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Energy Control Center Functions for Power


Shekhappa Giriyappa Ankaliki
Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Colle

Available from: Shekhappa Giriyappa Ankaliki

Retrieved on: 26 August 2015

ISSN 2249 5460

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International eJournals
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Technology and Humanities 21 (2011) 205 212


S. G. Ankaliki1

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Dean Academics, Hirasugar Institute of
Nidasoshi-591 236, Karnataka, India

This paper presents the basic security concept, overview of Energy Control Center (ECC) state of
the art, characteristics, functions for power system, Todays Energy Management System (EMS)
is for the supervision and control of electric power systems. The responsibility today for
supervising and controlling an electric power system is largely centralized. A small number of
power system energy control centers each remotely control large number of power stations and
Keywords: Energy Control Center (ECC), Energy Management System, SCADA and RTUs.

1. Introduction
Energy Control Center (ECC)) is designed and built for system operation. In order to have an
efficient power system operation and control, various control centers have to be operated in the
hierarchical level. The following Table-1 shows the level decomposition of control centers in
the power system. There are 4 types of control centers.
i) Local Control Centre
ii) Area Load Dispatch Centre
iii) State Load Dispatch Centre
iv) Regional Control Centre


Table-1. Level Decomposition of Control Centers

Monitoring & Control
Generating Stations, Substations
Local Control Centre
Sub transmission & Transmission
Area Load Dispatch Centre
Transmission System
State Load Dispatch Centre
Interconnected Power Systems
Regional Control Centre

Many functions being done in system control centres for operation planning purposes. These are
run in an off-line or via a remote terminal linked to a large computer centre.
1.1 Local Control Centre
A number of control functions are performed locally at the power stations and substations. The
typical controls carried in the local control centre are,

International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Technology and Humanities 21 (2011) 205 212
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Load Monitoring and Control

Protection, Circuit Breaker to re-close
Voltage Regulation
Capacitor Switching
Feeder Synchronization
Load Shedding
Network Restoration and Network Re-configuration etc.

1.2 Area Load Dispatch Centre

In this, groups of generating stations or substations control are carried out. This requires system
data a network topology for control. The area control center receives information and processes
for appropriate control actions.
1.3 State Load Dispatch Centre
In this centre, all the information is received from area load dispatch center and local centers.
Then minute-to-minute operation of the power system at the state level is carried out. It may have
the following functions,
System Generation and Load Monitoring and Control for Demand Control.
System wide State Monitoring and Control
Circuit Breaker Condition Monitoring and Control
Load Shedding and Restoration
Supervisory Control for Transmission Lines and Equipments.
System Alarm Monitoring and Corrective Actions.
Planning and Monitoring of Power System Operation
1.4 Regional Control Centre
The Regional Load Dispatch Centre may be regarded as a coordinating and monitoring center for
state level load dispatch center with covering main objectives:
Integrated Operation of State Level Dispatch centre
Operation and Maintenance Schedules for maximum capacity Utilization
Operation and Maintenance Schedules for Generating Plants
Monitor and Control of inter-state Power Transactions
Monitor and Control of inter-regional Power Transactions
2.0 Supervisory Control Systems
Todays Supervisory control systems normally consist of a computer system and a number of
remote terminal units (RTUs), located in the power stations and substations. Communications
between the RTUs and the computer usually take place via radio links or via power line carrier
equipment. The computer serves the personnel in the control center by presenting information
about the current status of the power system and by passing on manually initiated control actions.
Automatic control is used for different sub functions, e.g. sequential control and control of the
network frequency. Video display units and keyboards are normally used for the man machine
communications. In addition, map boards; printer and analog recorders are installed as required.
Major supervisory control systems generally consist of several energy control centers, which cooperate in a hierarchical configuration. The basic functions in a supervisory control system
consist of
Acquisition from the power system of telemetered data, indications and other variables

