ERPSCM MM SRVServiceEntrySheet 180915 0417 1152

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MM-SRV Service Entry Sheet

MM-SRV Service Entry Sheet

General Introduction
Service Entry Sheet: Old Design
Service Entry Sheet: new design
Accelerated Process: From PM Order to SES
Service Entry Sheets via BAPI
Debugging and Message Processing Hints
Authority Check Problems
Message Determination Problems
Release Strategy Problems
File Importing Problems

General Introduction

Service Entry Sheet: Old Design

Function group: MLSR

Program: RM11RL00
Tables: ESSR (service entry sheet header data)
ESLH (service package header data)
ESLL (lines of service package)
ESKL (account assignment spec.: service line)
ESKN (total account assignment in service package)

Service Entry Sheet: new design

Separation of business and user interface

Main program: SAPLMLSR
Tables: ESSR (service entry sheet header data)
ESLH (service package header data)
ESLL (lines of service package)
ESKL (account assignment spec.: service line)
ESKN (total account assignment in service package)
Important internal tables: XESSR, IX_ESLL, XESKL, XESKN

Technical Design

Accelerated Process: From PM Order to SES

Maintenance plans provide details on the scheduling of regularly recurring maintenance services. Framework orders are set up for the period for
which you commission a supplier to carry out maintenance work. On this basis, one can directly generate service entry sheets in accordance with
the dates set out in the maintenance plan and streamline the procurement process by eliminating a number of otherwise necessary steps. (These
steps are: generation of a maintenance order from the maintenance plan, creation of a requisition referencing the maintenance order, and
conversion of the requisition into a purchase order.) The service provider obtains all the necessary information first hand. At the same time, the
data maintenance effort will be reduced to a minimum.
Create PM order via transaction IW31 (order type PM03)
Assign a framework order to this PM order
After releasing the order a service purchase requisition is created via function module ME_REQUISITION_EXT; the framework order will
be automatically entered in requisition item as source of supply
Create service entry sheet directly from purchase requisition via transaction ME58

Service Entry Sheets via BAPI


Service entry sheet is created via function module MS_CREATE_SERVICE_ENTRY_MULTI
BAPI-Test can be done via transaction SE37 using test data directory
An example how to fill the BAPI structures is described in consulting note 420334

Debugging and Message Processing Hints

Authority Check Problems
How to find out which authority is missing in trans. ML81 ?
breakpoint in program RM11RL00 in form BERECHTIGUNGEN_KOPF and form BERECHTIGUNGEN_POS
Check step by step which authority-check delivers a wrong sy-subrc
How to find out which authority is missing in trans. ML81N ?
Breakpoint in program LMLSRF5A (form PO_AUTHORITY_CHECK)
Check step by step which function module MS_AUTHORITY_CHECK delivers a sy-subrc > 0
In function module MS_AUTHORITY_CHECK is visible which authority is missing (purchasing organization, purchasing group,
document type, plant)

Message Determination Problems

First check in customizing whether the correct schema RMBES1 is assigned (transaction OMQV)
Check in customizing the correct assignment of the message (NEU) to the above schema (transaction M/77)
For change messages check (transaction OMQQ) whether the operation 2' is assigned to the corresponding message type (NEU)
Check if there is a master record created (transaction MN15)
Breakpoint in program LMLSRF1Q (form MESSAGE_CREATE)
At call function MESSAGING' can be checked whether the system is searching messages with the correct partner (check entries in
internal table PART)
At call function RV_MESSAGES_GET' can be checked whether the message is correctly created (check entries in table XNAST)
The messages are stored in data base table NAST

Release Strategy Problems

Release strategy is setup in customizing (transaction ML60) and similar to purchase requisitions in MM-PUR
Breakpoint in program LMLSRF3L:
Release information is stored in:
ESSR-FRGGR - release group
ESSR-FRGSX - release strategy
ESSR-FRGZU - release status
ESSR-FRGKL - release indicator
ESSR-FRGRL - release not yet completely effected

File Importing Problems

Import of service entry sheets via transaction ML87

Import from text file or mail
Import in background is done via function module BAPI_ENTRYSHEET_CREATE'
Import in foreground is done via batch input

Data model is described in note 77272

Function group: MLSX
Function module: MS_UPLOAD_ENTRY_SHEET
Subroutine in case of foreground processing:
Form BI_HELL for transaction ML81
Form BI_HELL_N for transaction ML81N
Subroutine in case of background processing:

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