Learning Landscape Implementation Plan

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Learning Landscape

implementation plan

Prepared by Bicknell, Hensel & Shuki

Project H Design is an innovative nonprofit organization dedicated to providing
creative design solutions to affect social change and improve the quality of life for
the disadvantaged. Project H was founded on the mission to connect those with
the power of design to people and areas who need it most. The Project H team,
consisting of designers, builders and architects, starts locally by working with
individual communities to address a global problem.

2QHRI3URMHFW+¶VPDLQDUHDVRI focus is Design for Education (K-12), which

centers on providing creative design solutions to public schools, youth-focused
organizations, and educational agencies. As one of the main initiatives of Design
for Education, Learning Landscapes is a program that installs a scalable,
education playground to be used by elementary school students to help teach
math skills. The Learning Landscape program, as well as other Design for
Education initiatives, is based in Bertie Country, North Carolina.

A Learning Landscape is a grid-based playground system constructed of

reclaimed tires designed to help elementary school students learn math skills and
engage in physical activity. The playgrounds, which on average cost $500, can
be built in 4x4 or 5x5 configurations using recycled tires that have been planted
in a large sandbox area. Various games and activities, including Match Me and
Math Musical Chairs, can be implemented using the playground to teach math
skills ranging from addition and subtraction to multiplication and basic algebra.

Currently Project H Design has installed four Learning Landscapes in Bertie

County, NC and several abroad in the Dominican Republic and Uganda. School
districts that have benefited from a Learning Landscape reported higher test
scores in math-related subjects. School districts also reported that the students
have a higher comfort level with math and are more eager to engage with the

South Weldon, and many of the cities the Learning Landscape project will target,
has a significantly low educational attainment rate. More than 40 percent of the
consideration, the plan will utilize face-to-face communication whenever possible
used and supplemented with direct communication. Additionally, we understand
that South Weldon is an area with low-income rates (similar to the future
Learning Landscape recipient communities). This plan, including with the cost of
the Learning Landscape project, will roughly be $700, without any monetary
donations. Therefore, the expected contribution from the community and families
in South Weldon will be accommodating. However, we will be giving as much
emphasis in the need for people to donate their time as the need for monetary

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

While the Project H Design programs are started locally based on individual case
studies, the larger goal of the organization is to provide creative solutions that
can be adapted and globally scaled. Therefore, though the Learning Landscape
program is based in Bertie County, Project H design hopes to install these math
playgrounds in other low-income areas to benefit local school districts and
educational institutions. The first Learning Landscape outside of Bertie County
will be installed in South Weldon, NC. South Weldon is located in Halifax County,
which borders Bertie County. While South Weldon will be the focus of this plan,
we intend to use the community in this plan as a model for rolling out future
Learning Landscape projects in other low-income areas.

Emily Pilloton, the founder of Project H Design, was selected as a 2009 PopTech
Social Innovation Fellow. As a fellow, she had the opportunity to raise awareness
about the organization and its initiatives, specifically the Learning Landscape
program, through a presentation at the 2009 PopTech Conference. Her presence
at PopTech garnered her organization and its initiatives significant attention in
the social media space through Twitter and YouTube.

Project H Design will benefit from public relations in several ways. For the
Learning Landscape program to be successful, several target audiences will
need to be kept informed and communicated with over the course of the project.
In addition, the success of the program is contingent on the financial support and
participation of the South Weldon community. Currently, Project H Design has a
fairly established presence in the social media sphere, but relationships with local
media outlets will be necessary to communicate these messages and reach the
target audiences. Therefore, Project H Design needs public relations to keep
everyone on the same page and deliver consistent messages to the public.

For Project H Design to be installing 500 Learning Landscapes in the United
States in low-income areas by partnering with the community to raise funds for
the project, and for Project H Design to be using this specific plan as a model for
the future Learning Landscape projects.

Community Members
South Weldon, North Carolina is a small and underserved community in
degree or higher and only 38 percent of South Weldon is currently
employed, and most who are employed work in the manufacturing
industry. The population of South Weldon is under 1,500, so more than
likely many people know each other; this close sense of community is
important in the development of the Learning Landscapes project.

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

According to the 2000 census, South Weldon, NC has a population of
1,414 people and approximately 375 families. 84.8 percent of the
population is African American and 13.4% of the population is identified as
white. South Weldon is a fairly low-income area; the median household
income is $16,000, and nearly 42.8% of the population is below the
poverty line. Weldon City School district consists of one high school, one
middle school and one elementary school.

