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FRCr4ctinn"' Totty Perkint


The Legislative Action Arm of FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL

February 2010

Make your voice heard in Washington!

Mail your petitions teday.

Dear Friend,

Because your suppol't helps kee¡r FRC Action lobbyists continually on Capitol Hill monitoring key
legislation, I must infbrnl you: There is still a chance lhat Dentocratic lcaders may attcrnpt to fìrrcc s<lrttc. il'not
tlre rr-r:linritv nlt thi,l hill tlrr¡rrrr¡lr ¿leqlritc f lrlr nnhli¡.'s rrverwlrelrnirìr¡ r'¡nnr'¡,ìilirìrr

As Lor¡isiana Democrat Senator Mary Lanclrieu recently admitted, health care reforrn "is on life support,
unlÌrrtunately, br¡t it still has a pulse." This nreans onc thing:

Pro-lamily c<lnservalivcs likc you and nlc nlust stay cliligcnt. We must continue to plcssulc Cortgrcss lo
abandon its trillion-ckrllar hcalth carc "rcloLnr" rncasurc. Il'not, Prcsiclent Obama coulcl ,s¡il/ gct ltis wish ol'a
massive takeover ol'one-sixth of'the U.S. ccorìonry.

That is why I have enclosccl ¡rctitions to your two scnatols and your rcprcscntativc. Plcasc sign ancl rctt¡rn
these Urgent Petitious to rrre toclay. I will make surc thcy arc llancl-clclivelcd to kcy Scnatc ancl House lcadcrship
offices so they get this message loud and clcar:

We, the people, have the res¡ronsibility to dctermine the future course of our nation.
No longer will we allow ¡roliticians to cut backroom deals in secret tltat ignore thc
concerns of a majority of Americ¿r¡rs. We will not:tllow you to rcducc thc quality of
health carc by absorbing onc-sixth of thc nation's econ{rmy into an already bloatcd
and deficit-ridden fcdcral govcrnnrcnt. Do not attempt to use rarc ¡rarliartrcntary
procedurcs to forcc this through Congress. llnough is enough-listcn to thc pco¡rle.

'fhis is thc only corì'urìonscnsc thingt<l rkl. In poll aficr ¡loll, in tca party I'allics allrl t<lwn ltall
nrcetings, thc Anrcrican pco¡rlc lravc s¡rokon. Tlrc rnaj<lrity docs rìol warìt Washirrgton t<¡ rliclate tlrcir ¡rcrsorral
medical clecisions ancl clcstnly (hc worltl's grcatost hcalth carc syslcnr. Wc want rnarkcl-b¿rscrl r'olornts, ¡url
socialized rnedicine.

Yet Obalna ancl his nlost hal'd-ct)l'c supportct's on Ca¡ritol I-lill arcn't listcning.

In his Statc ol'thc Union aclclrcss. you rnay rccall that Plcsidcnt Obanra was vcly clcar', llc rlcfiarttly_
oleclsed. "l will not cruit."

Although everì sotììc of'his su¡t¡turtcrs lrave cliticizecl hinl fbr backtracking on sorìrc ol'his ¡rr'otuiscs,
I believe hiln on this one! Fronl his perspective, he can't aflbrd to liril. From your ancl FRC Action's ¡>elspectivc,
America can't aflord lbr hinl to succeed in this takeover. But we can't rest until we have a fìnal victory. That's
why I urge you to sigrt and retru'n your petitions to me today.

We must keep up the pressure . Nearly two weeks after his "I will not quit" State of the Union pledge,
President Obama's pennanent campaign operation Organizing for America sent an e-mail to rnillions of
supporters saying:

This isn't a problem we can kick down the road lbr another decade-or even another

(over, please)

801 G Street, NW . Washington, DC 20001 .

year. We need to pass health reform now.

We're incredibly close. But too many in Washington are now saying that we
should delay or give up on reform entirely. So we need to make it crystal clear that
Americans understand the stakes for our economy and our lives and that we
want action.

A news report on a recent Democratic event said, "Despite recent political setbacks, Mr. Obama vowed
to win approval of the legislation, and his enthusiastic audience roared: 'Yes, we can! Yes, we can!' " The
President said, "We've got to go ahead and move forward on a vote."

Wouldn't this be political suicide? Yes, but some Democratic lawmakers don't care. Far-left liberal Jim
McDermott rccently said, "You have to accept that doing the right thing might get you ejected" from office at
the next election.

That's why we dare not take for granted that ObamaCare is dead. We must disregard the pundits who
say it is. Instead, I ask you to trust what FRC Action is seeing firsthand on Capitol Hill, and that is frantic but
quiet, behind-the-scenes maneuvers to get something passed.

Your petitions and thousands of others sent by FRC Action supporters will encourage right-thinking
lawmakers to put their foot down, ignore the kamikaze calls to defy public opinion, and let ObamaCare's
pulse fade away forever. If not? Let me remind you again how badly President Obama's health care "reform"
is out of step with American values.

Do you want your laxes increased to fund abortion?

Do you want mandatory "counseling" that could push the elderly to die sooner?

Do you want Washington to force doctors and nurses to violate their beliefs by participating in
abortion, euthanasia, or embryonic stem cell research?

Do you want bureaucrats telling your doctor what treatments and carc you can get?

If you say no, then please keep fighting with FRC Action to make sure ObamaCare never comes to a
vote, never survives some backroom "deal," never raises its hydra-like head again.

Mail your signed petitions to me today. And when you do, please enclose the most generous
contribution you can. This has been a costly fight, and it's not over yet. And it is crucial we have your
financial support to keep fighting and to win. Thank you and may God bless you.

P.S. Your signed petitions are crucial, but so is your generous contribution. FRC Action is up against
well-funded pressure groups and hard-core big government leftists-President Obama chief among
them!-who are still pushing for passage of a monster trillion-dollar health care bill. But with
adequate funds and your prayer support, FRC Action can stop it and win a crucial victory for families
and for America.

FBC Act¡on is a tax-exempt corporation under sect¡on 5O1(c)(4) of the lntemal Revenuø Code.
Financial contribut¡ons to FRC Action are not tax-deduct¡blø.

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