does. ‘The authorities can filter a new website within 24 hours,' said Mahmood Enayat, an Iranian expert at the
Oxford Internet Institute. (The Guardian– June 30, 200)


Regime controls gravesite of those killed in protests
According to reports, intelligence agents guard the gravesite of those who were killed by security forces in
Tehran's Behesht Zahra Cemetery to prevent any sort of gathering at the site. According to this report, only
relatives are allowed to pay tribute to the graves and all other people are banned from visiting the gravesite. (Iran
News Agency – July 3, 2009)
Newsweek reporter faces Iran trial: lawyer
TEHRAN - Newsweek journalist Maziar Bahari and a number of reformist leaders in Iran are to face trial
accused of 'acting against national security,' their lawyer Saleh Nikbakht told AFP on Saturday.
'Bahari is accused of acting against national security, and I still have not been able to meet him despite going to
the prosecutor's office several times,' Nikbakht said.
He is also representing a number of reformist leaders detained in the aftermath of the June 12 presidential
election, and said that all of them face the same charge.
'Any kind of interview and confession by these people who are being held in prison is invalid under the law and
the Iranian constitution,' Nikbakht added. (AFP - July 4, 2009)
Security forces bring police dogs into Tehran Univ.
Security forces in Tehran University use police dogs in the university. Security measures in Tehran University
have reached very high levels and despite the fact that the university and dormitories are closed, officials use
dogs as a heightened security measure.
It is still not clear why the dogs have been brought to the university. These dogs are kept by the hedges outside
the Central Library Building. (Iran News Agency – July 4, 2009)
Intelligence agents raid internet cafes in Kurdistan
In a sudden raid by intelligence agents to internet cafes, a number of people were arrested. It has been a while
that intelligence agents in some Kurdistan cities suddenly storm internet cafes and arrest people who were in
political websites or were doing political activities via their emails. These people are then transferred to
detention centers.
A number of young Kurds have been arrested in these raids and have been subjected to severe torture. These
sudden raids started a few days before elections and have been continued in some Kurdistan cities. (Kurdistan
News website – July 8, 2009)
New wave of satellite roundup in Tehran
Security forces have started a new round of confiscating satellite dishes and antennas in Tehran.
This started from yesterday in some of Tehran's regions. According to this report, State Security Forces went to
houses in Amir Abad and Seyed Khandan and rounded up the satellite equipment from houses. (Aftab state-run
daily – July 12, 2009)
Torture and abuse to extract confession
One of the detainees in Mashhad Prison said security forces blindfolded him, cuffed his hands and legs and
brought him to this prison at about midnight from the State Security Forces Command Center in Mashhad.
From the beginning of his arrival he was constantly tortured by security forces who were wearing blue or white
shirts. He had to answer their questions or else he would be tortured.
Ismail, another prisoner said that they were not allowed to see their families.
"What we all noticed in prison was that we might not have a way out of here, because they have closed off all
communications with the outside. They don’t even let us see our families", he said.
Hossein, who was severely tortured and had stitches in the corner of his eye and mouth said, "From the very first
night they have constantly subjected us to torture and they have flogged us with cables and chains". (Iran News
Agency – July 13, 2009)
"Leaders of unrest" will be trialed
The main elements of the unrest and a number of their leaders will soon be trialed. In light of the acquired
evidence and documents and also the confessions made by the heads of the unrest, these trials will soon be held.
There is extreme pressure on the Judicial Systems to not put these people on trial but in light of fact that their
counter security crimes have been proven, their trials are definite. (Jahan state-run website – July 13, 2009)

Regime accuses detained Babol university students of bombings and links to PMOI to pave way for heavy
After a bomb attack in the office of Babol's Medical Science University President was thwarted, a number of the
Nunshirvani Industrial University students who are members of the students' branch of terrorist groups were
A number of these students who are responsible for leading and organizing the recent unrest in the Nunshirvani
Industrial University resorted to planting bombs, but fortunately, they were identified and arrested.
These students are Nima N., Ali T., Mohsen M., Iman S., Hamid J., Siavosh S., Hesam Aldin B., from
Nunshirvani and Mohammad A. from the Mazandaran Payame Noor University who were after destroying the
healthy atmosphere of the university.
Some time ago, there was news that Farshad A. was active in commading these movements. He is a student in
this university whose father is an active member of the Monafeqin (used to refer to PMOI meaning hypocrite)
who is in Ashraf Camp in Iraq. (Fars state-run news agency – July 16, 2009)
Security forces search home and office of prominent lawyer and women's activist
After the illegal arrest of Shadi Sadr by plainclothes agents on July 17 in Keshavarz Boulevard while she was
trying to go to Friday Prayers, her husband, Hossein Neilchian said that a number of government agents who
introduced themselves as security police, searched her home and office. They confiscated some documents and
papers and two computers which belonged to her husband and her daughter. This search went on for hours and
in the presence of the lawyer's 10 year old daughter and agents even searched her room. (Amir Kabir Newsletter
– July 18, 2009)
Security forces prevent ceremony for student killed in prison
Yesterday at about 4pm, people who had come to take part in a mourning ceremony for Mohsen Rooh al-Amini
in the Balal Mosque in the Seda and Sima (state-run TV) were met with notices saying that "the Rooh al-Amini
family has announced that the ceremony to be held in the Balal Mosque has been postponed to a different
Security forces and riot police were stationed in all the sidewalks in Valiasr Street and around the Seda and
Sima building.
When the crowds grew larger, security forces on motorcycles armed with clubs passed through the crowds trying
to disperse them. A plainclothes agent attacked a young man intending to arrest him but was prevented by some
of the women on the scene.
According to reports, security forces treated the women and girls passing on the sidewalk with indecency. In
some cases security motorcycle patrols used very obscene language when addressing the girls. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – July 26, 2009)
Parents of tortured and killed protester not allowed to publicly mourn son
Ramin Qahremani was released from prison 15 days after he went to court to prove his innocence. He came
back with a tortured body and died two days after as a result of the torture in his mother's arms.
His family is under severe pressure not to publish the reason behind the death of their son. They buried their
son under strict security measures. After the funeral, they were threatened by security forces that they had no
right to "cry loudly and wail" over the grave of their loved one. Five members of this family have been
hospitalized as a result of this kind of pressure. (Nooruz website – July 27, 2009)
Neda's mother not given permit for ceremony on 40th day of Neda's passing
The mother of Neda Aqa Sultan said that they were not given a permit to hold a ceremony for the 40th day of
her death.
"We wanted to hold Neda's ceremony in the mosque in Nilufar Square but they did not give us a permit. Of
course we actually wanted to have the ceremony in the Behesht Zahra Cemetery hall but we were not given a
permit". (Saham News state run website – July 27, 2009)
Iran's Mousavi says protesters confessed after 'torture'
Iranian OPPOSITION leader Mir Hossein Mousavi said on Sunday that confessions made by protesters at a
closed-door trial were made after they were put through 'medieval-era torture.'

'The scenes that we saw were a clumsy preparation for the launch of the 10th government,' Mousavi said on his
website Ghalamnews the day after 100 people were put on trial over post-election protests.
'They expect a court, which itself is fraudulent, to prove that there was no fraud committed in the election,' said
Mousavi, who was defeated by incumbent President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad in the June 12 election.
'What are they trying to convince people of... by relying on reports from reporters nobody has heard of and
relying on confessions which obviously bore the hallmarks medieval-era torture?'(AFP – Aug. 2, 2009)
Top Iran official says opposition chiefs must be tried
A top Revolutionary Guards official called on Sunday for Iran to put on trial the main opposition leaders who
are campaigning against the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad.
Yadollah Javani, the head of the elite force's political bureau, said a plot to topple the Islamic regime through a
'velvet coup' has been exposed.
'The question is who were the main planners and agents of this coup. What is the role of Khatami, Mousavi and
Karroubi in this coup?' he said, referring to former president Mohammad Khatami and defeated presidential
candidates Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi.
'If they are the main agents, which is the case, judiciary and security officials should go after them, arrest them,
try them and punish them,' he said in an article in Sobh-e Sadegh, the Guards' weekly journal. (AFP – Aug. 9,
Revolutionary Court sets heavy bail for release of unrest prisoners
On Sunday August 9, more than 100 family members of detainees gathered outside the Tehran Revolutionary
Court and demanded the release of their loved ones.
In fear of more protests, the Revolutionary Court was finally forced to release the names of 28 prisoners who
could be released on bail. The bail set for most of the prisoners was more than 10,000 USDs. A number of the
families who could not afford or provide this amount of money and who could not even pledge any other
ownership document worth this much protested the amount of bail. But court employees treated them cruelly
telling them that this is the final bail and that if they want to free their children they should go after providing
the money or else their children have to say in prison. They were also told that the bail amount was set
according to the crimes the prisoners committed. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 9,
Amnesty urges Iran to allow observers at 'show trials'
'The trial now going on in Tehran appears to be nothing but a 'show trial' through which the Supreme Leader
and those around him seek to de-legitimise recent mass and largely peaceful protests,' said Amnesty chief Irene
The aim of the mass trial of more than 100 people detained amid unrest after June 12 presidential polls was to
'convince a very sceptical world that Mahmoud Ahamdinejad was re-elected fairly for a second term as
president,' she said.
'It is vital, therefore, that there is an international presence to observe the proceedings at this trial and uphold
the rights of the defendants, and I urge the Iranian authorities to allow this.'… she added. (AFP – Aug. 11, 2009)
Qom cleric: claimers of sexual abuse of prisoners should be arrested and trialed
A cleric heading Friday Prayers in Qom said regarding some claims of the sexual abuse of prisoners in the recent
unrest, "The people want their representative to arrest and punish the person who made such claims".
"Saying such lies is not in the favor of the country and government and the minimum expectation of the people
is that these people be trialed", he added. (Fars state-run News Agency – Aug. 14, 2009)
Head of notorious Bassij: Karubi should receive 80 lashes for disclosing rape of prisoners
Despite the fact that about two weeks have gone by since the publishing of an open letter by Karubi in which he
has asked Rafsanjani to pursue the case of the sexual abuse of prisoners in the events after elections, this letter is
still a controversy in political circles in and outside the country.
Mehdi Taaeb, a cleric (deputy head of the RGC, Head of Bassij – the Revolutionary Guards Corps’ subordinate
paramilitary force), said that Karubi had stepped out of the boundaries of law.


The member of the Central Council of the Islamic Revolution Rahpuyan Community said, "The issue of
freedom of speech is only up to the point that no one should step out of the boundaries of the law and that no
one should speak contrary (to the law) but some people have stepped out of the law and the judicial system
should summon them".
"In Islam, if someone accuses a pious man or woman of a immoral act and cannot prove this with four
witnesses, first of all this person is a sinner and corrupt unless he repents and secondly he has to receive 80
lashes", he said. (Sarmaye state-run daily – Aug. 16, 2009)
Iran puts another 28 vote protesters on trial
Iran staged another mass trial on Sunday for 28 people arrested over the post-election unrest.
The latest court action brings to around 140 the number of people being tried in mass hearings for offences
linked to massive demonstrations that erupted after Ahamdinejad's June election victory.
The 27 men and one woman who appeared in court on Sunday were accused of a range of offences including
participation in illegal rallies, vandalising public property, 'hurting' security forces and 'following the line of
foreign media,' according to an indictment.
There were no well-known political figures among the defendants and in comments reported by local media,
several denied the charges against them. (AFP – Aug. 16, 2009)
Iran Religious official: government shoots protesters but denies family right to mourn dead
Ayatollah Yusef Sane'ie, a religious official, said in a speech addressing a group of clerics in Gorgan, "Today,
they (government) are terrified (that the people acquire) even the slightest knowledge. They are afraid of one
person calling another person. They are afraid of cemeteries. Is the cemetery a bank which they (so called
troublemakers) can set fire to?"
"The family has come to the gravesite of their martyr and they say thank you for shooting him in the heart, at
least let us pray at his grave and mourn his death.
Prisoners are under extreme pain. They are the prisoners of ruthless people... There is a lot of pain when
confession are taken under duress… What is wrong with releasing them for the month of Ramadan and say that
you can go home and then come back for the trial. This is how they can release all prisoners… Let the people
whose young have been killed go to their graves and pray for them in Ramadan… You do not know what it
means to lose a child… then they target his heart and then they say he got meningitis (referring to Mohsen Roh
al-Amini who was killed under torture in prison) and I don’t know what else. They say there are contagious
diseases in prison. Well, who is responsible for this breakout? Those who are responsible are responsible for
these infectious diseases as well. We keep them in prison with infectious diseases. Do not forget that this is all
just a game. (Ayandeh Website – Aug. 19, 2009)
Ahmadinejad's website demands punishment for dissident cleric
Ahmadinejad's website called requested that Ayatollah Sane'ie and Qalibaf be lashed. The 'Sanieh News'
website, which belongs to Ahmadinejad’s son, pointed to Sane'ei's recent speech and a recent statement by
Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf who said that one of the ministers in the past administration drank alcohol and
another was corrupt, and requested that they be punished. (E'temad state-run daily – Aug. 19, 2009)
Iran cleric calls for arrest of opposition leaders
A powerful Iranian cleric called on Friday for the arrest of opposition leaders, accusing them of seeking to
topple the Islamic republic after the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad.
'Desire to topple (the regime) would have led to the greatest tyranny ... They incited riots. Some have been
arrested ... Why were the leaders not arrested,'
asked Ahmad Jannati, head of the powerful Guardians Council, said at Friday prayers in Tehran.
'Everyone knows that they are the origins of the plot and corruption, but they are linked with some (powerful
people),' he said in a sermon broadcast live on state radio.
'This (arrest of leaders) is the first thing that must be done.' (AFP - Aug 21, 2009)


Jail rape victim who dared disclose rape humiliated and interrogated in Islamic Republic
Mehdi Karubi has made the letter of detainee public in answer to those who said that he does not have
documents to back his claims of sexual abuse of Kahrizak Prisoners. He has said that this is only a small part of
his documents, which he will publish, and if this goes on, he will publish more documents.
This letter reads in part:
It was days that I had gotten a little better and was able to put this issue aside and not think about suicide
anymore and begin to live again…
The episode of Thursday August 25 was much different. It was about 2 pm when three people came to Mr.
Karoubi's office from the Judiciary and put an interrogation form in front of me – I don’t know if I was the
accused or the complainant – Judge Moqadami and two others started interrogating me (regarding the rape
charges I had made).
They told me that they could not be sure I was telling the truth and that I was making serious charges. I was
questioning the whole holy system. How can we know that you were not enticed into this?, they asked me...
When I told them that it seemed they had forgotten what the real issue was, they supposedly started asking me
questions regarding the (rape) issue. Questions like how far did it go in and was the person (who committed the
rape) satisfied or not? These questions shattered my spirit even more than before…
Then they asked me to go to a doctor with them and despite the fact that I told them that I did not feel well and
had dizzy spells, they disagreed and we went to the doctors… On the way there, they told me not to be fooled by
these political games…
The doctor told me that he would give me two letters so that the doctors that I went to before could write the
treatment I had undergone so far, but the government agent did not give me such a letter. I told him that I saw
the doctor give you the letter but he denied this. When I was waiting for the doctor's answer, the agent told me
that he did not think anyone would do such a thing. Then he accused me of lying and said, "Do you know what
will happen to you if you can't prove it?" Then he said that even if something had happed, you should not have
said anything and that I should have "let God deal with it". "Now you have brought dishonor for yourself and
your family", he said…
Today, they came and talked to my neighbors and asked a number of questions about me and my family. What
does this mean except that they are trying to scare me about this issue going public? (Saham News website –
Aug. 24, 2009)
SSF colonel uses position to settle personal scores in street protests
Ahmadi Moqadam, the head of the State Security Forces had prevented the imprisonment of a corrupt SSF
This colonel who it seemed had an illegitimate relationship with the wife of a doctor and had clashes with this
doctor for this reason. The colonel used his position to take revenge against the doctor, arresting him under the
excuse that he participated in the protests and severely abuses him in prison.
According to this report, the innocent prisoner finally tells his story to a judicial official who had come to the
prison. The judicial official orders his release and orders that the issue be pursued. This leads to the arrest of the
SSF colonel. The day after his arrest, Ahmadi Moqadam went to see the judicial official and said, "Why have
you arrested our revolutionary forces in such a time of crisis?" And in this way, the corrupt colonel was freed.
(Green Wave of Freedom Website – Aug. 24, 2009)
Karubi: rape victims do not feel safe to disclose jail rape
Mehdi Karoubi has introduced four people who had protested election results and were raped in custody to a
parliament committee.
Karoubi has told the MPs that those who were raped in custody do not feel safe to tell their story.
The activists and reports of the parliament committee in the past weeks have led to many criticisms. There have
been reports that judicial officials did not cooperate with this committee. The E'temad daily quoted Kazem
Jalali, the committee spokesman, as saying that the members of the committee were not allowed surprise visits to
all detention centers and were not allowed to see all the detainees. There were also not allowed to publish what
they saw or heard. (Deutsche Welle – Aug. 25, 2009)


Special Parliamentary Committee leaks info to abusers and some members resign
One day after a member of the Special Parliamentary Committee announced that it has been proven that
detainees were raped with clubs and soda bottles, there have been reports that a number of independent
members of this committee have been severely put under pressure and threatened.
According to this report, MPs in this committee established to pursue the condition of current detainees, who
had been under pressure from before, have gone under more pressure after a disclosure yesterday in the official
website of the minority parliament fraction.
A source in the parliament has said that from the establishment of this committee by Ali Larijani, some
members have been threatened publicly or secretly several times and have each gone to the parliament speaker
and announced their resignation from the committee. But Larijani, has told them not to publicly announce
their resignation for now and keep on working in the committee.
According to reports, Parviz Sarvari, the head of the committee who openly supports Ahmadinejad gives the
information from the research done by this committee to the government instead of giving it to related officials.
In this way, they clear their tracks from the crime scenes and threaten the complainants and protesters into
silence. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Aug. 27, 2009)
Karoubi: rape witness has disappeared
Mehdi Karoubi, a presidential candidate who is dissatisfied with election results has announced that one of
'witnesses of jail rape' has disappeared. In a letter published in the Saham News Website on Tuesday, Mehdi
Karoubi said that the former Tehran Prosecutor, Saeid Mortazavi is responsible for anything 'horrible' that
might happen to this person and his family. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 2, 2009)
Judge requests capital punishment for student on charges of visiting family in Ashraf
According to reports, political prisoner Hamed Yazerlou was
taken from Evin Prison's ward 209 to Tehran's Revolutionary
Court (TRC) and was tried on charges of waging war with
The 28-year-old space aeronautics specialist was taken to the
28th branch of TRC on August 30 and tried by Mohammad
Moqaissei. Moqaissei is a member of the death commission
responsible for killing thousands of political prisoners in the
1988 massacre in Iran.
The representative of the prosecutor first requested that
Yazerlou be sentenced to death. He accused Yazerlou of,
waging war with God by furthering the goals of the PMOI,
participating in family celebrations and reunions, gathering info of political prisoners including Hood Yazerlou,
his brother, participating in mountain hikes and soccer games with the presence of his family, participating in
ceremonies in the Husseineih Ershad, having email communications with his family in Camp Ashraf,
participating in student gatherings and protests, gathering speeches and ceremonies of the PMOI and other
charges. His mother Nazila Dashti is also jailed in the women's section in Evin while his brother Hood Yazerlou
is detained in ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. They have each been sentenced to three years of prison for
illegal visits with their family in Camp Ashraf. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 4, 2009)
Families banned from visiting loved ones in prison
On Monday September 7, about 150 families of detainees who came to Evin Prison to visit their loved ones
were banned from seeing them.
Like always, only a small amount of families visited their loved ones in prison and a large number of families
who have not seen their family members for more than 3 months were once again deprived from visits. This is
while many of them have no information on the physical and mental condition of their jailed relative. These
families were only able to give some clothes and money for their loved ones in prison. (Human Rights and
Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 7, 2009)


RGC gets ready to suppress students

A meeting of the heads and members of the Bassij Councils in Universities in Tehran was held with the
members of Bassij associations.
According to reports, Ali Fazli pointed to the likely response of students in various universities when universities
open for the new school year and plans by the Revolutionary Guards Corps to deal with student protests. "There
are whispers of incitements in education centers and we have to be alert and united the way that our leader
expects of us and treat this issue suitably,” said Ali Fazli.
"As the Supreme Leader has said, this issue (protests) is like ashes under fire and if we are caught by surprise and
not learn from history, we might have to expect other incidents", he said.
"Next week in the Think Tank session with officials in Tehran universities, we will be after coordinating about
how to deal with probable incidents", he added. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 8, 2009)
Plainclothes agents open fire on man in Qom
A middle-aged resident of the city of Qom was shot by plainclothes agents. On September 8, a middle-aged man
was in his car going towards the Kashan Road with his wife and small child when he was stopped and arrested
by a number of plainclothes agents.
The agents intended to force him into their car, beating him in front of his wife and child when the man ran
away. One of the agents shot him in the shoulder from the back. He and his family were taken to an unknown
location along with his family.
There is no information on the identity of the man, his charges or what institution arrested him. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 8, 2009)
Tehran prosecutor shuts Iran opposition head's office: ILNA
The Tehran prosecutor on Tuesday closed the office of Iranian opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi, a spokesman
for Karroubi's political party was quoted as saying by ILNA news agency.
'Mr Karroubi's office was sealed by order of the Tehran prosecutor after a number of agents with a prosecutor's
warrant came to his office in the Jamshidi area of Tehran,' it quoted Esmaeel Gherami Moghaddam as saying.
'They searched the premises and collected documents, CDs, computers and films,' he said. 'They also arrested
the chief editor of the Etemad Melli website.' (AFP - Sept 8, 2009)
Government institutions put pressure on families of killed protesters to announce cause of death as natural
Security institutions have put severe pressure on the families of killed protesters or those who were injured in
the recent events demanding that they announce the cause of the death of their loved ones as natural causes or
that they were killed from illnesses or in accidents. Various security institutions first bribe these families and if
ineffective, they threaten them and say that this will endanger the lives of other members of their families or
that they will not hand over the body of their loved ones to them if they go to independent institutions. These
pressures on the families and on the other hand on independent institutions and human rights activists which
has reached its peak in the last few days has turned the task of gathering documents and evidence on this issue
into laborious work. (Nurooz Website – Sep. 10, 2009)
Iran: rape and other torture victims at renewed risk
Victims of rape and other torture by Iranian security forces are facing renewed risk after documents detailing
abuses against them were confiscated, Irene Khan, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, said today. Ms.
Khan called on Iran’s Supreme Leader to ensure the victims’ safety and hold the perpetrators to account.
”The Iranian authorities appear more intent on finding the identities of those who claim to have been tortured
by security officials than in carrying out an impartial investigation so that the perpetrators can be brought to
justice,” said Irene Khan .
Earlier this week, judiciary officials raided and closed down the offices of a committee set up by Mehdi Karroubi
to collect and collate information about torture and other abuses committed against detainees held for
protesting the official outcome of the 12 June presidential election…
Acting on an order of the Prosecutor General, on 7 September, judiciary officials removed computers, files and
other records and forced the closure of the committee established by the two presidential candidates. The

committee is reported to have recently submitted information to a parliamentary committee set up to investigate
abuses .
The seized records contain information which would enable the judicial authorities to identify the former
detainees who were prepared to speak out on confidential basis due to their fear of reprisals and the shocking
nature of their ordeal . (Amnesty International Website – Sep. 10, 2009)
Intelligence agents arrest merchant in Tehran because of daughter in Camp Ashraf
Mohssen Dokmechi who is a 50-year-old merchant in Tehran's Bazaar was arrested after intelligence agents
stormed his shop in the Bazaar. The agents initially went to his home and searched and destroyed his personal
items. They confiscated some of his belongings including picture albums, computer, telephone, and
identification documents.
Dokmechi gave financial aid to families of political prisoners. He was previously threatened and arrested a
number of times for this reason.
According to reports, he was arrested this time because his daughter is in Camp Ashraf and for giving financial
aid to families of political prisoners. (Human Rights Activists and Democracy in Iran – Sep. 11, 2009)
Iran to Islamize universities
The head of the Cultural Assistant of the Science Ministry said that new rules have been announced and are in
the process of being carried out for spreading virtue and the Hijab in universities.
Gholamreza Khajeh Sarvari said that a special committee on the Hijab and moral issues has been established by
the Science Ministry and this committee will examine the current situation of the Hijab in universities.
According to Sarvari, the Science Ministry has designed various forms of coverings and this will be put on show
by the Jihad Department in universities.
He also stressed on what he called 'Islamizing universities'. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 12, 2009)
Iran’s Supreme Leader Issues New Warning
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, warned opposition leaders Friday of a “harsh response” if they
continued speaking out against the government, a move that analysts said opened the way for their possible
Ayatollah Khamenei said Friday that the system tolerated differing opinions but that it would confront what he
called “lies and rumors,” in what analysts saw as a reference to the charges of rape and torture of prisoners. In
the past, he has said that if such accusations were true, those responsible should be punished, although he
stressed that the reputation of the Islamic republic was, in the end, more important than any violations.
”Confronting the system and the principles of the establishment, resisting it and drawing a sword against it will
have a harsh response,” he said in the speech, which was broadcast live on state-run television . (The New York
Times – Sep. 12, 2009)
Iran to hold fifth hearing Monday in protesters' mass trial
An Iranian revolutionary court is to hold on Monday the fifth hearing in a mass trial of protesters accused of
rioting after the June presidential election, the official IRNA news agency reported.
Some reporters for Iranian media will be admitted to the 9:00 am (0430 GMT) hearing before the Tehran
revolutionary court but foreign media will be barred, IRNA said. (AFP - Sept 13, 2009)
Judge intentionally postpones trial of imprisoned student activists to keep her in undetermined state
According to reports from the Revolutionary Court, the trial of student political prisoner Shabnam
Madadzadeh and her brother Farzad was postponed 7 months after they have been kept in an undetermined
state in Evin Prison's ward 209.
This student activist and her brother were recently told that on Sunday September 13 they will be tried in the
28th branch of the Revolutionary Court presided over by the head of this
branch, Judge Mohammad Moqissei, who was a member of the 'death commission' responsible for the execution
of thousands of political prisoners in the 1988 massacre.


On Sunday morning, the Madadzadeh family who had come all the way from Tabriz to Tehran with their lawyer
to this court was told in the last minute that the trial will not be held. They have still not been given a new court
schedule for the next trial. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 13, 2009)
Elderly mother forced to sign agreement saying that her son was not killed under torture
According to reports from the Shahpour Detention Center, the mother of a man killed under torture in the
Shahpour Detention Center was summoned to this detention center and forced to sign an agreement saying
that her son was killed due to natural causes and not under torture.
Mahin Shad-pour, 67, the mother of Hossein Tavakoli Barazjani who was killed under torture in this detention
center in 2008, and Abbas Tavakoli Bararzani who is currently in ward 6 of Gohardasht Prison in an
undetermined condition, was put under pressure and threatened after she disclosed the death of her son.
Agents from the Shahpour Detention Center called her several times in the past threatening her that she should
not inquire about her son's death, otherwise they will sentence her other imprisoned son to death and the life of
the other members of her family especially young girls in her family will be put at danger and they will
After she was threatened and intimidated in these phone calls or in person, she was summoned to the detention
center on Wednesday September 9. She was interrogated by major Narimani along with three other agents for a
few hours.
"We will execute (your other son). Don’t say a word because no one is going to hear you anyway. It's a waste of
time and no one will listen to you. You will endanger the others in this way", Major Narimani told her. Then he
put the paper in front of her and said that she had to sign it to prevent future incidents. In the agreement, it
stated that her son Hossein Tavakoli Barazjani, 33, died of natural causes and that she did not want to press
charges against anyone. Mrs. Shad-pour initially disagreed but was threatened by the major that she would be
arrested and detained. Narimani said that if she did not sign the agreement, she would be arrested with her
other children on charges of conspiring and that they had a warrant for this arrest. She was finally forced to sign
the paper. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 15, 2009)
Iran Guards warn of Quds Day crackdown
Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards have warned of a 'decisive' crackdown if OPPOSITION supporters stage
demonstrations at a Quds Day rally on Friday, the official IRNA news agency reported.
'We are warning people and the movements who want to help the Zionist regime that if you seek any disruption
or disorder during the glorious Quds Day rally, you will be decisively confronted by the courageous children of
Iran,' the Guards said in a statement.
But this year the Quds Day rally is expected to see opponents of President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad stage
demonstrations against his hotly disputed re-election in June.
IRNA quoted the statement as saying that the Guards, the police and the volunteer Basij militia would confront
any 'divisive and anti-revolutionary movement'.
'The enemies of the regime and the revolution and those who were defeated in the recent election are trying to
take revenge for what happened on election day,' the Guards said, referring to the official election results giving
Ahamdinejad a landslide victory which his rivals have rejected.
The Guards also said that there was a plan by 'foreign networks, especially the Zionist regime's intelligence
service to create disruption and division in the people's united movement.' (AFP - Sept 17, 2009)
Hardliners beat, detain Iran OPPOSITION supporters at rally
A group of hardliners, dressed in plainclothes and riding on motorcycles, beat several Iranian OPPOSITION
supporters with batons and detained them as they were returning from the annual Quds Day rally in Tehran on
Friday, witnesses said.
'The plainclothes men on motorcycles rode into the crowd of OPPOSITION supporters as they were returning
from the rally, detained several of them and beat them with batons,' a witness told AFP, adding the incident
occurred at Haft-e Tir Square in the city centre. (AFP - Sept 18, 2009)


Riot police beat stone-throwing protesters at Tehran square

Riot police, armed with batons, beat protesters who were pelting them with stones at Tehran's key Haft-e Tir
Square after the main speeches at the Quds Day rally on Friday, witnesses told AFP.
Police fired tear gas to disperse the protesters who were throwing stones and shouting: 'Torture and rape are not
effective any more,' a witness said. (AFP - Sept 18, 2009)
Security forces deny peaceful protesters right to assemble in Isfahan
The atmosphere in the city of Isfahan is very police like and cell phone lines were cut off for some time.
When groups of people gathered (on Quds Day), plainclothes agents, and Bassij Forces attacked and started
beating them with clubs and sticks. A large crowd of about 2,000 people who had gathered outside the Isfahan's
Jahan Nama building and were chanting slogans such as Allah-O Akbar and death to dictator were violently
attacked by plainclothes agents and beaten. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 18, 2009)
Security forces arrest five protesters in Kermanshah
The people of Kermanshah attempted to take part in the Quds Day marches, but security forces did not let
these protesters gather.
A very large number of security forces, Special Guards Forces, plainclothes agents, and Bassij Forces were
stationed on the planned routes of the Quds Day march. These forces had encircled the pro-government
marchers and did not let anyone else do anything other than the planned programs.
A number of protesters started walking in the opposite direction of the government marchers in the Dabir Azam
Street when they were attacked by security forces and five of them were arrested. The cell phones of number of
protesters who were filming the scene were confiscated and security forces dispersed the others with clubs and
foul language. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 18, 2009)
More than 10 arrested in Quds Day protests
Iran's June presidential vote, which was followed by huge OPPOSITION protests, plunged Iran into its worst
political crisis in three decades and revealed deepening divisions within its ruling elites.
'Security forces just arrested over 10 people,' the witness said. 'They are pushing protesters and beating them.'
'Supporters of Ahamdinejad are beating supporters of Mousavi near the Vali-ye Asr street (in central Tehran). At
least two protesters were injured,' the witness said.
Witnesses said more clashes erupted between police and Mousavi's supporters during protests north of Tehran
and that police fired teargas to disperse protesters. A witness said he saw some people being detained during the
clashes in north Tehran. (Reuters – Sep. 18, 2009)
Security forces in Baneh shoot and injure minor in Baneh
Security forces near the Surkio village in Baneh shot a 16-year-old boy identified as Surkio Younessi. According
to reports, the boy was severely injured and was taken to the Baneh Hospital to be treated. (Kurdistan Media –
Sep. 19, 2009)
Security forces confiscate 80 motorcycles in Marivan villages
Regime forces from the Paygalan Base in Marivan went to the villages in the Javeh-Ru region and confiscated 80
motorcycles which belonged to the villagers. On September 18, the forces from this base went to these villages
with plainclothes and confiscated these motorcycles for no apparent reason. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 19, 2009)
Families bear brunt of prisoners' plight in Iran
The middle-aged woman demanded to know the fate of her daughter, Fariba Pajooh, who had been picked up
by three Intelligence Ministry agents a few days earlier.
'She will be with us for a few days,' the prosecutor told her calmly. 'Don't worry, she's in a good place.'
'What's the charge against her?' the mother wanted to know.
'It's said she had some foreign connection,' the prosecutor replied vaguely.
More than a month later, 24-year-old reformist journalist Pajooh is still in jail, along with thousands of others in
Iran, and her mother still doesn't know why… Mrs. Pajooh, her husband, her brother, and the prisoner's


husband take turns every day to visit the General Prosecutor's Office, aka Dadsara, in the hope of finding some
clue as to why their loved one was arrested Aug. 28 and whether she would be released anytime soon. Their
ordeal offers a glimpse into the attempts of thousands of families to find loved ones who were detained in the
crackdown following the disputed June 12 presidential election. Often without lawyers, an accountable system,
and the rule of law, families are forced to handle the nightmare of a complicated legal bureaucracy on their own.
They very rarely have any information about the whereabouts, health, or conditions of their loved ones. In
addition, the prisoners themselves are denied medical care and legal representation and do not even know on
what charges they have been arrested.
Fariba Pajooh's lawyer Nemat Ahmadi has not yet seen his client. Ahmadi was out of town when Fariba was
arrested. When he returned a week later, not much he could do …Two days after the arrest, the family received
first word from their daughter. Three women had seen Fariba brought to the Dadsara that morning. Fariba had
told them she was in solitary confinement in Section 209 of the Evin Prison, controlled by the Intelligence
She also allegedly said she was being pressured to confess to espionage and immoral behavior and that she had
been threatened with execution if she refused…
'They usually tag an immorality label on women as evidence of extramarital relationship,' said Hamid Reza, a
close relative of Fariba's. 'Things that are normally considered positive - being sociable and making friends easily
- are used as negative traits against prisoners. Fariba is an extremely kind and friendly person. They claim to have
listened on to her phone conversations as proof of her promiscuity. Maybe they want to frame someone else and
destroy him and are using Fariba as a scapegoat,' said the relative…
Mrs. Pajooh tried to visit her daughter at Evin Prison, but was told those in solitary are not allowed to receive
'It's more than a month that our lives have turned upside down,' said Mrs. Pajooh. 'I can't do my work. The
most I can do is sit in front of the computer and check the Web sites. Fariba's face comes in front of my eyes.
Nothing is important to me anymore… (AP – Sep. 19, 2009)
RGC banns injured post election protesters from receiving medical files from hospital
The Sarallah Base in Tehran (RGC Base) has announced in a confidential and immediate announcement to the
Ministry of Health that hospitals do not have the right to hand over the medical records of those who were
injured or wounded in the recent events after the elections.
"Handing over medical records and documents to all those injured and wounded in the recent events is
banned", this announcement said. The commander of the Sarallah Base is Mohammad Hejazi.
This announcement is signed by second brigadier general Ali Khalili, the assistant head of support and the head
of the Medical Committee of the Tehran Sarallah Base and was announced (to hospitals) by the Ministry of
Health on July 26. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 21, 2009)
Iran officials intentionally keep families of detainees in the dark about jailed loved ones
According to reports, more than 100 family members of recent detainees who were mostly arrested on
September 18 (in the Quds Day protests) held a protest gathering outside Tehran's Revolutionary Court and
Evin Prison today. They demanded information on their loved ones and their release from prison. The names
of the new detainees have not been confirmed by the Revolutionary Court yet.
One of the methods the Revolutionary Court uses to harass families is not confirming the names of the
detainees for a number of days. This causes grave concern for their families and puts great pressure on them.
Another method, used especially to harass the mothers of detainees is that when the mother goes to have the
name of her child confirmed as an arrestee in the Revolutionary Court and shows her ID card, she is told that
her ID card is not acceptable and that she has to bring her husband's ID car or the detainee's ID card. This is
while the name of the detainee has been documented in her ID card as her child. In light of this, the anxious
mother is forced to go back to her home, it is sometimes a long journey, and come back the next day with her
husband's ID card to get an answer.

The families of detainees were told today to go home and that they cannot do anything for them and in this
way, they evade answering the families. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Sep. 21, 2009)
Iran summons Karoubi to court
Mehdi Karoubi was summoned to court. The Advar Tahkim Website quoted Mr. Karoubi as saying that, "I will
do anything that I see as my duty and will tolerate any consequences that it might have". (VOA Website – Sep.
21, 2009)
Univ. officials threaten students in new academic year
The assistant head of Tehran University's Student Affairs started the new academic year with threats against
"In light of the concerns expressed by a number of families of the students and the suggestions of a number of
student residing in the dormitory, to prevent events that disrupt the peace and security of students in the
dormitories, those who are in any way involved in organizing or participating in gatherings which lead to
violence will be dealt with according to rules", the Assistant Cultural Department said in an announcement.
This announcement has also stated that the condition for holding a gathering is getting a permit. This is while
experiences with university officials show that they never issue permits for protest gatherings, especially for
widespread protests. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 21, 2009)
Students threatened against participating in protests
It was published before that 50 students were summoned to security institutions and the Revolutionary Court
simultaneous with the opening of Tehran University and the start of university exams.
The summoned students… were told that if they participated in any of the protest gatherings in the new
academic year, their families would be subjected to extreme pressure. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 22, 2009)
Students in Iran face purge over protest fears
Authorities in Iran have launched a purge against student activists in an effort to stop the country's universities
turning into breeding grounds of protests against President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad's re-election.
Several students have been jailed and others suspended from their studies in a move opponents say is intended
to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation on campuses as the universities return for the start of the new
academic year.
Some are said to have been punished for relatively innocuous activities such as protesting about the quality of
food. The penalties were handed out after students were summoned by campus officers during the summer
break. Officials are believed to fear an outbreak of campus unrest that could reignite the widespread nationwide
demonstrations that followed June's poll, which Ahamdinejad won amid accusations from opponents of
widespread fraud.
However, student leaders say they will not be harassed into silence and will continue their activities…
In the days after the election, security forces launched attacks on students at several universities. Eight students
are believed to have died in one such attack at Tehran University. Last week three activists at the university were
arrested and taken to the city's Evin prison, according to the student website AUT news.
The latest clampdown has also targeted those at provincial institutions. One university, Mohaghegh Ardabili in
the northern city of Ardebil, which was reported to have been free of post-election unrest, suspended several
students after learning they had worked on the campaigns of the defeated reformist candidates Mir Hossein
Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi. Eleven students at Râzi University in the western city of Kermanshah were given
various punishments including suspensions, fines and being deprived of campus facilities after being found
guilty of 'disrupting order and damaging university assets'. Similar reports have come from other provincial
universities, including Bushehr, where the parents of students have been called before the authorities, and
Babol in the Caspian province of Mazandaran, where three students were sentenced to 10 months in prison.
(The Guardian – Sep. 22, 2009)
Security forces boost control of Tehran Univ. to prevent student protests
Two weeks after the opening of the Tehran University dormitories, there have been extreme security measures
taken by officials at the dorms. Plainclothes agents are very evident in the dorms and openly patrol the area
along with Protection Department agents.

Student Bassij Forces, who sometimes do not live in the dorms can also be seen in the dorms.
A new antenna has been installed on the building adjacent to the temporary mosque in the Amir Abad region,
which according to students probably belongs to the Revolutionary Guards Corps or the Bassij. A room in the
top story of this building, which is used by security forces, is also linked to the antenna.
Some students also believe that it is used (to control) tapping devices, which have been installed in some of the
dorm rooms. On the other hand, Farhad Rahbar, the head of the university, is looking to decrease the number
of students residing in the dorms. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 22, 2009)
Head of Zanjan student association expelled and exiled to Yazd Univ.
Surosh Shekarchian, the secretary of the Islamic Association of the Medical Science University of Zanjan was
exiled to Yazd University in a sentence from the Disciplinary Committee.
He was previously suspended for a semester from university and after receiving his final sentence was transferred
to Yazd University.
He was charged with promoting illegal groups (Office for Consolidating Unity), insulting Islamic rites, and
disrupting the general order of the university. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 23, 2009)
Security forces shoot and injure tradesmen in Orumieh
A few days ago, regime forces attacked tradesmen in the Rajan Viallge in Orumieh, opened fire on them and
violently beat them.
A number of the tradesmen were wounded and taken to hospital because of the shootings. These forces,
especially their commander also threatened the people of the region to deathAccording to reports, security
forces have recently tried to force the people in this region to join their armed forces but they refused to
cooperate with them, therefore these forces have increased the pressure on them. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 23,
Officials increase control of students in Tehran's Beheshti Univ.
According to reports, in the ongoing illegal activities by the Protection Department of the Beheshti University in
Tehran, students who have criticized university officials in social internet networks, have been dealt with under
the pretext that they have insulted university officials.
The Protection Department in this university also confiscates and searches students' laptop computers and cell
phones on charges of dealing with immoral material.
Severe measures and illegal searches are also going on full force in the male dormitories. Kulivand, the head of
the dormitories who is a former assistant of the Protection Department, randomly attacks a room every night
and confiscates laptops and cell phones of the resident students. This is while five employees of the Protection
Department have criminal records in the judiciary for theft in university and complaints filed against them.
A woman identified as Rezayi who is in charge of controlling the dormitory curfew of female students and their
appearance, accuses girls of attending parties and having dates with their boyfriends if they come back after 9pm
and sends them to the Disciplinary Committee under this excuse.
Despite the fact that university officials’ claim that they have a budget shortage, it seems that the Protection
Department does not have this shortage. From the summer of last year, an ultra professional control system has
been set up in the university by the Sharq Fakhr Iman (East Fakhr Security) Company with a budget of more
than 500,000 dollars.
Every day, in addition to the normal patrols in the university by agents of the Protection Department and
Disciplinary Committee, unidentified men also patrol the university campus and constantly deal with students
for various reasons. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 23, 2009)
Isfahan students receive warning for participating in demos
The head of the Industrial Isfahan University said, "The families of 50 students who had committed offenses in
the events after the elections have received a special letter in which they were given notices".
"In this letter to the students' families, they were notified of the process and how their children created
commotion and disturbances", Gholamreza Qorbani added. "It has been seriously emphasized in this letter that
if one of these students so much as commits another wrongdoing, it will not be tolerated and they will be
decisively dealt with", said the head of the university. (Asr-e Iran Website – Sep. 24, 2009)
Judge denies bail to jailed student activist


Two months after the arrest of Majid Dori, an expelled student activist from the Alameh Unviersity in Tehran,
despite the fact that the case interrogator had accepted he be freed on bail, Judge Hadad (Hassan Zare Dahnavi)
disagreed and demanded that this student activist be imprisoned until his trial.
Majid Dori is a member of the Council in Defense of Education and was arrested for the first time on June 23
in the events after the elections. He was freed and was once again arrested on July 9 and was charged with
having links to the Monafeqin (PMOI). (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 24, 2009)
Iran starts new wave of filtering free press
(Iran) is carrying out new measures of filtering, deleting, and attacking free press and reformist websites.
This new wave started with the activities of the 'Gerdab Group' and went on with filtering, and internet attacks
against websites and weblogs. Now it has entered a new phase by means of putting pressure on weblog servicers.
These pressures have reached the point where two famous weblog servicers, Persianblog and Blogfa are forced to
delete a large number of website, which belongs to supporters of the green movement, every day. (Green Wave
of Freedom Website – Sep. 24, 2009)
Regime forces attack and shut down students' association office in Zanjan Univ .
Zanjan's Medical Science University officials on Thursday broke the lock on the door of the Students' Islamic
Association office and emptied all the members' belongings from inside the office. This is while none of the
members of this association had received prior legal warnings.
After emptying the office, they painted over the walls. Officials have not answered as to why they have shut
down the office .
The sentences for the suspension and expulsion of the secretary of this association, Sorush Shekr-chian and the
suspension of Taimaz Amir-Aslani, a member of this association have been carried out as well. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Sep. 27, 2009)
Arrest warrant issued for student activist despite incompletion of court procedure
An arrest warrant was issued for Kaveh Rezayi, a former member of the Central Council of Bu-Ali Sina
University's Islamic Association without due process .
This former student who was expelled from university last month was sentenced to 18 months of prison but
despite his request for a retrial, an arrest warrant was issued for him without the legal procedures for a court of
review. (Azadna Website – Sep. 27, 2009)
Internet 'offenders' sentenced to 'corruption on earth'
The assistant Tehran Prosecutor and head of the Special Computer and Communications Technology Court
said that five main culprits in the case of internet website have been indicted for being 'corrupt on earth'.
"The work on the case of the immoral websites and investigations regarding the managers of these websites has
ended", Reza Jafari said. (JRS Website – Sep. 27, 2009)
No news on young man arrested 10 years ago at home
The parents of a young man who was arrested 10 years ago by security forces do not have any news on his
condition and whereabouts. In a letter to officials, they requested information on the condition of their son.
In this letter, the father of Sayid Zinâli, who was arrested in 1999 in his home, said that agents called his home
twice that year and told him that his son was in good health but in the past 10 years despite persistent pursuits
of his condition and whereabouts by his family from judicial and security institutions, they have not received
any news on his fate as yet. (Ayandeh News – Sep. 28, 2009)
Regime to station two judges in Friday's football match to sentence 'offenders' on the spot
A judicial official said that two judges will be stationed at the Azadi Stadium during the football match between
Esteqlal and Piruzi to immediately deal with offenses in the stadium.
"These two judges will issue the suitable dates for those who commit offenses", the official who asked not to be
named said. (IRNA state-run news agency – Sep. 28, 2009)
Those who honked horns in post election protests will be summoned
Tehran's Governor said, "The owners of cars who used the atmosphere of the recent unrest to harass people by
repeatedly honking their horns and blocking roads will be summoned".
"They will be questioned because they have committed road violations", he added.
While the governor of Tehran said that these people "have committed road violations", Hashemi, the head of
Tehran's traffic police said that this is a "security and intelligence issue and has nothing to do withus".

"This issue has to be pursued through the security police", he added. (Etemad state-run Daily – Sep. 28, 2009)
Iran will deal with websites which covered protests
The head of the Special Court for Computer and Technology Offenses said that some websites that promoted
unrest, insecurity and civil disobedience (in the post election protests) will be dealt with. (Amir Kabir Newsletter
– Sep. 29, 2009)
Iran banns several Tehran Univ. students from using dorms to quell protests
The Disciplinary Committee of Tehran University has banned a number of students who reside in the
university dormitories from living in the dorms. According to a number of students who live in the dorms, a
Protection Department agent went to a number of the dorm rooms in buildings 14, 17 and 18 on September
29, and gave a number of students letters informing them that they had no right to live in the dormitories
anymore. These letters has so far been given to more than 50 students and close to 100 students who lived in
the Tehran University dormitories are banned from living in the dorms until 'further notice'. (Iran News Agency
– Sep. 30, 2009)
IRGC sends heavy interference signals to obstruct satellite TV waves
Several sources from Tehran have reported that the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp has started a new round
of sending interference signals on satellite TV waves. While it has been proven that these signals have a very
detrimental effect on the psychological and physical health of humans, the power of the new signals has
significantly increased.
Reports say that the new system for sending this interference has been recently bought from Russia.
There have been rumors that the reason the Tehran Air One plane crashed near the town of Qazvin was
because of problems in the plane's navigation system caused by interference signals. Government officials have
still not clearly stated the reason behind the plane crash. (JRS – Sep. 30, 2009)
17 student activists in Kermanshah receive heavy punishments
In the second wave of summonses of students of the Razi University in Kermanshah, at least 17 other students
received heavy punishments such as suspension from education, ban from using university facilities, and paying
fines. (Nurooz Website – Oct. 1, 2009)
Files of dissenting Shiraz University students in Disciplinary Committee
According to reports, the head of Shiraz University has stressed the necessity for 40 to 50 students in this
university be dealt with. Mohammad Hadi Sadeqi said, "The files of a number of students who have committed
offenses in the recent events (post-election protests) are being examined".
"In the last few weeks it was determined that less than 40 or 50 people are amongst the students who are the
elements of the illegal gatherings and the university has to deal with them", he added. (Etemad daily – Oct. 1,
Prominent lawyer banned from leaving Iran
The Iranian authorities banned a prominent human rights activist from leaving the country on Friday, Amnesty
International has learned. Abdolfattah Soltani was due to travel to collect a human rights award in Germany…
According to his family, Abdolfattah Soltani was stopped in Tehran as he was about to board a flight to
Germany early on Friday .He was approached by plain-clothed men who confiscated his passport and told him
that his permission to leave Iran had been “revoked”. The men instructed him to go to the Presidential office
next week to follow up on the matter .Abdolfattah Soltani was on his way to the city of Nuremberg where he was
due to receive the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award on Sunday. .. (Amnesty International – Oct.
2, 2009)
Iran states 'discovery of new evidence' as pretext to keep post-election protesters in jail
Farhad Tajari, a member of a committee to pursue the case of detainees in the recent events said regarding the
release of a number of people whose legal cases have been completed, "Judicial officials have new evidence
against some of the detainees who were on the verge of being released and therefore their release has been
He did not announce the names of these offenders. (Nurooz Website – Oct. 3, 2009)


3 journalists banned from leaving Iran

Farzaneh Roostayi, Badrolsadat Mofidi, the head of Iran's Journalists' Association and Zahra Ibrahimi, a top
reporter for the Hamshahri Daily were banned from leaving the country and their passports were confiscated.
(Nurooz Website – Oct. 3, 2009)
Regime enforces martial law in Orumieh high schools
A large number of activists in the city of Orumieh have been summoned to the Azerbaijan Intelligence Agency
in the past few days after announcement were handed out in Orumieh in the Kurdish, Turkish, English and
Farsi languages.
Pressure by security systems has also heightened in high schools in this city. In the Ziveh Magur High School
and the Khomeini Rajan High School several Bassijis have been employed as teachers with the goal of
monitoring the school and trapping young people. This condition also exists in girls high schools. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Oct. 4, 2009)
More than 100 Kermanshah students summoned to univ. suppressive committee
More than 130 students of the Razi University of Kermanshah have been recently summoned to the
Disciplinary Committee and 80 of them have received punishing sentences. One of the students said that most
of the sentences issued for them are fines, suspension from university or expulsion from university on charges of
instigating students to carry out sedition and to damage university property. The student, who had been
sentenced to a 5,000 dollar fine and two semesters of suspension, said that his sentence was issued on
September 1, despite the fact that he was interrogated on September 10. (Etemad Daily – Oct. 5, 2009)
Families of detained football fans demand news on whereabouts of loved ones
According to reports, dozens of the family members of detainees who were arrested in Azadi Stadium on
Friday's (football game between Persepolis and Esteqlal) and those who were arrested on September 18 gathered
outside Evin Prison and the Revolutionary Court to demand the release of their loved ones.
More than 80 family members of these detainees gathered in the visiting hall of Evin Prison demanding to see
their detained family members. The families of those arrested in Friday's game were told that their loved ones
had been transferred to Evin. But they have still not received any news on their condition and why they were
arrested and the Revolutionary Court has still not confirmed the arrest of some the detainees.
A number of the young football fans chanted anti-regime slogans while leaving Azadi Stadium on Friday, which
was met with violent suppression by regime forces. A number of them were injured in the attack including a
young man identified as A.M who was clubbed on the head and knee. This led to bleeding on his head and the
swelling of his knees. The families of Friday's detainees were not allowed visits with their loved ones. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 5, 2009)
Regime banns families of political prisoner from visits!!
The political assistant of Tehran's Governor said in a letter to the members of the Tehran Council asked that
they stop visiting families whose loved ones were victims or imprisoned in the events after the elections.
A member of the City Council confirmed this reports and said, "It has been stressed in this letter that in light of
the fact that these visits do not benefit the public interest of the country, visits with the detainees of events after
the elections and the families of released prisoners should not take place". (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Oct. 6, 2009)
Iran closes three newspapers: reports
An Iranian government-run press supervisory body has closed three newspapers without giving reasons, local
news agencies reported on Tuesday.
ILNA news agency reported the closure of Farhang Ashdi (Culture of Reconciliation) and Arman (Ideals), while
the official IRNA news agency said Tahlil Rooz (Day's Analysis) was also ordered shut.
The orders were issued by a government commission which supervises the media in Iran, the reports said.
'We started publishing the newspaper three months ago and then we received the commission's decision by fax,'
Emami Nasiri, director of Farhang Ashdi, was quoted as saying by ILNA. He did not say when the order was


Bahman Hagatnian, the head of Tahlil Rooz, also said that his paper, published in the southern city of Shiraz,
was closed by the commission 'without any reason,' IRNA reported.
Since 2005, under the administration of President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, Iranian newspapers, websites and
news agencies of all political persuasions have been hit by a string of closures. (AFP - Oct 6, 2009)
Expelled student and blogger summoned to Revolutionary Court
Abed Tavancheh, a blogger and an expelled student of the Polytechnic University in Tehran
is one of the 55 students who was arrested in 2007 and was released on bail. Tavancheh was
summoned by phone to make his last defense and his sentence will be issued sometime next
He has been charged with acting against national security, participating in demonstrations
and publishing communist beliefs. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Oct. 7, 2009)
Friends of fatally shot girl not allowed to hold ceremony in univ.
The head of the Amir Kabir University (Polytechnic) in Tehran banned students from holding a ceremony for a
former student and current employee of this university who was killed a few days ago by security forces.
Somayeh Jafar-Qoli, who was a master's degree graduate of computer engineering from this university and
worked in the Center for the Completion of Virtual Skills was mistakenly shot and killed while going from
Qom to Tehran along with her husband and 8 month old daughter. She was wounded by security officers who
were chasing another vehicle in the Tehran-Qom highway and then passed away as a result of her wounds.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 7, 2009)
Dissenting students summoned to Disciplinary Committee
A number of students of the Sharif University who were chanting (anti-government) slogans outside the library
of this university when the Science Minister (Minister of higher education) Daneshju, came to this university
were summoned to the Disciplinary Committee. The assistant head of Students' Affairs at this university in
Tehran confirmed this report saying that student who cried Allah O Akbar in their dormitories will also be
summoned to the Disciplinary Committee. (Asr-e Iran state-run website – Oct. 8, 2009)
Tehran Prosecutor: Those who endanger national security will be severely dealt with
Abbas Jafari-Dolatabadi, Tehran's Prosecutor said, "Those who act against national security should not expect
not being dealt with and the Judiciary will act according to its duty (regarding these people)."
"All government must have a reaction in the face of a coup, ousting or the formation of illegal groups", he
"Those who revolt against the government should not expect the government to be indifferent and should
expect to be dealt with according to the law. Those who have committed offenses in the issue of national
security should know that the law is severe in dealing with them", Dolatabadi stressed. (IRNA state-run news
agency – Oct. 8, 2009)
Actor and actress banned from going to US
Protection Department agents of the Tehran airport banned Fatemeh Moatamed-Aria, a renowned Iranian
actress and actor Mojtaba Mirtahmasseb from leaving Iran.
This happened when a group of Iranian stars were intending to leave Iran to go the US after being invited by
the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (Oscar) to participate in the a program to asses Iran's cinema
industry in the US. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 8, 2009)
Iran tries to control school girls with security cameras
The state run Mehr daily reported that the heads of a number of girl's schools in Tehran have installed security
cameras without any legal orders in various locations to control and monitor the students. The goal of these
security cameras is to 'control the behavior of students and identify students who bring cell phones to school'.
The Fars news agency also reported that the Hushmand School in Orumieh has been equipped with security
cameras to control its students. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 8, 2009)
Interrogators threaten family of political prisoner
The pressure and threats of the head interrogator of the Intelligence Agency in ward 209 nicknamed 'Alavi' has
increased against the family of political prisoner Mohssen Dokmeh-chi. Alavi has called this family on several
occasions and has summoned them for interrogations after threatening them over the phone.

Mohssen Dokmeh-chi, 52, is a member of Tehran's Bazaar who was arrested on September 7 in his place of
work by intelligence agents and taken to ward 209 of Evin Prison. There is no information on his condition
since his arrest. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Oct. 10, 2009)
Two student publications threatened for calling student protester killed by security forces a 'martyr'
Two publications in the Science and Industrial University of Teheran were summoned by the Publication
Monitoring Committee of the University for using the word 'martyr' in regard to Kianush Assa.
The Prochista and Kolbeh publications were also summoned for publishing a report and picture of a ceremony
to name a park after Kianush Assa. Assa was a master's degree student in this university who was killed by
security forces in the protests after the elections in Tehran.
Before this, another publication named Gelavezh was banned for confirming the Holocaust. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Oct. 11, 2009)
20 students of Teheran's Free Uni. summoned to Disciplinary Committee
After students of the Central Tehran Free University held a number of gatherings to protest the widespread
suppression of people by the government, a number of these students were summoned to the office of the head
of the university.
Twenty students were summoned last Thursday by the head of this university, Dr. Gozashti to explain about the
gatherings in the university.
Gozashti warned these students of the consequences of holding any kind of gathering in the Central Tehran
Free University. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 11, 2009)
Children of Kurd activist summoned and interrogated
Agents of the Protection Department of the Revolutionary Guards Corps in Marivan summoned Suror and
Sarveh Mohammadi, the daughters of Ghafur Mohammadi, a Kurd civil rights activist, and interrogated them
for six hours.
This is while Kazhal Sheikh Mohammadi, the civil rights activist's wife has been detained for 12 days and is
banned from visits.
Ghafur Mohammadi left Iran less than two years ago and is living abroad. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Oct. 12, 2009)
Sharif Univ. students summoned to Disciplinary Committee for organizing peaceful rally
The head of the Industrial Sharif University in Tehran cited the summonses of a number of students to the
Disciplinary Committee and said, "The Committee of First Instances of the Sharif Industrial University has
summoned 5 or 6 of those involved in the organization of the gathering outside the library". (Nurooz Website –
Oct. 12, 2009)
Another lawyer banned from leaving country
Mohamamd Seifzadeh, a prominent Iranian lawyer and a member of the Center of
Human Rights Defenders was banned from leaving Iran.
Seifzadeh confirmed this to BBC and said when he intended to board the plane, an agent
confiscated his passport. (Radio BBC Website – Oct. 13, 2009)
Iranian Journalists Flee, Fearing Retribution for Covering Protests
For two months Ehsan Maleki traveled around Iran with a backpack containing his
cameras, a few pieces of clothing and his laptop computer, taking pictures of the reformist candidate Mir
Hussein Moussavi during the presidential campaign. He did not know that his backpack and his cameras would
soon become his only possessions, or that he would be forced to crawl out of the country hiding in a herd of
sheep .
Mr. Maleki, 29, is one of dozens of reporters, photographers and bloggers who have either fled Iran or are trying
to flee in the aftermath of the disputed June presidential election. Reporters Without Borders, a Paris-based
organization that promotes press freedom and monitors the safety of journalists, said the number of journalists
leaving Iran was the largest since the years after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
The wave of departures reflects the journalists’ anxiety over the retribution many of them have faced for
reporting on the government’s violent suppression of the post-election protests…


Many journalists in Tehran, including a Newsweek reporter, Maziar Bahari , who is also an independent
filmmaker, were among the hundreds of Iranians arrested and jailed. Some are defendants in the mass trials the
government is conducting. The wife of one journalist, Ahmad Zeidabadi, said he had been tortured while in
prison .
The editors of some OPPOSITION blogs, which reported the killings and the mass burial of protesters, have
gone into hiding, and their whereabouts are not clear. The homes of some journalists, like Mr. Maleki, have
been ransacked .
Mahmoud Shamsolvaezin, a veteran journalist and media expert in Tehran, estimated that 2,000 Iranian
journalists had lost their jobs recently. He said about 400 of them had approached him for reference letters so
they could get work abroad. “Journalists are leaving more than other groups because the government has closed
newspapers and it has intimidated and terrorized them,” he said in an interview.
Mr. Maleki was covering a demonstration on June 20 when he and dozens of protesters were chased by
members of the Basij paramilitary force. They fled to an apartment building, where Mr. Maleki had enough time
to hide his camera inside a chimney before members of the militia arrested them. He was jailed with hundreds
of others for a day. Without his camera, authorities could not identify him as a photographer, but they recorded
his national identity number .
Mr. Maleki never went home. A few days later a neighbor told him that his house had been ransacked and that
his computer and personal documents, including his passport, had been taken. “They found out that I was
sending pictures to Sipa ,” he said, referring to an international photo agency.
The exact number of journalists who have left is not clear. Some worry that their families could be harassed if
the government learns they are gone. Others are reluctant to reveal their locations in neighboring countries like
Turkey and Iraq, fearing that government agents might find them and return them to Iran. (The New York
Times – Oct. 13, 2009)
Five Khajeh Nasir Univ. students summoned to Ministry of Intelligence
Following a ceremony on Sunday to commemorate the memory of those killed in the protests after the elections
in the Khajeh Nasir Industrial University in Tehran, five students who attended the ceremony were summoned
over the phone to the Ministry of Intelligence Inquiry Office on Tuesday.
The Inquiry Office is a well known building in the Ministry of Intelligence which is used to threaten political
and social activists. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 14, 2009)
Industrial Babol Uni. Officials summon families of student activists
The appointed head of the Babol Industrial University has summoned the families of student activists in fear of
student protests and has threatened them to prevent the political activities of their children. This is while
groups, centers and newsletters affiliated to the Bassij students can freely be active with complete support from
the university and the Babol Revolutionary Guards Corps. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 15, 2009)
Renowned director banned from leaving Iran
Jafar Panahi's passport was confiscated in the International Khomeini Airport while intending to leave for Paris
on Wednesday.
This renowned Iranian director was arrested for a short period after going to the Behesht Zahra Cemetery with a
group of directors and producers to put flowers on the graves of those killed after the elections.
Panahi was to go to India two weeks from now to take part in a judging committee in the Bombay Film Festival.
(Kalameh Website – Oct. 25, 2009)
Dozens of Iranian journalists flee after polls: rights group
At least 35 journalists have left Iran out of fear for themselves and their families and 24 reporters and bloggers
are still in jail following June's disputed election, a press rights body said Wednesday.
'It is the biggest exodus of journalists since the revolution of 1979 (which brought the Islamic regime to power)
and we are snowed under... there are many cases to deal with,' said Reza Moini of the Paris-based Reporters
Without Borders.