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Simple arithmetic and logic operations on these variables. e.g. calculations of the
variables e.g. calculation of the apparent power P2+Q2.Where P & Q are telemetered
Supervision of acquired and calculated variables with respect to changes and violation of
limit values
Storage of current variables for sequent use. e.g. in trend curve daily reports
Presentation of acquired calculation, stored variables on video display units and other
media. These variables may be presented in the form of one line diagram or curves
Transmission of commands to RTUs
Systems incorporating primarily these basic functions are traditionally called SCADA
(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems. A characteristic feature of these systems is
that they treat individual variables, which corresponds to transducers and actuators in the process.
This means that the system doesnt need models of the power system as such. A SCADA system
can consequently be built up to a large extent from standard software, which is not dependent on
the fact that the process being treated involves a power system. Combining the variables
available in a SCADA system with a model of the power system makes it possible to introduce
functions that handle the power system and its components instead of individual measuring
A detailed network model enables one to calculate all power flows in the network, on the basis of
a comparatively small number of telemetered data. A Supervisory Control System, which, in
addition to the basic SCADA functions, incorporates functions based on a network model, is
traditionally called an Energy Management System (EMS) shown in Fig.1 below.

The Fig.2 below represents process oriented database structure. (Physical model and the database

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The scope of the functions in an EMS system must always be adapted to the power system and
operative organization of the customer. A broad spectrum of computing functions is therefore
available. Since most of the building blocks consist of software, it is simple to adapt and upgrade
the system as required. In addition to network model calculations, EMS comprises standardized
solutions for the following functions
Production Control (Automatic Generation Control-AGC)
Economic Dispatch Calculation (EDC)
Contingency Analysis
Operators Load Flow (OFL)
Load Forecasting
Fig. 3 below gives an overview of the program functions available in the system

3. Overview of the State of the Art

In simple terms, the goal of system control centre design is the implementation of security
control. Security control requires the proper integration of both automatic and manual control
functions, i.e. a total systems approach with the human operator being an integral part of the
control system design. Security control requires that all conditions of operation be recognized
and that control decisions by the man-computer system must be made not only when the power
system is operating normally, but also when it is operating under abnormal conditions.
4. Basic Security Control Concepts
The power system may be assumed as being operated under two sets of constraints: load
constraints and operating constraints. The load constraints impose the requirement that the load
demand must be met by the system. The operating constraints impose maximum or minimum
operating limits on system variables and are associated with both steady state and stability
limitations. Mathematically, the load constraints can be expressed in the form of the familiar load
flow equations. The operating constraints can be expressed in the form of inequalities such as an
equipment loadings, bus voltage, phase angle differences, generator real and reactive powers etc.
The conditions of operation can than be categorized into three operating states
Normal (or Preventive) State
Emergency State
Restorative State

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A system is in the normal state when the load and operating constraints are satisfied. It is
reasonable to assume that in the normal state the power system is in a quasi-steady-state
condition. For any given time, the intersection of the load constraints and the operating
constraints defines the space of all feasible normal operating states. The power system may be
operated any where in this space. A system is in the emergency state when the operating
constraints are not completely satisfied. Two types of emergency may be noted. One is when
only steady state operating constraints are being violated, e.g. an equipment-loading limit is
exceeded or the voltage at a bus is below a given level. The other is when a stability operating
constraint is violated and as a result of which the system cannot maintain stability. The first type
of emergency may be called Steady State emergency and the second type, dynamic
A system is in the restorative state when the load constraints are not completely satisfied. This
means a condition of either a partial or a total system shutdown. In case of a partial shutdown the
reduced system may be in an emergency state. This is the start of a cascading situation and, if
uncorrected, would lead to a further deterioration of the system.
A normal operating point can be classified as being either secure or insecure with reference top
an arbitrary set of disturbances or next contingencies. A normal system is said to be secure, i.e. at
a secure operating point, if it can undergo any contingency in the next-contingency set without
getting in to an emergency condition. On the other hand if there is at least one contingency in the
next-contingency set which would bring about an emergency, the normal system would be called
The concept of three operating states breaks up the complex operating problem into three
operating sub-problems with different control objects of primary interest and of major impact on
the design of system control centers is the control done in the normal state. It is the basically the
development and implementation of functions in this area that represent the state of the art in
system control centers. Emergency and restorative controls are needed for a complete security
control system.
5. General Characteristics of System Control Centers
The main features of a modern energy control center are
Hierarchical structure consisting of several levels of computer systems.
Dual Real-time computers with shared extra memory and peripherals.
High speed digital telemetry and data acquisition equipment.
System wide instrumentation of electrical quantities and device status.
Dynamic wallboard group display.
For system operation there were two functions to be implemented i) Area regulation (which we
now call automatic generation control) and ii) Economic Dispatch. The totality of real-time
features and functions at their centers include the following;
Hierarchical Structure consisting of several levels of computer systems.
Dual real time processors or multi- processors plus redundant peripherals.
High speed digital telemetry and data acquisition equipment.
System wide instrumentation of electrical quantities and device status.
Colour CRTs with graphics for interactive display.
Dynamic wallboard group display.
Automatic Generation Control.
Economic Dispatch Calculation.
Automatic Voltage (VAR) Control.
Supervisory Control (breakers, capacitors, transformer taps, generating unit startup and
Security Monitoring.

