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1.1.1 About the Organization:

CSism Technologies

is a Website Design & Web Development service provider

firm. Our mission is to help clients achieve their business goals through customized web
design & development solution and various webs marketing programs design to maximize
return on investment.
From software based and web based application creation, implementation and
consulting-our highly disciplined approach to every project we undertake gives our
Customer a positive experience of our skills across the whole spectrum of Internet service
We provide application with flash template and logo design that, in appearance, act
as an excellent marketing tool for your business. We offer various custom web page
designing and redesigning services for corporate institutions, individuals, and small
business .If you are looking for proven result at affordable prices then you have come to
the right place.
We focus on design smart web and software based applications that are easy navigate
and are visually appealing. Our websites designers incorporate solid graphic design, highend programming application, and innovation website optimization techniques. Momentum
ads produces web design and logos that are appealing, attractive to visitors, and we
effectively produces the results you want need.

1.1.2 About the Project:

This project Kunda News-paper Agency News Paper Agency System is a circulation
software and subscription management for newspaper and magazine distributors. It is a
multiple newspaper subscription management software system that handles both newspaper
and magazine circulation. This newspaper circulation system is designed for small
publishers and both small and large home delivery and retail outlet distribution operations;
and will give you the kind of control you want and need when you are responsible for the
management and delivery of many different kinds of newspaper and magazine
News Paper Agency System Modules
Login: User must provide their user name and password to get access the system,
system validate user name and password. After successful login system will captured login
date, time and allow to accessing the main screen and menu options as per user type.
Main Menu: After successfully login system display main screen with available menu
option to the user as per rights. It also display user name, last logged in date, time in
bottom of the screen.
User Master: The System Administrator can able to add, modify system users, and also
set the login rights and privileges to particular system resources to particular user.
Additional details like department name, contact no, email id of the users also captured.
Customer Master: Maintain details of customer, like name, delivery address, delivery line
no, delivery charges, customer contact no, flag for customer active, if customer is not
available for some days in a month, just set customer this flag, no paper will deliver for this
customer for the period.

Employee Master: Employee master are used to maintain the employees details like
name, address, contact no of the supplier. Paper and magazine are provided by the delivery
Product Master: Product Master used to enter product details like product id, product type
i.e. News Paper or Magazine, product description, rate of the product, for news paper rate
must be entered by day wise, most news paper having various type of rate for the each day.
by line no, for easy to distribute the paper / magazine to the delivery boy. This module is
used to maintain line details including name of the delivery boy, address, contact no.
Package Creation: The customer selects the no. of papers he want to be provided.
Customer Master: This module used to enter customer requirement, for news paper
system allow to set day wise requirement like for particular paper you can set the
requirement for Sunday only. It is quite flexible module to set customer requirement.
Search facility available for searching products.
Invoice Creation: Invoice Creation module is used to create bill for the customer, system
has option to generate bill for single customer, for single line and for all the customers. It
also calculate the previous due amount, delivery charges which will add to transaction
amount. Bill can also have option to enter customize message. After generating of bill, it
can be printed over dos matrix printer. System has option to print dos-based high speed
Payment: Entry the amount received from the customer. This data will used to generate
the outstanding bill report.
Monthly Sale Report: It shows the details of news paper and magazine sale for the
selected month.

Line Report: Line wise product requirement: Shows line wise product and magazine
count, this report will help to distribute the paper and magazine.

1.2 Objective & Scope of the Project :

KD Newspaper Agency will serve the following objectives:1 Add and maintain records of available Papers and magazines.
2 Add and maintain customer details.
3 Add and maintain description of new packages.
4 Add and maintain new entered category of subscription.
5 Provides economic/financial reports to the owner monthly.
6 Provides a convenient solution of billing pattern.
7 Make an easy to use environment for users and customers.

