The Aged Mother by Matsuo Basho

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The aged mother by matsuo


mattered not. On he went, climbing

blindly upward - ever upward towards
the high bare summit of what is know as

. Long, long ago there lived at the foot of

Obatsuyama, the mountain of the

the mountain a poor farmer and his aged,

"abandoning of aged".

widowed mother. They owned a bit of land

which supplied them with food, and their

The eyes of the old mother were not so

humble were peaceful and happy.

dim but that they noted the reckless

hastening from one path to another, and

Shinano was governed by a despotic

her loving heart grew anxious. Her son

leader who though a warrior, had a great

did not know the mountain's many paths

and cowardly shrinking from anything

and his return might be one of danger, so

suggestive of failing health and strength.

she stretched forth her hand and

This caused him to send out a cruel

snapping the twigs from brushes as they

proclamation. The entire province was

passed, she quietly dropped a handful

given strict orders to immediately put to

every few steps of the way so that they

death all aged people. Those were

climbed, the narrow path behind them

barbarous days, and the custom of

was dotted at frequently intervals with

abandoning old people to die was not

tiny piles of twigs. At last the summit was

common. The poor farmer loved his aged

reached. Weary and heart sick, the youth

mother with tender reverence, and the

gently released his burden and silently

order filled his heart with sorrow. But no

prepared a place of comfort as his last

one ever thought a second time about

duty to the loved one. Gathering fallen

obeying the mandate of the governor, so

pine needle, he made a soft cushion and

with many deep hopeless sighs, the youth

tenderly lifting his old mother therein, he

prepared for what at that time was

wrapped her padded coat more closely

considered the kindest mode of death.

about the stooping shoulders and with

tearful eyes and an aching heart said

Just at sundown, when his day's work


was ended, he took a quantity of

unwhitened rice which is principal food

The trembling mother's voice was full of

for poor, cooked and dried it, and tying it

unselfish love as she gave her last

in a square cloth, swung and bundle

injunction. "Let not thine eyes be

around his neck along with a gourd filled

blinded, my son." She said. "The

with cool, sweet water. Then he lifted his

mountain road is full of dangers. LOOK

helpless old mother to his back and

carefully and follow the path which holds

stated on his painful journey up the

the piles of twigs. They will guide you to

mountain. The road was long and steep;

the familiar way farther down". The

the narrowed road was crossed and

son's surprised eyes looked back over

recrossed by many paths made by the

the path, then at the poor old, shriveled

hunters and woodcutters. In some place,

hands all scratched and soiled by their

they mingled in a confused puzzled, but

work of love. His heart smote him and

he gave no heed. One path or another, it

bowing to the grounds, he cried aloud:

"oh, Honorable mother, thy kindness

told!" and with deep bows he related his

thrusts my heart! I will not leave thee.

story. The governor listened and then

Together we will follow the path of twigs,

meditated in silence. Finally he lifted his

and together we will die!"

head. "Shinano needs more than

strength of youth," he said gravely.

Once more he shouldered his burden (how

"Ah, that I should have forgotten the

light it seemed no) and hastened down

well-know saying, "with the crown of

the path, through the shadows and the

snow, there cometh a wisdom!" That

moonlight, to the little hut in the valley.

very hour the cruel law was abolished,

Beneath the kitchen floor was a walled

and custom drifted into as far a past that

closet for food, which was covered and

only legends remains.

hidden from view. There the son his

mother, supplying her with everything


needful and continually watching and

fearing. Time passed, and he was

Japanese Traditions

beginning to feel safe when again the

Japan is known for its unique culture and

governor sent forth heralds bearing an

heritage, which has been preserved by

unreasonable order, seemingly as a boast

the Japanese people since ancient times.

of his power. His demand was that his

The age-old Japanese traditions and

subject should present him with a rope of

customs which give a unique character to

ashes. The entire province trembled with

the lifestyle of the Japanese people have

dread. The order must be obeyed yet who

to be experienced to be truly appreciated.

in all Shinano could make a rope of

Some of the unique aspects of Japanese


life are mentioned here as an introduction

to the traditions of Japan.

One night, in great distress, the son

whispered the news to his hidden mother.

