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1) The clinical features of Cushing's syndrome include all of the following except:

a. Centripetal fat deposition

b. skin thickening
c. Proximal muscle wasting
d. Hypokalemia
e. Hypertension
2) In a patient presenting with ascites all are true except:
a. Malignancy should always be suspected
b. A diagnostic paracentesis should be carried out
c. It may be due to hepatic cirrhosis
d. It may be due to cardiac failure
e. It may be induced by spironolactone therapy
3) Which, if any, of the following statements matching nail signs to systemic conditions are
not correct: ( You may choose more than one answer)
a. Nail pitting may indicate iron deficiency anaemia
b. Leuconychia may indicate chronic liver disease
c. Beau's lines may indicate chronic illness
d. Splinter haemorrhages may indicate systemic lupus erythematous
e. Onycholysis may indicate psoriasis
4) Clubbing of the fingernails is associated with one of the following conditions:
a. Atrial septal defect
b. Irritable bowel disease
c. Acute infective endocarditis
d. Gastric carcinoma
e. Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
5) On examination of the hand, one statement is only true:
a. Clubbing may be seen with underlying gastric carcinoma.
b. Leuconychia is always a sign of underlying pathology.
c. Koilonychia is associated with a macrocytic anaemia.
d. Dupuytren's contracture is associated with the use of phenytoin.
e. Onycholysis is seen with hypothyroidism.
6) One of the following clinical features are associated with the named haematological
a. Splenomegaly and idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura
b. Alcohol induced pain in Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
c. Optic atrophy in folate deficiency
d. Hypercalcaemia and Multiple Myeloma

7) Regarding general neurological examination, all are true except:

a. Spastic paralysis is suggestive of an upper motor neuron lesion
b. Two to three beats of clonus elicited in the calf muscles is considered to be a normal
c. Reflexes are typically increased following an upper motor neurone lesion
d. Upper motor neuron lesions are associated with a positive babinski sign
e. The action of frontalis is typically spared in a lower motor neurone lesion
affecting the innervation to the muscles of the face.

8) The following nerve roots are responsible for except :

a. Ankle plantar flexion S1, S2
b. Ankle dorsiflexion L4, L5
c. Knee jerk extension L1, L2

d. Biceps reflex C5, C6

e. Triceps reflex C5
9)The following are causes of jaundice except:
a. Gilbert's syndrome.
b. Dubin-Johnson syndrome.
c. Von Willibrand disease
d. Sodium Valporate.

e. Pernicious Anemia
10) One of the following is a feature of Parkinsons disease:

Intention tremor
Poor perception of time
Wide based gait
Symmetrical distribution of symptoms
Clasp Knife Spasticity

11) Regarding chronic cough, all are true except:

a. Is seen in gastro-oesophageal reflux
b. That is worsening is a common presenting symptom of Bronchial Carcinoma
c. Is often seen in individuals with Bronchiectasis
d. Is common in someone taking Angiotensin II inhibitors
e. Is seen in people with Rhinosinusitis
12) Features that are indicative of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) include

following except:

Altered bowel habit

Abdominal pain relieved by defaecation
Rectal bleeding
Subjective sensation of incomplete evacuation

all of the

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