1.3 Problem Definition:

Before we begin a new system it is important to study the system that will be
improved or replaced (if there is one). We need to analyze how this system uses hardware,
software, network and the people resources to convert data resources, such as transaction
data, into information products, such as reports and displays. Thus we should document
how the information system activities of input, processing, output, storage and control are


1. Inability of modification of data: The managing of huge data effectively and efficiently
for efficient results, storing the details of the consumers etc. in such a way that the database
can be modified as not possible in the current system.
2. Not user friendly: The existing system is not user friendly because the retrieval and
storing of data is slow and data is not maintained efficiently.
3. Difficulty in reports generating: Either no reports generating in a current system or they
are generated with great difficulty reports take time to generate in the current system.
4. Manual operator control: Manual operator control is there and leads to a lot of chaos and
5. Lot of paperwork: Existing system requires lot of paper work and even a small
transaction require many papers fill. Moreover any unnatural cause (such as fire in the
organization) can destroy all data of the organization. Loss of even a single paper led to
difficult situation because all the papers are interrelated.
6. Inability of sharing the data: Data cannot be shared in the existing system. This means
that no two persons can use the same data in existing system. Also the two departments in
an organization cannot interact with each other without the actual movement of data.
7. No support in decision-making: Existing system does not support managerial decisionmaking.
Enabled the user to maintain the details in an effective and efficient manner. Properly
handled the records of customer, employee, area, packages. Proper invoice creation and

maintain the payment details. Accurate generation of reports provided with proper analysis
of the service.
1. Easiness in modification of data: The proposed system provides managing of huge data
effectively and efficiently for efficient results, storing the details of the customers,
employees etc. in such a way that the database can be modified.
2. User friendly: The proposed system is user friendly because the retrieval and storing of
data is fast and data is maintained efficiently. Moreover the graphical user interface is
provided in the proposed system, which provides user to deal with the system very easily.
3. Reports are easily generated: Reports can be easily generated in a proposed system. So
any type of reports can be generated in a proposed system, which helps the managers in a
decisions-making activity.
4. Sharing the data is possible: Data can be shared in proposed system. This means that two
or more persons can use the same data in existing system provided that they have right to
access that data. Also the two or more departments in an organization can easily interact
with eachn other without the actual movement of data.
5. No or very few paperwork: The proposed system either does not require paper work or
very few paper works is required. All the data is feted into the computer immediately and
various bills and reports can be generated through computers. Since all the data is kept in a
database no data of the organization can be destroyed. Moreover work becomes very easy
because there is no need to keep data on papers.
6. Support strategic competitive advantage: Proposed system supports strategic competitive
advantages. Since the proposed systems provide easiness in reports generating it will
provide strategic advantages among competitors.

7. Computer operator control: Computer operator control will be there no errors. Moreover
storing and retrieving of information is easy. So work can be done speedily and in time.

1.4 Theoretical Background

1.4.1 Overview of Front End
ASP.NET is not just a simple upgrade or the latest version of ASP. ASP.NET
combines unprecedented developer productivity with performance, reliability, and
deployment. ASP.NET redesigns the whole process. It's still easy to grasp for new comers
but it provides many new ways of managing projects. Below are the features of ASP.NET.
ASP.NET makes building real world Web applications dramatically easier. ASP.NET
server controls enable an HTML-like style of declarative programming that let you build
great pages with far less code than with classic ASP. Displaying data, validating user input,
and uploading files are all amazingly easy. Best of all, ASP.NET pages work in all
browsers including Netscape, Opera, AOL, and Internet Explorer.
Now you can visually design ASP.NET Web Forms using familiar drag-drop-doubleclick techniques, and enjoy full-fledged code support including statement completion and
ASP.NET is part of the .NET Framework, and when coding ASP.NET application
you have access to classes in the .NET Framework. You can code your application in any
language compatible with the common language runtime (CLR), including Microsoft

Visual basic and C#. These language enable you to develop ASP.NET application that
benefit from the common language runtime, type safety, inheritance etc.
(C sharp) An object-oriented programming language that is based on C++ with
elements from Visual Basic and Java. Like Java, C# provides automatic garbage collection,
whereas traditional C and C++ do not. C# was created by Microsoft and also standardized
by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA). Microsoft designed C# as
its flagship programming language for the .NET environment.
Design goals

The C# language is intended to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented

programming language.

