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Nobody complains about having too many cucumbers, tomatoes, or eggplants. But zucchini, summers most under-loved vegetable (yes, technically
its a fruit), gets a lot of grief. Its so prolific! Its so
cheap! What are we going to do with all of it?
I suppose its not just zucchinis omnipresence
but also its mild flavorand indeed, the difficulty of bringing out some of its characterthat
makes us feel challenged. But zucchini is the
workhorse of late summer, firm enough to stand up
to all cooking methods, tender enough to eat raw,
and quick-cooking and amenable to all kinds of
flavors. And theres something else in zucchinis
favor: it maintains firmness and freshness longer
than any of the more beloved summer vegetables.
When buying, look for the smallest zucchini and
yellow squash; they dont have to be designated
baby, but something under 6 inches long and
1inch or so in diameter will have better flavor and
smaller, less cottony seeds. If a zucchini is tender
enough, you can even eat the stem. You may also
come across pattypan squash; their flying-saucer
shape make them a bit trickier to cut up, but they
can be used in any of the recipes here, as can
yellow summer squash.
No doubt you have grilled and sauted zucchini,
and have probably also eaten it raw (even if its
just a bite taken while chopping it to be sauted),
but its possible youve yet explored the wonders
of zucchini in the microwave. Microwaving makes
zucchini silky and tender with the push of a button. If youre without a microwave, you can move
those recipes to a saucepan over medium heat.
Appreciate the zucchini. In the scope of summers bounty, it may not steal the show, but youll
miss it when its gone.




Zaatar Spiced

Peel 1 pound zucchini into ribbons with a vegetable peeler, then

spread out on a platter. Whisk together cup olive oil and the juice of
1 lemon. Drizzle over the zucchini ribbons and scatter shaved Parmesan
over the top.

Make a medium-low fire in a grill with the rack 4 inches from heat. Cut
1 pounds zucchini into -inch slices. Combine cup zaatar and
2tablespoons olive oil. Rub the zucchini with the zaatar, and grill,
turning once, until browned and tender, 6 to 8 minutes. Garnish: parsley.

Crostini with Ricotta

and Mint

Tahini Salad


Slice the zucchini into thin

rounds with a knife or mandoline. Whisk 2 tablespoons
tahini into the olive-oil-andlemon mixture, adding water
as needed to thin to a pourable
consistency. Toss the zucchini
slices with the dressing. Garnish:
chopped fresh parsley.

Skip zaatar and olive oil. Combine cup ketchup, 2 tablespoons each red wine and brown
sugar, 1 tablespoon rice vinegar,
and 1 teaspoon each Worcestershire, dry mustard, and chili
powder. Quarter the zucchini
lengthwise, then cut crosswise
into 3-inch wedges. Baste with
sauce as it grills.

Shred the zucchini. Toss

together the zucchini, 1 cup
ricotta, 2 tablespoons olive oil,
and the lemon juice. Skip the
Parmesan and serve on toasted
crusty bread. Garnish: chopped
fresh mint.


Fresh Tomatoes
and Mozzarella
Skip the zaatar; grill using
cup olive oil. Slice 1 pounds
ripe tomatoes and 1 pound
mozzarella into -inch-thick
rounds. Toss (or layer) with the
grilled zucchini, and drizzle with
balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
Garnish: chopped fresh basil.


Pasta with Sausage

Vegetable Soup

Cook 2 minced garlic cloves and 8 ounces chunked Italian sausage

in 3 tablespoons olive oil in a skillet over medium heat; remove. Cook
1pounds cubed zucchini until lightly browned, 10 minutes. Toss with
the sausage and 1 pound cooked pasta. Garnish: parsley and olive oil.

Put 1 pound chopped zucchini, 1 cup corn kernels, 2 sliced garlic

cloves, 2 chopped tomatoes, and a splash of stock in a microwave-safe
bowl. Season, cover, and microwave on high until vegetables are tender,
8 to 10 minutes, stirring after 4 minutes. Garnish: basil and olive oil.




Zucchini Confit

Omit the garlic, sausage, and

pasta. Saut 3 slices cubed
stale bread until crisp; remove.
Add 2 tablespoons olive oil
before cooking the zucchini.
Toss the bread and zucchini with
1 pint halved cherry tomatoes,
shaved Parmesan, basil leaves,
1 tablespoon red-wine vinegar,
and cup olive oil.

Omit the garlic, sausage, and

pasta. Cook the zucchini until
nicely browned; cool. Pure in
a food processor with cup
toasted pine nuts, cup lemon
juice, teaspoon minced garlic, pepper, and 2tablespoons
tahini until smooth. Add a few
teaspoons water or olive oil to
thin, if necessary.

Substitute 5 ounces baby

spinach for corn, minced ginger
for garlic, and cup coconut
milk plus cup stock or water
for tomatoes. Mix in 1tablespoon curry paste. Cover and
microwave until zucchini is
tender, 8 to 10minutes, stirring
after 4minutes. Serve with rice.
Garnish: cilantro.

Cut 1 pounds zucchini into

-inch pieces, put in a bowl with
cup ( stick) butter or olive
oil (or a little of both), cover,
and microwave until tender,
4to 6 minutes, stirring halfway.
Garnish: chopped fresh parsley.



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