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State Estimation.
On-line load flow.
Steady State Security Analysis.
Optimum Power Flow.
Automatic System Trouble Analysis.
On-line Short Circuit Analysis.
Emergency Control automatic load shedding, generator shedding and line tripping.
Automatic Circuit Restoration

There is no control system that has all of the functions just enumerated. This is to be expected.
Operating problems differ due to different networks and generation resources. Operating
philosophy and the structure of operating responsibilities are not the same for all companies.
6. Functions to be Implemented at System Control Centres
The functions that are being carried out by the digital computers at the control centers are
6.1 Automatic Generation Control (AGC)
The automatic generation control (AGC) function is with very few exceptions the only closed
loop control using implemented at system control centers. The sampling time for digital AGC
varies from 1 second to 4 seconds. Most control centers send raise and lower signals or MW
deviations to the generating units. The basic AGC algorithms, i.e., the calculation of area control
error and the assignment of regulation to each unit recognizing the desired base plants, are well
known. To apply these algorithms in a system control center requires the addition of modules,
which in effect interface with the real time environment. These modules should take care of
initializing the AGC function, coordinate all information from other programs which affect AGC,
prepare and hand off to the data acquisition subsystem the signals to be sent to the plants and
communicate with display subsystem.
6.2 Economic Dispatch Calculation (EDC)
Economic Dispatch Calculation is performed every few minutes using the get of coordination
equations, which requires that the incremental cost of delivered power from each generating unit
to an arbitrary reference point be the same for each unit. The incremental cost of delivered power
to a given point from a generating unit is equal to the incremental cost of generated power
multiplied by a penalty factor. Traditionally the penalty factors are calculated using transmission
loss -constants. The calculation of penalty factors is done on line using a real time optimum
power flow. Every time there is a network change or when the system load has changed
significantly in magnitude or in relative distribution between areas, the optimum power flow runs
automatically and a new set of penalty factors is passed on to the EDC.
6.3 Automatic Voltage/VAR Control (AVC)
The AVC regulates the voltage profile and also minimizes losses due to reactive power flow. The
control variables are generator reactive powers, transformer taps, shunt capacitors and shunt
reactors. The control is a two-step operation. Voltages and VAR flows are checked periodically
and when there is any deviation beyond certain tolerances the voltage profile control calculation
is initiated. At less frequent intervals the minimum loss calculation and control is executed.

6.4 Security Monitoring (SM)

Security monitoring (SM) is the on-line identification and the display of the actual operating
conditions of the power system. This one function has made the difference between the

