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Aluminium Formwork

for Mass housing Projects

in India

Mr. Yogesh Tripathi


Under the supervision ofDr. Kumar Neeraj Jha

To assess the usability of Aluminium Formwork in Mass housing in
Rural Areas under Govt. Scheme.
Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Aluminium Formwork for
Indian Urban and Rural areas.


Housing shortage of about 6cr units (1.9 in urban and 4.0 in rural) for
which India needs to develop 11cr units by year 2022[12]
70 per cent is required in the affordable segment ( EWS and LIG)[12]
Nearly 72 per cent of the Indian population lives in rural areas.
Out of total 13,749,424 slum households in India, only 37.55%
(5163169) is in livable condition and 4% is in dilapidated condition
(census 2011).

Selection of Formwork
Formwork contributes to about 35% of the total cost of any concrete unit; of
which 40% is attributed to material and 60% for labour. Thus, the selection of type
of formwork must be made on the basis of its reuse and time taken for erecting and

Timber Formwork
Steel Formwork
Aluminium Formwork
Plastic Formwork

High construction speed; 7 Days per floor.

Cost effective in long run, Reusability upto 200 times.

Minimize schedule and cost variance.
Increased Durability; Uniform and good quality of construction; consistency of dimension.
Unskilled Labour; simple pin and wedge system; hammer being single tool required.
Less stresses; earthquake resistant structure; cellular design- walls giving support in two
V-shaped prop head; quick strip (deck panels can be reused immediately)
High scrap value, 50%

Literature Survey

Preparation of Questionnaire
Data Collection
Analysis of Data Collected
Case Study on Current Project
Comparative Analysis

Tom et al.
Aluform system developed by W.J. Malone for constructing low-cost housing
units in developing countries.
Successful method in the construction of mass housing projects.

Suryakant et al.
In view of rapid rate of construction, the traditional mode of construction
would be totally inadequate for mass housing construction industry.
Aluminium formwork technology has great potential for application in India
to provide affordable housing to its rising population.

Banerjee et al.
Mivan Technology has great potential for application in India to provide
affordable housing to its rising population

Parekh et al.
Aluminium Formwork can be cost effective applied after 100 time
Average of 15% cost saving and increased usable floor space of 8%.
Construction through slab beam wall construction takes 6 times the time taken
by Aluminium Formwork.
Traditional method of construction for mass housing and high rise buildings is
comparatively, a slow process with low quality control.

Pattanshetti et al.
Mass building works: necessary to have innovative technologies for fast rate
construction along-with good quality in a cost effective manner.
Most suitable for Indian condition; tailor-made aluminium formwork for castin-situ fully concrete structure.
Aluminium formwork provides a light weight panel with excellent stiffness to
weight ratio and thus yielding minimal deflections.
Flexible system; can be easily adapted for any variations in the layout.

Abhiyan et al.
Most observed constraint in adoption of Aluminium Formwork are lack of
confidence at implementation, cost factor and requirement of skilled labour.
Wooden and steel formwork are at maximum usage (50% and 49%).

Pawar et al.
Formwork is the most important factor determining the success of a
construction project in term of speed, quality, cost and safety of work.
Most efficient way to speed up the work is by choosing formwork which gives
shortest floor cycle.
It is not the cost of formwork which directly affects the total project cost but
the type of formwork.

Pammar et al.
A productivity of 10 sqm/man-day can be achieved using Aluminium
formwork while traditional formwork gives productivity of only 5.8 sqm/manday.
Aluminium formwork is recyclable; every tonne of aluminium recycled saves 10
tonnes of CO2 equivalent [9].














Literature Survey
Case study on current project

Thesis and Paper


Tom Adeline, S. Aswathy (2015), Aluform- A Cost Effective Formwork System, International
Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology 2394-3777


Suryakant Patil, D B Desai, Emerging Trends in Formwork- Cost Analysis & Effectiveness of
Mivan Formwork over the Conventional Formwork, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil
Engineering ISSN: 2278-1684, PP: 27-30.


Banerjee Shankar, Barhate Pawan, Jaiswal Vipul (2015), Mivan Technology, International
Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology, ISSN: 2394-3696.


Parekh M Ninjal, Marvadi M Bhupendra, Patel Umang (2014), Comparitve Studies of

Construction Techniques (Conventional Techniques vs Aluminium Formwork Techniques),
Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Civil Engineering, ISSN: 0975- 6744
Volume 3, Issue 2.


Pattanshetti P P, Patil H B, Mivan Technology.


Abhiyan Patel, Sharma Neeraj, Kashiyani K Bhavin (2014), Selection Criteria of Formwork by Users in
Current Age in South Gujrat Region, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering
and Technology, ISSN: 2319-8753 vol. 3, Issue 6.


Pawar P Sandip, Atterde M P (2014), Comparitive Analysis of Formwork in Multistory Building,

International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, eISSN: 2319-1163 Vol. 3, Special Issue


U Prathul, Pammar Leeladhar (2015), Analysis of Productivity by Comparing Mivan and Conventional
Formwork, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN-2349-5162 Vol. 2, Issue 4.


MFE Brochure (

10. Indian Census

11. Salunkhe A Ashwini, Patil S Rahul (2014), Effect of Construction Delays on Project time overrun: Indian
Scenario, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163.
12. Decoding housing for all 2022 (

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