Moini put the number of journalists who had fled since the June 12 announcement of President Mahmoud
Ahamdinejad's re-election at 35 but estimated that the real number could be between 40 and 45.
'All of them are accused of acting against national security, of having taken part in illegal protests or of writing
propaganda articles against the Islamic regime,' he said, adding that 19 journalists and five bloggers were still
being held by the Iranian authorities. (AFP - Oct 14, 2009)
Students banned from wearing green in univ.
The Alameh Tabatabayi University in Tehran has banned its students from wearing green and will deal with
students who do.
A student who was wearing a green mask because of the spread of the influenza in the university was told to take
his mask off when he entered the university because of the color of the mask. (Salam News website – Oct. 15,
Concern about exodus of journalists, as regime steps up suppression of news
Reporters Without Borders keeps on getting requests for help from terrified Iranian journalists who have been
forced to flee their country after receiving summonses from the authorities.
With 32 of their colleagues now detained in Iran and with a president and a Supreme Leader bent on
suppressing all criticism, around 30 journalists have fled since last June’s disputed elections.
”This is the biggest exodus of journalists since the 1979 revolution,” Reporters Without Borders said.
“Describing news media as ‘means used in an attempt to overthrow the state’, the regime is ridding itself of
undesired witnesses by jailing them or getting them to flee.
Photographers, cameramen, bloggers and reporters for newspapers that have been closed down - all are being
accused of ‘acting against national security“.‘
The press freedom organisation added: “The luckiest are able to get to Europe or the United States, but most
have to expose themselves to great danger by fleeing with the help of smugglers. (Reporters Sans Frontières –
Oct. 15, 2009)
Iran cleric warns against planned opposition protest
A top Iranian cleric warned the opposition on Friday against holding an anti-government demonstration to
counter an official commemoration of the storming of the US embassy by students 30 years ago.
November 4 'is a day of struggle against oppression worldwide,' Ahmad Jannati, head of the powerful Guardians
Council, said in a Friday prayer sermon broadcast on state radio.
'Some people who have made plans for this day must know that their plans will fail,' he said.
On November 4, 1979, Islamist students stormed the US embassy in Tehran and took American diplomats
hostage, holding them for 444 days in a crisis that provoked the severance of diplomatic relations with
Since then the authorities have organised an annual demonstration to commemorate the event, but this year
calls have gone out on the Internet for the opposition to stage a counter-demonstration.
Jannati said in his Friday sermon also accused opposition supporters of having links to the United States and to
the Jewish state, saying they wanted 'to show their American-Israeli nature' on November 4.
'If they could, they would chant 'Long live America, long live Israel'... but any action that goes against the path of
the people and against Velayat (religious rule) is destined to fail,' he said.
'May God slice off the hands of those who wish to play with the blood of our martyrs and fighters.'
He accused opposition supporters of 'seeking to overthrow the regime,' and demanded that the authorities act
firmly against them. 'If the judiciary and the intelligence services act lightly, this would be a betrayal,' Jannati
said. 'You cannot treat with kid gloves those who have acted like our worst enemies.' (AFP - Oct 16, 2009)


Student activist summoned to court on bogus charge

Payam Haidar Qazvini, the former head of the Islamic Organization of Reformist Students at the International
Qazvin University was summoned by the prosecutor to the 4th branch of the Revolutionary Court in Qazvin to
answer questions on the charge of 'assault and battery'. The complainants in the case are two brothers who are
members of security institutions and are close to the Revolutionary Guards Corps.
This is while according to Qazvini's friends, he did not use violence in the events after the elections and in the
past 4 years in and out of university, he was not involved in any physical clashes. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct.
20, 2009)
Ministry of Intelligence threatens families of student activists
After students of the Science and Industry in Tehran signed a petition demanding banned students be allowed
to study at this university and chanting Allah O Akbar in the cafeteria, the Ministry of Intelligence called the
families of a number of students at this university threatening them.
According to reports, these agents threatened to arrest these students and said that these families would face
problems and obstacles in their life. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 19, 2009)
Political activist banned from leaving country
According to the Public Relations Office of the Iran Freedom Movement, Amir Khoram Alaveh was banned
from leaving the country and was also detained.
Amir Khoram, a member of the central council and political secretary of this movement who intended to go
Finland and Germany on business was banned and his passport was confiscated by agents.
Agents in the International Khomeini Airport also prevented him from leaving the airport and detained him for
a few hours under the pretext that the representative of the presidential office and prosecutor were not present
at the airport. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 20, 2009)
Security forces storm students' homes
According to reports, after protests and gathering in the Central Tehran Free University, security forces attacked
the homes of a number of student activists of this university, but fortunately none of these students were home.
There is a possibility of more attacks and arrests against these students. (Iran News Agency – Oct. 21, 2009)
Student activist charged with 'insulting president'
Payman Aref, political prisoner and student activist, was taken from Evin Prison to the second branch of the
Security Interrogation Department of the Revolutionary Court presided over by Interrogator Sobhani.
In this session, Sobhani charged Aref with two new charges which included, 'membership in the Iran National
Front', and 'insulting the president'. This is while this student who has been expelled from university was
arrested on charges of spreading propaganda against the government and had been interrogated for 75 days in
solitary confinement. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 21, 2009)
Regime shuts down stores in Saqez
According to reports from the town of Saqez, government agents closed down a number of shops on Thursday
October 22. Officials have not stated the reason behind this measure but some residents believe these shops
were shut down because of a strike on July 13 in this town. (Mukerian News Agency – Oct. 23, 2009)
Court forces young men to read fundamentalist texts as punishment for 'carrying alcohol'
Two young men convicted of carrying alcohol in Shiraz were sentenced to getting acceptable grades in an exam
from a book titled 'Mortal Sins' by Ayatollah Dastqeib. Mohammad and Ruhollah, two 20-year-old men in
Shiraz were trialed on charges of drinking and carrying alcohol.
Because they did not have a previous record, the court sentenced them to learn the contents of 'The Mortal Sins'
in their six months of probation to be able to get acceptable grades in a written exam on this book. (Tabnak
state-run website – Oct. 24, 2009)
Female political prisoner trialed without lawyer
Ziaoddin Nabavi, a student activist and Atefeh Nabavi were transferred today to the second and 15th branch of
the security interrogations section of the Revolutionary Court.
Ziaoddin Navabi was charged with having connections to the PMOI and spreading propaganda against the
Atefeh Nabavi was trialed in the 15th branch of this court on charges of having communications with the PMOI.
She was alone in the trial because she did not have a lawyer. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 25, 2009)

Soldier suspiciously shot to death in base; regime hides cause of death from grieving parents
Arman Mamandi, a conscript in a base in Mahabad was mysteriously killed while serving his last days of military
service in this base on October 1.
According to reports which have been confirmed by this Kurd soldier's family, a bullet shot from a J-3 firearm
led to this death. After his family persistently followed up the death of their son from base officials, the base
commander announced in an unofficial and verbal statement that Arman had committed suicide. This is while
sources in the base have told this family that another conscript in that same base was arrested on charges of
killing Armand. After close to one month and the pursuit of his family regarding the cause of his death,
unfortunately they still have not been able to get a clear answer from judicial and military sources in Mahabad.
(Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Oct. 25, 2009)
Assistant minister writes confidential letter demanding censorship of
news on Nov. 4 protests
In its last suppressive measure in creating a closed atmosphere for the
press and in fear of the extensive presence of supporters of the green
movement on Tehran streets on November 4 (Pupil's Day), the
government has sent an order to all media, newspapers, new agencies
and websites, inviting them to censor all news related to (events of)
November 4.
In this letter stamped with the words 'confidential' and 'urgent', the press
assistant of the Guidance Minister wrote, "emphasizing that the issue of
the 10th presidential elections in light of the confirmation of legal and
official sources has ended, we request that you seriously restrain from
publishing any news, pictures or contents which causes tension in the
society or disrupts public order". (Green Wave of Freedom Website –
Oct. 27, 2009)
Tehran Free Univ. separates male and female classes
The School of Political Science of the Central Tehran Free University separated the classes of girl and boy
students. This was done on the request of Dr. Ashrafi, the head of the Political Science Group. This matter has
not only led to discontent amongst students and professors but has also caused problems in class schedules.
(Nurooz Website – Oct. 27, 2009)
MP: protesters will not be freed because they might cause more unrest
Farhad Tajari, Member of Parliament representing Qasr-e Shirin said, "There is this probability that some of the
people who played a key part in the unrest after the elections will cause more unrest in the future, therefore,
with the end of investigations in their cases, there is no hope of their release from prison". (Human Right
Activists in Iran – Oct. 27, 2009)
Regime closes down children's rights NGO
According to reports from activists from the Group for a World Worthy of Children, the office and educational
center of this NGO active in children's matters, especially street and labor children, was closed by agents
without a specific warrant. The attempts of the officials of this organization to open the center have so far been
futile. This organization has been active since 2004 and has made great efforts on the grounds of defending the
rights of children. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 27, 2009)
Tehran's Public Prosecutor files suit against human rights lawyer
Tehran's Public Prosecutor has filed a complaint against Mohammad Oliayifard, a lawyer
and human rights activist.
In the written summons sent to this lawyer, no charge has been stated which is against
the law and it has only obligated him to come to the first branch of the government
employee's court three days after receiving the summons.
It is noteworthy that Oliayifard is the lawyer of a number of political and civil rights activists. This lawyer has
another open case in this court on charges of 'insulting and slandering Ministry of Intelligence agents'. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 28, 2009)
Iran: Criminalising freedom of expression

Amnesty International is calling on Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to immediately retract his statement on Wednesday
that criticising the outcome of June’s presidential election is a crime. The Supreme Leader’s remark was carried
by state television in a report from Khamenei's meeting with scientists in Tehran. “The Ayatollah’s statement
seeks to criminalise legitimate peaceful dissent and dissatisfaction with the political process,” said Malcolm
Smart, Director of Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Programme. “In dealing with the
aftermath of the elections, the Iranian authorities are continuing to commit violation after violation after
violation of fundamental human rights. They are trying to muzzle their own people and cow them into silence,”
The official result of the 12 June election was widely disputed and was followed by mass demonstrations
throughout the country. Dozens were killed by the notorious Basij militia and other government forces;
thousands were detained, many of whom are alleged to have been tortured and ill-treated; and scores - if not
hundreds - have been put on trial. Amnesty International has condemned such “show trials” as a “mockery of
justice”. “Anyone held solely for the peaceful expression of their views concerning the election should be
released immediately and unconditionally and all detainees should be protected from torture or other ill-
treatment”. (Amnesty International – Oct. 29, 2009)
State Security Forces threatens crack down on Nov. 4 protests
On the eve of November 4 (national Pupil's Day in Iran but marked as anti-American day by the regime) and the
announcement by the Greens (Green Movement) to attend marches on this day, State Security Forces in the
Greater Tehran District announced in a statement that "any gathering held anywhere other than outside the
Den of Spies (former US Embassy building) is banned and the police will only not deal with those gathered
outside the Den of Spies".
"According to the Islamic Advertising Council, only the march outside the American Den of Spies has a legal
warrant and any other gathering or march is forbidden", the commander of the SSF wrote in this statement.
There are unconfirmed rumors that members of the Green Movement of Iran will gather outside the Russian
Embassy on this day.
"In line with their legal duty, Security Forces will deal firmly with groups or people who intend to cause disorder
or unrest or take any illegal actions". (Nurooz website – Nov. 2, 2009)
Security forces beat families of Nov. 4 detainees
Reports from outside the Vozara Detection Center in Tehran say that security forces confronted a number of
the families of those arrested in yesterday's gatherings.
More than 50 families of November 4 detainees gathered outside this detention center to get information on
their loved ones. A number of the detainees were taken to this detention center.
"Agents beat and verbally abused these families and told some of us not to go after the release of our children", a
mother of a detainees said. (Radio Zamaneh – Nov. 5, 2009)
Prison officials pin bogus charges on political prisoner
According to reports from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, political prisoner Ali Saremi was taken to the 3rd branch
of the Security Interrogation Department of the Revolutionary Court where new charges
were made against him.
The head of this branch identified only as Majd charged the 62-year-old political prisoner,
who was arrested in a ceremony to mark the 19th anniversary of the 1988 massacre of
political prisoners, with 'insulting the officials of the Islamic Republic' and 'insulting Friday
prayer Imams'.
(Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 7, 2009)
177 MPs demand harsh treatment of arrested peaceful protesters
Mohammad Dehqan, a member of the head committee of Majles (parliament) read a
statement signed by 177 other MPs in today's public meeting in Majles.
"We … condemn the irrational actions of the small number of people who stood against the nation and request
from legal sources to deal severely with these elements of the seditions", the statement said. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Nov. 10, 2009)
Islamic Republic sentences female political prisoner to 'enmity with God' because of family ties

The trial of Atefeh Nabavi which was supposed to be held on December 5 in the 12th branch of the
Revolutionary Court was held today in this branch.
In this court, which went on for 3 hours, Nabavi was trialed on charges of 'enmity with God by having contacts
with the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran'.
Nabavi, 27, was arrested on the night of June 15 along with her cousin and six friends. She was detained in
ward 209 in Evin prison for 95 days before being transferred to the public ward.
"It seemed that the judge, who was supposed to view my case with impartiality, looked at my case with total bias.
He said a number of times in court that the case interrogator has requested sentences ranging from 5 years of
prison to the death penalty for me. Then he mocked me saying that 'we will no execute you though'!" Atefeh
said regarding her trial.
"He (the judge) asked me if I was afraid of the threat of being sentenced to death and I said that of course I am
afraid, but I am used to this kind of verbal violence from you and the interrogators. Then the judge said that, 'I
was joking, we will not hang you'. I then asked him if anyone had ever joked with him about sentencing him to
death", she added.
Nabavi said that the judge had told her that her crime is evident because of the history of her family and that
they will not 'issue sentences on the grounds of the evidence in the case' but because 'we know your intentions
and will sentence you on the grounds of your intentions'. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 11, 2009)
48 Nov.4 protesters trialed in Shiraz
The trial of 48 people who were detained on November 4 in Shiraz was held today on Wednesday.
All the detainees except detained students were issued bail orders. The trial of the jailed students was postponed
to next Sunday. This is while the representative of Shiraz's prosecutor has told their families that their detention
orders may be extended for after December 7 (Student's Day).
Saied Rezayi, Ahmad Aref, Khabir Safarpur, Ayub Purfat-hi, Ehsan Pursoltan, Abvala Harari are amongst these
students jailed in the Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 12, 2009)
Women's activist banned from leaving country
Modares Gorji, a women's rights activist in Sanandaj who intended on going abroad on Friday morning was
banned from leaving the country. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 15, 2009)
Political prisoner kept in prison for years in state of ambiguity
According to reports, the trial of political prisoner Arjang Davudi was postponed for the fourth consecutive
Davudi was summoned to the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court by Judge Salavati on Saturday November
14, but he postponed the trial in the last minute without informing his family and lawyer. When his family
called the court to inquire about the postponement, they were falsely told that the court would be held on
Monday. On the other his lawyer was told on the same day that the court had been postponed and that it was
scheduled for an unknown date.
Arjang Davudi was arrested on October 2003 and was trialed by Judge Hasan Zare Dehnavi known as Judge
Hadad after being detained for 16 months and was sentenced to 15 years of prison and 70 lashes. His sentence
was never announced to him on paper. Despite the fact that he has been in prison for years, his final sentence
has yet to be announced to him and he is awaiting trial. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 16, 2009)
Ministry of Intelligence puts pressure on family of death row political prisoner
According to the latest reports, intelligence agents from Sanandaj have threatened Habibollah Latifi's family to
not give any reports on the condition of their son to foreign media. This family was threatened that (security
institutions) would create criminal records for all of them and will sentence them to a few years of prison. Habib
Latifi was Ehsan Fatahian's (recently executed in Sanandaj Prison) cellmate and according to a confidential letter
written by the Judiciary, this 26 year old student is in danger of being executed. (Kurosh News Agency – Nov.
19, 2009)

Kurd tradesman shot and injured by regime forces in Orumieh

Security forces opened fire on an automobile driven by a man identified as Jamal Kulaki from Jolgharan Village
on November 20. He was driving by the Hossin and Morti Villages. This villager was severely injured and is
currently hospitalized in an Orumieh hospital. (Kurdistan Media – Nov. 21, 2009)

Shiraz Univ. threaten families of student who attended peaceful demo

The Protection Department of the Shiraz Medical Science University have called a number of the families of
students in an illegal and immoral measure, claiming that if their children participate in student gathering, they
will file disciplinary records against them. These students are freshmen who had participated in the November 4
These families were subsequently warned in a meeting with the university's Assistant on Student's Affairs that
their children should not take part in any political activities. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 24, 2009)
New spy charge against jailed Iranian-American
A human rights group says Iran has brought new espionage charges against an Iranian-American scholar who
was already convicted of spying and sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Kian Tajbakhash was arrested nearly five months ago in Iran's crackdown following the disputed June
presidential election. He was among more than 100 people - mostly OPPOSITION activists and protesters - put
on a mass trial. His family has denied that Tajbakhsh, a 47-year-old academic, was involved in the protests.
The New York-based International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran says Tajbakhsh was brought earlier this
week before a special court created by the elite Revolutionary Guards to prosecute dissidents. The group says he
was charged with additional counts of espionage. (AP – Nov. 24, 2009)
Norway says Iran confiscated Shirin Ebadi's Nobel Prize
Norway said Thursday Iran had confiscated the Nobel Peace Prize of Shirin Ebadi, a
human rights advocate who won the award in 2003, and that it had summoned
Iran's envoy to Oslo to protest the matter.
'The medal and diploma have been removed from Dr Ebadi's bank box, together
with other personal items,' Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere said in a
'Such an act leaves us feeling shock and disbelief,' he added, stressing 'this is the first
time a Nobel Peace Prize has been confiscated by national authorities.'
The ministry said it had summoned Iran's charge d'affaires in Oslo on Wednesday to
discuss Ebadi's case…
'The persecution of Dr. Ebadi and her family show that freedom of expression is under great pressure in Iran,'
the ministry added…
'I do not know of anything like that happening before,' the committee's secretary Geir Lundestad told AFP.
'A laureate has never been treated like that. Even political dissidents such as (Russian Andrei) Sakharov and
(Pole Lech) Walesa were better treated in their countries,' he deplored, referring to the men who won in 1975
and 1983, during the Cold War. (AFP - Nov 26, 2009)
Iran 'illegally' freezes Ebadi's assets: colleague
Iran has 'illegally' frozen bank accounts belonging to Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, in a bid to step up pressure on
the rights advocate and critic of the Islamic regime, a colleague told AFP on Friday.
'Her prize money was deposited in a bank account and it was used to help prisoners of conscience and their
families,' a founding member of Ebadi's human rights group, Mohammad Ali Dadkhah said.
'The account has been blocked by the officials and they do not allow withdrawals,' the lawyer said.
'This is illegal as blocking and confiscation should be the decision of a court where evidence is presented for
such an act,' he said. 'It is politicized.' (AFP - Nov 27, 2009)
Internet and mobile lines to be closed down on Student's Day to prevent protest news circulation
The state-run Telecommunications Company has sent a bulletin to provincial centers of the
Telecommunications Company in the country ordering them to completely close down the internet and mobile
phone lines on December 6 and 7 and in the days after if the protests continue (Student's Day protests).
An informed source disclosed this information saying that this measure is to prevent the publishing of news and
images of the violent confrontations of the police with students and the people (on Student's Day). (Rooz Daily
Website – Nov. 30, 2009)

Iran braces for Students Day protests

Iranian opposition groups are preparing to hold fresh protests against President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad on
Monday, several websites reported, as the nation marks the annual Students Day.
The elite Revolutionary Guards and other authorities have warned they will crack down on any attempt by
regime opponents to hijack the event to mount further demonstrations against Ahamdinejad's hotly disputed
June re-election.
Opposition groups have warned anyone thinking of demonstrating on Monday that they are likely to meet a
tough response from the security forces.
'Protesting in the streets on December 7 does not have the safety net of a state occasion... protesters are likely to
face a violent crackdown,' said leading reformist website, which is close to Mousavi.
Police reinforcements have been deployed on the streets of Tehran in recent days and public prosecutor
Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie warned the regime is 'determined to deal in a firm and deterrent manner with
election protesters seeking to create unrest again.'
Tehran police warned they would 'confront any gathering or ceremony which is held outside the premises of
'Such gatherings will be considered illegal,' the police said in a statement carried by the ILNA news agency.
Brigadier General Ali Fazli, commander of the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran, said his force has 'plans to
tackle those who want to disrupt Students Day in the universities.' (AFP - Dec 5, 2009)
Foreign reporters banned from reporting for three days
Iranian officials have banned foreign reporters from reporting in Iran for three days. On December 5, the
Guidance Ministry sent messages to all foreign reporters and photographers announcing that their licenses will
be temporarily revoked in the central Tehran area from December 7 to December 9. (VOA Website – Dec. 6,
Internet down in Iran ahead of planned protests
Most of the Iranian capital's Internet links with the outside world were down on Saturday, two days ahead of
planned demonstrations by opponents of President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad.
Sources close to Iran's technical services told AFP the cut was the result of 'a decision by the authorities' rather
than a technical breakdown, but telecommunications ministry officials were unavailable for comment.
Internet lines, texting and at times even mobile phone connections have often been cut or scrambled since
Ahamdinejad's contested re-election in June, but this was the first such occurrence a full two days before
planned protests. (AFP - Dec 5, 2009)
Amnesty says Iran rights at lowest ebb in 20 years
Human rights violations in Iran are as bad as at any time in 20 years, London-based
watchdog Amnesty International said on Thursday in a report on a government
crackdown against election protests.
Amnesty said it had detailed 'patterns of abuse before, during and, particularly, after
the June election, when the authorities deployed the Basij militia and Revolutionary
Guards to suppress mass protests against its disputed outcome'.
It called on Iranian authorities to fully investigate all allegations of abuse in custody
and to prosecute any security personnel suspected of wrongdoing.
'The Iranian leadership must ensure that the many allegations of torture, including
rape, unlawful killings and other abuses are fully and independently investigated,' said the deputy director of the
watchdog's Middle East and North Africa programme, Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui.
'Members of militias and officials who have committed violations must also be promptly held to account and on
no account should any one be executed'…
Amnesty cited testimony from one detainee held at the now closed Kahrizak detention centre.

He said he was held for some 58 days in a shipping container and was only allowed to contact his family after 43
'During interrogation, he was told that his son had been detained and would be raped if he did not 'confess' and
he was then beaten with a baton until he lost consciousness,' the report said.
'He said there were more than 70 other detainees held in the container with him'.
Amnesty called on Khamenei to allow two key UN human rights experts to visit Iran to help conduct an
'The supreme leader should order the government to invite in UN special rapporteurs on torture and on
summary and arbitrary executions to help ensure that investigations are both rigorous and independent,' Hadj
Sahraoui said.
'To date, the investigations announced by various Iranian authorities seem to have been more concerned with
covering up abuses than getting at the truth.' (AFP - Dec 10, 2009)
Iranian leader issues stern warning to opposition
Iran's supreme leader issued a stern warning to the pro-reform opposition on Sunday, accusing it of violating the
law by insulting the late leader of the Islamic Republic.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in a speech broadcast by state television, also said the opposition had encouraged Iran's
enemies to undermine the Islamic system.
Referring to a disputed June election which the opposition says was rigged in favor of hardline President
Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, Khamenei said: 'The election is over. It was legal and they could not demonstrate their
Earlier, the opposition expressed concern that the authorities were preparing to step up action against it after
official media said pro-reform students had torn up a picture of the Islamic revolution's father, Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini, during a rally last Monday.
Khamenei said the opposition rallies were illegal and he urged authorities to identify 'those behind the insult to
imam Khomeini'.
State television has broadcast footage of what it said were opposition supporters tearing up and trampling on a
picture of Khomeini during the anti-government demonstrations on December7.
A student rally on that day turned violent when reformist students clashed with security forces.
The elite Revolutionary Guards said in a statement: ''We, as followers of Imam Khomeini, will not tolerate any
shortcoming in identifying, trying and punishing those behind the insult and those who carried it out'. (Reuters-
Dec. 13, 2009)
Tehran Prosecutor: those who insulted Khomeini will be severely dealt with
The Revolutionary Public Prosecutor of Tehran said that those who insulted the 'sanctity of Imam Khomeini
will be severely dealt with'.
'We will not have any tolerance for those who were arrested in illegal gatherings on December 7 and all those
who carried out anti-revolutionary measures in illegal gatherings including insulting the great architect of the
revolution', Dr. Abbas Dolat Abadi said.
'Decisions will be made very fast and firmly and without tolerance regarding one of the offenders who
participated in the demonstrations and made a clear insult', he stressed.
'Agents have provided reports regarding offenders and these reports will be quickly pursued and will be firmly
dealt with and referred to court', he added. (IRNA state-run news agency – Dec. 12, 2009)
Iran judiciary says evidence exists to try opposition chiefs
Iran's judiciary warned opposition leaders on Wednesday that prosecutors had enough evidence to try them and
accused them of offences tantamount to those of the rebel People's Mujahedeen.


'I say to the leaders of the sedition that we have enough evidence against you,' ILNA news agency quoted
judiciary chief Sadeq Larijani as telling prosecutors in the strongest threat yet that opposition leaders could be
'If the regime has shown tolerance until now, don't suppose that we do not understand. How can we not find
out when it is the duty of the judiciary to deal with such cases'?
For the first time, Larijani compared the actions of opponents of hardline President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad's
controversial June re-election to the regime's most despised enemy, the People's Mujahedeen.
Using the regime's standard term of abuse for the rebels, he likened the 'actions of the leaders of the sedition to
those of the hypocrites at the start of the revolution.'…
Larijani said the behaviour of the opposition leaders was 'contrary to national security' and a 'clear crime.'
They had made statements that allowed 'Western countries to make out that the government of the Islamic
republic was in disarray,' he said.
He singled out their allegations of the sexual abuse of detainees arrested during June protests over Ahmadejad's
re-election, saying they had 'lied in their claims that rape had been committed in detention centres.' (AFP - Dec
16, 2009)
Regime forces break grave stone of executed political prisoner
Agents of the Iranian regime in Kermanshah broke the grave stone of Ehsan Fatahian in the Baq Firdose
Cemetery in this city last Friday. This was done in secret. (Iran Press News Website – Dec. 17, 2009)
Security forces storm home of slain young man
After security forces attacked the apartment building where Sohrab Erabi, who
was killed three days after the elections in the demonstrations, lived and while
two of his neighbors and friends were arrested in this raid, a large number of
security forces and Bassij forces were prowling the streets of his neighborhood
and the sounds of shots being fired could be heard last night.
On Monday evening, a number of security forces attacked the block were
Sohrab Erabi lived and ripped off all his posters and pictures which were on the
walls of the hallway. These forces violently entered an apartment which had a
poster of Sohrab hanging from its balcony. These forces stayed in this block for
a few hours and ripped and tore all of Sohrab's pictures. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Dec. 23, 2009)
Iran bans services for dissident cleric Montazeri: report
Iran has banned most memorial services for dissident cleric Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri after his
funeral turned into an opposition rally, a reformist website reported on Thursday., the website of the reformist minority faction in parliament, said it had learned of a ban after
security officials prevented a mosque ceremony for Montazeri in the town of Kashan in Isfahan province on
'Security officials warned the organisers and hung a banner in front of the mosque which read: 'At the order of
the supreme national security council, holding any ceremonies across Iran for Mr Montazeri is banned, except
in Qom and Najafabad,'' it said.
Parlemannews and some opposition websites also carried a picture of the banner.
The cleric was an inspiration to reformists and human rights activists and came out in bold support of the
opposition movement challenging the disputed June re-election of President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad. (AFP -
Dec 24, 2009)

Press freedom violations recounted in real time


The journalist and manager of the blog (, Mohammad Norizad, was
arrested on 20 December after he answered a police summons. The previous evening, he had posted on his blog
that he had been summoned - by telephone - for “insulting the head of the judiciary…".
Tehran prosecutor’s office said in a statement released on 20 December that the journalist was under
investigation for “publicity against the regime and insulting the authorities”. Since he did not have the funds to
pay bail, he was held in custody.
The documentary maker and journalist worked for several years as a columnist on the daily Kayhan, the leading
conservative publication. But following the contested re-election of Mahmoud Ahamdinejad as president on 12
June 2009, he began to openly criticise the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, as well as the government and
the Iranian justice system.
Several journalists were also arrested or physically assaulted on 20 December in various cities in the country
(including Qom and Isfahan) by the security forces or pro-government militia, on the fringes of burial
ceremonies for Ayatollah Montazeri. Two journalists working for the official news agency Mehr were arrested in
Isfahan and taken to an unknown location.
Fariba Pajoh and Nafiseh Zareh Kohan were on 23 December released respectively after 120 and 50 days
detention in section 209 of Evin prison.
Pajooh, journalist for reformist newspapers and a contributor to international media such as Radio France
International (RFI), had been arrested on 22 August 2009. She also runs the blog [http://www.after-
rain.persianblog.i... ]. Kohan was working for several reformist newspapers before she was arrested with her
husband on 4 November, during demonstrations marking the 30th anniversary of the storming of the US
embassy in Iran in 1979. She was freed after paying bail of 100 million tomans (75, 000 euros). (Reporters Sans
Frontières – Dec. 23, 2009)
Regime forces interrogate hospitalized injured protesters
According to reports, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence with the cooperation of the Protection Department
in hospitals interrogate injured people who have been brought to hospital and records their names and details.
On Sunday December 27, intelligence agents who were stationed in the Protection Department and Intelligence
Department in hospitals from before took pictures of the faces of injured patients. They were then given forms
to fill out with questions like, 'Where were you injured, why were you injured, and did you participate in the
protests.' They also recorded the addresses and phone numbers of the injured people and asked several other
questions. This is while the injured protesters were bleeding and in great pain. Most of the injured people were
young men and women who had fractured heads, noses, legs and hands.
The medical personnel in these hospitals tried to quickly treat the patients and release them to prevent their
arrest from the hospital. The doctors had no other choice than to release a number of the protesters who had to
stay hospitalized as a result of severe beatings by security forces. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran
– Dec. 28, 2009)
Iran holds bodies of slain protesters
Iranian authorities said Monday that they were holding the bodies of five slain anti-government protesters,
including the nephew of the opposition leader, in what appeared to be an attempt to prevent activists from
using their funerals as a platform for more demonstrations.
Hardliners, including clerical groups and the elite Revolutionary Guard, issued statements urging the country's
judiciary to take action against the opposition for violating Islamic principles and insulting the head of Iran's
religious leadership, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
IRNA, Iran's state-run news agency, said the bodies of five protesters, including the nephew of opposition leader
Mir Hossein Mousavi, were being held pending autopsies. The family of the nephew, Ali Mousavi, alleged that
he was shot by security forces or government-backed militiamen, and his funeral would likely galvanize another
outpouring of opposition anger.
The opposition has alleged that Mousavi's nephew had received death threats in recent days and was shot by
assassins who drove to his house. Reformists believe the killing was an attempt to pressure Mousavi to back
down, and that the government took his nephew's body to prevent mourners gathering in the street for his


The site said three Mousavi aides were detained Monday, including top adviser Ali Riza
Also Monday, a Dubai television company said it had not heard from its correspondent in Iran since he went
missing near his Tehran house on Sunday.
Dubai Media Inc. said it was in touch with Iranian officials about the fate of Reza al-Basha, a 27-year-old Syrian.
Dubai Media is the government-owned parent of a handful of television stations in the emirate. (AP – Dec. 28,
Body of Moussavi's nephew buried in silence and under strict security
Security forces asked the family of Seyed Ali Moussavi, the nephew of
Mir Hossein Moussavi, to receive his body in silence and without any
media attention.
The body of Moussavi is currently being prepared for burial in Behesht
Zahra Cemetery in media silence and under strict security measures.
(Jaras Website – Dec. 30, 2009)
UN rights chief says shocked by Iran violence
The UN's human rights chief said Wednesday she was shocked by recent violence in Iran after a crackdown on
opposition protesters, and urged Tehran to rein in 'excesses by security forces.'
'I am shocked by the upsurge in deaths, injuries and arrests,' Navi Pillay, the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights, said in a statement.
'The information available once again suggests excessive acts of violence by security forces and the paramilitary
Basij militia'…
Dozens of journalists and activists were also detained Monday, including the sister of Iranian Nobel Peace Prize
winner Shirin Ebadi.
'People have a right to express their feelings, and to hold peaceful protests, without being beaten, clubbed and
thrown into jail,' said Pillay. (AFP - Dec 30, 2009)
Iran prosecutor threatens opposition with trials
Iran's state prosecutor warned opposition leaders Thursday they could face trial if they do not denounce this
week's anti-government protests - the worst unrest since the aftermath of June's disputed presidential election.
The prosecutor, Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejehei, said the opposition leaders could be accused of supporting
people who defy God by protesting against the government last Sunday, when Shiite Muslims observed the
sacred day of Ashoura.
He said the leaders may face charges of 'supporting apostates,' or those who go against God. At least eight people
died during the protests and hundreds were arrested.
Also Thursday, a group of government supporters, wearing white funeral shrouds to symbolize a willingness to
die in defense of the clerical rulers, staged a rally in southern Tehran and gathered outside the offices of
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, state radio reported.
At mass pro-government rallies around the country on Wednesday, some called for the execution of opposition
leader Mir Hossein Mousavi and another top figure Mahdi Karroubi - both losing candidates in the disputed
June 12 presidential election. The opposition contends the election was rigged and that Mahmoud
Ahamdinejad won by fraud…
Ejehei said prosecution of the opposition leaders would not be forgotten.
'The charge of supporting apostates and those who defied God will be added to their past charges,' he said.
Iran's deputy chief of judiciary, Ebrahim Raisi told the official IRNA news agency on Thursday that those
detained over Sunday's unrest would be charged with violating public order and 'Moharebe,' which is Farsi for
defying God.
The Iranian police released Thursday on its Web site about 100 pictures of protesters involved in Sunday's
rallies, asking the public to help identify and report them to the police because they were suspected of 'damaging
public property and insulting sanctities'. (AP – Dec. 31, 2009)


Right to education
Six medical students banned from entering Shiraz University
The offices of the Islamic Association in Shiraz Medical Sciences
University were raided at night by orders of the head of this
university. All of the door locks were broken and all the
Association's belongings including computers, papers and
documents, membership forms and … were stolen. Following
the raid, university security forces shut down a number of its
offices. In addition to this, six members of the Islamic
Association were banned from entering all university compounds including the dormitory by orders of the
university president. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Jan. 11, 2009)
MOIS arrests two other Shiraz University students
Arash Roostayi and Hadi Alam-li were arrested after presenting themselves to Shiraz's Intelligence Agency.
Yones Mir-Hosseini, another Shiraz student who was arrested last year and detained for 14 days was summoned
to the Intelligence Agency again. He has been charged with "acting against national security". (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Jan. 12, 2009
New wave of summonses, suspensions, and banning for Alameh University students
Saeid Feizollah-Zadeh, Mahdeih Golrue and Sadeq Shojayi, three Alameh University student activists were
summoned to the Disciplinary Committee once again to participate in a defense meeting. Saeid and Mahdieh
had been suspended for four terms from university and Sadeq was suspended for three terms in the past. They
were also banned from entering the university for 18 months. Although their suspension terms have ended they
are still not allowed to enter the university and their educational files are still closed. (Bamdad Khabar – Jan. 14,
Another Shiraz University student arrested
Hamdollah Namjoo, a Shiraz University student was arrested. With the arrest of Namjoo, the number of
arrested Shiraz University students in Shiraz University has reached 11 just for two weeks.
Also threats and pressures against Ismail Jalilvand, Alma Ranjbar and Yunes Mir-Hossieni three students who
were summoned to the Intelligence Agency have increased. These three students did not present themselves to
the Intelligence Agency in protest to receiving a judicial summons from a non-judicial agency.
With the start of exams, suspension sentences have also intensified. In addition to the seven suspension
sentences issued on Monday, other suspension sentences were also issued for students today. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Jan. 14, 2009)
9 Bahai students expelled from Kerman University
On January 14, the educational files of nine Bahai students who were able to enter Kerman University with
many problems in the past two years were closed for unknown reasons and they have been banned from
registering in the new term.
Bina Momtazi, Sepehr Qodrati, Mehnoosh Dehqan, Qazal Sadeqi, Daniel Motaheri, Lava Baghi, Niloofar
Kanani, Nasim Mo'atar and Arman Roshani are these nine students. Their protest to their expulsion has been
futile. According to reports, in answer to the protests of these students regarding receiving expulsion notices
from the university, an officials of this university's "Protection Department" told them, "We have been ordered
not to give you any evidence for your expulsion so you won't be able to use it against the Islamic Republic in the
International Community". (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 14, 2009)
Six Shiraz University students banned from exams
Six students of the Shiraz Medical Sciences University who have been banned from entering this university by
orders of the Disciplinary Committee will not be able to participate in exams. Doctor Shahram Bolandparvaz,
head of the Disciplinary Committee and assistant dean of this university confirmed that these six students,


Sa'adat Delfani, Mojtaba Vakili, Nader Dinari, Tayebe Jahangir-Faam, Yaser Rahmani and Mohsen Fakhri have
no right to participate in the final term exams. (Farhang-e Ashti state-run daily - Jan. 19, 2009)
Three Babol University students banned from entering university
Hossein Barzegar, Ahmad Mohammad-Nia and Ehsan Baqeri, three students in the Industrial University of
Noshirvani in Babol were banned from entering this university. Before this four other students had been
summoned to the Disciplinary Committee for organizing Student Day ceremonies. The Intelligence Agency also
put pressure on the families of some of these students. (Amir Kabir Newsletter - Jan. 19, 2009)
Student held in prison without charge for 26 days
Twenty six days has passed since Vahid Sheikh Bagloo was first arrested and still Judge Hashem-zadeh (the judge
on his case) has announced that investigations on his case have not ended yet. This is while when he was first
arrested he was taken to the Intelligence Agency in Tabriz and after interrogations was taken to Tabriz Prison.
(Bamdad Khabar - Jan. 20, 2009)
8 student activist trialed in Tabriz
A trial for Maqsood Ahdi, Mansour Aminian, Aydin Khajeyi, Amir Mardani, Faraz Zahtab, Sajad Radmehr,
Tabriz University students, Bahram Majid Makooyi, student of Malek-e Ashtar University in Isfahan, and
Daryoush Hatami, an officer in the army was held on Saturday January 17 in the first branch of Tabriz's
Revolutionary Court.
Naqi Mahmoudi, these students' lawyer said that his clients were charged with "spreading propaganda against
the government", and "organizing and being members of an illegal group to disrupt national security". (Amir
Kabir Newsletter - Jan. 21, 2009)
Two Shiraz University students still in detainment
According to Shiraz University students, Hamdollah Namjoo and Alma Ranjbar (f), students of this university
are still detained although a bail was paid for them.
Hamdollah Namjoo has been detained since January 14 and despite the fact that a release on bail notice has
been issued for him and the bail has been paid, the Intelligence Agency has prevented his release for unknown
According to other reports from Shiraz, Namjoo has been under severe pressure in the last couple of days and
his family has become extremely worried after seeing his condition in a visit with him.
Alma Ranjbar has been in the custody of the Intelligence Agency since January 15 and there is still no
information on her condition. Her family's efforts to visit her have been futile. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Jan.
21, 2009)
Arak University newsletter shut down because of "insulting sanctities"
'Negah-e No student newsletter has been shut down in Arak University for six months. The Committee for
Supervision on Student Newsletters wrote in a letter that this newsletter has not followed rules and has insulted
the sanctities and therefore banned its publishing permit. This is while this letter was given to members of the
Islamic Association secretly. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Jan. 18, 2009)
8 student newspapers banned in Shiraz Medical Sciences University
Peik Azadi newspaper (belongs to the Islamic Association of the School of Nursing of Shiraz Medical Sciences
University), Iran-e Armani newspaper (belongs to the Islamic Association of the School of Medics), Tutem
newspaper (belongs to the Islamic Association of the School of Pira Medics), Rahe Sevom (the Third Way)
newspaper (belongs to the Islamic Association of the School of Dentistry), Rahpooye & Nasime Shomal
newspaper (belongs to the Islamic Association of the School of Pharmacists), Talaye newspaper (belongs to the
Islamic Association of the School of Medical Management) and Ideye No (New Idea) newspaper (belongs to the
Islamic Association of the School of Hygiene and Nutrition) are eight newspapers which have been banned by
orders of the president of the Medical Science University in Shiraz. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Jan. 22, 2009)
Head of Shiraz University: I sanctioned students' arrests
The head of Shiraz University underlined in an interview with Farhange Ashti (state-run) daily that he approved
the arrest and detainment of students by organizations outside of the university. Doctor Mohammad Hadi also
cited that the reason he approved this method of dealing with students was the contacts these students had with
outside of the country.


"Unfortunately some of these (students) had contacts with outsiders, were paid by them, provided reports for
them and let outsiders use them", he said.
"Some of the crimes they committed are worrying. What I am saying is that they had to be dealt with so as to
prevent more serious deviations like cooperating with the Monafeqin (PMOI) or getting paid and such", he
added. (Amir Kabir Newsletter - Jan. 25, 2009)
Student activist suspended for one term
Noorollah Edy, member of the Central Council of Ilam University's Islamic Association was sentenced to one-
year suspension from education by the Disciplinary Review Council.
This sentence was announced to him amidst the exam season. The Disciplinary Council has been reviewing his
records for a year now and Edy has objected to this process and has stated that this suspension sentence is
illegal. He has been charged with inciting other students and disrupting university programs and schedules. This
sentence is executable from the second half of this academic year and bans him from entering university
grounds. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 1, 2009)
Eight Sistan & Baluchistan University students to be thrown out of university
Following the summoning of a number of Sistan and Baluchistan University students to the Disciplinary
Committee under the pretext of participating in a recent protest sit-in in this university, on Thursday January
30, this committee announced that eight students have received expulsion sentences. They have also been
banned from entering this university. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 2, 2009)
Seven Tabriz students sentenced to 21 years of prison
Five Tabriz university students who were recently arrested along with Daryoosh Hatami and Majid Makooyi
were all sentenced to three years of prison by the 4th branch of Tabriz's Revolutionary Court.
The sentences for Sajad Radmehr, Aydin Khajei, Faraz Zahtab, Amir Mardani, Ehsan Najafi Nasab, Daryoosh
Hatami, Majid Makooyi, Mansour Amnian and Maqsood Ahdi were issued in one court session which lasted
only three hours and half. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 3, 2009)
Kermanshah student summoned to Intelligence Agency
A computer student at Payame-Noor University in Kermanshah, Ali Rezai has received a written summoning to
present himself to his city's Intelligence Agency on February 4 to answer some questions. This student activist is
the editor of a student newspaper and was probably summoned regarding this newspaper. (Iran News Agency –
Feb. 3, 2009)
Secretary of Islamic Association forcefully transferred to Tehran University
The head of Boo-Ali Sina University's Protection and Intelligence Department has announced that the head of
this university's Islamic Association, Siavosh Hatam, has been transferred to Tehran University and if Hatami
objects to this sentence, he will be trialed in court. Siavosh Hatam is a prominent activist and has lead many of
the gatherings and protests in this university. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 3, 2009)
News College student activist suspended for one term
Ehsan Mazandarani, student activist in his last term of journalism in News College was suspended for one term
from education by the Disciplinary Committee. Mazandarani is the former secretary of the News College Islamic
Association, which was disbanded by the head of this college. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 4, 2009)
Amir Kabir student trialed on charges of "waging war against God"
According to reports, an Amir Kabir University student, Ma'soumeh Mansouri was trialed in the 15th branch of
the Revolutionary Court presided over by Salavati on charges of "waging war against God" and spreading
propaganda against the government. She was trialed according to article 186 known as the "waging war against
God" article and article 500. With these charges, she can even be sentenced to death and the judge can give her
very severe sentences.
Mansouri was arrested for pursuing her father's case who was arrested for participating in a ceremony to
commemorate the anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988. She was arrested on orders of
Judge Rasekh, the head of the 1st branch of the Revolutionary Court after going to the Revolutionary Court to
ask about her father's case. She was subsequently taken to a solitary cell in ward 209 in Evin Prison and was


physically and mentally tortured there for three weeks. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Feb.
9, 2009)
Student of Tehran's Science and Industrial University suspended for one term of education
Sajad Hosseini Fakhr, a student of Tehran's Science and Industrial University and editor of a student newspaper
was sentenced to suspension for one term of university.
This university's Disciplinary Committee sentenced Fakhr because of this student's protest to the management
of this university and his participation in a protest gathering in this university's presidential building. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 16, 2009)
Four Amir Kabir University students banned from entering university; two students summoned to
Intelligence Department
Four Amir Kabir University students were banned from entering this university and two others were summoned
to the Intelligence Department. Ahmad Qasaban, Sajad Veis Moradi, Ali Asqar Sepehri and Yusef Rashidi were
banned from entering university after their protests in the last couple of days to the arrest of four members of
this university's Islamic Association and organizing a petition in protest to burying soldiers from the Iran-Iraq
war in this university. In other reports, Babak Zamanian and Soheila Nahi (f) were summoned to the
Intelligence Department. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 19, 2009)
Four more Amir Kabir University students banned from entering university
After the protests of students to the burial of dead soldiers from the Iran-
Iraq war, four other Amir Kabir University students were banned from
entering this university.
After Ahmad Qasaban, Sajad Veis Moradi, Asqar Seperi and Yusef Rashidi,
four active Amir Kabir students were banned from entering this university
last week, yesterday Yaser Turkeman, Kurosh Mahmoud Kelaye, Arvin Taha
and Lida Mahmoudi were also not allowed inside this university. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 23, 2009)
Female student dies in Gorgan University due to university officials' negligence
Sayideh (Keanu) Abdollahi, a student at Gorgan University's School of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
passed away due to the negligence of dormitory supervisors.
Last night Keanu had a heart attack and given that there was no ambulance at the dormitory and dorm
supervisors did not allow students to call emergency centers saying, "We make the decisions here", the
ambulance did not arrive in time and Keanu died on the way to the hospital.
University officials have claimed that Keanu committed suicide and have even called her family stating that she
died after committing suicide.
This is the second time in this year that a girl has died in this dormitory due to the lack of emergency medical
facilities, wrong decisions and limitations set by dormitory supervisors. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – March
3, 2009)
Student activist expelled from university after serving prison sentence
A student activist was expelled from university after being banned from entering the university. Security forces
arrested Jamal Rahmani, an industrial engineering student at Isfahan's Dahaqan Free University, in his home
on May 23, 2008 and took him to Sanandaj Prison.
After serving his prison sentence, he went to university to register in the new term but Protection Department
agents did not allow him entrance into the university and banned him from registering. Rahmani has been told
in an illegal fashion that he has been expelled from university. (Human Rights Activists in Iran- March 3, 2009)
Amir Kabir University students receive severe disciplinary sentences
In the past two weeks after students protested the burying of fallen soldiers in Amir Kabir University, this
university's Disciplinary Committee has issued 50 summonses, 15 terms of suspension from university, 10
written reprimands, and 10 parent summonses.


The "Protection Department" at this university has also in an unprecedented act called the fathers of about 10
students threatening them that they have to come to university and that their children's name are in the to be
arrested list. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – March 17, 2009)
Another student summoned to Revolutionary Court
Salman Yazdan-panah, a senior student majoring in international affairs in Tehran University who is also a
human rights activist, was summoned by the 3rd branch of the Revolutionary Court. According to this citation if
he does not present himself to court within three days, an arrest warrant will be issued for him. The reason for
this citation is not known. Before this, after a complaint by the president of Amir Kabir University against him,
he was suspended for two semester and was suspended for another semester for protesting to the presence of
Ahmadinejad in Tehran university. He was also expelled from Tehran University's dormitory upon orders from
the head of the Disciplinary Committee. (Iran news agency – Apr. 4, 2009)

Former secretary of student association summoned to Revolutionary Court

Ali Saberi, the former secretary of Amir Kabir University's Islamic Association was summoned to Tehran's
Revolutionary Court. According to him, he was summoned for previous a previous case regarding a student
publication and was asked several question in this regard. He was previously arrested in this case. (Iran news
agency – Apr. 5, 2009)
Six Islamic Association students summoned
Following an attack by pro-government Bassij Forces against students in March, Mehran Abbas-zadeh, Amin
Shoja'i, Mohammad Qods, Hamzeh Javanmard, Fatemeh Haidari, and Toktam Naqdi, six members of the
Tehran Teacher Training University's Islamic Association were summoned to the Disciplinary Committee.
Last March simultaneous with the arrest of Shabnam Madadzadeh, a member of the central committee of this
association, other members circulated two statements declaring their objection to this illegal arrest condemning
it. As a result, pro-government forces in the university attacked these students with knives injuring two of them.
Mohammad Qods and Hamzeh Javanmard are the summoned students who were severely injured in that attack
and were transferred to the university medical clinic.
Mehran Abbas-zadeh, the General Secretary of the Islamic Association and Amin Shoja'i, a member of Central
Committee of this Association were charged with spreading lies, creating anxiety for the public, dirrupting the
order of the university, offending officials, insulting the founders of the Bassij Forces by distributing a
statement, clashing with Basij forces and stealing the eye-glasses of a pro-government student.
The Disciplinary Committee, while not presenting any evidence for the charges, has ordered the students to
defend themselves against these charges. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Apr. 7, 2009)
Tehran University’s guards members of fundamentalist Islamic group
"Tehran University guards are mostly members of the Ansar-e Hezbollah group", a guard who spoke on
condition of anonymity said. He added in the past three years almost all the guards have been changed and the
previous guards who were not members of this group were transferred to work at the Municipality. These new
guards even receive their salaries from Ansar-e Hezbollah. (Iran news agency – Apr. 6, 2009)
Commanding Staff of SSF files complaint against peaceful student gathering
Salman Yazdan-panah, postgraduate student of Tehran University’s International Affairs Department was
summoned to the 3rd branch of the Revolutionary Court a few days ago. He was charged with disrupting the
security of Tehran in 2007.
The case interrogator announced that the Commanding Staff of the State Security Forces filed this complaint
against him and according to the SSF, this student provoked students into staging an illegal gathering in front of
Tehran University which lead to disrupting general security in this city. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Apr. 7, 2009)
Student prisoner transferred to solitary cell for not accepting allegations
Mohammad Pour Abdullah, an imprisoned student who has been in prison since
January was once again transferred to a solitary cell in ward 209 of Evin Prison in
Tehran from Qezel Hesar Prison. This transfer was made after he did not accept the
allegations made against him in court. Court officials told his family that since "Pour

Abdullah did not sign under the allegations made against him, he has been retransferred to solitary cell to be
interrogated again".
Pour Abdullah has been banned from making phone calls and having visits since his transfer to ward 209 and
his family has no information on his condition. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Apr. 15, 2009)
Teacher Training College student summoned to Disciplinary Committee
Sadra Buluki, a student of Tehran's Teacher Training University was summoned the Disciplinary Committee.
Six other members of this university's Islamic Association were previously summoned to this committee. These
summonses come after members of a pro-government student association attacked members of the Islamic
Association with chains, protests to the initiation of security gates in the university and the fact that students
had started gathering signatures in support of changing the university food program. (Tehran Teacher Training
Student's Newsletter – Apr. 16, 2009)
19-year-old female student's prison time extended for two
more months
According to reports from the notorious Evin Prison,
Mahsa Naderi, an imprisond student will be held in ward
209 for another two months.
Naderi, 19, is a student of economics at Qom Mofid
University and has been kept for close to two months in
ward 209 of Evin Prison under mental and physical torture.
Intelligence Agency interrogators have subjected her to
severe pressure to force her to accept bogus charges. The
head of the 3rd branch of the Revolutionary Court,
Hosseini, has personally come to ward 209 and
interrogated this young girl , threatening her and putting
inhumane pressure on her. Subsequently, Hosseini
extended her prison time for two more months. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Apr. 19, 2009)
Iran's Judiciary lays groundwork to convict jailed students with false accusations
The Security Deputy of Tehran's Revolutionary and General Court said in an interview, "Seven people were
arrested in a ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Bazargan (Iran's first PM) and five
others were arrested the day after that in a ceremony to bury martyrs (in Amir Kabir University). Five of these
students who were less involved were released and currently seven people are in jail".
Hadad stressed that after investigations it was determined that these people had contacts with the Monafeqin
(PMOI) and were lead by them and said, "This information was obtained in the past two weeks and it was
determined that these people lead the radical student movement with the guidance of the Monafeqin".
"A number of these people were in direct contact with the Monafeqin while some of them were not in direct
contact but knew where the orders came from", he added.
"These people intended to carry out some activities in the university with regard to the upcoming elections but
fortunately with their arrest and obtaining this information, these actions were countered. (ISNA state run news
agency – Apr. 28, 2009)
IRGC Commander: “IRGC will deal with you!”
Ongoing repression of pro-democracy students surge across Iran
Mazandaran University issued permission for activities of a military institution inside the university under the
pretext of “Independent Islamic Association.” Therefore, Students Islamic Society issued a statement calling this
forged society to be distinguished with the real one.
Abbasi, Mazandaran top commander of Bassij Forces – Paramilitary forces of IRGC in all state-run body – called
the Secretary of the Student Islamic Society and ordered him to deny publishing the statement. When he faced
the reasons for the approval of the statement, he threatened members of the student society.


Secretary of the students’ society of Mazandaran University explained after he told him: “you must not be in
university anymore,” he repeated four times: “you have dig your grave, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
(IRGC) will deal with you.” Then he cut off the line.
An excerpt of the statement: “People in charge of Mazandaran University have agreed to form a sham student
body under the name: ‘Independent Islamic Society of Mazandaran University’,
“Hence, one of the offices of the secretariat of the university’s institution will provoke hatred and reactionary
activities inside the university. This institution intends to start election game and influence students by inviting
Davoud Ahmadinejad, brother of the President. It has spent enormous budget just in the first week of its work.”
(Amir Kabir newsletter – May 3, 2009)
SSF intangible control over Tehran University on brink of sham election
There have been surge in number of SSF around Tehran University. Many of students have encountered them
and confirmed the news. They think the reason is coming election and students’ position on the issue.
They attempt their most to control the university on brink of the election preventing political turmoil in the
country, they are going to use anything in this regard. (Iran news agency – May 14, 2009)
Minimal published repressive figures in universities between Student Day 2007 and 2008
At least 561 students, have been summoned, suspended or deprived, fired, arrested or imprisoned from
December 6, 2007 to December 6, 2008. According to this news, students have paid 80,440,000,000 rials
(almost 80,440,000 dollars) amount of bail for their release. In addition, there were 15 students receiving stars –
those punished giving stars are under monitor all the time and deprived from many students’ rights– 107 were
suspended, or deprived from students’ privileges by “protection department”.
There were 20 students fired, 111 detained, 82 released by payment of bail amounting to 80,440,000,000 rials,
and 16 were imprisoned.
This study shows there are 18 students’ newsletters banned mostly under the pretext of acting against national
security. (Amir Kabir newsletter – May 14, 2009)
Assuming the academic year, every day 2.5 students were assaulted by the regime’s agents.
Masters Degree student banned from giving exams due to "improper veiling "
On May 19, the Protection Department of the Free Kashan University prevented a girl student from entering
the exam session on the pretext that she was not wearing the chador. The female student who came from
Isfahan to participate in Exams practically came to tears from this act and begged the Protection agent to let her
inside .‘I am in my last term for getting my master's and if you don’t let me go in the university and participate
in the exams, I will flunk this course and because this course isn’t given in the summer, I will have to wait until
October to register again because of this course", she sobbed .
However, the agent did not heed her begging and refused to let her participate in the exams .
"This has nothing to do with us, you should have worn the chador like a good girl!", answered the agent. (Iran
News Agency – May 20, 2009)
SSF brutally suppress Isfahan University students
In protest to widespread vote rigging in Iran's presidential elections, students of the Industrial Isfahan
University broke dorm windows. After a few minutes, about 700 students started marching towards the Central
Building of the university. About 300 Special Police Forces violently attacked the protesters to disperse them.
A number of students were arrested and a number hid in the jungle behind the university complex. Security
forces then entered dorm number 2 and after breaking down doors, dragged the frightened students who had
locked the doors from the inside, to grounds around the university. Security forces brutally beat them with
clubs, coke glasses, broken lamps, and sprayed them with pepper spray. They were kept face down on the
ground for about two hours. State security forces also shot a few rounds in the air to disperse the crowds. At
about 3am, after security forces took pictures and films of the students they were released to go back to their
More than 100 students were injured and sent to the university medical center while 500 others, who had
lighter injuries were treated and released. (Iran News Agency – June 14, 2009)

10 arrested in Babol University

After Babol University students protested the widespread vote rigging and presidential election fraud, at least
five students were arrested yesterday.
Security forces attacked the protesters, violently beating them in the university.
Several students were injured as a result and 10 others were arrested. Nima Nahvi, member of this university's
Islamic Association was among the arrestees.
When students went to follow up on their friend's whereabouts, two other Islamic Association members,
Mohsen Bozorgmehr and Mohammad Elmi, were arrested in what seemed like a pre-planned tactic by security
forces. The boys' dormitory is currently under siege by security forces. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – June 14, 2009)
Tehran university dorm plunged in fire and blood
Ansar Hezbollah Forces and the Bassiji Militias with the help of Special Police Forces attacked Tehran
University's dormitory complex in the early morning hours of Monday and brutally beat students. This attack
started at 2 am. In this unprecedented attack, forces entered the dormitory and after breaking down dorm
doors, raided the rooms, searching them. The Ansar Hezbollah Forces beat the students with various weapons
and items brutally suppressing them. The defenseless students who were asleep in their dorms or in the reading
hall found themselves suddenly surrounded by state forces. All the dorm rooms were searched one by one and
many of the students' personal belongings were destroyed. These forces also shot many rounds of tear gas in the
dorms, which lead to respiratory problems for the students. After this attack, the government forces chanted
slogans praising Khamenie. (Iran News Agency – June 15, 2009)
150 students arrested in Mazandaran University
Security forces arrested 150 students of Mazandaran University who were under their siege in this university.
According to student activists, the students were all arrested by Security Forces and undercover agents. There is
no information on where they were taken and their current physical condition. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – June
16, 2009)
Killed students secretly buried
Plainclothes security agents attacked Tehran University Dorms at night, killing at least five students named Ms.
Mobina Ehterami, Ms. Fatemeh Barati, Messrs Kasra Sharafi, Kambiz Shoaii, and Mohssen Imani. In addition,
similar attack took place against Shiraz University Dorms. At least two students were killed in this attack. (Amir
Kabir newsletter – June 16, 2009)
After undercover agents attacked the residents of Tehran University's dormitory, a number of students were
shot and killed by these forces. According to reports, their bodies were buried at the Behesht Zahra Cemetary
without their families being informed. (Ham Mihan Website – June 16, 2009)
Qazvin University students and professors arrested
Reader MP in London passes on a report from a cousin who is a student at Qazvin University and lives in Karaj,
about 30 miles outside of Tehran.