Successful relationships with the members of the community will lead to

accomplishing the goals of this project. In order for Project H Design to be
able to construct Learning Landscapes, it will need to raise awareness of
the project, garner approval, and raise funds for construction. The
inclusion of the community at large will likely provide the additional
backing needed that the other publics cannot achieve on their own.

School Districts: Administrators, Teachers, Staff, and Elementary Students

The Weldon City school district in South Weldon, North Carolina has one
elementary school,l which houses grades kindergarten through fourth
grade. In the 2000 Census report, there were approximately 163 students
between the ages of 5 and 10 in South Weldon, which are the ages of the
students this project would affect.

For the success of this project, it is important we gain the support of the
administrators, teachers, staff and elementary students because the
Learning Landscape will directly benefit these individuals. This target
audience will also be working with Project H Design to coordinate events
and collect monetary donations for the project. Project H Design needs to
build and maintain a solid and positive working relationship with the school
district and its members to ensure a positive experience for everyone

PTA and Parents

The South Weldon Elementary School currently has an active Parent
Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA can be contacted by email through a
page, the PTA has a very strong relationship with the parents in the South
Weldon school district. The PTA encourages parents to schedule
conferences with teachers and keep the lines of communication
open. Given the number of students enrolled in South Weldon Elementary,

Communicating with the PTA and parents is crucial to the success of this
plan because we will be looking to them to hold and staff fundraisers and
make monetary donations to benefit the project. We are also relying on
them to keep their children excited about the project. Because parents of
school-aged children often have an extensive word-of-mouth

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

communication network of their own, forming a relationship with this group
will also be helpful in disseminating information about the Learning
Landscape project and its fundraisers to other community members.
using the site as a vehicle for communicating with the parents. Therefore,
we aim to use the site to communicate with this audience as well. We also
need to keep open communication with the PTA and parents to form a
positive relationship with them to better enable us to address their
potential concerns about the project, such as costs or safety.

Potential Partners
Project H Design has several options to find potential partners that may
provide additional resources for the Learning Landscapes projects.

Having been a 2009 Fellow in PopTech, Project H Design can reach out to
the contacts it made through this opportunity to seek additional publicity,
particularly in social media forums; ideally, this exposure would also
increase donations made to the organization for its deserving cause.

In addition to building relationships with the various constituencies of the

community, Project H Design will partner with local businesses and
organizations for additional funding, supplies, and support. Utilizing these
organizations as resources (e.g. buying tires or construction supplies from
Weldon Builders Bargain Center) will integrate Project H Design team
members into the community; this support of local business and enterprise
will help Project H Design integrate into the communities receiving
Learning Landscapes. It is important for this level of respect to be
achieved in order for the project to be a success.

However, since the areas Project H Design is serving are typically low-
income communities, the local organizations may be unable to offer
will seek partnerships with larger corporations that are probably in the
area, such as WalMart. These organizations may be able to donate
additional materials or money for the Learning Landscapes. Project H
Design will encourage these entities to help by appealing to the
organization that this is an opportunity to improve its corporate social
responsibility and develop a personal relationship with the community.

Objective 1: (Community Members)

To inform community members, including individuals without elementary-aged
children as well as students who are above elementary age, in the school district
about the Learning Landscape program and incorporate them into the project so
that they will be more willing to contribute to the program.