Japanese Gardens: The original

"Wait!" she said. "I will think. I will

Japanese gardens were inspired by

think" On the second day she told him

Buddhist and Chinese philosophy and

what to do. "Make rope twisted straw,"

later evolved to have their own distinct

she said. "Then stretch it upon a row of

Japanese identity. The gardens found in

flat stones and burn it there on the

Japanese temples and shrines are

windless night." He called the people

inspired by the Shinto religion and the

together and did as she said and when

belief in an ideal state of harmony. The

the blaze and died, behold upon the

Japanese attempt to recreate this

stones with every twist and fiber showing

idealized harmony in their beautifully

perfectly. Lay a rope of whithead ashes.

designed gardens that include aspects

such as water, rocks, gravel, moss and

The governor was pleased at the wit of

miniature plants or Bonsai. One of the

the youth and praised greatly, but he

most famous Zen Rock Gardens in Japan

demanded to know where he had

is the Ryoan-ji Zen Rock Garden in Kyoto.

obtained his wisdom. "Alas! Alas!"

cried the farmer, "the truth must be

Japanese Architecture: Traditional

vegetables) and Sashimi (cut and sliced

Japanese Architecture has a distinct style

raw meat, usually seafood) are forms of

deeply influenced by the religions

Japanese cuisine that have become

Buddhism and Shintoism. Houses and

famous worldwide. Teppanyaki or food

temples made of wood, placed on stilts to

cooked on an iron griddle is another

raise them above the ground, and with

popular form of Japanese cuisine. Sake or

sloping roofs made of thatch or tiles

Japanese rice wine is also drunk at

create a distinctive silhouette in

traditional meals as a toast to the health

traditional Japanese architecture. The use

and long life of one's dining companions.

of lightweight wood and bamboo to

create Fusuma (sliding doors) and straw

Japanese Festivals: The Japanese

or woven grass to create Tatami (mats)

people celebrate many festivals, most of

are other unique features of Japanese

which are of the Buddhist and Shinto

architectural design. People usually sat

religions. Different temples or shrines

on the floor and furniture only came into

across Japan have their own specific

widespread use after the late-nineteenth

Matsuri or festive holiday. Some festivals

and early twentieth century.

that began long ago are also celebrated

today in a modern form. These include

Japanese Tea Ceremony: The

Aomori Nebuta Festival, the Hadaka

Japanese ceremony of preparing and

Matsuri Festival and the Cherry Blossom

offering tea to revered guests is a formal

Festivals, which are an integral part of

and stylized ritual, almost like a

Japanese culture.

meditative performance. The art or skill

of preparing tea and all the elements of

Cherry Blossom Festivals: Every

the tea ceremony have special and

year in Spring the Japanese people make

symbolic meaning. Deeply influenced by

time to appreciate the beauty of nature

Zen Buddhism, the Japanese tea

as the Cherry trees burst into full bloom

ceremony has evolved into a cultural

and their lovely pink flowers offer a

ritual which means much more than the

wonderfully appealing sight. People

mere sampling of powdered green tea,

picnic in the Cherry groves, drink tea and

and is a unique part of Japanese

Sake and enjoy music in the delightful


ambience of the blooming Cherry flowers.

The Cherry Blossom festivals at Okinawa

Japanese Cuisine: Japan is an island

and at Matsuyama Castle in Ehime

nation and seafood plays an important

prefecture are the best-known among

role in Japanese cuisine. Rice and fish

many flower festivals across Japan. The

along with vegetables are eaten by most

natural beauty of the Cherry blossom

Japanese. Tofu or soya bean curd is

season is celebrated by the Japanese in

another popular and healthy dish often

their art and music, and even in the

consumed by the Japanese people.

designs of their traditional clothing, the

Japanese food such as Sushi (rice


flavoured with vinegar and combined with

seafood or seaweed and sometimes

Japanese Kimono: The traditional

Japanese costume, the Kimono, is a

which were traditionally painted using

graceful full-length robe that falls from

smooth brushstrokes on handmade paper.

the wearer's shoulders to their ankles.

The fine art of calligraphy requires many

The robe is tied around the middle with a

years of practice and was considered

sash called the Obi. Kimonos for special

essential learning for an accomplished

occasions were made of rich fabric such

person in Japanese society.

as silk, satin and brocade and feature

designs inspired by nature such as Cherry

Ikebana: The Japanese cultural practice

blossoms, autumn leaves, butterflies and

of flower arrangement is a fine art that

pine trees. Kimonos are now worn mostly

encompasses the ideas of aesthetics,

for ceremonial occasions and events such

spirituality, discipline and harmony with

as festivals and marriages.

nature. It is believed to have evolved

from the Buddhist practice of offering

Japanese Painting: Japan has a long

flowers in memory of those who have

tradition of painting and woodblock

passed away. The emphasis on


minimalism, attention to the line and

form of the plants or flowers used in an

Some of the famous Japanese painters are

arrangement and the harmony of the

Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) who is

overall arrangement exemplify this

famous for the Ukiyo-e or woodblock

Japanese tradition.

printing style of art. Another famous

There are many more fascinating aspects

Japanese painter is Katsushika Hokusai

of traditional Japanese culture, such as

(1760-1849) who is famous for a series of

viewing Mount Fuji, the Samurai Code,

woodblock prints depicting Mount Fuji.

Sumo Wrestling and the role of the

The best known among these is The Great

Geisha. You can find out more about

Wave off Kanagawa.

these uniquely Japanese traditions when

you visit this fascinating country

Japanese Calligraphy: The

Japanese script consists of characters

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