The cousin reports that the dean and a number of students and professors at Qazvin University along have been
arrested and jailed at Evin Prison. She said that the police have warned people not to shout 'Allah-o Akbar''
from their rooftops -- a widespread but heretofore safe protest action begun last week -- and that anyone heard
doing so risks arrest. Most students and other protesters will be going to Tehran for a planned march on the
Mobile-to-Mobile communication is still possible but hard. However, landline communication is becoming
increasingly impossible as to block internet users! (The Guardian - June 23, 2009)
Hamedan students still in jail
A number of Hamedan University students are still in jail. These activists were beaten by the university's
Protection Department before being handed over to Security Forces. Security Forces then turned them over to
the Intelligence Ministry in Hamedan and they are currently in solitary confinement.
Their names are Siavash Hatam, Reza Jafarian, Puria Sharifian, Mehdi Mosafer, and Hojat Bakhtiari. (Iran News
Agency – June 25, 2009)
Two student activists abducted in Ahvaz
After Ahvaz's Oil College students protested election results, unidentified persons abducted two students in this
university named Hossein Rahimi and Amin Nick Zadeh.
Amin Nick Zadeh was a student activist in the Islamic Association while Hossein Rahimi is an activist in the
Student Science Association. They were both abducted while leaving the college.
According to students, a student member of the Bassij had reported the time that these two students left the
college. The students had been under surveillance by the head of the Bassij in the university from the office of
the Protection Department.
Last night, the political deputy of the governor's office told students who were on strike in protest to these
abductions, that Nick Zadeh and Rahimi were arrested by the Revolutionary Guards Corps.
He claimed that the RGC had warrants for their arrest but according to Amin Nick Zadeh's friend who was on
the scene of his arrest, those who abducted him did not show him a warrant. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – June 28,
Two other students arrested in Babol
Ali Taqipour, and Nima Nahvi, two students in the
Babol Industrial University were arrested. Security
agents attacked Taqipour's house on Tuesday night
and arrested him. He was the former Technical
Secretary of Mazandaran University. The day after
that, while three of the Nunshirvani University
students were going to their dorms, plainclothes
agents blocked their way with three cars. They
attacked and arrested Nima Nahvi, but the two
other students were able to escape.
Currently seven students from this university are
under pressure in prison. These students are Iman
Sadeqi, Mohsen Barzegar, Hesam Adin Baqeri, Siavash Salimi Nejad, Hamidreza Jahan Tiq, Ali Taqipour and
Nima Nahvi. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 2, 2009)
Ministry of Science vice president: students active in the recent unrest will be suspended from education
The students' advisor to the Ministry of Science, Investigation, and Technology said, “Students who have
committed an offense during the recent elections have not only violated the material rights of the people but
have violated the spiritual rights of the people as well.”
“Therefore they will be dealt with and if specified will be suspended from education.”
“If they made the mistake unknowingly, they will be forgiven but otherwise, the law will be implemented
depending on their offense,” he stipulated. (IRNA state-run news agency – July 4, 2009)


Two student activists arrested in Isfahan and Tehran

Two student activists were arrested in Isfahan and Tehran. According to reports, Ali Ojaqi, the secretary of
Isfahan University's Islamic Association was arrested in his home on July 8 in Isfahan and taken to an unknown
Majid Dori, a student who had been suspended from Tehran's Alameh University due to his political activities
was once again arrested in his home on July 9 by security forces and taken to an unknown location. He had
recently been arrested and released in the events following elections. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 10,
Security forces arrest a number of Birjand students
A number of student activists in Birjand were arrested on July 7 and 8 in this city. According to reports, three
students were arrested. One of them was indentified as the head of Birjand University's Islamic Association.
Behzad Parvin was arrested in his home by security forces and his computer was confiscated.
Ali Sepandarand, another Birjand student activist was arrested in his home in Mashhad and taken to Birjand.
There still no other information on the identities of the other detainee or detainees. (Peik – e – Iran website –
July 11, 2009)
Twelve students still jailed in Mazandaran
Detained Mazandaran University students have been subjected to severe torture and beatings to extract
confessions. Despite the fact that almost all Mazandaran students were freed, two Mazandaran University
students and 10 Babol Industrial University students are still jailed in the Central Babol Prison. (Iran News
Agency – July 15, 2009)
Suspended student arrested in Tehran
Hesam Salamat, a Tehran University student who was suspended from education because of his political
activities was arrested. There is no information on his whereabouts and the system arresting him. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – July 16, 2009)
Three student activists arrested in Tabriz
Ehsan Najafi, Aydin Khajeyi, Faraz Zehtab, three Tabriz University students were arrested by security forces on
July 9 and taken to an unknown location.
Ehsan Najafi, an electricity student in this university was arrested in his house in Khoy on July 9. Security forces
came to his neighborhood with six cars and stormed his home. They broke down his door after only one
warning and without any warrants in less than a few minutes and violently arrested him.
Faraz Zehtab, another Tabriz University student studying law was arrested on July 8 while leaving the university
with his mother and brother. Security forces violently arrested him in front of his family.
Aydin Khajeyi, another law student, went to the Ministry of Intelligence on July 9 after security forces tried to
arrest him to clear his status. He was taken to an unknown location from there and there is still no information
on his whereabouts. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 15, 2009)
Student activist arrested in Zanjan
Siamak Yaquti, a Zanjan University student activist was arrested in his home in Tehran yesterday morning.
According to his father, intelligence agents arrested Siamak without explaining his charges.
They also confiscated some of his personal belongings after searching his home. (Human Rights Activists in Iran
– Aug. 6, 2009)
Security forces arrest student activist in Zanjan
The family of Amir Hossein Sarhadi was told that their son was charged with acting against national security
and instigating public opinion. Sarhadi, who was arrested by security forces, was the secretary of the Islamic
Association of Zanjan University and head of the Free Citizen Group, supporters of Karoubi, in Zanjan. (Amir
Kabir Newletter – Aug. 15, 2009)
In another mass summoning, more than 50 Univ. students summoned to Disciplinary Committee
According to student activists in Mazandaran University, more than 50 students in this university have been
summoned to the Disciplinary Committee in new suppressive policies by the Ahmadinejad administration.


These students were summoned in the end of the summer while 120 students were arrested by plainclothes
agents and security forces on June 15 and 16 for protesting to election results. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Aug.
17, 2009)
Iranian campus openings may face delays
Back to school in Iran may mean back to mass protests - a prospect that could lead authorities to delay opening
university classes in Tehran and other major cities .
While Iranian officials denied plans to delay the scheduled Sept. 23 opening, the Supreme Cultural Revolution
Council issued a statement last week suggesting that many universities might stay closed to avoid outbreaks of
swine flu. The council is in charge of educational institutions .
The son of an Iranian academic and member of the council - who asked to be identified only by his first name,
Mehdi, to avoid government retribution - told The Washington Times that his father had attended a council
meeting at which the consequences of a probable shutdown of universities was discussed . He said the council
was concerned that students would protest the June 12 elections, which gave a tainted victory to incumbent
President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad .
Classes did begin this week in the southern city of Shiraz, with security guards on every corner and leaflets
warning students about political activities ...
An engineering student at Sharif University - who asked to be identified only by her first name, Aliyeh - said the
authorities fear that with the start of semester, the students may orchestrate new demonstrations against Mr.
Ahamdinejad and his administration .
Amir Hossein, a student at Azad University in Tehran, said, 'We are being told that the country's universities
will start the next semester as usual, but many of our professors are still in custody and the rest are not willing to
teach in the absence of freedom of speech '.
If the government does allow the universities to reopen, students say, they fear that large numbers of
plainclothes security agents will be sent to campuses to prevent or crush demonstrations . (The Washington
Times – Aug. 28, 2009)
Tehran Governor: if protests continue, Tehran Univ. will be shut down for one semester
In a letter to the head of Tehran University Dormitory, Tehran's governor requested that this university be shut
down for at least one semester.
According to a number of students in this university, when they went to the office of Baqerzadeh, the head of
the dormitory they saw a letter from the governor labeled confidential.
This letter said that "if students continue their protests in the university dormitory, the university dormitory and
the university have to be shut down for at least one semester". (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Aug. 31, 2009)
Iran may purge schools of Western thought
The government body overseeing universities will purge Iranian universities of Western influences, a deputy of
the supreme leader said Sunday. 'Many of the syllabuses taught to students majoring in humanities are not in
line with Iranian and Islamic culture and therefore their revision is a must,' Hamid Reza Ayatollahi said in a
statement published by Iranian news agencies. He announced a plan for the revision, including the formation of
a committee to 'eliminate certain curricula and replace them with Islamic materials.' Critics, calling this a purge,
said it is another in a 30-year series of attempts to impose on the country's society puritanical values espoused by
the hard-liners who dominate political life in Iran, the Los Angeles Times reported. (UPI - Sept. 6, 2009)
Iran to 'Islamise' study of humanities at university
Iran is set to Islamise humanities studies in universities after supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei charged
that Western teachings make students question religion, state news agency IRNA reported on Sunday.
'The Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies was tasked by the Supreme Cultural Revolution Council to
revise the human sciences curriculum,' the agency said.


'In our country a large part of the syllabus... is not in line with our Iranian-Islamic culture. This calls for a
revision,' it quoted institute head Hamid Reza Ayatollahi as saying. He said the body would revise the syllabus
'based on the supreme leader's recommendations.'
During a meeting with academics last week, Khamenei criticised human sciences taught in the Islamic republic's
'If we teach a copy of what Westerners have said and written to our young people, then we are conveying to
them both doubt and disbelief in Islamic principles and in our values,' he said…He said he was 'worried' that
nearly two million students are currently majoring in human sciences… (AFP - Sept 6, 2009)
Students in Kermanshah expelled and suspended for political activities
Heavy disciplinary sentences were given to a number of students on Tuesday September 8 after dozens of
students from the Razi University in Kermanshah were summoned to the Disciplinary Committee.
Several students received suspension from education. Most students did not receive any sentences but were
made to promise not to get involved in any political activities. Ashkan Mossaibian, a mechanics student, was
suspended for two terms and sentenced to a 5,000 dollar fine. Siaman Ghiathi, a student majoring in science in
this university, was expelled from university. (Iran News Agency – Sep. 10, 2009)
Female master's degree student activist banned from university
Ameneh Qassem-pour, a psychologist major, who was accepted in the Master's Degree Exams of State
Universities in Iran, was banned from entering university. She was a student's activist in the Tabriz University.
After her family looked into the issue, education officials announced that she does not have the general
qualifications to continue her studies.
Ameneh Qassem-pour is an Azeri activists and a member of the Azerbaijan Center in Tabriz University. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 12, 2009)
Babol University students punished for political activities
A court in the city of Babol issued suspension and prison terms for a number of the Industrial Nunshirvani
University in Babol on charges of taking part in post election gatherings and acting against national security. Ali
Mojtahed-zadeh, a lawyer representing these students called these sentences "heavy and unfair" and stressed that
charges like having "contacts with the Monafeqin (PMOI)" were not brought up in the bill of indictment and "as
a result, the students and lawyers were not given the opportunity to defend themselves". (Radio Germany
Website – Sep. 16, 2009)
Ten Razi Univ. students abused and beaten in Kermanshah Intelligence Agency
Ten students of the Razi University in Kermanshah were summoned to the Intelligence Agency in this town.
These students were identified as Heshmatollah Mata’i, a master's degree student, Siaman Ghiathi, Abtin Pegah,
Ashkan Mosaibian, Babak Ghiathi, Roshanak Amirian (f), Akram Sheikh-pour (f), Ronak Mohammadi (f),
Mohammad Jafari, and Shokuh Ahmadi (f). They were abused when they went to the agency and a number of
them were beaten. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 15, 2009)
Student activists banned from continuing studies
Ali Qolizadeh, a student activist who was banned from education in the Master's Degree Exams said, "According
to the figures we able to provide till now, at least 20 students were banned from education despite getting
acceptable and well above acceptable grades in the master's degree university exams".
"In the year 2009, because handing out report cards was simultaneous with the election campaigns, we were able
to get our report cards and pick our majors. But after we went to see our final grades we were surprised to see
the "failed" option (on the exams) and after going to the Evaluation Department, we realized this is new method
to ban us from education". (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 21, 2009)
Iran disqualifies many students in Univ. interviews and banns them from studying for Ph.D.
After the announcement of the conclusion of university Ph.D. exams in Iran, more than 30 Kurd students who
had passed the exams were disqualified in the pre-entry interviews. These students were disqualified without
reason and only after participating in a short interview. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 23, 2009)


Mazandaran Univ. students deprived from their right for political activities
In the ongoing pressure on students of Mazandaran University, 28 students majoring in the Russian language
were sentenced to receiving zero (F) in two of their classes because of "political activities".
A raid by plainclothes agents and security forces on the Pardis of Mazandaran University on June 16, the
widespread arrests of students and the events after the elections led a number of students studying Russian to
not show up for their exams. After three months, university officials sentenced them to receiving fails in two
lessons and 6 units. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 24, 2009)
Science Ministry rejects entry to student activists
Students deprived from postgraduate studies were told that they were not admissible. It is noteworthy that
through presidential debates, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denied any students being deprived from education due
to their activities. Nevertheless, until now, 25 students have been deprived from postgraduate studies this year.
(Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 24, 2009)
Letter of jailed student from Evin Prison
Letter of Shabnam Madadzadeh, jailed student activist from the methadone ward in
Evin Prison: It was the last days of winter when I was forced to leave the Teacher
Training University and come to Evin. I was supposed to be amongst my fellow
classmates in the sixth semester of university. Now ward 209 is the scene of my life
and education… I have stepped in a school where every day in solitary was like 10
days. I lived in this situation for 71 days. (There were) repeated interrogations and
not having any information about my family…
In this way I finished my last semester of university in ward 209. This is while I
wanted to finish my exams with my friends from behind the usual benches. I
wanted to be with my friends in the last years of spring and welcome the hot
summer days with them… September starts and now I have entered another
university: 'the Methadone Ward’, which has no similarities with my course and
does not at all resemble my beautiful university. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 26, 2009)
13 Zanjan Univ. students get suspended from univ.
Thirteen Zanjan University students were suspended for 14 semesters all together .
Three of the students identified as Massoud Heidarifar and Arash Ryeeji were suspended for one semester while
Siamak Yaquti was sentenced to two semesters of suspension. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 27, 2009)
Kurd student expelled because of activities of brother
According to reports from Piranshahr, a student identified as Edris Kamelan, who is in his third year studying
engineering at the Orumieh University was summoned by the Protection Department of this university in the
new academic year. It was announced to him that he is banned from continuing his studies because he helped
his brother flee. (Iran News Agency – Sep. 29, 2009)
Kermanshah students receive heavy disciplinary sentences for political activities
New (disciplinary) sentences have been issued for dissenting students of the Razi University in Kermanshah.
In the past months, dozens of students in this university were sentenced to heavy punishments in the
Disciplinary Committee. Students have said that this new wave of summonses and sentences is unprecedented.
(Nurooz Website – Sep. 29, 2009)
Babol University students sentenced to heavy punishments for political activities
Even after a number of student activists in the Babol Industrial University were given heavy sentences by the
Babol Revolutionary Court, student activists studying in this university and their families are still subjected to
severe pressure.
A number of students were also summoned to the Intelligence Agency in this city. With the start of the new
academic year, there is repressive atmosphere in the Babol Industrial University and student gatherings are
severely controlled and monitored. According to students, plainclothes agents have also been seen patrolling the
The Disciplinary Committee has also sentenced a number of students to suspension from education. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 29, 2009)


Officials pin bogus charges on student activists to lay ground for expulsion
According to reports, the 'case of masked men in (Tehran) Univ. dorms' has been opened by the Intelligence
Agency in Tehran which comprises the names of 30 student activists who live in the Tehran University
dormitories. These students are to be identified and introduces as the masked men (who attacked Tehran Univ.
dorms on the first days of protests after elections which led to a number of student deaths) and be expelled from
university. Their education files will initially be reviewed by the Intelligence Agency, and if they are not able to
find an academic reason to expel them, this case will be put into action. (Iran News Agency– Sep. 30, 2009)
Hundreds of students banned from using Tehran Univ. dorms for political reasons
A confidential letter was published by the Amir Kabir Newsletter which stated that students who were
summoned to Tehran University's Disciplinary Committee would be banned from entering the university dorms
until their punishments were announced to them.
After this order, a large number of students have been banned from entering the dorms. According to students,
they have seen a confidential list containing the names of several hundred students who have been summoned
to the Committee for participating in post-election protests in the dormitory who will be banned from entering
the dorms. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 5, 2009)
Officials 'deal with' student protesters in Shiraz
Mohammad-Hadi Sadeqi said, "About 10 to 15 students of Shiraz University have caused disruption in
university dormitories and it is necessary that they be dealt with as soon as possible".
"Currently 20 to 30 student files are in the Disciplinary Committee in hand for examination regarding events
after the elections", he added. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Oct. 5, 2009)
Student who protested to pro-Ahmadinejad official in Tehran Univ. will be dealt with
The assistant head of the Students Affairs of Tehran University said that the offenses of students who treated
Hadad Adel (pro-Ahmadinejad official, and former parliament speaker) unsuitably will be examined in the
Disciplinary Committee.
"Tehran University will definitely deal with any offenses by students", Mehdi Qomssari said.
"The university has specific rules for students who protested to Hadad Adel and this issue will be treated as an
offense", he added. (Khabar Online website – Oct. 5, 2009)
Univ. budget goes for suppression; students deprived of scientific facilities
The facilities and services of Tehran University's students' library have been reduced by the university
management while the number of guards and Protection Department agents have been increased by direct
orders from the head of this university, Farhad Rahbar. A large number of these forces can be seen patrolling
the campus university grounds in various hours of the day and night. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 6, 2009)
Girl students expelled from dorms because of political activities
Eight female students of Tehran University were expelled from this university's dormitory.
According to reports from the Fatemieh Dormitory, a number of girls residing in this dormitory have been
banned from using the dorms. According to reports, the Disciplinary Committee and the Office for Dormitory
Affairs issued the expulsion sentence of these girls.
The officials of these bodies have expelled these students under the excuse that they have violated dorm rules
and regulations. There are no exact figures on how many students were expelled but the expulsion of eight
students has been confirmed. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 6, 2009)
Officials heighten suppression in Ilam Free Univ.
According to reports from Ilam, officials have increased the suppression in the Free Ilam University. Male
students with short sleeved shirts and girls students not wearing the chador (traditional head to toe black garb)
are not allowed into the university. Students are also banned from talking about political issues and if they do,
they are summoned to the university's Disciplinary Committee and Protection Department. (Iran News Agency
– Oct. 6, 2009)
Students of Gilan Univ. punished for peaceful protests
According to reports, in the past few days with the heightening of the security atmosphere in Gilan University,
17 students have so far received punishing sentences for attending student protests after the elections. These

sentences include suspension from university for two semesters and a heavy fine. According to other reports,
there is list containing the names of 50 students who will gradually be summoned to the Protection Department
to receive their sentences. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 8, 2009)
Three girls banned from residing in Mazandaran Univ. dorms for attending protest demo
In an illegal measure, the officials of Mazandaran University banned three female students in this university
from living in the dorms and from other university facilities in a phone call. These students are Sudabeh Saeidi,
Parvaneh Rahmani and Mahdieh Alijani who are members of the Central Council of the Islamic Association's
Women's Unit.
University officials prevented these students from entering the dorm to stay the night even while they had still
not found a new place to live. Finally after they spent a few hours behind closed dorm doors, dormitory officials
let them spend the night in the prayer hall of the dormitory.
After these students pursued this issue asking which institution issued such a punishment, none of the
university officials took responsibility and only said that these students had attended a sit-in in the university on
June 16. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 8, 2009)
Condition for not being expelled from Univ: cooperating with regime
A number of students whose registration in university was conditioned on them giving promises (not to
participate in political activities) were interrogated in the Evaluation Organization building and one of the exam
centers of the Free University.
These students who had been accepted in the master's degree level of Free University and were starred (meaning
they had stars in their academic files for political activities) said that they were interrogated in these building for
a lengthy amount of time.
One of the students said that he was interrogated for more than 4 hours and all the questions asked by the
interrogator were related to his activities while in university.
The interrogators told the students in these sessions that they can only continue their studies if they cooperate
with security institutions. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 9, 2009)
Four Kermanshah students banned from univ.
Siaman Ghiassi, mathematics major, Ashkan Mossibian, mechanical engineer major, Babak Ghiassi, agriculture
major and Mohammad-Hossein Faraji, a veterinary major were banned by agents of the Protection Department
from entering the Razi University in Kermanshah two days ago.
These students were each sentenced to two semesters of suspension from education and banned from all
recreational facilities.
Mohammad-Hossein Faraji was also thrown out of the dormitory and Ashkan Mossibian was fined 5,000
dollars. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 12, 2009)
Officials suppress Isfahan's Industrial Uni. Students
After protests of students of the Isfahan Industrial University against election results and the ensuing
suppression of student activists, the heads of this university have started a widespread effort to 'settle scores' with
the students.
About 100 students were summoned to the Disciplinary Committee last summer. From these stutters 30 were
sentenced to one semester of suspension while 16 were suspended for two semesters for causing 'unrest in the
More than 1000 students received various punishments or have been summoned by security institutions.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 14, 2009)
Suppression and threats in Qazvin Univ.
There were widespread protests in the International Khomeini University in Qazvin following the elections. As
a result, 8 student activists in this university were summoned to the Qazvin Intelligence Agency over the phone
and then interrogated there last month. In the past few weeks after reopened for the New Year, aside from
dozens of students who have been summoned every day and threatened with suspension and being banned from
recreational facilities, more than 30 students were summoned to the Disciplinary Committee on charges of
being involved in the unrest. More than 50 students have also been banned from recreational activities and
from using the university dorms. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Oct. 14, 2009)


Gilan students interrogated and abused in class

Students of Gilan University are interrogated by people from outside the university in their classes. They are
mentally pressure and threatened that if they do not sign papers which state that the members of the Gilan
Reformers Coalition Election Staff are the main agents behind the unrest in the universities, their personal
issues will be exposed.
A number of these students have been sentenced to punishments such as two semesters of suspension, fines up
to 30, 000 dollars and in some cases to both of these punishments. (Rooz Website – Oct. 18, 2009)
Alameh Univ. student suspended for one semester
The Disciplinary Committee of the Alameh University in Tehran sentenced Suleiman Mohammadi, student
activist and journalist, to one semester of suspension and banned him from entering the university on charges
of 'conspiring to disrupt order of the university'.
"For the first time, this sentence was written under my sentence that 'you have no right to enter the university
grounds in this time'. All the jurists I talked to said that this sentence is illegal and that students have a right to
use the university library and dormitory". (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 19, 2009)
14 Free Central Tehran Free Univ. students banned from entering university
Close to 14 students of the Free Central Tehran University were banned from entering this university.
A large number of security forces were stationed at the entrance of this university in the morning checking the
students' cards with a list given to them and announced to 14 students that they were banned from entering the
university. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 19, 2009)
Tehran student activist suspended from univ.
Mohammad Hamzeh-nejad, a Tehran University student was suspended for two semesters from university. The
Tehran University Disciplinary Committee issued a two semester suspension for this master's degree student.
The committee said that this punishment was issued because he participated in a June 12 gathering in the
university dormitories. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 20, 2009)
Six students suspended from Sharif Industrial University
Suspensions for two more Sharif Industrial University students bring the total number of students who have
received suspensions to six.
The Disciplinary Committee of the Sharif University sentenced four students on October 6 to suspension from
university for one semester and suspension from using the dormitory on charges of attending illegal gatherings
and intending to disrupt the order of the university. Two other students who were summoned to the
Committee were suspended for one semester and banned from entering the university on October 20 on the
same charges. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 21, 2009)
2 other Alameh students banned from entering university
The Disciplinary Committee of the Alameh Tabatabayi University banned three social sciences and
communications students from entering the university.
In a sentence issued for Suleiman Mohammadi, Amir Yaqub-Ali and Puria Poshtareh, this university announced
that they have been suspended for one semester and have no right to enter the university grounds.
This university has suspended these students on charges of causing disruption in the order of the university and
disrupting last semester's exams after elections. (E'temad daily – Oct. 23, 2009)
Four Sharif Industrial Univ. students suspended from univ. for political activities
According to reports, at least six students were summoned to the Disciplinary Committee from which four were
suspended for one semester. They have been charged with participating in gatherings in protest to the presence
of Kamran Daneshju, Science Ministry (Ministry of Higher Learning). According to this sentence, these students
are banned from entering university grounds in the time of their suspension. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 25,
Students of the Tehran Central Free Univ. receive more than 40 semesters of suspension
Students of the Central Tehran Unit Free University have staged a peaceful protest every Tuesday since the start
of the new academic year to protest to the government and the events after the elections and have faced heavy
and unprecedented punishments as a result from the Disciplinary Committee.
Seven students of the Central Tehran Free University were sentenced to three semesters of temporary ban from
university and ten others were sentenced to two semesters of suspension.

This is while according to the regulations of the Disciplinary Committee, the issuing of more than a two
semester ban from education is not in the mandate of this committee.
According to reports, these sentences were issued for a number of students who did not attend any of the
protest gatherings. (Committee of Human Rights Activists – Oct. 26, 2009)
Two Kurd activists banned from education
Two Kurd civil rights activists named Peiman Nodinian and Azad Lotf-pouri who were accepted in Free
University in their master's degree exams were banned from continuing their education.
Peiman Nodinian, a teacher and the secretary of the Teacher's Association in Kurdistan was accepted at the
Karaj Unit Free University in English literature while Azad Lotf-pouri, a civil rights activist was accepted in
political science in the science and investigation unit at master's degree level but they were both banned from
continuing their education. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 28, 2009)
Student activist banned from education for 1 year and a half for political activities
Shâhin Naqashahn, a student of political science at the Alameh Tabatabayi University in Tehran was sentenced
to a one semester of suspension from education.
Naqashan attended protest gatherings after the election and gave speeches in protest to the government,
university officials and in defense of an expelled university professor, Dr. Mahyar Dâshâb. He was immediately
summoned to the Disciplinary Committee and was charged with 'creating tumult and commotion with prior
coordination in the university', 'causing disruption in the schedule and order of the university' and not
following rules and regulations.
Naqashan was sentenced to a 1.5 year ban from university and from entering university grounds on charges of
not following rules and regulations.
Government officials have called him 'the main element of all the sedition' and have told him that he should
'not even dream of completing' his education. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 28, 2009)
Suspension of student activist illegally renewed by Imam Hossein University
Meqdad Islam-Khah, the head of the Republican Association of the Imam Hossein University in Tehran is
under pressure from this university to prevent him from continuing his education.
He was previously sentenced to 3 years of suspension for protesting a speech by Hosseini, former assistant head
of the Ministry of Science and the present Guidance Minister regarding expelled students. His sentence ended
on September 23.
In an illegal measure, this university has extended his suspension for another semester without providing a
sentence from the Disciplinary Committee. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 29, 2009)
More than 20 students of Karaj Free Univ. suspended from education
More than 20 students of the School of Technique of the Free University in Karaj were sentenced to 1 or 2
semesters of suspension from education on orders of the head of the university Ramin Haji Khani for
participating in a protest gathering on October 20. Professors who cancelled their classes on that day were also
summoned by the heads of this university's Protection Department. (Iran News Agency – Nov. 16, 2009)
Two Tehran Univ. students suspended from education
Milad Changizi and Mohammad Hamzeh Nejadi who are both literature students at Tehran University were
sentenced to two semesters of suspension from education by the Disciplinary Committee for participating in
June 12 protests. (Iran News Agency – Nov. 18, 2009)
Alameh Univ. student suspended from education for political activities
Mohammad Nikkhah, a student activist at the Alameh Tabatabayi University in Tehran was sentenced to one
semester of suspension and banned from entering this university by the Disciplinary Committee.
This university also issued the same sentences for Suleiman Mohammadi, Amir Yaqubali and Puria Poshtareh.
(Advar News – nov. 21, 2009)
Abadan student activists suspended from education
According to reports, new suspension sentences have been issued for a number of students in the Oil Industry
University in Abadan.


In a Disciplinary Committee session in this university, six students received heavy sentences. These sentences
are as follows:
1- Mostafa Ahukhosh, member of this university's Islamic Association was sentenced to one semester of
suspension and was permanently banned from using university facilities.
2- Payam Peikari, expelled from university
3- Khosro Musa Vand, banned from getting university degree
4- Hojat Arabi, suspended for one semester
5- Sahand Bakhtiar Pour, suspended for one semester (initial sentence)
6- Amin Nikzadeh, suspended for two semesters (initial sentence) (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 21,
Nearly 100 Ahwaz Free Univ. students summoned and threatened by university
Close to 100 Ahwaz Free University students were summoned to the Disciplinary Committee. They were
threatened with expulsion and long suspensions from university and some received heavy disciplinary sentences.
After student protests in this university especially on November 4 which led to the temporary closure of the
university, the pressure and threats against students has significantly increased. (Roydad Website – Nov. 24,
Two Shiraz students suspended from education
Two students in the Shiraz University received disciplinary sentences. Sayid Khosro Abadi was sentenced to one
semester of suspension from university while Shahab Bahrami Nejad was sentenced to two semesters of
suspension by the Disciplinary Committee. These two students are banned from entering university grounds in
this time. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 27, 2009)
Orumieh student expelled from university
A student in the Orumieh University was expelled after receiving a suspension sentence.
Puya Gholamrezayi, an architect major at this university was expelled after getting 4 semesters of suspension
from the university. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 27, 2009)
Regime punishes three Shiraz students for their opposition
Three Shiraz University students were summoned to the Disciplinary Committee in this university. Massoud
Mahdavifar, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini and Sayid Lotfi who are all law students were summoned to the
Disciplinary Committee some time ago. Mohammad Seyed Hosseini was sentenced to a ban on using the
welfare facilities of the university including the dormitory until the end of his education while Massoud
Mahdavifar was sentenced to receiving a written notice and suspension from education for half a year.
Neda Eskandari, Khadijeh Qahremani, Kazem Rezayi and Yahya Tavusi, other students in this university are still
detained in the Shiraz Intelligence Agency Detention Center. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 28, 2009)
University punishes students who protested presence of government rep. in university
The Payam Noor University Disciplinary Committee sentenced 12 students who protested the presence of a
government official in their university to heavy punishments. According to student activists, after students
protested the presence of Hamid Resayi, a MP who supports the government, in this university in Mashhad, the
Disciplinary Committee sentenced these students to 18 semesters of suspension all together without the
presence of student members of the committee and without inviting the dissenting students to defend
themselves. Six of these students were sentenced to one semester of suspension while six others were sentenced
to 2 semesters of suspension. (Kalameh Website – Nov. 30, 2009)
Students in Shahre Kurd banned from education on eve of Student's Day
Twenty three students of Shahre Kurd University who were summoned to the Disciplinary Committee in this
university received heavy disciplinary sentences.
These sentences are as follows:
Abas Pashmi (Secretary of the Islamic Association) - suspended for two semesters
Ali Moradi (political secretary of the Islamic Association) – suspended for two semesters
Hadi Delbahari (member of the Islamic Association) – suspended for two semesters


Maryam Malek Sha'bani (head of the cultural commission of the Islamic Association) – suspended for two
Arman As'ad (former secretary of the Islamic Association) – suspended for one semester
Aqil Esfandiarpour (secretary of the School of Technique Islamic Association) – one semester suspension
Mohammad Heidarzadeh (member of the central council of the School of Technique Islamic Association) –
suspended for one semester
Saied Sepahi – suspended for one semester (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Nov. 30, 2009)
Khajeh Nasir student activists suspended from education
After protests by students of the Khajeh Nasir University a few weeks ago, 10 students were summoned to the
Disciplinary Committee in this university and received heavy sentences.
These students were sentenced to 12 semesters of suspension all together on charges of holding gatherings,
going on a hunger strike and protesting an insulting speech by Safar Harandi (government rep.)
In this sentence, Milad Asadi, Mahnaz Rabani and Raha Lak were each sentenced to two semesters of
suspension while Behnam Safari and Puyan Karami were each suspended for one semester. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Dec. 1, 2009)
Nine Yasuj students suspended from education
Nice student activists in Yasuj University received suspension sentences from this university.
Eight of these students are student activists who had expressed their opposition to government officials and
university administrators in various ceremonies in the university.
All of these students were each sentenced to one semesters of suspension from university and Saman Taqva
Sooq and Saber Miri were suspended for two semesters. (JRS Wesbsite – Dec. 1, 2009)
Shiraz University officials crack down on student dissent
In the past week in Shiraz University, students Ali Saleh Pour, Ehsan Hashemi, Puya Mehregan, Ashkan Qandi
and Parnian Taqi Zadeh have each been sentenced to two semesters of suspension from university while Sajad
Fatahi and Amir Yaldayi received a written notice. These students were charged with participating in a ceremony
on November 4.
More than 25 Shiraz University students are still in jail after more than one month. They were only just recently
tried in court. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 2, 2009)
Tabriz Free Univ. officials pressure student activists, ban them from education
After a Student's Day Ceremony was held in the Tabriz Free University, 20 student activists were summoned to
this university's Disciplinary Committee and three of them were sentenced to 2 semesters of suspension each.
Their charges as stated by the committee were attending illegal gatherings and chanting slogans against the
government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. This is while according to the constitution, peaceful gatherings inside
universities do not need a permit. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 14, 2009)
Regime bans student from univ. and dorm
Meqdad Mahzuni, a student at the Arts University in Tehran and a member of this university's Islamic
Association was banned from entering this university and the university dormitory after widespread Student's
Day protests of students in this university.
According to reports, university officials intend expel him from university as well.
According to the officials at this university's Protection Department, the head of the university has personally
issued his expulsion sentence himself.
In a meeting with the head of this department, Mahzuni was threatened that he has to return to his own city as
soon as possible or else he will be arrested by security forces. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 16, 2009)
Yasuj Univ. officials ban 10 students from education for peaceful protests
The Disciplinary Committee of Yasuj University issued the final sentences of 10 students banning them from
In these sentences, one of the students was expelled from university while nine others were banned from
education for 1 or 2 semesters. These students had demonstrated on November 2 and 4 in protest to sexual


segregation by the university management and limitations on the activities of student associations, demanding
the resignation of the head of the university. (JRS – Dec. 19, 2009)
Regime bans more than 30 Isfahan students from education for peacefully protesting
After student protests at Isfahan University and the Medical Science University in this city on December 7, 8
and 9, the Isfahan University Disciplinary Committee issued suspension sentences for more than 30 students.
According to reports, the Disciplinary Committee of Isfahan University has so far issued suspension sentences
for 30 students and has announced that summonses to this Committee will continue.
According to the head of this university's Protection Department, the expulsion sentences of three students will
soon be issued according to a letter sent by the Intelligence Agency.
According to the head of the Disciplinary Committee, six Medical Science University students have directly
received their expulsion sentences. A number of other Medical Science University students have been
suspended from education. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 21, 2009)
Regime suspends jailed university student from education
Jailed student activist Salman Sima was sentenced to studying in exile and changing his major by the Free
Tehran University's Disciplinary Committee Review Board.
This student activist was sentenced to 3 semesters of suspension before this. This sentence was reviewed by the
Review Board despite the fact that Sima had not requested an appeal. He was finally sentenced to study
economical science in Khorasgan or to Khomein in Markazi Province to study economy. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Dec. 21, 2009)

Right to employment
Iran arrests number of bus union activists
According to reports, Alireza M., Reza Q. and Farshad M. who are bus union activists were arrested on
Thursday January 8, 2009.
According to this report, they were arrested because of talks they had in a private meeting about increasing
salaries and lowering taxes. (Iran News Agency – Jan. 11, 2009)
Nestleh shut down because of "Zionist" stockholders
Employees of Nestle Iran and Nestle Water companies temporarily stopped their work due to pressure put on
them by a group who calls themselves anti-Zionist Bassijis – IRGC’s militias.
This group claims that these companies' stockholders are Zionists. According to reports, the shutdown of these
two companies will lead to the direct unemployment of 3,600 workers and the indirect unemployment of 12
thousand others. (Ayandeh News – Jan. 13, 2009)
Factory officials threaten and fire Sugar Cane Worker Union members
According to reports from workers of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory in Khuzestan, after the appointment of a
new director, the assistant director and members of the managing board of this factory threatened and fired the
main members of the workers’ union of this factory.
These union members had asked to meet with the newly appointed managing board members for introductions.
But, every time the managing board cancelled this meeting under various excuses.
Yesterday, Abdollahi, a former member of the Protection Agency in this factory who is also an agent of the
MOIS told union members in the presence of the new director and assistant director, "We do not recognize you
and will not talk to you until you bring us a letter from the Labor Department".
"We will fire you and if we see fit, order for your arrest", threatened Abdollahi.
This factory's director and assistant director who were present in this meeting also agreed with Abdollahi. He
even intended to physically deal with the union members which was met with the union members calm
response. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran– Jan. 14, 2009)


25 year-old worker commits suicide after being fired

Yesterday the police in Yusef Abad informed the Special Murder
Tehran Interrogator that a 25 year old man named Mohsen had fallen
from a tower. He died instantly.
Mohsen's employer who was there at the time of this incident said in
police interrogations, "A while ago I hired Mohsen as a laborer but fired
him for certain reasons".
"He was under the impression that I would pay his wages and after
announcing that he would commit suicide threw himself from the 8th
floor", he added. (ILNA state-run news agency – Jan. 18, 2009)
Municipality laborers fired for wanting unpaid wages
Workers in the town of Harsin in Kermanshah have not received their salaries for three months.
After keeping silent on this issue for months due to fear of being unemployed they protested this issue and the
mayor of Hersin answered their protest by firing 10 of these workers on January 14. (Roshangari website - Jan.
19, 2009)
Surging course of ousting contracted workers
A member of employments’ supreme council of the Ministry of
occupation told state-run Mehr News Agency, “80% of contracted
workers across the county are deprived from any legal privileges and only
20% of workers are protected under the article 27 of occupation law and
can benefit of legal privileges of official contracts. “
Just a small piece of expelled contracted workers include several hundred
of contracted workers of Golestan Province; five times surge in ousting of
Eastern Azerbijan’s workers; expel of 600 to 800 contracted workers of
Western Azerbijan’s industrial units; ousting of 15000 contracted
workers in Pakdasht; four-fold increase of Semnan’s expelled workers;
expelling of 40 contracted workers just from a single factory in
Hamedan; and adjustment of 100 workers in West of Tehran; and of
course almost 120 contracted workers of “Azmayesh” factory with 60 more if this trend continues.
Workers while criticizing the government and the parliament say we do not know where to take our appeal for
A glance on slogans written on placards of protest gatherings of contracted workers explains the situation better:
“Contracted workers are modern slaves”, “We want five months unpaid wages and returning to our work”,
“Imposing hunger and poverty on us is justice?”,”bread, work, accommodation are the rights of all”, “Mr.
President we haven’t receive our wages for five months, what about you?” (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Feb. 4,
Labor activist banned from work
Massoud Foroqi Nejad, a driver in the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company was illegally
banned from working on February 3.
After syndicate protest in 2006, this labor activist was fired for six months and was again banned from working
for syndicate activities. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 4, 2009)
Five labor unionists summoned to Revolutionary Court in Dezful
According to reports from the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory in Shush, five members of the Haft Tapeh Sugar
Cane Factory Labor Union were summoned to the Revolutionary Court in Dezful.
These unionists were summoned to the first branch of Dezful's Revolutionary Court. They will be trialed on
February 17 in this court presided over by Judge Andy. The summoned unionists are Ramezan Alipoor,
Fereidoon Nikoofard, Ali Nejati, Jalil Ahmadi and Mohammad Heidari Mehr. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists – Feb. 12, 2009)


Female nurses in Tehran on verge of being fired on bogus charges

According to reports, from mid January, 35 female nurses in Khomeini Hospital in Tehran which is affiliated
with Tehran's Medical Sciences University, have been summoned to Tehran
University's Selection Center. There, they were told that they have been fired. The
Selection Center has claimed that these nurses were fired because they did not follow
the Islamic dress code and did not believe in the foundations of the Islamic Republic.
This is while these women had not received any notices or warnings from the Selection
Center or elsewhere before this.
According to other reports, in addition to this hospital, other hospitals affiliated with
Tehran's Medical Sciences University, like Arash, Amiraelm, Baharlu, Ruzbeh, Farabi,
Ziaian, and Vali-Asr hospitals will also fire a number of their nurses under the above
mentioned pretext. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists – Feb. 16, 2009)
Teacher fired for discussion on Sunni religion in class
The Protection Department of the Sanandaj Education Department issued the expulsion of a teacher for what it
called "the promotion of the beliefs of a certain religion".
Nastaran Sheida (f), a teacher at a high school affiliated with Kurdistan University who had 10 years of
experience as a teacher in Sanandaj high schools was summoned to the Selection Committee of Sanadaj's
Education Department and was fired for conducting a discussion on the Sunni religion in class. (Kurdistan
Students in Defense of Human Rights – Feb. 25, 2009)
Widespread closures of Tea Factories in North leads to thousands unemployed
The number of closed factories in Amir Kabir Industrial Town reaches to two hundreds, and there are few left
open. According to reports there are almost sixty thousands forced into poverty and hunger. (Association of
Political Prisoners in Exile – Apr. 1, 2009) 
Qazvin’s Red Crescent Workers not received wages for five months
Contracted workers of the Red Crescent in Qazvin have not received their salary for more than five months.
Their employer has threatened them that if they protest they will be fired and new workers would be hired in
their place. Since they are
contracted workers and because several workers who had protested were fired, these workers have not protested
for fear of being fired and losing their only source of livelihood. (Iran News Agency – Apr. 4, 2009)
Workers denied six months of wages before Persian New Year
Aid Ali Karimi, the executive secretary of Qazvin's Labor House Organization pointed out that the Pushine Baft
Factory in this province has 250 official laborers and said, "Workers of this facility went to their homes empty
handed on New Year, because they have not received their wages for six months".
"These workers did not even receive their special New Year bonus", he added. (ILNA state-run news agency –
Apr. 4, 2009)
Workers of Cooperation Machine Company have not received salary for a year
On Saturday April 5, workers of the Cooperation Machine Company held a gathering outside Tehran
governor's office protesting their unpaid salaries, which they had not received for 12 months. These protestors
also said that they have not received their New Years bonuses for 2 years.
This factory has branches all over the country and has about 300 employees. (IlNA, state-run news agency – Apr.
5, 2009)
Peddlers in Baneh harassed by Municipality agents
On April 4, Baneh municipality agents attacked peddlers, seizing their goods in shopping centers, including the
Neggin, Morvarid and Miran shopping centers. These peddlers lost their goods and only source of livelihood.
(Iran news agency – Apr. 5, 2009)
Sassan Beverage Company fired workers
Sassan Beverage Company fired a number of workers, they held a protest gathering outside the factory. (ILAN,
state-run news agency – Apr. 6, 2009)


A worker participating in the gathering said that every two weeks five workers are fired under the pretext of
inactiveness, laziness and there are workers who have not received their salary for four months, but there is no
body defending the rights of workers in the country.  
Fired workers of Ahvaz Tubing Factory held a protest gathering everyday
Since April 4, workers who have been fired from
Ahvaz Tubing Factory have held protest
gathering outside the factory. Workers hold
Banners such as “Expenditure model began with
firing of workers”, “We are sons of Iran, we are
committed to get our rights”, and “livelihood is
our right.” (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Apr. 7, 2009)
Six hundred and fifty workers of Ahvaz Tubing
Factory held a protest gathering against the
delaying payments of their salaries. Formal
workers face nine months retardation of their
wages, while the contractual workers who are
more than 200, demand 13 months of delaying
wages. Despite their protest, officials have done
nothing for them. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Apr.
15, 2009)
Ahvaz Tubing Factory has fired 18 hundreds workers by now, and they hold gathering outside the factory every
day. (ILNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 17, 2009) 
Workers’ salaries not paid in Qazvin
“200 workers of Poushineh Baft Textile Company and 100 from Naqsh Iran Company held a protest gathering
outside governor office in Qazvin against indifference of officials towards their basic right to get their salaries
which have been postponed for four months.” Aid-Ali Karimi, executive secretary of house of workers in Qazvin
Province – Tehran’s adjacent northwest Province – announced. (ILNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 7, 2009) 
MP from Ardabil: number of unemployed workers is very chilly
“There are more than 50,000 unemployed and if we add the seasonal unemployment to this number, we’ll get
to a chilly number, better not to announce it,” Seyyed Kazem Moussavi, Ardabil representative of parliament
said. (ILNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 7, 2009) 
A child labor died
Vahid Sharifi, a 13-year-old child, while crossing street died because of a car crash on
April 4, 2009. This is not the first time a child labor’s life has lost.
He was under protection of ‘community defending child labor and street children’; he
was also an elementary second grade student.
According to convention of children rights, which Iran is a member; exploitation of
children under 15 in any economical and political affairs is forbidden.
Despite these basic rights of children, there are 380 thousands children aged from 10
to 14 working permanently, and also there are almost 370 thousands seasonal child
labor in Iran. (Human Rights Reporters Committee – Apr. 10, 2009)

Factories in Tabriz fired a number of workers

On April 9, on the brink of workers’ week, a number of factories fired workers in Tabriz. They included Smithy
Tractors Company (170 workers), Tabriz Matches Factory (75 workers), Complex of Northwest Industry (115
workers), and Naqsh-e Jahan Factory (50 workers). (Human Rights Activists – Apr. 11, 2009)
Factories in Bushehr started firing workers
“Iran Sadra, Etemadieh and Polymer Textile Factories have started to fire the workers. These factories include
between 200 to 1000 workers each.” (ILNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 11, 2009)


8 hours payment for 12 hours works and firing of workers

Almost 160 workers were fired from Alborz fiber Factory. The workers work 12 hours per day but receive only
wages for eight hours. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Apr. 13, 2009)
Suppressive SSF arrested four workers
The workers of Parris Spinning Factory of Sanandaj (Kordestan) protested to their dismissal. Later they faced
with attack of the suppressive State Security Forces (SSF).
The clerical regime's agents prevented the workers from entering into the factory and even its enclosure at
Behesht Mohammadi in Sanandaj , but the workers put the hurdles aside and went into the factory.
Following this protesting act, suppressive SSF entered into the scène suppressed workers and arrested four of
them. (Iran news agency – Apr. 13, 2009) 
Head of dricetorate of Haft Tapeh Workers’ Union detained for 40 days
Ali Nejati, the head of directorate of Haft Tapeh Workers’ Union, who was detained for 40 days was set free on
bail. (Farda Radio – Apr. 14, 2009) 
Haft Tapeh Factory workers sentenced to one
year of prison for sit-in
The first branch of Dezful's Revolutionary Court
announced the sentences of five workers found
guilty in the case of the sit-in of workers in the Haft
Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory (HTSCF).
Jalil Ahmadi, Fereidun Niku Far, Ali Nejati,
Qorban Alipur and Mohammad Heidari have each
been sentenced to a year in prison. Ali Gerdali, a
worker in HTSCF who supported the directorate
of workers union was summoned to the
Intelligence Ministry branch in Shoush. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Apr. 14, 2009)
90% of fired workers are professional
“250 workers of ‘Taj’ and 250 more of ‘Touli Press’ were fired,” Qazvin’s executive secretary announced. “More
than 40 Industrial sites each with 10 to 300 employees have fired their workers, 90% of these workers are
experts with more than 5 years of experiment,” he added (ILNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 14, 2009)
Technicians and professional sacked
“3,000 technical and professional employees of subsidiary organization of Ministry of Social Affairs and Work
have been fired. They had expreince between 3 to 15 years.” (ILNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 15, 2009)
Workers in Sari deprived from their 10 months’ wages
“85 workers of Sari Chemical Industrial Factory have not received their salaries for 10 months,” Ahmad
Hossein-nejad, former head of Islamic Council of the factory said. (ILNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 15,2009)
A teacher sentenced to exile for participating in a
peaceful educational gathering
On April 12, the First instance board of judgment on
administrative infringement of Kurdistan Education
Department, sentenced a teacher in Sanadaj to three years
in exile. Mr. Jamal Khoal, sentenced to three years in exile
to Semnan, for allegedly participating in an educational
gathering in May 2008. (Human Rights Activists weekly
report – Mid April 2009)
A teacher abandoned from his service for protesting
against living standard of teachers
Goudarz Shafi’ian, English high school teacher in
Mammasani Town, in Fars Province was dismissed for two
months from his job from March 5, 2009 to May 5, 2009,
and deprived him from all his wages and premium. This

teachers’ trade unionist has 26 years of experience in his educational service at high school. The charges against
him include: participating in a coordination council’s meeting of organizations across Iran in Tehran in 2007,
writing lies and other subjects in an article published in Iran’s Outlook Magazine in summer 2007, introducing
himself as teachers’ trade unionist of Mammasani, and inciting teachers. (Association of Political Prisoners in
Exile – Apr. 15, 2009)
Teacher dismissed from work for protesting bad living condition of teachers
Gudarz Shafi'ian, a high school English teacher in Fars Province has been dismissed from work for two months
and has been banned from receiving wages and bonuses in this time. Shafi'ian, who has 26 years of experience
in his line of work, had been summoned by the Educational Ministry a number of times in the past and banned
from continuing his activities after protesting the living conditions of teachers, the lack of budget and facilities
allocated to educational purposes and activities in this regard. (Jomhuriat state-run daily – Apr. 15, 2009)
Security agents violently arrest 90 laborers in Sanandaj
Security and intelligence forces arrested and detained 90 members of the Coordinating Committee of Assisting
to Create Labor Associations who went to visit Ghaleb Hosseini in his house in Sanandaj. After a few hours and
going through interrogation, they were set free. Ghaleb Hosseini is a worker activist in Iran and was in prison
since March 2009 for participating in the International Labor Day. (Persian Language Program of Radio France
– Apr. 17, 2009)
Workers of Tubing Factory in Ahvas fired
“1,800 workers of Ahvaz Tubing Factory have been fired, and they hold protest gathering ouside governor
office, employment office and the factory every day.” Hamid-Reza Abbasi, representative of fired workers of
Ahvaz Pipe Factory said. (ILNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 17, 2009) 
OUEC of Assalouyeh, Iranian Oil Consortium fired technicians and contractor workers
300 technicians and contractor workers of OUEC, Engineering, and Construction of Oil Consortium – a
company in charge of gas refineries of Southern Pars number 9 and 10 areas – were fired. They had between
four to six years of experiences. (Radio Deutsche Welle – Apr. 18, 2009)
Note: get to know a hell called Assalouyeh
Pars Southern Gas field is the world biggest gas field of inter-shores. The living condition of workers in this field
is awful and inhuman with no sponsor.
There were 60,000 workers before the embargo – the cause of embargo is the secret nuclear weapon program
and confrontation with the International community for survival of their illegal medieval reign in Iran–but now
there are less than 15,000.
Asslavieh’s outlook is beautiful at night. However, if people visit the place where workers are living they cannot
differentiate it with animals’ stall. The furniture and equipments are in the worst possible quality. After twelve
hours of unbearable work in a very hot and sultry weather, thousands human beings are in a contaminated
overcrowded bedrooms with no recreation center. On average, it is 45 Centigrade – in summer between 50 to
60 Centigrade and 90 degree of sultry. A twelve square meters bedroom for inexpert workers places ten to
twelve men. Most of the time coolers are out of work or have no electrical safety, which have led to deaths of
several workers.
A worker enters Assalouyeh and leaves it forever, because there is no furlough for workers. If someone asks for
leave to visit his family, he will be told ‘never return!’ Therefore, workers have no contact with their families for
many months. There is no place for physical and mental refreshment. This hardship tends them to use narcotic
drugs. Narcotic drugs are available easily and overtly, and no one pays any attention to it. This is the cause of
addiction of the majority of workers. They mostly use marijuana or heroin.
There are large numbers of workers who stay in Asslavieh for a year with no family contact. Therefore, there are
abnormal sexual relationships. All kind of offenses, even murder happens there. Because of this hardship life,
many workers are violent and aggressive.
There have been people who tried to help workers to become cognizant, but ‘Herasat’ – Protection Department
– or State Security Forces (SSF) summoned them. Frequently ‘Herasat’ search bedrooms for leaflets, or labor
magazines. They have sometimes identified labor activists and fired them. Almost all unskilled workers are daily
paid and no one is after contractual work.


Workers have accepted that furlough is equivalent to being fired. They work seven days a week. ‘Herasat’ and
SSF observe all the offenses, including addiction and other abnormalities but do nothing exclusive of noticing
some words on the employment rights, in such cases they summon the worker immediately.
There is no trade union, legal magazine, or book. Newspapers and books are very rare. Workers usually suffer
from skin or respiratory diseases. Every day workers’ bedrooms are spray poison, instead of preparing hygienic
bedrooms and standard livelihood; this has led to general respiratory suffering. During summer, it is like sauna.
Even under the shade, their clothes are all over wet. “Assalouyeh is our slavery camp,” some workers say. (Radio
Germany Website – Apr. 26, 2009)
Four months salaries not paid
There are 25 workers in Raman Channel Construction Company have not received their salaries for four
months. (Salam Democrats – Apr. 20, 2009) 
20 workers arrested by anti-riots police for participating in peaceful gathering
Around hundred workers from the Keyan Tire Factory held a protest gathering outside the parliament. Anti-riot
police arrested about twenty of workers. (Salam Democrat – Apr. 20, 2009)
13 workers killed due to negligence of holding to workers safety
Thirteen workers of Delta 1000 Company died in ‘Bab Nizoo’ Mine in Zarand City of Kerman Province due to
explosion of Methane Gaz. In addition, nine workers were killed by explosion of Methane Gas in a similar
accident in 2003. (ILNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 20, 2009)
According to witnesses, this accident could be prevented and they had warned about the excessive amount of
gas a day before.
SSF raided protest gathering of workers
Workers of Industrial Company of Arak – Center of Markazi
Province, Tehran’s adjacent southwestern province – held a
protest sit-in outside the governor office.
The State Security Forces laid a siege around them and then
attacked the gathering, since they were worried that the sit-in
could be spread to an uncontrollable vast protest in the city.
(Association of Political Prisoners in Exile – Arp. 21, 2009)
Mullahs’ regime refuses to give permission for First of May
Students of Tehran University said that they had demanded
to get permission to take part in the International Workers
Day, but they faced refusal.
The official in the university said that top officials ordered
them not to give permission to the students to take part in
the International First of May Day. (Iran news agency – Apr.
21, 2009)
Last year more than 200,000 workers and employees were
According to experts and workers unions, because of
economical incapability of the government last year many
factories and companies were bankrupted leading to
enormous unemployment of workers and employees.
“According to consideration of parliament last year were 400 work unit closed,” the head of workers committee
in the parliament said. “Accordingly almost 200, 000 people became unemployed,” he emphasized. (Aftab, state-
run website – Apr. 21, 2009) 
Increasing number of suicide among workers and drivers
Mr. Alireza Parssa, a driver in the BRT-2 line in Tehran, committed suicide on April 18, but fortunately was
survived by an adequate medical care, although his condition was very critical.
He is a driver of Sherkat-e Vahed, and the reason for his self-immolation was poverty and difficulty to provide
the minimum needs of his family. Unfortunately, desperation to provide the basic needs of living are the cause
of increased the number of suicides among workers and drivers and other sectors of society living under poverty

line.However, another annoying matter, which disturbed his colleagues, was the indifference of IslamicCouncil
of Tehran to transfer him to hospital by the Ambulance available on the scene, instead his colleagues took him
to hospital by an ordinary car. (Iran news agency – Apr. 21, 2009)
Child Labors exploited in narcotic drug smuggling, and dealt with instead of the main dealers
Fatemeh Qassemzadeh, the head
of assistance network for child
labor warned that children
exploitation in narcotic drug
trade is increasing.  
“Unfortunately, instead of the
main offenders they are dealt
with as offenders,” she added.
“There are 4,000 child laborers
in Tehran, Karaj, and Shahr-e
Ray, of course this number
increases much higher due to the
seasonal labors,” she informed.
(ILNA, state-run news agency –
Apr. 21, 2009) 
A man hanged himself in
Khaniabad because of poverty
On April 19, Akbar Qobadi hanged himself at his home in Khaniabad – impoverished neighborhood in of
southern Tehran. Prior to suicide, he sent his wife and his only child to his mother’s house. Then he hanged
himself to get rid of the miserable life imposed on him and millions of Iranian by this corrupt regime. (Iran
news agency – Apr. 22, 2009)
Illegal Afghans refugees exploited in Evin Prison
On April 18, Mehdi Rostam-zadeh, a henchman in the Evin Prison, brutally beat and injured an employee in
the prison. According to news from the prison, the henchman ordered employee to distribute narcotic drug in
the Ward number 5 but he refused to do so. Hence, Rostam-zadeh was outraged, and beat him severely such
that he was transferred to the medical unit of the Evin Prison.
It is noteworthy to mention that most of the employees in the Evin Prison are from Afghan Refugee who are
illegally live in Iran, and they are deprived from the basic human rights. (Iran news agency – Apr. 22, 2009)
Member of directorate of Union of Workers sentenced 12 months in prison
Davoud Razavi, member of directorate of the Union of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company
(Sherkat-e Vahed), who was arrested in 2005 and was set free on bail, sentenced to 12 months of prison in
Branch 14 of Revolutionary Court.
He opposed the verdict and it was considered in the Court of Review of Branch 36, but it was confirmed by this
court. Therefore, he can be imprisoned 12 months according to the order of regime’s henchmen in any time
during the next three years. (Iran news agency – Apr. 22, 2009)
Workers are fired or exploited in Iran Khodro Company
Iran Khodro Company makes three months contracts with the workers, while making no commitments to
provide the basic rights of the workers.
In addition, every three months they fire the previous workers and employee new workers for the next three
months, repeating this cycle every three months unless they accept any inhuman deprivation of their rights and
obey them like a slave. They receive their salaries with 20 days delay every month. Some of them have BSC
degree and were supposed to be officially employed after eight years of experience. (Iran news agency– Apr. 22,
Workers in Qom faced dismissal after New Year holiday
After the Iranian New Year Eve holiday, more than 20 contractual workers were fired from
Eideh-Negar Factory in Qom. (Iran news agency – Apr. 22, 2009)
Workers with ten years of experience fired from Alborz Company

Twenty-five workers are going to be fired from Alborz Ceramic Company from late April, some of them have
more than ten years of experience. (Iran news agency – Apr. 22, 2009)
One of five biggest factories in Iran on the verge of bankruptcy, increasing unemployed workers
Sanandaj Tractor Factory, one of the five biggest industrial factories in Iran, is on the verge of complete closure.
This will add more than 200 workers to the gigantic unemployed workers in Iran. The managing director said
the banking system and governments relevant offices have refused to cooperate with the factory therefore, they
couldn’t make more than 350 Tractors leading to its bankruptcy last year. (Iran news agency – Apr. 22, 2009)
Workers activists arrested on the brink of International
Workers Day
On April 20, Abdullah A., Rouzbeh Shams, Danial
Mohammad-nia, and Soroush Kaheni, four former members
of the Union of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus
Company (Sherkat-e Vahed) were arrested outside their
They were arrested by Intelligence Ministry agents for inviting
people from different sectors of the society taking part in the
International Workers Day in Laleh Park in Tehran. They
were told the indictment against them is causing anxiety
among public. (Iran news agency – Apr. 22, 2009)
Two months salaries for 12 months of work
Employees of Sabalan Textile Company in Ardabil – Northwestern Province in Iran – protested for their basic
right of receiving their salaries on time. There are two thousands workers in this company. They complain that
they have only received only two months salaries for twelve months of work.
They said that they have pleaded all the relevant officials and offices in this regard but nothing has been done
for them. (Jomhouri, start-run daily – Apr. 22, 2009) 
Closed circuit cameras in schools for controlling teachers
Some of schools in Tehran Province have installed closed circuit cameras in both elementary and high school 
classes. This is for controlling teachers and students overtly. Then give notification to teachers and students in
several occasions. This treatment has caused disorder and insecure state of mental for both teachers and
students. These schools include Saba Technical School and Holiness Masoumeh School in Shahriar, and
Sediqeh Tahereh High School in Shahr-e Ray. (Association of Political Prisoners in Exile – Apr. 23, 2009)
Repression of trade unions in Iran and this year’s May
The government of Iran is intensifying its repression against
independent trade unionists ahead of May Day 2009 and
the June presidential elections.
As we near May Day 2009, EI, ITF ITUC and IUF again wish to draw international attention to our common
struggle in support of fundamental labour and trade union rights in Iran. The right of workers to organize, to
bargain collectively with employers and the right to strike are essential human rights as enshrined in the ILO
Conventions. Workers in Iran must be free to exercise these rights that workers everywhere are entitled to. We
call on the authorities to let workers in Iran freely join their sisters and brothers around the globe in celebrating
this May Day, and we demand the immediate and unconditional release of, Mansour Osanloo, Ebrahim
Madadi, Farzad Kamangar and all other Iranians currently imprisoned or facing imprisonment for attempting to
exercise their fundamental rights as workers and trade unionists. (IUF, EI, ITF, ITUC – Apr. 27, 2009)
Ten dissident professors fired from Seqez Free University
According to reports from Seqez in the west of Iran, ten dissident professors were fired from the Free Seqez
University under various pretexts. These people, who were mostly experienced in their field of work, were
replaced by people from outside of this city.
The university president has stated that the reason behind the dismissal of these professors is that the courses
they taught are no longer taught in this university but students have denied this excuse saying that all the
replacement professors teach those same courses. (Iran News Agency – Apr. 30, 2009)

Iran: Allow peaceful gatherings by workers on May Day

Marking International Workers' Day on May Day 2009, Amnesty International calls on the
Iranian authorities to end the repression of trade unionists by immediately releasing those
imprisoned for their trade union work; dropping charges against others currently facing trial for
similar reasons, and ending other repressive measures which marginalize trade unions and their
members. The organization also warns against measures aiming at prohibiting peaceful
gatherings on May Day in Tehran.
The right to freedom of peaceful assembly is guaranteed under the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Iran is a State Party.
In previous years, peaceful May Day celebrations have been broken up by the authorities and those who
attended have faced prison terms and flogging.
Independent trade unions are banned in Iran. Under Iranian labour legislation, workers are allowed to form
Islamic Labour Councils (ILCs) in companies with more than 50 workers.. Those standing for leadership
positions in the ILCs must first be vetted and approved, and may be disqualified, by an official selection body
under discriminatory selection criteria known as gozinesh. (Amnesty International – Apr. 30, 2009)
Iran workers banned from celebrating May Day, arrest ed
and beaten in peaceful gathering
Workers who had gathered in Tehran's Laleh Park to
celebrate May Day were beaten and arrested by security
forces and prevented from holding their ceremony.
With the arrival of the first 200 workers in the park,
security forces quickly moved to deal with the gatherers.
These forces started beating workers, even beating women
and children.
Security forces arrested many of the participants including
After is started raining, security forces dispersed the crowd
in Laleh Park. Agents beat those who resisted and in some
cases arrested them. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 1,2009)  
Political Prisoners’ statement on commemoration of May Day
May Day statement of political prisoners in Cellblock 350 of Evin Prison: Labor movement is facing a historic
test; First of May is the International Labor Day. Before all, we would like to
send our best congratulation to hardworking labors, in particular Iranian labors
on this great day, wishing them the best success on their goals.
The ruling system in Iran has always tried to make sham ceremonies turning
them against their real goals, and the May Day is not an exception.
Nevertheless, the present widespread crisis, especially in economic arena does
not give them chance to do so this year. This provides a vital position for
independent labor movements to play their role through syndicate work.
Retardation of Iranian economy, and incompetent and disqualified
management, plus fall of oil price… can destroy Iranian economy. It is obvious that the only way to overcome
tyrannical and unequal trend in the socio-economy is only possible through a change and shakeup in the ruling
Our society needs a basic democratic change in the top hierarchy of political management. It is time that all
social classes in particular labor to form and expand their independent organizations playing their historic role
to overcome this crucial arena. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 1, 2009)
Labor rallies suppressed in Qasr-e Shirin and Arak