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

Community Involvement Strategy: To accomplish this objective, Project
H Design will present the plans for the Learning Landscapes to community
members through multiple methods of communication. This will ensure
that community members support the project and will encourage them to
contribute through financial donations or by volunteering.
x Project H Design team members will collaborate with the school
GLVWULFW¶VKLJKVchool to create internship positions with Project H
Design for students looking for volunteer and professional
development opportunities. These interns will assist the Project H
Design team with creating effective communication plans tailored to
community inclusion. Interns will work closely with and report to the
Project H Design team member assigned to the area so that
throughout the duration of the project community outreach can be
formatted specifically to community stakes and values.
x Project H Design team members will attend community events, such
as town halls, city council meetings, church group meetings, and
organization (Kiwanis, Lions Club, etc.) meetings to directly
program and financial contributions.
x Project H Design team members will plan a community ribbon-cutting
ceremony to be held upon completion of the Learning Landscape.
Parents, students, teachers and community members will be invited to
view and interact with the newly installed Learning Landscape.
superintendent will share a brief speech summarizing the effort
that went into the fundraising and installation of the project and
applauding all who helped make the project a reality. A plaque
highlighting donors and sponsors of the project will be unveiled.
o The school band and/or choir will perform several songs at the
start of the program while attendees enjoy refreshments (which
have been provided by parents).
o Students who were winners in the (in-class fundraising contest
on the Learning Landscape. Each class will then take turns
interacting and playing with the Learning Landscape.
o Local media outlets will be invited to the event and given the
opportunity to speak with Project H Design team members and
take photos of the completed Learning Landscape.
o A Project H Design member will write a blog post about the
successful installment of the playground to be featured on the
Project H Design Web site and sent to other appropriate blogs.

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

Media Relations Strategy: To inform the media about the Learning
Landscape project and the benefits of bringing the project to the
community, as well as keeping the media updated about initiatives and
events that support the project, and to maintain a transparent working
relationship with local media outlets.
x Project H Design team members will write a letter to the editor to be
sent to local media outlets. The letter will educate the community about
the project, inform community members about the various programs
that will be implemented to raise funds for the program (Sponsor-a-
Tire) and ask them for financial support.
x Project H Design team members will send press releases to local
benchmarks are met and before ribbon cutting ceremony) to publicize
the project, increase awareness DQGHQFRXUDJHWKHFRPPXQLW\¶V
x Project H Design team members will write an informational and
promotional article describing the project and educating community
members about how they can contribute. The article will be published

Objective 2: (School Districts: Administrators, Teachers, Staff, and

Elementary Students)
To educate and gain the support of administrators, teachers, staff and students
Learning Landscape.

Administration and Teacher Education Strategy: To educate the

administrators and teachers in the school district about the Learning
Landscape program, its benefits and how the project will be funded
through community support. We aim to motivate them to participate in
programs and fundraisers and to encourage their students and community
members to contribute to the project.
x Project H Design team members will develop two presentations, one
for the administration and one for teachers, which will explain the
concept of the Learning Landscape projects and how it will benefit the
school district.
o Both presentations will include clips from the existing video featured
on the Project H Design Web site about the Learning Landscape
program to educate the teachers about the project and to illustrate
the benefits students will receive by using the math playgrounds.
o The teacher presentation will be presented at an all-staff meeting in
the beginning of the academic year. The presentation will include
details about in-school fundraisers including the school-wide math

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

competition and raffle. The presentation will also outline the
teachers and a few students from the Bertie County school districts
that have a Learning Landscape will be present at the meeting to
answer questions and share testimonials.

Elementary Student Education Strategy: To educate the elementary

students about the Learning Landscape program and how the project will
participate in programs and fundraisers and to encourage their parents,
family members and community members to contribute to the project.
x Project H Design team members will work with school administration to
develop a brief presentation about the Learning Landscape program to
be presented at a school assembly at the beginning of the academic
o The presentation will include clips from the existing video featured
on the Project H Design Web site about the Learning Landscape
program to educate the students about the project and to illustrate
how much fun students will have participating in the games and
activities while learning math skills.
o A small grid similar to the layout of a Learning Landscape will be
set up at the assembly using paper dots and a game will be
simulated on the grid. Students will have the opportunity to
participate in the game and watch their classmates participate.
o A small, interactive handout that looks like a tire will be given to
each student at the end of the day summarizing the Learning
Landscape project and detailing a few programs that will be held in
the coming months to raise funds for the initiative.

School Fundraising Strategy: For the elementary school to sponsor

events to raise money for the Learning Landscape program while
increasing awareness about the project and its need for community
x Project H Design team members will plan and implement a school-
wide raffle to raise funds and awareness for the project.
o Project H Design interns will contact local businesses and
organizations for prize donations, including but not limited to local
tire retailers.
o Project H Design team members and the teachers will give a brief
presentation to students about the raffle at the end of the school
day to outline the raffle details and prizes and distribute the tickets.
The tickets will be sold for one dollar. Students will be given a brief
³VFULSW´DQd encouraged to sell the tickets to parents, neighbors and
community members. The students who sell the most tickets at the
end of the raffle will be asked to participate in the first game on the
Learning Landscape during the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

