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Human Resource Management Institute (HRMI)

Edexcel BTEC HND in Business HRM Management
Unit No/Title: Unit 15/ Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results
Code: J/601/0946
Assignment No: 1/1

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Managing Business Activities



















17th May 2014

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Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results Unit 15

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Unit No/Title: Unit 15/ Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results

Code: J/601/0946
Assignment No: 1/1

Assignment Title:

Managing Business Activities


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HND in Business - HRM

Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results Unit 15

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Unit No/Title: Unit 15/ Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results

Code: J/601/0946
Assignment No: 1/1

Assignment Title:

Managing Business Activities

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Assignment :
Recommended word count for the total assignment is : 7,000
Select an organization of your choice and explain the following with sufficient
justification and amplification.
1. You need to make sure that the organization is profitable and delivers satisfaction
to all stakeholders. In order to achieve this end, there must be goals and
objectives from top to bottom. Propose a mechanism to ensure that organizational
goals and objectives are met. Comment on the contribution of the quality process
to organizational success.
2. Assume that you are a senior manager in your company. (either Production or
Marketing). You need to establish SMART goals for yourself and state what kind of
plans you will have to ensure that you perform effectively and efficiently in your
role. Provide details.
3. You are keen to transform your organization into a culture where quality,
innovation and waste are of top-most importance. How will you achieve this?
State systems, practice, tools and techniques that could be of use to you.
4. State how you will conduct a risk assessment in relation to health and safety in
your organization. Evaluate existing H/S polices to recommend possible
development proposals.

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LO Achieved








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Criteria for MERIT

In order to achieve a
merit the learner must:
Identify and apply
strategies to find
appropriate solutions
Select/design and apply
appropriate methods/

Present and
appropriate findings

Criteria for
In order to achieve a
distinction the learner
Use critical reflection to
evaluate own work and
justify valid conclusions

Take responsibility for
managing and

Possible evidence


Effective approach to study

and research has been applied

A range of sources of
information have been used to
access the information
including journals, company
websites etc.
Relevant theories and
techniques have been applied
to discuss the learning
Complex information has been
Assignment contains clearly
defined objectives, rationale,
recommendations and is
presented in a clear,
structured format.
Appropriate technical
language is used to
communicate the findings with
all critically evaluated ideas.
Maintaining the specified
world count
Possible evidence


Learners must introduce new

ideas, suggestions on their
own to justify the conclusions
that they make
Self criticism has been taken
Activities have been managed
including time management
Autonomy and independence
has been demonstrated by the
Self-evaluation has taken place
Receptiveness to new ideas is
evident, whenever necessary
Effective thinking has taken

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place in organizing the course