More than 1500 labors in Qasr-e Shirin staged a rally at 10am on May 1, 2009. Demonstrators were holding
placards demanding their labor rights such as “labors don’t want government’s charity,” “Sham elections
boycotted, boycotted” etc. Massive repressive forces of the Iranian regime were dispatched to prevent the Labor
Day Ceremony, hence it ended to clashes.
Repressive forces of government beat and assaulted labors and arrested several dozens of them in Qasr-e Shirin.
In Arak, about 500 labors form Azar-Aab Industrial, Pars-Wagon, and some other companies staged a
demonstration outside the governor office from 7.5am on April 30. (Iran news agency – May 1, 2009)
More than 200 men and women beaten and arrested for commemorating Labor Day
More than 200 laborers, women, labor activists and other people were beaten and arrested by State Security
Forces and undercover intelligence agents. On Friday May 1, more than 1,500 labor activists, laborers, women,
and university students gathered in Tehran's Laleh Park to commemorate Labor Day.
When all the participants gathered to celebrate this day by eating sweets and pastry, SSF patrols surrounded the
whole area with their cars and undercover police and regime vigilantes attacked the gatherers with clubs and
fists, shouting insults and curses. These agents beat and arrested more than 200 of the participants and forced
others to leave the park. They also confiscated mobiles and cameras to prevent people from filming the scene.
(Committee for Creating Free Labor Unions – May 2, 2009)
SSF assaulted Sanandaj rally on May Day
As it was announced, several hundred of workers and
inhabitants of Sanandaj – Center of Kurdish Province -
gathered in Amirieh Square at five pm on May Day. They
were rallying towards Kouhnavard Square while holding
placards and crying slogans. Slogans included “long live
workers”, “political prisoners must be freed”, “imprisoned
workers must be released”, and placards called for “welfare,
education for everyone”, “women, workers, students,
teachers united, united”, “contracted temporary
employment must be annulled”, “imprisoned activists must
be released”, “worldwide unity of workers”, etc.
Demonstrators were rallying for about 300 to 400 meters
when the SSF and plain-cloths attacked the beat them.
More than ten demonstrators were arrested. This morning five labor activists were also arrested but set freed on
bail. (Rozaneh website – May 2, 2009)
As’ad Ibrahimi and Mehdi Amizesh are among arrestees of May Day Ceremony
As’ad Ibrahimi, worker of the Tubing Company and child rights activist arrested on May 1. The SSF raided and
searched his house seizing his documents, equipments including his computer.
Mehdi Amizesh, a fired student of Shahr-e Ray University and another child rights activist was also arrested in
workers ceremony on May 1, 2009. According to news, arrestees were transferred to intelligence centers for
interrogation. Over hundred were arrested, names of 35 are available by now. (Students Committee for
Defending Political Prisoners – May 2, 2009)
60 metal workers arrested on Labor Day
On May Day, about 60 members of the Discount Resident Metal Workers Group were arrested in the Discount
store of this factory. Agents released 15 people on the condition that they go to court and transferred the other
45 workers to Vesal Detention Center.
Their families have not received any information on their condition and location. (Center of Political Prisoners
in Exile – May 3, 2009)
Latest news on conditions of arrestees on May Day in Tehran
They are detained in Ward 240 of Evin Prison. They are over hundred and are in Isolation (Quarantine) Ward.
For the first 24 hours they were not given any food. They are being detained in a difficult condition.
Their families protested and were told that the men cases had been considered and they would be released on
bail. However, files of the female detainees are yet unidentified. Names of 53 arrestees in Laleh Park on the May
Day in Tehran are obtained. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 3, 2009)

Student journalist beaten and arrested in Labor Day gathering

During a demonstration to mark Labor Day in Tehran, Massoud Loqman, a senior master's degree student of
Tehran's Alame Tababtayi University and freelance journalist who also runs a website named Ruznamak, was
beaten and arrested by security forces.
Last nights, intelligence agents went to the cultural activist's home and confiscated his books and other personal
belongings. There is no information on where he is being kept. (Kurosh News Agency – May 3, 2009)
Managers of 30 textile factories protested outside Industry Ministry
Group of managers of industrial textile companies gathered in general director office of the Industry Ministry’s
textile department to say that should they not pay export premium at least they should answer the requests of
seven thousands workers and should take charge of these factories. (Jomhoriat state-run daily – May 3, 2009)
Families of arrestees on May Day threatened
The detainees of the May Day in Laleh Park were transferred to Branch one of Security Prosecutor Office in
Tehran, and some were released at night. A number of them were released on bail next day.
Mohammad Olyaii-Fard, lawyer of labor activists says that at present there are 37 detained including 14 women
who are in Cellblock 240 of Evin Prison.
Messrs Mansour Hayati-Ghibi, Gholam-Reza Khani and Homayoun Jaberi, members of the Union of Workers
of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company (Sherkat-e Vahed), and Jafar Azimzadeh, member of directorate of
Union of Freelance Workers in Iran are among detainees. According to Olyaii-Fard, the condition for their
release is 500,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 Rials (almost $500,000 to 1,000,000) payment of bail.
Families of detainees wrote a protest letter to the head of the Judicature. They stated in the letter that those
arrested had committed no offense hence not justified to pay any bail for their release. (Radio Germany Website
– May 4, 2009)
May Day was a pretext for responding to foreign media: Deputy of Tehran Prosecutor
“On Thursday and Friday, people gathered in two locations in Tehran responding to foreign media’s call under
the pretext of May Day, hence some of them were arrested and detained,” Judge Hadad, the Security Deputy of
Tehran Prosecution Office commented in an interview with ISNA, state-run news agency.
“The files of arrestees are open and under review in Security Department of Tehran Prosecutor Office,” he
added while declaring charges such as acting against security and disrupting public orderagainst them.
“Those arrested have leftist idea and include housewives, teachers, engineers, physicians and students,” he
noted. (Khorassan, state-run daily – May 4, 2009)
Alireza Firoozi arrested in Laleh Park of Tehran despite attending Astronomy Congress
Alireza Firoozi was arrested in Laleh Park on the International May Day and transferred to Evin Prison. Alireza
is a colleague of Human Rights Activists in Iran and was there for participating in the International Congress on
Astronomy. He was looking after the congress when arrested by the SSF and taken to unknown location. Late at
night, Alireza and a number of other arrestees were taken to their houses and after searching his house his
personal belonging were seized. The next day this human rights activist was transferred to Evin Prison and there
is no more information about him. His family presented his documents and membership and invitation cards of
the International Congress on Astronomy to the Revolutionary Court but they have refused releasing him.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 4, 2009)
Reporters deprived from having free access to information: Member of Guardian Council
“Reporters are deprived from having access to information freely,” Mohssen Ismaili, member of jurists of
Guardians Council political watchdog said.“The main right of reporters and journalists is being representative
of people to have free access on information but unfortunately a shallow view have blocked them from their
right,” he emphasized. There has not been even a case of prosecuting those depriving reporters from free access
to information and with the present trend there won’t be such a case in future,” he declared in the ‘Congress on
Rights of Media’. (Radio Farda – May 4, 2009)
Arrestees of May Day banned from visits


Families of arrestees of International May Day gathered outside Tehran Revolutionary Prosecutor Office
yesterday, but the SSF threatened them and tried to disperse them. Some of the families went to Evin Prison to
visit the women arrestees since today is visiting day for women prisoners. However, they were told that the order
issued by Judge Hadad barred them from visit. They
told families that we wouldn’t answer them and
wouldn’t release anyone. (Change for Equality website
– May 5, 2009)
In Qazvin, 20 industry units closed down and their
workers unemployed
“Since two years ago 20 industry units have been
suspended and their workers were unemployed,” Aid-
Ali Karimi, secretary of house of workers – state-run
body – said in Qazvin.
“At present there are 60,000 workers wandered since
they have between 18 and 29 years of experience and
not qualified for retirement,” he declared while
expressing 100 industry units have been closed since
1997. (ILNA, state-run news agency – May 5, 2009
Ongoing firing, unemployment and unpaid workers
and employees
On Tuesday May 5, a large number of workers of a
manufacturing unit in Iranshahr, a city in Sistan va
Baluchistan Province, gathered outside Social Affairs
and Employment Organization calling for implementation of their rights. “Since we do not have employment
security we do not dare protest otherwise we easily and unjustly get fired,” a worker said.
About 100 drivers protested outside Social Affairs and Employment Organization in Kermanshah Province
given that they had become unemployed since March 2009.
More than 50 fired Khorramshahr’s municipal workers called for an immediate consideration of their rights.
There are over 100 fired workers of Khorramshahr’s municipal. They were working there for four years as daily
paid labor, when fired in March 2009 while there have been no concerns on their conditions, and are in
miserable state of life.
During last two weeks, Iran Poya (Jeneral Steel) Company has fired about 200 workers, 60 were contractors, and
the rest were contractual labors. According to the general director of this factory, in the coming June all
manufacturing sections of the factory except Aluminum plates will be closed leading to more fired workers. (Iran
news agency – May 5, 2009)
Teachers brutally beaten in peaceful gathering
Baqeri, member of the Managing Board of Iran's
Teacher's Center (report on the peaceful gathering of
teachers outside the Ministry of Education): We got to
the ministry at about 12:45 pm. At about 1:30 pm the
number of teachers was on the rise and I saw them
coming in groups. Then I noticed that 10-15 police
officers and State Security Forces approached the 100
strong crowds to disperse them. The agents pushed,
shoved, and insulted the teachers.
In the middle of all this, one of the co-workers of the
Managing Board, Bodaqi, was brutally beaten by agents in
front of everyone and was pulled away from the crowd.
Another one of our colleagues who came to protest this action was also violently beaten. An agent struck him in
the face so hard that his eyeglasses were thrown a few meters to another side and another officer punched him


in the chest. Bohluli, another one of our colleagues, was beaten even more violently. After an agent struck his
back with a club, he fell to the ground and was unable to get up. (Radio Germany website – May 5, 2009)
130 are still detained since May Day
More than 130 men and women are still detained in Ward 240 of Evin Prison in detrimental condition, since
their arrest on May Day. Families of them are frequently and continuously go to security and judiciary centers
including Revolutionary Court in Mo’alem Street, but the SSF threatened them to arrest and suppressed them,
and the judiciary officials give contradicting replies. (Association of Iranian Political Prisoners in Exile – May 6,
Ongoing arrest of workers
Intelligence agents arrested Mahmoud Bahrami, a labor activist, on May 6. The reason for his arrest is reading a
statement on the May Day. (Iran news agency – May 7, 2009)
They detained in Evin Prison under inhuman condition:
Families of arrestees of May Day
Arrestees of the International May Day are still in Quarantine
Ward of Evin Prison in a very bad condition. There is no news
on men, but some of the women had a short call with their
families. They complained of inhuman condition imposed on
them in this ward. They also complained that on the May Day
the repressive forces beat and hit them violently such that some
of them had their cloths torn out and are still with their torn
out dresses.
There are about 70 to 80 men and 18 women detained. Families
of detainees who were over 60 gathered outside the Revolutionary Court, calling for their loved ones release.
Hassan Zare Dehnavi aka Hassan Hadad, refuses to visit families, sending Fallah, his deputy to talk to them.
“I told you not to spend all your money, but you did, and now you're going to have to face the music,” Fallah
“They are in Quarantine Ward and barred from any visit and telephone contact. Their fate will be defined
between 30 to 45 days,” he continued. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 9, 2009)
Ongoing repression of journalists in Iran, Reporters Without Borders
According to Reporters Without Borders, in addition to Alireza Saqafi, editor in chief of banned Raah-e
Ayandeh paper, Kaveh Mozafari and his wife Jelveh Javaheri, Amir Yaqoub Ali and Nikzad Zanganeh were
arrested on the First May Day.
Reporters Without Borders added that Islamic Republic officials continue baseless repression against journalists
without any warrants.
According to Reporters Without Borders, Alireza Saqafi, also member of Iranian writers trade union was
arrested by intelligence agents before demonstration on the May Day.
The report adds that Kaveh Mozafari, blogger of Madresseh Femenisti Website was also arrested by intelligence
agents on the same day.
After arresting Kaveh Mozafari, intelligence agents enterred his house without any warrant while searching the
house and seizing personal belongings and documents also arrested Jelveh Javaheri, his wife without any
warrant… (Farda Radio – May 10, 2009)
No information on teacher arrested a week ago
Mohammad Malek, a teacher in Ilam, western city, was arrested a week ago, but his family was not informed.
On May 3, the SSF raided Shariati School in this city and arrested him.
He is one of active members of teachers’ trade union and had an important role in organizing teachers’ protests.
In a statement, the teachers’ trade union in Ilam condemned his arrest. (Iran news agency– May 10, 2009)
Ongoing arrests after May Day
Subsequent of the First of May Day, arrests, threatening, and rigging of activists is ongoing. On Thursday May 7,
about 10 members of directorate of metallurgical mechanic were arrested. On Saturday May 9, they have
threatened other labor activists, intimidating their families. This trend has spread to activists in Keyan Tire, and


Industrial Metallurgic Companies, even including Vahed trade unionists and other activists close to Mr Saqafi,
and painters’ syndicate. These repressive measures have extended to freelance workers and political activists.
Government officials relate all these arrests to the May Day and want to make the file of the International
Worker May Day more severe and grave. (Iran news agency – May 12, 2009)
Multiple pressures imposed on Ata Baabaa-Khani, supervisor of Tehran’s Bus Company
Since protests in 2005Ata Baabaa-Khani, supervisor of syndicate of workers of Tehran and suburbs bus company
who was in a very bad financial condition given that he was fired and unemployed. He has been working in a
private bus company since a month ago, but Herasat (‘Protection Department’) imposes pressure preventing him
from his new job.
On May 11, while he was filling petrol in district six, his bus’ booklet seized and when he went to pursuit the
case noticed that Mr. Morshedi, head of Herasat of Sherkat-e Vahed has ordered this new restriction. They
prevent him to continue his job by some false charges made against him such as causing public disorder, and he
was ordered that he should not work on this bus or any other buses. (Iran news agency – May 13, 2009)
Reporters Without Borders concerned on mounting arrest of journalists in Iran
In a statement on May 3, Reproters Without Borders once again declared its concern about mounting arrest of
Iranian journalists and bloggers.
The statement stipulated that fifteen bloggers and journalists in Iran were imprisoned including Massoud
Loqman and Sajad Khaksari.
The statement accuses Islamic Republic officials of violating the “freedom and rights of journalists” secretly…
(Farda Radio – May 13, 2009)
12 months salaries of Sari Chemistry Chromium workers unpaid
More than 50 workers of Sari Chemistry Chromium Factory protesting against a year of unpaid salaries, bonus,
and not receiving coupons for five years gathered outside the governor general office of Mazandaran Northern
Province, but not received any answer.
The workers said that the employer has decided to close the factory since he imports Chromium with cheaper
price and has turned off the factory’s stove. This factory belongs to private section and has more than 90
workers. (ILNA – May 14, 2009)
Hopeless of freedom without American Passport
At present, there are at least 16 known Iranian journalists and bloggers in prison.
Roxana Saberi’s freedom, although welcomed worldwide but at the same time reminded us about a group of
Iranian journalists and bloggers who barely have any support hence spending their lives behind bars. The only
offence they have committed is like Roxana Saberi to endeavor after their media prophecy. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – May 14, 2009)
Firing drivers of Tehran and suburbs Bus Company: Report
Management of Sherkat Vahed (Tehran and suburbs Bus Company) summons drivers to ‘Disciplinary
Committees’ and fires them with confirmation of Islamic Council which is totally an illegal body. The
employees are fired under different pretext such as old age, infrequent and low work, not annulling tickets,
disobeying the orders, hesitating to work on official vocations, using extra medical and merit leave, link with
members of Syndicates of Workers of Bus Company etc. (Iran news agency – May 16, 2009)
Amnesty International condemned widespread arrests in Iran on the verge of Presidential
Excerpts fo the AI Public Statement issued on 15 May 2009 are as follows:
Amnesty International has today called on the Iranian authorities to ensure that the forthcoming
presidential election to be held on 12 June 2009 are free of discrimination - particularly against
women - and that candidates and voters are guaranteed effective exercise of their rights to
freedom of expression and assembly during the election campaign.
Amnesty International is also concerned at ongoing repression of dissent in Iran, which has worsened in recent
months, and fears that Iranians who wish to express their opinions or exercise their right to assembly during the
election campaign may face restrictions including harassment, arbitrary arrest, and unfair trial.
Amnesty International has received reports suggesting increased waves of arbitrary arrests and harassment
targeting in particular members of Iran’s religious and ethnic minority communities, students, trade unionists

and women’s rights activists.

On 28 April 2009, a Revolutionary Court judge said that eight students, including the three still detained, had
been accused of cooperating with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, an Opposition group based in
exile. He said that they had intended to “carry out some activities in the university” during the forthcoming
Amnesty International has been campaigning for many years for an end to a variety of human rights violations
in Iran. Impunity, arbitrary arrest, torture and other ill-treatment, as well as the use of the death penalty remain
Those seen as dissenting from stated or unstated official policies face severe restrictions on their rights to
freedom of belief, expression, association and assembly. Women continue to face discrimination -both in law
and practice. Impunity for human rights abuses is widespread. (Amnesty International – May 15, 2009)
11 women detainees freed due to international and internal pressures
After 17 days of detention, eleven women who were harassed and detained on the International May Day in
Tehran’s Laleh Park were released from Evin Prison on bail. Those released today at 7pm include Nikzad
Zanggeneh, Somayeh Navai, Narges Rahimi, Ai-San Zargham, Laleh Mohammadi, Fatemeh Qassemian, Zari
Rostami, Nassrin Alizadeh.
It is noteworthy that another 78 civil and labor activists are still imprisoned including Alireza Firoozi, a
colleague of Human Rights Activists in Iran and efforts for their freedom continues. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – May 17, 2009)
All women freed on bail must go to Revolutionary Court
While families of women arrestees of May Day were waiting to welcome them on May 17, Jelveh Javaheri was
not among them while she was not present in the May Day ceremony and was arrested later in her house. The
Revolutionary Court officials has not given any information to her family on her detention in Evin Prison.
This morning the bail forms for freedom of the men arrestees of the May Day were not accepted and their
families were told to inquire the next morning, or “we will inform you.” Most of the men arrested on the May
Day did not have any telephone contact with their families and the Revolutionary Courts officials refuse to give
any information to their family by saying that their cases are under investigation.
It is noteworthy to mention that, all women freed on bail this morning should introduce themselves to the
Revolutionary Court for further investigation. (Change for Equality Website – May 20, 2009)
Four charges against arrestees of International May Day
More than three weeks has passed since more than 200 people were arrested on the International May Day in
Tehran. According to nongovernmental media and labor and student websites, the State Security and the
Intelligence Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran arrested about 150 people in Laleh Park and about 60 in
Ne’matabad District in Tehran on that day.
A numbe of arrestees were members of labor organizations or women rights activists.
Niafar, a member of Committee to pursue forming of labor unions said that there are still about 60 people
imprisoned. “In each solitary confinement five men are kept. Their interrogations have finished but there are
possibilities that the interrogations of some of them start again and some may be detained for one more
month,” he added according to those set free.
Mr. Niafar said the charges against the arrestees on the International May Day included “acting against national
security, holding illegal gathering, making public disorder and creating anxiety for the public.” (Farda Radio
Website – May 24, 2009)

Confessing to economic bankruptcy and its pressure on Iran’s workers and toilers
“Workers of Farsh-e Parcel Factory have not received their salaries for three months,” Aid-Ali Karimi, executive
secretary of state-run house of workers in Qazvin said.


“This company had more than 1000 workers previously,” he added while saying that there are 280 workers in
the company. (ILNA official news agency – June 2, 2009)
Bakers in Kurdistan forced to participate in election
On Tuesday June 2, a session was held including employers, and officials in charge of bakers’ trade union.
Khamenei’s representative in Kurdistan declared in that meeting that each one of organizations of different
trade unions must pay 40,400,000 rials (almost 40,400 dollars) to government. Although the person in charge of
the union told them, they cannot afford to pay this sum of money, but still they charged each baker with 80,000
Sanandaj Governor and officials in charge of corn said that they would not give any subsidies to bakers anymore
and they have to provide it from free market, this has raised protests by people.
Pressure imposed on Kurdish to participate in election is ongoing. Hassan Abbasi, Governor of Bukan declared
to trade union office that all merchants must participate in (sham presidential) election, and should they
prevent participating their work permit would not be renewed and they would face problem. (Radio of
Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (KDPI) – June 4, 2009)
Worker from Gazvin’s gelatin factory: I never participate in any election, the root is spoiled
“We did not receive any New Year's bonus, our salaries for six months have not paid, but employer overtly tells
us that they won’t do anything until six more months. When we protest, they label our protest as political. Our
colleagues who were arrested on the International May Day are still not released. For what sake should we face
with the SSF and Intelligence agents?” said a worker of Qazvin gelatin factory.
“The regime is like a ruined house, changing the cabinet just changes its appearance but nothing will really
change because the root is spoiled, and giving votes won’t change anything therefore I won’t participate in the
(presidential) election,” he replied on taking part in coming election. (Iran news agency – June 6, 2009)
Women's activist and reporter summoned to intelligence agency
Nazi Oskuyi, editor of the "Digar" publication and a women's activist was summoned to the Intelligence Agency
again. This summons was by orders of the Revolutionary Court after her house and office were searched.
Computers, publication, and financial documents were confiscated in this search. Ali Amini and Yashar Amini,
both employees of the "Digar" publication were also summoned. (Shahrzad News website – June 8, 2009)
A writer and journalist is in state of limbo in prison
The family of Taqi Ahmadi Azar Moqadam, a writer and journalist in Tabriz, who was arrested two months ago,
say that he is in a state of limbo in prison.
Security agents searched his house twice after his arrest, confiscating some of his books and articles.
"They arrested my husband on April 4 outside our house and they have not given us any information on his
current situation", his wife said. "They searched our house twice. It is not clear what his charges are and there
has been no court to see to his case", she added. When asked if he had a lawyer or not, Firuzeh Hematju said
that they had gone to get him a lawyer a few times but "they said he was not allowed" to have one.
"They have threatened us that if we get him a lawyer, they will not let us contact him on the phone or have any
visits", she added.
"I do not know if they torture him or not but he is not in a good state. He has been incarcerated for about 65
days and he has been kept in solitary the whole time", she added. (Radio Farda – June 9, 2009)
Regime arrests teacher in Tehran
According to reports from the Teacher's Center, Jafar Ibrahimi, a member of this center who had seven years of
teaching experience as a teacher of social science and has a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a master's
degree in social science, was arrested on June 10. Unknown men searched his house and confiscated his
computer, books, pictures, and CDs before arresting him. There is no information on his whereabouts. (Human
Rights Committee Reporters – June 11, 2009)
Dutch journalists thrown out of Iran
THE HAGUE - Iranian authorities have arrested two Dutch journalists covering the disputed presidential
election and ordered them to leave the country, public broadcaster Nederland 2 said Sunday.
NOVA journalist Jan Eikelboom and cameraman Dennis Hilgers must leave Iran,' Nederland 2 said in a
statement posted on the company's Internet site.


They 'were filming in front of the headquarters of Mousavi, Ahamdinejad's main rival, when they were arrested
by police.
'They were pushed against a wall and their tapes were seized. Their filming permits were withdrawn and they
have to leave the country immediately,' the statement said. (AFP - June 14, 2009)
Iran asked to explain Canadian journalist's arrest
Canada's foreign minister said Monday he has called in Iran's envoy to explain the brief detention of a
Canadian journalist covering protests in Tehran after hotly contested elections.
'The security forces' brutal treatment of peaceful protesters is unacceptable,' he said.
'An officer grabbed me, pinned my arm behind my back and led me into the bowels of the Interior Ministry
headquarters -- where so many Iranian dissidents disappear,' wrote freelancer George McLeod in an article.
He said he was allowed to leave a few hours later, with 'bleeding welts' on his neck and 'a swollen arm.' (AFP -
June 15, 2009)
Iran steps up curbs on foreign media
Iranian authorities on Tuesday banned the foreign media from covering 'unauthorised' rallies, a day after its
disputed presidential election sparked deadly clashes…
In effect, foreign journalists were being confined to their bureaus and barred from reporting on the streets…
Several journalists working for foreign media outlets have complained that Iranian authorities have been
blocking them since protests broke out following Ahamdinejad's re-election on June 12.
Television crews say some recordings of clashes between demonstrators and security forces have been seized and
foreign journalists who travelled to Iran for last Friday's election have been told to leave when their visas run
out. (AFP - June 16, 2009)
Iran tightens grip on media
Iran tightened its grip on the media on Wednesday…
'Those who promote riots and threaten people in cyberspace are warned that they can face very heavy legal
action from us. We want them to remove such material,' the Revolutionary Guards statement said.
The journalist have effectively been confined to their bureaus and banned from reporting from the streets. (AFP
– June 17, 2009)
Iran journalists arrested or in hiding: RSF
A dozen Iranian journalists and bloggers have been arrested and many others are in hiding after authorities took
steps to restrict the media, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said Wednesday.
'We have lost contact with many of them,' RSF secretary general Jean-Francois Julliard said of the journalists .
The organisation also condemned a decision to ban foreign journalists from attending mass rallies.
'This is absolutely scandalous, but also worrisome, because it suggests a heightening of repression.
'Clearly the Iranian authorities want the foreign media to leave the country so that it can crack down on the
movement away from the world's gaze,' said Julliard.
Foreign journalists have been effectively confined to their bureaus and banned from reporting from the streets
since the order was issued on Tuesday. (AFP – June 17, 2009)
Media becomes priority target since shaken regime of Iran does not want to let this perception endure
The Islamic Republic of Iran now ranks alongside China as the world’s biggest prison for journalists. The
crackdown has been intensified yet again following Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s endorsement of the result
of the 12 June presidential election and the opposition’s decision to call another demonstration on 20 June.
Iran now has a total of 33 journalists and cyber-dissidents in its jails, while journalists who could not be located
at their homes have been summoned by telephone by Tehran prosecutor general Said Mortazavi.
"The force of the demonstrations in Tehran is increasing fears that more Iranian journalists could be arrested
and more foreign journalists could be expelled,” Reporters Without Borders said. “The regime has been visibly
shaken by its own population and does not want to let this perception endure. That is why the media have
become a priority target.”
The press freedom organisation added: “The international community cannot continue to ignore the situation.
It must have a clear and unanimous reaction that is proportionate to the gravity of these events. And there will


never be any question of recognising the results of the 12 June election. (Reporters Sans Frontières - 21 June
Iran arrests Greek journalist working for US media: Fars
TEHRAN- 'The director general of foreign media at the culture ministry confirmed the arrest of a Washington
Times reporter of Greek origin,' Fars said, without giving the name of the journalist.
But Moghadaszadeh added: 'I call on foreign reporters to work within our laws when travelling to Iran for news
coverage... because if they act against national security and spy, they will be arrested by security institutions and
handed over to the judiciary.' (AFP – June 23, 2009)
Iran arrests staff at Mousavi's banned newspaper
TEHRAN - Iran has arrested 25 journalists and other staff at a newspaper owned by defeated presidential
candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, one of its editors told AFP on Wednesday.
The arrests come after the newspaper Kalameh Sabz (Green Word) was shut down by the authorities in the wake
of the disputed election that returned President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad to office.
Among those arrested on Monday were five or six administrative employees while the rest were journalists. (AFP
- Iran, June 24, 2009)
At least 140 political activists, journalists, and professors jailed in Iran turmoil: reports
TEHRAN - Iran has jailed more than 140 political activists, journalists and university lecturers since the
disputed election, which returned President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad to power, reports said Thursday.
A list published by Etemad newspaper carried the names of 71 prominent reformist leaders, journalists and
campaign workers of defeated candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi, who has dismissed the election as a 'shameful
fraud'.Moussavi's website Kalemeh said another 70 academics and members of Islamic associations at various
universities were arrested after meeting him on Wednesday. (AFP - June 25, 2009)
Iran arrests local British embassy staff: Fars agency
TEHRAN, Iran - Iran has arrested eight local staff at the British embassy in Tehran on accusations of having a
role in post-election riots, the Fars news agency reported on Sunday.
Fars, without giving a source, said those arrested had a 'considerable role' in the violence that erupted after the
disputed re-election of President Mahmud Ahamdinejad.
Iran has repeatedly accused Britain of stoking the unrest. It has expelled the BBC correspondent in Tehran and
arrested a British-Greek journalist, as well as a number of other British passport-holders it says were involved in
rioting. (AFP - June 28, 2009)

Teacher transferred to Evin
Jafar Ibrahimi, an activist and member of the Teachers' Center who was arrested on the morning of June 10 was
taken to section 7 of Evin Prison. He was a student activist in the late 90's in Zanjan and a member of the
Central Council of the Zanjan Islamic Association. He was an active blogger after he finished university.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 19, 2009)
Iran arrests head of Tehran's Oil Refinery
The Alef Website has reported that the head of Tehran's Oil Refinery Plant has been arrested. It seems that he
was arrested due to the probability of a strike in this plant. (Saham News website – Aug. 4, 2009)
Two other journalists arrested in Tehran
Security forces arrested two journalists, Mir Hamid Hasan Zadeh and Reza Nurbakhsh in Tehran.
On August 4, Hasan Zadeh who was the Manager of the ISNA news agency was arrested in his office in the
ISNA News Agency Offices. Security forces also arrested Nurbakhsh, the editor of the Farhikhtegan daily in his
office on Tuesday night. (Radio Farda Website – Aug. 5, 2009)
Iran shuts down journalists' association
Iranian authorities have shut down a leading journalists' organization, members of the group said on Thursday,
a move condemned by international press groups.


Armed men raided and sealed the Tehran offices of the Association of Iranian Journalists late on Wednesday,
said the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which also called for Iran to free up to 42 reporters
currently, jailed. ‘It is true, it has been closed down,’ said a member of the Iranian association who declined to
be named. (Reuters – Aug. 6, 2009)
Security forces arrest two univ. professors
Security forces went to the house of economist Massoud Nili (to arrest him) but he was away on a pilgrimage.
The agents then arrested Dr. Kermanshah, a Sharif University professor who is Nili's neighbor because he
protested to the agents. There is no information on Nili's whereabouts or why they went to his house. This is
while this economist has announced that he does not support any group or political idea and did not vote for
any particular candidate in the election. (E'temad Meli state-run daily – Aug. 9, 2009)
Iran bans daily, which disclosed prison rape
A hardline Iranian cleric called on Monday for OPPOSITION leader Mehdi Karroubi to be lashed over his
controversial claims that some election protesters were raped or tortured in custody.
The Iranian authorities have also banned the defeated presidential candidate's reformist newspaper after it
printed the allegations of prison abuse, his aides said.
Karroubi's son Hossein said on his father's party website that a prosecution official had ordered a 'temporary
ban' on the publication of his newspaper Etemad Melli (National Confidence) on Sunday.
He said the action was launched because his father had printed 'responses to insults against him' over the rape
claims, which the hardliners charge played into the hands of Iran's foreign critics. (AFP - Aug 17, 2009)
Jailed labor activists denied leave from prison
The Revolutionary Court has disagreed with a leave for the members of Tehran's Bus Union from prison.
Firuzi, a court official, disagreed with a leave for Ibrahim Madadi, the assistant head of this union. He claimed
that he and Mansour Asalu, the head of the union, would start their activities again once on leave. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 24, 2009)

Iran arrests another journalist

Fariba Paju, a reformer journalist has been in detainment from the beginning of this week. She is currently in
Evin Prison. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Aug. 25, 2009)
Security forces arrest female Journalist linked to Karoubi
After the office of the E'temad Meli Party (Karoubi's Party) was closed with a permit from Tehran's Prosecutor,
Zohreh Ashtiani, a journalist who worked in the official website of this party, 'Saham News', was arrested along
with Mohammad Davari, the editor of this website and another journalist.
This journalist had been summoned and interrogated a number of times before this. (Green Wave of Freedom
Website – Sep. 10, 2009)
Female journalist kept in solitary for more than 20 days
Fariba Pajuh, journalist and blogger, was arrested in her father's home on August 22 on the first night of
Ramadan by intelligence agents. These agents initially searched her father's home and then her home and
confiscated her computer and other personal items. From that time on, this journalist only contacted her family
in three short calls on August 23, September 1 and September 7.
Pajuh previously worked for the E'temad Meli daily and ILNA state-run news agency. She is also a member of
the International Journalist's Confederation. She is currently in a solitary cell in ward 209 in Evin Prison.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 11, 2009)
Two labor activists arrested in Ahwaz
Pejman Rahimi and Mohammad Ismail-vand, two members of the Committee to Aid Labor Organizations and
the heads of the Sayeh NGO in Ahwaz were arrested by intelligence agents on August 12.
Intelligence agents searched their homes and confiscated some of their personal belongings like books, notes,
pictures and computers.

They were taken to the Karoon Prison in Ahwaz last Wednesday. In a telephone call, the intelligence agency has
told the family of Rahimi that he has been charged with supporting workers and having communications with
leftist parties and opposition organizations. (Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners – Sep. 14, 2009)
Univ. official beaten and arrested for defending students
About 20 students of the Arts University in Karaj were summoned to the Disciplinary Committee and
Protection Department while at least one student was summoned to the Revolutionary Court.
According to other reports, Dr. Sayed Hassan Sultani, the assistant head of Student Affairs at this university was
arrested by security forces and severely beaten in a detention center for supporting students when plain clothes
agents wanted to attack them in their dorms and campus. He will be removed from his position once he is
released from prison.A representative of the Leader (Khamenei) has been appointed as the new assistant head of
Student Affairs in this university. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 17, 2009)
Security forces stormed reformist journalist’s home at night
Mohammad Naeimipour, a member of the central council of the Islamic Cooperation Front of Iran was arrested
after security forces stormed his home early Friday morning.
According to informed sources, security forces arrested him after they searched his home. (Roydad Website –
Sep. 18, 2009)
Only Bassij members allowed employment in new Seqez dam project
Those without Bassij member cards are not allowed employment in the construction of the Cheragh Veis Dam
between the Cheragh Veis Village and Mireh Dey Village.
The officials in charge of the construction of the dam only hire those who have Bassij member cards without
regard for expertise. Therefore, a large number of people with diplomas or university degrees have not been
hired because they did not have Bassij member cards. (Kurdistan Media – Sep. 19, 2009)
Security forces beat reporters and cameraman with electric clubs
In a football match between Tehran's Esteqlal football (soccer) team and Mashhad's Abu-moslem team in
Mashhad, the clashes between protesters and riot police reached the point where two reporters and a
cameraman were beaten by security forces. These reporters were beaten so badly with electric clubs that they
were taken to the hospital while unconscious. (Rooz Online – Sep. 27, 2009)
Professors purged in universities by orders of Khamenei
After Khamenei stressed that the curriculum of social sciences has to be revised in all universities, a new wave of
purges and changes has started in the Alameh Tabatabayi University in Tehran. According to this report, an
informed source has said that five law professors, who specialized on the issue of human rights, have been
banned from teaching in various ways.
The most important of these purges, is the purge of Doctor Mohammad-Reza Zia-Bigdeli, a leading International
Law professor in Iran and the former head of the School of Law and School of Political Science at this
university, who was forced into retirement and banned from teaching from the start of the new semester.
According to reports, university officials even banned a professor from teaching by charging him with immoral
acts. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Sep. 28, 2009)
Workers' wages in Tehran factory not paid and their basic rights violated
A worker in the Punel Factory in Tehran's Pakdasht region said in an interview, "We have not received our
wages for three months now and no one gives us any answers".
"We are under a lot of pressure in providing our daily needs. A new law has been enforced in which labor
representatives have not vote in company matters and all the decisions are made by the head of the factory and
the government. So, even when they make decisions that harm laborers, the workers have to obey. It is like the
era of slavery and workers have no right to express their opinions", he added. (Iran News Agency –Sep. 30,
75 factory workers fired for filing complaint against employer
The head of the Aram Soda Factory fired 75 of its workers. These workers were fired after they complained to
the Labor Department that they were not receiving their pay for doing extra work. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Oct. 8, 2009)

Five labor activists banned entering their factory

Ali Nejati, Fereidoon Nikufard, Qorban Alipour, Jalil Ahmadi and Mohammad Heidari were banned by the
Protection Department of the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory from entering this factory.
These five workers were sentenced to prison terms last week by the Khuzestan Court of Review. The reason
behind this illegal measure is yet not known. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 20, 2009)
Workers become poisoned in cyanide process used in gold mine
Behruz Yazdani a worker in the Agh-Darreh Gold Mine in Tokab was poisoned by cyanide because of lack of
safety precautions in this mine and was subsequently fired from the mine.
This Azeri worker who worked in the Cyanide Department was taken to the emergency center of Tokab after
being severely poisoned and was then transferred to the Khomeini Hospital in Orumieh. Doctors found a
significant amount of cyanide and mercury in his blood and were shocked that he was still alive in light of the
test results. Doctors advised the worker not to work in the Cyanide Department and not to come in contact
with cyanide and mercury.
After being released from the hospital, Yazdani went to the Puya Zarkaran Company which was in charge of
processing the gold for the Agh-Dareh Mine and requested that his place of work be changed after showing
them his medical documents. By the head of this company, Haj-Abbas Nairee, refused his request and fired him
from the mine.
In another occurrence, three other workers of this mine identified with their initials as K.R., Y.M. and Gh. A.
who worked in the gold room of this mine for three years became sterile because of their contact with mercury
and cyanide. These workers are suffering from several mental and physical problems and their persistent pleas to
relevant officials to receive compensation (for their losses) have been without any result.
Two other workers in this mine were also poisoned some time ago and one of the workers named Sajjad
Qanbari died as a result of the poisoning and negligence of relevant officials in September 30. The heads of the
factory announced his death as suicide and refused to pay compensations to his family.
Mines and factories that produce commodities in Azerbaijan are mostly owned by people close to the
Revolutionary Guards Forces and have hired contracted workers in the past few years. These workers are hired
temporarily and their contracts are renewed every six months. Workers who develop physical ailments because
of the conditions of the mine are immediately fired and medical officials refuse to give them medical
testimonies which render them unable to pursue their rights. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 29, 2009)
Regime sentences teacher to discharge from work
Massoud Kurdpoor, a journalist and experienced teacher was dismissed from
Kurdpoor, who was previously sentenced to exile and prison, was sentenced for the
third time in the third branch of the Court of Review to a discharge from work
without pension on charges of criticizing the policies of the government in Kurdish
Kurdpoor who has 22 years of teaching experience at high school level called this
sentence unjust saying that it contradicts the statements of the heads of state who
have announced numerously that there is freedom in the country and that no one
will be punished for criticism. (Kurdistan Media – Nov. 2, 2009)
Cinematography professor fired from Arts Univ.
According to student activists in the Arts University in Tehran, Dr. Ahmad Alasti, the cinematography professor
at this university was not invited to teach at the university at the beginning of the academic year despite the fact
that his name was on the unit selection list for the first half of the year and no substitute was introduced for his
classes. After students gathered and protested this issue on the verge of November 4 protests, he was summoned
to the university to hold his classes. But now three weeks after these classes are held and while two thirds of the
semester has ended, Dr. Alasti has been fired from the university. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Nov. 19,
Regime makes special committees to fire and force dissenting univ. professors into early retirement

While a large number of students have been arrested and put in solitary confinement on the eve of Student's
Day, special committees have been formed in all of Iran's university to fire and force university professors into
retirement. These committees have been formed with the help of the Science Ministry (Ministry of Higher
Learning) and government officials. (Nurooz Website – Nov. 25, 2009)
Man fired from job because of religious beliefs
Mehdi Mardani Rad, a Neimatollahi Dervish was fired from his position in the Refah Worker's Bank in
According to the head of the Personnel Selection Committee he was fired because of reports from the Golestan
Province's Intelligence Agency regarding Mr. Mardani Rad relationship with the Neimatollahi Dervishes.
Mardani Rad, who has a master's degree, had worked in this bank since the year 2000. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Nov. 26, 2009)
Human rights activist fired from work
Narges Mohammadi, the spokeswoman of the Center in Defense of Human Rights and a
member of the National Council of Peace was fired on November 19 from her job because of
her human rights activities. She is the wife of political activist Taqi Rahmani. In a letter to
Ahmadinejad she explained the summoning and problems that the Ministry of Intelligence
created for her. She also explained the stages of being fired from her job, in which she had 8
years of experience. She was fired from the Iran Engineering Inspection Company on
November 19. (JRS – Nov. 30, 2009)
Labor activist says Islamic Labor Council has no right to fire detained labor activists
According to a labor activist and according to the rules of the Islamic Labor Council, this council cannot agree
to the expulsion of workers without written notices.
"According to the Labor Law, the Council can only agree to the expulsion of workers who have at least received
3 written notices for their offense ", Kazem Farajollahi said.
He said regarding the expulsion of detained Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory workers, "The fact that these
laborers, who were sentenced to prison terms because of their labor activities, were fired is not right".
"None of these five workers have committed any crimes which would lead their employer to fire them", he
added. (ILNA state-run News Agency – Dec. 12, 2009)
Iran fires opposition leader from state-funded post
Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi was dismissed on Tuesday from his last remaining state-funded
position as president of the Academy of Art, the Fars news agency reported.
'Members of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution dismissed Mir Hossein Mousavi as head of the
Academy of Art,' council member Mohammad Mohammadian told the news agency.
'Ali Moalem Damghani replaced him'.
Mousavi, a former prime minister, had headed the Academy of Art ever since its establishment in 1999.
Hardline President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, whose controversial June re-election Mousavi continues to reject,
heads the council which dismissed the opposition chief.
The Academy of Art is a state-funded body supervised by the president's office which has a stated mission to
'preserve Islamic and national art' and 'confront invasive cultures.' (AFP – Dec. 22, 2009)
Iran fires teacher because of political activities
Samira Sadri, a member of the Policies Council of the Office for Consolidating Unity was fired after seven years
of teaching.
"After being summoned a number of times to the Protection Department of the Ministry of Education and
Ministry of Intelligence it was verbally announced to me that because of my political activities in the past and
my current political activities and because of the activities of my husband (Ali Jamali the head of the Politics
Committee of this Group) I am banned from teaching". (Committee of Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec.
25, 2009)



Suppression of religious
and ethnic minorities



Suppression of religious and ethnic minorities

New round of limitations imposed on Dervishes
On December 30 Intelligence agents in the town of Qom threatened Asqar Khodadadi, a Gonabadi Dervish,
that because he did not have clerical education he could not hold group prayers.
In Kish, eight Dervishes were arrested and their place of worship and one of their houses was closed down. The
Judge of the 102nd branch of Kish's Penal Court who was responsible for these arrests said that the arrested
Dervishes were charged with "holding prayers which threatened security" and did not allow them visits with
their families or lawyers.
In Sarvestan on December 28, this town's Intelligence Department did not let Dervishes hold their religious
ceremony in the house of Qolamreza Rahmani, a Dervish, forcing them instead to hold their ceremony in his
brother's house. Sarvestan's Intelligence Department has constantly summoned and interrogated the 90 year old
Qolamreza Rahmani intending to stop their religious ceremonies. (Iran Press – Jan. 1, 2009)
2 arrested Sunni clerics held in murderer's cellblock
The family of Kurdish clerics Seif-ollah Hosseini and Hossein Hosseini expressed concern over the detainment
of these two Sunni clerics.
They said that these two clerics were currently detained in a cellblock with prisoners convicted of drug related
crimes and murder and that their lives were in danger especially because they are Sunni. (Kurdistan Human
Rights Watch News Agency – Jan. 2, 2009)
Security agents arrest 3 Baha'i leaders in Semnan
Three Baha'i leaders in Semnan were arrested by security forces and taken to an unknown location. Adel
Fanayian, Abas Noorani who are present leaders and Taher Eskandarian, a former leader of this religious group,
were arrested in their homes. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 4, 2009)
3 Baha'i families threatened and summoned to Intelligence Agency
On December 24, intelligence agents went to the houses of three Baha'i families in the town of Ghaemshahr
and after searching their homes, confiscated some of their books, notes and computers.
These agents also asked Bijan No-Khah (M), Sohrab Loghmani (M), Mrs. Fanayian, Emilia Fanayian and Enisa
Fadayian (F) to introduce themselves to this city's Intelligence Agency. There is no other information regarding
the treatment of these agents with these Baha'is or the reason for this search. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Jan. 5, 2009)
Imprisoned Baha'is under pressure to participate in religious ceremonies in prison
Two Baha'i prisoners in Sari's Central Prison were punished and insulted for not participating in the annual
Shiite mourning ceremony. Prison officials pressured these two prisoners named Foad Nayimi and Feiz-Ollah
Roshan to participate in these ceremonies. Their heads were shaved by order of the warden and they were sent
to cellblock 8, which is known as the punishment ward, for not participating. Prisoners are denied visits, are not
allowed to use the telephone and do not get any leaves in this cellblock. Prison officials have said that they will
only be released from cellblock 8 on the condition that they pledge to participate in Islamic ceremonies.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 7, 2008)
2 Azeri activist detained for 2 months without reason
It has been close to two months that Abdullah Abbasi Javan, a professor
at Tehran's Rajayi University and his nephew Hossein Hosseini, former
president of Razi University's Islamic Association in Ardabil, have been
detained in solitary confinement in Evin Prison's cellblock 209, which is
under the supervision of the Intelligence Ministry. They have been
detained for two months despite the fact that they have not been trialed
and convicted and have been denied lawyers and family visits. They were
arrested on November 13, 2008 while at a ceremony to commemorate the
anniversary of the death of Satarkhan in Shahre-Ray and have only been
allowed two short telephone calls during this time. Javan's brother said that despite all their efforts there is still
no information on their condition and the reason for their arrest. (Savalan Sassi website – Jan. 8, 2009)

MOIS violently arrests 25-year-old Christian man

According to the Association of Imprisoned Christians, Ali Zaheri, 25, who has recently converted to
Christianity was violently arrested in his work place and taken to an unknown location. There is still no
information on Ali's whereabouts or the reason for his arrest. (Religion Committee of Center for Defense of
Human Rights – Jan. 10, 2009)
2 Salafian clerics arrested in Jassk
Two Salafis clerics were arrested in Jassk on Friday January 9, 2009. Salfis is a branch of Sunni Islam and
security forces arrested these two clerics from fear of the spread of this religion. Following their arrest, several
Sunni clerics in Jassk gathered in protest to their arrests forcing officials to free the detained clerics on bail. (Iran
News Agency – Jan. 11, 2009)
Iran threatens Dervishes in Bushehr
Security agents in the southern province of Bushehr threatened two Gonabadi Dervishes in Deylam Port.
Agents from the Protection Department of the Educational Department of this city summoned Eissa Barmaki
and told him to cancel the Dervish's weekly meetings warning that he will be sent to exile to Nakhl-Taqi Port if
he refuses.
Faraj Amirzadeh who also participated in these weekly meetings was recently attacked on two occasions and
beaten by plain-clothes police. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 12, 2009)
Security forces raid Bahai's homes and arrest two women
Security forces on January 10, raided the houses of Bahais in the town of Qaemshahr in Mazadaran Province
climbing house walls and roofs and arrested Firoozeh Yegan (Assadi) with an arrest warrant and Pegah Sanayi,
20, without an arrest warrant. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 12, 2009)
Iran suppresses Dervishes in Gerash
The governor of Gerash in Fars Province summoned and interrogated Akram Bashinejad, a Nematollahi
Gonabadi Dervish and City Hall employee. He was warned against participating in the meetings of Dervishes.
Simultaneously, Halaji, this city's Friday Prayer Imam, urged in his sermon that these Dervishes should be dealt
"Gonabadi Dervishes are increasing and they should be dealt with and stopped… Why do we allow so many
travelers to come from all over the country to see and visit with an illiterate (referring to the head of the
Dervishes in this city) in Gerash", he said in his sermon. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 13, 2009)
40 protesters arrested in Ahwaz for condemning Iranian interference in Gaza
A number of human rights organizations in Iran have reported that the Islamic Republic's Special Anti-protest
Units suppressed a demonstrations held by Arabs in Ahwaz in support of Palestenians in Gaza. In the course of
this demonstration in the capital of Khuzestan in south western Iran a number of people were injured by Anti-
protest Units and 40 protestors were also arrested.
The Ahwaz Organization for Human Rights wrote in a statement, "On Wednesday January 7 of this year,
hundreds of Arabs in Ahwaz demonstrated in the main regions of Ahwaz to show their anger at the suppression
and killing of the Palestinian people".
"The demonstrators condemned the interference of the Iranian government in Palestine's internal affairs
recognizing Iran's meddling as an effective element in the catastrophe in Gaza and as a foolish policy of the
Islamic Republic of Iran", this statement added. (Al-Arabia website – Jan. 13, 2009)
Isfahan Dervishes denied right to employment
Two Gonabadi Dervishes by the names of Qasem and Ahmad Jafar-pour who have owned a barber shop for
more than 50 years in Isfahan recently went to the Public Places Department to extend their vocational license
but were met with Department officials' opposition who did not extend their license. Agents of this Department
and the Intelligence Agency have stated that because the name of the barber shop is "Akhavan" (brothers) this is
considered a violation of the law and therefore the license will not be extended. This move has caused financial
problems for these Dervishes' families. (Majzooban Nour Website – Jan. 14, 2009)

33 Tehran residents arrested for going to cemetery


In the end of November of last year, a number of Tehran residents gathered in Behesht Zahra Cemetery to
commemorate the death of those killed in the Iran-Iraq war independently from state run ceremonies but
security forces arrested several of these people. Currently, 33 of these people are in prison. (Kurdistan Human
Rights Reporters – Jan. 14, 2009)
Widespread arrest of Bahais in Tehran
In the early hours of the morning, security forces went to the houses of 10 Bahai families in Tehran in a
coordinated move and after searching these houses and confiscating religious books, pictures and computers,
arrested a number of Bahais and took them to Evin Prison. Jinoos Sobhani, Shahrokh Ta'ef, Azizollah
Samandari, Payam Aqsani, Didar Ra'oof, Nima Haqar are some of the detained Bahais. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Jan. 15, 2009)
Kish police arrest six Gonabadi Devishes
Six Gonabadi Dervishes were arrested after security forces raided their houses in Kish Island. Following the
shutdown of the place of worship of these Dervishes in Kish last week, security forces raided the house of
Mohammad Jafar Entesari and violently arrested the residents of this house taking them to Kish's Intelligence
Detention Center without any arrest warrants.
According to reports, the names of those arrested are Mohammad-Jafar Entesari, Abdol-Reza Goudarzi, Ahmad
Goudarzi, Omid Hasan-Zadeh, Mehran Asad-pour and Tooraj Yeganeh. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan.
16, 2009)
SSF arrests several Isfahan protesters
State Security forces arrested several people participating in a demonstration in a square in the city of Isfahan
organized by an opposition group at noon January 16, 2009. These demonstrators were taken to an unknown
location. Eye witnesses have reported that dozens of people were arrested but their names and location is not yet
known. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 16, 2009)
Security agents completely destroy Baha'i cemetery
At midnight last night a truck and bulldozer with a number of
undercover police agents came to the Baha'i cemetery in Zikla in the
city of Qaemshahr and leveled the ground breaking the gravestones.
While these agents were at work in the cemetery, the power of the
whole area was completely shut off. A local resident who witnessed this
scene was arrested after these agents shot in the air. After they tied his
hands and foot they released him in the cemetery. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran - Jan. 19, 2009)
3 Christians arrested in Tehran
Security forces simultaneously arrested three Christians in Tehran on unknown charges and took them to an
unknown location.
According to reports from Farsi Christian Network on January 21, security forces went to the house of Hamik
Khachekian, 51, who is the caretaker of a church in central Tehran and arrested him after searching his house
and confiscating his personal belongings including Christian books, notes, computer and even telephone book.
In another similar measure on the same date a number of security forces arrested a newly converted Christian
couple after searching their house and confiscating their personal belongings. Security forces took Nadereh
Jamali, 44 and her husband Jamal Qali Shoorani, 49 to an unknown location.
According to reports there is no information on the location of the detainees and their families and friends are
worried for their safety. There has also been no answer on the reason for their arrest. (Iran Press News – Jan. 24,
SSF attack Baha'i homes in Mashhad
Security forces raided homes of Baha'is in the city of Mashhad on January 26. These intelligence agents raided at
least 10 houses including the homes of Baha'i leaders in this city searching and confiscating their personal
belonging including religious pictures, books, and computers. During these raids, at least three members of the
Baha'i society named Simin Eshraqi (f), Rozita Va'eqi (f) and Jalayer Vahdat were arrested and taken to an
unknown location. There is still no information on their whereabouts. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan.
27, 2009)

Two Sunni Muslims arrested without reason

According to reports from Shahrood on Tuesday January 27, security forces arrested two Sunni Muslims under
the unsubstantial charge of supposedly "disturbing security".
According to this report, these two men who had not committed any crimes were so violently and humiliatingly
arrested amidst people on Takht-e Jamshid Street that one of their friends said in tears, "What crime have we
committed? Is it a crime to be a Sunni?" (Iran News Agency – Jan. 28, 2009)
Two Gonabadi Dervishes arrested in Shahre-Kurd
Security agents arrested two Gonabadi Dervishes in Shahre-Kurd. Messrs Qanbar Balali and Babak Mobini were
trialed on charges of disturbing public order and a bail of 50 million tomans (almost $54000) was issued for
them. These two men refused to pay the bail arguing that they had not committed any crimes and therefore
were taken to Shahre-Kurd Prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 31, 2009)
Baha'i arrested in Tehran
A follower of the Baha'i faith was arrested in Tehran. Namia Haqar, a member of the Baha'i society in Tehran
was summoned to the Department of Pursuit in a call by the Ministry of Intelligence on February 1. After he
went to this department he was arrested and taken to an unknown location. There is no information on his
location and the reason for his arrest. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 2, 2009)
Dervishes in Baneh arrested for holding religious ceremony
Security forces banned Qaderi Dervishes from holding their religious ceremony in the city of Baneh in
Kurdistan. Seven of these Dervishes were arrested after protesting this measure by security forces. They were
freed on bail after a few hours following interrogations. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Feb.
2, 2009)
Fate of arrested Christian unknown
Two Christians who were arrested were freed on bail but the fate of a third Christian is still unknown.
Despite efforts to get information on the current state of Jamal Qalishoorani, there is still no information on his
condition and location two weeks after his arrest. (Iran BBB – Feb. 5, 2009)
Imprisoned Baha'i taken to intelligence detention center
Foad Na'imi, an imprisoned Baha'i was taken to Sari's Intelligence Detention Center for
unknown reasons and was then transferred to Qa'emshahr.
This prisoner of conscience who has served his 9 months of two and a half year sentence
in Sari Public Prison was transferred to the Sari Intelligence Detention Center on January
25. He was transferred by orders of Sari's Public Prosecutor and upon the request of the
Intelligence Agency. Na'imi was then transferred to Qa'emshahr upon the request of this
city's court interrogator after 10 days. Despite many requests from his family, Na'imi has
not been allowed any visits. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 8, 2009)
Sunni religious activist taken to Evin Prison
Akbar Sabuhi, a Sunni religious activist in Kermanshah, has recently been transferred to Evin Prison to be
forced to confess under torture. (Durbin News – Feb. 8, 2009)
Security forces close Baha'i's store
Security forces closed the store of a Baha'i man in an illegal move in the city of Sari in Mazandaran.
Anvar Moslemi was freed on bail after he was arrested on November 22 and detained for 23 days in this city's
Intelligence Detention Center.
Two days after he was released security forces came to his store claiming that his store license had some
problems and that he had 10 days to gather his goods before they shut down the store. In the end, despite
Moslemi's protests his store was shut down. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 13, 2009)

Seven Baha'is to be trialed on charges of "espionage"

Hasan Hadad, Iran's assistant public prosecutor said that seven Baha'is were charged with "espionage for Israel,
insulting sanctities and spreading propaganda against the government".


It is probable that these seven people referred to by Hadad are seven leaders of the Baha'i Society in Tehran who
were arrested last year in an attack to their homes. These seven people have been imprisoned for eight months
and no evidence has been presented against them so far. In addition to this, they have not been allowed to see
their lawyer, Shirin Ebadi, during this time. (The Global Baha'i Society – Feb. 14, 2009)
Student Dervish suspended from all university courses
The Iran Free Islamic Universities Central Committee sentenced Mohammad Ismail Salahi, a Gonabadi
Dervish who is currently in Yazd's Ardakan Prison after the Yazd Intelligence Department filed a complaint
against him, to suspension from all university courses. Salahi who was accepted in law in the Free Islamic
University in 2006, was expelled from this university in 2009 after a decision by the Disciplinary Committee.
Salahi's lawyer objected to this decision but the Disciplinary Committee in Tehran University increased the
expulsion sentence to suspension from all courses in free universities.
Omid Behruzi, a former lawyer, said the reason this Dervish was suspended was because of his case in court and
charges such as insulting the leadership and founding father of the Islamic Republic which existed against him.
(Majzoobian Noor website – Feb. 15, 2009)
Iran's Attorney General: activities of the "Baha'i cult" are illegal and banned
Iran's Attorney General reiterated the previous orders of the 1984 attorney general and chief Judiciary of Iran
on the banning of Baha'i activities and said, "The organization of the Baha'i cult is illegal and unofficial and
their affiliation with Israel and their animosity towards Islam and an Islamic system is evident. The danger they
pose to national security is also evident and it is necessary that any organization which is active in its place has to
be dealt with according to rules and regulations".
The heads of the illegal Baha'i cult have been arrested by the Intelligence Agency and their cases are currently
being dealt with in the judicial system. With orders of the Attorney General, this organization will be seriously
dealt with until it is completely destroyed. (Fars state-run news agency – Feb. 15, 2009)
Intelligence agents destroy Dervishes' places of worship
A place of worship that belonged to Gonabadi Dervishes was
destroyed in the middle of the night. On Tuesday February 17,
at 12:30 am, undercover agents affiliated with the Ministry of
Intelligence entered the Hosseinieh (Dervishes' place of
worship) from its eastern wall. This is while they did not have a
warrant from judicial sources. Six undercover agents entered the
Hosseinieh guards' room via a window and threatened the
guards at gun point telling them that Station 16 had reports
that 200 kilograms of drugs are kept inside the Hosseinieh.
They subsequently handcuffed the guards and confiscated their
mobile phones. After this, 3 bulldozers and 15 dump trucks
were brought to the scene and started destroying the building.
The guards who were detained in police cars across the street
from this place of worship witnessed the demolition of the
Dervishes' Hosseinieh.
The day after that on February 18, a few hours after midnight,
security agents raided the meeting center of these Dervishes.
Agents demolished this building using a number of bulldozers,
after arresting the caretaker and a number of Dervishes who
were in the building. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Feb. 19,

Arrested Dervishes in Feb. 21 protest in Evin Prison

Mostafa Daneshju, a lawyer of Gonabadi Dervishes said that after the violent treatment and arrest of Gonabadi
Dervishes who had staged a protest gathering outside of Majlis by State Security Forces, more than 100 of the
Dervishes who were arrested were taken to Evin Prison on orders of Tehran's Public Prosecutor on charges of

acting against national security. He also stated that four of the arrestees named Mohammad Sadeq Moradi
Saroostayi, Amin Karampoor, Reza Moti'e Qavanin and Ali Akbar Bankdar are kept in solitary cells in ward 242
of Evin Prison. There is no information on the other imprisoned Dervishes. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Feb. 23, 2009)
16 Dervishes imprisoned in Isfahan Prison
According to reports from the Quarantine ward in Isfahan's Dastgerd Prison and Isfahan's Detention Center, a
large number of Dervishes who were arrested after security forces demolished their place of worship were taken
to the A-T ward of Isfahan's Intelligence Detention Center. On Sunday February 22, 16 of these Dervishes were
taken to the Quarantine ward of Isfahan's Dastgerd Prison. Prison guards do not let other prisons communicate
with these Dervishes and according to reports this is because of the torture and abuse these Dervishes have been
subjected to and in this way prison officials want to prevent the publication of reports of this torture. According
to reports, many of these Dervishes are in very critical condition. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in
Iran – Feb. 23, 2009)
Regime agents attack 2 Baha'i homes in Semnan
A group of people attacked two homes with explosives which belongs to Baha'i families in Semnan.
On February 25, a group of people threw handmade grenades at the windows of two apartment buildings which
belonged to the Pirasteh and Pour-Hosseini families. They intended to burn down the apartments but
fortunately, the grenades hit the windowsill and did not enter the apartments. Intelligence agents raided this
apartment on December 15 and confiscated these families' personal items. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Feb. 25, 2009)
Three arrested Kurds in unknown condition
Three Kurds by the names of Aram, Arman and Kazem Nurizadeh residents of Avihnag village in Sanandaj were
arrested by security agents on February 11 and taken to an unknown location. According to reports, agents
confiscated their personal belongings after searching their house. The charges of these three men in still
unknown and there is no news on their condition. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News Agency – Feb. 28,
Officials refrain from handing over executed "Ahle Haq" prisoner's body to family
The family of Mehdi Qasem Zadeh, a resident of Miandoab and follower of the Ahle Haq religion who was
executed in prison, has said that officials refrain from handing over his body to his family. On Sunday February
28, Qasem Zadeh's family went to Khomeini Prison in Oromieh to get Mehdi's body, but prison officials
announced that the Intelligence Agency has his body and representatives of the coroner's office would not hand
over his body to his family. According to other reports, human rights activists in Azerbaijan are concerned
about the possibility of the execution of Eunice Aqayan, another Ahle Haq prisoner in Oromieh Prison. (Iran
Press News – February 28, 2009)
Imprisoned Dervishes not allowed lawyers
The Dervishes who were arrested on February 21 are kept in ward 209 and 242 of Evin Prison. Many of the
Dervishes have been taken to solitary confinement or quarantine sections. According to reports, there are
currently 41 Dervishes in Evin Prison. Judge Hadad, the security advisor to Judge Mortazavi, Tehran's Public
Prosecutor has banned the Dervishes from family visits and has not issued clearances for lawyers to take up their
cases. All the Dervishes in Evin are banned from visits and their lawyers have not been able to see them. They
are in good mental health but because they have only fed bread and cheese in the past 10 days they have become
very thin and weak. These Dervishes are also not allowed fresh-air time in the prison yard. (Darvish Info website
– March 3, 2009)

Azeri activist sentenced to two years of prison

The East Azerbaijan Court of Review sentenced Iraj Hosseini, an Azeri activist in Tabriz to two years of prison.
Hosseini was arrested on the first anniversary of the popular protests against a newspaper on June 2008 in
Tabriz and was later freed on bail. This court of review increased his four months of prison to two years of
prison. (Savalan Sassi – March 4, 2009)

Imprisoned Dervish hospitalized

Aliakbar Bankdar, the head of the Reza Charity which belongs to the Gonabadi Dervishes, was arrested in a
violent raid to his house and imprisoned at Evin Prison.
According to reports, he has been taken to hospital from prison because of a cardiac disorder.
Bankdar who has to follow a special diet and has to be under treatment because of an open heart surgery he had
in 2003 in which his heart chamber was replaced, suffered from heart problems because of the pressures put on
him in prison. He was taken to hospital on a stretcher. Bankdar was brought back to prison after treatment that
same night. (Dervishes News Network – March 4, 2009)
Three Baha'i students expelled from university
Three medical students at Sahand University in Tabriz have been expelled
for being followers of the Baha'i faith. Yesterday, Sina Dana, Sama Nurani
and Faraz Vazirzadeh were banned from registering for the new term at
university for unknown reasons.
According to the university management, this was done by orders of the
Education Ministry's Evaluation Organization. The university's management
has so far not answered these students' questions as to why they have been
expelled and has hung up the phone on them. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – March 4, 2009)
Baha'i woman arrested in Sari
According to reports from Sari, intelligence agents arrested Shirin Furoghian on March 8 and took her to the
Kachuyi Security Detention Center in this city.
Before this, her husband's shop was closed down by orders of the Intelligence Agency and shortly after that
security agents searched their home, confiscated her computer, satellite receiver, pictures and religious books,
and arrested her husband Adel Samimi. He was imprisoned and interrogated on charges of "acting against
national security" and freed after 9 days. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – March 11, 2009)
Young Baha'i man arrested in Semnan
A young 24-year-old man by the name of Puya Tabinian was arrested on March 8 at 3 pm by security forces in
his place of work.
He has only had one short phone call with his family. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – March 12, 2009)
Two Baha’is were detained in Shiraz
State Security Forces in Shiraz arrested two Baha’is.
On March 14, 2009, while Masoumi Family was having a trip, SSF first searched and detected their house and
then summoned them orally.
Mrs. Haleh Hooshmandi and Mr. Farham Masoumi returned from trip on March 18, 2009. They went to the
Intelligence Ministry’s information office, and subsequently they were arrested and transferred to Intelligence
Detention Center, also known as “Number 100.” (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Mar. 20, 2009)
Violation of rights to education of Baha’i youths during last Iranian year
The inquiry committee of the right to education of Baha’is of Human Rights Activists in Iran has published a
report on violations of social and civil rights of Baha’i university students.
It is necessary to mention, due to repression imposed on Baha’i Community in Iran, this report cannot reflex
the total violations imposed in this regard and can only report part of it being collected by this committee.
During last year – Iranian year starts from March 21and ends to March 20 of the following year, a number of
Baha’i youths were deprived from education in universities at stage of the Trans-Iranian University Entry Exam.
While the heads of Baha’i Community were imprisoned this year, there were not a precise number of those
deprived from higher education but the estimated number was between 800 to 1000. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Mar. 20, 2009)
Change Tukish name of your shop or it will be sealed, SSF
The Department of Facilities of the State Security Force (SSF) in Ardabil announced an oral warning, which was
an order of the security council of Ardabil Province, to Mr. Abbas Lessani, a well known Azeri civil activist, to
change his shop’s name. According to this order, either he should change the Azeri name of his shop until
March 21, or his shop would be sealed.