o Teachers will collect sold raffle tickets and money every morning in
a class envelope for 3 weeks during the raffle drawing. Project H
Design interns will collect the envelopes every Friday and count the
ticket sales and monetary donations to keep updated on thHUDIIOH¶V
sales and progress. Updates about the raffle including the top ticket
announcements in the morning.
o The raffle will be held at the community ribbon-cutting ceremony,
which will be staffed by Project H Design team members.
ƒ The student from each grade who sells the most tickets will
be recognized at the community ribbon-cutting ceremony by
being the designated ticket-drawers for the raffle prizes.
ƒ The students will have the privilege to be the first students to
play on the Learning Landscape at the community ribbon-
cutting ceremony.
x A school-wide math competition will be held at the school to raise
awareness and funds for the project and give students the opportunity
to demonstrate their math skills. The competition will be structured
similar to a quiz bowl but will test much more basic math skills.
o Two weeks prior to the competition, a math pre-test will be
administered to the elementary students. The top 10 students in
each grade will be invited to participate in the math competition.
o Teachers will be asked to submit 50 grade-appropriate math
questions to be used in the math competition. Project H Design
students to compete in math contests testing simple counting,
addition, subtraction, and basic multiplication and division.
o Project H design team members will ask the school math teachers
to staff the math competition. Positions will include but are not
limited to question master, time keeper and score keepers.
o Project H Design Team members and interns will design and post
flyers advertising the competition in the school and community.
o A concession table will be set up to sell food items which have
been donated by local businesses. All proceeds will be benefit the
Learning Landscape project.
o An award ceremony will be held at the end of the event to honor the
student participants and provide opportunities for parents or
community members in attendance to donate to the project.
ƒ A short presentation will also be given on the Learning
Landscape project.
ƒ A donation table will be set up in the space where the award
ceremony will be held to allow attendees to donate to the
project. The table will be staffed by Project H Design team
members who will answer questions about the project and
provide parents or community members with more

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

information. Photos of the proposed playground will also be
ƒ All the student participants will be awarded with ribbons. The
top three winners from each grade will be recognized with a
special ribbon and their photo will be taken to be placed in
the main hall way of the school. The winner from each grade
will be asked to participate in the community ribbon-cutting
ceremony by playing the first game on the Learning
o Project H Design interns will draft a press release to be sent to local
media outlets publicizing the results of the math competition
including the names and photos of the student winners.

Objective 3: (PTA and Parents)

To educate the PTA and parents of the students in the school district so they will
support the Learning Landscape project by volunteering and working with Project
H Design team members to raise funds for the project.

Education Strategy: To educate the PTA and parents about the Learning
Landscape program and how the project will be funded through the
FRPPXQLW\¶VVXSSRUW:HDLPWo motivate them to participate in
fundraisers and contribute to the project by donating their time and/or
x Project H Design team members will develop a brief presentation
about the Learning Landscape program to be presented at a PTA
meeting at the beginning of the academic year.
o The presentation will include clips from the existing video featured
on the Project H Design Web site about the Learning Landscape
program to educate attendees about the project and to illustrate
how much fun students will have participating in the games and
activities while learning math skills.
x Project H Design members will write an article detailing the project and
fundraising plans that will be featured on HLWKHUWKHVFKRRORU37$¶V
Web site.
o Updates about the project will be posted including fundraising
events and monetary goals that have been met.
x Project H Design team members will draft and hand deliver a letter to
the parents of each child in the school district. The letter will outline the
program and its intention to build a Learning Landscape at the
elementary school.
o This letter will include information about the fundraising events that
will be held throughout the year and the various ways the parents
can volunteer and get involved in the project. It will ask for the
for their children.

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

o The letter will also include contact information for Project H Design
team members so parents can speak with us directly about
questions or concerns.
o Project H Design members will invite the parents to attend an
upcoming PTA meeting where the project will be explained further.
x Project H Design team members will plan a community ribbon-cutting
ceremony to be held upon completion of the Learning Landscape.
Parents, students, teachers and community members will be invited to
view and interact with the newly installed Learning Landscape.
superintendent will share a brief speech summarizing the effort that
went into the fundraising and installation of the project and
applauding all who helped make the project a reality. A plaque
highlighting donors and sponsors of the project will be unveiled.
o The school band and/or choir will perform several songs at the start
of the program while attendees enjoy refreshments (which have
been provided by parents).
o Students who were winners in the (in-class fundraising contest) will
Each class will then take turns interacting and playing with the
Learning Landscape.
o Local media outlets will be invited to the event and given the
opportunity to speak with Project H Design team members and take
photos of the completed Learning Landscape.
o A Project H Design member will write a blog post about the
successful installment of the Learning Landscape to be featured on
the Project H Design Web site and sent to other appropriate blogs.