01. You need to make sure that the organization is profitable and delivers
satisfaction to all stakeholders. In order to achieve this end, there must be goals
and objectives from top to bottom. Propose a mechanism to ensure that
organizational goals and objectives are met. Comment on the contribution of the
quality process to organizational success.
To prepare this documentation I am using my experience in an organization of group of
restaurants branded as Dennys as a server in my stay at the United States Of America for
two years .In explaining and proposing a mechanism to ensure that the organization is
profitable and delivers satisfaction to all the stake holders we first need to get an idea of the
organization And this cooperation describe itself as mentioned below,
Denny's is America's diner. This is where Americans have come for over 60 years now to sit
back, relax, and enjoy delicious, hearty meals 24/7, every day of the year. From breakfast
anytime to satisfying lunches and dinners, if you're in the mood for it, chances are we're
serving it. Denny's is always open, always welcoming and always serving up hearty diner
food along with a mug of fresh hot coffee. So come on in anytime, park yourself in a
comfortable booth, take a seat at the counter, whatever you want, because it won't take you
long to understand why we're truly America's diner.
The Dennys family is in many ways as diverse as the general population. As of 2014,
minorities make up 63% of Denny's total workforce and 44% of our overall management.
The board of Dennys Corporation consists of 11 directors of whom 45% percent are
minorities and women. In fact, Denny's diversity progress has been widely acknowledged by
civil rights leaders, community groups, and many publications, including Hispanic Business,
Black Enterprise, Asian Enterprise and Family Digest. Fortune even ranked Dennys in its list
of "Americas 50 Best Corporations for Minorities" two years in a row. Everyone at Dennys
may be unique but we share a common goal - we care. And therein lies our strength.
And also Denny's is the franchisor and operator of one of America's largest franchised fullservice restaurant chains, based on number of restaurants. Denny's currently has almost
1,700 franchised, licensed, and company restaurants around the world with combined sales
of $2.5 billion including 100 restaurants in Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico, Honduras, Guam,
Curaao, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Chile, El Salvador and New Zealand.
In order to make the above mentioned organization more successful and profitable to all
stake holders I propose a mechanism to ensure that organizational goals and objectives are
met as described below and also the contribution of the quality process to organizational
A process is a Sequence of interdependent and linked procedures which, at every stage,
consume one or more resources (employee time, energy, machines, money) to convert
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inputs (data, material, parts, etc.) into outputs. These outputs then serve as inputs for the
next stage until a known goal or end result is reached. To make sure a quality process is
taking place there must be goals and objectives from top to bottom.
When establishing a goals and objectives We have to consider about the SMART Theory
and also we have to make sure to do a SWOT analyses to scan the environment.
As we have learnt from the unit an objective that follows SMART is more likely to succeed
because it is clear (specific) so you know exactly what needs to be achieved. You can tell
when it has been achieved (measurable) because you have a way to measure completion. A
SMART objective is likely to happen because it is an event that is achievable. Before setting
a SMART objective relevant factors such as resources and time were taken into account to
ensure that it is realistic. Finally the timescale element provides a deadline which helps
people focus on the tasks required to achieve the objective. The timescale element stops
people postponing task completion.
By setting the goal to become the number one dinner in America the first SMART objective I
am going to propose for Dennys diner is to reduce the customer complaints by 10% by the
end of the year 2015.
And also by setting the goal to expand the market presence of Dennys dinner my second
SMART objective for Dennys is to locate 15 new branches in around the world by the mid of
the year 2017.
In the process of achiving these goals and objectives it is important to do a SWOT analysies
and be familier with the current situation of this company.Any organization that wishes to
succeed in their market, needs to analyze their competitor's strategies. Competitor analysis
is a vital part of the marketing planning process. A strong competitor can hinder business
success, even lead to business failure. Competitor analysis helps firms to anticipate their
competitor's actions and exploit competitor's weaknesses. It also helps firms to identify their
firm's unique selling points, so that these can be promoted in marketing campaigns.
Competitor analysis is an ongoing task, as successful competitors will continuously develop
their marketing strategies, in response to changes in the market in the proses of
achieving the goals and objectives that I have mentioned above my first step would be doing
the SWOT analyses for the organization. And with regard to the SWOT analyses stated in a
graph below we can make the company more successful and profitable by recognizing our
company strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats while in the process to achieve
above mentioned goals and objectives.

Dennys resturants Strengths

Strong management
Pricing power
Financial leverage
Cost advantages
Supply chane
Customer loyality
Unique products

Dennys resturants Weeknesses

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Old shool
High Debt Burden
work Interffiencies
High staff turnover
Less training to the staff

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Floating market
New products
International expantion
More Freanchisees


Bad economy
Intense competition
Change in tastes

In Order to become the number one in customer satisfaction by reducing customer

complaints by 10 % by the end of 2015 Dennys cooperation will
1. Test the Service and train the employers accordingly
To prevent and reduce customer complaints, it helps to know what potential problems the
customer may have. If you know the root cause of the problem, you can take steps to fix it
before the customer complains. The high level management should play the part of a
customer to test out the service of the organization. Doing so allows employees to see how
customers view the organization. This also offers the ability to identify any potential issues
that may lead to complaints.
2. Setting Expectations about the restaurant
Certain customer complaints may be due to high expectations or expecting more than your
organization can offer. By letting customers know what to expect, employees can reduce the
number of complaints. To do this effectively, employees must be able to meet the
expectations that are set. This may be accomplished by under promising and over
delivering, which means setting slightly lower expectations so that you can easily exceed
3. Allow Feedback
Proving the customers with a way to offer feedback about your organization is an effective
way of reducing complaints. This may be done in a variety of ways in the Dennys
organization. Employees may directly ask the customer if all needs were met or if they were
dissatisfied in any way. A feedback form may be given to customers or placed in a hightraffic area. Receipts can also include a URL witch is the official website of the restaurant or
phone number where customers can offer feedback. So When employees receive customer
feedback, acting on that feedback may reduce or prevent complaints and make it easier to
achieve the goal and the objective of this company.