“In recent months, pressure on the Facilities with Turkish name in Azerbijan has been increased, if they don’t
change the Turkish name after receiving the first warning, then their facilities will be sealed.” Human rights
sources claimed. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Mar. 22, 2009)
Security agents arrest Christian blogger
According to reports, a Christian blogger named Mazaher R., 30, who was active on the field of preaching
Christianity and the bible through the internet became friends with a man who introduced himself as "father
Reza", resident of Isfahan over the internet. This man asked this young blogger to meet him on the subject of
preaching Christianity and cooperating in his activities.
On February 22, Mazaher went to this meeting along with his sister and Christian friend.
After they talk, "father Reza" invites them to a house to participate in a baptism ceremony for a newly converted
After entering this house, undercover and security agents attack them and take them to an unknown location
with blindfolds and handcuffs.
According to informed sources, security agents abused and insulted Mazaher's sister while interrogating her.
(Farsi Christian News Network - March 24, 2009)
Church closed down on orders of Revolutionary Court
The representative of Iranian Assyrians in Iran's Parliament announced that the Assyrian Church of Shahr-Ara
will be closed down in a few days upon orders of the Revolutionary Court.
On Thursday March 19, which Christian Assyrians celebrate as father's day, a ceremony was held in this church.
In this ceremony, Jonathan Bot Kelia, the Majlis representative of Christian Assyrians said during his speech
that the "Assyrian Church of Shahr-Ara will soon be closed upon a verdict issued by the Revolutionary Court".
According to this report, the reason behind the closing of this church is the presence of newly converted
Christians and their participation in the ceremonies in this Church. (Christian Committee of Human Rights
Activists in Iran – March 25, 2009)
Iran ousts only Sunni governor in Javanrud
Naser Salim-Zadeh, the only Sunni governor in Kermanshah's Javanrud was relieved of his post. Salim-Zadeh
was popular in this town but was ousted due to pressure from government institutions. According to reports,
Salim-Zadeh expressed his disagreement with a plan to heighten security measures in this city in a meeting in
this city's City Hall, after which he got into an argument with the Mayor of Kermanshah.
His substitute is a former RGC official who was head of the Revolutionary Guards Corps in various cities
before, infamous for his role in creating an atmosphere of fear in these cities. (Iran News Agency – March 30,
Azeri activist forced to change Turkish name of store
Ardabil's Security Council has extended the time Azeri activist Abas Lesani has to change the Turkish name of
his store to a Farsi name. According to reports, undercover agents came to Lesani's store and announced that
the Security Council of Ardabil Province has extended the time to April 8 and if he fails to follow this order, his
store will be shut down. The Security Council had issued the order for this Azeri activist to change the name of
his store. (Savalan Sassi website – April 2, 2009)
Imprisoned newly converted Christians under harsh mental pressure
SSF and undercover agents arrested two newly converted Christians in their
apartment in Tehran on March 5, 2009. These two women, 30-year-old
Marzieh Amir-zadeh, and 27-year old Maryam Rostam-pour, are still in an
undetermined status after 35 days in Evin Prison.
These Christians were subjected to frequent interrogations and
psychological pressure to be forced into giving confessions. Judicial sources
finally charged them with "acting against national security", without
presenting any evidence.
Any political charge against these women, which was extracted through forced confessions, is false for they were
only detained for their religious beliefs.

Maryam and Marzieh are in Ward 2 of the temporary detention center of Evin Prison with 27 other female
prisoners. According to reports, both are in a bad psychological condition because of the pressure they were
subjected to. (Human Rights Activists – Apr. 9, 2009)
Baha'i woman arrested in Hamedan
Suror Surorian, was arrested in her house by security forces in Hamadan on April 11.
Agents of the Intelligence Agency searched her house confiscating some of her personal items including
religious books. After their search, security agents took this 25-year-old master's degree student of business
management with them to the Intelligence Agency in Hamedan but now, she is being kept in an unknown
location. Her parents are extremely concerned for their daughter's safety. (Human Rights Activists in Iran– Apr.
12, 2009)
Baha'i arrested in Babol
A Baha'i resident of Babol was arrested by the Intelligence Agency in this city. On the morning of April 15,
agents of the Intelligence Agency in Babol came to Moshfeq Samandari's house with a warrant for his arrest and
a search warrant. These agents confiscated his CPU, printer, scanner, a number of books and CDs and some of
his personal belongings. Samandari was also arrested and is currently in prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran
– Apr. 15, 2009)
Baha'i prisoners not freed on bail despite prosecutor's verdict
According to a verdict passed by the General Prosecutor of Fars Province, Haleh Hushmandi, Keyvan Karami,
Farham Ma'sumi and Afshin Ehsanian who had been arrested by agents of the Intelligence Agency in the last
two months in Shiraz and kept in Detention Center # 100 were supposed to be freed on April 2 on bail.
However, the case interrogator has so far prevented the release of these four Baha'is.
Haleh who has been under mental and physical pressure in prison is suffering from a serious heart disease and
is banned from any kind of treatment. There are serious concerns for her physical health. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Apr. 16, 2009)
Imprisoned Dervish in need of surgery
Firuz Bidabad, an imprisoned Dervish, is suffering from kidney stones and cannot easily move about. He is
under treatment in the prison medical clinic and the doctor has told him that he needs to have the stones
surgically removed.
There are 15 Dervishes in prison and almost all of them are educated and specialists in their line of work. (Iran
Press News – Apr. 21, 2009)
Regime agents attack and terrorize Baha'i family in Semnan
Unknown assailants attacked the house of a Baha'i three times in seven days.
The city of Semnan has witnessed extensive pressure and abuse against Baha'is in the last few months. Some
examples of this abuse are attacks against Baha'i homes with hand grenades, the destruction of their cemetery
and widespread summonses and arrests along with house searches and seizures.
In the past week, motorcycle riders assailed the house of Yahya Hedayati three times in the middle of the night
with stones. During these attacks, the windows of Hedayati's house broke and his family especially his old
mother was subjected to serious danger. These attacks have put severe mental pressure on this family.
The legal pursuits of this family has not had any results and there are fears that these attacks are organized.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Apr. 21, 2009)
Three Baha'is summoned to Intelligence Agency
Three Baha'is were summoned to the Intelligence Agency in Mashhad.
Soheil Nasirzadeh, Babak Ruhi and Ezatollah Ahmadian were summoned to the Intelligence Agency on April
14 and they were forced to sign a written commitment not to participate in their religious ceremonies.
These men did not sign the commitment calling this measure illegal. Ruhi and Ahmadian were threatened that
if they did not sign the commitment their previous case would be opened again. (Human Rights Activists in Iran
– Apr. 21, 2009)
Cleric: all Baha'i leaders in Chalus have been arrested and exiled
A meeting of clerics was held yesterday in the Islamic Publicity Office of Qom's Religious Seminary in the city of
Chalus in Northern Iran. In this meeting Hakim, a cleric and secretary general of Intelligence in the province of


Mazandaran pointed out the danger of the spread of Christianity and Baha'ism and said, "City officials have to
cooperate with each other in wiping out these sorts of conspiracies and introduce people to its danger".
"We have to be united in this regard", he added "Almost all Baha'i leaders in Chalus have been arrested and
exiled but there is no exact law for dealing with Baha'ism", the head of Intelligence said.
"Clerics have to do cultural work to guide people and avert their tendency towards Ahle Haq, Baha'ism and
Christianity", Hakim said. (Shomal News state-run website – Apr. 24, 2009)
Baha'i suffering from heart disease arrested in Shiraz
A Baha'i resident was arrested in Shiraz by security forces in the morning.
Security forces came to the house of Vahdat Dana with an arrest warrant and took him to an unknown location.
There is no information on the condition and location of this Baha'i man. There are serious concerns for his
physical health because he is suffering from heart disease and recently had a heart surgery. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Apr. 27, 2009)
Ahle Haq prisoner beaten and abused for practicing religion
According to reports, three Ahle Haq prisoners who have been exiled to Yazd prison are in bad condition. They
have gone on a hunger strike from April 21 in protest to the violation of their most minimum rights.
According to informed sources, prison officials prevented Abdollah Qasemzadeh from practicing his religion
and praying at night. Qasemzadeh was beaten for persisting to pray and was taken solitary confinement. Prison
guards sprayed his face with pepper spray and severely beat him after seeing his pray in solitary. There is no
information on the condition of Qasemzadeh in solitary confinement. (Iran Press News – Apr. 27, 2009)
Dervishes’ place of worship demolished for second time
The place of worship of Neimatollahi Dervishes in Isfahan was demolished once again with bulldozers.
A room that was about 20 meters and was the only building left from the ruins of the Dervishes' prayer hall was
completely demolished.
According to this report, after regime elements demolished the Dervishes prayer hall on February 18, these
Dervishes held their ceremonies on Mondays and Fridays on the ruins of this holy site. (Majzubian Nur Website
– Apr. 28, 2009)
Baha'i schoolchildren harassed and abused by school officials
According to reports, school officials increasingly harass and mistreat Baha'i schoolchildren in Iranian schools.
Report of mistreatment of Baha'i schoolchildren from September 2008 to February 2009:
Four expulsions from school
Twenty cases of insulting students
Two cases of refusing to register Baha'i students
Seven cases of threats of expulsion from school
Five cases of forcing students to sign commitment agreements
Five cases of staging anti-Baha'i seminars at school
Four cases of the distribution of anti-Baha'i papers
Four cases of forcing Baha'i students to participate in religious ceremonies
Six cases of summoning students and their parents to the intelligence agency and school Security Office
Two cases of encouraging Baha'i students to change or conceal their beliefs.
These are only reported cases and in many instances, students and parents do not report the threats and
pressures they are subjected to. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Apr. 28, 2009)  
Iran deprives Christian teacher of pension
The retirement fund of a 58-year-old teacher in West Azerbaijan who has converted to Christianity was cut off
after a verdict by the fourth branch of a Penal Court in Orumieh. Although Fatemeh Paki has pursued this
matter with the relevant institutions on the reason this verdict was issued, no official is willing to answer her
Majid Mahmoudi-Tabrizi, her 68-year-old husband who had also converted to Christianity, was attacked and
brutally murdered by unidentified men after receiving threats to renounce Christianity on July 30, 2005.


After this incident, the victim's family filed a complaint with the State Security Forces and the Judiciary to
pursue this case and identify the culprits, but after close to four years, the search for the elements of this crime
has been unsuccessful. According to Mahmoudi-Tabrizi's children, they had received threatening SMS and
messages forbidding them to pursue their father's case because it did not "benefit the family". (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – May 13, 2009)
Iran arrests Baha'i man
On May 17 at 7:30 am, police agents came to Behnam Mote'arefi's house with an arrest and search warrant.
After searching his house and confiscating his personal belongings including books, CDs, films and his mobile
phone, they arrested him. (Khabar Navard Website – May 19, 2009)

Baha'i women arrested and beaten in Mashhad

Security forces in Mashhad arrested Shiva Rajabi outside her home on May 20 on her
way to a friend's house. These forces then raided her home and confiscated her
personal belonging including all her religious books. This 23 year old women was
beaten by security forces after she was taken to a prison for "out of town prisoners" and
unfortunately two of her teeth were broken in the beatings. (Iran News Agency – May
21, 2009)
Several people beaten and
arrested in Tabriz protests
A group of Tabriz residents who had gathered in Ael
Guli (Shah Guli) Park for a sporting event chanted
slogans condemning the insult of Turks and demanded
an official apology from Mohammad Khatami (for
insulting Turks).
Security forces shot tear gas at the protestors and used
violence to disperse the crowds. A number of people
were injured and several others were arrested. (Advar
News website – May 23, 2009)
Security agents raid residential church, arrest 5 Christians
Undercover police arrested five Christians after raiding a residential Church in Karaj on May 21. These
Christians had gathered in the church to pray. They were taken to an unknown location after their arrest.
According to this report, Javad Abtahi, the head of this Christian group was arrested after security agents
entered his house without a warrant. The agents confiscated his religious books and several bibles after a
complete search of the house. All those present in the church were also cuffed and arrested.
The family of Saeid R., one of those arrested in the church, has said that despite their constant pursuit of their
son's whereabouts, officials are not willing to give them information in this regard. There is no information on
the location and condition of the arrestees. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 26, 2009)
More than 15 Azeri Activists arrested during Moussavi speech
According to reports from Tabriz, after a speech by Moussavi, a presidential candidate, in the Bagh-e shomal
Stadium, security agents arrested more than 15 Azeri activists.
The men were arrested for chanting slogans during Moussavi's speech condemning recent anti-Turk jokes by
former president Khatami.
In other reports, security agents raided the house of the Badali brothers on May 23, arresting Ali, Iraj, Rasul,
Gholam, and Naser Badali. (Savalan Sassi website – May 26, 2009)
Three men arrested and tortured in solitary cell of Sanandaj’s intelligence agency
Three men were arrested after an attack by intelligence agents and taken to Sanandaj Prison's solitary cells,
reports from Marivan say.
On approximately May 20th, three young men in Marivan named Karun Dar Seyed, 27, Azad Khanche Sar, 28,
and Mozafar Ru-Khandeh, 35 were arrested.


They were initially taken to solitary cells in the Marivan Intelligence Prison and were subjected to mental and
physical torture for several days before they were transferred to Sanandaj Prison. Their families have attempted
to pursue their condition in prison but their attempts have so far been unsuccessful. They were threatened that
if they continue their actions, they will also be arrested and in a few cases, intelligence agents attacked them with
clubs. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 1, 2009)
Three Azeris arrested in Meshgin Shahr
Meshgin Shahr intelligence agents arrested three Azeri civil rights activists, Aydin Zakeri, Mansour Seifi and
Fardin Nobakht. According to Zakeri's relatives, a few hours before his arrest he had called to say that he had
come home. A few hours after his arrest, intelligence agents searched his office.
Informed sources have reported that Mansour Seifi and Fardin Nobakht were also arrested last night. According
to these reports, temporary detention orders have been issued for these three activists. (Savalan Sassi website –
June 2, 2009)
More than 500 people arrested in Zahedan will be sentenced to "maximum punishment"
Hundres of young Baluchis have been arrested in Zahedan for protesting the insult a Sunni leader, Mulavi
Abdolhamid and there is a probability they will face heavy charges.
Before the protesters were trialed, a State Security Forces commander stated that these people would be
sentenced to the "maximum punishment". The state-run Fars news agency has reported that 150 people have
been arrested. This is while local sources say that more than 500 people, who were mostly Baluch protestors,
have been arrested.
According to reports, mostly all the arrestees who were not Baluchistan natives have been freed. Baluchistan's
Prosecutor has also issued the release of all the Shiite arrestees because they "are mourning their loved ones". (25
Shiites were killed in a recent blast in a Mosque in this city.)
The existence of such prejudice in Baluchistan will spark a religious war in this region. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – June 2, 2009)
Arrested Baluchistan protestors in grave danger
The arrests and environment of fear still exist four days after a blast in the Ali Mosque in Zahedan. More than
25 Baluchis who were attacked and injured in various places in this city and were hospitalized in Khatam al-
Anbia Hospital in Zahedan were taken to an unknown location along with their families who had come to visit
them in hospital. According to reports, the families of most of the arrestees do not dare pursue the cases of their
loved ones for fear of being harassed or arrested and are seriously concerned for their loved ones.
The Governor of Sistan & Baluchistan, Ali Mohammad Azad, confirmed this report announcing that "after the
elections, most of the arrestees will be ready for a sentence".
The life of these people is in great danger. (Association of Baluchistan Human Rights Activists – June 2, 2009)
Zahedan Prosecutor: 88 people arrested in recent unrest
The Prosecutor of Zahedan announced that in recent unrest in this city, 58 Iranians and 30 Afghans were
arrested. "58 Iranians were arrested after the recent clashes in Zahedan on charges of participating in the
rebellion, setting fire (to government buildings), and destruction", Mohammad Marzieh said.
"Regarding the fire and the death of six members of the Reza Treasury, three people have been arrested and if
proven guilty, they will be charged with waging war with god", he added. (ISNA state-run news agency – June 7,
More than 100 Azeri activists arrested in recent Azerbaijan protests
Protests in Azerbaijan's cities and universities instigated by insults by Khatami against Turks, lead to a new wave
of arrests in this province.
During these protests, 100 people in Tabriz, Orumieh, Ardabil, Meshgin Shahr, Miandoab and other Azerbaijan
cities were arrested. Only 35 arrestees have been identified by their names. They have been deprived of the right
to a lawyer and family visits. Most of them were beaten during their arrest. (Savalan Sassi website – June 7,
Kurd political prisoners pressured into giving insulting confessions
According to reports from ward 4 in Gohardasht Prison, prison officials have increased the pressure on Kurd
prisoners to force them into giving confessions.


The prison warden asked a Kurd political prisoner to sign a confession saying that he is a drug addict and
involved in immoral deeds. This is while this political prisoner does not even smoke and has a good reputation
and is respected by political and normal prisoners. After the political prisoner protested this insult, he was
transferred to hall 16. Currently this hall is used to put pressure on political and ordinary prisoners. In this hall,
which has the capacity for 60 people, about 270 prisoners are kept. Prisoners are deprived of their minimum
hygienic needs and are given a very little amount of food.
Kurd political prisoners have been exiled to various prisons a number of times. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – June 7, 2009)
More than 3,000 Dervishes summoned and exiled in last four years
Mostafa Daneshju (former lawyer and editor of the Majzubian Nur Website which reports on the condition of
Dervishes in Iran) said, "Close to 3,000 Dervishes have been arrested, jailed and sentenced to punishments such
as flogging, prison and exile to other cities and provinces.
Unfortunately, Dervishes have to tolerate physical punishment for praying in their religious ceremonies. State
employees, teachers, professors, and students are sometimes expelled or fired from work for being Dervishes".
(Tribune Website – June 10, 2009)
Two Azeri activists arrested in Islamshahr
Two Azeri activists in Islamshahr, Behnam Sheikhi and Mahmoud
Ojaqli were arrested by intelligence agents on June 9 and taken to the
Ministry of Intelligence.
These two activists were arrested for writing slogans on a wall
demanding their right to be educated in their mother tongue.
When agents came to Sheikhi's home to arrest him, they also beat his
brother after he demanded that they show an arrest warrant.
These agents also arrested Ojagli for filming the arrest of Behnam
and beating of his brother. (Savalan Sassi – June 12, 2009)
Regime forces arrest people in Mahabad
A number of people living in Mahabad identified as Dr. Hossein Sheikh Aqayi, Taher Faramarzi, Karim Sufi
Moludi Jafar Vahab-pour, Hasan Atash Poosh and Suleiman Parviz Khani were arrested in the past few days.
Dr. Sheikh Aqayi is a cartoonist, Moludi Jafar is a writer and head of a council, Faramarzi is the head of the
Machinery Spare Parts Union, Parviz Khani is a shopkeeper and Atash Poosh has a shop in the Bazaar.
Judicial officials have so far not given any reason for these arrests. (Mukarian News Agency– July 21, 2009)
Security forces arrest two men in Miandoab in Western Azerbaijan
Two men who follow the Ahle Haq faith (branch of Shiite Islam) from the Ooch Tapeh Village in Miandoab
identified as Jahangir Qasemi and Farhad Khedmati were arrested a few days ago and transferred to prison.
There is no information on why these two men, who had been previously arrested and released on bail, have
been arrested again. They were taken to Mahabad Prison after their arrest. (Mukarian News Agency – July 27,
Baha'i mother and son arrested in Sari
Sari security forces arrested a Baha'i woman and her son in a village in the outskirts of this city. On July 28, a
group of ten intelligence agents attacked the house of Vesal Yusefi in the Mahfruzak Village in Sari and started
violently searching her home without showing an arrest warrant. After a few hours of searching and after
confiscating her religious items and pictures, they arrested Yusefi.
On August 4, intelligence agents once again came to her home and asked that Payam Yusefi, her 18 year old son
be handed over to them. Because he was not in the house, these forces made the family promise that Payam
would introduce himself to the Sari Intelligence Agency by Wednesday. There is no information on this mother
and son after their arrest. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 6, 2009)
Iran tries two Christian converts on charges of apostasy


On Sunday August 9, the trial of two Christian women was held in Tehran's Revolutionary Court. Maryam
Rostam-pour, 27 and Marzieh Amiri Zadeh, 30, have been arrested and detained from five months ago in Evin
Prison's ward 209. The prosecutor had suggested that they be charged with "apostasy".
Judge Hadad who led the trial interrogated them on their religious beliefs in the court session insisting that they
change back their religion and deny Christianity both in writing and verbally.
Apostasy, murder, adultery, rape, insurrection, and drug smuggling are all punishable by death in the Islamic
Republic. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 11, 2009)
Security forces attack and arrest 15 Baluch teachers
In the past few days, security forces attacked the homes of 15 Baluch teachers in Zahedan, arrested them and
took them to an unknown location. These forces harassed the women and children in the raid.
There is no information on the condition and whereabouts of the teachers and no government institution
answers the families. There is also no information on the charges against them. (Human Rights Activists in Iran
– Aug. 12, 2009)
Seven more teachers arrested in Baluchistan
Security forces raided the homes of seven other teachers in Baluchistan on Thursday August 13 and arrested
them after searching their homes. Some of the arrestees were identified as Mohammad Saleh Islam Zehi and his
17-year-old son Mehdi, Alim Jangi Zehi an elementary school teacher and Baqerkhan Saravan.
There is no credible information on the cause of the unprecedented arrest of these Sunni teachers. There is also
no information on their whereabouts and the pursuit of their families has so far been futile. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Aug. 14, 2009)
More than 30 Christian converts arrested in past two weeks
There have been new reports on the arrest of Christian converts in the past two weeks. These arrests were made
in a number of instances around Tehran and the northern city of Rasht. According to this report, more than 30
Christians have so far been arrested. Eight of them are still imprisoned while the rest have been released on bail.
Some of the arrestees are Shahnam Behjatollah and six others identified only by their first names as Shahin,
Maryam, Mobina, Mehdi, Ashraf and Nariman who are currently detained in an unknown location. Their
families have not been able to contact them as yet. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 13, 2009)
Security forces arrest Baha'i man
A Baha'i man was arrested by security forces for the second time in Sari.
Security forces went to the house of Anvar Moslemi on Aug. 4 and arrested him after violently searching his
home and destroying and insulting his religious books. Moslemi was arrested before this on November 22, 2008
in the same way. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 19, 2009)
Baha'i woman arrested in Sari
Security forces raided the home of a Baha'i in the city of Sari and arrested her after searching her home.
On August 18, seven security agents in Sari went to the house of Didar Hashemi, 24, and showed her an August
3 arrest warrant and tried to arrest her without the presence of her husband. Before showing her the arrest
warrant, the agents entered her house with force and insult. After confiscating a number of her religious books
and pictures, they arrested Mrs. Hashemi. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 19, 2009)
No news of detained Baha'i after one month
There is no news of a Baha'i man who was arrested more than a month ago in the province of Mazandaran in
Sohrab Laqayi, was arrested on July 8 in his office by intelligence agents without an arrest warrant, but there is
still no news on his whereabouts. Laqayi made a very short phone call to one of his children in the past few days
but did not mention where he was being kept or his condition. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Aug. 19,
Security forces violently raid homes in Iran's Kurdish regions
Security forces have raided a number of villages in Iran's Kurdish regions and have arrested and threatened a
number of its residents. Security forces have attacked the Tazabad, Tateh Rashid, Mirki, Shabani, Sarab, Haji
Peh Mokh and Quruchay Villages in Dahgelan and have raided and searched a number of homes. Those who


protested the searches were beaten. A number of people from the Tateh Rashid Village were arrested. Two of
these men were identified as Nader Karimi and Salah Rashidi, a master's degree student in Orumieh University.
(Human Rights and Activists in Iran – Sep. 1, 2009)
Four Kurds arrested in Kurdistan under severe torture
According to a statement by the Kermanshah Province Public Affair Intelligence Office, security forces in the
province arrested four people affiliated with the killing of the son of Marivan's Friday Prayer Imam.
According to this statement, Saman Rasti and Yaqub Marivan were two of the detainees. Regional and
unofficial sources have said that these men are under very severe torture in detention centers in Orumieh and
Sanandaj. (Human Rights and Activists in Iran – Sep. 1, 2009)
Security forces violently raid homes in Iran's Kurdish regions
Security forces have raided a number of villages in Iran's Kurdish regions and have arrested and threatened a
number of its residents. Security forces have attacked the Tazabad, Tateh Rashid, Mirki, Shabani, Sarab, Haji
Peh Mokh and Quruchay Villages in Dahgelan and have raided and searched a number of homes. Those who
protested the searches were beaten. A number of people from the Tateh Rashid Village were arrested. Two of
these men were identified as Nader Karimi and Salah Rashidi, a master's degree student in Orumieh University.
(Human Rights and Activists in Iran – Sep. 1, 2009)
Four Kurds arrested in Kurdistan under severe torture
According to a statement by the Kermanshah Province Public Affair Intelligence Office, security forces in the
province arrested four people affiliated with the killing of the son of Marivan's Friday Prayer Imam.
According to this statement, Saman Rasti and Yaqub Marivan were two of the detainees. Regional and
unofficial sources have said that these men are under very severe torture in detention centers in Orumieh and
Sanandaj. (Human Rights and Activists in Iran – Sep. 1, 2009)
No reports on fate of arrested Baluch teachers
Security forces in the city of Saravan attacked the homes of a number of teachers in August and arrested at least
22 people. It is not known why these arrests were made but all the teachers were Baluch and Sunni.
A month after the detainment of these people, only two of them have been released and the 20 other teachers
are still detained in an unknown location. The constant pursuit of their cases by their families has so far been
futile and they are still worried for their loved ones. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep.6, 2009)
Young men in Saqez arrested under bogus charges
Security institutions in Saqez in the province of Kurdistan arrested five men in relation with clashes two weeks
ago in the Feizollah Begi region in this city.
They were arrested on Sunday and taken to an unknown location on charges of having contact and cooperating
with members of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan who were killed in the clashes.
The detainees have not been identified yet. According to an informed source, the probability of more arrests in
relation to this clash is very high. (Iran News Agency – Sep. 7, 2009)
Dozens of people in Baluchistan arrested for being related to opposition group members
Dozens of people in Baluchistan were arrested by security forces in various cities.
In the past 10 days, dozens of people who were mostly young people were arrested in Zahedan and Saravan by
security forces and taken to unknown locations.
There are no reports on exactly how many were arrested or the reason behind their arrest but according to
informed sources, they are all related to Baluch political activists and Baluch opposition group members. These
sources say that the detainees were not involved in any political activities themselves.
Despite the fact that their families have persistently gone to judicial and security sources to pursue their
whereabouts, there is still no information on the fate of the detainees or where they were taken. (Kurdistan
Media – Sep. 8, 2009)
Iran arrests three Azeri activists
Hossein Lesani, Mohssen Rafi’e and Hamed Haidari, three Azeri activists were arrested in Ardebil by
intelligence agents in the Revolutionary Guards Corps in this city.
According to their families, security forces came to store of Mohssen Rafi’e without an arrest warrant and
arrested Rafi’e, Lesani and Haidari and took them to an unknown location.


When the agents were asked to show their arrest warrants, they said, "We are the arrest warrants". They then
started searching the shop and confiscated computer and other personal belongings of Mr. Rafi’e. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Sep. 15, 2009)
Two Baha'is sentenced to prison in Mazandaran
Two Baha'is residing in Mazandaran were sentenced to prison and fined by the Revolutionary Court in this
The Babol Revolutionary Court in Babol sentenced Moshfeq Samandari, 20, to six months of prison and a fine
on charges of spreading propaganda against the government and promoting the faith of Baha'ism. Samandari
who was previously detained for two months was released on June 28. Another Baha'i man identified as Sâman
Sabeti from Qaemshahr who was also in incarceration in winter was sentenced to six months of prison. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 17, 2009)
Family of deceased Baha'i banned from burying loved one in Semnan
According to reports, a Baha'i resident of Semnan, named Hassan Aqa Kassabian passed away on September 21
but his family was banned from burying his body in the Baha'i cemetery in Semnan situated in Sangssar…
Finally, the family is given a burial permit, but is made to promise to hold a short and quiet burial ceremony.
The burial ceremony is held the next day in the Baha'i cemetery in Sangssar but a number of people start
filming the ceremony and those who had attended from an adjacent hill. In the end of the ceremony, while only
a few family members of the deceased where by the grave, the men who were filming came down the hill and
started to insult the Baha'i faith and verbally abuse the family. This treatment led to serious distress and pain for
the widow of the deceased. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Sep. 22, 2009)
Dozens of Tehran Univ. students summoned to Disciplinary Committee for being Kurds
In the past few days, dozens of Kurd students were summoned to the Tehran University Disciplinary
Committee. In a letter given to the students, this committee accused these students of taking part in the recent
unrest and has summoned them for questioning.
According to reports, most of these students were not involved in any political activities in their time in
university and did take part in the recent events at university. The only reason they were summoned to is
because they are Kurds. (Iran News Agency – Oct. 1, 2009)
Regime affiliates terrorize Baha'is in Semnan
On Wednesday October 7, a number of unidentified men broke the windows of Adel Fanayian's vehicle and
quickly left the scene afterwards. Fanayian is a Baha'i residing in Semnan.
He reported this attack to the Semnan State Security Forces but it is expected that this force will do nothing to
arrest the culprits as always. Fanayian was recently released from Semnan Prison after spending six months
there. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 12, 2009)
Baha'i man arrested in Yazd
A Baha'i man was arrested by security forces and taken to an unknown location in Yazd.
Behnam Rohanifard who has been living in Tehran for a while, was arrested on Monday October 12 in Yazd in
his car and taken to an undisclosed location. He was in Yazd for the funeral of a fellow Baha'i. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Oct. 14, 2009)
Officials close down charity
The Vahdat Scientific Academy Charity for Girls in Karaj was closed by orders of the Karaj Prosecutor because
the head and founder of the charity, Azar Farizi is affiliated with the Nematollahi Dervishes and is a follower of
this faith. The charity was closed on October 10. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 14, 2009)
Regime forces shoot and injure young man in Paveh
On Saturday October 20, regime forces in the Paveh Terminal opened fire on a young man identified as
Ardashir from the region of Nudsheh. The young man was severely wounded and taken to the Paveh Hospital
for treatment. There are no details on why he was shot. (Kurdistan Media – Oct. 21, 2009)
Regime forces open fire in village to terrorize residents
Revolutionary Guards Forces and Bassij Forces in the Turkan Bolagh village in Divandareh opened fire and
shot live bullets without reason. These forces entered the Turkan Bolaqh Village and caused disruption in the


lives of the residents by shooting live bullets in the village for two hours. The residents of this village went to the
Gurbavali security base and complained but the base showed no reaction to this matter. (Kurdistan Media –
Oct. 22, 2009)
Regime forces arrest Baha'i in Yazd
A Baha'i resident of Yazd was arrested after being summoned by security forces.
Sohail Rohanifard, a 44 year old Baha'i resident of Yazd (the brother of Behnam Rohanifard who was arrested
about 10 days ago by security forces) was summoned to the Yazd Intelligence Agency on October 18 and was
arrested and taken to an unknown location after going to the Agency.
His home was searched by security forces on September 27 and his computer, cell phone and some of his
personal belongings were confiscated. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 24, 2009)
No news on jailed Kurd singer
Twenty days after the arrest of Shamsollah Rahmani, a jailed Kurd singer, his condition and location is still not
clear. He was arrested by intelligence agents 20 days ago without any reason. The family of this Kurd artist has
appealed to the Kamyaran Intelligence Agency on a number of occasions to get information on his condition,
but the officials of this agency have refused to allow them to visit Shamsollah and did not even give them the
slightest news on his condition and health. (Kurdistan Media – Oct. 27, 2009)
Iran banns Sunni clerics from freely practicing religion
Mamusta Abdol-Hamid Ali has been banned from giving sermons while Mamusta Ahmad Rahimi has been
banned from holding Friday Prayers.
Mamusta Abdol-Hamid Ali was summoned to the clerical center of Kermanshah on October 20 and was told
that he was banned from delivering sermons and speeches in any location.
He is under severe pressure from security bodies and has been banned from riding taxis and going to Mecca. He
is occasionally summoned to the Intelligence Agency in Tehran, Kermanshah and Sanandaj. He was jailed and
kept in solitary for some time before being released on a 50,000 dollar bail.
Mamusta Ahmad Rahimi who was the Friday Prayer Imam of Mansour Aqay in Paveh (Kermanshah) was
banned from praying in this mosque by orders of court. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 25, 209)
Three Baha'i students expelled from univ.
Mojdeh Nurani, Farahnaz Felfeli and Ardalan Tabiyanian who were accepted in Semnan University in the 2009
exams were expelled by the Protection Department of this university and have been deprived of the right to
Their persistent pursuits and inquiries from officials and the university administration has had no result and
their only answer is that (they were expelled) because of 'orders from above'.
It is noteworthy that university officials have stated that according to orders, they cannot provide any written
order or document regarding their expulsion. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 28, 2009)
Baha'i arrested in Yasuj
Security forces arrested a Baha'i resident of Yasuj.
On October 31 at 11 am, intelligence agents of Yasuj went to the home of Ali Bakhsh Bazrafkan and searched
his home after showing a warrant. They confiscated all of his books and some of his personal belongings. They
then took him to the home of his son, Arman Bazrafkan, and also searched his home confiscating all of his
religious books.
After the search which continued until about 2 pm, these agents arrested Ali Bakhsh Bazrafkan. According to
reports, he is still in the custody of security agents. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 1, 2009)
Baha'i man abducted and tortured by regime vigilantes
A Baha'i resident of Shiraz was abducted and tortured by unidentified people.
Ruhollah Rezayi, 46, was stopped by unidentified people and abducted on his way home to his wife and two
children on October 30. He was insulted and threatened after he was taken to an unknown location and was
even subjected to mock execution. His captors also stripped him in very cold temperatures and burned his hand,
chest and forehead with cigarettes. They then released him is a road close to this city.


Rezayi was imprisoned in the 80's when he was 18 years old for five years in the Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz. He
tolerated the most severe physical and mental pressures only because of his religion. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Nov. 1, 2009)
3 Baha'is jailed for doing social services
A number of young people were arrested while
doing social services and humanitarian work in
the framework of a literacy program supported
by UNICEF in May 2006. These young people
educated poverty stricken and sometimes street
children in poor neighborhoods in Shiraz. They
were all arrested simultaneously in various
neighborhoods while giving these services. Fifty
four of these social workers were Baha'is. Those
who were not Baha'i were released the first night
but the 54 Baha'is were jailed for 6 days in
unsuitable conditions. Three of them identified
as Sasan Taqva, Raha Sabet and Haleh Ruhi were kept in temporary custody for one month.
Haleh Ruhi, 29, Raha Sabet, 33, and Sasan Taqva, 32, are still jailed in the Shiraz Intelligence Detention Center
after two years. Considering the fact that they are not kept in a public prison, they have been banned from their
minimum rights such as contacting the outside world, spending time in fresh air, using the telephone on a
regular basis and getting a legal leave from prison.
Sasan Taqva, who was not in good shape from the beginning of his imprisonment due to serious accident,
received surgery on his leg and was returned to prison from the hospital after one month. He currently suffers
from severe pain in his leg and has been kept in solitary the whole time of his incarceration. (Committee of
Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 2, 2009)
Baha'i woman sentenced to prison
A Baha'i resident of Semnan was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months of prison by the Revolutionary Court
presided over by Judge Zanguyi.
Manijeh Monzavian was jailed before this in June but was released on a bail. She has been charged with acting
against national security by advocating Baha'ism and having membership in an organization opposed to the
government and affiliated with Baha'is. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 3, 2009)
Security forces arrest two Baha'is in Mashhad
Two Baha'i residents in Mashhad were arrested by security forces and were taken to an unknown location.
At about 8 in the morning, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence stormed a religious ceremony held by Baha'is
in this city and asked the participants to continue their ceremony to the finish. These agents filmed the rest of
the ceremony and the participants.
In the end of the ceremony, these agents searched the home in which the ceremony was held in and announced
that they had arrest warrant for Sonia Ahmadi. These agents then went to Sonia's home because she had not
attended the ceremony and after searching it, arrested her and took her to an unknown location. Another
Baha'i identified as Mr. Qanvatian who was in the ceremony was arrested as well. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Nov. 3, 2009)
Agents search home of Baha'i man and temporarily arrest him
Security forces searched the home of a Baha'i man in Babol.
On Wednesday October 21, agents of the Babol Intelligence Agency stormed the home of Pejman Nikunejad, a
Baha'i, and arrested him after searching his home and confiscating some of his religious books and belongings.
He was temporarily released after two hours of interrogation in the agency. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Nov. 3, 2009)
Two Dervishes fired from Isfahan Municipality for their beliefs
Huri Loqmani and Maryam Loqmani, two Neimatollahi Dervishes were fired from the Isfahan Municipality for
the crime of being Dervishes.


According to this reports, the Protection Department of the Isfahan Municipality summoned these two women
asking them to sign an agreement banning them from participating in Dervish ceremonies. They were fired for
refusing to sign the agreement. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 16, 2009)
Univ. officials expel Baha'i student from Semnan Univ.
Pedram Qanbari, an architectural engineering student at the Semnan University was expelled from university
for believing in Baha'ism. The managing board of this university called his family in the first week of the new
academic year telling them Pedram can only continue his education at the university if he does not believe in
Baha'ism. After a few weeks, when this student went to one his classes, he realized that his name was not among
the list of enrolled students and after going to see the head of the university, his expulsion was announced to
him. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters in Iran – Nov. 16, 2009)
Prominent priest arrested in Gilan for protesting forced Quran study
Yusef Nodrkhani, the head priest of the largest society of Christians in northern Iran was
arrested on October 12 after protesting a decision by local officials forcing Christian
students to study the Quran. He was transferred to the Lakan Prison in Rasht.
The jailed priest has only had three phone calls with his family and has not been allowed
any visits since his arrest. He has two small children. Nodrkhani was also arrested three
years ago on charges of acting against national security. (Committee of Human Rights
Reporters in Iran – Nov. 18, 2009)
Regime forces arrest Baha'i man and two others in Yasuj
A Baha'i resident of Yasuj named Ali Bakhsh Bazrafkan was arrested by security forces on
Monday November 16 by security forces in this city. He was summoned to the Intelligence Agency a number of
times before this after his home was searched by security forces on October 31.
After he was arrested, two of the Muslim workers of his home appliance repairing shop were summoned to the
Intelligence Agency. They were identified as Sayid Faridi and Zafar Mohammadi. This agency asked them to file
a complaint against Bazrafkan and claim that he was trying to convert them to Baha'ism but they refrained from
filing such a complaint which led to their arrest. According to the latest reports, Ali Bazrafkan and his two
workers are currently detained in ward 1 in Yasuj Prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 24, 2009)
Iran Tortures Female Christian Converts
Two young Iranian women, Maryam Rostampour and Marzieh
Amirizadeh Esmaeilabad, suffered physical abuse and torture in
Iran’s notorious Evin Prison because they converted to Christianity.
Iran had in fact threatened to put them to death, much as the
depraved Roman Emperor Nero fed Christians to lions to entertain
his mob. Iran finally decided to spare these women’s lives, but it first
subjected them to torture and physical abuse in an effort to get them
to repudiate their beliefs. (Euro News - Nov. 25, 2009)

No news on condition of two Baha'i prisoners

There is no news on the condition of Sonia Ahmadi and Mr. Qanvatian, two Baha'is in Mashhad who were
arrested by agents of the intelligence agency in this city on November 2. Their families are seriously concerned
for their safety.
According to a source close to these families, chances are that because Mr. Qanvatian converted to Baha'ism
from Islam, he is being put under pressure to convert back to Islam. Sonia Ahmadi has been introduced as the
reason Qanvatian converted to Baha'ism. This is while all of Qanvatian's family members are Muslims and he
converted to Islam 30 years ago (before the Iranian revolution). (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 29,
Iranian Rael chief faces deportation from Turkey: report
The head of the Iranian branch of the Rael sect could be deported from Turkey back to her home country,
where she says she faces execution, a Turkish newspaper reported Monday.
Negar Azizmoradi, 31, was arrested at the end of October when she arrived in Turkey from Kenya with a false
passport, the mass circulation Hurriyet said.

She has been held in a detention centre in Istanbul while awaiting possible deportation to Iran, the newspaper
Raelians reject the existence of any god and believe extraterrestrials created the earth.
Quoting people close to Azizmoradi, Hurriyet said she had asked the Turkish authorities not to extradite her to
the Islamic republic as she was 'certain' to be condemned to death.
She said the Iranian regime had persecuted her for years because of her beliefs and added that she took part in
the demonstrations that followed Iran's June presidential election.
'Secret service agents almost beat me to death after the demonstrations. I had my arm broken,' she said. (AFP -
Nov 30, 2009)
Regime arrests Azerbaijani musician for 'spreading foreign culture'
An Azerbaijani musician who taught music lessons in the border province of Ardabil and had formed a musical
group was arrested by security forces in Iran.
There is no information on the identity of this musician. According to the IRNA state-run News Agency, this
Azerbaijani national is charged with spreading foreign culture by teaching Azeri music and forming a musical
group. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 4, 2009)
Iran arrests three villagers in Sanandaj
Three Kurd men were arrested in a village in Sanandaj by security forces. They were taken to an unknown
location. Security forces initially surrounded their village and then arrested Barzan, Mujod and Hasan Zamani.
There is no news on why they were arrested. (Human Rights Activsits in Iran – Dec. 8, 2009)
Regime forces open fire on 4 Kurd tradesmen in Baneh
Security forces opened fire on a group of border tradesmen in Baneh on December 5 and as a result, 4
tradesmen were injured.
These forces confiscated the goods of these tradesmen which included four cars with the goods inside of it and
burned it. The identities of the injured men are still not clear. (Kurdistan Media – Dec. 9, 2009)

Security force open fire on Baneh tradesmen

Security forces in the Surkio Mountains in Baneh opened fire on a convoy of about 70 cars which belonged to
tradesmen on December 6.
Two men identified as Jamal, from Kavireh Gaviz Village and Abdollah from the Dashte Tal region were
severely injured as a result.
A person named Fereidoon from the Champarav Village who was trying to run away from the bullets fell of a
mountain and broke his leg. (Kurdistan Media – Dec. 9, 2009)
Security forces open fire on village farmers
Regime forces from the Geleh Sepi Village Base in Sardasht opened fire on a farm field in Alut Village. Two
people named Hossein and Majid were severely injured as a result.
These two were severely wounded in the chest area and have been hospitalized. There is still no information on
why these forces opened fire on these villagers. (Kurdistan Media – Dec. 9, 2009)
Regime forces close Dervish Prayer Hall in Tehran
The head of Tehran's State Security Forces, Azizollah Rajab Zadeh, announced that the Neimatollahi Prayer
Hall in Vahdat Islami Street has been shut down. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 16, 2009)
Baha'i prisoner kept with criminals
Zabihollah Raofi, a Baha'i resident of Sanandaj was transferred to Hamedan's Tuyiserkan to serve his prison
term in exile.
This prisoner of conscience who was sentenced to six months of prison by the Revolutionary Court on charges
of promoting Baha'ism was transferred to the Tuyiserkan Prison after 4 months of detention in Sanandaj Prison
in an undetermined state.
Tuyiserkan Prison has unsuitable conditions and prisoners of conscience are kept amongst dangerous prisoners.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 16, 2009)
Security forces arrest Baha'i woman in Semnan

Agents of the Ministry of Intelligence arrested Shole Taef, a Baha'i resident of Semnan on Saturday December
19. (Human Rights Activsits in Iran – Dec. 20, 2009)
Iran attacks Christian ceremony days before Christmas
On the eve of Christmas, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence attacked a gathering of Persian speaking
Christians and arrested two of their leaders.
Security forces and plain clothes agents attacked this gathering on Thursday, December 17 and arrested two of
the heads of this home church. They have been taken to an unknown location.
According to this report, these 15 agents stormed this gathering in Karaj and prevented them from continuing
their ceremony.
This prayer ceremony in which 70 Christian converts attended was interrupted and Kambiz Saqayi and Ali
Keshvardoust were arrested.
Agents filmed all the faces of the participants and obliged them to be at hand for future interrogations. They
were told that they should quickly go to the relevant security institutions if they are to be summoned by judicial
institutions. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 21, 2009)
Iran arrests 4 Baha'i women; beats Baha'i man
Four Baha'is were arrested in the past week in north Iran.
On Tuesday December 15, Samira Samiei, a Baha'i woman in Sari was arrested. Sepideh Masumi, Sepideh
Zamani and Saha Zamani, three other Baha'i (women) were also arrested on December 19.
On December 15, security forces came to the home of Samira Samiei and her husband Fardin Yusefi at about 9
am. After ripping their religious pictures and confiscating their personal belongings, they arrested Samira
Samiei. Their arrest warrant was dated July 24 but was valid until December 19. Her husband was violently
beaten by 5 to 6 agents after protesting that the arrest warrant was not valid. Samira Samiei who intended to
protest to the beating of her husband was threatened by pepper spray by one of the agents. (Committee of
Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 22, 2009)



Suppressive maneuvers



Suppressive maneuvers
SSF beat young man for having long hair
A police officer and two soldiers stopped a young man aged 21on the street on
Thursday January 7 on charges of long hair and "improper clothes" and
intended to arrest him. When met with the boy's opposition they started beating
him with batons. According to reports, this young man repeatedly said, "Is this a
crime, why are you hitting me?", while he was being beaten. (Iran News Agency –
Jan. 8, 2009)
SSF repressive measures against basketball fans in Sanandaj
According to reports, the spectators of a basketball match between the teams of
Kurdistan and Shahr-e Kurd started marching from Ostandari Street to
Enghelab Square after the game when State Security Forces interfered to
disperse them. This action by the SSF led to clashes amongst these basketball
fans and the SSF which resulted in the arrest of a number of these spectators.
(Mukerian News Agency – Jan. 11, 2009)
Bus driver beaten for playing "loud music" in holy month
According to reports, on January 8, security forces stopped a bus on the street for playing loud music in the holy
month of Moharam and started beating the bus driver in public. (Iran News Agency – Jan. 11, 2009)
Tehran Public Prosecutor: criminal websites will be severely dealt with
Saeid Mortazavi, the Public Prosecutor of Tehran said, "If the activities of websites is the source of corruption
and if the content of the websites is untrue, immediately after the Public Prosecutor's Internet office identifies
that website, the criminals will be prosecuted and arrested. (Radio Farda – Jan. 13, 2009)
Head of SSF confesses to abusive treatment of residents by police
The head of State Security Forces said, "Seventy percent of complaints
by citizens against the SSF are because of the inappropriate treatment
of the agents of this force".
"Most people go to the police to solve their problems but the
inappropriate behavior of some agents is so extreme that people
decide not to pursue their complaints", he added. (E'temad state-run
daily - Jan. 14, 2009)

RGC commander: Bassij ready to suppress popular protests

The commander of the Revolutionary Guards Corps in Tehran said,
"The Bassij forces (suppressive state vigilante forces) in ministries
and offices have to work hard so that this Hezbollahi government
"The Bassij has to have the capability to enter the scene and have the
necessary preparation to confront events like bus driver strikes", he
added. (ISNA - Jan. 20, 2009)
Agents beat street peddlers in Ilam
On Thursday, Ilam's municipality agents viciously beat street peddlers on
Ferdousi and Taleqani Street with batons. They confiscated all their goods
and took them to an unknown location with vans.
According to reports, one of these peddlers who was an old man cried,
"You are taking my whole life with you, may god take
yours too". (Iran News Agency – Jan. 23, 2009)
Nine men's hairdressing shops closed down in
Isfahan for following "western" fashions

The head of Isfahan's security police announced that nine men's hairdressing shops had been shut down after
"In accordance to the social and moral security plan, men's barber shops and hairdressers were inspected for a
week", Abas Sufivand said.
He also announced that 34 other barbershops had received notices that they would be shut down if they did not
follow regulations.
The head of the security police added that the goal of this plan was to prevent the prevalence of western culture
and cutting and styling men's hair in western fashions and also to prevent (hairdressers) from making men look
like women. (Fars state-run news agency – Jan. 28, 2009)
Bassiji launches New Intelligence Patrols
On January 28, a top commander of Bassij (paramilitary) Force declared that a new plan called “Bassij
Intelligence Patrols” is going to be enforced, which involves searching of cars.
According to a report by Etemad newspaper on January 29, Reza Garshasbi, commander of Meqdad District’s
Bassij Force explained that the plan scheduled for ceremonies marking the anniversary of the 1979 Revolution
would start early next week. (State-run Shahb News Website – Jan. 29, 2009)
Young men hauled to jail in SSF car’s trunk
On Friday January 24, the State Security Forces (SSF) in Qom hauled two young men to police station in their
car’s trunk. An eyewitness said he had seen this disrespectful treatment by the 19th district police another 20
times this year, those who are put in the trunk might have trouble breathing and their lives are endangered and
they can even die from a small car accident" (Iran News Agency – Jan. 31, 2009)
"Western culture promoters" arrested in Shiraz
The head of Fars Province Intelligence and Security Police said, "The promoters of western culture and Satanists
were arrested in Shiraz".
"Our agents were notified that a number of people were active in the field of advertizing and promoting goods
with symbols and emblems of vulgar western groups including heavy metal rock bands and Satanists groups in
stores in the northern streets in Shiraz", he added.
"The promotion and advertisement of pictures and stickers and emblems of vulgar western groups among
teenagers leads to the promotion of the culture of corruption and the elimination of religious values", stressed
this head of police. (Fars state-run News Agency – Feb. 8, 2009)
Security forces violently attack people in line to see movie
On Tuesday February 10, security forces attacked and beat people in line to see the movie "About Eli". Close to
1,500 movie fans had gone to Esteqlal Cinema to see Asqar Farhadi's newest movie but were met with the
violent reaction of State Security Forces and undercover agents and beaten.
The reason behind this inhumane act is not yet clear.
Many undercover agents were also present in the scene beating and hitting people and arresting the youth.
There is no information on how many people were actually arrested and their fate but the girls and boys who
were arrested were forced into cars parked across this movie theater. It has been confirmed that security agents
shot tear gas and uses pepper spray against the moviegoers. (Khordad website – Feb. 11, 2009)
SSF confiscate satellite dishes in Qazvin
State Security Forces in Qazvin have confiscated satellite dishes in residential homes of villagers around the city
of Qazvin. These agents mistreated these villagers and forced them to pay a fine and sign a contract not to use
satellite dishes anymore. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 16. 2009)
SSF conduct 350,000 "street interrogations" in Mazandaran
The State Security Forces in Mazandaran have interrogated and harassed more than 350,000 people under
various pretexts in the past 10 months.
A Mazandaran SSF commander, Noori, said that in the past 10 months Mazandaran's SSF agents corrected the
conduct of more than 353,000 people.


"In the past 10 months, with the start of the activities of the Guidance Patrol in this province, 6,000 people
were arrested and about 6,000 automobiles and motorcycles were confiscated for creating noise pollution", he
added pointing to the so-called Social Security Plan. (Iran Press News Agency – Feb. 17, 2009)
SSF harass and abuse women and youth in Gorgan
The chief of staff of the Gorgan State Security Forces announced that the first stage for a plan to "guide and give
notices to those who do not have proper veiling" has ended.
"This plan was targeted at identifying and preventing social damages, giving verbal notices and guiding those
who did not follow Islamic regulations", he added.
"In this plan, buildings were inspected and those who appeared in the public with heavy makeup, and western
hairstyles and beards were given notices". (Iran Press News – Feb. 21, 2009)
Iranian regime intensifies punishment for "crimes" in new plan
A number of the government's supporters in Majlis (Iran's parliament) announced that the "plan to increase the
punishment for disrupting mental security" has been passed in the Cultural Commission of Majlis. According to
this plan, "creating an atheist website or weblog" is in the category of vicious crimes and it has been appointed
the punishment of "waging war with god" and "corruption on earth" (death penalty). According to Javad Arin
Manesh, with the ratification of the "plan to increase the punishment for disrupting mental security" in the
Cultural Commission, the punishment for some crimes increases.
The vice president of Majlis's Cultural Commission added that "if courts ratify this plan they are obligated to see
to these crimes faster and place them as their priority in a special branch".
"According to this plan, the punishment for these crimes are not subject to reduction, change or suspension", he
added. (Rooz Online – Feb. 23, 2009)
26,000 vigilante forces to counter "improper veiling" in New Year holiday in Isfahan, Regime official
The vice chief of the Prohibiting Vice and Promoting Virtue Staff in Isfahan announced that 26,000 vigilantes
will be stationed in hotels, terminals, airports, train stations, busy streets, tourist areas and bridges.
"These people have the obligation to guide travelers and also the people of Isfahan and to prohibit vice and
promote virtue on the New Year holiday", said Mohsen Mortazavi.
"With the support of the Judiciary, an itinerant judge will also be present on the scene to deal legally with these
sorts of cases", he added.
"Currently, 220,000 shops in Isfahan are under the supervision of the police and their transgressions are
documented and are being dealt with day and night ", Mortazavi said. (State-run IRNA – March 13, 2009)
Feast of Fire disturbers will be held in custody until mid April, judicial official
Mahmoud Salarkia said, "Two special branches have been initiated in Tehran's Court systems to deal with those
who create disturbances on the last Wednesday of the year (traditional Feast of Fire Day) to deal in a special
manner and seriously with these offenders".
"Those who cause disorder in any manner or causes obstruction or traffic will be held in custody with serious
charges until mid April. The automobiles of offenders will also be confiscated until the end of the holiday
season and some will not be given back until mid-April", added the Tehran Deputy Prosecutor. (Fars state-run
news agency – March 15, 2009)
Iran's clerical rule despises Feast of Fire traditional celebrations
Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, a cleric in Qom emphasized, "Unfortunately on (Feast of Fire Day) we are
witnessing some improper deeds by the youth in the society and relevant officials have to prevent such deeds".
"Feast of Fire has no place in Islam", he said adding that this ceremony is a superstitions ceremony which comes
from the incorrect cultures of the past.
"Islam has very good cultures and traditions and these cultures have to replace the incorrect culture of Feast of
Fire", this cleric said. (Fars state-run news agency – Mar. 17, 2009)
All Khorasan Razavi forces in state of alert
The commander of Khorasan Razavi's State Security Forces officially announced that all forces in this province
are in a state of alert.


