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Why Instagram?


Why Instagram?
A vision-statement of its Pros and Cons



A research paper submitted to MRS. ISABEL B. CRUZ as a partial fulfilment of the

requirements for Research.

September 2015

Why Instagram?
To God, our parents, teachers, friends, researchers and our inspirations.

Why Instagram?
Title: Why Instagram? A vision-statement of its Pros and Cons
Topic: Effects of Instagram to Students of Malolos
Thesis: To determine the pros and cons of Instagram subsequently, that Instagram fans
may chip away and use Instagram productively
I. Introduction
A. Describe Instagram and how it functions in the world of social media.
B. State the thoughts of previous researchers about social medias effects such as
Instagram itself.
II. Background
A. State when Instagram was founded
B. Discuss the intentions of this research
III. Arguments in the benefit of Instagram to the mass
A. The pros of having an Instagram account
B. The positive effect of Instagram
IV. Argument of the problem with too much usage of Instagram
A. The cons of having an Instagram
B. The negative side of Instagram
1. Is it a psychological disorder?
2. When do we say that it is a psychological disorder?
VII. Conclusion
A. Summarize arguments and efforts

Why Instagram?


Why Instagram?

Why Instagram? A vision-statement of its Pros and Cons

A lot of factors widely influence an individual as they are attached to the social
media ecosphere. To some people, social media can be useful and extensively used
productively in different things. While, some people struggles on internal extremities,
obsession, psychological disorders and other more problems due to being involved on
social media. Do all people suffer from disorders as they are entangled to social media?
How do we say its proper socializing or just a problem within extreme attachment to
social medias?

Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that
allows its users to take pictures and videos, and share them on a variety of social networking sites,
such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike
Krieger, and launched in October 2010 as a free mobile app. The said app is distributed through the
Apple App Store, Google Play, and Windows Phone Store.
In the early years of this app, its (maximum) size is 4:3 aspect ratio designed for mobile cameras
only but in August 2015, an update was established, permitting its users to post photos in portrait or
landscape orientation. Users can apply filters and captions in their images or videos. Instagram
videos have the maximum of 15 seconds.
The service rapidly gained popularity, with over 100 million active users as of April 2012 and over
300 million as of December 2014. It was obtained by Facebook in April 2012 for
approximately US$1 billion in cash and stock but Instagram grew by 23%, while Facebook only grew
by 3% in 2013. In July 2011, Instagram announced that 100 million photographs had been uploaded
and it reached 150 million in August 2011. As of May 2012, 58 photographs were being uploaded
and a new user was being gained each second. According to the creators, the total number of
photographs uploaded had exceeded one billion.

There are basic Terms of Use that Instagram users must follow, including an age requirement of 13
years or older, restrictions against posting violent, nude, partially nude, or sexually suggestive
photographs and responsibility for one's account and all activity conducted with it. [71]

Why Instagram?

Many celebrities have profiles on Instagram, sharing photos and videos of their personal and
professional lives with fans. Some celebrities deleted their accounts in response to Instagram's
proposed change to its Terms of Service, which would have allowed the photo-sharing app to sell
images to advertisers without compensation to users. [74]
Instagram was listed among Time's 50 Best Android Applications for 2013.[75]

Instagram's users are divided equally with 50% iPhone owners and 50% Android owners. While
instagram has a neutral gender-bias format, 68% of Instagram users are female while 32% are male.
While Instagram may appear to be one of the most widely used sites for photo sharing, only 7% of
daily photo uploads, among the top four photo-sharing platforms, come from Instagram. Instagram
has been proven to attract the younger generation with 90% of the 150 million users under the age
of 35. With respect to the education demographic, respondents with some college education proved
to be the most active on Instagram with 23%. Following behind, college graduates consist of 18%
and users with a high school diploma or less make up 15%. Among these Instagram users, 24% say
they use the app several times a day.

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