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traditional dispatch center and the modern system control center. SM requires a system wide
instrumentation on a greater scale and variety than that required by a center without SM. The
types of measurements include; MW and MVAR flows, branch currents, bus voltages, bus MW
and MVAR injections, frequencies, energy readings, circuit breaker status or operation counts,
manual switch positions, protective relaying operations, transformer tap positions and
miscellaneous substation status and alarms. The SM function, in general checks the analog values
against limits basically to determine whether the system is close to or at the emergency state. The
limit checking also allows some kind of data validation and the rejection of incongruous data,
limit checking is done as often as the data is brought in which is usually in the order of every one
to a few seconds. The display required for SM entails the use of CRTs and a large number of
display formats. The dynamic wall display is also used for SM. Part of the SM function is the online determination of the network topology. In most cases it is sufficient to determine the network
configuration. In centers where there is a direct responsibility for transmission switching and
safety is a paramount factor, the SM function should include an identification of the electrical
status (energized or de-energized) of every physically isolatable segment.
6.5 Static State Estimation (SE)
State estimation (SE) may be defined as a mathematical procedure for calculating, from a set of
system measurements, a best estimate of the vector of bus voltage magnitude and phase angles
of the network. The measurement set is understood to contain an adequate degree and spread of
redundancy to allow the statistical correlation and correction of the measurements detect and
preferably identify bad data, and yield calculated values for non-telemetered quantities. System
control centers with SE in operational use; the measurement set consists of active and reactive
line flows, bus injections, and voltage measurements. The SE runs every minute using the last set
of measurements which are scanned every second. In addition, SE is started whenever there is a
network change. The purpose of the SE is to obtain the vector of bus injections; check for
abnormal metering errors. The vector of bus injections is then used by a Newton-Raphson on-line
load flow for security analysis and for determining closed-loop corrective control for certain line
outages. Bad data detection is based on the value of the sum of the squared residuals, i.e., the
performance index, J. After two consecutive failures of the J-test procedures are initiated for bad
data identification based on the estimation cycle. If this still fails after a few attempts, a logic
procedure is initiated for determining network model errors. SE runs every 15 minutes or on
request for major system changes. The results of the SE is used for SM (security Monitoring) and
the operator is informed of overloads or other critical conditions. The SE results are stored in a
historical file for a (7-day) particular period. This data is available to companies whose lines are
represented in the SE model. The bad data detection is based on the performance index J. The
measurement set consists of real and reactive power flows, real and reactive bus injections and
bus voltages. The purpose of the SE is for security monitoring and for security analysis of the
power system. The most important aspect of state estimation is bad data identification. This alone
could be a worthwhile justification for including state estimation in a system control center.
6.6 On line Load Flow (OLF)
An on line load flow (OLF) is one which is used for real time functions such as security
monitoring security analysis and penalty factor calculation, and can also be used for study
purpose OLF makes use of real-time data. Security Analysis consists of contingency evaluation
and corrective action strategy. OLF may be used for one or both of these functions. The OLF
require a vector of bus injections. In the general case, the bus injections are calculated from
statistical data obtained on-line and some off-line historical information. The purpose of the OLF
or more correctly OPF is to establish the base case for security analysis and for penalty factor
calculation. The OLF routine will also be used for contingency evaluation in security analysis.

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The Dc load flow is used as the OLF. This is used for contingency evaluation in security
analysis. The on-line load flow is a necessary function for system control centers.
6.7 Steady State Security Analysis (SA)
The first function of security analysis (SA) is to determine whether the normal system is secure
or insecure. The second function is to determine what corrective action strategy should be taken
when the system is insecure.
The first function is commonly known as contingency evaluation since, by definition, the
security of a system is determined with reference to a set of next contingencies. In present state
of-art, only steady state contingency evaluation is done at system control centers. That is the
emergency condition that is to be avoided is overloading of equipment or poor bus voltages. The
second part of security analysis is Corrective Action Strategy. If the system is insecure, can be
made secure? If so, how and at what cost? Conditions improve? Suppose the system is now
insecure and there is no way of making it secure, how much load would be shed.
6.8 Optimum Power Flow (OPF)
An optimum power flow (OPF) is a steady state solution to an optimization problem where the
load flow equations and limits on system variables and on functions of these variables constitute
the set of constraints. The OPF is used with the OLF as a subroutine to produce a realtime base
case for penalty factor calculation and eventually for security analysis. What is needed at a
system control center is an OPF which can be used for determining corrective action strategies.
7. Conclusion
This paper discusses the basic security concept, level decomposition of energy control centers
(ECC), characteristics and its functions for power system. The responsibility today for
supervising and controlling an electric power system is largely centralized. The energy
management system (EMS) is for the supervision and control of electric power systems. A small
number of power system energy control centers each remotely control large number of power
stations and substations.
[1] Energy Control Center Functions for Power Systems ASEA Journal Vol.5 PP 117-123,
[2] Prabha Kundur Power System Stability and Control McGraw Hill 1994.

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