According to this report, more than 1,790 forces that have been trained in a training center in this city are
currently in a state of alert to counter the youth on Feast of Fire celebrations.
State Security Forces have taken all possible measures to counter and arrest the youth on Feast of Fire Day. The
head of Mashhad's SSF announced that five central prisons in this city and three prisons outside the city have
been dedicate those who are arrested on the last Wednesday of the year and they will be transferred there
immediately after being arrested.
"These people will subsequently be punished according to law", he added.
Female patrols will also be active on the last Wednesday of the year and more than 287 women have announced
their readiness to deal with troublemaking girls and women on this night.
"On this night, improper veiling and improper relationships between girls and boys will be seriously dealt with
and offenders will be detained in Prison number 3 in Azadi Boulevard", said the commander of Women's Police
in Mashhad.
This SSF commander also announced that on Feast of Fire night the relationship between girls and boys will be
looked at differently and warned all teenagers.
According to reports, the last Wednesday of the year, also known as Feast of Fire Day, is known as ‘Burning
Wednesday’ by security forces and security forces use this night to identify "offenders and troublemakers". (Iran
News Agency – Mar. 17, 2009)
Security forces stage curfew to cause fear and terror
A Tehran resident reported that security forces are stationed in Enqelab Square, Satarkhan and Sadeqieh. These
forces were geared with cars or motorcycles. They were wearing special uniforms and gears to cause terror and
fear amongst the people. These forces do not even let people stand and do not let cars stop.(Iran News Agency
– Mar. 17, 2009)
SSF takes high security measures to counter Feast of Fire night in Ardabil
The head of Ardabil's police forces said, "Our red line for Feast of Fire ceremonies is to deal with those who
cause trouble or create problems for residents and we will prevent those who want to light firecrackers by
stationing our forces in the city".
"Those who sell and buy illegal firecrackers will be arrested by the police and seriously dealt with", he added.
(Iran News Agency – Mar. 17, 2009)
High security measure on verge of Feast of Fire day
The head of Ilam's police and security forces banned the public from taking part in Feast of Fire ceremonies and
announced that people are only allowed to celebrate in limited locations and under severe police control.
SSF officials in Ilam have persistently warned people in TV shows and TV programs and have banned them
from celebrating Feast of Fire in any location beside the locations they have specified.
On the days before Feast of Fire, SSF and Bassij forces have gone to stores and shops investigating the buying
and selling of firecrackers and have arrested a number of people and closed up their shops. (Iran News Agency–
Mar. 17, 2009)
Arrestees of Iranian traditional Fire Festival are transferred to Gohardasht Prison
According to news, almost two hundreds of those arrested on the Feast of Fire Ceremony were transferred to
quarantined ward of Ghohardasht Prison in Karaj. They had been held in Police Stations before their transfer.
Before being transferred to this notorious prison, their families were told that they would be detained until the
end of the Iranian New Year Holiday which ends on April 2, and then the their status would be defined. They
are detained under pretext of ‘public disorder’ and ‘acting against national security’. (Center in Defense of
Prisoners in Iran – Mar. 19, 2009)
Tehran is the safest capital in the world, top commander of SSF
There are 2700 mobile and on foot patrols during Norooz twenty-four hours a day to prevent any insecurity,
Ahmadi Moqadam the top commander of the State Security Forces of Iran said.
Security and Discipline Plan will be continued more seriously in order to be institutionalized, he added.
“Tehran is the safest capital in the world,” Ahmadi Moqadam said. (Tabnak state-run website – Mar. 22, 2009)


Tehran is the safest capital in the world:

youngsters are mayhem, arrested and humiliated for type of their dresses or hairstyles. Watch many films of the
SSF torturing youth in streets … to intimidate the public. Read news on transferring youngsters to police station
in their car trunk. Moreover, nobody can ever forget ‘mal-veiled’ Iranian women and girls being humiliated,
arrested, raped, and killed by SSF, including killing of 18 women arrested in August 2008 and transferred to
notorious Kahrizad Detention Center aka Death Camp – detention center designated for arrestees of these

Raiding houses, arresting youngsters for participation in Norooz Ceremony in Sardasht

Intelligence office of SSF and MOIS has summoned Delshad Salehzadeh, a
social activist in sardasht – Kurdish city - and had ordered him gravely that
should there be a Norooz Ceremony – Iranian New Year Ceremony – he would
be dealt with seriously…
More than 3000 cheerful participated in a ceremony in Kodad Shahr Park on
time, and it was held happily and peacefully. However, when ceremony was
over SSF raided houses at mid-night arresting 12 participant who were all very
young. There is yet no information on their whereabouts. (Kurd News – Mar.
22, 2009)
SSF suppresses people of Mahabad and Sanandaj for holding Norooz
Eyewitnesses said that during New Year Ceremony in Mahabad, there was a
clashes between SSF and people participated in the ceremony. A number of participants in NoroozCeleberation
were arrested and detained. (VOA – Mar. 23, 2009)
Killing and robbery increased 10% during 1387, commander of SSF
“During the year 1387 – the last Iranian year starting on March 21, 2008, and ending on March 20, 2009 – we
faced with 5 to 10% increase in offences such as murder and
robbery in compare to the year 1386,” commander of the State
Security Forces said.
“In the new year, very good plans for improving social security
have been predicted and they will soon be implemented,” he
emphasized announcing rigid concerns of SSF to continue
plans improving social security across the country. (Fars state-
run news agency – Mar. 23, 2009)
The suppressive nature of these social security plans can be
best observed by what the commander of the SSF said and
published in Etemad state-run daily on January 14, 2009:

"Seventy percent of complaints by citizens against the SSF are because of the inappropriate treatment of the
agents of this force".
"Most people go to the police to solve their problems but the inappropriate behavior of some agents is so
extreme that people decide not to pursue their complaints", he added
Suppresive internet maneuvers and bills, and TV confessions
In the last days of the previous Iranian year, there was news of destroying the largest ‘corrupted’ web network.
News was expressing that directors and members of this network were arrested and had link with foreign groups
for providing ‘velvet revolution’ projects by receiving US funds.
This sort of news and manipulated files are not new, but are paving ground for more suppressive measures
against bloggers and Internet users in Iran as a whole.
The arrestees have been under tremendous pressure during the interrogation and were forced to make TV
confession and confess on heavy charges against themselves.
Last year, this suppressive plan started against bloggers by ratifying “internet offences bills” providing heavy
sentences against bloggers and internet users, and now proceeding more vigorously. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Mar. 23, 2009)
SSF top commander: men with unconventional dress will be death with
"The social security plan is not against women and of course men with improper behavior and unconventional
dress will be dealt", Ismail Ahmadi Moqadam, top commander of the State Security Forces, explained in a news
conference on the social security plan.
"Female agents of the SSF will give verbal notices to improperly veiled women", he added. (IRNA state news
agency – Apr. 5, 2009)
SSF Patrols blackmail innocent people
According to a soldier who works in the Farjam Police Station in Tehran
State Security Forces patrols force innocent people on the street to pay
bribes and blackmail them.
"For 12 months I have been doing my military service as a driver in a
State Security Forces patrol car. Under various excuses, we stop cars
telling drivers that they have to take their cars to the parking to be
confiscated and that the driver has to come with us to the station. And
they are forced to pay us. We are three people in the patrol car and at
the end of the day we divide the money between us. We earn about
400,000 to 500,000 rials (almost 400 to 500 USD) each", he said. (Iran
news agency – Apr. 8, 2009)
Ahmadijejad’s Interior Minister: State security plans
are intensified
Sadeq Mahsouli, Ahmadinejad’s Minister of Interior
emphasized that troublemakers should be dealt with
more tightly. He said that the table of functions of the
SSF commanding headquarter was defined. (Berna,
state-run website – Apr. 11, 2009)
Youngsters are objectives of repressive SSF plans in
“Plans promoting social security in Ilam has not been
stopped and the operational and executive
commanding system is attempting its utmost and using
all its equipments and efforts to activate these plans.
And in a drubbing maneuver, 27 people were
identified and arrested,” Sadeqian, the head of State
Security Forces (SSF) in Ilam – a Western Province in Iran – said. (Jomhouri, state-run daily – Apr. 12, 2009)

Complicity between SSF and senior drug dealers

According to reports, when SSF patrols, especially motorcycle patrols enter a park, they deliberately make a lot
of noise to warn drug dealers of their presence and then they start to patrol the parks.
According to a soldier patrolling districts 18 and 19 in Tehran who spoke on condition of anonymity, senior
drug dealers and those who pay bribes are safe and the SSF cooperates with them while strangers and
newcomers are arrested. (Iran news agency – Apr. 13, 2009)
Iran Guidance Minister: newspapers that disrupt fight against improper veiling will be harshly dealt with
Safar Harandi, Iran's Guidance Minister supported the plan to counter improper clothing for girls and boys and
announced that he will not let the media disrupt the work of State Security Forces. Criticizing media that
disrupted the work of the SSF, he said, "These media should know that they will be somewhat tolerated but if
they continue their actions, they will be forcefully dealt with".
"(Fighting with) improper veiling is a small part of what the SSF does and the main goal is to deal with those
who dangerously trample the rules of the society", he pointed out. (E'temad daily – April 14, 2009)
MOIS: we will deal with SMS, websites and weblogs who try to blacken image of candidates
In an interview with Fars news agency, the Minister of Intelligence QolamHossein Mohseni Ejheyi warned
against blackening the image of presidential candidates.
"Destructive SMS are completely traceable and with the skills of the Ministry of Intelligence, those who go after
destructing (the image of candidates) through SMS will be dealt with", he said.
"Of course if someone goes after polluting the atmosphere in this regard, responsible and relevant institutions
especially the Ministry of Intelligence which have become active on this issue, will deal with them", he pointed
Pointing out that the Ministry of Intelligence will block all destructive websites, weblogs and SMS, Ejheyi stated
that a number of people in charge of websites had been summoned and warned. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Apr.
15, 2009)
Ahmadinejad: "troublemakers" force to work in mines and deserts to learn to behave
In the 14th Congress of State Security Forces Commanders, the president underlined the need to wipe out
addiction in the whole country and said, "With new initiatives, we have to separate troublemakers from the
society and by giving these people work in mines and in deserts, try to make them behave.” (Mehr state-run
News Agency – Apr. 19, 2009)
Regime enforces backward culture on Mazandaran beaches
The head of the Mazandaran Islamic Advertizing Center said that the whole country "even beaches have to be
Islamic to keep with the Islamic power of the country".
Shukrain stipulated that "not only beaches but in private beach towns Islamic norms have to be followed and
the fact that they are private does not mean they can be unrestrained".
"The presence of 'cultural forces' on beaches and building mosques and prayer centers and other cultural
foundations in necessary to further create a healthy atmosphere", he added. (Shahrzad News – Apr. 22, 2009)
SSF: Police will deal harshly with small drug dealers
Azizollah Rajabzadeh, chief commander of Tehran pointed out that
there would be weekly special security plan in Tehran, launching
women police station controlled only by women, pilot children section
in police stations, ongoing ‘social disciplinary plan in district 12 of
Rajabzadeh expressed that four pilot police stations run only by
women would be launched in Tehran until the end of the year (March
20, 2010). He added that the women police stations also carry out
operational missions.
“all the addicts in Tehran will be arrested, 2,000 of them are used to
provide green environment, and 1,000 of them are used to plant
trees,” while expressing that they will be monitored by police after
giving up the use of narcotic drugs.


“This plan includes addicted women as well, and there will be some work for them after giving up addiction,”
he proposed.
“In Tehran, police will deal harshly with small drug dealers as well,” Tehran top commander of SSF said. (Asr-e
Iran, state-run daily – Apr. 22, 2009)
It should be noted that Ahmadinejad recently said the addicted would be used as forced labors in nine camps
designated for such plans.
SSF: Hosts of wedding parties must warn guests every 20 minutes!
“According to the Public Places Department (PPD) regulation, hosts of wedding parties must warn their guests
every 20 minutes obeying Islamic codes. This is compulsory while bride is leaving the hall and ending party on
time is obligatory,” Colonel Tibia, the head of Intelligence and Security office of the State Security Forces (SSF)
in West Azerbaijan declared in an interview with ISNA, state news agency.
“According to PPD regulations, if infringing repeats the wedding party hall will be sealed more than a month –
implying that the first time leads to a month of sealing – and new recurrent of infringement annuls the work
permit forever,” he added. (Shahab New, state-run website – Apr. 22, 2009)
SSF raided Boutiques in Tehran
A group of State Security Forces affiliated to ‘ordering to obey rules and avoid vice’ department raided
boutiques in well-known shopping center Chin-Chila at cross road Fatemi and Valiasr streets. The raid by the
plain –clothes shocked the shop owners. They warned the shop owners to remove the entire Manikin from
window shops or their shops would be sealed and they would be dealt with.
They also ordered the shop owners to remove posters, which were used to attract the attention of the customers.
(Iran news agency – Apr. 22, 2009)
Controlling internet users and summoning them to court
In an unexpected act, the Iranian regime’s Judiciary summoned a number of groups of internet users to court.
What makes it unexpected is that it includes groups of different ages, with various jobs. The majority are young
members of recreation internet groups. The summoning is in line with imposing more restriction on
information circulation. According to the Judiciary, membership in recreating websites of Yahoo such as Yahoo
360, various chat rooms, and Iranian websites, which are refreshing, and for searching friendship is an offence,
leading to judiciary operations against active users of these websites. Judiciary forbids Iranian of membership in
these sites and other websites of Yahoo while they are recreating and not immoral sites. (Iran news agency –
Apr. 22, 2009)
SSF: Guidance Patrols come after 15 days
“Guidance Patrols are not just suspended but they will become operational after removing some drawbacks,”
Azizollah Rajabzadeh, chief commander of Tehran said.
“Social Disciplinary Plans will be launched in district 12 of Tehran from April 30…” Rajabzadeh added. (Shahab
news, state-run website – Apr. 30, 2009)
190 satellite dishes and 34 receivers confiscated in Ilam Province
The Iranian regime suppressive forces, have discovered and confiscated 190 satellite dishes and 34 receivers in
western province of Ilam since March 21, 2009. This suppressive measure erupted many protests in Ilam. (Iran
news agency – Apr. 30, 2009)


Intimidating maneuvers in Kurdistan on brink of Supreme Leader’s trip
On the brink of Khamenei’s trip to Sanandaj, night checkpoints are launched and a number of IRGC’s agents
and Bassijis (Paramilitary Force of the IRGC), stationed everywhere, in particular across the city. Checkpoints
stationed every 100meters. The government offices have stopped their daily job. Since Saturday May 2, plan of
seizing motorcycles is running in Sanandaj and the SSF agents are spread across the city. Closed circuit cameras
are mantled in the main streets such as Pasdarans, Ferdossi, Safari, and Shahpour, and Vakil Cross road
providing films of all vehicles and their passengers. (Iran Press – May 6, 2009)
High restriction of movement in Kurdistan Province
Concerning Khamenei’s trip to Kurdistan, the movements of people even in the evening are strictly controlled,
for example at midnight Monday May 4, suddenly spate of shots broke the silence and calm over a district inthe
city, such that the people in the neighborhood lie down the ground in their houses. It is noteworthy to mention
that the mass presence of plain-clothes security agents and those with uniform imposes very unbearable
atmosphere in Sanandaj. (Iran news agency – May 7, 2009)
Khamenei’s trip turns Sanandaj to a war zone
On the brink of the Supreme Leader of terrorist regime of Iran, Sanandaj is filled with military, security armed
agents, and there is a de-facto curfew.
Anti-aircraft machine guns are stationed around the city, movements of commando forces of Army and the
IRGC, and military heavy vehicles for stationing cannons and anti-aircraft has turned Sanandaj to a warlike
A large number of military forces have been transferred to Sanandaj, and other cities of Kurdistan including
Sarvabad, Marivan, and Saqez from East Azerbaijan, Kermanshah, Hamedan and Zanjan Provinces. People also
witness several hundred buses carrying civilian or military passengers entering Sanandaj and going to military
All government offices and most of schools are closed and are used by these forces dispatched across Iran to
Sanandaj. Abider wooded park which is one of the main recreation center is forbidden for civilian use and is
used by military forces.
According to news, the main goal of dispatching such enormous military and security forces is trying to disguise
them as civilians welcoming the Supreme Leader of the reactionary regime. (Iran news agency– May 10, 2009)
Widespread arrest of Kurdish youth surged on brink of Khamenei’s visit
On Wednesday May 6, Six youths named Keyahn, Qahreman, Saman, Ribvar Parvizi, Fardin Vaissi, and Akam
Pir-Moghani were arrested in Alk Village in Kamyaran, and their houses were searched.
In Nilkoui Village also in Kamyaran, three inhabitants were arrested, there is no information on their
whereabouts, and their names are unknown.
Javad Marabi, an attorney and director of an insurance company, was arrested in his office by the SSF and was
taken to unknown place.
Others arrestees include Khalid Gholami, a young inhabitant of Palangan Village who had gone to get medicine
for her mother and was arrested by the SSF. Later they raided their house searching everywhere and announced
that Serajeddin, his younger brother to introduce himself to the Intelligence Office in Kamyaran. Their mother
died the next day but still the SSF insist on Serajeddin’s introduction. Simultaneously, they arrested another
inhabitant of Palangan Village, not yet identified.
On Thursday May 7, the SSF went to Shahini Village also in Kamyarn, and arrested Moslem Khateri, Zahed
Qiadi, and Anvar Rostami they were also taken to unknown place.
Amir Babakri and his wife are among those summoned to headquarter of the Intelligence Ministry. He is an
exiled teacher from Piranshahr to Shahin-Dej, and has already spent 16 months in prison. Mr. Babakri is a
person in charge of a seized Rivan Kurdish and Persian language newspaper.
According to reports, security agents raided the homes of a number of villagers in Salavatabad Village and beat
and arrested a number of the youth.
Last week three university students from Negl Village of Marivan who study in Orumieh and Sanandaj
Univeristies were among students arrested.

According to security condition in Kurdistan, families of arrestees have difficulties to get information on
whereabouts of their loved ones and have not received any information yet. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
May 10, 2009)
Villagers compelled to welcome Khamenei
The governor general office of Sanadaj, along with governor offices of other Kurdish cities compelled villagers to
participate in welcoming ceremony provided for Khamenei.
Buses and various vehicles stationed in different villages to transfer deprived villagers who are mostly members
of Imam Committee to Sanandaj.
The IRGC and Bassij (Paramilitary Force of the IRGC) and other government bodies attempted their most to
demonstrate strong welcome for Khamenei in Kurdistan by dispatching people under many different pretexts.
(Iran news agency – May 10, 2009)
SSF raided a house arresting a young inhabitant of Sanandaj
On Friday May 8, the SSF raided Farshad Jalali’s house arresting him.
They searched his house, seizing his personal belonging including his books and computer case.
There is no information on his whereabouts. It is noteworthy to mention that detaining young people in
Sanandaj and transferring them to prison have increased on the verge of Khamenei’s trip to Sanadaj.
Also on the same day, forces in a checkpoint opened fire on a civilian car with three passengers injuring all three
of them near the Nanleh Village at 2330pm. (Iran news agency – May 10, 2009)
Mounting restriction measures in Kurdistan
Pipes from both sides that no one can get into the street have closed the traverse from airport to the city. At the
middle of the street concrete blocks has made it impossible for u-turn in the street or on foot passers to cross the
street unless at cross roads. They have also blocked the pedestrian pass ways in the side roads making it
impossible for a group of people walk together. The crowded pedestrian traverses have been divided such that
not more than a person can pass through under very high surveillance.
Several containers, makeshift prefabricated rooms, are improvised in the Freedom Square in Sanandaj, most
probably for espionage and wiretapping. At the same time a large number of cars equipped by very powerful
wireless walkie-talkies while helicopters fly very law over the city. In addition, the big camps are filled with
Special Forces.
They have gathered 15,000 Bassijis (paramilitary forces of the IRGC) in Shahoo Mountain under the pretext of
mountain climbing, they are mostly settled there with their families making the crowd over 50,000, and if you
walk there, you can only hear Persian Language. (Iran news agency – May 10, 2009)
Compulsory participation of people in a sham welcoming ceremony for Supreme Leader
A large number of people including government employees, students etc are threatened to take part in the
welcoming ceremony of Khamenei visiting Sanandaj. The regime has provided wide spread security measures for
Khamenei’s visit to Sanandaj. Despite dispatching several thousand agents impersonated with Kurdish dress,
they have also threatened people to take part in the sham welcoming ceremony.
They have declared to retired employees of the governmental offices, Martyrs Foundation, welfare organizations,
and Imam Relief Committee, if they do not attend on time in the traverse from the airport and their
surrounding streets their salaries would not be paid. This warning included military retired servicemen,
Ministries of Health and Education as well.
Sanadaj looks like a military base rather than a city, and there are five helicopter covering the air simultaneously.
(Komala TV – May 11, 2009)
Repressive surge in Kurdistan continues as Khamenei visiting Sanadaj
A few days earlier, the intelligence agents arrested Saman Mansouri, 23, inhabitant of Salavat Villiage in Sanadaj
and his properties were confiscated. The next day, Chipa Rahimi was arrested by the same agents and there is
no information on them yet.
The repressive forces of regime searched houses and harassed people in Saeen-Qaleh City under the pretext of
seizing satellite dishes on May 8, 2009. Moreover, on May 9, the regime forces are on alert in the city.
On May 9, the regime forces shot and killed a retailer named Shirzad Mollaii in Sardasht.


On May 10, the regime’s agents of Nossod in cooperation with the intelligence and protection office of Paveh,
raided the Bazaar and searched the shops under the pretext of detecting smuggled materials causing public
discontent. (Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (KDPI) Radio – May 11, 2009)
Two Kurds arrested in Paveh
Two Kurd residents of Paveh were arrested and taken to an unknown location.
Soheil Sadeqi and Youness Qaderi were arrested in Paveh, a town in Kermanshah, for unknown reasons and
taken to an unknown location. In the past two weeks, many Kurdish political and civil rights activists have been
The pursuit of their family for their whereabouts has so far proven unsuccessful.
Dozens of Kurds have been arrested and taken to unknown location in the past few days. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – May 13, 2009)
Iran's Supreme Leader threatens youth promising more suppression
In a speech on Saturday in Marivan, Khamenie once again supported Ahmadinejad criticizing those who "repeat
the words of westerners to draw the attention of the people to themselves".
"This sort of talk is not considered a bonus and is actually considered opposition to the Islamic-Iranian ideas
and identity", he added.
"Of course I should tell you this with great confidence that the pious and faithful forces of the Islamic Republic
will deal severely with elements of insecurity and will take any opportunity for insecurity away from them", Iran's
Supreme Leader stated at the end of his speech. (Iran state-run Television – May 17, 2009)
Seqez schoolchildren and employees forced to participate in Khamenie's welcoming ceremony
During Khamenie's trip to the city of Seqez, 10 thousand school students were forced to participate in his
welcoming ceremony and were told that whoever did not participate would be punished. All employees were
also told to participate in this ceremony or face the consequences. Even fire department workers, who were on
shift, were forced to participate. (Radio of the Iran's Kurdistan Democratic Party – May 21, 2009)
Welcoming Khamenei or arranging military war zone?
24 hours after Khamenei left Kurdistan, evacuation of military forces started and depicted visibly how enormous
amount of military equipments including artillery and even armored tanks were taken into the province. It was
more like a movement for a war rather than welcoming scene. This was very clear in the areas of Sanandaj to
Kermanshah, in particular in Sanandaj.
A number of buses, minibuses were, heavy vehicle including artilary and armored tanks were transferring
welcoming forces, it seemed it is the end of Iran-Iraq war. (Iran news agency – May 25, 2009)
Iran to start plan of evicting singles from homes
The SSF head of the Greater Tehran District announced that homes in region 12 of Tehran in which singles
live will be closed down in the Social Security Plan.
"One of the plans which will be carried out in the Social Security Plan is clearing houses in which single
(unmarried) people live in because these houses are the centers of crime in this region", Azizollah Rajab-Zadeh
said. "Police are currently identifying these homes and we will start clearing them from tomorrow", he added.
(Mehr state-run news agency – May 1, 2009)
SSF: discovery of 900 Satellite receivers is promotion of social security plan!
Alipour, head of State Security Forces in Tehran said: “nine hundred satellite receivers were discovered while
executing social security plan in district No. 12. (Asr-e Iran, state-run website – May 3, 2009)
SSF defeated to carry on suppressive measures in a Tehran shopping center of Laleh-Zar
Laleh-Zar is the main electrical shopping center in Iran, and the strike there on May 3 defeated the failed plan of
“social security” to seize motorcycles in that street.
On Saturday May 2, SSF along with the “anti-riot” special guards tried to intimidate the people in the district 12
of Tehran, which includes Laleh-Zar shopping center.
One of the main parts of their repressive maneuver was raiding the “houses of bachelors” in this district, which
is called by SSF as “corrupt nest.”
They raided the shopping center taking all motorcycles in the street. This led to turmoil among the shop owners
reacting immediately. They closed their shops as a protest reaction and announced that they would not open


their shops until the situation becomes as it was. Prior to this victorious strike, the strike of Bazaars in Tehran,
Isfahan and Tabriz forced the government to dismantle their new tax law. (Khordad newspaper– May 3, 2009)
Mullahs’ transnational repressive maneuver and abduction in Iraq
On April 24, Mr. Ali-Aid Nasiri, a refugee from Ahvaz was abducted by transnational terrorist forces of mullahs
with cooperation with employees of Iraqi Ministry of Interior and was secretly taken to Iran.
The camp housing refugees from Ahvaz is placed in the Tribil zone in Iraq-Jordan border, near the US Army
headquarters, was threatened recently by employees of Ministry of Interior of Iraq and some unknown agents
who were supposed working with Iranian intelligence services. Therefore, some of the refugees including Mr.
Ali-Aid Nasiri escaped the camp. However, after a few days this political refugee was arrested in Amara and was
secretly detained in a house in Amara for several days, before smuggled illegally to Ahvaz.
Mr. Nasiri is in Intelligence detention center in Ahvaz at present, and there is no more information on his
condition. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 3, 2009)
SSF murders arbitrarily people under pretext of ‘trouble makers’
“The SSF in Taibad in Khorassan Province – bordering with Afghanistan – identified an armed ‘trouble maker’
there and after an armed clash between the SSF and this ‘trouble maker’ he was killed,” Hossein Sajedi,
operational deputy commander of SSF said. (Jomhouri state-run newspaper – May 5, 2009)
Forced labor in camps to fight against narcotic drug
“The drug retailers will be kept in indoor workshops while major traffickers and sellers will be working as forced
labor in especial camps instead of being kept in prisons,” Colonel Assadi, deputy secretary of cooperation
council of fight against narcotic drug in Fars Province announced. (Jomhouri state-run newspaper – May 5,
Social discipline plan: being bachelor is a charge, the sentence is deserting house
The social condition increases the statistics of bachelors every day in Iran and factors such as surging inflation,
unemployment, mounting statistics of divorce, change of life style etc… While there have been discussions now
days about closing ‘bachelor houses’, this has provoked worries among citizens who have no choice than leaving
in this way.
Rajabzadeh, head of SSF in Tehran announced that at the beginning of social disciplinary plan the ‘bachelor
houses’ along with offenders and drug traffickers in district 12, central district in Tehran, are the cause of all
crimes, and will be closed down.
Dr. Qaraii Moqadam, a sociologist and professor in Tehran University believes that: “a number of the youths
have no choice except living in collective houses. When SSF expresses such matters it only increase the
discontent among young generation, increasing irreversible cultural, psychological damages to this social section.
The SSF is in charge of guarding security in the society instead it will aggravate insecurity and Pessimistic views,
inciting espionage among the people. Also sealing houses of people without any prove on committing any
offense is just ruining the regime’s prestige.” (Amir Kabir newsletter – May 6, 2009)

Main cause of sham election’s candidates to renounce SSF is the hatred of people against it
“Those who are after collecting people’s vote are talking to close
down guidance patrols, but they must know that guidance patrols
are for the national security and no one has the right to
blackening its image,” Ismail Ahmadi Moqadam, head of SSF
stated in Kerman. (Fars news agency – May 6, 2009)
Ahmadinejad himself protests against guidance patrols! Why
everybody attacks the government?
“Should Ahmadinejad to be president next term he would do
changes undoubtedly in this regard,” Majid Doost-Ali, the
secretary of Ahmadinejad cabinet proposed.
“Of course we do not claim that the government has been free of
mistakes, and according to Mr. Ahmadinejad a football coach
who directs the team makes mistakes,” he added.
“Guidance patrols are not belonged to Ahmadinejad’s

government as some candidates proclaim stopping them, and the government is protesting against some of the
violent dealings,” Doost-Ali said.
“Why the government which really serves people and the Supreme Leader has frequently approved it should be
under tremendous attacks?” he added. (Aftab, state-run website – May 6, 2009)
Commander of SSF declared readiness to repress Afghan refugees more vigorously
“Security Council of the Province (Kerman) expressed concerns on Afghans presence, therefore officials, and
people in charge of the province agreed to expel Afghans, and the SSF declared readiness to implement it,”
Ahmadi Moqadam, head of the State Security Forces said in a press conference in Keraman.
“The SSF is executive body to implement the policies, therefore Security Council of Kerman ordered expelling
of Afghans, and the SSF will take the course more influential,” he added. (ISNA, state-run news agency – May 6 ,
SSF: 84,000 satellite dishes confiscated in one
"In the past year, 84,000 satellite receivers and
other satellite appliances have been discovered
and seized by police,” The head of the
Smuggling Department of the State Security
Forces said.
"Fighting against forbidden and anti-cultural
goods is the priority in our department,” he
added. (Fars state-run news agency – May 6,
SSF mounts repressive measures against
youngsters in East Tehran
The SSF in Tehranpars, Rashid district arrest youngsters more aggressively and increasingly.
On May 6, patrols of the SSF and Police Station number 147, guidance patrols and SSF motorcades stopped 17
cars and arrested 10 boys and 7 girls, transferring the cars with their passengers in to police car park.
On May 6, the SSF sealed Kandoo Restaurant and Coffee shop in the morning, which is used mostly by
youngsters. The reason said to be entering boys and girls with ‘improper veil’. (Iran news agency – May 7, 2009)
Intelligence Protection interrogates arrestees of Laleh Park; guidance patrols intensified in this park
Arrestees of the First May Day were transferred to ward 240 of notorious Evin Prison, detained with criminals.
According to those arrested, interrogations in the police station carried out by the intelligence protection and
they asked two questions was common during their interrogation: Are you a university student? Do you have
Satellite or not?
Guidance patrols are intensified in Laleh Park since May 1. On May 6, 24 people were arrested there from 11am
to 16pm. A more concerned matter is that they savagely arrest girls and deal with them awfully forcing them
into the Guidance Vans. (Iran news agency – May 7, 2009)
Coffee nets are object of new arrests and repression
The SSF raided coffee nets and the aggregation sites of youth attempting to restrict them using internet.
On Wednesday May 6, the SSF agents raided the coffee net in Enqelab Square, searching it. According to
internet users and the owner of coffee nets sometimes plain-clothes and intelligence agents impersonating
themselves as internet users go to coffee nets for espionage and collecting information. (Iran news agency– May
7, 2009)
Head of Moral Security Police: we will deal severely with western style clothing
The head of the State Security Forces Moral Security Police said that according to the law, printing
indecent western writings and pictures on clothing is forbidden.
"Police will severely deal with Satanist groups without any tolerance,” he said.
"According to the law, the writing of the slogans of the Arrogance (reference to the US), and printing
indecent pictures and words on clothing is forbidden and will be dealt with", he stipulated.


"The distribution of the culture of chastity and the veil in the society is one of the most important
tools for fighting against the propaganda and weapons of the enemies,” said Ruzbehani. (Mehr state-
run news agency – May 9, 2009)
Receivers, Satellite dishes, and positions seized in Tabriz
“The SSF raided house of Hossein N. in an abrupt operation in a district in Tabriz – Center of East Azerbaijan.
They discovered and seized 42 receivers, 57 satellite dishes, and 44 satellite positions,” Amir Abbas-zadeh, head
of information center of the SSF in East Azerbaijan said.
“He was arrested and transferred to a judicial body,” he added. (Fars state-run news agency – May 9, 2009)
SSF repress people for producing and wearing dresses having ‘arrogance’ pictures, and slogans
“According to law, dresses with arrogance slogans, pictures, and writings are forbidden and those wearing or
producing them will be dealt with,” Ahmad Rouzbahani, head of moral division of State Security Force stated.
“The promotion social-moral security plan has been dealt with such clothes since 2007… Until the officials in
charge of culture do not impose their duty, the SSF will carry out their responsibility… Police won’t allow
western indecent groups to harm Iranian culture and values,” he said.
“The promotion social security plan includes dealing with trouble makers, street irritators, sound impurity, and
improper dressing of women and men,” he added.
“The plan does not just include the guidance officers but also
consists of widespread presence of the SSF in the recreation
centers,” he said. (Fars state-run news agency – May 10, 2009)
Youngsters street-paraded in a humiliated manner in Babolsar
The SSF criminal
agents committed
offense by street-
parading five
youngsters in a
very humiliating
manner across the city.
Agents of the Mullahs’ regime arrested these youth for causing
disorder. (Resistance Forces in Babolsar – May 10, 2009)
Police crack down in second phase of Social Security Plan
Rajabzaeh, head of Tehran State Security Forces declared the
second phase of social security plan started in the district 12.
“By now almost 407 with 100 square meter and 13 to 14 hut were identified which are rented between 300,000
to 700,000 rials (almost equivalent to $300 to 700) monthly. Eighty percent of the population use these
desolated places for living are from other cities, in near future the permission to evacuate and demolish them…
there are also some families living there… 30 people were also
arrested there,” Rajabzadeh said.“The social disciplinary plan
started since 10 days ago… thirteen police stations are launched
in the district 12to achieve the SSF goals,” he added.
“Should any offense takes place there police will deal with it
harshly,” he added while pointing out that there were various
experts in these police stations. (ISNA state-run news agency –
May 11, 2009)
Extraordinary control imposed in parks and men working in
women shops forbidden
Rouzbahani, head of the moral division of the SSF in a press conference declared that extraordinary control of
recreation centers and parks would be launched on June 22, 2009. News agencies did not explained clearly what
meant by “more extraordinary control” but pointed out that permanent police stations would be placed in big
parks and police patrols would be checking small parks.


“Men sellers working in women dress shops are forbidden… should police encounters with such a case after
verbal notification and fine the shop will be sealed,” he added. (Farda Radio – May 12, 2009)
Ongoing seizure of satellite dishes
On Tuesday May 12, the SSF raided houses, harassing people and seizing satellite dishes in Shahin Shahr-Dej.
According to eyewitnesses, the SSF agents attacked houses using equipment, which directed them to places
having satellite, throwing down dishes from the roof. This inhuman and suppressive measures intimidated
public causing their anxiety and driving them to protest. They had no permission entering any house. (Iran news
agency – May 13, 2009)
Ongoing social security plan: 470 demolished houses, 50 addicted arrestees, and fate of 1400 unknown
“50 were arrested today, whom 15 were addicted to narcotic drug, and 35 were signed addicted,” Colonel Seyed
Javad Kashfi, head of anti-drug department of Tehran State Security Forces said while running towards Harandi
Aquare in the district number 12 yesterday.
“470 abandoned and cave like houses were identified accommodating 1400 people. The SSF after arresting the
addicts introduce them to the labor camps designated for stopping their addiction,” he added. (Amir Kabir
newsletter – May 14, 2009)
Repressive maneuver continues despite getting close to bogus election
On May 12, Guidance Patrol with code 204, arrested four youths in the entrance of Mahdieh Street in
Islamshahr and transferred them to Imamzadeh Aqil Police Station number 15. They were 22 and 23 years old
and their only charge was having fashion hairstyle, and wearing cloths, which was identified by government as
western and repulsive.
In addition, few days after imposing the social security plan in district 12, a number of youngsters were arrested.
Baharestan Police Station has launched a checkpoint in the southern part of Ferdossi Square, and there are
about eight soldiers equipped with truncheons standing at the both sides of streets, stopping motorcyclists then
two noncommissioned officers checking their identity cards and other documents. (Iran news agency– May 14,

For those prone to commit offense, offense certificates will be issued and arrested before committing any
crimes: Top commander of SSF in Tehran
“For arrested trouble makers, offense certificate will
be issued by police,” Azizollah Rajabzadeh, head of
the SSF in Great Tehran said.
“By now, about 90 trouble makers have been
T teams are on alert in four locations in Tehran on a 24-7 basis,”
he added.
‘Trouble makers in the capital are under control of police and the SWAT teams will strike them before
attempting any crime…,” he said.
“407 shelters, and huts prone to offense have been identified in this district and our survey shows 80% of their
residents are not Tehran’s citizens,” Rajabzadeh add while pointing out to impose social disciplinary plans in
district 12 of Tehran.
According to the head of SSF in Great Tehran, in line with social disciplinary plan and cleansing of shelters
prone to crime, 25 shelters were destroyed by district 12 municipality of Tehran. (State-run TV network website
– May 18, 2009)


Head of Tehran's Security Police: those with petty criminal records who are "prone" to troublemaking will all
be arrested
The head of the Greater Tehran Public Security
Police announced the initiation of the activities of
SWAT teams made up of security police to arrest
Referring to the plan to round up troublemakers in
previous years in which first degree and second degree
troublemakers were arrested, Mohammad Reza
Alipoor said, "After investigations it became clear that
a number of convicts and troublemakers who had still
not reached the level of first degree or second degree
troublemakers but are prone to troublemaking are
causing disturbances in the city".
"In light of these findings and with necessary co-ordinations with Tehran's Prosecutor, Special Forces and other
police forces will undertake operations to deal with the troublemakers", he added.
"Until now 50 troublemakers who have petty criminal records but are prone to troublemaking have been
identified and every single one of these people will be arrested in the city", he stressed. (Fars state-run news
agency – May 18, 2009)
SSF arrests and suppresses under excuse of "troublemaking"
The head of the Greater Tehran Crime Prevention Police in the State Security Forces announced the arrest of
237 people in the framework of the Social Order Plan in the past 24 hours in the capital.
"In the mentioned timeframe we discovered five 220 liter barrels of alcohol in a place where alcohol was
produced", he said.
According to Bigi, three people were arrested in this operation and handed over to judicial authorities.
"Last night we also arrested 6 troublemakers in the Social Order Plan", he added. (IRNA state-run news agency –
May 18, 2009)
SWAT teams arrests youth under pretext of "dealing with troublemakers"
While in the past year no pictures or news have been published on the cruel treatment of the SSF with
"troublemakers", State Security Forces started (openly) dealing with them again on Monday in a show of power.
Security police agents and SSF special forces started a new phase in the "SWAT Team Plan to arrest
troublemakers" on Monday night. This new plan started upon the orders of the SSF commander in the capital.
A few hours ago, a number of the "troublemakers" in Tehransar and Khake-Sefid regions were violently arrested.
This treatment was much like the treatment of "troublemakers" in the beginning of the plan for advancing social
security. In those days, some SSF commanders called this treatment a kind of "show of power" against
"troublemakers". (Shahab News state- run website – May 19, 2009)
Iran's Supreme Leader endorses
suppressive "Social Security Plan"
The Head of the State Security Forces
Politics and Doctrine underlined that the
Plan to Advance Social Security is "not
subject to suspension ."
"The Plan to Advance Social Security which
is a blessed plan is connected to the SSF,
and the Supreme Leader persistently
endorses it", Cleric Torab Bahrami said in
an interview .
"The Plan to Advance Social Security is in
line with practicing 'prohibiting vice and

promoting virtue' which is a necessity in religion", he stressed .‘This plan is not very old and it is indeed new and
as time goes by it will become more complete but the Supreme Leader had stressed that this plan be ongoing
and permanent", he said . ‘According to the guidelines of the Imam (Khamenie, founder of the Islamic
Republic) and the Supreme Leader we all have the duty to endorse and support the
authorities in carrying out these sorts of plans", added the head of Politics and Doctrine. (Aftab state-run daily –
May 20, 2009)
Upsurge of ‘guidance patrols’ and ‘moral security police’ in Tabriz
Since last week, guidance patrols and moral security of SSF have been mounted since a week ago.
The SSF has increased its activities against mullahs’ so called ‘mal veiling’ and controlling ‘moral security’ across
Tabriz, center of East-Azerbaijan.
Guidance and moral security patrols are stationed in all squares and brutalize and sneer those who have
clothing and hairstyle not approved by them.
Above controlling public passages by closed circuit cameras, the SSF prevents any gathering and threat them
roughly. The majority of people are protesting against their presence and behaviors. Moreover, there are also
‘social urgent patrols’ in addition to police patrols. (Iran news agency – May 21, 2009)
Security pressure imposed on villagers Kermanshah’s border area
Pressures on people of Ravansar, and Javanrood Villages have been increased for few days and the SSF attacks
and searches houses of people under various pretexts.
On May 19 and 20 the SSF raided villages of Badrabad, Zirchoobi, Qeshlaq, Mansour Aqaii and caused fear and
intimidation of the villagers.” (Iran news agency – May 21, 2009)
More than 40 people arrested in Sistan & Baluchistan in new wave of suppression
Heavy pre-election security measures in Baluchistan
have so far led to the arrest of at least 40 residents in
this region.
Military maneuvers and the stationing of
checkpoints in residential areas like Iranshahr,
Zabol, Zahak, Khash, Saravan, Zahedan… have been
carried out and military defense points have also
been created in these areas along with widespread
searches in residential homes. This has created an
atmosphere of fear in this province. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – May 22, 2009)
Several people beaten and arrested in Tabriz protests
A group of Tabriz residents who had gathered in Ael-Guli (Shah-Guli) Park for a sporting event chanted slogans
condemning the insult of Turks and demanded an official apology from Mohammad Khatami (for insulting
Security forces shot tear gas at the protestors and used violence to disperse the crowds. A number of people were
injured and several others were arrested. (Advar News website – May 23, 2009)
According to state-run TV network, number of participants in the rally was 300,000.
SSF assaults barbarically against people’s residences of Khorramabad
The State Security Forces assaulted people’s houses and arrested 45
“Promoting social security plan carried out for three days in unclean
locations,” Moradi, top commander of the SSF in Lorestan Province,
western Iran, said while announcing the number of arrestees. (Resalat,
state-run daily – May 24, 2009)


Iran cracks down on popular riots in Iran
Iran cracked down on reformist leaders on Sunday after
President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad's landslide election win
sparked riots across Tehran and complaints of vote-rigging
by his defeated rivals.
Amid the turmoil, Iranian security forces arrested at least 15
reformist leaders who backed ex-premier Mousavi and
another defeated presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi in
Friday's vote, sources close to them told AFP .
On Saturday, baton-wielding riot police firing tear gas
clashed with protestors who pelted security forces with
stones and set rubbish bins and police vehicles ablaze as
demonstrators shouted 'Death to the Dictator.'
An AFP correspondent touring riot-hit areas reported a heavy police presence around the interior ministry,
while a bank building was burnt to a shell and the road to Tehran University's student dormitory locked down.
'Last night after midnight they came to our door, Taghi went to open the door and they arrested him right there
and pushed him into a car,' said Narges Mohammadi, wife of Taghi Rahmani, a prominent dissident who has
previously been jailed for harming national security. (AFP - June 14, 2009)
Police raid hospital to arrest injured protesters
According to reports from the 1000 Bed Hospital in Tehran, Special Police Forces have raided the emergency
treatment ward intending to arrest the injured protesters .
At about 1:30 pm, groups of special guards forces along with intelligence agents came into the hospital. They
dealt violently with the doctors and nurses in the hospital. Intelligence agents intended to arrested the injured
protesters but the doctors and nurses firmly prevented this measure. The hospital employees were threatened
with arrest. These clashes went on for a long time in the hospital and the hospital personnel were not able to
treat patients in this time. Some of the wounded protesters are in very critical condition .
This event went on until 3:30 pm and the security forces were not able to arrest the protesters after hospital
personnel stood their ground .
Most injured protesters are only lightly
treated for fear of arrest and even those
who are severely injured are only
bandaged and leave the hospital for their
homes and feel insecure in the hospitals .
This measure by security forces resembles
measure taken by forces in the 1980's
when they did the same thing to injured
protesters and threw them in jail from
hospital .
Even hospital personnel were not secure
in yesterday's clashes and were frequently
under threat and insult from suppressive
forces. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran website – June 14, 2009)
Violence against demonstrators marks new presidential term in Iran
Thousands of demonstrators faced a violent response when they took to the streets in Iran on Saturday to
protest against the announcement of the victory of incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Friday’s
presidential elections.


"The shocking scenes of violence meted out

by the security forces need to be urgently
investigated and those responsible for human
rights violations must be brought to justice,"
said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Director
of the Middle East and North Africa
Programme .
"We urge the Iranian authorities to ensure
that all Iranians are granted the right to
express themselves peacefully, to associate
and to assemble," said Hassiba Hadj
Sahraoui. "No one should be arrested for
questioning the results of the elections and
the Iranian authorities need to act in a
transparent manner to address the concerns
raised by many Iranians that results have
been tampered with ".
In the course of the unrest on Saturday,
access to You Tube, Facebook and other social networking
internet sites was blocked, as was access to a range of online
news services. SMS communications were reported to be
restricted. Many of these outlets carried reports which raised
concerns that the conduct of the election was flawed and
results had been rigged…
"We deplore that the new presidential term is heralded with
widespread abuses," said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui. "Amnesty
International considers anyone arrested simply for demanding
transparency and for questioning the results of the elections to
be a prisoner of conscience, who should be immediately and
unconditionally released ". (Amnesty International Website – June 15, 2009)
50 to 60 protesters severely beaten by security agents taken to hospital
Thousands of protesters defied Iran's highest authority Saturday and marched on waiting security forces that
fought back with baton charges, tear gas and water cannons as the crisis over disputed elections lurched into
volatile new ground.
The extent of injuries in the street battles also was unclear. Some witnesses said dozens were hurt and gunfire
was heard.
A police commander sharpened the message
Saturday. Gen. Esmaeil Ahmadi Moghadam said
more than a week of unrest and marches had become
'exhausting, bothersome and intolerable.' He
threatened a more 'serious confrontation' if protesters
Full details of the street battles could not be obtained
because of Iranian media restrictions. But witnesses
described scenes that could sharply escalate the most
serious internal conflict since the 1979 Islamic
Police first fired tear gas and water cannons at the
protesters, witnesses said. Then came a second wave.
It included volunteer militiamen on motorcycles
chasing down demonstrators.

Witnesses claimed some marchers were beaten with batons by security forces or metal pipes wielded by the
militiamen known as Basijis, who are directed by the powerful Revolutionary Guard.
One witness told The Associated Press that people came from apartments to aid the wounded demonstrators or
allowed them to take shelter. Helicopters hovered over central Tehran until dusk.
The witnesses told AP that between 50 and 60 protesters were seriously beaten by police and pro-government
militia and taken to Imam Khomeini hospital in central Tehran. People could be seen dragging away comrades
bloodied by baton strikes.
Iranian authorities have placed strict limits on the ability of foreign media to cover events, banning reporting
from the street and allowing only phone interviews and information from officials sources such as state TV. (AP
– June 20, 2009)
Police severely suppress Iran protest
Teargas and water cannon are turned on the crowds as Tehran's security forces and militiamen outnumber
protesters on streets.
The momentum of Iran 'green revolution' - triggered by allegations of electoral theft earlier this month -
appeared to stall yesterday, as thousands of plain clothes and uniformed security officials swamped Tehran,
using tear gas and water cannon on a hard core of about 3,000 demonstrators.
Eyewitnesses said that protesters who had tried to gather for demonstrations were beaten by police, who also
fired warning shots into the air. Video footage showed scattered knots of protesters fleeing as tear gas canisters
were fired amidst shouts of 'Allahu Akbar' - God is Great, one of the calls adopted by the protesters.
In other places, witnesses described demonstrators holding their ground against motorbike-mounted members
of the feared Basij militia.
Helicopters hovered over Tehran and the sound of sirens echoed through the streets as up to 60 injured
demonstrators were taken to the Imam Khomeini hospital. Tehran's university campus - another focal point for
the protesters - was also blocked off yesterday by lines of police.
'This is like [the revolution in] 1979,' said one older man on the streets yesterday. 'But it's more dangerous.
People had money in 1979 to escape and to get by for months. Now they don't.'
After stern warnings from Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during Friday prayers and amid a
climate of growing fear in Iran, the vast majority of the hundreds of thousands who had earlier marched against
what they claimed has been the rigging of elections to favour Ahmadinejad, appeared to have remained at
home. Khamenei warned opposition leaders to end street protests or be held responsible for any 'bloodshed and
chaos' to come.
In a sign of the regime's determination to prevent further large protests, police and Basij militia deployed in
almost every major square in Tehran, while fire engines were being used to block roads, eyewitnesses said. One
told al-Jazeera that in most areas protesters were outnumbered by riot police. Ahmad Reza Radan, a senior
Iranian police commander, had warned his men would 'strongly confront any illegal gatherings and those
without permission .'
Up to 10 people have been killed and scores of reformists have been arrested since the protests began.
Authorities have also cracked down on foreign and domestic media .
The violent interventions of the Basij militia - one of Ahmadinejad's bases of electoral support - armed with
bicycle chains, batons and Kalashnikovs and dressed in a mixture of civilian clothes and fatigues, is an
increasingly significant factor in the crisis.
Special units of the Army of Mohammad Rasulallah, part of the Revolutionary Guard noted for its iron fist
tactics, have also reportedly taken over law enforcement in the capital. The Basij is a volunteer force, drawn
mainly from the poorer section of society, who gain favours and privileges by acting as enforcers for the Islamic
state. (The Observer – June 21 2009)
Bloodbath in Tehran demo


According to reports from various

hospitals in Tehran, because of the
brutal attack of Revolutionary Guards
Corps and undercover intelligence
agents, a large number of people in
Tehran were killed and many more
were injured and taken to Tehran's
RGC forces shot live bullets at
protesters. Those who died or were
injured were mostly hit from the waist
up. This bloody suppression led to the
death of at least 30 protesters. This
death toll was acquired from a number
of hospitals .
The number of injured protesters was
so high that Tehran's emergency center
was forced to use city busses to transfer
the injured protesters to hospitals. Only in the 1000 Bed Hospital, more than 85 people who were either
stabbed or had bullet wounds were hospitalized. Fifteen of these people are in critical condition. The wounded
protesters were mostly struck in the face, head, chest, and back .
The Protection Department of Tehran University immediately takes pictures of the injured protesters brought
into the hospital and makes a criminal record for them .
The names and injuries of injured in yesterday's bloody demo is enclosed. The bodies of the dead were
transferred to the RGC Hospital. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 21, 2009)
Security forces stationed in hospitals harass patients and families
With their heavy presence in medical centers, security forces have caused major problems for patients and
families who come to find their loved ones in hospitals.
According to reports, starting from yesterday, security forces have been stationed in medical centers, from large
centers to local smaller medical centers, the coroners and Behesht Zahra Cemetery. According to independent
media, yesterday 19 to 150 people were killed by security forces.
Security forces stationed in these centers interrogate families who are desperately looking for their loved ones in
these centers without considering their condition or the condition of the patients. In some cases, they have
arrested the patient or a member of the family. According to medical sources, these forces have asked the
medical personnel not to make a medical record for the patients or the dead. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – June 21, 2009)
Iran's elite Guards threaten to crush any new
Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards Corps
threatened on Monday that it would meet any
further protests against the presidential
election with a 'revolutionary and decisive'
riposte, the Mehr news agency reported.
The Guards strongly condemned the 'illegal
path' taken by what they called 'deceived
elements' and demanded an end to 'rioting
and vandalism,' in a statement quoted by
'If not, they should expect a decisive and
revolutionary confrontation from the children of the Iranian nation in the Guards, the Basij militia and other
police and security forces to end the mutiny and riots,' the statement warned. (AFP - June 22, 2009)

Mullahs’ judiciary paves way for jenocide

The Special Court is currently seeing to the case of the street troublemakers. This was announced by Reyisi, the
first deputy of the Judiciary. He also added that troublemakers "should be dealt in a way to set an example and
that is what the judiciary will do". (State-run Radio – June 23, 2009)
Suppressive forces open fire on demonstrators
Update | 11:54 a.m. My colleague Nazil Fathi reports
from Tehran that witnesses who attended today’s rally
outside Iran’s Parliament building, say the security forces
did open fire:
Hundreds of protesters clashed with waves of riot police
and paramilitary militia in Tehran on Wednesday,
witnesses said, as Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei, insisted the authorities would not yield to
pressure from opponents demanding a new election
following allegations of electoral fraud.
It was impossible to confirm first-hand the extent of the
new violence in the capital because of draconian new press
restrictions on coverage of the post-election mayhem. But the witnesses reached by telephone said the
confrontation, outside the national Parliament building, was bloody, with police using live ammunition.
Defying government warnings, the witnesses said that hundreds, if not thousands of protesters, had attempted
to gather in front of the parliament on Baharestan Square. They were met with riot police and paramilitary
militia, who struck at them with truncheons, tear gas, and guns. One witness said he saw a 19-year-old woman
shot in the neck . New York Times – June 24, 2009)
Riot police disperse Tehran demonstrators
TEHRAN - A large presence of Iranian riot police and a volunteer militia deterred demonstrators who were
trying to gather near parliament in Tehran on Wednesday, a witness told AFP.
Police armed with batons and shields called on the few hundred people who had attempted to gather in
Baharastan square to disperse, the witness said.
'No permission has been given for any rally,' the interior ministry said in a statement earlier on Wednesday.
(AFP - Iran, June 24, 2009)
Brutal suppression of Laleh Park gathering
The families of those who were arrested or
killed in the recent unrest in Tehran went to
Laleh Park on June 27 to commemorate the
memories of their loved ones. Security forces
attacked the protesters and prevented them
from congregating. In this violent attack,
many people were injured.
The names of eight of them are:
1. Mohsen Momeni, 26, broken head as
a result of beatings on the head. He had
severe bleeding, became unconscious, and
was taken to the hospital.
2. Keyhan Sohrabi, 27, broken hand as
a result of beatings
3. Farzaneh D. injured in the knee and hand
4. Ali Farahbakhsh, 20, broken nose
There is no information on the number of those who were injured in other locations like Revolution Square .
The names of a number of people who were arrested in the recent days in Tehran are:
1. Omid Khatami, 26, was arrested on June 23 in Vanak Square and taken to Evin


2. Massoud Asgari, 30, was arrested in

Baharestan on June 25 and taken to an
unknown location
3. Akbar Aqayi, 27, was arrested on
June 21 in Azadi Street and taken to Evin
4. Ali Aqili, 18, arrested on June 24 in
Baharestan and taken to Evin Prison (Center
for Defense of Political Prisoners in Iran –
June 27, 2009)
Some injured in Iran protests arrested
An Iranian paramilitary group has been
going into hospitals to arrest people injured
in street demonstrations, Amnesty
International says. 'The Basijis are waiting for
them,' said Banafsheh Akhlaghi, the group's
western regional director, referring to the
militia group that has played a key role in
cracking down on protests following the June
12 elections. Relatives of people who have
been detained say the Basij bar hospital staff
from getting information from the injured and then, once they are treated, detain them, Akhlaghi said. She said
doctors are ordered not to ask patients how they were hurt. Hospitals, administrative levels, are being told to
stay out of the public because they're saying you're accusing the regime of being hostile'. (Amnesty International
– June 28, 2009)
Iran hires Basij militia and Arab terrorists to turn strong-arm against dissent
Since anti-government demonstrations erupted after allegations of massive fraud in Iranian presidential
elections, 'the Basij are everywhere. In the streets, in the newspapers, on television,' said Mohsen Javani, a high
school student in Tehran.
For many Iranians, however, after the (Iran- Iraq) war the Basij have evolved into Iran's unofficial morality
police, responsible for enforcing Islamic dress codes, questioning couples about their marital status and raiding
mixed-gender parties .
They also have been used in the past to clamp down on protesters, including students and women's rights
advocates .
There is another reason young Iranians become members of the Basij: money .
'We are getting paid 200,000 toman [about $200] a day by the government,' a member of the group said in an e-
mail made available to The Times. 'We are being instructed to go into the streets and hit people, everyone and
anyone who is out, until they can no longer to rise. We are being fed lunch and dinner and given rooms to sleep
in undisclosed locations '.
'We are not alone,' the Basij member said. 'There are Arabs among us, but they are getting paid more than we
are. They are being put up in hotels, and they have different weapons than we do '.(The Washington Times –
June 28, 2009)
Names of a number of protesters who were shot and wounded by security forces
According to reports, an economical student named Ali Mahmoud Nasab who was shot twice by security forces
and was in a critical condition was arrested by RGC forces and taken to an unknown location.
This student had participated in the widespread protest in Vanak Square on June 17. After Special Guards
Forces and the Bassij opened fire on the protesters, he was shot. One bullet hit his right foot and the other
pierced his back. Security forces shot at his friends, who were trying to get him out of the scene. According to
eyewitnesses, he was arrested by RGC agents and taken to an unknown location. He is from Lahijan in
Northern Iran.
The names of a number of people who were shot in the protests are as follows:

Kayvan Z, 18, shot in the elbow in Leili Street. He did not go to hospital for fear of arrest and is being treated at
Farzaneh V.M, 26, housewife- She was passing by in Amir Abad when she was shot in the shoulder. She is also
being treated at home for fear of going to hospital. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 29,
Students terrorized by security forces
Independent student sources in the country have reported that security forces are still trying to implement an
atmosphere of terror in universities.
Security and intelligence forces are still trying to keep the security atmosphere in universities at any cost. They
have put pressure on student activists, suspended students, some well known university professors and even
their families to prevent them from their activities and to keep them from distributing news on those who were
arrested. On the other hand, with the help of the protection department and disciplinary committees in the
universities, dissident students are arrested without reason and without arrest warrant.
Security forces and Bassij forces in Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Babol, Mashhad, Hamedan, Tabriz, and
Kermanshah have turned university campuses into their own turf. According to reports, these forces have a
heavy presence in various universities and dormitories and use any excuse to threaten and arrest students.
In the past few days, security and intelligence institutions have illegally summoned students and made
threatening phone calls to senior members of the Office for Consolidating Unity. These threats and summonses
are ongoing. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – July 5, 2009)
Iran cracks down brutally to suppress peaceful demonstrators
A demonstration by the people of Tehran to mark the anniversary of the student uprising in 1999 was met with
severe suppression by security forces. According to eyewitness reports, at about 9:30 pm in Rudaki Street,
security forces attacked a young man with clubs and beat him so much that his head split open. People helped
him and took him to hospital. There were a very large number of security forces on the streets. Even traffic
police were armed with tear gas and pepper spray.
Security forces even attacked taxis that stood to pick up the people and broke their windows.
At 6:30 pm in Abbas Abad, Motaheri and Fatemi Streets, there were severe clashes and Bassijis severely beat the
protesters. Soldiers also helped the security forces in their suppression. There were shots made with
Kalashnikovs. The windows of cars that honked in support of the protesters were shattered by security forces.
Those who were detained today were handcuffed with plastic bands. People who were going towards Enqelab
suddenly felt the plastic handcuffs on their hands from the back. Security forces started detaining protesters
even before the demo started. (Iran News Agency – July 9, 2009)
Plainclothes agents attack Polytechnic Univ. dorms
Plainclothes agents armed with guns and knives along with agents on motorcycles attacked a number of the
Polytechnic (Amir Kabir) University dormitories. These agents stormed the dorms beating a number of students
and the dorm guards.
They also vandalized some parts of the buildings and facilities. The agents used tear gas against the students and
stormed the reading hall, restrooms and baths, praying hall and other floors of the Golshan Dorm.
There is no information on the condition of a number of students who were attacked in this raid. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – July 9, 2009)
Many people arrested in demo to mark anniversary of students uprising
Many people were arrested outside of the vicinity of the demonstrations to mark the anniversary of the student
uprising in 1999. Security forces and paramilitary forces attacked and arrested many people who were walking
on the streets and this has led to a high number of arrests. There is no information on where they have taken
the detainees.
The interesting point in today's arrests was that detainees were taken to cars and vans that did not have the
police emblem and were personal cars.


According to eyewitness accounts, when people were being arrested, plainclothes agents would use very offensive
language especially when arresting girls, and brutally beat them with clubs. In many cases, it was reported that
they would also spray pepper spray at very close range at the detainees, which can lead to serious eye damage.
Until this moment, it is not clear how many people were arrested, who they are or where they are being kept.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – July 9, 2009)
SSF official: police will deal firmly with illegal gatherings
Iran's police chief deputy Ahmad Reza Radan said that police would act firmly with any illegal gathering.
"The upholding of order and security in the society is the duty of the police and therefore any illegal gathering
which causes disorder in the society will be firmly dealt with", he said.
"There were rumors of new gatherings in Tehran on Tuesday and we will deal with these illegal gatherings". (Fars
News Agency – July 21, 2009)
Hospitalized protesters in critical condition severely controlled by intelligence agents
According to reports, in the course of widespread protests on July 30 for the 40th day from the killing of
protesters in demonstrations, a large number of people were arrested and many others were battered and
injured by security forces. Injured protesters are currently hospitalized in the 7 Tir Hospital.
These protests were met with brutal attacks by security forces, Special Guards Forces, RGC and Bassij forces and
plainclothes forces. They brutally beat young people in the demo with clubs which led to the arrest and injuries
of many of them.
More than 18 injured protesters are currently hospitalized in the 7 Tir Hospital. Most of them have been struck
in the head, neck and face with clubs. A number of the injured protesters have been transferred to unknown
locations by security forces and intelligence agents. Three protesters are in critical condition. They are:
Seyed Mohsen M. 23, electrical student, Shahrzad F, 26 and Amir A. 27, who has a computer degree. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 1, 2009)
Deputy SSF commander: 70 people arrested
last Thursday
The deputy commander of the State Security
Forces announced that 70 people involved in
the recent events were arrested last Thursday.
"These people were arrested in all the restive
areas". (Fars state-run News Agency – Aug. 3,
Iran arrests dozens of demonstrators outside
parliament building
Dozens of protesters who had gathered in a
peaceful demonstration outside the
parliament building in protest to the
swearing in ceremony of Ahmadinejad were
arrested. Despite a denial by State Security
Forces officials, eyewitnesses have said that a
number of protesters were arrested and a
large number of protesters were beaten.
One of detainees is a 28-year-old woman
named Fahimi Asadi. One of her friends said
that she witnessed the scene of her arrest.
Her family still has no information on her
whereabouts. (Muj-e Azadi Website – Aug. 6,
Security forces attack and beat peaceful

According to reports from Tehran's Bazaar area, there were protests and clashes in the Bazaar. Security forces
attacked the people beating in the head and face with clubs. As a result of the brutal attacks, a number of the
protesters sustained injuries. Eyewitnesses have said that they saw four people in one area who were severely
injured and bleeding. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 12, 2009)

Security forces violently attack worried parents of detained protesters outside Evin Prison
According to reports from a Evin Prison, prison guards attacked families who were concerned for their loved
ones on the orders of a judge in this prison. These guards pushed the elderly men and women to the ground
violently throwing the worried parents out of the building.
At about 10:15 am, the families of detained protesters went to the building where the prison judge is stationed
and protested the fact that no one answers their questions about their loved ones. The guards present initially
attempted to deceive the families with lies about their loved ones. They then ordered their forces to throw the
families out of the building using force. The security forces pushed the elderly men and women on the ground
and threw them out of the building and under the scorching sun. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in
Iran – Aug. 15, 2009)
SSF deputy: those who eat in Ramadan will be firmly dealt with
Radan, the deputy commander of the State Security Forces said, "In the month of Ramadan, security forces will
definitely deal with lawbreaking food stores.”
"Those who cause disturbance in any way on the sidewalks will also be dealt with", he added. (Mehr state-run
news agency – Aug. 16, 209)
Security forces attack peaceful protesters in Tehran
A group of people, especially younger
people, gathered outside and around
the E'temad Meli Daily offices in
protest to a government ban on this
After 5 pm, this area was filled with
protesters who were protesting in
silence and in some cases chanted
Allah-O Akbar or raised their hands
in peace signs.
Special Guards Forces attacked the
silent protesters in many cases and a
number of people were severely
injured as a result. According to
eyewitnesses, more than 10 people
were arrested by security forces. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter – Aug. 17, 2009)
Military forces shoot and injure innocent passerby
After military forces opened fire on number of passersby from a military base in Marivan, a Kurd man was
seriously wounded.
Abdollah Faraji, from the Be-radeh-rah-sh Village in Marivan, was passing by from the Jalaneh area with his
friends for recreation, when he was shot and injured by military forces from a military base. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Aug. 17, 2009)
Security forces impose martial law in Marivan
Security forces and agents have been deployed in the Javeh Roy region in Marivan and have stationed guns on
the rooftops of houses.


