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Case Study
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When ConnectCall Inc. (name changed on request) launched operations in India in 2001, it created waves
in the Indian BPO industry. Over the last decade, it has grown to eight contact centers, with three facilities
in Gurgaon, two in Mumbai and one each in Bangalore, Pune and Hyderabad.
While ConnectCall Inc. is one of the largest employers in the IT/BPO sector in India, limited connectivity,
poor infrastructure and shifts in the middle of the night meant that they had to introduce pickups and
drops for their employees. Little did they realize the problems that lay ahead.
A Coordinator's Nightmare
ConnectCall Inc. has to organize more than 20,000 pickups and drops a day for over 12,000 employees
across their eight contact centers. Add to that the complexity of adjusting to a variety of shift timings and
employees with different weekly holidays.
The transport co-ordinators, however hard they tried, were not able to keep up with thousands of queries
from employees about their pickups and drops, change in schedule, cancellations and so on. Many a
times, cabs waited at a wrong address, or an employee was left waiting for a cab that would never come.
Transparent Transportation
ConnectCall Inc. was still looking for a solution to this logistical nightmare when Knowlarity communications came up with a fix for this seemingly solutionless situation, using their flagship product, Smart IVR.
Smart IVR, or SIVR comes to play the moment employees of ConnectCall Inc. India, call their transport
department. As soon as a call comes in, SIVR validates the employees mobile number and fetches
relevant details from the employee database. The IVR plays a customized welcome message and asks the
caller to validate themselves by punching in their date of birth in DD/MM format. The IVR is further
customized to wish the employee if the current date happens to be his/her birthday, or a major national
holiday or festival before moving further into the call.
On the other hand if an employee is unregistered, the IVR branches out to register the employees mobile
number based on his/her employee number and DOB. The caller also has a choice to speak to an executive who can further help them with registration or any other queries they may have.
Once the employee is verified, s/he can choose from one of the three options: press 1 for location of pickup
cab, press 2 for pickup details or press 3 for drop details.
Depending on the employees choice, within the next couple of minutes, an SMS is sent out to his/her
mobile number with relevant details such as the cabs latest location co-ordinates, the total number of
people in that particular cab, and the order in which the employee will be picked up from his/her place of
residence. The IVR has further options where the employee has a choice to cancel their ride (pickup or
drop services) for that particular day or for the next two consecutive days.
This simple, yet brilliant solution by Knowlarity created a positive experience for the employees of ConnectCall Inc. and their transport desk. It enabled a better management of the transport service chain,
thereby creating a seamless end-user experience.

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