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IB CAS Coordinator / Diploma Candidate Interview Record

Interview 1
Candidate Name: Eduardo

Date: 25-Sep-2015

Issues/ Actions discussed:

Each candidate should have a CAS tab on their blog with the following three sub
pages: Portfolio, Project, Interviews
Portfolio will contain all the evidence you collect over the 18 months of CAS
Project will contain all the evidence and work you do in your community service
Interview will contain the records of any discussions you have with the CAS
coordinator or other supervisors
You need to read everything under the Introduction tab on the CAS blog
All deadlines are detailed on the Year 12 Notes Tab
Creativity is best. The forms are a guide of what guide of information you should
be including in your portfolio
Any IT issues should be discussed with Mr. Chocla or Mr. Mauricio, it is your

Questions or Concerns:
What other activities do I need to do? Pick up one creative type activity, read
creativity tab on blog.

Actions to be taken:


Read all parts of Introduction Tab

Complete Q1 Planning
Upload evidence already completed for CSP to Project page of personal
Upload interview record to personal blog
Post CAS deadline sheet at home and/ or sync with digital calendar

Candidate:Start recording

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