These forces have created the atmosphere of martial law and control the movement of the people. In some
villages, they put pressure on the family members of the Democratic Party and harass the villagers. (Kurdistan
Media – Aug. 17, 2009)
SSF: people should introduce those who eat in Ramadan
The State Security Forces wrote in a statement: "We request from the general public to cooperate with security
forces and if you see any kind of offense (in the months of Ramadan) immediately call 110 so that the offenders
can be legally dealt with". (Asre Iran Website – Aug. 19, 2009)

Man shot at close range with shotgun by security forces, paralyzed

In his letter
Karoubi wrote
that he went to
visit a family
whose son was
hosptilized. He
was fed through a
hole in his
stomach. This
young man
whose head is full
of pellets has
undergone surgery a number of times and has to be operated on again.
(Security forces) used a shotgun which is used to scatter demonstrators from a distance of about 50 meters, but
shot at Reza's head from a range of about 1,5 meters. When his father was frantically trying to take Reza to the
hospital, security forces stopped him and destroyed his car while Reza was dying in the back seat. Half of Reza's
body has become paralyzed. One of his eyes has been gouged out by doctors and his other eye is also on the
verge of being blinded because of a severe infection. (Mehdi Sahar Khiz Weblog – Aug. 21, 2009)
Families of detainees gathered outside Evin Prison attacked by prison forces
Dozens of families of detainees who had gathered outside Evin Prison on August 23 demanding a visit with
their loved ones were attacked by orders of the judge in this prison and forced to move back from the prison.
Prison forces pushed and attacked the families and told them they had no right to stand outside the Prison any
more and if they did they would be arrested. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 23, 2009)
Tehran Assistant Prosecutor: eating in public in Ramadan is punishable by fine and flogging
The Assistant Prosecutor of Tehran said that eating in public in Ramadan in any way is a crime and the
offender will be sentenced to a fine and flogging.
"State Security Forces will arrest those who eat in public and hand them over to the courts", Mahmoud Salarkia
said on Sunday. (IRNA state-run news
agency – Aug. 23, 2009)
Social security plan in Tehran
The State Seucity Forces has announced
that from next week the Social Security Plan
will be carried out in sixth district in Tehran
which includes Tehran University, and the
Enqelab, Kargar, Amir Abad, Yusef Abad,
and Abas Abad streets.
Mehdi Ahmadi, head of the information
center of the Greater Tehran police said,
"The Social Security Plan will be carried out
in the sixth Tehran District to carry out the
law and to establish discipline". (Radio
Farda – Aug. 28, 2009)

Security forces confiscate satellite equipment from homes in Kermanshah
In the past few weeks in Sarpul-e Zahab, a town in Kermanshah, regime forces have entered people homes with
permits, to confiscate their satellite equipment.
Dozens of satellite systems have so far been confiscated by these forces and their owners have been fined. These
forces also confiscated satellite systems in a number of villages in the area including the Juri Village. (Kurdistan
Media – Sep. 10, 2009)
Head of Tehran Moral Police: those who disturb peace will be severely dealt with
The head of the Greater Tehran District Moral Police said that the police would deal with drivers who cause
noise pollution and they would be handed over to judicial officials.
"Dealing with those who bother women, noise pollutants and those who wander on the streets to disturb
families are some of the main and natural missions of the police".
"The police will deal severely with noise pollutants who, put on indecent music (in their cars) and those who
disturb women and this mission is uninterruptable".
According to the Fars News Agency, article 618 of the Islamic Code states that "Those who disturb the peace or
general peace of the people or prevent people from doing their daily occupation by making a commotion or
taking unconventional measures will be sentenced from 3 years to one year of prison and 74 lashes". (Farsstate-
run News Agency – Sep. 22, 2009)
Iran stations police forces outside schools under pretext of dealing with troublemakers in fear of student
The Assistant head of the State Security Forces announced that schools would be controlled to deal with drug
dealers and troublemakers on the streets near schools.
"In light of the opening of schools and the start of the new academic year, uniformed and undercover police will
control the areas around all schools in the county to deal with people who intend to sell drugs or those who
cause trouble". (Mehr state-run News Agency – Sep. 22, 2009)
Police beat young man in Tehran
According to reports, from Sunday September 27, the commander of police station 147 named second
lieutenant Mahmoud Rezayi was transferred to another police station and third lieutenant Ali Maleki took his
place. Maleki was standing today in a park on the intersection of Rashid and 150 West Streets which is the
hangout of teenagers and threatened everyone .
"I will kill all of you and from now on no one will dare walk on this street. Don’t think I am like Rezayi", he
said.Then he chased the teenagers and beat 20-year-old Arash in public to intimidate the young people. (Iran
News Agency – Sep. 27, 2009)
Security forces beat teenagers on streets for so-called 'moral offenses'
According to reports, on Thursday September 26 from 5 to 11 pm, a checkpoint in the Andarzgu Street in
Tehran stopped about 70 cars and physically abused a number of the female and male passengers. The girls were
beaten for 'improper veiling' while the boys were beaten to 'looking at girls'. When one of the teenagers asked
why they were doing this, he was severely beaten and his license plate was confiscated. (Iran News Agency– Sep.
28, 2009)
Iran installs security cameras in schools to control students
The Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Education said, "According to recent decisions made by the
Supreme Council of Education, installing closed circuit security cameras … in the hallways and campus of
schools is admissible. (Tabnak Website – Sep. 27, 2009)
Shop shut down for selling automobile sound devices
According to reports, agents of the Majidieh Police Station raided and shut down the Zanguleh Systems Store
on Wednesday September 26 only because it was selling automobile sound devices. (Iran News Agency – Sep.
28, 2009)
Iran stations fire department forces in Azadi Stadium under pretext of 'providing security' to quell protests
The assistant head of operations at Tehran's Fire Fighting Department said that fire department forces would be
stationed around Azadi Stadium.

"Fire Department cars will be stationed in the western and eastern parking lots of the stadium to secure all the
parking lots", he said. He also said that fire fighters on motorcycles will also be on the scene to provide
immediate assistance.
"On Friday (when there is to be football match) 50 fire fighters will be stationed in Azadi Stadium to prevent
any possible incidents by use of heavy and light automobiles", he added. (Borna News Agency – Sep. 29, 2009)
IRGC acquires 50 percent stake in Iran’s Telecommunications Company to control phone and internet
Finally after the bid for stakes in Iran's Telecommunications Company was cancelled four times, companies
affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps were able to take over control of this important and
strategic company. In this way, the Telecommunications Company has joined the group of companies and
institutions under the power of the leader of the Islamic Republic and outside the jurisdiction of the
parliament. This is while a few hours before the bid, the only other seemingly private telecommunications
company offering to buy was rejected for lack of “security credentials”. By giving 50 plus one percent of the
stakes of the Telecommunications Company (to the IRGC), all its sectors including landlines, cell phones, the
Dita Communications and its infrastructure is moved out of the control of the government and transferred to
the IRGC. (JRS Website – Sep. 28, 2009)
Iran militarizes Tehran to curb student protests
With the start of the academic year in universities and the renewal of student protests to the elections, the city
has been militarized once again after officials stationed a large number of securityforces all over Tehran.
Security forces were tightly stationed around the Enqelab Square and Enqelab Street.
It seems that the new deployment of security and military forces in Tehran is because of the start of the
academic year and fears of student protests. (Nurooz Website – Sep. 30, 2009)
Iran filters more than 10 million websites and weblogs
In the past five months, new policies including the interest and security of the nation has led to widespread
filtering of many news and information websites. This has even slowed down internet access in the country.
According to an internet activist who asked not to be named, more than 10 million websites have been filtered
so far. (Sarmayeh state-run daily – Sep. 30, 2009)
200 security cameras installed in Iran to curb street dissent
From the 400 security cameras that were bought to be installed in the country, 200 have been installed in
various cities so far. (ILNA state-run news agency – Sep. 30, 2009)
Security forces harass people on Tehran road
On Wednesday, September 30 security forces along with other regime forces stopped cars going in the Yadegar
Imam under the excuse of conducting drug tests and harassed the people. (Iran News Agency – Sep. 31, 2009)
Universities in hands of suppressive forces
Farid Hashemi a member of the central council of the Office for Consolidating Unity said regarding the
situation of universities, "Universities have reopened this year in the middle of a soft cultural revolution.
Officials have tightened their grip on the academic environment and under the name of controlling the
scientific atmosphere of universities and creating a calm environment, the security atmosphere has heightened
in universities. Student activists are suspended from using the dormitories and university facilities more than
before. The activities of the Disciplinary Committee have intensified and the control of universities has been
entrusted in the hands of the Protection Departments". (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 1, 2009)
Security forces turn Tehran's Azadi Stadium to military base
From this morning, a large
number of people moved
towards Azadi Stadium (to
watch a football game
between the Persepolis and
Esteqlal teams). Security
forces body searched the

football fans attending the game and in some case, confiscated their cell phones.
According to reports, a large number of fans who had come from other towns from Tehran and slept outside
the Azadi Stadium were attacked by security forces. Some were beaten while others were arrested and taken to
unknown locations.
A large number of security forces have been stationed inside and outside of the Azadi Stadium. Eye-witnesses
have said that they saw 20 special guards' forces cars entering the stadium. (Human Rights Activists in Iran –
Oct. 2, 2009)
Rep. of Tehran's Prosecutor attends football match to 'give necessary judicial orders in case of offense' in
A representative of the prosecutor said that he will be present in the Azadi Stadium with the football fans of the
(the Persepolis and Esteqlal game).
"When the audience are present in the (stadium) to watch the game, I will also be present so that I can monitor
the offenses carried out from up close and if there is an offense, issue the necessary judicial orders", Habib
Hashemi said.
"I am announcing that I will deal very severely with those who disrupt order in the stadium in the game between
Persepolis and Esteqlal", he added. (ISNA state-run news agency – Oct. 2, 2009)
Iran disrupts cell phone communications near Azadi Stadium
While there is less than two hours left to the start of the 67th game between the Esteqlal and Persepolis football
teams, the capacity of the Azadi Stadium has reached its peak and many of the football fans have stayed behind
the closed doors of the stadium.
Cell phone services have once again been disrupted. Reports show that these services have been disrupted in
Western Tehran especially in the Azadi Stadium and its vicinity. (Nimruz state-run website – Oct. 2, 2009)
Plainclothes agents attack football fans
Security forces arrested 10 Persepolis and Esteqlal fans in Azadi Stadium. The IRNA (state-run) news agency
called these people "seeming spectators" saying that they were arrested for "clashing". In the last minutes of the
game, which was played under severe security measures, slogans in support of Moussavi were chanted in the
Riot police entered the field after these chants. According to other reports, plainclothes agents attacked the
spectators. (Ruydad Website – Oct. 2, 2009)
Head of IRGC: Student Bassij does not have to wait for orders to quell student protests
The Commander of the Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps has told members of the Bassij in
universities that they have to react to unrest in universities and do not have to wait for orders from their
Citing the differences in various universities, Major General Mohammad-Ali Jafari said on October 2 in a
conference for the heads of Student Bassij Forces in Iran's universities that the "student Bassij can act
independently in the soft war field and the commandment of this fighting field is not concentrated one".
"The young commanders of the soft war front have to be familiar with the political and cultural grounds of this
filed to show the proper reaction in any location that they might be. They should not wait for orders from their
superiors", he added. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 2, 2009)
Plan to deal with 'improper veiling' to be executed again in Iran cities
The assistant head of the State Security Forces announced that the plan to counter improper veiling will be
carried out again in line with the Social and Moral Discipline Plans.
"Another issue of social security which is related to the plan to counter improper veiling and troublemakers will
be carried out again in the near future", he said.
"In the issue of improper veiling we stress that the appearance of people on the streets is not the only issue and
the locations that produce and present these clothing will also be (dealt with)". (Sarmayeh Daily – Oct. 5, 2009)
Head of Tehran SSF rationalizes violent suppression of peaceful demos in Tehran
The head of the State Security Forces in the Greater Tehran District said in answer to a question by a reporter
on the treatment of people in the events after the elections and that people are not satisfied with the police in
light of recent events, "Too bad you are a reporter, otherwise I would really answer you"!


In strange remarks, Rajabzadeh said, "If someone riots and destroys people's belongings, I want this person not
be satisfied with the police"!
"We have not come to the streets for his satisfaction and we do not need the satisfaction of these kinds of
people", he stressed. (Nurooz Website – Oct. 6, 2009)
SSF fines wedding celebrators
According to reports, the State Security Forces Public Places Department fines those who hold wedding parties.
The head of a band said that the SSF Public Places Department fines those who hold wedding parties and the
band playing in the party if the party does not end on schedule.
"This order which was approved in August and was verbally announced to all musical groups and orchestras
states that if the party does not end at 12am sharp, they will be fined according to the duration of their delay",
he said.
He also said that last week their group and the host of a party were fined 12,000 dollars because of a 15 minute
"In many cities there is an official curfew upheld by security forces and if someone is on the streets in the middle
of the night, these forces interrogate them", he stressed. (Iran News Agency – Oct. 8, 2009)
RGC surround villages after heavy bombardment, assault houses and arrest people
A number of Kurd residents from villages around the Shahu Mountain in western Iran were arrested in the past
few days by Intelligence Protection agents of the Revolutionary Guards Corps.
After heavy bombardment in this region and the Suzandan region, RGC forces surrounded the villages in this
area and forcefully entered a number of homes without warrants arresting several of the residents. One of the
detainees was identified as Karim Baqeri. (Kurdistan Media – Oct. 10, 2009)
Iran police keep heavy presence in schools
The head of the Greater Tehran District State Security Forces said in a ceremony in Alborz High School,
"Various police including anti-narcotics police and social police have a continuous presence in different
"The police have reached the conclusion that it cannot enforce total security without the cooperation of citizens,
therefore they have decided to use groups of school students for this end", he added. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Oct. 11, 2009)
Bassij forces attack peaceful demonstrators in Tehran Free University
A peaceful gathering of more than 2,000 students of the Free University Central Tehran Unit in protest to the
government and the recent treatment of student activists in this university and other universities, turned violent
after about 100 Bassij forces that were brought in from the morning by buses attacked the students and threw
tear gas into the protesters.
A student who was arrested by Bassij forces was detained in the office of the representative of the Leadership in
this university. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Oct. 13, 2009)
More than 70 shops in Saqez shut down for political reasons
According to reports from the town of Saqez, more than 70 stores in various part of this town have been shut
down by security forces.
Government agents shut down these shops in the past 24 hours. A number of the shop owners who pursued the
reason behind these closures were informed that their shops were closed because they supported (protests
against elections) in July.
These shops were closed without the presence of the owners which is an illegal act. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Oct. 13, 2009)
Regime awards Bassijis who helped quell peaceful demos after elections
The Financial Affairs Department of the Industrial Ministry (run by Ahmadinejad's nephew) has granted checks
to some of its employees with the words, 'for controlling events after the elections' written on them.
Bassij workers in the Industrial and Mining Ministry received a 5,000 dollar check for controlling events after
the elections. This award was given to those who were active in dealing with protesters after the elections by
orders of this ministry's highest officials. (Salam News website – Oct. 13, 2009)
New SSF plan to control neighborhoods


The head of the Tehran State Security Forces announced a new plan to control Tehran neighborhoods by
stationing small police stations and expanding SSF stations.
Azizollah Rajab-zadeh said while visiting an SSF exhibition in Tehran that "only exhibitions cannot provide
security", emphasizing that the new plans of this force are to "expand SSF stations in neighborhoods and to
station small police stations".
Ismail Moqadam, commander of the SSF also said in this exhibition that the neighborhood security plan will be
carried out with 120,000 neighborhood guards and more than 100,000 Prevention Police agents in the country.
(Nurooz Website – Oct. 18, 2009)
Security forces arrest women peddlers
In a new measure, security forces stand outside the doors of the female section of the metro to control women
coming out of the metro. If a woman has a large bag or suitcase, she is taken aside and her bags are checked. If
she has any goods in her bags, she is arrested and all her goods are confiscated.
Women who run away out of fear are chased by the agents.
Most of these peddlers are women and girls who do not have any other source of income and are unemployed
and are forced to sell these goods in metros to make a living. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran–
Oct. 20, 2009)
Suppressive forces raid praying ceremony arresting 60 people
The number of people arrested last night in a prayer ceremony for the freedom of a political prisoner has
increased. According to the latest reports, close to 60 people were arrested in this ceremony which was held in
the home of Shahab Tababayi's father in law. (Nurooz Website – Oct. 23, 2009)
Security forces crack down on peaceful students' rally in Mashhad
According to student activists, in a ceremony on Monday in the Payam Nour University in Mashhad, Hamid
Rassayi, a representative of the government, compared dissident students to a 'dog'stail'.
Only Bassij members from Mashhad universities were invited to take part in this ceremony. According to
reports, a number of students chanted (anti-government) slogans in the ceremony demanding that the official
representative of the government leave their university.
The doors of the university were subsequently closed a few hour ago and students inside and outside the
university were surrounded by security forces and Special Guards Forces. Bassijis and security forces then
attacked the dissident students with clubs, tear gas and pepper spray. Pro-government Bassijis also severely beat
these students.
Unconfirmed reports also say that a number of these students were arrested. (Green Wave of Freedom Website
– Oct. 26, 2009)
Regime forms 'resistance units' in schools in fear of widespread protests on Pupil's Day
The head of the Pupil and Teachers Bassij Organization said that resistance units called the 'Omidan Resistance'
will be formed in elementary schools in Iran.
"In the days ahead, which means in the week of Bassij Pupils, Omidan Resistance Units will be formed in
elementary schools in the country", Mohammad Saleh Jukar said in a press conference on Tuesday.
"We have not had resistance units in elementary level until now and we will form these units in 6,000
elementary schools this year. These units have the duty of encouraging the culture of Bassijis and the
responsibility of this issue lies with Bassiji teachers. (ISNA state-run news agency – Oct. 27, 2009)
Iran plans to control internet
The social deputy of the State Security Forces said that they will not back down in "fighting social corruption
and virtual activities of the soft war elements and will deal with these crimes forcefully".
"The experiences of velvet revolution in other countries shows that these kinds of revolutions initially start with
changing the methods of people's lives and gradually enter the society's way of thinking without paying any
expenses which leads the country astray", Bahman Kargar said.
"Concerning the fact that the enemy in the soft war has entered the hearts of families via virtual tools, it is
necessary that security forces also enter the virtual zone and the preliminary actions be taken by the security
forces", he said.

Kargar stressed that virtual police will soon start their work to counter soft threats. (State-run Jam-e-Jam Online
– October 31, 2009)
Iran warns of crackdown on any OPPOSITION protest
Iran's police warned on Sunday of a crackdown if OPPOSITION supporters stage protests this week when the
Islamic republic marks the 30th anniversary of the US embassy's seizure by radical students.
'The police will act against any illegal gathering on the 13th of Aban,' deputy police chief Ahmad Reza Radan
told the Mehr news agency, referring to the November 4 anniversary…
Radan said the police has the 'obligation to prevent any disturbance of order in society.'
November 4 has emerged as an anti-American day in Iran, with thousands of Iranians, mostly students,
gathering annually outside the US embassy building to shout slogans against the United States and Israel.
This year the event could be marked by street protests against Ahamdinejad, whose re-election on June 12
triggered the worst political crisis in the 30-year history of the Islamic republic. (AFP - Nov 1, 2009)
Iran to appoint clerics in all schools: report
Iran's government is planning to appoint a cleric in every school, a reformist newspaper reported Sunday on a
move that could radicalise education in the Islamic republic.
'We are now defining the details of a plan called 'permanent appointment of clerics in schools',' the daily
Hayateno quoted education ministry official Ali Asghar Yazdani as saying.
'As per this plan, clerics will take care of issues such as collective praying and answering religious questions and
ambiguities in schools,' Yazdani said…
The reported change appears to be part of Iran's plan to Islamise studies after supreme leader Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei recently charged that Western teachings make students question religion. (AFP - Nov 1, 2009)
Military official: we will confront foot soldiers of unrest
The Cultural Assistant of the Armed Forces Chief of Staff said, "The relevant sectors of government dealt with
the recent American-British coup which was executed by their mercenaries in Iran, in a way that we (were able
to) identify a considerable spectrum of the foot soldiers of the seditionists and they will be dealt with in time".
(IRNA state-run news agency – Nov. 2, 2009)
Security forces violently attack and arrest peaceful protesters
The November 4 march in Shiraz was marked with widespread clashes between security forces and the people.
According to reports, 20 people were arrested while a number were
injured and security forces shot more than 100 bullets in the air.
At 11 am on Wednesday, when the state run ceremony for November 4
in Shahcheraq had ended under severe security measure, there was still
a very heavy police presence in Namazi Square and Alam. The gathering
of the people continued in this area and Pardis Square when suddenly
the crowd was attacked with 50 masked motorcycle riders. Plainclothes
agents were also on the scene taking films and pictures of the
protesters. A number of students who were holding hand made
placards were immediately arrested and this issue and the people's
resistance increased the clashes. The students' chants led security forces to shoot in the air and beat the students
and more than 20 people were arrested. After a riot police officer attacked a student with an ambiguous object,
the student's shirt was slashed in half and covered with blood but was able to escape from the hands of security
forces. But another injured protester who had fallen on the ground with a bloody face and head was taken away
by a masked riot police on a motorcycle before the people had a chance to save him. (JRS Website – Nov. 4,

Regime forces violently beat protesters in Hafte-Tir Square


According to reports security forces severely beat people near Tehran University and Hafte-Tir Square.
Eyewitnesses have said that people who were marching from Tehran University to Hafte-Tir Square were
violently beaten by riot police. Regime forces attacked these people with tear gas and batons. (Green Wave of
Freedom – Nov. 4, 2009)
Iran Clashes on Anniversary of Embassy Takeover
Police firing tear gas and wielding batons clashed Wednesday with anti-government demonstrators in Tehran
who sought to turn a rally commemorating the 30th anniversary of the takeover of the American Embassy into a
renewed protest against the disputed June 30 election, news reports said.
The protesters had turned out to display OPPOSITION to the government of President Mahmoud
Ahamdinejad, whose victory in Iran’s disputed elections last June provoked Iran’s biggest political crisis since
the Islamic revolution in 1979.
Reuters quoted a reformist Web site, Mowjcamp, as saying police “opened fire” on protesters at Haft-e Tir
Square, but there was no independent confirmation of the incident in which an unspecified number of people
were reported injured. It was not clear whether the police opened fire with guns or were launching tear gas
Witnesses quoted by Reuters said police wielding batons clashed with hundreds of protesters chanting “Death
to dictators” and “God is greatest.”… (The New York Times – Nov. 5, 2009)
Security forces increases suppression using 'technology'
Ahmad Reza Radan, the deputy commander of State Security Forces said on Wednesday that the progress of the
technological equipment of the SSF in various regions of the country has been impressive.
"One can cite the new local technology used for identification… We are moving towards the path were we can
identify criminals even when they have masks on with this technology".
Radan also cited intelligent cameras installed on roads in Tehran, Khorasan and Mashhad as another
achievement of the SSF in using equipment and technology. (Mehr state-run news agency – Nov. 11, 2009)
Judiciary will deal strictly with unrest
Iran's Public Prosecutor cited the unrest after the elections and said in a TV interview, "The government of the
Islamic Republic will deal with any measure that leads to disruption of the system without any tolerance". (Radio
Germany Website – Nov. 18, 2009)
SSF head: police will deal harshly with illegal Student Day
The head of the State Security Forces said in answer to a
question on police measures on December 7 (Student's Day),
"All gatherings have to be called from before and have to be
legal and if they are illegal, police will firmly confront them".
(ILNA news agency – Nov. 24, 2009)
Head of RGC stresses on Bassij's part in future crack downs
Mohammad Ali Jafari, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary
Guards Corps said that the most important role of the Bassij
is confronting soft threats.
"Before this, the duty of the Bassij was in the military field but
now, considering the orders of the Supreme Leader that confronting soft threats is part of the duty of the Bassij,
this confrontation has been defined in the political, and science fields and (confronting) threats in beliefs in the
Islamic Revolution", he said.
"The Bassij has no limitations and any measure needed to uphold the Islamic Revolution in the non military
field is relevant to the Bassij". (IRNA state-run news agency – Nov. 26, 2009)

Security forces attack peaceful protest of mothers of victims of regime violence


Mothers of those who were killed or detained (after elections) and families of political prisoners held a gathering
in Laleh Park at 5 pm. They started marching around the Ab Nama Square when they were met with violence by
security forces and were prevented from continuing their march.
Security forces and plainclothes agents used tear gas against them and a number of the women had a hard time
breathing. These forces insulted and treated offensively the mothers and young girls in the gathering. (Human
Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Nov. 28, 2009)
SSF will deal with any 'illegal' gathering on Dec. 6, Student's Day
The head of the State Security Forces in the Greater Tehran District said in an announcement that the police
would deal with any gathering or ceremony on December 6 held outside the boundaries of locations that were
announced in advance.
"It is a given that all gathering and ceremonies outside of the locations that were announced in advance are
considered illegal and the commander of the SSF in the Greater Tehran District will act upon its legal duty to
take out the necessary measures", he added in this announcement. (Asre Iran state-run Website – Dec. 3, 2009)
Mazandaran Univ. officials bring tank into university to confront student protests on Student's Day
The Protection Department of Mazandaran University intends to prevent Student's Day ceremonies in this
university by putting severe pressure on student activists and their families. In line with this issue, the Bassij
Association of this university has announced that they will hold a festival tomorrow evening (Student's Day) and
have brought a tank into the university under the pretext that they want to use its headlights to light up the
When met with protests by students, they added a number of projectors to the tank to make their excuse more
legitimate. (Iran News Agency – Dec. 5, 2009)
Iran forces fire warning shots at OPPOSITION protest
The security forces fired shots into the air as they clashed with
supporters of OPPOSITION leader Mirhossein Mousavi at a
state rally marking the killing of three students under the former
Shah, the reformist website Mowjcamp said.
'Security forces are beating demonstrators, men and women.
Some of them are injured and bleeding,' said one witness in
Tehran's central Haft-e Tir square.
'I saw at least 10 people being arrested and taken to minibuses,'
said one witness, while another said police fired teargas at
demonstrators in Vali-ye Asr Square.
Authorities shut down the mobile phone network in central
Tehran to stop OPPOSITION protesters from contacting each
other, the reformist website Rah-e Sabz said.
'Security forces shot into the air to disperse demonstrators in the Enqelab square ... still there are sporadic
clashes between police and protesters,' the Mowjcamp website said.
Security measures taken by the authorities on 'Student Day' displayed their determination to uproot the
OPPOSITION movement, which Mousavi said on Sunday would continue despite pressure.
Riot police surrounded Tehran University, where the main state rally was held, to try to prevent OPPOSITION
'Police have covered metal bars around Tehran University campus with white cloth to prevent passers-by from
seeing inside the university,' said a witness.
'There are hundreds of riot police, (they are) everywhere around Tehran University and nearby streets,' said
another. (Reuters - Dec 7, 2009)
Defiant Iran protesters stage new demos despite crackdown
Iranian protesters defied police firing tear gas on Monday as they used an annual commemoration to stage fresh
anti-government demonstrations despite a crackdown by security forces, witnesses said.


Clashes were reported between protesters, mainly university students, and policemen at several universities and
prominent districts of Tehran, which was flooded with security forces who arrested several demonstrators, they
Among those reported held was student leader Majid Tavakoli from the prominent Amir Kabir university.
'Police fired tear gas at groups of protesters chanting slogans against President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad in Vali
Asr intersection and Enghelab Street,' one witness said. (AFP ­Dec 7, 2009)
Head of SSF: we will deal more fiercely with seditionists
The head of the State Security Forces said, "The anti-revolutionary nature of the elements of recent events after
the elections has become clear for us and we will deal fiercely with these people from now on".
"There is no line between the seditionists and anti-revolutionaries and the hostility of sedition elements towards
sanctities and the constitution has been proven", Ahmadi Moqadam in Mashhad. (Human Rights Activists in
Iran – Dec. 10, 2009)
Intelligence agents threaten people not to participate in dissident cleric's funeral
Agents of the Ministry of Intelligence threatened political and media activists that if they participated in the
funeral of Grad Ayatollah Montazeri, they would be arrested.
A number of political activists have so far confirmed these reports.
One of these people said that agents had threatened him that if he intended to participate in Montazeri's
funeral, he would be arrested before reaching Qom (where Montazeri is to be buried). (JRS Website – Dec. 20,
Iran police, mourners clash after Montazeri funeral: website
Iranian police clashed with stone-throwing protesters on Monday after the funeral of dissident cleric Grand
Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, attended by vast crowds of mourners in the holy city of Qom, websites said.
Montazeri, a fierce critic of the clerical regime he helped create and an inspiration to reformists and human
rights activists, died aged 87 on Saturday.
Opposition websites said hundreds of thousands of mourners poured onto the streets, many chanting slogans
and displaying the green of Iran's opposition -- effectively turning the funeral into a massive anti-government
A report on parliament's reformist minority faction website said 'shots were heard fired into
the air at the shrine of Masoumeh' where Montazeri was buried.
Another website,, said police and security forces clashed with a groups of chanting mourners who
had gathered in front of Montazeri's house after the funeral.
'The police cracked down on people who were shouting (anti-government) slogans in front of his house and
people threw stones at them,' the website said.
Hundreds of hardline basij militia members and clerics also gathered near Montazeri's house and chanted
slogans in favour of Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and against the protesters, it added. said a group of 'basijis attacked Montazeri's house and tore up his funeral banners.'
There were no immediate reports of injuries or arrests.
Montazeri's son Saeed was quoted as saying the family had cancelled a memorial service on Monday evening at a
Qom mosque after they learned the 'mosque was filled basij and (revolutionary) guards forces'.
Rahesabz and kaleme quoted him as telling the BBC's Persian-language service that 'police equipped with batons
and shields are deployed around the house and are not allowing anyone in or out'.
Opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi attended the funeral ceremony, which was
marred by brief clashes between hardline pro-government vigilantes and mourners, reports said.
Hardline vigilantes attacked Mousavi's car as he was returning from the funeral, his website said.
'A group of plainclothes people on motorbikes attacked Mousavi's car today and slightly injured one of his
companions,' said.
It said the group had followed Mousavi's car, blocked its way several times and finally broken the car's rear


The authorities slowed Internet connections to a crawl, as has been the case whenever opposition
demonstrations are anticipated. (AFP - Dec 21, 2009)
Deputy SSF Commander warns of arrests and crack down on Ashura mourners
The Deputy Commander of the State Security Forces stressed that the SSF will deal with any illegal gathering
which crosses the red lines.
"Other than gatherings for Ashura and Tasua (Shiite Muslim religious mourning ceremonies to mark the death
of Imam Hossein), we will deal with illegal gatherings, as is our duty, and we have announced this issue before as
well", Ahmad Reza Radan said.
"The police will initially give warning to illegal gatherings which have not crossed the red lines and if this
gatherings cross the red line it will be dealt with and obviously there will be arrests", he stressed. (ISNA state-run
News Agency – Dec. 23, 2009)
Iran police 'fiercely' clash with opposition-website
An Iranian opposition website said riot police were 'fiercely' confronting opposition supporters who used a
religious mourning ceremony on Saturday to revive anti-government protests in the Islamic state.
'Riot police are fiercely confronting the opposition supporters in different parts of Tehran… they (the police) are
also breaking windows of cars passing the area,' the Jaras website reported. (Reuters – Dec. 26, 2009)
Iran's police chief warns opposition
Iran's police chief on Wednesday warned supporters of opposition leader Mihossein Mousavi only to expect
harsh treatment if they participate in illegal rallies, three days after eight protesters were killed in protests.
Raising the stakes further in the crisis, a representative of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said
on Tuesday that opposition leaders were 'enemies of God' who should be executed under the country's Sharia
Iran's police chief said on Wednesday 'there was no more room for tolerance over participants in illegal rallies'.
'Those who participate in illegal rallies will be confronted more harshly and the judiciary will confront them
more decisively,' said Esmail Ahmadi-Moqadam, the official IRNA news agency reported.
'Some of the protesters on Sunday are considered as mohareb (enemy of God) and will be confronted firmly,' he
said. (Reuters – Dec. 30, 2009)
Iran hardliners call for killing rivals at rallies
Tens of thousands of hard-liners poured into the streets in support of Iran's clerical rulers at state-sponsored
rallies Wednesday, some chanting calls for the execution of opposition leaders as the country's internal strife
turned more bitter…
Hard-line cleric Ahmad Alamolhoda called opponents of the supreme leader cows and goats, and said they were
supporters of Satan.
'Enemies of the leader, according to the Quran, belong to the party of Satan,' Alamolhoda told demonstrators in
Tehran in comments broadcast on state TV. 'Our war in the world is war against the opponents of the rule of
the supreme leader.'
The Internet threat against the opposition leaders appeared on a blog in the name of an unknown group calling
itself the Bright Shooting Star Suicide Bombers Brigade. It said a group of suicide attackers has been set up in
the holy city of Qom, 80 miles (130 kilometers) south of the capital.
'We are giving judiciary officials just seven days to put an end to this sedition. After that, we will punish ... riot
leaders anywhere and at any event,' the group warned…
Police chief Gen. Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam warned opposition protesters to stay off the streets or face harsh
'In dealing with previous protests, police showed leniency. But given that these opponents are seeking to topple
(the ruling system), there will be no mercy,' Moghaddam said, according to IRNA. 'We will take severe action.
The era of tolerance is over. Anyone attending such rallies will be crushed'.
Iranian authorities were questioned about a graphic video broadcast on the Internet purportedly from Sunday's
demonstrations. It showed two white and green police pickup trucks plowing separately into a group of

One truck is first seen driving into the crowd, then reversing away from a body lying face down on the asphalt.
The second truck then speeds up and runs over the body, lying in a pool of blood, as people nearby cry out. (AP
– Dec. 30, 2009)




Violence against women



Violence against women

Setting on fire a girl in Fars Province for objecting a forced marriage
Torched body of Soussan, a 17-year-old girl, who rejected forced marriage, was found in Farashband desert in
Fars Province. Soussan had been forced to engage with her cousin while fond of another boy. Etemad
newspaper reported on December 31, 2008, that Soussan’s father killed her with complicity of his nephew. He
said, “It was not our family’s tradition for any girl to disobey her father… so, my nephew and I took her out
under some pretext. We strangled her with her veil, and then pulled her 200 meters on the ground and
eventually doused her body with petrol and set it on fire to destroy her corpse.”
In December 2008, the head of Khuzistan’s Department of Justice commented on honor killing: “Violence is
lawful in some instances; the law has allowed a person to resort to violence in self-defense or in defense of his
honor.” (Shahrzad News – Jan. 5, 2008)
SSF arrest husband and child of "improperly veiled" woman
State Security Forces "Guidance Patrol" cars in Vali Asr Street in
Tehran gave notices to 17 girls for "not having proper veiling" and
arrested eight of them on Sunday January 4. In one of these cases the
agent's treatment of a woman who was with her husband and child
lead to the protest of her husband after which the police arrested the
man and the child. (Iran BBB – Jan. 7, 2008)
Fashion show director given strong warning
Deputy Head of Majlis (Parliament) Cultural Committee, who
expressed her dismay at the way the Fashion Festival had been conducted and announced that she had given
strong warning to the festival’s director. She pointed out: “As an observer, I asked the art directorate of the
Culture and Guidance Ministry to seriously deal with the officials in charge of the festival so that we would not
witness such incidence in future.” (State-run ILNA News Agency – Jan. 16, 2009)
Woman, 27, appeals to live
Khadijeh Mossayebi, 17, who is on death row, wrote an appeal to the Head of Judiciary and asked for help.
She was arrested in 2007 allegedly for killing her husband with an ax. Khadijeh told the court that her husband
harassed and abused her and even forced her into prostitution.
She is presently detained in Amol Prison and has not met her two children who are staying with their uncle
since last year. (Roshangari Website – Jan. 19, 2009)
SSF commander: SSF will "deal with women wearing unconventional" boots
The head of the Moral police in the State Security Forces said,
"Police will deal with public displays of improper veiling
especially with those who wear unconventional boots".
"Clothing, and boots which are included in the improper
veiling plan will be gathered and confiscated and after getting
pledges from their owners that they will not wear them
anymore, will be given back to them", Ahmad Roozbahani
"Those who wear these kinds of attire will be given notices the
first time and if need be, will be taken to the police station and
introduced to judicial sources ", he stressed. (Asre-Iran state-run
website - Jan. 20, 2009)
Young woman hanged in Piranshahr
The corpse of a young woman, named as Narmin, was found in the staircase of her house.
The reason for the death or suicide of this woman who has apparently hanged herself in not clearly known. The
coroner, however, has reported scars of bruising on her body.
The woman said to be pregnant at the time of death, had a small child. (Mukerian News Agency – Jan. 21,

Girls commit more suicides than boys

A recent study of 292 cases of children between six to 15 years of age who committed suicide between 2005 and
2008, indicates that the number of girls committing suicide is higher than the number of boys.
Dr. Tahereh Seqatol-Islam, assistant professor in the science school of Beheshti University, wrote in an article,
“the majority of the children lived in low-income socio-economic districts.” (State-run ISNA News Agency – Jan.
23, 2009)
Woman sentenced to death
A woman was tried and condemned to death for splashing acid on the face of a young man, leading to his
death. She claimed that she did so in self-defense. (State-run Etemad Newspaper – Jan. 24, 2009)
Confessing disastrous result of social security plans and dealing with “mal-veiling”
The regime confesses that their social security plans have failed leading to widespread civil rights abuses. These
social security plans for dealing with “mal-veiling” has led to more than several thousand detention, several
dozen execution, a number of millions verbal mistreatment against women and youngestres, sealing of several
thousand private companies and shops… (Association of Political Prisoners in Exile – Jan. 27, 2009)
Woman was killed by husband’s lashes
Marjan, 17, suffered a heart attack and died under consecutives lashes of her 40-year-old husband, Mojtaba. He
said: “Marjan was 15 when we married. She was a good wife but sometimes she disobeyed me. The night of the
incident, we were preparing to receive guests at home. As I was going out to shop for the party, I told her to take
a quick shower and get ready, but she had not done so when I returned. So, I beat her up with a hose and hit
her so much until she died.” (Iska News Agency – Feb. 18, 2009)
Innocent woman to be stoned for attempting to save her husband, kins
Shamameh Qorbani is one of the victims condemned to death by stoning in recent years on the charge of
adultery. Seven other women are also charged with adultery.
According to human rights advocates, the problem of Shamameh and a number of others was that they did not
understand Farsi and could not comprehend the charges read out to them.
Shamameh has confessed that she had illicit relations with a man who was stabbed to death by her husband and
brothers once they found him in their home.
Amnesty International reported that Shamameh had written a letter to the judge, stating: “Since I am a rural,
illiterate woman, and I didn’t know the law, I thought that if I confessed to a relationship with the dead man, I
could clear my brothers and husband of intentional murder. I said these untrue words in court and then
understood I had done myself an injury."
According to the British daily, the Guardian, the problem with these rulings is that they are issued in closed trial
session in the absence of witnesses or any defense attorney. (Iran Press News Website – Feb. 18, 2009)
SSF: Brides obliged to wear chador from now on
A new rule has been passed by the SSF Anti-Corruption Police and will be carried out from now on. According
to these new rules, brides who wear a bridal gown in their cars will be severely dealt with. If the bride is not
wearing a chador in the wedding car and instead uses lace to cover her head, the car will be identified by police
and will be confiscated the day after. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 19, 2009)
Female police cuts off bangs of 2 girls under excuse of "improper veiling"
According to reports, on Saturday February 22, at 10:30 am, a female agent
cut off the bangs of two girls after stopping their car on charges of
"improper veiling".
These girls protested this disrespectful treatment but agents arrested them
and forcefully took them to a police station. (Iran News Agency – Feb. 24,
High school student sets herself on fire due to poverty
Kolsum M., a high school student who lived in Iranshahr City – city in southeastern Province of Sistan and
Baluchistan – committed suicide by setting herself on fire due to poverty on February 21, 2009. She died in
Kerman Hospital on February 25.

Kolsum, who was a freshman at high school, came from an extremely poor background. Her classmate said she
was under extreme pressure from her family's poverty. Her two younger brothers had been forced to quit school
and do heavy labor to make a living.
According to reports, a few days before Kolsum committed suicide, she had told one of her classmates that she
was tired of her life from not having new clothes and shoes and feeling humiliated in front of her peers.
(Baluch Radio – Feb. 28, 2009)
New plan to suppress women
On the eve of the (Persian) New Year and start of the
spring season that has been known as the summit of State
Security Forces activities and severity, the deputy
commander of the SSF announced new plans to counter
improper veiling.
"New standards for improper veiling in the new year will be
set and announced in the next few days", Radan said.
Radan announced that Bassij Patrol cars will deal with
what he called "public signs of corruption" from now on.
The SSF deputy did not elaborate on what "public signs of
corruption" meant. He also underlined that prisoners "are
not supposed to have a good time in
prison" and that places have to exist where criminals do not have a good time. (Farhang-e Ashti state- run daily –
March 1, 2009)
15-year-old girl commits suicide in Tehran metro
On February 28, travelers on Navab Metro saw that a young girl went and stood on the railway just minutes
before the arrival of the train. A number of passengers tried to grab her hand and pull her off the railway but
she resisted and was tragically crushed between the train and platform. This 15-year-old girl named Leila has told
her friend that she was going to commit suicide but her friend had not believed her. (Iran state-run daily – Mar.
1, 2009)
SSF head of Public Places Department: Taxi drivers who don’t have proper appearance will be dealt with
The head of the State Security Forces Public Places Department announced that from now on women who go to
rent cars and also drivers of rental companies who give services have to have proper appearance according to
Islamic norms.
"If a women goes to a car rental but does not wear proper
clothes according to the specified standards or treats the
driver in an improper fashion, they will both be seriously
dealt with. This means that the Public Places Police will
deal with the driver or company while the SSF deal with
the improperly dressed woman", Najafi said.
"This plan will be carried out in Tehran which includes
the cities of Tehran, Shahre Rey and Shamirant", he
added. (State-run ILNA – March 3, 2009)

SSF head of Public Places Department: Women who wear "unconventional manteaus" will be dealt with
The head of the State Security Forces Public Places Department of the Islamic Republic of Iran pointed to the
execution of the clothes and fashion law and said that this law cannot be cancelled in any season.
Mohammad Najafi threatened women who "spread the culture of improper veiling or clothing in the society by
wearing vile clothing or those who make our society look secular or unreligious", saying that they will be
"severely dealt with".


According to him, "after buying a conventional manteau from a store, women quickly take the manteau to a
tailor and turn it into an unconventional manteau and then wear it and the SSF will deal severely with these
people". (Radio Germany – March 3, 2009)
(Note: A manteau is a long cloak women are forced to wear in public.)
SSF ban hiring of men in women's clothing stores
The head of the State Security Forces in the Greater Tehran Region said, "From now on, hiring men in shops
which sell women's clothing is banned and those who do
not follow this will be seriously dealt with".
"Shop owners will be warned that from now on men will
be prevented from working in women's clothing stores and
only the cashiers can be men and the rest of the employees
have to be women. Also, those who do not have a proper
appearance and are out of the norms, for example the
sellers or even the buyers will be seriously dealt with", he
"Women who go to clothing stores should give the
necessary warnings to sellers or shop owners who are
improperly dressed or have improper veiling", Rajab Zadeh stipulated. (Entekhab state-run daily – March 3,
Female university student murdered mysteriously in north Tehran
Police officers of Qolhak Police Station 124 were informed of the discovery of the body of a young girl in her
house in Ekhtiarieh Street on March 4, 2009. Banafsheh, 18, was an industrial engineering university student.
The murder scene was prepared in a way to show that Banafsheh had committed suicide, but it was discovered
that she had been killed by a severe blow on the head. The murderer cut Banafsheh's vein attempting to show
that she had committed suicide. (Iran state-run daily – March 7, 2009)
SIU’s dean: Students who do not follow Islamic dress code will be
summoned to ‘Disciplinary Committee’
The dean of Sharif Industrial University (SIU) said that SIU is the only
university, which has had continuous surveillance on improper veiling
for 12 years without a break.
"The communiqué that was announced to all governmental
institutions on veiling in the past is still being carried out", he added.
"Women who have unconventional veiling will receive notices from
female employees at the university entrance", he said.
This head of university said that after four or five times of verbal
notices, students will be summoned to the university's disciplinary
committee. (Mehr state-run news agency – March 10, 2009)
Poverty-stricken mother self-immolates in Qaraveh
A 30-year-old woman known only as S. Kh. Set herself ablaze because of family problems due to poverty in
Qaravah (a city in Kurdistan). She died in Sanadaj Hospital.
Her husband was unemployed and they had two very young children. (Kurdistan Human Rights Watch News
Agency – Mar. 15, 2009)
Teenage girl sets herself ablaze in Islamshahr
According to reports, and 18-year-old girl named Mahssa, set herself ablaze at 6am on Friday March 25 in
Islamshahr. According to this report, she committed suicide due to family and financial pressures. (Iran News
Agency – March 25, 2009)
So-called security leads to frequent disappearances of women
Twenty-four girls have disappeared in Arak City – southeast of Tehran, center of Markazi Province – from a few
days before the Persian New Year to the sixth day of the New Year –less than two weeks – and no news has been
published on that to alert the population on these incidents. There is still no information on these girls.


Considering that Arak is a small city and therefore important news gets out immediately, there is no
information on these horrible incidents and no adequate investigation has been done, proving the
incompetence of the State Security Forces. (Iran News Agency – Mar. 28, 2009)
Teenager sets herself ablaze in Kermanshah
Sixteen-year-old Samira Jamali, set herself ablaze in Qazanchi Village in Kermanshah Province on March 24,
2009, and unfortunately died in the hospital.
Samira committted suicide after her father banned her from continuing her education.
The suicide rate has increased in Kurdish areas in the recent month, but these incidents are not published in
state-run media. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Mar. 29, 2009) 
Woman political activist sentenced to 4 years of prison
In the beginning of this week, a court announced that the probation sentence of Zeinab
Bayazidi, a Kurd activist, has been changed to a prison sentence and therefore she is
sentenced to four and a half years of prison.
Bayazidi was arrested in July 2008 in Mahabad and is currently serving her sentence in
Zanjan Prison. She was arrested before this on charges of "publishing lies" and "spreading
propaganda against the government" and sentenced to 6 months of probation. (Kurdistan
Human Rights Watch News Agency – April 2, 2009)

Five members of One Million-Signature Campaign summoned to court

Five members of the One Million Signature Campaign were summoned to court. Nafisseh Azad, Parastu
Allahyari, Nahid Keshavarz, Sara Imanian, and Mahbubeh Hossein-zadeh Banna received citations and have to
be at the Revolutionary Court on April.
Nafiseh Azad received the citation on March 18, which sais that she has to be at the Justice Judiciary Complex
in Tajrish, north of Tehran, on April 14. According to this citation, she was summoned because of an "SSF
Nahid Keshavarz, Sara Imanian, and Mahbubeh Hossein-zadeh have also received written citations summoning
them to the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court. These three members of the Campaign must also present
themselves to the Revolutionary Court on April 15, 2009. (Change for Equality Website – Apr. 3, 2009)
A woman committed suicide in Kurdistan
Edalat Kh., 30-year-old woman, committed suicide and died in Dehgolan, a city in Kurdistan during the Iranian
New Year holiday.
Her close relative said her motive behind the suicide was her age and loosing the chance to get married. (Amir
Kabir newsletter – Apr. 4, 2009)
A man killed her young sister for a cup of tea!
A young girl died in the hospital because of asphyxia. “I was very tired and asked her to bring me a cup of tea
but she did not pay attention, and replied that she could not do that, and continued her work,” Baqer, her
brother said.
“I got so angry therefore I put my hand on her mouth and nose and pressed it. I became regretful immediately
and took her to hospital but unfortunately I couldn’t survive her,” he added. (Change for Equality website –
Apr. 5, 2009)
Judiciary and Security officials prevent publishing any news on serial murders of women
Ismail Ahmadi Moqadam, the top commander of the State Security Forces (SSF) admitted news on judiciary
and security scandal on the case of serial murders of women in Abadan.
Moqadam informed that in this case, which 15 women and a man were killed, the innocent people were
arrested and sentenced to death.
‘Unfortunately the judge following the case had condemned to death those charged for murder,’ he pointed
out. According to Ahmadi-Moqadam, this scandal was disclosed after compulsory confessions of two arrestees
on the killings and closing the file, the serial murders continued.


The security and judiciary officials prevent details of the serial murders of women in Abadan and similar cases
in Karaj, Varamin and Gilan to be published.
Last year, at least fifty women in four different serial murders were killed but even state-run newspapers such as
Iran were banned to publish the news.
During the interrogations, those identified as main convicts and were introduced as suspects to SSF of almost all
cases were either set free, or discharged of any conviction after a while.
The judiciary and security officials have never explained any reasons for their actions.
In August 2001, news of serial killings of women in Mashhad leaked to public; almost all victims of the case
were either imprisoned or arrested by the SSF and had file with them. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Apr. 6, 2009)
Court of Review confirmes prison sentence of Armenian women's rights activist
The Court of Review confirmed the three years prison sentence of Silvia Harotunian, an Iranian Armenian. She
was charged with allegedly attempting a "velvet overthrow.”
State Security Forces arrested Harotunian on August 2008 and took her to ward 209 in Evin Prison.
She was kept in solitary during this time and is still suffering from the ensuing psychological damages. Security
agents subjected her to severe pressure to force her into giving fake confession on Iranian state run television.
The Court of Review confirmed the exact sentence issued by the 15th branch of Tehran's Revolutionary Court
headed by Judge Salavati. This American citizen is detained in Evin Prison along with three others who were
convicted in this case. (Human Rights Activists – Apr. 7, 2009)
Security agents arrest women's rights activist in Marivan
State Security Forces arrested Najibeh Sobhani on March 7 in Marivan. She is women's rights activist whose
activities are against honor killings in Marivan and is a member of the Marivan Center in Defense of Children's
Rights. Najibeh was also active in organizing Women's Day and Children's Day ceremonies.
She was detained by the SSF for organizing a ceremony for International Women's Day and there has been no
information on her location and condition since her arrest. (Association Defending Political and Human
Rights Prisoners in Iran – Apr. 2009)
Hezbollah: women drivers who do not have ‘proper veiling’ must pay fine
Ya-Sarallah, publication of Ansar-e Hezbollah in its latest issue while criticizing the SSF for not punishing
women drivers with ‘mal-veil’ to pay fine asked them to define similar fines for such drivers, and those who
listen to load music, as those who cross legal speed. (Asr-e Iran, state-run website – Apr. 8, 2009)
According to mullahs’ law, father does not punish for setting ablaze her daughter!
On August 1, 2008, officer in charge of the Police Station No. 130, in Naziabad district, was informed on a
tragic death of Somayeh, 27-year-old woman.
Eventually Kazem, her 56-year-old father confessed that he killed her daughter on his own because she had many
suspicious telephone contacts; hence, he guessed that she had possibly affair with stranger men.
“I tied her feet and hands not to let her run away then took her to bath room and smearing her with gas,” he
said. According to article-220 of Islamic punishment law, father and predecessor of father are not charges for
killing their child. However, according to the Jury, Kazem sentenced to 10 years in prison for making public
disorder. The verdict can be reviewed within 20 days. (Siasat-e Rooz daily – Apr. 9, 2009)

Secret circular and wandering women for a room in hotel

The head of the State Security Forces, while stating there is an invisible contact between the SSF and
registration system of hotels, said, “according to such system there is no reason not giving entrance permission
to women by hotels’ reception.”
Nevertheless, in reality hotels avoid giving women entry permission.
“The condition to let a single woman to enter the hotel is a letter from the Public Places Department (PPD),”
the person in charge of Jahan-Nama Hotel reception in Tabriz says.
“The PPD had ordered this circulation, and accordingly the condition to give entry permission to a single
woman is only a letter from the PPD,” he added.
It seems that hotel owners obey secret circulations, which give them authorization not to admit single woman to
their hotels without a letter from PPD. (ILNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 10, 2009)
Arefeh, 7-year-old, victim of mullahs’ misogyny culture and prevalent poverty in Iran

On March 23, the third day of Iranian New Year known as Norooz Eid, a 7-year-old girl with a very poor-health
was wondering in north of Tehran. She was moaning and her back had signs of cigarette burnt. Arefeh was not
able to talk and was in a physical and mental disastrous state.
When she was four her parents were divorced because of psychological, disorder of Farshid, her father.
According to law, Farshid was her sponsor and he got married again. Her stepmother tortured Arefeh. Her state
was so disturbing that the fostering court denied her sponsorship to Farshid, giving it to her mother.
Nevertheless, Arefeh’s mother could not keep her because of financial poverty and eventually registered her in a
public nursery.
Farshid who was aware where Arefeh was looked after, presented a request to sponsor her again, and he
succeeded to take her back from nursery in November 2008. (Etemad, state-run daily – Apr. 11, 2009)
According to mullahs’ law, when a father can kill his daughter without any punishment, is violence against a
small girl avoidable?
Architecture like prison for girls’ schools
According to many experts, blocking girls’ school from outside world surrounded with very high walls, or
buildings encircling the yard, is prison like architecture. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Apr. 12, 2009)
Kurd women's activist sentenced to six years in prison
The court sentence for Ronak Safa-zadeh, a Kurdish women's activist was announced to her lawyer Dr.
Mohammad Sharif. According to this sentence, Safa-zadeh has been condemned to six years in prison, but
cleared from the allegation of ‘waging war against God’. (Free University Students Website– Apr. 13, 2009)
Bassiji Forces in university affront feminists
Bassiji Forces (paramilitary forces of IRGC in universities) in Technical Department used their graffiti board in
presenting feminist women as ‘pro-immorality’ through offensive photos and writings.
This informal pro-government repressive body in the Technical College of Tehran University used its board as
graffiti warfare against those defending equal rights for women. (Iran news agency – Apr. 13, 2009)
Minister of Guidance: The media causing confusion in SSF fight against ‘improper–veiling’ dealt with
Mohammad-Hossein Safar-Harandi, the Minister of Guidance, warned that media causing disorder in the State
Security fight against ‘improper-veiling’ would be harshly dealt with. Mehdi Kolhar, Ahmadinejad’s informant
advisor, announced in a strong support letter to Ahmadi Moqadam, the head of SSF to deal firmly in ‘mal-veil’
plan. Safar-Harandi while supporting the plan to deal with ‘improper-garment’ of girls and boys declared that he
wouldn’t let public media to cause disruption in the SSF related job. He said the SSF mission does not
contradict the relevant work carrying out by chastity and veil staffs; on the contrary, they are supporting the
activities of them. Ahmadinejad advisor emphasized that this job was a kind of worship and negligent paving the
way for vice would be dealt with. (Etemad, state-run daily – Apr. 14, 2009)
GEM of 108: Iranian women ranked 103
According to the latest figures published in a report on gender competency prepared by the UN, Iran ranked
103 out of total of108 countries. The UN definition on Gender Enabling Measures (GEM) depicts direct
relation with the economical and political active role of women. This measure illustrates the quota of women in
the parliament, legislation, top officials, and their position among technical workers and experts and it shows
the effect of gender inequality in country’s economical independence and earning. This report illustrates the
worse gender inequality leads to decreasing trend in human development. (Sarmayeh state-run daily – Apr. 15,
Repressive measures against university students led to new suicide
At night April 24, a female student committed suicide in the Tehran University’s dormitory compound
surprising students. The Ministry of Science, Tehran University dean had restricted that the news on students
suicide should not be leaked to the media.
The female students of the dormitory immediately informed the male classmates that Ms. Sondos Mohammadi
had committed suicide. She is a first year Kurdish student studying communication in the Social Science
Department of Tehran University.


The reasons for her suicide included, getting annoyed by ‘Herasat’ – “Protection Department of University” –
on several occasions, ordering her continuously on the dress code and her appearance while her family imposed
her to get married.
The third suicide was not published since ‘Herasat’ and ‘Disciplinary Committee’ imposed restriction.
On March 10, the third suicide happened; she was a 23-year-old student in technical department. She had
committed several times by using a large number of pills, who was also survived by transferring her to an
emergency unit. (Iran news agency – Apr. 15, 2009)
A teenage, 14-year-old girl, torched herself
A few months after the tragic murder of Fereshteh Nejati by his father, Roqieh Nejati, her cousin set herself
ablaze in Kani Dinar town – place of Fereshteh’s murder – on April 13, 2009. She was transferred to Marivan
Hospital but died few hours later with 90% burnt body. The cause of her death is protest against improper
treatment and her harassment by her family. (Amir kabir newsletter – Apr. 17, 2009)
Note: Fereshteh’s father who caught her throat was set free.
Last year in Iran: large increase on harassment, detention, and trial of women activists
Spokesperson of International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran while talking on
condition of Iranian women activists said that open support of women rights has become a
crime. He added that Alieh Eqdamdoost was sent to prison since she called for insuring
International convections of women rights, therefore hundreds human rights defendants
would have the same fate. (International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran – Apr. 16,
Brother set ablaze her sister
On April 13, 17-year-old Sara died and her file full of her wishes closed.
Sara lived in a poor family, and was forced to work since 15. After a while, she decided to marry but faced with
her brother’s strong disagreement. One day when nobody was at home, he smeared Sara with oil and set her on
fire. Consequently, Sara died few days later. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Apr. 17, 2009)
Female journalist disappears after taking picture of student sit-in
On April 16, 11 local journalists were arrested in Arak University and only after the editor of their weekly gave a
written commitment (not to cover student protests), were they released. Ms. Bigluyi, who is one of the oldest
journalists in Arak and was able to take pictures of Arak University students' sit-in from outside the university
and print it in this weekly, has disappeared from a few days ago. (Iran News Agency – Apr. 18, 2009)
In a public court, even Nahid’s husband prevented to enter
On April 15, eventually the time approached to consider charges against Nahid Keshavarz, an
Iranian woman activist. The first charge against her was participating in a gathering outside the
Revolutionary Court, and the next was collecting signature in Park in April 2007. Both charges
against Mrs. Keshavarz considered as acts against national security.
It was not announced the court was secret neither in the court’s record nor by the judge, hence
it was a public session, but even her husband prevented to enter the court. (Radio Farda – Apr.
19, 2009)
It is worth mentioning that according to mullahs’ law woman should have permission of husband going to
work, to trip etc, but husband is not allowed to be present in the court considering his wife’s charges!
A woman hanged in southern Tehran
On April 18, a worker faced with a hanged body of Mina, 46-year-old woman in her hut while working in a field
in southern suburb of Tehran. In the onset of the investigation, signs of kicking her back were observed on her
dress, and the autopsy proved that she had broken scalp and right arm, but the cause of death was hanging,” the
investigation officer of Tehran’s district 37 proposed.
“Most probably, perpetrator or perpetrators hanged her after beating and injuring her while she was
unconscious and defenseless,” he added. (ISNA, state-run news agency – Apr. 20, 2009)
More than 60,000 women in prison in Iran
Director of cultural organization of prisons in Iran announced that there are more than 60,000 women in
Iranian prisons.


According to him, women include 5 to 7% entries to prisons and their average age is between 27 and 29. The
most prevalent offense is narcotic drugs.
“22% of prisoners are young and between 27 and 33 thousands youngsters from 19 to 25-year-old are being
imprisoned annually,” he added. (Shahrzad News, state-run website– Apr. 21, 2009)
SSF beat hit and arrest a girl in Tehran for ‘improper-veiling’
On April 21, the State Security Forces in Tehran attempted to arrest a girl for ‘improper – veiling’ but she
resisted and the SSF agents started beating and hitting her, pushing her forcefully into the police car. Then they
searched the crowd, seizing mobile telephones and destroying all information inside them to prevent any picture
or film taken from their savage operation. (Iran news agency – Apr. 22, 2009)
SSF: Guidance Patrols start their operations firmly after 15 days
“New round of Guidance Patrols’ activities is going to start within 10 to 15 days,” the top commander of SSF
announced. In a press conference, he informed that they start their
activities firmly and strongly. According to Rajabzadeh, Guidance
Patrols never suspended but by removal of some failures in the
past, they will be operational. (Shahab News state-run website –
Apr. 22, 2009)
Ten percent of repressive maneuvers include ‘women-veiling’
Azizollah Rajabzadeh, chief commander of Tehran said: “The
social security plan is not only limited to patrols warning women
about ‘improper-veiling’, for example last year there were 314 run
away women and girls arrested and detained in the moral security
plan. “ Only 10% of social security plans related to ‘mal-veiling’,”
he added. (Asr-e Iran, state-run daily – Apr. 22, 2009)
Professor verbally abused and threatened to beat girl student for
‘improper veiling’
Yesterday on April 22, a literature professor verbally abused a
female student of the Literature Department of Razi University in Kermanshah for not following what he called
“Islamic veiling.” A large number of students witnessed this scene. The professor verbally abused this student
threatening her with beatings and attempted to seize her university ID card. Witnesses report that the
appearance of this female student was quite normal and plain. (Amir Kabir
Newsletter – Apr. 23, 2009)
All of those charged of intentional murdering of Dr. Zahra acquitted
“In relation to intentional murder of this case a verdict was issued banning any
prosecution against all offenders. This communiqué was instructed all governments’
staffs by the first branch of Prosecutor’s office of district 28 on April 23, 2009,” this
was an official notification sent to Dr. Zahra Bani-Yaquoub’s family by General
Office of the Public Prosecutor and Revolutionary staffs of government.
“The prosecution ban means all the convicts have been acquitted. This implies that
the judge did not pay any attention to all the documents we and the team of lawyers
presented to the court,” Said Mr. Abol-Qassem Bani-Yaqoub, father of the victim. (Iranian Women Center –
Apr. 24, 2009)
Background information: Ms. Zahra Bani-Yaqoub 27-year-old physician who voluntarily served in very far away
and poor villages in Iran. On October 12, 2007, while she was with her fiancée in the park in Hamedan (a
western province), she was arrested by ‘prohibiting vice, promoting virtue’ agents – corrupt agents of the regime
forcing people, in particular women, to obey their medieval orders but violating the minimum standards of
human behavior themselves – and transferred her to ‘anti-vice’ detention center. Two days later, the agents
announced she had hanged herself in the detention. Mullahs’ officials have destroyed all the evidences
including her dress and the garment they claimed she used for hanging herself, and they did not hand in the
victim’s belongings to her family and her lawyer.
Orumieh’s Imam: Women, who challenge Islamic veil, should die together with their husbands and fathers!