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Customer complaints are an inevitable part of business, regardless of the steps we take to
reduce them. So when the restaurant get a complaint, it's important to handle it properly so
that you retain the customer. We can train the staff to Listen carefully to the complaint and
repeat it back to the customer to make sure you understand the problem correctly. Apologize
for the problem without making excuses for it and offer a resolution. And they should also
thank the customer for bringing the problem to your attention. With this mechanism and
points, we can achieve the goal I have mentioned above and make the company more
To achieve the second goal and the objective I would recommend the below described
methodology in expanding the market presence by opening 15 new branches globally buy
1. Increase the sales and products in the existing markets
2. Develop a New Market expansion strategy
3. Franchise or License
4. Join Forces / Strategic Alliance
5. Go Global
Dennys have describe their global explanation as,
we will continue to gain share. We are America's Favorite Diner with an ambition to expand
our comfortable, affordable and approachable platform around the globe.
In both above mentioned processes the organizations have to use strategies such as EIGHT
Growth strategies
Risk reducing strategies
Diversification strategies
Product/Service strategies
Market strategies
Organisation strategies
Facilities strategies
Financial strategies
Finally by looking at all the above processes and strategies that I have proposed above the
contribution and the outcomes of the quality process we have proposed towards the organizational
success will include,
Good customer satisfaction
Low level of accidents
Building a good reputation
More profits
A Good expansion to the market

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2. Assume that you are a senior manager in your company. (either

Production or Marketing). You need to establish SMART goals for
yourself and state what kind of plans you will have to ensure that you
perform effectively and efficiently in your role. Provide details.
Assuming that I am a senior manager in the Dennys cooperation I would first do an
environment scanning using a SWOT and PEST analysis about the company and also about
myself in regard to set SMART goals for myself to ensure that I perform effectively as a
Environmental scanning is necessary because there are rapid changes taking place in the
environment that has a great impact on the working towards goals and setting goals to be
more efficient. So analysis of the environment helps to identify strength weakness,
opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is necessary for the survival and growth of every
person to set goals and as well as every organization to be more successful by achieving
these goals.
The definition for SWOT analyses that I have found is,
Situation analysis in which internal strengths and weaknesses of an organization, and
external opportunities and threats faced by it are closely examined to chart a strategy.
SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Assuming that I am a senior manager of Dennys company I have stated my own
SWOT analyses bellow.
Internal Strengths

Internal Weaknesses

Can multi-task
Leadership skills
Dedicated to work
Passionate about innovative ideas
and learning new things
Being sensitive
Good listener and open minded

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Bad time management

Postponing deadlines
Bad delegation capabilities
Expecting to be perfect all the time
Lack of experience as a manager
poor communication skills

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External Opportunities

External threats

Promotions in the company

Training programs
Other job opportunities available
Growing technologies

Growing Competition
Growing competitive pressure
Changing social status
Continues change in life style.