Fundraising Strategy: To raise funds for and generate awareness about

the Learning Landscape project through events sponsored by the PTA
and/or parents.
program to allow individual families and businesses the opportunity to
donate to the program by purchasing a tire for the playground.
o The PTA will publicize this program during a regularly scheduled
PTA meeting and on their Web site.
o The names of the individuals and businesses that sponsor a tire will
be engraved on a plaque to be erected near the Learning
x The PTA will host two car washes (one in the fall and in the spring) in a
local church or school parking lot that receives a lot of traffic.
o Parents and students will staff the event.
o Local businesses will be asked to provide the cleaner, hoses, rags
and buckets for the event.
o Project H Design interns will create flyers advertising the event to
be placed in the community.

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

Objective 4: (Potential Partners)
To establish relationships with potential partners in order to gain financial support
and to raise awareness for specific Learning Landscapes projects and the
campaign for 500 new Learning Landscapes domestically.

PopTech Strategy: To achieve this objective, Project H Design team

members will connect with PopTech networks and contacts and seek
support for fundraising and publicity efforts for the Learning Landscape
projects so that Project H Design can expand the program to as many
school districts as possible and install them in a timely manner.
account (@ProjectHDesign) to post easily retweetable updates about
SURMHFWV¶GHYHORSPHQW7KLVZLOOUDLVH awareness for the program by
tweeting general information about Learning Landscapes and providing
x Project H Design team members will create short videos for Project H
work going into each Learning Landscape project and the need for the
program in particularly low-income communities.
x Project H Design team members will email contacts established at the
2009 PopTech Conference asking for networking suggestions and
support for the 500 new Learning Landscapes campaign.
x Project H Design team members will pitch blog post ideas to PopTech
contacts to increase awareness of the Learning Landscape program
and provide additional opportunities for people to donate to the

Community Contributors Outreach Strategy: To accomplish this

objective, Project H Design team members will utilize interns and the
analysis of the community to target and contact potential contributors to
assist in local fundraising and awareness efforts.
x Project H Design team members will work with community interns to
identify local businesses and potential contributors that have histories
of charitable community giving and support. Collectively, they will
contact these businesses and organizations to inform them of the
projects going on in the area, ask for financial or in-kind support, and
seek ways to work together to increase awareness for the program.
x Project H Design team members will send a letter to potential
community contributors providing more information and explaining the
benefits of giving to the projects.

Corporate Partnership and Sponsorship Strategy: To execute this

objective, Project H Design team members will appeal to corporate
organizations to create partnerships and sponsorships that will help fund
the Learning Landscape program in underserved communities.

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

x Project H Design team members will apply for grants from potential
sponsors to help communities raise funds for its projects.
x Project H Design team members will make presentations to
corporation heads to pitch the benefits of partnering with Project H
Design for the Learning Landscape program, including improving
corporate social responsibility and community relations.
o The presentation will include clips from the existing video featured
on the Project H Design Web site about the Learning Landscape
program to educate the corporation heads about the project and to
illustrate how much fun students will have participating in the
games and activities while learning math skills.
o A small grid similar to the layout of a Learning Landscape will be
set up at the assembly using paper dots and a game will be
simulated on the grid. The corporation heads will have the
opportunity to participate in the game and watch their coworkers
o A small, interactive handout in the shape of a tire will be given to
each corporate head at the end of the day summarizing the
Learning Landscape project and detailing ways their organization
can contribute to the project.

Objective 1 (Community Members): To inform community members, including
individuals without elementary-aged children as well as students who are above
elementary age, in the school district about the Learning Landscape program and
incorporate them into the project so that they will be more willing to contribute to
the program.

When evaluating the success of this objective, the main goal is looking at
community involvement, appraising the level of awareness of and interest in the
project, and quantifying the funds collected.

Project H Design team members will hold a debriefing meeting with the interns
that would also serve to thank them for their efforts and contributions.