The language, and implementations thereof, should provide support for software
engineering principles such as strong type checking, array bounds checking, detection of
attempts to use uninitialized variables, and automatic garbage collection. Software
robustness, durability, and programmer productivity are important.

The language is intended for use in developing software components suitable for
deployment in distributed environments.

Source code portability is very important, as is programmer portability, especially for those
programmers already familiar with C and C++.

Support for internationalization is very important.

C# is intended to be suitable for writing applications for both hosted and embedded
systems, ranging from the very large that use sophisticated operating systems, down to the
very small having dedicated functions.

Although C# applications are intended to be economical with regard to memory

and processing power requirements, the language was not intended to compete directly on
performance and size with C or assembly language.

C# supports strongly typed implicit variable declarations with the keyword var, and
implicitly typed arrays with the keyword new[] followed by a collection initializer.

Meta programming via C# attributes is part of the language. Many of these attributes
duplicate the functionality of GCC's and Visual C++'s platform-dependent preprocessor

Extension methods in C# allow programmers to use static methods as if they were methods
from a class's method table, allowing programmers to add methods to an object that they
feel should exist on that object and its derivatives.

The type dynamic allows for run-time method binding, allowing for JavaScript like method
calls and run-time object composition.

C# has strongly typed and verbose function pointer support via the keyword delegate.

Like the QT framework's pseudo-C++ signal and slot, C# has semantics specifically
surrounding publish-subscribe style events, though C# uses delegates to do so.

The C# languages does not allow for global variables or functions. All methods and
members must be declared within classes. Static members of public classes can substitute
for global variables and functions.

Local variables cannot shadow variables of the enclosing block, unlike C and C++.

A C# namespace provides the same level of code isolation as a Java package or a

C++ namespace, with very similar rules and features to a package.

Managed memory cannot be explicitly freed; instead, it is automatically garbage collected.

Garbage collection addresses the problem of memory leaks by freeing the programmer of
responsibility for releasing memory that is no longer needed.

In addition to the try...catch construct to handle exceptions, C# has a try...finally construct

to guarantee execution of the code in the finally block, whether an exception occurs or not.

Multiple inheritance is not supported, although a class can implement any number of
interfaces. This was a design decision by the language's lead architect to avoid
complication and simplify architectural requirements throughout CLI. When implementing
multiple interfaces that contain a method with the same signature, C# allows the
programmer to implement each method depending on which interface that method is being
called through, or, like Java, allows the programmer to implement the method once and
have that be the single invocation on a call through any of the classes interfaces.

C#, unlike Java, supports operator overloading. Only the most commonly overloaded
operators in C++ may be overloaded in C#.

C# is more type safe than C++. The only implicit conversions by default are those that are
considered safe, such as widening of integers. This is enforced at compile-time, during JIT,
and, in some cases, at runtime. No implicit conversions occur between Boolean and
integers, nor between enumeration members and integers (except for literal 0, which can be
implicitly converted to any enumerated type). Any user-defined conversion must be
explicitly marked as explicit or implicit, unlike C++ copy constructors and conversion
operators, which are both implicit by default.

1.4.2 Overview of Back End

The SQL language and the Relation database system are one of the most important
foundation technologies in the computer industries. Over the last two decades, SQL has
grown from the first commercial use into a computer product and services market segment
worth tens of billions of dollar per year, and SQL stand today as the standard computer
database product now supports SQL, running on computer and even handelds devices.
SQL is a tool for managing, organizing, managing, and retrieving data stored by
computer database. SQL is used to control of all the functions that a DBMS provides for its
user, including:
Data Definition
Data Retrieval
Data Manipulation
Data Sharing
Access Control
Data Integrity

3.1.2 Selection of Technology/Specific requirements Hardware to be used


: Intel Pentium 4 or higher


:512 MB or higher

Hard Disk : 20GB Software to be used


Operating System

: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 Tools to be used


Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Crystal ReportsAgile methodologies are all based on iterative-incremental

processes, but with very short iteration (weak rather than months).Working software is
released at the end of the every iteration and is the principle measure of the progress. Agile
methodologies also emphasize close communication with stakeholder.

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