Before setting up SMART goals it is also important to do a PEST analyses to the company
and use that information in environmental scanning in order to take the business to a higher
level and also to make my own self perform more effectively and efficiently with the SMART
goals that I am going to establish for myself.
PEST analysis is ,
A type of situation analysis in which political-legal (government stability, spending, taxation),
economic (inflation, interest rates, unemployment), socio-cultural (demographics, education,
income distribution), and technological (knowledge generation, conversion of discoveries
into products, rates of obsolescence) factors are examined to chart an organization's longterm plans.
I have stated an example of a PEST analysis for Dennys cooperation,

Tax policies
Labour policies
Environmental policies
Trade polices


Age demographics
Lifestyle choices
Population growth rate
Change preferences


Inflation rates
Interest rates
Currency exchange rates
Current economic climate


Impact of emerging
Threats from competing
Research and development
Speed of data transfer

Now with regard of the above environmental analyses in below I have stated my SMART
goals and my strategies of achieving the goals and to be more effective and efficient senior
manager to the company in order to achieve companys goals and objectives.

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As the senior manager of Dennys cooperation my smart goals are

1. To increase the customer base by 10% end of the year 2015.
2. Hire ring new 2 assistant mangers and train them to be efficient by the end of year
2014 and improving my delegation capabilities.
3. Conducting 2 training programs for the employers to become more efficient in
communicating and serving customers by the mid-2015 and improving my own
communication skills at the same time with the training programs.
4. Setting three new goals for my section of the company and guiding my employers to
be successful in those goals.
5. Completing 5 tasks very day without postponing for the rest of the year 2015 and
track the time management improvement end of the year 2015
Above I have stated my SWOT analysis and in that one of my weaknesses is the lack of
delegation odder to achieve my first and second Smart goals and to be more
efficient and effective as a senior manager I think one of the most necessary skills of
management is delegation. And in order to take my delegating to the next level:

Before the end of year 2014 I would start delegating mission-critical tasks that I once
did myself.

I will delegate tasks that I once did better and faster myself.

I will set up reporting stages and mentorship reports for employees that have been
assigned complicated tasks that I once handled so that they can accomplish them

I will determine which tasks to delegate consciously while deciding how my time is
best spent, so that task is not just delegated simply because it remains undone.

I will give my below management teams autonomous decision-making and spending

authority, either individually or as a group.

With the second smart goal I have set to myself I will hire two new assistant mangers to
delegate my work as I have mentioned above and I will also make sure that its happened
wisely because I have realised my weakness in regarding delegation already. And also with
this plan my organization will benefit directly because this can make my entire managing
section more efficient. We have learnt that the key to management success is to learn to
effectively delegate both the responsibility for completing assignments and the authority
required to get things done. When we delegate work to employees, we multiply the amount
of work we can accomplish while we develop our employees confidence, leadership and
work skills. So this would be the plan for me to achieve the SMART goal I have set for
myself in order to become a more efficient and effective manger to my company and also at
the same time improving my weakness of poor delegation.
As I have mentioned in my fourth SMART goal witch will ensure more efficient management
capabilities for myself. It is said that every employee needs goals to strive for. Not only do
goals give employees direction and purpose, but they ensure that my employees are
working towards the overall organizational goals. So in order to achieve this smart goal I
would set specific and measurable goals with my employees, then regularly monitor their
progress toward achieving them and also in the process I would also make sure to track my
own success achieving the smart goals I have set out for myself..
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As I have mentioned in my 5th SMART goal I would execute the below mentioned plan to
improve my weaknesses I have mentioned in the SWOT analysis and become more efficient
and effective to benefit my company.

Create a task list and prioritize the tasks

The late leadership guru and author Stephen R. Covey is best known for his Seven Habits of
Highly Effective People. Perhaps the most relevant of Coveys habits is Habit 3: Put Things
First. Prioritize, plan and execute your weeks tasks based on importance rather than
urgency, said Covey. Evaluate whether your efforts exemplify your desired character values
[and] propel you toward goals.
So At the start of each day, I will create a task list. prioritize the top three most important
things I need to do. If I have a seemingly insurmountable task list, I will consider dividing my
day into two-hour blocks for each particular task

Do a time sheet for one week

Tracking my time is essential in order to identify where its being wasted. A time sheet is an
effective way to do this. I will Create a table with five columns and include the following

Time in this column, record the time I started the project

Activity description give a brief of the type of work undertaken
Duration give an approximate time spent working on the project
Category write whether it is administration, email, budgets, etc.
Client/project write the title of the project or client I am working for