Feedback at community events will be collected and will assist in the assessment
community the project is focusing on, the direct communication and reception to
the project will instruct team members and interns on strategies that are working
(such as asking at community events or project fundraisers how the community
found out about the project, how they feel about it, etc.) or which ones need to be
adapted. Likewise, the turnout at project events, such as the ribbon cutting
ceremony, will illustrate community support.

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

Team members will also keep track of media coverage and impressions, the
number of press releases picked up, and newsletter articles mentioning the
project. Similarly, the team will keep a record of traffic flow to the Project H
Design Web site and blog.

Objective 2 (School Districts: Administrators, Teachers, Staff, and

Elementary Students): To educate and gain the support of administrators,
eventual installment of the Learning Landscape.

When evaluating the success of this objective the main goal is that we achieved
our plan and the Learning Landscape was installed on time. Throughout the
campaign the success of our tactics will be judged by evaluating the various
events and counting monetary gain as well as attendance of the events. Our
success will also be measured by the lack of negative comments received during
the course of the campaign. At the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the end of the
campaign there will be a survey available where all members of the school
district can tell Project H Design members what they thought went well and what
they would change. This will help us to tailor our tactics better for individual

Objective 3 (PTA and Parents): To educate the PTA and parents of the
students in the school district so they will support the Learning Landscape project
by volunteering and working with Project H Design team members to raise funds
for the project.

When evaluating the success of this objective the main goal is that we achieved
our plan and the Learning Landscape was installed on time. Throughout the
campaign the success of our tactics will be judged by evaluating the various
events and counting monetary gain as well as attendance of the events. Our
success will also be measured by the lack of negative comments received during
the course of the campaign. At the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the end of the
campaign there will be a survey available where all PTA members and parents
can tell Project H Design members what they thought went well and what they
would change. This will help us to tailor our tactics better for individual schools.

Objective 4 (Potential Partners): To establish relationships with potential

partners in order to gain financial support and to raise awareness for specific
Learning Landscapes projects and the campaign for 500 new Learning
Landscapes domestically.

When evaluating the success of this objective, the main concern is measuring
the awareness and funds raised for the project. The growth in social media
coverage, such as Twitter tweets or retweets, the play count of YouTube videos,

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

Landscape campaign will all equate into measuring the success (primarily of the
PopTech strategy).

The support from community contributors will be quantified in the number

organizations assisting the project as well as the funds raised or in-kind
donations collected. Intangible support, such as public endorsements of the
project, will also be evaluated by measuring organizations contacted for
contributions and how many actually offered its support.

Corporate partnerships will be evaluated primarily by the number of supporting

organizations and the level of support given. Project H Design team members will
analyze successful offers that become partnerships to format future partnership

July 15:
Informational meeting with School District Faculty

August 19:
Informational meeting with Teachers
Start spreading the word online through Twitter
Press release sent out
Begin contacting PopTech contacts

August 24:
Letters to the parents will be hand delivered
Advertising for interns in the High School begins
Begin attending local meetings

September 3:
Pep rally and Informational meeting with students
Article placed on school website with photos from rally
Letter to the editor sent out
Article sent to all local newsletters and publications

September 5:
Informational meeting with PTA

September 18:
Intern Interviews
Advertising for car wash begins

September 20:
Begin approaching corporate and local sponsors

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

September 25:
Car wash held by PTA

November 1:
Math competition first test given in classes
Math teachers approached to work competition

November 8:
Competitors notified in class
Press release for competition sent out

November 20:
All-day math competition and award ceremony

May 1:
Construction of Learning Landscape begins
Interns begin approaching local businesses for raffle prizes

March 22:
Raffle introduced in classes
Letter to the editor sent out
Advertizing for car wash begins

April 16:
Car wash held by PTA

May 27:
Last day for raffle tickets and money to be turned in

May 28:
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Learning Landscape site

Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki


Printing for letters to parents/community members: $ 10.00

Printing for posters/handouts $ 10.00
Printing for corporate handouts $ 10.00
Supplies for ribbon cutting ceremony (ribbon, napkins) $ 15.00
Supplies for math competition: $ 30.00
Plaque to be erected at site: $ 70.00
Miscellaneous/Unexpected expenses: $ 20.00

Total: $165.00



Prepared by: Bicknell, H ensel and Shuki

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