“I don’t know how women with ‘mal-veil’ are still alive 28 years after Islamic Revolution. These women who
challenge ‘Islamic veil’ must die together with their husbands and fathers,” Gholam-Reza Hassani, Friday
Prayer’s Imam of Orumieh – Center of Western Azerbaijan, said in one of his sermon talking on women issue.
(Amir Kabir newsletter – Apr.25, 2009)
Arrested women's rights activist in Evin's 209
The International Human Rights Campaign announced today that Maryam Malek , a
member of the One-Million Signature Campaign and a reporter on family court issues in
Iran was arrested on April 24 after she was summoned to a police station. She was
interrogated in an Intelligence Detention Center and transferred to Evin Prison on April 25.
The assistant prosecutor of the second branch of the Revolutionary Court charged this
activist to "spreading propaganda against the government" and "membership in the One-
Million Signature Campaign.” A bail of 21,000 USDs has been confirmed for her release but she cannot afford
such a high bail. She is currently in Evin Prison.
This 26-year-old student has written many articles on violence against women and social injustice against women
in family courts in Iran. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Apr. 27, 2009)
The secret of Tous quarantine revealed
There is an educational center for women at the road between Mashhad and Tous
(East northern Iran). For a few months, people of that district observed peculiar
activities raising their curiosity. After enquiries, they found that this is a detention
center for ‘street women’ and there are 500 of them incarcerated in a very inhuman
condition. It is noteworthy that because of extreme sensitivity among people of
Mashhad against ‘street women’ some of them should live all their life in this
horrible detention center. (Iran news agency – Apr. 27, 2009)
17-year-old girl commits suicide for being harassed by school administrator
On Thursday April 23, a 17-year-old girl named Esrin R. in Sanandaj who attended the Parvin E'tesami School
in this city consumed a large number of pills to commit suicide after an inappropriate treatment by school
officials. She is currently hospitalized and in critical condition.
These school officials affiliated with the government had put pressure on this girl because she had brought a
mobile phone to school. (Iran News Agency – Apr. 27, 2009)
Heartbreaking condition of detention center of police
station running by women in Mashhad
This is the only detention center in Mashhad – center of
Khorassan Razavi Province and a very big city – for women.
This place lacks the minimum hygienic standards. The whole
detention is 60 square meters placing more than 50 women,
including a 13-year-old teenage. Those charged for smuggling
narcotic drug, old tramp women with Alzheimer disease,
adolescent girls who had arrested in ‘vice houses’ are all
detained together without any classification in this very small
place. The detention also lacks enough light. Today, there are
an eight-day baby, one and four-year-old infants.
Some are temporary detained and should be released soon but have been here for more than two months. The
prisoners are deprived from any hygienic appliance and bathroom. They are also denied from visiting right, and
providing their needs from outside. There are addicted convicts to Crack cocaine and Sheesheh (chemical
heroin) who vomit in such a closed unhygienic place causing more contaminated unbearable condition.
Their nutrition is disastrous, frequently prisoners beg for a piece of bread. Henchwomen as a common and
routine practice beat hit and humiliate them.
Mashhad women police station was launched with a lot of propaganda in 1999. At its opening ceremony, it was
said that this is an especial police station giving the women the chance to defend their rights easier while these
allegedly offender women are deprived from their basic rights even accepted and signed by the mullahs’ regime.
(Association of Political Prisoners in Iran – Apr. 28, 2009)

Distressing self-immolation of two young women in Oshnavieh Town

Asskeh Khaki, 20, and Helaleh Fatmeh Kurdi, 21, set themselves on fire because of family difficulty… both
women had one-year-old infants. (Resistance Forces in Qazvin – April 28, 2009)
The forth-serial killing of women in Qazvin
On April 27, Ghiasabad Police Station in Qazvin found body of a woman in Minoodar town. It seemed that she
was killed a few hours earlier. Government tries to prevent the news of this serial killing be published increasing
the public awareness. (Resistance Forces in Qazvin – April 29, 2009)
A young nurse had heart attack due to guidance patrol conduct
A mother of a young woman whose daughter died from heart attack persuaded a persecution againstan agent of
the guidance patrols in the public prosecutor's office yesterday.
She claimed that, Sara, her daughter, was a night shift in a hospital in Tehran and was going back to her student
hostel next morning on April 23, 2008 while a Guidance patrol stopped her in Vanak Square. An agent of this
patrol pushed her into their car and took her to anti-vice police station taking her photos like criminals. Sara
went back home in the evening and slept forever. Her mother prosecuted against the guidance patrolbut he was
set free because there was no evidence proving his guilt. “If he wasn’t guilty why he transferred himself to
another city after two days,” her mother protested to the interrogator of the case. (Sarmayeh, state-run daily –
April 30, 2009)
Girls molested twice more than boys
Association Protecting Children held its annual conference on April 28 marking the May Day. “Since February
19, 41 molesting cases of children reported that 64% of them were girls and 36% were boys,” the Association’s
domestic director said. (Shahrzad News – April 30, 2009)
SSF enter Free University in Tehran, injure female student
On Monday April 27, State Security Forces in Rudehan – a town in the outskirts of Tehran – who
were stationed outside the Free University in this town prevented students from stopping outside of
the school which lead to clashes between students and these forces.
SSF agents prevented students from stopping at the Taxi stops, and bookstores close to the university
and after checking their university cards, used force and threats to disperse them.
These agents used very offensive language in insulting students, especially female students. The
university's Protection Department agents did not support students after SSF agents entered the
university with clubs and tear gas and only watched the scene and in some instances threatened and
dispersed the students. Later on, the SSF and head of the Protection Department started examining
the clothes and veil of female students. As a result, after SSF "dealt" with a female student, she was
severely injured in the nose. Her nose started bleeding so severely that SSF agents and Protection agents were
forced to immediately take her to the university's Red Crescent. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – May 1, 2009)
Houses of women activist in Tehran raided and searched at night
Repression against the May Day is ongoing. “Government agents who seized all belonging of our children could
give us the key of their house after they left. I am seriously worried. When they take my daughter without a
warrant how could I trust that they would not put something in her house and then exploit it against her,”
Gohar Baiat, mother of Jelveh Javaheri said. (Change for Equality website – May 1, 2009)
Worrying surge of violence against wives and self-immolation of women in Gachsaran
“Surge in constant number of divorce in Gachsaran - city in southwestern Boyer Ahmad va- Kohgiluyeh
Province – is worrisome due to violence against wives, and it is increasing day by day,” a member of Islamic
Council (state-run council) of Gachsaran warned. “Women demanding to get divorced are those who are beaten
savagely by their husbands,” he added. “Plans in support of women do not implement and are just kept on ice.
Unfortunately, there is no office for defending women, give consultation, and guidance to them in this
province. (ISNA, state-run news agency – May 2, 2009)
No information on Shahnaz Gholami, Azarmehr Blogger’s writer


Shahnaz Gholami, Azeri journalist and Azarmehr Blogger’s writer has been imprisoned for more than two
months. Mohammad-Ali Dadkhah, lawyer of her previous case, has expressed having no information about her
and stated that his client had no contact with him. According to Dadkhah, Ms. Gholami has received new
charge and for the reason he was not able, to get information about her and she didn’t have any contact with
him, and he cannot do anything as her attorney.
Ms. Gholami was arrested in Fall 2008 for two months in Intelligence Ministry detention center and then was
transferred to dangerous addicted women ward in Tabriz Prison. She was forced to go on hunger strike due to
her unbearable condition. She was put on trial and condemned to six months of prison after her release. Her
previous charge was “propaganda against the regime.”
She has a very young daughter and very old parents and has no one to follow up her case. That is why there is
silence and unawareness on this jailed journalist and blogger. (Human Rights Activists in Iran– May 3, 2009)
Is this Girls’ hostel or prison?

This is photo of female students’ dormitory in Hamedan – central city of western Hamedan Province. All the
windows are covered by fixed metallic cover - such that no light could get through the windows and nobody can
look out and the vice versa, even worse than bars! – This is among more restrictions imposed on university girl
students in recent years. As you can see, there is not much difference between their dormitory and prison. (Amir
Kabir newsletter – May 3, 2009)
SSF beat and hit girl for wearing white coat
On Saturday May 2, Guidance Patrol agents who were stationed in Rashid Street in Tehran-Pars District in
Tehran stopped a girl wearing white coat, wore her a black veil forcefully and led her to patrol car while telling
her off rudely. The girl was begging them to let her go but they beat and hit her, and throwing her into the car
taking her to the police station. (Iran news agency – May 4, 2009)
Tehran prosecutor defends installing closed circuit cameras in girls’ school!
Mahmoud Salar-Kia, deputy prosecutor of Tehran believes that school is not a private place and “school’s
officials must control the behavior of students.”
On Monday 4 May, in an interview with IRNA, state-run news agency while he was comparing the closed circuit
cameras with school principal stipulated that it was “useful.” (Farda Radio – May 4, 2009)
Publishing case of juvenile girl offence in media was the cause of her execution: Judiciary spokesman
A matter questioned in Judiciary press conference was the execution of Delara Darabi and a reporter asked why
she was hanged on Friday while as a tradition nobody is executed on this day? And on the other hand why her
lawyer and family were not present at the scene? And more importantly why the head of judiciary’s order for
stopping the hanging was not implemented?
“Friday is not an exceptional day for execution. As far as I know her lawyer and family were informed on the
matter. It should be considered that making the matter to the media and the internal and external fuss could
give the opposite result and blood owners would persist on execution more,” Jamshidi, Judiciary spokesman
replied. When Jamshidi’s speech was finished at the press conference Miss Dalara Darabi’s lawyer who was

present in the press conference declared that he was not informed on her hanging. ‘If you have any claim then
you should refer the case to judiciary officials,” Jamshidi replied. (BBC Radio website – May 5, 2009)
Man killed his wife while visiting him in prison!
A man, 46, killed his 27-year-old wife while visiting him in Adelabad Prison in Shiraz. This man after having
quarreled with his wife strangled her to death by her scarf. The Supreme Court confirmed his execution
sentence. (Keyhan, state-run daily – May 5, 2009)
Note: This is dubious case, since prisoners’ visits either are not face to face or being controlled by prison guards.
SSF: cars carrying dogs and passengers with ‘improper cover’ to be seized for 2 months in Qom
The Head of Public Security Police in Qom announced that drivers and passengers who did not follow Islamic
and social norms in this province would be prosecuted.
"In light of the religious atmosphere in Qom and in line with advancing the social security and morality plan,
State Security Forces will deal with drivers who break the norms, rules and regulations", he said.
"Drivers and passengers who do not have proper (Islamic) covering will be prosecuted and their cars seized for
two months,” Khorasani said.
"Cars that carry dogs will also be seized and pounded and the relevant people will be legally dealt with,” he
added. (IRNA state-run News Agency – May 5, 2009)
Gender segregation in Najafabad University in Isfahan
Officials of Free Islamic Najafabad University in Isfahan have gender segregated transport services of the
university. The university officials had gender segregated the entrance by installing several searching gates. These
gender segregation attempts have raised students’ protest in universities including this university. (Human
Rights Activists in Iran – May 6, 2009)
No information on young female student
Mahssa Naderi, 19, a university student was arrested and transferred to solitary confinement in Ward 209 of
Evin Prison, which is run by Intelligence Ministry. She was charged for political activity and since her arrest, her
fate is unknown.
In February 20, she was arrested by Intelligence Ministry agents in her house.
It is noteworthy that Mohssen Naderi, Mahssa’s father has been imprisoned since a year ago on the same
charges. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – May 8, 2009)
Three women's rights activists arrested in Qom for defending a girl on danger of ‘honor killing’
Fatameh Masjedi, Maryam Bidgoli and Gholamreza Salami, three women's rights activists were arrested
yesterday in Qom. Fatemeh Masjedi and Maryam Bidgoli are women activists for encouraging traumatized
women in Qom to increase their ability for living. They were involved defending a young girl who was in danger
of ‘honor killing’ and in this case they were engaged with some influential figures in Qom. They are also
members of a campaign to gather a million signatures to a petition demanding equal rights for women in Qom.
Gholamreza Salami is a researcher and co-writer of ‘Movements of Eastern Women’ book. (Meidan Zanan
(Women's Ground) website – May 9, 2009)
Students protest to sexual segregation in university
Students of the Free University in Tehran staged a gathering in protest to sexual segregation at this university
and the reactionary plan to build a wall in the library to separate the girls and boys and prevented the building
of this wall.
More than 200 students blocked the area the wall was to be built, and forced university officials to retreat their
plan. (Aftab, state-run website – May 10, 2009)
Note: The reactionary regime of mullahs has attempted
most to carry out "Gender Segregation Plan" in all
universities across Iran, but because of students
resistance they have backed off. Nevertheless, there are
universities that they this reactionary plan have been
carried out, as an example: at Qom University, female
students are only allowed inside the university on the
three first days of the week and male students are only
allowed on the three next days. Qom University students

have opposed this medieval measure.

Free universities ordered to impose gender segregation of students
According to a notice to free universities, gender segregation must be imposed.
“According to the circular issued by Free Universities Central Organization classes of boys and girls must be
separated,” a professor of Tabriz Free University said.
“Most of professors are not agree to execute this notice and believe that gender segregation of university
students is offending students,” he added. (Iran news agency – May 10, 2009)
Dreadful murder of young woman in Tehran
On Saturday May 9, a young woman, 17, was killed by her husband with knifes under the pretext of ‘honor
killing’ in Haft-Chenar District in Tehran, according to news published by Judiciary system.
It is noteworthy to mention that under Islamic Republic ruling system a great number of women and girls are
murdered by men excused as ‘honor killing’. (Payam website – May 10, 2009)
A young woman killed in Naqadeh
Sahar Begi, a young woman resident of Naqadeh town in Kurdistan was killed by her father and brother on
April 29. Report says that the reason for her murder was that she decided to get married with a man without
permission of her family. (Women Council Website – May 10, 2009)
“Smuggling Iranian girls from 10 to 17-year-old to Dubai are a common matter in all countries,” former
woman MP
Most of Iranian girls smuggled to Dubai and United Arab Emirate are between 10 and 17-year-old.
“There are such matters in hidden layers of any country… publishing such a matter now, is just platform against
Islamic countries who claim morality,” Nayereh Akhavan-Bitaraf, a woman MP from Isfahan in eight term of
legislative body says. “The people in charge and custodians must be accountable…,” she says as other officials
who also proclaim not having any information on bargaining of Iranian women in UAE. (Ham-Mihan
(Compatriot) website – May 11, 2009)
Repressing women not even had chance of gathering for May Day
Ten days of the International Labor May Day have passed, but several dozen arrestees of the May Day
commemorators in Tehran are still imprisoned.
“My mother’s condition is awful in prison. She is in Quarantine ward with 15 other women. I do not know how
many women were arrested. However, as far as I know they are in the ward of “Metadon” designated for
addicted. They are barred from visit. They are deprived from anything even shopping from prison. They are not
allowed to make phone call.
“They don’t even treat the attorney properly and he cannot help much in such circumstances… No gathering
took place, and nobody said anything or did any movement. They suddenly attacked, beat, and arrested them,”
said Pegah Farajollahi, daughter of Maryam Mohsseni, one of the women arrestees on May Day. (Farda Radio–
May 12, 2009)
Women arrested on May Day detain in addicted ward
About 14 women arrested on May Day are detained in
cellblock of addicted. Among them are some journalists
and bloggers.
Their lawyers and families have not been allowed to visit
them despite that they have been arrested 11 days ago
before unperformed May Day Ceremony in Laleh Park of
Tehran. Their families go to the Revolutionary Court
everyday but just face aggression of the SSF bearing no
“About 14 women of those arrested on May Day are
detained in the addicted ward in Evin Prison in a very
awful condition. Moreover, as far as I know there are about 13-14 women detained in Quarantine Ward. This
ward is known as “addicted” ward in Evin Prison. They are also deprived from any necessary facility,” Maryam
Hosseini’s daughter says. (Radio Germany website – May 12, 2009)
SSF beat and abuse girl for "improper veiling" on street

According to reports, Guidance Patrol agents who are stationed on Vanak Square in Tehran beat a 20-
year-old girl in public on charges of "improper veiling" on May 12.
A female agent initially called the girl and forced her to a police booth. The girl who was extremely
terrified and begged for them to leave her alone was then beaten by agents and forcefully arrested. (Iran
News Agency – May 13, 2009)
Girls’ schools or Prisons?
In girls schools wearing short socks and jeans, and make up are forbidden, and for such cases, the parents are
summoned to school. All girls’ schools should install bars on the windows and paint them with dark color not
giving a chance for a glance from outside… (Iran Press – May 16, 2009)
Government agents beat and hit a reporter of state -run daily for her short coat not aware of her position
On Thursday May 14, when I got off taxi in Vanak Square quickly in the evening… Ms. ‘Samiran’, a guidance
force called me. She said your coat is over your knees four fingers. I accepted and said I will go back home right
away. Your colleague said how I could be sure that you would do that, and asked for my identity card. Your
other colleague whom I noticed she was Fatemeh M. added that it should be cleared if I have previous cases or
not for having coat four finger above my knees! I told them my name and surname. “how can be sure you are
telling us your true identity?” Ms. M. replied, and Ms. N. told me to give my mobile phone. “Communication
Minister has cut it off,” I replied. And suddenly Ms. N said are you making fun of us? And pushed me to the
floor and they dragged me on the pavement towards the guidance patrol car… They didn’t care not just about
my coat position covering my body even my scarf was not covering my
hairs. I didn’t want to get up the van, therefore they took my hands and
feet and threw me in the van. I don’t remember how many times my
head was banged… I don’t have any witness how many times they stoke
my shoulder in the van, because there were nobody there watching us.
In the van, Ms. N. threatened me strangely, explaining I am taken to
where and what they would do to me. Thinking of what would be going
happen to me was so horrifying that I pressed my finger to record her
words since there was no witness there may later I could find someone
to listen…
In the Vozara Detention Center, Colonel sat in front of me asking me
what I had recorded? “Your officers threatening words,” I replied.
He asked for the record player… the guidance officer’s voice was broadcasted, while there were some other
officers. Colonel told me I informed the top officials that you were arrested, they told me to seize your record
player and your journalist’ identity card… and I was eventually set free at 9 pm in Vanak Square… (Etemad,
state-run daily – May 16, 2009)
Note: The arrestee was a journalist of Etemad state-run daily, showing them her journalist identity card at the
onset of her case.
Masters Degree student banned from giving exams due to "improper veiling "
On May 19, the Protection Department of the Free Kashan University prevented a girl student from entering
the exam session on the pretext that she was not wearing the chador. The female student who came from
Isfahan to participate in Exams practically came to tears from this act and begged the Protection agent to let her
inside .
"I am in my last term for getting my master's and if you don’t let me go in the university and participate in the
exams, I will flunk this course and because this course isn’t given in the summer, I will have to wait until
October to register again because of this course", she sobbed .
However, the agent did not heed her begging and refused to let her participate in the exams.
"This has nothing to do with us, you should have worn the chador like a good girl!", answered the agent. (Iran
News Agency – May 20, 2009)


22-year-old woman died after three hours of torture by his suspicious husband
“I tightened hands, feet, of Neda, my wife, then taped her mouth shut. After that I was beating her for three
hours, eventually marked her body by knife in order to cause sever pain making her regretful of her past
behavior. Neda was fainted and I was tired and slept for few hours. At 5p.m. I noticed that she was
uncouncious,” Hedayat, 23, said. (Fars state-run news agency – May 26, 2009)
Main offense amongst SSF is sexual abuse
There have been more than 80 sexual abuse by the SSF across the country.
In a common session between the IRGC and the SSf in Rashtkhar, a participant said that from the beginning of
new year – Iranian new year started on March 21, 2009 –more than 80 sexual abuses by the SSF have been
reported involving more than 70 NCO of this force.
In a private session in eastern city of Birjand a participant had also reported that most sexal abuses had
been committed by military forces depicting their lack of believes. (Iran news agency – May 27, 2009)
Regime official: Improper veiling worse than murder
The head of Isfahan's Prohibiting Vice and Promoting Virtue said, "From our point of view, improper veiling is
the first vice and worst than murder because the pollution that is spread by improper veiling is mental.”
"The plan for Advancing Social Security has been carried out in Ardestan with the cooperation of State Security
Forces and dealing with those with improper veiling is in our program,” he added. (Fars state-run news agency –
May 31, 2009)
Court lashes 13-year-old girls 100 times
Written by a doctor- Today I had a patient which brought me great sorrow. My patient was a 13-year-old girl who
came in with her mother. The patient complained of pain in her side and in her own words her "kidneys.”
Her mother explained that about 10 days ago, she was sentenced to 100 lashes in court and after the execution
of the sentence and when her back was bleeding and bruised, she was allowed to come home.
When I looked at the delicate body of the girl, I could not believe that she could have tolerated all the pain and
suffering of 100 lashes on her frail body.
She said that during the lashing, they had tied her hands and legs on the bed and at first, it was painful but
"after the first few lashes I did not feel a lot of pain.”
The poor girl explained in childish words that after she came home, the pain started and in these last few days,
"I could not sleep or stand up or walk.”
Think to yourself about how a girl that is only 150 centimeters in height and only weighs about 40 kilos with
less than 13 years of age could have gotten such a heavy sentence. (Ruz Az Nou Weblog – May 31, 2009)
Explotation of backless women in Varamin Relief Committee
In official relief committee in Varamin, city in Tehran Province, employees sexually exploited women applying
for help with no caretaker. This was revealed during financial investigation and the case was reported to the SSF
but since SSF itself is involved in the same offenses hence nothing have been done in this regard. (Iran news
agency – June 1, 2009)
Medeival condition of women prisoners in Gohardasht Prison
Women prisoners are taken to the Protection and Security Department by the prison assistant warder, Ali
Mohammadi, Turabi the head of examinations, Kermani, head of Protection and Security, Faraj Zadeh, assistant
head of Protection and Security, and Khadem, the head of ward one. These prison officials sexually and
physically torture the prisoners. The tortures are so brutal and inhumane that it cannot be described (for moral
The prison officials brutally beat prisoners with electric clubs in front of other prisoners until they pass out.
The pressure and torture is so severe that the number of women prisoners who commit suicide is very high.
Regime officials try to hide their atrocities in prison and prevent reports from getting out. If any news gets out, a
defenseless woman has to pay the price with brutal punishment on the pretext that she has leaked the
These women have no right to protest or to request anything and if they do, they are subjected to sexual and
physical torture.

Another method used against female prisoners is to turn them into drug addicts. Prison officials give prisoners
methadone or other addictive drugs. Prison officials prescribe dangerous addictive drugs as tranquilizer to
prisoners and insist that prisoners use them. This plan has been executed in Tehran's prisons by a person called
Mahalati for a number of years now. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 2, 2009)
Suspicious death of a young woman in Gohardasht prison
A female prison committed suicide to escape the unbearable torture by prison officials and passed away, reports
from ward 7 of Gohardasht Prison say.
Mahnaz Akbar Tehrani was initially taken to the Protection and Security Department in prison and was
subjected to brutal torture. The tortures where so severe that she was not able to walk on her own and was taken
to solitary with a bloody face. Female prisoners who are transferred to solitary cells get one ration of food per
day and are kept hungry. They are only allowed to use the bathroom twice in 24 hours, are banned from taking
a shower, and live in catastrophic hygienic situations.
Their condition in prison is intolerable and medieval and much worse than that of men's. Rape is a normal
procedure in the Protection and Security Department or in solitary used by prison officials as torture. Women
prisoners are forced to stay in solitary cells (aka doghouse) for more than three months in these unbearable
conditions. Mahnaz was one of the many women who are subjected to this sort of brutality. The 22-year-old
committed suicide at 7 am in her cell and they found her dead body at 12 pm. (Human Rights and Democracy
Activists in Iran – June 2, 2009)
Student activist summoned to Revolutionary Court
Mahdieh Gohroh, who has been expelled from Alahmeh University and has not been
allowed to continue her studies for three years now, was summoned to the
Revolutionary Court. According to the summons, she has to turn herself in to the
court three days after seeing the summons.
Mahdieh Golroh staged a sit-in along with three other expelled students outside
Alameh University in December 2008, which lead to her arrest. These students were
later transferred to ward 209 in Evin Prison. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – June 2, 2009)
State radio and television encourages and promotes violence against women at home
“Official radio television’s serial programs and films encourage and promote culture of violence against
women,” Mehri Dehqan, professor and top expert in women and family issue in Yazd said to ISNA official news
agency. (Shahrzad News Website – June 3, 2009)
Head of women center blew a fuse on joining convention of removing discrimination against women
“Don’t you think future of country will be on the line when girls have occupied 70% of medicine seats in
universities?” Zohreh Tayebzadeh Nouri, head of women center of presidency, warned while expressing her
extreme concerns on women’s social presence.Tayebzadeh blew a fuse on Iran joining convention removing all
kind of discrimination against women. (E’temad state-run daily – June 3, 2009)
Three young girls arrested late at night
On June 1 at 12pm, three girls were stopped and arrested outside Melat Park, in Mosadeq Street by a patrol car
of the SSF with three agents on board. The girls asked the SSF to let them free but the SSF agent who was a
woman ordered them rudely to get on the patrol car taking them to the Vozara Detention Center. The girls
begged her to release them not taking them to detention center late at night but the patrolwoman brutally
slapped one them throwing her in the car and transferred them to the police station. (Iran news agency – June
4, 2009)
Student prisoner visits with family with presence of interrogator, her condition far
worse than last visit
On June 1, Shabnam Maddadzadeh and her brother had a visit with their family for the
second time after 102 days of incarceration in ward 209 of Evin Prison. This visit took
place with the presence of their interrogator. Their family described their children's
mental state as "not well".
While the judge on Shabnam's case has said that she has been transferred to the public
ward as of May 20 and has no problems in terms of contacting her family, Shabnam has


had no phone calls with her family and her physical and mental state was far worse than in last visit. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter- June 4, 2009)
Annual Figure of runaway girls arrested by SSF
Dr. Mostafa Eqlimi, head of the Science Society of Social Workers in Iran while expressing annual figure of
runaway girls arrested by the SSF are 300 to 400 said: “Economic problems, increasing rate of inflation, edicts,
divorce and etc during some recent years is the cause of increasing rate of social damages and guilt in the society.
This in turn is origin of girls running away from their homes.
Eqlima said: “Presently in huge city of Tehran, there are social welfare centers for housing 50 runaway girls
while there are 300 to 400 of them being arrested by the SSF and transferred to these centers by court
warrants.” (Shahab News state-run website – June 7, 2009)
Note: the actual figure of runaway girls in Iran are annually over 300,000 to 400,000
Condition of women prison
A women activist who was arrested on the May Day and was released on bail from prison about two weeks ago
said that there were 28 women living in one cell that they could hardly sit on the floor, There were pregnant
women and mothers with very young children, a place very dangerous for them. (Ruz website – June 8, 2009)
Four women die suspiciously in prison
The first girl who was killed in prison was 17-year-old Leila who was jailed a few months ago on charges of using
drugs. Leila was an addict and had gone to the prison guards for treatment but instead of sending her to a drug
rehabilitation center, she was sent to prison and died after a short time.
Hedieh was another women who had become a drug addict after divorcing her husband and losing a child
custody case. She was sentenced to three years of prison. Her body was found hanged in her cell.
Shirin was jailed on charges of robbery. Her body was also found hanged in her cell.
Parisa was the last women who died in prison. She was arrested on charges of drug addiction. When her trial
was about to begin, they said that she had died in jail. (E'temad state-run daily – June 9, 2009)
Cruel sentence of 10 years imprisonment in exile for female student
According to reports, Masumeh Mansuri, a computer science student at Tehran's Amir Kabir University was
sentenced to 10 years of prison in exile to Qezel Hesar Prison.
The sentence for the 24-year-old was issued by the head of the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court, Judge
Salavati summoned Hamid Mami Zadeh, Mansuri's guarantor, threatening him that if he did not turn Mansuri
in, he would be arrested.
Mansuri was arrested in 2007 by intelligence agents after going to the Revolutionary Court to pursue her
father's case. She was transferred to ward 209 of Evin Prison and was subjected to pressure and torture for
several weeks by intelligence agency interrogators.
Alavi, her interrogator, had threatened her to death on many occasions in the interrogations. (Human Rights
and Democracy Activists in Iran – June 10, 2009)
SSF attack and beat students in Tabriz
In the recent unrest in Tabriz, a number of girl and boy students were injured. Hundreds of people were
arrested. Among the arrestees, six female students were beaten and kicked in the vicinity of the university before
their arrest. A number of young people were stabbed by security forces and were injured. Three photographers
were also arrested in Abresan Street. Undercover police agents are on the streets and Ahmadinejad's supporters
beat and insult girls and boys on the sidewalks. (Aftab state-run website – June 14, 2009)
Human rights activist arrested in Tehran
According to reports at about 1:30 pm yesterday, Shiva Nazar Ahari, human rights activist and a member of the
Human Rights Reporters Committee was arrested in her office in Tehran.
This is while security forces raided her home at 1 am and confiscated some of her personal belongings. They
were not able to arrest her at that time because she was not in the house, but announced that she has to turn
herself in to the intelligence agency.
Shiva Nazar Ahari is an expelled student who had participated in peaceful protests along with other expelled
university students in the past few days. (Human Rights Reporters Committee – June 14, 2009)


Female students killed in Kermanshah's Razi University

A female student by the last name of Tahmasebi who was hit on the head with a club by undercover agents
yesterday during demonstrations, passed away in the Imam Reza hospital in this city. (Iran Press News – June 18,
Two female students beaten to death in Bandar Abbas
Bandar Abbas - Last week in a popular gathering in this city, a large number of students and young people who
had become injured from
being struck in the face and
head with police clubs were
Those who are injured are
afraid of going to hospitals
because the chances of
being identified by security
forces are high. After one
week of clashes, students in
the Free University are
under severe control.
According to some
students, in one incident,
security forces attacked four girls and beat them so severely they passed out on the street. When the people went
to help them, a security forces came with a police car, violently throwing them in the back of the car. Two of
them died on the spot. The police have not handed over any bodies to their families, therefore, people are trying
to identify the victims. (Iran News Agency – June 25, 2009)

Iranian doctor blames militia for killing Neda

LONDON- An Iranian doctor who claims he tried to
save Neda Agha-Soltan, whose killing on a Tehran street
made her an icon of the OPPOSITION, has said she was
apparently shot by a member of the Islamic Basij militia.
Arash Hejazi, who is studying at a university in the south
of England, told the BBC on Thursday the crowd
identified the man they believed was the shooter shortly
after the young woman died from a gunshot wound to
the chest.
He said he had decided to speak out, despite the
potential risks, which meant he would probably not
return to Iran, because 'I don't want her blood to have
been shed in vain.' (AFP - June 26, 2009)
Regime forbids mourning for heroine, force her family to leave their residence
According to a German daily, the family of Neda Aqa Soltan was forced to
move from their apartment on Meshkini Street under pressure from
After Neda's death, police agents followed a person who wanted to give
condolences to the family and entered their four-room apartment. Security
forces told the family that they are banned from holding any kind of
mourning ceremony for Neda. Security forces also prevented them from


hanging black drapes on the outside of their apartment as a sign of mourning. (Amir Kabir Newsletter –
June 27, 2009)
Protesting mothers arrested in Laleh Park
Security forces arrested more than 20 women who had gathered in Laleh Park yesterday to protest the recent
arrests and violence by security forces against protesters.
Some of the detainees were taken to the Shapure Detention Center.
According to reports from Tehran, State Security Forces prevented the black clothed women from entering the
park, beating them. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – June 28, 2009)
Report on the condition of Evin's women's ward
The General Women's ward in Evin prison has turned into detention center for women who were arrested in
the recent protests in Tehran in addition to ward 240, 209 and 2A. Lack of space and facilities in the women's
ward increases the pressure on the detainees.
According to reports, about 60 of the women who were recently arrested in the protests are kept with prisoners
who take methadone (drug addicts) in hall 3 of the women's section. The lack of space has reached the point
where women who have recently been moved there sleep in the hallways with one blanket.
The hallways have not been used in this way since the 80's and it is very unhygienic, especially for female
A large number of women who were injured in the protests are also kept in the medical clinic of the prison.
The figures of the number of detainees stated in this report is only part of the real number of detainees and due
to high security measures in other sections, there is no information on the number of prisoners Evin Prison.
(Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 29, 2009)
Report on the condition of Evin's women's ward
The General Women's ward in Evin prison has turned into detention center for women who were
arrested in the recent protests in Tehran in addition to ward 240, 209 and 2A. Lack of space and
facilities in the women's ward increases the pressure on the detainees.
According to reports, about 60 of the women who were recently arrested in the protests are kept with
prisoners who take methadone (drug addicts) in hall 3 of the women's section. The lack of space has
reached the point where women who have recently been moved there sleep in the hallways with one
blanket. The hallways have not been used in this way since the 80's and it is very unhygienic, especially
for female prisoners.
A large number of women who were injured in the protests are also kept in the medical clinic of the
The figures of the number of detainees stated in this report is only part of the real number of detainees
and due to high security measures in other sections, there is no information on the number of
prisoners Evin Prison. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 29, 2009)
Mullahs regime put arrested girls and boys in same cells together
A student who was recently freed from prison wrote in a letter, "From the day before Neda was killed until
today, we were in jail. Today after threatening us and making us sign agreements, they let us go. We were about
20 people in a 5 meter long cell. All the girls and boys were put in the same cell together. The prison guards
would suddenly enter the cell and start beating the girls. Sometimes, they would take them out of the cell for a
while. They would raid the cell every 30 minutes and start beating everyone. They would also take people for
interrogation, which would last for a very long time. In the interrogations, they asked, who tells you what to do?
Why were you on the street that day? They would only feed us at night which was a sort of soup that tasted like
water". (Iran News Agency – July 1, 2009)
Female student arrested and tortured in Babol
Last week, Sugand Alikhah, a Mazandaran University student was arrested by the Ansar-e Hezbollah with the
complicity of an agent in the university's Protection Department. She was taken to a Bassiji Base in Feraidone-
Kenar and was beaten and tortured for three days by the Ansar-e Hezbollah.

The signs of the torture were still evident on her face and body after she was released. (Bu-Ali Sina Newsletter –
July 4, 2009)
Young female prisoner dies after consuming lethal pills
Hedieh Movayedi who had been hospitalized and in a coma from few days ago after consuming lethal pills
passed away on Friday at 1pm in the Loqman Aldoleh Hospital.
A number of her cellmates say that she had not committed suicide and that a number of prisoners force fed her
the pills. (Iran News Agency – July 18, 2009)
Her story
A girl who was imprisoned in the Gohardasht Prison in Karaj for complicity in the murder of an inmate
committed suicide after her last trial and is currently in a coma in the Loqman Hospital.
"Hedieh Moayedi was born in 1990. In 2004, she went to her friends house, and after a person named Ali filed
a complaint against her she was arrested by the police", her lawyer Mohammad Mostafayi said.
"The police found some unmarked bills and alcohol in the house. She was charged and a criminal record was
filed for her. Instead of sending her case to a children's court and detaining her in a correctionalinstitution, her
case was sent to branch 1089 of the General Court in Tehran and then she was sent to Evin Prison (at the age
of 14)".
"Hedieh has endured many hardships in prison. This was to an extent that she was forced to use sleeping pills
and pain killers on a daily basis. She was transferred to Gohardasht Prison after a short time", her lawyer added.
"She sometimes used drugs to ease her pain.
In 2005, she was thrown into solidarity as punishment along with four of her cellmates. In the cell, Hanieh,
another prisoner, gets into a fight with another prisoner named Fereshteh and kills her. After this, Hedieh was
convicted of complicity in the murder. After three years, her case was sent to the 80th branch of the Criminal
Court in Karaj and on July 3 Hedieh did not accept the claimed charges against her."
Her lawyer also emphasized that in the past four years, Hedieh has been subjected to the worst mental pressures
to the point that she was forced to commit suicide". (Sarmaye state-run daily – July 14, 2009)
Iran arrests prominent feminist lawyer
A leading Iranian lawyer and women's rights campaigner, Shadi Sadr, was arrested on her way to Friday prayers
in the capital that were attended by scores of vote protesters, her husband
'Shadi called me from an unknown location and said she was arrested by
plain-clothes officials who forcefully got her into a car,' Hossein Nilchian
told AFP.
He said Sadr was accompanied by her friends and she was the only one
taken away.
Sadr, 34, is a well-known women's rights activist who has campaigned
against one of Iran's internationally-condemned practices of death by
stoning for adulterers. She has defended several such convicts as a lawyer.
Rights group Amnesty International called for Sadr's immediate release,
after what it called her violent arrest.
'Shadi Sadr was walking with a group of women's rights activists along a busy road when unidentified plain-
clothed men pulled her into a car,' it said in a statement.
'She lost her headscarf and coat in the ensuing struggle but managed briefly to escape. She was quickly
recaptured and beaten with batons before being taken away in the car to an unknown location.'
Amnesty Middle East and North Africa head Malcolm Smart said: 'This was an illegal, arbitrary and violent
arrest in which no attempt was made by the authorities to show identification or provide any explanation for
their action. (AFP - July 17, 2009)


Systematic method of interrogation; sexual harassment and abuse
Eyewitness accounts of female journalist Fereshteh Qazi: Three female guards attacked me in prison (after arrest)
and started violently taking off my cloths beating me at the same time. They stripped off all my clothes while I
was screaming and trying to free myself from them and then body searched me…
They opened my cell door and said that Haji (the interrogator) had come. They
blindfolded me in the cell, cloaked me in a chador and took me to the
interrogation room. On the way there, I told myself I would protest to the
I sat on a chair facing the wall with the blindfolds, ignorant to my surroundings. I
hear the voice of a man from behind me who says, "Who did you meat in
Afghanistan and what organization were you spying for?"
"I am a reporter for the 'Emrooz' website and that is why I have been arrested and
…", before I could finish my sentence he yelled and said, "How many packets of
birth control pills did you take with you?"
I could not believe this. He repeated this again and I protested. Then he said with a
Fereshteh Qazi
perverted tone, "You are either a spy or you had illegitimate relationships. Pick one!"
I was taken back to my cell.
I explained on various occasions that I was neither a spy nor had any sort of relationship but there was no point.
The interrogator which I do not see starts to describe the details of a sexual movie with a perverted tone. I am
sure he has a sexual illness and enjoys saying such things...
He asks about my acquaintances with various political figures especially my colleagues. I explained that I am a
journalist and have relations with all political figures. But the relationship that the interrogator is looking for is
not a journalistic relationship. He says the names of the political figures one by one and brings up the issue of
illegitimate relationship and says, "Write what I say!"
He starts describing a sexual movie and tells me to write down what he says.
I feel nauseated and I vomit. I pulled my blindfolds off and got up but something hits me from the back before I
could get up and my nose gets slammed on the chair and starts to bleed. I fell down and got kicked in the side
and back. Then he called the female guards and I was taken to my cell in that condition…
I was taken for interrogation again. He tells me what I actually did is not important and that I had to write what
he wanted, otherwise I would be taken to a cell and be "raped to death".
My hear starts to pound and he says, "We have a lot of men here who haven't seen a woman for years and crave
for a woman and…"
I had to write the false confession otherwise I would be group raped and my husband would die in an
My interrogator who was a middle aged man known as Keshavarz said, "The accident rate in Iran is very high
and your husband can easily be one of the figures".
Or he threatened that he would arrest my husband and rape me in front of him and …
I am in total seclusion and have no information about what is going on outside. The interrogator comes and
tries to adopt a sad tone and says, "Your mother had a heart attack and unfortunately died. She has been in the
morgue for three days waiting for you. Do the right thing so that the spirit of your dead mother will not be
tormented more than this and …"
I could not listen more than this. I went on a hunger strike to force them to let me call my family.
Two days later, the judge residing over my case, Saber Zafar Qandi comes. I decide to tell him everything but
before I could say anything he yelled and said, "You went on a hunger strike?! So you’re a professional! I'll show
you what we do to professional prisoners. We can easily bring four witnesses and stone you to death on charges
of adultery…"
After I was released, I was summoned several times in the presence of Sayid Mortazavi, Tehran's prosecutor. I
protested the issues in prison but the strange thing is that Mortazavi says that these things are necessary in

(In one of the summonses) he told his assistant to take my husband outside of his office and I was left in the
room with the prosecutor of Tehran. He came close and sat next to me. I had a strange fear and I felt like my
heart would burst out. He brought his face close and said that it 'seemed I did not take the warnings of the
interrogator seriously'.
He was so close that I was afraid to make a move or say anything.
"(The interrogator) was not joking about the rape or the accident", he says. I did not hear anything else. I was
desperately trying to distance myself from him as he was getting closer. He reminded me of my interrogator who
insisted I write the details of the sexual movie he was describing with glee…
I am left with an ill and broken spirit, terrified of all men. I cannot have a normal relationship with my husband
anymore. My spirit is so ill that I have to see a
psychiatrist. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Aug. 16, 2009)
Head of Bassij raped Taraneh Moussavi
The suppression of the protest gathering at the Qoba
Mosque in Tehran was under the supervision of the
Sarallah Base supervised by Tayeb (head of the Bassij
paramilitary forces). Detainees were taken away in black
vans which is a trademark of the Sarallah Base.
Detainees were taken to a center in the Sarallah Base in
Soal Street. This center is one of the most horrifying
detention centers in Iran and is known as Abu-ghuraib…
Tayeb personally interrogated a number of the prisoners
supposedly looking trying to find their 'leaders' and the
organizing network behind the protest. The name of Taraneh Moussavi (a young girl who was detained,
violently raped and then burned) drew Tayeb's attention because of the resemblance with Mir Hossein
Moussavi's name and he had his forces bring Taraneh to his room for interrogation.
Taraneh Moussavi was last seen by the people who worked in this complex while she was being taken for
interrogation and unlike other detainees who brought back to the detention center, Taraneh never returned.
Her name was erased from the list of detainees the next day…
Two things are certain. Tayeb ordered that Taraneh be brought to him for interrogation and Taraneh
disappeared after the interrogation. The first reports of this issue were leaked indirectly by the personnel in this
detention center and they were certain that the reason behind why Taraneh was not brought back to the
detention center was because Tayeb had sexually abused her. (Sohrabestan Weblog – Aug. 21, 2009)
Cooperation Front of Iran: women prisoners are forced to confess to false immoral acts
The website of the Cooperation Front has issued a statement disclosing the "heinous, immoral, and illegal" acts
of the government in violating the private space of prisoners. This statement says in part, "There are reports that
many respectable and political women were arrested only to put intolerable physical and mental pressure on
them in violation of their private space and to force them into giving immoral confessions against themselves or
other people". (Nurooz Website – Aug. 23, 2009)
Female journalist pressured into confessing to illegitimate relationships
Hengameh Shahidi, journalist and member of the National Confidence Party (which belongs to Karoubi) who
has been in detention from 55 days ago in ward 209 in Evin Prison has gone on a hunger strike in protest to the
actions and treatment of her interrogators.
This journalist was transferred to a two-person ward after 50 days in solidarity. According to her family, she
sounded very tired and ill in a recent telephone call from prison.
An informed source has told us that Shahidi is under severe pressure to confess to false immoral relationships
and since she is not willing to confess, she has been beaten. According to this source, she has gone on a hunger
strike in protest to questions asked by her interrogators. He family is very concerned for her mental and physical
condition in light of the fact that she suffers from a heart disease and low blood pressure. (Rooz website – Aug.
25, 2009)


19-year-old girl prisoner denied minimum rights

According to reports from ward 209 in Evin Prison, Mahsa Naderi, student
prisoner, is in a critical physical condition and has not been treated as yet. The
19-year-old political prisoner who was an economics student in the Qom Mofid
University is suffering from severe
kidney and bladder infection. She
has been suffering from severe pain
for some time now and when her
cellmate called a prison guard to take
her to the prison clinic, the prison
guard said, "we have brought her
here to die so there's one person less
in the prison".
She also has limitations in using the
restroom and she was forced to go
on a dry hunger strike for a while. Prison officials deprive her of the necessary Maryam Sabri protesting to
water and liquids she needs (because of her kidney and bladder infection) and security foces before arrest
even when she asked to buy drinks from the prison shop, this was not arranged for her.
She has been deprived of in person visits with her family and she is only allowed to see her family from behind
glass partitions. (Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran – Aug. 27, 2009)
Girl says she was raped in Kahrizak
Maryam Sabri, one of the former detainees in the Kahrizak Detention Center has announced that in the two
weeks that she was jailed in this detention center, she was raped. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Sep. 18, 2009)
Police beats girl for 'improper veiling'
According to reports from Tehran, a patrol agent from police station 147 identified as second lieutenant Ali
Kiani stopped a girl who was driving a Pride car in 150th Street and beat the 20-year-old girl with his club. He
said he beat her because she was improperly dressed. (Iran News Agency – Sep. 22, 2009)
Young girl repeatedly raped in prison
Maryam Sabri: When they put us in the RGC van, I did not know where they were taking me. We were
handcuffed and blindfolded. We were in the car for one or two hours before we stopped.
But I did not know where I was. If we brought our head up, they would kick us in the head… I was detained for
two weeks…
She said she was raped and sexually abused in a detention center in Iran. She remembers participating in a
ceremony 40 days after the death of Neda in the Behesht Zahra Cemetery. She was arrested after security forces
attacked the people attending the ceremony.
The first time in the interrogation I was sitting on a chair and one of the two men was standing behind me and
the other one was sitting in front of me asking questions. They asked me things like "who is your leader". "Who
do you get your orders from?" "Tell me the names of the others." "Who do you know?" "If you tell us, we will let
you go." In addition, they would repeatedly slap me in the face and pull my hair from the back…
On the first day, they threatened me that if I did not cooperate with them, I would not live. On the second or
third day, they brought me and said that they want to give me back my vote. They blindfolded me. I heard the
sound of a door opening and closing. They took me to a room where there was one person. He first started
interrogating me. He hit me on the face a few times. He said, "Why don’t you say anything, if you do, we will let
you go. Open your mouth". Of course, he said all these things with profanity. Then he took my clothes off. He
did not pay attention to my begging and crying and weeping. It was as if he did not hear my screams. He said I
am giving back your vote. "Get your vote back. This is the answer for all your shouting on the streets"…He raped
me himself. He did not use a tool to do this. He forced me on the ground and tied my hands to a rod, which
was on the wall. They raped me four or five times. The voice (of the man) changed every time. The voice of the
person who first raped me was different from the second person…Surely, this has happened to many people

there. Because at night, I heard the sounds of screaming and begging and I was sure that, what happened to me
was happening to others as well…
A number of arrested boys were standing in front of us. The agents started to sexually abuse us. The boys
shouted for them to leave us alone. "Do anything you want to us", the boys said. The agents said, "What? Are
they your sisters?" The boys begged them to leave us alone and hit them instead, but the agents would move the
clubs on our bodies and would say, "Is this one your sister, is this one your wife?" (Radio Farda – Sep. 25, 2009)
Young married woman victim of jail rape
In a special report about the fate of the jail rape files (some were disclosed by Karoubi), the 'Taqir' website which
belongs to (Karoubi's) Eteamd Meli Party, said that the victims have been trialed instead of the culprits (in the
rape cases).
According to this website, not only young men and women are amongst Karoubi's (rape) witnesses, but a young
married woman can also be seen who was raped and sexually abused by agents. According to this report,
Karoubi still has more solid evidence and documents and will publish them if necessary. (Radio Germany
Website – Sep. 25, 2009)
Police arrest and harass girls on streets of Iran for 'improper veiling '
Three girls were arrested for the crime of improper veiling in Tehranpars in Tehran on Friday September 24 at
5 pm. They were taken to a bungalow in this area. The agents then called their parents and told them they had
to hand in their daughters ID cards. These families were also told that they had until Saturday to go the
"Corruption" Department in Vozara Street (regarding this case). (Iran News Agency – Sep. 26, 2009)

Security forces use tear gas and beat a woman trying to disperse protesters
According to reports from Tehran, security forces attacked protesters in Qâem Maqâm Street and beat a young
person. The forces also used tear gas against the protesters and beat a woman to try to disperse the crowds. (Iran
News Agency – Sep. 29, 2009)
Women journalist harassed and in limbo in jail
The family of Hengameh Shahidi, journalist and Mehdi Karoubi's aid on women's issues, were able to visit her
in Evin Prison.
According to her mother, this visit was supposed to be in person but a female guard
prevented this and said that they had to visit her from behind the glass partition.
"When they told Hengameh that the visit is from behind the partition, she became
extremely troubled and started pounding her body to the walls and glass of the partition
like a bird in cage and shouted that today is my daughter's birthday and I want to embrace
my mother instead of her", her mother said.
"She yelled and said tell everyone that they exert severe of pressure on me and do not even
let me use the bathroom", her mother added. Her mother said that she has developed
kidney problems in the prison and is only allowed to use the bathroom 4 times in 24 hours.
One of the female guards in prison also constantly harasses this journalist.
"It has been 90 days that I am spending my life behind the walls of Evin or in the corridors of the Revolutionary
Court or Prosecutor's Office and it is still not clear when they will release Hengameh. I am in a state of limbo",
Hengameh's mother added. (Green Wave of Freedom Website – Oct. 1, 2009)
Interrogators harass women in MOIS 'Inquiry Office'
The 'Inquiry Office' is a well known building in the Ministry of Intelligence which is located in the Valiasr
intersection in Tehran. Whenever interrogators and security forces intend to threaten political and social
activists without arresting them, they use this building which contains a hall and several rooms for
Students who have been summoned there say that interrogators put more pressure on girl students and try to
force them back for interrogations under various pretexts.


These students have said that one of the new measures interrogators take is confiscating the girls' personal items
to summon them back to get their belongings in several stages. In a number of cases, the agents even confiscated
their purses and bags in addition to their cell phones to use to re-summon them.
"Such a despicable and unprecedented measure is not a normal threat used against political and social activists
and maybe one can say that it shows the psyche and personality of the interrogators", a student activist said.
(Rooz Online Website – Oct. 14, 2009)
Female political prisoner affronted, threatened and under inhumane treatment in lengthy interrogations
Fifty two days after the arrest of imprisoned journalist Fariba Pazhuh, she is still taken to lengthy interrogations
and put under pressure.
Interrogators mistreat, insult and use obscene language against her and her family and have done this
persistently in the past few weeks to bring down her morale in prison.
Her interrogators have even threatened her that they would arrest her family members and even showed her
their arrest warrants to put pressure on her. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Oct. 12, 2009)
Female students harassed by agents in Sharif Industrial Univ. in Tehran
According to reports, female (agents) with chadors (black head to toe garb) in groups of three walk around in
the Sharif Industrial University in Tehran and warn girls regarding their dress, makeup, nail polish, hair and
hair color and force them to write commitments not to appear in this way in university.
If students protest this treatment, they are taken to the university Protection Department and dealt more
seriously with. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 25, 2009)
Gohardasht Prison personnel sexually exploit female prisoners
Two personnel of the Gohardasht Prison in Karaj were transferred to another prison because of illegitimate
relationships with female prisoners.
A doctor's assistant named Vashqani Farahani, who worked in the medical clinic of this prison had an
illegitimate relationships with a number of female prisoners. He used the opportunity of checking the female
prisoners and transferring them to the clinic for his own end and was transferred to Qezelhesar Prison after a
number of prisoners reported his actions. Another unidentified employee in this prison was also transferred for
this reason.
It is noteworthy that the punishment of these two personnel has been very light considering the punishments
set for these kinds of crimes.
Gohardasht Prison in Karaj is a prison for dangerous and violent prisoners and at least 60 prisoners of
conscience have also been exiled to this prison. There have been many reports and evidence of violence and
rape in this prison. The former head of this prison named Khadem was forced to marry a prisoner after his
illegitimate relationship with her was disclosed. He was then transferred to Qezelhesar Prison. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Oct. 29, 2009)
Detained girl protesters taken to notorious detention center
After the extensive arrests made in Tehran on November 4, especially the widespread arrests of women and
girls, there have been reports on the unclear state of these detainees in the past few days.
According to reports, the widespread arrest of women and girls in the protest marches on November 4 was pre-
planned by regime officials. State security forces have not taken the responsibility of the arrests of girls and other
protesters which shows that security forces affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards Forces and Bassij Forces
have executed a dangerous plan. This dangerous denial (on the part of the SSF) is made while existing evidence
shows that hundreds, made up of mostly women and girls, were arrested in the November 4 protests.
According to some reports, almost all the female detainees were taken to the notorious and uncontrolled
Khorin Detention Center which is situated near Varamin (Tehran suburbs).
Reports say that regime officials have transferred a number of normal prisoners who were detained in this
detention center from before to Evin Prison to give the idea that they are transferring November 4 detainees to
Evin Prison. (Rooz News – Nov. 7, 2009)


Deplorable condition of Nov. 4 female arrestees in prison

Women's Freedom Organization: A number of women and young girls who were arrested (in the streets
protests) on November 4 have been transferred to the Vozara Detention Center. The prison cells which they are
kept in are very dirty and the prisoners cannot rest properly due to lack of space in the cells. Prisoners have been
banned from using the restrooms from sunset and have been deprived of food. There are a number of injured
women amongst the prisoners who were struck with batons. They have been left without any treatment in the
cells. (Iran Press News – Nov. 9, 2009)
Security forces beat protesting female workers
More than 100 workers of the Arak Industrial Company held a gathering outside the Provincial Governor's
Office on November 9 to protest not receiving their overdue wages and eventually entered the yard of this
According to reports, 200 workers in this factory have not received their wages for five months. Thirty women
workers were also present in this protest. Riot police stationed in the Provincial Office attacked these women
after they entered the office's yard and beat four of the women. (Iran News Agency – Nov. 11,
Female political prisoner under pressure to make false confessions
Mahdieh Minuyi, a member of the women's branch of the Participation Front who was
arrested on October 22 in a praying ceremony for the freedom of political prisoners along
with several other people, is under severe mental pressure in Evin Prison.
She is in a bad mental condition and is insulted and verbally abused to make false
confessions. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 16, 2009)
Condition of release of female political prisoner is to divorce husband
According to reports from Evin Prison, officials have conditioned the release of a female political prisoner on
her getting a divorce from her husband who is also a political prisoner.
Kobra Zaqeh Doust who was arrested for attending a mourning ceremony for those killed in the post-election
protests was subjected to torture in ward 209 of Evin Prison to make false confessions for four months before
being transferred to the public ward.
"In mid September, when they transferred my cellmates to the Methadone ward, they took me for interrogations
where two people severely beat me and repeatedly said that I had to write what they told me", she said.
"They beat me in front of my husband and my husband in front of me on numerous occasions to force us to
confess to what we had not done", she added.
A 50,000 dollar bail order has been issued for her but it has still not been carried out. The head investigator on
her case has told her father that only if she divorces her husband, Mostafa Eskandari, will she be released on
Eskandari, has been in solitary confinement for a long period of time. According to the latest reports, he was
once again taken to solitary in the past two weeks. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Nov. 24, 2009)
Female political prisoners on hunger strike in Mahabad Prison
Kazhal Sheikh Mohammadi a women's rights activist who was arrested in her home on September 30 in
Mahabad went on a hunger strike from November 24 in prison.
Kazahal Sheikh Mohammadi who is the wife of Kurd activist Ghafur Mohammadi intended to go to Sweden
with her children after getting a Visa from that country when she was arrested by Revolutionary Guards Corps
intelligence agents. According to reports, these forces broke down her door trying to enter her house and
confiscated her identification documents, books and computer.
Her children Sarveh and Suror Mohammadi were summoned to the Intelligence Protection Department on
October 10 in Marivan and were interrogated for six hours. Suror Mohammadi left the country alone after this
incident. Kazhal Sheikh Mohammadi had a stomach surgery one week before her arrest and is in bad physical
condition. (Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Nov. 27, 2009)


Neda's mother says regime forces targeted daughter

Neda Aqasoltan was killed along with a number
of other young protesters in Tehran during
protests to election results.
Neda's mother says that the (government) killed
"Once when they were threatening me to keep
silent, they told me that they had targeted my
daughter. They told me that they had filmed me
and my daughter in previous marches. This claim
shows that they targeted my daughter and killed
From left to right: Neda and her mother mourning her death her on the day of the incident", she said. (JRS
Website – Dec. 3, 2009)
Iran denies women's rights activist right to see lawyer and subjects her to pressure
Women's rights activist Mehrnoosh Etemadi said in a 5 minute visit she had with her
family in prison that she was 'under pressure'. This is while her lawyer Mina Jafari who
went to Isfahan to see her client was banned from seeing Etemadi by Isfahan's judicial
According to reports, the case investigator has said that he needs Mehrnoosh for 'further
investigation' and has not accepted the bail (provided by her family). This is while 10
days after the arrest of this women's rights activist and despite the fact that a document
has been provided to court showing that the bail order issued by the Isfahan Court has
been provided, judicial officials refrain from accepting the bail. Merhnoosh Etemadi has
been charged with being a member of the One-Million Signature Campaign (advocating change in the
constitution). (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 5, 2009)
Regime arrests another women's rights activist
Haide Tabesh, an activist and member of the One-Million Signature Campaign was arrested
today in Isfahan.
Agents of the intelligence agency in this city took Hayde Tabesh from her English class and
went with her to her home. They searched her home and confiscated all of her personal
items including the computers of her two children. Her husband, Montazeri, said that he still
does not where his wife was being kept and agents have told him to go the Revolutionary
Court tomorrow to inquire about her. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 5, 2009)
No news on arrested female student activist
There is no news on the whereabouts of Mahdieh Golro, a student activist who also worked
with the Human Rights Activists in Iran and was arrested last Wednesday morning in her
home along with her husband.
Despite inquiries by her family to the Revolutionary Court and Evin Prison, there is no
information on her condition. After her family went to the Revolutionary Court and Evin
Prison, they noticed that her name was not in the list of arrestees and prisoners in Evin
prison and this has caused serious concern for her safety. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Dec. 5, 2009)
Regime steps-up suppression of women in Yazd Province
The head of the Public Intelligence and Security Police said those who not follow the Islamic dress code will be
dealt with.
"The State Security Forces will deal severely with any kind of improper veiling or improper clothing of women
and men in the country especially in Yazd. (This confrontation will) include giving notices and guidance,
arresting (offenders) and transferring them to SSF bases, informing their families and referring their cases to
judicial officials", Ali Mirshamsi said.
"If this offense is repeated, the offenders will be dealt with more severely", he stressed. (Human Rights Activists
in Iran – Dec. 112, 2009)
Security forces arrest women's rights activist

Somayeh Rashidi, a women's rights activist was arrested on Saturday December 20 after answering a summons
to the Revolutionary Court and was transferred to Evin Prison.
Her lawyer, Afruz Moghzi confirmed this report and said, "According to a summons that was announced to my
client while (regime forces) were searching her home, she went to the Revolutionary Court in the morning. I
was not allowed to be present in the court with her. Ms. Rashidi was interrogated for about 2 hours in the
Revolutionary Court and later we were informed that she had been transferred to prison after her charges were
announced to her". (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 20, 2009)







1. List of executions in 2009

2. List of arbitrary killings 2009

3. List of martyrs of uprising 2009

4. List of political prisoners 2009

5. Listof political arrests of uprising 2009


"In the name of God, the most merciful and compassionate

I wish the wind could carry my voice. I wish the sparrows that fly over the high walls of
this prison would hear my words and bring them to you as they sit on your house porch
Immediately after I opened my eyes as a child, my mother and guardian angel left me all
I never thought life without a mother could be so hard
It has been more than three years that I am languishing in the corner of this jail and all
my memories have been summarized into one day
It has been three years that I’m living in one day
I go into myself and I yell in my mind, that I swear I did not want things to go this way
Oh God, why, why did it turn out like this?
Through these years, I have lived time and again in one day and that is the worst day of
my life
I have died time, and time again, but I took breath, waiting to die again
I swear to God no one knows how heavy this burden is on my heart
They took me to solitary twice for retribution, those bitter, cold, and heavy nights
I don’t know what to say, I died a thousand times
In my solitude, I wanted to hug my mom and let my tears fall, but there was nothing
except a white wall and cold iron
The warden turned the key and said, "Get up, it is time to go"
They took me to the prison yard and my whole life passed in my mind in these few
I burst into tears in my cell. Oh God, oh God, how could I make them understand that
I’m sorry, I’m ashamed
I wish the wind could carry my voice
Immediately after I opened my eyes as a child, my mother and guardian angel left me all
Behnoud Shojayi, was one of 160 minor offenders who are perishing in Iran's
dungeons. He wrote his life story in prison so that the world would learn of
his fate. He feared that the oppressive regime in Iran would one day soon
tighten the noose around his neck and end his short but tormented life, as
they did.
The UN Security Council and other human rights bodies must bring to
justice the murderers of the Iranian people and those violating basic human
rights of young men and women like Behnoud, Delara, Sohrab and Neda.


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