At the end of the week, I will review my time sheet and rate myself. Look at where time is
being wasted or not being spent effectively. How many minutes/hours in the day I am
spending working on things that are actually bringing value to the business and improve
myself as a efficient and effective manager ..
3. Commit to minimizing distractions
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedInAs we live in an increasingly digital world and it can
be easy to let time fly while using social media and as a result I have identified myself as a
victim of this situation. But I have to remember, time is money! Whether i have key
performance indicators or not, as every employee is judged on effectiveness, attitude and
the ability to get the job done.
achieving the goal I have set I will not let social media take over my life. I will Consider
checking it just once a day and preferably at home in order to allow me to concentrate on
what really matters in my work day getting my work done without postponing them!
Finally as I have mentioned in my fifth smart goal, by executing the above mentioned plan I
will improve my time management skills and therefore my effectiveness and efficiency as a
manager to benefit my company
To conclude assuming that I am a senior manager in my company I will set the above five
smart goals and work towards achieving them with identifying my strengths weaknesses
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opportunities and threats .And also I will execute the strategies and plans I have mentioned
above and I will become an efficient and effective manager in my company in the process.

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03.You are keen to transform your organization into a culture where

quality, innovation and waste are of top-most importance. How will you
achieve this? State systems, practice, tools and techniques that could be
of use to you.
In order to transform my organization into a culture where quality, innovation and waste are
top most importance I first need to understand the definition of a quality culture.
Quality culture is a set of group values that guide how improvements are made to everyday
working practices and consequent outputs ..
Harvey and Green (1993) outlined the nature of quality culture, which was seen, at the time,
as a function of manufacturing industry: A culture of quality is one in which everybody in the
organization, not just the quality controllers, is responsible for quality. A central feature of
such organizations are that each worker or team of workers is both a customer of, and
supplier to, other workers in the organization: they form a chain of internal customers and
suppliers. It is the responsibility of each unit to ensure the quality of their own work. The
emphasis is on ensuring that things are done right first time. When they are not then the
process that has led to an unsatisfactory output is analyzed so that corrections can be made
in the process to ensure that the problem does not arise again. In a quality culture there is
no need to check final output. Indeed to do so, is to shift responsibility away from those
involved at each stage.
As an example of an organizational culture I can state southwest airlines with doing a little
research. They describe it as,
Its relaxed culture can be traced back to unconventional CEO Herb Kelleher, who
encourages informality and wants staff to have fun at their jobs. Employees are valued, with
Kelleher acknowledging births, marriages and deaths by notes and cards. Staffs are
encouraged to pitch in and help out, especially at check-in, giving Southwest turnaround
times less than half the industry average.
And also when we look at Starbucks, the ubiquitous coffee seller faced decreasing operating
margins, driven by several factors including declining customer satisfaction ratings. So in
January 2008, its board asked founding CEO Howard Schultz to return to that role and lead
a transformation. Schultz quickly communicated a new corporate strategy firmly tied to
improving the quality of the customer experience. Starbucks applied renewed rigor and
discipline to all areas of its business, focusing deliberate attention on inspiring employees
and business partners with messages emphasizing a return to the company's original
values. While still a case in progress, Starbucks' 2009 annual report points to measurable
improvements in service quality, beverage quality, and store condition, a 10 percentage point
increase in customer satisfaction, and an increase in operating margins for the first time in
more than five years. From this (and similar) examples, they glean three success factors:
1.A quality transformation requires adopting a strategic mindset towards quality. Quality
organizations are not traditionally strong drivers of corporate strategy; in many cases, there
may be no clear quality strategy that is communicated throughout the company. Just as
Starbucks emphasized the importance of quality to the firm's new direction, we believe bestin-class organizations not only must have an explicit quality strategy, but also must
seamlessly integrate quality into their enterprise strategy. They must consistently prioritize
quality against competing objectives and align all functional activities towards common
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quality goals. The degree to which an organization's quality and functional strategies align
with its enterprise strategy will dramatically impact the organization's focus and effectiveness
on all quality initiatives.
2.Embedding high quality performance as part of a firm's DNA requires inspirational and
capable leadership. Clearly, Howard Schultz's return to the helm of the company he founded
was a critical element to its transformation. Some companies have even appointed a Chief
Quality Officer to raise the significance of quality in the organization and to lead change. But
regardless of the level or title, this leader must be capable of communicating the quality
strategy across all levels of the organization. As corporate quality takes on a new role, it will
face potential organizational resistance-and in many cases only a charismatic champion will
be successful in overcoming these barriers. While support from the top is an obvious
necessity, the individual's ability to gain support from the rest of the company will be a key
determinant of success.
3.In order for a firm to truly embrace a dedication to higher quality as part of its culture,
employees at all levels need to perceive that something has, in fact, changed. Specifically,
leadership across the organization must demonstrate that expectations regarding quality
have changed. Now, there must be a new level of discipline with regard to quality
deliverables at project milestones, new observed criteria by which employees are rewarded
and promoted, and a change in which metrics are tracked rigorously. This appears to be the
case in the Starbucks example -- with the change being a successful application of
standards and values of the past -- and that may become Toyota's objective as well.
As I have described above with examples and definitions, Although cultural change is
recognized as important to total quality improvement, many manufacturing companies fail to
achieve the level of change desired. One primary reason for this is the inability to fully
understand where their problems lie and the nature of these problems. Research was
undertaken into seven elements of quality culture senior management leadership,
employee involvement and empowerment, supplier partnership, customer focus, teamwork,
effect of chief executive and open corporate culture.
So in order to overcome the above mentioned problems I also need to look into an approach
to get the desired outcome of a quality culture for the company. In explaining this we need
to discuss about different types of approaches for qulity,
1. Application of TQM
2. Quality circle (QC)
3. KIZEN ( Gradual improvement )
The act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed to maintain a desired level of
excellence. This includes creating and implementing quality planning and assurance, as well
as quality control and quality improvement. It is also referred to as total quality management

Recent research on total quality management has examined the

relationships between the Total quality management and
organizational effectiveness. Many researchers have examined
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the link between total quality management (TQM) and organizational effectiveness. It has
been observed that effective TQM implementations improve organizational effectiveness,
long-term profitability and financial returns. Also, higher intensity of TQM practices results in
improved quality performance. In a review of the literature covering the relationship between
TQM and organizational effectiveness, we can identify two competing arguments. The first
argument suggests that TQM is positively related to organizational effectiveness because it
establishes a system and culture that will provide a fertile environment for organizations to
grow. The opposing argument states that the implementation of TQM principles and
practices could hinder organizations from being innovative in their management approach.
There is a growing body of empirical research supporting a direct relationship between the
adoption of Total Quality Management (TQM) and improved organizational effectiveness.
Content of TQM are distinguished based on the issue of two business management
orientations: customer orientation and process orientation. In customer orientation approach,
organizations are focusing to gain a market
advantage where they can perform better than their competitors in terms of attracting and
retaining more customers with distinguished products and charge an optimum in
conclusion application of TQM to our organization will take the it to the desired change
towards its success.
Quality Circle
The impact of Quality circle towards employees and organization has become very important
for improving a firm's process capabilities in order to achieve fit and sustained competitive
advantages. A quality circle is a participatory management technique that enlists the help of
employees in solving problems related to their own jobs. In their volume Japanese Quality
Circles and Productivity, Joel E. Ross and William C. Ross define a quality circle as "a small
group of employees doing similar or related work who meet regularly to identify, analyze, and
solve product quality and production problems and to improve general operations. The circle
is a relatively autonomous unit (ideally about ten workers), usually led by a supervisor or a
senior worker and organized as a work unit." Employees who participate in quality circles
usually receive training in formal problem solving methods. Such as brainstorming, pareto
analysis, and cause and effect diagrams. And then are encouraged to apply these methods
to either specific or general company problems. After completing an analysis, they often
present their findings to management and then handle implementation approved solutions.
Kaizen is based on the philosophical belief that everything can be improved: Some
organizations look at a process and see that it's running fine; Organizations that follow the
principle of Kaizen see a process that can be improved. This means that nothing is ever
seen as a status quo there are continuous efforts to improve which result in small, often
imperceptible, changes over time. These incremental changes add up to substantial
changes over the longer term, without having to go through any radical innovation. It can be
a much gentler and employee-friendly way to institute the changes that must occur as a
business grows and adapts to its changing environment. Because Kaizen is more a
philosophy than a specific tool, its approach is found in many different process improvement
methods ranging from Total Quality Management (TQM), to the use of employee suggestion
boxes. Under kaizen, all employees are responsible for identifying the gaps and
inefficiencies and everyone, at every level in the organization, suggests where improvement
can take place.
Kaizen aims for improvements in productivity, effectiveness, safety, and waste reduction, and
those who follow the approach often find a whole lot more in return:

Less waste inventory is used more efficiently as are employee skills.

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People are more satisfied they have a direct impact on the way things are

Improved commitment team members have more of a stake in their job and
are more inclined to commit to doing a good job.

Improved retention satisfied and engaged people are more likely to stay.

Improved competitiveness increases in efficiency tend to contribute to lower

costs and higher quality products.

Improved consumer satisfaction coming from higher quality products with

fewer faults.

Improved problem solving looking at processes from a solutions perspective

allows employees to solve problems continuously.

Improved teams working together to solve problems helps build and

strengthen existing teams.

To conclude as a keen person to transform my organization into a culture where quality,

innovation and waste are of top-most importance I will use the above discussed systems,
practices, tools and techniques that is a great use to me to meet the objectives of my
organization and is also been proven successful in the entire world.

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04. State how you will conduct a risk assessment in relation to health
and safety in your organization. Evaluate existing H/S polices to
recommend possible development proposals.
As a part of managing the health and safety of My organization we must control the risks in
my workplace. To do this we need to think about what might cause harm to people and
decide whether we are taking reasonable steps to prevent that harm. This is known as risk
assessment and it is something we are required by law to carry out.
A risk assessment is not about creating huge amounts of paperwork , but rather about
identifying sensible measures to control the risks in your workplace. we are probably already
taking steps to protect our employees, but our risk assessment will help us decide whether
we have covered all we need to. Thinking about how accidents and ill health could happen
and concentrate on real risks those that are most likely and which will cause the most
For some risks, other regulations require particular control measures. our assessment can
help you identify where we need to look at certain risks and these particular control
measures in more detail. These control measures do not have to be assessed separately but
can be considered as part of, or an extension of, our overall risk assessment. As we have
learnt there are five steps of risk assessment

Identify the hazards

Decide who might be harmed and how

Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions

Record your significant findings

Review your assessment and update if necessary

Step 1: Identify the hazards

In order to identify hazards you need to understand the difference between a hazard
and risk. A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm and a risk is the
likelihood of that potential harm being realised.
Hazards can be identified by using a number of different techniques such as walking
round the workplace, or asking your employees.
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Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how

Once you have identified a number of hazards you need to understand who might be
harmed and how, such as people working in the warehouse, or members of the

Step 3: Evaluate the risks and decide on control measures

After identifying the hazards and deciding who might be harmed and how you are
then required to protect the people from harm. The hazards can either be removed
completely or the risks controlled so that the injury is unlikely.

Step 4: Record your findings

Your findings should be written down its a legal requirement where there are 5 or
more employees; and by recording the findings it shows that you have identified the
hazards, decided who could be harmed and how, and also shows how you plan to
eliminate the risks and hazards.

Step 5: Review your assessment and update as and when necessary

You should never forget that few workplaces stay the same and as a result this risk
assessment should be reviewed and updated when required.

In Dennys there are health and safety regulations that every employee should
understand and comply with. I have attached here the health and safety policies in the
organization I have discussed above.
And in conclusion My recommendation for Denneys restaurant regarding the health and
safety is that they need to conduct and train the employees about the safety issues by
doing activities such as workshops witch will create the awareness.

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Common Customer Service Complaints


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